ill 'i i - m fTfxo J " 1 VOL. XXIV. HO. 171V WILimiGTOIT. II. C. FRIDAY. JULY 23. 1875. UHOLE HO. 0XZ3 x i WILMINGTON. N. a: FRIDAY JULY 23. 1875. BY TELEGRAPH. OHIO DEMOCRACY. THE ALLEN PENDLETON PLAT FORM ON THE CURRENCY .QUESTION. Gallipous, 0., Julj 21 Got. Alleu, - Goo. 11. Pendleton, uud others ml- (lridn(l the Democratic luoi'tinpr. Pen dletou' interpretation of the tiuancial iilauk oi the platform is that a cessu tiun of contraction, ' sou ad eouuil and sufficient currency, promo tion of iuduBtnec.are the surest road to the appreciation of pnper to a par with gold. Greenbacks, iusteaJ of national batik notes. Greenbacks for customs, to the extent that the necessities of the government will permit He an nounced himself a hard money man, but would not rush ruthlessly back to specie paymout over the prostration of till business; and the ruiu of the debtors. CONNECTICUT. MORE CENTENNIAL PATRIOT ISM. Hartford, July 22. Eucampment is being held here of several thou sand old soldiers, and six hun dred Andrsonville prisoners. Sever al addresses were made. Gen. Haw Jey in concluding, referred to the Cen tennial which he hoped would prove a great love feast, bringing together iu harmony aud brotherly love the p j.lo of tho North and Sonth. "We liavo won the victory for tho Union," he said, "now we hnveona more vioto ry to win to win the hearts of our lute antagonists." UOTJIAM. A TERRIBLE OUTRAGE GEN ERAL HAWLEY ON THE SOUTH. London, July 22. Mrs. Morritt, wife of Col. Morritt, of the United States Army, entered the boarding house of Mike Norton and was out raged. Two men were arrestod on suspicion. Loader's bail was fixed at three thousand dollars. The trial was fixed for Septemer term. MAliYLAND. STATE DEMOCRATIC CONVEN TION. Baltimorb, July 22. The commit tee adjourned at 4 o'clock this morn ing to 10:30. The majority report of the committee on credentials was adopted by a vote of 159 to 48. Later. The commitee continued in session all night, until 4:30 this morn iug, when it adjourned to 10:30 a. m, without having reached vote on any nomination. About one o'clock a. m., Thomas J. Keating, of jQueen Annes county, was installed as permanent onairman of the Convention. Filibustering continued. Motions to adjourn were constantly made, but voted down. No rule hav ing been adopted by the Convention, discussions on dilatory and other mat ters took wid i range, and as the hours moved on, the debate waxed hotter and hotter. Mr. Kramer, of Washing ton county, a leader of the Hamil ton party, openly charged that bribes of one thousand dollars in one case, and five hundred dollars in another, aud an office in another had been offered two delegates to vote for Carroll, which- was report e.l by Mr. Ferlong, Carroll del egate, saying a Baltimore city delegate hud been offered a bribe in money to vote for Hamilton, which was opened by the delegate. No oue supposed this bribe was offered with the knowl edge of Mr. Hamilton, nor was any candidate or bis advocates responsible for .what wss done by outsiders. At times the greatest coufusiou prevailed, and discussion beoame so excited that Hon. John Richie, recogized leader of . Hamilton's friends, threatened to withdraw from the Convention if the majority insisted. At 4:30 o'clock a, m., Hon. Stephenson Archer announc ed that if the Hamilton men would agree to adopt the rules of the last House of Delegates of Maryland at far as applicable to the Convention, the Carroll menwould agred onadjournmen until 10:30 am. .It was agreed to, and Convention adjourned to 10:30. Bbltimokb, July 24 Governor Groom withdrew. John Lee Carrol and Wm. S. Hamilton was nominated. Tho nomination was declared close. Result: Carrol GO, Hamilton 50. ELECT1UC1SM8 The old orchard house in Maine was burned to-day at 10 o'clock. Two hun dred and fifty guests lost more or less clothing and jewelry. No lives were lost. Twenty-three more whisky ring in dictments at St. Lonis yesterday, in cluding among the number, Avery, the Chief Clerk of the Treasury, A New Orleans private dispach froja Bastrop, La., reports the burning of tho business part of town from Jacques Levy's corner to Millers, on Tuesday night. The Philadelphia English Centon ninl Commission broke ground yester day for their buildings, four in nnm ber. v Goo. H. Lane & Uo., clothiers of Bohton, have suspended. A dispatch from Key '. West states that the yellow fever epidemic has about expended its foroe. No new cases in about five days. C. Nutting's stove manufactories of Indianapolis have failed. Liabilities, 8150,000. v HEADQUARTERS. THE REPORT OF THE DEPART MENT OF AGRICULTURE ON THE TOBACCO CROP. Washington, July 22. The July returns to the Department of Agricul ture, show that the acreage of tobacco is greater than that of last year, the increase being in the great tobaooo producing States. Maryland has in creased her acreage 4 per cent ; Vir ginia 30; North Carolina 33; South Carolina 7; Florida 23; Mississippi 16 Arkansas 10; Tenuesse 403; Kentucky 223; Ohio 25; Indiana 40; Illinois 66; Missouri 60; New loik, Pennsylvania and Texas report tho same acreage as last year. New Hampshire has reduoed her small acreage 30 per cent. FLORIDA. SHOOTING OF A REVENUE OF FICER Jacksonville, Fla., July 22. Johnson, deputy collector of Internal Revenne and a member of the Florida Legislature, was shot and killed last night at a still bouse, about ten miles from Fernannina. Assasins unkno wn. No particulars. EUROPE. ANOTH ER STEAMS HIP ASHO RE IN IE RNATIONAL SHOOTING MATCH, ETC. London. .Tnlv 22., vrt )),!, ; tl,a position of steamships. Abotsford is herein EivmmaUiay, Wales. The agents of the line think she will float off on the nut high tide. Livrrpool, July 22. The Post de clures thut nothing has occurred to caiiBe the least uneasiness in the cot ton trade, and savs statements to tlm contrary are sensational. f U0ND05, July Zi. ' The limea this morning, in a financial rt,inl vn- demns the silenoe of the managers of the Direct United States f!hl in m. gard to the line, and says inquiries of mo nwumuiuon meet wiin uiau re fusals to impart information. The attendance at Wimlilntnn met. ing to-day was small. The match for JMcho challenge shield being shot the ranges are 800, 900, and 1,000 yards possible a team score at each range is 600 points. The shooting at the 800 vard ranee nnmnlntAd Pno-liuli eight second, 515; Irishmen, 502, and Scotchmen 498. It is reported that Gen. Mendiria succeeds Gen. Berves as Chief Com mander of the Oarlist foroes. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. IILMINGTON BIMNG ASSOCIATION. flUIE following Is ins statoment of lbe finan- cml condition of tho Wilmington Bulldlug Association, embodied in th Annual Hoport of tin) Finance Committee, as submitted to tbe meeting on the Silt Initaut : aisouacas. Loan, on Bharee Redeemed $242,000 CO lu by th ib areholder (lor dues. I u to rest ana insurance) B.eso w Hill. Receivable ( secured by mott iie on real estate) 16,604 79 Heal Haute 1 UO 00 UAUIL1T1BS, Capital Stock (7S payments on 1.607 t Share) $116,704 00 Premiums. on share. Redeemed 76,21 03 Internet Aocount Oue to sundry Miare-uolders Due at Bank (oter check) , 78,141 T 200 76 m 33 ritKSKNT COB DITIOIC or ASSOCIATION. 1,210 Sbarei Kedoemed. 3B7 fthsres Unredeemed. 414 Shares Forfeited. . , - . 597 Shares purchased to date. 892 Shares paid up In advance. 3,000 Shares originally subscribed. ; ' There are In eilstence 1,617 Shares, tho book value of which Is estimated at S166 15. Julr-lt ATLANTIC COAST LINE. Freight Department. IMPORTANT TO DEALERS IN CORN! Such arrangements of rates hare been per fected with the atlantlo and North Carolina Koad lor thl shipment of-CORM from New born and Eastern North Carolina as will make it to tbe Interest ot purchasers In Wil mington, Ckjjumbla, Augusta, Charlotte, and elsewhere In South Carolina, to look to tbe market. . For rates and other Information, addrets either or tun undersigned, P H ADAMS, Gen'l rr'tA't AANOKK, A POPE, Oen'l FVt Ag't A O Line: Shawl Straps ! franks, Valicos, Satchels. Traveling Bp, Etc., At the Saddle and Hai i ese Factory ot Cabpenteb & Mallabd, Successors to J 8 Topham & Co., Wilmington, N.O. Pianos, Organs and Chromos ! Sold for cash, or by the monthly Installment plan to suit the purchaser, at HEINSIIKKOEK'S'. New Music ! Just received by express a tet of New Muslo and IIsinsbbboeb's. Second-Hand Pianos. Two Henond-Hand Pfanos, In perfeot order, for sale Tory cheap at Hktnbbibokb's Uts Book and Muslo Store, NEW ALVRTISZilZST3. Auction Sale. MfSKSTS, Pt?itsrrrRS, " Copfkb, Etc, At ear 8ales Booms tbU day (Friday) at sine and a aalf a'ctook a k, July til, 1ST I, CROI.LT A MUKRIS, Aaettooeers. July a It The Dawson Bank. JTOKDKBOKTMBOABDOr DIKEO tors, the Books of 8abaoriptlia to Us Capita Slock of this bank wUl be opened at their baa k- lug room ea Tboraday, the n I Instant, at It 'clock a.m., and remain open antU fnttbrr raOeMd. Am. LAKKlS,CaaaiBi Jnlyll-lm NOTICE. The Him oCOoNOI.KY A YATKS U this day dimilred bv mutual ronnnt All dut due by Hid fit rn will be uM btr Chan, w Vatna anu aiiunbia uuetoiiianrm mut be panto liua. w. Vat. ' JOHN J. CONOI.KT, CM AS. W, AI KS. The hnlni" h.retotore rondneti d br Couo- i-jy Yatra will be carrted on by Cua. W I atKS at tne old stana. Wilmington, N. C. Inly 21 A Good Chance For mi to close oat my stock of French Cloth aud Caulmere. I Will Make Up to Order BUSINESS SUITS, WEDDING SUIT, DIAGONAL COAJS AND VESTS, KLUK FLAN PL 8HIBT3, WH1TB UN EN 8H1BT9 As cheap as they can be bought ready niado. A. DAVIO, Mkhciiant Tailok. July 21 RICE, HUQAR, COFFEE AND TO BACCO 29 Barrels Rice, 20 Barrels sugar T8 Bags Coffee, 100 Boxes Tobaeeo, For sale by Kjebcheb ft Caldbb Bros. JulyW HAEWOOD; A He w Hovel ! T TH AOTBOa ot THE 03D1D TRXTXa?, Published by B. J. Halo A Bon. Bound a Cloth, $1 25 ; Papib, 875. Jot reeelred by express, and for sals at HEINf BERCER'S Lire Book and Mueio Store. JulyM - , Horse Bonnets. Tim.Knuil Trunk, in the cltt i Saddles, Harness Feather Dnsters, Loether, Saddlery. Hardware, Axle Urease, Bummer Lap lua. ter., Linen Sheets, Whips., Barnes, dollars, Back Bands, and all kl wl .of Saddlery Goods, cheap for cash at the SauJlery Store of CARPENTER MALLARD. Sucoesmri to J 8 Topham A Co., No. s South Front street. Wilmington, a.i. July II l5-tf A REVOLUTION . , ', 1 TBI SHIRT TRADE. Wamsutta Shirts Cut lenirthwlse the cloth ; 2I0O UNENjpart- y only : $1 25 Each, Gash ! . sW AQBNOY 8 B CUEKD. jgM MUNSON & CO., CITY CLOTHIEES. July 20 TIiermDiiiGter 100 TBI almost nnpreoedented warm weatbor baring oome upon as, and th question of the day being bow to keep cool, we wou'd advise our numerous friends and cut-tomers to try our large and oarefally selected assortment of J H.:labkts, it rl RHINE PHOCKS, To which, If Ice bo dJod and some or those Fine Liemons, or which we hare Ju,t recelyed a Urge supply, we fool ro tho happy result will be accom- plirhW. 7 , Try, our Beceipt ! ; 0. D, MYERS & CO., ' 5 and 7 N. Fbokt St. E BACTKHNEi, iH w CHAMPAGNES, OATAWBA WINES TBTJPB.S EDUCATIONAL. St Ilary's School, KALKIOU, K. C, riirjK tt'xtr-sSTrnta trsa of th Si-hool w ss vrnth trn of t X 'omurnoeSrntl rnoeSrntaniber I, WT. The charge for hoard and Fnglleb talUon, for a term ot wevaa, la (ion. Fn a elreular, apply to Key. Albert Rwedea, O. D , Kalelgh. M. C. July 10 in w4t Ml-. , FacqxtibbCo ,Ta., Prepare rot 'iTniwrIL ar a u rn iiani.Nlllrnn F? -llOB, Mr RSI muni. M.dl-aJfJ WWoalrie i.s o.anns. ' KXTBACTS F&OM TISTIMONI AI.S " I saost heartily oommeod Bsthu, Aoao. T tome am and patronage ot the publla.1 Ww. s?t PRTKK1. Prof, of Latla, UniT.r.lty or Ve. M t WODld be wllllnv to eonBda m awn ann to Mr. smith's ears, and hence I nfmnauil uie ei-anm to utu.r parante." F. a. SMITH. Prof. Nataral Pbiloeopby, Vnlw.lty ol V " I leal warranted, from oxperlenoe, In re JOHN H. MINOR. Prorvsmrot Lw,lTnleisttof Va. "hie of the besttartltn tons of Its class In be lle. II. II. HAHHIS, Priiteaor of Ureek, Hlrhmoud College. I know of no Institution of like grade supe rior 10 neiuvi Ai'aipmr. Bf. J. 11. BLACK WIC 1.1. , A. M , DI.. lynahbu g, Vs. " t'aeqnallrd. In my opinion, by any In.iilu tlon In tbe South. " UfcN.O. W. riKI.D, Atlanta, Ua. " Beet and rhrapest nieparatory nolnvd In ineatate. t; minun, ot Ring tlnorge county, Va " In rot onlolen. Ihe cheanert and het In the outs." VUUB. ll.l'KtWrUKII, Augunta ooun'.y, Va. "The cheapest Semlnsry, and as good as tbe beet. In tbe United States." ADAM KMP1K. J. A. KNUELHAKIt, Wilmington, North Carolina For Catalogue, addresa Wm. W. Smith, A. M. Senior Principal. 3d It w Clinton MALE ACADEMY. Tho next smlon of this H. hool will com- mru.-e tbn first Monday In August, IXiS, and unlliino twenty weeks. In tliia Hcboul boys can bo thoroughly pro ured for the Freshman Clans In an oullme. ot for the usual arooatlona of Ufa. it will ho tho constant aim of tho Principal to make this school worthy of iiatrotisge, and not a place for boys to waste time and money. Board tor month from 010 to SH M Tuition per session from..., ,.,.,.17 WtoM flu Contingent fe perierslon. CO For rurtber particulars, address : . ; , . M. McLeod, !iff ' ' ' Principal. CUoton, 9. a ; -4l d-onoe w t THE UNIVERSITY Of K. C. This Institution will be re-opened on The First Monday In September Next, The term ending the td Thursday In Jun. IBItl, with a raoatlon of two weeks at Christmas. It has been so-organised on the KlectloSystem, oemblnlng. bowever, three ourrlcula of Arts, acienc ana Agrieaitar. lnstraotion will bo Cisea la tb branohee as learning asually taghtlnth bestOotlrM. SaaaUl tnatroctlon JroTlded In Agrloultura and the Meehanlo Art, n able faoulty ha bean appointed. Th buildings thoroughly repaired lor the reception of several hundred etudsnt. Torelrenlar e-rplanatory of tho above, apply to avKRitr r. hattle, oeoretary Board of Trustees, Kalelgh, N. C. July B lm Episcopal HighSchool, Hoar Aloaaatatrlst, Va, s , L, M. BLACKFORD, M.I., PrlDcipaL Poanded Iq 1819. Next Session opens Sept. m br 12, ins. Boy prepared lor college or bus lies. Assistants and terms as befor. Cata logue sent on application to too Prluolpal at Alexandria, Va. . Catawba High School. THF. TWKNNETH SIS ION of Sljteen Weeks will open 19th July. Pure moan, tain atmosphere, good water, advantage of town and country combined. OliJucU of the School i l't. To prepare young men for good colleges, ad. To give a thorough academic ed ucation. Board in families, 99 per month. For Information with olronlar, apply to ollhor lnstruolor. i - Ro. J. fl. OLAPP, A. B. J. U. KOWK, , Bev. J. A. FOIL, A. B. Newton. N. C, June IT, UTS 50 BOXES DESIRABLE Tobacc os! Oct of Ordbb " At irty cents per pound, for tho money, you mast know. D. PJCOTT. July IS 8TEAMEJI aTXJNlPEH. CAPTAIN SKINNER, carrying tho TJniled State Mall for Payettville, and Intermedlut officers, will leave oor wharf on Tiesilays and Fridays punctually at 1:U M. Vlck & Mebane, 1GEXTS. July IS It A Hundred Years! YOU might wait and never liave tho oppor tunlty of buying goods at tht price st which lam closing out ay stock. It Is not to make room for another stock, but Is a sale to close oat tho entire stock in a given number of day; and to Insure this, on and after tha 15th Instant gam Is will bo sold at ls than cost for cash only. Corns wltbont further Invitation or delay, a at th price tbe stock will rapidly diminish. Kvory artlol la new no shoddy or auction good. In the store. . . , ' Very respectfully, GEO. LEIBEK, 29 Market street. Jaiy U.18 S. ' FOR ' " COUGHS, COLDS HOARSENESS, AND ALL THROAT DISEASES, . OBI ' ' WELLS' 0 ARE OLIO TABLETS. PCT OP IN ONLY BLUE BOXKSV A TRIED AND SURE REMEDY. Bold by Druggitt. (TlTDSEDa for iale at the 'i I Journal Qffick. MISCELLANEOUS SELLING OFF AT COST! HATINO resolv.d to rbange my am dtwinma of' mit mv r itairiM I out bit entire Mwh before the ati'ra hiiig alt. 1 ne Uiereloi daiermlued to oiler m entire stock of Notions, Boots, SHOES and HATS, AT COST and Ivat Ibaa cost, for CAiB. Ladiesara .specially solicited to W U aa sarly call, to whom w will sfll at a great sac rlfloo, aim very dra'rablo OmmI. la th way of HANDKERCHIEFS, HOSIERY, underoarments, laces, ; LINEN and COTTON HOUSEKEEP ING GOODS, ABLE DAM ASK, DOYLAS, TOWEIjS, ETC. Wholesale baysrs ar advised of ta foot thot w bav tho largest and moat dJrbl Jobbing stock In tb city. This daparimsnt of our stock ha been largely rsplsnlsbed from th recant Nsw York and Philadelphia cash auction sales, which onablo u to oBr a great variety of Sta ple lry Goods sultabl far country trad, at baif th original cost. All Goods sold at retail will b strictly for ib. Ninety days tlmo will be allowed on wholesale bill In amount of on hundred do lan and upwards for olty acoeptano. . B. WETLL. Corner Front and Prinoesa Street July it, ItffB. TO HOLDERS CITY COUPONG. Office of Treasurer anl Collector, CITY OF WILMINGTON, N. O., ( Jane 29tn, 1875. J NOTICE Is hereby given that THR JULY OJUPONS 1878 (of Bonds of this City) can not bo promptlyjpalj. In oonseqience of certain changes under a recent decision of tb Supremo Court of this , to a to the manner of asoeauaent of the ; 1 and Personal Property In thl olty; and thereby the City Tag Book not jet having been placed In possession of tbo undersigned for collection; together with other compile loniln regard to ur Municipal affair, aow pending before tb supremo Court of North Carolina, tho olty of Wilmington matt neoos- sarlly crave some Indulgcnoe from tb bolder of City Coupons, nndsr existing elrcnmstanos, t. a SERVOSS, ;.t i City Troasnror. JnnoM , , 104-tf job w. nmo), ' (Late of Mpruntds HIiiRin,) Wilmington, K. 0. jam is o. CTtHsnwo, (Late cashier bank of NOW Hanover.) I , Tarboro, N. 0. HINS0N & CUMLUNG, y : FOR TBI BAM Of Cotton, Rice. Lumber. Tobacco Naval Store, and Southern Produce Cenerally, NO- 102 CHESTNUT ST. P. O, Boa 9030. tntlaolIphlt. Paw ' EiraHoisi f. B Oraliiger, President Bankof New Han. over, Wilmington, NO. R K Burr, President Flrt National Bank, Wilmington. N C. dames Dawoon, President Dawson Bsuk, WllmlngtOB, 0. ' '' M K B Borden, President Bank of Now Han OVWi Ooldnboro, NO. ' ,1 A Leak, President Bank o( New Hanover, Wsdoboro. N 0, -""-'" - Jesse H Ur.dy .President Bank of Oroens. boro, Ureenshoro, N ). ' Hon Geo. Howard, Tarboro, N 0. ( - M Weddell, Ba ,Trboro.N O. Hon. W O Johnson, Marlon Court House, July T ' :' f' ' lOMAwtf Mechanics of All Trades, i . .,- - -K ' - - ' Tonr attention Is eallod to tho very largo and nrst-f laas assortment of TOOLS required by you, and at prles that will- stand Inspection. Quality or gooas guaranteed In every reect. K yon wonld save time and money, cad at 1I11 olrf-eUbllshed Hard vara Honse or JOHN UAWSUN, No. 1, to and Market streot. : July 14 NEW ADVEHTISI2IIXT3. 45 HMGT HBBBT, Di'slr. to call the attention ot all who take auy interest in the prioe of DRY GOODS to the foot that we are allowing . A DIQCOUHT of 1 0 Per Cent on all SUMMER DRESS GOODS. Any article that belongs specially to SurouitT wvar must be sold ont LLAMA LACE SHAWLS and SACQUES, PUSHER Do. Do. Da Do. WHITE AN D STRIPED SHETLAND SHAWLU. Cents' White Dress Shirts Made to order in any stylo that mar be desired, rrr acABAOTKBD. A full assortment always on huud. Also Cuffs, Collars and Underwear. , Striped (Jotton Clieviot IVecrt Shirty Only 20 Couts, worth .17J, Tory desirable for travoling. JjndloM Hkirt Hiipportt'i'M, A NEW XI I ING, And one of tho mewt deairulilo artinloi that has boeu introduot'd. , Swiss, Nnlueook and Victoria Stripes and riaidsa very large tiiortnient. r Aarnu tot rrauk l.ellea t!HT PAPf.B PATTKHNM. mavchlao Noodloa It I'rnu each. Terms Cash 0nlv; BROWN & RODDICK. 45 Harket Street. yt JUST OPENED! CvD . Evil . 'ULzbzP 36 MARKET STREET, ! ANOTHER LOT OF . Black Grenadines. Black Silk Challys, ;'; BLACK OASHMEKES, CREPES, &C. MUMMER 8TOOIC CLOSED OCT ' ' ' ' Lower Than Evert No, 86 MAEKET STREET. July IS - ' : ' - MISCELLANEOUS. GEORGE MYERS. r 11 k 13 SOUTH FRONT ST., 1849.EstahUshedl849. DEALBB IN THE CHOICEST TEAS. Green and Black, Ensrlish Breakfast, And all Ui Beat tirade. Wines &Liquors, CLARETS, JMFOBTEU IN OKIQINAL OAS KS, DKLIOATK and BICB f LA TOBED, J . TABLE SHERRY. rill OtD BLAOKBERBT WINE. T' f - . OXAR0, DTJPET A CO. BRANDT, 3 v (VlnUgo 1M8.) JAMAIOABUM HOLLAND OTN, (In original pacaag) Popular "BLUB GRAB S" ana "OEM WHI8- KIKS," toePtber with a larg stock of Oor . dial ana Fancv Llnuor. The Uhoioest and best selei-tflj stock of family Groceries la tho Htato. ' "'Everybody's;' Pill,, A Gentle' but Certain Cathartic They act with caaTAUTT on th Liver, con tain no calomel t'! aro purely Vegetable. The best, surest, safest and mildest pargauv nil in use. iuev axo uwm bii....-.i.j than any other rill In nso, for th length of lime tilVV BRT. UWll iwim. mv - nioely sugar coated and bottled at 26 cent par Ask yoar Druggist for 'EvaTBODT'8,, Pill, and take no other ( ' &&U Wilmington C IS AUVE TO HER IMTKKBBTO Carolina, her business men willadvertlatla THE WASHINGTON ECHO, a largo Bad wall established weekly BOwspa per.olrenlatlng estenslvly In tie conntleso hyde, Beanlort. Pamllo. .' IdgeeombO and those adjoining. Kate Low. Walt. P. WiLLiaasoa, R. OaAaaia, Uts of Tarboro. of Washlnglon. - . ; Editor and Proprietor, at 11 . . ',.r. af ooff,... ,...Uu,.j,i'i : OHOWBILL8 gotten tip and prtnledln tj tho most attractive style at the Jouiuial OiricB 1 ' One Price. iWm& 1lrVavi;-. is AT 3 GREAT liUSli: FOR , BOOTS A1ID T3H0ES (t ;0, A. Prlco'o, Joly il ' "' BlaaorOieaoIflsnBoot. The Charlotte Observer 1 Tha only morning dally pspsr' published In the HUt want or Kalelu ana Korthef WU mlngton, odors spsclal lmluosmenls to sdvsr Ussrs. i it otraulatlon, lse sad usefslnsa bars bn largely lnaraed during th year Jast past, and It now reaohe most ot th ilsr. ohantaof WesUrn North OatoUna, tkaoolor uigan ansorpaassd Biadlum of oommnaloa tkia bstwasn tli M arohanwof WU mlngtoa and tb paopl of Western Norla Carolina, ,- iaanoo raoarrrioS: i i , . ' .'. . .'. .1$ 00 (ot annnra. Dally. Weekly ; ' lOt Adrertlrng vary low. may (,, JIS-tf Turnip Seed ! ( T; Tump 8eed3 : i- New Crop 1875.' ,; Grown by Landreta Bnlst, Philadelphia. Also a large assortment of Oabbago Ssea. For sale by ., GREEN AfLAKHER. ' July t ; ' 166 Builders Hardware, rOORS, SASH AND BLINDS, t 7? " PAIMTS.CILS, VARNISHES, ? t ., GLASS, ., o . Th attention of builder and other it eallod to our well selected stock, at reduced price. Call and examine at NATH'L JACODI'8 ' i HARDWARE DEPOT.5 Fish Hooks and Lines, QRINB TWIHD, BCTTHES, . Gras Hooks, Qardea . .., , , . . .') . t '.J i-.-.. Hcosaa Rakos. A XLKg, BPRINQ3.V '. , ! , OABRIAflE af ATERIALS, Ao. Order by mall promptly filled; and atlfao tlou guaranteed.. KATiiniEL jcc:i, ' HARD WARS DEl'OT. fjJ NO. O MAIIKKX BT. nao