o r a x r Vn 70L XXIV. HO. 171? WILimiGTOIT. N. C. SUNDAY. JULY 25. 1875. Y7H0L2 110., G.C10 (I'm Urr$ hiii I ! A- . a I 'Him h.fi ri ft IV thiin Journal. nL?JIXQTOX, N. C. : SUNDAY. JULY 25. 1875. BY TELEGRAPH. OHIO. Niw York, July 24 Steamship La hart here from Drtnarura, report that n July 16, six miles sou h of Frying Tan HLoaln, light trhip, s.w the three muni heads of a large steamer euuk. lillt;AUO. SEIZURE OF DISTILLERIES WHISKEY. OF Chicago, July 24. Ei-Iutcrul Revenue officers have seized entire rectifying eHtablinhmeuta of the River dwtiliing Company for duplicate ne of xtamps nod other frauds. More seizures will follow. SALT LAliH. MOUNTAIN MKA.DOW CUE. MAS3A- Salt Lake, July 24 Oreat oxoite ninut over the details of the mountaiu meadow niattnacro, narrated by Biahop Hmitli, who is states evidence. Nol. proa, entered iu his case.. All but chil dren too young to tell, were killed. SOUTH CAROLINA. FIRE In"oIIAULESTON. Charleston, S. C, July 24. A fire ocourred here this moruing in the sec tion of the oily known as GodHdeus Wharf, destroying about fifty small wooden buildings; also Robbs mill, aud Marshall's, and Venning warehouse, with abouty 20,000 barrels of naval stores. The losa ia estimated at a quarter of arniilion of dollars, of which aooutone half is believed to be cover ed by iusuiance, distributed amongst Charleston.'Northern and foreign com panies. The fire is still burning, and is im possible, as yet, to ascertain more dotiuito particulars. WISCONSIN. COLLECTOR ARRESTED FOR SEIZURE OF DISTIL LERY. Milwaukee, July 24. J. M. Benn, collector of internal revenue, and a deputy collector, were arrested yester day on an order issued by the commis sioner of State Court, on complaint of one Ferdman to Hai .man. The col lector had seized a distillery and con tents to enforce payment of an assess ment. Among the contents were four teen barrels of highwinos, of which Hartman claimed to be the owner, The defendants were held to bail in the sum of seventeen thousand dollars each. IOWA. BIX MEN KILLED AT THE TAPER MILL EXfLOSION. "Iowa City, July 24. Six men were killed by tne explosion ol Uiasse s pa per mill. The sixth was a Scotchman named Walter Teuton, who was in the capstraw chamber and over the exph ded tank, lie was seen to go np with the tank, and over it to an esti mated height of five hundred feet, and when fallini;, went through the roof of a paint shop seventy-five yards Bway from the mill, knocking a hole through the shingles and inert shearing beneeth, and breaking two ratters, lie was found lying on the floor of the room beneath. The loss of Mr. Class is about twenty thousand dollars. Its decided that it was a chemical eiplo sion. (WTllAM. BARK R. J. CAMPBELL FOUN DERED AT SEA. THIRTEEN PASSENGERS LOST. New Yobk, July 21 Last evening a man called at the Station House in Brooklyn and reported that he had found the following letter on Coney Island Ueacn : At Sea, July 7, 1875. "The Bark R. J. Campbell, Capt. J. H. Holden, Charleston, for New York, foundered this morning. Thir teen passengers lost and seven saved who are bow in an open boat in dis trass. Tbey are, Capt. Holden, E- E, Gregory, Mate, J. White, Mate, Thom as Whitakor, Chan. Mallory and II Dor, seamen; H. Hamiltou, MiBS An nie Hamilton; a search of maritime registers failed to record any such ves set as K. J. Campbell. HEADQUARTERS. THE YELLOW FEVER AT THE NAVY YARD NEAR PENSACO v LA. . THIRTEEN JOB OFFICES AND FOUR NEWSPAPER OFFICKS EMANCIPATED IN WASH INGTON. THEY REFUSE TO BE GOVERNED ANY LONGER BY THE PRINTERS' UNION. Washington, July 24. P. M. Gar ev.it has goue to Hartford. The internal revenue reoeiptsfor thin xninth up to date, is nearly eight mil lions of dollars. Silver cornage for two months, end ing August 30th, will reach four mil lions. Attorney General Piarercpont de- cities that tho Choopenning cute is bar ' red by limitation, unless Congress in tervents. The Secretary of the navy received to-da the following dispatch: Natt Yakd, Fessacola, Fla., July 2 L Hon. Seckktary of tub Kavt. ! Washisotos l C There are tweuty- nine cwos of fever at Bareness. Our quarantiue are strict, but annpliea have to he furuisLed. Should the disease break out in our vioiuity, I unspent that the v arils be eloatul anil j jl,ud in charge ofaeolimateil emloy- ers, aud tueomtHtrs auU Umuiea all go to aave themselves. No sickm m nuarantine or at Feusaeola. Wouieu ud children are atrioiened down at Barraucah. Signed 0. II. CoorEU, Commandant To which the following reply was seut by the Secretory of the Navy Department: Wasiuxhton 1. U, July itt. Geo. II. Cooi'KR, Commandeiit, Pknbaoola, Fla. Your telecram ia relation to the vel- low fever has t eeu received. You are authorized to take whatever action you may deem nroiwr for tne security of the yard and safety of the people under your cluim. IHigneflJ : U. M. Uobinkon, Secretary. Another dispatch from Gommodoie Cooper slates that the soldiers at Fort Jwrranicas have beeu removed to 1 ort I'iekeiis on account of the existauce of the fever at the former place. No uformation in regard to the fever U been received at the wur department. Four companies of troops were bU- toned nt Fort Iiarranicus. WASiitNOTON, July 24. The rronri- tors ol thirteen book and job printing olllees iu tliis city, uud also the propn- tors ol four newHiiaperoBtahlishmeiits, the iteimblieau. the Washington Weekly Senthiel, tha German Daily Journal and the Georgetown Weekly Courier, have signed a paper stating that from and alter the second of Au gust, they will not bo governed by the rules and regulation of theColliimbia Typographical Union, deeming them to lie onerous uud detrimental to the private printing interests of the dis trict. The Daily Chronicle, several months ago, severed its biisiuoss con nection with the typographic) uuion. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. What I Kmnv About Vogptlne, . Hooth Boston, May 9, 1810. . K. Stkvirii, Itsy : I)er Sir I have hit ronsulmiibleenierleiiee with tU. Vkuitimk. Kur dvni.ciwi, noneral defillty and lmpura MihkI, iha Vhuktihi I. iUierior to anything which I utro vai uwii. 1 commenced taklnn V kuktiIiK itbautth.iiiul- dla or lat winter, and, altxr unug a low but tle., It entirely cured ma or ilymxipaia, and my blood never w In ko good oouditlan a at I he uremnt time. It will allocd iuu uiea.ur. to giro any further iiariicuiHra relative to whit It Know aooui turn goa modi erne to any onewna ill call or addraa. me at my iwldeuve, in Atbeut etreet. , Very redpectfnil, MUNKOli PAKKBK, 'JUH Allien, a'reet. Uyapepaia, o i m r ro.ns want or avpetite. rmin o a'ood and win 1 from tbe.tom.cb.acldttv ol the tiiinacu, heartburn, dryncw and wkltemiuor he toimue in the oiornliiK.aenM of distention In the ttomach and bowela.wnietime rumbling an a piin; oontiTeniwa, wuicn la ooca.loii.ny Interrupted by diarrhoea ; palenex. of the urine, rue m.uiu I. olammy, or h ti a Hour or bitter tnnto. other frequent nymutoni. are waieroiann, tMipiution or tne heart, aean ache, aud dieurd. r of the tento., a. aaeiug auubio, etc. Them lagoneraidebiuty, languor and aierxion to motion ; dejxctlon ol the aplr lt, die uibed ileep, ami Irightlul dreams. Gained Fifteen Pounds of Flesh. Mouth Bkrwiuk. Ma.. Jan. 17.1872. II. K. HTKvKNt, Kag . ear Mir I have nad dy.pen.ia In IU worst form for the last ten yean, and have taken uuudrcdxof dollar.' worth of medloine without obtaining any relief. In September lant I rom- mencea taxing tue v KUKTine,.iiice which time my health ha. ate.dily improved. My food ill if nuts we I, and I hare ealntK) fif teen pound, of High. There are Mverai otbrri In thlK place taking the Virstim; all haveob taineu reiiet.. Your., truly, Til' 'M An K.MOOKK. Oyerncer crd room, Forlemouth Co.'g Mills. All Diseases of the Blood. If VKOETitK will relieve iain,cieatue. inirl- fy atnl cure ench dlBcases.n storing the patient to iwriect health alter trying different physi cians, many remedies, suffering for year., ie it not conclusive proof, if you are a sufferer, you can be cured ? Why Is tills medicine perform- in g such great cures? It works In the MihkI, in the circulating tluiu. It can truly bo called the Great BUttl Vuritivr. The meat auurce of diHe.ne originates in th. Mooil; aud no medi cine that doe. not act directly upon It, t puri fy and renovate, hat any Just olmmupon public attention. GOOD IVIIENCE. OlNCIKNiTI, Nov. ill, 1879 Ma. H. R. Stkvkns: ;er B!r The two hot t log of Vioetink fur nished me by your agent my wife hasused with great benefit For a long time she has been troubled with dizstness and coitlveness: these troubles are now entirely removod by the use ot Vkoetikk. 8h waa also troubled with dyspepsia and general debility, and has been greatly bene fitted. THOMAS OILMOBE, S.U Walnut 8U eeliableTvidehce. M. H R. Stkvbns: Dear Sir I will most cheerfully add ray tes timony to the treat number you u ive already received In lavor of your great and good, mud Icine, VidRTi.iK, for Ido not think enough can be said iu lis praise, for 1 wa. troubled rrver thirty year. withtbatdrftadfuldlseaie.Oatarrh, nd had such bad coughing .ells tlmtit would seem as though I could uever breathe any more, and Vkobtink has cured me; and I do feel to thank Ood all the time that there is so good a medicine as Vkuktisk, and I also think it one of the best medicines for coughs aud weak, sinking foclings at the stomach, and ad vine very bo-ty to take the Vkgktink, fur 1 can as sure them it Is ono of the best medicines that ever was. M as. L. QOltK, Oorner Magazine and Walnut streets, Cam bridge, Mas. APPRECIATION, ('uaklkstkwii, M ahs , Murcll 1, 181!!)' It. K. Mtcknh, Kl.: This is tocertlly that I have n-eil yonr" Blood Freparatinn" (Vkoktiss), In m IhiiiIIv fur several years, and think llmt, tor scrnfulK or Oaiikeroifs Ilnninrs or Kiieumalli' nni',ti"im, It can nut be uiueliod: and as a bloiHl puntl 'r nnd spring medicine, it Is tlm best thing I over UMOii ; and I have used almost, everytliing can cuceifully roenmraend It to Hiiyono Iu need ol euuu a medicine. Yours respectfully. Mils. A. A OfNMMOKR, 19 KuHsell slruct. Vrgetliie July 2.14 w USoldbyAII lrucglstl 0AUT10N NOTIOK '1'heOlsniiKlf KniTiotl I.I fe nnd Labor of Liivi n gs ton e, (Including the "Last .Journal.,") unfolds vividly his thirty years strange adventures, also tli ciirloslilea, wonder. and wealth of that marvrlous country, and i absolutely the only new, ciimulete work. Heuoe, it sells) Just luiua, lx.iuo nrsi i woeaa. Agents' success would astonish yon, more wanted dend (or terms and positive proof or genninenesa. HUBBAHIrBKO., Pnbllsliera. m Samp on St., Pllia,, t. SIW APVIRTI8IMI5TS. t Ki.-rr.nrrTiau wo elllac for mMl 1cm Fluor. I'll HMtlBff and al4lr. F OUeular and Mmpir. xllrfC. J. Fa V, Caixl.R, N- J. $10 to C5QiT ia W.ll often lkdi la furtanc A i f... book, .ooifl H M.a and idtom. f wall Bircri," i'itinif mniuuii, noai Ti JOMS HICK UNO CO.. B.nk.n and Brokaia, 11 Broadway, M. T. JalT For ' C0UCB8, COLDS, H0AESEX1SS15D 1LLT1IB0AT DISUES, Us Wells' Carbollo Tablets, Pol Bp oaly tm Bl tVitea. iTRtlDiSDtDSIimSDT. rnrealebyDngflsU generally, and JOHN aTO'., HOLLO WAY CO., Phlladalpkl,Pa. July 26 4 ' A FORTUNE IN IT. Kty raeally hut. It. Boid by Jtgokl. Addraea, ti. B. WALKiK, rrle ie, ra iw 810. C100, C500, 81000 0FTRN realise ImmenMpmtl.waen Invest ed in Stock Prlflli g. tlroular., eoDtaln lug full etplaaatloa of the node mt operating, and tiuotatiuB rxiuMef all Htoel. d.alt In, at me NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE, kiii free on application to i SIMONSON, BAltKEIUAS & CO., Haiikai. A Hiokera, Upp. N.Y. MWckKickange. . Wall at., K . June litrveodlyAwly AGENTS WANTED. Mra r MUMn. U k 1'n.il fur. inaliml. ilu.uk. m li.M... ald nh no riHkn. a l.iwirein'ul.r aun i iiimiiiv nuiuiwi . ! 1 V '" ' m an nutX nl r. M. UKKl,ru nr., kiw lose rtl L ACAA OAU 10 OJvU " el. to fortune. it page bMii ii,nainiiig everyining, aim a copy of the Wall street rteview Onnl Piina IOIIN MIHKI. IMIH . Ifauk- 01) U' llUl. r and Brokers, IU Broadway, New York 4w WHEREVER IT HAS BEEN TRIED JUPiUOBBA Has eat.hllshrd lUclf a. a perf.et rega'atur and stiaa kkukut for dianni . of the ayat-iu armliiK from Improper actiuii of the Llvur aud Ki.w.la I r lit NOT A PHYSIO, but, by Hlmnlatlng the secretive organ., gently and gradually re moves all imparities, and reguktw the entire ayatem IT IS NOT A DOCTOKKB" BIttlBS, bat VEGETAB! E T0II1G which atsisie digestion, aiul tkue atia.ul.tev hfl aprxtite for food naeeeuary M Invigorate he we.konr.1 or inactive organs, and give, streagtb to all the vital tbroee. U CAHHIf.8 ITS OWN HK00MMRNO A Tloia, as the large and rapidly Inoreaalng aalea teetlly. frtce on. Dollar a MUM. Ask your druggist nur ilrugKUrt for It. JOHNSTUM, HOIXO. WAY d Agent. AY 4 CO., fhlladalphla, fa., Vholeeale w . ANY MAN Who Wears A Shirt! Oannot fall In wondering how It It that & CO. SILL A Wamtfuttn Nhirt, With heat Linen, partly made, for LRSS than th material cost, purohaaed at th .tore.. For an explanation, call with th oath Iu band, and bay at 21 N. Front Street. July 18 Turnip Seed. ALL VARIETIES! Fresh Crop Guaranteed. VEQBTINE, rorsl.at . . . Db. IIawwss' Drug Store. juijrss it " j WE INTEND, Outing this heatod term, to furnish our triends with fresh and , ' 'i ,:n.i' Palatable Groceries, Such as will tempt th most faatldioui, and be within reach of the most bumble. ; Weoflerthi week IiCm.tu, Orange, , McM array'. I cha, Fine Apples, Bartlett rears, Cb.rrl., Bh.ker Preerye, Jellies. Croasei Biackwell't Pioklea, Wm Underwood Co. '. Pickle. Imported and Uomoatlo Cheese very fine Quality I EXCKLLKNT SWEET BUTTrElt, 3 pounds for VI. SMALL HUOAR-CDBEI) 1UMS ANO . . . . BREAKFAST 8TU1PH I "' '""' Oar Own Brand, Pronounced by all who use them Ui be the fin est Iu the city. V. These goods are pei redly fresh, being Received Daily! Ht Railroad and Hteamers, CHAS D. MYERS & CO., 5 aud 7 N. Front St, Jusy21 . " WE TAKE NO NOTE OF TIME BUT BY IT8 LOSS. And those who have not laid In a stock of (foods ror tiiclr own wear aud Family nse from the spleii'lid slock that 1 have boon outieiled to sacr.llne, will surnly regret It. Time flies. and but a low week, is left in which to wind up Kef oi e the removal of my stock Iu another city for "sale at suction, 1 wilt otter another In. Cnoa uent, knowing, as I do, that money Is . aro . It is this: beside Hiling .ume or the st ck at.fllty per rent, below cost, I will make to e.ery purchasher a discount of ten r cut. on an sums over wu uuimra. i uu is a near giving (iK(i awav a can mm to it. AH guoda suld at less than com bv OkOllOK LEIBrR, ;.. t l a Market Btrt MARRIED. ' In t llnton. on the Wd Instaat. bvlte. R I Maralle,Mr. Wm. A. Johnson, to Miss Anna calender, youngest daughter ot Ool. Wat, M fouen, tia card. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Bacon, Pork, ) Gutrar, Coffee, BO Brrl D 8 Bid, IS Barrel. Mm Pork, loo Marrel Hgaed Bugav, SO Ba Frlm. Hto Code, ft mi low y WILLIAMS A MCRCHUON. Corn, Flour, Hay, Salt. 4 l,m Baaheli Prim Walt a ad mliad Cora. m Barrels rkur-all gradat, M Bat N R I Hay, , t tuo laou Dlion Salt, Foe aal tow ky VUXUMI m MCHOBiaoN. Bagglng.Tles, Spirit Casks, " : Clue. . too Roll eatr hv Bagging, lis Ten Pieerd Tl.a. Soo Neemi't-haad HpUit Caak., it Barrel Ula, v For aal low by WILLI A B A MDRCIUiON. Nlatn Na!l,Sht, Uaaai) 10 had. and bbl New Orop Ciba, ,W Keg. Mail., JU Bag. rlhot. ieiO'lou. Uuenapluann, 1(W Ton. Kureka Ouano, ret aaie low ny .WILLIAMS MDKUUIIION. July IS Grand Family Lxoursion I fllHK IINIIKKHItlNKIt COMMITTKK OF A Arraiigeueula take pleasare In Informing th rlllsen. of Wlliulugtou, and the public generally, that a A GRAND FAMILY EXCURSION I Will b glv.n Under the auspices of lb. Cape Fear Light Artillery ! T() HHITBVILLIt AID BLACK FSU (lUOUkr.l O.i Tuesday, th 3d day of August nsxf. Tickets tor tl.ntlemoo... " " Ladle ,1 00 ... M Children ander tea year of g, and gerv- anlsaccomiiaiiyliigraialfes, free. T boa who att.nd, may r.ataarurnd lliat Ui Oaiamtttee will .pare no pains in mak this Kicursion an njoj.bl adlr to all, . Kafruhmenl lerved en board at city price. . , .; V , t J BOAT WlU. HAVt WHARf AT I 0'OI.OXlt J Tie Coeimltte reserve the right to rejeet all ohjectlenaitle peryo.., Pwdtlv.ly n liqnam al lwt oa board. , ., , . a t i Ticket can be obtained at the Book, Jewelry end Drug 8 tore., and of the Committee. WALTKRO. MiUAE. U. t. FLANNKU, R.I. HAkRia," I I I ooamitue. W.H.tlRKItN, July . It M W 0 : i ! . Bacon, Eacon, Bacon ! . IVIHUMII.BIIMi r! l W Box O a uouldert, 19 Boa saotad Bid. '. -. , , W Pose. Smoked Bbea!dr., - ; - -Frslby KKKUHMKB A CALDKB BROU FLOUR, FLOUR, FLOUR. SAO Barrel B W Floor, too Barrel. P R Flour, too Barrels Ball Mills Flour, . , , For 1 by ' KBKOHMCaa OAXOBB BROU. CofYe, Sugar, Rice, Lard I 150 Rag Flour, M Barrel Sugar, an Barrels Rlc, naamtoLawlUtd,1'-' For al by . KERCHRER ALUKB BROS. Tobacco, SnutY, Candlaa and Orackera. 1M Boxes Tobacco, W and a hair bbl. Bait Snuff, 1M) Boxes dandles, ; of) Barrel Craok.rs, r - - l F-jraalebjf Kkrobmeb k Caldrh Bror. John Dawson's 0LI established Hardware Btor I without doubt the largest and moat reliable Hard- war Kstahllahmentln Kaatern NoithOarollna, Price and quality af good guaranteed In every rtsiect, . Ho. 10.) and It Market Btrai July an - WILMlNQTflll B0ILD1N& ASSOCIATION TUB Tollowsng at fhe statement of Iha finan cial condition of tha Wilmington B eliding Association, embodied In th Annnal Itoport of th Plnanc Commute, a submitted to th meeting on the list Initant: BSSOUBOBf . IOanson 8 hares Redeemed .. .1242,000 00 Une by Uie sb areliold.rs (for dues i nterniK ana insurance) Bills Ueueirabla (seeured by niort 8,2D 10 gage on real estate) , , 10,004 70 . . 1,330 - M tXS,BM is) heal Kstata..... LIARILIT1M. Capital Rtock (7J payment on 1,601 Hiiarea) $118,704 00 Prtmlum.ou Hliare Itedeeined 70,121 09 Intermit Account 70,141 7 Dne to Mundry tthare-holder ...... sJ 70 Due at Bank (over check) 304 83 e'M8,8H D rUKSKNTCUMDITIUM O ASSOC'I ATIO 1.210 Bliares Redeemed. 307 Shares Unredeemed. 414 Hharcs Forfeited. . 587 Share porchaaed to data. 8J Share paid op In advance. 8,000 Hhare originally subscribed. There are in eilstenoe 1,607 Shares, the value of which I estimated at $1M IS. July SS-H ATLANTIC COAST LINE Freight Department. IMPORTANT TO DEALERS IN CORN J Buch arrangements of rates hare been per fected with the Atlantlo and North Carolina Koad for tha shipment of CORN; fro New born and Kaatern North Carolina a will make It te the Interest ot purchasers In Wil mington, Columbia,' Augusta, Charlotte, and elsewhere In 8nta Carolina, to look to th market.' ' For rates and other Information, addrei wV either of th undersigned, . t HADAMH, ; Oen'l ttt Ag't A os N 0 B K, 4 POPE, ' pealaVf At (J 1411a: MISCELLANIOUS SELLIIIC At COST! A UAVIM) resolved to change my basinsss I am dsatraa of etesrng out my entire stock before ih epprceliing rail. I have therefore dtetlaWIonmjntirtkof Notions, Boots, ,"0' h'' ' SHOES HATS, ATCOST ' '. r' ' '' I and hsM thaa ratt, for cask. Udi ar sclally sollclte.1 to glv us an arly eel I, to what will alter at a giaal a rlllc, aom very dc.lrabl Uond. ia th way ol HANDKERCHIEFS, , ' HOSIERY, . UNDERGARMENT.-, Y-'.'-t ' LACES, : LINEN and COTTON HOUSEKEEP; INO GOODS, TABLE DAMASK, ( f DOYLAS, . . , ' TOWELS, ETC, Wholcsala buyers ar advised of th fact tlikt w batra tha largaat and most dealrabl Jobbing stock In th city. This department orour tok h'belarg;ly iiplenlelikl ai lb ,wiit Mw Tarkatid Phll.detiiula canh auotloh sales. which naJtle)u to oVar f grail yatfcrty or Bta pi Dry dood (ultabl tor country trade, at half th original cost, 4 All flood, sold at retail wilt ( b tlrloUx for aaW Ninety day thaVwili b al'lowed oh wholesale bill In amauat of on hundred do lara and apwardi for olty accaptanoa, B.tr'E: Comer Fronl Bud Princea Street Inly It, IRS, 7TO HOLDERS ' n CITY COUPONO. Office or Treasurer and Collector, OITX OF WILMINOTON, N. 0., ( ..... June 29th, 1875. ( NOTICJtU hereby given that THE JOLT 0UUfOB187a (of Bond of tbl Olty) oan not be promptlyiaid. i In eoiueqTisno of eerUIn ehange andec a recent decUlon of th Buprma Ooutt ofthU U a to th manner f aasessment of the I and Pereanal property ta tbl atty; and thereby the Olty Tax Book not yt having boon placed In possession or th undersigned for aoUoUB togetbai with, other cornpUca ton la reg rd to aur Municipal afTalrs, now i n. fVKlf..: ' i U I. pending before th gupremo Court of North Carolina, the city of VTIlmlngtoa muit MOW aarlly crav ome Indulgence front the holder of Olty Ooupons.under existing olrpumstncel( m rt a nTVToil s " A. J. DAAVTVOO, City Trarr. June 30 ' f ' i 1 1 lat-tf join w. Hinsim, (lu of HpruntA HIlMM,) Wllmlugton.N.O. ' 4AS D. OUMMIKO, (UteOasliter Hank of MW Hanover.) Tarboro, N. 0. HniSOH&CTJIlimiG, a " 1 ;Uti 'I Mil i'i 1 i va 4. ' Cotton, Rice, Lumber, Tobacco, Naval 8tore, and Southern , Produo Generally, A L "! 2 CHESTNUT ST . P. O. HKVV failav-elprilat, I'st. I. B. Oraloger, lre.ldcnt kilew Ban- over, Wllmlagton. W O. '-" K K Hnrref. President First National Bank, Wilmington. N C -. - ' .laroea Hawson President Dawtwa Bank, Wilmington, N (). . ; ( f It H Hordes, Praaldent Bank of New Ban over, tloldaboro, M (), ' J A fiOak, President Baukof New Ilanover, WutMlutm. N t). . . . -, Jesse H Lindsay, President Bank of Gr.ena- boro, Ureensboro, NO. Hon Oeo. Howard .Tar bore, Nft-i j ji.J ' M Weddell. Km.i Tarboro. NO. Hon. W I dobnaon, Marlon Court House, B 11. 1 f t 'i ei I f 1 I ' '' JulvT ' 109-d4wtf "Western Maryland For Btndent or Both Bene lnf ( 4ti..; w Separate Departments;1 ' ' i Raob havlai full corps of Professors. FIFTEKTH .SEMfANf WAV iSCUIOlil Begin September tat, 75. rcdaiiunM. with full Information a tol Term. Conrs ol study, c, furnished griHo- Itou'ly. Addressil. i . WAivu, .as. v i f dent, Weatwlufter, lad. Jalj20w - 1 1-' ' . OFF f.flMMIION Mf Rr.HlNTN UWIIIMIIVVIVII hlftVBIIB t 4 fi i ',:'rMK5w' 'e-3 THERIIOIIBTBR J05 IH THE SHADE! 45 MMET Ar both warm and fully aatiifldil wit'u the trade tbey hv done for the uaat tMaon, but are alill deairoui to cloaa out a few imall lots pmionv to tak Iiir atHHiunt of stock, aud Lava marked them at auoh priooa a cannot fail to atHMtre thoir immediate sale. A DISCOUNT of 25 Per Cent Will be girea off all remnant, of Drew GEHTS WHITE DRESS SHIRTS , f ' W :s - MADE TO ORDER! Iit Ghuaranteed full line always od hand ; alao, ' , ,tj Cuffs, Collars, Underwear, Etc. '-Agent for Frank Leslie, cut ... t , 4 , ,;;() i , ) Machine Needles, 5 Cenis Kach. Termk Cash Only. ; u r- 0nOnc5; BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market Street. JUST OPENED! " AT " i .'' i ; " ' !' , , . ' , - ANOTHER ' Black Silk Challys, BLACK CASHMERES, CREPES, &C. MTOCIC CLOED OUT Lower Than Ever! 2STo. 36 MARKET STREET. ' ' ' ' MISCELLANEOUS. GEORGE MYERS. U & 13 SOUTH FBONTBT., 1849.EstabUshedl849. ;,.(! DIALER IN THE '' CHOICEST TEAS, Green and Black, English Breakfast, And all the Best Oradel. Wines &Llquoro CLARETS, 1M POSTED IN OttlOINAL CABE8, OKUOA1 and KICII FLA a,... ., K".C .. .t.ijivr.r-i ) TABLE SHERRY, FIHK OLD BLACKBERRY WINS. . OTABO.PCPETAOa.BRANDf, . ., (Vintage 1848.) ' " JAMAICA BOM A HOLLAND OIN, (In original Packages,,,.. Popular "RMJH BRAHS" and "OEM WHIS R I KM," together w'tli a largo stock of Cor dial end Fancy Liquor. The Choicest x ami unni eeincuiu eiuoa si raniliy Oroeerte In the 8tat. ''Everybody's" Pill, A Centle but Certain Cathartlo .They act with oaaTAisiTT on the Liver, con tain no calomel ; ar purely Vegeteble. The beat, lurest, safest and mildest purgative PHI In uae. The ar used snore generally tbaa any other Pill In use, for the length of time they bat been before the publlo. Are nicely sugar coated and buttled at 20 cent per Battle. ' ' ' ' - Ask yonr Druggist for ''Evirybodt'" P11.1, and tak no other. ' joivi ,. !, ,." I,,. ." !- L ; ' ' . : IVOTIOI3. A- t There UI be an election held at the usual polling plaos. an tha first Thursiay In August, lIfl, In New Hanover county, for the eleotkm of the following township oltfoer, vlat, .. -.; ,. -t WILMINGTON TOWNS H IP-Seven Mag istrates, oae Township Clerk, , on Conitabi and thrss Behool Oommittee. , . PF.ttERAL POINP, MA80NBOR6, HAR NETT AND CAPE FKAR TOWKHHIPB Vwo Magistrates, one Clerk, one Ooostabl and three Vchool Committee oh. . . .... KKW HANOVER AND PENDER COON. Tilts-Three ueugate le the Btate Constitu tional Convention, ' ' 1 o- o, fflanninir, - Sheriff of Now Hnovor Uounty. , Jul, ltft-d&wlwwtvr ADVI1TISZ2IXT3. SfllEBT, Otot. '.,..,. LOT OF- Black Grenadines, .1 : 1 . j, i . .. i GREAT RUSU BOOTS AIID I3H0E8 "O. A. Prico'o, f July 10 Sign of th flolHea Beet The Charlotte Observer i ..,. V iv j- UaMi1'''")'1' . mornlnf dr paper pnbllshetf ta the HUte west of Raleigh nd North of Wil mington, offer special inducement teedvevi tlseig. Its etreulation, sis and assfalnsa have been laril Innranri m...i.. k. Just past, and Tt now reaches aiost of lb Mr nhulflAfWMbn. I . .1 - " ... v m. vMwiua, luuon.r big an unsrrpaaaed aiedlum of aommaalfla ton between thekferchanUof WllralugUin and the people of Western Nor In Carolina. " taa or gcaioairrioai, n:-j hU . Dally. .....,......,.,..,....aj Operannnm.' Weekly....,,....,,,iM.. 'j 10 at . ev Advertlin verv lowj ' ' - 5 1 may ',..'... tis,tf , Turnip Seed ! r ! " " 1 ' New' Crdp 1875.' '.'J Grown hf La mire th A Biilst, Phliadeiphla. ' Also a large assortment of Uabbage Bead. 1 Forsaleby . , 1 1-'; , QREEBf PLANNER. ' J't .. ... ' it -. : i 166 ' Evaar housekeeper ibould poeatss at Uast one of the tollewing celebrated Cook Book, asthey would save the prioe of it in a ws.k's .. .... , , queen of the Kitoueu : 1001 Old Marvland H. eelpui. ;....;...... J 79 Mis Leslie's New Keoelfits for Cooking, ...1 7 Mrs. Hale's NewCoek Book...... 1 78 The Yeung Wlfel Cook liook.....,.,.! 7rt ' Mis. Isl in'. New Cookery Book... I 75 Mr. Ooodfellow's Coekery ae It Hbeuld Net 75 The National Cook Book. By Hanaak M. rlouvler..,...... 175 Petnrson's New Cook Book..,... I 7 , Widdllield's New Cook Book .... in Mr. Hale'i Keoelpt for the Mlllloa......,il is ' .poaeAia At '.- J -Tf1 '''t ' : Hkiksbeboxkb 5 i - ' Live Book and Musae Itor.. ,-, July U tf SIIELBY BltiiiEPa, Published weekly, at RHELBVk Clevelantl , County. N. Cat kl BO liar an mini in i. . vanoei na a targe ana raoidlv inoreaslnseir- nniauun in nearly s ui onnntie. Yit.t of Mecklenburg. Also, an eatenaiv. etrcnlatioai 1 In th eoontie of HparUnburg, Ymk ami union, r. u. jnaejna saerv (aiargM rron a ' - -twenty to a thirty-two ooliimn, aril is now . , , adorned with is entire mm dmaa. Ill snfiriM ar. xwnuierah.. Tde t arollii. iwnrrai aauway ; -being now asmpleted thronKh to Wilmlngtun, and Shelby being the Western frwilaus, ttis ; faaMn-teamoat excellent advertiHlng siwU um. JtoMt smhirafe. . .. ... DUKrl AM WKBB f , , KtlUtr.aat Proprietor i .,.1.;