' y r 1 - Vnrf o i N . . I i V 1 IjJ i i , ! VOL. XXIV. NO. Iff . I Ti l -M 111 wmmiaToiT. ii. a. Tuesday, july 27. 1875. mion: no. c.cn. (!; Ik Will) oitntaL WILMINGTON, N. (X; Tin-DAY T JULY 27. 1875. Gxltmox. Jar 26-Millrd Rfeh ardson, founder and editor-iu-chief of the Galveston New, died this morning. OHIO. Oinoihkati. July 2&--rbwing to the failure of the fruit crop in this section, the Beltufsor aad Ohio Railroad Lsva put on feet fruit ert lLI4SW.f J :.. , Chicago, Julj 20. J.odVe, Blodgett has paused decision protecting for eigo bolder of Rail Road bond, as gainst a leasee. WEST VUUJ1MA. Weuuis, July 28. Leveeney Mo Canev 4 1- Co., Gists mannfaotnrea, failed. Liabilities $150,000. They had in their employ 800 bands. , TENNESSEE. MaicPHis July 26 Tha Biver sta tionary, fears of serious damage are abated. Twenty sores caved at Dr. Peter's plantation twenty miles be low. Dr. Peters was oompelled to mere h is residence - 'and gin bouse. "The crevasse in old Tatou baa caused some damage. ' OEOIIUU. Atlanta, Ga , July 20. A man named Johnson, with hu family, wife and At children,; in a wagon, drove into Coosewatta rifer in Gordon oonn ty, and t got i in to deep water", The wagon bed floated, off, and the chil dren were drowned.- 'The mad and his wife escaped. The bodies of the five obildren were recovered. SOUTH CAROLINA, Charleston, July 27. A mysteri ous suicide occurred during the trip to this port of the steamer South Caro lina, which left New York on Wednes day. An unknown paeenger who had registered under-the name' of J. In oognito, whn off Hatteras on Friday, shot himself ,we) times with a revolv er while lying in his berth, and died almost instantly. He had carefully destroyd everything in his baggage by which his bodyoould beldentiued. He left a letter to the Captain indica ting that he took passage wtth the in teation of suiciding: MISSOURI, ANOTHER RAILROAD WAR. St. Louia, July 26. The outting of passengers fare by the St. Jjouis and southeastern Railroad between here and Nashville, Tenn,, a few weeks ago in opposition, tw .ti Iron Mountain road and its Southern con nections has been extended, and the former road announces that it will here after carry passengers from Nashville to Louisville for one third fare, and freight at correspondingly low rates. The route will be by the Bt. Louis and Southeastern to Nortouville.tuenoe by Louisville andPadnoah road to Louis ville. Opposition: was brought about by the Louisville and Nashville road.ref ns- fnn St Lows and Southeastern tick eta to Montgomery Ala., and other points South. SPAIN, -It it Madrid, July 26. The losses of the Carlists within the past threj weeks of killed, wounded and nusaing are four tnonsana. : Pabib Jnly 26. Vioompt DeBeau montVaasey iedead.- - Lokooh July 26. The mana ger of direot U. S. Gable, in a commu nication to the Timet referring to ita remarks in ita finansial artiole of Thursdavlast savs : "The stockhold ers here has been denied information." He also says, "a small portion of the Cable has been injured probably by ioe. Contractors are now engaged in cutting out and repairing the injured parts. Thirty cotton mills closed at Oldham to-day, operatives having re fused to .accept the mastera terms in regard to wage. - EUROPE. London, July 26. The 'working mens association, of Yorkshire, Lanca- ahire. and Cheshire, resolved to sup port locked out and striking mill opera , tives. Standard - reports ' that Mr. Bendaman. will retire from the British post offlM. ind go to Turkey, to or ganise postal service mere, in aocor dance with the Bertie Convention. 4 London.' July 26. A special dis catch from Berlin, to Standard, says Count Dzembeqk, his mother and a nhambaimaid. hava 'been arrested at Ijandripk pistript, of fyeslan, charged f ltu peipg oqnoerne in a pouspiraoy to assasinate Prince Frederick yiH- London, July 26. A Daily Newt spe cial from Lisbon reports that drought in several 'Districts of Proyince of Minro. has destroyed crops and pas tares. - A famine is threatened, and riots asainat gram exporters, are immi nent Cattle -art .dying ' ofj hunger. Local authorities report it to be miaaibla to collect taxes in many places. An attempt to do so, they feaijwould cause insurrection.- 'Accounts from Al-s-arveshaw. show similar state affaire in that province, Government is sending relief to afflicted sections. ' The Timet understands that Mr. Plimsoll hu pro cured revisal of his shipping , bill. which he c previously abandoned in ' favor of Ganta measure. That it will now be placed on the order book L for Thursday. Plimsoll, will then apolo gise to the House, and consent to the passage of the bill as a provisional measure for one year only. London. July 2L-The Earl of Sliaptsburg has written to Mr. Pliiuse.I a sympatuisiug letter. He advised hira to appear in the House of Com moun,aod to adhere to his views, but to express regret that exoittement had led him to violate tha rules of debate. The majority of prominent daily and weekly journals express aimilar views. The Uunard line ot steainsnips, At- diuia, and Williams, and Union line ntem.-hip, Wyoming, both from Now York, collid.d yeterlay at NewbridK port near Liverpool, and lxth were ooiiHiderably damged in hulls, aud bav been docked. 1 h RiunetrHerzcgHvir a insurgents wer attacked by the Turkish troops near Nevesigna Sivire, and many were killed and wounded, and both sides, dispatching and reporting hotter times. and will Kive remit on uext BaturUBV. The Torks made a sortie from SUlats, and attacked the insurgent near Da bra. Four companies mdu nanuo oessfnl effort to rluik the insurgents. Fighting lasted all dny. ltesults are not known .The Turks have fired on Garitza. BsKUx, July 26. The Clerk of the Court at Landock, who originated the Crown Prince Assassination Story, provss to be insane. HEADQUARTERS Washington.' July 21 The com missioner heretofore dosignatod tot oount the money in the Treasury wil tuts week, iu accordance with the re quest of the Socrutary, make close inquiry concerning the abstraction of the forty-seven thousand dollars some weeks sro. . Beforo airent Spinner re tired he expressed his confidence that the stolen money would be returned, beoaase several other stolen sums bad found their way back into the treasurer and it was his opinion that the late theft was committed by a person, or persons olding plaoe under him, aud since that time no new discoveries have been made, although the treasury de crease force has not lost eight of the matter. Warden Thornton has not left this city for a summer sojourn else where, he being detained here to at tend to a large number of claims be fore the United States and Mexican commission in the capacity of nmpire. kw xork, July -its. Ueo. 11. Mumford. Vice-President of the Wes tern Union Telegraph Company, died in Paris, after a brief illness. Secretary Bnstow, has offloial ad vice 01 luuei IJierk Averya Indict ment. Averya resignation has been demanded, and was promptly given,. onocessor not yet designated. Two indictments against Avery, singly, and another.in oonneotion withEx-Ooi- lector MoDonald, , and Ex-Kevenue agent Joyoe. Judge Fisher has re signed, he will vacate upon Gov, Welles return to Washimngton. CENTRAL AMERICA. Panama, July 26. In consequence of the Ultramontane riots in San Mignl in Salvador, the City of Pana ma, on last voyage from - Centra America! brought down from the wort of Libertad, the Bishop of Santa Tecla and seven Priests, and landed them at Covinto, in Nicaragua, where they still remain. These Priests were sud denly arrested, hurried down to port under escort of soldiors, and put aboard of the steamer, Advioes, from Salnadar of 4th mat., states that order has been restored at the scene of the Ultramontane riots, it was discovered that arangements of similar kinds for outbreaks was prepared all over the Itepublio in the name of religion. The provisor, Badsignez, Bishop of Casano, and canons. Osellaoe, and Yechideti have been expelled front the country. . , MARRIED. fn Clinton, on the TOd Initant, fty Kev. B P. Maruble, Mr. Wn.l. Jobnaon, to Mlm Anna 'aienuor, yoaiiKOn aaogbtet or vol. Wm. . Poden, Io canbi. . HIW ADVtRTISEMENTS. Ladies' Belts ! Ladlei' Batchela, V Laaies' rranm. , Oonte' Trunk., Oente' Trareiing saga i Shawl Strap., Ztc., At the Saddlery Store of Carpenter & Mallard, r i Soots raoirr stbjbt, f July 27 Wilmington, N. O. Highest Premium Awarded at World's Fair, held at Vienna In ma, to ,,,,.. m Captain Jas. Y. Whitted, VOR tS ' . . ; i (Men Prize Qrt'Tuliacco! s 44. W" 4 For a'e by D, Pitrott- JWytt Harwood: A NOVEL, by the Tjamp," author of nTh.e Odd. The Odd trump, A JJOTEt'SgaNA,JJIUaj The Green-Gate, A ttnmtnco. from the Oermn of 1Trn Wlebett. By Mr.. A, t, WUter, Trnalat of THK OLD MANSKLT'8 SECRET," jtra'. ' It Ii a charming 'orv, fnll of refinement, with a highly attractlre plot, and In tranalated In kre. Winter', pure and perfect .tyle. All or the above for tale at C. W.YATk8. July in 'OlTT Bdox Htorb. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Ve Guarantee " KKBP't" PaUBirrrUr-MMtoMUitUk Wamsutta Cotton. and 2 too Linen, . Which TrilMiMtfikhwtttUiU. W Mil katr a doMa fix $7,60 O AS H ! Will floUhap whtarnalnd at a Mall wtrane. Ten Dozen Bold Batorday ! MHNS0N & CO, , , CITY CLOTHIERS. Thos. C- DeRosset, Insurance Aeent ! KapKKsiiTia S40,OOe,e0O rill Amsti I A.inm lasaraura C., ml llrtlrsl, Lob4 Aaaanuice V:, ! l.a4M, 1'ann.vrrlal t)aa AMuraae Con- pmnr ol I.andon, havr l ark I'aderwrUcra Agtncf July ;-ir . j , . m . A OB, How She Was Won! BY MRS. O. X. WARFIELD, Aatbor of Th UoomIioIiI of BoavarW." (L1 K 1M DlttiUI DcoBtomo VoLUMS. Morotico. Ckth, Olit Uark ft lid, Frlo,Sl.ia. Fur talti at HEINSBERQEB'S tivs Book asb Moaio Hroaa, July r, Price Uo Un a New Lot of EuUrn Hav .Tuirt Storsd, .'I ----- Fork m1 Bn; i Soap aud Syrup, M.al and MoImmi, r' Cr.ck.n and Uow Fewl, Elm-UroT. Kunlly Kur, SK.50. Warraatcd I GRANT 4c HINTON, i OB""ln atsronann a4 O rat tag. A.TJC3TI01ST SALE Furniture; Etc This day (TucKlar ) at nlue and a half o'clock ai uur saii Koumi (jaONLT A HO KRIS, Auctioneer.. July S7-U CAUTION! C'SoMHUMKRS OF PKEHKHVKO MILK J ahoold ei.mlne Iho WKIOHT of the UuMTUTa of Ui eao. Tu.y will flad that alio . .. Borden's Eagle Brand ! Dnlfornly weigh. iliUen ounce. of milk to the een. that other braaile eareely weigh Slteea ouhoei. The aiftarence In weight U equal to MTenty Are oenu por cum Iu for of Borden's Eagle Brand ! N. T. Condeusod Milk Co.. AUQ. KkBMU, aeoretray. Julr'T podlm , ; -ANY MAN;,. a Who Wears A Shirt! Cannot fall In wondering how It it that .. .' JMTXN-SON & CO. With bent Linen, narllr mad, for LKH8 than the materntl cutis, purchwed at the .'ore.. Pur an explanation, call with the caeh In hand, ana buy at 21 M. Front Street. July 18 Turnip Seed. ALL VARIETIES! Fresh Crop r Guaranteed. VEaKTlJiK, For lite at ii Da Habbiss Drug Store. JutySS H s BACON, COBN, FLOUB, SYEUP, ' SO Boxes D 8 Bides. 60 Boie. Hmoked Side, and Rhonldere, (,000 Buiheli Prime White Oi rn, " ' 800 Barrel Flonrall grade, : AO Barrel. S H Syrup, Forealeby WILLIAMS 4 MCRCHIjON. Sugar, Coffee, Bice, Molasses I 100 Barrel. Retlued Rugar, GO Bag. Prime Klo Coffee, ,-' SB Barrel. Hire. W Barrel. New Crop Oaba Uolaasei, For aate lqw by WILLLiUS A MOHCHHON. Ear, Hoop Iron Spirit Casks, . Glue I ' BOO Balee N B aud E Hay, a MO Bundle. Hoop Iron, BOO eeoud-hand Spirit Osaka. ' 0i Barrel. (Jlue, For sale low by WILLIAMH A MCBCHI80N. Salt, Kails, Shot, Guano ! ' ' i . . . i , 100 Racks Llebon Salt, 1 1,8) Kege Mailt, IS) Bag. Blot, , 100 Toae Kureka Onano, ' ' II Too. Quenapa Quano, - For tale low by ILI.IAM8 dt MUKCHISON. BargainsBargaiiw. JJN'8 CLOTH OAITEH8 81 SO, wortk S3; . Men'. low Quartered Bhoee 1 B0, worth Ladle, slipper, oply 81 per par. OHABLiis 1. PRIOK, - No. 39 Market etreet, tuns 29 tf BrgnorttMUotdoa Boot KIsciLlAyiOUS. W STAKE M O N OTI OF TIM f BUT BT ITS LOSS. AedtboMwhehae aM laid la a Hook of ttoudt mt their own erear aad Family ta from tae ilriw muck Uat l aav M eempenea toHrnha. will aural iraret It. Tim aiea. a4 hat a few nali ie toft la whieh W wind ut Hafure the removal or my mt M another etty tar 'Wi at aaeuoa,'1 1 will Oder aaother ta- deaemeal, kowta. ae I do, tha money le wot. It that beetdee eelUaf eome ef the etooe at Bity per oeaC below coat, I will make to every parobaebet a dieuaant ef Urn per ou a all aum ever tea dollars, Thlr la aa Mar girla mda away aa I oaa eome to n. All goodt wM at toes than eoet b W Market Slraai. AfLilifIG COAST HUE Freight Department. IMPORTANT TO DEALERS IH CORN ! Huoh arrangement of ratea hare been per. ret ted with the Atlanta aad Motth Carolina Knadlor thoblpment of COHN from New- barn and Kaatera North Carolina M will make It to the Intereat ol purohaaer. la Wll- Ington, cmumbla, Angiuta, Charlotte, and eleewher la South Carolina, to look to the market. For rate and other Information, addrau either of the uaderelgaed, PH ADAMS, Oes'irrtAg'tAAMOBK, APOPK, (lenlPr'tAg't A 0 Line: -OP- Atkinson & Uannin&r- ta,0wv0 Aaawta Hpreae)iile. ; Q 1 -y, . PIhX :-'' ; - Inn. Co. of Ronh America..,,. Philadelphia. Pheail Inaaranoe Compaai..Mew Votk. CoaSnental Ir.urance Vo..,...Ktw iak. H. Hritlab A MeroaeUle In..t'oJenOi.n. Hartford fire lne. Company.,,tiarUonl. National Fire Iae. OomnanT... Hartford. Sprlngfleld F. St M. Ine. to...Maaobueetta Muroantlle Mutual Ina. ..!..Kw fork. ' lua. Ua. of North America Fhlladetoala. OonneetloutMutual ur mi .Cb. Hrrttord. 0-U feb.I JERCIIaNTS iND MECHANIC" INSCR1HCE C0IT All I, OP aiOHMOUD, VlllttlNIA. tIUll..... ......., a. f.TOEB., Premdt. i. . Mooa,oMV JOHI WILDES ATH1MMOJI , UmralAe MS. North Water St Wllmlagtoa , N . U. astlltS . tek Catawba High School THR TWENT1RTH NE88IOM ot Hlitaen' Week.will oiwn 10th July. Pure moan. tain atmoephere, good water, ad rentage or towa and eoaniry eombiaed. UbJeete of taw School t lrt. Ta prepare young men for good wnrgoe. zu. 10 give a 'noroiiRn acaaemio ed a nation. Biiard in lamlllee, per month. For Informatiou wlih circular, aiiiily to either Inrtiuolor. Rp. J, f. fJLAPP, A. B. J. D. rIOWR, Kct. J. A. FOIL, A. B. Newton, N. U Jane T, UI The Dawson Bank. TJT OKUKtt OF TUB BOARD OF DIBKO 13 u..,:; , si:., ; ipr: tori, the Books ef Hubeortptlon .to tha Capita Block of t hi. bank will be opened at their bank- log room on Thursday, the tit luitant, at )0 o'clock a.m., and remain open until further oordered. Wm. LAHKINS, CAsaiaa aly j Im '. WILL BDT A Premium Bond Of TBS l)on't;oompare it with a Lottery : boar In mind that the oepltaljln retted Is alwaye at. cured. ThU Loan le Uwued on a norel plan, and (It authorised by tpocliri Aot of the Legislature of the State ef New York. Every bondholder must receive atjlet et 811 hat he may reoolvs - or a;ex00,er 10,000, or85,lK)0,OT ej.tioojAe., t ,i :.c... ir,-, V;-;;,. 4th Freminm Allotment, Jane 7,'.1875. ;6th Series Prawing, Jftly 6th, 1875. Clrcnlare glTlng full explanation tent free of charge on application. wUl be For Bonds and full Information, addreat wltboat delay, MORCENTHAU, BRUNO JtJCO., FINANCIAL AQENTi V 11 . 23 Park Row, New York. root otico Qrsvf r ma 98). Bemlt by Draft on hew York City Banks, Befired Uttex.or Foot ufflot Hooey Order, aorUI 8 tf MISCZILAHEOUS SELLIIil, OFF AT COST! MA VINO reanWed to rbange my bealnem I am daalrou. ef eawlDg oat mv entire etnok before ihe aiii'rialiiiia rail. I ka thereibie determined lu offor my entire .Uxk of Notions, Boots, SHOES and HATS, jsjr cost and lea. tbaa cott, for CA.a. Ladle, are eepMlally eollelted to M aa early call, to whoa we will oft.r at a great eao. rlBoe, eome rery dr.lrable Uotxti in the way or HAN DKEECHIEF8, UOSIEBT, UNDEROARMENTd, LACES, LINEN and COTTON H0U8EKEEP- INQQOOD8, TABLE DAMASK, DOYLAS, C TOWELS, ETa Wholesale buyer, art advised of the fact Uiat we hare ibe largeat aad moet deelraUle Jobbing took la the city. Tula departmeut of sat stoak baa bean largely repleal.htd frem the recent New York and rhltadelpbla eatli aoctlonealee, which enable. u to oflbr a great variety of Sla- pla Dry Good, oultabto tor country trade, at haif the originaleML, tt.; .i, kMm AUOuodaeoldat retail will be etrlotly far oua.i Ninety dayi time will bt allowed on wholesale bill In amount of oae fcunlrd da tare and apwaidi for Uy aooeptanea. B, WEILL, . Corner Front and Frinoeas Street, , July U, 1KB, TO HOLDERS CITY COUPONS. Office of Trcwr and Collector, CITY OP WILMTNOTON, N. 0., I jj June 29th, 1875. J I N OTI UK Is hereby glren that TH JULY 04UPON8 1N73 (of Bond, of till Oily) can. not be promptlyZpald. In ooiiMqi.noe of certain ohangee under a reoent deolilon of the kapreme Uoart ofthi. to u to the manner of aateMmentof the ' I andPereeaal Property la this city; and thereby the City Tax Book, not yet having bees placed, in poeeatelon of the andereigned s for oolleotloo) together with other eom plica kmi la rega rd to out Municipal aftalrf, now pendinr before the gupremo Court of North Carolina, tha olty of Wilmington Bait neces sarily crate seme Indulgence from the holder. of City Coapooi.ander txlf ting jeiroamitancee. T. O. SE1WOSS, .. City Treasurer. lM-tf June 30 ' ion w. ameos. ' JAMia ft. ociiatiae, (Late Oaehler Bank of . Mew Hanover.) - Tarboro, N. O. (Lateef SpraatoV' niiiaon,) . Wilmington, M. 0. Hnfson&CTjnnniG, COr..MiSSIQNM.ERCHANTS roitTHisAXi or 4 1 Cotton, Rlo, Lumber, Tobacco Naval Store, and Southern Product) Oonorally, ' NO- 102 CHESTNUT ST . P. O. Box 3030. fhtltvdelphla, P. I. B Gralnirer. President Bank of New Ban- over, Wilmington, fi ti. . k a, nurreaa, rreeiaeui rirei nauonai oana, WUnilngton. N C. .Tames liaenon, rrettdent uavaou Bans, Wilmington, N O. t H It Borden. President Baok of Hew Iran OTxr, avldaboro, M ti. .. r J A Leak, f reHdent Bank ot New Hanover, Waxleaboro. N O. Jeeee H Lindsay, President Bank or Green. boro, Oreensboro, H O. . non ueo. nowara, Tarooro, r u. M Weddell, Kq , Tarboro, MO. Hon. W I JoUnton, Marion Uoart Hoast, O. Western 4 Ilaryland : coUege. : r ; Pot SludenU of Both Bexat In , Separate Qeprtmanta, -1 , Xaob baring full corps of ProTestere. i , PlsTEETK SEMI-ANNUAL 8K88IOM Begins September let, UT8. B7Oataloguea, with fnll Information at tot Terms. Couise of study, etc., furnished grota Itouily. Address X i.WARO, U.U., iToel dent, Westminster, Md. jalySDSW IIW ADmTISI3IEXTS. THERIIOIIBTBR 105 45 Are both warm and fully satisfied yu iDjr t season, but are still desirous to clone eg account of stock, aud have marked secure their immediate sale. A DISCOUNT Will b given off all remnants of Dress GENTS' WHITE DRESS 45BRDWW& HADE TO ORDER! Fit Q-uaranteed A full Una alwsys on hand ; also, Cuffo, Collars; Underwear, Etc. Agents for Frank Leslie's oat ' i..J Machine Needles, 5 Cents Each. Term, Cash Only BROWN & RODDICK. 4fi TTfirkfit fltrAt. JUST OPENED! I' ! AT ( , 36 IvCAB-KJLT. , STBEET, V ' 1 1. : . ANOTHER LOT OP- 1 j Black Grenadines, Black Silk Challys, BLACK CASHMERES, CREPES, &C. BUMMKU NTOCJt OUT , lower Than, Ever! HI. 11 No. 36 MARKET STREET, MISCELLANEOUS, GEORGE L1YERS. 11 A 13 SOUTH FR05TI BT., : 1849, EstahUshed 1849. CHOICEST TEAS, , : Green and Black, Enehsh Breakfast, and all tie Best Qret. Wines: dsLlquorc, tiXVABETB,' IMPOBTID I OBIOiWAt. OASKS. DELICAI E and BIOHTL1.- " " TOBKD. t TABLEHERRY, ME OLD BLACKBERRY WINE. ; ' . ' " ' . 01 ABD. DUPKX 00. BBANDT, " , (Vintage 1848.) . JAMAICA BUM HOLLAND Q1M, , . . (In eriglnal etdkagtt) ... Popular "BLUB SBA8S" and "OEM WHIB K 1 KM," together with a large stock of Oor . . dial and fanny Liqnora. Tha Choloeet and teat taleeted etoek tf Pasally . Oroeerlet la toe State). . ,,Everybody,s,, : PiU, A Centto but Certain Cathartic They aet with eaatAiaTV on tha Llrer, oon- tain no calomel : are purely Vegetable. Tha beet, ear eat, safest and mildest pargatlre Pill Id net Thev are ated snort generally tbaa any ether PHI In nee, far the length ol time tney nave neon oerore me pnouo. an nkwly tugar.ooated and bottled at ffl ocnta per Bottle.t Ask your Druggist for "Bvbbtbodv's" Pitt, and takt no other. jalvS . .-.)-.. a .-ts l '. .168-la ! ivoxicobx f ? ; 7 -( . .... - ( ' Tbert will bt an tleotlon held at tht ntnal bolllna plaeee on the Bret Thursday In AoriiM, U7S. in Hew Hanover county, for tot election of tliel'ollowUntowushit offloersvia i 4 , ,. WHiMrNOTON TOWNSHIP Seven Mtg Ittratee, tae Township Clerk, sss Ooaetable and tbrae Soboot (Jommlttee. , , . marina tt.DAUtonDn ttm. w ni'sniu rvmii aoup i. v. ..w , .1 NETTAMD UAPB PEAH TOWN HI PS Two Maglstratea, ooe tiler k, nt Constable and three Scboa Committee eaoh. NEW HANOVEK AND PENDER OOUM. TIKH-Three Delegttet to the State Constitu tional Couvemlon, 8. H. MANNING, Sheriff ot Mtw Hanovtr County. ' July 0 - l3-ddiwllAWtw II TIE SHADE! 0 with the trade thev have done for the out a few email lota nrevioua to tak. them at suoh nrioea as oaunot fail to , , , of 25 Per Cent Goods, SHIRTS One Price. SCAT E V r "5 .;i hi: GREAT RUSH -P0B- BOOTS A1TD ISHOfiS :C. A. Prlco'o, July 10 BlgaoftheGoK'enBoot. The Charlotte Observer The only morning dally paper published la the State westof Kaleigb and North ef Wil mington, otters spsolal Inducements to adver. titers, its circulation, site and nsefaluett have bean largely Increased during tht rear just part, and Tt now reaches most tithe Mer. alien Is of Western North Carolina, thus otter ing an ; nnstrrpassed medium of wnnanlw tion etweenthealerflbantsorWilmUitoBand : the people of Western Nor lb Carolina, Dally . I .,.... ... ,88 80 per annua. Weekly.................. ; 10 t SW Advertlttng very low. 1 ' 118-tf , Turnip Seed ! " Tump S34 .1 1 New Crop 1871 : J " . : J'".' Grown by Landreth dt Bulst, Philadelphia. Also a large assortment of Uabbag Seed. ' for tale b . - GREEK d) FLANBER. July .... us Rvsar housekeeper should aoaww at leatt one of the following celebrated Oook Books, as they would tare the price of it In a week's ooosliig i . . , ... ' Quae of tht Kitchen : 100T Old Maryland Be. eeipis i : 1 15 Miss Leslie's Mew Receipts for Costing.. .. , Mr. Male's New Cook Book -I TS , Tht Young Wife's Oook book ........t It ' Miss Leslie's nsweoosery boob. ....... ..i 10 . Mrs. eeodrollow's Cookery aa It 8 hen Id Bel 16 The National Oook Book. By Maonaa H. - Boarter , ,...1 10 , Peteraon's New Cook Book 1 TS Wlddlfleld'e New Oook Book I 75 Mrs. Hale's Receipts for tht Million ...1 "18 if-i',,'!'J:i'iiuit y"4' ,;1 ; JnlyUtf ' Llvt Book and Masse Store. ' ' SHELBY BINDER, , , Published weeklv. at 8IIKLBT. Cleveland County. N.O., at SI 80 tr annum. In ad vance; aat a large aaa tapuiiy lacreewtif car et) tattoo la Marly all tha conntlrs West of Mecklenburg. Also, aa extensive circulation In tue oounuee of Bpartaaburt, Kotk ana Union. 8.0. Haust been enlarged from a twenty ta a thirty-two ooluwa, and la now adurned with an auttre mm drn. In fmliliei are Dtmoerati. The Carolina Ceu I til way being now completed through to Wilmington, and Shelby being the Weetarn terniiuus, tha Banner to a most eioelltat advertising meal- "DTJRHAWSBa Bliwrs si lprUUf . .hi f;i'f.i .' v.l m

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