Hi 4 , 1 I i s. V A. . A 1 A, A. A." ; . r . . . . 1 ' . V i - I 1 . ' 1 o vol. XXIV. HQ. 17j WILUniQTOIT. II. C. 7ED1IESDAY. JULY S3, 1075. ((Ill t l UH0L2 - HO? 6.C12: . bf tl:itlp lountni WILMLNUTOy.jS.gf 1 WIDHE DAY. JULY 28. 1875, OMO.l iHi j t THREeVTJESIlD IS JOPTHE HEUKUta AT EAaT FELICIA., Cincihnati, July 27. The Board of t Education. htT eJtotod Pendleton by acclamation m a member of the board of manugflri of thd public library. A dispatch from Mew Orleans state that a riot is apprehended at East Fe licia, and , that negroee Lava assumed the , ilffeqsive, 1 aud i are 4 eolleo ting and arming themselves throughout ttttnPariafc i thei loppoaed par pose ot capturing the towu of Clarion. Great exoitement prevails toroughout Pieh. Humbert of white men hare arniedj B9iselTe4 camt ioongregatea to patrol the town, Q A eeliog has existed betven theraoes iu that Parish for some months; i . ii v i. ' Eltlt6PEV""'J-,i".".' WBECK OF THE8HP 8TUABT ' HAKNEMAJf.' SUSPENSION OFTHE MANCHES- TEttporTON MILLS CON " "FERENOEOF WAttAT t BT PETEEBBUBQ. . -.' . Lqnpok, i Juj 1 87tb.-The . ship Stuart Hakneman, from Be 31 bay, , is wrecked, five of theerew have arrived at Hi Helena. Of the remaining thirty -eight woredrowned. ,'IUia anrmora were thirteen days at ' sea, ' and iu au open boat when rescued, , . . . London, July 27. Bight Rev. Oon-noy-Thirlwall, Bishop of, the tit Davids, is dead. he Manohoster: Cuardia says an ' alarming ststo of things prevails at Oldham, only six out of 1C2, mills belonging to the tax: ftjen aasooieUcm ara working. wmFfatwfi) iJuly k 27J-Tbe QaJoa announces upon semi-official authority that vthe Government baa not abandoned its' idea of having a session of Conference on usages of war at St Petersburg. It says, all power except England, have accepted aa in vitation to participate, and the Con ference will meet in the, spring of . 1876. ' '-.,. L Madbid, July 27. The Constitu tional Committee have approved . a whole draft of new sub committees wnioh will diaQuaa with ministers -today the questiott of conceding - to the West Indian colonies the right, of reprewtirmi$ the ftkseabl wheu the war in Cuba terminates. FAILURE OF DUNCAN SHERMAN A JC0.-nDE3TRU0TlVE ICE STOBIf--BTBUCE' BY ' r LIQHTNINO. ' ! 5 : ' h J Nkw Yobx, July 27. Dancan, Sher man A do. auapsnded this morning. The susptmsjon, caused great exoite ment in Wall street. A Geneva letter states that the storm of the 7th 4OBl.,,,waT literally an ioe stofirtS Mapapaaied by eyolone Which laated Dot over fifteen minutes, al " midnight, which ' wreoked every window and skylight, smashed in roofs and did incalculable damage. The suburbs, Buffered terribly also. All crops are destroyed where the ioe fell in masses. During the fearful thunder storm yesterday evening, lightning struck the carriage of Capt Johnson, knocking the driver from the box and f.tal 7 iu juring him, also throwing Miss Drew, and other members of (he family into the road, but without serious damage. 1 The doors of Sherman, Dunoan A Co., were closed at 11:25 o'clock. Only in general way. ban he pause of the the ' wttSpension " be " ascertained. It is admitted that the hoiee has lost very largely on cotton, in fact that is the principle Source of loss involv meou, with various railroad enterpri ses are alao entailed in the -losses. - Liabilities understood to be between five nd six milh'ons of dollar. Mr. Dunnn returned, from Europef about two weeks ago, fed has since" been ma king careful examination of hie aasete and node they are largely inadequate. He resolved to endeavor, to get new cash capital and having failed to do to determined that it was the best to sus pend and make general assignment for the benefit of all creditors. Their in debtedness' li distributedall 'over this country and Europe, r considerable amount? bpingj In Jorn bf letters - ol credit held by travelers- .The bouse was -fftiiklef -Id 'I860 by Alexander Dunoan, Watts Sherman and Butler Duncan, the latter of whom is the head of the present house, The pres eut firm h ts been in operation about ten years.'" General sympathy baa been expressed for the firmparticu larly for Mr, , B. Duncan. ;The oredit of tfaebotise was good up to the hour of puBpenaion, andChad Mi. Dau oan chosen to avail himself of i hie his house need not have suspended.' The I re test excitement .prevailed : in the ower part of the city, as soon as the rumor of suspension "began to be oir oulatedv lrg erowdi of people soon eolloofceaV Mariy attempts were made to gain admiasion to the building but the doors remained obstinately dosed Even telegraph . messenger boy was unable to gain admittance until he be thought himself, of the back entrance on Pine ' street, and even then he was oontpelled tO hand In his dispatch through an iron grating. Inside the numerous clerks oould be seen at their desks busil j engaged with their books but entraneef a indenied to-alL At One o'ojock there was stilt much excite ment in the neighborhood of this bank ing house, but no new developments of importance had ttoourred.' It is un derstood that a fall statement of the affairs of the house is in oourae of preparation,! Ktf. id 'J --' An extract from Sherman, Duncan A Cos. .statement eays ; "Through losses . and mituortonea' out available, assette are so reduoed that we are oompelled to go into liquidation." got . HEADQUARTERS .: YELLOW FEYER AT TIIE VES- , SACOLA XAVI IAUO. WisHinooN, July 27. Commodors Cooper telRraihs the navv deimrt meut that he (Vara there is some loo cauee for the fever at BanauoAa. Sur geou General Beall received the fol lowing diepatca ironi h.er W eU: . . .' Cue death f rem fever yenterday, and relapee among convaleeence, ouly oue new ease reported during the last twelve days. Thermometer 89. Jan. Giltillon, present cashier of the treasury, was appointed chief clerk of the tt eaenry department. The report reoe ved by Surgeon Uenerai iiaruea, . oL tlie United States .Army, from Brest Ma jor General Brauuar, command ing Jort Barrancas, Florida, ami (Ira W. Sternberg, post surgeon there, show that the fever is raging at that place. , On the Bias, inst, there were I ix cases,! aud -on the' , morniug of ,, the,. , ; 224 n u fifteen. The commanding officer on that day asked authority to hire as many nurses as might be Dooessary (or the f evorpatieuts aua expreaaea the opiuion that every one of them would have the fever who , have not had it before. The Sorgeon-Goiieral, in reply telegraphed him ; " ILre as mstiy uursesae you may ueed ; any aasistauce this oflioo cau give you is at yonr disposal" Qa the 21t, the oomniand was removed from Fort Barrauoas to Fort FioketiH, and six nw oases were n ported from the latter place ou the 22d, making, in all, twenty -six. There was one with the black vomit. Ou tlw 23df seven new onees and one death were reported from Fort I'ickeus. Ou the moruiug of the 21th, thirtv-niue oases were reported at Fort Barrancas; eue very low, aud two dangerously sick. me siex was Well cared for. and there was no pauio. Oue of the assistant surgeons from New Orleans arrived ou that day, and two more had been ordered, to the post , by the de partment. Later in the day forty-nix eases were reported, but no officers were anion? them, f The wife of Lieutenant Ingalls was attacked that day, but there were no deaths. Ffty-three oases were re ported up to six p.m. of the 2(Jth in stant, and four deaths. No officers had then been attacked. Mrs. Bian nan. the wife of the Commanding Of ficer, waa taken sick on that day. The patient were having all they needed. 1'hree additional physicians and a hos pital steward arirved from New Orleans ou the evening of, the 26th. I No oases had been reported from Fort Pickens since the morning of the 25th. Thin morning the Surgeon General ttOeived the following telegram from Post Sur geon Sternburg: Fort Barbanoas July ,27 1875 Taken sick,' one jficer, t Lieutenant Asuier, 1 wo uuiiuren, ana nve enusiea men; died, three enlisted men and one child; remaining under treatment, one officer, twenty-seven enlisted men, one officers' wife, Mrs. Ingalls, seven laundresses aud servants and ' thirteen children.- v W".n "'' There is a growing trouble between Secretary Bristow' and treasurer New, egarding the employers, ia the offioee of the - treasurer. IUKaiSUImvi. Professor Janney telegraphs th Secretary of the Interior that he hte found 1 gold in paying quantities in the Blaok Hills. Good head of water, amply sufficient for washing purposes, he reports passing into the Hills from all directions. HEW ADVEII8EMENT3. Offlce of Trcaaurer aud Uolleotor, I Uolleotor, 1 aglon, N.t)., uiij 01 Wilmington .1 'i f rpHKorrt tax kooks pok ibu having A been recelrid at tbli ofllo, th imlerriga d Hi now prepared to oollect the Cltv Taiet on Ketl Kitaie and jHunelroperty for JJB. :-ALL PABTIE3 !"' Are Uuireforo aotisel ami reqnented to giro thin natter tro mediate attention, and to call at tlitf ofllo ana pay np without farther delay. , fM City . Coupons Are alto receivable in payment of Ulty Taxes. ji:uf.H:.y T. C- Servoss, July 18 ' . Treasurer and Uolleotor. .' RETAIL ' GROCERS' ASSOCIATION ! Refular monlhly meeting; thi Weduetday venlBf. the 2Sth buUnt, at S o'olook: by order ot the Pretldont. ' 1 1 A 2 J J- A CS 54 A WoHM d'sTOOHr; . ., Keoording Secretary, A., .Bargain '-..NOW-ISYOUB TIMEI ; ; SidoienOhlldrana' rtl'l Olo'veJ. elightli lioV tad, at ) Cmu ft Pair. Sizes, 5i, Cf and 6 1 SHOWN Sc HODDICKi 1 llfir,w-MWl!fllW Street. j Closing Out MENS' and BOYS' CLOTHING at COST! 8U1T8 MADS TO OKDHH AT RIUUOKt PBIUKSTO WOKKOFKIIY SIOC'KOf CLOTHS and CASSIMERES , .,, . A. DAVID, jnly 28 "' 1 - ' orchaat Talter, ' i!W. II ECflildlioyl UEMBEHS: Thaaeih W a' trial of the hoa this altar nooo at tu and a half o'clock, for ...., -.,,.1' , t 1.. . .-.- Instraotloai - A profpt and 'fall attradanee l( detlrad.) ! - ' - i ' - ; t; - Wt L. JEWETT, i asoordlDg Secrotarj. " Pay Your City Taies. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. PIAHO TUNING ! XTA 1N0 eor-reu iht erl of a nroim- XX oonal rUM 1 amar.J mm no prrpsrad to rm iruara tor i uning ana Hepairiug r La But and Ortui. "Satlaiactlaa Gaarautoed I S-Onlaratolkoltod I HEINSDERCER'S LIT Hook aad Mario I tor. OPERA HOUGE. - TaiBAT Kiost Jolt W, lt7C By r3VwlU fpl tit tiuUllmg Vim, Robert Emmett, Tog hw with tare al aw aud arlginU "v SPECIALITIES- To euaoludo with the laaghabla faiea aiitt- .uaa STAGE-STRUCK DARKEY! Atlmlwion, Par)ii(te aud IirtM Ulrcla.lSo ; ParHObte Cimle, Me 0'l' jr, V. HoarrreJaeata at Heluabaigtr'a without ! ira cuarge. i:: u: rsMiiEii, July M aaaaaa. Ladies' Belts ! Ladlea' Hatrht'lu. ' Lsdlna' Triinka, Csuta' Trunk, Uvula' Trawltsg Hagal Mhawl Htrapa, Kiev, At the SaiMlery HUira of Carpenter 4 Mallard, ho Mouth auicr SraaaT, Joly Xt Wllmlngtoo, M. O. Highest Premium . i v..,- ' - . Awadedat World' Pair, held at Vienna ta 13, to Captain Jas. Y. Whitted, roa HIS GoluCii Prize Medal Clicwins fokco ! For aale by B. FitTOtt. July 27 ,We Guarantee KEKP'8" Fatont Partly-Made Shlit 10 ba Watnsutta Cotton, and 2 1 OO Linen, Whlek eery aoaaewlfa know la th beat. . . . f. - W tell half a doaen fot $ 7.50 OABH! Will nnUu op when required at a amal! aiUano ; Ten Dozen Sold Saturday ! MUNSON & CO., CITY CLOTHIERS. July2T Thos. C- DeHosset. Insurance Aeent I KitPniaaNTiiia (40,000,000 Fiiwi Ar t AUm Inaurauc Cm., of Hftrtfwrd, liatndnn Aaanranee Co., ff (.wadoM, t'omruorclal Unloai Aaauranc) Com- pany ol London, Now York Underwritara' Aaeacr. July -tf A OK,. How She Was Won ! BY WRS. C. A.WARFIELD, i Aathor Of "The Hooaehold of Bonrerle." Oomtlbts laoaaLaaoiDuoiiaomo Volok. Morooco, Wtth.Ol.t Back A Sid, Prio,1.T8, For aale at HEINSBERGER'S I itk Book avd Muaio Stobi. July r, CAUTION! C-onsriwrRS of presekvico mu.k j ahoiild eiamlne the WHISHT of th Contbmts of too can. Tney will find that wails. t- n iiV--. .. .... Ltordcn's Eagle Brand ! DnllorralT welsh aiiteen ouneeanf milk to the en n. that other branda anarcely weigh flfleen ouiioea. The diflprcnce In wrlght la equal to actc'iily flfa eenta wr caae Iu laror of Borden's Eagle Brand ! T ! N. T. Condensed Milk Co., AUG. Ri.Eaf M, Hoorelary. Jul v27 eoillm Bargains Bargaias. HEN'S (Jl.OTH UAITKK9 f I SO, worth $i; jicn'a ow uuanerea ouoea i v, worm S'i : Ladka Mlipicra only II per pair. OUARr.K A. PRIOH, Mu :ij Market atreet, lune 27-tf aign ol the (toldeo Boot Harwood: A NOVHt,, by ths author of "Th Odd Trunin." The OddTrump, l A NOVJtt'8"6iaNA,"By Uulda. ' The Green Gate, I ( , 4 .. .... , ' A Romance, from the Oerattn of Rrnat Wlchert. By Mr, a: L. Wkter, Translator of THE ULP MAMSKLT'a MCRIT," Etc. It la a rharmlng atory, full of refinement, nth a hlihly attrantlya plot, and la translated In a. r. Wlater'a para and parfeet atyle. Allot the bo for aat at . C W. YATES. Jtily 27 ":i Uitt Book EToaa. msciLLAsrous. WETAKE NO NOTE OFTIMIBUT BY ITS LOSS. rd thuwwhhaTa aat laid la a atork of Hwd tor their ewa wear aad Faaally aa from laaapUnlldatoektkatlbavabeaa eoalled (oatcnoo, wdlurl icrt at. Tlx fllaa. aa.lbai a raw wk I Itft la whlek I wind ap Helur th natural f mj atook to aaotkw eity lot a aaotwn,'- I win wwwr anatnar daeeaaaal, knowing, aa I to, lata Baaay M kwm. it la thl bMkU Mltltig oa of th Hack at iny par . below awt, 1 iwill auk to nwy parehaahar a dlaoaaat af tea par aaat. a all aunt r ua dollar. Tkla la aa near glvtag gamta away aa I aaa eoaaa a fct. All good nld at kaai thaa coat bv . QauHoauciBtB, , MMarkatatraat. ATLABTIG COAST LfflE Freight Departme nt. ' IMPORTANT TO DEALERS IN CORN! Such arrengaauut r taaa hat keen par farted with lb Atlantic and North Carutlaa Koallorthaahlpatoator CORN froai w barn aad Eaetara North Carolina at WDI mak It to th lutaraat ot purohaaera In Wl mlngtun, Columbia, Augtula, t'harkitta, aad laawbera la south Varullaa, ta l4t ta th market. For rat and other luformation, addrata either or th um!ralgud, P II AI1AMS, Uen'l Prt Ag't AsNOKM, ' A POPE, Won't Prt Ag't A O Line Hiidii mini -op- Atkinson j& Manning T,0OO,M)t aaata Hrao)t. FIRE. Ine. Co. of North America.,, Philadelphia. menu inauranne uomU ,,Nw Vink. tmiititienlal liauraunaCo Kw rwk. s.nnuma aiereanUlaliiaL'o..lxDih.n i Hartford Clre In. Domnani .. iimrtlunl. , National Fire In. Uomean...Hrtu'l. ' ' ' NprlngUeld f. M. In )o...Mawa;bualt, . WARIraB, , Meroantlla Mutaal lua. Uv..M.Vw twa. na. do. oi noni ameriea...,.rulladnipala. Lisrat. Oonneotlout Mutual iilaTua.CO. Br n lord. ' feb II SO-lf JERCH1NT8 AND MECHISIC IKSDEiRCB COMPANT, : ii -,. i ua Or RIOHMOBP, T I KOI HI A. laplial M...tHMMt ..T (iToaaa.Prealdt. L B. Mooa,aMI TOHE WILDEB ATKIEaMtal ' faeaaralAaa mt . ... K. ... . . . :i m r. wumingaoa, pru i . Catawba lligh8choob THE TWENTIETH SESSION of Hlauat!1 Wtekawill onaa 10th Jul. tain atmoapbara, good water, advantage of town and oountry combined. Objeot ef tha School i lat. To oreDara mini naa ttm A oollagf . 3d. To gWa a thoronah academic d aoatlon. Board In famUlaa, an par aaonth. ru iiiiuriniuun wna eirouiar, apply to either tnatruotor. . , . ... . . J. f. CLAPP.A. B, J v Ke. J. A. FOIL, A. B. . Newton. N. C, Jnn IT, 187B The Dawson Bank. JJT ORDER OP TH E BOARD OT DIREfj tor, the Book of Subaorlptlim to th Capita Btook of thl bank will be opened at their ban k lag room on Thiraday, th 1 Inataat, at IS o'clock a.m., and remain open antll furthar oordared. Wat., LABK1NB, Caibibb $20, WILL BOT A Plrle m i u m B o nid Ot TAB laiiiiu lHiB'teompara it with a lAltary ;;bear In mifd that the capital .Inrettcd Ii alwaya ae. cured. . . , , Thla Iiaa I larutd on a aorel plan, and ll .... .. v, . . . autbortied by peclal Aot of Uie Leglalature Of tha State of New York. Every bondholder moat rerle at. lea at til , . ... ..... ... .& ' M 1 bat ha may raaelr i ; -irt I i V U HlOO.OOO! SHI 6 s or rS.i'OO, or 10,00 1, or S5.CO0, or ;t3 ,(10044. , 4th Premium Allotment, Jane 7,187f. ;tth Series Drawing, Jnly Ctb, 1875. - . . 1 - 1 1 i Otrcnlar gWIng full eaplaiiallon, will be .................... t . . ant free of charge on application. For Honda and fall Information, (addre without delay, v ,j r (, t " ' " ' ..... ... . ( '! -'; ."!IH! h MORCENTHAU, BRUK9 k CO., riNANOIALAOEBT. v , 23 Park Rw. New York. . Poat Of Ilea Drmwer 9. Kamtt by Draft on hw York Otty Haaka, Baglatarad Latter, or Poat offlo Money Order. muni m Ban tnSCILLASZOUS SELLIItC AT nATINO raaolerd t ekarg my hialnaaa I am dealroaa af rlortag out my atttlr alock befoa ih apprnax-blng rail. I U lhalvfof aea.-amd a nr my aur ataoa at Notions, Boots,' SHOES w HATS, ! l . I.' - - ti r; JSJV COST and lets than eoM, (hr'vaaa. ' "' ' ' ladlea ar eic tally aollclled W git a ua ait arly cal 1, to whom w will ofler at a great aaa rlllce, torn ry dralrabl Oood In th way af HANDKERCHIEFS, s 1 noaiEUT,' . , UNUEBOARMENTa,' ...v laces;, UNEN and COTTON HOUSEKEEU inq goods,.;;, v,,;; TABLE DAMASK, , ; ill i i. : f .- .- in' . nnvT.ig s ; towels, etc; Whol.aal buyri ara advlaed f the faot (hat w ban Ilia largort and moat daalrakl Jobbing atoek la Ua city. Thl department af aor atook i bean largely traplaalihrd from the recent New York and Philadelphia eath anctlonaalea, which tnatl u tooflhr a great rarlaty af Ita. U Dry Oood uHbU lor own tr trade, at aaif'tkaotlglaalwiab Vii ,m.t umh Alt (loud Mia at retail win b strict fbr oaah. Ninety day time b allowed aa wholeaal bUla In amount of oaa undr4 do lar and upwardi for elty aooaptaaoa. nU, ' " L B, WEILL, Oornar Front ami rrlnoeas Street. : Jalylt, IH8,': . tit -nk.ji.1 4-m TO HOLDERS I v . ..-(;!, r... to0gii ' 'A ... it .., .() '! n'o .' atl CITY COUPOrJCw I it llloiiM ,,,,,.,' ii ;'s .ii CITT OF WILMINGTON. N, C,, ( V , , , June 29th, 1875.7 ) NOTICE haroby grftt that THE tJCTI.Y COUPON 1ST4 of Bond of thuj City) aaa. aotba promptlytpald. ,iinl Vu 1 I . ,. i 1 j (,' J.l:; t . t ,:.! Mil la oonaeqitno of eertaln ehangaa undor a ; -. . recant dec la Ion of tha) Supreme Court Of tbla tamtotba mahaar of aaaemment of th . 1 and Peraoaal Proprty la thla ally) ami threby the City Tr Baokl iot yat hartal been placed In pomeaalon of tha andaralguld lor eolleotieai togatkH with other complloa loui In rega rd to our Municipal all aire, bow pandlny before th gnprtmo Court of1 )lorta Oarollna, tb city of Wllmlhgtoa mut -Ji-.H .l.-.'t aarlly eray aoaaa Indulgano from tha holder of City Qoaponf.under ixiitlng ;elrcumitance. , .. . , , . 1 1 i . ' ;'6. SERVOSS, rjunaju 100-u aV va . a, a) 1 lui w. aisaoa. JAMB D. CCMMIBO), (Lata Uaahler Bank of ... Hew Haaowr.) Xatboro, N. 0, (Late of Mi.rnntA .1 . . Wilmington, N. 0. HINSON&CUUUING, """ ". rPHTHK 8ALI Of;" ". " Cotton, Rice, Lumber, Tobacco. Naval Stores, and Southern f Produce Generally, 10 102" CHESTNUT ST. P. O. Be 9030. rnllaalclphla. Fa. ; , , j, ' "' ! ti RiriK(ikii: I. B (Iralnitar. Preaktent Uankfil Mew Han- ore, Wilmington; MO. .w. i j f h k ttarraaa, rreaiaaat rirac national nani, Wilmington. NO. .lamea Uawaoii, Freeldant Dawion Bant, Wilmington, N (). K K Borrtaa. rrakkteM Bsakef Dew Han- Brer, ttoldaboro, N O. 1 A beak, Praaklaal Banket Haw n.norer, Wadeaboro. N I). " v leaae H Lladaa,'frenldat aa SMItejan. boro, Uraoueliara, (i 0. tjtt n t hti Hon uao, Howard, Tar tiara, ti U. M Weddell.KM , Tarboro.M 0. Hon. W hiaB, Maren,Cflr1 lloaa. Joly 7 108-dAwtf ; Western r Jijlaiid- 'i .,JM 7w..Crottege.',.r'.vi.,A l for Btu4tiBi of Both Beket In '' "" ; separitti tdepaitmWtsr ' ' Kaoh harlM faU orp fraftimera riritlTB BKatI-aNR0aM BB8810K, Begin. septemoer in, wis. .,;M ,,, .; itr Catalogue, with fun Informattoa a tot Term. Vourae ot etiKly, He., faralahed frrota Itoaiir. AddreeaJ. 4.WAHU, U.U , fraal deut, Weatmlnatar, ltd. jaljSO.ar COST! s inliiTo IXW ADYlSTI5Z3inT8. ' TlffllOliEI f-H V? t'-fl ' i Aro both warm Mi hiHt saUaflaJ with the trads they hara done fot th Mtat seaaou, but w 1 still dimni to cl.ma out a few small loU prerioas to tak tug aoooiiiit of atoek, and Lars narked them at such prices ai oannot fail to secure tlietnmmotliate sale. , . , A DISCOUNT of 25 Per Cent ... ..... ; ' ...;. i- Will be giyea off all teuuauU of Dress GENHITED I ,).( !;.. . . A full line alwayson haiid; alao, ; CufTo, Collars,1 ignnts ftw frank Lealia'i out u )...,!. ' .. i..- i ...-.- ; hi. U: Macliirio 'JXe- Q Cents Kacli. Terinp, Cash yt;! ' :? One Price. BR0WH-& ROTVnTfllT elf. TTa.irar Oi.aaA i . " w w v s.aaa - - ' tTTTr?TT?Trr??, . : JUT UFENEDI at !.'....? tn.!'.ti:..!-.'l !! I ; GvD. iij;i1'.il! ! aia(utii .VI i iin 11 ..s! ! M-AK0TI1EI. ... I ,..t.tutf , I. Black Silk Challya, I, BLACK' CASHMERES, CREPES, &C. t.tlo..wa m ..-ii.if , i l.fr., . l li'llll lf 0 lower Than "liver j 1 1 1 1 I jne I JNo, 'oq MAltKET. STREET: MI8ClLtASE0Ugt if.: GEORGE L1YERS. r H & 13 BOimt FBONTST., ' t 1849. EstabUshed 1849. -OKALXB H THE CHOICEST TEAS, Green and Black. .) is t. l'W:-,1,''aji.':li'!?"'',,'i'i;'' aCiiiaTiisxi ureaji iasi, Aad all tits BeetOradee. " i ti . i i i . hA Jiiiil . , ; n Winitfl'M ' aV I (rttlrtrrr i' (. . f ... ..iwr,,t,( ,wmi-wiwa OLAKBia, aatfoETiD in ouiorsAi, ! CASJti, DELICA'J and KIUH FLA- j ,.;t. J..'-. . ,1 -M - tablIjsherry, riM old w.AdtaiRBt trwi. 11 1 I ' r '. , (Vlataga IHasj , JAMAICAEUM St HOLLAND OIN, ! 8 " - J (la ttlgtnat twukagM)' Popnlat "BLUI GRAB 8" an4 "QBM WHIfeV K I KA," toaethei with a large atoek of Oor- , . Alal and Venn Ua nor. The Dhnlnrat '' .dial and fancy Uqaort. The oholotet ,4 aM beat ieetad tek or r.mur .ii, Orocerlee In th State, in- t)H uti'i am l sjj,;is will vMlv)l 'irybody' ;PU1 A Centle but Certain Cathartic. ' Thaj act with cxbtaibtt on the Lirar, eon tain no calomel: ara purelr Vegetable. Tha beat, aeWeat. aartat ana mtltleat purgative 1111 In uaa. Xner ara uad more aenarallr than any other PHI In nae, for the length or uaue ey aa a oaon narora wa pnouo. 'Ara nlrely augar .coated and bottled at & ernta uer Atk viinr Ilruirvtat for 'KT.araoDT'a" Pii.l, aad take nooiher. jf " ' jalt,w ,' r . f. (..-.. .il4a ,lOTIOE, rher will be an election held at Die nana! polling nlaoa an ths Brat Tkaraday ta Aogaat, 1 878. in Mew Hanorar county, for the Blaotloa If tha following township officer, rls ' WitMiTSOTOTSOWNSmfUleten tatrta,one Tawaahlp uwra, pas uoaauui Bod three Hohool Committee. ., . , f KDIBAL POINT, MA80NBOBO.HAB fcfel'T AMO UAPB fBAIl TOWaiBHlf 8 Two Magletratee, on Ulerb, one Uonatabl and thra SchoO' Oommltto each. ' '-; v MrWHANOTKBANWUCWttKROOtm. T I Kt Thra l(egataa to the Hatte Conitlto Uonat CoBToaikiB. . i, , i , ii S. H. MAN NINO, ' Sheriff of Maw Uanorar County. July 0 - l3-dwuaw4w 105 III TUB SHADE! ..1 . 1 11 . 1 . . n; ri;.u- 1 Ooods. : i i' tx. MADE TO ORDER! - .,..,, .... 7 i H ) . i UneVwoarJ'Etc - , f -.1.1 I LOT OF- , : IX ''Ml JUiaci.; Grenadines, eaa t.- 1 1 - . ; ' 1 . T TrT ' 1 1? . .m'ti j.i ") iu 1 ki ; 1 I r. III 1 fr A.k.Ji;"').,' The Chtulotte Obterre r tttilZLTSWfij Wwpabilahat ia taa aula waetar Ualelah ani Moatk or n" uaar. it otrenlatlon, alaa bd4 awfalBeaa Jaat paat, and Tt no reaobea moat of the ii.r ehanuof WeaUrn North Cajo tBBBBff tag an unaurpMHl median T ofVmBtoaT tha pwpl of Wura Mori Catollna, r Taaaao suBcatmoB Dally..... 99 OOperannaaa. Weekly .......,..,,..,, ( IB ,a u . , mgrWTarjlow. 5 UaVtf ' Turnip 80rJf . ;;,,i;;" ':;;" "Turnp Si;t ' ' ' v' ' New Crop 187& amwa by Lanilreth a Bnlat, Plilladaiphfa. Alao a lar ir aaaortmeat at Uakbage Baad. . for aale by QBKE5 fLANSER. I .1.1 Ji' 1' . I t Etbht honaakeener akoald dobmm 'at leaee ; one of Uia lollowing oalebtataa Uook Book. aa tliey would aara th price of It In a weak' oolng k iL-:.t i.vv- ;1 ii -'i . snut . Quean of the KlUbeo ; vm Old Maryland Be- i fiU 1 78 , Ml. Laalie'a M Keoetpt for Cooking....! IS (era. Halo'a New Cook Uook.. Tha Yeiimr Wife. Ueok book... f T5 aria, i-eeiiu'e Hew cookery Book...; .......1 ts Mr. Ooo.ir.How1 Cookery aa It Should Bet is , XhaKattoaal Cook Book. By Hannah at. " 1 . Bou alar., ...v.,'. m.....i ml TS Petnraon'a Hpw Cook Book..,.,.,. ...,..1 15 M kta I lleM'a New Cook Book . '. . . .1 78 . Mr.Uale,Baoelpt(ortheMllllo..i.....l IS " .it',.- roa sail Af July IT tf ' ' LlV Book and M umo Store. TEE LAST CAI1G0 OF GBBACLAlfEDEOIiASSS;i 1 now offered, to f nrohaaarB. taf Arlghe Mam ' pactacea, both Wogheadani Bar'rab, ' ' i ' ii ., . . ! .. . ': Hi i,Vtv ii .tl , .ft at lowert market ri., . !. i - iis n..!! rTiT. t ti.i hi SUQAB HOV8B MOLA8X8,MBarsw ; . j Sugar Urlpa, Mew Orleans t(laaaea t w Baoon, Pork, Dry Baited Meats, " n S . : Lad,riah,BUr, andaia.t " ""'J AniUfliiiof Clnci aiiUauon " ? n! t. i-f tut) ,iM 'i I-' a :Uilowatmajketprlata toad, emflomersi i i i'ii,i '. f i " ..- i ' n r 'ADRIAN &V0LLtT.3 Oornar of Uook aad f oatBtraata. I tf fBM t

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