i iliili) onniaL vir:;2 CAY. JVLY i 1ST corjv Lai J 1 I "1 : Election, Augus; Cu., I C7 J. FOR DELEGATES : ;rAMD;s. cowAif, CCniK OOCKTT. WTtlXlAJa WARRIOR, I uosfepifllionTnl BOBKSOX. DUNCAN SINCLAIR. CALVIN A. McEACHEUN.f BLADElt. J. KUSS. cabtxmt.I JAMES RUMLEY. , OOWatBTS OOtTNTT. A FORNEY GEORGE. ONSLOW CoUKTT. JAMES U. SCOTT. AMrSO! OOTOTT. rfH a J. FAISOX, WILLIAM KIKBY. KtW HANOrtB COI'KTT. OEORGE DAVIS, ROBERT 1 STRANGE. ITtNDKB OOWTY. R. K. BRYAN. If, in tpitc of protcttana Challenge, an iUtgml vote it olU4t, let the propet ' hlfidavitt be at once tuatifl ftrore the vrvper officer, so f Aaf the partiet thut illegally voting may at once be arret! ed and thereby prevented from ttcap ing the penalty provided, by law in sucA cases. S Weirepml, tot the pro per affidavit bemad): and Ui the jxlr- tiet fraudulently voting be at once ar retted. Remember that the election Uw re qnires "That when a voter it chal lenged at the pollt upon demand o) any cittern of the State it thall be tM dup bftho rnijwiorf rfr0ii)lUm tii rcQutre tdid voter btfore being al lowed to vote to prove by the oath of some oth& pertonfawwn tolliejudytt the fad vf htf fUleneej 'or thirty day previou thereto in (Ac wuttft in which he proptmt to vote," Remember also that the election law ays: I'&otketaf hhaH & mtbtod 4 tegitter or vote in any other ' precinct or 'wmthip than the one in which he it tn actual or bona JicU resident on tHdau ofdm;mdWefiiftoktee vf Yejgtttfatttri thaUbe given!" ' lion. J. M. Leaoh will addwu th people of Sampson, at Newfcm Grove, on Friday July 30th, and at Clinton, July 81t . ... i 1 , ' i j ' t s Hon. J. M. ijjeaoh will address the people of Duplin county at Kenans vvlle pa Wftdneadaj 8tty Jury inde.tr Msfcnotia, Thnrtchiym; Jnl;r...ll. 13y invitation of the Euoutiva Com mittee of Brunswiok oountt, Major J. A. Engclharrl will addreaa the people at Town Creelr. on Saturday next, the Slat of July. t " ' , We learn that Judge Ruaeoll has also an appointment lor the tame time and ' flemeniher that tiie Convention will meet on the th of "September. &o tayt the law, and the law Must be ooeyea. ' The Convention must " meet, ' Let the people tee to it, I that ithi Whit jfan't, farty and not the ne gro party, thall have a majority of the aeiegate. , cA q t .j w , A negro party Convention mill be the ruin cf tM state. . - a . Do not forget what the Radio alEx eoutive pommitte say, I their aeeret ddfiItDBjMI Hooij jot INTIMATK THAT TEE ClYHi RlOHTS BlLL is waoHo nt pawoiPLa" ';'-"' The'New York World has at last openly expressed the hope that the DemocnUo party will be defeated in Ohio this faH.:; It says; 'V ; '',, 'Every honest hard money Ohio DeniDorat ought to repudiate and re jeot openly aud paUUoly, within the wholb sphere of bis infiuenoe and to the full meanure of the responsibility (as Sena'or Thurniatt in, his Baltimore interview giyes.us,, reason to believe that he will .do,) these ,Republion doctrines, and ..the foistering f hem into t'f platform, of bis party; AadikA ougnt w we aDtinoani preoaution that the men who did it and who in dorse H oeref are; ohosed by, bis ;Jje)p Weare glad to learn, however, as we do from tbe CinoianaU Eitqvirer, that the World is understood in Ohio. It ia known to be the tool of the Eastern money changers. .'It sees nothing in polities save the inUresteof its masters. It wants the bondholders cared; f o at the expense ! all poMfieal organisa tions. The opposition of the World will makr Toterf for the J)ejtnocrmtio. ticket in Ohia Our people have so love for tb 'Wbr?f nor the money barkers w homjt repreaeUt I n ( i A '.!M - V (.Minn, iik .ji'j irroiWi Lua;btrtinf TLursddj IV'ih July. Soiilliville, Friday S0'J Juty. IVx-ky llonzt, K Jy 3!t July. r IS is ne- ' ' Ul ' - t ' ;Uf . 8vtitor I .sol. a ku il wt a lis. Aicg 3. El lat r i in s Cl J S to nate dc acstr 1 f UA' t h i able to . f iT .e people of both Kurth and South. Let everybody tarn out to hear him. jcrrcHso davis. The many re port in relation lo Mr. Davis removal to TVxas for the pur pose of Biwuuiing the presidency of it agricultural college are pat to rest by lis rHil!sUM i tke correspond eoce between Ooventor Coke end him self. The former, as the ex-offloio head if the boatd ef directon of the college inndered Mr. Jvii toe pteai dmiey;"wiib ."Imj of 61,000 vr sttiair4 witJi reside uoe iropfrly fur- wished aud M much land attached as might be deeired for yards, grdea, etrl ( And then iu behalf uf the pe- pW of 'jCX4 he nrged Mr. Davis "lo ome and live with and be of ns, and make your Lome and resting plaor, after a long aud eventful public ser vice, among a people who will never cveae to love and honor you." Mr. Davia gracefully decliuea the projfrftd appointment in a brief letter bearing date July 8th. He aaya : No occupation would be more ae cepuble to me than that whiob would enable me to co-operate with von in the orge&ixation of a srsteta ! for . Vhe inetrnctron of the youta of our oouu try in the two importaut branohes to which the oolleges at Bryan are to be specially devoted. I cannot fully thank you for the generous oonfldenoe mauifested in offering to me the pres idency of those oolleges, and it is but a fair return that 1 abonld cordially confess that you have overrated my ability, and iu the oousoioumees tuat 1 oouM not aatiifaotorily perform the duties ot the offloe, decline to aocept it. , As soou as my private affoira will tiermit, I hope to re-visit Texts at more leisure tbsn .wnea last among yon, ano will be glad then to oonfer with yo uit the subject of an, pdqoatiooal sya UafotTeKaa,andaaavelaateerto ten dor snoh service as my small acquirer meuta aid auattered 09ii,nnoo ma; BIIUW. - DooriatU paper, the AVsshiiigton City CaPUai,j: f , I Ex Oovruor. 8hopQrd is reported by a contemporary 'as hsving referred to rostmaster-Oeneral Jewell as ' little bobtail clam Yankee." Such tan gaage in a oolored debating society would tie denounced aa unparliamentt ary anil the ''gcinniao" would beoalled to order. Uttoh language in aipfomatid circles would be liable lo the suspicion of inelegancy. Properly understood the expression is rob of all viM)et.r Ifcr.JowolJfta. trying to id nglit.auanoswieoimiuuisoomparai tie to mat resulting irom en approvi ing oousclenoe, or aa Tope expressed . ... it:, Una MlNaiiprovtng bour wbolo yn outi WOlglll UfMuuHl otareri aud of luud buiiaa.'.' In this resci be is , oOlama olam at high-tide. That Mr, Jewell should wji'a? Siiprr qpa.1 of do soon hum is the fault of his tailor or the design of aa. josotutajplo yrovidinoe; that he ahould be a Yankee is an aooident of brtha4,0 misfortune over which he has no control." tvsiAT nasi Moar no W.Tf t. TUKTEVIH AT I.AMT I It is known to One folders that Judge Watts has left his district to canvass the West in behalf of the aegrd party,! but it t'0 WW he would boldly avowRH approOMiuA of the eivil rights bill before the white people of the West . Ha has done so, howVCT,;yithorjt wrwrtMyAll IV peswa.frea Uh4 foMsMneg Vrftiflcate which we . take iron the , Piedmont iVf received laat night. watts saya aoouioiTu riguu, Mamoh, McDovhtuOo., N. 0., July 22nd. 1875. We, the, tjmlertigud oitifceoi t llo Dowell oWfnty; fld hereby certify (hat we were presont at a discussion to-day, at thla nlaM betWeStt 8, TVi WstU. Judge of he Sixth . Judicial JistrioMif otWalJUOa,aiia.M8jijiJjioni- gomery, auring wnion, . so, a jeswo propounded to uim pj aiaj. Aionigom- Ey, the Judge answered that be was favor ol the cifilrigbta bill, and that i thanked OoJ ft bad passed. Signed; -v P. A. fiobbitt, i t- i J.K.Hawkins, ! W. H. Bobbitt Jr., a V. Neal. HADIVAMMI, VIVU.Kt'HTS ANIO MOCIAL EQUALITY. TUKV ALt. HIEAIf THK 8AISJI-: THING. ; Ko sane man can doubt what negroes mean when they demand ' Vaivil rights. " They meaa litera)Iy $nA vUboot any fualifiosHon, to 'demand to l;ight to gp wherever the white man can go on the cars, on the steam boats, in the hotels, ifethe ebarohs, a, tbe aebooli ana tn me tueaires. in a wora, iney ojaim to be our brothers Inferior bnlv iij opportunities, but OOr erjttals in all other respeots, mental, moral and ao cial. 1 There can be no doubt of, this, Er oan there bo aery doubt oompeaing they do about nine-tenths of their rty, that their demand in (Ms respect Will ever be complied with. The will of the negro in the Radical party i,s su pieme, antbe.haiklfal OiJrbit men id, itkuow thofaot. The white IUdicsls dre not oendiLot(Mgriolieai:i Ko natter what h' egtce4dmAhd.Uieir brethren must yield,.. If anyone has arjy doubts oa these points let him read the following;, y, !f, ,m ixit.DHi'ir Urroai the wsrsttuiesiassis mm a. T i Were thet, the Udicalk; bare' a Doi Kroesional oandidate, who baa the rats fortune io hm paoniiarly bespattered with oaril rights, mud and filth.'" He ' ' .V:V. W ! !.!'::,! i 1 ff ' ii " A' -: "i o f. - mmA&'mm-mtm a sj (and l - " temj'crs- ry cLirmn of . dj married lo l n gro pnnin. This S' (su '-!! be d ' of in 1 urr . tai c rs ,n. -, 1 , a fctf man J WOIU'Ml, it a r ha ws nouiia ,uh) in piiu- unltgtes of i schools, snd or of Wilruing t !, Ks t i Pri rs, c tor el Hjs Vint, Msb '' . rvs'i - --ial equal- ..r by eaiii. sad dnu- j lorrther at the same time sod st (he ssnje table on the SUmer North tsUte. They bring out the csndalato . aeAxing the "do parlor, no kitchen" collsr (for a bs'J duae oa r w Jaug at time to certify to the "no parlor,' no kiuh et." cbsrge), and put bim on the track to win what ? tXmvetitJon vots ! Nuts. The marri between the wliti lisn TiJtirtiloi snd slnefro tro- ullu was mads vuli hi so ortlisance of ihi Csuby tjbuetitatktt.taiided March 14, 18t8. Ed. Jouunau ' This ertilltj that the full..sh, per usf V. P. Canuadny, KBftaudi;rM, L L ltio. E M. tiho. tn.kcr. K l2 Koaafv, white, U Lt, Malsli, U W l'lioe, Jas. Lowury, Reuben MUlUby, J. M. Whitemau, autl J. 0. Hill, o.. lur ed d legates to the Fayetleville Con. vention, held si that olaoe May Uto.i lo7t, Mu wuite aau eolored ate at thti same table at the aami time aud place, ou board the ateauter Nurtli 8 ate, ou terms of einslity. . J. Qtats. (Eallotl rU'.i'uraiHlSMUd at FnyrttuTil Wi. Jictulved. 3. That tbo llttpublicau party k i favor, of ptoper and legiti mate saaatmo lor me support vi ooiu mon schools snd desires the eduoatiou of all claaaea of our people without re gard io iaool dolor. ' i '.-,. (JudgD.L.Kaatl,ll7i.) The pretension that any person or olass may be prevented from reaortiug to a public plane whose doors are open to all bnt them, and denied to them only on aeeou&t of oolor or race, will not be tolerated by any court houustly aud ainnerely desirous of , upholding the ooustitutiou and the' laws aooord- iug to their true iuteut and meaning. IT. 8. Senator lluutwsil 171 And therefore, I eay, if it were pos sible, as in the large cities it is ble to establish separate schools for black ohildrea aud for white Quildren, it is the highest degree inexpedient to either establish ' or tolerate such sohools. j;. i r; ? ; The theory of human equali'.y can. not be tanght in familiee, taking into aooouut the differeut oouditioim of the different members of the families com. posing huiuau society ; but iu the public acbool, wbere oluldreu of all claaaea and conditions sre brought to gether, this doctrine of human njuali ty can be taught; and it is the chief means of eeou.ing the perpetuity of re pmblieau iualiiuUona. Aud inaamnoh as we have iv this country four million oolored ftevple, I assume that it is a pnblio duty that they aud the white people of the conutry. with whom they i are to be aseoelMted in 'political and ubio ,ffairi ,uall Mrioiuted and made one iu the fundamental idea of bumsu rquality, .Thersfore where it 'it puWio polioy,'" t i:i.t v. . u Aibrm.ri.Tim. .isisi : f , :t JoitT Paoi, a: ncauo aKD tn Bad ICAti OANOIDATS FOB CONVENTION IS CllOWAM OOUNTI, AYS ' th 4jyuklictin grt control of thi ihkviitian, ttfuj will x gim the white Jul Kh Hsu damn thbm, u'ewili have uo enoU thing as distinction or aoon e Uftki IN'lNlTlTDfa" List every papeflu North Carolina cir culate this. It waa said in the presence ol Dr. It. II. Win borue and half a doa n..fJ,iM.W8l!,rV jSI O'jili J lfromthAtiTtIloatleA,lglH , s rLXOampVelr.' Radical candidate in Cherokee, whont the JHoneer, a Hadical paper published ia Ashville, endorsee aa a repreeenta'ive Itadioal, aaya he endorses the Civil Rights bill, only it is not strong nough. White men, do you not understand this? , ' .ludf . V. Watta, lUSJ -'" Mawoh,"N: 0.; July 223,1875. " We, the undersigned, citizens of Mo Dowell oonnty, do hereby certify that we were present at a aisoussion, to day, st this plaoe, between Uamuel W. Watts, Judge of the 6th Judicial Dis trict of North Carolina, and Major Montgomery, during which diaonaaum, to a question propounded to him by Major Montgomery, the Judge answer ed that, k wa in favor, oj the Civil ntgnu ism, ana inai he tnamea lut (rtxi that had patted,"11 P. A. Bobbitt, ii ' n'1' O. W. Jawbb, ' I . . J. W. Bawkuns, , l 'W. fl. Bobbitt, Jb a. pjmai,, R. J: BtJBQIN. it), Builders Hardware. i .. ... vt, t, ,? glass, Ae j : -I - ' . ; TbaattMtimef builders and others la Mllod to oar well seleotod took, st reduced prtcos. , CeU aasK) KO ii 14 i I i ,T NATH'L. JACODI'S o i itl!nttwnj4 rvT.UT-r.nr3 Fish Hooks aud Lines, QK1NK TwIMD, 8CVTHE8, . O ii t'u; ;" 4 '' ina !OU, lv t-H j Oram Hooki, Oadan , ' Him and Kmkaa Hnaaanil WIm j HARDWARE DEPOT. Rims, Hub3 & Spokes ! )xut, 9rutMi,.'.M- .T''' , ,.. VABJUAOI MATERIALS, Ac. ? rdr j aaaU pnuaptl Illa4 Slid sstlafae tion guaranteed. . - ! ! NATHAItiEL JACOEI, -j HARDWARE DEPOT, NOiOMAnHETT. Tlla-sA7i.2IIU:3T0i.iJECII0; a large aa4 wll aetafcllalMS waeklr inm per.ltaaltlii eitewetrery hi UeeoaatMa Hyde, Beaiilort, Panlloo, Pitt, Rdnoooib ad tson adjoining Kates Low. Wait. F. WiLLiaaaow.- K. Ubamoss. UesofTarkem. i"ff n r Waahlngtoo J ' ' ' aMifrssnS rrawlators. ' ' '' ota) t Mauktoopy.-- ' ..-v., ,-..i, ..i..i.- j.. r'rli aaJBSliljalSi ipsjSaj.i Mil.,, Viftiltjmar,minM wru tuituiuittc.l two jenr U'stt'D) in a convent II AIJVI TO IMtivlMMkBltTe la Ran OaroHos,,feat AstuMas SJMai wUi adrwrSaa la THK ATLANTIC HOTEL, SE.VXJiroriT, 1ST. C. r ' I - , " . ---r- - - 'V1 j -T-- -. I - t-v I - - 4 . . :- " f T - 0-"" i s i s i . ' T" a7"aai is' T ''"- W I If I! 111 The amivr. KsTAiiLrMHMtKr. so pavokadlv imkui vckpth thb roBt.u) !- ManaMr bf Ibc Mw rnr, Cact. H. 1- (ilxli.U'.i t We. H nl ury, U rue llir ol I1. May 1st to October 1st, "i" ' rk v"ti only tu Hivriui a b illlu to 4(imu u bir ihu.ii rl aia, IU lw'ii to rjnew lilt pliaant acqualulauca with all orinor gai-itortli Atlnrttln Hotrl. . Thapwulur situation of tbihoiiairor(W all tAt pltanre c a toyagt niW ril or rta lckua ,. . i . i i ., . ' ' ; i NO DC8TI KO ELIEB 1 1 KO MOSQUITOES I It HavlhlMs: llonaes arr attsrhrd to the h um. alurc guitti uiuy at unco on Joy 1h ofalla lltK ui Hit atr ki l in ih rl ol r n il . .trj-n f il 'By Un tbecowt. 'I b Munic Hall and autti untli'ti -llrtir -!. 1 '..M Mlrtiut lUiwHt rctitat Iroui tli (lar or thr nn by iUt. rnd t rlllmiii lonrt it T n lure at n'yl t All (lie (ihiim iut vaerrt ant amtiMinriit in be ti urd at tulaiid rotvttr, bwUlf i)eaiaro Boat f, lift ml-lii and at II aiatmpnl, ur , PIC NICS, FISHING PRTIE8, VCCKIICKT SAILS, - an! flitin 'vlnt nt Inlnn-t In tin-Tii iiilly Tl: i tiiilofnt W I r "'t lll dbb m to be bad at the V EfcTATR J NT ot tbe under liriil . i--t i i g , I ?, '. . . . MimlS Wall 1 nil "niBit I'tH'iS (S n Wtrtf Itel ft tuitttu A i ri tlf t atUi UM h iMtr'H .hm!iiM i M M'ir id )(illr ml tilH rHrr MT?aiitr, with amp'rt ronnm mul ,( tdnl in'iiiii tin nm ti ii''tl mai'r m th t aili'tiy 1'nmrtDiert, tbo inirltor ttatirra b niM-ll it ai bb H : tnl K, imrir Ikim tejinu-, aill ha ihi more at. lii-IWe In bin 11 H rt fi'ii im v limn tbf tuti-l ontiitb iti'iirial lubllc. Strict decorum Kill bo rigidly ftiinrcid an tin- roniK ri o. vbiimf attmHvtg sUll. i, r ; U IlTwiMs i i $2M per day for Ural -eek ; $1.60 per day for second week. f Huri'Ml (oa'rarU iuiiov oitk raaHllen ami Ura. Clilblmi aid ttiranU hl I lice., mavlS tl.Vw tf. COLDSBORO, N. C. M. FRTTKK. A. M., Prof. Anciont and Mod ern Language. K. W. AUASS, A.M., frnt. BHHDeiUllUC". 'ttti j ar. '.'f r I .' f it i i ' the Third Term ol tbla liiatitu ilea yvtuka;lnuinusifa.; Ana. vt and tad en Monday, Dec: iiO, TH fl School Imltaattd In tbe towii of Ou'l- buro(lS aoatreot four HNllrinutni, and truiu Ita aroaiHbultjottrisuptrtorailuiiiiiK" to parvula and guriliaim living Iu the tur rouudlug oounlrloa or In tlia Kataru iwrtaiii ol tbo mat. Tim location In hvallby, ami no taara of lrknfiv need b enttit'iiiii hy arHts "fii'lirg lholr luul it tliii iftti', at sot a olnglsoaao Of aoitna lllm-M niiuui-i rl in tl'O Suliool during tli pant ii'liiikaiitio KM." Ho int, ttiBrcWi), can rauunbly SatorroS from patron'tlng thU Urbool uu pie ooro .f tha uubaaltliiniHOt' tliO lociuion. . friifoaMr K. W 1 A1m lio haf UHg iif mi Mktiicniadoai iiepanuioiit, i an aiuiuiiua, m Mnuoijia nanin toiii'gt, aim im mitu a iiooiwiiiii MMcner ot -toiiiu or many team, nv Tb rourwi of InKructlon In aniiud, tlioiougli and eiteiisiTe and aockt to dava op and luipiove tM BMMlal poirani or uia, puplla by training um ot ka laeulUea wiih wulca, llo.( bM -doarad them Tha dlwiiillna of tli School, while It In wlui an lurwrtar, aaxmisa.Ui hty in otadluace tssiorf VNvSiiStvcnlaHouAa lintntinnllrla tion and dlaoidcriy omdnotare wbolir liironv patlbU with aobolaatlo trnliitng and nioiital imigreai no boy who la imlled to Imnrovu il lima or laa Injary to bis tollowa, Mf s retained In tha Hchuol. in Moral and rallgluua luatractlon 'eclrc a due akaie-or attsntloM and emieideratlon ; for un leat lite heart and ODnnclencS lie iiuiiructed aud mem iothimk, aod oj tuacning tnum ine rigm aiiilgtajad.'niero roonlar Warning will arull but little lo tha formation of a current and upright ehanuttar, - - Tbe lour reliirloni bodice belni well reure- saatad In tble place, overy boarder In alluwtd to attend Ihatlhurcb on Sunday which bU pa Mat aay deaigata. TiVe with aud proferenrft of the parent will bo Mrtctly obeoi ed, a noth ing ot a rectarian charactar ie oounusiianoad in tbe School . Bye ara priarsd for advanced clamee in Collcga or tor tba nire buelneM of IK'c. The bul.dlng,' hi(hert known an the re male College " ha btien i -cured by the Princi pal, and will hereafter be uMd aa a acbool lor boyi Deadly weapon, InukxtcatlKg drlnkt, profan lly and every ipoclea ot gambling aro mrlctly prublbltod. Terms, per Session of 2Q .Weeks Tultlou for prlmar department...., it I. Mluh. r Viioll.k (HI !U 00 Adranooit vlaiaei with Latin. UO 0l i and with Latin ami Urook. W UO tieriaan, French, and book-keeping, each extra.. 5 00 Board, Including tuel and lights ,, 75 00 Inclthiutalnrpeiusiii. ;.,,.. ,wl,'. 00 I l 'if !! i I Ut t i M j ) : Kaifli ftusast will runilnli.. tbr bit own ura, A pair of blankets, s pair or aheeU, a pair ot pll (ow oaaea nd bla towela No deduction from I'nltlonand Board In cane t dlamiailon or withdrawal, and onlv in rxri Of protracted tick nee. rorlurlher partloalara, addreaa , M. FETTER. Princloal. , July4-dwtr GOLDS B.KO, N. C. SOL. BEAR & BRO'S, zu Market street. CLDSINQ OUT THE ENTIRE STOCK OF DRY GOOI)i 'j AT OTJK RETAIL STOKE I . : -0- . Q-reat Bargains ! l'A-4 LINEN 8HEET1MO from TO cts. and 1 II per yard. , atoianiblquea7eta.peryard, 8WI88 MU8L1N8, 00 Doien Linen Toweli and Napklna, 'rlbandOoimanLluen.sbininga,! Cambric Hatdkerchiela, Mattings, white and colored. flres',LrJSEll iftr laAstlftJfeJi.g Oreaaetand Boyawear. Large aaortmentot Panama and Htrawtlata for Children and Me. We will commence on Monday to aell the above and wljl continue dally uatll Uia wiioif itock toeinaedoat. ' ' " , BUdlee are reapei tfully Invited to call aud aaamUis our aUxli, aa ,- It.wiil to pay them. la ratstewa Inten t to eonlne our boMneia oClotkltsnd Msrohanllallortnt.' ' - , , v, . tK-U ) t -iinn i- Miiaaatnir"-- - hi: izri rtiuialvvlttii 1 iberal roductlon tu early vlsl- OKO. W. CHARLOITF. Proprietor. Quarantine Notice. u STIL FUKTHKK KOTICK ALL VK8- Mil I'roui Port HoutbDfCaperearwIllcoaaeto at tbe VitlUnf Station, near IVep WaUr Point, and await the inapectlon of tbe Quar ant ne Physician. All yeaaela from Port where Yellow fever, or other inte tiona dutaae ealata, will bs re quirril (o undrryo aiigld and prolonged Quar antine. . ; AH rewJa or boata of any charai tet saving aickiitaeon hoftid nn arrival, or baring hail Dlckiieee any lime dining the voyage, are re quited to cone to the citation for inapectlon without reg.rd to the Port t oja waeuoe tbay come. ViwetH hot included a above will pro feed wllljiintU'tntiOS.;.;; rilotaare eHpecially enjoined to roakaeire aul enquiry relative to e ela, crew, Ac, aud If not a 1IHmI with the Matementanf tbe flap- UiU r tou.iiiinnler, u.1 11' yte vemttt ti in a ftniiy eonditi.m.'ttiy will bring She 'veeaet to thu Bttttlott lor further eianilnatloii. , , . ; r llof wilfully violating . the Quargn'lne arc falijtvttoal'tirieltureot their branch; Maateraif vciaola to a liae uf two uililre4 ibll fl(e a dHy ;ljp everi iif-y' tbejf violate, I tha yiiK'Hiiiliin l b: and all other perroue are name tot mca a ai) ever; onence. j ; i All veafda Mihject to visitation under above reKii'atlona, will aet a Sag in the mam rigging, imi t rldi), . : i f ,. ' ' , , J J ' lV' ' F. W.' POtlKR. Quarantine Phraician, , Port ot Wilmington, N. . Smlth.ilo, V. O., May ST, ItnS. -may g 128 tllnovl 0FF1CI- OF THE CITY CLERK ANO , ' 3. TREASURCt, . ll Cmr of WrLMiHoroir, N. C., June 24th, 1875. J ! AN! ORDINANCE Concern iug Cows and other cattle run ning at large. JJK IT tiRDAINKI) by the Board of Alder. man of the City of Wilmington, K. C, aa fol- lowa: ' Mectlon I, That any cow or othsb caitls of Amd KiNt), fvund running at large within thecorpornto limit of tbla oily, aball be Im pounard by tl'O City Mar.hai, sad tba ownei required to pay a tine or Tan (10) DcHart, be- fort the some aball bS roleaed. : Hectiou Any ordinance or parts thereof oon. fllcting herewith, ara bereby repealed : Tbe above ordinance waa adopted by the Hoard c! Alder meu on " 24th day of June lKIH, aud will go into effect on after snd Mon' (lay, Juno S8tti imtant. XT, i SERV0SS, i - City L'isrk sod Treaaursr, 151-tf ! Juno 25 i - 1 000 AKUiS FI0UIt-- avsdessi : 200 BAGS COFFEE, " . . , , ; 500 BBLS. S. il.' SYRUP, ,"1 . 2,000, SACKS LIVERPOOL SALT, j 200 KEQS NAILS, ; Wb.'sugar,;11' 'A'iL , 100 Boxes Dry Salt Sides and Shoul- j '"" " 'tiers, "" ; DO Boxes Smoked Meats, Ands rull atockot OKOCK1UK8, whUh we i -. oflor to the trade it low figure . ; f i -; ' v -i ' -Bpecial attention paid to securing low ratoa freight In Car Load Lot. ' BIN FORI), (JKOW AOO fTrr?r--T's fi'O '. may j J0UX A. BYRJji:, General iDSBrancB Apncy I (FIRE, MARINE AND Ll MS). ' All.uen.oee AematS ' HeareaRt 0FJt)Bl)oniiitolaJ KaeAano HuMia North Water Motet, .Mil - ". .J hew von:; ..-jd crron li;:c VIA Wilmington", TJ. C. Fast Freight Route to all Points Horth or South. New York and Wilmington Steamship Line ! ' seivsi. weekly, Saiht g ron, KEW YORK, VTEDNEtsDAY ai d SA1UPDAY st ST. M "aid fr..m WlLWIKGiON, WEDKESDAY acd 6A1CRDAI. BOSTON AND FALL, RIVER. ; New York mid vVilminsion 81 aniisliip C .ii.pAny. , . ; ,! , OONKKCTUiQ WIT TH!, , , i w , i;, , OLD COLONY RAILROAD AND 8TEAL1ER8." - Daiif Between BOSTON and NEW YOftlt' j Semi-WeeWjr between KEW YORK snd WILMijsQTOjf '-s'i- : WealBeaelsiy ma4 Rsxlairelar Ireni each Pert,"' wHF-w- WllJGltli,lOLrMBIAArtitSTAl(AIIHiJ -! - - WIIJSOTCIN AWHItN KSlMttiAI). O V . It ," ; : If: TB (.'SEfLlWA ('I' KlHAl, MAII WAT, 50RTH snd SOU1H CAROLINA, GEORGIA and ALABAMA. EaiSncS Mark all Goods Tia CljdeWIlniliito For tu.tber inforatatkin apply to either I. I. MIHK, 1 : Uenaral tattera Agent, !i Devonshire Htrtet, Boeton. kviiii iiiiii'u 'jiiii vir ii mini vinnni ii'TinnnTinTiTftTiAn , "Via WlLMlWGl OIV, !L. O !" - ;.-u f'lavroJs Ihjui I citil.' ut; uu.,;.- . , FAST FREIGHT VOTJTrS&T.' ,To all Points North or Couth!.' . ft .!. .,.: j,, .. , .. .-. i :! -it t I s.!..Viu1'!t .j in i.i j. ' BALTI1I0EE. , Baltimore aim lilmiiiitoii Line, ' J t mI-wbsklI'. 1 v' ' AfLItlb FKOM BAlTIMOKK- ' Tueiday A. Friday, at 3 M. -ANI FKOM WILMINGTON-i Wednesday V Saturday. f B 0 8T0 N ANDPROVIDENCE, r Bsltiators'snd Wilmington Lfue,' : ' Ualtlmore, Boeton and f rovklence Line, d . Or vis Cans! Dally to F blladelpbla and Cljde'aPblladolpbU.nd ProrldeticeLlne. ' . 8eUWeekl from each Port. ' nnnmrv - - , !. or iaing pvea to and ttom all Petnto In ' ' NORTH nd SOUTH .CAROLINA, GLEOIGIA and AUBAMA prow ptl ypouL'0 l0" M b' b "0 Wivilr1 K 1111 (Joods Tla Ualtlmore and Wllmin'juiii; ST For farther Infurmatlnn mnl, in ui,.."..i.2 ; !'... v . D, Agent. march 18.tr . ..7" ' Ll ft J ia ji 1 Carolina Central EaUway , 1(, ; . GENERAL f0. ! P&THEi'h JL tact that tbs Carolina t.tral Kallwar. belnn wm etti aod rslL m .1 ihJLtl? '! "f conaeetlona at Wilmln.too; both viaXt WetnTe? llJtr'-: i-uramuaia, to Baltimore, Phlladelnhla. M Fhllitli,hl. ti. I lir 1..I..HU. &i.i..... 1 ew WILMINGTON AND ALL EASTERN CITlEt Tto CMAH L0T TAT"yLLE- CREENyiLLE. PA vlTAMH j v. i i and alt ttatlona on Atlantic, Ttwuaaoe obio Atlantic end Kinfc w Il iZ. Carolina Railroad, ae weU aa all poiuu la G B O I A and ALABAMA " Td . luearanoetrom Eastern eltlea maianteedaalow as rta anv elhn TJ!L' 1 '4iV '"" 1 ' ' " ManorBoVldrng. - wao aprll a-80-lr. MALE ACADEMY. Thx nrxt aeeeion of thla Rchnnl win m. neiira tbe diet Monde v lo Anmiat. tma. oontlnuo twenty eeav. , : ,,;,. i ,. u In thla School boya can be thoroaghly pre pared for the Freahman Ulaae In any college, or lor th umal avooatlone of life. It will he tbe eonatant aim er tbs Frlnolpal to mak thla achool worthy or patronage, and not a place for boye to watts time and money. Hoard Mr month from : imutii an Taltlon peraHaalon from ,...1J Wto W SO Coii'lngentleeperieealon, 6s Forlarttxir parlioatart, xldreat M. McLeod, .' i . S. CI .A PbinoipaJj. ; Clinton., J. Ct ., s ,; w-4t d-ouces w tt Mechanics! of All ' .... . .Trades,, x-. Yosr attentlos la called tn tha aery largs and nm-elane aaeortaaent or TOULS reqoirwd by you, and at price i that will atand Inapaotlon. Qaality of gixna guaranteed In svety reapeot. If you would aave time and money, call at tbe ftlif-iwtabllshed Hardware Hooae of JOHN DA WB ON , No. IS, W snd il Market street. , July 18 , .it i... ol .he nnderalgn.d A genu trf tbs tins. I a ' WM. P. CLYDE CO-jBeneraJ Agaata, . . i New ork 1 Ine, I fowling, Ortes, $ jf, A. D. CAZAUX. Agen, A ., v. il-. vl j I:i'f! ' Ol l'- t i jt; I; .j SlO.ltliilV . NUl. I -i .0 , ' i )(. ,.!,', .i.li'U". (- ' BALT1MOB1C ABA WiXsfiMOTON. Balunioresd(rblladlp?,8tsoatoi. .;.. i MUtlsCaaJ bat wees' 1 BALTMOBJC AND PHri.ADKl.PBlA. 5 i i i. A ii L i .. . i i WESTERMlCittES. .U t BALtlMOrUt AHD'ILat INOTOB UM .MtherafcWal.Bad'lrSwA. r t utl ssa . ''ifu f ' : Baltimore and Ohio BaJiroad : ,!! : i : '-J V,: i i j t " ..i.;- - .1 - i.'l '!! tf qotakdJ. v. me onuemignea Agents at the Line.' " 'i t . J a D ,... ; O-' 5 f aaauasuTUsi JB, HI. J Yorlt, Boston : and Prvhlenoiiil",' 1 1tM BURC ' 1 (5.1? ,i!A'.iJ-,I - fs us under.id. .pfflc to jJ atiosASL eatWL. u:iil - CRo.ur.iccnr.ii - ' i " a " i-Ji'"i 't ;., . , AyCTIONEEifJa t ; WILatiNOTO, . a), ,Ua - . t T'laae aioasis . AW BB 8EKSI At TBEIR nxiin Bouma V t'V f ""?. an enlarged teaJt; ' 1 Blank Book with the kouadarlaa of erar tm .i Its thMtorftrlnaaelt. S.SI.. . i "M-l,Psat.ks'srV lis'" latseeitn :...-.. i .n' "if.Ttm pii.6oW; TT-r-?-!--iawsj aa 4 Jalyi ?' ir'il , jrti.titin aim ira titiir-tult An InforBiMilm, JmImii . i -l . . -i Tiir EooFnia i !li ! lit 1.l.l' . I AM fwpareel u mats Mtksr Mute sr sansli " ?.tr!. :w.4' jo ,ir iu in m i .:. R, r.",t"ry.';f,f..i wHituu AaJ will gaaraatea perfect ttorkt Ju t! ! w.h OtTtEBi AND LEADER1pffE i Made te order kt ktw tateS.', un t'Jiil.T A Nott atrsst, between M ulbe'rrr and Wslau t, ' 1 epeiw juiy ..i i ;