" 1 ' It I i '1 0 - - . J vol xxiv. no. io uonniGioii. n. c. thtosday. july29. 1075. T7E0L2 110. G.C13. )i ill; 1 1 n it 1 , it i Jlniln floral. WlLMCfOTOJI sv: a r i ,: THUS OAT. JULY 19.U75. HEADQUARTERS YELLOW FEVEB-THB YlB- 0ISIU8' INDEMNITY TAID. , , Washdiotoit, JoIt 28 The Syndi mU Iim option, till Norember 15th to take theremaiuing , fortnight and a half millions M nr per o,iit. loan. . under the refund io act, Briatow has itelledii 14.87.200, t of five twsott , bonds. The interest oees 23th Octo ber. Thia call included all ontnUnd- ing bond Issued under the act of Feb raarti5tVl$& Commodore Coop er report vjta eases , ot. fever Bl the nary landing, or Tillage in the vioini ty. Fir death at BaMAreaa. Dr. Sternberg report no o e w oaaea from Fork Pickens iii the paat thirty-si hoar. The amount of the indemnity from Spain, growing out of the s eaptare of ' the Virginias, haa beeu reoeived by thia government, and is ready for din tribotion. , Claimants to any share , , i therein shonld address the Depart ment of the Btate. , ,;:i. ' i " ' ,,!uu..ii GOTHAM. ' DUNCAN, SHERMAN & CO., AF- FAiiia. , , ,8CSPNSl6N OF THE COMMER CIAL WAREHOUSE COMr, -,- Nw Tore, July 28.Drxtt, Mor- ' fan k Co., aaid to a Herald reporter that it hat been known: that Dunoan, " 1 Sherman A Co. hare been largely i n gaged in ootton tranaaotions . Their agent in London, he being Mr. Kitoh j it en," of i Collie A, Co., Who placed all potion phipped by the tna, tad making hla talea of ootton to arrive to ipiuneri in Eogland,end on the Continent. With, in the laat four week ootton haa fallen abont three oenta per ponnd, and now mppoaing that they nad twenty-five thouaand balea in transitu, not large amount for them, but ' heavy amount for other Anna, their loss would be al-out $375,000. Certainly not enough to aend them under, but we hear that they are also largely inter ested in Mobile and Ohio, Atlantio and Great .Weateru.r and slightly m Erfo . It ft stated 'that among the heaviest loaneea in Mexican Consul ia at tti'l?Pii whosex individual sad on. 1iuMs' funds were on deposit with tne suspended firm. . William Butler Dunoan says: "I re gard persona now abroad who have DttMaoi eherman A Co' letters of aredit,Mignet and all friends of suoh parties, that every arrangement baa already -been made to prevent them from experieBoing any trouble. They are all right, and neither they nor ."their friends have any occasion to borrow troubl V They are in Bitch jituatkm thai they an travel hither and thither precisely the same as if nothing had happened to us." - - - On llondsT last Mrs. Sarah M. G. Bherman, "widow and Wm. Butler 4 Danoan, of the firm of Duncan, Sher man A Co., made transfer of real estate in this city to A, Duncan, amounting to $385,000 dollars, t Naw ' Yost, July 28. The Com mercial Warehouse Company haa fail ed. Cause, heavy advances on Cuban w crops, whioh. early rains destroyed. The warehouse also advanced largely on railroad securities, whioh depreoia i ted, ,TheU liabilities amounted to a illion and a half dollan.1 ; y, , a , . , U n6 assets of the Commercial Ware bouse Company, which are not avail- "able, will foot up four millions of dol lars. If h . BUrE6NOF MILLS THE " EFFECT OF SUSPENSION OF niTMniN. RHKRtltV rYl issrvnrr ri THE GRANT COTTON., MILLS BURNEPWMiJOLLSHIP- PING BILI -t LATEST , . Vv FROM THE CAR-' ;HU9T8, ETO-r..;.V Londor, uly28.--Fifty miles clos ed in Aahton Eight thousand opera Vittves war ousted. !.;:"f' ';'":;,,'' LOKDO,' July 28. The suspension of Dunoan, Sherman A Co., has no . f!TrcJ'kbl tftotit on he general rnar kekhere, Thirty-one .mills . closed at Pdodao, and twelve thousand persons are out of employment Both emplqjf era and operatives have had meetings , and resolved not to yield. - If Oldham strikes it should I'extend 'to all nulls in that District,- Thirty IboBMBd paraona will be thrown out of employment - f The trial of Alexander A William Col 'is, of the. late JUm of Allexaader "X3l(jfl A, Co., on charge of obtaining ' tuoiiey, under false pretenses, 2 begun at GIali&U this -morning, but upon conclusion of to-days proceedings was adjourned for a week -una, JuW. 28.-?-lBsurgent Baras tt ,anvesime, add Belik was disposed ofbyTurJwf " , VUDtOD, Jul; 28. It ts decided that oolonies shall be governed by special laws and have representation, id Cor , tee. ,, Colonial elections will be regu lated by a special system, whioh, will toe enaotea at A proper time. Guboow, July 28. Grant's ootton, Dills of this city have been burned. Several rir)i and two firemen were se verely baro4 Three hundred em ployees' effected their escape , with much difficulty. Loss half million dollars, ! y'ito"'J1 ml LonpoK, July 28. Freeman won the Goodwood stakes. , In the , Hove of .Commons this evening Sir Charles Alderly, preai dent of the board of trade, introduced a bill to empower the board , pf trade to prevent nnsea worthy vessels from sailing. In presenting the measure he stated that Plimsolls bill was not acceptable to the government, be cause it was baaed on- wroug - prinoi plea. Here he. waa interrupted by eriesofNo. Continuing hia remarka be said the bill also was objectionable because besides punishing offender it aotnally takea npon itaulf the i conduct of marine aervio. The Act of 1872, already empowers the Government ; to atop, nnsea- worthy ' ship, and sinoe then 958 vessels bad been stopped of which CIS were found to be, nose worthy The present bill was intended to strengthen the exeontive facilities of more rapid and j direct action, and to provide a sufficient number of offioera io effectnally detain unsea worthy ships. It also allows a fourth part of the crew to demand a survey. Finally it ' was merely an earnest of fitller legislation, of the next r-etution. Mr. Sulltnaa thought the load line ' provision to storing trrain should be eutrrafted in the bill Mr. Roabuok denied that the bill would satisfy the country. He bo advocated ooutinuicK the consideration of Plimisoll's bill, that various other members followed, more or lees oen- snriog the bill,' while wishing to ex tricate the Government from its diffi culty. Finally the bill passed ita first resdiug, and the second reading waa fixed for Friday morning. liaauM, July U7. (Jol. Forney goes to St' Petersburg by way of Aus tria ana Uambers. The object of his journey is to induce Russia to partici pate in the Philadelphia exhibition. Jiaroa Hobaleeaer. tb German Em bassador to the United States, will soon return to Washington. aiAOBiD, July 27. The bombard ment of Scudeunrel continues. It is reported that ths Carlista there united and spiked their guns. , DIED. ' At ths renlitence of her hnnhand. Wm. D. Baldwin In Brunnwlck rountv, ll o'clock ii.ib on the lOtb mutant, Mrs. Mkrlh Bulilwin Asd ts yuan. inn. niiwin w a eoniamt memuer or ins Melho ll. Utairos. iul iu a U.lv voatHWinc msnt amith't niailtlet, proniluoiit among whiek vs Am klmlnmsto ths xlak ami dis trM4: ' Hht will bo sadly uiUmxl br but famllj and Dulghbora. HEW ADVEETI3EMENT8. GENTLEMEN Who nae and can apprscltts Fi n er L i qu ors Fine Old Pale Uraudy ! V. Is onr Arm bajlet that no flnr . faas stst bn offered In this elty, , -'(( ;i ithtiu i'; n n . ! tot Medic InsI porposel, It la Stmt way rolls OUR FUSE OLD RYE WHISKY , ;, .-- ',1." bmads from uholoest grain; has sgs to soften It; Is Itilotly pare, and In erery way supwlor to walaklM unallv sold. W hkw sold this bams brand for nearly fits ysarar ' ' . ' ' " " ' " ' 1 " 6. D. MYERS & CO., : I i f 6 and- T N.; Fbost St. uly Trinity College, H. C. ME8MION COIIDIEItOCSSKPT,a,lHrS. " Fait Fsealty; etegtnt building; superior koM and aooommodatloni ; location, nasi High romton the North Oarollns. Kallroad, very healtby. A reoeipt In foil for all expen . see. azoeiit books and clothing, for Ive mentbii, will bo gives tor SW. Aid glren to yoang men of limited men. Pom office, "Trlnty Colleim. N. )." ' jmyw n.omaven, President:' SOUTHERN HOME SCHOOL 197 and 109 N. Chablm St, -: t y BALTIMORE, M.D. "',': ESTABLISHED 1842. : foaspise axS DA Ssiwbi." ietrsa ' IjAD1KSu . I j Yr(h1isi Mu M Mrs' tl.' rjsrfi Mr tien 'I John Peghsra. 1 v French, the Language Spoken. , . . , . i Jny 29-eo.Um Dover 8cliool,Va. -.( rii ' ' : " , , f : TUB Twentieth 8emton,f ten month", will begin the flrst Monday or September, 1878. A quiet home and a practical education SiTenMWy Addrest B.' B."McfX)RltICK, Principal, Aides, London county, Vs. .General Hunter, Warren te-nj Virginia, f ': . I tint A BleWl4 ,totWeai1U,Vd? ; Prof John Hart, Richmond, Vs. , S F Rayaotds, Ban Karoos, Texas. " ' jluytl-dlat ' : ':' ; FOIl " SMITH V ILLK. rrlUay July 30th, 1T8. - i ' THE STEAM TUQ WILLIAM MICE. ' Oaptala K. D. Williams will leave, aa sboTS from wharf, Inot of M arkeStreet, at I o'clock a B), returning ths saaoo orentng. GEN. M, W. RANSOM I 1 Qoes Sown to adflrsw the people of Bruntwiok. FaTe for the round trip, tl. Pet patnage, apply to master oa board, or to ! AMilk ffiirneiia Vegetlne, Kenedy's Med1al l)lsrTery, Psln Killer, Pond's -xt ratrt, Tsrtant's Aperient, Uongresi Water, and a full line of Patent Med lalnes. Pars Vxngt, Pine tbewicaU, toH aa Iwaya be be foosd at, .Jambs d Mumds' Drag Store, ' Third BUeet, opp, City Hall. t ?-PrierlLtions impounded at all honn, day .and night, 3TI. WAEEiilaTED ! Ktst y Barrel sf ear Ctlsbratod Patent Process Flour! Ta be Us best Woagtt keiw. Glvo snS total. trleada after hriai, are atada tat U er- Beit EattM la ths World I We receive S tntk srary Taesdaj rreai ear tlairy. . . After threa years landing, kavs astat aV Uaaraawsd la waraa weataar. -Presh Groceries ! - Fhli, Family Supplies! Choice Fine Lemons,;,. CUtV fH frm Kosnu to IS osnU pel Bottle, LAGER BIER. , LAGER BIER I In quart and pint bottloe. Imported and ths oeei. aeiectaa a uo et iroai all ether braada, at uautttaliy LuW riQUtlkUJ I Ginger Alo9 . Ginger Ale. Uanalns NEW SUQAR-CURED HAMS! STRIPS 4 SHOULDERS. Fresh-Parched Coffee 1 AU at rednctd priest, at ' hv ! Geo Ilyers, , 11 and 13 S. Front St. July $i P A110 TUliniO ! HAVING engaged the ssrvlost of a prorat tonal Piano Turner. I am now preuared ( revMre order, for Tuning aad He pairing pia uua an urgauv. av-satuiaotion Ouaranteed l SV-UrOera Solicited I HEINSBERCER'S lire Book and Muale Store. EDGE W OltTll 8C1100L, rr.B rHANKLll BTBEET. " (Betwasa Cathedral and Park), Baltimore, Md. THBThbtoeath AanaalBosstoaaf fh s Kn- hciioolfor Yoang Ladles, will ra-opea ea Thurmlsy, Bepteubor tth. Pur etreoiare, ad dram, MBS. H. f. LKrBBYKH, Principal. jniy at-euasm OPERA HOUGE. ' PaiDAT NlOBT JotT M, 18TR " ' ! Wilminiilon Amateur Dramatic atociatiflii By request, will repeat ths thrilling Brama. entitled Robert Emmett, Together wHh aererai new and eriglnal ' SPECIALITIES. . To conclude with ths laaghabls fares enti tled STACK-STRUCK DARKEY ! t Admlsrioa, Parqnette and trses Circle, Too I Parquecte Circle, boo ; Oallery, ISe. i Keeervedatataat iietnsbargsr's without ex, tra charge. . , TA Ht riMHEPI, July 28-5t Masaaaa, Ladies' Belts ! i: Udlee- BatcheU, Ladles' Tranks, Gents' Tranks, Gents' Traveling Bags I , Bhawl Btraas, Sto.,. . At ths Saddlery Btorsof 4 , Carpenter Mallard, , . - A His. I Booth Paeir Btbbst, July IT ,' i .!- -i Wilmington, M. O. Highest Premium Awarded at World's Pair, held at Vienna la 18TS,to , ..'.!,-. , ; . Captain Jas. Y. Whltted, ,.-.r-i. I A "' ! ', 1 5 " m) sis .. ..... . Gqltleii Prize Wal Wrtasco ! ,,ForaV.bp4,000j V, ATla;Ukl July 21 , , i .... We Gmarantee " KEEP'S" Patent Prrtly-Madelhlit lobe . t Wamsutta Cotton,'' and2IOOUInen, Whioh every hoasewlfs kaows Is tha bast, ( ..i; We sell half adosen tor $7.50 lOASH! Will flnlth up whsa required at a small ad vanes. Ten Dozen Sold Saturday I MTJNSON & CX CITY CLOTHIERS. JolyJt Thos. G- DeEosset. .'JInBurlDoeAieiitf KiraasairTiao Bi 0,000, SOO Piss AssaM I T'lli I !.'.' : I i-; . i,i ff.imd Inenrmntia hi klau-tlwrw, louden Aaenrmnce v., f Vumfm, ('tmesosclm lnlam Aamaravmea Oemi paat t Iavma1en, nw Yorkv UMwororrltora AaraaMf.' July 17 tf T T " V A make splendid pay seillag our tXlttt suods. Ws have other noveltle wbiou are a staple ae Flour. Bend stamp leu our Illustrated catalogn. Adiras P. P. OtUOK, New BeUIWd. Mam. June a9 aa-iy KISCTLLATZOUS. WCTAKE NONOTI OF TIM f BUT BY ITS LOSS. Sad those was kavaaoS laid la a stork or (Mod. Par their m wear and raaillT sm rroni tkeepintm-ktaat Ikarebeea eomelled teew8oo, will surely tegrel H. Tibm Siea. aad bat a rVw weeks l toft la whioh tewladap Hefore the reawral of sty etoek to aaotker city aaother citj raaotlter lu nr "eaie at a act ion,- I will eoer SeeeaMat, kaewlat, as I do, taas araaef Is It Is thiai b4tle eelltni aaaie or the took at fifty par oeut- below eomt, l,wil) saake ta every narekaefcer a dwwaat of We iei eeut oa all aunts ever an duiuu. This Is as a ear giving r" away as I eaaaoae salt, i AU gwuda ssM at toat thai euet b , i v lOHtl LriBtg, 'i t w Market Street ATL11ITIC COAST LfflE Freight Department. IMPOETAKT TO DEALERS IK ' CORN ! Buob arvaagaaMtits of rates have been par rarted with the AUantlo aa4 Matta Usrollaa Koad tor Ib.ehlpoiiuit of CORN front New beta sad Kaetera North Carolina as will take It to the Interest ot purchasers la Wil mington, Columbia, Angutta, Charlotte, and Isewhera la Boatk Carallaa, ta look to Us arket. . For rates and other Inrormatloa, addreis either ot the aaderstgaed. f H ADAMS, . OeairrtAgtAANORB, ' ' ' ' APOPB, - '! rrt Agt A 0 Line; Atkinson & Hanninir TS,SO,e Aaacta HeprNtd. FIRE. Ins. Ob. of Nortk America.. rhiladeli-hla. rhenis lnaaraneelXmnani....Nw Vm nk. iJontinental Ireuranoo (M.,,.,.Nrw ik. m . nnnaa m mereanuie Iti.lD.lan'k n Hartford Plr Ins. Uomnanv...iartlul. National fire In. )ompany...lari.iwJ. Hprlugseld r. dk M. In ).. Maoatihowlts. Mereantlls Mutual ft." A'r.'.Wow Vara. ins. uo. or worth America Phlladalpala. J AIkT ' Connecticut MutualLlleTuaUo. Mrtttord. ' feb IT eo-ii jypRCHAirrs ino HEaiinic INSUBASCECOMPANf, , tpltl SNMI,I a. T.SToaaa, Prealdt. I. B. Mooas.osot JOHBJ WILDKJt ATKIBHStlgl OeawalAgs 1 Ma. Nortk Water It Wllmtagtoa, M . C, aprUU tsVai Catawba lligh BcliooL? " tpUII TWKMTIKTB SESSION of BlatoM vr ecu win apea win July, rare moan. Uln atmosphers, geed water, advantages of vvwm uu wuHu-j ouuDineu, uDjecte or tne Bcbool i let. To prepare yoang Bum for good oolleges. Mt To give a thorough aoademle ed eoatlon. Board TafamlUes, $ per month. - moTBaiioii wim Qiroeiar, apply to either ipstraalar. Si i.-'n.i' .j.-. , Be. J. 0. CLAPP, A. B, , J. U. MOWK. . , , , . . - A. POIL, A B. Newton, N. C, Juno IT, UTS The Dawoon Bank. BT OKDEft OP fist BOARD 0 DIBK0 ., -i t tin t i .: ; tors, ths Books of Babsorlptlon to ths Capita Stock of this bank will be opened at thalr bank ing room aa Tharafa, 'a Ml lattant, at is S'aioak a.s! 'awt remain apsa aatit fwthar tortd. WMi iaBK1I!B,Casibb a ly st-im PJr.emi um Bond , at TBS NiiDstrialiiliit PoBt'ooaiBaro at itk a fiOttar, soar Io aitod tkat tha aapltal JinvoMta la always atl ., . ,;.. I'M,.": I ' I' This loan It lamed on a novel plaa, and (It aatWissd tt special Act of too UgUlatBrs Of taaBtatootKawTora.,.1.,"; - .-. ; ' Ivory ioodaeMer mast reoelve at. las at til sat ao aaa, reoelve : y 'J,,'QlOOXiOO I ;;":';.; or SS6.C00, or S10.000, or r00, or S,WW4Ae., 4th Premium Allotment, June 7,187& ...... ,,. .,,,. ,. . -,. . ' ;6th Beriea Drawing, July 6th, 1876. .-Clroalare giving -full Mpianatlon,' will bs ssat free of charge oa application. ' 1 For Itoads aad fall .InrormaUoo, ( adJreai Mhoat delay, ' ' V ., j- . . ....... -ta 't MOSCEHTHAU, BRUXQ Jk CO., - " , . . .... r riMAHOIAti AQBMT. i ' ' ' 23 Park Row,' New York. ,,-, ,; ..." -4.i 1 Pawtontcs Sraiwar Nav,3B. " t. i--M .f!3TT:l M Remit by Draft ea Mew York City Baa km, Kst (stared Lattor,or Foot Offlcs Mosey Order, awu aatf ,1,1 1( I t- i l I i"irt --tt FIRST ISORTIiAliB ;.f '-, . -v. . ;.-:-it ' j ' . a, . v t-.- : f . y HISCXUASI0UI SELLI liC 0 FF AT COST! A TING reailved t chaage my baalBM t I am dealruaa r etaatag out my entire atoek b.fore tue approaching tall. I have thetetoie aatermiaad to oOar my eatirs etock of : ,,,,, ;;':ii , Notlono, Booto. SHOESHATS, atv cost and leai than cost, for cms. : Udlasar erpeolally soliolUd to glva us aa early call, to whom we will slier at a grat sao. rlfloe, soma vary desirable (Mods la ths way of HANDKEIlCHIEra, t HOSIEIII, ; i. UNDER0ARMENT8, !" LINEN and COTTON MsESEEr , INO OOOD8, TABLE DAMASK, ' ' . DOYLAS,. .;! TOWELS, ETO. ' ' . . i - '1 ' 1 J :,:,v Wholesale buyers are advised of the fact thkt we hava Iba largest and must seatrsble Jobbing stock la ths city. This department of oar stock has been largely reploalautd from the recant Mew York and. Philadelphia oaahiottkra sates, which snablee u to offkr a great variety of Sta ple Dry Goods , suitable lor country trade, at half ths original sort. , , AU floods sold at retail will bs slrlotly foi ossh. Ulnety days time will be allowed on wholemle bills la amount of one hundred do ' Urs and upwettlt for elty aeoeptanoa. rt., B. WEILL,; Corner Front tad trlnoeas Htroot,: d JulyM, Ib; , j . . . --J TO HOLDERS CITY COUPONG. r; Office of Treasurer anl Collector CITT OF WILMINOTON. N. CV MOTICS M hereby glvsa that THB JOLT 0OCPOKS 1STB (Of Bonds of this City) aaa not be prompUylpald. , : . i , if , . r , .t ..... ! ;,..' f la eocaeqienoe of oar tain ebanges andar a recant dielmsa of tap tsprsaM Ooart of this (tate aeto the WannW of aisMsmsntof tha ' .'),,t -u; V I . Real aad Personal Property la this ally, aad thereby the City Ta Books aot yet having beea placed la twntlsa of ths aaderalgaed for SolleoUea; together with other coaptlea Ions larega rd to oar Munloipal affairs, now pending befuro ths gupromo Court of Worth Carolina, tha city of Wilmington must ... ' aarlly crave soma Indulgenc from tha holders of City Coupooj.uadsr sxistlng jolrcumstaaoss. ' ,5 T. o. SERVosa; j Oltv Treasurer mm w. siaana, (JLaMoBpraat Hinsoa.) , WHmlagtou, V, 0. ,, JAMBS D. ODMSllae. (Late Oaahtar Bank f .,, low Hhvot, I Tarboro, M. 0. !! ait i.tt nniEon&cunimiG, IfilMiiliTSi ITA) . 4 v , ton tuc saui or mx cotton, Rloe; Lumbor, Tobaocoi . Naval Stores, and totithorn $ Praduoa Oonarally, NO- 102 CHESTNUT ST.. ! P. O. Bex 9030. PkilAdelpklaw Paw I. B Grainger, Preetdeat Bankof Sew Hsn over, Wllnlngton, M O. , i N fc BorreM, Prealdent Fir at Natloaal Bank, Wilmington. N C. ' larnea Uivan, President Pswsoa Bank, Wilmington, MO. B H Borden, President Bask ef ew Haa Over, Meklaboro, NO.' J A Leak, Preetdeat Bank of Mew Hanover, Wadeabors, N O, . , .,.,. Jeeee H Llndaay; Preriden t Bank of Greene, boro, OrMB.bero, N ). - Hon (loo. Huward.Tarhoro, N 0. ,., , M Weddell, Krq., Tarboro, N 0. ' ' 1 Hon. W I JoUnson, MarWa (Jsttrt Boots, lit ' v. Jal,?,v!j ,,,1 .jn,;f(!-- ISJ-uAwtr Western 1 Ilaryland; For Students of BoUBszetnt ti " .1 (! Separate Departments, , Pack katlag fall eorpo of profteajra. FfFtHBTH SEMI-ANNUAL S88IOH eglM8.pUb.r6. f A BaTOataloguee, with full Informatloni astal Terme. Oourae of study .etc., furnlihed grotu lloualy. Address J. 1. WAHU, D.I , Presi dent, Weetmlnttor. Md. July I Sw I at i.aeiaW.'ajajaapBaiaiafija innfn iw30 , - "5 HSDHBNiB ffXT7 ADVESTISmiTS. THBRIIOIIBTEB t .! I " ' 45AIMKBT mtEET. , Aw both warm bd1 tnUj satisfied with the traJs they hsrs dons for ths uast aeaaon, bnt aro aUlt desirous to clous oat a few small lots previous to tak ing attvront or stock, and have marked them at such prices at cannot fail to leoura their immediate sale. r A DIGCOUrJT of 25 Per Cent Will bs gjitea off all remnants ef Dress Ooods. GEirriS'Wffl HADE TO ORDER ! ,i .a, ,:;.-. Fit Guaranteed- A full lins always on hand j also, Cuffo, Collarc, 4 'Agents for Prank Leslie, out MacHhio Needles, O Cents Each. Term, Cash Only. One Price. JB1; BROWN & RODDICK. 45 Market Street. JUST OPENED! V' '':,;'-i"lM ivti . iv.. ! ' ' 38 MARKET, STR3LE1T, ! ANOTHEIt LOT OF , . i i ! 1.;') lU ; u BIack Silk Challys, - BLACK; CASHMERES, CREPES, &C. I d'iir lower Than Ever!4! 11; - I P.;::Pi':,iCA2, No,; 86 MAJRICET. STREET. " lTI8C2LLAHTi0irg .' GEORGE HYERS lU3flOUTn IRONT ST., 1819. Established 1849. . "i-DlALIB U TB CHOICEST TEAS, p'. Green and Blacki Enirlish Breanfast, AadallUMBaslOradaa, " "I , Wlriop vtlqiioro, 8, latrOKTIO ., IS OBJQUIAL OASIS, DILI0A1 and RICH FLA. ' TABLE CHERRY, HUB OLD BLA0KBKEB7 WIN I. : 7 OTAED, bUPKT A 00, BBAtiDT, iy ""rvintago mi, I ' JAMAICA EUM A HOLLAND Qlff, 1 1 4 ui .! '. (In origlual baokagts) ' ! "" 1 Popular "BLUB OR AS 8" aad "OIM WHIS- KiKH." togeuier witb a large stock of Oor-1 dial and taney Liquors. Tne uholoeet aad beet seleoted stock of Paally tf .i . ivrooorles la the BUto. .'..-Jl l.i -ri .4t .it 4t ?,E7erybody,s,Pm; A Cantle but Certain Cathartic i - i ,,,1 . .A. .. . I . l- They act with csatAiaTr on the Liver, eon tats tas calomel ; are purelv Vegetable. Tha best, surest, safest and mildest purgative Pill In u.e. Thev are used moregeuerally thaa any other Pill In aw, far toe length of time they have beea before the publlu. Are nicely sugar-coated and bottled at 30 cents per Ask 'vfluT' DruiTBlrt for "Ktibtbodt's" ?iix, and take ao other. -1 , " '' There will so an election beld at the usual polling plaoee on the SrsS Thursday la Asguaa, IS 10, in New Hanover county, for the election e( (he following township offlosrs, via - WILMrRaTOtr TOWN8rTtP-8evn Wa latratee, one Townahlp UlerkK one VoastaulS and three Bohoot Oommlttee, , PKDEHATj POINT, H A80NBOHO, HAR NK1TANU OAPS PEAK TOWfSHlPB-. Two Magistrates, one clerk, one -Constable and three School Oonunlttoe eauh. ; ,i h ...-.i HKW HANOVER AND PENDER OOTJN. TlEa-Thrae OeUgatas to the BUto Conitltu Uonal Conremlon, 8. H. M ANNINO. Bhsrlff of New Hanover Uountv. July 4 lodafwnaww 105 DJ THE SHADE! : - Undorwoar, Etc.- .1 11 V LOT OF , . ' Black Grenadines, The Charlotte Observer thI,a,L-,2,,l!. oablleuodln tha State west of Kalelga and North of WU. wiSS'i&T?1 ta?"tttoadVer. users. 1U circulation, alia end aaefalneas have keen largely tnoreaeed durtni theWar hanuof WeaUrn North OaioUna, thus aSer. big an nnforpaawd meillum of oommuulca tkn between the Merchant. of WUmlastoaand tko pooplo of Western Morln OarolW ir'iSBMSe straaoBirTtoNT ' Dallyi... ,,.,,,. H gs OC per annual, Wsokiy,.;,.M..,,;,(i- -t w a Advertising very low. ' mar lU-tf Turnip teed ! New Oropl87S. Grown by Lendreth A Bnlst, Philadelphia, Alto a large aeeortaMat ef Uabbago Beed. rortaltby ... QKEK9 A PLAKHKR. Julpl- Era tT boiwskeeDar should nosssst at laaat one ef the rollewlug oelebrated Cook Books,, as they would save thoprtot of U In a week's queen of the Klteuan 1 1WI 014 Maryland Ee- MIIlleView'Koii4sW oTOkVng'".'.l IS Mrs. Hale's Nsw Cook Beek " 1 ta Tha Tonng Wife's Ooott Book.... 1 T5 Mist beetle's New Cooker Book..... 1 TS Mra Ooodfellow's Cookery ss It Should Bel TS The National CJook Book. By Hannah at - Bouvter .....ITS Petermn s New Cook Book ........1 T5 T7WdllleId's New Oook Book...,- 1 TS Mrs. HeleYBsoelpta for the Million 1 15 '0B SALS A ' HaTjrSBXBCIEl'l . . ! Lire Book and Musao Store. JalftT.tf THE LAST CAKOO OF A At.Aa.iti It now offered ts purchasers la Bright Hew Packages, both Hogsheads and Barrets, ,'J til -(;Kf)v..i ' v ... . -- .. at lowest market rata; , iviik .V -Aiae . BUOABi HOUSE 'MOLA8HES, rPlusrovado .,, , Bugar Prlpa, Nsw Orleans Hclaawt " ' ',. , Baoon, Pork, Dry Baited Meats. . t, i t.U t. tard.Ptah.'Butter, andato.l j,, , Unoof assorted (iraosrioo. i A X Alt Klodsof 7inei and Honors : at uvi i 4 - ' - a., ths lowest market prloets good ourtcassrtj ADRIAN & V0LLER3 Ooraar af Oook and I oat at fal

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