1 o .V 1 :4 T : 1 VOL XXIV. HO. 185. WILIHHOTOH. H. C. FRIDAY. JULY 30. 1875. UH0L2 IIpvCCM, . , .. .. .--4 JL- J i ll l ,1 t i X 1 1 I I I II 111 I I I I JJ 1 - . : WILMINGTON; H.0.: FRIDIT. JULY 30. 1873. II L' 4 IW11T 1 lWClU . , KU-EJ.UX OUrUAGES TLAYED . OUT. Washing row, Jalr 29. Attorney- t t til L . 1 spouss tathf qnotttioQ whether tte bad rexwntlr fecflived uj aoooauU of Ka ,KliW Qutrtgan, raiU that be had rMeit el tione siuoe he had occupied his new position. uutuau: DUNCAN, SHERMAN A CO'8 GREAT FAILURE A MILL- " ION AND A QUAHTEB ... IN REAL EST' TE STILL SAFE. -Niv Yobk, July 29 The Tribune ay a responsible offioer of on of the largest banks in the city stated to a reported yesterday that Daoean, Sher man A Oo. had Dearly seren hundred thonitodd dollars tied np'iu seouritie of the Mobile & Ohio Railroad, of which Mr. Duncau was President and v the firm the fiscal agent, and a small amount iu Selma A-'Gatf Railroad au inoomplete scheme that was aban doned after the pauio of 1873. It was nuderstood, also, says' the Tribune, that in one of their settlements Duncan Sherman A Co.. have beta obliged to take their hundred thousand dollars in Alabama State bonds which are now quoted at thirty-live oeots on the dol- It appears that transfers of real es tate have been recorded at the Regis ters office this week on the part of Wm. lintlar Duncan and another member of the firm of Duncan Sherman A Co., to the amount of a million sod a qar terdollsrs.. V , r y . , The deeds just recorded date from 1868 to 1874 The name of Grantu is freshly inserted in ft differeut . hand writing from that of the deed. ELECTRICISMS, Ths reports from Alabama state thattheootton andoorn crops have been cut short, from 15 to 88 per cent, by long continued droughts. A terriflo rain storm at Terra Haute has topjdpi.$ravel by washing away bridges. Crops have been greatly damaged. The Trenton Banking Co., of Tren ton, New Jersey, which lout $1500,000 by Jay Cook A Co.; lose $1,00,000 by DanoanJdberata&Ga i ; -' J. . Ford A Co., publishers of New Tork, ask an extension 'from their creditors.) , iaa " -1 : -:- 5 ' Two hundred German teachers art . holding a Convention at Toledo. The severe rain storm extended through ' Indiana and Ohio. At Ma rietta great damage was done. John Baird has been appointed re ceiver of the Commercial Warehouse Co., aha Judge Simpson is the as signee of Sherman, Duncan A Co. ' The Court of Inquiry into the con duct of Bishop Whittingham has con vened at Baltimore. EUROPE. THE LORD MAYOR OF LONDON GIVES A BANQUET. Lobdok, July 29. A grand 'banquet ' will be giveu this evening at Guildhall by Uia Lord Mayor of -London, to va rious municipal heads of British and foreign cities and towns, who have as sembled here in response to the Lord Mayor's invitation. ; : Preparations' for Ihe banquet are very elaborate. It is said the decorations alone cost $5,000 a halU Honor of the missions will take place in Guildhall to-morrow night.- " The grand jury at Cradoa "' found a true bill for misdemeanor against CoL Valentine Baker of the 10th hussars, who tB charged by young lady ; with assaulting her in a carriage on the southwestern railway, i ; f ; . i w FAkRis, Jnly 29. In the Assembly to-day Mr- Raeoul Duvsl asked the Government why the United States had not paid the French citizens the in demnities due to them for losses sus tained during civil wars, while claims of other foreign countries had been settled, and Luke DeOarzes, minister of A A foreign ' affair, J in " reply said the indemnity dne other foreign erswss otherwise unpaid. President Grant, in his last message to Congress recommended it to take legislative ac tion on this matter. Congress, how ever, hsd not moved yet, In conclu sion. Duke DeCsEes said he had full oonndenoa in the American Govern ment. Th permanent immittee of th National Assemblv. consists of 12 depaiiM of taw-righv, of 'the La vergat group, and 11 of the left ' HEWADVIBTISEMEMT3. "flOliTON FEMALE 5EHIKARI Kit. J. I- MILLE, AM., , Pioial. Prnfr t. Loalt Id. (Ul f Vlrslnls F( Bl. Ienlt.U), Prlneipat Mull Dirtment, with twelve addltloaal teaoheie and officer.. Rinenaa. verr reaMnablet rxtravasanr In drei. prohibited: flnt-elaa botrd; InrtructlOB th waugb ; tooatioo th beet In Stitanton. Vtlend lor (lktaloiue, with cutof buildings aud tftmt. o. l. hiijjBM, suunton, va. julySo eod lm , , , riosoprrp ;nets t A large rtook hand ind , . . ' For sals vbbt lo w: ' ; D. A. SMITH A CO. July is ' i ldi;Belt8 Ladlet Satchel., tadlea' Trankai : ' dent.' Trunk., Seats' Trareling Bag. t . O.-t ' 1 1 Shawl Strap, Etc," Atth. Saddlery Store of Carpenter Mallard, ' Ho. Bodtb -BxT SvaasT, JalylT Wilmington, N.O. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. GENTLEMEN Who a and cab tpprtcUt Fine Liqu ors t h uld try our Flue Old Tale Brandy ! vi.vrA;t: ims. , - I' monr Arm belief that ae flner 3 '3 OLD BBANDY ! Uh .w b.ea effered in thia city. Par Medicinal pui-pote, it la every wayrelit bl.. . '", , OUR PURE OLD EYE WHISKY la made from vhoio.it grain; baa age to .often It; I. ttilotly pure, and In .T.ry way ruw-rtor to whl.kie. aiually told. W ha o'd thia him brand for nearly Bv. year. 0. D. MYERS & CO., 6 and 7 N. Front St. July for smith vilm:. . Prldar July 301)1,1815. ' THE STEAM. TUQ WILLIAM NYCE. ' 4'aptaln V. I). Willinmn will 1 . a nhnre. Froni wharf, tcot uf M trketStieat, at Bo'ciock S m, Rtortlng ins mm tTeolrg GEN. M. W. RANSOM ! . Qo down to addr.M the people of Brunwlok. Far. for th. round trip, SI. For paiMs.,applt to oiMter en board, or to July 119 tt LIMMENMAN aoUKY, Milk Haernesia. Veg.tlne, Kenedy'i Medical llacov.ry, Pain Killer, Pond'l Fxtract, Tarrant . Aperient, Congrsat Water, and a lull line f Patent Med lolnei, Pure Driijtn, Fin. Chemical., etc., can alway. b. b found at Jambs 0. Mundb' Drug Store, ' Third Street, opp. City Hall. S7Presrttloai compounded at all hanra, day and Bight. PIANO TUNING ! HAVING engsged the MrTiceo of a prolet Monal Plane I'nmer.l am now prepared u reeeir. order, for Taping aud Kepalrlng Pia no, and Organ.. V8aU!aotlon Onaranteed I . , . ftwUrder.8olleited f HEINSDERCER'8 r '''4"' Lire Book and Muile Store. , EDUE WORTH SCHOOL, (Between Uatbtdral and Ptttkj.Ualtlmore, Md. THE Thirteenth Annual SeeMon of th i Kn gllah and Fren.h Boarding and Day Huaool for Yonng Ladle., will re-open on Thurwlay, September lth. For olroular., ad drew, MKS. H. P. LJKIf KUVKK, Principal. July a eo.1 Dm ' OPERA HOUSE. Feiday Night Jolt , 1875. ViliiiiDitoLi Amatenr Dramatic Associatioii - By r.aaert, will repeat the thrilling Drama, entitled Robert Emmett, Together with nevera! new and original SPECIALITIES- . To conolnde with th. lanshable farce enti tled . ,. ,,. .,- STAGE-STRUCK DARKEY I, Admlwlon, Parnnette and IreM Circle, 75o ; Parnuevte Circle. VMs : Oallerr. Ke. KemrTedwai.at Beiu.berger'l without ex. ira enarge. , , Et II: FINHRK, Inly M"-St I MtMHii. Highest Premium Awarded at World'. Fair, held at Tleuoa iu ins, to Captain Jas. Y. Whitted, (Men Prize Medal ClicM liiliaci "1 ! ' v j-1 ' T A ;i ? 1 " for tats if D. Pitrott. July 21 We Guarantee " KKKP'S " Patent Pf rtly-Madehiit to be Wamsutta Cotton, : and 2100 Linen, Whlon erery houtewlfe know. Ittht beet. We sell half a doien for $7.50 .CASH! Will Dnlrh np when required at a. mall adTanor Tqa Dozen Sold Saturday ! MUNSON & CO., CITY CLOTHIERS. juiyrr Bargains Bargains. II EN'S CLOTH G At FEUS SI M, worth S3; Men' low . Quartered Shoes It BO, worth ;Udle8Uppersnlyl par pair. ! . . .. - uuatiLiitn . rn4ur, No.3t Market itreet, Inn JT-tf Sign ot the Golden Boot Mcchn nica of Al I Tradcc. Tonr attention la called to the Try large and OtU-elaM anortment or i uui.m requirea ny on. and at nrlor. that will itand InaiKtotlon. Quality of giwo. guaranteed In every retpect. If you would naie time and money, call at the okf-einabll.bd Hardware Ilonae of JOHN UAWSON, No. 1, and 21 Market street. ... JuljlS . - MISCELLANEOUS. Pay Year City Mi UtBce at Tr..Mrer and ol lector, 1 UtJ of Wilailngn, N.IV. J JuIyn.lsP. rpHR t'lTTTAX ttOtmroSnrniHATINQ A bn rw.lv.1 at th'. nttlf e. the uadfntgn M I new prared W eoliw the t'ltr Taire ea bU.l (,aUM and prrwnal property Air IKIft. ALL PARTIES ! Are therefbr notlflrd and requeued to (Ire taw matter Immediate attention, and tu sail it tbi tmoe aad pay ap wlthoat further delay. City Coupon An alas reoeiraMe B payment of City Taxr. T. C Servoss. i' W 1 Treasurer and Oolteator. . A B a r g a in. NOW IS YOUR TIME I 31 iloin t'hlMrnB.' h'l! .1 .ki. ted, at ao t'ouis m fair. . SifM, 5. 5 and 6 ! MHOH1 A ItODDK K, 4t Market KtreH. ot?4 tub Carolina- Housclioia ftaaaziiic, , AN llji.lTTATKI MONTHLY Chute, l.ltiraturx, a ill b.laaurd rrouUl . lot-na. aono 51 ihb Omi'i oumoi.iicing w th ilatiuarv. lHtfl the SrMt liunilkHr will I. rKiU lor to t)ing by !WMiber lth, and lh Kirlod. leal lll be puliliahtd .aoh exceeding iuihiUi theretttur wiihuut iuterrnuttuu. No advan tage will be neglected wuich either Uleul oi capital can cominmi.l t,i render ea h twuie aa aKrt.cnl.le aud intrucli otimi.entliuai oi runice reeding, bT iivvular writer., both honi airaanroaii. Ihe Carolina Household Majraxins will be a lare KS-imge, elghty-roui column mnothly, hai dnomcly printed nu tinted book lper and beautifully illu.traied. It i . tliuiiiitiljr HMUl orn ciiUitprlM ami lUauooeM la alad; fnlv aumired. The t-uMUuer niraur to rnnke it a Hrt-ci.i ninnthly, that, onoe in trtidueed in the family clr.'le, I. .ur. to be eniscrly aatchid lur and raMfully preerrvad. lU'-fiiKI HAIT Ual.l.KHY" alii protean attractive feature. 1 be .lanuary number will contain a life-li lie picture ol EX-GOV. Z. B. VANCE, and blOKraphloal tketoh, to be followed Is each u. -oee.il ua number with idiotiurrauha ot other prominent Mateemen, dlrinea, 4c ONtY TWO DOLL ASS A YKAR and eaoh otxeriber can make a choice nl Tbrii hiit BiatiTirrjL.L.aus Kkurat iu, ilae ot each S4 0 Inchee, 1: The Viudlng me nanimrin me leinule," "Th.Maiton na." or-King Leat Defying the btorm,"lor. warded n receipt of the .iihecrlptlon prloe. fcltaar or the Kngravlnge la worth double the prlne a(-il lur the Mat(a.lne. mr any one aeuaing auiuti of nr will re oetre an extra aubarrtption tree. Hint, .e eofilr 20 oanta. free by mall. Si. month, tubaonp- uuq, wivuuat me Biugrariug, 91. ts Wanted everywhere. JliUUS a. BUM I !C, l-uoiuher, itoldiboro. N.O. The Florence Pioneer, Pnbllthett Weekly at f LOBKK'JR, DAKUNGTUN JU., fl. O. Termai $-i Per Annum In Advance. It laree and dallt lnereaeln circulation tn the Pee Dee country, and along the line ot tut Wilmington, Columbia & Augu.ta Railroad render. It au excellent advertising medium t the buelneat men of Wilmington. Monthly and yearly contract, made upon tht nroet liberal term.. WM. LITTLE, Editor and Proprietor. febts . If Wilmington fS ALIVK TO HER INTERESTS In Ram L Uaiolina, her buklnem men wliladrertlMln THE WASHINGTON ECHO, a large and well eatabllthed weekly nearpa tier, circulating cxten.lrely li. tl e cvnntleae Hyile, Beautort, Pamlico. Pitt. Kflseconitie ami thoe adjoining. Rale. Low- Walt e. willi.mkos, K UaaMuaa, Late of Tarlmro. ot Waebingtoo, . Editor, and Proprietors 1 ili Rtar copy. Southern Illustrated Age! RALEIGH, N. O. T UK ONLY ILLl'!TKATPI WEEKLY iu to. (.outli. Klght page, forty col umn. I ontuiu'ng more rea iuig matter than anv weekly iiulillnlied Iu the "unihcrn 8taU'a. The Sri unrulier of the SOUTHERN IL- . UoTltAThU AUK will beuwutdon . Naturday, Utiih day of June, 1SB. The PublUber lutenda making it an lllu trated rccoid ot the time.. It will ti eat of every topic, Political, Hlelorical, Literary, and Ncientitle, which I uf current Intercut, and givetne beet illutratiotilhat oanbe obtained, orliilnal or torelgii. The toUrHf.KN ILLUSTRATED AGE wllljieprintcd on new type, and heavy book plr. On It. Hat of contributor, will be found the nanmof mny ol the beatwrltai.la the Mouth Serial and urt etoric, pocmt and (ketone, and well cor.duct'd cditcrlaldcpirtuente, giv ing the latent personal, literary, erientlrlo, no litlcai. religiou. and eummeroUl ltittlligeaca, will furnMi ever; week an amount of reading matter nniiurpanaed by other paper., Iu .xcl lence and variety It I. intended to make the HOUTHEllN ILLU8ritAIKl AIK a jour nal for Hie HrcKl.l ; aevoral colnmut will be .leclally uevoted t.i all subject, pertaining to dumeptlo and nodal Me. No lannly aliould be without It. Subacriptlon price only 1 )ier annum. Pott age tree. K. T. FULQHUM, Editor, . ; Kalelgh, . O. June 8 mstr Our Living and Our Dead Prosoectus of 2nd Volume. NBWBKKM.N. CAuguallO, 187. "Oub Livivt ad Odr DtiD" will here after be puMUhed a. a Hcmi-Monthly Maga aine, containing 48 rage, of r.adlng matter, at $3 per vear in advauue. ror the inlormation ot thoie who art not tt miliar with thia enterprlM, I atate that the chief object or the Magailne will be to pulillah the Heconl that Nortn Oaroln aan.l her gallant aoldiera made In the late "iUr betweea the Statoa," to gather the mutcriivl for the uae ot the future hiatortan, and to (Mrpetuate the memory of thoae brave men, o Ulcere and prlvatea, living or dead, who abed imperlahable glory uion their native HUte. In addition to the War Rsoobd or Nohtb CAnoLiKA.ibe Magailne will contain aketcuea ol every aeotlon, tounty, city and town of the Btaui, written by competent and well-inform ed peraona, MuataoAttM it vrt-tmincntli BtoU periodical, in which all claim if our eiluent Ikould take mtrtii and vridn. The Magailne will take til plane of the newepaper, having same title, publiehed by mt during tne paat twelve montha. The Brat number will be Ail.Moed Wodnead September tth, IHT4. In the meantime, I re. apectfullv aak nid aunaariber. wbodeeire to re new their .ubenrlptlona, and all other, who wiah Ui. Magailne, to rrmit promptly, aa the dhange and Improvemonta require oouatterable outlay, and raody atotwy la neoaed. ' -'. -B. D. POOU Addreaa, till further notice. "Ova Lima aid Oua Dead," Newborn, N. O., or Raleigh, North uarrliina. Kxchange. will pleas copy, ang IS IDS s UOW BI1LS Rotten up snd Um most ailracllve style at ths Journal Opficb KISC1LLAST0U1. WETAKE NO NOTE OFTiMf BUT BY ITS LOSS. Svdtbeae who have not laid la a atock or Itoeil fw their wwa wear sad Family ae from the eplra IM emek that 1 kave beta enaMiMed W aorr.nxr, UI rarely legrwt R. Time Siee. aad bat a few week. i. left la watch tu wind up Hrtore the rata oral of ay stock te another etty rtx "va'e at auction, 1 will aOer Mother la. duoemaal. knewtag, a. 1 Aa, that siooay t. ear.. t I. inlet boeklee selltng nme ot the aaer at trty per sent, below coil, I will make la every purchase s dtacaut ef tea per cent. ail aum. ever tea dollars, That l. aa near giving gaodeawav a. I can come to 11 AH gown sMd St kseithaa e.-t by UAOKOSI.EIBSK, IS Market Street. ATLABTIG COAST LIMB Freight Departmtnt. IMPORTANT TO DEiLERS IN CORN ! Buoh srrapgeatents of rate have been per. ferted with lb. Attantlo sad North Carolina Heal tor th'eblpment of CORN frum New barn and Xaetera North Oareilaa at will makt It to th. Intereet ot purohaaer. In Wil mington, Columbia, Augnits. Charlotte, and slaewber la South Carolina, toMook to tht market. : i For rate, and other Information, addrat. either of th uaderagned, P H ADAMS, Uen'l Pr't Ag-t A N 0 R K, a popk, flca'irrtAgt AOMnc: -or- Atkinson & Ilannintr- ST0,BU,OO Aawats HspraaaaUa. '' "iH'nit.i-Mtj?: In.. Co. of North America..... PbiladelphlS. Pheni. Inaaranoe Company. ...New Vwk. Continental' It auranoe Co New riek. 1 N . Hrrltph A Mereantlla lna.Co..jmt n Hartford Fire In., Uoapaa.,,hartlord. National Plra Ina Company... rlartiorl. Sprlngtleld P. A M. In. tlo...Maeaohuaetl. ... . . MARINE. . Mercantile Mutual ina. Co.. ...New Vorv. fna.Oo.af North America. ....Phlladelpola. ' t tarar Connecticut Mutual UteTi luYuo. Urttlord. feb ST i EBCHARTS AND HEaiASlt INSUBANCECOMPANI. iiT- OP . aiOBMOVD. VlhVOINIA. Capital !,. t.Y.STomat.PrttUVt. I L B. Movae.avtst ; ; IOHI WILDatB ATKI SJaHtSI . . . IAS ! "na vtaiev at - wnmiagvoa, N.u, Catawoa Ulgh tSchooL: ipHSi TWENTIETH SI88ION of Sliwan' JL week, win open 18th July. Part mouo taia atmoaphare, good water, advantage of wuu wuu.x wnDinvu, uojeou or an Sehael lat, Ta prepare voang aaea for mod eollege. Sri. T give a thorough aoademlo ed it oalloo. Hoard In famlllee, S8 per month. ror Inform allow with olreular, apply to either iMtrucior. Re. J; rt. CLAPP, A 4, J. D. MOWR, 1 Me. J. A. FOIL, A. 8. . Newton, N. O., June IT, mg The Dawson Bank. gY ORDER OP TUI! BOARD OP DIREO tors, the Books of Sabiarlptlon to tat Capita Stock of this bank will be opentd st tlnlr bank ing room on Thursday, tht 2S1 ltutUnt, st 18 'cloak a.m., and remain open until further oordsred. War. LAKKIVS, CAtnias lyt.-lm WILL BUT A VUl PIremium Bond Ot TBS IMoslrialEiii lon't;c.mpare it with s lottery :' bear In ... . . ..... r- '"! mind that Ihe capital Jnraated te alwajt a. ouredXHiM. .niiuiUUU n,.Hi This Loan It lamed on stOTti plaa, ndlt authcrlivd by tpectal Aet of th Lsgbnator of tht Stats of New Tork. Every bondholder siutt reoelv atileiat Ml (ml h ssap rstslw - J ' ;' w l' ': - ri ! .-: r, '(.?.,! f t or s?S, 0), or S10,000, or ?,0O0, or :S3,()00H'C. , 4th Premium Allotment, Jane ?,(18?5. ;6th Series Tjrtvwing,' Jolj 6tb,.1875. , Olreular giving full explanation, will b tent fret of oharge on application. , . . . i For Bond and fall In for matton , addrea. without delay, MORCENTHaU, BR0X3 Jt ICO., ' FINANCIAL AQENTl , ' ' 23 Park Row. aew York. 1 ' Past Of flea Draws Na. at. tUmit by Draft on Ntw Tork City Banka, Bgt-teri lattsr.et Pint OaVtt Itaeej Ordfir. ESUCATI3NAL. 33 ETI HEL AOADHMY, Pat'qviaaCu ,Va -- Prepare ror leiverl-r r HaatacM. r'a want ami t at-1" f mm fT ilua. Mr Ijal Manoa. MiaU-aJtS SJUcal fea Si S Noeauaa. ... RXTKAOTSrKOalTaSTlBK.MALS: . " I moat ke-utllv euaaaaaad Bar Mat. At'tD- aa ! Um !ator and patroaage ea Ua pwklbj. . nu. r; IMllt. ' ' Prof. of UUa, Caivaratty uf V. H I woaM aa wtllha a roaBde m awn ana to Mr, atla'er,aa.l haaee I iaaaia4 the e- hnol otliea parenta." r. H.HMI I'H. rroi. Natarai Pkiluaophy, Vulterallj ot V. " I feel warranted, from vaneiience. la re- Cummandiiig It," ,., , i dunaaiiniia. , Profeeaor st Law, Uulveialtt f Va. " One o"f Us seat uuUts ton. at alaa In he Sure. H 11. HAKHIH, 1 Prucwaaaraf Ureek, kUchmoad Caaliege. 1 knew af aa tneutaltam of Ilk grads tune- tlor te aethol Aoademy." I ...... ; j i-ysohbd g, Vt. t raeaialled, fa my oplnma, by any laaltu- ttoa in Ut soath." UIM. O. W. riaU, AUanta.Ua. " Beet and heapaat preparatory achool In tat Slats. C 11 A ttt hie) MASON. st King Ueorg uuuaty, vs- Is my opinion. Ihe eheapaat and beet la th Stat.." COL, S. D. CKAWrOKI), :.. AuguaU oounty, V. 'Tht catapett Seminary, and u good aa tht brat, In trt United Btett. . ADAM KMPtK, J. A. KNUBLHAHD, . . wiusington, Nona oaroius, For CaialngtM, addreaa . . ! Wa. W, Smith, A. M. gsator Principal. um ... ..-.! I llorncr & OraTCS School, :;iHllAMBpiWNv0.,: THtltALL SESSION OP IKTB OPENS louria onday in duiv, . , , K ,,, tJ i troatslotats i atat on Spplieattoa,- iPt-onwatwisi 'NC. . . , . , i i j ' -: Thia Inatttutlon will b r penoj n . The First onday la 8eptemler Stxt, Th kerm ndlag th M Thored.y Is Jua. tela, wits s raoatioa r two waeaa at Ufcrlrtn.a. It baa baenre-or.anlalon the aleutloMvaUm. eemblnlng, however, three curricula of Aria, Bettor and A gr tea Iter. Inatrnotlea will be Riven In the brauohaa of learning saally inght In tht beat College Spaolal Inttrsotlen prtvaiaam Agriculture ana Uia Mechanls Arts. An able faoulty ha. been anpolnlad. Tkt building, thorouglily repaired lot ths rsotDtton of several hundred student. Pot olreular explanatory of th above, apply to ,BiKna a. HATTa.it, HaoretArv Board of Trait. ea. JnlyW-1 ' BalelghN.O SOUTHERN HOME' 80H00L 197 axo 109 K. Ohables Bt. ' BALTIMORE, M.D. ' ESTABLISHED 1 843. i '-j, .1 'm .! I Boasbiiio ad Dat School rts Tooss , liAOISS. ! Prlnclpaili Mr. ssd Mrs Mi Oary,' Mr. uen i uoun regnara. , . . French, th Lanaaart Bnokea. JulygSodf ,, ,.,.,, . Dover School, Vtir THE Twentl1rt Suarnat,T Bhlold " begin th flret OimfVlVlhV-1 1870. A ijulalhomt and S pratUosl edneatloa given to boyt. Addrea! . B. MoOOKMlOK, Prlnolpal, Aldw, London oounty, Va. j i ttCrEMEKCGB . .... . ' General Hunter, Warrenton, Virginia. . Bar J A B load lea, D D, OrssnvUlt, 8 0. Prof John Hart, Blchttond, Vs. . ! E P Baynoldt, Son Mar out, Tsxa. j Jlny9l-dlm , . ... ! TriidylJoUege,.lT.!C MGNKioiconmBriOesaiKPT,a,iMf5! Pall Paculty; elegant' building; '.uperlor board aud aiuuimtonctAtlane 1 liui.ln .. UH . High Pomt ou th North llarolina Hallmad, verybeahhyi A reoeint In full for all exnen. tea, except book, and clothing, fur fiv. montha. wm vm Kvr.n nir .vu. aiq given to youug men Port Ofno,Trlnty College, N, O." ,, JulyW4w B.UKAVKN.Prealdent'. Episcopal High School, M Namr AlevsindrlW l' ' L.K. BLACKFORD, I. A., PrlnclpgL Pounded In 1SS9. Next Semlnn open. Septem ber VI, 1K78. Unya prepared for college or bue- ,;mrm. Aanmania ana term. a. oerore. cata logue aent on application to th Principal at Alexandria, Va BDY ONLY THE GENUINE '! J.i. 8TANDARD SCALES. ThemostPsrtectAlannCaslillrawer, MILES ALAKM TILL CO.'S. AIM, Herring's Bar.'. Coffee and Drag Mills, Letts Preaae. 4,,a a... . ..' FAIRBANKS', j',',' " 8TAPSDA11D SCALES. . ;. i MAatosAotessss' E- & T. FAnH3ANK8 CO. ST. JOHHSBUKY, VT. " rsisoir.t, gosu wigiKoossr.' AlKBAVBStS at CU.;3llDraV4lws, Ja I.j... . f mm st at:. , umoro, Md. PAtssASKS Co., 83 0am p Street, Ntw Or leans. PAitBAan Co., SS Main Stiwtt, BalWo, Paibbabks . Co., m Broadway, Albany, Paibbabei 4k Co., SOI StPsulttt, Montreal, PAia.AMK. 0o.,S4bUag William St Lon don, Eng. PAia.AH u. Bsowa As Oo., t Milk El, Bos ton, Maa. . PAinaAia. A Ewibo, Matonls Hall, Phils delphla. Pa. Paibbabks, Hosts A Oo., Ill take St, Chi cago, n i - Paisaabbs, Mosas A Oo., IN Wall at Street, Olnotnaavtl,Ohlr M Paibbabk., Mob.s A Co, in Superior St., Clevalaad, Ohio. T pAin.AKaa, atoaan A Oo., At Wood Street, Plttabnrgh. PAiBBAaaa, Moats A Oo., Uh and Main St, Loulevtlle. PsinaABB A Co., 0I snd 804 Wsh(ngb A vena, St Louie. v Paibbabu A Uvtcimos, gaa Praaeiaoo, Por lt b j at41ng Hardwar PwUer. Jwu t fd-duw-l'ivr-aod snar- - mm m RW ADYISTISJSZXTS. THER1I0IIETER 103 HI THB SnADH! 4SBB0VMR0DDIC145 ' 45 MARKET KfllLGT, , .. i . i : W Ns? t r M ; . .- - Arc both wsrm stul full satitfied with ths trsJs thsr hsre dons for the yuX souun, bat srs still desiroas tu clone out t few smsll tots prsrioas to tak leg tocount of stock, end hsTe usrketl them st suoh prices si cannot fsil to secure their immediate sale. A DICCOUrJT . ' , : i Will be giren off all rsmotnts of Dress GEHTS WHITE DRESS SHmTfl HADE TO OHDEE! Fit Guaranteed ! A full line always on band also. '" ' Cuffo, Oollaro, Undorwoar. Etc. Agonts for Frank Leslie's out I ..,.',)..' . Machine Needles, 5 Cents iEach. Term. Cash Only One Prico. BROWN A R01.1iTf!Tr. 1J. TTrlrit Pf ft. JUST OPENED! AT 136 MARKET STiREIET, " .;' '"''":'' ' ' ,.i , 'i.U ' -I''" -V Vi. ' f .iskclt Orcnaditcv ! j ; , t it iirl t.t !' II l"t a lTT AOK CASHMERES, CREPES. &C. SUMMER STOCK GLOBED OUT Lower Than Ever! ..fir GiMAll r I ri 1 MIoCELLAlfEOTrg . ' : Everybody's" PiU, A Oantlt) but Certain Cathartlo r TUey sat wltb ssaf iritt in tht Liver, eon tain no calomel I srs purely . Vegetable. The beat, sureet. aareat ana mild.t purgative Pill In uae. T ar atad mor xenerallv than any other Pill In uae, far ths length of nme uey nave aaea oaror tne puuno. Art uineiy augar ooataa sua potuea at ia. onm par HottlS. Aak your lirugglas tor. "KTBaTBODT's" riLL, ana tax. no otner. , ' Thar will b an elaotlon hld St ths Banal Milling place, on the A ret Thnraday In Auguat, 875, In N.w Hanover ooantT. for th saoUon f th following townahlp offloora, yli : , . , WILMINGTON TOWNBHIP 8tven Mar- latratee, one Townahlp Clerk, on OonttabTo tod three HohoolCoamltt. ! '. ' PRDERAL POINT, MASOMBOKO, HAR NKTT AND OAPK PEAK TOWaaBJPtU. two Maglrtratas, ona Ulerk, on Uouatabl ami urea soaooi uommiue sseh. ' ' . , NEW MAKOVEbVAMD PEBDER OOTTM TI KH-Three Delegate, is ths Btt Conrtttu Usaal Conv.niion. , , i;n t' ' - ' 8. H. MAKNINO, , t tk aSriffsCNtwHanov.r County. jnly (n-w ,. ia-dwiuww - 1 TO - HOLDERS city coupono. ! at CITY OF WIUITKaTON, N; Q, i '. - : ' "i Jane 29th, 1875, m i . NOTICE hrby1vWB that THE JTJLT 0OTPON8 lSTd (of Bonds of thi. Olty) tsa. bs proapUyparaV "t'" ' . .1 .,- -r .( r.? ft -' la oSnsaqstnes of psrtaln ebangee snders noaat dtolawa of th Baprem Ooart of thlt UMtothe innQer of atntoX ths 1 and Partoaal Property In toll dty; and thwtby thtftty tti Book not UStaAving been placed , In jattiawwi St to ajidartigTitd i .... - s for eolleotUaj iogMitr wltk other, compiles HM In rega rd b tat Monleipal sflski, "wnr . .t it (,.. t .); i !.i' pending- Dtfors th Bnprsm Court SI Xorta Orollna,tholtjof WUnalnsioa nrnit aaoea- sarllj crav sons tdal(aot from to koMtrt of Oily Oonpons.tMMasr txjwttng ;olreuButaaoe. 't a ES3V0C3, CU Trmr. 1 tl innsM of J25 Por Cent . 1 i . ...... Good. M : ; ' 1 1 ' ' . i, .... i r,. e tit f 1 .t m-ttt i l mill. Vi' I Mt A I "h . ',t ,1 I ,"1 t .iij. I i ... STREET, The Charlotte Obserrer ' The only morning dally paper nubllebedla theHUUwaatorUaielgh sad North of Wtt. mlngton, off.r. .peolal tnduoemeattto advat- Saera . Ill atroolatto. eta and ajefaln av b.en largely Inoraaaad during Ik year Jnat pant, and It now reach ee naoat ofth Jler. ebanUof Weatern North OataUaa, lha. Ber ing an untorpaaaed medium of eemmanloaa tlon betweea the MorchantaofWIimuigMaaBOl th people of Weatern Norm Carolina, - j TSSaSO SDSSOSlFflOSI v ' Dally....... ..:.$$ M par sana Wkly tflto I S9 Advtrtltlnf vary low. i.iq iu 1 iif-tr Turnip teed t; :.' . Nsw Crop 1878.' Grows by Landrath A Bnttl. Philadelphia. ' Alao larga aeawtaont of Oabbags Seed. . , J . 0BIEALAHI. JulyI 4 w ! 1 IBS Evbbt houaekeeoar sboold toaaaas 'at aa. on of ths following ealebratod Oook Vmtf, a uey woaw aars us prioa ot is in. a waaa't eooklag i . Qsots st tas Kttsbsa j KW Ota Maryland & , Mua Lwlii'i aiw'Rioelpt tot Cooklng'.It'.J TS Ira, Maw't Few Ooek Bart......,... TS Th Yung Wit' Oook took.....H,.t....j TS mia. bosue't new cookery SeoC ...i TS Mra Boodfallow'a Ooaaan aa It Shaald feat TS I Ths Rattoaal Oook Book. Br Uanaak BU Bonvler ......,.............! TS1 Peteraen't New Cook Book.,,,,.,. ,..,...,1 TS , Wlddlneld'. Now Oook Book . ITS Mrs. Hale 'a Booelpts for th Million., J IS t ; "., '"ol'.tFml"Mt A '''' ' ' i '-' " ' 't lllQraBXBSSBa . j.jj'. July IT tf ' ' tlvs Book sad Masts Swrs. THE LAG? CLZZ 0 C j MnwWOirird twlMiSSSTS tSV aUlttW Paokagst, kotk MogabaadtaadBarrsIa, ... ! t"t ' ' ' at lowat market rat; ii t.i- 1 - - t i STJOAB. H0TJS1 MOLAJSZf, 'Msms4 n Prtpt, Vtw Or'esas EtiTusil I ; 1.7 Baooa, Pork, Pry Rii'M f. ini,ffiwf ami iwa Has of saaortod tlroeettea All Kladi of Class anil Ucairs A..tht mwaaarketfrteal geai tnstoer'l ApniAii izYcurz Ooraor off" "T ea a-

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