7 T ' X 11 Mi ,A VOL XXIV. ITO. ldi wiumioTOir. it. c.. Saturday, july 31. 1875. 7H0L2 HO- G.S45 WILMINGTON, N. a: 8ATPRDAY, jTJLY31. 1B75. t !DY TELEGRAPH. SpelJ t the Jonrn .'. ; ; Storlwejs IkMtlai Affair. I . . I M ' .'' TiBBOBO, Jul J 30. A. McCsba. an ex-Federal official, and a local politician of aome notorie ty, lock qftepae'at strictures opon hi in in the Southrrmr of tbe 13th iusUut, in J" attacked ! Waiter 'K Williamson, Esq., the editor, about eight o'clock to-night, when, the latter flrl pon efiect in the head, just below. the rightye. i m V O. ' ELECTIIIC183H. B West YiBamu, July 30, A tteamer ran into a ikiff at Heatingtun jestr day, and four men were drowned. ' ' Advices from Ohio and southern Indiana report immense damage to the crops by late hy rains. , . . i . M1M,UIU, . Mi -.;. t-. ' L .; i su., FAILUEE IN BT. LOUI8. ' ! 8t. Louia. July 30. Reliable - aonroe contradicts the assasination of Chief Ross. He ia at home aud well. . . Haaben in no difficulty whatefer. ? ' " Laronto, Campbell & Gassels, bank era and brokers, has suspended until they can hear of the fate of Duncan, Sherman A Co'a foreign bills. .tO-MA - TENNESSEE. ANDREW, JOHNSON 8TKICKEN ' "' KASHTiLi.a.'july 30. A speoial to the Naahfille papers front Grsonville Tennessee.this evening report that Ex- President Johnson was atrioken with paralysis on Wednesday evening at the residence of his daughter's in Carter, Oalafornia. He is lying in a very criti cal condition, and his recovery is ex tremely doubtful. . . INDIANA, , DESTRUCTIVE CTCLONE. ; . Indianapolis, July 30. A oyolone paasedjhreugh, Harveyebary, Faun- . taita-wovnty Indiana, last Sunday night, tearing houses to pieoes aud uprooting trees, and sweeping things generally before it JFiva, women nd children .jife'iatoOU.iU Ui i CAitBBiDoa Ctrr, Im, July 30. ' Two hundred and fifty feet of the " track of the .Whitewater Valley Rail way was washed out, ani the bridge etu carried away during the storm. , A Urge force is engaged in repairing the damages.. . j (JOTIIAM. ; BOMB OF t THE I LOSERS ' BT " DUNCAN, SHERMAN & GO. ' THE CATHOLICS OF NEW YORK ANOTHER NEW STEAM . SHIP LINE. a NiwTobk, July 30, Mr. Duncan stated yesterday that at least flve , eiith. of the . letters of credit held ' against the firm has been received. It is asserted thai Theodore Mans had $00,000 with the firm, and Henderson ' h A Oolville had $30,000, and WUliam i-d Whealtonhad a very large sum. J. 8. Toate holds their paper which he v bought a fortnight ago to the extent of thirty thousand , dollars, H. J. Uontague deposited with them bis " "earnings here, and; John Braugham had almost his entire fortune in tnig JiouHS. . John L. Raymond and W. MiiLk Florene both bad letters of credit ' from the firm, as well as many other - proieMum&iiBM aDroaa. . The convention of Catholics on total .abitenanoe of the Union of America waited opon the ; Papal Abligats and Ronoetti, this morning, and presented him with an addretf oontaWng protes tations of the devotion 'id tone to be conveyed to the Pop. 1 he address was adopted as a meeting of the Con a vention, held at Chicago on the 24th of December, 2)74. A Latin address ' " to the Por, f rom the Clergy of the ' "Diocese, will be presented to the Papal Ablip this evening, and the. Papal - $ Thiiftatioa will ' sail for England to- "Th Mbblishment of a first class line of steamships between this city and Havre, to sail under American colors is contemplated. Several infla- , J4 satial merchants oonneoted with the steamship business, are at work or- " 4 ganizing the line. EUROPE. Tm& O'CONNELL celebration , PRUSSIA AND THE POPE. 1 Lokdok; July 3a The home rulers hve published a statement that they, like their ; confreres in ' London, both members of Parliament,' and others, are profoundly dissatisfied with. the " sectarian characters whioh are given k..! to the O'Oonnell Centennial in .Dub lin. Great surprise. was exDressed that Dr. Isaac Bull, the home rnle member of Parliament for Lenienek. has not been invited to the Centen- . tiial Celebration. ,r jCoHRTAHTiNoptK, Jnly 80.lt is re- ported that the Grand Vizier has been aismissM mm oinoe. rJl(...Loja)onr Jnly 80It is reported that arrangements are mode to place, ttfelve steamers in the oity of Dublin ' hj theisteamship company to convey passengers from Liverpool to Dublin during the O uonneu uentenmai week. .It is expected that ten thousand per son will goto Dublin from various Mm. . i j rt i r;ii uume ruie oounwes ui urtwi iriuuu. The Premier Amnesty Association an nounce (nreat mouminjr demonstration "to Dublin, ' concurrently with the V uonneu prooeemon, August otu. CUDA. A PEXGER FORCIBLY TAKEN BY THE SPANISH AUTHORI TIES FROM A BRITISH STEAMER -TflE LA- TEST WAR MOVE- '.' MENTS. . . : , 5 Nsw Yobk, July 30. A lettor from St Thomsii says : "The Spanish an thorities at St. Johu, Porto Hioo took off a pansengpr namrd Lini Yoiiegas, from the BritiMh HU-amhip Eidet, by furce, ibuipite the protewt of the Cap tain, and it was reported that Veregaa had been shot. It aid, that he had held u position in the Spanish army a:d Blccontlod with public fuudt. ; lie was eu route from St. Thomts for Sao Domingo, on the Eider which put into Porto Rica! Wheu the Cptniu uf the Eider refused to give up Vaivgss, a Spanish gunboat took a position in front of her rwid for action Captain Shr said he wits not prepared to reint the force and had to surrender his pas singer under protest It won alno said that Yeregas was ouly a political of fonder. A Havre letter dated the 21tlj. stysa Nuevitas letter uf June the 35th says : "About ten days ago a large Upauish convoy left Puerto Principe for Guat mara consisting of forty five ox carts aud ninety-three pack-mules, loaded with arms aud ammunition and pro vinous end a hundred and filty thou sand dollars in gold, for the army at CoHooua and Gwatmara. Toe convoy was guarded by five hundred soldiers Under command of Col. Uuelohes. It was suddenlv attacked bv the rhlii. who was eight huudred etroug aud un der command of Gen'ls. Gaucia and Reeves, and whose force of guards and escort was thrown into confusion and the convoy was oaptured by the rebels. Lobs of Spanih troops was about one hundred and fifty killed, among the number, Col. Hueluhes, who was iu command. Rebel's loss could not be ascertained. E IIEADqUAUTElW CABINET AFFAIRS. POSTAL MONEY ORDER SYS. TEM BETWEEN UNITED; BTATES AND CANADA - THE YELLOW FEVER AT B A RANCAS. f. Washington, Jul SO.-r-The order of the President directing assistant Secretary Bnrnbem to aos as Secretary during the temporary absence of the Secretary of the treasury, should not be understand as indicating the slightest displeasure ontue part of the President or Secretory towards the assistant Secretary, That officer they say enjoys to the fullest extent the confidence of both. The two officers of assistant Seoretary are of equal dig nicy by law. In this case the order was mode in view of the possibility that the Seoretary would approve it. WaaHntoTON, July 30. - President Grant has ordered that during his ab sence or sickness at any time, that the Hon. Benjamin H. Bristow, Sec retary of the Treasurer, the Hon. Curtis F. Burn am, with Assistant Seo retary, is hereby authorized to per form the duty of Secretary until oth erwise ordered. The postnl money order system be tween the United States and Canady, goes into effect Monday next. The Seoretary of the treasury has odered a retirement of over one million of le gal tender. ..... The1 Secretary of the Treasury to day deoided to make no change in the engraving or printing of the new se ries of the national bank notes, with the exception that the notes are to be printed on distinctive paper and mark ed "Series of 1875." aud will bear the signature of the Pres., and Treas., of United S ate. Postmaster-General de clares thai (he office of issue is the of fice of publication, and not where pa per n&y be printed. All such publica tions must be sent to the place of is sue before they can pass through mails at publishing ratos. f The following was received to-day: Fort Babanoas, Fla., July 30. No new coses, and no death since my re port of last night. Dr. Sternberg's symptom ore very favorable this morning (Signed) v J. M. Bbanbak, Brovet Maj. Gen. U. S. A. Command ing.' -. . . .., , NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. -LSTe w ISToVe Is. . . . . Miss Angel.'"-'-1-"""" A Noval. Ry MIm Thtekermy. Anthor of "Old Kn;ngiit4n."'-Xh VllUpjof the Cliff," "Blueboaril . Keyl," eto. With llliutrauouii. Paper, TB cenw. j - Alice Lorraine ! A Tale of tt South bownii " By R 1. Blaek more, Authr of "Otadock Nowell," "Mid of ker,"atc Paper, 78 eent. , Playing the Mischief. ANoel. " By'j. W. DeForeW, Author of --miHi jvnTuuei uanvarnon rrom uecemloo to Ix)yaltt," K.uropoan Acqaiintoce."eto. Pa par, 78centa. M .. , , , For sals al ' mHEINWERGER'S July 1 l.Wa Book and Munio Store. STAUNTON FEMALE SEMINARY. Biv. J. I- MtlXEE, A.H., . . FomoirAL. Profaor B. Loui Ida (lau of Virgliil Fe male In.tltute), Principal Mualo Iairtmaiit, with twelve addlttoDal teaohaia and offlrera. Expenaea rery rearanable extravagance In d-aa prohibited: flrt-claa board; ItutrucUon UiorouKb ; location the beat In Htttonton. syseud lor Oatalopue, wlthentof bnlldlnrt and terma. J. I. M1LLKH. HUnnlun. Va. July 80 ted lw -.i ',$( m ? ' I I I ! ' I 'ill k Ladlea' Batchels, - , , , Ladles' Tranka, denta' Traveling Baga I , -;-.. w Shawl Btrapa, Ete.t a the Baddtery Store of ,1 Carpenter Mallard,' 1 No. S Bocth FaoKT Stbiit, July 21 Wilmington, N. O. SEW ASYEETISIXENTi. UOSQUITO NETS ! A lartf atoek aa kaad aa4 Foraa'a . very r.o w. D. A. SMITH CO. ; ; Uilk)IIainie:ia. Taetiae, Ksnadyl Mefiee.1 Htaawt, Fa's Killer, Pond's Bxtreot, Tarrant 1 Aperteal, enfraat Water, and a full Una of Pataat Had laiiiaa. Pare Vtngt, FiM CkeesioaJa. eu tas alayabbfsiia j 7 Jakbb O. HuitD' Drug Store, -TWr4 BtNS. spp. City Ball. 07'raQrtptWBS eaaauOHBded aiaU aoare. daj aadaighi. -piano Tuirnra i HAV IN( engag) the eervtrae of a proTaa tonai PUno Taraat.l aai now prreil reoMve ordara for Tuning and Hepaltiug Pla. SVSaiUiaotUiD Oaraatead I aVUrdere Solicited I HEINSBERCER't aod Made Store. ED(.EVORTJI SCUOOL, . Ne.oBrnA-Lim b-sieet, I Ut f.-ll.-.--t ..... ... ... ..ouwinim wtu rare j, oaiumore.Ma. fPHI TblrUenth AnaualSeaoa eftha Kll.f g and Day f uw ana rranee Boarding enu Uayl Ni-bool tor Yciunf I ail lea, will re-opa on I luurnHY, srntenbar lata. For oiroalare, a dreaa, MH(t. H. P. LKiauVHR. Prliiotil FOR SMITHY 4 Friday July Kk, HIS. THE STEAM TUO WILLIAUr NYCE. Oaptaia. B. I. Will lama will leaVe, aa abate, from what f, loot of MarketHtrtetSo'olock a a, returning the aama eraAing. GEN. M, W. BANSOM I Owe down to addreaa tha people of- Brumwlok. . Fare fur the round tripSl. FornaMaae.applyouiftateaen board, or to GENTLEMEN Kho nae and eaa appreclats : ' . ' , IK Fine Liquors Bhiutd try our 1 Fine Old Pale Brandy ! "." 'VINTAGE '.ISAM.. - -V. - - ; " , ' It la nor arm belief tbat Miner ' Baa ever been offered In tbla city. ( For Medicinal purpoaea, It la erery way relia ble.'';' '. ..'. OUR PURE OLD RYE WHISKY Iimade from ulioloeat grain; baa age to soften It; Isittlctly pare, and Ineyery way tupertot to wblaklea mually aold. We bare aold tbla i.amo brand for nearly Hue yeara. 0. D. MYERS & CO., j 6 Airo 7 N. Fboht St. July Pay Your City Taxes. Office of Tr eaenrer and Oollecto', ) Olty of Wilmington, . , , , . Jnly TI.IBTS.V THE CI TV TAX HOOSSFO'Himi HAVING been reolTa at thlaofllna. the niKiaralmi- ed la now prewired to collect the Oity Taxea on ivbbi cawie ana peraonai property ror mo. - ALL PARTIES ! Are therefore notlfled and reqneated to gire this miiwr immraiate nienuon, ana no can at tuia omoe ana pay ap witnout rurtner delay. r'.-'".rT City Coupons Are aire recelrahle In payment of City Taxea T. C- Servoss, July 8 Traaaurer and Collector. - a r g a 1 n NOW IS YOUR TIME I 'i ;.; f . 1 . ; ? , i . ,. 'a 34 dozen Chlldrena' KM filovea, al'ghtly Spot ted, at JO Ceoia a Pair. ., , , A f Sizes, 6f, 5 nd 6 ji ; i BaOWM tc RODDICK, July? Market Street We Quaranteo " KEEP'8"PatentPrUy-Madalhlittoba Wamsutta Cotton, " and 2 1 OO Linen, Which erery honnewlfa know! It the beat. . We tell half a doaen ror $7.50 OASH! Will flnLh up when required at a email advance. Ten Dozen Sold Saturday ! . MUNSON & CO, CITY CLOTHIERS. JulyST BargainsB argains. gEN'S CLOTH OAITEBS SI GO, worth W; Meu'a low Quarlered fboetfl 60, worth Lad lea flllppera only St per pair, CHAKLCH A. PRIOR, No. 31 Market atreet," : JansJt-tf ! , , Bignoi the tiolden Boot Mechanics of All Trades, Tonr attention la called to the aery large and Sret-claet aeeortaaenl of TOOLS required by you, and at prloee that will etand Inapeetlon. (Jualilyof goooa guaranteed in eraty reepect If yon would eare time and money, tall at the nlf-eatabllsbd Hard "are Honae of JOHN DAWSON, Mo. IB, W and il Market atreet. Jul 18 . aiaJUi; KIXCILLA5E0U8. WCTAKE NO NOT K OF TIM f BUT BV ITS LOSS. ArdtkoMwhekaae ot laid la a atcrk of (leuda for their own wear aad Family turn from the aolMi IU aork that 1 have been iromiw'lcd teaxtnane, wUI aareiy loffret R. Tibm Kim, aad a Saw waeka la left la whtok to wind ap Harare the reaaoaai er my moem t aeatkar et tor "aala al aeotioB," 1 will eSpratMhar in dooeaant, kawwing, aa I do, tkat moury ui amree. It Is thus bwtdee aeUiog phi et the aanak at fttt per eent. kalew euat, 1 will aake to evar auraaaahat a diaooaat af ten tier out all auma ewer tea dollare. Tkla aa near giaiaf nela away aa I c eoaae to 1U All gtwda sold at teas than eat bv , i UAOKGS I.B1BIR, MllarketSlraat. ATLAUTIG COAST LINE Freight Department. IMPORTANT-TO DEALERS IN CORN! aek arrangeaiente of ratoa kara been per. farted altk the Atlantic sad Mortk Carolina Moad lor tha eblpaent of COKN frota hew barn and K latere Morth Carolina aa wUI Bake It to the Intereal of purehaaera In WH Blngton, Uolumbla, Augoata. Charlotte, and skwwhere In South Carolina, to look to the market, I STor rataa and nthar Inform&tliin. .titriMfl I I . ' either of the underlined. HAIAM8. Gen'l Fr't Ag't ASNCHK, A POPE, Oen'l Fr't Ai t A O Line; -Jr- Atkinson & Manning. tTS.OUO.oeO Aaeeta llepreaeutvd. '-,-x"- firb. Ina. i'o. or Kor'b America Philadelphia. l'henn lnuranrecumpauj....hw Vvik. Uoatlnental Jrauranoa Co". Kw ik. N.riritiahA Mercantile lna.co..lomt n Hartford fire Ina. Company,.. t.artloni. National Fire Ina. Oonipany...Hartii,i'd. Springfield F. A M. Ina. tlo.i.MawBokuiietU. MARINC Mercantile Mutual ina. Lo.,!,.1Shw Vor. , Ina. Co. of North America Philadelpnla. Connecticut Mutual uie 11 ua.Oo. Hrrtlord. tekiJ ee-tr JJEKCHANT8 AUD HECllAHIO 'fnSUBANCE COMPAK f, UF BIUHMUNO, VIKOINIA. Capital.. fjee,f V-BTOKsa, Prealdt. I. B, Hikiw.omI 1,1 : JUUBWIIJ)KKATHIINi4 UeneralAga He. North Water Hi Wilmington , N . o. aprllll iag.it rcotiwba High School. mHB TWRNHRTH SKS8I0N of lutein Ja weatawui spaa Win July. Pure moan, tain atmnapbere, good water,, adaantagea of towa and oountry eomlilncd, Objocta of the Bciiooi i in. ro prepare young men ror good college, at. To give a Miorouirli academic ed ucation. Board Tn Inmlllna, fa per lonlh. niimun wnn circular, apply u miner Inatruokir, , Ke. 4. CLAPF.A. II. J. II. MOWS, -. Be. J. A. FOIL, A. II. Newten.N. O., June 17, 1 The Dawson Bank. jy ORDKlt OF THB BOARD OF 1)1 REO tore, the Booka of Hubacrlptlon to the Capita Stock of' this bank will be opened at their bank ing room on Tliurmley, Uie 2t l Initant, at 10 q'eloek aad Mmain open nntll lurtber oordered. , n. LAKK1NH, Oabi u ly SJ-lm 20 WILL BUT A PIr e mium Bond J.MDIi(ri!IJM Doot'oompareitwltb a lottery t bear In miad that the eapltal nreited la alwaya ae. eared. ' ' ' ' " . ThU I-oan Is lieutd on a noyel plan, and;la authoriaad by special Aot of the LegHlatura of tbs State of New York. : Brery bondholder moat receive atIeeet Ml bat he may recelre ; ;'; : 19100.000 ! or $38)00, er SI 0,000, or fS.000, or 300,'.0., 4th Preminm Allotment, June 7,11875. 6th Series Drawing, Jnly 6th, 1875. Clrculare giving fall explanation, will be aent free of charge on application. For Bonds and fall Information, addresa without delay, MORCENTHAU, BRUNO AM., FINANCIAL AOBHTi . - ' '") , 23 Park How. New York. Poet Office Drawer 1 99, . , . i - : l ? . . - j ' ... ' : i Bamlt by Draft oa New Tork City Banka, Begietsred Latter, or Poet Uffloe Money Order. aorUS UV EOUCATIONU. BE1HEL ACADEMY, Faryiuaat'o ,Va., Ptra for I'mwl y ft rtnlnr". Kit bwd ail tttl c O 9 r? ' ,l imwn. M.,li-i0 JJcl rut s Noaatiaa. , k.TK acts fk'm tkstimonui.s t "I hrtlll comnvnul BaTHia Ai i. knv to Ike iaror and MUiiwiin o Ilia nbltr.n Frof. ef I alia, l'nivin ul Va. I woaM ta willing to tttaHde ma own ecu to Mr. !MUh' .t,', and hanca 1 ia oitimwiU tk ih'liittl loBlKct parriila." K. H.HMITH. rrol. Nataral I'klltwepliy, I'l.ltrttliy ot Va. "f fral rntf d, ftum expat lance, In re ecnimending it." . JOHN B. MIKH, Piofcwor otJLt, l'iilv!i'l uf Va " Hie of the bent luttltu tuna of lla rlane In haMaia. H. II. M RHIK, i . PraiOMur ul ilrwrk, btrhmotul t vlirK. , UI krnwor nolnatituthmof like graile rupe rlor to Bidbel Acadfmv." J" BKV. J. D. HLACKWRU A.M.,rl.. l,ynkbu g, Va. . I'neqnalled, In niy 01 Inlon, by any lualttu Uon in the South." . UKN. U. W. rikl.D, Atlanta, tla. Heal aad eheapert preparatory acliool in the Slate. CHAHCKH MSHON. o( King Uaorga county, Va " In my opinion, the chaapeat and boat In the State." COL.S. I. CKAWroilD, : Auguata ooua'y, Va. 'The rbeaptat Seminary, and aa good aa the brat. In the Vnlted HtaUa." ADAM EMI'IK, d. A. KNUKLUAKD, Wilmington, North Carolina. For Catalogue, addreaa Wa. W. Smltli, A. M. Senior Principal. wd ll Horner & OraTes' School, niLLsuonov n. o. fJlHBtFALL SEMklON OF WIS OPENS fourth Monday la July. VOataloguM aent on application, tulj ,. IM-dDwAwim THB UNIVERSITY Of II Thla Inatltutlon will be rs opens 1 on The First Mouduy lit 8c)tember Next, The term ending tha wl Thnraday In Juim, INTa, with a yacatlon of two waeka at Clirlatrtaa. It baa heenre-organteed en the aiectloSratem, neinlilulng, however, three curricula of Aria, Science ami Agrlnnltnre. Inatrurtlnn will be given In the brancliee of learning liaually (aught In the bait Collegoa, Special Instruction provulrdln Agrloultureand the Mechanlo ArU. An able faculty haa bees appointed. ' 1'he biilldlnga thoroughly repaired lot the reception of anvaral bundled atudanla. Forclroularevplanatnrvof tb Sbnvn, apply to t . at I ; HIP 1. IIATI'l'l', Haoretart lleard of Trualeca. Jnly-lm Halclgh, N.C SOUTHERN HOME SCHOOL , . 197 and 109 N. Chaiiles Br. .rt , ; BALTIMOBE, M.D. , " 1 8T AB LI8HED 1 842. BOAUDIMQ AMD DAT BC'nOOL SOS YOI'MW LADua. Prlticlpai Mr, and Mia Mi Cary, Mr), deal John Pegham. Preach, the Language Spoken. July W-rod'im Dover School, Va. TIIRTwentlath Sowion, of (an niontlta, will begin the flrat Monday of. Haplenilur, IKIfl. Amulet home and a practical education given to boya. Addreaa It. B. McUOHMICir, Principal, Alilau, London county, Va. '' ;' iu:i i:itr,Nrt;. , tieneral Hunter, Warrenton, Virginia. Ber J A Bloadlot, 1) D, Greenville, H C. " Prof John Bart, Klchtnoml , V a. K P Raynolda, San Marcoa, Texai. Jlnvtl-illm " Trinity College, N, C. NF.KMIO'Oint1i:JMRPT.'l,tSS. 'nil ITiiniillv .lAni.., k..n.ii. i board and aootimmodatUma ; locailnn, neai Hiifh Pmntnn IIia ain.il, Hb...1imh u.i u. varyhaalihy. A receipt In full for all expati' ,.: '"'I"' " vKiiuing.iur nvo moiiiiiH, .. i " . " omi iiivu iwjuuiik moil of limited meann. ' " Poat (ilice,"'i'rluty College, N, O." July Mm H.CKA VEN, Proaldant. Episcopal HighSchool, Nvar Alexmndrla, Ta. 1. M. BLACKFORD, M. A., Prtnclal. FoBndad InlKSO. Nit Rnaalnnnrum. UW.n. ber 82, iHTS. Boya prepared for college or bne- 'iev. Awiacanu ana wrma aa barore. Cata togiiennton applloatkin to tiio Principal at Alexaudria, Va. . . BUV ONLi THE GENUINE" FiM R RAW If Q "r " J SkBTaTB iiBV . . , also, . .' ' The moit Perfect Alarm Caah Drawer. MILES ALAKM TILL CO.'S. Also, Herring'! Safe'i Coffee and Drug Hills, Letts Preaaea. FAIRBANKS' 'V STANDARD SCALES, . BASuBACToaisa ';.- E. & T. FAIRBANKS & CO ST. JOHBSBCBT, VT. . ' raiHCHvat, ioals WABsnovasat -' AIUBANK8 A CO.,31inroalwa., n a.r. -: '' FAJKBANKS ok CO., 169 Baltimore St., Bal timore, Md, . -.. FAianAig A Co., S3 Camp Street, New Or leana. FAinnanuft Co,, 93 Main Street, Buffalo, Faibbasks A Co., m Broadway, Albany, FAiBBAiaa A Co., 801 St Paul 'a at, Montreal. FAinnAMKa A Co., 84 King William Bt Lon don, Eng. Faibbavu, Bbowm A Co., MUk St, Bos ton, Mm. FAMBAHKa A Ewiso, Maaonlo Hail, Phila delphia, Fa. FAiaaaaiia.Moaai A Co.,lU Lake St., Chi cago. PAlSAASKa, Mosas A Co., 189 TTaliint Street, iiinelnnatl, Ohio. ' ... FAianABKa, MoitaB A Co, 183 Superior St, Cleveland, Ohio. Faibbahkb, Moaaa A Co., 49 Wood Street, Pitteborgh. FAinnANK", Morub A Co., Bib, and, Main St., Louiavllle. ' ' Fairbabkb A Co., SOt and 804 Waablngton Avenue. Ht. Lmtla. Faibbabkj A Hotohirsom, San Franeiaoo, uai. For aala by leading Hardware Dealera. June! 91-dw-luw-eod NEW ADVERTISI3IZSTS. THEEMOHBTER 105 IN THB SHADE! 45 BROWN &R0DDICK, 45 15 Are both warm ami fully satiaflctl with the trade they bats dons for the tat st-amin, but are still Jcmruns to clone out a few small Iota previous to tak ing tcconnt of stock, anl have marked them at such prioes at cannot fail to st'ouro tlwir immediate sale, - A DISCOUNT of 25 Per Cent Will be given off til remnants of Dross Goods. GENTS WHITE DRESS SHIRTS MADE TO ORDER r Pit Guaranteed - A full line always on hand 5 alsot Cuffs. Collars, Underwear, Etc. Agents for Frank Leslie's out PAPEU PATTEUNHi Machine Needles, 5 Cents Each. Terms, Cash Only One Price. j iy BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market Street. 11 TC J UOl AT 30 IMAHKIET STREET, - ANOTHER LOT OF Black Grenadines. Black Silk Challys, BLACK OASIUVIERES, CREPES, &C. MU3IIi:ii HTOC1C CXaOHII OUT lower Than Ever I ISTo. 86 MABKET STREET, MISCELLANEOUS. "Hi Everybody's" Pill, A Centlo but Certain Cathartic They act with cbbtaibtt on the Urer, eon tain no calomel ; are purely Vegflable. The beat, lurent. aafeat ana miUlent pnrgatlre fill in uae. Tliea are uaed more generallr than any otlier Pill In ne, for tlie lenittti of time they bare been before the public. Are nloely angar coated and bottled at 28 oenti per Bottle. Aak yonr Drugglat for "Kvsbtbodt's" Pill, and take do oilier. July I . 188-lm NOTICE, There will be an eleniion held at the naual polling ulaoaa on Uie lira! Thuraday In AU;oat, mi?, in now nauarer oouiiit, lor uie election of the following townahlp o Itinera, Tla i WILMINGTON TOWNSniP-aeren Mag latratna, one Townahlp Clerk, on Oenatabie and three Bobool Committee. FKHEBAL POINT, MA80NBOBO, HA R NKITAND (JAPK FKAH TOWMIrlll'N- Two Maglatratea, one Clerk, one Oonatable and three Sclioo Committee each. NKW H ANOVKK AND PEN DRB OOTJN TIKH -Thra Delegatea to the State Conatitu tloual Conveniion, 8. H. HAMMING, Sheriff Of Mew Uanoaer County. July 0 ... , , 163-dAwllaw4w TO HOLDERS CITY COUPONS. ' Office of Treasurer ani Collector, CITY OF W1LMINOTON, N. Q, y- r, June 29th, 1875. : NOTICB U heroby given that THE JOLT CvJtJPON8 1S79 (of Bond! of thla City) can: upt be promptlyiuld. In oonseqienea of certain ebanget nnder a recent dsolaion of the Supreme Court of thla .. te as to the manner of aaeewment of the 1 and Personal Property la this city; and thereby the City Tax Booka not yet having been placed ,ln poeeeaslon of the nnderilgned for oolleotloa; together with other compiles lone In regs rd to eur Municipal aQUra, now pendlnr before the gnpremo Court of North Carolina, the oity of Wilmington moit aarily crare some Indulgence from the holders of Olty Conpona,under exlitlng '.clrcumatancet, T. O. SERVOSS, Olty Treaaurer. June 30 OPENED! The Charlotte Observer The only morning dally paper publlihfdtn the Hlt weat of Italolgh and North of Wll. mlngtflu, oftera aielal Inducement to adrer. tlaera. lie otrnnlatlon, alae and naefolneas hare been largely tneroaaed during the year Juat paat. and It now reachee moat of the iter. ohanUof Weatern North Uaiolina, tbue oner lug en unatTrpaHOd medium of eommuolea tlon between the M erehante of Wll minglos and the people or Woetern Morlb UaroUna, taaiis os soseoairTioa i ....as 00 per annum. Weekly.,,.,....., ;i to y Adrcrtialng rery low. ma iiff-tf Turnip Seed I Turnp $BAit New Crop 1878. Grown by tandreth A Bulac, Philadelphia. Alao a large aaaortmeat of Cabbage Seed. For aala by GREEN A FLANHXH. . . July 1 1st Etbbt honaekeener ahonld Dosneas 'at least one or the following celebrated Cook Booka, aa they would ear the prtoe or It In a week's cooking ; . . . Queen of the Kitchen ( 1001 Old Maryland Re- oelpla J 75 Mist Laalle'a Mew Benelpti for Cooking.. ..1 TS Mrs. Hale't New Cook Beak .l TS The Young Wife'a Cooic book 1 TS Miaa ijeaue-a New cookery nook... ........ 1 TS Mrs. Qoodfellow'a Cookery aa It Should Bel TB Aug nauunaivovB book, by nana an a. Bourler i TS PeteraonHi New Cook Book 1 TS Wtdillleld'e New Cook Book... 1 TB Mra. Hale'i Beoeipta for the Million.., 1 IB . ' MB SALS AT ". ' HBTNSBXBaBl'l , July IT tf tire Book and Mnaao Store, THELiiST CAEG00P PEIIIE la now offered to 'pnrehaaert lb Bright Hew Packaget, both Hogahead and Barrel, at lowest market rats, x . -.ALse ' ' . , 8UGAR HOTJBK MOLASSES, Mnarorads Sugar Drips, Mew Or leana Molasae Baoon, Pork, Dry Baited MeaU, Lard, Flah, Butler, and a fail line of aeeorted Qrooeriee. Alt Kin aa of Winei and Honors 4 the lowe at market prlee te good oa omer; ADRIAN & V0LLEK3 Corner of Dock aad f oat ill . fS)3tt

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