i r. f . 1. M I t I SUZCAY. ATTCTM 1. 1875. co:jvjirrnorj. CIsctlon.Auust Cth, 1 070. FOR DELEGATES a EarxsTici ours nr. DAVIDS. C0WA3, pmr ponrrr. J. N. STALL1N0S,' JOSEPH A. WOIITH, KE1LLU. BLUISp li DUNCAN SINCLAIR. - ' BLADE. 1 W 1H1 GAKTUUrr. JAMES HUM LEY. . ooLrmna conmr. FORNEY GEORGE. 0TBMW OOTMTT. "JAMES 0. SOOTT. tAktrftOlt corxTT. 8. J. FAlsON. WILLIAM K1RDY. w iaiotbb eorirrr. ; . GEORGE DAVIS, ROBERT STRANGE. RXnU COCTTT. R. K. RRYAN. aiawMHMMMWHMawawp W ATT At CIVIL KIMUT. HIIX . TON A"JD BaAHTIAL LAW. WHAT A SPKOTAt I.E I ialp Box too ssskt a seat in the OonveoUoa by negro tote. Mo on know better than himself that if the , : segro toU b taken from him h has no hop of aa lotion. H depend t up th begro of Cumberland and they depend apoa him. ; Bui Jadg Buxton U not th only 1st - iar day legal luminary that haadraggsd th iadialal ermln into tL politic! Men. Jsdg Watt, of th Uajeigh district, ha taken th stump in behalf of th negro party. Hoping, doubt- 1m. to mak oapital for a future nomi nation by oonatitawoy blaoker than th blaok, h openly declare hi approval of th civil right bill, and nnotuottaly thank hi God that it hai passed. Bo maoh for Watt. And now for Buxton. Buxton vu evidently intended by natnx fol me diocrity and obaourity. But not oou tan with hi lot, h has boldly gone againat nature, and mad himaelf no torioua. If h had don nothing la to nd his name down through all time with hh anathema of all loveri of good government, hi latest d eel aa tion would be uffloint to do o. lie, Judge upon th beuoa. iwo ad' iufu lateral Til rawf.uiibluahingly deolara that a bill investing pa man with abso lute power over th Uvea, liberties and property of th people lUroo ghoul th State, f a good bill. ' We refer, of oourse, U th Bhofnsr bill, for it is this infamous, .infernal bill that hi Honor Judg Buxton sys i good bilL And toil It th man that claims to be a mild mannered, amiable, chris tian jurist 1 Heaven save the mark! It war thl Shofner bill that gave Qovarnor Holden th power to denlare by proclamation every county in the Btat to be In insurrection, and under which h inaugurated and conducted th Kir war. ', It was this Bhofner bill, that on Cook, then oarpetbag Banato from Johnston, advocated, for the reason that under it mm "oould b tried by drumhead oonrt martial and shot" It wu under this Bhofner bill that Governor Holden aotually did organise i court martial to try tnn nd( ahoot them. And yet Judge Button deolare it to b a good bilil But thi ia not surpriiicg, for Judge ... Button la nothing, -if not Radical, and dil ? not 'hi party in a State Confution ,sjmbld ; formally en dors Governor Holdsn and his admin istraaion, rn after he had been ig nomin ionaly driven from officer And yet thi party ha thaaudaoity tosp peaftdwhft men for rupport, putting forth It champions Watts and civil right, and Buxton and martial law. What a siat of ; thing there would b If such men oould shape the policy and oontrol she destiny of North Oar oiinar-;;':; ..; EeoamUi that the lection law re quires MJ7U whm oofer it ehaU tugSM tfu poll upon demand o) any itUm o the State Uthall bth duty of the Jrupeotori o the Election to rvqvire taid voter before being aU . lowed to vote to prove by the oath of otne other per ton known to the judget the fad of hit .retidenoe for thirty " dagi prevUme thereto in the county in which he propotet to vote." Bomembor also that the election law aaysi "Xftttor ihall bi entitled to rtgmer or vote in any bther precinct or township than the one in which he U en actual or bona fide reeident on t he day 6j election, and no oertitoalee t reoittration thalt be Qiven." L ., Hoar what John Tag, negro, and Radical . omndidat . fo Convention from Cnowan, wyat - i "If the Republican get hold of Con venUon, we intend to give the whin folks hell, di (hem. We will have no snrh thhy as a color distinction ., .... iailii AND lli:K3l U art Sicca the clone of the war the link ing capital of this city has been total lj inaJeqsata for the rc-1-areoetle of oar Urge anJ stoaJilj iaoresaiug trade mJ eomaierM. In thii, the principal coaimsreiai city of the state the bauk iiig facilities ere not eiual to thoA of me of our interior cities. Our small capital bM, however been wielded with no ranch judgment, kill, and enorgT, by the managers of our local banks, aud the buaintwa tact of our merchant, m to here become sub jot of wouder tbt audi vast amount of buaiutNU, could hare been ooudno tJ villi muns o wide'y diHproportnwl to the trade end oomtnro of our aity. The fiariiMwi baa, however, bwn rechti, and it is believed bj many bose jadgmonts sr worthy of the highent coDsidertion, that without very largely increased banking facili ties, which of oounw rueane au iu- cre&ae of cipiul, btiHiuewt ruusi lnuRuinh, and thevaat additions to our tnvlo, whict) muit, or should result from the eitcnuiona of the Carolina Central Kail Ktwd, b loat U ua. Oar foreign trad has increased far cyoud the expoctattoua of the moat auguiue advocate of the poliey of building upojmintroial reUtiou aud direct trade with European nations but we have uot had th means of re alizing all th advautagoa that should have aooruad from thi trade. It is fair to conclude that this trade till continue to increase if w can eom mand th facilities neoeesary to sus tain it. These facts and considerations have indnoed the present stockholders in the Dawson Bank to open the door for an influx of oapital, and the books are now open for stock subscriptions under the management of Directory, composed of some of our most promi neut, xpurienod and reliable mer chants and baokmen; aud we onn o r dially oommend them aud their enter prie to th confidence of all who have oapital to invent, . , We are assured that thi movement has not been inaugurated with any view to th prosont or ultimate preju dice of th interests of the other banks of thi olty, but with the firm eonviotion that the interests, not o the bank only, but of the entire com muuity, will be advanced by the suo- oess of this scheme, even should the oapital reach one million. IViuts where legitimate business operations oreate an active demand for capital, afford th beet guarantee of safety and of profitable returns on oapital invested in banking operations and wo feel assured that the integrity, sound judgment and flnanoiel abality and experience of the managers of this institution may be safely relied upon by all who may place their oapi tal under their charge. The character and standing of the gentlemen who constitute its manage ment, we are glad to say, do, indeed, giv ample assnrauoe that the affairs of the institution will be safely, dis- nrfletly, prudototl, ud profitably eon duoted. Mf. P. W. Kerohner, the President, has stood in the foremost rsuk of our bent business men cvor mhuv iuv lounniu vi uia lubvr tun wai, and possesses the confidence of tho en tir oommanity. Mr. Wm, Larklns, inM llwi w,,aww . MA.1A nf.AM , 1. wn J w vsntnre to ay, hss no superior in tbe State as a Bank Cashier. And among the Directors, what can we say of James Anderson, Alfred Martin, A. J. DsRossott, James Dawson, that will add anything to their already well earned honor and teputation ? And what can we say of John Mo- Rae, who for so many year and with snoh signal tncoesa as its President msnsgod.the affairs of the Bank of Wil mington f These gentlemen have been known wherevsr the business of Wil mington hfts been known for a quarter of ft oonturv Messrs. KSp and Pesohaa are also among onr oldest and most prominent business men. Messrs. Boatwright and Burr, though younger men, have established most enviable reputations. Of Ool. Btrange.it is needless to speak. Mr. Maultsby is a citizen of Columbus oonntv, and a man of ample means and business oapaciry. , , Undor such auspices therefore, as those we fool fully justified in com mending the Dawson Bank to the con- confidence and consideration of the community. DOST LIKBTHB PICTURE? j Chained and hand-cuffed, a poor old mother, . bound , hand and foot, stands legging her many stalwart sons' (o strike from her limbs the ac cursed manacles that wmmd her flesh and agonize her soul. ; 2 hat fond old mother is the State of North Carolina, 2ht Constitution and its burdens are the chains and mana cles that so sorely wound and so gricv- Ously oppress her. We, the hundred and forty thousand white voters, who are calki by her name, are the sons to whom she so piteomly appeals for deliverance and for protection. WAaf say you brother white men. Shall our good old mother live always in slavery to negro masters 9 Shall she always be bound in the chains of a Constitution riveted upon her by hostile bayonets in hostile hands t Or shall we rise in our might and with one blow while redeeming our own honor and regaining our own manhood, strike from her limbs the shackles that torture her and dishonor tut : . ' -:. White mm of North Carolina, if you have any honor left, negro rule over you, will receive its death blow on Thursday next, 0o. I). II. II.!!. :- the .W,m' II itrw, tbna a'.!;. . a cull from lua old cornrnJe in arm, (Jen. IxiDgtrei't: "lis ia io bad !.'!t!i, and hia long whl-rs, that w rs ODoe so black, are t w fr , ato.l all over. lie ia stooi I an J lowiv!, and looks haggard and cure-worn. TLrre lit little to recall the confident soldier tf Le's army, who never dreamed of diaaaUr, and till le to recall the tail, straight youth almost feminine (nleanty, who led in mauy chsrgne in the Mexican war. He waa then our moat iutimate friend in that army, and no one bus mournod over his mistaken ooume ainoe the war more ainoeroly than we have don, lint the Bonth tiaJ uo truer ohaoipion than he in the days that tried men' souls. It ill beoouies men who were bomb-proofs then to csat a atone at him now." Lee, John ston sod Jackaon were not more de- voted t ) our Confederate oause than wax Utuieral Jamee Loogstreet. The mputatioua npuu hia loyalty to the Bouth are simply ridiculous. As he is no longer In tlrsnt s employ, we feel it but right to testify what w kuow aaauredly of hia honor auti truth." Well and handsomely said If Loug.treflt sinned gievuualy, ' gre vioualy haa he suffered. II KM KM 11 tUi. That there uill be a Convention, nd matter for whom ve vote, . t That it is "settled law" in JN'ortA Carolina, that the restrictions are binding. That the Homestead and Laborers' Urn cannot be touched. ' That the amended constitution has lo be submitted to the 'p&qile, for rat iflcatUm or rejection. That the question for the people is only this: Whoshall be our delegates to the convention, ' ' - s ' j The Southern Historical Society has lately received an important ooutrib ution, oonsisttug of "copies of Oonftnl erate reports made by bead of Depart ments," in reapoas ,to a citcotar f Ueu. Breckinridge, Bsoretary of war, issued the early part of February, 1805, n th resources at their command for conducting the wr. The contributor waa B. O. Kean, of Lynchburg, Va, late ohief clerk in the Confederate .war Department, who states that the docu ment ware placed in hi confidential oar and brought boma on his person after the surrender of Gen. Johnston, together with letters, written at the asm time, from General Lee and Johnston on the condition of their armies and their ability to prosecute the war. v .""".', '. -' i Builders Hardware, TJOOK4, BASH AND BLINDH, 1 FAUn'H.OlLH, YARNISHKe, The attention of bulldere and othereta called to our wall aeleoted atoek, at rednaed lirloea. Uall and sianlne at fy ' . NATH'L JACOOI'S HARDWARE DEPOT.' Fish Hooks and lines Q KINK TW1ND, HCVTHRK, urate Hooki, uarden Boot and Bakeel Loet prloaa. Nath'l Jacobl's HARDWARE DEFOT. Rims, Hubs & Spokes ! Xt.KS, 8PRINUH, . uakhiaub materials, Ac Ordera by nail troniuUi filled and tatlafao- t'on uerantKd. NATHANIEL JACOB!, HARDWARE DEPOT, NO. 1) MARK1CT HT. Viiua 'Al 147 Tho Virgmln BUFFALO SPRINGS, Meoklepburg County, VlrRlnia. THE GREAtImEOIcINAL WATER OFTHEJOUTH. s OPEN; 20th MAT, 1879. Tbeee watere ara pnanmed of eitraordlnary onratl ve Mwer 1b atteatlone of the K 1 UN K Y 8 and Hl.tltnsH.ln all derangementa ef tbe H1LIAUY UKOANS laoldentW warm ailaa matlo regtona. In Dyapejal, la Dt peculiar to Women. Chronic, Intermittent aim Remit (nt petvera. cnronio Gonorr noea. seoonaary sypnuis. c ileet auu an on anew u aanlt al Dlaana. amtlnanmerormaor Ooutaud Rheuma tism. Their remarkable power auu etttoaoy In tue dlaaawa Indicated are vow-hod for by aomeof the raoet ilmtingalahed mertleal sea ar the eoaatry, eeth North mad South, aa well aa by reported eaeea from the moat una nea- Uonable eouroee. Tettlmenlale In Pamphlet nrm lurniMed on application, TUK WATKtt rUKBAI.1. . - . --,. The water I pnt np In eaeea of one doven half Mlloo Biittl at M per eaae. Route tothoSprlnva for the Southj.uy way of tbe Mtcaaioad and Atlanta Air f Jua Hallroad ao Ncuttaburg Dit In Halifax county, vtrcinia, woere all tralna are met by or-aok"t for the Hprl ign U mile du-tant , . TMOkASIf OOOOK.' ariW t.aW-Sa proprietor Ginger Ale, IGinger Ale. ' tienulna , - - I NEW SUOAR-CUREO HAMS I STRIPS A SHOULDERS. FrethParched CofTee I All at rodnced prloea, at , ' Geo Ilyers, jBlya 11 and 13 S. Front St. CIRCULARS OK EVERY DKSCKIP Uoa gotteu up In the neatest of style , . . OVItNAJ. urfica. THE ATLANTIC A J. Jk. : i je . vrj n : xi ; o; irr9 beaufort, isf; o. s . .... r ' --X'Wr- - 4.r S . V mm J 7, .. .' ;i -Z: trT-, T-cr-J u - ""-as -"" . j 11 4 i , II H u -1 THK A ROTE KSTABl,n.BirKT'.OFJVOVABr.T IKTKUI-l'l Z'l"" ts. May I no October int. ; vj. s- f EJ!Z wtlltn j ioiar w kU uiuil. t i7 Bs fcopM I lUm tJeolt.r attuation of thU iiauS afford! all NO DUST I SO lUES l llaMhlH- IIwm aattidifdtotbalionawfcfeiiK(tiy St ones tnjoj s"s TliS Mnxle Hall and rain.uallna aallwla. addl Hwtvfloif a fltasatit rtfrtaUtumtW rati ail me m for erl and amUn meat Boat, rut raliln and wall aianaRtd, for , " . ,.;,',' ; f ; r . PIC NICS, FISHING PARTIES, MOONLIGHT SAILS, and vtilting i-olnta f tntrrt at la tbe vtrltilty INKS aad TuQiJoiie are to .ytVUsio , Til M SH'Mt w H.ll and Alilrri runrtou n.nf int nut a tin I id itly iradf riionm and rt-ldd Ibiiio t rerrrtl ntirrhaiwlltlat bli Ut AHI'Ifd HOIK, t,wtl tn lilli ol wmi aii than tbe Hotel 1. ti. 1.1. Ml Al mtiil.lii lllftfl tll HOWl ha rlmtT aiiliwctd and ifie fifrr o tlntpii Tkiims ; 12.50 per dsy for first week 'a.i.,i runi.t. m.ii. with familial and tun. t ,t;hllilrnBdaerTaiitihll irloa. .1 mavW tlAw tf. " ' 1' ' ! COLD8DORO, N. C. H. FETTER, A.M., Prof . Ancient and Mod- ''k'aVasIS, A.M. ProV.' iathomatloi. Th Tbird Term Of tbls Inalltat lion will bearia JTiaatday, Ana;. , aud end eu ffloadar, Uect ! TU IS Soiiool la altuated la tn town or Golda t)uro (tbe centre of four Kallroade), and I rum ua acowalbllttf oneraeupeiuraaTantaKei to varonU and iiurdlane IivIiik la tbe ur roundlng oouutrloe or lu the Kaatora portion or tbe atat. Tbe loettUm te kaalthy, and no laati of atokaeaa need 1 be entertained by pareaU tending their eoua to tbta tmts, a not a alngleeaae of aerloaa lllneaa oaent--red la tbe School during tUe paat acholaatio year. Mo parent, tliererore, can reasonably be deterred from pat.ronliln thin School on the mora uf the anhealthlnM of tbe location. rriireeaor K. T. Adawe, Who baa ohrge of the MUiniHml Department, 1 an luiunue of Kasdolpb Maoon Oollno, and baa bi a uoobwIiiI teeober of youth for many year. Tbecoureeof luttrttotlon Ia aouua, uioroujh and oxteudTe and eoeM to develop and Improre the mental power of the puplla by tralnlnf theui to think, and by teaoblns them tbe rlirhi oee of the faoultlea with wbloa, Uod haa en dewed tbsssj -.-.?.). a The dieoiuiisoor the Hohooi, while n n mua and parenlali en lor oee the duty of obedience toevery rileetid rvgulailou. Aa liienbordlna tion and dlaordorly oonduotare wholly Incom patible with aebolaetlo tralnln and aieutal Kroitreee, no uoy wuo inuiepoaeu io imprvre li time or 1 an Injury to hie fellowe, will 4 retained In the School. Moral and rellsloue inntroatlon 'eaolves a due bare of attention and connlderatlon ( ror un let, the heart and connclenoe be lnnruoted and eollhtjnd.tnire aeeular learning will arall but in ue ia ma formation oi a oorre( ana uprigni onarwuir. I'hM fntt. .Mllnlnn. kmllA. h.ln wll IMtfc tented lu tht plare, erery boarder la allowed to attend that church on Sunday wblcb hi pa rent may donlgneto. Thi with and preference of the parent will be etrictly obaerted, aa noth ing or a reoiariaa ooaraestr it counienanoeu in tlie School, 4. Boye are prepared ror advanced ciaatea in Oollege or for the active bonlneee of ll'c. The bui.ninn. Hitherto known aa uie"re- tale Uolleie " ha been i -cured by the Prlncl- al, ami win heraalter aa uaea a a ecnooi ioi oy lieadly weapon, Intoxicating drink, profan ity and every apoclea ot gambling are etrlotly prouiunou. ...... - ,, . j,,,. Terms, ptf Session of 20 Weeks HALT IN ADVANCE-BALANCE ON KIKST OF OOTOBEK. Tuition for prlmarv dprtment...,.-,- $tB w i,. "i Ulgb.rKnglU)h.-.........,..ii( w " aavanoed olaiiei, with Alge bra, eto SS 00 Advanced elaiaea with I tin no 00 and wltb Ijttln aad Greek. 38 00 German, French, and book-keeplnc, each extra v 0 00 Board, IholndUiH fuel aad light,..,..,,.. IB M lacldoBtalrxpeiuiel. ,,.,,.,. i PO . i ' 1 . . i. i; s is. ( ti s. i 4 l.f Each etudent will furnlHh. for hi own nee. a pair or blanket, a iirof sheet, a pair of pll iow-oaae ana ni rowei. No dwluctlon from l ul tion and Board In eaae of dlmuwlon or withdrawal, and only In oase of protracted nlokneiw. ror runner particular, addrea M. FETTER, Principal. !nly8-dwtf ; tiOLUSBuHO, N. O NEW SOOT HE! HOUSE OH W. BIHdim, (Late of Hprnnt ft Htnnin,) Wilmington, M.O. jAnaa t. cdhmiiio, (Late Caxliler Bank of Mew Hanover.) . , Tarboro, M. O. InNSON&CUiraiNG, FOR THK ALI OF ' Cotton, Rlee, Lumber, Tobaoco Naval Store, and Southern Produce Generally, NO- 102 . CHESTNUT ST. P. O. no 9030. Ctatladelpbla, Pat. aivaamvEa: . , B-Oralfter, preeldent Bank of New Han. over. Wllmlngtou, ij, , It K Burrew, Preeldent Flrrt National Bank, Wilmington, N C. Jamee Uaweon, President Dawaon Bank, Wllmlnirton, N O. ..-.,... 6v5r!o01roW',,l ' Jeeae M Llndeay, Pretldent Bank of Green, boro, Uraennbore, N O. , Hon Geo. Howard. Tarboro, NO. at wtd.ll,Kn.,lriirbwo. H 0. f Bon. W D dohnaon, Marlon Oonrt Bon, J"I,T . - - .ws-dawtf ATT !,,f B,k aplBtHtld nay eelllng our JXLsll tno.it. W havw other aoraW wine a are aa naple an Flour, bend atamn loj oar lllaetratedeatalocne. Addrea, t, P. OL.U0K, New Bedrord. Mai. anS . ...... .j, r- ... . . i .v..-- JB-V hi iTEL, mew sis stoataM aafaauiiaiice wiw au te fUtn f m wrr w P V N6 MOSQUITOES f f f 4 1 h ' - be rmmd at Jnland rwortt, txtldai plsanre be had at tbe kE8TACtANT sf tbenndar- I "liA. j lollta and attinllt n-r?aiit.wilhanipleT In tblullnaij lirtiiieM, Ui proKUUir uni.rr tM ni-w 'tn. .win " umio me tumm. pum u.wu. m HftHIO Ul leilfTKI attmtivfly wudled, ; 1.60 per day for aeoond, Weekt Iiouraloslatj.1 Liberal reduction to early vlal- GEO. W. CHARLOTTE. Proprietor, Quarantine .Notice. NTlIi rUKTHKK XOTIUB ALL, VK8- eela from Port Bouts of Capalearwllleometo at the VWUng rHatlon, near Deep Water Point, and await tie Impaction of the (Joar- an tine Pbyalclan. Atlveaatli from Porta where Yellow Fever, or other Infection dueaae axlata, will be re. quired to undergo S rigid snd prolonged Quar antine. All veaaeti or boat of any character having Icknca on board on arrival, or having bad Icknee any time dating the voyage, are re quired to oomo to the Station for Inapectloo without regard to the Port tiom whence they seme. Ttwelr Sot Included a above will pro ceed wlUiout detention. i Pilot are f apaolally enjoined to make eare- ul enquiry relative to vea ala, crew, Ac, and If not attuned with the atotemento nf the Cap tain or conimandor, or If the veel U In a fllthy condition, they will bring the veawl to the Htatlon for further eiamluatkm. Pilot wilfully violating th Quaran'lna Law are iuliject to a forfeiture of their branch; M alters Of vrvU to a Una of two hundred dol lar a day "for every' day they violate the Quarantine Law: and all other peraoni are liable for each and evory oflence. i All vraNli lunject to viitiaiion under aoova regulatloui, will aeta Sag in tbe main rigging, Pu"-,,ue- ..... v r I W Shi Wort of Wlliulnitoav Stnlthvlle.N.lJ.. MavT, 1S7H. May i l2tllnovl OFFICE OF THE CITT CLERK AND . TREASURER, Cm Of WlLMINOTOK. N. 0., ' a 'June 24th, 1875. AN ORDINANCE Concerning Cows and other cattle run- mng at large. TJS IT ORDAINED by tbe Board of Alder. men of lb City of Mr Umtngton, N. O., aa fol fowat r t vi r ft ' Section l, That any Cow or othia cavtlb of ad kind, found running at large within the oorponte Urn Iter e 's Ky, Shall be im poundod by flit Gltylf aribal, and the ownei required to pay a Use of Tea (10) Dollar, be fore the tame aball be relea Ad. . 8oo tion J Any ordinano or part thereof con flloting bet with, are hereby repealed Tbe above ordinance waa adopted by the Board of Aldermen on th th day at Jane tna, and arHl go 1U tdot on after tan Mon day, June S8tb Inttant. , , ; i T c. BEKVOSS, City Clerk and Treaaarer, jane 36 .HC. irtt-tf binmd;:Crow & ca 200 BAGS COFFEE, ;T ! 600 BBLS. S; H. BIRTJP; ' " s v .-I l'rf '. ' T I 2,000 BACKS LIVERPOOL ALT, 1 . ' .Hi';inrroj:: . 200 KEQS NAILS, ) .1?n';..?ir:r!.i :X( : 50 BBLS.' SUGAR, " 100 Boxes DrV Salt Sides and Sbool tiers, t . ; I 50 Boxes Smoked Meats, And a tali atook of OKOOKRIK8, which we oft'er to tbe trade it low flgnrea. Hpeclal attention paid b aeourlng low rata i . . ; ' ) l! Jill i -'. v freight In Oar Load Lots. . , . ":f B1NFQBI), OKOW A OO taj usi ;-t ... . ' JOHN A. BYKNrJ, ft; Kereji ' OFPIOB--0maercials;iohaBg) Beddia, c1f.t.trwa.;:: ; "toi,-:', .r i -is IS. :riJuiMARrN&A CLYDE'S HEIV VOUK AUD CJGTOn LirJEG V,A' IVilmlngton, TJ. O. Fast Freight Route to all Points North or Souths ta IEW YOHK. New York and Wilmington Steamship Line! SEMI-WEEKLY, - Sailn.g fr.m NEW TOUK, W EDNESAY ei.d BATI!K1)AT at 8 P. M., and from WlLWGiON, WEDJiEFDAY and 8A1TJBDAY. ,.', 7 BOSTON AND New ..York Mid 'Wilmington Ktiamsbip Cumpany, OLD COLONY RAILROAD AND 8TEAUER8. . Dally Between BOSTON and NEW YORK. " ' 8emi-WeekIybetween NEW YORK and WrLMIKpT0l4,lw VlSMelaty and flalutdar Ireaa tmch rrt. - - - - : 0 ' .;vi,jnvh. Hlil.ri ray rely apoa thriomit and ltf)T .all In r f ht StriaWr; an qatek dla Ith aT"" ' lbto t0Bl WO DELAYS; CtiiMUtna al t llB.luktia WUMlGltM,tll,rmA A A! U HTA A)1 hCllv , . WIJJIiNUTl'N WLl''MAITWiin, " ' ..-' ' THCAk1.1HAlTBAI.AWY1' " ..' AltiimiintkAiiliB . ' - Tbrough BilUiofLadlnt (riTflitoiTidrrrmailpoJuuin , AUKlil snd HO DIU CAROLINA. GEORGIA and ALaBaI vh?J$ T0EK B0ST0N. IOYIDINCE. TALL R1YEB KORTH snd SOUTH CAROLINA. GEORGIA and ALaBaHA. ' i to NEW YORK. BOSTON. PROViDkNf.E. FAT T. mvvn Eastern Cities, MT Kati Kuarantaed a low u by any otter rrunptly paid- , .... :, mark an uooas Tin uyde's uiiminton'Jne. ar tat turther Information apply to either o! tbe naderalgnrd Aitnh.oftteUB.' ' D. I. V. MINK, Ueneral Kattora Agent, it Deionthtre street, Boaton. re; Via W1LM1N . ... i FAST IIFfcEIGKHT ROUTE To ; all Points ! BALTIIIOHE. BaltLiore aii. Wiiiingtoii Line, SIHI.WSaUT. IsAiLlNO FHOM BALTIMORK TUOSdaV V Frlcfav. at 3 P M. "v"wf r a m. AJMII JFUUM WILMINGTON Wednesday is Saturday.- BOSTON AND PROVIDENCE. ', ) Baltimore and Wilmington Line, Baltimore, Boatoa and t rovUlesee Line, : Or vlaOaaalDallytoPbnadelphlaand Clyde' PbUadolpblaand ProvWeace Lino. Semi-Weekly from each Port. Hhlppera may relvpnon the prompt and recularaatlln of the Itsaators. and anickdla. patch given to all ablpmenU by thi route. NO DELAYS. Q Through Bill of Lading given to and from all Palate tasT. . -t'MV.od NORTH nd SOUTH CABOLIKA, GEORGIA md AtAPAMX Also to BALTIMORE. PHILADELPHIA. RnSTtW rpn-PT-nfvw i other Eastern Cities. Mart aU Goods Tia lialtiniore and Wllititoniei S- for further Information apply to either EDWIN FITZGERALD, Agent. Baltimore Lint, 60 aouih ttUeeiTbaiUmore, march le-tr ' Carolina Central BaiTtray, ; 1 . GENERAL , . -1 , , . . ! ; r i i - j .t a - THE ATTENTION OP THK PLfBLlQ S EK8PBOTPTJI.LT INTfTtO tO THI ' raol that tba Oarollna Oentral Hallway .tielag completed and folly equipped fo bnataeaa, oiler with It oonuectione at WllmlnoUin. both via direct Hteamer Llnea anil via w.li. . j Porteuuntai, to Itiiltimore, Philadelphia, New Vork, Boaton aud Prevalence-Bnequaled iaotl ity for handling ahlpmenU from , ( p. ..;,-.,J r'i- as fh .12 t- R ?T V. Wl LMINCTO N AN D ALL EASTERN-CITIES TO C H AR. LOTTE, 8TATESVILLE, GREENVILLE, tPAltTAW- BURC and all ataflona on Atlantic, Tenor me A blo Atlantic and Richmond Air Lin and North Carolina Railroad aa well a all point In OKOHUIA and ALABAMA. lamrnrrcetrora Baetern cltie guatauteed a low a via any other line. No terminally In aw rr charna, and Hbim alwayaava lw Mlheloweat. tn- H - .t . atee to all point larnlafaed upon application to tba anderalgntd.l Ofllo In Bank of Daw iiauovw suiiuiug. aprtl s-80-ly MT. M WHITE SULPHIJR SPRINGS. j OPENS Ybth OF MA T, 1875. Board Per Month, t30; Per Week, CI2.B0; Per Day, f 2 SO- irwwATKRaqual to Greenbrier White In every reaneet, ai d auperlor In many, Partla vllt the Hprin by rail will gut oil' tba ear at Wliutton, ti. O,, wkre atageaavlll ooavey them to the ftnlaeV The Mad Uoa Bran Band win bs In attend ance aurtng me coram ig th coming eei S. ti SMITH A SONS. Proprietor. ioo-sm spriirr Open October I; continue through nine month. It la organlaed in oehool on tba elec tive yMm, with full eoaree tn Claawm, Uter Star, Me lea tie (wrta practice tn Chemical and fhyeical Lahoratorin), In Law, Medicine, Bn awrinB, Teaouinc ana Agriuniwe. ppi pnlv ivr uaHUOKOe. W VI Chairman. P. O.Dnlv AMES r. HABR1HON. kiarla oounty, Ylrgtala. Julyll-aodSwU r. kj. univentty or Virginia, aido- 1IV1SIW a - V .J i "1 t FALL RIVER. . , !,... .! ronu and tlma ai oulck. Imii or anttbarvaa .. " - WM. p. OLTDF. & CO., General Agenta. Vaw i oik line, I Bowling Orten, N T. ; A. D. CAIAUX, Agint. . , i .M i !-!-. 1 i.:A ,' i " ' . ..M...V I .iH-.-i - f GTON, IV. 3J ...i North or Gouth. .y-!!t. tutu- ...r .....j ,,.,1 aiioirv'rl i i-i philaDaHIA,;, JBaltJiflra a:;fjlii " . -S- HM,-ssKi.y-rrw--' oil 1. BALTIatORl ADO WILWwTOmI ' Baltimore and jphlladeiphla1 Steata'boai 0d, . , ' Diiy Tla'Oaaal beAwesa. , ,, V . ,, BALTIMOBC AND PAiLAIAhUiPaUA. WESTERfcmE BAJLTIMORE AND WILMINQTON UN V Vorthwanlralatallroai . 1 v, ,1' ' .! smnwVfh Tnu Baltimore and Obis Ball road, , J-.L. ' ..v. of the nnderelgned Agent of the Unaiv.lf .i A. O. CAZAUX, Aeent; ! Aaltlmot and MewTork innae. .ha Wiuiiovea. n.cv . nJ t i.' -:! i - I FREIGHT DEPARTMENT, Y. hi ho WniimicrTOK, March 81st; 1875, C J ! l . 1 Oil fcHTY , ? y,wy . OTi AJtg, ui-vVvl deneral Freight Agent. taBABL OBOWtT. ; vittss oBAie CRONLY & nORF.13, j AUCTIONEERS .t STOCK AMD REAL EITATEKXSXERt ' i- tiyoiMai4T, h. a .m :,.') (lH BBCEKH AT TB1IB BALKS KOUSjl , v . pian oi hi cut, on an emargeo aoaiav . . man hoob wiu tne Dounna bound arte of aver Las f lued.ff in J ,t -f nd preawnf, of (tar 14 In the olty dUtiuetly deSuad. AMeeeeu vaao., peat ana ntheoltv. information dedrea raralaSM aaw i Jm. The Piedmont Press. ' ! -' J' NIOKOIlV(M.'''ChwM ""r- I th only papar published tn Oatawha " county, and haa an axteeutvoelrevilation among " Merchant, Karmwa, and mil vafaor bual ' neee men In the Heat. lb Pan kr a live, wide-awake Democratic paper, and la a deau-a. bl medium tor ad verllnln g tn. Weatara North t Oareilaa. Liberal term, alio we an yearly ad-A vertieemanta.' Babaeiir-tlon S'i In Vleo. Addrea MURBlT.li A TOMUNSON, '', , ,.tnw,. hdltors and Praprletora. Bar.di M CUOVV BILLS gotten up and O the most attractive style at the 1 s Jovbxal Orjrica 1