yfffir & J) o JtV. Jfck A A. - M,. i i ! i i WW i CTt ia i n: I VII I VOL. XXIV. 110. 188. WILMINGTON. N. a: BY TELEGRAPH. ANDREW ' JOHXbOX. PARTICULARS OF HIS DEATH -HIS FUNEBAL--OKDER FROM PRESIDENT GRANT. lilTTLI HOCK, AUCUSt I 1110 SU nouceeuent of the death of Andrew Jotinson created profound Burrow '' 1 NAHHTltLKi AugUSt 1. At a publlO meeting this ereuiiig, the following resolution were adopted: 1M That we - leani, with aorrow, of tha sad' berearment of the people of Tennessee in thai toss of a guide, who haa for so many jsars pointed oat the right way to political safety, and whote terrioea, at .Mia ume,' appeared tp us ao important to the Republic 2d. That we deeply aimpathize with . hi aged and afflioted wife in tier be , mruent, and with his daughter and on and their families, in the lose they - are oauea to mourn. 8d. 'That, in Tiew of the great labors ' 1 ind leasona taught by him, to the generatiou of his countrymen, a com mittee frpm various count.es of Middle Tennessee bo appointed to select some Suitable place and day for appropriate ly oelebruting the obsequies of our departed countrymen, . and that the oqmmiUae be authorized to select some person, who ah all prepare an address embodying the lessons which Andrew Johnson haa giren to his countrymen, i and that the following persons be ap pointed as such committee upon obeo qnies of Andrew Johnson. The oommittee is comprised of over one hundred of the most prominent , . pitiseas of Middle Tennessee. I Every arrangement is mode tor the ' funeral to take place at Greenville, Tennessee, on Tuesday, bat this may be ohanged,and the remains brought to this oity for interment. A special dispatch to the Nashville papers from Greenville, dated 7 o'olook says : Mr. Johnson died of paralysis and heart disease. He had been com plaining somewhat of ill health dar ing the past month, but felt no serious apprehensions. Last Wednesday he took the morning train to visit his daughter, with whom Airs. Johnson had been sojottraing for the past six weeks. He rode in a hack from Car ters Depot to', her residence, some miles distant,and was received in good spirits on his arrival, and eat heartily at dinner, end after a few minutes of general conversation, retired up stairs and con varied with his grand daughter, Miss Lillie Stover. : While thus en gaged his . .tongue refused utterance, and to her great consternation, he fell from his seat to the floor. Help was Instantly summoned and almost as" he 'was raised, he expressed indistinctly, ' however, that his right side was paralised. After being taken to bed, when the family spoke of sending for a physician, he forbade it. Bivinff that ha would soon recover. On thiseooant,aummoning of medical f aid was defered a hours,' wnen Dr. Jobe was called from Elizabeth town, two miles distant. He instantly began treatment, aided by Dr. Came ron, and seemed at one time during the next day, to be succeeding. The patient oonversed imperfectly in re gard to domestio matters, and did no t see ji conscious of the approaching dissolution. But his cose was beyond the t skill of physicians, and at 7 o'clock last night he became Uncon scious. Mrs. Patterson and Andrew Johnson Jr., arrived an hoar later, with two physicians from Greenville, Drs. Bray and Taylor, but he did not reoogniz any of them, and after seven hour and a half of unconsciousness, he peacefully breathed his lost, sur " rouded, by toi ifV children and all bis grandchildren, exoept the son and daughter of ex-Senator Patterson. Hie body wltt be brought here to morrow morning, and will be buried with masonio honors on Tuesday. Knoxville haf requested the honor of burying the illustrious dead, but the family are unwilling that bis re mains Should be removed from his home to any place, unless possibly to the capital of the State, which he so long and faithfully served. ' Extensive preparations are accor dingly being made by various civil and military organizations ta attend the funeral here, where $bey will be joined by "citizens of this and noighboring ooontie? xfP 1 i J ' i Vfimaunos, July 31 xne xoiiow ing executive order has been issued : i .WlsHtNaton,"July 31, 1875. It beoomes the.painf nl duty of the President to announce to the people of the United States the death of An drew Johnson the last survivor of his honored predeoessors, whioh ooourred in Oarteounty, Eas Tennessee, at an early hour this morning. The solemnity of the occasion which called him to the Presidency; with the varied nature and length of his pub lio aervices, will cause him to be long remembered -and nan" joocasion of mourning for the death of a distin guished public servant As mark of respect for the memo ry of th deceased, it is ordered that the Executive Mansion and the sever al departments of the Government at Washington be, draped in mourning until the close of the day designated for his funeral, and that all public business be suspended on that day. It is further ordered that the War and Navy Departments cause suitable honors to be paid on the occasion to the memory of the illustrious dead. By order of the President, ! '" V. S. Gbikt,.;" ..(l '. ,.r ' ",vJno. L. Cadwaldbb, , . Acting Seoretary of State. An order issued from the War De partment reciting the order of the President, and directing that a com' plianoe With hfs instructions the troops will be paraded at 10 a. m., on th jday of the receipt of the order at each mil itary post, when the order will be read tDtSena, and &e labors ofthatday will thereafter close. The National flag will duplayod at half mast. At tue dawn of day thirteen gnus will be flred, and afterwards at lutervals of thirty minutes, between the rising nd setting of tho suu, a single guu, aud at the close of the day a natioual salute of thirty-seven guua. The otlioers of the army will wear crape on their left arm and on their swords, and the colors of the several regiment will be put in mourniug for the period of 30 days. Ad order whs issued to-day by iommouore Ammen, acting secretary of the navy, directing iu pursnauoe of me rresuients order, announcing tue iiea'.D ol .x-lTesident Johuson, aud tout the eueigu at each naval sta tion, and of each vessel of the United Stales navy in comrjotKsion, be hoisted at half mast from snurisa to sunset and that a guu be fired at intervals of every half hoar, from sunrise to sun set at each naval station, ami on board of flagships and of vessels Beting Bingly on the day of the funeral where this order may be re ceived iu time, otherwise on the day after its receipt. The officers of the navy and marine corps will wear the usual badge of mourning attached to ttteir sword belt and left arm for the period of 30 days. .London, Aurust 2: The Loudon 7tic in its obituary ariicle on An drew Johnson, says, his career illus trates both strong and weak points of AnionooD social aud politic d systems. Duriug Ids term of offloe be showed himself wanting in tact, refinement and knowledge of men ; yet he had some qualities whioh are not so abun uautia American politics as to be disputed when found. He had daunt less oourage. some practical weisrht anu nonesty, and was uever thadowed by suspicion. . THE FLOODS. IMMENSE DAMAGE TO ! THE CROPS IN OHIO AND 1LLI- . NOIS. , OoLUMSua. O.f Anirust 2. Heavv rains last night filled the oollars here tofore dry, and covered corn aud wheat fields even more deeply than they were before. The Seaotto river is hicher than for years, but no fears are felt for the ivee. The Hookinst Vallev Railroad Company only run trains to Hanoaa- ter. The President reports moro se vere floods between that point and Atnens, along the line of the railroad than has been known for many years. The Pan Handle trains all came jn on time. Little Mamie Road, by reason of floods, sent Cincinnati trains to day by way of Xaria and Dayton. Chicago specials this morning re port heavy and damaging rains pre vailed in Central and Northern Iowa during the past 48 hours. Crops have been almost entirely destroyed in some of the low land sections, and even the high lands .have suffered to a great extent. 1 ' The railroads have been washed out at some points, but no serious accidents are reported as yet. JNew iobk. Auaust 2. A : verv heavy rain storm has prevailed here since early this morning. . HEADQUARTERS, FORTY OR FIFTY UNION PRIN TERS IDLE IN WASHINGTON. Washington, August 2. The no tice given some time bro by certain parties employing printers aud publish era that the wages would be reduced and the ton hour rule adopted, or iu other words that they would not be governed any further by the rules of Columbia typographical union No. 101 toox etieot today. The employers notified their journeymen that if they did not propose to work on the hew scale, they need not return to work to-day. In consequence of this ac tion on the part of the employees, and the non compliance by the journey men, there ate probably forty or fifty hands walking abont to-day. The va cancies thus created will be filled by non union printers. yellow" fevkr, Washington. August 2. The fol lowing has been received by the Surgeon-General; " KBX West, July 31, P. M. Three tew oases and three deaths since my last report of yesterday, Lieutenant Ingall's child being among the deaths. No new cases have Leeo reported from Fort Pickens for four and a half days. Dr. Sternberg is do ing well. ' ' v 4 August 2, A, M. Two more new eases and one death since my report of Saturday. None from Fort Pickens for seven days. Dr. Sternberg is doing wajl . '" :v , , j M. Br ANNAN, i - Brevet Major-General United States of America, Commanding MiSSOUKl. DAMAGES BY STORMS, St. Louis. - August 2. l-Baiir con tinued throughout Saturday night and up to noon jesterday. The mercury fell to sixty degrees. Four of the principal railroads running East from this city, are either . flooded in plaoes or damaged, so that 'he trains cannot run, and most of the railroads in this Bute are in similar conditions. Up to last night the river had risen three feet since Saturday night and was stid ris ing at the rate of two inches per hour. Accounts from the upper Mississippi and Missouri and Illinois,- say that all the rivers are rising rapidly, aad the tributaries within two hundred miles of here are all .greatly swollen. Many of them have bursted, and are in floods' .. jjwpatuutw now various pans 01 this State, ,say that considerable damage has been done to oropa and farm property generally, i Iu Spring river bottom alone, the damage suf fered by farmers is estimated at 81,500,000. The Osage, Lamine, and Blackwater rivers are higher than ever before, and in fact all the streams in the State are at flood height, and oanaing great destruction of property. WILimiGTOH, 11. C TUESDAY, AUGUST 3. 1875. Railroads are also suffering seriously from washouts, the loss of bridges and overflows. Trains are delayed or atopped entir. ly. Turnpike roads auo Doing wasned away In plaoes aad bridges destroyed. Travel of all kinds is impeded.- Probably there was never so widely exteuded damage oj raia in me bum. EUROPE. CENTENNIAL TROUBLES. . London, August 1 The 0Oonnell oentennary demonstration is assuming unprecedented political and diplo matio signifloanoe, embarrassing to uj jjiDeru uome rulers and tne government. The Lord Mayor of uabiin, supposed to be at the iuatiga Hon of the Wiley Cardinal Cul- len.a pare churchman, earing uothtng for the memory of O'Connell, has giv en inn anair an ultramontane charac ter, otTenaive alike to Irish and Ens. lis liberals, the Protestant noblemen, iiio uome ruiers and l enians. The in vitations were mainly extended to Catholio laymen.aud to the Bishops of PiiAlai1 V.... ...in. i r i ""6'"u"i iuuo nuu vjieriuauy, wuion has drawn an indignant protest from one or tne Irish peers, who claims mat tne Lord Mayor is unauthorized to use his office for a purely Catholic purpose; The Home rnlers and Fen ians will probablv have indennnHnt ceieuraiions in nonor or the Liberator. I 1 - . . .. .F " iney cannot co-operate in an nltra- montraue movoment without endan gering the liberal alliance, and aliena ting tne protestants who sympathize with home rule principles. London. August 2. Col. Bakr wta found not guilty of attempting to rav ish complainant, but guilty of an in deoent assault, and was sentenced to imprisonment of twelve months, and to pay a fine of 600 pounds. He is also to pay the ousts of prosecution. The JYmw says that the svatem in. trod need by the Governor for sending mesMges over telegraph lines in Great Britain for one shilling has disappoint ed anticipators. It says the time is coming when this rate will nease to pay, and unless a great ehanire la made service will become heavy. LOUISIANA. NEW ORLEANS COTTON V.x. CHANGE CROP REPORT. New Orleans, August 2 A oom. mittee on information and statistics of tue.Mew urleana rmtinn whom was huuwm u. j.. i piling the national crop report, made up from returns of various exchanges appointed therefor by the nation! change submit the following for tha month of July. New Orleans Depart- ment covering that part of Mississippi, nol apportioned to Memphis and Mobile, the entire State of Louisiana. and the State of Arkansas, South of the Arkansas river Louisiana, we have' r- oeived C3 answers from 81 parishes and their average date is to ISth inst., Character of weather generally report. ed favorable, more so than it was at the same period lastyear. though onr latest dates bring us complaint of drought. The stands are generaliv good and better than last year. The plant is boiling well, the labor efficient and the present condition of the crop is much better when oompared with that of last year exoept in earlier Districts where rain is needed, in Mississippi one hundred letters has been received from 32 counties in the State, nearly all of whioh are dated 15. The character of weather for the nasi month has been mainly favorable. with, however, considerable excep tions, some letters complain of too much rain, others of the waut of .it, these opposite reports, coming often from the same county. One quarter of the letters state that the plant is too large and growing too fast to fruit weu, and is in a very unfavorable con dition to receive either a protracted drought or wet spell A very few oom plain of boll worms, no caterpillars in noticeable numbers have appeared. The stands are generally good and la borers are working well. KANSAS. TERRIFIC STORM-DAMAGE i CROPS AND RAILROADS. TO A tchihon, Ka, August 1. Consid erable damage has been done the small grain, jet standing by the heavy raius of the past two weeks. The oorn however, is growing with- wonderful vigor, and this crop will, it is thought, be the largest ever produced in. this State. , , s , The heavy rain of Tuesday last, so damaged the Atchison & Nebraska Railroad, that trains have not passed over the road since that date. St. Louis, August, 1. The reports from a Kansas City special says : A terrible stotm ooourred again yester day afternoon, and last tight in that vioinity. . The track of the St. Louis and Kan sas City, and Northern Railroad, near Camden, was so badly damaged that all trains have been abandoned. The track of the Leavenworth, Lawrence and Galveston road, at Ohenate, Ks., where it crosses the Missouri, Kansas, andTexas road, was also badly washed, and no trains have passed the oity for the last six hours. ELECTR1CIS31S. The Board of Inquiry into the oon duct of Bishop Wiilingham was in ses sion in Baltimore for ten hours on Saturday. The gvestost ' interest is manifested In the result, whioh it is thought would not be reaobed until to-day'.!! ,i U , . j The U. S. Treasurer will sell ' five mi3iou dollars of gold during August. ' A strike at Fall River has stopped all the mills but four. ; ; All hopes of everting in overflow at ilaoiphis is gone. The meroury fell to 6? degrees; whioh is unprecedented in that latitude. - Reports from Augusta state the oot tou on uplands is suffering from ex cessive showers. The censns returns of New York city show a population of one million and City thousand. NEW ADVETISI2ENT3. ID STORE ANU ARRIVING) BY EVKHY Steamer a lull supply and Urge siMirlmeut Utile, Loci, Screws, Window retealBS, Had Hlnne. aa rlrp, ' furtarM, PowiJ. and til klada si Hardware meed araood houet 1J VU B HDKff. t m, au lor salt low by tn sum a mmoHiwn, EASTERN HAY AT AUCTION OA Bales Katttra Hay at ear sales roaaw, thttdtj (Taeidty) at 9 o'clock l.a. CRONLT MORRIS, "l t Aactlaiwert, v LADIES Who can appreciate eoavenleuo la kteplug houee.ihoan tend tbelr order to at. They i will iave tbemMlTM trouble, ear and ad get only the beet and muet relltbls artl. ce la the lint of Family Groceries! AT LOWBST UA8H PRICKS I OurgooiUre tlweytfteih. TUey are RECEIVED DAIL Y ! By Water and Kali. We art Mlllng a UKLIABLH VAUILT FLOUR for Eight Dollars. Beet artiote for tbe money In tblt market. Tall Mock of eboloeet Hie o ted Family Groceries ! Wow la More. CHA8 D. MYERS & CO., 8 ahd 7 N. Fbont St. tnjS Offlot Of Treasurer nd Collector, 1 Oltj or Wilmington, N . !., i .y. :. ? ,.;. Jaiy 8T,mr.) THE OUT TAX BOOKS FOB 1878 HAVING been reoelred at tblt office, the nndenrign ed It new prepared to collect tho Oity Tuiai on Bad Iiuw and pertontl property tor WIS. ALL PARTIES 1 Are therefore notlfled ind rcqaented to tire this matter Immediate attention, and to call at title offloe and pay p without further deity. City Coupons Are also reoclvabVe la payment or City Taxet T. C- Servoss, July 18 Treuurer and Colleotor MOSQUITO NETS ! . A large itock en hand tnd For tale VERY LOW. D. A. SMITH Jk CO. uly 30 Milk Ua?nesia. Vegetlne, rtenedy'e Medical IHtnovery, Pain Killer, rond't Kxtract, Tarrtnt't Aperient, Conyrent Wtcer, and a fall line of Patent Med Iclnee, Pare Drug, Fine Uhemioalt, etc, can alwtyt be be fotnd tt Jambs O. Mtjhdb' Drug Btore, Third Street, opp. City Hall. T Prmorlpt ont compounded at all hoars, day and blunt. - . ! YATES' BOOK STORE- Blank Books," Blank Books! Fall BMortment tlwayt on bind, and will be told tor lent tbtn ever before offered. Uomplote stock of ;. SCHOOL BOOKS A I watt on hand, which will h nM tar mm tlitn publisher!' prloee. C.W. YATES, tag) ... -v.-.. Furniture at Auction. ALarMaMortment of HOUSEHOLD and KlfOUKM f (JKNITUBK, A Milch Coat I At our galea Rooms, Tuesday, Angutt Id, 1810, atuliittSjo'olocka. m. CBONLT A MOBBI8, "ft" , AooUonoers. Dividend ! AT a meeting of tha Dlreetort of tbe Bank of Mew Hanover, held tblt dat. a IHvylend of Are per cent, waa declared out of tae aareingto' tn nana ror tne ittt tlx atontht; payable on and after Aug nut to WAU.AOK, . . .Oaahltr. angUt ladies Belts ! ttdltt' Batrheln, ' ,. . , f . , .. iadhjstVMBaS 8 i : I ' Oenta' Trtakt, . Oentt' Trtrellng Bags I Bbawl Straps, Etc., At tht Rtddlery Store of Carpenter & Mallard, WO. s south raoar BTaatT, EDUCATIONAL. BETHEL AOADEM-y, Fii yi'iaaCo ,Va., Prepamt for rirl y-er RiirineM. Yo blniiltul-rtrtj f- tu. iwr hal wton. Mtdl-O O 0 "Ji al fro S t ttaeatraa, EXTKAGT8 F BOH TBSTIMUMAIJt : "I mort bowtllT coaitiend 11 exit t Kcitu KMT te the !aror and patnmaite o th titillo." Wn. (fil'MaK-. Prof, of Latin, VmvvKMyut Ya. " I wouKl he willing to ttmHde my own aim to Mr. mllh'acer, aud banco I le'imimaud th arhntl tu otbnr parotiU," P. H. SMITH. Prof. Natural Phllokophy, Uiilorltj vl Vt. " I feel warranted, trvm exrUar, la re- eommrndlna It." , 1 .KHIN B.MINOH. ... Pioreeaor ot Law, Vuttreiaittof Va. One of the beat lattlta hint nt' lie olaat In beet). II. H. HARRIS, Pmrearol Orw, Hlihmni.d (.uln-ne. t know of no Inrtilulhtn Of like grade au rlor (e Hethel AaadomT." Ktv. J. I). ttLAUKWKI U A. M .DD . Lyti:tiliu g, Va. UaequalM, In my o Inlun, by any InalltU' Uon In the South." UBM. 0. W. rifcl.lt. Atlanta, la. ' Beat tnd cheapen! preparatory chrrnl la tut suit. uiiai.m naaeun, of King Uftirge county, Va ' tn my opinion, I he rhtaiiaat and hunt In tht Biaie. l uu. . '. una w r imi, Anginta coonty, Va ' Tbt cbeapeet Kemlniry, tad at good t beat. In tht United Htatei." ADAM KMl'IK, J. A. KNUELHAKM, Wilmington, North Uarolln For Catalogue, addrea Wm. W. Smith, A. M, Senior Principal. Xwd Itw Horner & Oraros' ch(Kl, HILL8BORO', N. O. rpHBtFALL BESriOM OF ISTB OPENS (ouitb Monday In July. eVOataloguee tent on application. uty iM-dltwAwIm ' SOUTHERN HOME SCHOOL 197 and 109 N. CbaklesBt. ' BALTIMORE, M.D. ' ; E8TADLI8HED 1042. Boaaoiaa AMD Dar Houool pea Torso Prlnclpt.ii Mr. and Mri M: Oarr. Idn Uan 1 John Pegbam. Frenoli, the Laniaart iDoken. Julyaa-eodtm JlnySldlm ' ' -- ' ' ' '' Trinity College, IT, C. rnH VsiAnUv lityffkf ' KiilMlnM kinukvlet bouti and wVvouinmodsvitont U)elnBt tiiu ntgo romiou in norm unrnnn uhipkh!, Vfarrt bctskUh: A VeMUlklki In full his B11 siBmatvt . m. iopt booki and clotUlnj, fur fir muMki. win v i wan lT W. AN MlTvu W TOO II f mOsl r ti i. -a " vi itiuiMKi aiasiiiv . ,j . . f j Foot Offloe, "Trlnty Ooltege, N, O." July 28 w B.OHAVRN.Prttldent: EpiflcoDal Hirh Scnobl, Noavr Aloxavaidrla, Vav. L. M. BLACKFORD, JLX., rriuclpal. Founded Is 1B89, Nett Seaalon opene Septem ber S2, 187B. Boys prepared ror college or but 1'iaaa. Aaaiatanu and tarwia ta before, (lata Inguetenton application to the I'rluoiptl at Alexandria, Va. ' Sf AONTOH FIlERiTNlir" Bay. J.I' MILLEE, A.M., Paiaoir!.. Profnaaor R. Loula Ida (late ef Virginia Fe male Inatltute). Principal Mnulo Departmont, with twelre addlUonal teaoheri and ofllcera. Kiiienaet very reaaouable; extraaganoe la ...... ...i. i i.t. . ,i . ... i . . thornugh ; looation tht beat In Staunton. t sartiend tor liataiogne, with out or bullillngt tnd terma. J. I. atlLLKB.SUunton. Va. July SO eod 1m Thos. C DeRosset, Insurance Agent I HaraassMTiBo 940,000,000 Fiaa Ajrbts I JFAnm Inauraneo Co., of Hartford, Lanle)B Aeeuranca Co., ot I.oadon, Cwmoserclavl Union Aeanranre Com ' patty of Lom4ob), few York (inderwritert' Acency, July r,-tt EDGEWORTU SCHOOL, Nw.SOrilAniKLI 8TBEET, ' (Between Cathedral and Park),;Baltimore, Md. rpHK Thirteenth AnnualSeMrionof tin En JL glMi and Preneh Boarding and Day School ror Voutif Ladlea, will re-open on innranay, BeniemDer intn. ror oironiara, au dreaa, MK4. H. P. I.BFCBVBJC, Prinolpal. July SB ood to ' Wf TAKE NO NOTE OF TIME BUT .),.,;, ;J BY ITS LOSS. And thane who hate not laid In a ttnok of flood h lor their own wear aud Family uee from the iplendtd atonk that I have been compelled tomcrlllne, wlllturely regret It Time flie, tnd bat a row week! ta left In which to wind up Before the removal or my stock to another oily for "aale at auction." I will odor another In. dacenunt, knowing, at I do, that money la oaroe. It It thlt: baaldea telUng tome of the tank tt fifty per cent, bolow eoal, I will make to every purchaaher a dlaooant of ten tr ont. on all mmi over ten dollara. This la at ntar giving good sway at I can eoma to It. AH goout tola at lea man com ny UKOKORLRIBKK, IN Market Street ATLANTIC COAST LINE Freight Department, v IMPORTANT TO DEALERS IN CORN i Such arrangementt of rttat have been per. farted with tht Atlantlo and North Caro tint Bond for tha shipment of OOKS from New barn and Ktitern North Carolina at will make It to tht Interest ot purohattrt In Wil mington, Columbia, Angnata, Charlottt, and tlaewhera In Sooth Carolina, to look to tbe market. t. ; , ,.i ' ' '' ' ' For rates and other Information, addrett tltberof tht nnderalgned, P U ADAMS, . - Oen'IFr'tAg'tAAHOIlB, ' , ... A POPS, Qen'l Fr't Ag't A C Line e Quarantee " KEEP'S" Patent Ptrtly-M adelhlrt to bt Wamsutta Cotton, ''' and 2 1 00 Lino n . Whioh every aoattwtft know! It tht beat, ' '' Wt tell half a doaen tor , ' ,4 $7.50;OASH! Will floUh np whan required at a email advance. Ten Dozen Sold Saturday I MTJM50N & CO., CITY CLOTJTrr",rJ. NEW ADVERTISIKIXTS. THERMOMETER 105 IN THE - SHADE ! iSBlieflDIUS 15 MARKET If 1W. Are both warm ami fully satisfied with the trade they hay done for the yast season, but are still diruus to close out a few small lots previous to tak mo; aooonnt of stock, and have marked them at such prioes ai cannot fail to swnre their immediate sale. A DISCOUNT of 25 Per Cent Will be giyen off all remnsats of Dress Goods. GENTS' WHITE DRESS SHIRTS MADE TO ORDER I Fit Guaianteed A full line always on hand ; also, Cuffs, Collars, Upderwoar, Etc. A gonts for Frank Leslie's cnl Machine JSTeedleB, 5 Cents Each. Termp, Cash Only. brown a nnnriTnir dRiTm.w at. Jilyt .vareyytaii j.a AM.MA AkP M MM VWV JUST OPENED! I AT 36 MARKET STREET, Black Grenadines, Black Silk Challys, BLACK CASHMERES, CREPES, &a SUMIKII, MTOCIC 0JL.O8IC13 OUT Lower Than Ever! Kb? 36 MARKET STREET, MI8CmARE0U8. ""Everybody's" Pill, A Centlo but Certain Cathartic. They aet with sbbtaistt on tht Liver, eon tain no oalomelt art nnrelv Vegetable. The beet, lureat. aafeat and mlldert purgative Pill In net. Too art need more generally than any other PHI In nee, for the length of ume iney nave oeen oerore tna public. Are nicely eugar-ooated and bottled at us oenta per some. Aak yonr UvugglM ' for ''KysarBODT's" r ill, ana taae no ouier. Jolrl . tSS-im NOTICE, There will be an elantlnn held at thenraal olllns places on the Hrat Thurwlay In Auiruac, H75, In New Hanover oountv. for the election Of the following towiuhtp ttlloere, vlt i WILMINGTON TOWNSHIP-Beren Mair- tutratea, one Townahlp Ulerk, tue Oonitabie and three Sobool Committee. PKDEHAL POINT. MAHONBORO. HAH NKTTAN1) CAPE FKAU TUWhHHlPH Two alaglatratee, one Ulerk, one Donitable and three Sohooi Oommlttot etch, ' NEWHANOVKR AND PENUKKOOUN- Tl KS-Three Ielegatot to tht State Conrtltu tlonal Convention. 8. H. MANNING, Sheriff of New Hanover County. July 0 lW-dAwltAw4w TO HOLDERS -OF- CITY COUPONS. OfficBoTTrcasiircr an! Collector, CITY OP WILMINGTON, N. a, i June 2'Jtb, 1875. , , NOTICE It hereby given that THE JULY COUPONS 18T5 (of Bonds of thlt Otty) oan. Sot bs promptly Jpald. . ' ' '' In oonKqunce Of certain change under a recent dacltlon of the Supreme Ooort of this ta at to tha manner of aetttsment of tha t and Persona! Property in this city; and thereby tha City Tax Books not yet having been plaoad In potjeeslon of tht undenlgntd for collection;" together with other compile. t. . tont in regt rd to our Municipal , aflUlra, now pendlnjr befpre tht supremo . Court of North Carolina, tht dry of Wilmington most neoea. tartly oravt tome Indulgence from the holders of City Coupona,under existing elronmaUnoea. T. C SEUYOn3, WHOLE ITO. 0.D17 One Price. Turnip Seed! Turn, i)l,t New Crop 1875. Grown by tandreth A Bulat, Philadelphia. A'.ao a large aaaortment of Uabbagt Bead. For tale by Jullt 7 GREEN A PLANNER. IBS Evtar housekeeper ahonlil noaaaaa 'at laaat one or the tallowing- oelebrated Oook Hooka, aa they would tart Uttprlot of it in a week's oooklng t Queen of the Kitchen 1 1007 Old Maryland Be- Miaa Lealle't New Boeelptt fdr Cooking.., .1 T8 Wra. Halo't New Cook Beek IS The Young Wife's Cook book 1 TS M las Leallc'e New Cookery Book I TS Mrs. Uoodlellow'i Oookerv ta It Should Ral TK Hie National Cook Book. By Hannah H. iwuvier.... lla Petemon'a New Cook Book ...ITS Wldillleld'e New Cook Book..... I TB frt. liale'a Kecolptt for tht Million., 1 IS ' FOR SALS At HsmsBSBaxs's Llvt Book and Mbsm Btore. July IT tf The Dawson Bank. JT ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DISEO tort, the Books of Subscription to tht Capita Stock of this bank will be opened at their bank ing room on Thursday, tht 983 instant, at 10 o'clock a.x., and remain open until further oordered. Wi . LARK INS, Cabhim July M 1m iumuu n; OF 1 ' ' " Atkinson & Ilanning 170,000,000 Aetata BapiWMBltwBl FIRE. in. (0. of Korth America..... Philadelphia.! Phenli Insurance Company. ...New York. Uontlnental Inauranoe Uo......New fik. ' N. British A Mercantile Ina.Co,.Londim. Hartford Fire Int. Company.,. harUont. National Fire Ins, Company. ..HarUorl. Bprlugtleid F. A M. Ina Oo...MaaHMhusttta; MARINC. B Mercantile Mutual lus. Co New Kurt. Int. Co. of North America rhlladoipnla, ConneatloutMutual'diefiU.Co. Hrnlord. feb . S-tr JJERCniSTS USD KZCU15IC3 OF RICHMOND, VIS" CHlI ...m...... . T.8TOaa,Pr!ilt. I. F . T