dfffk o r UnOLS 110.' 0,0 ID, VOL XXIV. HO. 183. WIUmiGTOn, IT. C. THURSDAY, AUGUST 5. 1875. r (03 i I i t f 1 III I it i i i i i r i ! iir llailn Koumal WILMINGTON. 5. G: THUEDAY. AUGUST 5. 1875 BY TELEGRAPH. ' MINNESOTA. T1IE NATIONALEDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION. Minneapolis, Augn 4. TLe Na tional Educational Asaoeiatioo yester day elteruotm resolved itself into throe separate ..dopartmeuto. - Normal school, "elemtiutary and higher edu cation. A number of (Secretaries and Treasurers ol the Aasooiation were ap pointed oommittee on nomination. MISSISSIPPI. THE DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION THE LARGEST SINCE 1871. Jackson, July 4. The Democrats Convention ia the largest since 1861. Latitat addressed the meeting at length. H.C. Hemengway was nomina ted for Treasurer The platform was mainly composed of State officers who recognize to thfe fullest extent civil and political unity of all men, and asks aid and aMiatanoe of voters of all parties aud of both races in the establishment of a good government After the ap pointment of an Executive Committee the Convention adjourned. THE FJiOODS. Nashvum, August 4. The Ohio has risen four feet at Pittsburg and Louisville. The Mississippi baa risen nine inches at St. Louis, foot of Cairo, where it is 8 feet above danger line. Probabilities clear, or fair weather forTenaessee and Ohio valley.the Ohio V '.will rise at station! below Marietta uen I tralMiralsaippi and will continue . to rise and flow, probably between Mem phis Thursday and Thursday night SfxciaXi Rivbr Report. The Ohio 1 A a, e?AMaa Has risen during we p iwu-iuiu hours uurty-eigns moueo bi viuum nati and twelve inohes at Louisville. It is above the danger line at Cincin nati, Marietta, Louisville and Evans ville, but is now falling at stations above Marietta, and is fourteen inohes above the danger line at Pittsburg. The Mississippi river is four and a half feet above the danger line at Cai ro, where it has risen nine inches. It has risen one inoh at Memphis and two a$ Vlcksbnrg, and : is reported eight inohes above the danger line at Hele na. It has fallen eleven inches at St. Louis, and eight at Teokuk. The floods will oontinne on the lower Ohio during Thursday, and the danger will increase on the Mississippi, between Cairo and Memphis, during Thursday and Friday. The upper Ohio and the rivers in Pennsylvania have fallen rapidly. The Cumberland, Missouri aud Red rivers have changed but slightly. Bains have prevailed during the day In the regions of the upper Mississippi and lower Missouri val leys. ; .. GOTHAM. BEECHER'S NEW TRIAL. Nbw York, August i. It is stated that the uotioe of trial served on Boeoher's lawyers by Tilton's attorney, is purely formal The notice, it is lid, does not indicate, neoessarily, ' that nan trial will h nrASfled. It 18 a formal document drawn up and signed because tne last trial uiu not ' tjsult in a verdict. THE BLACK HILLS. THE MINERS' TROUBLES. Nkw York, August 4. A dispatch from the Black Hills country says Geu. Crook, in his order directing mi ners to leave by the 15th of August, suggests that they assemble at military post, about to be established at Camp Harvey, on French creek, on or before August 10, and there hold a meeting, and take such steps as may seem beet to them by organization and the draft ing of proper resolutions to secure to each ' when this country shall have been opened tne beneni oi nis ciiboov erieS and labor he has already expen ded. TENNESSEE. . MufPBis, August 4. Appusols plan tation of nine hundred, acres opposite Friars Point is submerged Crevasse made at Desots Front, 23 miles below here on the Mississippi side. 1'lanters are endeavoring to stop it. All plan ! tern an at work strengthening levees. ALABAMA. .... ' V A CONVENTION CALLED BY FIFTEEN THOUSAND MAJOR - - - ixjA' GOOD EXAMPLE FOR NORTH CARO- MoHTOOVsnT, August 4. Returns 1 come in slowly, but enough is known io render it reasonably certain that a Constitutional Convention has been culled by ten thousand majority. Detus E. Coory, Who issued an address to the people favoring Congressman White's foroe bill, received but seven totes in his own oity, out of twenty, four hundred polled, eighteen hundred of which were Republican. Many leading Republicans supported the call and "several Republican counties have given majorities for the Conven- ' Later. The Convention has carried . , . the State by fifteen thousand majority. V EUROPE. ' ContMHiaM. Atiffust4. HansChris- tion Anderson, the poet, and novelist, difd to-day aged 70 years. London. August 4. It has been de cided that no session of thd Interna tional Prison Congress will be held in '70. A prominent prison commission, composed of Dr. E. C Wiuea, of the United State. Baron Holzendorf, of Germany, M. Bteveus, of Belgium, M. Tots of Holland, and others will meet at Frankfort to reoeive reports for the oousideratiou of a Congress which will be hbld later probably iu Zenith. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Sugar House Molasses. Barrel. 8. Hi Malum, Far Misty KKKCHMI OALDKR BROS. FLOUR, COFFeTaNO SUQAR 1 '1,MS Barrels riwr, 109 Bags Uoft'ee, " SO Barrels Refined Sugar, - . tl) HUds Dent Sugar, For Ml by KUCUNBK a OAMilK BKO.. SPIRIT CASKSVSPIIIT CASKS! 800 Spirit Casks, For sal by KKKCHNKK A OALOER BROS. tobaccq-snu7f-oystersano PICKLES. 100 Boies Tobacco, " , 101, Barrel, Snuff, 100 Case Oyster, 100 Owe, Pickle., Foi tale by KKKUHMBtt ft OALOER BROS. augnst 4 Knabe Pianos. THSIK PLnoielroaleU) not only In Smr( c, t nJ bu1 South Atti.ric, bat 1m In Europe; their tame bating been (errlcd there by tbe great pUnl.t wbo bae vlmlted tble crantry Wberever they ba?e bt en exhibited they have Invariably earrlett away tbe gold neila ever all competlt ri. The llr.t Kuropetn and re. dent itlaulili i.av tboroiigbly tried and teeled their varioua atylre or Instrument, and have voluntarily aoeonted tii.m their unquali fied ap"robatlon, and bare given to tlie firm the moat vrlo able cerllflcatea of th.lr O lnlon For eale at - HEINSBERQER'S Live Book and MuHio Store. f W. &F. L Cd. Regular monthly meeting this (Thurida vttuag atSo'olock. W. t JBWKTT, ' KeoordUig Becrelary, tug 4 ; TO-MORROW We .ball commence the fe"vei of Warns utta Shirts ! To thrtt wbe have ordered. t AM our eupply per week la limited to twelve doaen, partieawlio denire the CHEAPEST & BE6T SHIRT In the United State,' had beet leaie their or der, a'.once. 6 For 87.00, Cash. . , 8ULB AUKMT8, 4 n r i MUNSON & CO., CITY CLOTHIERS. H(4 2 000 Uu,Le" uo,n' 1 '000 Bube" fi'nn Bale. Hay, Water-Ground Meal, Hominy, Pork, Bran, viiava nurn, liour, eic., Forialelowby GRANT &HINTON, Commluion Merchant and Grocers. and Loan Asso ciation. milB regular monthly meeting will be bold X at the Mlbornian Halt fhl evening at 8 o oiook. : C.8. BLtrS, ' uge Secretary and Treaauior.: A. Card, rflBe report that t intend to vote the Haitlc.l i. .ticket, or have ik exreMH)d myself, in false. I .ball vote the I'emocratio ticket, a 1 have always done. BAM'LK. BELL. aug-4 It Ladies' Belts! Ladles' Satchel., Ladles' Trunks. . . dents' Trunk, Gent' Traveling Bags I Shawl Straps, Etc., ; At the Saddlery Store of if .: ; . Carpenter & Mallard, Wo. 8 South Promt Street, July SI Wilmington, N. O YATES' BOOK STORE- Blank Books, Blank Books! Full assortment always on hand, and will be soia tor lens man ever ueiore ottered, Complete stook of ( t- j A. . J j SCHOOL BOOKS Always on hand, which will be sold for less ttian puDUinerr prioes. C.W. YATES,'. Market Street augt MOSQUITO NETS ! A large stock oa hand and . , For sale VERY LOW. " D. A. SMITH k CO. nly 80 - C rbnn fKHl)Y AgeelawanlM. ai jPJ III elaxaescl working people of both Mea. .uuiie and old. make more moner at work (or us, In their own Kwalltlea, daring their spare moments, er all the time, than at anything eira. we oner empwyment that will pay bandramelr lor tye'vaonr's work Full partlnjlara, terms. Ac , sent free. Bend ns tout addrec at once. IOP't deles. Mow le the tlire, Ion't look for work or buslneae tlDKWlinre, until yon have learned what we oiler. 1. BTlNeoa A VO,, rorttaud. Main. mar a m-dawiy NEW ADVIRTI8IMEST3. M HTOHB AND AKKIVINO MY KVKHT Kteejaer a fall espply aud large aaaortmeat Walla, Lack, lllngee, lerews. Window Pastealngi, Dima niiirea, aadssteelnr. Well baoket. rutares. Fmr, and all kinds t Hardware used arwaad a beam r t, ml lor ml sow by aegt ttiina m mukumisusi. XiADIES Who eaa anpraolaU ooaveaWnea In keeplag ban, sheul'l send their order to as. They til tav tbimselvM trouble, ear and UIxpoiiNo ! Aud get enly the best and moat reliable artl. rles in the line of Family Groceries! AT LOWKHt 0A8H r B1CBS I tiur good are always fresh. They ar RECEIVED DAILY ! By Water and kail. W are telling a KSLIABLH FAMILT riCRfor . . Eight "Dollars. -; , , , y -Try--- Beet article fur the money In tble market. Fall stork of ebaloeM MleeUd Family Groceries ! Vow In store. CHAS D. MYERS & CO., 5 axd 7 N. Faosr Br. aag3 Pay Jour City Taies. Offloe of Treamrer and Oollector, ) Olty of Wilmington, ,., i July i7,1b;.) TUB OUT TAX BOOK! FOB tntHATINO been received at tills oftlce. the endenl fil ed Is now prepared to oolteot the City Taies on Kcsl Kstaw aud personal property for 175. ALL PARTIES Are therefore notified and requested to give this matter Immediate attention, and to call at this office and pay up without farther delay. City Coupon Are also receivable la payment of City Taxes T. C- Servoaa, July M Treasurer and Ootleoior. PIANOS, QBQANS AN0CHR0M0S for sal for cash, or by the easy monthly Installment plan, at - HKINSBEHGER'8, mHKKK RK'M)NI H AND F1AM08, la pef A, iugi. uiucr, i or sale ai BBINSBEKGBU'R. eTEI,l)K)NS'-Tlireo Second-hand Melo- deons, Iu porfet,! order, fur sale low at HEINSBERQER'S Live Book and Music Store. aug 1 iff mm house johi w. niMsna, (Late of sprent A Ulnnie,) Wilmington, M. O. JAM IS D. ODSSIIS, ! (Late uashler Hank of Mew Hanover,) Tarboro, M. O. HINS0II&CU1IIIING, ISSIOH ME ' ' FOB THE SALE OF Cotton, Rice, Lumbor, Tobocot ' Naval 8torea, and Southern Produce Generally, NO- 102 CHESTNUT ST, P. O. Bax 3036. JPhllauielptalaw Pat. Birsaaaunt : I. B. Oraliger, Fresldent Bank of Mew Han over, Wilmington, NO. K K Unrreui, President First National Bank, Wilmington. NC. James Dawson, Fresldent Dawson Bank, Wilmington, N O. - . .. B B Bordeu, President Bank of Mew Han over, Ooldaboro, M O. J A Leak, President Bank of New Hsoover, Waile.boro.MO. . Jnese H Lindsay, President Bank ef Greens, boro, Ureensboro, N 0. Hon Ueo. Howard, Tarlwro, N 0. M Weddell, Erq , Tatboro, HO. Hon. W I) Juhuton, Marlon Oourt Hons, July I ... - MWAwtf The Charlotte Observer The only morning dally paper pnbllsbrd In the Htat wam or Hlelgb an I North ot Wll. mingtow, ntt'ere rlal laducement to adver tisers. - It clreulallo , slse and usefulness have brea largely laeraamd during tke year just past, and It now reaches most M the Mer. ehanu of western North Carolina, tha.eir.r- Ina an unsornaMied medlnm or coramonlca' tlon neteeenthe kterrbaiitaof Wilmington and tne people or venero norm uarouna. taaaso? cniiT-Tro! 1 " t - - Dally aa to per annua. Weekly 1 10 , mr Advertliing very low. '' ""' may 1Vt s now RILT.3 gotten m atirl lua most auradive style at toe JoujuiAi, Ownct, NEWSPAPER DIRECTORY Our Living and Our Dead Proeooctuaof 2nd Volume. Mawaaaa.M. tt, AogumlO, lKi. "Ova Livma Ann Or a Pise" will here after be fublubed a a 8ml-Monthly Maga- in, oouuinlng s page of reading mailer, at f 3 per rear in auvaao. for U. uiiarmaUoa el tbose who ar not fa miliar wita tlil eniarprl, I state tbat tn eklef ebJeot f the Masasln will be to nuhllah toe Keoord thai Morto Uarolina and her gallant soMtere matle la the late "War between the States," to gather Us material m uu m m lb favor historian, and to perrtau tin Miaar of tbaa brare men. omcer and prtvetee, Uvtngor dead, who shed Imperishable glory spun ueir nauv buh. In addition to the Waa Haooao Moatu Oanouaa.the Magaiina will eontala aketoli. of every section, oeuaty, elty and town el the State, written by eompetent and well-Inform ed peraoaa, Uuu tartaf it sr. sawnnilly a Matt minnl, to wsidt eii daises ear siaMM santld loit. imUnt I emf Mid. 1 he Magaain will use ine piaoe or ine nswaiiapar, having same title, pub llelird by me during tne at twelve monina. The Brut number will be X.l.ssued Wednewl Beiitember Mb, l74. In the meanuue, 1 re suecuuliy asa oia suDsorioers wnoaeeire w rw new their subscription, and all other, who Wlsn in Haiasine, u miu pnmii., as uie ohauge and improvements require oousliierablo outlay, and rwary wmi la needed. B. D. POOL. Address, till rurthei notloo, "Una Livma sun ooa lia.D," Newborn, M. 0., or Baleigh, Minn unroiiua. , , Rschange will please copy, aug l 1 ' W APPLETONS' AMERICAN CYCLOPEDIA. Now Hevlaed Eel litem. Entirely rewritten by tbe ablest writers en every subject, rriuwd trora new tyi. ana lllu.trti with Heveial Tbouannd fcngia vlugs and Mas, THE work orlirlnallv publl.hed under the ti tle of T H K NKV AMKHIUAM VXUWPM- IKA wasoompleted In 1H04, since which time the wld elreulation which it bae attained In ail partaoi the United states, and the slgual de velopments which have taken place Iu every vi vi v, nmuw, iiwimuii, wiu m. v, hit, iu- duoed the editors anil pnbllnetsto submit It to an elect and thorough rUkn, snd to Issue a new wtllkM entitle XHK AhtKaMOAM t'V- OUJPiKIM. Within the last ten years the tiroKresaordla. uorary In every de)iartmeut of knowledge has mail, a new work of reteranoe an imperative want. lb movement of political aftair ha ktit pace with the discoveries of science, mid their fruitful application to the Industrial aud use ful arte and tbe oonvsnlence ami refinement of social lira, Ureat warsand eonsequcut revolu tions have occurred, Involving national changes or peonilar moment. The elvil warvf ourowu oeadtry, whioh wae at Its height when the last volume of the old work appeared, baa happily been ended, and a new course of oommsrolai and industrial activity has been oommenoed. Large acoeestons to our geographical knowl leilgehave been made by u Indetatlgabletx plor.rs of Africa. l ue great uoiiiioai revolutions or tne last d eade, with the natural result ef the Lteof time, have brought lino pubho view a niultl- (uueor new men, wnoke name are in every cue's mouth, and of whose lives every one is ourloui to know the particular. Urtat battles have been fought and Important siege malq talnad, of which the details ai e as yet preserved onivlntfae newaoaneraor In the transient nub" llcatlonsof theday, but which ought now to use ineir piaoe iu permanent and autuentis history. In nrenarlnc the present edition for the press, It has accordingly bean the aim of th editore to bring dewu the information to the bttsst possible dates, and to furiilih an accu rate acoount of the must rsoent discoveries ia science, ot o very fresh pi oil act Ion In literature, and of the newest Invention. In the practical arte, as well as to give a auoolnt ana original record or the iirocrem of political and hiaturl- eal event. rhs work has been begun after long and careful preliminary lalior, and with the must ample resource tor carrying It on to a auocese fi termination. None vf the original stereotvue plate have been used, but every page baa been printed on new type, forming In facta new Oyclopsjdia, with the sane plan and eompaae a It prsde oesmr, but with a far greater pecuniary eipen dlture, and with such Improvement In Its com position as nav been suggested by longer ex peneuoe anu emargeu anowieuge. 1 h llluatratlou which are introduoed for the first time in tbe present edition have been ad ded not for tbe sake of pictorial effect, but to ?lve greater motility and loroe to tbe esplana lonsin the test. They embrace all brauche of solenoe and of natural history, and depict the most famous and remarkable features of scene ry, architecture, aud art, as well as tbe various Srooes.es ot mechanics and manufactures. AI rough intended for tnntr notion rather than emlielllsliment.no pains have beepsnaied to Insure their artlstlo excellence; tbe coat of tueir execution is enormous, ana it I nenevea t.nev win nna a welcome reception as an ad mirable featuie of the Uyolopudla, and worthy or Its high character. This woik I said to Hubscrlber only, pava- bleon delivery of each volume, it wlllbeoora pleted In sixteen large octavo volumes, each ooutaieing about Rot) psgns.fully illustrated with nereral tuouinnd WihmI KugravingSi and wltb Uiimoruii colored Lltliograiihlc Ma Price and Stvle of BlndlnaT. luextia Uoin, wr ol .............WOO In Library Leather, per vol , t 00 In Hair Turkey Morocco, per vol., 1 00 In Half Kuula, extra gilt, per vol... 8 00 in run Morocco, antique, slit educe, per vol . 10 W In Full Kussla, per vol 10 00 Volumes now rr-ariy. Succeeding volumes, until completion, will be issued mice In two months. oyJLOpjKll A, showing type, lllustratluus, etc, will be .'cnt gratis, on application. Fibht-Glass Oanvassinq A Q IIITS Wanted. Address the Publishers, D. APPLETON &1CO., 649 and C51 Broadway, N. Y. June 12 140 tf Tne Carolina fionscMil Magaane, AM ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY c . choice. Llteratur, will be Issued from the Jolds. kuupMn.ssMuaaOrrica oommenclng with January, 1 if 9. The Uret number will b ready lor mailing oy iiecemner loth, and the period, leal will be published each succeeding month thereafter without Interruption. Mo advan tage win be neglected w-ich either talent or capital caa command to render each Issue an agreeable and lnstructlra ciimnsndlnin ot euoic reading, by popular writers, both home auuBurvau. The Carolina Honiehold Magazine will be a larw US-page, eighty-loot column uivuvuij,uuiujiuoij pnntea on tinted pool paper and beautifully illustrated. Jt Is thoroughly eouUern enterprise and Itssuocess Is already fully assured. The publisher means to make it a Orat-oluss monthly, that, onee In troduced In the family circle, Is sure to be eagerly watched tor and carefully preserved. Its'-r-OKTHAlT OALLKHV" wtllprovean attractive feature. '1 ho January number will contain a life-like ploture of EX GOV. Z. B. VANCE, and biographical sketch, to' b Ihllowed In each succeeding number with photograubs ol ether prominent statesmen, divines, dVc. ONLY TWODOLLAhU A tt.kV. and each nhcrller can makn a choice ol Taaaa kmt as.DTirUL.Lsuoa Kauns visas, slse of each W x BO Inches, vis: "The rinding er Oi savtuur In the ism pie," "The Madon na," or "King Lear Defying the Htorm,"tor. warded on receipt of the subsorlption price, either of th Kngravlngs I worth, doable tbe price asked for the Magasine. VAnyawsendlngaelub or fin elll re oeive an extra (ubscription tree. Hlnk.e ootile. iOeents, frv by mail. Bis month subsor.p tlon, without the Kngravlng, SI. ta Wanted Everywhere. dUiitUa A. BOMI Z, ruliiuher, Holdsbura, M. U. VfcnniNn nRn yxia u IlkUUiliU VftUUU ana iiut, . lessaet isJaabl style at th iiouttsiAb urrtui EDUCATIONAL. BE1HEL ACADEMY, Fsi yi'isaCo ,Va., Prepare tor I'nivrH y r Buslnew. to board and tut-f OT tZ ft""' -wivw. Mtdl-OO OVcaltie tit Mo extras. KXTHACT FH'M TKTIMt.M AM it "I snoH hearttlv rximmsnd IIsthki. Ao.D. ar t the favor and patronage ot the pillule." WM. K: I'K't aKM. I Prof, ef Latla, I nn xi.ity ol Va. ' I would he willing to col lide my ownsnn to Mr. Mmlth'srare, and b.nce 1 remmnd tbx srhcol toidhrf parvnta." t. M. MMITH. Prot. Matuial Pbnvsoidiy, Vnlvrlty at Vs. "I ImI wairsntsd, from xiiince, Iu re oommndins It," PiorcMHirol Iw,llnlvrisitof Va. "On of the beslltitltn Ions of rts rlawln k.Ktaia. II. II. 1IAUKIM, Pn.iemirot Orwk, hichmaud College. know of no Instil iithin of like grade Us rlor to Bethel Academy." Bav. J. O. BLAVblWRLL, A. M . !!.. I.ynchbit'g, Va. I'neaualled, In mvonliilou, by y lurtllu tlonlu tbe South." OKN. O. W. f I iCLI, Aiianiw, tm. " Best and tbeapeet preparatory n-hooi In tlLBtata. OllAHI.Krt MASON. ot King George county, Vk' " f n my opinion, the cheapest and het In the UtaU." OOI. S. l. urtw rusi;, aiignsu wun'T, . "The chesptst Bemlnkty. glut good th hs.t, In tk Vnlted Mtatae." ADAM KMl'IK, J. A.ltNOELHARO, . Wilmington, iHorin uuiBia. For Catalogue, address , . . Wsi. W. Smith, A. M. BenUir Principal. gwd Itw Uorucr & U raves' hcluio. HILLSBOltO, N. a j fJIHB IFALL bKbbiOM or lTB urcna fourth. Monday In July. -OataloguM sent on application. luy iM-dwAwlm SOUTHEBN HOME SCHOOL 197 amd 109 N. Oharlkb Bt. i BALTIMORE, M.D. ESTABLISHED 1842. BoABDiaa Aao Oar Boiiooi, roa Yousu Lauics, ! Prlnclna.si Mr. aud Mil Mi Oary, Mrs. tten'ljoftn rtfiiam. French, the Laiigung fipuken, : July W eoittm jlnygl dim Trinity College, N. C. MEMioicoininEKiOEaaKPT,9,iMr8. nll Faculty: elrnirl bnlldltlir: superior board and accommodations ) location, neat High Point on th North Carolina Hatlntad, very healthvi A receipt tn full for all ex pen es. except pons sua eiotuing, lur une nioniui.. will b given rut W. AMI given to young men or llmlud means. Post tJmo,"Trlnty College, M. 0." July4w a, (JHAVKN, President: Episcopal High School Near AleaandrlAf Vat. L. M- BLACKFORD, M. A., Priaclpa). rnnmlnd In IKia. Next Session ouensBentcm- br W, 1H75. Boy preparsd for college or bus iness. AstlBtsnts and terms as before. Oat logue sent on applluatlou to the Principal at Alexandria, Va. STAUNTON FlfflMEHAR!" Hit. J. V MILLEf , A.M., - Paiscirit. Profesnor R. Louts Me (1st of Virginia Fe male Institute), Principal Muslo Department, with twolv additional teacher and officer. Expense verv reasonable i extravagance In die prohibited: first-class board; Instruction thorough i location the best In Staunton. ef Send lor Catalogue, wltb cut of buildings and terms. J. 1. MlLLKK. Staunton. Va. July ID eod lm '-- ThQS. C DeRosset, Insurance Aeent! BxruasaitTiso 40,000,000 Fibs Assits I ACtna Insurance Co., of Hartford, London Aaanrance Co.. of f .oxtdou, Commercial Union Aaauranco Com. panw ef London, Mew York Underwriter' Aaonr.y, July K-tf ED0E WORTH SCHOOL, HO.59 I'ltANHMII BTBEET, i (Between Uathedral and Park),'Ualtimire,Md, THE Thirteenth Snrinalfleaslon of this En glish and Freneli Boarding and JJay nutiont iiir luung lwiiss, win re-open on Tburstiay, aeiitember itun. For eircuiars, aa dress. Mittt. H. H. LKFJCU VitJC. frlBelusl. Joly -J eod Sm .. . WETAKE NO NOTK OF TIME BUT BY IT8 LOSS. Anil those who have not laid In a stock of floods tor their own Wear aud Family nse from the splendid stock that I have been oointiellcd tossorllloe, will surely regret It. Time flies, aud Hot a lew weeks is lert in wuicn to wind up Before the removal of my stock to another oily ror "sale at auction," 1 will ott'or another In ducement, knowing, as I do, that money Is inarce. It Is this: besides selling cum of the stock at titty per cent, bolow oust, I will make o every purchaaher a discount of ton per cent, on all sums over ten dollars. Tbl I a near giving goods away as I can come to It. All goods wld at loss than cost bv . . ,. UKOHC1K LKI&Klt, . Market Street Bargains-Bargains. JJKN'SCI-OTH OAITEHS SI 60, worth 1; Men s i ow vuenerea nnoes gi no. worto Ji Ladies Bllppt r only gl per pair. CUAKXttB A. PKIGK, Mo. 91 Market street, une 2T-tf , Sign of the Golden Boot CAUTION! CONSUMERS OF PRRHRKVKD MILK should examine the WEIGHT of the CONTinTH of the can. Xtioy will and that while i Borden's Eagle Brand I Uniformly weigh slxtesn onncesof milk to the can. that other brand soaroelv welsh fifteen ounces. The difference la weight Is tqual to seventy, flv cents per case In favor of , Borden's Eagle Brandt N. T. Condensed Milk Co., AUO. KliKMH, Secretary. JnlyZl eortlm A. Barg a in. NOWISYOUBTIMEI- ti dosen i'hlldrens' Kid Gloves, sl'ghtly spot' (ed, at SJassia at Pair. Sizes, 6), CJ and 6 1 BROWN eY RODDICK, JnlyM ' 4$ Market Street. A T T l!AN make sulandld na sellliis ft I If llXili g'HHls. We hare oilier noreltlo wuinu areas stap'e a Flour. Send stamp loi Address r.r.ULUUC, Mew BaUrurd, Man. NEW ADVERTISEHE&TS. . THERI10METER 105 I iSBiieoiiys 45 S1AM1 MM, Are lioth warm ami tj gatinflod with the trade they hare done for the uaat aranou, but are still domrons to oluno ont a fow small lots previous to tak ing aooount of stock, and Lave marked tliom at such prioes ai eannot fail to eottra their immediate sale. . : ,i ; A DISCOUNT of 25 Per Cent ; Will be givon off all remnants of Dross Ooods. , " GENTS' WHITE DRESS SHIRTS HADE TO ORDER I ' . IT it Qiiavanteed , A full lino always on Lund ; also, 1' 1, ..I'. Cuffs, Collaro, Undorwoai. Etc. ; Agonts for Frank Loalie't out , s y Machino Needles, G Cents Eacli Terms, Cash Only'v BROWN & RODDICK, July h JUST. OPENED! 36-1VTAR,$CET STRrlSET; 1 s wnirrrrn Trim rta . -'M-'-t Black Silk Challys, BLACK CASHMERES, CREPES, &C. BUSIMKR. HTOCIt CL08ED OUT(. . ' Lower? Than Ever ! T'Z No. 36 MARKET BTREE1T. MISCELLANEOUS. Everybody's" Pill, A Centle but Certain Oathartlo They act with oiaratSTT on th Liver, con tain no calomel ! are nurelv ' Veaetable. Pill In use. Thev are used more generally than any other Pill In use, fer the length or time limy nav been oetore the ptibllo. Ar nlnely sugar-coated nd bottled at 28 oenta per noitie. Ask yonr Druggist for "Kvhrybodt'i" i-ill, auu use no otusr. July I IM-lm T?0 HOLBEHS CITY COUPONS. Offlce.or Treasurer and Collector, CITY OF W1LMTNQT0N, N. O., June 20th, 1875. ) NOTICE ll hereby given tbat TUB JULY OUUPON8 18T9 (of Bonds of this Olty) ean. not be prompt! yfpald; f Ia oonseqaanoe of oertaln changes under a recent decision of the Supreme Court of thin tea to the manner of assessment of the 1 and Personal Property In this city; and thereby the Olty Tag Books not yet Having been placed ,In possession of tbe undersigned for collection j together with other compile Ions In rega rd to eur Municipal affairs, now . , . ; , ,r.. ., ..... : ..... ... : pending before the gnprtmo Court of North Carolina, the olty of Wilmington mutt neoes sarlly crave some Indulgence from tbe bolden of Olty Uoapons,under existing clroamstanoes. T. O. BERVOSS, . City Treasurer. June 80 ' " ' ' lnff-tf AVe Guarantee KEEP'S Patent Psrtly-Made Shlit to be Wamsutta Cotton, t and 2100 Linen, Which every housewife knows Is tbe host, . . We tell kair a dosen tor ' $7.50 OASH! Will finish up when required at a small advance, Ten Dozen Sold Saturday ! s MUNSON & co.; CITY CT 0TniER3. IN THE SHADE ! 1 V i- ! 1 "I. :l One;Price' 45 Uarket Street. r : i' rtt "''' Black Grenadines, ; i. i. .-J'r '''-'! tlU i J t TWI Turnip Seed ! . . r"5" 1 -r" Turn I : !; ' V! New Crop 1875." Grown by Undreth Rultt, Philadelphia. Also mm j wiuswvm limil. K U1IBMADI )lllat a large assortment ot Cabbage Heed. Xrale by . - " . " JCwr GREEN A PLANNER. July mwmimm Rvnav housekenper sbonld possess Hit least on of the following celebrated Cook' Books, a they would save Ui prlo of it In a week' cooking i Queen or tbe Kitchen j 1001 Old Merrtand K eelnta . 1 lit Mis lieslle'i Mew Keoelpt for Coolng..l t Mra Hale's New Cook Beok " ...i ta The Young Wife's Oook book...,.alfcl IS diss Leslie's New Cookery Book 1 78 irs. Ooodfellow's Cookery sa it gbeuld Bel TS The National Cook Book. By U ana ah M. Peterson' New Cook Book..,', ....I TS Wlddllleld' New Cook Book IB Urs. Hale's Receipt for the Million 1 IS HSINSBXBCa'l , i fuly 17 tr . Live Book and Hume 8 tor. , The Dawson Bank. BY ORDER OP TUB BOARD OV DI&KO tori, tho BooU of Subscription to the Capita , ,. ( ! t C'.l "Mi f -: , Btock of this bank will be opened at their bank- . ... ., '. ,, , I log room en Thursday, the XI 1 Instant, at IS o'clock a.m., and remain' open until further oordered. : ' i Wat. LARKUNS, Caaana uly M 1m ; -OF- Atkinson & Ilannin. 970,000,000 Aaaeta KeprMt4U AX , .Vv-. - .) .;-ttt !.. :1 ii W n.i S HiH m .,"! tt , ti -k t v , i :uiivv A-iV1 : W ' FIRC. n. i o, of Mortb. America..,.". Philatlelphla. ( PbenU Insuranoe Company.. ..New York. . Continental Insurance Co..'. ...New Vik. N.BritlsbA Mercantile Ins.Co.Xtidin. . t Harttord Plre ins. Company.!, tiartiord.'' ' ' National Plre Ins. Company... Hnrr.tnr t. , Bprlngdeld f . & M. lns. t(o.i.BiaBiuusetla. Mercantile Mutual In U'?.,Niw' t 'J Ins. Co. or North America Phllwinipni ConnootlcutMutual'llis'Fus.Oo, Htiiwrd. t febI . , . entr JJEIICIIMTS UTD CCHA51C: ' 1 ISSUttlNCE CCXPAS r, ' " , . '' Or BIOHMOKD, VJBf?"IA. , mpitai.i Y.8TOBS,PreMt. I.B.r No.1 Nnrtt Wtrti. Y at"4 U