I f- " - ' -, f r- Ts, I'V. h i ... al.-il! It! t f t , . WILimiGTOII. IT. C. FRIDAY. AUGUST G. 1875. Y7noi : no. g,c:o, VOL. XXIV. HO. 169 n M Sljr Ulntln Journal. WILMINGTON, . Ci FRIDAY. AUGUST 6. 1875. " BY TELEGRAPH. SOUTH 1 CAROLINA; ESCAPE OF JTHEBiDIOAL THIEF PARKER,- FKOM COLUMBIA . - . I JAUj . '. m-i . Charleston, 8. 0. August 5. Ex Treaaurer Parker, agaiust whom a verdict of HWB4nr titonsand dol lar! wan reoeatlyt rSudtred iu suit growing out of hi official frauds and emeM JetAkti, wufl bo wm in prisoo awaiting criminal prosecution for similar offenoea, eaoaped from Colum bia jail at a-late .nous last uigb , no duo to hiariMMbvttti, but every ef fort ia making to recapture him,i s THE' FLOOD;1 ; r- -'' .1 M1 : X Cinoinkati, August 5. A dispatch from Tare Haute ssys tht the WabaHh rivet is UmmIiIt falliur. and that the railways igan transf erring pasi gen ai d mails oan got through to morrow at Beymour. t Tad Ohio and Mississippi bridge ia gone and sever! Washouts on that road Leeidea. This city appeared to be the center of the storm, spreading about one hundred mile in each direction. The total damage to railroads, crops and private property in this Congressional diatriot, is estimated at ten million dollars. . The irate is fuvadiug collars on Broadway, 8yoan.ore, Maine, Walnut and Union streets, and up as far as Beooodvi'- k .; .:. ... WASHraorrow, 1 AngUBt 6. The Mis sissippi , liT0t ia eigut , inches above danger lidfl V Helena, and lias risen one inch at Memphis, two inches at Vicksburg and nine inches at Cri , and , baa falleta seven " inches at 1st Lottbkmli'i'M s'Mii.ii ! ' I 4 ANOTHER ASSAULT ON FOR- EIQNERS IN PEKIN. Sam Francisco, Aneuat 6. The ar rival of the steamer, City of Pekin, at Hook Koiir July lOtti aud lokoTioma on tbe 18th it was reported that there had been renewed assaults made upon foreigners in Pekiu, the assault was made on a t attohee of German lega tion while- on scientific expedition with someoompanions forty miles from tbe oapiteC who severely beaten and robbed of valuable astronomical in struments. Negotiations between Ja- tan and Corea assumed a less friendly character that) r before,' ttiany Japa nese oflloiala turvr been rejaiiea from that eountrr. and rnmort of impend' iuir war4 is brevaleht. bat thus far then has been tod moh decision by the Japanese governmsnt . , , . Aroh Buckles spies mills at New York burned, loss 840 000. Yacht oWtareeently seiiedon uspioioDOf ittfng a unban tuumister, sailed for Ai-aouanK. ; it-.!. A special dispatch from Cheyenne states that the Indian fraud Commis sioners find a difficulty there in getting anv one to testify 1 relative to Indian service. Those having facts are in terested in trade. The committee start ed to Fort Laramie oa the second. The second bale of new cotton was received yesterday at Montgomery. Thtfflftl bale ttld at 20 cents per pound, weighing 640. THE Q'OQNNJBLL NTENARIt HOWraEiaLyRibts' OCUN- BELLOB'8',i MEMORf 5,1 .y.JiJOSYISaEDINA Lokdoh. Ancrust 5. Marie Smart won Brighton cnp.LouiBe Victoria s,eoond and Kaiser the third. .t. . A Berlin special Bfiys, tbo Turks are collecting a largJor to crush Herzo gsvina with one blow. Ten thousand strmftera arrived in Dublin yesterday, tostUmd the O'Oon- netl oenUnnry.r ,iMdytl.j:. The officers of the V uion mas. say no smngemehts have been made with thatlnatitutioQ for . the redemption of Dunoan Sherman ft Go's, letters of credit in the hands of travelers, nego tiation thstefore. have not been, eom- plod,ana the longer they are post pone6VMW .'&ne 'probability of a successful result. .Letters remain here from Americans in Paris, who say that over one thousand holders of ins peridttd firm letters of oredit have been hftarfl f rota in Crermany alone, ; Many of them are utterly destitute of funds and have been oompelled to apply , to local authorities or to the American consuls for'relief. One lad v, a teacher of Massachusetts had bat thirty francs in money, when the heard of the failure. The American end English people where she. had beensUying,- subscrib ed guffloient ftrnds to pay her expenses to Hamburg, from whieh place she tooVisiWri pwssgebome. A docu ment stating these faote, and denoun cing the house is preparing for publi- e.?"LU;X:. ' - - Dbulih. July 5. Tbe celebration of . tho. one hundreth birthday of O'Connell oommenoes to-dsy and oon tinuet three days. ' ' This morning sol emn relicious oeremonial services were heULin . the Cathedral. Cardinal Mannins officiated this afternoon. Tne oratorjp of ISIijatf will be sung in Exhibition Palace in " the evening poDOert. Irish musio' in the same place whetw the Centenary ,ode will w afecited. The houses are decorated with "banners, garlands, mottoes, end a if feat display of green fallowing. The members of Parliament present , as representatives of the1 Catholio Union are Messm Deaee, McCarthy, Arthoo. John Moors. Keyes, O'Clery, Myles, WilUam O'ReUly and Patrick James BmvthT ' DiBtinguished guests who have arrived to participate in the celebration are the Bishops of Basle and Nantes, Prince Edward, Badseavill, of Posen, Theillaeutn the family of Lord OUagan may prevent him from de livering tbe Centenary oration to morrow on Siokville street, in which aae it will b pablisoed aid distribu ted. : Dr. Oroke, the new Archbishop of Caahel, preached at the religious cer emonial in Cathedral this morning on Q'Gonnell, the Liber tor. ,, , ' Four Archbishops, forty bishops, and five hundred priest participated iu the ceremonies, which wero very impressive. , The Cathedral was densely orowded. The music arrauged for tht oocaaion was magnificent. " NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Valuable Real Estate For Sale ! VI, , CRONLY, . Auctioneer. BY CRONLY A MOUKia. Mortgage Sale. By virtue of direr, mortgage, from Tbomaa vjrr auu wire, tua Mtjoueuua' Building and lxa ataoclatloo will wll fir va.U. b uubllo auction, at Kaobaugo esrarr, la lb olt of W lltuluntou.ou Frid?; tb. indidav of A tutu J 1T5. at uo'oloek a., lb. fuliowiuii dcribti Krai fjiuie, .ituaiad In aald i Ujr, .ubl.ct e a tlr t motlgaga of SJ.tw, aa4 ad liileruat vltat may oo uu. toeroou, n: , U'-giiinihg In llio Kaatern Una or Baonnd Urort, 13 fn at ttouthwardli from Ita Ititeraso- tkin wltU Ui Moailnnt II ua af Markat atraet, aim ruuiung iuoucd Bomuwaxuiy witu aula line l (leooi.il atreetft? leoi, tbeno Kaatward If parallel wltti Market atreet 10 leet, tbenm NortbwardlT narallal wltb heooiul .treft 67 fet, anil tlmnce Wcatwardly parallil wltb W arket .tract to ibe bxaluulon, loathtir wlta tbe three .tore, and buiidlne. tbereon. Terms aooomoiwiKting -aiauo knowu at ale. aug 8-er'day t d of TO i HK tKF10rHs AMI MKMBKKS UV . fALAMTUB LdUOB r.0. 7,K. i Vr Th. 1 rugalat meeting ft yoor Lodge wit) be held Urla (Yburaday; ei.nlng at half past eight 0'ilovk. k of p. r. aug CROQUET SETS I CROQUET SETS I lArga lot Jiut lecelred and fur ial at lower prioea taan tb.y were ever oBered before. Call and sas for your.tilre.. D. A. SMITH & CO. angA MARRIED. BECK WITH DEMIKB At St. Peter'. Ohorch, PeakakU), daly Sotk, by K.v. ff riaber Uwla, (JbarleiL. Beokwltb, of Chica go. 111., to Alloa Ward, aldeat daughter of Th0' dore Denlke, lfq. l The O'Oonnell Centenary-" HOTIDE i Irl.hmen, their deaeeudent., frfcuda and th. pnbllo generally: you ar. re.pectfully invited to participate lu the cele bration to-day In honor of th. Centenary of DanelO'Cdnnell.'twdor tho au.ploaa of the Hibernian Beneroient AaaooiaUon. SMembereof tho Aaoo1atlon will meet in the Hibernian HaU In full regalia at IX o'alook foi parade, which will ft followed by an address dalivered by Hon, A. af. Waddell St the Th.a trS. .' t '' 1 ' aac fJ-lt Chief Marrhal. Ladies' Belts ! Ladled 8athel, Ladle.' Trnnka. OenU Trunk., tionte' Travming uagi - - . Shawl Strap., Etc., r t ( v At the Saddl.ry Btor of j i 1 1 ' Carpenter & Mallard, So. I Sooth 1 bout Stbbbt, July 21 . . Wilmington, M, 0. Sugar House Molasses. ' " ' 4. .... . - . w Barrel, a. ri. noiaaaea, s far sals by Kri;o'ii-i s " ' " KEKCUMKB A ULDE BktOS.. .11 ' J- ',; ,, .". " FLOUR, COFFEE AND SUQAR ! "-liOCOBatrliriour, " ' SO Battels Btftned Sugar, r , SO klhda Uem 8ugar, ;0'ior.aas01i.v 'U if BBCHMEB A OALDXIt BBOy. SPIRIT CASKS ' 7. h SPIRIT CASKS! 300 Spirit Oak, For ala by . i 1 ; K.EBCUNEB & OALWEB BBUS. TOBACCO SNUFF OYSTERS AND A'. JJA PICKLES. l"i 100 Bdxes Tsbaoco, . !, 1 i T T C " 10,V Barrel. Snuff, ' MM) Uaaes Oytteri, . 109 Caasa Pickles, , rot al by . . ,.. KKKOHMCB UALURB BHOS. angmtS'. , .ittv " - " Knabe Pianos. mHKlK Planoielroiilate not only in Amerl X a, Caaaxla and Sooth America, bat aim in Baropa) their tarns katlnd Man carried there by the great planl.U wbo bare laited thia country . ' ! ' ' '- Wherever they ha. be.n exhibited they kave Invariably carried Sway tbe' gold meda or.r aUeompetltur. Xb lrt European and resident pianist, hare thoroughly tried and teeted their rarleoj .tylei Of inatrnmeota, and hare roluutarlly aooorded tham their unquall- Sel approbation, and have given to tbe firm tb. moat vrln able oertlflcatet of their Opinion ' Voraaiaat ! HEUNSBEROER'S Live Book and Musia Store, ang W.S. F, E. Co, No. J. J i Frtegular monthly, meeting this (Tharass . I T i i' S H i t i i I . i - i S I i I St.nl ! W, Ij. JEffKTT ." Becordtng Secretary, aug QflOW BILLS gottria np and Ui most sttractlve style at the ,V ': J 5 ';..V. i Joubsai. Prrioa HIW ADVIBII8EMENT3. TO-HORROW W ahalt commence tb. ee)lv.ry. of Wamtmtta Shirts ! To thee whs haw ordered. A. oar tuppW pr Mk t. Ilmlud to (wit do.au, paxUe. wlta Attin U CHEAPEST & BEST SHIRT In Ui UnlUd BUlM, h4 Utt Imi. Ux.tr or danateaoe. . O For 97.60, Cash. BOL AQKMTB, MUNSON & CO.. CUT CLOTHIERS. 2 00 Biu"l oorn,' 1 'OOO Ba,h8l, "u' 500 W.ter-Uroand Mel, HoruWy, Pork, Hr.ii t)rack wb, riour,.to., tot nle low bj 1 ('ommlMloa M.roh.iito aud Urucera. aagS-ltlAT - Mcclidiiic's Eniliim ?nd Loan Asso ciation. THK regular monthly meeting will da held at tba Mibernlan Hall ibla ereiili'g at alook. U.N. Bl LIS, JaU" Secretary ai d I re.u.er. YATES' BOOK STORE- ifilank Books, Blank Books! Pull Mnortm.nt alvav.on hand, aud will be uld for tew than eT boforo vtt'erod. Cuiiipk le aim'kpf SCHOOL BOOKS Alwav.an band.whlih will b auld for lee than publlabor.' price., i C. W. YATES, Market Street angl MOSQUITO NETS ! A larga alook on hand and For tale VERY LOW. D. A. SMITH & CO. uly 30 ft tn in PKHUaT. ai IPU IU iiU oIbm aaaaaof working venule of both aatea, young aud old, make rnuro money at work for na. In their own loealltlea, rinrlng their apar momenia, or all the time, than at anything lae. Wa oft'or employment that will pay handaomely for eyarv hour', work, fall nartlodlara. Urma, Ao., asnt fr. Send na yOnr addra. at once. Don't delay. Now th. tlce. Don't look for work or bualneu elaewhare, until yoa have learned wliat wa oiler. O. bTtNsoa A Co., Portland, Maine. ' maris 184.n A wtv IN STUBS AND AKKIVINQ By BVKKY A Steamer a full aupply and large asaurtment of Nail., liOcka, Hinirea. 8 crew. Window Faatanlngi, Blind fllDgne, and Vaitenlnga, Well Buoket", Fixture, Pnmt. and all kind, ot Hardware nerd around a house or lot, ail lor sale low by a.gs , uibu. i iiuniiiivm. LADIES Who oan appreciate convenience In keeping U.UB4, ahonH aend their order, to u. They will aave thcmaelve. trouble, care and Expenne ! And get only tbe beet and moat reliable artl. ce. In the Una of Family Groceries ! ' AT LOWEST OASH PKIOKM I Our good ara alway. freeb. They ara RECEIVED DAILY ! By Water and Bail. W ara sailing a KEUADLR FAMILY FLOUR for Eight. Dollars. Beat article for the money In tliia market. Fall stock of choloert aeleoted ; Family Uroccrks ! Sow In .tore. CHAS D. MYERS' & CO., G and 7 N, Fbont St. augS Pay Your City Taies. : Uflic of Treaenrer ami (lollector, ; . Oily ot Wilmington, N. ft., i July 27, 1875. fltilK t'l CY TAX HOOK8 FOB ims II a VINO A teen raoelviil at thlaofflo. uih nmleraign' ed lenow prepared to collect tlie titty 'I on Keal E.tate and personal property for 'axtt. Mi, ALL PARTIES I Are therefor notltlel and raoneated to give tin. matter immediate attentian, and to call at tl. i. omce and ty op without runner delay. city Coupons Are aim receivable In payment of City Taxoa T. C- Servoss, uly S3 ' Traaaurer and Uollaotor. MISCELLANEOUS Card, TH. rri.rt lht I Int.od to VOU tb Kall ilcli.t, ot bT n prw4 mjmU, K riM. I tin!! vot. Um usavMraUs Uckat, as I alvaj.doas. ani I u PIANOS, OSBAXS AX9 CKXOUSS For sals fw eaan, by the saiy mumthly tuiUllmatil plan, at IU1N8BK0,.-". BMBaM THRK1 8BOOND-HAND TlkXQI, la Pf f.ot rd.r, for aal at . . -- ' HltKSBIKQKRH. MKI.oniCONB Tbi .aoBd-band M.lw dxoua, la parract order, tot Mile low at HEINSBERCER'S Live Book and Musio Store. una i J(IH w. HINSOJI, jambb n. craamu, (Late Uaahl.r Hank of New Hauowr.) Xarboro, N. 0. (Late of Mi runt A ninauii,) Wllulngh)U, N. 0. HINSON&CULIIIING, FOHT11R SALE Of Cotton, Rice, Lumber, Tobaooo) Naval Stores, and Southern i Produce Cenerally, NO- 102 CHESTNUT ST. P. O. llo 3036. rutiMwipniat, t-av. naraaBMUti! I. B. (Iralnger, President Bank of Mew Han. over. Wilmington, N O. , ' . , . CI K Hlircem, rra.niuiiv virat nauuuai uu., WHail'igton. NO. . . ' .lamtia Dawaon, Preaklent Uawann Bauk, WllniiiiKton.N 0. . , .. ti H llordon, Pre.ident Bank of New Han over, Uoldaliaro, UU. ,1 A lak, frosiaent nm.w n.w iibwtw, Wailonboro, N 0. , ' ' ', ,Je H IJnilaay, rreamaui nana 01 ureena. boro, ttreen.lioro, N i i Hon Oeo. Howard.Tarboro, NO. M Weddell, E.q., Tatboro, H 0 ' Hon. W 1 Johuaon, Marion Uoart Houaa, "jilyT lSS-dwtf The Charlotte Observer The only morning dally paper publlahed In ti,. hi.ui w.t uf Ualelah ana North at Wll. mm ilon. otter, .pedal IniluoemanU to advar tiaera. IU elroulatloi', ale. and naelulnea. han laruelv lnorenaed durlnc th. year junt paat, and it now reaolie. moat ol tha Wer. ohanta of Western North Carolina, thus otter ing au anatirpauted medium-of oommnalca- tl.ia net ween (be Merchant, of Wilmington and the people of Wenern norm Carolina. TlKB.Or iCBKlIirTlOS I Dally ,, S3 00 per annum. Weekly T Advertlimg very low, may I 10 ; " Mechanics of . All i raaes Your attention la called to tbs very larga and flrt-clMM aaaortm.nt of TOOLS required by you, and at prioea that will ataad iiuitectkui, Quality of gooii. guaranteed in every reepot. 11 you would aava iiiuo aim muuey, oan nld-mlabllabad Hardarar Hone of .JOHN DA whon, No. 1, and t Hark.t .ueou Jiilv IS ; THE RALEIGH NEWS DAILY AND WEEKLY rUBLiaSBD BT THE NEWS , PBELISH13SO CO. D KVOTICl) TO THK BtHT IM'EKEHle of the Htat or rtoria uaroiina- vo uia aiiticew of th. Uonaervatlve party, th devel opment of th hidden woalte of the State, th tnvltini emigration Into our mldat, and ad- vannement of tha welfare of our poiile in everything tbat aerve. to make a Stat proper. one ana inuaoenuem. 'in -' ADVERTISING COLUMNS win ha f uu mi .if mui advantas. aa both th Dally and Weekly circulate largely In every portion of th Stat, liato. moderate. - SyPSOHIPTION KATKSl Dally, Una Year S OS S Montlia. .3 00 Wekly-One Year 1 00 Jihn t rMKR"N. Editor. dUKliAN 8'1'ONB, a aaoclat Editor B. O. WOOI.HON, IjOwoI Bdltor Southern Illustrated Age I IIALEIOH, N. a rnHE ONIiY ILLuSTRATEU WEEKLY X IU we aouin. r.igni pkk rwri.j tn- ll ill il. containing mors rnauiug niavvor iuu any weekly puniinnau in uiv .'n. oww. The flint number or tne suu i naan uur TJTKATt.D AUK will be laaucd on Mavturday, StllU day of Jatne, 1S70. The Pnbliaber Intends making It an Ulna- tratd record uf the tlmea. it will treat of awry Uii lo, Political, Hiatorioai, uurary, ana Nulimtlflr, which la of current intoreat, and g vetuvbaat Uluatratlonatbat canb. obtalnad, original or foreign. ... The MOUTHhBn iijIubi'kib.i uh will be printed on new type, and heavy book paper. 1 On Ita lst of fontrlbutora will be found tha namvaof many ol'th beetwrtten In the Month. Mcrial and ahurt atorlea, Hiem. and .ketone., mil well i, inducted lltorlaldenartment., giv ing tho lat.t ieronai, literary, aewnune, rw litical rellgiouaand aommerclal Intelligence, will I urn lull every week an amount of reading matter nnanrnaaaed by other paper., In eiel lonae and variety. It la Intended to make th SOIl l HERN ILLUSTRATED AUK a Jour nal for tbe Hreald ; aaveral column, will ba iieclally devoted to ail aubjoota pertaining to uimieKttc anu aooiai in. No lanilly abouid Da witnout it. Hubacrlptlou prioe only Vt par annum. Poat- age free. - li, i. x uijunuM, JMitor, , ' ' Balelgb, M 0. June W6tf St. Mary's School, KALEIUH, N. 0., THE Slxty-aoventh term of th,e arhoql II coramciiceH. itrmli"r 5, lafri. The charg tor bnaril and Kngliali tuition, for a term 0 twen' we-ka, 1. alfS- For a circniW appiy to rev. Aioori nweea D. I , Haleigh, N, O, July 10 ds 3 If Wilmington ; IS ALIVE T01IKK INTKKBHT8 In Baal Oarollna, her bualuea men wUladvortlaala THE WASHINGTON ECHO, a large and well eatabll.hed weekly naw.na per, circulating eiton.lvaly In tL.eonnUee Hyde, Beaulort, Pamlico, Pitt, Kdgaoombe and thiKW adjoining. Hate. Low. Walt. P. Willumbow, It. Obawbbb, Late of Tar boro. of Waabington, Editor, and Proprietor, etn tUaroopy. NEWSPAPER DIRECTORY Our livins and Our Dead Prosoectuaof 2nd Volum. ' Mswsaaa, M. U, Augurt to, ISTt. "Ona Livma aao dm 1d" will ber a!t.t b publmhwlu a Jjfrut- MonUily Maga In., euaulnliig t or tavliug atatlai, at S3 par war in advanua. rc Uia Information ul tboa wh. ara aot la Hilar IU UK autorprlaa, 1 iU tbat th. ablal objerlo! lb M.gn.ln .lllb. to puhllali tba Keoord tbat Nora Carollnaatid bar gallant auldtor. Bad la tb. lata "ar b.taaan tb. Ktataa," to gatbat tba matnrial tor tb. uaa ol tli rutdr. btatortaa, and to rrwtuat tb. Biauorf uf tboa. bran Biu, offlder. and prlTataa, Urtngordawl, wboabad Importababl. glory upa tbatr natlT. Stat. lit addition te tb. Waa Kaxwao o Noara CaouA,ib Magaaln. will contain .ketelii 1 .T.ryaiOoB,oount, pity and tnwn of th. Stat, wrlttrn by eoutpatont and all-lnrorn 1 w'iau., Mai wtaktutl it iirv-miamdy a N arrtuJtixil, n waw aU ctatm ar eitumt atim(fcil.ilaM Mtda. ' l b Maga.m. will tab th Vlax. or tba Mwaiwr,baTlng aaaia lit la, publlabad by u. during tii. It t.l month. Tb orat aarabar will b Hat Juad Wodnaad B.plaib.r ttb, ! I th nieantima, 1 re ....ttuilv aak old lubwvtb.r. wbodaalr ra- naw tb.tr aabacrtplloaa, aatd all vUi.ra ho vtah tli Magaaln., to natil prampU), a tli. ohaag and IniproTenwiil raqulr. OolialOerab). outlay, aaa raa w w wuw, . B. D, row JJAddr,; HII fwlhw aotloj, WjJ aar w iap, v. -.. i h.rth Uarulioa. Kxobauge. WiU pi.aM oopy, aug IS ' IBS- APPLETONS' AMERICAN CYCLOPEDIA. Nw HsvIbc1 Wdltton. Entirely rewritten by th ableat writer, on vary aunjocr. rriiuea imm new type, ami llluatratettwith nsveral Xkuuaaiid Angia. ylnga and Mape. illv nali tl. THK tit. ft AMkrllCAN liVUI.Ul'yU- UIA waa oomplateti in H4, alniia which time tli wide clroulaUim whliib It haaattalunl In all parUorthaVnited atatea, and llie.lgnal de v.lopmauUi whlob bav. tak.u plan. In .very bmui'h oraolenti, literature, and art, have In duued the editor and peblUberatoaubattt It to an eiaot and thorough revlaiun, and U Ih.ii a uaw eounin antitie tub mr.nn)An vi Ui-OPiWutA. W lihin Hi. laat ten year, the progrvaa or dl. eovery In every department of knowledge baa mad. a u.w work ot raterauoa an laipvratlv. want. S'h mov.mant of polltloal a (lair, baa k.pt ao with tha dteooverlaa of aolenoe, aud tliuir rultfiil apoliiiatlou to tba Induatrlal and uae. I'ul arta and tb. oonv.nl.Bcta and refinement of eoolal lite, Oraat ware and eouaaqauiit r.volu. tlon. bav. occurred, in vol vln g national change, of peculiar moment. Tbe civil war of onrown oou.utry, which wa. at Ita height when tha laat volume of th. old work appeared, haa happily b.n ndcd, aud a new ooure ol commercial and Induatrlal activity haa been oomuienoed. Large acoaaaloua to our gogrpblol kmiwl long. nav. been mad. by Uialndafallgable.a- pioreraor Airiua, Tha great political revolution, of tb. laat da cad, with th natural roeult af tb lie af time, hav brought Into publio view a multi tude or lie w men , whoa name, ar In every one's mouth, and of whoa Uvea .very one fa eurioua to know toe particular, urtat nattiea ueve bean rouaht ami lmmrtnt aiaaea main- talnad, of which t b. detail, ar ai yet pr.aervad oulv lathe nawananaraor lath. Uan.i.nt nab- lleaUonaof tha da v. but which .unlit now to Uk th.tr plaoa In pwmanant and autU.ntlo hlator. In nranarins th waarat rtrtlon for tha plena, It baa aooordlngly baen the aim of th. editors to bring down th informatloa to Ui. lataat Doaalbla data., and to furul.h an aocu' rat aooount of th moat reoaiit dlaoovarie. In aolenne, ot every n-eah ptnduotlan In literature, aad of tlie neweat Invention In th. praotleai arta, aa well a. to giva a auooint ana original reoora or th. progreee or poiiuoai auu niaiori oai event.. , -i-lia wnrk ha. been besnn after lone and careful preliminary labor, and with tha moat aaiple reaouroeafor carry log It on to a laooeac foi termination. Nona of tb. original staniutyps Plata, hav. baan uacd, but .very page haa bean printed on new typ. terming in laci a new uyaiupaauia, with. th. aeate plan and eompaa. aalta prede- ul with a far greater pecuniary aapan- dbtnre, and with auch Improvement in Its com- poaiuon aa nave D..n enggeateu oy longer ex perlenoe and enlarged knowledge. 1 he illmtratiou. which ara Introduced for the flrat time in th prevent edition have baen ad ded not for th aak. of pictorial effect, but to tva greater lucidity and foroe to th explaaa lone In tha text. They ambraoaall branohe. of aolenoe andol natural hlatory, and depict the moat f amoua ana remaraaDiaieaturaa oi aoene iy, arohltoclure, and art, aa wall aa tba vartoiu CoeeeeaM maobanloa and maauraciurea. Al ugh Intended for in.truotlon rather than emuelllabment, no palna have been apared to Inaure their artlatio exoeuence ; ice onai ot tbelr exenutlon Is anormona, and It Is b.Uevad tlmv will And a weloem reoaMJon aa an ad- miraoie mature or an vyoiopaxiia, auu wormy or na ntgn cnaractar. - J nu wois is .ilia to Biioaonoer. omy, paya ble on d.llv.ry Of each volam. It a ill I), oom- nletodln atxtoen larae octavo volumea, each oontatelni about 800 uaaea.f ullv Uluttrated wll b aeveral thousand Wood Kngravinga, and with namarou. oolored Lithographic Map. . Price end Style of Binding in extra uioiu, per u 'ol S6 00 in Library LeaUier,pr vol..,.,,. SIM In Hair Turkey Morocco, per vol 7 UO In Half Buaaia, extra gilt, per vol 8 00 In Fail Morocco, antli.ua, gilt edge., par vol.............. 10 00 In full Kuawa, prvol... ....10 00 Volumea uow ready. Succeeding volunifa, nntil completion, will be ieeued ouo In two month.. Sflpealmn page. of Hha AMERICAN UYtlliOP.LliA, ahowlng tyiK, llluatratlona, tcn will a. int graua, on appuoauon. FuisT-OLAsa Canvassing A o nis Wautbd. . Addreat the Publisher., D. APPLETON &I0O., I..... ............,.,- i 549 and Ml Broadway, N. I. junsla , 10 tf rinfi ca 'A N n; Carolina Honsciiold Mapnc i LUHTKATED MONTHLY c. oholoa Literature, will be leaned from thi loi.De- bomo SlBMaauBB Uica eommenclng with January, 185. Tha nret number will b ready for mailing by December istb, and the period. leal will b. publiabed each .uooeedlug mouth tb.raaftor wiUinut interrnptlon. Mo advan tage will be neglei-ted wmicb either talent or capital can eomnund to render each lean an agreeable and inatrnctlva compandlnm ol ouolce reading, by popular writer., both home anoaoroaa. The Carolina Household Majraxine will ba a large zs-page, eluhty-foni column monthly, ham nueomeiv in ninted on tinted book paper-aad beautifully llluatrated. It la a tharoughly aombern enterprla and Ita .uocea. beautifully la alrrady fully aaaured. The publi.her meaua to make It a flrat-olaaa monthly, that, onee In troduced In the family circle, la .ure to b. eagerly watched to aad carefully preeerved. Ita"POKTHAIT QALLBHY" will prove an attractive feature. Tba January number Will oobtaln a life-like picture of ' j : EX-GOV, Z. a VANCE, and blosranblcal sketch, to ba followed In each auooeeiHBg number wltb iihotngratiluroi other prominent atateamen, divine., ONLY TWO DOLLAB8 A YEAH and each aubanrlber can mak a oholceot TBBBB HOaT BBAVTIVDL.LAaoa Krubavimoh, alee of each HiW Inobe, via: "The finding or the Saviour In tba Temple," "The Madon na." or -'King Lear Defying tha Storm," for. warteaon receipt or in .uoeuripuon prioe. Either of tbe Kngravlnga la worth double the prlfl aaked for tbe Magaaln. f A.aj ona aeodlng a olub f Sv. will re Mix an aitra aiibacrlDtlon free. Mini.. ooiile SO oenta, free by mall. Six month .ubaorip tlon. without th Kngravtng, SI. te Wanted Everyvyhere. JULlUSA. HVbl'I A, Publiaher, ' woioaooro, n. u. lAjtnmuo PlDno wnaN up IfLUUinU UHIIUO and prints kuui laahlanabla rtvl at th JOUHN4U orrtui NIW AJDVZETISimT3. 0IIBTER; 105 45 BI man Are both warm and fully satisfied witfi the trade thev'have done for tbe uaat season, but are still desirous to oloae out a few small lots previous to tak ing aooouut of stook, and have marked tlietu at snob prioes eannot fail to secure their immediate sale. li '-'" ' , V. - .... . A DISCOUNT of 25 Per Cent Will be given off all remnants ot Disss GENTS' WHITE DRESS tV, V A fa ,"-'.111 i.'.J -tti-.J ' : i MADE TO ORDER I ; JPit G-warahteed- V s f 1 A full line always on hand ; also, ' j ' ' ' Cuffs. Collars, Underwear Etc. 1 Agents) for Frank Lesile'l cut i ' . " , s;" ' 'j.-'' Machine ISTeedleB, 5 Qeiits Each. Terms, Cash Only mOWU & RODDICK. 45 Market Street. JUST OPENED! AI t 1 j 36 MARKET STPIKKT, - ANOTHER Black Silk Challys, BLACK CASHMERES, CKEPES, &0. . MUMMIOlt STOOK OIaOU2I OUT lower Than Ever f No, 36 MAJRKET j STEEET. jiny it t MI8ClLLAJraOIT8, . TEverybody'sn Pill, A Gentle but Certain Oathartlo. They act with cBBTAtsrrsn tha Uv.r, eon tain no calomel i ara nur.lv V.aataWa. The haat. aiuaat. aafaat and mudaat BariatlVS Pill In naa. Tha ar uaad mora aanarallv than anv oth.v Pill In aaa. far th length of I time the hav. been before the nuuuo. Ar wi i Btoeiy .ttgar-ooawd ana ooiuea at a oenta pw Bottle. Aak yonr Dtuggtat for Pill, and tak. no tkr. julfl . ;,,,.,, , "KViavsonVs" city coupons. CHI OFjjlTLMINGTON, N. Q ") ..;..,,, , ! t June 29th, 187& JJIOTIOIS is hereby given that THK JULY COUPONS 1ST8 (of Bonds Sf this Olty) can. ; k ,1-u) Ml ( not bs promptlylpald, , ., ., In eanaeiuno.of oarUln change, tudwa recant dsclston of ths Buprem. Oonrt of this. toaatoth manner of anoiaarnt of th 1 and Psrsonal Property In this city; and thereby ths City Tax Books sot yt having been plaead .la poMlon of tbs nndenlgned for collecUon. together wlta othst comptlca Ion In tega rd to .ur Municipal affair., now pending befor. the supremo Court of North Carolina, ths city of Wilmington mutt naoes- artly cravs aom. Indijlgeno from tbs holders of City Ooupon.,under erlitlng elreorrutance. , T. 0. BEBYOSS, -i City Treaeurer. JnaeSO We G-uararitee " KEEP'S " Patent Partly-Mad. SUM to b Wamsutta Cotton, ": ; ; and 3100 Linen, Whioh svery housewife itnowl Is ths best,,", ... W sell half adoien tor ' . n ' $7.50 CASH! Will flnlah up when required at aimall advance. ; Ten Dozen Sold Saturday J MUESON'&'CO.", CITY CLOTHIERS. ialyJI IN THE . SHADE! DDI Goods. SHIRTS , t . One Price. -m11- ( lt' LOT OF- V I't Black Grenadines. ' r:: . i, , ; i. r.-" Turnip Seed 1 t i t New Crop 1875. 1 drown by Landreth ) Bulat, Philadelphia. AIM a large aeaottauut, of Uabbag llesd. . fosse fry ' ', i' ) , . . : . . I OElES A fLAKBBR. ' Julyt .166 Bvsst honaekeeper .hotfld pomeaa at lu One of th follwliig oalebrmted Cook Book., aa they would aave iue prioe of it In a weak' uoklDa! 1 gueen of the Kltohsn i 1007 014 Maryland B- Mlm Lealle'a New Beoelpaj for Oooking....! 19 Mra, Hale'. New Cook Bk .........ITS Tbe Young Wire's Oook Book. 1 TS Mia. Lalia New Cookery Book...... 1 TS Mr.. Ooodrallow'. Cookerr aa II ShMkt Bel 70 1 be National Cook Book, , By H ana ah at. i . ' e tit ' gsuurivr . ,,, t.nif.ii.i.tiiti.iMfil Pateraon'l New Cook Book I Tfl Wldilfleld'e New Oook Book ...i..l TS Mr.. Hale'S Receipt for the Mllllon.MU 19 j " FOB SAt AT "T fiily IT tf Live Book and Muaw Store. . The Dawoon Dank QY OaDEB OF TUKBOABO OF. DIBXO I ton, the Books of Bubaralpttoa to tha Caplu Stock of this bank will be opened at their bank ing room en Thoreday, ths Ml instant, at 10 o'clock A.X., ana rsmkin opsit nUl furthar oordsred. iqlyW-lm : Wh. U ktH9, Oasb na ii.'.u .Uill'nil'j'iA , '' IUA1B IB "J lV. ..' 1 .. , ' kAfiv;::;:;. I .Mi.'t : M ,." 'i i ! -it' f ' ' k - AtMnson & nanninix.;,; r0,000,00e Aaxrta aprasaitwV ' ( in l'-,..i8.K i.J.-:itRB.,ii'' il rTia. Co. or North Aatarloa..,. . Pbiawtelnhl. r Pbenli Tnaurance Company. ...New York. , Continental Inearaneuo.,.A.Nw roia. . NtBrltlanol teroanuieina.t;onuonaoB. ,7p.. ,,;) Hartford fir lnsj Company. ..Hartford. National fir Ina. Oora.any..BaxMord.! . 'jM Sprlnghetd 1. A M. In.. Oo...MaaHiiohuaett. . . - ...( MARINE. "J i-i Maroantlle Mutual lu. Oo New Yk. .. , . ft Ina. Oo. of Noatki Amarloa.i.,.PhHttnipanv. ' ' LIFE. . Oennectlcut Mutual tale Lia.C ,oo. a rtiota. ,, febW 7)''l tf-n ,i- -0S-'' YIEKU11AJIT3 A3D EXUIAKIU:; JJA;1 I !t ti-1ul U1 rvorm a wnn nnwn ai )MI j li.3UJvflVA tviani " ; . ' . ; ' . i- I ' OF BIOHHUND, VIBUIKI- Cwpltail... .-4. .... :f.BTOS3.,Preldt I.B.Mooa, I ' JOHH Wlg.DaOIAa-KIW'" UneriAgS ma. a vai. w.im, wa. Wllmliurtoa. N. O. agtUU ,7. .ill .tT '.'I -.1. H .1? ti. J

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