I force the of Thiln .Jlourna'. Tbi WLUOXaTON. N. O : fSISAT. AUGUST 6, 1875. OI H HO.niJIATIU!.. 7h following U t list of iLe Dem ocratic caodidfttea for Confection. It will be fouad very convenient for reference when the ntttroi an 00mm g in. Tbe -owintieiK smirked iTitk hare - v'Dmocratio' member In the present Ilonse oTRepreaenUUves, except Bunooml which ha JinJed repreeenUtiacr: i tt 177!" Alaraenory' 1,1 HS. Mff. . Alexander. Reuben Watt. Anion. II. T. Bennett, IV. T isennett, TriQ. p.tjvaV" R J. t Hbflpherd, ' J. B. Cbry. Aib Beaafort for . iidet. ,H -X W. R.mh. Briunwifk; t D. S. Oowo, BanoooiU", D.Colemau, X. L. Uingmaa, A. C. Avar j.) It. YV Allison, James Rainier, 1). 1). FerroUe, Edmund Jt", : . Uilea MnUue . E. B, Withers, L. M. MoOorkle. Jtio. Mauuiog, W. F. Htroud, J. W. yipa, Xt. D. rruden, Flato Durham, F. George, M. K. Mauley, C. 0. Clark, J. A. Worth, N. RBlue.. W. II. Crowell, . J. C. Meekius, B. B. Roberts, F. a laueWot,) 1 1 ' Charloa Price, Burke, 'Cabarrus, Carteret, Camden, Caldwell, , CwlL Catawba, Chatham, Cberoket, t Cbowan, Clsv, Cleveland, Columbus, Craven, Cumberland, Cnrritookd Dare. Davidson, Davie, Dnplin, dgeooinb, Forsyth, Frauklin, Gaston, . , Gates, Granville, Greene, Guilford, ; . Halifax, 4 Harnett, Haywood, Henderson, 1 Hertford, Hyde, Iredell, Jackson, Johnston, J. N. BUlhugs, Wm. Farrier. Fred I'biliiim, F. C. Bourne, " " Joseph Maatcu, W. r. Oreeu, , j.-H..vytt. W. P.' lloberts, J. W. Hays, B. A. Caixuitfart, . J. V. Sw-iKht. N.Meudeuhall.J A. Gilmer, IV. U. Hmith, Jr. H. . Manning, J. A. Harrington, Samuel Ixrve, t - Jobs D. Hymen John A. - vauu, vVm. Carter, T. A. Nicholson. C. L. Bummers, Jesse Iliunaut, Willis Banders, Jonee, , Ijeiw,v ; Liuooln, Maoon, Martin, Madison, McDowell Vl.lVw.l1 F. M. Bimmous, J. W, Wooten, CalabMota, W. N. Allman, 0. B. Uaasull, J. G. Anderjon Mecklenburg, Wm. Johnston, A. Hanson, Mosre, John B. Graham, MoutaMMry, - I -r ; Nash, " B. H. Bnnn, NewHannver, ttonrgA Davia, Kobt. Strange, K K. Bryan. Northampton. , J WcYrOaon, Ouaiov i. d. Jsfiotf .rr.-4- Orange, W. A. Graham. Pasquotank, Frank Vaughn, Person, J. WCunmngham, Perquimans, Wm Navttf&i I Pitt, T. J. Jarvis, W. M. King, Polk, ,B.-Morria, , , Randolph, J. M. M'orth lt.RobWna. Richmond, k: J, W.LoGrand, Robeson, D. Sinclair. C A. McEaobin. . Bciigham; D7a. Rold.l ,' J. T. Morohead, .. Rowan, "" J. 8. Henderson, ' F. E;8hobeV Rutherford, , , A. O. Logan, dampson, Wm. Kir.Vy, .CtiUB.-jlFateon. Btanly. : BtokeBV" Barry, s : Joseph Marshall, J. F. HUL Joa. Dobson, riwain TyftaflJ , B.M, Xittandorj Union,7' .-T4V;HliV'.:i Wake, Beaton Gales t a H, BattU, Jr., , , i D. P. Holland, B. H. Jonos, . Warren WaaLington, T. J. Norman WsUaa, i ,i L. Binpham, Wayne. - W;T.i)orkb, S.-.W.Oox,, .-, Wilkea, ; j Tyre York. ; .i P. Hackot, ;,;V, Wilson, . ... S. W. Biugletary, - Yadkin, J. A. Ptcphenson, Ynry'J' JOKSOKf COUNTY. A ahort Vhiit' to thia oounty ! on Wediftaday astjdevay pleasant by eutuaay friends at Lumberton. Wa found there Very large crowd assem bled to hear the raspeotive candidates of the two parties, and the Hon. Thorn a B'ishe .menber of, Oangreaa for thettiatrkt, mdMaWyA. Eogalhard, who. were praaent by., invitation. .i,-, Mr. O. A. MoEaoliin, one of the DenWCratld oandidales opened the die enssion, in e try fine speaoba whigh was wal xeeelvsd ti Ui Nef meut, the candidate of the negro par. ty replied in a rambling evasive and demagogiMlr.haftn'gni, which wai in tended and laooeededl ia gaining" the applause el biewMar imivrV' oA ! Dr. D. Sinclair, iat pte of the best speeches we aver listened to, thorough ly expoaed the redonbtable Radical, and gave the most concltuii vareasonaf or the call of a Convention.' He was 11s- tened to for an jhanr. with the mos' earnest aiienUon and the warmest ap phrase. s Hon. Jonn B. Aahe, then took the stand, and in a speech of treat force delivered with an earnestness and im pressivenesi f manner, urged lipon . .. 1 - at . .. ius uearera uie absolute : necessity ox ooii8UtuUonai.,,.iform.. . : His position upon 'J- the s finding of the restriction as adopt! by Locislatun. was answerable. whole speech was niaaterly and convicoiDg, and evidently Lad the grclest effect npon the cmtd. . Dr. Norment, ly agreement, wr, al lowed a rr;1y to Wr- Alie: uJ r sn Lour fucivd saV touch to the -tin-faction of the c gfoes, and to the din guiit of all decent white people, lm mediately upon the clone of lis .speech be left, taking with him most of the negroes. Major Engelhard then addressed the crowd for alxut an lour, closing by an appi al to the white men of Robc oo to do tlm full daty, TVe foirml tbU bd peosle of that county are tLoroughly aroued and w lave great Lopes that yesterday they reversed tba dedniou of last year. Col. W. Foster Freoeli, wa and bad beu some dsyn actively engage! in tlie oauvftHs, At St. i'rtOia, uowiu avu e, LnaiberbriJge iud other puIuU, voice bad btteu heard iu behalf of tUo white xAm, aid kn jetfnU will bavd an imporuuit b inug upon tu result. We siuoar oly tru t that ltob ou baa again allied UomoU wan tun wiiiui man's party. ; Uaujiell's HTona, N. C , ) v :-ji August ad. 1826. J DsB Joiunal: Tho orat maxim. "United we stand. divided wa fall," is - not too- emphati -oally expressed, and is equally true witu regard to all organizations.' 1 us farmer, who naahithartu bean a step ping stone to business and professional characters, baa always stood in need of something that would enublo him to oo-oporate with all ttiose enguga in agriculture. ;ne pmrouants ana mia- dle tuefi bavo the Chamber oi Uom- meroo, whereby they are enabled to combine tuemaelves together aud force those with whom they have to duul to HOoepiot Uieir terms. ; regardless of oiroamatances. II men oi all other oalliuffB have a right bo combine them selves togotber I'V tho orgauizutiou oi sootcues. aurtlf tli poor larrser, tuo most uumeruuiiiiy trenicu anci ine moat . uuthaukf nil v rjmunefated of U4'ii oreatttras, ; need not viawod as traitorous beoause be auks to pro tect himself from ttuou numerous frauds. v . ' It is reullv struupro that, while this niichtv orffantintion promises so much to the farmer, he is so slow to emhraos it. Lake all other axcieti it Iikm been sadlv abused. - Mauv join it prompted aloua by aeltlau motives, v Alauy who jon it ate (pardon the oxpresaiou) miuh Hilly fools as to think that, although poor, they will Decoino immediatelv rich, ouch members as these, although they may swell the roll book, aud nothing to the vitality of the order, but like the strag ling brauohea of the fruit tree, they injur the healthy brunches. Friends aud brothers, we have the machinery ; let us work it. Let us keep peace within our circles aud work togither a a .band of brotlara. Lot ua manu facture anil sell more and buy leas. , Let ua form oo-oprative stores, whereby we oau obtain our family sup plies at a less price, than we have beeu In the habit of paying. Let us culti vate Southern principles, by raising home consumption, both as regards food and raiment, for, be assured so long as we wear "Yanaee goods, "scud all oaroottoa to other ports to be mun ufactuAJd, atfd.dapeud niwn buying wlmt we eat sud wear, juat so long we will remain poor. Let nit beautify our homes, our orchard , our farms and out all that we pounosh. Let us edu- 0aU aur oBjaUaiL morally aud plivai- L oally. When we do all these things, (and they are easily done) then we will bo happy, prosperous aud con tented people. No longer will the cry of pwio be raised, but W shall have peaoe and pleuty. i ours, , j . - iery truly, .. : ' S ". Ghaniwu. Warsaw, N. C, Aug. 4, 1875. Eciitora Journal i'1 ' 1 Dkas ttnis, YuRtordftY . al)0ot tune o'clock our little village was startled bt tn'oM6nor ri enftinri aud tons dtir with, Vit I', vauaday and auother little iUdioal from yum oity. We were completely takes by snrurlse. We could hot aooonnt for ail thia lere-a rrat lwtr i ra . fent htv MLraltil. IrtrtnlM m.i tain leartjtd from tho nogrooa that tlte Mayor bad come to speak for ' ua, Well, be had one of his black friend to call up the masses (twenty-flve ne groes in all), and the aappearanoe did not suit tlio Itfefor-'aud the colored ohool, about three "hundred , yards distancn, was sent for, but did not re spond, ins Mayor tnen sent two negroes and that little white ne-Radi cal after. Mr. Paine aud his school, but ther did sot come bv the wav. we are thiukiutr a food doal nt Mr FaineJ,'ri the Sfayoi got' wit -o) 'the engine, walked abonta little, and then took two colored gectUmoa, and the uttie l(aa tiist waited on nim, and marched to Mr. L. Aaron'l bar-room, and you can bet what waa done, Tby oarue out, aud the Mayor got aide of au old toe barrel and poured out one of the most brilliant speeches. Well. It was an able document. Oh he told us all the bad things abont Democrats aud "sioh;" aud be told all about the ham and hog story,' and we hadn't beard it ia so long it was right funny. ii maue me largo orowa oi nesroes (ttenty-fivein all) smile. 'Yes, and bei tout taanegroct that tt the Revo lutionist (Ueraoorate) did get- a ma jority in the Convention; they would put we negroes back in slavery; and he said in Ueorgia it was the oatie now. I tell yon, he 'was 'instructive. He learned ns all that, and he aha Mavnri Kiu as u Awmucrnis etoie tfio State bonds. Xes, the Major did say so. We did uot know it abused uaa heap. The white boys groaued. aud crowed, Ac., for joy. The Mayor is smart, we ait tnina ne is talented, or he could not have done so well: . in fact, we knew he was before he csme er h4 could t6X have mauaged tohaveot tieuiDi av iubu unuaa vo DUlla tuose fie bouses; yes.,tue Mavor is natural. H gifted with lies and rascality, I think he ii tary efaiart I : Would have been glad to nave replied to him, but hid no chance, I think he would Lav been a tolerable tight match for me. beta; beiBg;imart, iJTew Meswa, E4i tors, W theracla, if Mr. Canady could haveocanvassecl - the entire State, I would ; bet one. thonsand dollars U wouia go wuservative thirty thousand clear and nioe.tlf all tU white - Deoole of Worth Carolina coukl see and bear -i ,:;''::iii;To,r::.i t&: tlie mm ('atrndy ennx-out an 1 1 1 w,th 1 Ins Mnoahty Bii.l hea, 1'. .... ,.t ralo would Ik at au eml, loa t l ' .Ti M-ec'i w aha that of the whit men, at.d Ilea. II kOew lie s telln! lit when hi pke to ,., 1ml he t I tb b at be knew. H1 did hitt ini liarried wheu a youth, so he exea aho. Juat sh what moiiiy rau ., in x ;tupletmg a man's rsaLly. : flir him to tell lies. lie aaid La did not axU)iat with the colored people at all, wsa viaited by tho reapeetability oL Wil aingtou, there were nonesuch uphere in Duphu aalis aasooiatea, Ac This lt aeateuefl wu beHsW'jTSlr. Editem. We ttii .k that thebiity truth be told n. We thank rrovidence that we have none with as like his aw sociates. Noue but Kiuaey Joues, iu our oouuty are like Mr. Canady and hiigueats 1 say that we are ttiauk. f ul that e have, none such ' oa thty, and uow your oity Jiaaour sypnapatbv, for being so unfottuuatu . -tlnpinff wh will ajum get throngh wiib thoa t rawals, and wishing jou niuc'i auia, I am truly yours. WaW. PIANO TUNING ! 1 T i V ISO rDtfAjia ' ! of a iro'- XL wunai f '.ixi mil"'.! am now (rirea re.oivo nlcr for Tuning ul Heiairui fia m ai.4 Ofiiau". , t '- aSalUlaut un Ou r intefd 1 HEINSBERCER'9 U Uou a il ulo Store. American, English & German Hardware imaar tha Urwt .till flnsar aamil Mocks ti. m.i . ami trtiM id ! the thaaa ran t, lomiil at tlio old uial)lluil Haulwaia H'niv i vt"wi ' Mo l, W and i Marbot ".' SOL. BEAR & BRO'S, 20 Market htrcct.i CLOSING OUT THE. ENTIRE STOCK -.4? . . i . i i - . i . OF . DRY GOODS AT OUK Utt'I'AU. HTOUK I O-reat "Bargains ! I J-4 1,1 N FN MHKK'I'INO from 70 CU. and l U par yard. MutaaililqucwT cla. r jraril, HWIHH MUl.lNrt, fOO rKuin Unbn '1'ohbIi anil Naitn, ' IrWiahd (la aian Lilian .Milrtlrii", "' OaJiibrie Maatlkarolilois, MAITINUa. WkMaanU C'olorwt. .. - i SO riM IJNKN tor jdlei 1'raTBimg UraasMaiMl Bojrswear'.'.; I Mf aiirtutol Panama ad Straw Hat ror Ohlidrtn atut Mm. ' ' '' ,' "' """ V? will conimiieo on Monday to aell tba abort and will continue dally until Uie whola atock la olfland oat -Udicaar repelfully Invited to rail ami ainli. our atock, a wo know It will ro' pay ihrm. ' : ! tu future we Inton l to confute our du1uo InOlnlliiiig and Mfroliaul Tailoring. - may 1 - - tiP-tt STBAMEB JUNIPER. (141'4'alM bK IU N K It, oarr jUiKtUa Ulld 8'la Mall lor KayeWv 11o, and InlMrrnadlat ontoera, will laaro our wharf on Teeadaya and KrlilayN punctually at 1 : ttj P.M. ! Vlok A Mobane, ACJENTS. July intra ' New Novels Miss Angel. A fivil. Hv MiThaokAray. Author oi mm k.i. 1 n,"" Villar f the I'lIrT," hiu. Ii niil Kiyt e. Willi 11 lartratlona. raer, IRoenta. '-" ' ' - I Alice Lorraine r;,"',,";: i Tale of the Mouth Dowiu." He H D. Black mure. Author of "Oradock howull.""Mald of idilj 8acr,"eie. laier,19 oentl. Playing the Mischief. A KoreU II; J. W. bePoroat, Aalhor of MIni KaTenel a OoHTemtoa trom UeoeMilon to tvali'," Kuropoaa AoQ'ialntaaoe,"ete. la t t , I cauta.; . ... .si. .,.,.. i i forealoat '.- - 1 ' ; HEINSBER&ER'S ; July XI 1 1 Hook ami Mori Ntore Quarantine Notice TJStlL fCKTHKH HOIO AtL VK8- via from Porta 8oti of Cape fear will come to at the VlMring' Htellon, near Ueep Water rulnt.and await tho 1nieotlon of the Quar. antme 1'hyalMau. .' ' ' ' ' , . . All Teaaela frote Porta where Yellow Fever, or other Inlertluui ducaae ealata, will bo re. Quired to unaergo a tlld and proloiifd Quar antine. 5 All voaaela or boat of any character having llokiKM (iu hoaid oU arrltal, or aartiig had lokiicai any line dating (ha voyage, are re quired to come to the Htatioa tor Inapoetion without regard to the Port fiom whence thoy cobie. Vtaaoli not Included a above will pro- oued without detention. . . , i r"lloU are especially enjoined to make care- ul eiiqulrf VetaUTV'veavwti otew, o., and ir hot ei'tl fled with the atatemeataor the Oap taln or commander, or If tho venet tt In s tlitlty condition, thty will bring the veeaol to the Blatloa tw further eiemlnatloa. . . i riloti wilfully violating the Quarantine l.awe are rubjert to a forfeiture ol their branoh; M atera ot veeaola to a Hue oi Uro hundred dol lar a day for every day they violate the Quarantine I. awn: and all other peroua ate liavia iot eacu ana BTorj ouenca, . , ,.. . i All veercti anhject to vlatlallou under abote irKulaiHina, will eet a Baglu theoiaia rlggiug, port- viua . . j : v. w. pottkr. 'i 1 ' yuaranttne rhymoian, ' Port ot Wilmington, N..', . Hmlthilla. N. U.. II a l! 114. -j-X ' " oi ay 8 VM tllnorl THE PEE DEE HERAIO. Publisbod every Wwluesday at WADESBOUO, ANSON COUNT! war .'. JOSH. T. JAMES A CO. Haa a lare and rapldtr Increasing clrcnla. noii i,iu run je country in norm and south Oarollna. -Advertlaerawlll And t the at rnrallnm In either of the atater Ntatmi tor reaching the JTie extensive local advertUinti ttai' ronafle exhibited in il aAumn is the bunt eiridenc of tit large and influen tial circulation. ) i, i ...... a rtpeclmeu coulee, with ratea tor adter Uaing, aunt free, poataMe paad, rA.taoatlua wins uonoraijiueii, elUiar at WMaaUoro or Wilmington " JOHH.T..IAMKS(Jl., . ; ASdltoreaad Proprlekn .....-,): ,. ..- .45- THE ATLANTIC HOTEL NI2iVMIIl!: HESOKT, i i BEAUFORT.N. C. fjfcV;.r. wr i Kith $- iiSJnsfif a-! . f & &ft ' T'- wit -sifrz 4-- - .tf-v r tL. S?? , ,-wri "ZJ lA l-Jl:" I ' iiTj I I II 1111 IJ 11 1 IJ THE AllirVK rTBL Ik.i huwmvr by (lie ii ttLlstlMKVT. HO PA VOBA Hl.V . M m i l r i' i i ri m runnv ew owner, Capt. . 1' Ma l t n AntnhAr lt own to inch VuHori oniy w rn "l,'ln" " WZV&XS&VZ" if. h.ie. to renew Ul.Uant aualnl.nco wltU all llll 1 he Aullar eltuation of thle bouto aflordi all tbe j.oa a yv per II or tea tlekuors , . .v M,. i , , ;' f HljOIHIii'wJEB 1 1' ' KO MOSQUITOES 1 1 1 ;;; ( llaililnt- llouaca arc atlaclu'd t Ibo h. une. where so. hI . .e, at once J' att.K ctU." n aal.r i d !. Ihc Ml i.l -win .U W"" " ' Xat Horn Ua HieMnaio Hall end ruire uhilli p ghtlrrlea aiidf (I tart ' a piiiaaM itticat How the '?.: zr'iii ran.:;;tr; : ; Boala, taut tailing ami well manaiifd. lor i PIC-NICS, FISHING PARTIES, MOONLIGHT SAILS, 'r vrou '. i.bad..t...ific'r.cEfiMTo, tu. "VrA. , :';.. ,i.hm. ni.L.iniin.iiiilMiahiriaitiia ""ir " ' : r: ...v. n, . .m,mi. Mrvai.ta.wubampiot .....Vi..uii, .I.I. H am i 4. mil . in (..HivVioMK .l.ri.,n1, il.ar1l.cHoi.ialollie ncncial uMlc. Strict decorum will lie rigidly ci.li'ii trt mic II.. ' n ii i' u lni(ifmi' mudlcd. Tkkms : $2,ro j rr dsy for first v.tck ; $1.60 per day for second week.;; ; ''r bteiarlTac,toid w ill, faailllee and KacumlunihU. Liberal reduction to early vM tura. I,hlldta and anrxanUbkli prlco. 4 ' ;,' .. Buildesr Hardware, rwO(IH(, 8 AMU AND rll.lND, P A I U r H, Vl 1.8," V KN I8H Bts " : OLA88,e., dlo The attention of bullileri andotlierels called to our well aelected atock, at reduced prloea. Call and examine at NATH'L JACOBI'S HARDWARE DEPOT. Fish Hooks and Lines, S KINK TW INII.aOVTHRH, Oram Hooka, Garden Boeaand Rakei. Lowaxt prices. Nath'l Jacobl's HARDWARE DEPOT. Bimsy Hubs & Spokes! Xl.tn, 8PH1NUV , (- UAKKIAKE MATKHlAlia, 0. Ordnri by mall prnmiitly ailed and aatlefao- JACOBI, HARDWARE DEPOT, , I No! o MAKKKT ST. tiinSW t" - , 1 COLDSBORO, N.C. M, FKTTWK, A. M., Prof. Anoient and Mod erti Languatte. tc. W. AUAMS, A.M., Prof. Mathematloe. Tba Third Term of thia liaallln. uon win eaiaton monaay Ann. v. and end on Menelav 'JOi W1& mil 18 fchool lialtuated In the town of Qolda- t boro (the centre of four Kallroada). aud Item IU accetalbllttyott'ereeuperluradTaulaiiea to parenta and guardlaua UTlngln the ur- muuutng oouuitim or iu tne Kaetern portion oi the stale. Tho loeatlon la healthy, and ua tears of tloeneaa need be . entertained br oareate ending their aona M thia place aa not a irlngleoaae of eortoua lllnene occur- In the echeol during the paat wliolactio ear. no parent, tucrurore, can reaeouani y edeteired from atronialug tliln Srhool ou the cere of the unhealihlneaa ot the location, I'roteeaor K. W. Adam, who haa charge of the Mathematical Department, la an alumnus ot Randolph Maoon CoUaee, and baa beeu a uecaeatul teacher of youth for many year. l ueooureeer lamruotton n aoaua, uiorouga and extoualTa and aueas to dare lop aud improve tue mental power or uie puiuia oy training them U thimk. and by teaching them the right um or tho facultiee with wulcu U"d baa cu dowed thena. ' , The discipline of the Hcbool, while It U mild and paroatalewroreea the duty ot obedience totey rule and regulaiknt. Aa lnawbordlna tion and dla derly oonduot are wholly laeom patlbl wrtAvieeholaatlo tralwlng and aueutal uregreaa, aowoy wnow lauiapeaoa w iiuiiroTw hU time or la an Injury to hie fellowa, will be retained In the School. Mural and fettt.!eua Instruction eoetYei a due aharaof aUeatluuand ooBatderatlea 1 for an- leaa the heart and oonsclenoe be inairucted and eullghtmd,mere seoular learning will ayatl but utile mi uie formation oi a correct anu uprigut obaracter. . - Tho oar religiose bodlea being well repre sented In this place, every boarder i allowad to attend, that church on ttunday which his pa rent may Uoslgnato. Thia wish and preference of the parent will be strictly obaariwl, as (Kit ing or a eoeiarian oaaraotor ia oountenanoeu in the aohool, . i j- ttuya are prepared for mWanoed classes In College or for the active business or IH'e. The bui.ditiE, hitherto known aa the 'Fe male Oollcire " has lieen switred by Uie Princi pal, and will hereafter be used ae a school lor boya ' (eadly weapon, Inioiloatrng drinks, rftofan Ht and every specie ot gambling are strictly prohibited. . ' ' I . ; Terms, per Session of 20 Weeks HALF IN AUVANOB BALANOK ON '. f FIRST OF OOTOBEK. Tuition for prlmarf department IB 00 Blglnr EiifllUh 20 OU Advanced claiica, with Alue- i , bra.eto...., K 00 Advanced clasws with I t.ln HO w I and with Latin and Ureck, BS 00 tidrman, French, and b'Hik-keeplug, caoh I mti.,..j,.i(.,f.i.,.j.i goo Hoard. iniwedrnK luet ami lights 78 00 incidental expenses., g 00 , j ' .... ' tCach stndtnt will rnrnlsh, for his own me, a patrol blankets, a palrur shoot's a pair, ot low isaswa ead his tosjel :..,... NniHHliM-lli.n trom tuition and Board In caso ol dlaaBliil.,n or withdrawal aud ouly lu vaM of rotrartid sickness. Forruilbnr partlculara, addresa ' M. FETTER, Principal, July M-d&wtf r UOUUSHvliM, N. t, M I urHiian'.ui itr. n j -at ...1 rct. biuc,neMur. i ir II c i w rci'Btc. 'll I' ccnmoreat- OlO. W. CHARLOTTE, Proprititor. JOHN A. ItVltNE, (FIRE, MARINE AND LWE) 840,000,000 Aaoeta Uepreieuio .... . . xi.'j;r.. ). UFKl(3K)emnercla) Kiobange Builrtinj North Water Street. ocll . -v rri.'. Sacrifice! Sacrifice ! ' N order to close oul llu balance of my atock u Ot ... .... ... Mens' and Boys' Clothing Before t jo forth to purchase my fall atock. 1 will depone of thu balnno At a great aaorii Linen and Alpacaa at and belowOl SFI A. DAVID, It Is Extraordinary ?i JUST THINK OF IT! A WAMSUTTA CLOTH CUT LENGTH v ' WISE. llentMnen. "KRIfP'8 PATENT" PAKT LV MAD. SHllt r, only $1.25 Eacu by the Half Doz., Cash. Oust Blue Planel Suits ONLY 814.65. IvITT WSOlSXj t &, CO. CITY CLOTHIEI13. augl BEIHEL ACADEMV; FAugtiiKuCo , Va., ' 'i ' l : - ' propare for TJniversl;,y or Business. Ko board and till- g was Ttlon, nerhal iBssitfu. Mdi-30 '0 weal fee MJl tioeatraa. , t 3 likil 1 KXTKAOTS FR'M TESTIMONIALS 1 " I most heartily commend Bkthkl Aosd imy to the favor awl patronage of the public." i WM. KiPKTKKN. 1 Prof, of Latin, University of Va. . " t would be willing to confide my own son to Mr. smith's card, and hence I recommend the school toother parents." F. H. HMITH. 1'rol. Natural Philosophy, University of Va. " I feel warranted frJm experience, in' re commending it." JOHN II. Ml NUB, . Professor ot Law, University of Va. ' ' One of the best luHtltu Ion of Its class In h Slate. II. II. HAKKIH, , Prulessor ot Greek, lUcUmuud College. , , "I know or no Institution of like grade supe rior to Bethel Aiadumy." Hav. d. U. ULAtiRWKLL, A. M., DD.,' H Lynchbuig, Va. Unenualled, In my opinion, by any Institu tion Ui the South.", U&N.U.W. F.KLU, , . .... . t - I Atlanta, liat 1 " Best hntl cheapest preparatory scBm)( In th State. OHAItl.ES MA8ON. of King Ueorge county, Va " In my opinion, the cheapest anil best In the State." COL,. 8. 1. CltAWFOKI), Augusta ooun'y, Va. "The chespest Hemlnsry. aud as good aa the bout. In ti e United States." . ADAM KMPiK, J. A. ENyKLHARtr, u i , ? filt T Wilmmgtou, North Carolina. ' fur Catalogno, address Wm. W. Smith, A. M. Senior Principal. ' 2wd Stw This Institution will be re Oioue1 on The First Montlay in SqiU'iubcr Next, The term ending the Id Thursday In June", Wi, with a vacation of two weeks at ('hrtstnas. It ha been re-or(uised on the MecttoSietem, cembinlng, bowuver, three vurrlcuut of Arts, Selene and Agrlitultora.1 Inatmntioh Will 1 given In th.i braucboa of lvnk uimil Uught In tli bestt.'olk'geaJ S,lllax.lr,t,tl.h (iravldrd in A griculture aud the Mechanic Arts. An able lacully has hewn apiolated. The buildiiiirs thoroughly repaired lor the reception of sevural hiirldredstudxnU. KorolrcularextiUiiat'iry of the above, apply to . Ki;.lt I. HATTI.R, ' S.tretary Board of TruHi, July 22 Ira i , , .: , Malelgh, N. 0 A. 13 ajpfgia in . NOW IS YOUR TIME I- . i I . t 1 . H ' ( I i' Ii rtoen I'hlldrens" Kid fllores, (l'ghtly spot ted, atiiO timn afavlj . . J Sizes, 6J," 5 and 6 1 ia , . BROWN V HODDICK, aly v , 43 Market Street. sHirrira. C5i v lyizrtj NEW YOnii r,ilD B03T0N LINEC VIA j IVilmlngton, N. C. Fast- Freight Route to all Points North or Hew York and Wilmington ;Stpamshjp Sailii g fren, NEW I0E, , WEDNESDAY and SAtTJilpA? kt S JVll; J . Mi. l.i'J I ..A .1. j.. - . 1 from WlLMlKOlON, WEI'NESDA Y and SATURDAY. BOSTON AND Hew-York and H ilniington SUaniship (viiivaiiT. . : ootrmtornia wrTHtWi i ;t.:,, , .M OLD'i COLONY 'l RAILROAD C AND STEAMERS. lX i Dnlly B etwee) n BOSTON and NEW YORK ' ' -4 Bemi-Weekly between KEW YORK and WILIHNOTON4 r ' Vcdfieaeay asd Kaiarday f rem eacb Pork Khlitera w av I e1 ntiOb tha lunnil t mnA rvtlar .llln ll.u II.ikmi. Mtl it ii h aWeo toall riiliBirulati? thl route. with the - v - . , VfllMHitiTOK.tOLVMntA graVVJCSTA KAIIrlOA. ' : " Hl i WIlJlUiQTON WFLIMM VAILIIOADi niit li ti. . . ... , XllK C'AK 1.INA r MHA1. Bill WAT, , i " 1 A M CAPK r FAR ilTf K MIA H IBS Throngh Bdle of Ladlpg glTcn to aadfrom all Points ia . ; , , KORTH and fcOtlil CAROLINA, GEORGIA and ALABAMA: Is Xs -Aho to NEW I0RK, BOSTON, rROYIDINCE, FALL RIVER and tier KaNtern Cities. . '.,. . -' ttatea guaranteed aa low aa by any olher rumptly paid. Mark all Goods via Clyde's Wilmington Line. JT Tot further Information apply to rltbrrot i, I). !. V. MINK, " ' :.:". I 1 Ueneral Kaatern Agent, ' , . 2 lHTODthlre Kireet, Boiton. II f-lSt - FEia-xrr, route ?-; . ... m i i ,i ' ;! I , ., ' , , To all Points North or South. BAITIHOBE. . ; Baltimore anil Wilmintoa Line, ; , 1 1 i"ani.'WaaiT.''' I -8AILINU K0M BALTIMORE Tuesday A Friday, at 3 P.M. j '" AND rUOM WILMINQTO- . VVednesday & Saturday. BOSTOKANDPROVlOENCE. ! .Xtll.oittaMt and Wilmington Lino, '. i v Baltimore, Boston and I rovldenoe Line, Or via Canal Daily 'to Philadelphia aud Clyde' Philadelphia and Proyideiio Line. j Seml-Vfoekly from'aach Port, f Shipper may rely upon the prompt and regular sailing of those Steamer, and 1ejekdt ' 0 patch given to all shipment by this rout. NO 0ELAY8. - ,s . u';m i.Ti:- u-il i ii .,, t , Through Bills of Lading given; to and from all Point Um.! i .j r h-ym r.f NORTH and SOUTH CAROLINA, GEORGIA and ALABAMA if1 1 i Also ttj'BAIriMORB, rHLtjADELPIIIA, BOSTON, PBOYttMClUna 1 other Eastern Cities. . j " ""', n'i't mf Hate guaranteed a low aa by any other Bouts and time a quick.! Lama eVwverohargwi ptumptiy paid. tar for further Information apply to either of tba undersigned Agent of altasUnalZIg EDWIN ritZCERALD, Agent. A. D. GklAUJt.'AUmnt. ' Baltimore Llni.W South bUeetrilaiUmQW. Bait luiuraiMiM is eVr York !,&. fPyS Ha 'HUii'it I - f-wrLMiaoToji. N.o? , 1,. Carolina Gentfaliilway 1V) i a "' .in i THK ATTENTION OF THE PUBLIC W BBSPiOTftfliLy (INvITJ5i TO TUX ,,,-t tact that the Carolina Central Hallway, being completed and fully equipped ror bnitnea,. iforswith Its connections at Wilmington, both via direct Steamer Llnee ana Tla Wetdn a'1' 1 Portsmouth, to Baltlmoro, Philadelphia, Mew York, Boston and PrvvldenpOrTanegaatod 4aaat,tt I WILMINGTON AMP ALL EASTERN CITIES Tt .CllAR'1 LOTTE. STATE8VILLE, CrtEENVILLE, SPARTAN- ! ,; j ,. . n-i! , ! ' I tlli-Un .1'ia.l . .Jlirwv loi-i-.i'ips lt. .,.,. .,-,.,.,..r. i..,.,.: .w BURGi r pi.'.'l r? (ii-vin.m nmi sim4 arid all'itafloni on Atlantic, Tennessee & Ohio AAantte And Blchhwtnt ''AW t'tti'MortsV'''' Carolina Kallroada as well as all polntaln GEORGIA and ALABAMA, . ,( ., mil i'.u.!'-f nsoranoe Irora Kaatara olttea tuaratiteed as low aa via any other Uuo Mo term In alee traae- ..( fer charges, and Hsvtea alwayn mm low ier charges, ana ttsvtes aiiwaya mm low mm Hates to all polnta iurulahed upon application Hanover Building. . s v a I .-'. ;L,i - OOGtlia prllS-8n-ly i. i . MMRY WHITE SULPHUR SPRIHGH Mt. Airy, N. C. PPJSpS, 15A Of, MAY. 1879.';; I Bpard Per Month, S30J ' Per , Week, 1 2.60; Per Day', C3 60-, WATKK equal to Greenbrier White In every n h .' - i i' . - rosicot, and superior In many.. Parties visit ing the Hpringa by rail will get off tht. oats at W union, N. u., where augoa will oonyey thorn to Hie 8plnj. , .; ; , - , i. The Madison Brass Rand will be In attend ance during the coming season. . f 1 ' N. 8. SMITH A SONS, - FropnetorB. april 21 T ' laem tt.I t i' VIRGINIA Oiutna Ocf)ber Sj conllnuea through nine months. It la organised In schools on the elec tive system, with full coure In Classics, i.lter ature, Hcienca (Wltii practine In Chemical an Physical Laboratories), In Law, Medlaine, Kn glneertng. Teaching and Agriculture. Apply tor, tiatkkwnee to o AMRS F. HAHttWO. Ohhirman, P. O. University of Virginia, Albo- marie oouBty) Virginia. JulylJ-eod6 wk iwwm South. YOHK. ; i . s i . n I FALL RIVEH.' " .-l' i.- ll NO DFlAYft ConMitiia at W Uaalaataa : i w " . route and time ae quick. : r i Umt tt OTercbargei' ilx't 1 .v the undetalgn'd Agealt'ol the (Jna. WM, P. 01.THK CO., General Aginte, i ' "' 1 New eik Line, g Bof llug UrttB,3 i A. D. CAZAUX, Agent.! , f ii'. : 'i..i.l . ii II.)' iii.'rt i PHILADELPHIA. iH 'I! Bafflorrps;i)iijt(ii Mtl-yaaaiT araifaji1. Mjj!i r , BALTIMOllK ANtf WffMIM8Y01Ti i1 '' Baltimore and Philadelphia" gteamboat Uo. ;! Daily W4lajUiiwetJLa BALTIMOBJC AND PHfLAUKLPHIA. "' , ?. H-''if'i ' 'ii'T fiiiJ'ii'iU rt;iA i :.) ! Jii ' iWi' ii"'f ; l western; cmEi :s , BALTIMORE AMD WIUHSMtili LJltl t i:.-r'': i,.i "'n.l.J., '"l ""l" ' '! 'I-1 . "liil.li iJ.i. , . . . BaJtlmpr ad Ohto Bmrroad. a.t.i .uc y M:'P iff lrt)rt-i Jmilt ti!J . nwkil 1mij i nih'i A "" GENERAL FREIGHT DEPABTMJENT, Ji "1 WnJknNCrTON, March 31st, i870.ni ) a c-t tfv ,.-.', 'T f-.-.iftTI '.lit i'Ht..',f,iiirf'r . ata ibe lowest. , ... tn lo toj tho I ,, , ..I utulsreigM. Uffioa ia Bant or - I.. . . i I ' ' ,.-f..n .1 . iti iii; I'. 'W. CXi ATUEC., i, . i I Oeueral frelghl A(nA ,,, i.e. u 1( I 1 1 1 bti.-n! (M.!ilVilttAB-,i t-t MlCaAIIJ, ttaowtv. I - auctioneers;' XTOCR AND REAL UTATUXSItKl 1 . '',,- -.l;n(f , t Ml!'ll i)lll !f UN fit StEN AT TBEIB SALK8 KOOaft ., V ' a plan of the elty, on au enlarged scale. Blank Booh with the hour1airef eyeay la' In the city djstinotly defined. , , , , Atasesseavaiae, past ana present, or ovary me n meoiry.' . i v i.!ili!I'.l li y jtrarmanon aaevsei rerniaaea apoa gfh u plioetlon. jala ,; n ill 111. Ll i'l' fctroiii'.'i ill'!l HIlH I, DoriScltoolii;; 1" iii" '.. (lint .Jt'r'.'l. - TH& Twentletb Seaslea, of ten moatha, will ,f 'begin the srat Monday of Jtepleaaber. , Wf1 A quiet home and a practical .sdueatlM give to boys. Address B. B. MdtiOBMIOK, Prfaoipki, Atdss, tbhdoa ooauty, Vs. ' ''; ': ., VEfF-"BWJBaai, , t.ri . ' W. A.ji . Wtt I I I ! ViaaWkalLaai ir.f t fTrVDTfH APUtAwVt aysajtvutvalt V BXSMaaaa. " ' j ,By i A Bloadlos, T rvaravlle, HO " ' 'rrarith. tari,teiamoI VaC;; 'jSS't iBPBynold,8anllaroo,Teia. i i. Jt.'t Jl'll i Hi