O 1 1 .A 11 aV VOL XXIV. HO. 1G0. WILimiGTOIT. IF. C. SATURDAY, AUGUST 7. 1875. UHOLi: HO- G.CjI, (fr7 I 'ff&f' tlallp 'found. WILMINGTON, N. 0.: SATURDAY AUGU T 7. 1875. BY TELEGRAPH. 1ELLOW FEY Fit. A telegram from Geo. Bran Dan, at Fort Barrancas reports do new ca lm since the 2d, Assistant Surgeon H. . Brown, has arrived, J)r. Stein berg reportt d by hia physioiau oonva ivtooot this . morning; 45 oases under . treatment, 29 convalescent . THE FLOOD. THE WATERS - CONTINUE TO ' RISE TERRIBLE FLOODS IN CALCUTTA-SPECIAL RIV ER BErORT. 5 ' ' Mkmfhis, Aug. 5. Heavy tains preTaila the plantations. Inlands No. 10 , and 39 is submerged at New Madrid. The flood is running through the sunk en land to Bt. Frauois Valley. The river here is rising steadily andslowly, enoroaobing on exposed plantations. A dispstou from I'iue RlutT says the river has rose six inches this morning, ; and is within four feet of high water. A telegram from Little Rock report another risen with twenty-five feet on the gauge. Calcutta, Angnat 6. Floods are from the northwestern Provinces, and ' many dwellings are swept away. Great loss of lives in feared. . Washington, August 6. The Low er Ohio river will continue to rise at stations below Cincinnati aud fall rap idly at stations above Oiuoinnati. The floods will become more dangerous be tween Lonisvillo and . Paducah. The Central Mississippi will rise at Cairo, I Memphis; Uelena and Vicksbnrg, and ' fall at ttt. Louis. The danger will in crease in the lower Mississippi between Cairo and Vicksburg during to-day and to-morrow. A special river report 7:36 p. m. says: During the past four hours the Ohio has risen 28inohes at Cinoinnati, 2 feet atLouisville, l;foot at Eyausville, and 10 feet at Paduoah, where it is now 4 foot and 3 inches below the danger line. It is from 2 to 5 feet above the ;; danger line at stations between Evans villa and Cinoinnati, It has fallen, and is now below the daDger line at Ma rietta and Pittsburg. The Mississippi baa risen 3 inches at Cario, 2 inches at Memphis, and is rising at Vicksburg, but has fallen one foot at St. Louis, and five inches at Warsaw. It is now four, feet ; and 1 ft u half . above the danger line , at Cario, and 10 inches : above at Helena. It ia one foot below the danger line at Memphis and one foot and ten inches below it at Vicksburg. The Missouri haa fallea ,-ISttfWar' The Cumberland Tla) risen sixinohes at Nashville. The floods will increase in the lower Ohio and central Mississi ppi during Flldfy 44d Saturday. Heavy local runs ate spirted from the Western portion! ( Tennessee and n 1 1 T 1 J Jientuoay anu Douiuom uunum ; Speoiai, Rivbk Rkpokt, 7:30 P. M During the pst 24 honrs, Ohio has risen 11 inohee at Cincinnati, 22 inches at LovisvilJe, 9. at Evansville, and 5 at Paducah. Has fallen six feet and a half at Marietta! and 4 at Pittsburgh. Is now above"-the danger line from Cincinnati to Greenville, and 3 feet and 10 inches below the danger line at Paduoah, where it will continue to rise. ' The river haa reached its maximum height at Cincinnati, and will fall slow- . ly daring Saturday. The Misissippi has risen slowly at Station to Cairo, to Vicksburg, and is 5 feet above the danger line at Cairo, end . 11 inches above it at Helena. It is one foot and 8 inches above the danger line at Vicksburg . and 49 . inches below at Memphis. The rivet will continue ' slowly to riB6 during Saturday and Sunday at tho station named, but fall at St. Louis. The rivers of Pennsyl vania have fallen rapidly'. The Cum berland has risen 21 inches at Nash ville. The Missouri has changed but lighty. The red river has risen four inohee at Shreveport. Ligh rains have prevailed in the lower Mississippi aud lower Ohio valleys, and heavy rains will probably prevail in the Ohio Valley to-night Mmfhtb, Aug. 6. The river is rising steadily, two inches in twenty four nous. Levee far down as Fri are Point is good, the only break being at cut in the old town levee, through which water poured, threatning plan tations below. The St. Francis, at Madison, has risen four feet. This . water comes from the Mississippi, near Madrid, aud threatens flne cotton lands above. Helena, in Arkansas, cotton men predict a loss of 80,000 bales in Memphis district alone. dOTUAM. DUNCAN, SHERMAN & CCS, LET TERS OF CREDIT THE O'CON- ' NELL CENTENARY. New Tobk, August v C Drexel, .Morgan fc Co.; make a formal an nouncement that travelling credits and circular notes accompanied by a etter of identification issued by Dun , can, Sherman A Co., on the Union flank of London will be cashed or ex it iAAnmA tar new credits on Droaenta- . ton at the offioe of Messrs. J. S. Mor gan s Co., ol .London, or jjrexei, nar j is A Co., prior to Nov. 1st, 1875. Nkw York, August 6. Solemn, pon tifical, high mass in honor of O'Con neR ; (jentenary was celebrated this morning in St. .Stephens church by Bishop Carrigan of Newark assisted by ' their clergymen. ,J' Masses celebrated u in numbers of other Churches. , Kn Vmik. Animst 5. In an inter- view last evening Mr. Duncan said he believed that arrangements would be completed to-day in London whereby Mdrgnn & Co. will protect travellers " drafts issued by Duncan, Sherman ft Igraoio Macieeal, ft Mexican minister. through counsel made a demand on Judge Shipman for nearly seventeen thousand dollars on deposit for the Men can government Shpman re fused to deliver it Suit was accor dingly brought .efore the United States Supreme Court to obtain that sum, on the grouud that by interna tional comity as suoh money is protec ted by the same immunity as persons of foreign ministers. IIEADQUAUTEUS. CARINET AFFAIRS TnE TREAS URY THEFT AC. Washington, August The Pres ident signed tue rommustons oi n. r. Wells District Attorney Vice Fish er. Msj. Wm. H. Johnson, Paymaster, was relieved from duty in the Depart ment of the Gulf. The Bay of Tu nis will collect three and a half cen times per ton on mercantile vessels entering the port of Retraucy, to de fray the expenses of the Light House at Cape Bon The Revenue Depart ment has advices of the arrest of C. B. Wilkinson, Collector of the Sixth Distriot of Missouri, charged, emlezzle- ment and signing false certificates and oonsoirinor to defraud the Govern ment. He has been suspended. Bail 15.000. Mr. Bristow has returned, and the com mittee appoiuted by him to examine the accounts, and count the money have reported, total deficit $17,818, in cluding $17,097 stolen from cash room July 2d, to which the committee fur nish no due. ELECTRICISMS. One child is dead and ton others are sick from cholera stale sausage in Philadelphia. A dog also had ate some, is dead, and the man that made them arrested. The boiler of a steam threshing machine, ou Mr. Ben. Hardin's farm, in Manry county, Tenueastw, explodod, killing Mr. Harden, his engineer aad colored man. Seven others are wounded, two of them piobably fatal- 1J-. Attorney Ueneral 1'ierrepont is a guestof the President, at Long Branch. Henry Hmtth, of KooUester, was killed by a stray bullet at a picnic tar get shooting yesterday. EUROPE. Dublin, August 6. The oity is bril liantly illuminated and the streets are crowded by gay throngs. Everything passed off peacefully. - . . The banquet last night, given by tue Lord Mayor of Dublin in honor of the memory of OOonnell, was a brilliant affair. A dispatch haa been received from the Pope giving blessings to all the rersons assistinor at the Centenary celebrations. The health of the Pope was proposed first and theUueens health was proposed next The toast was received with loud cheers. . The toast to the memory of OfJon nell was responded to by Giandson of liiberator and by Arobbiauop aiucneii, who said that England was once under tue Governmenlof JTrauoe and yearned for deliverance from thraldom; it was not strange, therefore, that Ireland should now yearn for , homo Govern ment as did England of old. In consequence of the illness of his daughter, Lord Ohagans sddress will be read to the people by the Lord Mayor of Dublin, after the procession goes through the streets, from a plat form erected on the site intended for the monument to the memory of the liberator. London, August 6. Weather), un settled. Stock exchange to be olosed to-morrow to allow repairs to building. Paris, August 6. The suit brought by publishers against N. Spoleonshus for the non-completion of -the life of Osezar, was ' dismissed ou payment of oost . ' Rous, August 6. Opinione says, foreign eclesiastical establishments are preparing necessary deeds for a conversion of their real property into Italian rentes in conformity with the law of 1873. Sale of property of the Irish College will begin on the 11th inst.' . f i ? ' ' London,' August 6. Numerous Amendments have been made in the committee to the shipping bill, intro duced in the House by Sir Charles. MARRIED. GUEKN-MKAKE9-CB Wednesday, July 28lh, 1875, at St. Jinu' Church, WUmtngton, by tbt Key. A. A. W.Uon, D D, William H. Greeuto FrancUj Ir.deli, eldest asauthtte of the U Ttiomu D. Meares.' NEsV ADVERTISEMENTS. THE WAY YE LIVE NOW. TT'ZTTJl " NOVEL, By ANTHONY TROLLOPE- Mb. Tbollopi always wield, a vlgorou. aud lnnUive x-n, aud could sot possibly writs a dull chapter or go. Mb pieMiit, wnrk bu all hit raey rclllirl- tic, and all that decided fluor which hii ad miral, m much r.lUh, -V; V 'M ' i' ' Eglantine. A NOVEL BT ELIZA FABOB. "( . ';, : V . . i ,-...,.--. For sale at , HEINSBEHGER'S . Lite Book and Undo Store. , ui7 North UaroUna Ham., North Carolina Hide., North Oarollda shoulders, Vary Superior, and for tale low by , DiltOSSBT 4 00. JNotioo. ; ' !' i IN aceordanoe with an ordinance puwd 1J the Boaid of Aldermen nt the t It" of Wilmington, I will Mil from the City Pound ou Mouday, at ISo'olock K., four (4 1 tin. MioaW. ' t 1 : , , J J. H.KOrlIHI)K, . BttfT-tf.' . J : f I t , 4 tiny KsMiiali ' , ) f . j I , . . , . ,i Ladies' Belts I Ladle.' Satchel., !', ' j ' ,n ., Oentt' Trunk., Gent. Traveling Bags I . ,. , i Hhawl Btrapl, Etc.,1 j At tlrt Saddlery Stars of , t . . I 4 " Carpenter '& Mallard, Mo. I HoefB faowT Stbibt, July 8T . ... Wilmington, N. O. VZW ADVIETI3EMEST8. Valuable Heal Estate For Bale ! VI. CRONLY, Auctioneer. T CBOiiLT 4 MOUKtS. r.lortgago Galo. By rtrtM of dlyari awtfj from Tbomai B can and wif, the Meouaauw Build lug aud Loan Aawolatloa wlU aaU for aak. by nubile auotlon, at XxohanM oorD.r, be the elt) of W ilalugton.ea Friday .the nih day of August, ls75, at lie'oloek m., the followtnc dMoribed Heal aetata, aituated la at Id elty, euhjeot to a ar t SMftsage of SM00, aad ail Interwt that may be due thereon, Tla; Buglimlug In the Kaaterii line or Second airert, n fret Hoathwanlly fraw Ite IstcirMO tluu with (he Southern Use of Market atnet, aud ruuulug tbeaoe 8oulhwuitly with aaul hue el livwud etreetM root, theuoe katwarl ly parallel with Market Mreel TO laet, taeuce Northwardly parallel wlta Hecowl etreet ST Let, and tbeuce WeMwardly eralUI with Markntatreet to the beginning, togther with the tbreeMoree aad building, thereon, I'.rui. ac.inuiiitliig -maae knuwu at aale. aug -'day t d of CROQUET SETS! CROQUET SETS I Large lot Jut t received and fur sale at lowtr price, tnaa they were ever ottered before. Call aud eee for youiealtea, D. A. SMITH & CO. aug "i "The O'Connell Centenary." N OTtOK : Irlahmaa, their deeeondente, irieuua ana tae puouo general it: you are reepectfally lu.lted to participate In the cele bration to-day In honor of the Centenary of UtmelO Ojnu.il, uud v the au.ploes of the Hibernian Benevolent Aeaiclatlon. C M.mberiof the A'soelaUoa win meet la the Hibernian Hall In full regtlla at 1 o'clock for parad., wli ch will ha followed by an addrew delivered by Hon. A. M. Waddell at the Thea tre. - ..' JAMES MAUI'BN , aug t It Chic) Manhal. Sugar House Molasses. o Barrel. S. H. Molaaws, n -Fur aale by KKKUUMEH A CALDKB BBOS. FLOUR, COFFEE AND SUGAR! l.OCO Barrel, riour, . 100 Bag Voffee, Barrel. Redned Sugar, " ' 80 Bhd Dem Sugar, For aale by BKBCHNEB4 0ALDIB BBOS. SPIRIT CASKSTTPIRIT CASKS! ' '300 Spirit beaks, " ' ' ' - For aale by KBRCHNEK A UALDBB BROS. TOBACCO-SNUFF-OYSTERS ANO PICKLES. 100 Boxes Tobacco, lO.if Barrel Snuff, ISO Uaeas Ovstera, 100 Oaae Plekle. i,.t roiialeby ...T . t KKROUHBR A OALDXB BROS, aaguat 4 Knobe -Pianos. T lUIlt Flanoiolroulate not only In Ameri ca, Canada andHoatti America, but aim in Karope; their fame having been carried there by the great planlrts who hare vial ted -this country Wherever they have b-en exhibited they have Invariably carried away the gold mcda over all competitor.. The flrrt European and reaident pianist. Have thoroughly tried and tested their varlou. style of tn.trntnenU. and hart TOloatarUyaooordtdtketa their unquali fied apiobaU.iii, and have given to the firm the montvrln able certificate, of their opinion For sale at , . HEINSBEBQEB'S Live Book and Musio Store. . SUg ' . ....... TO-MORROW We .hall commence th elirery tof . Wamuntta Shirts ! To tbcae who have ordered. Aiouraupplyperweek la llmlbd to twelve aoaen, partus who deure the CHEAPEST & BEST SHIRT In the United State., had beat leaie their or der, a', ouc O For 87.60, Cash. SOLI AUENT8, MUNSON & CO. CITY CL0XHIEB3. aag 2 0C0 ,wl"1, Oor' 500 Water-Oroend Meal, Hominy, Pork, Bran, tirack Uorn, Flour, etc., . For tale low by i . i ORANT & HINTOrf, Oommlttloa Merobante and Gruoer. : augt-ltdAw Hccliaiilc's MdinjE I anil- Loan issa- 4 " 'J;,cifc; ;;:, ::':v TUB regular monthly meeting will be held at the Hibernian Ball thw evening at S o'clook. C. 8. KI.M8, a tigs Befvetary and Treaaaier. ; CC tn d0n fJCttUaf. AgeoU wanted. Alt $J UJ Q&V olaaM.ol worklug people of both aeiea, Yumig aud old, make more money at work tor ua, In their own rocalltlee, during their .pare momenta, or all the time, than at anything elm. We offer employment that will pay haiidaomelj lor it honr't work. Full partUMlara, terma, go., tint tree. Send u. tour addrwi at once, liupt delay, r-ow lathe tire. Don't look for wirk or bu.lnee elHewhnre. unUI you have learned what we otter. . STINSOH Co., Portland, Maine, may 36 . n , , , ; iw-iIAwIt I N STOKE AND ARRIVING BY EVKKT A Steamer a full ttpply and large ataortment ui i. . i . Mailt, !" Lock, ' ' ' Hlngee, - Screws, , Window Fattening!, fctliuxl Htnree, - .-nim audraatenlnga, Well Bucket, Fliturea, Pnmpe, and all kind ol Hardware uaed around a house or lot, all lor tale low by aug U1LB9 at HTJBUBISUN. MISCKLIANIOtrS YATE3' BOOK BTORE- Blank Books, Blank rooks ! Fall aeeortm.nt alway. ea hand, aadwlUb old for lea. than evwr beibrt t flared, Complete tuck of SCHOOL BOOKS Always en hand, which will be sold lor leet than pubUakera' prloe. C. W. YATES, Market Street, aegi MOSQUITO NETS! A large ttock ea hand and For aale' VERT LOW. d. a. surra co. lyM LA.DIES Who can appreciate convenience In keeping beuat, eliouM tend their ordert to ua. Thty will aav th.maelvee trouble, ear and And get only th beet and moat reliable artl. cet In the line of Family Groceries! AT LOWEST UA8U rklCKS I f Our good, are alway. freeb. They ar RECEIVED DAILY!- By Water and Ball. Wt ar telling a'uBLIABLR FAMILT FLOCK for ' 5 '"' GEiglit Dollars. Beet article far tbe money In this market Fall ttock of eholotet eeleoted J Family Groceries ! i How In tton, . . CHA8 D. MYERS & CO., 5 abo 7 N. Fbokt St. aug 3 For Smlthvillol gTEAMEB"BixiE will run regularly eeery day except Sunday, ' L:avlog Wilmington. ,t I P M Bmrthvid TAM Commutation ttoket may be porehaaed at Oor otto. . O. O. PARS LET 00. Jaljt PIANO TUNING ! TTAVlNO en(tgo th. wrrloe. of a prore XI atonal Piano Turner.l am now prepared to reuelve ordera foe Tuulug and Repairing Pia no, and Organ. tVSatUI action Guaranteed I , tV-Ordere Solicited ; HEINSBERCER'S : , Llv Boot and Muaie Ston.; Quarantine Notice JJNT1L rUBTHXR HOTICE ALL VES aela from Porte South of Cape Fear Will come to at the VUlUng Button, near Deep Water Point, and await the intpectlonof th Qoar antin Phynlrlan. " All veeael. from Portt where Tellow Fever, or other Inieitiou. dueue eilttt, will be re quired to undergo a rigid aad prolonged Quar antine. . All veeael. or boat of any character having tlcinr. on board on arrival, or having bad tickneat any Urn during the voyage, ar re quired tooometothe Station for Inspection without regard to the Port tiom whenoe they come. Vernel not Inoluded a above will pro ceed without detention. Pilots ate eapaclally enjoined to make oare- tuletquiry relative tevee.ela,erew, A., and If not t.tkmed vrtth the statements of th Cap tain or commander, or If too reaeel it la a flitbyondlthm, they will bring th v easel to the Btatlon for further xamlnatlon. PUota wilfully violating th Quarantine Law ar tubject to a forfeiture of their branch; Mauler, of veaatlt to S fln of two hundred dol lar, a day for every day they violate th Quarantine Lawm and all other person ar liable lor each and every otience. AH vamli aubject to viilutlon under above regulation, will eet a flag in the main -rigging, port-tide. F. W. POTTEB, . ' . , ' Quarantine phyaictan, Port or Wilmington, N. . Smlthvlle, N. O., Hay 7, 187S. may 8 128 UIuotI St. Ilary's School, BALKIOH, M. O., THE Slxty-aerenth term of the achool all commenoe September 8,110. Tbeebarg tor board and Kngllxh tuition, for a term o twn.tr week., le tiofl. Fur a olrcular. apply to Bey. Albert Hweed I). D , Kalelgh, if. U. , Ju ly 10 dl 3 If Wilmington I S ALIVE TO HEH IMTEBESTS In Eaat uarouna, aer oaaineet mea wui edT.rtle.ln THE WASHINGTON ECHO, a large and well eetebllahed weekly new.pa par. circulating extenalvely Ik Ue oonntleao Hyde, Beantort, Pamlloo, Pitt, Edgecombe and .note adjoining. Rate Low. Walt. P. WiLLiaiuow, B. Oaaaaaa, LaU Of Tarboro. of Washington. - - Editors and Proprtotor. - , etll HUroopy. s HOW KILLS gotten up aud uie most auracuve style at toe JOUBNAL Of Ficatj NEWSPAPER DIRECTORY Our Living and Our Uciul Prosoeotusof 2nd Volum. Kswaaaa, M. U., AuguM 10, 1H74. Or a Ll vna abo Ova Iaat" will her alter be uubliahw! a a Seml-MontMi Mag Bine. ooaUinlng page, of reaillng matter, at B3 ,ier tear in aU.auce. rur the inlormatlon ol thcae who are not la- miliar wlta thta enierprlae, I atat tliat the eta lei objertoi the Naga.me am be to puniien th Mecurd that Norti Carol naand hergnllaut toldler made la the lale "War hetveen the Slate.," to gather the material lor th. uae ol the rutare hmtorlan, and to perpetuate Ue m.mnr ol thoae brave men, ofttocra and private, llTlngor dead, who .bed Imperlahabl glory unn ineir hihit ouiie. la aildiUoa to th WaB Kwx.an o Nobtu OaaoLtaa.ib Magaalne will oontalu .aetrtie. of every aeruon, evunty, elty and town of the Siaia. written bv oomietiit aud w.ll-inlirm ed perann., Uai makittf it mrfmufntll a Jrtaai pmWicol, i whuk all ehuaM eor alumi llumld uUc inttnit awl pruU. Tbe Magaauie will Uke the plane or the newapa pr, having aame tula, ublifliud by me during titeeairt twelve nwntli. Th Hratanmber will be iel.anied Wndneed September Ui, IH74. lu the meantime, I re. pectfully aak old aubaorlber wbodeeire to re new their tubaurlption., and all oUiere wlw wlah th Magatine, ta rtwut preayiMy, ae the change and Improvement, require eouaUerabl Outlay, ana reeay mw h nevueu. s. r. poou Addre, till fnrthei notice. "Otii Liviau (ntiui ItBAD," intwuorn, n. u.,ornaieign North Oarollna. Exchange wUl platt eopy. angIS ""- ' PFLETONS' AMERICAN CYCLOPEDIA. Now Uovlaed Uelllion. Entirely rewritten bt the al.lot writer on every auuject, rriuted ironi new type, and Illustrated with Several Thuuaaud Angta vlng. andklapa. THE workOrlirlnallvnublLhed nnder the ti tle utTUK MKW AMkalCAM UVU1.OPJ0- 1HA wee oomtilated in IHiia. aluoe which time the wide circulation which It haa aitalnnl In all parte ol the Uuiud Stale., and llie.lgnal da veiopmeuu which have taken plat In every I...... I. .xl .. 1. . -.1 I . . I ... duoed tbe editnra and pehliiher.to.iitiuiit It to au exact ana uiurough revnuon, and to ueme a new e.lllloii entitle THE AMKltlUAM CV OLUHJtulA. Wlllini tlx laat ten rear the progrem of dU. oovery In every department of knowledge ha. mauea new work ol relereuu an luiimrauve want. 'lhe movement of uolltlral attair haa kei.t pace with tbe dlacoverle. of auleuiw, anil their frultl'ul application to the Indu.irlal and ua. ful art aud the oonveuleuoe aud rettuemeui uf aoclai lit. Oraatwar.andiHMiBquentrevoa- no n nav. occurred, involvluc nauoual o:ianm. of panaiiar mom.nt. The olvil war of our owe ooualry, which waaat It height wnen the laat volume of the old work appeared, ha happily beau ended, and a new ouurea of eumiuerolal and Indu.uial activity baa been commeuoed. Large aueaikm. to our geographical kitnwl ledge nave been mad by the tudelatigable ploreraof Africa. Th great polllioal revolution, of th laet da cade, with the natural re.nlt of th lne of time, have broaght Into pnblio view a mullr tude of new men , whoae name, are In every one't mouth, aud of whoa Uvea every one M curioue vu enow uo parueuiara. urtat aaiuaa have been fought aud lmxrteut ategea main tained, or which 1 he detell. are a yet prannrved oulv tn the ueweMneraor In tbe Iranaieut uul- llcatlon. of the day, but whleh ought now to take their place In permanent and authentic btttorv. In preparing the nreaent edition for tbe preee, it ha accordingly been the alia of the editor to bring down th lnforiualtoi to th lateat poatlbl Jatee, and to fitrnlih an accu ral aooouni er ine moat recent dlacoverle. in aclenoe.ol every freeb pioductloo lu literature and of th. newest Invention In the nractice art, a well a to glv a .uoolnt ana original reaora w ue progreooi poiiucal ana Hitluri Oal evnt. he work ha been baa-tin after Ion and careful preliminary lalior. and with th inert ample reaoursee rot carrying it on to a aoo fni termination. Man of th original atarootype plate bare bean need, but every page ha been printed on new type, forming in laet a new Oyolopatdla, with tn aaai plan and out pa, aa it prd eeaaor, bat with a far greater pecuniary expen diture, and with eaohiaiprovement In It oom po.lt Ion a have been tuggeated by longer ex perlenoe tad anlarged k nowl.il ge, Th IlluitraUoua which ar lutroduoed for th flrtt time in tho nreeaat edition have bean ad ded not tbt the of pictorial effect, but to give greater luoldlty aid force to th explana tion In th text, Ther embrao all branch, i of clnoandof natural hl.tory, and depict the moei ramou. ana remartaui nature, oranene- ry, arehlteolure, aud art, a wall a th varlou. procuaM. ot mechanic, and maautaottiree. Al though Intended for In.truotlon ratlter tliaa emlielll.hmtnt, no palm have been .pared to In.ure their ar I let to txoelleuce ; th onat of th.lr xeoutlon 1 normout, and It I bilved th.y will llnd a weloom. raoaptlou a an ad mlrabl featui of th uyolopndia, and worthy ol I), high character, TbI woik I ld to Huhaorlber. only, paya ble a dallvery of each volum. Itwtllbeooin nbtted la aixteen large octavo volumee. each ooateietng about SW paget.fully Uliutrated with eevernl Uiouaand Wood Kugravlnga, and with numeront eoiorea Littiographie Map Price and Stvle of Blndlntz. In extra Cluiu. iMtrtoi ..as 00 In Library Leather, per vol ( 00 In UalfTurke Morocco, nor vol... 1 00 ' In Half Bund a, extra gilt, per vol g 00 in ai. atoroooo, antiuu, gut sag, nor vol H , 10 00 Id Fall Bumia, prvol 10 00 Volume now ready. Sueoeedlng volume., unm oompimuin, win D laauau ouc in two monuia. i aOSneoimen naiee efFthe AMERICAN tlYdlOPUA, (hewing type, IllinrtraUoni, io., win oe.eni gram, ou application. Fibht-Clasb Oantassinq A o e n ts Wanted. Addmtth Pdbllthtri, ' ' D. APPLEION A.CO.. 649 and 5C1 Broadway, N. T. Jun 11 10 tf Tue Carolina HonscMil Majazliie, AM IM.DSTRATEI) MONTHLY c. cholc. Literature, will be lamed from thr Iold. oaoMBaaaaoaaOwioa oommeucln with January, 1815. Th flrtt number will b ready for mailing by December 16th, and the per too. leal will b. publwhed aoh ueaedtng month thereafter without Interruption. Mo advan tage will b. neglooUd v-uioh either uleator oapiul can command to render each iaeue aa agTeoable aud tn.tructlv oompendlura ol onoic reading, by popular writer., both homt and abroad. Th Carolina Household Maraziiie will b a largo 2S-page, etghty-rcut column monthly, hanaxomely printed on Mated book paer and beautltully lllu.traled, it I a thoroughly oqtbra ntorjiri and Iteauooci I already fully awnred. The publlaher mean to make it a art-euu monthly, that, onee in- iroaucea in ui inraiiy circle, i ur to b eagerly watched for and oarerully preserved. It "fOHl'HAlT 0ALLERY" wUI provan attraotlv feature. The January number will oouutin a iue-iiae picture or .EX-OOV. Z. B. VANCE and biographical .ketch, to b ftiilowed In each tuoceedlng number with pbotogreob oi other prominent ctatoamen, dlvluet, ho. ONLY TWO DOLLAE8 A YE Alt and Sack tuhecriber can make a choice ol Tn ubs aoT bbadtivol, la bob K w b a vi ror, tlx of each 94 Inchee, vl: "The Finding or the Saviour in tbe Temple," "The Madon na." or "King Lear Defying the Storm." lor. warded on receipt of Uie aubacrlptlon price, Either of Uie Engraving, le worth doable th prlne kd for th Hagaiin. SS Anyoneaeudlngaolub of flv. will re ceive au extra aubanrlptinn free. Hint, .e eople. 20 cento, freo by mail. Six month ubQi;p tioo, without th Engraving, 1 . ta Watntod evervwhoro. - -. . jtjLiDSA. xtoMli Z, f ubiuh.r, (iold.boro. . U. WEDDING CARDS SSftSTj hoaotlaJoabltylat th iiuuttilAb orriyn SZW ADTERTISEniS. THESnOlIETER 105 IN THE SHADE! 45BR0VBI&R0DDICIUS 45 MARKET Are both warm tnd fully satisfied with the trade Uier hare dona for the jat sciason, but are atill dosirous to close out a few small lota previous to tak ing account of stock, and Lave marked thrm at suoh prices ai eannot fail to socure their immediate sale. A DISCOUNT of 25 Per Cent Will be given off all remnants of Dress Goods. . GENTS' WHITE DRESS SHIRTS 1 MADE TO ORDER! IPit Guaranteed A full lino alwnya on land ; also, I " . :! l 1 ! ? Cuffs, Collars, Underwear, Etc. i Agonts for Frank Leslie's oul ,l ' Machine Needles, 5 Cents ICach Terms, Cash Only BROWN & RODDICK. 45 Market Street- juljr JUST OPENED I AT 36 MABKET STREET,. .. - ANOTHER Black Silk Challys, , ., ;, 'Z BLACK OASnMBRES, CREPES, &0. SUMM12II STOCK CLOSED OXJT lower Than Ever I rj3. rj. No. 36 MAEKET STREET. MIICELLAJTEOUS.' Everybody's" Pill, A Oantle but Certain Cathartlo , TUj aet with eaatAUfTT on tbt LWr, ra- taln no ealomalt are pnrelv V.gtalil. The beet, nreet. eafeet ana mlldeat ourittlve PHI In nM. Tbev are seed more aenerall than anv other PHI In ute, far Ui length of time tnr hav ben before the pnblio. Ar nicely augar-ooated and bottled at 30 oentt per bottle. ' Ark vour Drnggiet for "KvsaTiODT'e" ni.L ana taa no omer. Julvl , ! 188-lm CITY COUPONS. crrr of wiXMiNaTON, n. a, ( June 29th, 1875. f NOT10B It hereby given tbtt THI JlfLT COUPONS 18T3 (of Bond of Uil City) can. not ba prom ptljrjjpald. , . In oootaqrMno of certain ebangM nndw a rtoentdeoltlonoftbs 8nprm Ooart ofthli te u to th manner of asMaiment of th 1 and Perunai Property in thl cltji and thereby the City Tax Books not yet having been placed .la possession of the nndarilgntd for ooll.ctlon; togethtr with other torn plica Ion. lo rg rd to enr Hnniclpal affalrt, now pendlny before the gupremo Ooart of North Oarollna, the olty of WUminxton niut neoea- tarlly crave tome Indulgence front the holder! of Olty Goapon,under eiUtlng otrcamitanoe. T. O. SERYOSS, City Treanrer. June 30 lttf We Q-uarantoe KKKP'S n Patent PtrUy-MaJe Shltt to be Wamsutta Cotton, ' and 2 1 00 Lin en, - Which ovary honsewlf know I th beat, , ' - M We toll half adoten tot ' $7.50 CASH! t Will Bulah up when required at a imall advanoe, Ten Dozen Sold Saturday ! 1 MUNSON & CO, CITY CLOTHIERS. July ffillT, One Price. i. , i. i i it LOT OF . . '"11 ; Black Grenadines, J .t..i. .!.r.rll i ?, CAT2, Turnip teed I f i; a Turn.) tii I i; '; New Crbp 1875. Orown by Landreth A Biil.t, Philadelphia. Alio a large ana taunt of Uabbn 4. For aale by ... f ..u ... .. . QlUN ft fLAlTOBIt. Ivnav BoneeliMfiar ibosld potMal 'at let one of the tollowlng celebrated Cook' Book., a they woo Id cave th prio of it In a" Weak' cooking ,...:, uJ fVtj:,x , Queen of th Kitohtu 1001 Old Maryland Be. oelpw. 7. ) 75 Mlat Lealie't Mew Keoelpta for UooAlof TS ' (ra Hale't New Cook Book IB The Veun Wlf'. (Jook hnnk ... . I lit Mil. WM(4nbM U L. , . - ...... v r AJVim, ... ........ iv Mr. Ooolfellow'. Cookery ae II Sheuld flel 78 'i ll. Nattnmal flnnk I. 1) n k u Hourler ...... T. ' .... .... Ill Petermn't New Cook Book....,.., .v.. -..1 7 Wldilltleld' New Cook Book . ' 1 tb Mrs. Kaio't Baeelpt for th Million.. ...... 1 IS !'" oa SAla a iifii:i ' ""' li-.t llmNaBHBarai'a if .u, Llv Book and Mute Iter. July IT tf The Dawcon Dank. BT ORDEB OF THR BOARD OP DIRK 0 tort, th Book of gabaerlptlon te th PaplU Stock of th-t bank will be opnd at thtlc bank ln room on Thursday, th Ml instant, at 10 o'clock a.h., and remain open until further oordered. , '., Wm. LAHIttN Oashibb JulyW-1m' """" ' ', HAMJBIW .; :. 1- 1 ..-OP- .:.' Atkinson' & ZIanniiiT f r0,000,OO0 Asset KepreeenUtd.1 na. t o. of North America..... Philaitelplila. I Phenlx lii.araooeOoniDaai....New Vetk. Continental Inauraoca Co...... New tiH k. N.Brittabiik MereaatllIna.Oo.,Lenlitt -Hrt(unl Fire Ina. Compaay... nartlor.t. . ... nauonai Fire in.. vomanr...rJarttorl. Sprlnglield P. St M. Ina Go... Haa-aoUuMtU. ... - . MARINE. Mercantile Mataat in. lA.....Nw T. I Ins. Co. Of North America Phllad-iipala, OoniieotloatMutuaiySla.Oo. Urrtl.wd. f , . ; ( ,; ,( fi. (i W if jJERCttASTS . . .lisAJEEOi kMV '. 1 ISSCRlNCi C0SPAilt,,! J OP RICHMOND, V1BQIN1A. tMlial ....430,t .T.8tobb, Prealdt. I.B.Mooaa,aeV JIOHM WIIJIMATKIMMO-fl UeneralAir ; Mtk North Watc 8a WllatlngUn,M.u. aptUls .ti.i.t i-.l h:A