o A www VOL. XXIV. -HO. 100. OT&imTGTOIT. 17. C. GUITDAY. AUGUST 8. 1875. (ID -2 : i w a . . ? WILMINGTON, N. d: , a STJHIHY. AUOU T 8. 1875. ts- .. .8 r t Tf f , i yr.' i . , . BY TELEGRAPH. THE FIM)DS. Washirqtow, Ang. 7. The Ohio will ris slowly at Louisville, and will fall at and above- Citein The Uissis. aippi will eoatfcms U rise from Cario to V icksberg. . , Mi ; 7 m ' - - TENNESSEE. HIQHWA? BOBBER KILLED. CiMoiKKATn, Aag.i 7.-A special sayaa negro, attempted to, rob Mrs. Job oaoo Howard, of Athens, Mo Minn county, Tens.,, ax the highway. The negro wai captured, taken from the jail and killed. Tbeoitizem arm ed themselves, 1 fearing the negroes would attack the town, Later reports state quiet restored. EUROPE. THE O'CONNELL CENTENARY. THE OENfENNlAL THE AMERI CAN TEAM. " Dublin, August, 7. Grand banquet at the exhibition palaoe. The Mayor presided, so incident until the regular Srogramme toast The legislative w ependeaea of Ireland was read. The Mayor called on Chas. Garvin Duffy to responds Duffy's rising created a tremendous uproar, which lasted twenty minutes, when the Mayor withdrew. Dr. Butt rose to speak, when the gas VM put fut and the company dis persed in great confusion. New Yobs, August 7.-A , Dublin special states that twenty-four home rule members of Parliament prom ised to sttend the demonstration to day, which is to consider the proceed ings of Lord Mayor, yesterday. A Rome dispatch stales that there waa an orationon O'Gon- nell by professor Ariairte in the Churoh of 8t Agatha yesterday. O'Connell waa claimed as pioneer of and the disoourae waa ultraoontaine throughout Thslaif .'ltaiV asette says that Parliament adjourns Tuesday nntil Friday, when it will be prorogued. Dubuii, August 7. In the amnesty demonstration! to-day,' io Olamooin oemetery, where O'Connell is buried, four thousand people were present, and resolutions were passed favoring home rule and amnesty for misprison ed feniana. : (. "- j;j Madrid. August 7. It is reported that Gist Intends contracting a loan of seven million dollars to indemnity owner 5 '. London, August 7. The Secretary of the Universal Alliance, in a letter to the TimM fioa ; Damasaesdates under date 6f July 22d aays: "The cholera is raging here. Four hundred oases are reported daily, but no real number is conceded. The christian quarters have , been deserted, The mission school has closed and the children have been dispersed. London, Aug. 7. The American Squadron shortly sailed from , North ampton to Gibralta has arrived. An American , gentleman in . Paris says too kttle Interest is manifested in Europe in ttm Centennial The reason is that the English and French manu factories have not been sufficiently in formed of the details. A movement is on topi in 'Paris, to jorganiM a bu reau 'mfomati'on. 1 Home people need stimulation to work in Europe while there is time. , ,, Pab Aug,7.-Thc American Rifle T Ham here was received last night by Victor Hugo, Hugo said ha was proud of America, and was gratef ul lor the recognition given him and "bis1 books. UEADQUAUTERS, ' YELLO FETEBAT PENSACOLA I QS THE DECLINE. btomijo, August 7. The fol lowing waa received from Gen. Bran an,' of Fori Barraoai, iFla., to-day No new eases, no deaths since yes terdays report. Dr. Steinberg is this mmw& WttiOg np' B little in bed, all others are doing well Correct the re portaJtal 4h death of Col. Randalls -LJIJ Im mmm.m im anti fevh infnnf AnJ fJtlUUf " Waw mum evvuf oaf AiuiMAa, wiu aot bill' daughter. i CARJ)IirAL,,,'MoCLOSKY BAILED VTOREUROPB.'' 1 Tffinr 3f2BL'ntiflt. 8.-rCJardinal HoClobky, with the Seoetary sailed for Europe to-day wiHl a large number of 04tholi.Cier?yvea and laymen as semble? aa "fhmrt. The members of the CethoUe "tnio prMented him an lniformal,aidrese, expressive of tbiaiLyaJty 'aod idevotion to the church and, IXolj Father. iTtW Advertisements, m iiiipbiAjnc' to L1TOE8 ani MEECHANTS, wysi roBtisBBD ... TROWS' ' LEQAJLllIIlECTOltl aa4-- in LAWYER ITECORD h. tfHAsir.ea! rinfAN, ' ; ! ftmtomtm: Ui DniUd SUUx Ui AJMclatlon. ThU or will t. Mnt to any part of Um VaUM Stua, bj mJ on rolit of ft. Send ( inula. . , .. ... . .. ...... i .Iftl.l .HuHJ if .r. , if nidy ito. SaKIK, MOOfcaUES UO., M Nimi at. 4 ew lark uitr. I)f twin NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. DIED Oa ThamUf , th. Mk In.Uot, H.lea N,l, Hn.rdn, Infant da.htT or H.orjr K.ud A fed od. Excursion. Stonewall Lodge No K. off P. To MitiM Black Fish Gnnmas ! Tuxlar. Aaa-iist lOtk, 1879. THE flM 8TSAMKB WAOCAMAW wllllMTM.rk.t .trMtOBTlMMlsy, Aa fiut loth, 1873, at T. o'clock a. m , .h.rp.for u ezcanlon to HiuithvlUa aud Blauk rih (iroaiid, and ratura b a'oiock p. nw Ttckataftw S.atlaBMa.... ..... SI o " Lkdle. and bU(trB 80 S errant. Aeoompanring famlilv. fo Cblldran an iter Ore vaara of aga fraa. Tlok.t. for ula at Haliubargtr'a and Yato.' BJk StorM, HartM'h.wiaUDd, and bjtli. UommlttM. Tba Oommlttea rwrT tb. right to reject all Bbjectlonabla peraon.. Kerrrchmentaat city prloea. Poaltlr.ly na llqaon allod on board. O.M.ALTArrKR, ) W.8. WAKKOUK, toa. L. W. H0DUK8, ) tug I ' Remember ou- Partly-Hade Shirts , - . abb f ,t ) ::'.f t.f U ;.t . CASH ON DELIVERY! Profit, ara too .malt to eharga them. . Only a .mall balance or i , ; . Summer Stook ( hand, which we ofl'er at Tery low prioai. MUNSON & CO, CITY CLOTHIEE3. STONE JUGS AND JARS ! CIIA8. D. MYERS & CO. 5 and 7 N. Front St ang 8 Bacon, Pork, Flour, agging,i Ties, Etc. 50 Boxm Smoked 8l1ai and1 8houldi, ' BoxeaD. 8 Mldea, i 85 Barrel. Maw fork, 8U0 Ban el. Flour all gradea, too Koll Bagging, lt Ton. Pieuad Tlee, " ... . ' KK Barrel. HeSnad Sngar, " 100 Bag. Prima ft ioUvne, ' BOO Halea B. and M. B. May J 1,000 Biuhels Prime White and Mixed Cora, 100 Bhdj and Bob New Orep Co.be Mo Ieoooi. laoBaeki tlabon Bait, SS Second-HandHplrltCaak., i ao Bandlea Hoop Iron, 75 Barrel. Oluo, . (00 Bag. Shot, - ..:: . m Keg. Nail., 100 Boxee aud Hair Boxee Candle., - 75 Orom Matehee, BO Boxea Candy, " - ' M Bote. Soda, , 75 BoxaaSoap, 28 Cam Potaeh, ,-..-;..... BO CaM Oy.tern, KH Barrel. Snnff, ' ' s 100 Ton. Eureka (lotno, , , 200 Ton. Quenapa Guauo, For aale low by - WICLIAintl kvRCUIHON. a age LAGER ! XAaXIR I KTSaTBOUI ya we beat the oily oa . Bottled Lager Bier ! CJnoededbyVutoba J III'. .Alt 'V X -.it A. FACT. LIQHT, DELICATE AND FlEASAN'f FOB UDIE8 AND INVALIDS! It Ctuwot bm Equaled I Don't tue aay other kind bat "OCRS." We only aak a .mall adranoeon Mew Tork price, only ask a .mall i ana we ofl.r It at , 81.75 Per Dozen! ; ' - , , i J. A email lot or old A ... !- -I-1 'Amontilade ShexryiV, Imported In glee., with ttoman, and VDnff Oordoa" Brauee. . !-4 Our two popalar brand, of Whliky, BI.1JE ORA.SS 4p OEM, AtSSandM per gaUoa, ahead of all other brand, la the State, - If yoo kare nut already, dent fall toaead Tor ample of the oelebratad ' Process Empire Flour ! -r-n.-vv 'tax'-1 'm ns.-w ,;Wmmf- V ad BE3T BOTTEBikthi WORLD I Something ISTew. A MplendM Opportnalty ftr Xeoekomy I Imported' Pickles, ' The ordinary titty eents jaf, that we are aie iuniidk uot i winy oeute. Head to -s ;Cftj.S;i .)' 'j' GEORGE MYERS;7 11 4 13 SOUTH FROST ST., ,V; THE WAY, WE LIVE NOW. "- A. IsTOVEX.. r",i By ANTHONT TROLLOPE. 1 Teirielway.wMi. vigoriii and' IneUihro pea, aad eonld ao twewbw knlka a, dull alatpter ar iga. 1 t itnti t I i Hlapienentworkkaa.il hi. raey Monllai'l (lee, and all that deotded ftaror wliitb kl. ad atiretieomDcbraUah,, ,.,i..- , u :.,m Eglantino. ! ' ' V; . A HOVEt. Br XUC ATABO. ' rotaaieai ', ,( j,,.-x't a m. -; ' nCIflRBEHUCK'S Lire Book and Maeio Store, augl . 1 NEW ADVERT I 81 ME BAGGHTG MID TIES. 500 Ba1. Bagging, SIToueTiea, -For aale by " j '" CHSIB OALDSR RK09. SUGAHIIOUSf KOUSSES. , SOOBarrahtB .Molaeeee, lBKkdat.B.kIiUaaee, FereaekT- ' - - KKBCXBXB A OALDU BKOS. SWEET CUITUOLASSES' SO HMj Swaet Caba ktolaane, Fotealaby tEBCHNBB OALDKB BUOH. BACON. BACOM, BACON. ' SO Boxee D.B. Hdee, S3 Bxe Smoked Sldee, 2S Boxee Smoked and D. 8. Shoulder., For aale by , KEBUHN SB m OAIJBB BBOrf. Ladies' Belts! i Udlee latrheU. Ladlee Tranki, Uenta' Tranki, Genti' TrareUnij Bga I . ,. . , , , , . , ' Shawl fitrapa, Ete., i At the Saddlery Store of 1 Carpenter 4k Mallard, Mo. I South rauar Stabbt, Jnlrtl Wilmington, N. O TRUE ECONOMY. For UoaeakeODere la to bar their BrooeiL. and all their FAMILY SUPPLIES From no. '' . H -i n'f !'."' , We bare the rreahut and belt good. In th. laryeat arkty. Weeell tkematltweet. i' ' ; U ' , eJARlI PUICKH! And aead than oat te any part of the otty, 1 i WITHOUr EXTRA'cilARdE I ' Choice Sweet Table Butter, M oenU-Beit la tux city, 41 OrVtM ; Thaealy alwayireliabkeSeur la out bread FAVORITE- It make, aew IVIeada daily, and when oaoa fairly tried, le never gtren up. . CHOICE SMALL PIG HAMS I ' " ' -' CHOICE M. O. HAMM I BBBAKFAST STB1P8, F1Q fUHK. CHiS. D. MYERS A CO., . 6 sad 7 N. Fronts., aagl i ITT ANTED A young man wiUe. to tent i a email room, la a private nouae, on moderate term, i Addreae A. P., Jobbx at vrviba. aug 8n Coiiimissioner's ; Sale. ON Saturday, tbe 28th day of Auguet, Inrt., at 11 o'clock a. m., at Kxobange Corner In pureuanee of an order of the Superior Court uf New Manorer, 1 will eell to the hlgheet bidder that valuable reeMenoe on Prlnooae atreet, ba tweea Front aad Beraad Mreeta, at prevent oc cupied by Dr. 8. 8. Kverett.and known aa the B. Baxter lot-fronU Friaeaae 4 feet 6 Incbea; 02 feet wide oo the rear eud, and W feet deep. : , Iji.M laj... . i . Akto lot on MarkeUtreet, lying between 81. Jamea' Church paraunage and Or, Tbemaa' re.ideDoe, and at preaant oeonpied by Dr. Thoma. ae a dootor. Qfllce II teet front by 168 feet deepj Term., ono-thlrd eaab, ena-third in oue year, and one third In lour yearel ri : j ; 1 1 i v DCBB0TZ O0TLAB,jf. i Commlaaloner. ange-lBMtTMaina''" Something New I CjHfe aad eee, bet bo prepared for a tor. prtee. All are actonkthed, and wonder how I can eell Clothing:1 So Cheap. Greatruek Batardwy IKml delay ito come If yoo need anything In th. CLOT hi NO line roraummerweariaa my - ENORMOUS STOCK Will toon be exhausted at thepreMnt rate. ., A. David. tog HAVING MAI.K AKKANUEMKNTg, I am prepared to Bind and Be-BUid , Books, Music, Etc., In any style desired at very low prices. My stooknf J,.., tjt ...,...,,' BTATIOJiBUT, CuABK BOOKS I i , . i SCHOOL. B OKR I Is now complete, and will be eold at prices lower than ever before ottered tn this market. ay Country merchants will uo well to eall and examine my elockand prices. C. W. YATES. augS 1 v 1,1 St Qeorse and St inilrew Society. The regular monthly meeting of the Bt. George tni 8t. Andre wlll be held at the hall of the Looomotlvo Bmtherbood, oa Front street, ever tbe railroad bridge, on Monday night at? o'clock 1 ... rf i n. nWAT.LBflNK". " ang 8 ' Secretary, ' For Rent, Vrom the Bret or October next, all the rooms In tbe building known as the Seaman'. Home also theee la toe BetH,erlU the eeepte e the flret Boor.( wtth all the fernlture ,belntirbt thereto, i Tbe Hams hae large Pf, alci furnUhrt sufficient water for the kitchen, and water-oloaeta, wltk pipes leading to each story. The building le new and in good onditlou, and amply large to accommodate all wamen that come to title port. Ales, the large aad eommedtoue etors on tbe aortheaat eovner ot the Horn.. For parUonlar., apply te 1 ' B. F, MITCHRLtt,) " B. O. WORTH, Committee. k. e.meidk, ;;.) ,! h.b.bilebs, .. aogs-tf' . HARWESS. . ! ii ) hi . i t Carriage and Waon, MaVipg i rhayeadotheairvlee.ol'aor.'t-eiae ; Harnesai nalrer; and take nlaanire in notifying the publle that their or iUYe will reoelvo Imiuedlate attention. Chargea low and satlafaetioa guaranteed I a.g. a-wj F, it. UAKUANJ NIW ADYXRTISXZSTS. VOTE or TUAMSXS. At a meeting ef the Hleernlaa Benevolent atemmitleo waa appelated who drafted the ronowiag reaoiaaona, wuioa www n.niwj adopted' Keeoived, That tkle Ajeoeiatioe re tut a a wteof ttaakitothe Hen. A. M. Waddel for th. Hn .iMa.ni naMA l wkleh he allv- end ike aMreei ef (be eeeaatoa of the Oen aarv ef Uaatel O'OOUMU.tAe IiUh Liberator. Aad boh runner kMalved, That thees reeoratione ae pao- Hakarf ia the altw mkm. aaA Hon A. M. Wad- aal.preeenled WW toopy thereof. Vl J. VAB-KElLLTr T.DONLON, JAJ, BtAUUIM, Uoaavlttea. augi-lt Valuable Heal Estate For Sale I . VI. CRONLY. Auctioneer. BI CKONLT MOBBW. Mortgage Gale. By virtae of diver, mortgagee from Thome. B. berr and wife, the MeehanMe' Building aad LAHUt BaMwi.n.H wilt avit iw w, wj ywvtiv auotlon, at Kiehange owner, la the olt) of w iimiugtoa , on r r way, we n ta ay or a uguai. lb7B, at Ito'elock M., tba following dtaoribed Keel aetata, altaatod la eald city, oukjee to a flr.t mortgage of aa,uu, and ail lulareat that may be due thereon, via: Beginning in me a,aetera line er oeoona .treti, Ti feet konthwardlt from It tntereeo- Uua with the HouUieru line ef Market atreet, and running tkenoe Boutbwaruly with aaid line wt (ieeuad atreet 67 feet, theae Aaetward- ly parauei with Maiketelreet JO reet, theaoe Northwardlr parallel wita Second atreet 07 feet, and theuee Weatwardly parallel with Market atreet te the beginning, together with the tbree etoree and building, th.raon. Term. aooommoaating made tnowa at Mie. aug e-ev'day t d of a CROQUET SETS! CROQUET SETS ! Large lot Jurt raoeiTed and for aale at lower price, ttaa they were ever eSbred before, j , Call and nee for yoarawlvee. D. A. SMITH & Cp. aug 6 Sugar House IXolasses. 200 Barrel. B. H. Molaeeee, - For sale by ' : ' ' "" ;1 , KKKUUMKB A OALDE& BHOS. FLOUR, COFFEeTnO SUBAR t " 1,01)0 Barrel. Flour, " ' - 100 Bag. Coffee, 80 Barrel. Refined Sugar, ' " I"..;. . " BO Hbde Dent Sugar, ' Foraaiaby ; ' KKBCHNEBAOALDIH BRO". ' SPIRIT CASKsTsFlRIT CASKS! S00 Spirit Oaake, ' For aale by . KEHCHNKH A OALDKH BBO. TOBACCO -XNUTF-OYSTER J AMD PICKLES. loo Boxee Tobaoeo, ... L VH Barrels Banff, 1M Oaese.OTetera, 100 Caeee Plcklee, ' ... ;. Fei sale by KKKOHNKB A CALDXS BBOB. aegnetO t --m . - Knabo Pianos. r IIU Pianos elrealate aot only la Ameri oa, Canada and South Aeaeriea, but ales n Europe; their fame having bee carried there by tbe great planlete who have visited thie oeantry i h , ' : ., ' ' Wherever they have ben exhibited they have Invariably can Led away the gold meda over all competitor.. The Brat European aad resident pianists bate thoroeghly tried ad tested (heir various styles of lnatrussente, aad have eoluatarlly aoeordad tkem their anqualr fled approbation, and have given to the Brat tbe moetvrlaabla certificate of tbali opinion For sale at ' ' . - HEINSBEBOEB'S Lire Book and Mosio Stora. aug 4 TO-MORROW We .hall commence the delivery of , Wauuutta Shirts ! To thnae who have ordered. ' A. our euf ply per week M limited to twelve doxen, partiee who deatre the CHEAPEST & BEST 8HIRT In the United Btates, bad beet leave their or der) a', onoe. ... 6 For 87.00. Cash. BOIil AUEBT8, MXJNSON & CO,, CITY CLOTHIEES, auge 100 500 Ble,H"" Water-Grooed "Meel, Hominy, Pork, Htm, Crack Corn, Flour, etc, , For sals low by - ' GWANT & HINTON, CommUalon Merchanu and Grocers. aagg-ttdaVet V , f $ -. IN HTOKB AND A REIVING BY KVKBY A Steamer a full supply and large aawrtment of Malls, I Bit U-rir-Ff Hlngee, . ..O Screws, Window Faatenlngs, . i. . Blind Hln gee, , aadFeatewlage, t ; i ' Well Buoketa, Flxturee, Pomp., and all kind. 01 Hardware aaed around, a kouee or lot, all lor aale low by augt GILES A MURCHI80N. Cfi tn fhOf) fEHUar. A genu wanted. All PJ Ul elam. of working people of both ae.ee, young and old, make more money at work lorn., In their own localities, daring their .pare moment., or all the time, than at anything elm. We offer employment that will pay bandeomel; for every aonr'i work. Full partiodlare, term. Ae., eent free. . Bond u voiir aildrtM at onoe. Uont delay. Mow I. the tire. Don't look for work or ba.lnea. elaewbere. nnatl yoe have learned what we offer. G. hTiHeoa A Com PorUaixt, Main, mar 28 lie-dAwlr Mcdmic's Bnilift sal, loan : to - ciaUon. . . . ' , ; THE regular monthly meeting will be 'held at tbe Hibernian liallfble evening at I o'clock. C. B. ILLIfl, aug leoretarj and Treaamet. 1II8CILIAHI0US YATE3' BOOK STORE- Blank Books, Blank Books ! Fall aMortmeat alwve ea hand, and will be eold for leee tfeaa ever blUire eUeied. Camalete stock of Always oei hand, which will be sold for less than publlshsrs' prtoee. ' C. W. YATES, i Market Street, augl MOSQUITO NETS! A large stuck on hand and For sale VERY LOW. d. a. Biirrn a co. aiy LADIES Who oan appreciate convenience la keeping houss, should send their orders to ua. Tbey will Mve themselvee trouble, tare and ExpoiiKO ! i .. And get only tbe beet and moat reliable aril, tlee la the line of Family Groceries! AT LOWEST UABH F BICES I , Cut gocxtl are always fresh. Th.y are ' , ... , - , , . RECEIVED DAILY! By Water and Ball. We ara selling a RELIABLE FAMILY FLOUB for Eight Dollars. Beet srtlols for the money In this market. Fall stock of choloest sslecUd Family (jlrocories I H-mt taMor , ..... .(.-. CHAS D. MYERS ft CO., 5 abd 7 1ST. Pbont Bt. angS For Gmithvillo! s TKAMKH DIXIE" will ran regularly everyday eieept londay, L.'.vlag Wilmington Bmiiaviua , i am Oommatatlea ticket, mar be oarohased at our offloe. O. Q. FABSLEi CO, JelyT HiUIO TU1TIH0 ! HAV INQ engaged the eervwes of a profee slonal Piano Turner, I am now prepared to receive orders for Tuning and be pairing Fie- nna an A I Wana S7-Saualaetlon Guaranteed I evuraers solicited I HCINSOERCER'S Live Book and Maeio Store. Quarantine Notice. JJNTIL FUBTHEB BOTIOK ALL VXS ails from Ports Booth of Cape Fear will come to at the Visiting Button, near Deep Water Folnt, and await tbe Inepeetloner the Jaar. antine Physteian. All vessels from Porte where Fellow Fever, or other Infectious duwaee exist., will be re. a aired to undergo a light and prolonged Quar antine. All vessels or boats of any eharaoter having sickness oa board on arrival, or having bad sickness any time dating the voyage, are re quired te eome to the Station for Inspection without regard to the Port from whence they oome. Veeeeli not Included as abovs will pro seed without detention, v Pilots ara especially enjoined to make oare- ml enquiry relative to vesjele, crrw, Ate., and If not titled with the statements of the Cap tain or oommander, or If tba veseel It la a filthy condition, they will bring the Teasel to the Station for further examination. Pilot. Wilfully violating the Quarantine Laws are subject to a forfeiture of their branch ; Masters of veeeelt to a fine of two hundred dol lars a day for every day tkey violate the Quarantine Lawa: and all other persons are liable for eaoh and every offence, - All veaaels .ublect to vldtatlon under above regulation., will est a tag in the main-rigging, porVelde. . : W. W, rUTTKB, f Quarantine rhyalolan. - Port of Wilmington, M. . Smlthvlle, N. O., May IT, lele. mar m . 12S tllaovt ' n t r - r in i i i ii i St Hary's School, f BALBIOH, K. O., THB 8lxty-eeventh term of the school wll commence September 1, 1MTA. The cbarg lor board and Kngllah tnltion, for a term o twenty weeka, la glua, Tor a circular, apply to Bev. Albert 8 weed 0. D , Haletgh, S. K ju y o dl , North Carolina Ham., , Mevth Oarolina Sldee, -MarU CanUdaahoalders, " " a i .a. r t Vary Superior, and for aals low by ,- ' DaB03BETA CO. '. .. . , .Ii : - IVotioo. I M accordance with an ordlnanoe paeied by the Board of Aldermen of the Cltv of Wilmington, I will Mil trom the City Pound en Menday,at la o'clock . four (41 flna.hoau. .HubOBlNHON, sagVU , UByMarshaL NSW ALVEHTISiriiTS. THEMIOIIETER 105 IN THE SHADE! 45 Ars both warm and fully salMed with the trade they hard done for the ' vitat season, but are still desirous to olose out a few small lots previous to tak ing aooonnt of stock, and have marked Uiem at suoh prioes st cannot fail to secure their immediate sale. A DISCOUNT of 25 Per Cent Will be giyen off all remnants of Dress Goods. ' GEHTS' WHITE DBESS SHIBTS "J - MADE TO 0BDEE I Fit Guaranteed- - A full line always on hand ; also, -? CutTo, Collars. Undorwoar, Etc. Agents for Frank Jjeslia's out i .', Machine Needles, 5 Cents Each. Terms, Cash Only One Price. BROWN & RODDICK. 45 Market Streei . : JiltyWe JUST OPENED 17: JL AT 36 ISrlA-nilET STREET,1 ANOTHER LOT OP ',''. Black Grenadines, Black Silk Challys, ' , , BLACK CASHMERES, CREPES, &C, 8UJDIEU bTOCK CLOSED OUT .: Lower Than Ever! ISTo. 36 MAJRK35T , STREET J jMiy in MISCELLANEOUS . " Everybody's" Pill, A Qntl but Certain Cathartic. They aot with cnarAncTT on tba Liver, con tain no ealemel ; are Buretv Vegetable. The beet, eurest, eafest and mlldsst purgative Pill la use. Tnev are nsed mora generally than any ether Pill In use, for tbe length or time they have been before the public. Are nicely augar .coated and bottled at 3D oents per nouie. Ask your Druggtut for "EvnareoDT's" jriLL, ana taie no uiu.r. July I . , US-lm -or- CITY COUPONS. Ofllcejif Trcasnrcr and Collector, CITY OP WILMINGTON, N. a, i June 29th, 1875.. t. JtOTIOE Is hereby given that THI JOLT COUPONS 1879 (Of Bonds of this City) can. it be promptlyipald. :''"'.' In conMqitnoe of certain changes aadsr a recent decision of the Supreme Court pf this te as to the xaaaner of assessment of the I and Personal Property . in this city; and thereby the City Tax Books bos yet having been placed .In possession of the andersigned for oollecUoa) together with other: compile tons In rega rd to our Municipal affairs,' now pending before the Bopremd Court of Borth . t - . .. - i,-i'- Carolina, the olty of Wilmington muit neoes- aarily crave soma Indulgence from the holders or Olty Ooupons,auder existing .clrcumrUnoee. , . ' . T. a SEBVOS3, , City Tressnrer. ne.M '" ' ' in-tf We rG-uarante o " KEKP'8 " Patent PerUy-Made ghUt to be Wamtutui Cotton,1, "'J; : " s" f and 21 OO Linen. ' Whlek every housewife knows Is ths tbsst, , '-' 'S) We sell half a dosea for ,m t f 7.50 ;:OQK! Will SuUh up when required at a small advene. Tep Dozen Sold ardajjj. MUNSON & CO., CITY CLOTinEE3. JnlfUI n " i i . i i ... i - iS t.,1 1... . i t i .a ft! U i .U .. ....r,....l.T,.. , mmm ' Turnip Seed ! . . M-i Turn) 1 b i i Ney-Croj(1878. u Grown by landreth Bulst. Philadelphia. 1 Also a large eeaortaeu. of Cabbage Seed, i For sale by ' " , OEKNaVFLASBKR. Kvaar honiwkeeper sbenld poastm t leans ; one of the following celebrated Cook Book, ae tbey would save the price of it tat a week' en' '- ,, j.. Queen of the Kitchen j 100T Old Maryland Bev v,..i... j io- USm Lealle'. Maw Heoelpta for (Jooklng....! TS Mrs. Hale'S New Oook Book.?..:' .... 7 The Youna- Wlfa'a CJooh Hnnk . 1 th. Mle. leelli?. New Cookery Book , 1 TS Mre, aoodfallow's Cook.rV aa It Should Hal TB. The National Cook Book, By Banana M. Bouvlet.i. i. ...i., ....... .,....,. 1 T8 Petoraon'. New Cook Book,.,, .,,,,!,,,. ...I TS Wklillfleld'. New Cook Book. 1 TS Mre. Hale's HeoelpU for the Million, ,.,l 1. llzTwimKReiwa'a . . JnlyTT If ' ' Lira Book and Moate Store. ; The DmvGpn Danfc. TJIORDKEOFIHIBOABD OF DlftlO . ' . t, . ..-t ton, the Books of Subscription to toe Capita Stock of t his bank will be opened at theli bank-, In groom on Thursday, the SiJ lnitant, at 10 o'clock a.s., and remain open until ' further 1 oerdered. July Mlm Wei. LaBKIMS, OiASisa AtMnson & Ilanninq:.' 70, 0O,OO Assets BepreeeaveeA. ' 4n ! '.(v-FIRal. ""'iy i 1 ns. Co, or Borth Amertoa.M, Philadelphia, f Phenft Insurance Oomtianv.... New fork. - Oootrnental Insurance C... New fetk. "' ' N.uriuanaa Meroanuialne-UeKlionrtoa. , ,. , Martfavd Fire lna; Company. ..Hartionll National Fire Ine. Compa..JlarUorl. ( Sprlngfldld F. 4 M. In, i ...Mamat9buetta, Mercantile Mutual lua. Co,. ...New Tork. ' . i wjt aa I Ins. Oo of Borth Ann erica Philadeipuia.' ' '" if M-.M lt ' . .i OonnecttoutMutuali..io iu..Oo, Hrrtlord. , .tekST !... j ,.. ' 1 .sts.fi -T" lit 1 ! NH H .' , " iverm i re re i v . . : . OF RICHMOND. TIBGINIA. " Cwpltal ....M...f40. .T.8roaas,Presld1. f..Mooaa,Se' 1QHM WltDKMAT 0Hierai A Do. 4 North Watet Bk WUmlBgwa, St.' . atKUU . v -,U