i A It , 1) 701, XXIV. -ITO. lOlw WILIIINGTOIT. IT. C.J TUESDAY. AUGUST 10. 1875. UE0E5 ITO--C,c;3 k WILMINQTON. N. P.; TUEWAY. AUGUST 10. 1875. DY TELEGRAPH. , V i H "i : i ANOTHER FAILURE AND THE :t - CONSEQUENCES. Nmr ,Tobk, August 9. -"-Archibald Baxter A Co., grain and commission merchants, have enapended. The aaapenaion was otiwd by the firm inability to colleot amouiiU' that were dan thrta. ' It la anppoal that they bnveoulj suspended teruponuilr, as I1 their mhoU are thought to be larger than their liabilities. y Twoahipa whioh had peen laden with wheat, ad "eora , bT Archibald Baxter A Co.; the value of whioh was 110,000, wr Miid ' TMterdar in hrooklyn. Archibald Baxter A Co. had purchased 'the grain promising to pay cash, bat had failed to do ao at the time they anapendod. , , 4 HEADQUARTERS, IMPORTANT TO MARINERS. Washington, August 9, Notice ia I lieaeby Riven that on and after Sep tember J()th,-1875, fixed white light will fee shown froja the tight-houte i .j reoontiy erected at Solomono Lump, in Kidgera Btrait, on the east aide of jwtheCheepeake Bay, Maryland. Upon exhibition thia light, at fog point, wiil be discontinued.- During thiok Md foggy weather a bell will be struck by machinery at alternate interval of 80 minntea and 6 aeoonda. , Hew Adv rtiiemeata, A Question of Honor. n By Christian Reid- rIBTa fce Novel, ay Christ ib Held, "A Jk Qeeatioa of Hob, U entitled Be rank .iM tat be of u.r lata work. Tbe clot la, a kf awaal In bar Mortaa, powerful and ebeoib liif la Interest. , -i , t , It xt eetorj ot mueh beauty and power, which will snore than anetaln tb high reputation the Writer baa ae Justly won. A large lot jut reoelved by expreaj and for aaleat ' Helnsberger't Ure Book and Hoata Store. augia Excursion. Stonewall - Lodge If o. a Tqi Smitlinilf ail pad FisH around ! i itaeaaay, Awrwat 1Mb. 1873. , "fflHnf Tri 8TKAMEB WA OOAM AW 'X wlllleav.Market atxeetona'uewlay, An $mS lotk, IWa, at I M e'oloek a. in. , aharpjor aa excursion to Smlthrllle and Black With Uraaaoa, and twrura by I o'clock p. m. di Iloketefcr Sentleeaen.;.. " Ladteaand Children Serrantt AeeompanylDg f amUioa tl 00 50 60 children tnder lira year of age free. " Tloketa for aale at Helnaberger'i and Tate' Book Store., Haiti' Sew Stand, and by the Committee. The Oeaaaitttaa reoerre lb right to rej.ot all ebJeoUoaabkt pereon. - aerreahmenta at elty pilnaa. PMitlrily so Mners auewaa oa eoara. - ' , O. M. ALTAfFKR, 1 ' W.. WAHKOOK, torn. L.W.BODQE8, ) aogl ' , Eemember iti " oca- Partly-IIade Shirts CASH ON DELIVERY! a .man oaianoe or i -. ; 'i'!'J.1 n:h';"iHmi ft ( if. '? v. Summer Stook On baDdwhlch wfl affet at very low price. ' MUNSON & CO., trrrv nr vrftTw.ftsi ' J "i1 f . r" Bacon; vTorfc Flour Bagging, Ties, Etc. FZr Bote Smoked 8ldeaad Shoulder., 1 3 Boxo.D. H.Hlde. v . 19 BarreU Mesa Pork. 800 Barrel Floor all grade, BUO KOIl HaKglDf i r m , . U X ii J M Tena Pleeed Tie, 100 Barrel Heflned Sugar, . toe Bust Crime Hlo Uiit'ue " Bale. K. and N. K. Hay J HflQO Baahela Film While and Mixed oorn. 100 Hhd.andBlbtlewCropOabaMo- !..: "i ill, - .. 100 Bank blarwn Bait, ' ., -0 SW aeoood-fland Hplrlf Caaju, , , i-vu nuiiuie. nwv uun, l . v H Barrel. Glue, SOO Bag Shot, v f -,T VS6 K'al,, v v Ha) Bexe and Half Boxe. Candle., 1S Qiom Matobae, -..-v- '60 Boxe Candy, SS Bote. Soda, ei '! atonaSoap, " , Oaelota.b I J i L tO ; Case Oyeter. A : t . ao). Barrel. Snuff, m i , v )oo , too JEnreka 6 ntno,A 3 ' aw xon uuenap uoauo, s - inroraal.V ytititun nivHcuisoKi. i,IMPOTANT TO LAWYERS and MEECHAKT8, TROWS' ' LEGAL DIRECTORY a. ' ' OtI " fcAtayefts record of lb UNITED STATES.' . By " " ....CMAIJJ UI.1IIAPI, ' gaaaaaUarariaw,- o ' Prealdent of pa Ctdtoditatea U AjaocUttoa Thl. work wilt be teat starry part of the ITaitod atatet, by mall, on receipt oi to. aena tor eicweJar. , JOHN J . TBOW, POBLIRHl. ' ' ' IS UnlTerrity Plaoe, BAKCB,;MOUaUUCll CO., 6 Maeua Bt, w ajt- flaw lor Uty. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. STONE JUliS AND JARS !; CHAS. D. MTERS4C0. 5 and 7 N. Front St. ugi LAGER ! LAGER ! hVEBTBOUT any we beat the el'y Oa Bottled Lager Bier ! Conceded by all to be . J FACT. , LIGHT. DKLtCAT AND fi KAS4N T FOB LADIES AND INVALIDS! It txaaaet Equaled ! a ' ' ' - Peat nae any other kind bat "OUR." We only ask a small adiacoeon New lork price, and we otter it at " - 81.75 Per Dozen 1 A .mall lot or old 'Amontilade Sherry," Imported IB alas., with Human and 'DnlT Uotdou" Briutii.. Our two popnlar brand of Whisky, BLUE GRASS fc OEM, AttJ and per gallon, ahead or alt other brand, la iheatate, If you have not alreaily, don't fall to as ml for ample of the celebrated Process Empire Flour ! aid BEIT BUTTEB m tub WOULD I Something Now. A Uploaded Opportunity for Keconomy I i Imported Pickles. Theerdlnnry fitty eenti Jar, that we are now ruhlog oat at thirty oeuu. end to , GEORGE MYERS. 11 & 13 SOUTH FRONT ST., Aug 8 THE WAY WE LIVE NOW. A NOVEL, By ANTHONT TROLLOPE- Ifa. Taouori alway. wield, a vlgoron. and Inoiatra prn, and oould not poetlbly write a dnll okapter er page. nupieaentworkDMall hi. racy pecnllarl tlee, and all that decided flaror which bla ad mirer o mock rlla. . ; Eglantine. A NOVEL. BTJtUZA TABOR, i For aale at i - - 1 " ' HEINSafBROCB'S . Lta Book and Mniia Htore. augl ... SOL. BEAR & BRO'S. 20 Jffarkct Street. CLOXIMQ OUT THE ENTIRE STOCK or DRYGOOD AT OUK BET AIL STOKE I Q-reat Bargains ! 13-4 LIKEN 8BEBTINQ from TO eta. and 1 U per yard. : , i . . Mosaniblquee T eta. per yard, SWISS MUSLINS, too Dosen Linen Towel and Napkin, ,t Iriah end Or man linos .iblrting., ' ' Cambric Haidkerohiela, MATTINQ8,T?hlt and Colored 9S Pieces LINEN for. Ladl' 1 leveling Dieeaaaand Boy wear. Large Maortm.ntof Panama and Straw Hat for Children and lien, ,. . .. . We will commence on Monday to Mil the above and will continue dally until the whole stock la eloeed out, - 87 Ladlea are respectfully invited to call 'and examine our (took, aa we know It will re pay them. In future we Intend to eon One our buaine to Clothing and Merchant ailoring, may 43 1M tf BE1HEL A.OAJDElvI'S, :, .y. ,., "FujQoiKa Co., Va., ,.. . .! Prepares for UniveraUy or Bualnea. Ko board and tul-g O "JJ fT vtlon, ber bal teaaion. Medi-90 AT lOUioltct fi& No extras. " '. j KXTRAOTBFfcOM TESTIMONIALS: ' ' "I mort heartily commend BtTBBt Ao.d but to the favor and patronage ol the pnblio." "- WM. E: PETKRH. ' Prof, or Latin, Uaiverslty of Va i " I would be willing to confide my own son to Mr. Smith's ears, aud hence I recommend the school to other parents," F. H. SMITH. Prof. Natural Philosophy, University of Va " I feel warranted, from experience, In re commending it" . JOHN B. MINOR, .. Profeserei Law, UnrrerBltjof Va. "One of the beat Inrtltulon.or It clam In h State. . H.H.HABB1S, Professor ef Greek, Bichmond Oolltge. "I know or no Institution of Ilk grade .upe rlor to Bethel Aoadomy." - Bav. J. D. BLACK WELL, A. M., DD., ,.-,,., i i.ynchburg, Va. " Unequalled, tn my opinion, by any Institu tion In the South." UEN. U. W. FIELD, ; - , Atlanta, Oa "Best and cheapest preparatory school In the State. ,. OHAKIK8 MASON, of King George county, Va' s" In my opinion, the cheapect and rieet In the BUte.". , OOL. . O. CBAWFOHO, Augusta eounty, Va. x ,' ' ' The ebeapeat Seminary, and a good a tbe bert, In tre United Btatei." ADAM EMPiK, J. A. ENOELHAKO, Wilmington, North Carolina For Catalogue, address " War. W. Smith, A. M. Senior Principal. 2wd Itw If Wilmington , , IS ALIVE TO BEH INtEMBHTS la Ea) Oarollna bet basin men will advertl la THE WASHINGTON ECHO, a large and well tabtl.hd weekly a wipe per, enwniaiing exionsiveiy n ueeeantMee Hyde, Beaulort, Pamlloo, Pitt, Edaeootthe and tboae adjoining. Bate Law Walt. P. Williamso, , , . 1 -aW ea l,a IwtVTt B. aaaaeaa, f Waahiagteo. . Bkiitoriand Praprietora t ottl ' Btaroopr. NEW AD7ZRTISE3IEHTS BAGGING AND TIES. BOO Rale Begging, . " M Ten Ttea, For aale by EIBCBNKB A OALDtH BROS. SUGAR HOUSE f.lOLASSEO. 9M Barrel A B. atolaeaes, ' IBBnd.1. H.MoUees, For (ate by KtaOHBEB OaXOXB BEOS, , SWEET CUBA MOLASSES' ao Hhd Sweat CaU Molaawa, , For aale by . KEB0HNEU OALPBB BROfl. BACON, BACON, BACON. (0 Boxe O.I. Bides, , 25 Boxe. Smoked Bides, SB Boxe Smoked and O. 8. Shoulder., For ale by - - KIK0HH.B A OAI DKR BBOK. Ladies' Belts! ; Udlee' 8atrb.l. Ladlea Trunk., Qentif Traak., (lanta Traveling Bag I ahawl Btraix, Kto., . At the Saddlery Heore of , Carpenter 4 Mallard, Hi. I Booth I bobt BraaaT. J 'T It Wilmington, N. O TEUE ECONOMV."- For RoowkeeMr ll to bnt their roaarUa and all their FAMILY SUPPLIES From oa. We hare thefreshert and beat eooda In tbe largeat tarkty. tv e suu went at u watt fASII PBICESI And tend tb.m out to any part of the city, WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE I Cboloe Sweet Tab) Batter, U onte-Bet to tu city, eeut . , Tb ouly alway reliable Soar 1 our J brand , FAVORITE. :., It make new friend dally, and when once fairly tried, 1 never given up. ' CHOICE 8MALLPIO BAMS 1 CHOICE N.O. HAMS I BBEARFAST BTBIFS, FIO POHK. CHAS. D. MYERS k CO., 5 ad 7 N. Fronts., aag 8 'TTT ANTEDA young man wuhe. to rent VV a amall room. In a private bones, on muueraiw ierms. jkuurese ' A. P., JOIJMAI. 0TlOB. angs-lt v. Commissioner's Bale. ON Baturday, tb 18th day or AufOrt, Inst,, aall'olocke.m.. at Kiohange Uorner In purauanoe of an order of the Superior Court of new nanover, I win aeii to in nigheat biaaer that valuable reaidenoe on Prlneea (treet, be tween Front and Second .Lre.li, at present oe oupled by Dr. S. . KvareU, and known a tbe B. Baiter lot fronts on Prlneea 48 feet 8 Inohee; 83 feet wide on the rear end, and W feat deep. Also lot on Market .treet, lying between St. Jamee Church parsonage and Or. Thoma reaidenoe), and at present oecapled by Dr. Thoma a a doctor offloe It leet front by 168 feet deep. Term, ene-thtrd eaab, me-third IB en year, and one-third In tour year.1 OoBHTJTE OTJTLAK, ' Commissioner. ang 8-18 i2 17 18 ai n a Something New I ;HE and see, but be prepared for a aur. J .P"m, All are astonished, and wonder howl ell . Clothing So Cheap. Grant m.b aaturday. Pou't delay' tn coma if job need anything In the ULoThiNU line for aumtuor wear, a. my r ENORMOUS STOCK Wilt aoon be exhausted at the present rata. ; A. David. aag 8 H AV1NO MADE AKKANUKMltMS, am preired to Bind and rte-liiud Books, Music, Etc., In any style dealred at very low price, stock of STATIONRBT, BuAMK BOOKS I SOHOOI, B OKS t I now complete, and wilt be sold at i rice, lower tban ever bettor oflered In this market. aUountry merchants will t.0 well to call and examine my stock and price... C. W. YATES. angg ' . - ' ' ' - 1 - " SL Georne anl SL Andrew Society. The regular monthly meeting of the 8t. Oeorge and St. Andrew (will be held at the hall of th Locomotive Brotherhood, on Front itreet, over the railroad bridge, on Monday night at 8 o'clock l f U.O.BMALLBONBS, aug 8 Secretary, i For Rent, from tbe flrat or October aeit,' alt the ro ml In tbe building known aa the Beaman's Home also those la Mi Bethel, with Uie exception o the first Boors, with all th farnlture belonging thereto. Tbe Home haa a large tank, which furnishes sufficient water for the kitchen, aud water-closets, with pipe leading to each story. Tbe building la new aud In good condition, and amply large to aooommodat all seameu that come to UiU port. Alao, the large and eommediou More on tbe northeast corner ot tbe Home.. For particular, apply to . B. F. MITCHELL, . ' B.O. WOKTH, . i Committee. . i Y 1.1, HKIDK, ) ,' , - B.B.EILKB8, BUg 8-tf HARNESS. Carriage and Wagon Making ESTABLISHMENT, ' I hay added th scrvioe ot a arat-ciBf ' Harness Haker TBIMME-Rj r . andake pleasure In noOfylng tb pnbHo that their or dor. w(ll receive immediate attention. Chargea low and aetUu notion guaranteed I Bog. 8-1 wj P.fi.UAJtDBNa NEWALVEmSISESTS. VOTE er TUANKl. At a maeihig of tbe Hlbernlaa Benevolent AMoclatwin held at their ball Aegust ih, t7a, a committee wae appointed who draltrd the roihiwlug reeulattona, whioh war auanliaoaaly ai Heenlved. That tha) Aasoolaoon reru'a a waee of thank, to tbe Hoa. A. M. WaddeU for tbe n eloaaeat maaaet ha waleh be -'sliv ered tbe eMree of tbe eeeaatoa of the Oen- tenarv lkaniel O'OonuaU.uelrlafc Wherator. ana ae tl runner koilml. Thl tbaaa MenJuttOn b Mb- HahaA ra tha ait aanaae. and Hoa A. at. Wad dVU be presented with a oopy thereof. JA9.IIKII.IT. " ! ; i ' T.DONliON. JAB. MADDEN, Committee. Valuable Real Estate For Sale! " VI. CRONLY, Auctioneer. BT CRONLT ea MOKE1S. ' t t Mortgage Sale. By virtue of diver mortgage from Thome B. oarr ami wife, the Mechanics' Building and Lean Aeaoeletioa will sell fur eaah, by nubile Boothia, at Exchange earner, tn the clt of W ilmlngten.oa Frhlay.the nth day of A ugiut. Ih78, at l.e'oloek the following draw ibed Meal r.atate, .ituated In said elty, aublect to a fir A mortgage of aiMj, and ail Intoreat that may be due thereon, via: Beginning In the Beetora line of S.oond street. IS feet boathwardla from IU Interseo- tl.m with the Mouuiern line of Market street, and running theaoe Huuthwardly with said. line or ncooua .treet m reet, tuenoe aaaiwara ly parallel with Market street 18 feet, Uenoe Northwardly parallel wita Heoond itreet BT feet, and the nee Waatwardly parallel with Market street to the beginning, together with the three atoree and buildings thsreon. Term Beooinmodetlug mane knowa at aalr. auge-ev'day tdof CROQUET SETS I CROQUET SETS I Large lot Just received and for ml. at lower prtoee than they ware ever offered before. ' Call and art fttfyourMlva.1 ' , i ' ' s D. A.I BMITli &' CO- aug t Sugar House Holasses. : , Suo BarreU B. H. Molaaiea, i For aale by KEBOHREB A OALDEB BBOS. FLOUR, COfFeTTnD SUGAR 1 ,100 Barr.. Ftoar, ' 60 Barrel Refined Sugar,- , ' " .' " . eOUbilaUaiaBogkr. , V- . roraaleby -, . i.i..-- "'; - EKCHNEB OALDEB BBOB. SPIRIT CASKtTsPIRIT CASKS 1 ;vn Bptritoaaka, ,; fr. '. For al by tfv-i .( I . KEBCHHEB 61 OALDER BBOB. TOSACCOSMUFF OYSTERS AND PICKLES. , lot tlotea tafsaoee,,1.'-',''' ' ;.'. '. ! - . : 10Jt Barrel Bnnr, - 1C0 UaseaOvatera, , lWCaaNPlokla, Foi aale by . KEBUHBEB A OALDEB BBOS. auguata . - t Knabe Pianos. THIIH Piano otreutate not only la Ameri ca, Canada and Booth America, but also a Europe; their fame having bee earried there by tb great pianist who hare vUlted thla country 1 Wharaver they have bea exhibited they have Invariably carried away tha gold made ever all competitor.. The first European and resident pianist, kav thoroughly tried Ad tosted their varloui atytes of tnstrumsnU, and have voluntarily accorded them their unquali fied aytobation, and have given to the Arm the mostvrlueble certificate, of their opinion ' For eels at HEIKSBERQE1VS ; - live Book and Moaio Store. aug 4 TO-MORROW Wo ahull oommenc th felivery of TVamtntta ; Shirts I To three whs have ordered. A. our supply ier week is llmitid ta twelve aoaen, parties wno uejttrs tn , .. . i ., . CHEAPEST & BEST SHIRT In th United Btates, had best leave their or der, a', onoe. . ( O' For 87.60, Cash. I SOLS AUENT8, ' IVnJNSON&CoJ CITY CLQTHIER3. t j li aug 1 000 Buh1( U 500 ; .B,-H Water-Oroand Meal, Hominy, Pork, Bran, . ; Crack Uorn, Flour, eta,. . - , For aale low by ,,,, ; r OBABT St HIKTOK, ' ' , Commission Merobant and Oreoera -BUgS-ltrtdiw y - , ..-i ' j VD STOBR AND ARRfVINQ BY BVEBT ' Steamer a full aupply and larg aaaortment of ; I ) 7 7 ' Locks. - Hinges, crw8r, Window Fastening., Blind Hlngee, and Fa.teulngs, ... i Well Bucket, Fixtures, P amp, and all klndsoi Hardware used around a house or lot, ail lor eel low by angg . - blLES aV MTJBCUI80M. $5 to $20 : aeiee, oung fEHDT. Agent wanted. All elaasee of workine neonM of botk Miiee, oung and old, make more money at work tut aa In tneli ewn legalities, "luring their spare momenta, or all the time, than ait any thing abe. W oSer employment that wl pay bandramelj lor eyerv bent", work. Full partloalar, term. Ao., sent tree. Send us your addreas at onoe. Don t delay. Mow Istbetlire, Don't look for work or bntlne. elsewhere, until you have learned what we oiler. . STtriaon 41 O., Portland, Main, may 9 , . t laaddtwty Mechanic's BnHiMjf gnd ' Loan Assr mHE regular monthly meeting will be held X c the Btberntaa Ball thl evening at 8 e'olook, O. . ELLIS, Secretary and Treaaurer. aege. MI8CELX1SE0US , YATES' BOOK STORE- Blank Books, Blank Books ! Fall assortment alwavaen hamt. and wlU be asid tar lees than ever before eltored. , CoiapleV atorkof SCHOOL BOOKS Always o hand, which will ha eoM for less than pabllshere' prloee. C. W, YUES, Market Street. angt MOSQUITO NETS ! A large (took aa band and For sale VERT LO W. d. a. sunn a oo. nly W ' ' 1 LADIES Who can appreciate convenience In keeping houat, ahouH tend their order to ua. They 111 aava th.maelve. trouble, ear and , ExpciiHo ! And get only tbe beat and most reliable artl. ee la the Una f - - '' i " "i Family Groceries I AT LOWEST CASH rBICKS I . ! , - ' " ' Our good, ate alway. freeh, Th.y ara RECEIVED DAILY I By Water and Ball. . i We ara elllng a KEUABLB FAMILT FLOTJB for . : Eight Bollars. , ,,; ; .."-.- t: : Beat arUoto for th money la thl market. ' Y s - ; ... Fall stock of Oholcert lotd Family Groceries ! Bow In Btore. '" . . i- , - .Y .'. CHAS D. MYERS & CO., ,5 and 7 N. Fbost St. BUg I For Gmithvillol STI1HXB PIXIE" will run regularly every day eioept Snnday . saving wiimingwu. ......... .......... arm emithvllle T AM Commutation ticket, mar be purchased at our offloe. U. U. PABSLEY 48 UO. PIANO TUNING ! HA ISO engaged th mrvuiea or a (M'ea iional Piano Turner,! am now prepared to receive oraera for Tuning and Uepalring Pla no. and Organ.. arSaUataetloa Ouaranteed t KrOrderSollolted t ; HEINSHERCER'8 .Lira Book and Murio Store. Quarantine Notice. TTNTIL FCBTHEB BOTI0E ALL VES- mis from Port Bout of Oap Fear will come to at the Visiting Station, near Deep Water Point, and await the inspection ef tfi Quar antine Physician. . All vessel, from Port, where Fellow F.ver, or other lnfectleu dueaae exiets, will be r 4Ulrtd to undergo a tlgld and prolonged Quar enUna .Mr - j All vessel, or boat of any attarieter having tlcknaaa ea board on arrival, or having had (iokneat any time during tha Voyage, are re quired to eorae ta tha Station (or Inspection without regard to the Port from whence they eome. Vessel, not Included a a dot. will pra oeed without detention. - Pilot ara .polally enjoined to makaeare ul enquiry relative to Teuel, crew, Aa, and tf not ..tltfled with the statement of th Oap tain or eomaaaiuler, of h tha vaaeel K In a filthy condition, they will bring tha vessel ta tha Station for further examination. Pilot wilfully violating tha Qaarantlna Laws are .ubject to a forfeiture of their branch j Matter ef. veaaala ta a fin ef two hundred dol lar b day for every day they violate the Quarantine Lawai and all other person ara llabl for each and every oflenoe. All vessel subject to visitation under abov regulation, wilt act a flag In tb main rigging, port-eld. . , ... I . W. POTTEB, j tt;vJ - v quarantine Physician, Port of Wilmington, M. , Smlthvlla, W. 04 Hay Ft, inn. may j 128 tllnovt St. narys Schobi1 BALEIOH, M. oi,' ' THE Sixty-seventh term of th arhool all eomm.nee September 8, lifts. Tbe cbarg lor board and English tuition, for a term twenty week., la (ICS. For B elreular, apply to Hat. Albert Sweed D. D , Ealelgu, tl.t). 1 j. .; 10 (18 Price Uo OnaKewLotof f '' a ; Eastern HayJ. Stored. Perk aad Beaneti ' Cracker, and Oow Feed, Elat-arov FamUy Flour, S8.W. Warrahatd GRANT li HINTON, Comailaalon Merohanta and Qrocera. July-dlt SEW ABVXSTISmTS. SBiiyODIIlJ 45 MARKET Kf MI.T, Are both warm and fnlly eatinfloJ with tho trade thev have done for the peat aaaaon, hut are a till desirous to oloee oat a few small lots previous to taJf, tug aooonnt 61 atook, and have marked tbam at snob prioea at eaanot fail to Btxmre their inuuediate aale, - , - A DISCOUNT Will be given off ell remnants ol Dress GENTS' WHITE DRESS SHIRTS IIADE TO ORDER! ' Fit Guaranteed- ' ; : ! A full line always on band ; also, " ' 1 , ... . I . . ,. . , : y ' .; Cuffs, Collars, Underwear, Etc. Agonts for Frank Loalia's oat . . , - , i X AXKll I? A-TLTTISEtlVS, .; - , -, . . ... .1 1 ... Machino !lSreedles, 5 Cents Each. Terms, Cash Only BROWN & RODDICK. 45 Harket Street. jajj. JUST OPENED! AT CUD- Uttm ULazlzPdin ,i . . . .1 . t . 1 V I 1 I , ' " ' ' 1 '.-'-(' "i 1 ' ' ; J l' '' 1 AJJ0T1TE1 . . Black Silk Cnallys, BLACK CASHMERES, CREPES, &0. SUMMICR STOOK CX0813I OUT' ' Lower Than Ever ! rj-.Twl No. 36 MAJEIKET STREET MISCZUANXOUS. Everybody's" Piir A Gentle but Certain Cathartlo- They act with aaaTAtwv T oa tha Liver, oon tain no ealomal I are purely VMetabla The beat, aur eat, aafeat and mlldatt purgative PHI la nsa Thar ara uaed mora (ene rally than any other Pill In use, fer. tha length of time they have been before th public Are nicely auger .coated and bottled at as oenta per Bottl. Aalr WMI I)P (TMb. fit . tlltvHnhM'l1 Pill, and tak no other. 10 HOLDERS or- CITY COUPONS. .OfflceiiYcasmraM Collector, ; COT OF WILMINOTON. N. C, ) Jnne 29th, 1875, J NOTI0B I hereby given that TUB JULY COUPONS 18r (of Bond of thla City) ean aot be promptlyjpald. ' ;! la eonaeqneno of oartaln ehangea ander a recent decision of tha Bapremo Court of thl te a to tha manner of aajeaiment of th I and Peraoeal Property la thla elty; and tbenby the Ctty Tax Booki not "yet haying been placed , In poaaaanon of th undersigned for eollectlon; together with other com plica ton in rega rd to aur Munloipal affair, now pending before tha supreme Court, of Morth Oarollna, the elty of wnmlnttoa matt neeea aarlly erara soma Indolgenee from tha holder of OKy Uou pons, under .listing elreajnAtaaeea '.i " t. a servoss, ': j City Treasurer, June SO ;!W"e Guarantee ; ' KEEP'S " Patent P.rtly-Made Shbt to b Wamsutta Cotton, ; ; I i , n v 'anaiooLin3n, , l, i vl Whioh rery hoaaewtfe know U tha beat, ,t WaaaU half a dosen tor ; WU1 finlah up whan rexiulred at a Imall advanoa ' ; Ten Dozen Bold Batarddy ! MUNSON & CO., CITY CLOTHIERS. 105 III TUB SHADE! of 25 Per Cent Qoods. " V1" t i One Price. .:. '" ' it -if in-' hiH 'tfUir!i'. 10T OF ; . . . i ..111' I - . ' ' Black Grenadines, ' : "'?.s ill t'i ''! i'b't i ;:..l..',.;J !!.J SCATS 9 ?r. t--t. Turnip 9eed ! r Turnt)4'4 New Oropl?7B. ' l Grown by Landrsth But, Pulladaipala AlFor sala MaiKtlMDt tbb heed. ' QBEEM FLANHEB. July!' 156 Evbbt honaekeeper .houtd poeat t least one of the following celebrated Cook Books, as Uiey would eave th prlo ef It ta a weak' oookiog l . ' t Queen of the Kitchen j lOOt Old karyland Be. MlatLealle'. Mew Beoeipts foe Cooking....' IS Mr Hal'. New Cook Boek.. 1 78 The Young Wife'. Oook Hook.. .,,(., IS Mia felle New Cookery Book T8 Mra Oomlfeluiw' Cooker aa II Should Bel TB The National Cook Book, By Hannah M. . Bouvler.,.. ......i.II8 Peterson'. New Cook Book...,.. ...,,.) 79 WidJIfield' New Cook Book...............! TB Mr. Hale') BeceipU for thf MUlioa. 19 Bf8AtBAt.?:fj...lttt ' , HzraaBiBBXB ;. Live Book and Moans Store. JulytT tf The Dawson Dank. JJTOBDEBOFXHKBOABD OF pJBJCO ton, th Book, of Subaorlptton to tha Captta Stock of thl bank wlU be opnd at their hank- tog roata aa Thursday, th M Inttant, at 10 o'clock A.a, and re mala open ntU farthar oordered. . Wat. lABfcUHft Oamdib July -.im ? a 'M i i i :;yv ... ! .. ttt-'iajwv' i Atkinson & Ilannintr. gT0.00B.0Qv) Aa Mepraane n. o. of North America...'.. Philadelphia. J PhenlxlnsuranoeOompeay....New Vork. ' Continental IntureaoeCo .Mew lutL ) i N.BritUhebMeroetlleIna.CawLondoa Hartford Fir In. Company.. . Hartiont. i.i-l National Fir In. Oompany...Harttorl. Sprlngneld F, AM. In. Co...MaeaehutU. Meroastlle Mutual In a. uo New fork. Ina Oo. of North America. ....Phlladolpala OonneaUoutXataaliilLi.Ca. Hrrtlord fab SI . . . .- , , ., ..efMf ; i HCF.RCIIAXra AS3 tICl!AJllt,,: KSURASCS CCZTAH f , OF XIOHMOHO. TIBOJB1A. Capital... ....... .T.BToaaa.Preatd't. I.e. mooas.o. SOHM WILOEB ATri wJ mrmm nurIA . a 4 North Water Bi. WUmlngvo. M . o. aprUU eooi

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