JtV jllV A I .-K. 1 ! Til 1 ' I , N I VOL XXIV. HO. 192. WILHINGTOIT. IT. C.J WEDirESD AY. AUGUST 11. 1875. UEOJZa 170' G.C:l r i i i 11 I i 1 i-li!:: C l)f .tlailn jfanritaL WILMINGTON, N. a:., WEDWE8HAY. AUGUST 11. 1878 BY TELEGRAPH. ELECTIUCI1S31S. 4 R. L. Huut, who baa been thipping jj goods to Oxford, North Carolina, from Philadelphia and arrested in that oitj, u to Lave had a hearing yeeteidajr. ALABAMA. I ."Hi i " : r ( MotrrooifBSY, Aug net 10. Complete , ,returna show a majority for the Oon--tiJi Mention of 18,600. Tue delegates elected are: Democrat 81; ludepeu dent Democrats 6; Republicans 12. j Tb r grasshoppers are damaging crop tn Morth Alabama. - ' FM)1UDA. JiCisosmti, Atigust 10. The fol lowing resolution passed before the oity eonnoil of this city last night for " the purpose of patting an end to the ' 1 ' 1 flying reports of yellow ferer being in the city: 1 , Beaolred, That it is the ananimous - i i , ipiuion of i the Duval oounty medioal auniebr, there being a fall attendance, .that there has not been, nor lathers v , , , now any ease of , yellow ferer or any disease resembling it in our midst. EUltOPE. it,? .,,..;,;,., y. ' London, August 10. -The tenth special dispatch to the Standard from Olasgow, report sixty riotera, many of . whom are badly hurt. They were brought before a magistrate thib morn- lug and remanded to jail. The rising broke out again in the suburbs . on Monday, and the rolunteers and teg nlaa, troops were ordered to hold themselves in readiness, : but the dis turbance was quieted by reading the riot act,Uemarked mobs of Catbolios.armed wilh hatchets, steel juokloa and knives are organizing and acting under lead ers. It is reported that several men are in custody at Head Centre. Madrid, August 10. Sunor Sagaata has gone to France. CENTRAL AflID SOUTH AM Kit IC A. , , . Paxama, Aug. 1. A man named Ar evalo attempted , a rerolutiion in Fern, but his force was captured. Is I t jaj! snd Molando were. routed while proceeding to Arequipa, and Arevalo was killed. In Baamiguel, Salvador, where a a rMTOt fanatical riot took plaoe, order has -been reestablished. President Ooncales had about fifty of those en- il gaged in the riot shot in squads at different towns between Sanmigurel rt. , and the Capital, causing Padres, who oooasioned the outbreak, to witness " the execution of many criminals, and confessed they were assured by Padres that they might mob the rich, provi ded that they gave part to the ehuroh. Oreat sorrow and indignation have been:' expressed , throughout Central America at the events of Banmiguel, in which the greater portion of re spectable olergmen join. ; The position of the Republio of Columbia is more complicated. The contest for the Presidency threatens general war. Difficulty is not settled. Fight took plaoe at Oamarones, State ... . .. of Jlagdelena, between the State for ces annd revolutionists. Revolutionists consisted of 600, and "were defeated with a loss of several offioers and park artillery. It is considered that war i H ,1 begun. .. Kkw Yobx Aug. 10. A Panama dispatch says that on the night of the . 6th ult, a train , with fifty passengers . ( :! Li en the Santiago and Valparazo Kail way while passing over a bridge at Lemache the structure gave way, and ,t"t the whole train, exoept the engine and 1 " tender, preoipitsted into the river. The ' ' wreck took fire. Fully half of the --passengers were " either crushed to death or perished .by fire., and water. A Jw Advertisenunts, i ; , FOR CI. ' ' LEGALLI AUTHORIZED. " : - TEIA3 GIFT CONCERT ASSOCIATION, 1 ".' " DBS1S0, THAI, WILL SIYB A ....w...., ................ SECOND fc . . - A u Grand Gift Concert ! . V; A ii aid Of a Uuom e and I. O. O. T. Tempi. SEPT. 22, 1875. pint siapttavl !.... .fSO,oe .i'JS,ue ' BwUmQITU In jroprUon .menutliii In .11 to $250,00000. . , Lowest Olft to awholeTlcket. fBO Prlo. of Wli Tlokrt, $8, which eonilitj Of fl SI UOopoM. . ,y - COUPON TICKETS, $1. o h1ch will .ntttl. th holder to adrnMon to V h. GriMj Oonoert, and toono-flrtliof wh.tarer mar m awaniM io to wnoie uok.t numoer, KMDODtbl.ae.nU wanted. All ecders lor Uoket sent direct promptly Ulrenlar. Papen. etc.. ctTint full partlen Uri, wot frM. In writing, be .nre aa1 sign your nua, i.wn, oonni anu iiik in ium. . Order. for tloh.ta amoonting to St and up .' want, tent O. O. D . If deurej. i -i , t- Addreei all eommanUiatloiia and make all re aiHtanees te , sag 11 4mo. w ' 'A.B. Oollins, Seo'y, DenisonTei. UAMcKliAiii imM lULLEliti, CAMBRIDGE, Md. ,nY tiOii:ifcsn-jiwi I.. J. noma Sohool for the daughtereof tbe Eaafern .hare of Marviandand Virginia, Xw buildings ' 1 containing large oiuuy-nans, iioiure ana , .ii . tloa tbsreugh In evrry eenM. For circular., u -,, :adlres i. Jf.BAUUt.."-"iuoipai. augllwlmo , , - .'. . BURUNOTO(VS.I HOMB AND DAT Sohool writ Vooau Lauim -Hpeolsl , .aiivantagmln Modern Ingnages. Hoard and " Tulilou,jiioayr. Fourth year open Hep ., timber IS. Address Louis Pollens, A.M. aufiu-lna . . - i . t ', , NEW ADVERriSEMESTS. The Washington UniTersity 8CHOOL of MEDICINE, Baltimore, Maryland. Th B.ti Ansaal Coaraeer Uectarae will he fln IMuker lt, 1S1H, and end Fehraary IMta, HIS. Tna rlopttl uiit Uenoral and KpMtal DupanMrlM. anaoLrd to the Cullan, taruUh ampin BtKrll for CUaival Lee'ure. Krory farliltr for I ! t Ion. For r-aUlofue and ptf ti.ln, addraw J. C LINU1AV. M IL, la of the atolir. auf II eodlmAwim Grant & Hinton, : ComiMOD Mercbaiits, Grocers, And ddalm In Har, Oraln and Uountry Pre duM No S Soo'u Rater itrect. Wumtuitoo. North Uaiellaa, ; SJMeapeeltullj eollolt ooniignments and or der au ll ltd A wJJO A (ft aclu Urerpool Salt juit Imported S V w and fur aaie by BlHPOBD, Cbow k Co. aug 11 - ' NEWSPAPER ADpSITING ' , MINK'f T-IIQHTH tUltlOS. Irttltal.il a 11. a - il. . . tbe Umrwl Hiat, th I.riiiorltJt nd tfc o lulllK.T nf IU... a...,. . .i than B,ft,H d'uralng to U10 Uwt Mutus, tuiothtr With thuiamesar n... . ... a. i " k. w uv uvwaiiiawirvif. UBtTIUV VII O laVrafflMt lswSl eUenUfUa t. k. a l. usviutxi. Alio, ekvulogu of oewiuAtMt i which - - - vv awivmaiii SbSI VI Till gr.tet Talue tn protiou to priu.v chau-ged. ilanaVi1a nrlnri... a.a. si n.iA . All th Kallgloufi Agricultural, Mountifla n& MechaoUai, MtUloaU. MiutmU, Juronllo, Kdu eatlonftl, OoruaieroUl, lotuiftao. Kol lutrita. I aa M.tAott.... uu.i.i ar . ..... . . . ' rviisj. ewiamsMvsaii lapuivB, ftOU V lief peuUj otMi JouruAikj vty oomlet, tUt. To- fff hftr VwltK Ni.mi.Uie llu nl' n,A 1 1 . ""viiwiii ui vrer htv jrormskn list It Arm nrllit-Ja.4 In lT..lr4 M..A. ' wre wii.vw niavrjf, emiBU. ID wr uion advertlBlnifi many ublei ol rat. aim awl nr the ..t..si..- . - , v V4W vs auTviuvuiH in TWUIU lit) Wilt aItarsi Sl it Jtvrl)ii,i awl.tn. . iu a Ironlting wuoki likt to know M iirark fUw,Nw York. TASTELESS ; MEDICINES, A prominent Dew Y irk uhT.iclanlaleliK- ulalued toDUNDAS. Dli.K A ill) ah.o.iih.i. BaaoALwooo Oil CAr.uLke, tating thai emetlmei they eared mlraculuu.lt, but that a paiiemor ni. aaa uui them wlthuet effaot. On b.tni Infoiined that MT.ri.1 lmlutlon.wiini old, b ruuired ami roanu m iiaiinut nau nm been taking DUN !., DICK A O.' A What happened to the phyaloiaa MT hare happened to other., and UUMUAS, DICK. ) C . take thl meteod of protecting pb Helena, druggltt and UtemeelTea, aad pr.uilng Ult ow HADiLWion rremoomlng Into disrepute. PUYSIOIAN whoonoe p.eKrihe the Oap ule. will continue) to do eo, for tltey oon tttn the pure Oil In the beat and cheap est form. . - OOKDAS, DlOKA CO. u. more Oil or BAiSALwneD than all the Wholewle and Kf. tail Uruggl.u and Pertnmers In tbe United Mtateeooinblaed, andtht. w the sola n.Min why the pare Oil (.fold cheaper la their Oajiaale. than In aor other form. OIL Of SAM wALWOOD Im fart inperaedlng every other remedy, elity Capeule. only be ing mqulred te In.ure e afe and certain erne In all er eight da?., yrom ao other medicine oan UK reealt be had, 1U N IM, DICK A 00'8 SOFT 0AP8 OLE8 aolra th. problem, kwi eonaldered by eminent pbyelolan., of how to avoid the natuea and die gurt .iperlenoed la .wallowing, which are well known to detract from, If not deatroy, the good .fleet, of many ralualil. remedle., Soft (peoJe. are pat up In tin-foil and neat bote., thirty in each, and are the only Dap .ale. prescribed by pnyrtotan.. TAHTCLKNatriEOICINES.-Ca-tor OU and aiaay ether naii.rana medioine. ran he ta ken eaally and safely In IkUNDA", DICK Y 0S NOIT CAfSULES. MO TAHTB. NO RNEIX. (TTtiNWiN the only Capes lee admitted. ( the last Paris aipe.N tlon. Send for clroular to IS Wooeter street, v. y. HOLD AT ALL. DHVO ITUHEI HERB. ang ll-lt A Question of Honor. By Cbristlan Reid- TMI8 sew Novel, by Ohrlntlan Held, "A (J ii et)on of Honor,!' u entitled to rank among tne oeecoi n.riate wore., rue plot i, a. la usual t-i her etorlet, powerful and absorb ing In interest;. : . i nil .wry ui oiur-n nosaiTauu powor, wuicu will more than sustain the high repaiatlon the writer has so lustlv won. 9 - : . . 1 . ' , 1 I A large lot Just received bv expreei and for sue at Helnsberger'a Live Book and Jdoslo Htore. ang 10 Eemember . ona n: Partly-Made Shirts : AB ... CASH ON DELIVERY! Profit, are too small to charge them. Only a small balance of Summer, Stook On hand, which we offer at very low prices. MUiNSON & CO., t CITY CLOTHIERS. ang - IN HTOKR AND AKKIVINQ I1Y BVKRY Steamer a full .apply and large assortment ot..,,. -; , ... Malls, Locks, ' , ' Hinges, Screws, Window Fastenings, ' i Blind Hinges, i ", and Fastenings, Well Backet, ' Fixtures, Pomp., and .11 kinds A Hardwire nuil .mnni a hnm. or let, all lor sale low by augy A MUHCHISON. IMPOllTANT TO LAWYERS and MEEdlAKTS, WOST PUBLISHED. , TEOWS' LEGAL D1UECT0KY 1 and LAWYERS' RECORD of th UNITED STATB& ' H H. I'ttlil-r. DtlflAN, ' ' '; ' rOenasellor-at-Law, President of the United 8 tales Law AsMolatlon " This work will he sent to any part of th nniiea nio, oj mail, on receipt oi tfl. Bend ror circular. JOHN F-TBOW, PtTBLinnxn, 13 Uuivernlty riaoe, BAKRB,;MOttUHIES & UO..M Namau Bt. MEW ADVERTISEMENT!. STONE JUGS AflO JARS! CHA3. D. MIERS & CO. ' 6 and 7 N. Front St BUgS t VXBTBODT say we heat th cHy on Bottled Lager Bier ! Conoeded by an to be A. FACT. UGUT, DXLIOATC ANU JtSA8ANT FOK LADIES AND INVALIDS I - II Cannot b juaii Don't use any other kind bat OCK4 " We ouiyuk a small advauo ou New lotk price, ami otlerltat ' 1 81. 75 Per Dozen! , A small lot or old ?'Amontilade Sherry," Q." ,, - w wa. saitu ' .vflil Uldttll" BfHUtlB. Our i wo itopiilar brwiOa of Whl-.y, BLU13 JUiSS OEM, Atf) and S per gallon, ahead of ail ntUer brands in the ntate. If you have n t alreaily, don l tall tonend for sample of the celebrated Process Empire Flour ! AD BEST BUTTER iitus WUHU)I Something New. A Splendsd Opportunity ror Kecacomy t Imported Pickles, Theordliury (ty wn(s j,r, that we are now uruniji on unrijf oeuu. ; VIM MJ j GEORGE MYERS. it A 13 SOUTH FRONT bT . . ngs SOL. BEAK & BRO'S, 5.0 3Iarkct Street. CLOSING OUT THE ENTIRE STOCK OF AT OUR RKTAIL, BTOHE I ,. . Oreat Bargains ! l'i-4 LINEN 8HKBTIMG from 70 ots. and 1 It per yard. , MoiaublquraT ets. per yard, I 8WISH UUtUM8, (00 Down Lln.n Towels and Napkins, ' Irish and tie-man Linen hhlrtlngs, ' Oambrle Uudkerchier., MATTINGS, White and Colored. SO Piece. LINEN lor Ladles' Tiavollng1 DieasMand Boys' wear. Large assortment of Panama and Straw list for Children and Men. W will commeno on Monday to sell the aOov and will continue dally until th whole stock is olosed out. . , ; , KT Ladle are lespei tfnlly invited to rail and exumlne oar slock, s. we know It will re pay them. Ia fntore we inten t to confine onr basinet. to Olothlng and Merchant t ailoring, niayH m tf BE1HEL A-OAJDEM-ST, . Facqitiib Co , Va., Prepares for Cmverl.y or Bnsiness. Fo boardaiidlui-A Q tlon, Per bal session. Muii-JO OVJualfe SJ.B siu extras. ... EXTH A0T8 FHOM TESTIMONIAL" : " I niort hertllv commend Bkthkl Aiiai. t t the favor and patronage oi the puulU." wn. a-. riTtK.i, . Prof, of Latla, University of Va. " t would be willing to conflde my own son to Mr. tnilth'soare, and hence I recommend tbe school to other parents," T. H. 8MITH. Prol. Nat oral Philosophy, University ot Va. " I teel warranted, from experience, In re commending It." JOHN B. MINOR. Proressor of Law, Unlversltvor V. "One or the bestlnetltn tons of Its class In h State. H. U. UAKKI8, Professor of Greek, Richmond College. ' I know of no Institution of Ilk grade sune- flor to Bethel Academy." Bay, d. O. BLAOKWKLL, A. M., l)D.. i.ynchbaig, Va. 11 Uneqoalled, In my opinion, by any Institu tion In the South." OKN. U. W. PltCLO, i Atlanta, ia. " Best and cheapest preparatory reboot In the Bute. OHAKlES MASON, King George county, Va1 " Id my opinion, (he cheapest and beet In tbe BUte." OOL. t. O. CKAWn )kO, Angusta oonn'y, Va. "The ebeapsst Seminary, and as good as the best, In the United State" ADAM EMPIK, J. A. ENOKLHAKD, . Wilmington, North Carolina. For Catalogue, address Wn. W. Smith, A. M. SeBlor Principal, 2wd Stw Bacon, Pork, Flour, Bagging, Ties, Etc. v Boxes Smoked Rides and Shoulder., JW Boxes 0.8. Side. US Barrels Mess fork, (WO Barrels Floor ail grades, i IdO Boll. Bagging, j 10 Ton. Pteoed Ties, . too Barrel. Medned Sugar, .- 1M Bags Prime Bio Outlee, PoO Hales K. and N. K. Hav.l s,lW0 Bathels Prim While and Mixed Corn. - InO HhdsandBbteNowCropCubaMo- 100 Seeks Lisbon Salt, 3M Seoond-Hand Spirit Casks, ' W Bmuilrs Hoop Iron, TS Barrel. Olue, Sort Bags Shot, ' US I Kegs - ails, loo Boxes aad Half Boxo. Candles, TS tiroes Matches, 60 Boxes Candy, IA Boxes Hoda, TS BoxtsHoap, '--- Cases PoUwh, - " 60 Osees Oyster., . X Barrels Snuff, IOlTonsKnrekaOu.no; 'too TonjOuen.peOuauo, ' ' For sal. low by t , . WILLIAltlii MunCIIISON. angt ,,, , , NEW ADVESTISX2IZSTS BAGGING A1TD TIES. . GOO Bala. Bagging, BO Tons Ties, For sal by EEBCBNKB A OALDBR BROS. SUGAR HOUSE MOLASSES. KM Barrel I. H. Molassas, - tSBhosS.H.Vola.s, For sal by KEBOHSEB A OAXiDEB BROS. sweet cubTi.:olasses 0 Hhd Sweet Cab Molasses, For sal by : KEBCBNEB A OALDKR BROS. BACON, BACON, BACON. SO Boxes D. 8. Bide, S Boxes Smoked Sides, 28 Boxo Smoked sod O. tf. 8 boulders, For Ml. by KER0IINSROALDER BROS. Ladies' Belts! Ladle.' Satchels, Ladle.1 Tr.ak. . Oent Trunks, Gents' Traveling Bag I Shawl Strap, Eto., At the Saddlery Stars of Carpenter Mallard, No. I South I sokt HTaaar, Julyai Wilmington, N. O TRUE EC0NtfSYT For MouMkepri la W buy tbtr grgorWi iiu smi kuoir FAMILY SUPPLIES From ns. We have tbe freshest and best good la the largest variety. We soil them at Itwest CASH PRICEMt ; And send th.m out to any part of tb.clty, . wrruour extAa chauqe i ... Clioloe Sweet Table Butter, IS oenta Best la tli city, 4t ennts The only always reliable flour I our brand - ' - FAVORITE-' . It makes new friends dall. and whan .a fairly tried, I. never given up. CHOICE SMAIJ.PIOUAMH ; . CHOICE N. 0. HAMS i IIKKAKFAST STRIPS, PIO POKK.. CIUS. D. MYERS & CO., ' 5 and7N. Fronts?, , augg W mJTLV" "" " to rout moderate torm."inidr'ei ." " "1 i A. P., Jouaa At, Ov'ioa. aug 8 It . v.-. Commissioner's Sale. ON Hatnrday, th 18th day of August, Inst,, at 11 o'clock a. m.. at Kxobanoe Corner in pursuance of an order of the 8 u per lor Court ef jsew nanovsr, I will sen K) me mguen oimiw that valuable residenoe eu Prineeas sueet, be tween Front and Second streets, at present oc cupied by Dr. S. H. Everett, and known as th. H. Baxter lot fronts OB Princes. 48 fee. 6 Indies: fi feet wul on the rear end, and W feet deep. Also lot on siaraetsireei, lying oeiween isi. James' C'hurrh narsonam and Or. Thomas' nsidence, and at prnseut oecopled bv Dr. Thomas a. a doctor, office I! leet I rent by 100 feet deep. Term., one-third cash, one-third la one year, and one-third iu tour y.arsl DuBttuTZ OUTLAR, Commlseloner. aug 8-15 JH7 9 ai a a Something New I CCMK and see, but b. prepared for a ur. J prise. All are astonished, and wonder how lean sell Clothing So Cheap. Greatrush Satnrday. Don't delay to com If you need anything in th QLOThINO line tor summer wear, a my ENORMOUS STOCK Will soon b. exhausted at the preeent rats, A. David. Bug 8 . " H A VINO MAt'K AKBANO EMKNTS, I am prepared to uina and iie-niua Books, Music, Eta, In any styl desired at very low price.. My .took of . STATIONERY, BuANE BOOKS I . UHOOL BOOKS I I. now complete, and wilt be soldatrloee lowrr than ever bofore oflered In this market. ay-Country merchant will uo well to call and examine my stock and prices. C. W. YATES. aug 8 For Rent, From tbe first or October next, all the rooms in the building known as the Seaman's Home also those in tue Bethel, with the exoeptlou o the rlrst Door., with all the furniture belonging then to The Home ha a large tank, which furnl-hossuffloisnt water for the kitchen, and waiff-closete, with pipes leading to eah story. The building hi new and In good condition, and amply large to aooommouate all seamen that come to this port. Also, tbe large and commodious store on th northeast corner of th Home. For particulars, apply to B. F. MITCHELL,) B.O WORTH, Committee. K. K.HKIOK, 1 H.B. E1LER8, ang 8 tf HARNESS. s Carriage and Wagon Making ESTABLISHMENT, I have added th services ot a Srrt-siass Harness Maker AD T R IMME R and:takeplMasnrelnnutlfTlng th nubile that mo., ui.it ia win rsneive imnieaiaie attention. Charges low and satlslnotlnn guaranteed I , aug.8-lW ... ,.- , P. 6. HA i DENJ (C tfl (9fl FKRDx. Agent wanted. All tDj iu olassee of working neoule of both twips, yuyng and old, make more money at work fiir u, In their own localities during their spare momenta, or all the time, than at any tuing eue. we oner employment that will pay handsomely lor Svorv honr' work. Full partlcdlars, terms. &o.. sent free. Bend o. vour addreM at onoe. Doe t delay. Now Is the time, !on't look for work or business elsewhere, nntll you have learned What w otter. O.aTiMSOa A Co., Portland, Mtlna. StayS . Ust-dOswU HISCELLA5E0U3 Valuable Heal Estate For Sale! M. CRONLY, Auctioneer. BT CRONLT A MORRIS. Mortgage Oalo. By vtrln. of diver mortgage from Thoma. B. cair and wlf., th Meebaulua' Building aad Lean Aawclatlon will asll fur cash, by Bublie auetlon, at Exchange corn.r. In the oU of Wilmington, en rrtday.iaeTiiBuay or a.guK. 1.1 B, at 1 1 o'clock ., the followuig dtaoiib.d Keal (state, situated In said city, .ub.l.ot o a Br.t mortgag. of S,SOo, and all Interest that may be due therena, via: Bealnnlea iu the Eastern tin of Reoond strset, TS feet Southwardly from Iu lnter.ee- ttea wiia tns iwumern line or Market Hreet, and running tbeno Houthwaritiy with said line ef Second street ST feet, tbeno Eastward- ly parallel with Market street 10 leet, thence northwardly parallel wuo second itr..i n Net, and th.no Westwardly parall.1 with market street to the beginning, (ogeOier with the three etoree and balldlng. thereon. Tsrius aooemmodatlng mad knowa at salot aug ev'Uay I d of CROQUET SETS! CROQUET SETS I Largs lot Just rsosJved and for sal. at lower prlees than th.y wer veroRred bfur. Call and at for yourseWee, D. A. SMITH & CO. aug I Sugar House Molasses. - tJO Barrels 8. H. Molasses, . For al by KEKU1INMB A 04LDEB II BOS. FLOUR, COFfTTaND SUGAR I 1,0(0 Barrel. Flour, 109 Bag. UonVo, N Barrel. Kenned Sugar, SO Hhd Uom Sugar, Foraal.by .- HCUMiK a oaLdxu n$br SPIRIT CASKsTTp.RIT CASKS! rt 300 Spirit Cask.. ; . . , For .at. by . . . . ' , KKltCHNEB AOALDEKHBOH. TOBACCO SMUFF OYSTERS AND PICKLES. too Boxes Tobacco, t 10X Barrel gnu IT, IWOascOvrtei,1 i ; 100 Case Pickles, Fat sal by EEUUHMEBA OALDKR BROS. aagnst i Knabt Kvesks rtlQClU Plane elrcutate not onlvln Am.rl- X oa, Canada and South America, but also n Europe; their fame having been carried there by Ui great pianists wbo have visited tb.1 country Wherever they have ben exhibited tliey have Invariably carried away the gold mrd over all ooaipetltor. Th. Srst Kuropaaa and resident pianists hava thoroughly tried ad tested their various sty lea of lustrum.uU, and hsv voluntarily aooonled th.m their unquali fied approbation, and hav given to the firm the mart vrlu.bl ertlSoteof tbclr opinion For sal at nEINSBERQER'S Live Book and Musio Store. aug tO-MORROW W thalt oommsnc ths delivery of AVaiuiutta Shirts ! To thos whe hav ordered. A our supply per week b) limited to twelve dosen, parlies who desireth CHEAPEST & BEST SHIRT In th United States, had bast last thlf or ders a. onoe. ... i - 6 For 87.60. - Cash. . BOLE AGENTS, MUNSON & CO., an CLOTHIERS. aug Quarantine Jifotice JJNTIL F0KTHEB NOTICE ALL VES seu from Port South of Csp Fear will oometo at the Visiting Station, near Deep Water Point, and await the Inspection of tad Quar. antln FbyslcUn. : . All Teasel from Port a hera Tallow Fever, or othr Infection due exists, will b re qnlred to andergo e rigid and prolonged Quar antine. ' ! AU vessels or boat of any character having sickness on board oa arrival, or baring had sickness any tlm dating th voyage, ar re quired to oometo the Station for Inspectloa without regard to the Port trom wbeno they oome. Vessel not Included as above will pro ceed without detention. ' Pilot are especially enjoined to make oare u enquiry relative to vewaui, crew, fto., and If not mtlrfled with th statements of th Cap tain or commander, or If th vessel to In a filthy condition, they will bring th vessel to the Station for further examination. Pilot wilfully violating tha Qoarantlns Laws ar subject to a forfeiture ot their branch) Masters of vaawl to a fin of two hundred dol lar a day for gvsry day they violate tha Qnar antln. Laws: and all other psrsons ar liable for each and every ofi'enoe. . AU vessels subject to visitation under above regulations, will sat a nag in uiomain-rlgglng, poft-siuo. V. W. POTTER, Quarantine 1'hy.iolan, Port of Wilmington, N. . Imlthvll, N. 0., MayI, ISIS, may 8 128 tllnovl nOSQUITO NETS ! .. . ?r ' ' ' A larg stock en hand and For aale , ?VERY iLOW. : , , D. A. SMITH ft CO. uly SO For Smithvillo! gTEAMEB'OI3llf: wlllruu regularly every dsy except Haaday,' i V ' ' . ' L avlng Wilmington 4PM Smitbvlll TAM Commutation tickets may be puroliased at unl nllln. I ... aQ.FAK!,LEX0O. kiw ADranssnais. THERUOIIBTER 45 MARKET SfliEET, At both warm uai twUj satisfied with the trada thej bars done for tha iiast season, but are still desirous to close out a (ew small lots preTious to tak ing account of stook, and have marked them at suoh prioes as cannot fail to sooure thoir immediate sale. . . A DISCOUNT of 25 Per Cent ' I ' i - ' Will be girea oil all remnants of Dress Goods. . GENTS' WHITE DRESS SHIRTS HADE TO ORDER JPit Ghuaranteed ! A full Una always on hand ; also, ' i I Cuffs, Collars, Undorwoar, Etc. Agents for Frank Leslie's out ' ' Machine ISTeodles, 5 Cents JSach. ' ,- , . . ..it..: ... . Terms, Gash Only i BROWH A: TlftBDTmr dTTnrW Rfrf. JlllVVh mimirmmrrmm .v WHttuvs MVS WW JUST." OPENED! , ..... s . ANOTIIEB Black Silk ChaUys, BLACK CASHMERES, CREPES, &C, BUMMER STOCK CLOSED OUT lower Than Ever ! I...-, . . :?;;,T i. . - 11 1 U3. U. K ATS : . No. 36 MARKET STREET, Inly IS MISCELLANEOUS. TO HOLDERS CITY coupons. , , V. 777 j " ,' ' OtofTrcasiircr ami Collector, CITY OF WILMINGTON. N. 0., I Jane 29th, 1878. ) NOII0B I hrby flven that TEl' JVLT COUPONS 18T8 (of Bond or UiU Oity) can. not b promptlj'vald. , ; In eouseqicnoe of oertala ebange inder a recent decision of tha Sapreme Ooart ofthU s as to ths manar of as eisment of th 1 ant Prsaal Property la this cttyj and thereby th City Tai Books not yat having bean placed in possession of th undersigned for oollMtUmi togeUur with othr complloa Ions In rga rd to aur Municipal affairs, now peodlny befor. th. gopr.m Ooart of Worth Carolina, thsotty of WUntlniftoa must nos- sarily crav soma tudalgenoa from tha holders of Oity Oonpona.ander sxlstlng olroumitanoes. T. Q BEBVOSS, , City Trsasnrer. 16ft-tf. jnneM Price Uo On a New Lot of , " Eastern Hay Joirt Stored, J Fork and Beans; goap and Syrup, Meal and Molassws, Oraelrer. ano uow wu, . Klm-Orov. Kamlly flour, U.K. Warrants CRANT& HINTON, ; commission Merchant and Grocers. v JulyI-dwW . .v . ' ' YATES' BOOK STORE- Blank Books, ; ;! Blank Books I Vail asmrtm.nt alwav on hand, and will be sum (or lese nan ever ittiom oneiea. Complete stock of v "SOHOOI. 33001X3 Always on hand, which will be sold for less tnaa publlanerr prtoes. ' C. Ws YATEIi Market Street. angt ..; 105 IN TAB SHADE! ... i n One Price. i i . ,-i' .. i LOT OF ' " " 1 Black Grenadines, ,1 ; V; Turnip teed ! ' 4- : ' Turn 3 t ' itt'!,r'Wt3ropl878.::i Orewn by UndreOj a) Bdlst, PhUadeiohla. Also a Urn aewctaaaat at Uabbaaa ItMd. for sale by nxaiLsVNHia. July! loA BEST COOS DGOXS I -fj , i " k Cvaar hone keeper aboaM p Jet least one of th rollewlnv celebrated Cook Books, a. they would save the prio ef It In a week's """SR. .... .., f .,.;.,, ' Queen of th Kitchen j 100T Old Maryland Be- elpts. 1 74 Mis Leslie's Xew Beoelpt for Oooklnf ....1 TS sirs. Hal.'s NewOook Beek. ....! T8 Tii Yeuns- Wife'. Oeok Book. k 1 TS Mis tjflltPi Mew Oookerv Beok. 1 TS Mrs, OoodTellow' Oookerv a It Sheald Bel TB The National Cook Book.. By Hannah M. Bonvier...! 1 TS Peterson ' Mew Cook Book...,..,, ........I TS Wkidlfleld'a New Cook Book... ....... .....1 TB Mrs. Hels'iHeoelpts forth Million. 1 Tfl .;,:,.,; i; toasAiJiA. Yi-A , . ; EtorauBwii's JulytT tf .. Llv Book and Mum Store. Tho Dawson Bank TIT ORDER 07 TUB BOABD OP DISIO tors, the Books of Babsorlpttoa to tha Capita sunn in mis uaua wiu oe vpen.a lasur.uausr ln( room on Thursday, tha 131 Instant, at 10 O'etoca AM,t aaa remain open unui innaar oordered. '''' Wk. LAEKINS, Oasbub IIUMKOB fICODS AtMnson & nannin?.' - esakefc-aawssa' . sjT900OO Aaaata RapraewaitMU .. FIRM. 1 ' ns. 1 0, of Korth Amertov.... Phlladelnhla. 1 Phenlclnsursinoe Company. .New otk. Oontlnental Ineurano Oo. . . . . .w totk, N. British A Mercantile Ine.CcJmilon. Bartford Fire Ins. Oompany...harUord. National Fire In. Ooirm an v .. . " Uord. Springfield P. A M. li.. Oo,..aaMhatlJL - v (is.nai '' Meroanttl Mntnal ins. (Jo New York. Ins. Oo of Korth Amerloa. . ,. . fbiiadiilpnla. -.-i -v 1 tif.tr- fi ! ; Ootin.fltlout Mutual i.LLTs.Co. Urttlord. fabfl ).,,.': -rf o-ti E?ciASC5ceAsr ' ' Of BIOHMOND. TfBOIKlA. CstpltsUl.,tMx .-SWiS a.T.BToaBe.Presldl, I.B.KoB,aeet JHS wiixraA"" "i Ho. i North Water ItT-avUU i . ; .. 'n .i AT- ,i ,-. : . it i i i.i i i'i ' -,, i i; t;-'."Vi i ' ..'-i.v lJ)ditwir

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