I ft! ; 'JJ I ! f I I I 1 f I ill ll j V7II01S 110- C.055 VOL XHV..1I0. 193. WIUiniGTOlI. H. C. THURSDAY. AUGUST 12. 1875. t'l'l jj ,A til '''"t'laillprpll WILMINGTON. N. a: THUR8PAY. AUGUST 12. 1875 BY TELEGRAPH. ' ELECTR1C1SMS, ' A St. Louis dispatch savs John A Joyce, late revmme agent, has abeoon ded with 150.QOO. . . . , ' ffhe Guieinaati Gasetfa has letter from one hundred aud forty oouutiwf . , . wka tl.A MAA.,t A.til Mjnu:! '.Tllf " ' prospects are much betk-r than was. expected. ---- " - Gerdeman lectured to 450 people in (t&e M&sonis Tempio at. Uultimora JS Wdav. . . . - A ditrpatoh' from Frankfort, Ky., says MoUf tn i xnaiority is nearly 87, (XX), with twenty-four counties to hear; from. V J The work of oonstrnotioa oo tht. Texas and Paoifio Railroad baa been suspended until the 1st ofJSoptember. THE BLACK' HILLS. :'-. ' J ' THE, JltNINQ REGIONS. . j , Chwisnb, Anpwt U.-k-Oen. Cook ' and Gil. BUutoa hay returned from! " ' the Black Hil.B. The miners are pre paring to leave the country. The tuonntains are full af Quarts.. Capital and skilled labor will develop tumor t i eq ft&l to thow of Colorado and Neva- do. There were 1,600 miners in the bills who had done much preliminary work. n " 1 ' V '.- C0L0HAD0. S .XU RAILROAD ACCIDENT. . . Dbnvir. Autmst 11 An sooidontoo- , ,!r ottrtedbn theI)euvor wi(l South Park l,!ll-t Kaflroad." Jsmoa Bmitb, telegraplij ' repairer,, .was killed; also, lira. Jane tLane aud .daughter' were fatally Injured. Numbers severely hurt. f EUBOFfij THE TROUBLES BETWEEN TUB KEY AND PRUSSIA. LoNDOir, August 11. A telemm to the Times from Constantinople says 2.000 Turkish troops left for Hers C yioa rlat Klelu The Post publishes se rious troubles between Russian and Prussia frontier gurd.r, The affair ( 1 ptovvlied the ltrissianS, who trespassed on uerman territory. Sahauioo, August 11. The Rua sel City Panamii report that the Rev , jQoloiioniiU t tempted Idaaok Ban Bias. Ther wars defeated, and flad. ( Viil ' OoltOTiirnNOPLB, August U. The Governor of Basuu has issued orders to send all available troops In that, ' . province td oroteot it from insurgents. .Twobatallions have been sent from this oity. Others will follow. .l.f'UH NEW YORK, PEATH O? EX-QOTERNOR WIL- : ' REPUBLICAN ' STATE CONVEN SARAToaVAuffUBt 11 Ex-doTern 6r William 'A. Graham, of North Caro lina, died of organic disease of - the heart at Oouirresa Hall this morning; be .... ... oubm here about three weeks inoe and had been confined to his loom for; four days. , . . . ... i , i i r J. kU tbiL Aug. li4Tbe Bepubli , 1 Ma BUte Convention meets at Saia toca Sect 8. v - jndge Westbrook desired ' a motion In retrieve from notioe his rtenders in , . , , i the T4t os property palmed ty ,,llklI5delstein, a former law partner of Wm. Tweed, J''-"-'.-;if'11 -' Dion liAooeioault was arrested as he ffli leaving nfof ) Europe on i snit " . '' ' , bcoogfat by Robert Mo Wade for libel ,jJaU-was-lurrashed and Uanoeicauit proceed ed. r 01110. ,VJ- till THE GRAIN CROP AO. ,' . . I 1 ' ClNortfiATi,' August 1 1. "Wheat and! , oats have, suffered, of former two! thirds can be saved: of latter loss than! . i Jiall will, be saved.' Cora -w.il be over - averaire vield. and potatoes will yield! "i lflrffelr. and hay will not full short inl 1 ""quantity but in quality is not so good.iSoyTHK8, shovels, bpadkb,' New Advertisements,. Ka It" PBAN6E3 ' i ? ,HI Hlljl . 'iffV Aim i if i itr vi 'H"itt' r AilO .V, LEMONS ! tJSfX, Boxes Choice Fruit I Small Sagaf-Ourtd Fig Hams I H'vMtx Briai tholeeBagar-Cuted OanTaied Ham I Nil t . . v OboloST'iUiBrea)ifart8Ulri! i'a?p,BmnrjholosOnts8mokei Beaf , 1 "" ''UrifeMa Bmolted Beef Tongnea. . , ' GHAS D. MYERS & CO., .r.V .loo iivv.g ajro- 7 ; Feort St aag li ' . t ; nii(lTTurdy)a 11 o'clock a.ei., wel , , -will mil In irontof our Kale Ko.mii ( la.Ue llf , i,i,i, aa)tber a anfaverablen aeder tnaneetiua ol be agent of the Underarrlttr, for account,! wi waoa n may concern, j . , 17?BAC8, 384 BUSHELS CORM ' Slightly damaged, In lot to ult pnrchaaer. Cronlt A Mobeis, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Commissioner's Sale. ON Patuntay, the th d of Angut. Int.. at II o'eli ck. ra., at Kxchaiig Ooraet u a:Me8ceor anir.ier di mo.iuwiir a u. Sew Hanover, I will ell to the hlghert biddet 'ht raiuable reaalence on Prinrm err., be iMn VrHt aud tteuowt .treats, at iwnt - eapud by )r. H Prertilt, and known a tic . tJ'OW.r 14 iroma on i-iuitow o im w ... co ru am Him m.r anil. Aiut ft1' I Wt l)ei. " I Aianlotan Markfl utrMt. tlg btwi Ht UmV Cbarrh pron(r int lr. Ttiomv-'t r. wJajirft, and at pn( oncoi.i b J)r rbvnH a uoiiotp inn rwt dMD. Tr r l. oii-ih'M luuli. 0 third Ion ypur, and oua third tn lour Tear I Commualonar. ang fL-W 2JSTHS an l a Turnip Seed !" r Turn 1 1.' - j , Kew Crop 1875. ' Omwn kr tjmrtth u't, HMiaiteipbla, A'.M) a larn aaaurtjant of Oatl2 od, ForaiuitbT ' ORKRNA f-LANKH. Jul t " ' ' ' 166 Just as We Expected ! The aitramsly low irtce at wblnhxar If Partly Made" Wamsutta Shirts ; ArseriVrtil, ' ; O For 87.60 Cash, In oommandtnt tbe attention of the (abllo. . ... . . , , No Shirt br Belter" Material is Made ! WUtle tbe pilnaUahoat , ' Le.rfi jour order with lljueulj agantt, ivtuisrsoisr & coJ . CITY CLOTHIERS. tug 12 .. G-RAJSiy-f.' .01 Ua hoard the large and lino ooaaa BUamatilp RALEIGhH Of the Baltimore and Wilmington Ine, to smiuiTUie.uie uiaca Finn tirou..a, anu rrj ing ran Htioan, win D giren ou weuueauaj, AttgurtlHtS.bJ tb ' 1 Wilmington , Light Infantry 1 " thi 8Uamablp fealelgh oflerlng mi per lor ad-l Taotaaei ana an.ur paea aocom uiouauom. ami bean tpeolally eecured lor the eoiiaaion. r 1 Hueoial aeoommodatloni lor dancer.' Ar rangtiinaota made loa-tae Bfcaaure of all. Tbe Oeeuaiittee reeerve (he rigut to eiolude all Ob Jecuonable parson. lee cream, lemoaad nd oaaeonooaxa aa euy priea. eiurimuu. uquir auowaa. Tlcketa for round trio for leutleaien, SI; la- die, 64) cent ; children from ten to flrteen year 01 age, M oeaU ; erTant aooompanjlng laminei, so eenu TicktUVo b bad at tbe Urns Stores, Book Store and of tbe undernlgned Ckmmlttee: M. P, TAYLOR, ' DB. O. O. THOMAS, WAl.TKtt UUMKT. K. W.AWt'RKWS, WlSiL. i - r.H.UAKUr. ' ang l-tbaraD and toe THE ATTENTION Of Builder and other I called to tar large and well eeleoted slock of Doorsj SaBh and Blind. I . Which we now offer at. reduced prleea. Odd niie furnlnhed where deelred. Order BUed tor HAILS, NKWELS, etc All the abev food aptd at laclarr yrieew. - .m . , -: Nathaniel Jacobl, Pantware UsbpV, !'"? -t I - ' V. ; nf , Paints, Oils and Class. VarnUee, ete. Reduoad price, at ' Nathaniel Jacobl, HAJ1UW4HK DKPOT, :.( r ; ; ; i No. I tlaj ket gtrea. RIMSMtlBS AND 8PORIII 1 1 Axle, Springe, Ooaoli Trimming, etc. .' Lowoat price. Natn'i uaooDi's , ; HARDWARE DEPOTS Fish Hooks and Lines, ll A JPlTOHrOBKJl,RAICKJ Ktc ST Hardware of every deicrlpUon at reduced NATHANIEL JAGOBI,; ...,.i HARDWARE DEPOT, , TNO. O MARHET ST. laag.u 44 n - - ' S ' i A.LANOK OK LI M M ft Cl.O t JtlhO JJ closed out at 10 per oent. ; - BELOW COST! '.Irl ,v ilA .Jr'i ' " To make room for, Winter Stock. Call early aadleenre bargain. .'".'' i A.' DAVID. ang U IiAUOIaaaortmentef MlflSBS AND CniLDRKNH' MoROCOO AND Pkbbli Boots At lw flreM . ' v t t f : ri ' l1 t I i a'.L IraifiM. tJ 1 1 ang 13 Blgn of the Ooldnn Bo.it. lOO BBLS. PURE, C0PTE1T DISTILLED N, 0. CORN WHISKY I ; Forffttoby ' ' "ij Jons. T Cramer, Thomasville, N. C. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 3T0NE JUGS AND JARS ! CHAS. D. MYERS A CO. .. .5 and 7 N. Front BL Bottled Lager Bier ! IJQHT, DIU0ATB ANU f LXA8ANT JTOK LADIES AND INVALIDS! II VaviUMrt a Cqualeel I , ' ... t . . lton't ane aav other kind but "OITRH. w, jonly auk a aniall advance on New Voik price .im wvuer rt a. 81.78 Per Dozen! A email lot of old A . i.kt ' t est (i ainQnaiaae onerry, ImiNvrtoS la ilan. with k.mu aiM miihA iiuruou" nraiina. Our two popular brand of Wblnky, bluk csrass a ami! atfl ami M iKir callon. ahead of all i.th.i iiraiide In rb ttate. If you nave n t already, don't fall tow) ml rot ample of tbe celebrated rrilcrM KinnlrA Vlonr ' 1 ai m m. mv m m akd BEST BUTTER ikth WOK LI) I Something New. A SpUadnl Opportunity for Beoonomy t Imported Pickles, . ThentdinvyHitf wnt jr,tbat we are uo riihblug out at thirty oeut. end to , ,4 GEORGE MYERS. 11 ft 13 SOUTH FRONT 8T., wig I SOL. BEAR & BRO'S, 20 Market Street, CL0SINQ OUT THE ENTIRE STOCK - ,, 1 OF .. - DRVGOODN tl'.J7 AX oItb SctaUj btuhb r - Great Bargains I 1-4 LJNIN SHBRTIMQ from 19 otf. and' $1 11 per yard. . bfoiaaiblque T eta. per yard , swiaa kuiiuMs, ; 00 DoienUnen Towel and Kapklae, ' JrlahaiMl Qetaiaa Linen bhirtrng, u'l t ; 1 1 Oamkrlo Haidkerobleff, MATTINGS, White and Colored. - SO Fieoo LINBN lor Ladlea' Traveling Dieates and Boy' wear. targe awortrjMnt of Panama and Straw Haul for Children and Hen. , , i - We will eetnmeno a Honda to llthf above and will continue dally nuUl the whole (tookiteioMdoat. - t O-tadle are respectfully lnylteei to Call and examine m itock, a we know It will re pay them,, ,." '!'?.''. ' : -," In futute w Inten t to confine our butlnem to Oletblog and Merchant . allorlng, ' mayM m tf BE1HEL ACAnKMTj . !!..' FAvqmaaOo.,Ta., Prepare for TTniveivl or Rndnea ' Vol ktlon, ir b mion. aiui-vw 4W WW 'oalfee H.fil ' EXl'BACtSPUtM TKBTIMOMALBt " I mort beat tllv eotnmend Bstbu Acad m to ike fat or and patronage of the public' f ;v ' WM.StPP.TBBM. ..i t rof.of Latin, Unlveralt of Ta. " I would be wlllrn to oonflde mv own ann w jtr, nuiui wr., kiia nenoe I reeomraeui' Uta ocbeel to other parent," P. H. SMITH , rroi. natural raiioaopny, unirerttty of V. " I feel warranted, from eaparUDoa. lu re oommendtng It." , 1 uonn n. fllflirn. , -v i Profeawr of Law, Un lrer.lt j of Va. "One of the bt !nUtoilonof It olaaain he state. - h. h. habbis, . frofaMor of Greek, Richmond Ooliega. " I know of no limitation of like grade (une rtor to Bethel Academy." ,:j BlV. J. I). MLAOK WKIjL, A. M , DO.. ,i Lynchbtt'g, Va Unequalled, in my opinion, by any InMltu- tlon In the Boutb," uBM. O. W. PI ELIt, I Atlanta, 11. "" Beat and cheaper preparatory annuo! In iheBUU. , .. . ' CRAItl-K.S M ASOJS. i i aitifMeorireoomity, va- 4 In tng Splutoni tbe oueapeat arid lnt in the iiate." vuua. n.tuawiuHV, . :m mIj i.i' .. I-: Aagiuta county, Va. ' ' The cheapest Seminary, and a good a tbe heat, In the United Bute." ADAM KMFJE, f. A. KNUKLHAKO, - t , . , Wilmington, Nirh Carolina. For C'kUlogue, addreea ' 5, Wa. W. Smith, A, M. Senior Principal. 2wt ttw ',.... . tM STORE ANO AKBIVINO BV IVr.ttY 1 Steamer a full (apply ami large aatortment Of 1 , . ., ' ' ' Screw, Window Fattening, t Blind Hingo, . ! ' ,' - and Faatenlnge, r " ' i . i Well Bucket, ' ' riiturf. Pnmr and all kind Ol BaMware utd around houm hr lot, all lor tale low by angi uii'C.9 4u muniiniBur. IMPOR'PANT TO L4WYEBS and MERCHANTS. . , . UU8T PUBLISHBD. . ' o . TBOWS" LEGAL DIRECTORY i - ' and ' LAWYERS' HCCORD XTJCSXITE3D STATES By , .,r , H. llAHLfV:a UMtIAN,.- . . Counellor-at-Lw, Preeldent of the United State law Anootatlon . Thlawork will be wnt toanv part ''of the lUnltod Bute, by mall, on receipt of . Bend' tor oirouiar. JOHN F. TBOW, PrmLinnin, 13 Uulver.lt Flana. BAKBB 'NOtlBHlBS ft CO.. 60 Nawad St. NEW ADVERTISEMENT BAGGIlfG A1TD TIES. . una Bale Bagging, SOTomTI, ' releby . v IEBXHN BB 4 CALDIH BROS. SUGAR HOUSE MOLASSES MO Barrel a. K. Malanw, S9 Bhd B. H. Holaatee, . . ralby i r , KUtOHMBBa OAXDBB BROS. SWEET CUBA MOUSSES- . SO Hhoi Iwtet Caba Motaetei, For aal by 1 KKBCHNKR OALDBB BKOH. BACON, BACON, BACON. SO Bon D.8. Side, 28 Bote Smoked Bldtw, SB Bom Smoked and I. 8. Bbouldori, for (ale by KKHUHN t K A OA ID Kit BROS. Ladies' Belts ! Ladiee' Sate lie l. Ladle' Trunk. OenU'Tiunkt, tient' Travellug Bag I Ubawt Strap, Ktc , . At the Saddlery Store of Carpenter Mallard, Bo. S BotiTii raoT btbiit, JtVJT WUmUigton, N. (J TRUE ECONOMY. for UouMtkMoeri li to buf their xraoKtsli I I -II hk.-i w situ at ii Ma sir FAMILY SVPPIiIKS i from ua. W bar the rrcaheat and bet good In the argeat rarkty. i ; j weaeii uieni ai icwen ; . ; ' ': J - 1 i'ABII PttlCM! V ud end I li'ni out to any part of the ity, ; WITHOUT EXTRA cnAROE t Choice Mweet Table Batter. U oonti Beft In tueeity, 40 cento The only alway reliable Boar I our brand FAVORITE. . ft makM new friend dll. and when oncer I tairiy utea, u never given up. . - OUO10B SMALL riO af AH it i .. ohoiok n. o. Hams BRBAKBABT BTK1F8, Pld PUBK. CHAS. D. MYERS ft CO., 6 and 7 N. Fronts., ang t Oomothlng Uewj S1MB end see. bat be prepared for a lur j prb. Ail are aatnolaued. and wonder uti can Mil -: ; lethinjr So Cheap. Great ruth Saturday. Doat delay to com o ir yon need anything in tne vvjiuinu line tur dimmer wear, a my ' ENORMOUS STOCK Will won be axbanatod at the prawn t rate. A. David: augS ; .... : .... TJAVIMO MAUI AHKAHOKMBNT8, I A A. am vreparea.n) Din and ne-nmd v ' ' Books, Musio, Etc., rnanytttl doalred at very low price. My atoct or STATI0J1RRT, BlABK BOOKS I " -' SOitOOtBoOKB! Is bow eompleto, and will be told at prlot lower than ever before oflcfed tn thl market. VOounuy merobant will ud well to call aud examine my (took and prloea. C. W. YATES. VUgt . , :, - ' - For Rent, 9 from the Drat or uotober nt, all the room'! .... . . ..... V lin to building known the seaman' Home 8.ao thoae In tne B.tbel, with the exueptlon ilia urU noora, wiui aiiueinrnituie oeionginit iliereto The Home kaa a larire tank, wliiolii luraUheaaufllaientwatorfor the kitchen, and warcr-oloaeta, wlta pipe leading to eatn atury. The bulldiag leaew and te.ood oondltlon. ton empty large w acoommouaie air neauien that come to UK port. 1 - ' - Alao, the large and oommedloa itoro on the nortnaact ooriHir of ueneute. Pur particular, apply to 4 i " if B. r. MITOHRLL. i !.; B O. WORTH, I committee. K. K. HKIII., ) H.B. BILBR8, ' og HARNESS. ' to ar r: - Carriage and Wagon Making! j, . , K8TABLJSUMBMT, H , j , 1 hare added the wrvloe ol a Bnt-claM - ' Harness Maker i . . - r - TBIMM E indltak uleaaur In notlfvina the nnblio that! unr or i. re win receive immeauwe atiention chargn low and aatUf actio gaarantord I Ung. 8-lw P. H. UATDSMg . l . . ,,. ,. r. .. i Bacon, Pork, Flour, Bagging, Ties, Etc. Ff Boze Breoked Side end Shoulders, tJKJ BoxoD. H.Hkde, Barrel Man fork, . niiO Barrel. Plour all grade, 1 , , SUO Roll Baglng, ! V ... loo Totia Plece.1 Tie., HiO Barrel Hoflned Sugar, . : 1M) Bag Prime Bio Ovlle, MM Bale tt. and M. R. Hav I ' 11,000 Bnahela Prim White and Mlxeil Corn. .... 100 Bbd.andBllaNewCropCnhaMo- IBMWH, lno Sack Llubon Bait, 35-1 Second-Ilaud Bpirtt Caak. ... 00 Bundle Hoop Iron, 1 ' ts Barrel Olue. ., . j m Bag Shot, i " SSI Keg ail. . . , IU0 Box and Half Boxe Oanillei, TS OroHMaU-he, . . 4 1 '. SO Boxe Candy, . ( ' 14 Boxe Soda, . . ,18 Boxwgoap, . , 28 UaaeeroUwa, 00 Oaae Oyitor. ' . i ' W Barrel Bnufl', 1 10.1 Ton Rureka tiuano, ' too TonUuenap (iuauo, k' . ForinlV)BV WILLIAiriit nilUCUlNON, r MISCELLANEOUS Valuable Real Estate' For Sale ! Ma CRONLY. Auctioneer. BT CHONt.Y A MOB BIB. Mortgage Sale. Bf virtne of dUr mort frnm Thoinm- B. carr aad aite, the Merlikiuoji' Itmlding and lxn Aaewtatlun will aril tor rank, by puoll. tiiMloa, al Kni'tiaiigo cwiir, in tite eii in wiinaiuffifiii. tin ritiK. tni. Viin iiav in a uirnin. 110, at II o cluck i tlie Mliow.n: aMuttiri Kal ltata, alluateil In .id illy, iil.luut lu a nr. morlgage J."'' '" a'l uiierw inai maT be dae ttaarena. l: luglBiili g In the r-aatirn Una of Simin.i treat, 11 feet houtliwaidly Iroat Ita lnWtaeo U with the HouUiem line l Market atreet. and ruanln thence Smtlir.lly with aatit line of Peeoad itreet ST Ivei, thenoa k Ml ward If Berallel with Market Mieat Id leet, theutv rJortkwardlv narallel wit Heooiwl atreet S: r.el, and thanoo Weatwantly paiallvl with Market trert to the beginning, together with the tbree tra and building, tnervon. ti'rm aenommedatlng -made known at aale: ug T'.ly I d of CROQUET SETS! CROQUET SETS I Large lot Jon rnelrrd and tur aale at town prion taan thej were ever offered before. Call and for yourele. D. A. SMITH &Ca ug( Sugar House Molasses. K Barrel! 8. H. M iilaMu, IJ -.1. k. BI RBRUIINKH A CALKKB BUOJ. FLOUR, COFfIeTnO SUGAR! 100 Barrel Plour, HO Bag Uod'ce, M Barrel ReSued Bugar, , fiOllhdfllria Sugar, per Ml by gERCHNKIl AGALOCU BKOC. SPIRIT CASKS, SPIRIT CASKS! 900 Bplrlttlaak, 1 - Poraal by ; KRBOUHEH A OALDKR BROS. TOBACCO SNUFF OYSTERS AND PICKLES. 100 Bote Tobacco, 10 Barrel BautT, 1M 0aM.0yteii, : too Caw Pickle, Fa sale by 1 KP.ROHNBB 4 OALDEB BROS. august 4 Knabe Pianos. "nllCIR Piano alrenlate not only tn Amerl- A ea, Canada and Bouts America, but aUo a Barope; their fame having beea carried there by the great planl.U wbo bare vlaltoi thleeoantry wberover thy bars bltn exhibited they hav Invariably carried away the gold mtdn iiver all competitor. The Ar$ European anil retideat planlat Save thoroughly tried nil touted tbelrvarloutatyle of Instrument, and have voleotarlly accorded them their uuquaU tied approbatiou, and hare given to the flrm th mot vrluabl oertlflcleof their opinion Pot eats at HEINSBERGER'S Live Book and Musio Store. aug 4 ' TO-MORROW W hal commence the delivery of . WamBatta Shirts ! To the wb have ordered. t A onr iiipplr per week la limited to twilvea jnoMa, parue who aenir tne CHEAPEST & BEST SHIRT In tbe United Btote. had beat leave theli or iler a, once. 6 For 87.50, Cash. 1 !-l ' : BOLE AOKNTS, CITY CLOTHIERS. aug Quarantine Notice. U NTH. FURTHER JiOTIOB ALL VK8 ml from Port. Souta of Cape Fear wl 11 oom t at the Vatltlng Station, near lep Water Point, and await the inapectton of tBS Quar-J aStlae nydciin. All yaeteli from Porta whore Yellow Payer, or other Infection difeiue exlvta, will bo re paired to andergo a rigid aud prolonged Quar- All Teanl or bntt of any character havlngl slokuem on board 0 arrival) o having hiul alckaea any time during the voyage, are ro- inired to oom to the Station tor kipectlun without regard to th Port liom wheaoe the) oom. ' Veel not Included a above will pro- coed Vtithaat dvtentkra. ... Pilot ar eipeolally enjoined to make care- ul enquiry relative to vejl, crew, dee., and If nqt tlftrd with the (tatemOatoof the Cap tain or commander, or If the veael It In 1. nithy condition, they will bring the veaael to the Station for further examination. Pilot wilfully violating the Quarantine Law are tubjeet to a forfeiture of their branch , M after of tI to a flu of two hundred dol lar a day for every day thev violate the Quarantine Law; and all oilier pertoni arc naDia tor eaou ana Tory eneuce. All vwaael rabject te vtiltatkm under ahitwo regulation, win Ml a nag ui th mala rigging, F. W. POTTKB, Quarantine I'byalcian. - Port of Wilmington, N. . Smltbvlle, M. 0., May II, lin.. mar g ' 12 tllnort For Gmithvillel QTBAMKB 'DIXIE" will run regularly wrery day except Sunday, L.aviag wiiimingTon. 4 fin smiuTiue.... ia Oom mntat loo ticket y be pur,'Uod at Kiur omee. - 0.0 , F00 Julylj ..! ; v ......... CA1LJLD6S FEMALE COLLEGE. CAMBRllXJE, Mo. . Chartered 1S5S. ' Ua Mt.M.irnv th riftimhrjiraAr the Ka.rern ahnr f 1 M inland and Vlriflnla. New buildingi. ii-ont ti.ing 'e Btudj-r'alU, Lecture amis i:iu-knnmi limi flnlabed. tloura ot luatrne I itlon thorough in every aenae. For circulars 1 addreMj.f.BAttiBBU.IA.M. Principal, NEW ADVESTISM25 TS. THEMOnETER 45 Are both warm .ml full latibfltnl with the trade thev have done for the tiatit ason, lut are stilt dmurotts to close out a few small lots previous to tak ing aooount of hturk. and Lava marked them at saou crioes at cannot fail to ffiaeeurv their itnutediata Bale. . A DISCOUNT 'of 25 Per Cent Will be giren off all r6nihants of Dress Goods. GEHTS WHITE DRESS SHIRTS K - HADE. TO 0BDER Iit Gviaianteed A full lino alivnjg on hnnd ; sImo, . Cuffs, Collars, Underwear. Etc. Agents for Frank Leslies on! ' ' " Machino Needles, 5 Cents ICach. Terms, Cash Only One Price. , BROWN & RODDICK. 45 Market Street. JUST 7 OPENED! AT 36 aviarictt, stueet;: II I -ANOTHER LOT OP-, I ; Black Silk Challys, BLACK CASHMERES, CREPES, &C HU.MMIJU STOCK C1VOSE1) OXJX . ' ' , : 1 ' 'i' i 1 Lower Than EvorI( : ! No. 36 MAJRKET' STREET j.siw in " MI8CELLANE0U3. TO HOLDERS -or- : " -.. (i city coupons. Offlce.or Treasurer and Collector, CITY OF WILMINGTON, N. a, June 2th, 1875. J NOTIOB U hereby given that THB JULY OOUPONS I83 (of Bond of thl City) ean- not be promptlylpald. . In eonaequenee of certain obange under al recent decialou of the Snprema Uoort ofthW e a tt the) minner of a aeMment of the at 1 Parson! Property lit thl city, and hereby the City Tu Book not ytt having teen placed In poMlon of th undertlgned lor collection together with other tompllc ion in rega rd to our Municipal affairs, now pending before the supreme Court of North Carolina, the city of Wilmington most neoe- . .. - . i.iir,-.i a Karily crave tome Indulgence from th hotdeM if City Conpona,undr exiting otroomstaaoN. T. 0. SERVOSS, City Treajurer. JBO-tf. June 30 : Price Us Una Mew Lot of Eaaterri Hay .Tuat Stored, Fork ann neauit Soap and Syrup, H aal and I Mola ITW..IU. 1.1,11 ww , Elm-Qroro Family Flour, S8.80. .Warranted CRANT & H INTO II, ' t'ommiiwlon Morohant and Grocer. JnlyST-dawU .. r. .. . I Vm YATES'. BOOK STORE. Blank Books, Blank Eooks! VniiaMortmentalwavaonhand. aad will be Lold for lea than ever before offered. Complete atooKOi ' ' . SCHOOL BOOIXS AlwftTon hand. which will be sold for leaf th.au publlaheri' price. ' . C.W.YATES, Market Street. 105 IN THE SIDE! ,i . (v i K i- r ' l .li , 1 Y'(it : 'llit I - I i . i ti! i tfrt ..,-; v y.in-t i It Black Orenadincsi, : . , ' i I n, BEST K BOOS 8 i Bviar houMkeaper ibould poeMa 'at leaet one of the following celebrated ooek Book, they would ear the prlo of It to a week' looking: 1 .. -,. .... . .t ! Queen of th Bltoheu ( 140T Old Maryland Be. "'P'"' !: ." ....i..i.....t.......,l 10 HI iieaiiei new aeeeipt for Cooking. ...1 is Hale'a New Cook Bee... ....... ia Mr. Pha Vnnn. WIT.'. lVw.W l...k . mm Ml. Leello' Mew Cookery Book.....! t TS . Mr. Goodfellow'i Cookery It Shetild Bet 16 tbe National Cook Book. By Maria ait af. : WUTWr..M.l..i,,A,MM,fi, ,l TS Peterson 9 New Vooi Brk..7T. . T5 WklUlfleld'a New Cook Bao:. i. IT Mr. Male' Rooelpt for th Million. -..,..1 IS . .. foSsAta at , ; 'M. '-nBTJfBBBBBD's olyl7 tf i lir Book and BToaM Store. The Dawson Dank. "Qt ORDER OF THB BOA Bp Of DIBBO or, the Book of Sabwrlptlon to th4 Capita Stock uf title bank will be opened at their bank, lug room onj Thoraday, th til tnitant, at 10 Jo'clock A.Ua art remain open antll further oordered,. Wa. LAtttUSS, OAsaiaa olyW la - i i'-.n tn i .;.. 'ft 4i) Atkinson & Iliuinint?. $70,000,000 Aaet UFrmtd. .-:;'.!-( 1: arRK. ': na to. of Mortb Aaaerloa...., Philadelphia. I Phenlt Insurance (JoraDan v.... New Fork. Uontlnentol Insurance Co. .. ...New York. N. BriUah ift AleroanUIlna.OoLoniVm. Hertford Kir In. Company... Hartiord. National Fir In. Oomianv...BarUord. Upringdeld F. M. Ina. Cb...MaaokuattS. MARINE. Mercaatil Mutual lu. Co...,. Kew Fork. In. Co. of Uorth Amerloa Philadelpala. ' LIFat. '-" ". Jonneotlout M uttul J.11 Iu.Oo. Harttord. feb T ao-tf JJEECHAJtTS AID dCASICC INSTlUlICECCrASI, '.',;, . VJ. .... ; OF , BICHMQBD, TIRQIKIA. o.pit.1. ........ ......f uut) a. T.Btokb, Freddt. L B. Mooaa.Seot '' 0 tOBS W1LDCB AVTVCIKNOM ' -.i ,'..... (waeraJAf so. worui wateiew wumaigtoB.w.ti. pru 1 MOSQUITO IJET3 ! A large (took en hand amt For aal VERT LOTT. d, a. Eurm & co. ,ii ,-.'.t 'aug 13-lm IJ I Cagl sw (aw xwk uui. yaug 11-V? 1 aw L'yW