(ffjlf r JJ 0 1 if i wwr Y7II0LD IIO- G.C33 VOL. XXIV. NO. 194. WILinilGTOII. II. C. FRIDAY. AUGUST 13. 1875. n a WILMINGTON. N. a: FRIMY. AUGUST 13. 1875. BY TELEGRAPH. UOVKHNOH tiKAIIAM. Honor t Ue UUUoirulhe4 Dead. Special U Journal. Rauhqh, August 12, 1875. There was a meeting of both the bar iunI oitizens here to-day. Ronolutious were pa&sed aud arrangtimeuta were made for the reception of the remains of Ez-OoTemor Graham at Weldou to-morrow morning. The remains will lie in state at the Capitol from 2) to 7 o'clock, when they will be taken to HillBboro for interment! BusineMwill he suspended while the remains are in the city. TKIIHIHM: AtOIDKIMT. Probable ratal Accident 10 a Dele gate to lUe Couveulloa. (Speelal.ro Journal ) Tabboro, August 12, 1875. The SuuOterner of to-day says : 'About 12 o'oleck Wednesday night. while the negroes wire engaged infiring cannons, in celebration of Thursday's result, McOabe, an enthusiastio white lladioal, iu ramming the gun was se r iously inj ured by premature discharge, The attending physioian is of the opin iou that both eyes are injured for life while his face, breast and hands are horribly Iniroed, It is probable that the accident will prove fatal. McCabe is a member elect to the Convention, but his injuries will doubt less necessitate the election of anoth t;r person, We learn that he was one of the two white men on the ground. W. MORE FAILURES. Caltimobh, August 12. Cuttle 4 Boarding, known as the New York "Tea Company, have failed. Liabilities sixty thousand dollars. Chicago, August 12. StaU Street Barings Bank has failed.. JUeposiw thirty-seren thousand dollars, available asxets seven monsana dollars. GOTHAM. MORE ABOUT DUNCAN, SHER MAN & CO'3 FAILURES. Nbw Tobk. Antrutit 12. The Tri. buua says a discovery has been made tuat a large amount of the indebted ness of Duncan, Sherman k Co-., held in this oity. ia "accommodation pa- pur," in the form of drafts, drawn on thtitn bv a confidential clerk in their office, and acoopted by them and told tu rations banks through note bank ers. An announcement is also made that letters of credit, for which the fiitkor of Mr. Duncan has become re sponsible, amount only to about uni ty thousand dollars. UTAH. THE INDIANS AT OARINNE. Salt Lam Citt, August 12. Women and children are being stint f tomCurinne from apprehensions of an Indian attack. A company of troops Lave left for Carinne. The News, a clmroh paper, says the stories of hostile bearing Indians circulated to create a feeling against the Mor mons, is nntrue.and the Indians are at Carinne for peaceful purposes. Lieu tenant Bryant, who has been at Ca rinue all day, thinks matters throat ing and has ordered two additional companies there. The Indians are Mormons aud claim certain grounds ) granted them by the Mormons. : J EUROPE. THE WAETROUBLES. London, Aug. 13. A speoial to the Standard savs a great number of Mon- tenegres has joined the Insurgents. It ih asserted on good autnomy inai Ilusnia will not prevent the Montene grins from a'dinnthe Herzegovenears. Const ANTiNOPiiK, Aug, 13. Turquie newspapers of this city says the situ ation in Herzegovina ia becoming grave. - Bands of Insurgens have en ncended into the plains and attacked Tenbigne, burning and pillaging in all directum, - New Advertisements, Auction Sale. H OP8KH0LD AWO KlTCMll FPRtTDR. I will Mil on Saturday, the 14th instant, at 10 o'clock, the entire itock of Wrl. Clifford'! Boarding Houae, en Market street, between Second and Third street, eonetftlng of Parlor and Bed-Room furniture, a large Mantel Mir tor. Picture., Marble-Top Tables, Carpet, Mather Bed., Kitchen utenall. etc B Kahnweiler. . AUCTIONEER. Real Estate & Loan Association. ' The regular awtnthlv Inatallment ofdne Dol lar per tiinre I. aue to-aay. C.8.KI.LI8, Secretary and Treasurer. aug W It NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Bacrging and Ties ! BOO Bales Bagging and Ties I fO Ton. Tie., For ealo by , Kkbchskb A Caldeb Buoe. MolaisfSf Malaises. TS Hhdet'uba MolaMt-e, 1 ilhd.tl. H. MolUM, Fur ml. by Kbkchskb ft Cadjeb Bnoe. Flour, Coffa Sugar and To bacco I r I.eoO Rarreia Flour, I lot) Hag. Cofl'tw, 60 Barrel. Pnger, KM Uoxe. I obaceo, Fur eale by Kkhcunkb & Caldkk liitoa. Corn, Meal and Hay I l,W0 Bu.li.lt Corn, 1.0U0 Hutil Meal. ou Hair. Prime FanUrn 117, For Ml. by aug U KBROHNEB UALKBR IJltOS. Hemehiber Partly-Made Shirts CASH ON DELIVERY Profit, are too mU to charge thm. mall balance of Onlyjal Summer Stook Ua hand, which we offer at very low prleea. 1X1 I I Mvl lIV Ar I 'I 1 lTX U Ly kjVJ L Xj JJ,m . . CITY CLOTHIERS. augS TASTELESS MEDIGINES A piomloent New Tork Phy.lctan lately av tlalned toUrjHOia. l)i Co. about their IaioaLWood Oil, ' CAravi.a. itallng that anmetlmee they cured mlraouloualv, but to at a I lati.nt ot hi. had taken thom without .nect. In belus Informed that as rural Imitation, were old, he Tnqalred and found hi. )atlent had uot eeen waing iiuaoa., iiua .o.. Whathappeued to the phtaiclan may hate happened to other., and lnrA.. Uii'K Oo take thla method or protecting pny.toiana, druggist, and thmlTe.,and preventing Oil or HADPALWooofrom coming Into diar.pute. Phialclon. who onoe preacribe Uie Uaiwulet viu mttnuo tu QU wf 'it h mntaln ui.pure uumu'Deii ana cneap turm. ii nda, Dick A 'o. dm more Oil nv Sawd ALWooDtuen all the Wholcale and Kettll Dnla.lat. and Perfumer. In the United Mtatei ctmblned, amlihl. i the sole reeaon why the nura OH i"oM cheaDer Intb.lrCap- am llliOl iunn.v.uvriuiiu. OILoK 8ANI) ttiWOOl) l raet .uperced! sg every o' her remedv.eiityOap.utee only be ing requlren to liuure a mi. and oeriaiu eure In in or eignt oaya. rrom no oiuer meaicme can tlila reault be bad. DnnoAa. Dick Co'. Berr Capiih... eolv. the problem, long oon.idered by eminent phy dciana, of bow to avoid th. nauaea and dlaguat eipertenced in awanowuig, wnion are wen II own w uoixaob 1 1 uiu . 11 iwi uvkviuj, vud good effect, or many valuable remedlea, . Holt Oaoaule. are nut ud In tln-foll and neat hoxee, thirty In ach, and ar.theonlyoap.uk. preecrlned by pnyalciana. TAaTaTLaTSS MEDICINES. Castor oil and many oth.r nauaeouamedldlneiean b. taken eaniy in uunaaa, uioa at vo oou vap- tuie.. no tane. noam.u. s aaf Th.ae ware tn oniV Clo. aules admitted to the fast Paria CvnAalrlAH. fteiirt for circular to K Wootter (treet, N. Y. Sold at all prug Stores, aug tilt NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING. - NISETY-KIQHTH EDITIOrtl Containing a complete Hat of all the townt In the United State., the Toirltorle. and tbe Dominion or Canada, navtng a population greater than (1,000, according to the eenin., mmtnir wiin vna uamvB ui .11 yonw havtnv the larreit local olreulatlon In each of tne place, namea. amjo, a '"K" isiim which are i raCVUUKBUra law Burwiairwiw an giving gr.aiew vamw in prop.., uuu i vim. charged. jlo, all nvwanaper. in the United State, and Uanada printing over B.UOO eopie. each lue. Alio, all the Uellgiona. Agricultu ral. Bctentino ana Mecnenicai, jneaioai, ma sonic, Juvenile, K'luoattonai, tomraercmi, cal, raahlon and othrr .eoial clae. Jnurnalr, iniHtann.. haai Eatare. i.aw. siiotiiiie. wr Hoover l Tnoo )e. man nai-r. printed In th. Unitod atat., Aim, an T upnn iaviur . i Ing; many table, of rate., .howlng the Mt B4ivari thins vertialng in varlouanewtpaper.,and every- which a bemnner in aaveruiiug wuum like to know. Address GEO. P. ROW ELL CO., 41 Mrk Row, hew York. GENTLEMEN . Who um and can appreciate Fine Liquors t Should try our fine Old Pale llrandy VINTAGE 1858. It Uour Ann belief that no finer olid BRAirrrsr i Iu vtr been .ilered in thU elty. For medicinal purpoaea, It la every way relia ble. OUR PURE OLD RYE WHISKY ! In made from ehelceet grain; nae age to aoften It; la.lrlctly pure, and In every way .uperlor towhlakle. orualL sold. We have aold thla aame brand for nearly nva year. Chas. D.IIyers t&Co., 5 and 7 N. Front Bt, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Ladies' Belts ! LadleV Satchel., Ladle.' Trunk., Oenti' Trunk., dent.' Traveling Bag. I bawl Strap, Kto., At the Saddlery Store of Carpenter 4 Mallard, Ho. I lotrta Fboit BTairr, Ju'TtT 1 llmlngton, J(. 0 STONE JUGS AKD j531 OUAS, D, MTEK3 4 00, ; 5 and 7 N. Front 81 tHg 1 Sacrifice! Sacrifice J In nrrtfr to clem out tht btlanct of nj Mock of . i Mens' and Boys' Clothing! Hefhr. I go forth to purchase my fall ttock, t UI dbpoee of th. balaiico at a great eaerU lice. ' Llneiu and Alpaoe. at and below OOHT 1 " UiL A. DAVID, 2 Buali.l.Coro, 300 HaleaHar, Water-OroniHt Meal, Hominy, Pork, Hran, Orack (Xirn, Flour, etc ,' Foraiielowby uuini ei ii i ion, -(kinimlatlou UurChaU aud (iroo.r angS-Hdift w , For Rent, Frnm tbx rlrxt or Urtibr not. all the room. aiM ilnwo lii Ilia HMIixl, with the exueptiou o tli tti-t H.HirM, villi all the rirnltuia lluniliig thar'U) Thw llonio hit. a largo tank, which I'urnl'luw ruirlcleiit watur for tlid k notion, ami wa't'r-rloMHe, with ilHrlvaiiliig to ai Klnry. The uuiliilna uimw ami In kimxI condition. Hint unii'lr IwKO to aocoinniotlate all wameu that cunte to Oil pert. ' AIko, thi) l.riHi and mmmwltoa .tot on tbe uorlliu.st rumor of the Home. ' . For iiartivular., aily to I ' II. IT, MITCH Kli! U.U. WOKTH, i Committee. K. K, HKIliK, M.B.KILKUS. laugK tf HARNESS. TO T In i 1 TTT t i uarrlftCO &n& W ftgOIl lu&KlQ E I a . .. o a K8TAB1ISHMKNT, 1 have addod the acrrlcci ol a Drat-otam Harness Maker I TR IMME TEt and take pleamre Innotllylng the puhllo that their ordir. will receive fmmndlate attention. Charge, ang. 8-1 w I'h&rirM Inm .nil ULliatanf.lna narantfMl I r. n. iiaiusbj TlAtiAN'lK OF 8 0 MM RE CLUTUINQ AJ cloaed out at 10 per cent. BELOW COST! To make room for Wititor Stock.' , Call early and weure bargaina. .A. DAVID. tug 12 TRUE ECONOMY. For Honnekoeiier. Ii to buy their groceries ana all their FAMILY SrPPIilES Prom u. i We have Uie fretliwt and ben good In tbe largtH v.rmey. - VY. .en toum aiawesi CASH PRICES t And iend Ihern out to any part of theolty, WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE I Choice Sweet Table Butter, Is oente Beat In the olty, 4" ciita - lb. only aiway. renauie uour is our orana ; F VOEITE. It make, new fr ' dally, and when onoe i r i I iu ha.n nrntn 11 r. ..--,,, (jiiolCE SMALL PI klAMH OICEN.C. HAM8 BURAKFASTST IPS, P1U rOKK, CHAS. D. MYERS & CO., 5 and 7 N. Fronts., iEicnn ol On board the large and flno ocean StenwHP RALEIQH! nr lha Raltlmnra and Wllmloiton I.lne. Mmlthvllle.tlie Hlac.k Klsh tirouuda.and Fry. Ins Pan Hhoala. wlil be given ou TUuiiday , August iiwn, uy m .,; . j ... i Wilmington ; light Infantry Tl,.. Htpam.htn Kalelah oAnrlntf anncrlor ad vantage. nndunurpaiMd accomaiolKtioiui,ba. been .penally renireu lor me eecamun. . ijnii npeiutl aoeommodatlon. for ilanctira r-ranwrn-nt. mdt tor the pleaatire of all. Tbe Mommlttwi reserve the right lo exclude all Ob-juuiHinar-le pimnna, lee cream, lemonade and rahnonhnaid at city price. No aplrltuooe linn tt allowed. . ' , ,. t Ticket, tor ri uii'l trip for gr-ntiemnn, f 1 ; la dle., M cento l clilMren from ten to nrteen yrata ot age, 1 oente ; eervanta accompanying famtlte., Mi oentM. ' ' ' 'J'l.'.kttato be had at the Drug 8t'ir. Book Htore. and of the undenlgned Committee: m: . TAYLOR, . O.O.THOMAS, WAl.TKHUOskY, K.W,Ar4l'RKW8,; O. L.WKIL, F.H.UARBY, ug 18-tkara etuk and oei - MliCELIAiraOUEl TO-nORROW We .hall commence the oellrary of j Wttmsutta Shirts! To thoae whe here ordered. A. our eupply per week le Umltod le twelve ioaea, rUae whe derirt the CHEAPEST & BEST 8HIRT In the United State, lad beat teat their or der, at onoe. e For 87.60, Cash. " f:, OL1AUMTS, --i -. MITNSONi&CO., cm clothiers. , '; ; tug 4 Quarantine llotice JST1L FUBTHKB MOTIOB ALU y li mit from Port SouUof Cap. JwarwIU eom.to at the VUltlng tatloa. Bear ltee Water rolnt, and await the lu.pectlon or the Quar antine fhyalclan. All veaml. from Porte where Tellow Ferer, or other lnrerttoo. iltreaee eiMa, will be re quired to and ergo a rigid and prolonged Qu el an tine. All tomcI. or boat of any character harlug ckueM on board en arrlTal, or baring bad lakneei any time dating the Toymge, are re paired to come to th Station tor inspection wllhoat regard to th Port liom whence th.y come. Yum la But tueluded a aber will pro- ccwl without deteullen. , Fthit ar e.peolally enjoined to make c are na enquiry relntlre to re el, erew, me., and If not tWfl.d with th. aUtementa of th Cap tain or commander, or If the reaael It In a Hlthy condition, th.y will bring th venel to tbo Station for furthor .xamluatlon. Pilot, wilfully violating th Quarantine Laws are tuhject lea forfeiture of their br.nchj M alitor, of reeeeli to a one of two hundred dol lar, a day for ery day they violate the uarantlne l.awa: and all other peraoo. are able for each and every offence. All vrawla auhjeet lo vlaltatkin under above Kulattona, will aet a flag In the main rigging. port-aide. . f,., , n. ruiii , i. !. . i :;; (Jtiaranttue Phyatolaa,1 ' ! j part f wilmlnitoit. . Kmllbvlle, S. O., May tT, lHi . may a b innoTi Valuable Heal Estate For Sale ! M. CRONLY Auctioneer. lK t air CRONLY a MouKia. M t , Mortgage Oalo. '" o. uarr and wife, the Maeliauloa' Huiiaiug ana Loan Ataoclatlon will aell fur eaab. br public an.tlon, at Siohange comer, In tbe clt ef Wilmington, on Frtuay.tue nui aay or ugum. 1BTS. at lie'olook n.a the following dawirlbed Keal Katate, altoated In aald city, aubjeot to a nrit mortgage or a,iuii. ana an inuweei uuu may be due thereon, via: Beginning In the Kettem line ot Beoorid treat. T3 feet Honihwardlr mm Iti Intaneo- tlnn with the South.rn line of Mark.t atreet. and running thenoe Houthwarilly with aald Hue of Second .treat 91 fact, tliouoe kaatward ly parallel with Market Mreet TO feet, tbeoce nrthwardlv parallel with Seoond .treat 07 foet. and thenoe Wettwardly parallel with Market atreet w vne D.gmning, uignioor wnu . to tne bem the throe rtorM and building, tb.roon. Term. accommodating mad. known at ale'. aug 8 e veiny t a oi a iiuraib m Atkinson & Ilannin? f rO,OUO,000 Atiota lteprMatUiI. ." FIRE. " ' na. Co. of Horih Am.rtoa..... Philadelphia. Plienli In.uranoe Uemoaaf ....Mew Kork. Continental In.uranoe Do Mow fork. , M. britlah A Mercantile lna. CO..Lienlon. s Harttord Fire lrta. Ootnpany...HarUord, ; National Fire In. Oompanv.. . HarUord. HurlngtleUt F. M. In. Uo...Mawaobuaetta. rviAKiriB. . Ifareantlle Mntnat lua, Uo Mew tor. Int. Do. of Worth America rnuannipaia., Lire.- Connecticut Mutual Uftlne.00. Urrtford. febit ; . ww JEliCHANTS AMD MECHAS1C ISHUBANCE COSFAN I, OF IllOri.li OMD, TIBOIMIA. Capital vxv. .T.STon.,Preeldt I.B. Mooaa.eea JOHS WILDBH ATKIHMOJH OeaenMAf No, North Water Ut, Wilmington, N.O, ' eprll ll -' ORANGES AND LEIIONS ! 20 Boxes Choice Fruit ! Chab, D. Mikes Jc Co., - . 1 6ana7N.ProntI8t. Small Sagar-Our ed Pig Hams I small Choice Sugar Cured Oanvataed Hamel , ' Choice Th In Breakfatt Stripe I . B mall Choice CuU Smoked Beef. , targe, Fine Smoked. Beef Tonguta. , CHAS D. MYERS & CO., 6 and 7 N. Pbont St tag It UNDERWRITER'S SALE. CORIV! CORN! COUN! Thl.dav(Tiinraday)at It o'clock a.m.. will Mill in trout of our Hale. Koom. (Inula. If wtatberie unfavorable), under liupeollnn of th. agent or the, UndrrwrlWre, fox account, 01 Wlioia n may niuiwu, j 172 B ACS, 304 BUSHELS CORN Bllghtly damaged, In lot. to .ult purchaMra. Cbokly A Morbir, , Anotloneer.. CROQUET SETS I CROQUET SETS I Large lot Jnat received and Iter Mle at lower prloo. than they were ever offered k.rore, , Cell and aet Tor yourMlve, ' 1 V j p;A.Bnrrn &co. MISCXLLANEOUS UOUIl J LAGER ! EVKKTUODT wyt b(ot Ut oily on t Bottled Lager Bier! Conceded by all to b. A. FACT. LIUltr.UKUUATB AM) PI KASaNT FOK UDIES AND INVALIDS! It t'auavt ke Rejnttlwel I IWI ua any other kind but orKti." We oulyaah n .mall ad ratio, on i.w Vut k prl, auu" we ott.r K at 81.75 Per Dozenl r A email lot of old If Amontilade Sherry' ' Imported la giant, with Koman and Pair Oordim" Branile. Uar I we popster branda of whlaky, uLUi: iit ass a aim, Atfl and as per galloa, ahead of all Pth.r brand. In the Mtata, If you have nut nlreadr. doa't fall toaendfor aample of the celebrated Process Empire Flour ! AID BK4T UCTTKll in thi WOKI J I Something KTew. A Hpl.aiUd Opportunity for K.oononiy I Imported Pickles, The ordinary arty cent Jar, that we art now rueblng out at thirty cent.. and to - l GEORGE MYERS. 11 k 13 80UTII FRONT BT.,1 ang I AOAX)EJM-Sr, ;, ; rAOmnauCo ,Ya., '" Prepare, for Untvenlly or Bualnew. Fo board ami tul-fV O "9 tZ aT"o. Vt lial emton. MiUI-aJO .J Weal f.e II I eailon. MiUI-afJ g J J noeiira..' , EXTRACTS FKOal TRSTIHOUUI I ' " I mort heartily commend Bkrait Aoad. ar to the favor and patronage et the pnbllo." Wa. JC: I'RTKKN, , Frof.of Utln, Unlv.r.ltyof Va, " f would be willing to confide my own aen to Mr. Hmlth'.car., anil h.noe t recommend the aohool to other parent.," F.II.HM1TH. Prof. Natural JPhlloeophy, Unlratttty or Va. I feel w err. pled, from expetteaot, la re. oommeniUng It.1' T JOHN B.MINOH. , , ' FrofeaaoT ot Law, Unlverattj of V a. M On of th. beet lurtltu lona of lie elaai In rroretooret unwa, HfohmoiHt Vullege. "I know of no Inetltutien of Ilk. grade tune Iter to tleihel Academy." Kav. J. 1. HhAV urn WXIX, A. M., DO If. . i i'i) Lvnohbnrg. va. ' uneijqalled. In my opinion, by any in. by any In.tltu f. FliCLlr, Atlanta, Oa. IllMltU' tlon In the Seutb. UKfl, U. tt. riKLiir. "Beet and cheapest preparatory achool In th. Mtata. umahi.ks n.gun. of King Oeorge oounty, Va " In my oplnlen. the cheapeet and beat In the Otate." WIj. B. O.UKAWFORli, Auguita oouuty, Va. 'The cheaper! Seminary, and at good at th. bart, In the United Rtatoi . ADAM KMP1IC, J. A. KNUKU1ARI), - t Wilmington, North Oarollna, For Oatalngut, addreta WVi w. auitu, a. at. rjenior rnncipai. Wd ItW IStPOKXAlNT TO ' lawyers and MERCHANTS, r.UUe PUBLISHED. , LEGAL DlUECTOHi " and LAWYERS' RECORD of the TJKriTBD STATES. By ' Ut. t'HARI.ES UIilTlAN, ' ! Uonnaellofat-Law, ' rraMdentof th. United BUtee Law Amoolatlon Thla work will be tent to any part of tht United Btatet, by mall, onreoelpt of M. Beud for elroular. JOHN T. TBOW. Puau.Han, 1 13 Unlvenity Place, BAKBB,tM(MUUIKIi & UU., W Naa.au Bt. 4w - New York Ulty. Bacon, Fork, Flour, Bagging. Ties, Etc. "v Bose. Smoked Bide, and B boulder., IJJ HoimI), H.SIdM, in ifarreiejH.rarora, Hi 10 Harrel. Flour-all grade., . . 100 Kulla Hagglng, ! , 100 Ton. Pleoed Tien, -100 Barrel. Hellned Sugar, ' 100 Bag. Prime Hlo Uorl'ee, , MO Halo. M. and N. R. May J 1,000 Buahela Prlmt White and MUed Corn, too HhdaandBblaKewOiopCubaMo- 100 Becka Llnbon Salt, " SAO Beeond-Hand Hpirlt Caakt, i fOO Bundle! Hoop Iron,! . TS Barrel. Glue, ' , 300 KageSbot, IA0 Keg. Mali., - i - too Boaoa and Half Boxet fjandloa, . i 16 '. UroaeMatchea, ., to JtozeeCandy, Vi Boiea Soda, IS HoxaeHoap, . M Caaoa Potaah; M - Uaas. Oytter., WX Barrel. Bnuff. loo Tone Bureka Utiano, 100 Ton Unenapt Uuano, . Foraalelow by , , , ' , , HVILLIAinK BlunCHIBOl". aog8 For Gmithvillo I rtTKAMKB "DIXIE" wttl run regularly everv day eicept Hnndav. leaving Wllailnolun 4PM MmtthvTile.t 7AM Com mutation tloketa may be porobaaed at oar oftloe. . 1 0.0. PAR81BT A CO CiVMB 1 IDSE FEMALE COLLEGE. s -CAMBB1DOE, Md. . N O S 3 Chartered ISM. ,. V:.;.. . ua aiiMlrrirthedaiiirhter.orthe Kaetern rtior l Maryland and Virginia. New bulldinga cont . nlng large Biuiij-nan., m fuaavrUiama tuat Intabee. Mourae ot lufrtfuo- tlon IhoroiiBh In every aenae. For circular addreee.it if.Ai;unti. r aug 11 w 1 mo- - - IIoOUITOiHETS ! A krgt Reckon hand ad .-.: " t -i.i'-' ""Foraale1 , !'- v,-v:Bi.-5r low. : ,i 1 d A. BiHTH A 00, HEW ADYISTISimtS. THEBJIOMTER 105 IN TUB SEADE! 45 BRO It! 45 MAHKL.I Are both warm and fully utiafled with the trade they hare done for the kiaat araaon, but are atill doairoua to cloae out few imall lota pmiona to tak ing aooount of atook, and have marked them at inch prior ai cannot fail to ooure theit immediate sale. A DISCOUNT of 25 Per Cent Will bo gifen off all romotuU of Drew Qoodu J GENTS WHITE. DEESS SHIRTS : ' HADE TO ORDER Fit Guaranteed- 1 . v.,1 , ,.. ... A full line alwaya on hand ; alao, ; v . , , : Cuffs, Collars, Underwear. Etc. Agnnta for Frauk Loalle'a oat : Machine Needles, H Cents Each. Terms, Gash Only ; . .One Price. BROWN & RODDICK. 45 narket Street. ! JUST OPENED! AT 36 IvtARldsT 'STREET, '. 1 ",,.- ANOTHEB LOT OF ,' . . " - i: Black Grenadines . DIaaV Ci'llr nhnlltto AJAawlA avAAIV VAAttj AA J 0, BLACK CASHMERES, CREPES, &C, 8UMM!U 8TOOK CLOSED OUT f Lower Than Ever!. ; 4 7 .: Xr..V-.'e r.i.w v:-.,l; " 3STo. , 30 MARKET STRtoET. MISCELLANEOUB. TO HOLDERS or- CITY COUPONC. ' Officejjf Treasurer and Collector. ; CITY OF WILMINGTON, N. a. j ... if . .. Jane 2fM, 1870. j NtvrrnK i. n.r.h. aa that THU JULY - -7 OUTJPONS 18TS (of Bondt of thli Olty) can. not be promptiripaid. 4 , .. ; " Ia coiiMQU.no. of eertaln ebangea under a recent deoUloTi of the Bupremt Ooart of thla at to the manner of at Mtamrat of tUt 1 an t Panonat Property In thla city; and thereby the City Tag Book, not 'yet having been placed In poatewlon of Ut underalgned for oolleotlon; tog.Uitr with oth.r com plica Ion. In rega rd to tur Municipal allalri, now pending before the supreme Oouit of North - 1 . Oarollna, the olty of WUralngton malt neoea tarlly orav. aome todul genet Iron tht holder. of Olty Coupona,under axUtlng 'olrcumitancea. , T. 0. SERY0S3, ! ,", .,. -".'t ', !.f OltyTreatnrer.' JuneM 16Q-tf Price Uo : On a New Lot of 1 i, ' Li tKatttrn Hay Joat Stored, pork and Ueani; , -! Boafi and Byrnp, Meal and MolawM, , w 1 . ' Cracker, and Cow Feed, .A KlmrOrovt Pamlly Flour, W.W. .Wart anted CRANT t HINTONe fc Commlnion Mcroliauta and Grocers. Joty1-d4wlt - - " ' ' ' ; YATES' BOOK STORE- Blank Books, i j Blank Books ! Pull awortm.nt alway. on hand, and trill be aohl for lee. than ever before uiloied..- ; .- OompUte .tockof ... ,. j ti,, .j. - Alway. en hand, which, will be told fb UM than puwunerr prieee; . , t, , ,x r". ,.,,; ...s...C. W. YATES i . . Market Strttt. imiuuiJiuik.iu Mil - , ; a 1 KvliY honatkeeper bonld pottttt ;at Uai one of tht follewtug celebrated Oook Booka, a. tliey would my. th. prloa of It In a wtek'l OOQklligl ., . -- . i :. ;..j ,., .... . , Qoeta of tht Kl token ; loot Old Maryland Be- s oelpU .1 15 HlatLeallet Mew Eeeelpte for Uoofclng....! TS Mra. Hale'. New Cook Book 1 75 Tht Young Wlfe'a Oook book.... 1 75 MlaaUillo'. New Cookery Book I 7S Mra. Ooalfellow'. Cookery a. It Should Bet 76 Xba National Oook Book. By Uanaah M. Bouvier ...1 79 Peteraon'a New Cook Book... , 1 To I Wldillheld'a New Oook Book. ... 1 76 Mn. Haiti Bootlptt for the Million. ..l lo HI Mil AT ' E .HMOMBKUm'M. Uvt Book and Knaw 8 tor., July IT tf The Dawson Bank. BT0BDEB0PTHBB0ARO Of DIB1C0 ,-i . ,, j., .,..-.;..,i- tor., tlie Book, of SabiorlpUoii to tht, Capita Stock of thla bank will bt opened at their bank Ing room on Thnrtday, tht i Inttant, at 10 o'clock i.u., and rtmaln open anUI further oordertd. - ' " WM. tABKINS, OA.Hlia njy gaM.f na . '..- : SOL. BEAR & GRO'S, 20 JlarKct street. 4 CLOSIXQ OUT THE ES3TIKE STCCK 5o u y.i'.u-ss.'-- OF DRYGOOD9 'I'm AT ODB BBTAJTIt STOKB I ?a : 0 :"T..;?.J,V 1 0-reat Bargains I j l!.4 MNKN SHEWING from TO Cta. and SI II per lard. ' ' , ',' ; MiamWaneet ere. jter yard ''; ! ' , ( 8WIJW MUSLINS, :t , , t K0 Ooien Untn Tow. la and Sepklna, j : Irltk and Geiman IJnen nhlrtlnga, J ; ' ' , OambrloHajidkerohltfe, MAWreaSWnlttABd Colored. 1 SO Pleeee LINKN for .-Ladlaa1 Traveling DrttNt and Boyt wear,' ., ,. S Iiarge aaaurtment of Panama and SI raw tiata for Children and Mem ' ' ' Wa win ommtaoa am Monday to nil the abort and will continue dally ,"'0, Itock It cloaed ont, u , v , ... " Ladle, are repectfully fnvili'J to call "andeamlntourtock,M we know It wtllre- , In future wa Intend teeonflne our burlner. lo Clothing and Merchant i'alloring, may a ' ' ' m tX Julyt9

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