C77 i ( 1 1 1 n$ it I s "n C Si 1 i i , j . I A I j VOL. XXIV. HO. 195. unnmaToiT. n. c. Saturday, august m. 1075. unoi i;o- G.C57 WILMINGTON. 5. 0.: B TJRDAY. AT' OUST 14. 1875 BY TELEGRAPH. L HEADQUARTERS. WABHnoTOK, August 13. A call for r ten million dollars worth of bonds will be issued by the treasury depart meut to-day, the syndicate having made another anbsuription for that urn. This loaves bat $38,537,650 of the new five per oenf bunds in the hands of the secretary, and the Bvn ; , dicate has until November. v MISSISSIPPI, YELLOW FETER ; AT PABCA . -4 GOULA. 6 4 pAsoAflouLA, Mrss., August 13. Yellow fever broke out here on Buu , day last. It hi not known how it orig inated, but supposed to have been brought from Havana. There are sow thirty oases under treatment. The disease of most of them is of a ualigoaut type. Boveu deaths have occurred, iuoluding Dr. Lradflold, a . leading physioian. THE CHOPS. Talladboa.Ala. August 13. The re- turns of the Department of agricu tare for August show au improvement of the cotton crop of four per oent in Nortli Carolina, one in Misaiwsippi, and four for Arkansas. x These States were largely favored with the same conditions of growth which had secured their high avera I ges of July.; Texas maintains her pre vious figures. The drought in some oountrios being oounter-balanoed by finer weather than in others. In Lou !; isiana the average decline is six per ceatv on aooouut of local drought , though several parishes report very promising crops. This ingemus influ-' eude out down the average of Georgia eleven per oeut; of South Carolina 15 per cent; and Florida 16 per oent. The August averages were as follows; North Carolina, 99; South Carolina, 81; Georgia, 80; Florida, 85; Alabama, 03; Mississippi, 10; Louisiana, 99; Texas, 93; Arkansas, 108; Tennessee, 107. Lice and oatterpillars are reported in two or throe counties, but noalam age to the crops is noted. ' OOTHAM.' BTATEipaiT OFDUNCAN, BHER- WXA PO'S AFFAIBS AD Aiif ASC-Vf WESTERN : v r'WSElQHTSL t '-Km To, August 19. A state ment of Sherman, Duncan k Go's af fairs shows thaix liabilities to be $4, 872,128 and thtix assets $2,112,740. They owe depositors $.612,129.75; traveler's Credits $237,075; foreign ' correepondenoe $774,387. Mr. Duncan and Judge Shipman ex plained that the statement was not official and can be) taken as represent innr only approximate amounts. It has i been prepared to answer many inqui ries that are daily made regarding the probable oondition of the affairs of the firm, and with especial care to avoid making a better showing than may be instilled bv final results. All doubtful assets have been reduced or entirely stricken out. The new freight tariff to the west, an advanoe on previous rates, goes ' ' into operation this morning over four trunk lines, the New York Central, Erie. Pennsylvania & Baltimore and Ohio railroad, under the new ar rangement. Agents are not permitted ... to make oontraota for more than ten dure. ' ' The general Tammany committee ratiuea ine acuon oi weir commute reorganizing districts controlled b Morriaey, lull aud Leadwitu. EUHrA- THE LATEST WAR NEWS. PARLIAMENT , PROROGUED - 1HE QUEEN'S SPEECil-THE CUBAN REBELLION j . SUPPRESSED. ., Madrid, August 18. The Alfou nists at Leo Da Urgel carried Olsava " Tower after a desperate struggle. Mouutincr a battery in the Olsava wa A oonsidered imposeible, for the Carlists held the citadel. Lohdor, August 13. The Stooktod Rail Mall GempanT bas failed. . half million dollars. --'--""-'-. - Pabis, August 13. The heat is ex eeaeive. fourteen son strokes. , . London. August 13. Parliament is nroroirued to the 29th of October. The Queen's speech, at the closing of the session, says her relations with . all foreign powers continue cordial, and she looks forward with confidence to the maintenance of European pesos. In regard to the attack on the English expedition, ana toe muraer oi mr, MarffaraT. on tho Chinese territory, . ehe says no effort will be spared to se cure the punishment of the instiga- tors and perpetrators of the crime, floloniea are srenerally prosperous. ' Keferrinff to the preservation and i twaae of Ireland. Her Majesty ex , , preased her gratification at the adop tion of a measure whiob, while relax s "lntr thB stringency of former enact ments, is calculated to maintain tran - nnilitr there. - Regarding the ship ping bijln, Her Majesty rejoioed that Parliament had been solo, by tem porary enactment, to diminish the 1 " 1auirers to which British seamen have " been eiDosed. Haa every reason to I' hope that the progress of revenue which bus morKeu reoem year, wm u iuhj BUBtainod in the present one. . Madbid. AuiruHt 13 It is said that the gavorntnont intends to Bond ton tn flnhd to enable Cant. Yalmszedato execute his plans for the reduction of insurrection in that ELECTRICISMS. A-dispatch from Salt Lake City ssys a part of the Indians have left Car mine. No trouble is apprehended. The polioe surrounded the railroad company's ofQoe at San Franolsoo yes terday and. captured Woodruff alias Miller, the forger. A barrel factory in New Orleans blew down yesterday, killing two and iniuiing riously three oUwf men. Nothing has been heard from Unb kirk, the oashier of the Milwankie Corn Exohaoge. Thompson doubtless ebeoonded with all the available assets of the bank. There was due deposi tor $3,700 and to others $10,000. The crew of the brig Harry, Cap. taiu Harnes, from Baltimore to Man tanzas, mutinied. She is at Anapolia. JohnUoffuer, of tue Arm of lloffurr & Mayes, of Detroit, shot himself and wile from jealousy. The Ship Queen of Mersey has been seised by the Sheriff of Brooklyn. She is complicated with Baxter A Co., bankrupt gTain merchants. The report of the New York State finances says that the whole 8tate tax next year need not exceed throe to three and a half millions. Louisville has been selected as the place for holding convention of all the Grange purchasing agents, and the drst of October as the time that the National Executive Committee and all SUte Executive Committees will be present for the purpose of adopting plan by which business can be con ducted ou uniform system. Ju ljoudon the failure of Donesre A Son, of Old Jeevey, and J Oroven of Trenohard street, is announced. .twelve thousand people were pres ent at Knoxville. to witness the execu tion of the murderer John Webb. He maintained wonderful nerve to the last. DIED. 8AM P80N. or i.rl: ill. oiithn ih of Aa- gn 1M15. John Hampwrn. Agd 4b r 1) months. Tti furrral w'll Uk plkoa tbla evening at o'el ok. from till IMa rcatdaaca on Baoumt. batwaaa tirtaa aiht WocUr atrcata. The trlondi and acquainlanoea ara cordially lurl- ted to attond. New Advertisements, 'Auction Sale. HOTT8KHOLD AKD KlTOKIS FVKVITVR. I will tall oa Friday, Auoat tka Kh, atlOo'eloek.tbsentlrsatockot MnCllfford'a Boarding Bouie, en Market street, batwaca aeend andTblrd atraetn, contl.tltif of Paxlor and Bad' Boaai JTaroUura. a larga Waafctt Vtt- rot, rtotttns, Warble-Top Tkblas, Cerpeta, reather B ds, Kltaben CtanalU ate. B. Kahnweiler, AUCTIONEER. 4 Hack Llierpool Sal; juvt n J J J imported and lor aale o BjxroaDj Ceow A Co,' aog 11 I..FOBTUNE FOR 01. LEGALLY AUTHORIZED. to GiTl Concert ADCiation ! o Dsaiaow, waxAS, wiu eivs a ; BXC0SD Grand Gift Concert ! In aid of a Masonls and I. U. O. f. Temple, SEPT. 22, 1875. Kltt 0lltal Gift em fit) Second uapltal Gift....... 16,00.1 Beildes Gift. In proportion amoantlng In all to $S35O,0OO,OO I LowaT Girt To A Wgoti Tick it, S0 Prloeof a WboleTioket.SB. which eonsUti or ne si uonpana. COUPON TICKETS, $1, Whlrh will entitle the holder ta admlmlon Uia Uraud Concert, and lo one fifth of what ever may be awarded to the whole ticket aua oer. tuanonilble aaent wanted. All order for Uokets sent direct oroniDtlv filled. " (Jireulari, Paper, oto.. glrlng full partlcn lara, ent free. In writing, be ure and aign your naiuu, town, county anu aiaie in run. Order for ticket amounting to SO and np ward, aunt U. O. U.. If doorad. Adreaa all eommnnleatlon and make all re- mittanoeato aaglldmoaw A, K. COIjLINS, Secretary, Denleon, Texas Thos. G. DeRosset, Insurance Agent. UapitKUBxrixa 040,600,600 riaa A wars! Mth Inmranee Company, of Harlford. Iioixion Aaaarano Oomnanv. of London. Commercial Onion AJauraaa Oomuany, of junaon , Mew York Underwriter Agency., paly ST-tf CLEVELAND MINE11AL SPRINGS. FOKMKKLY WILSON'S. Near Shelby, N. ., 55 mile. Wert of Charlotte. This favorite watering place will be open for the reception of select vartiior on tha the 10th of June. Pa sugar coming on the Central Ballroad will be met by hack, and conveyance, aent Vi Air-Una Uallroad and ether potnti whenever deelrod. Cold and Warm Bath. White Sulpbnr, Bed Sulphur and Chalybeate Water. Italian Band of Hoile and other eon roe. of amuaemeut. ' For further Information, apply to f. W. BBBVAKD, Proprietor. Jnhe 88 ' , 26-sm . NEW tllss AngeL A Novel. Bv M. Tbackerav. Author "I -Id KenlnK(on." "The Villa if of the Cliff. BlUHbeard'a Key," oto. With llluKratlon. Paper, 70 oenta. Alice Lorraine, A '1 alo of the Heutb Iowni. By R. I, Black more. Author of fOrailock Newell," Maid of Bkeretu, Paper, IS cent. Playing the Miscblef- A Novel. Hy J. W. DeForeet, Author of Hi Karenel (. onreraioti (rom (Jeoewtoa h Loralt."'"Kiiropern Aovuaintanoe," etc. Pa per, 76 eenia. . ... ;.- . - - .. - . For aale at . . '. HEINSDERCEIt'S Lire Book sod atoalo Store. July SI KEW ASYEXTIUIUXTX. Ladies' Belts ! IjwW BetctoU, I Ladlae Trent, tieata'Traaks, Geo la' Tt aveitng Bafi I hawt Strepe, Bio., At the Saddlery Store of Carpenter 4 Mallard, Ho. I Soots: Patnr waasr, Ja'Tlt Umla gtea, M. O tasteless f:edigi::es A promleant Mrw Terk Pkysldaa lately m- Silalned to Dumas, Dio A Co. about their ikDALWOOD OIL OAVtVlBt, tUIinf tka uaetuiMie tkev eured mirecutoaslv, feat tket a petltntot hla had taken km wllkoal Se. On blDf lofcraal ihttMnrtl huiteUoMww old, k Tuqalraa sad foaad fex Mttvat bad nui mm tekiug Uusdas, Vtom 4k 4 Vs. Whl hiiMd ill Dhralelaa kkra nppnu to otnart, and ncui, uici lOo Uk thl aMlhd t proMctlnf pk iyte arinw kna uamaiiTM, kiui ri ptcvkiiuai Oil or t Sam da Lwnoo rroa eomlni Ink) dia ink) diarpta. Pb'tlflloiKwa ocm arkMrllM tkk 'M in continue to do so, ft mv mwuia "purv vil IK mi boat and ohoap est iutbi. liuaoAa, Dick I 'a. aaa aiora Oil a Samd- AtwooDtban all tka Wkalaaala aod ketll lrJtU and Parfunara la tba Tnlted Btafaa rSaiblnrd, an'1 thla la tha sole reaaoa why u" pur Oil i'1'1 cheaper iUiair Cap. ulw tb la aa alhar larai. OIL r N a N l t L WOOD kl faat aanarMdl a every o' bar ramadv.alitvUapattlaa only be ing roMalrao ta Ineure a mf and evrula cure In ii or lglitdaye. Fran ne other modiolus can law reauit be nad. DvaoA. Dice Si Uo'a Serr Cimdi b aoWa the problem, long eoaaklered by eminent pky ciana, k bow to evviii uaaauiea aua aiagam iperlenoad la aaallovlnc, blcb ara well known tvdetraot from. If not deatroy, tae good etleola at many ralaable remedlea. Soft Oapealee are pat ap In tia-fuU and eoel boma, thirty In rank, and ara tba only oapaaloa prewrlhed b phyalrlniia. TASTKLsTSS MCDIQIREt.-Oaator nil aud mtuy otbar aawwoat medkllnea fan be taken eaailyli a Dundaa, Ulok A Uo'a aloft Cap- ulna. No tut. Moamall. Tha warm thai finly Cap. aat Paris) ulea admitted to the) JfTfiuvni . . 1. nuuq lur oweuiar 10 ao nawnr airaav, n. p. Sold at all DruB Stores. bug li st Basrging and Ties ! S06 Bales Bagging and Ties I MTonaTlea, . i. . . ; roraaleby ' - I KiBOHmn A Cauib Bans. Molasses, Molasses. t T8 nhdsCaba Mnl SS Ubd 8. H. Moll For aale by KjEWJfcjnut ACaldib Bbob. Flour OofTeei Sugar, and To. - baooo I 1, em Barrel now, loo Bag. Coffbe, 50 Barrel. Sugar, 100 Hex I'obaoon, For sale by IEjbbobiibb A Caldib Bros, Corn, Meal and Hay I m - - .; too Bales Prime xtaatera Hay, Forwiebv sngli . . KJIBOmniB ft UALDIB JB0fl. NEWSPAPER- ADVERTISING. MNITY-EIGITH BDITIOM. Containing a complete 1M Of all the towns In the United Htatee, the Tetrltorles and the Dominion of an Ada, having a popniauoa greater thaa S.ooo, aeeordlnc to the eanta. together with the namaa of the newavaper nartng tu largen mxuii oireuianou in eww the place, named. Alao, s catalogue of new papers wbiob are reeomm.nded to adTWtlner. aa giTing greaieea ma m prapoTBoa f priona rhargod. Alas, all aewapaper la the State and Canada printing aver S,one aoptee acb la.ua. Alto, an ta. neiigiou., agrienun ral. Scientlfle and' Meoblnlcal, Medl.al, Ma- tonle. Juvenile, Educational, Commercial, Inuranoe. Seal Bate. Law. Bnortlnc. Musi cal, Faahlon and other apeelal laa Journal; er eomnieie K'a. xoiamer wiu a nnrim IM ef ever I eoo Oerman paper printed la the United state, a eo. aa eiwav apon aave'iia- lm: many tablea of rate. howlog Ihr coat of artrartuilna In various newroaDers. bad everv thing which a beginner m advettaalag would Ilk to anow. Addrea GEO. P. ROWELt ACO., 41 Park Row, New Turk. GENTLEMEN Who oat and eta appreciate Fine Liquors . .-i . v ; Should try our w Fine Old Pale Brandy; VINTAQKISS8. It l our Una belief thai ao finer , OLD BRAXTOTT 1 Ha eve m beea effored la thl elty. . , , For medicinal pnrpoees, It la every was rallar bl. . . ... - : .., . OUR PURE OLD RYE WHISKY ! Is made from choicest grain; bas age te roften tt; Is st rictly pore, and la srery war superior towblaklM n.nally sold. We have sold this lame bread for nearly tve years Ghas. D.IIyers&Co., 5 and 7 N. Front St July Commissioner's Sale. ON Saturday, the 28th day of August, Iron., t ii n'aifMika m.. at Kxchanae Corner tu put auaune of an order of th . 8 u pertur Court of New iianowr. I will Nil in ma inKiiwr. mimo that valuable residence on Prlntea atreet, bo twenn Krontantl Second atreet. at nreaentoe- eui'trd by Dr. 8 M. Everett, and known aa the H. Uaitcr lot front on PrlnceM 48 rect Inch, ik 63 feet wide on lbs rear end, and OS fa:t tiueu. Alau lot on Markatatreet, lying betweea Hi Janiw' dhnrch naraonate and Ur. Thomas' rtaldenoe. and at preaent oecupled bv Dr, Tbomaa a a doctor ofllca It teet Iront hy ICS feet dwp. Terma, one-third eauh, ena-tbl(d la one yrar, and one third In tour yearal , , DvBEDTZ OUTLAJl, Uemmlsatoaer. su s-tsnOKsaaa KISCSLLASTOTJI Mm nl ill On board thl large and fine oeaaa Itaaauhip rLAT.TTiTO-Hl Of the Baltimore and Wilmington Line, to a alt k til 'a, the Black Flak Ureua it, and Fry ing pan Nhoale, will be given en Thursday, Aaaatma,byth Wilmington ' Liglt Infantry 1 The teemhlp Bal.lgk noarlag nnerlor ad vaatagaeaudan.urpaawMl a4MwmaMtlatMMt,ha beea .iienially eeured for tba eoraalea. bnental aoeommoilatloaa Inr dancers. Ar raatem.nl made for the pleaaure of all. Tb Committee reaerre the right to exclude all ob Jectkwahle ieraou. lee cream, lemonade and cake onboard at elty prtoee. No aplrltuou llquir allowed. , Tloketafor round trio for aentlemea. SI; hv die, SS eeutij children from ten to Sfteea year ei age, ns aent ) aervanta accompanying faMillee, (WeeuU. lVket to be bad at tb Drat storaa. Hook tore and of the nnderalgued Committee: W. P.TATLOB. la.O.O. THOMAS, WAtTBH tiUNKT, k.W.ANtHBW, . U. L.WKIL. P. U.UARUT. . aug u-Uaraaan and tuee , BAUANOKUF HTJMM BU CLUTHING olowd out at 10 per eaat. BELOW COST! Te make room for Wluter Stock. Call early ) I I . J it aud secure bargains. A. DAVIT sag U HARNEOS. Oarriage, and.' Wgou , taking . t I I !' EBTABLI8HHEMT, ' I (MM fttKled th terflott of rtt-olev Harness Ilaker : and Uk plaaaiHra in notifying the publlo that umreratrawui reoeive innwim wmiwh Vhargta lew aad aUaf action gnarantMMj f .g. sJiw, p. ft. MAYlXNg sTu ItoflCa Pram tka ant or October next, all the room in tae buudiBf known as toe (teamen itom also thee in the Bethel, with the exoenttea the (ret floors, wttk all tiw faraltare belonging than to. fbe Home) baa a large tank, whloi furnkibeeanflleMnt water for the kitchen, and waree-okMeta, with ptas leading te each atory. The balldtng new and la food condition, and amply large to accommodate all seamen that come to this port. Aim, the large and eemmadtonl share on the aortheaat earner ef (be Home. For particular, apply to B. F.WrTOrTELL,) B.O. WORTH, Committee. H. R. HEIDE, ) H. B. EILKJUt. angi-tr . ;,. .. . 2,000 J'"h,taCorn' ifiiua xsuaueia uit SOO Bales Hay, WateMl round Bfoal, Hominy, Pork, Bran, Orack Oora, Floor, ets, . far aale tow by . .. . . OUANT AjHlNTOW, Oommlietoa HeMkat and flrooar aog ll d w -- liil IB -OF- i - Atkinson & Hannini? TO.oew.eM Aaaeta Kpremll. ' FIRS. ..;. , n. 1 a. of Korth America.... . Philadelphia. Pbenlx In.arauoeOomnMT..M.w Vara. Continental ln.nranoaOo...,..NW Votfc. N . Hrttlah A MercanUle Ina.Cov.Ijondon. ,' , Hartturd Pire Ine. Company... HarUor.1.; National Fire In. Company ...Marltonx. I SprlngHeld F. A M. In. t(o.t.MaMK)bUMtU. MARIN-, atoreaotiie matuat ina, ue w vara. In. Co. of North Aawloa.....PhlladpBla. 1 OonnectlouiXntual Ufa Xui u.U0. UsrUord. (SbST ' 60-tf jyjEECUlNTS ASD MECHAMC sKSUBAJCECOKPAJir. i 33 ' i - ! ur aiuBMuau, yiauisiuat ' toHtal................;.. .., a. T.Ivokss, rrsstdn. L B. Btooaa.aaet .! WIUUiTKISIWI BiaeralAj Ro.1 North Watav la, Wllaklaftea, M.U, avcu IS r . '-' CROQUET SETS! CROQUET SETS I Large lot JoK reoelved and for sale at lower price tnan they were ever esTered before. . Call and see for yourselves. ' : ' x D. A. SMITH tz. CO. sat .... ,'.:',.,. Remember oo a Fartly-IIade Shirts aaa. CASII ON , DELIVERY Profit, are too .mall to charge them, small balance of Only. v jr. Summer tools t , . i On hand, which we offer at very low price.. MUNSONr&'CO. ' PITX CLOTHIERS. eaf4 KISCXIXASIOTCS LiAOIHl ! LAftEIl ! ETKHTBOOT ay wa beat las ctly oa Bottled Lager Bier! Omeeded by all to be A FACT. LIUHT, DEUCATE ANO PI KA9ANT FOB LADIES AND INVALIDS! II -! s Enaled I lKal urn any ether kind bat OlTRS.x We only aa a .mall a aud we eder aat only aak a .mall advance oa New Turk prtee, QI.70 Per DoionI email let of old 'Amontilade Sherry" Imported In glam, with Homaa and "Vt Uartliia" nrauda. Uvt two bopalar brand of Whlaky, BLUE RA8S & OKM, At SI and M nor sallon. ahead ef all ether bread la the Mute, If yo save nut already, doa't rail toaendfor unpto af the celebrated Proce Empire Flour I Aan BKtT BDTTKB ihthsWOKI.PI Something New. A MylftJsjd Orportonlty fbr Ktoommiy t i Imported Plcklet, ! The ordinary arty ernt Jar, that we are now raahMg out at thirty acute. eadto . GEORGE MYERS. li1380UTn FRONT BT., aog IJIPOIITANT TO! , LAWTOS u MERCHANTS, UUSl P11B1.I8BEO. TROWS' I ' LEGAL D1ULCT0UY - ? -7 and l -- LAWYERS RECORD . of the ,.. i I . UNITED STATES.,. ; . By -?..!' : II. VIIABI.KN VI.mAN, ' . Uunn)ller-at-Law, i:. Preeldent of the United BUto law AmoelatloA. Thl. work will be eoat to any part or the PiilU-thUte.. by mall.onrooolptof , Send . . a , JOHN f. TROW. PttnLtansa,' " r U UnlTenlty riace, BAKER, NOOKHlES 0O W Namau at. - sw , .. u, ,!.., new vc Eaccn, Pcrlr, Flour, Eajginff, TieSj Etc. GO Brae Smoked Btdes and ShoaMSr. Hoxe I). B. HUlea, Sit Barrel Meiei Pork,' i.jnr an graue, ( ; m-f st4 ! al(ilK 1 : W Ton Pieced Ties, 1M Barrel. UrSned Harar, i , , , , , lot Hag Prime Hlo Cvnaa, ' 'MM Italua . and M. H. HavJ . 1,0 Uathele Prists White and Mixed 100 Rod. and Bbl NeW Crop Cuba Mo- ' : 100 Baekj'tbiboa Bait, ' ! , H Seeond-H and Spirit Casks, i too Bundle Hoop Iron, ' Tfl Harrelt Ulue, . , . no Hag Shot, , .,: sno K.g.hall. lee Boae aad Half Boxes Dandles, 15 Oram Matches, , 80 Bote Candy. ' M Box Soda, , . I 18 BoiMHoap, tl . caetarotaeh, ; (10 Uae Oy.tum, . ' SflJi Barrel Hnuff. ! " 1 Kill Ton Eureka (iaaiw, J0 Ton Oueuape Uuauo, . Pot sale low by , ' ' " UriLIilAnH nvjRCUHON. adgl Quarantine Hotice ( t v : TTHTtt FUHTHBB HOTICK ALL VKsV eels from Ports South of Caps fear will eoais to at tha Visiting Station, gear Deep Water LPotnt,and await the inspection of tha Qua Hantlne Physician. , All1 veaa.1. front Ports where Yellow Fever, ev other rnfeeUou disease sxlsts, will be re quired te anderge a rigid and prolonged Qoar- aatiae. ' ' 'All veseel or boat of any character having slokuea oa board on arrival, or having had slokness any time doling th voyage, ar re quired te oome to the Station , tor Inapeetlea without regard to the Port from whence they come, Yeael not Included as above will pro- coed without detention. ! , t -. . f.-,. , V pilots are espeoiallf snjoinad to aiake eare- suleaqalry relaUr to t aU, enw, dec., and If not s'tUfled with the statemsats ef tba Cap tain or commander, or If toe vetael Is In a fllthy condition, they will bring tb vessel to tha Itattoa for farther examination. Pilots wilfully violating the Quarantine Laws are aubjeet toaforfelUrre of their branch; Mssten of vessals to a la af two hundred dol lars a day for every day they violate' tho Quarantine Lawn and all other persons are liable for each and every oQenoe. t All veaula subject to visitation under above regulations, wilt est a Bag la th main rigging, port-.Ulo. ni'--' li J'iifi vr rurraa, , . ' " Quarantine 1'hT.lclan, Port of Wllmlngtou, M. . BmlthTlle, K, C, Hay 17, 18T4, naitt ' IMtllnOTt Valuable Real Estate .tForGalei:;" M. CRONLY. Auotloneer. . BI CHONLT MOKUia. . , ' . ; o i . Talortgago Sale. B rtrrne of divert giortasee from Themaa B. (Jairaud wire, the Meohaniea' Bulldln and Loan Anociatlon will aril for oaah, by pub lie auction, at Kachango oorh.r, hi the city ol Wilmington, oa Krktay, the mbilay ef AuguH, 1875, at If o'clock at., the fullowlug doribl Keal Katate, situated In mid city, .ubl.ct lo a flrt mortK'ge of aa,"". and ail lutere! thai dim hi rink UuwMM. via: .Beginning In the Kaatem lbte of enond atreet, TS reet Southwardly from Ua lnterM tUiu with the Southern line of Market treat, and running tbenoa Houtbwarilly with said line of Second (treat M feet, tlienoe kaatward ly parallel With Market Mreet TO feet, thence rlorlbwardly parallel with Second atreet W feet, and tkenos Westwardly paeallat . with Market atreet to the beginning, lofeatkar with the three (tore and buildinir. thtrnon. Terms aooomnuxlatluf made known at sale; . aug t-ev'dajt dots . THBRHOIIETER 105 m THE SHADE! 45 Bliy ODlIS 45 li Are both warm and fall satisfied with tha trade thev have done tor the uast season, but are still deeirotu to close out few small lots previous to tak ing aooount of stock, and Lave marked them at such prices, at cannot fail to secure their immediate sale. - A DISCOUNT of 25 Per Cent Will bo given off all remnants of Dress Goods. '' GENTS' WHITE DRESS SHIETS HADE TO OEDER !Fit Guaranteeid' A full line a) wnVs on hand ; also, Cuffs, Collars, I i-., Machino Needles, 5 . Cents ICach. Terms, Cash Only- : One Price. BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market Street. July to JUST OPENED ! 1 36 MABKET STREET. I1" ... . -ANOTHEIiLOT OP- ' ! " ' 1 5 ' 1'-' " , , .,..,. U j,, L.-jit !j) 1 ,) ? BlafckGrdriaiiines;; Black Silk Challys, r 1 i W f V " BLACK CASHMERES, OEEPES, &C, . BUMMHIt STOCK CLOSED OUT 1 ; Lower Than Ever ! . TJ1I. No. 3G MAEKET 8TEEET. July m MISCELLANEOUS. TO HOLDERS CITY coupons. v IcciTrCumr.aiilCoWr, COT Or W1LMLNQTON, N. Q, , June 2JHh, 1875, SOTIO Is hereby given aa THi jrrjLY OOUPOV8 1811 (of Bonds of this City) osn- not be promptlylpald. ", , ' la eonaeqvsnos of osrtala sbanges under a recent decision of the Muprema (Joort of thl f as to the manner of as sestment of the '. . -1 at Peraonal Property In this elty; and . . .1. ! ,., i ' - thereby the City Tu Books not 'yet having been placed In nosieeslon of the underilgnad for ooUeotloDi together with other com pi lea : . i i Ions la rega rd to sur Municipal affairs, now . ,,, , i . pondlny before th supreme Govt of North Carolina, the pity of Wilmington tmut neoee- ' ' i sarlly crave some mdnlgonoe from th balder. f ef City (ton pon,under existing olroumftance. n '-: V T. aSEBVOSsJ'i!'' Olty Tresjuter. ino-tf June 3ft YATES' BOOK1 STORE- " " " " ' -' ' i. Blank Books Blank Books! Fnll aaaortmsnt always on hand, and will be sold for leu than ever before ottered, , Vompleta nockof s in.'i- - , , h . SCHOOX. '1 BOOBS Aiwa j. on hand, which will be sold for IMS thaa pabUaher' prloee. . t.;,t - i s C. W. YATES, ; .i . -i Market Street. angt ' i . .:.,!' CAMS IDGE' FEMALE COLLEGE, ' CAMBRIDGE, Md. ,! ' ".' , Chartered 18B8V) ; XI U n.-llWIiui kilo unuiiitv.'. W.W . Khar .IMarylandaad Vlrtinia. Hew building. on D'lJK wa ciuu j-n nil, www. Jlaat-Roiu(s Jurt flniahed. ;ouri ot luHtr ac tion Uioroogh In Try aenne. For circular s . J A A UitillU.H M 0.!..nl...1 augU wlmo- Underwear, Etc. . , -,i B-i.t t ;., i).l in v.A ;'! ' i A ,;!...''. tif ATU-i..ifit ''v ....... - KA2, Tho Dawson Bank. naanaaaaW ' $.. JTOBDJEfiOf TitBBOABD OP DIEEO tors, the Books of Bubiotlptlon to the Capita Stock of this bank will be opened at their bank In i room on Thanday, the HI Instant, at 10 o'clock .., and remain open antU furtbar oordered. : Wa.LAkMUII8 Oasaiaa niy ea lm ' ': SOL. BEAR & DRO'S, 20 Market Street. ' CLOSIXQ OUT THE ENTIRE STOCK t t '., OF . ; tl ', DBY GOOJDS . , .i i , 1 a . : f ,. ATOUBBBXAIL MOBKI ' GHreat ' Bargains ! i l'J-4 LISIN SHXITUJQ from 70 ets. and lllperyard. , -t Uotamblqufl T ets. per yard , " " i l, j , BWIM MD814S8,, H r fl)0 fJossn Linen Towels and JTapklni, . , . j j Irish aad Caiman Linen khlrttsgs, Cambrlo Basdksrohlefs, " MATT1KG", White and Colored. 00 Pieces UKEI for Ladlef "TikveUng Dteesas sad Boya wV,) . , Large aisortmsnt of Panama and Straw Hats for Children aud Hen. ' We win eomntence on Monday to sell the above and wll oontlnoe dally inHl the whole itooklsoloasdoat. , ,.,.-. ;"t$ f '. tor. Ladles are, retpectfnlly invited to call and examine oar stock, as we know It will re pay them. ;-'' r "'' la future wo Intend to oonflne our bustneis to Clothing and Merchant Tailoring, mavis ' lM-f A C 4- (frO A P'B DAT. Agent waut CO 10 VxJU Sd. All alasaea of working people of both aexe. young and old, make more money a work roc u, m tneir own looai Itlee, during their iparo momenu, or all tho time, than at anything elue. W e offer employ ment that will pay hondiomely fw overy hour's work. Full particular., taru,eto.,K'ut free. Send ns your a'dre. at once, lon't delay. Row I your' time. Dont look lor work cr bndneae elMwhero. antU won hare learn.4 whet we oner. u. orio a vo., rora, 1 Trii' WflShiTo4fin 'Ur.iTfirBitTrk ':";,BOTOOIorKEDICI??E. B ALTIlfOBE, MARYLAND The next Annual Conrne Of Mntnre wui d gtn Oclrli, 1KT5, and end February . h . fiiltt. 'i he HonrUtal, aa teneral and Jpepll Utapenaariea, atinciifa 10 ine i ". ample niMrlHl fur C lnll Temr-. Kvy faclut, for Direction f ""J" ,n tloular. addremJ. B. USDSA V, i "i"! of tha Faculty. aug U-e o d lm ua ooiony.