fflUfM ft - JJ - : - - ! 1 J. I WILimiQTOH. N. C. TUESDAY. AUGUST 17. 1875. 7nOL2 HO. G.C59 VOL SXIV. -nO. 197. ety lD-3(raniaL WLLMOIOTOX. 5. a: TUESDAY, AUGUST 17. 1875 BYTXLEORAPH" msw ADTiimianiTs For Lease or Salo- -, , A dwelling fbr k bin at year or Rj'Hfcr!, iUuMfd on Chertual (ircrl, bta foarvk d Fifth Apply tinllaoly, M I to Veaea the cnrta a few dar. wcii. llEADljUAUTEBS. OOVEBNMEXTBCCEIPTS AHD EXPENDITURES. Vabhtshs, Aogtiat 18. The aow ernmant reoatpts aud xpeaditures foi the tmi ending Jane SO, 1872, tra of floiallj anaoouosd aa follows: Met r oeiptsfrom cmitomi $257,167,722.35; from internal reeau 1110,007,403.68 from sale of poblio lauds $1,413,610.; 17, miscellaneous souroes (19,411.95 total nat racsipts t288,000,OM,ll; net expenditures for civil and miscalls Deo oi purpose 871,070,07198; war department 141,120,643.98; nary de partment t21.497.62A. 27; Ind'ans and pensions $37,840,873.04; Interest on public debt (103,003,541 57; total or dinary expenditures 8274,623,892 84. Brannan telegraphs that Keogh, Su perintendent cl National Comenteries is dead; bis wife is down and the ret are doing well. Rear-Admiral Reynolds dispatelios that his tig-ships, the Tennessee, has passed easily through Bnos CanaL Oommander Q-. N- Morris, who commanded the Cumberland when the Merrimao sank her in Hampton Roads is dead. The Nary Department has details of the wreck of the Rio Bravo, ller ( oommander was compelled to run her ashore or risk the loss of all on board, llad the ship not been strong and a good sea-boat she con Id not Lave sur vived eight hours, The Kio Bravo ws formerly the Planter and was pur chased at New Orleans for police duty on the Rjo Qrande, QUEEJS OF THE TUltF. FASTEST TROTTING RACE ON RECORD A NEW VICTOR. RooHastaa, August 10. The free for all raoe brought out Goldsmith Maid. Lulu. Nettie and American Girl. The betting was 4 to 1 on the Maid, and with her out 50 to 40 on American Girl against the field. Lulu broke np badly, and the first heat was won by Goldsmith Maid in 2:151, with Amer ican Girl a good second, Lulu 3d and Nettie 4th. The second heal was won liv'Lulu in 2:101, beating Maid a half length. Nettio 3d and American Girl 4th. The third heat was won by Luluiu 2:151: she crossed the wire a length and half ahead of Maid, Nettie 3d and Amerioan Girl inst sav ins hor distance. The fourth beat and raoe was won bv Lulu in 2:17. leading thn Maiilhv aheadonlv. Amorioon Girl aug ad and Nettie last. These ore the bent four oonseoutive heats on record, and Lulu has taken the plaoe of Goldsmith Maid as Queen of the Trotting xnri. EUllOPE. London, August 16. The Times says; Thore was almost -...nothing doing in discount Haturday, and the mtn was nominal. It was the same wav with monev. whioh is so exceed ingly oheap that banks and discount honsea refuse to look at any but the rnrv host naDer. because it is not worth while to takeany risk. For tothe struggling trader the present torpor is worse than dearer money mignt De with a rate to tempt business he might eat some aooommodation, but now ho gets none. The simple result of this must be that many houses of small means will succumb. ' Cheap money is thnrnfora nbont the most sure puriner of the market that oould be conceived at nrfwnnt. Madrid. August 18. Gen. Gaesada after a sharp fight has captured the Carlist'i position at Lnuoo, on the Villereal road. The Oarlist force mentioned on the 10th inst. as having nasaed through Berga. surprised the Alfonsistu engaged 'in the siege, Seo d'Urflrel RDuroached to within throe leomies of the boseiged town, but the movements of the Royal army necessi tated Birain thoir retreat to the moun tains, J . ELElTRICISm The first bale of new cotton was re ceived at Charleston on Saturday, be inrt oiolit davs earlier than last year. o it. Htinde. boot and shoe dealer in fit. Tennis, hos failed for 180.000. The steamer Hugh Martin exploded o. boiler at Washington landing, ion n nance river, vesterday. Capt. Fritts, nne nasseneer, one engineer and a boy and man standing on the bonk were filed. A few deck possengors and hands were imured. The church of St. Thomas at Arohi imlrt. Pennsvlvanio. bos been dedicat- aA with imDosinar ceremonies, oon AnntoA bv Arohbishon Wood of Philu- A.lnhift. BishoD Quinlon of Mobile nnuihf the sermon. Rev. IThoe. Fitagerald, of Mount Rt Marv'a oolleee. Emmittsburg, was raised to JhDe iaioy esterday by Bisho p T,nncrhtln in tne oatnearai at juroua. hn. The shin Anicana. from Bombay for New York, before reported off Point Alfred in distress, has been abandon pd. The crew was landed at Point Alfred. The bark Velas. from Mon treal for Queenstown, abandoned by her crew, was taken charge of by a prir crew from tho white star steam er Repnblio and safely taken into the latter pott. There is serions trouble between the Irish and Italian laborers on the new Insane Asylum at Danvers, Mass. TV Unnlcfort. Rook Island and St. Louis R. R. sold at auction yesterday for 81,820,000. It was bongut by tho flat-man linndholdera. Mira' tmnhle about Cuba. The Hnnnfah minister B8VS that the Urn- guay, Cbpt. Bomers, has on board war material for Cuba. She was chased Knf nnl nancrnt flftnt. RoHlorS 18 an old band at running the Cuban block ode with wax material. CAUTION Beware of Imitation mi Counterfeits. Lwfe ol n AJHem HotUea lriffor Blor. Wirt M 'M oraadleina'lr: Yon want the Tk.BMlMIM - Frankfurter Iairer. AN IMPORTED BEER SOLD BY US aad vwfe foar time. Ih prtee of SomM.lt kvr TRY IT. We or now roooivlDg Twenty-fiye Cases, QUARTS AND PIRT8, OF THIS BESTOF ALLLAGEP8, CHAR. D. M YE US & CO., 57 North Front street. - Exclusively at Retail noXm(18hoei8fll kind, fiU.tork, Mil liH(Tch.rf lli.n elittpal th.ilgn of Uie Q.ld.nBoot. C. A. PK1CK. NO QME Need to hesitate t- buy elothlni now, fur A., DAVID I. Mlllnf tlieia ts)u that It I. ren? an In. luce- mnt to bay, wk.th.r yoa nl tlioin or nut Call at HoZT Market itrcft, tud jou will I confine of th. hOT Matcniant Wilmington Lodge No 319, Regular meeting tlila (Tnenlaj) f st at o'clock nth lnit PBMToi C'ruMmo, Sec y NOTICE WimmoToH, N 0 AngiiHt 10 B J Lilly, Jr,hu Ueen adialttod a putnex lii the arm of ' raumilOTJilHiXi - THE AGE OF PROGRESS! WAMBUTTA SHIItrM O For 87.50 Cash, Neror before told fur If mi than f2.no ench Holo aency st ti e City Olotbltig Htore of lyruisrsoisr & oo. HEWADYERTIIEMENTS. Ladies' Belts ! Udlee' lalchaU. LadleC Traoka, Oulr1 TraiiU, Un' TraraUiij Da I Obawt atrmva, rtr,, At the 8Ulery Strr of Carpenter Mallard, Bo. I Boirra raosv 8tt, Jaiytl tlmaigtoa, M.U ALL KINDS OF Musical Instruments ! a a W TATB91 Book BOpt, rome and txamtD stock of Itaadard and Mlacollaneool B00I4, which I am at greatly reduoed j rloee. Toe larfmt and boot aelrnl Koek la the thf. C, W. Yatw, MARKET STHBRr. an IB Sack. I.lrerpral Salt Jnrt imported ana for le ly augtt 4,000 1 BlHPOTOj Ckow & Co. Baeging and Ties ! COO R1a Ragging and TU ! M Ton TIM, For sale by KoiK-nKEn Galper Buos. Molasses, Molasses. Buos. Tft Hhd.fnba Moll Kfl Hhild H. H. Molawe., For aala ey KEItOTiK'n & Caldgr MISCELLANEOUS Excursion ol i Sea Ou board Ui large a&d But eoeaa Itsaawhtp Of the Palttmora and WllralngUm Line, to Umlth.Ule, the Black rtak nttn.U, wt Fry ln ean Hboala, will be flrou on Thuredsy, Align ma, by the Wilmington Light Infantry ! T), Buatn.hln Haleluh oflnrlnc wiierlor a.1- vnnlHciaiiduiiiiirtiawttil noooinmoiliUioiu, Iim be" iiienlaliy wurei ror tin ewwroii. bi'ill anoomniodtlon tor rimioer. Ar raet Kintiit. made r tlie vlewture of alt. 1 ne t'onimlttee rMrre the tight tu eiehido all l lentlonaMe iernn. Ice erfHOi, leuioim'lnd eake ou lioard at city prion. Wo t.lrltuoue II1111 ir. allowed. Vlokei. for rouud trip for geutlenon. 1 j, la dlee, M cente ; blldrea from Urn to flftnen yeare of age. Hi eenu eurvaiite aooomianylng famine. M cent. ., . TlrkeU to be had at the Ira Woree, Booh Btoro end ofUie unUemlgneit Coamlltee: M. P. TAYLOR, H. G.O.THOMAS, WAUTKBOONKT, K. W.ANI'KKWS, t).U WKII., r.H.IAHUV. The Stunner will lae wharf foot or Mul. berry .tnet at 8 o'clock, .harp. 1 - tbur.mil and tue. MISCELLANEOUS I.AUIHI ! LAUUH ! KVKltVHOUV y. we beat the city on Bottled Lager Bier! Conceded by all to be A FACT, LlUitr.l'KLIOATK ANl 11 KA8ANT rt'K LADIES AND INVALIDS! ll Cannot be t.ejtuUrd I lMi't iim eny Whet kind but "OUR!." We only ak a email adieuoeoa ti.w lork prtoe, and w.uttor It at 81.75 Per Doxon! A .mail tot of old 'Amontilade Sherry," Iminrted la glaee, with Koman and "Unff Oor.lun" Brand. Our two popular brand Of Whlaky, iimi; an ass v c.i;m, SIW ADVEETISZZXTS. augl B Flour, Coffee) Sugar, and To bacco 1 l.ftuO Barrel Hour, too Hag. Coffee, at ll.rrol Sngar, li lloie Tobaooo, For sale by IKhkitinkh k OAURn Bros, Oorni Maaland Hay I 1,000 BuhelUorn, 1,1100 Bu.hel Meal, lot) Bale Prim Saltern Hay, for ! by tig IS Kbhohnhr k Qaldbb Bnos. and eorure burgaln. aiig n English Cutlery. Tooket KuWet of or err dotiirlptlon, Rauir, Hlrti, Uruiliwe, Kodger'. t.ory Handle 1' ble end Tea tlulve, Silver rork, Hpoon. MoImot, ilarrlog Knlve., fork., '1'alile ttlocU, ota. A larue aMortment Juet received from the important, and now opening at the old - lauiuneo naruwaro noiiM) or JOHN DAWSON. He. l,Jud 81 Markot 8t 2 N, Front Btrwt. Notice Extraordinary. lu THE IOtb If BEPTKMI1BR, CLEVELAND M1NEUAI SPHLXGS. FOKMBUI.Y WILSON'S. Near Hbelhy, 59mllo.Wo.tof OUatlotto. Tbi favorite watering plaoe will be epea for the reception of (elect v unison ou the the 10th of June. Faa.eugor coiulug on the Ueulrai Kallroad will bo met by back, and conveyance eant to Air-Lino Uallroad and other olnU wlioneror deelred. Oold and Warm Bath., White Sulphur, Bod Sulphur and UUalybeate Water. Italian Band of Mimto and other WMiroe of amuaemeut. For further Information, apply to F. W. Julie IS BBBVAUD. Proprbitor IB-Km We will mil from oar (lock at SUMMER DRESS GOODS ! At a great rod notion from New York Oost! In addition, we ofrbr a hanlmme stock of WHI1B GOODS 1 1 Iooludlng Raneooka, Jsronota, Swim Oliecked Oambrlce, Linen, Ladlee and Oonhr Hand- borchtef, Table Unoin, etc, at 'A por oeni. lower than Slew fork value. Aleo, the beet NEW ISTOVBTS. Misa Angel. A Hovel. Bt M. Thaot.ray, Aatnor ci III 1.1 li,.n.lnlF,m." "Tk. VllUil of tho 1)1111,' RlDMhrtard' Kevi." eto. Willi lUuetrattoua. Faiwr, T caiiw. Alioe Lorraine, ii.i.nr tlx muh Dewaa. 11 r ft. I). Blaok 1 more. Author or "uraaoea auw.11, -maiuoi Sker," eio. Par, It eenta Plajrlng the Misolilef- a im.l. Bv J. W. UeFore... Anthor of M 1m Kavene!' Ounveraloa trom Cecowlon tu iyly," "Burup AoTuatnlaoo," oo. Pa ALANOBOF BUMM It K CliOTHINO closed out at 10 per oent. BELOW COST! O make loom for Winter Hlock. Cull early A. DAVID- HARNESS. TO MY Carriage and , Wagon Making KUl'ABUHHMKNT, have added the errvlne ol a flnt-daea Harness Maker and take pleanure In notirylng the publln that their order, will receive (miuwllatn attention, t harifi'. low and aaliiif acl ion giiai iimi'on 1 ng.Slw P. H. HAYOlCNi At 3 and 8 i-r gallon, ahead of all other brand, in tne estate, . . . If vou uave not alrady, don't tail toiwnd for Mtmple of the celebrated roeess Umpire Flour I .mi HKST BOTTKlliatus WOKLKI Something New. A Mplended Otpoitunlty for K.conomyl Imported Plckloa, Th ordinary flrty oenl. Jar, that wo ar uow rurliing out at thirty ceuU, end to GEORGE MYERS. 11 & 13 BOUTII FUONTBT., auglt . - - IMPOUTANT TO LAWYEU3 ailfl MERCHANTS. UUS'l PUULISHKl). TBOW8' LE(JAL DlltECTOKV and LAWYERS RECORD of the UISXITEr) STATES. r CIIAKI.I'.B IH.mAIM, l.duniwlliir Hjiw, 1'ro.ldent of the U nl tl rttato. I w Aoele( Ion , II. Jhl. work will be ent Ut any part of the flnited Hlatoe. bv mall.onrooelntol o. oemi rot elronlar. 1 - JOHN r, THOW, PiinriHH, ? ta llnlvemlly Place, IIAKEIl, NOOUHIKS & IU).,MI Naa.au Bt. 4w . New York Ulty. For Rent, rrnm the Hrt or Octnber next, all the room In tbe building known a. the Moanian' Homo aleo those in tno Bethel, with the exooptlon o the llr.t lloom, with all tho furniture belonging then to. The tlome a largo ana, wiuuu furnlnlie.mifflclontwatorfor the kitchen, and water-cloHBtii, with u lpe leading to eai.n eiory. Tliebiilliilnguiiiewaml In good condition, and autply large to accommodate all seamen that conin to lul port AlMi, the large ana oommnaiou. .tore on wo northeaet corner of the Homo, For particular, apply to B. F. MITOHKLL, B.O. WOKTH, K. K. HKIIMC, H, 11. KILKKH, augs-tr NTI.ii FOttTRKW KOTIOR ALL VK8 105 IN TBE SHADE! I&ROOlIUu 45 MARKET SnilM, Aro both warm and fuUr satisilod with the trado tliet hare done lor the uast season, but are still desirous to olose out few small Iota previous to tak lug notxmit or stock, aud have tu'urkod them at suoh priooa as cannot fail to st'ouro thoir immotliato salo. A DISCOUrJTlof 25 Por Cent Will be given off all remnants oflDroBBjOoods. GEirTS' WHITE DRESS SHIRTS MADE TO ORDER Fit Guaran toed A (nil lino always on hand ; also, Cuffs, Collars, Underwear, Etc. Agouts for Frank Loslio'a out Mac! lino Needles, 5 Cents -Each. Terms, Cash Only One Fnce. BROWN & RODDICK; 45 Market Street 1 Committee. 2,000 Bu.hel. Corn, LTly ner.THeoni For .aie July 81 HEINSBERCER'8 Uve Book and at on o Store, 1,000 Buaholi Data, 800 Bale Hay, , j Water-O round Meal, Hominy, Pork, Bran, ' Orack Oora, rtrmr, ate, " For ale low by . till ANT AHINTUM, Uommlawlon MerohaU and tirooera. ' angl-ltdAw ' CROQUET SETS! CROQUET SETS! Large lot Jiwt reoolvod and for eale at lower price tnan they wore ever offered before. Call and aee for youMelvo. ' D. A. SMITH & CO augS etockof IIOSIEHT In Uie city at low than Importers' price. aVAn early eall I renpoctfully eolldttd. At Auction. I will sell on Thursday morning, Anguat loth.at tea o'clock, a taa renaenoe or em Levy, corner of Second and Ann street, wlili- at reesrve, a flne Seven and ene-rourtn uo tavoKnabe Piano, Parlor, Bod and inning Boom 8te, Oarpete, Mirrors, ddlng. Oroek- ery, Ola, and Plated Ware, Klteben utemiie, I throe line Milch Oow, a fine pair weU-lrelucd Goats, Wagon and Harn, In Hme order. B. Kahnweiler, AUCTIONEER. " ang IB St EGLANTINE. BT ILIZA TABOft. . : ang IS. B WEILL I A DM1RB8 of "St. IIUIJUIJ, Jl mMiiiiolnted wltl i i nnriHAKHL0rljOtr'l-tU Krik(lM' A)VVf 200 BAGS COFFEE, -500 BBL3. B. H. SYRUr.C 2,000 BACKS LIVERPOOL BALT, 200 KEGS NAILS, 0 BBL8. SUGAR, 100 Boxes Dry Bolt Bidos and Bhonl- iers, CO Boxes Smoked Moats, And a full stock of OKOGEUIES, which we .II M 111 ... diMippolned with "Sglantlue." The harntna la altogether enarmmg, hiu wo ir commend all who are In aearoh of afwcltiattng story to read this work. Th eame rapnie hnwer. neallny wniiuion, uv'y racy humor which eharaoterlwd "St. Olive" aro everywhere dlipiayea in cgiamma. For tale at HEINSBERCER'S Live Book and Music Store. aug 10 Quarantine Notice. IT aula from Port Bouts or (Jap Foar will come to at the Vblttng BUtlon. near Deep Wator mt ...ii th iniMtinn of the Ouar antlne 1'hjrMlcl.n All veawl from Port where V el low Fever or other inlertloii. iliuaM eiM, wilt be re. quired In undcrco a rigid and prolonged ynar- antlne. All teelorboatof any character having aJckne. on board on arrival, or having hail .IckneM any time during the voyage, are ro in,red to come to the Station for Inflection without regard to the Port f'om whence they come, Veatel aot Inoluded a. above will pto- ooed without detention. S Pilot, are epeclally enjoined to make care nil enquiry relative to teeiel., crew, Ao., and If not itlrfled with the Utcroent or tne t;ap tain or commander, or If tbe vowel 1 lu a Stthy condition, they will bring the veeael to the Station for further examination. Pilot wilfully violating the Quarantine Law are lubjoet to a forfeiture of their branch; Matter of veneel to a flne oftwo hundred dol lar a day for every day they violate the Quarantine Law.: and all other perion ar liable lor f aoh and every offence, , ' , ' AH eol .object to vliltatlon under above regulation, will net a nag tn the main-rlgglng, pottr. . F. W. POTTKR, guarantlne 1'hy.lclan, Port of Wilmington, ti. . Bmlthvlle.N.O., MaygT.lSJS. . may (g 128 tllnoTl JUST OPENED! JAN0TIIER LOT Off i . Black Grenadines, BLACK OASIIMEEES, CREPES, &a HtTMMKll HTOCK CI.OI3L OtTT Valuable Real Estate For Sale! M. CRONLY- Auctlonoor. offer to tb trade at low flgnrea J epeetal atteatkta ld to stewing v tow ratee freight In Oat Load Lo. BINFOUl), OBOW ck O Commissioner's Sale. V katnnlav. tha Nth da OT 0(Ul, ill". I 1 .ni.iikk m.. at Kiehance Corner lu peiRnanoeQiaaoriHwoi w.o,wpi . 7 . . New Hanover, I will oU to Uie blgheet blddor that valuable remdmiee on mnoem ..reet, ua Iwu.n Front and Beoond .troeu, at preront oo curled by I)r. ti. S. Kverelt, and known a. the H, 1 1 an vh r iut iniim v iiww. ' tueh.; 62 faet wide on the rear end, and IW feet deep. - Alan lot en Marketntreet, lying between Bt. Jainoa' Church parionag and lr. Iboma' reeldonoe, and at preaent oeoupled by Vt 1'homaa a a doctor oltlce M leet front by 1S roetdeep. - Term., one-third eaeh, one-thlnl In one your, aud one third In tour yean .DoBKUTZ UUTLAK, OommUetoaer. aug-MIi9aiBa , IFORTUNB FOR $1. LEGALLY AUTHORIZED. Texas Gift Concert Associatioii ! o nawiaow, tbza, wiu. aiva a ' SECOND Grand Gift Concert ! In aid or a Maeonto and 1. 0. O. F. Temple, REPT. 22, 1875. Flint Opltal Olrt ' aw.WlO Hocond oapllal UHt.... ,(W0 llealde tilft In projortlon amountlnt in all to $2(30,000,00 r LOWBST.OIFT TO A WUOL TlCBlT, t30 Prlceof a Whole Ticket, IS, which conlt of tlvo St Uouin. , COUPON TICKETS, $1, Which will entitle the holder to admuwlon to the tirand Cono.rt, and to one-fifth or what ever may be awaided to the whole ticket num ber. - ' ' - ! ' ' ' ' ' Ite.ponBltile agent wanted. All order, for ticket eut dlroct promptly filled. ' , - Olronlar. Papers, etc,, giving 11 particu lar., tout free. Iu writing, be rare aud .ign your tiaino, town, county and State In full. Order, for tlckoU amounting to SO aud up ward, aent l). O. It., if do.lred. AdrvMi nil commuulcatlon and make all ro uilti.iii'o. to aug 11-4 moe w A. K. COLLINS, Becrttary, Ienlon, Teia HARDWARE. For all article In tho Hardware line go to G.'Lics Ic MtmcnisoN's g IB Now Hardware Btore. Lower Than Ever! ra. ra. -kat 2, No. 86 MAEKET STEEET July la - . . . - v ' - MISCELLANEOUS. . BY CROJNLY c M0B1UH. . Mortgage Sale- By vtrtne of diver mortgago from Thomae B. Oarr and wire, the Meohanlo.' Building and Loan Aaeoclatlon will sell for eah. by public auction, at Exchango comer, In the clt) of W llmlnglon , on Friday , the 'i7tb day of A ugiut. 1H75. at Uo'olock M., the following described Heal nutate, ltuated In ald city, .ubject to a flnt mortgage of S.SOO, and all lutereet that may be due thereon, via: - Beginning In the Keetern line of Beoond troet, IS foot Honthwardly from lui intoraeo tloa with lbs HouUiorn line of Market lreet. and running thence Honthwardly with aald line of Heooud rtreotBT Toet, tlmnoe KaBtward i. ...r.uni vuh Market .treat 10 feet, thence Northwardly p. -allel witn neoonu nreei oi let, and thouoe wenwaruiy pww arket street to the beginning, together with COUGHS, COLDS . HOARSENESS, AND AIiL THROAT DISEASES, WELLS' 0ASB0LI0 TABLETS. , i POT UP IK ONLY BLUK BOXRII. A TRIED AND SURE REMIOY. Bold by lrngjfuu. feet, Marknt tha throe .tore and bulldlnii. theruon acooiumodattng niaoe anown ai aaur. aug ( ev'day t d of Term TO HOLDERS city coupons, a .-!.'... -- - Offlcejor Tre'dsnrer aM Collector, CITY OP WILMINGTON. N. 0 Juaa 29th, 1875. NOTICE li hereby given that TUB JULY COUPONS 1H (of Bond of toll City) can. not be promptlytpald. In oouieqianoO of certain change ondor a rooont decllon ofths Supreme Ooart of thi e a. t) the mannor of a sewment of tha I an I Pjraal Proporty In thl cltyi and thereby the City Taa Book not fyet baying oeon placed in poasoaalon of tha undersigned fur collection; together with other compllca Ion In rega rd to eur Munlolpal affair, now pending before the fiuprema Court of North Carolina, the city of Wilmington muit neoea- urlly crave ome Indulgenoa from the holders of City Uoupona.under xUtlng olrcunutaaoo. ' T. 0, SEBVOSS, Tho Dawson Bank. jyr ORDKB 01 TBI BOARD OF DIBIO tor., the Books of Habtortptton to the Capita Stock of this bank will be opened at their bank ing room on Tbunklny, the HI ulitant, at 10 o'clock a.m., and remain open until runner oordered. Wat. LABKtHS, OAsnaa 1 - : - ,,. SOL. BEAR & : BHD'S, 20 Market Street ' -OF- Atkinson & Mannint? f 70,000,000 Aaseta Iteproaeutud. Fl RIE. na. i o. of North America Philadelphia. Phenli ln.uranceOompany....New York. Oontinnntal Insurance Co New Vim a. N . llrltlah Sc Meroantll lu..CO..Lointn. Hartford Fire In. Company... Harttont. Natlmial Fire In. Comnanv...HarttorJ. Horlngtletd JT. A M. In.. Co...MawaobuaetU, M orcan tile Mutual lua. lx.....New V'jrk. In. Co. of North America Phlladolpnla. LIFE Connecticut Mutual Life li feb ST u..Co. HurUord. jyjKlllUANTS AND MECHAS1C! MNSUBAKCB COMPAH I, Vor BictiaoNu. yiboiwa. , O.plt.1 ..f.8toaa,Preldt. I. B. Mooaa.aeo JOILM fULDESl ATKIbWOM UeneralAg o.Nortt Water Bt Wilmington, .U. aprUU . ' MI, June 30 City Trearorer. 106-tf YATES' BOOK BTORE- Blank BookSj Blank Books! wnii aumtmentatwav. on hand, andwlllbe (old for lea than evor before oltered. Complete Mockof SCHOOL BOOKS Alwayann hand, which will h old for leas t..n puhU.her' prloo. , f c. w. yates, J" . .i ; .--v Market Street, Tim CLOJINO OUT THE ENTIRE STOCK . or DBYGOODS AT OUB BIT AIL 8TOBBI O-reat 1 Bargains li : I'J4 LXNKN 8HKXTINQ from 10 ots. and L II U per yard. , , Hoxamblque T eta petyard , BWIStt MUoLlNS, 00 Doaen Linen Towels and Napkin, Irish and Carman Linen shlrtlag, it Oambrlo HMdkerohlefa, MATTINGS, White and Colored. SO Pieces WHEN for Ladle Traveling Dreaw and Boyf waar. Large assortment of Panama and Straw uats for Children and Hen. We will oommenoe on Monday to su taa abovt and will eontlnns dally antU th whole (took Is closed ont. '.. i T Ladle are retpeotfnlly Invited to eaii and examine oar itock, a wa know It will ra- nay them. "! In fntura wa Intend tp confine out ouatneee to Clothing and Merchant i'aiioring. may S ' . . PKB DAT. Agent waut- oiaaM.01 woiaiua lM-tf $5 to Z0 3 TOUDg mWl OKI, VMa r uh lot i mom StlsMfe. Wl I. uiBn ai uj"B " - . a." -- r ! ... kv.. 1mAI r..r nwavv uum , mamt f.hBl WU1 UT uuiitHana.- j ,v , - - r SZvS mrnjm all tha tSLn at Mvthlng elae. W offer employ- Uiliernlan Boucvolont jMoctaUon. ' uRMRKua i Too are here by notified to .nee. . J"-' ,aii t.il,.arv ktoom.l i vuiii ounoaj ctoi. .o'clock, punetual.'y. f "e Jpurpoa of ettendl "! ,,,e ru' nnral of our lata brother member, ";n,u JoyccSV , . JOHN MoENT - auglo-U eerary. -aii nartioaian, nruu, nd n. our aldrea a onoe. Uon'S oeiayo How S wr tlmeTDon'l look tor work or JurioeVwhere. antU vo ' what we otter, Q.owaaow l.fl' ! M.ine, The Washington University s SCHOOL of MEDICINE, , BALTIMORE, MARYLAND ; Thanes. Annual Oonrae of Iaetnree will bj- October l.t, IrtB. and d orry gin uo " ---7 ri.-1 mHd 1ST6. Tnanoep.-.. ---j----- f-rnl Um,ienaariea, "?'.lr- r..a Krary faoliity lor IIJ. !si!iAi. ' -i tlculam. addroat J. K. J1 Vd 1 Aw laa oX thaViaaalty. aua-""

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