d r''' N 'V V X X H , M ' i 1 s 1 i i ' J 'H i-.i. ,...1 f r ( i w.e.,. i .V1 IM it'll II IlllOft IHI' r III I IX !.t'1 .4 litit-.iiil.-i OKI'K -1111 fill a WIHEC1IQT0H. L 17; C. WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 18. 1875. VOL. . ixiv.-no. 19a ""-W ,1 n'sT -y, ;!H, .;,.r,,: T;,' Tin, .. 'ie 1 i i , , i ' 1 1 v! h V. ; ! ' ""' ' . " " ' ' '" m ''... ...... t .rtiT l'T-l ffi'l aa. . . v 1 9 . r i V illf 1 1 1 WHiMIWrON. M. O: WEDNESDAY, lATG UST 18, 1h75 BY TELEGRAPH IILEt'TlUCLSMS. In Kontuekjr, MOrory, Democrat, mHjr.ritjr for Governor is 86, I'M. Iu tliti llcutte the DtsmoartU bavo Uio U.nblionui 10. . ' i ' ' - The yellow tovor Is bting Fori BarriuictS near Peosool Florida. The sovernign Ofiunoil tt the mob of Jouadnb in North Aiacrto oouimftnoetl it aumial swision yesterday ia Trov idenoo lUiodo IslstuL . Hou John 11. Wellet Ei. Oownor oi California died in Ne Orleaaa yoa torday morning gMTniy yaari. SOUTII CAROLOA. THE DEFAULTER PARKEn-EIS ARREST AND RELEASS. f!nAnr,ffTii. Antrnat 17. An Irtit- ing tima hut waicg In Oolimbis, caused by the proceedings uuder a writ of habcaa corpas ,for the rle of cx-Trensnrer I'arker. Tbo applica tion vu ieard ai 5 p. m. bef6re ndge MaoKeeFarker'a eonnao! olaiming hii discharge under a provision of tba Couatitntion prohibiting Imprllonment fordubt The ahonlTa retnru failad to allege that tho( cso. waa ouo of fraud, a charge which is eipwslt az preased in the Oonstitutional prohibi tion of itnpriaoumant for debt, and af tor argument the Jndge releaatxt th prisoner,' Tho oonrt room was filled with an excited crowd. Parker, wa! immediately rearrested on a orimina warrant, for grand laroeny,' bnt hi oonnael waived an examination nni urging that the amount involved in th alleged robbery had nothing to ' do with the amount of bail aiiooeedcd in Setting him releaaod on two thousand ollara boil, ' I' 1 genorally bolioved that Farket will escape and forfoit tho bail. The JbTew and Courirt' de nounces (ho releaso of Parker as a gross judicial outrage, and a job pat up by certain State officials who feared Parker would implioate thorn in his enormouf xobberiea.-. .-,.., ii..j : . DIED'--", i. . . I)AHDES-In thlncilT on th 10th lnit,,Of OipUierla, Llvinpton Murpny, imam aun oi John U. and Af aula. Darden, agwlone jot, nltiti mnnlh. Anil .W ria.fL TLo fnutflt' tM f le at tha MiailwM of Ita partja,- eofnaf artfii and WwwtrtttriwW at i o'olock M i and from theuco to tjaiilaln oameterT. Frlen.H au4 - aaqaauiwnw't u lac Minlly are lnntad tu MKnd. V ' With all ar aval, O lrd, lire I'D cliMUUiy h0 htli maWtaea TtJ, . On e.rtliwB would not hats aim livu, Wiljinawewoiildnothavebliaatay. u- i i . i . - ..... , .i. .t When J Mint 1 n tha oloudi appuara, Wltb klm we ahall In glory teigiit . Wand UibMrBhehaaglun,i Xntcvarably Joined In btlim. - No, If a w(Kh'oon?il all blm liack, (iitw We woald not hart our dullaf ton BroniibttroBi bioTi'la.tlutt, - - Biiatubedtrum blibtaTenly Kathor'fbrfiant. NEW ABVJKTIBEHEIiTS. ; Wiimiiniton BatlOing Association. The regular monthly meeting of thft Aimicia. ttou will be held at Hibernian Hall on Wd neaay, (thin) evening. Angurt 18th at 8 o'clook. v- m W tl MaoHAK. Seeretary ; Olfla ofTreasarpr tint il Collector, : ) ngton, N. P.. Aag 17. 1873. V OUy of WUmlngti I am directed to notify all partlea owing eity taxes that the requirement of the elty for fnnili are eaoh that a Ktrlct oonjpllatiee with the ordinance will be mlf and euch nortii whe donot pay their elty taxes tn or befure the flretof Heitember,proxlmo, thel property will be advertlaed and a M the law direct , T. C Servosa, - , ' ' ' ' , ' Trcaeurer and Collector. Hardware, Irou and 'Steel! . A full aiwortinent of Pocket and Tattle Cutlery of every description. . i ' i - . ... SCYTHES, FISH HOOKS k LINES ! All klmle of Tools, eto. Prices redirood at Nath'l Jacobi's HARDWARE DEPOT; RIMS, HUBS AND SPOKES! .. AxleiH Springs, Ooach Trimmings, ete - A well selected stook of Oarrlagaand Wagon Mterlalatthelrtwsprt)es. - All orders by mll promptly fllled, and satis faction guaranteed, u ;.. .. n -t.- Nathaniel Jacobl, HAKUWAKE DBPOT, sash, dooFsTand blinds. Mannfaoturera' Agoucy. Orders filled at fnotory prices. : " ' ' rAINT8,,91L8 ANDOLASS, VARNISHK8 etOt at ; NATHANIEL JACOB!, ! HARDWARE DEPOT, NO. t MARKET ST. aug M.v(-,t f:tfi Qf THEDBIVEESITYOfN.C. This Institution will b ra-opened on Tlio First Monday In Seplcmftcr Next, The term ending 'tW' f Thursday" in jimo, Vni, with a vacation of two weeks at G'hrlntpiM. It has beenra-orgatiiindon the Klectiotitstem, (Mtniblnlng, however, three enrrlcnla of ArtJ, Rcience and Aerlanltmr. instradUon, will o Clven In In 'bnnwbea W leafnh-.g 'asuany iiight In the best ()olleios. Hpenialliistructlnu provided In Agriculture and the Moolianle Arta. An able faculty has been appointed. The buildings fhoroiighly repaired lor the reception of seveml hundred students. , r or circular eirpUnatory of the above, apply to KKITII P. BATTLE, ' Becrotart Board of Truntecs, july22-lm'" Kalelgh, N. C Pay-Yonr City Taies. m0 j fJACOBlj P Vj AXE. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS NOTICE- WhmhotuN, S O Angu.t It H J Lilly, it, htrf kan aJtulUod I'ftrtiwr In thffSrmuf , , , - . . t ; " F nrrua, Ovmnau A ' BcwartJ of Imitations ani Coktofcits. Uxa oul tt AinHra KoUlrJ WUsliiot awl M bM mitlelillji You xant the Best lk lll la Mte ! Frankfurter Laeer. AN IMPORTED DEER BOLD BI C3 r a wcnffifosr tlmni Uia price of domfitlo httt TRY IT.. . ; - Wo are now receiving Twenty.fire Cases, QUARTS JIND rtHTS; OF THIS BEST OF ALL LAGErii, ; a ' CIIA3. D. MYERS & 00.;, 1 6 A 7 North Front street. Exclusively at Retail' ' '8eo and shoes of all kirn), fell stock, sell- rhgeffcheapoj ilian cheap at the aim of the Golden Dot. - C.A.rUlUB, NO ojse : Need to kcsltaA H bny clothing ov, Tut . . A., DXVID: ; la selling them so low that it la really au Induce ment te bay, wtether yon need them er not Call at No a atarkot street, and yoa will b oattvtnced of the above statement ' THEAGIWpMgRE88! WAMStrrtA injRTsi'iMi'U'J) 6 For $7.60 , Cash, . Mover before sold for leu than (2.10 each. Sola agency at the City OMklng aumeT ikuisrsoisr s co. , j ' 21 IK Trout Btreot f ang IS' . . . Extraordinary "TJNHL THE Ifiril CF 8KiTKMIIIC, wo will sell from our a lock ot SUMMER DRESS GOODS I At a grant reduction from New York Cost 1 In adilltlon, wo otfur a handsome ittook of WHIIB QOODS 1 Including h'ansooks, Jacenets, Swiss Ubecked Oarubrtes, Unrn, Ladies' and Gonta Hand' ketchiofs, Table IJnvus, oto., at SO por Sent, lower Utan New York valuo. Also, the best stork of i HOSIERY In the city at less than Importers' prlcex. -' S?An oarly call Is renpeotfully ai)llolteo IJ, WEILL, ang 1.1. 1 000 1,AKHBLS rl'0URn BTader 200 BAGS COFFEE, " J ; ; i coo bbls. a rt syRur.r 2,000 SACKS LIVERPOOL SALT, " " I .... . 200 KEGS NAILS, " CT BBLS. SUGAR, 100 Boxes Dry Bait SidoB and Shonl : i iets, ."' CO Boxes Smoked Meats, 1 i . ,,. - - " And a rnll stock of OROUKltiEH, which we offer to the trado at low Agnrea. , -j -, .. , f BecHal attention paid to securing low rates freight In Uar Load Lots. ' i; j . UlMrOKU,UKOW0 Dover School Yat; T1IR Twentieth Besslon, of ton tntmths,'wU. begin, the first Monday of aeptembor lATS. A quiet home and a practical luoatmn glvaateboyt. Address 11. B. MoOOKMliJK, Principal, Aid, twujon oounty, Va.' ' erEtit;itci, v - i Ueneml Hnnter, vTarrenton, Vlrglidn, ' ' BetJ A Bloadlos,DD, Greenville, 1 Prof tjolin Hart, Rlcbmand, Vm,' ' Z l' IF toynA(H San lUroo Teane. KEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Ladies'. Belts ! - . Lttdloa" latoheis,- UfHea TraJLA, ' dental Ttanks, Oenta TtawatUif Bate I ' fthawt Mrapa, Ftc, At the Badrilery Sue af Carpenter ft Mallard,' . aovra tswaT stun, JalyJI. . Umtngton, N. 0 . ALL KIXD3 Off . Musical liistruincnti, i M a v jat'si'j Cone and examine stock of Btti'tdard pd silsoellaneoas Books, whlh I im adnuj' At greatly rrduced prices. The largerit and bast oleuted stock ki tha otr. j v MARKKT 8TKBBT. 4fffi 'aarks Mverpnol llaVjnst J J J i ru por Sol and fur sale by BnnroROi Cnovr- V Co. ! anglV i -. Baffginff ancTTies j ' ; 1 660 Ba!oi paging and TJca J". . eo Tons Tloa, .,.a ... 4 Foraalo-bf 't - ' - ''" T5 Hh.(s"bba Molaseee, HA Hhds 8. 11, Alolaaaaa, . i PutaaleAjr ..-.. ii '. ft ifc -' , j KnnmnrMi St CawJjj Baoa.1 - Fle)ur, CorToar Sugar, and To-' :' ' " ' . -.. .bacco i t,nri Barrel flout, JClOO rtHg,(ienea,i I1; " ! '. -f Ibtrrele Muster, isi.i li KSi Voxes I obaoeo, fWaaftb-j- .1 --4 Corn, Meal and Hay I a.issi nusoeis i.orn, y t il uustieis corn. . l.rni Bushels Meal; s Bushels Meal. " "r - tut tuiee Prima aaatera Hay. FertVtb-0 , aug u j Khboiimbb A Caldrb Bnos. English atCutleryH, Porket Knives of every description, ttaanrs, H trope, Hriishes, Rodger' Ivory Handle Ta blo and Tea Knives, Silver Forks, Mpoons, BcUwore, Ufwvisig knives, rorkr Vahle asnabt, etc. A largeftMMrtnet Jin teeelved frem Uie Importers, and now opening at Uie old es UblWhed Hardware Momeaf " t -ii " ' i '" " vomrtfAWSOiC'lO Me. la. anontf Ma.tiAf uf ' CLEVELASI) . lUNEltAJj ;pr;';:w'jiis.r;i XnoRMBBLV WUJIOal'f. Nam. Rbelby, JLS N.O., J5ttiiltwWelec UiwlotW. This tevorlte watering place will bo open for tha reception of select vexltwrs on. the' the 10th of J aim. P-ugrr' eombig-iPJi , tb Wwitral Uallroad will be met by hack. ant ooieaasice sent to Alr-Llne' Kallroad aiuf other point whenever desired. Cold and arm Baths, White ftuluhnt, ni litlphanaadf UbJylft Waturj Italian Band, of,, .Muslo , and ether source of amusemaut, t : -4 A for further Information, apply to . ,, ', i . , F, W. BBBVABlTjPrbpricmr. " Jaho 29 aMni ".'.,! ' i.':-t 'U ".? .:')i. '.' j Miss Aaeeli,'.'.! ir A Xtvel, By M. Thackeray, Anthnr of "Cld Kunslngwm," "The VMUeof the VWIf," "Bluebeard's Keys," eUx Wllh IllUHtratlvh. Piiiinr. Tanente. ' . ' ' 1 '"". j Alioe' Lorraine, A 1 ale of the South Oowaa. By R. I. Black more. Author f "Oradurk Mowell," '-Malof rtker,"eo. Papee, 1AMna, ( . , t ! ' s f I Playing thsMlscbiof- - A Novel. By J. W. UeVortMt, -Anlher. of VIM liv,jiel's ! vrsln ri) ifo'liii tp loyally, " "nnroprrt Aovoaiutanoa," ow. ra per. IS cena HEIN4DERCER 11 Uto Book ad Muslo Wore. JnlyS! At Auction. I will sell on Tharaday fsaoratng, Aagat Wth.at ten o'clock, at the rceklenoe of Bol Levy, corner Of fltcontlAnd Ann ire)Bii ftli nt reserve, aSne 8ereI and' one-fDurfh' Oe tave Knabo Piano, Tvluv, Bed and Ulnlqg Uooui tiets, Carpets, Mirrors', Bedding, Urok ery, tilass and Plated War, Kiicban Uteuaila, throe 'line Ntloh, tJowi, a tips pair well-trsiao Ooata, Wagon and Harness, in srlme order. -"rr;rB. Kahnweiler -l aug 15 Bt ,.l ,,t EGLANTINE. j BVBLIZA TABOO. .... APMIRCKH of "St onren" will net be , disappointed with "Aglaiitlne." 'ibe heroine Is altogether charming, aud we re commend all whoaninieajoof afwplikaif story to read this vrofk. The same graphic health acntlment. deen uathoe and racy humofwfttot rricftrrhed I'Bt, t)lt&' are everywhere aifpiaj-ea-iBi Agswuun- j For sale at i - . i : i n f ) i , .:r HEINSBERCER'S Lire Book and Music Store. aug IA Commissioner's Sale. rv N aatnrdae, tbe tflth dar of Augiut, int, at II o'eliHika. m., at Richango Uorner In pareiiaiiceofemorlerortbaatitierterwurtter New Hanover,! wfltwH br-fh1 MvtiM tintdot that valnat.lu resxlcnee on Prlnccsn street, be. twuea front and Booond streets, ar present no oupicd by Dr. H. A. Kverett, and known as the B. Baxter lot front on Prlneem 48 feet '6 chi el feel wide oo Uie rear end. and 99 foe t deep. ' ' '. "" Also let on asajraet street,' ivmr tMtwoevr nt. James' Uhurch parsonage and Or. Thomas' residence, ' n! at prvMent oeonpled by l)r 1'hosBB a a doctors office II feet Iront by lfi foetdevi). Terms, oneUilrd easb. one-third la one year, aad eue-tblrd h tour yearat . ,,' Uommissloiuw. autt-uanasuaa . , It ut MISCELLANEOUS." J ' Excnrslon of tlia Season. , . i, ti i a i t y .if ' e Oft kMtd Ua Urp and flu 006 8t4wiilp, Of the Baltimore and Wilmington Men, td ealtlwUla.tbaUlaokFlsii xaud.eml Fry ig Pan Hhoeis, will be given on T bursday, Agn oy wen ai..-..! .(..iftn i. . Wjljnington tight -'Infentry 1 The guamahin ttatefith oOeWnsftperlbV M- vantairaa aud Biuuriaed aoiotuundtlbiis,b been tturally seeurvd for the' ecesJlon " ' BiwUl atcoOBiniiKlatlqn tor ilaneerA t.nml. muirftiAht kWiuafti f atf. The Committee remrre the right to eiclmle n ttb"t Jectional'la pnm:T' fee reatrf, Jetneesdeamt J rttke on hoard jU.city prtoee. Hp spirunou" llninrs alloweAV w " r ' r ' j 1 ' J Ticket for ri.und trip for gentletnvm Ft! tr dles, M rntilfllflrtn frt)Trr teW bV Afieen year ot tign, no oeut : servapU aocotuiylng famllle. W fenV.J ' " 1 ' ' ' t Th.keUto1WBrtHe trnf Ht'ires, Book Stares and of the aaderslgnad Committee: ., The Hteamer will leave wharf foot of Mill. I wUNJKWl!,Vra4u CLO'iJHlNa J) closed duiallo per oonu ' I HO 1.1 M IIT 111 i'l To tnakic room for Winter Stock. Call early ,or)nmlor .todniuJ ,ao!H,o nior)luoa hni ,eEtio3 liiJ andeocaro bargains,. , ,TH TtJUTHjllI?) LIOI "KM . Krtllllll .ft .tl'H Carr 3ag Wtfgtitt'rJf .11 .v'r1U.1rtuiA.e'nl,'''' 1 . . llllMl OIUlilO'll ,l .on. Hn ' !.' t Ip SiiM.f"il'(f..i4 ,viJ n' I fl , , Auave added tha services ol a.4ntna. v, ivttitw i XI K .I.1.-III.T .l.wt'll I '. WS ........ euitta aiatsaawiefatrfetVkftng the publlojltai OloJr oi tertMolU. meWiMuidt U"uUtu. H4ltJMilLaikLijlJfUltiltfi.lftlMtIUiSf.fMl I' aug. a lwl..,-,u l, uJf. .ilAjtMJ 1". il II. III. a. ,'ji.n I, l'lH!",; I'.-lfl.'.-t-iT-' -I'H U I.l lit firat nr. llnttituu jiAlA.Ali.lheToama In tbe also tl building known a the Heaman' lluine in tue tietnei, wiin uie exception o the fir HiMira, wltb attthejfornltnre betunutng 'i ne noma naa a large lanx, wnion nlalkwatttltahmsffvaitepror ilia Jtitoben, aud water eUwet, wlt)i p l'B leading bt eat b story. building i near and rn good' nondltloti, hrrd Aii dpi ly large to accomiuixmi aii ocanieu ttisaa.ai ine tiimls port. " nielarge and oommedlout store on the Al nonlieast itulXiia.Uvwu. -v v v . , IT. F. MITOHkI.1,,1 B.O. WORTH, Committee. K. K. HKIDK, Vi.iiH I ' U U Vll IfUU ( aug ! '.li. in Il 2, boo '".v I.IIIIA Rnahnla f)nf . Iroimd Menl, Hominy, Purk, Bran, ft tt"t Crunk Horn. VtMr. nfri.' . -i .1 ' for skle low by il. At K OHANT AHINTOH, Urrnmimion Moroliats and Oroeert td&w angj- Targl lot Just received add for sale at lower prices vanvtrtfTerf eeiu-ptreraa beiotft t ,i km and see for yourselves. '(toil naj A .H.l UO LEGALLY AUTHORIZED. V.. Jf.L id" dr DKiywaa!wfai.iJvi-4 - St li 8EC0IDci 1J ; (In aid Wist Osn. Sfhraiid (lanital Olf't. Belee llltn tn proportion amouhftng in all to wwrMtmw1" V COtTON TICKETS, $1, - Which villi entitle Irh villi entitle the holder.-a admirleii to Uraijd UonngOfl it jpfttll'th-9ft jail r may be awarded to the whole ticket uuiu- the Urant ever may Brtslble aaenta wanted. Jum (or aloktitt' se at 'direct promftl Mi iti.l i . inf. oi.".'-.t' '.'. i Clroniara,,PAper,flte.. glvlflg fU. pertleu lai, sent free. In writing, be sure and. sign your ni.(; towri , ebtoity atid 8t6 In tM: y ai urs' ior uc sewnmoonung 10 v anu up- rfrrT,atU,,0(4l.llid)i!sre4i .,..! y v, Adretel all conimuuiciaioiis and make aU re- mltiaiico to '''ao h-Jmde w LB. odiryW,IWcretJri;T Dedisoh,' Teitai I lift J..-.IH vM .I' ll..." '-'' ' III!" I III 4 filU.!'. I, tut. ... I i.l .I.H' ltd'. .'..'.'......' ,1rall wrUfilcf In it Hard ware line gb to " Giles & Mdbohison's ; KH: 114 UwaveWe. BS,OOIIS-H0AR AH kLI THROAT DISAgJ ( "mt fj:iMiwift rtmi WELLS1 OAEBOLIO TABLETS. til S a'-s it" j -f ff :-r- nAMMAUA i tal (lift eso.nno MISCELLANEOUS i AJi;it ! la(ji:k r KVKHVBtlT say we beat the olty on Bottled Lager Bier! Voiioedt-d by all ta be- . A. FACT.,. l,io t) r. ii.tt)ATP. aSi rr.KAN r fhk LADIES AND INVALIDS! II tMisiot be) r.qHttteei ) , 'iWa't use aay ether kind bat "oriW We only t a small edvaneeon aew iiirn w- and woufler it at 8 1 ,70 Per Doxenl A small lot of eld ,-tv l-l i.l lAiiiontilade Sherryi" Imported l plam, will) Ueroaa and "U9 eoraon-nrangs. . - Uur tF llar brkmlaef Whfckj., y Mi. a i ifw.t..i - ii.. i.- IJ m? ,;' ' MLl U UllASS ;eV---GUM, ,.; , j I.l.- . uv. I t. i .ii Li. 1 in At Jtid frf gailoa, ahead of alt ether brand in Ma acaili f-'t i" ' T.If yo hv nut eJreitydoit'i.,fa(l toaeinlfea wnrzrr"; j. i-v .... "'ilii BJi WUXTKliiMniia W(lKUt . ..... '. ; . . i.. iil.xL.lUL'i' " 1 1 AittiJehUsd OrnOrtunltv fbr Eeoonorhy l ilf imported Pickles; .Uli.'.ll The or.eary Hfty eeats jar, that w are now rusJitngMHif at thirty pun. ,11 1,1 I; i .l.j r . .Mt. V I .:!' .!' il i ppnnfir IMVPDC 1 A 13 HOUTU rilONTST., aagia .Im hi I. ..mn .ji 1 1 ; i; ; i UU iPlPCmiPAJT TO - liCfJ n jtu xT5)w,ll"',,,, v':' ti 1 : ,. Arth . c ... .....t. I'.ii II "ii" nnvpi t r uji feritefe t ti I lriA.tfireuetrHlrSftrltatelltAAlUti.M'.' , 1 Ml lir''t')-' T fO.W b-MUl'MHWII ), This work win tie aunt to anv. iiatv ji wa FhlteliHtate,tymkii;oiirecei t(iJo. n Mill 011teUll(.t Lf . Mmill fur clroJular.,'''"1''!'1 '"" H1" .1,1 J-I.M.l I. I.l U Jjlll". I' 1 i ii.uu it ii'unw ....ii ..I, i . , "3 Uulvi'ttlty Place. " Quarantine a Notice.' seTs from Port South ofOaK) roarwlll onmoto t tbe! VMUng Hlattm) 1 Aowr ' Dedp Water Point, kud await the Iwpeottoa of the guar. antlue physician.. il ut l iU'.'if.liiiif! t'tl i! All vuwUruniPori where Teltew Feverl or.etjier la l ei Ikius dee eilst, wlil. bf to ejatredjlo1 iintttrgo it rigid and pruloiiged (Juur- antine ' All' rwaVitsofbnstjiof Iny ciiiraotor'havug slckiifis en bnattt oh arrival,' er having had li'.kneSsaay Un)Q.iula tie Toyligo,inro re quired I to oom lo the Station for Inspection without regard to the Jor frpni wjjuiire-liey eome. j Vensels not Included as above will pro- oued w Uiout dotentloii. . Plloti are anpeelally enjoined te !makeiar't- sal Mquir telAtlve to vosiels, orew, 4t,, and af balstlsfled with the, staiemonUof tbe Uep tain ori oomiuandor, or If the vessel If In a ttlthy condition, they wl bring, lie, ,vsjel to tbo Bujtlon for furthor eiamlnation. I i Pilot wilfully violating the .Outran tine Iaw afe subject to eforfultur of their branch; Masterl of yesse) to a Hue of two hundred unit lejii. uay iw witty wtoj ,iuii.m, tu I - .1 - .. r - .. . . I .. .. . t . .. -i.i.i.. 1 1. a Ijiinraatlne Laws' and all other person liable fbreeewerotyefrenee; are All vessels subject trivlijllatlea fldel , abate regulations, will set a hag in tbe mam rigging, puit-slde. . I . F. WJ POtTF.tt, . . . . Quarantine Physician, . . -i l :l , Port of Wllmtiufjtn. N. . J iattaile, M. 0. Mf 41, MS.. . 'nay ., , ;. .. ,; 1 , latHitovt Valuable 'Real; Estate For Sale ! h .-.(it.i 7 ii . 4 41 -', VI. CRONLY, Auctionoor. 7m..ilJ.-a Ii. .a By pKQKliT.A lOltUIK. r' ii.,'.' Mortgage Sale. e By vlrtne of diver mortgago from Thomas It.Jrrand wife, tlio Meantuile' Hiuldlng and Man Aesoolatltm will sell ttir oasli, by public auction, at exchange corner, in the cit Of wiiminguia,on rriiiay,tniTrn nay er August, into, at II o'clock m., tha following oMsaribett ni r.Bt,fiivjt iiu iisfhnsnrtfagfJ el liAClMi lii, ther tia TO fact bo Keal Katate, situated In sail city, sublet to a antrtrtfage i ee,wi, ana an mtorest ibat mereun, vni . n ' 1 11 . p ruei imttern, une or necona SotfthWardlv from It tutersec i arlth the Hontuern Una ef Market stre..t . til lumilua thnaoe rlonUiwanllv vita sul.i line of Heooml treetS7 foet, tlitmco, fcustward ly parallel wltb Market street Tl) feet, thence Nor th ws i its nawallut wlta weeentt afreet 67 feet, antrViface WesWracdly .parallel, wtth arltetttrrt'tSD UiMglktilcit4iBfhf iAh o three store and buildlnui itliereon. Terms tnoouimpdallng made kHMU t sfclet ,' ugS etr'daytdof vi J A mi w AtL nson & Manning. 0tOO AlaetsT fte'pVe'anke'd.' ' ' 11 ' 1 ' f,.,:;4 ttejt..' wr. .ij-i'.'t ' iy.,Hl.U ..iFIBEriitir. - . jd o. ( f North Amerloa.A.4 daitailelphia J' he ola I iisaranoe Uominy ..i.Mew- Verk. ' Oontineinal Insurance Oo. ..... New Knk. M'.BrrdiifadcMeroantllalns.CQjtonestn., ,, Marttard Klre rie,onipay.iinrtlonl! ' Watlanal Fire In. Company... Harttord. 8prligMJ.jr M. Ins. Uo..MarMbaetta. "J li u . MARINE. lue Ul, ef WdAa Al'.r.I'blladelpnle.' Oon'nectllat Mutdii l! S fu'i fVOb.'Hsttlor'a.''" feblT I -tf JJERCHANTS AI, IHtlllMfv ' INfSUUAUCBCOJIPANr.n if ) 't id t i or BiorfMOBD, YiaajwiA.io ' Capital, fVii,t, A. r.Sroaas, Presld't. I I. B. tooB,ooi " , " tit UK vVILUCJI AjnuKiMMi .. Mo. I North water SW WUBlngseo, N.o. ilfHUu, Mlat ...liLLUJLJUBJ .-im l lFtiNl P I H m THERUOHETER 105 .-i ... . . - . ; i . i . : - I .i ,."li i .I .-l-..J,il Jl.l n nnnmnTo nnrniTnir n iftst fritton, bnt aro itilj dtwiroua to olano out a few itnall loU previon to kak- f IlfV AVillllt Tf ur.v.W tatt.1 Kama ntnt-L-u.1 iiiam sat an si la ktwirtAa K aaatir.! f.i,I ' ill'l JHii a vmniaf ituva uuiu uiai av' oouro their immodiato Bale. lAi.DISOOUrJTIfB'FofCdhtf,-; i .....-". ,. iT,j ,im tm.1 i .... ui. n i .11 aixnlllii i i. ... ,U ui C..I.JH H,,j ,..ii,(,1mi.n n-ii.irt ,bittm l aii ft Wilbo giVon oil all rmnail e(DroBaaoo4al j,;.n ntl m etn'M! nit mui oe l uil w .'lii-.f'H'i i GENTS , WHITE 1 DRESS , ,,., - 'i - ' 1 ' ..I I 1. t. .1 ; ..Villi - ),;. ..i in HU-li.' I H.l tn:. ilwiryi On tiahd ;ttliifj,' 1 l'1 A htU line lilwaiyi 6a nahd ;'klrtfi.' "u .M1 ,Fi1QuatiLel4'C Cuffs, Collars, Und t ). ,1 .IP ... i..... ..t .........ii ,, l-H.I' ..Ml ,.H nil J.i'i -t'li'l it-, in lo .uiiiiinto . vJiii-l la'ti .1 TaiTJOl tU'L'!"'')''!-!; inj :t n.i.L-u i' t-it iri'ij..!. fl -.l.liill I, i.l.,.- .'('i.i"vin'.. l.t mi.ur,n i non - i I'll v I inn jinn 1 .1 vwF,1w.w:JU i..-WllJS!i. r-i'i ii.i( u i!-.ii i nil ,iJi!;i i 11 Ili'lillltll lilt n ei tiifni !i.n!li!iiinii V'niliJiniinr i. in. i ,,Iri..j.i .'I Li n'llifitvim ..ii.i'tAr t MfVi lf 111 Uii't -tilt il efliH tniV lW' J-HiultllfV ft 'J . ...36.,-M-JiCEiT.;; TRJEIETa - t-i i..,. .V,, !,,.,,. .. , ...... i idM -il! .vrw arl Imtl atwiHiifiU laa awtiul ban ; AJNOTIIEB, ' 4 k- If ...1 1 I ! ' ,,l'-'r'""l ! :" j II f'-.'t- 'nil ....ivlui l7 1 t..l -l , i i , 1.. i - in . .I'".! mam dux. .liUdiiys, iY,Jrtlwl wW )a -iwtUU,v, ihi WlUC'iDiAlttfli ,..i,-1 . .ti.i f.i. i.. -. - . . i. ....it. ! ., , j, r , . . ,. 1...I.1-.K i.im n (t li luiIJ aolunnij j,M iui-1 trUoiMll HTOOIC ciiOHlCUl OUiXi ma' wnM eidtl , ,r ,i'T : .i-..--..i tti.'i'll f l"u "" ,-,l" ptUUAt urumb Lower- Than 1,1.11 . I ...I.I.I ii .'( I. il l. : i'J iiJ:.i.t'i c it. i" lV ... 'iiiftnt.t i'.I'. i: 1 1. MISCELLAinCOUS.' il 4- TO HOLDERS1' I i i-.i -or- city coupons ! i r, .i..f-r-i ' r : Offlcejor Treasurer ana Collector, ; - CITY OF WILMINGTON, N. 0.,( .- . Juao2aUi, 1873. i . J i.i i 1 NOT1CK Is hereby given that TBS JULY OUUP0N8 1SS (of Bondi of thl Olty) can. , : I ' i in.. ... not be promptly paid. . ' - i In conseguenoe of certain ohaugo ouder a recent decision of the lupreme Oonrt of thl e aa to tha manner pi a aoMmant of the 1 Aad Personal Property In thl pity; and thereby the City Tea. Book not fyet having oeen placed In posscselou of the nnderilgned fw collection; together with ether complloa Ions In rega rd to eur Municipal ' atl'alri, now i ti i j pending before tha guprema Oourt- of North " i i ' i t.f -ii-.-. , Oarollna, the oit of Wilmington tut neoe. 'jrjrjj crave some Indulgence from the holders or City Oouponi,under exIiUog olroiuuiUnteA. fill U ! . ? ' "! Me oltrf TreaSirrer; 1 1 June 30 .,.; ,(1 s.,(: k, IBe-rf.i 111.;' l.'t . liilH ("ill f 1 .Mi CAUTION!;; 'J.ll.l CoNSUMtBs OT rri!KBtitsryiiit J should examine, the WEIGHT ef the UmTBMTS of the i ean.. .THe .will: flndi that I fc '-J t i.."i'i"" ' iTnltormlv wellhi siiieert ennees of tnlll to tli'S eanthat other brauda auarcely weigh. dlUen ounce. .... . I i' t :...((. l.yc , The diiterence in weight H equal to wvotjr Uve cent per oas la taver of ' ' ' V; "- Bend . I. .t:';.,!,: '.! iW ilitltll 4 Borden e Eafile Bxandly tin 1 .m.AUj KUVUX, ferUfj'.!l 'nlyJT-eodlw ,,. .n? -finJinl ii ..iju.-n.. j J,,. ,i-,ii Jul. u 'TortlanrJex!;: A Iso. Roman, Kene enirf taWam' SraTki glS clateras foundations. stables eellan, biUcae. reservoirs, Ac. Hemlt.sU centa poatage lo praotloal treatise on efrtints.''' "( ' " .j ajt nuafnani uuiwi ' . . ' . ld8oi.ihHt.Mew Votluu j IN TAB. SHADE!. i ii a lu r:.jiifT iaiuiu w puvu i'njjs aa? tnuuui i IA4 v , cr VJ - I I, . I I . ' t :, .i ,wl' I' lii till Jjl.iH IT f t jt lo i vii l.-'!.'. i'ii f.l li'u. iiVliiiiKoi tun ,ir Iaiii; 1 SHIRTS , Ml ''"' tn-..i!riiii;iij-i niU i'iltiin4"9il 'fV .f i. .Ill U-.iftfljf mo Aaiili lhUmi o'rV ml Jtiiiilnii.'li'l In atU l.'iw -i,.t I'll 'Hi,i"1 "" I '.1 .1 MiiinI n! w t luim mlr lie To I i, y .i.,n. fw m.nnn !J i ivui t iiv11''' t'1 (MHionj Jin i.il.i Oil) Il iLllJlll K!lUillli HI" b I nit t tut) I..;nlih'iti'rt1 hJ.' laM:iiii 9llM KJVlliM J1AU4JIA l.uu (.1 f, Oue .'Iftrte .'. - j . ,j, ...ii t ,,t,Ut.ntfrt I ..Jon l..'illl.i x.1nln nil ,i hn.isiNiinaii W31 a mi i jiiii ill mii'iiiqe il.lttriMIJ 1 .lllfl inn i.nl luia HmhiihIi tiiiiiiUMOmJn nfil v.'l 'It'll ,r)iIiliiijilKiljjiiH dt iliiw teuxiliiii tell aid i.i . i Vi Kiiiitiit.tH.)l inol.)(iiii oilJ lo 14 OF ;.i .mtfl Mfl iA$ .iIonda i t . 'tit ta A . Black GTeuadiuel10.0lst!wou,'' v''e c' IwrtilMiuifl llw )auuia Ever''!, ,m,,ljiw u,ai(u r viiW lit I....,)1IH ;a "..ta-I 'aJiii-H" in mm ii'iniw .tiiiKditn . .. .It i tl.t ,lUO !" I "'" ' i t---- mt ,. -ttti ft. ...it hiit.i wi t.et .tmioiUi ni ll ,&j4iili(ii's JtiilUKit ! .i11.. !1! j'l us. ii !!i"i..i'Bj'ii, aa Tho Dawson Bank. j ,.,t..t. i i. it .'i... fi.fiui.ii tlUi;Jii ton. the Beoka of taliearipMon I tike Caplut '"iwl Wflt'ot title bank wlU beepeaed atthrtVtn! 1n' room oa Thuisdyv the 1 hutent, M IS 4 JlJI o'clock a,,, and; mmaa .oyrn,, jtata-Jtdrtfcar.rt i eorder'ed.- yj.aAftWJI u,iurtt my n-tim nil M ni.iijn';'(nl liiliO IU Ivi SOL; ' BEAR "& BR0 i -: M" 90 Morbrtf ttftAntt " "'- fiitiJ'JJIO . ULtS.S.VI Ulll VVt t 1 .1 1 I ii ii '.I,-. ,aij.;HiJiTtV-ll'uA .11" ' I nii'l).wlfirOH:i lli CLOJINQ OUT THE ENTIRE STOCK' : i'.-.n.. .i,..h.j;wi!- -!-..t4 a iiir-!MU BlUt1 ,if .-P.T.i jiaj.iAl elsfeus IJR, Y GOOBO ' ' " j ,',. ,v-ie fill" '.m.iumI .j.jv.fli lo tJ.'e ; , ATOOBBTAliiTOlilll'ti .KBwh j -j -V; ')lMlinii naVWVi'tnl ,.)tllliH a 1 aa. WM( at sama ,fiiiH'ii(J lO i liiidflilot i m. i.lv.i, ... atJI uaiiiwil l J NKNITiJvtaiMa! iv ama M pof jiru, r ia , avuauM(umsj cub. imr jmru a . i ,ijdWWWtMiUla Humid d witun ',lyQ poaanlttaaa Teweilend Kkptlaii) 4'"'1 S.iH-U , H,,i..1. Irlh;,r40ein)LJUntnlrtUi,t Jtj.j uwdi f fcosa: uanii tJLaaie51traTeUiitf ,wv',n(' DteasoianPoyi' viearH wtd dlf IiIko da e'itt JTJIWWfF IfrP.( i.l.UI for rAUdrtnind Mali., ... , ... , j ;i Wa' wllwarmeacef W llrjnda, 1 cUAi the 0'-l,.',! above aijilvrtU aonUMe eUUajitU ke wlioil 1 rtpciMeloae4pojt,M!rw)!ifi t,u ,anll iinii 'H 1"U ;n:.rr paj"tltem.diu mil U!l .villa KKM'f. Jstt'd infatorewe tttana teeflsflw -etiUiilneriiia ssw . ,,', I ll ,. iliituMill I Mil f eMiiM'H 'We a rw .11,11 1 v- 05 XM20 SEwJS" pooil of both aeae., jomg a,t)ldjiien'fij(rJi(,jl ior rnoeer at work ror u, in tnoir own looal- ,,. ltiea,d.ubi Uietrauare nMmiMst!er AiHthUI 0:J time, tlian af anything else. We otter employ- , , neat that wtU pay Aeudseoie. fr eVerr boor V " H"4" OSjjWrr aidvese ' at 'once.' XmtfirMi.j. " 'm you esa l eiaa B, , . may ? i li IMMIll-lAt-iiaflin "3'. ' now nj your, ume, jwi'inf,'rfn vfiia c ii'.hiw builnes talnewhsre, until voa have learned, . . wht.wqiter..i.Sjineir. mi 0u,'iftptisnV)' I'l'Q ma me, ; , -.may iu .w ?Thfc W4sliiE2t'ja?UBlTvhit70,iH m,w jjaxj Aii.i.uj.i,ij. laxxvi x AJ-atav r...,,w. nj. ..,, I T .,4. ., ..iii.ll : l sJi. 4iu.'i ''! ' ;Th nt Annual Course bf lecture will be-. .i,-ji 0etM1sliiHt9,V e!Febrry-tMthi'' IMIlM aae nuspiwi, anu "en. ti "' f""-iHi),JWO lisi)HHariea, aUaeked to Bie tnllege, fnm..a ample nmtwlnl for Clnloai, lecture,, l- lU eill lac lityrot !iect(on. 'lT.retjligiianl par-tilai.a.ldrseJi,-WMMAnI-t' """I oX Uioblulty. ' augU eod uuAwlaa lilt JM ii .alK lie iuil iiihiui uf iiuit v ... .

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