Vrn 'i C f 1 Ail -4; ; ' : j v. VOL. XXIV. -HO. 200. WILimiGTON. , N. i C. FRIDAY, AUGUST 20. 1875. X7II0LE 170. 0.C32 J, WILMINOTON. N." 0. : . ,,r I FRIDAY, AUGUST 20, 1S75 BY TELEGRAPH mxsii VAMA. f WriiMFR, Pa Hon. Samuel Henry v'Uito, iu pasaitijr. from one cur t nu ! Uier, Ml on the track ami was iuntaut K f killotl. - , . , , INDIANA. y iNDiANAroLTH, AngnNt 19. Mr. Wil- I tiain Uruilor, a prominent uiorcuaut and real estate agent, has made an assigu- ruoct. MAAtHUsElTS. . i. i ' .t . Bobton, August 19, Goo. W. Fm bertou, awaiting 'execution in Suffolk county jnii, stablied himself in lour places with the lianillo or a epooti, which he hail slurix dm, s Uo is in a critical condition. ' " TKNNIXSKK, ANDUEW JOHNSON'S SUCCES SOR. Citattanoooa. August 19. Hon. D, M. Key, of this city, was appointed to the Honato, vice Air. Jouusou. . ILLINOIS. MoLRAN'snoBo, Ii.UMra. Oban. M, Ogleeby, was found with her throat out from eur to car, a razor lying on the floor. , Husband aged j tweuty-thiee, vho is arrested. Chicago. Representatives of tlie Kuenmg Journal hate returned witn Grimwood's body, which is fully ideu tiBod. t t HEADQUARTERS. WAsnraaTON, August 19. The Treas ury Department has ordered a revenue cutter, . Dix, at New I Orleans, to the Mnistanoalof ; the Itio Bra va. Among ; tb6 bids for printing check stamps are several offers to do work for nothing The question is whether the government can accept suoh gratuity ; to be referred to the department of justioe. Unit is brought against Captain Msrl dox of the marine corps, and bonds men contractors for Barnum, to reoover . money illegally paid said contractors. A colored woman sues the Pullman Palaoe Car Company for ten thousand dollars, for resulting to allow ber to ' ride on. the PuUcmn oar from Gnoia . nati to Washington. JEFFllSOrDATis. 1 HE DECIDES, ,TOr SPEAK AT THE ILLISdS STATE PAIR. WtpUJS, Angust 19. 1875. Henry Pi Kimball, Secretary of the Winnebago County Agricultural Society 0 jkockord, III. . .. . Dbab Sib': I yesterday sent to yon telegram announcing my revocation of my conditional acceptance of the invitation to address your Association at their annual meeting in September next. The long ; penod which has elapsed since the receipt of your first letter, and the oonsiderate courtesy which has marked your correspond ence, make it my duty to yonr Board and to myself that sufficient explana tion should be given of this change of purpose. Three objects mainly induood me to accept the invitation. First: The hope that personal intercourse might remove some of the prejudices which had been generated by partizan feeling, and nur tnnul hv individual ahil ftntional hate. Anxious, as in former years, to pro mote the intercut of our great Valley of the Mississippi, and believing that with mutual, amtlileooe and oo-iptelli-genoe much" odilld be "done for their advancement. I only delayed my accep tance of yonr invitation nntil it he came reasonably probable that it oould be met. The productive capacity of the Northwest noeds for its develop ment cheaper and safer transportation to the markets of the Southwest, aud also to those of foreign countries. In England, especially, earnest attention has been directed fort several years past to more direct and economical trade with the Mississippi Valley. In this connection, there was a desire to confer with the Patrons of Husbandry in yonr rich and prosperous section, to d iecnus with them the questions involv ed in semiring better means of trans portation jtnr, .your farm products to most favdrable markets, and provid ing agencies whioh, should insure larger returns to farmers, and by such con ferenoe to learn the views of one mem ber of the family of the Mississippi Vil ley, a family, the ohief interest of all members of which is agriculture; but they are; cultivators of such various orops as to make trade among them selves extensive and lucrative, while it stamps upon each and all the same in terests, and the same policy as to their foreign trade. To render suoh oonfor once effectual, there must needs be a disposition to attend to the subject uu flat consideration, surely not a pnrpoee to smother it by the interposition of matters having no just relation to it. Second. An effort was mado to re cognise the courtesy of yonr board, and I was enoonraged to believe that yonr reception of mo would be benofl cial, rather than injurious to yoiir asso ciation, This was the more surposahle because several other agricultural soci eties of Illiuois had in like manner in vited me to address their annual meeting. " .Yesterday I received a printed paper, it being protest of a number of your fellow oouutrymen against the action of your Board in their invitation to me to make the annual address at the county meeting. Thereupon, I sent yon a telegram withdrawing my accept ance of the invitation, under tho con viction that it would not be useful or agreeablojto participate inthe meeting, and I hope that neither your Associa tion nor the Directors will suffor harm by the delay in procuring an orator, or by the correspondence which has caused it. Third. The object was to (ratify ft wish king euterUiued, to see, in its cultivated drees, tbs country known to me as a trackless wilderness. But that being merely a persoual gratifica tion, it may be iudnlgod at my convenience, or iostpoued iudefi uitery. I can well believe that the canso which has changed my purpose was as nuforseen by you as by rue.and you may be assured that I feel no in 4 satisfaction towards tho Directors or yourself, aud have suflVtred no pemon- al embarrassment from the 'event, ai the invitation was unexpected and only accepted as an expression of general good will, so my only regret is the loss of the opportunity to promote the pnb; lio interest in whioti tbe welfare of yonr community is mentined. Again ex pressing the hops that neither the Di rectors nor youself may suffer injury or annoyanoe, and thanking you for the kindness and consideration yon have manifested, - I im rcspeotfully yours, JcFFBHsoN Davis. MEW ADVERTISEMENTS NOTICE- WlLM laOTON, S 0 AllKUKt II K J Ully, Jr,bu bou ailmlttoJ a iiKrtuor In ttao firm of riUTOI.UTJMMIMUA CO CAUTION Beware' or ImilatiGDS aM Cflmitcrfeits. 1.00k out for American Hotllwi Lnger Bier Whother uned a bererni or modlilunIlT: You want the Best Th.lto.tU I h Frankfurter Lager. AN IMPORTED BEER BOLD BY US and worth fonr time Ilia price of domestic beer ; TRY IT. We are now receiving Twenty-five Cases, QUARTS AND PINTS, OF THIS . BEST OF ALL LAOErfl. CHAS. D. MYERS k CO., j 0 k 7 North Front street. Exclusively at Retail Boots Mid Shoe, or all kinds, full itock, sell ing off cheaper Mian cheap at tbe s Ipn of the OoldonBoot. C.A. PB1CK. : NOOJSE ' Aeed to beritats fa bay elethlnf now, tot ! selling there no low that it U reallr an Induoo rant lob uj.wl. ether yoa aeed tratm or not ' Call at No 27 Market rtrecf, and jon will b" oanvinoed of the abovs ttatement ' : t ; THE AGE OF PROGRESS! I wamsutta BUmra i 6 For 87.50 Cash, ' . Never before aoM for Wm (liaii S?.M each. Sole agencj at tbe City Ulatklni Btoieof isUNSoisr & do. 21 N. Front Street Notice Extraordinary. i ' ' ,i I i.I . i i1 ' I 111 "tJNTIU THK ifiTH I'F HKPrKMBKaV, we will iwll from our .kick ol SUMMER DRESS GOODS ! At a great reduction from lv New York Cost I. In addition, we oll'nr a hanilanme rtnr.k of WHI1B GOODS I : Including Manannkl, Jaconntu, RwIm Checked Oambrlce, Unen, I-.dieH and Gout' Hand kcrohlef", Table Linen., etc., at SB pet cent, lower lhn hew fork thIim. AIM,' ike itent atock of . ' 1 HOSIERY ; ' ' In the city at lew than Importers' prlc. , 7"An early call It reepeotrully solicited. ' B, WEILL. ang IU. TIANiS, (ran. X raah nr ou tbe planet mitokU 1 u,si Hook and MnalA atnra. HKINHBKRdKS ang 19 Lift Book and Music Wore. , NEW ADVERTIIEMCNTS. Ladies' Celts! Ladle Track., OSnU' Tmfclus Owita Trarellnf Bap I Hbtwt Str., Kte., ; AtthSddtarjMtorr Carpenter Mallard, Da. Iwti Iioirr Btsiit, JoIt n lhaliicum, N. 0 ALL KINDS OF. Musical instruments 1 , -ata W- tlTKS'tv Coats a4 ixahlDS tteck V BtMUM and MlfceUaaeou Bonk, hlrta I W MUn jreaUj rsUacMv .rUiu The hH-gert and twI elected Hock to the oHy. '" :'' v , C, W, Yates, MARKET 8TKRKT. u IS A OOO "acH IJrtioul si; juiri j w luijwrioe anu lor ml uy IfTKPOBDj Cnow k Co.' eg II Batrging and .Ties I COO Bales Bsgging and Ties M Tone Tie, ' For ule by . . .,... ; ; Kebcunkb k Gauib Bros, Molasses. Molassm, 15 Bhil.fnba MolaaMi. Hhd.H.H, MoIium., , , , , j for uUe by ....... ; KsnoiirTiB k OaIiDrb Pros. Flour, CofTe, Hugar, and To ", , ' bacco I ' : l.rKO Bwral.riour, liw Han. Vaitt, i (W Barrel. sugar, '' ' " 100 IU)e l obaooo, rurnsiotry ,s i IKkrohnkr 4 Oaldkr I3iios, Corn, Meal and Hay I " ,0f)O lluahel. Corn. . I.IKW HuMielaMonl, M !1 Mil Bale. Prime Kaitero Hay, Keraalebj aug II i n ; ; ' Ebbobnbb A Oaubb Bros. English Cutlery. ' Poiket Knlree of eery dewrlptlon, Uaanra, ble and Tea tnWee, SlW.r jTorka, Miwena, Solwort, Oartlng Knlvea, Fork., Table Steele, eto. A large aawrtment Junt reeetretl frora the Importer., and now opeiilug at tbe old ee Ubllebed HardwtM HouWof : t I . v JOHW TAW80N, ' I Ne. It, SB and II Market 8t. CLEVELAND ; MINEItAIi FOBMIBI-T WltSOWB. Kear Shelby. M. O., H mlloe Weet of Uhatlotta. , TuU farorlte watering plaee wm b apa for tbe reception of atlect vtttaers on the the ltth of June. PM-engore comlug on the Cetittai Kallroad will be mat b kaoka. and eca.TanMi eat to Alr-Llae Ballraad and other tnU waenersr detlred. " Cold and Warn , Baths, White Sulphur, Red Bulphar aad Chalybeate Water. ! Italian Band ef Mmrls' and ethor oureeesf amuaomsur. v,ifr t ,.r . far further Information', apply to ' - . . '1 s . W. BBBVAKD, Froprlotor, Jh Sb-Sra Z ll new jxyy73XJ&: ; :; , I Misf. Angel,., 1 r A A Novel. By It. Thackeray, Author or "lid Kon.Higun," "TheVIHKef the UIIIT," lilaubaard'a Keyi," ate. With illtwcratiorU. Paper, TS oeuto. , t-.nM !... , j AUce.raQ, Yiio A 'I aid of tlie South Dowaa, By K. D. Blaek more, Aathorof "Oradock Mowell," Maid or Sker, eto. Paper, JS eaata. ThoPiemontP'ss ' U the- only) ptr obllehed In OaUwha noon it, ami ua.anexuaire.!er.ttlUen aveng nnruuiiu, rarniera, auu au oiaeeeof Oaxl neaa ejeu tn the state. The Faaaa la a ilye, wiuo-awaae iniuiMiraiio taier, ami la a eeatrav bla aaeillum ta- ad erlUug la WeMera MariA uaronna. i.inerai uirnia allow, oa ear al ctieemanta.. HnheciMition S2 in adraaoe, ! Addrea. MUUKIIil.A TOMI.IMSOM. Kdltor aoiifroprtetora. march .M-s 1 I 'i i if. Il ... ' ' ..... T .... . hi WMl Kmr Offloe of Treamrer and UollecUir, ) , ; Uity of Wllmlngloii. N, it.. 1 , ' ' Ane 17.1. . I am directed to nntlty alt partuw owing city taxea mat tne reqnirameoU of the elty lor rim. In around) tliat a atrlct eoranllanae with tueordloanoe. will be malu, aud mob eerwiiie whv uwnui. way uieir cir.y taxr. rn or neiure luv U rat of 8wteirr Jprnxtmn, their pronrrty will in imui'i ana w in at jne taw atrecn " ""V j' "T. C-.Servoss, . I j Treawrer and tfolieelor. Commissioner's Sale.) ON Hainrday, the Wth day ef 1 Aojrniit, In.t., at 41 a'efciek a. ra., at Kxufaange tiurner in pmanaaeeef an order rtheHanerlorUriurt of Ntw M.nOTiir, 1 win Mil to 10a nighrwt blrklnr that valuable rendeaoe en-Frineew et.reet, be. twen. Front and Second Mr net, at arm' at oe enpled by llr. $., S tverew.andknawa a MM M. BaiUr lot-front, on Prlnnem 48 fert 0 laehea; 62 feet wide oa tl ran aad, kml so fertdoep ,1 '.u I Ji i Alao lot on Market atreat, lyina between St, Jamra' ISiarcb pereoiiage aji.t .lr. Tkor4a rrnldenAe, ,ena ait, prnnt eotspled) hy bt Thomae a a deMnrkdSrw irteet rrotif l.y li Inetdeeri.: 'er ma, aoe-ihlrd eaali, one-third In one y tar, sod one third In tour yean! ' . Uommimlonor, aug 8-1B I11IIH at n a ' r.Xfall , Olotltiiig-, BALANCE OF SUMMER CLOTHINQ GOS'T;iih : : Wamsutta Shirts ' fa 3 For C7.BO, cash. ONk-1 AOKMOT- n ' 'CmptOTmEia. . ID In t . l.i, 1 1 I ' I NEW ADVZKTISKMENT3. FOR RENT. WVW WH" . VKI 111' Ul III. I . v. V H'WU.I m Mttr.an Mwk.t .tret. at D mwnt oneavlwl U. W. I.toe, tpq. lor t.rik .pi.lv UUONLY A MoMKIS. I It 1W K. E. Broker. WEDDIIO PRESENTS. WEDDINQ PRESENTS. ' WEBOINQ PIESENTt, rat Misst . EEINSBEEQERS. sut 19 . , , - , . - - DUFFTlLOSPRHIGS IMsckUnburg County, Vlrlnla.. THE GREAT MEDICINAL WATER OF THE SOUTH. OPEN 20rn MAY, 1875. Tkeaa water are poaaeneed or ettrannliaary earatlve rNtwer. leaifrtloiuor th.KIUNItVi aart HLi4ll)Klt, l all derangement, ef tbe BIUAbVV OlilMMa InoMent M warm rnlaa matio rgini, in Dyspeisls, ,n Dis eases peeullar to Women. Chronic, Intermittent and Remit tent Fevers. " Chronic Gonorr hoea. Secondary Svohllls. Oleot aaiudiMHwaut Ute'Oehital Ofarans, and In eenie lurm. wf Qoutand Rheums tlsm. Tkalr remarkable power and eittcacy In lue dlaeaHU Indicated are vonhed for by onieol tlie nart dtetlngnlaked meilloal men or til. oountrir, both Naith and Heutk, aa well aaby reported case from tbe moat uniiee tteaekla eon roe.. Tretlfaonlnle In famiiblet form furnl.hed on application. THK WAl'KK run hauk. . The watur la nnt n In saeea of onnrtoien hair gallon hottl M at S(t wr eaae, Route tothe8prinrs for the Southj 6 oairul tuv tticiinioi.il anu Aiiaiila Air iiue KallroAil to HoolUiburg lett In tlalllai ouunty, Virginia, where all bain, are wet by eiaoliM4 lor the Sprl jg. ail lea dUlant TMOkiSK; (lOtlUB, riu 1.mU-im froprlrtor. BMOI, Mfk CO 1 000 bAKIi,L,t, FLOUBrlU) fradoe; " W BAGS OOFFJJE, , ' I , i, .1 '..i I COO BBLfi. 8.' H. SYRtir.f 1 ' t 2,000 SACKS IilVERrOOLAW, ' 200 REOS NAILS, ' W BBL8. SUGAR, 1 : . , . . I.. .! ' 1 I if. '' v 100 Boxes Dry Salt Sides and Hhonl- ul ! iiem ,v i , ' ' i- BO Boxes Smoked Moats, , And a full (took of 0B0CBB1K8, which we ofler So tbt trade at tow flgnree. 1 ' Speolal atteaUoa paid to eecnrtng low rates fralgtit'ln Oar Load Urj. ' - ' ,m , i . - ainFOKn.oKow mo i,mtf -i . u :t.. ;. ...,. ,. , 1.A II. f i ! II. I......I H..I . III. !. i I ICnabo Pianos. i j ....... y ' THEIR Piano elreiilet not only In Amerl ica, Canada and Hoatk Aaaerloa, bat al a , Kurope;: their fame baring been earrled there by the great planlrti wbo hare vieltad tMstvSnVyV '' ' ''" WhereTer they' hare, tries' exhibited they bare InTarlably carried away the gold mtda over all eoaiietltora. Tbe flret European and reeidAt ptinlt hare thoronghly tried nd tested their varloui itylr. of tn.trum.nU. and bare roltiutarily aoeorded them their ann, nail fled aptttobatlorij and have given to the Urn the mot rrluable ertlflcUa of tb.lr opinion , f sals at !... i t ' ' " ;. j ,..; HEIXSBEKGEirS i Live Book and MubIo Store, aag 4 - , ; ; !l i 1on w. Hiitmirr'. y Late of Sprnnt St r jHIiioii,) YlJiW Cflilf. Hankof tow nanoTaXj) Wilmington, N. O, Tarlioro HISON&CUMMIHG, ,, . i 'roB Tps.sAUc or . .. (Cotton, Rico. Lumber, Tobacco '' Naval Stores, and Southern ' iProduce Generally, NO- 103 . CHESTNUT ST-. P. O.'lioxitn30. ' lhlladolpbia,rau I mvbb'sbokss i ' " ,' .i. 1 I. B.4ralnfrr, Prealdent Bankof New Ban. vat, WlMalngton, M U . .. 1 K K Burrnwi. I'reeldent Flret NaUonal Bank, Wilmington. H,tt-rit-. -t - ,lma Dawmn, Pretldont UawMin Bauk, WllmlnirtM,N O. 1 '" K B Borden, Preahlent Bank of Mew Han- rer, ttnldnli iro, N U. 4 A Iak, friteiilont Bank ol New llanorer, Wadeaboro. N4J, s - ,ff!- t .Ihmmi H l.indaay, PreMdent Bank of Or eons boro, (Iriwniilioro, NO,, , : 1 Hon Oen. Howard. Tarlioro, N 0. ', ,. , , M Wwldell, Kaq , Tarboro. HO. Hon. W D dohnaon, Marlon, Court Houae, VfV I ''':;?v:!V,..'J.18-'!ttf ..w.l "IN u .PXOIIANGE CORNER, 1 .,..... .... .. 4T Plmir and Mfial. : , . " V -I V SU M(ED FEKD. Oar-load order B1U d en abort notice. Oram bought at the klgheat Market prtoe. Addreea, -i - UBABXOTTI OITtMrtl., ., ,., .Charlotte, NO. Janesa I t ' - 1 OfMolOli MERCHANTS m .. Uae m ! www IP. MISCELLANEOUS EVKKYUUDY uy. we beat tbe elly on Bottled Lager Bier ! Ittneeded by all to be fact, Utlltr.DKMUATK AMU ri KA8ART Kt'R LADIES AND INVALIDS! It t'aneet Sm KqHalad I , -Itontnae any ether kind bat "OHUH. We rwly aak a aniall atUatice on Mew Yotk price, and weoSer it at . s $1.75 Por Doionl A final I lot or old ''Amontilade 8herry,n Iraiwrtod In glaiw), with Koruan and "Duff Gordon" Branda. UU two popular brand, of Whtaky BLUK URASS A 311, AtfSandSrJ wr galloa, ahead of all other brand. In the State, If you kare ant already, dont fall toaxml for aampi. 01 tue eeieoratea Process tuiIro Flour ! AiuBKSTBUTTKKtiTUiWURI.DI Something New. A Hplendtd l) portontty for Keonnoray I Imported Pickles, The ordinary ttfty eenta Jar, that we are now nulling out at Winy wuli. end to ' GEORGE MYERS. 11 & 13 SOUTH FRONT ST., augi IJIl01fX,XlST TO LAWYERS and MERCHANTS. U0IT PUBLISHED. ' TROW8' LEAL DIKECTOltY and ' LAWYERS RECORD of the UNITED STATES, r - .- Bf ' - i -:. I' f . !IAKMCR t.,1IAN, ' OouinwIlor-et-Uew, , rreetilent of tho United State. Uw AanoAUtlon, Till, work will he eont to ant part' of the United Staloe, by mall, on receipt of So. Send for olronlar. , , : . , johm r. tkow, rr?RT,iiin, 13 IJnlTer.ltvt'lane. BAKKHNOtlBHlES & 00., 6(1 Naanau St. ew i jtw imi uiiy. Quarantine Notice' TTHTIIj fUBTMXK NOTICE ALU VKS tale from Porta Boutk ef Oape fear wilt Some to at th,VIltlnf SUUon, near Deep Water Faint, Sad await the Inipeetlon of the Qaar. antlne phyaldan, All Teeeli from forts whore Yellow fret, or Other Infectious dleeaae saiate, will be re paired to ondcrgo S rigid and prolonged Quar antine.! All vteaei. or boat. of. any eharaottr Itarlug lokneai on board on arrlral, or baring bad eiokneai any time daring tbe voyage, are re quired to some to the Station lor InanooMon withost regard to the Port from wbenoe they come. VeaealJ hot Included si abort Will pro ceed without detention. Pilots are eapteially enjoined to wake eare- nl enquiry relattrt to tee 1, crew, Aa., and If sot tl.fled with the atatementa of the Cap tain or oorn mender, or If the vtaeet Is In a mtby eondltloa, they will bring the vemel to tlie Station for farther Stamlnation. Plrota wilfully ylolatlng .XL . Quarantine Law. are aubjeot to af orfotrf of the If trautU; Haetere of reaaeli to a flue of two hundred dol lar, a day for every day they violate the Quarantine l.ewr. and all other ytrtont are liable for each and every otfenoa. All veaanli inhjeot to vliltatlon under above regulation., wm mi a sag tn vie mam nggtng, norriidt.. : "' - ,,, t ' W. W. POTTKB, , , . " , ; i QaarhnSne MiTilfllan, " I Port of Wilmington, N. , Bmithvlle, N. O., May IT, 18H. roai n , r. i y . iz mmn Valuable Real Estate For Sale ! CRONLY- Auctioneer. C-'t tf H in J tatv jBT CHONLI AM(S.f :j,A B Ttrtiie of d I vera mnrtsama from Tbnaiae It. OarranSwIfo, the MecliaukuV UulMlnw and Ixan Aaanclatlon will eell for eaah. b uubhn aunllvn, at r, -li nn KO corner. In tn. oltt ef Wilmington, on KriUay, Uie 'iiiuuay or A ntfitet, lH7B,at II O'clock M., the followum diwribel Heal Katate. allaatxd In aaid cite, aubleet to a nr-i noriKage or vn.iioo, aim an intore.t tnat may be due thereon, via: llrglnnlng In the Kaatarn line or Reoend atree., 7 feet HonthwariUr froai lta lntoraea- tten with the Southern line or Market atreet, and running thence Honthwanlly wltli eald line of Sooonit Mreot ST rout, theueo Saul watd ly i.arallol with Market street III foal, thenee Northwait.il oarall"! with Hooond atroet tt tent, and thence Woatwardly parallPl with Market atre.it to the heirlnnlnir. toit.Uiur with tl e tlrree .tore, and liulliHat. tkeaaon. Terki. aooomiuorlatliig.-niade known at aaloi i aug Cev'day i d of i ' liRAUtOI) . or Atkinson & Manning. f 70,000,000 Anala praaeNCffd. . ' FIRE.. ... - ii ,i .... . - . 1 . . Pliila.lalnl.la. tia. ' 0. Of North America., Phenil lnaraneUomiiany..;.Mw YoilT Oontlnental Irauranne Do. ....New roik. ' W. Hrltl.li & Mercantile lna.Co..l.iiil.m. Martlord fire Ina. (Jemnanv..-itarUonl. National fire Ina, Qrrapeny.,.harUerl. " Rprlnglleld F. eV M. Ina. Co...MaaracbnaBtta. . .. A MARINE U Mercantile Mntnal In. Co Nitw Via-.. Ina Uo. of North America flilladnliinia. i t irr - OrmneetlcBtMiilnali,iUUi.0o"t Urttlura', t " febjl j , .. BO-lf jjERCU ANTS ASD if ECU AN It' ES8UBA5CE COMPAN f , or j liiuaajMD, tihoinia. " Cwpllal.... ., A. T.SToaaa.Fraald't, I. B. Moosa', a ja u JOIU WIlAMATHfWrMM 4 , . ftanaalA.. it. ' Ho. I North Water Bl Wilmlogtoa, M.U. . NEW ADVZSTISZaTS. THERMOMETER: 105 IN THB -SHADEf 45MAUKBT:mE Arc both warm .n.l fnlly satinflotl with tho trade Uiej nave don for the s i uaat soBoon, but are stilt desirutis to dose ont a few small kits previons to tak-; ing aH)tint of sUck, and have marked thorn at such prices at cannot fait to secure thnir iinmotliato sale. , . ... ; -.: .t A DISCOUNT of 25 Per Cent Will be giveu off all remnants of "Dross Goods. -u GENTS' WHITE DRESS SI JBit Guaianteed A full lino alwsjs on hand j slso, ' 1 Cuffs, Collars, Agents for Frank Leslie's out Machino Nocdics, C Oonts Kach. ' ' Terms, Cash Only. 1 BROWN & RODDIGE.C45 llarket Street - ; jiilyvr. JUT OPENED! ;. t- .Vi.-v ,i i, lit id il AT H , i . . i " , . . j hi ...... -i I I . j 36 MARKETaiSTREET, 'm a . ....... -I I ; Black SUk Challys, BLACK OASHMEKES, CREPES. &0. HUStMIOlt. STOCK i . i. rf' Tp mM aVB r SS aT WW MI8CXUAHE0tJB.' .1 . t TO HOLDERS CITY COUPONS: I ' 4 j O 1 i Officejof Tre&srircr and CflllctD;, : I CTTX OF WILMINGTON, N. O., f HUTJCH la aeroby gtren that THK JULY 0 JUPOM lrs (Of Bond' of tbl City) 'can- " ' ...U- jtjrftJ u not be promptly jiald. r.l J. Jo i oaneeqvenoe oroeruin ebanges tuulef a ; I 4f '. - ' ' recent dec Uloq of lh Hupraras Ueort ef thin e a. to the i -inner i of ae aeaamantof the I t I Vrf Property In this city; and thereby tbe City Tax Book not 'yet having oeen plaoed In poajeaaion of tne umlerilg nej for ooUectlon; together with other compllea ion. In regard to etrr Manlclpal affair., now peadlnf berora the guprsiae .Opart at( Vortk OaroUn,thecltyof Wllraliifton miut neoee- I ' j -'' VA earlly crave aome Indnlgenos ffom the holder t of City Ooupooj.tinder srtatlng otroanuitanooi, ! City Treaaarer JunoW iD8-tf i ;,. .,--!(. i til il, 11 CAUTION!' CONHTJMKKS OF PRKSKKVEI) MILK ekould examine the WKIOHT of tbe tJoNTns?s of. tke can.1 They will find that one . ' IlorUcn Eple Brand I Dnllormlv weluh. aixteeu eemeei of milk to the can, that other brand. jfroely weigh Sfteen ounoee. The difference In welitbtbi equal n otenty Dto oent. per oee in favor of , ,,.,,, ! Borden's Eagle Brand I ; : 5. T. Condensed Milk Co., . AUOt KUSMtrhtsiatarfj.&f Portland Cement , Alao, Roman, Keene'l and Parian, for walks lateral1 1'enndetiona, atablee. eellara. kildiree. reMTTOtra, Ao. Kemlt alx cent postage for vraeucai ireiN on renwmur . 8.1,. MKKtmiNT 0O.l s, 'i i la beats St, mw Tote. ! j JoJyS ,Miir.viudauie(t.1 M.ttit'ii-.vliid fn'llHi t- i Ml " - . 1 : t . .1 . . I Ml , t I I M ! ',. I ; t U- n .)'( i"ll ! . l in' i .1 r - ITS HADE TO 0EDEE I I M tt t Underwear, Etc; t. t. V ! i - : ? - I ' :. i .1 . tl I Vl i . i . ; One::Price. I I 4 I ....... Mi -3 . 1). itti f t tu . fa1 il I '"! inr- TIlHirt Tlo is. tB , ' , 7 " 1 Slack Grenadinesi , : I W iiiSi i -il ,Hi i-i ti'l QUm VimU ! ''i . )..'. hi i 4i.hii CXX&I21 OUT ' . - J '' '-.i4;f i ,lf Ji.,.i "jt tiuti i'i!S im-i.1' "TtJ S v, i..-iJ- li:U JaiJllia 1US WW BM WTfl w llW ,M.Jt:;fl,lU U.U ,, oil l .' IJ 1UJJ JDi.iU . H( -mi 'jf'f uu Lu 3.: v Yiii nil vive .ii The Dawoon DartK.rt tort, UieD oi flabfjlslo-toi tU'Caatk t'-'d " Slock aftliMaaklUbeopatMaU ties raai 2 ,.') .H taf rootaUa; TUaraday, ths fell IsewMsl a ls,v. .u i:j slack i,.a"F,lwtUisrir W a. oly as im ,V. I hi .1 i 'i.I i e'rtu mut U SOL. GEAK & CHO'S.' ' '' i Ulv aJavi aJIl tvVve CLOSIIfO OUT THE .EMTfiE JTCCX- f n 'i i! ) I ''-Vn' dQfdel oidftLiuiibl luW TNkM. i GOODS '! 0 tteUf,i?o1ll ry .iiif jol.'.l Oroat Bargains tl tWNlIN8ti;a;TIQrrm1I0sts,iawJ jnlmi Moaamilqaee T eel, Mrr y, ' 'J 1 ' "' JHboentinn,Tpwabiaa4 Nspklaa,) Iff ItUhand Oeman Unea nhirUoga.t, uts ?i . . . w.i.i oambrlo BaidkerchiSfa,. , hi ATTINaS, Whits ahd tolored. ' ' " " l TW 1 1 BO PlpU.jUWjBK.forv ljMliMr .Ifraveftit1' Dre-weaSdBoye'wear. v(, llu,h ,;) .ts ,1 Hsygrialwtmenf of Panama and 8traw;nti,rM1 for GhUdrkaaiil Men.' kM" " , W. wil wnua.on afoiiday to llfie " 4 abovs aad will oontlnna dail antS th wrhAia id xt uitl ttook II olUd'oni ( ; .;,, .,u.1id' M iw sy Ladles" are reartftilly InTlted to sail .. and examine bar Mock, ino It wfil re-1 -' t paythemJ1f, i?..wii KRi J Tt1" In fntnrp we Intend to confine oar baelnoM ! to OlotbbuV and M.rohant iallorlng, . Say2S ,!,. , V:,A n:M 1 ''"ffl-tr " ' " " erZ 4-A tQA R DAT. Ageritf 10 10 9wU ed. All eue-ee of wc of worklna I IU e SS poeule ot both aexei, young and old. make, r . .. . . more money at work mr ae, atitAabt own tooaK " 'tlea, dnriug their .pare moment., or . all the .uaa4..H ment tbe will pay hoiiiUvmeWfur pvery ajiur'alcimin'l " ' " - .., . m. . v i. . no.), , Suit il. yirur aldreai at onca. . pea't aletoyi l" ITl'1 Mow la ydur time.' Dont look tor work; or u t bnaineM eiaawber. auttl iu bar learna.t !I t"1"1! what wo 0 lor. Q.Stihsom A Uo., PortlaneV.. ,ut ,j 1 u.l.tii i ,. ..... ... ii am o.. . ' ' . ...it Tijiftii. ui.j.-iruiw OOL ol WECJCJEb't 4 41 lwviJ BALTJJIOJIE, UARYJaAlW' T Tkaud Annual rninaal T 111 V ' '" gin uoteoer l(t, If is, anu ena kabruar 1H10. ri'rw Hoxoltal,aadteneral and I gin October lat, 175, and end habruary h l.iin la-it BneMai . Ubjoeiuiarlea, attached t the Colloiro, furauii ample maatrlal for C inlnal Ictur.. Kr unple maatrlal ror V imoal lolur. Brery , , ..a aciiltyforDlaaeotlon, ForoawK.wand par-' tmaiara. aaiireeid, a. uiiiioi, -' a a. ir., u. liWAW or iDsracatti,; -,, i ; ax-w r ,.i ' i.i IT .ll.au ilianut a III ji'.J k-t id u.J'i" a -lOAi.S i im s:r; .'i.if n . . t l.i. Zfil'-f unit - TlA . . . -.rt - ,i .lii.M J ..X. ' : , , M Itt m ' ' ' r f jt- MW ftU't

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