ill fCv - 1 (J y fr f 1 I I I I VOL. XXIV.-NO. 202. WILimTGTON. IT. C. WEDNESDAY. AUGUST 25. 1875. 7H0LE HOG.96G Or libiln 3oitrnal WILMINGTON. N. C: WEDNESDAY AUGUST 55. 1875 BY ThLEGRAPH MASSACHUSETTS. RESUMPTION OF THE AT ANTIC COTTON MILLS, g Lawrsncb Muss Aug 2L Tl j atfan tio cotton mill which smpen I H work ou the 10th of July last wil Jl.oxnmo with full force oa Mouday ue t Tbey give em ploy awn t to 1230 op rativos. Sale of utock on hand ha bwi largo, prospect is regarded euooaraging for fall buHiui SEW YOllK SARATOGA BOAT RACING.) Sabatooa N. Y. Aug, 24 The Third Aunuivl International -Regatta of Amateur Oarsmen took pi are to-day. Lovely weather and perfect water. Two raoea on programme for the State clisnipiouslup fur Htbgle Hon 1 1 wou by 0. K. Courtney of Union Hpringa aud Junior Mingle oull race wou by J ax Hiley of Keplune boat club. ; AUSTRALIA, Mkldouiinki August 24, Comcuo dort Jae. O. GoodonougU, command itig the British Squadron ou Auntralian Waters, died ou U.e 20th inst. H had been wounded by poisoned arrows in nn attack niado ou his flagaliip, Cor velte Pearl, by the natives of Carlisle Bay, aud although erery effort was uiado to looiiuternct its effects, the poihon proved fatal. Ouo seaman was killed and three ' -wounded by savaaes. MARYLAND. Balttmohb, August 24. Father : Jeggel was arrested for aasault and battery for ejecting Vincent Hager man from the Oatholio. Church, of which Ilagerman was a member. The Benevolent Society, called Knights of Bt. Qeorge, had a pionio and allowed dancing. Father Jeggel attempted to prevent danoiug, protesting against such amusements as irreligious. A heated discussion on the right of the priest to iutorfofo, nd the Society Dy a vote of 82 majority, declared the body independent of the control of Ilagerman voted with the majority. Jeggel was held under $200 bail, and will have a hearing this evening. ELECTKICISMS. Killing frost in 13 counties In Wis consin on Sunday morning. Corn greatly injured, and tobacco killed. On Monday morning, heavy frost in Iowa and Illinois. Small vines, corn, and potatoes injured. OoJ Wheeler, of Texas, net cattle driver, was killed by cattle theives. John Taylor, grandson of the Ex rresidont, was held liable on charge of robbiog registered letters. Ho was on Sherman's staff -and that's what he got for being there. A Northeast storm is prevailing at Fortress Monroe. The road are full of shiPDiDK Twelve houses, Thomas O'Leary, Newark, yeetetday. the property of were burned at The work of an incendiary. : Willis Wazry, Bishop of the Britmh Methodist Episcopal Church, died at Toronto on Sunuay last. (iOTlIAM. New Yobk, August 24. Throe bur glar attempted to break into the resi dence of Dr. Wm. A. Hammond, 43 Wnut tUth Rtrni t at 1 o'clock A. U. They BCt off the electrio alarm while nrizinff onen a window. L'l. iiara- mond was aroused and.seizinga pistol, flrcut finr ahnta at tllfl burclarS. WOlld- iug one. Tho burglars returned one shot and flod. No arrests are made yet . , NeYobk, August 24. Ih conso queuca of an error in tho transmission F.inrpHS CroD Review was made to say of wheat in England, new samples look well in comparison with hose of last year The correction of the passage has vod frnm the Gable Company ty-Anv makinir it retul. new samples look poor in comparison with those ox last year. IIEADQUAIITEIIS. IMPORTANT DICISION IN RE FERENCE TO FIVE TWEN TIES COTTON B CLAIMS . r ' ' DECIDED. TO..oTvrmu Ainrimt 24 Thoflccre nnnf thATrnaanrv has made decision in rnfnrenoe to the : five twenties of 1865, May and November, and the five twenties of 18G5, January and July. The books and records of the depart ment show that the- five twenties of May and November.known as old 65V, were tne nrsi oi inese two loans is ona the H Ate nf the issue beiuff Oeto KovOlat. lfur while those of 1865. Wu. l' - -" 1 ' - January and Jnly, are known as new 65's, ,, although tbe bonds bear nn their face the date .Tn1 lilt 1R99. were not issued nu tii'Ont fith 1866. Therefore, it follows- that the five twenties in 1865. May and November, known as tho old 60 being first issned under thelawmust be first called. The date given on the fui nf t.ha hrtnrl is not to bo taken on the date of tho issue.but the fact as e; tablishedby records of the depart- f in f in. nfllinti.m of the law. Washington, August 24. The fob lowing are cotton oases, a which the rVmrt olaitnH in hnvn dcaidod 1Q faV3r of the claimants, and the United States appealed to tne Supreme uonri: B 0 Johnson, E D Batohooder, J Reese Cook, Thomas Kidd, adminia- trators.of Ratio. Charlotte Speer, Tho -uas Kidd, J B Broxston.J J Cownn, ndiuitiihtiator of llanna Badouheiin, E K McLean, J W Mavbean, Geo. Hawkins, lsaao Wade, Win F Truitt, llobt M Potiglaaa, et al. Bark, Eliza Bursa, leaving her to morrow, will take the Bermudur mail. EUKUt'E, ATTACK ON COMMODORE GOOD ENOUGH BY THE SAVAGES DISTEMPER IN ENGLAND THE LATEST WAR "7 NEWS. London, Auguuat 21. The colonial office has the following details of the attack ou Commodore Goodeuougn and a portiou of the orew of the IVarl. Tho Commodore and party on the 12th had just landed in Carlisle Bay toopeu intercourse with tun natives of Stnta Cruse Island, who attacked the Saud Fir iu the same ulaoj last year. Aftrr remaiuiug about an hour ashore and making apparently satisfact'jry pro gress in tho ol'jtot of their iuibsmm. were preparing to rotutu to toe ship, whim imddeiily tho liutivt-s, who wre ouly a few Virds oil', shot at Cotiinio- dore GoodonoUsh. A poiatiiitd arrow peut'tratod his left side. The boat was tuuu put oil uaior a 11 gut of arrows, rWvos men were -wuuudod. including Lieut Uawker. Two of tbe wounded dim fr m tue eueuta of tbe poisou. lue oluera aro improving. Soon as the boat returned the Pearl was tihelled aud burned. The natives of the village then returned to Nelson Bay. i Madrid, AngUBt 24. lho garrison of the citadel S:o de Urgel, hoisted the flag of truce, hostilities being sus pended. Gen. Lizzaraga, the Crrliet commander, offers to suireiiuer on conditions, which Geu. Martinez Cam pos relucts, isegotiatious continue and probably capitulation will bt; signed to-day. 1 ! t ; V iKNsa, August 2L A dwpatch to the New Full Press suya the insur gents beseiging Trebigne, have been reinforced aud resolved to attack the oit to-dny London, August 24. A special to th Btandord sajs the Horzcgoviniao iusurgeuts mahsacrud 90 Turkish pris oners, captured at Marsia. i Utinda of lusurgeuta are assembling in the mouutains of Crete. CoNSTANTiNopiiB. The Poute is oon- oontratiug a large force in the direc tion of Nissa, iu oonseqitenue of the part taken by Servia iu the iusnrrto- t.itt in Uo.tiii IUO miliary 00- cn pal ion of bt-rviais tegatded as nol improbable. FKNKUAL NOTIKE. Th funeril mrrlnoi of th ''laUl Hr.i. Uen. Allan ttuthartorrf will tak plaoe u St. Jolm'l Chircb, Wcdnrslay morning at 10U o'clock. NEW ADVEKTISMESTS B. H. OBAST, ' . M.IIINTOa GRANT & HINTON, . General Commission Merchants AMD KIALKBS IB QKAIN of all kliidn, F18H,. OROCEHIK8, PUOVlaiONS, Ac. (kjnnlirnmenU and ordorgaoUcltod.and prompt attoiuluii (itaraiitetit, Pianos and Organs. THE LIVE BOOK STORE HAH conntantly on hand a Una lot of l'Unot Irotu Hit mDuractoilua of WM. A CO, Manhalt & Smith. and Orovostein and Ful ler. ORGANS. The only iilace In the Btate whore vq cat gets good, . i " ' FIRST-CLASS PARLOfc ORGAN bat , -.. -. a HEINSBERCER'S Live Book and Music HUwo. MglH FOE RENT. The itoro on Month eidnof Market atroet near Sucouil nam oecuplod by Lolir Vollara aa a grocery utore. also the strehonw fronting on Hoctml atreet, ami tiummtiataly In reur of tlio aturs icciipll hy Fri W . Hnvor. PouMMlon glvuti October lot, ISIS. Aiily tu JUNIUS DAVIS, Ageut. ugZ3-3t ICE! ICE! Price Red uced From thl date w will ratall Ice at a oen nor pound at oar h nfl on Millar alley. j. k. Lierirr & oo. Cotton Ties and Salt. 2,000 BUNDLES ARROW TIES. 4,000 SACKS SALT For sole by BINEORD, CROW A CO. ang 24 BA.I.ANOKOF S0MM K.R CLOTHING closed out at 10 per cei.t. - BELOW COST! ' To make room for Winter Stock. Call ear and aecuro bargalna. A. DAVID- ang 11 PIANOS, Orgatia and Ulirninoa tor aa'er.n . riuihorou tbe o.ikt mombly luaialmonl plan at , HKINSBKKUKK'S an 1 Uvt Book aud Moalo More. HEW ADVERTISEMENTS. "AT i AIT'S BOOH aXuitK you will and a full line of BLANK BOOKS, SCHOOL BOOKS BIBLES, PRAYER BOOKS ALBUMS ad evanthtngaaaally krpt In afltM olaat bo- randawile atnre, al ptloea foe la Una city. low-M u a a Tr m aagtl Ladies' Flts ! Ladlee 8i iinU. ' LwliVilr :ua. (icnty Trin. k, 0ul4 I ravuliiig na.-s I tbawl mi '(, Ktu.. At the S'kllcry of Carpenter A Mallard, .o i auiu rauar STaaiiT, Juttl Wilmington, N. O English Cutlery. rkt of ewy iterlptin. Kaaoni, lroi", llrali. tijar't I Tory K in.llo l a- bM Ml lea Ki.ire. Hllnr rorka, itpinna, Hi'lworn, Carrlitu KniTtw, Forks Talil ItliHtlii, etM. A Nrg awurtment Jiwt rextilfed from the linportrra. au. uu opoulng at toe old e tablUliod UiUan tfouwuf . '' .1 iHsrawaofi.' U. l, 2U i'd HI Market 8t. All OTry day expecting an 'tiToloe of NEW FALL COOOS and tu ord ir to sake room fur th aame, am lnilnced to make ttdt great. mtcrllloaa to Ulit poa of the hitlsnce of niy minor ettwk. Alpacaa arid Linens M without raT0. augi'l A. U.tVin. A FORTUNE VQR 81. LtUAJLUjl' AUTUOR1ZED. Texas Gill Concert toiatica ! 0 DIKISOV, TKXI, WILt QIV A SECOND Grand Gift Concert ! Is aid or a M tuonlo and I. O. O. V, Toruplo, SEPT. 22, 1875.' i rinrtOapltalHin .'. Second Uaptt&l (lift.... .., ...jwo.nnn ........... ao,oon Boaldu. QlfU In proportion amounting in all to J( $250,000,001 r , bowiar Uivr To a Wholi Tiokit, V) . Prieaof a Wkol Ticket, 3, whlrh oontleU of ttf. gl Canpena. .'. . .i: Owua-utt Tiortraao, l, ' ' '. Which wlb entitle the holder to alaiaMon to the Urand Conocrt, aid to one Ultli of what ever may he awarded to the whole tlokev nuni- her. . KoKponnlbU acenu wanted. : '. '. All urdore for tlok.ta Mnt direct proaiptly Blled. . Circular., Paper., ote.. giving foil particu lar aent free, iu writing, be itlre and eigu your naino, town, oounty and ataie In full. Ordar. for ticket amounting to gfi and up ward, aant U. O. l., If daelted. Adreaa alt oommunlcation. and make atl re mittance to augtl-emoew, A. K. OOt.I.INi, Secretary, 1oniaou, Texa. BUY ONLY THE QENUINE HAtlBBMKS STANDARD SCALES. The most Perfect Alarm Cash Drawer, ; M1LRS AOAKMTIU.CO.'S. Aleo, Herring'. Bate'. Coffee and Drug Mill., rrnnaoe. FAIRBANKS' ' STAI1A11I 8(1 ALES. E & T- FAIRBANKS & CO af. JUMHtMUHY. Vf. i pRiRotPaL aoAia iHin'ia: AIKI1AJ1K8 &l-0.,3Ullroadw H. V. FAJKbANKSt St (JO., 166 Baltimore St., Bal timore, Md. Faibbarks Si Co., 63 (lamp Mtreet, Mew Or leans. FAianAKK. St Co., 99 Main Street, Buffalo, N. V. Fairbanks Se Co., rf8 Broadway, Albany, .V. FAianARi A (3o , 801 at Paul'. at, Montreal. Fauika A On., H King William bt,, Lou . don, Kng. Fairbaki., BaoWN & Co., t Milk St., Bo ton.Mnra. Fai'ibanm St Kwmo, Matonlo Hall, Phila delphia, la.- - ' Faibbabkr, Morki St Oo., Ul Lake St., Chi eao. Fairbanks, Morri & no., 133 Wall ut 8tret, (Jlnolnnatl, Ohio f ; Fairbanks, MoxaaAUo, Hi Baperlor St., le?)Hinl, Ohio.. FaihRankm, Moaoa A Co., 43 Wood Street, ruuhurgh. Faibbanks. Mob St Co., 6tU and Main St, Ijoaltvilln. i. Faibsabks St Co., tot and C4 Wahlnirton Avemie.St, U.uIn. , Fairbanks St HufvniasoH, San Franol.oo, . ('al. ..... ; jcor tale leading Hardware PeAtera. June l-dw-10w-eod Bacon, 1 Pork, Sugar, ! Coffee; 50 BoxoP. S.SUtea, ' Uoxc Smoked Sulee and Shoulders, , is uuieu fork, UK) Barrels Ki-Sni'd Knrr, ' no Bag. Primo Klo Oli'oo, , For tale low hy . v.-i ' '.i , . tVILLIAMS a murchtaok. ' ' conn, ri.omr, hat. swi: ' 0,000 Borhila but Mixed and White Ooro, 1, TOO Bariel. Flonr all trades. ' ' . MO Bl.O.B.r. U.y, - ' ' BOO Sack. Llebou Salt, ', . For tale tew by WILLIAMS & MUROHIPON, llagglug, Tlc, llaop Iron, nine i too Roll' Kxtre Ileary Baiiclng, , 80 Ton. Tic, ' ' tm Bnnd Irs llop Iron, , I ,,78 Barrel. Oluo, ... , ! for eale low hy I - WILLIAMS 3t MURCHISON. ' Ittolaaea, Mplrlt Cneke, Naila.(iuan lno ntu'i and m. In New UrOpCubaMe- I'M.. ft ' 4'i0 -ecund-Hand Spirit Caak., Ifi.KclfH Ril, 101 'I'ona K.urcka Onano, IMi Ton. Otionape Uuano, For mile low by WILLIA.T11 St iriVIICIIlNON. augic MISCELaJiNE U8. THE DNIYERSITY Of N. G. Thle Institution will be re opened on The ITrst Ifoniay In SeptfrnbtT Next, Tke term ending the M Tharwlay In June, litia, with a vacation of two werku at l"lir.ii i. Itkaa beauro-organlaedontha M tlcHmt-m, eembiatDg, howeTer, three enrrtcaia of Arts )rlw. aud Arrtflultura. IneiruiMkm will be tit.-u In the branchM of learnli g naimMy U igui iu Ui b et Collagoe. Special luatrola , rutUl d in Ag lOBltureaodthe at'.hulo Art An !.!( u. iiiir ha. been appointed. The bui'.duitf iburuunir. reitred lor the reoeptioa ol CY-tm hniutied atu i tnts. 'o oitoular ixiiniitMrir of the above, apple 10 Kl. Iff '. II oreiary lUiardof Trurteee, JnUMu-lm Halelnh, N. O til) K WORT 1 1 SCUOOii, IHo.MI t'tl.4JMI.IN 8TRCKT, ( Between Oattimtral and I'ark ), Baltimore, lid. milK ThlrUenlh Annual Scaslnn of 111.. Kn- 1 (luh and f reiieb Hoarding and Day Schiol I"r Ytiunir latiea, will rvpen eii ThaiMlav, Si-iitenibnt tilth. For c'ri'iiUr., ad dree', MK.. H. F. LErgUVttK, friuclpaj. iy J9 eod n X-If Wilmington IS AMYK TO HUB fNTKUESTii In Km Uaroilna, bur buaiueM uien will adTortiae iu THE WASHINGTON ECHO. alar and well eatahlinhod weeily avia per. clrculatinn eitni?ily Ik tMwiuntlnno 11 villi, ttuaulort, t'umlliti, I'M, Kdireconiba and Un aliolutng tUloe liow Walt f. WituaiiMoM, K Uhanuib. oi i artwro. or waauiugtotJ, tdlUiraand froprletora. etui Star ropy. 15 Atkinson & Mannintr $?0,000,tM)0 Aaaota Keraiutid. -J , ' fine A o. of North America Philadelphia. I'li'iuu liKuranoe Viunpanf ....New Vnrk. llontiiiKiital lonuranoe Oi. ...... diuw risk. N.llrilUii St MereiiUlalua.Uu..Loiidnn. ' Haitlord Kir lim. Oomiianr.,. i. anion!. i Nat urn t Fire lue. Oompany.,.flnriiuri. HprlngtoM f . St W. Iiih tfo...Maaubuagltl. Moroantlle Mutual iik. i,u Now V im. tne. (Jo. of. Worth Aairrlnn ..i.Pblla.liri,tila.,a tire. -. i Oonnwtleut Mutual UleriukOO, MrnJur.t. 1 ' jyjERCHANTS AND KECUAN1C 'NSCRANCGCOMPANfi OF UfOaulJlfU. T1KOIN1A. V.tMKae, rreetdt. f LB,Mr)oli,s4ei IWHH WILD KB ATKIStOH UoneralA J Ho. 4 North Water S Wilmington, N.O, . , ' epnlll .. . Vl, ( EGLANTINE. BY KLIZA TABOR, ADMIRKK8 of "ft. Ollro." will not I dl.appolnte.1 wlih "Kglantlne." 1 liu heroine la altoiiether charming, and we re com mend all who are In aearch of a fanolnatlng torytoread thl. work. The aamo graphic power, healthy tentlmnnt, deep pathoe and racy humor which characterlied "St. OllTri" aro evory where dl.played In ' Kglantlne." For tale al ' " HEIMSDERCER'S Live Book and Music Store. g 13 Commissioner's Sale. ON net ant ay, the mil day of Angnt, Inn., at 11 o'olocka m , at Kxchangs Oorner in pqfeiianca of an order ortheHnperlur Uonrt uf New Hnovr, I will eon to tne niRtimt milder that raliiablo temdonoe on Prtnofu atreet, lie. twoen r"ront and Second utroetii, at prewnt oc cupied by Dr. n n. Kverett.ana Known a. tne It. Baiter lot froute on Prlniwe 48 feet 8 lnche; li'ifMetwhle on the rear end, and 99 l'cet deep. Aleo lot on Market tract, lying between St. Jamba' Chnrch pareonage and Or.1 Thnmu' renldonce. and at tirceut occupied by I)r Theme ai a doctor, office tl teet front hy 16 feet dep. Term., one-itilrd eaah, one-third In one year, and one-third In tour yearal ( l OoBrl'JTZ 0 UTLAR, Commiwiloticr. aug t-IB 23 tl t8 a. n a CAUTION ! tONSOMKUS OF PRKXBHVKD M1I.K V nhoiild etamlno the WKKIHT or the Udntknts of tbe can. 1'uey will And that while,, . Borden's Eagle Brand ! Uniformly weigh, nil teen ounce, of milk to tho can. that other brand ioarouly welgti HI' toon ouiicc.. . . . Tho diSerenoe In weight I. equal to aeyeiity fire oenta por oaae In laror of t ', Borden's Eagle Brand ! , X. Y. Condensed Milk Co., AUO. Kt,E MM, Secretary. ulyH-wxHni THE LATEST of the "BRIO A BRAO" Scries, P 111S0NAL REMINISCENCES --lit- 1 ' ' 1 O KEEFFK, KKILY AND KKLLV. The Green Gate.. from Uie tlurman of JS. WICHERT' . , , .. A novax, - ' 1 . ty;TKKNTSOy, Another Wrply Jiut ruoclred and for aalo at ! HEINSBERGER'S LIVE BOOK AMU MUSIC STuKK. i au 21 ' CHEAPER Than Uie material oan be bought at tbe .tore.. Six Wamsutta Shirts for 97.60, CASH ON DKLIVHRY Unmpare the col tfln and llnin with that lor tale at tbe Mote, uien ngaro tue com oi a anirt. 1JIT GDARAJSTEED1 ONLY AOEN0T- IMUNSON&CO., CITY CLOTUIElta angtt . : j XISCLLAHEOTS. TASTELESS MEDICINES A tuonilneni New York I'htrtician lately dim i'iii.d lo ln ai' l'l x i t o ul i.iii ll.n r Sttnuwivm on. lir-ria. Mating iiiai notimea b a uratt am. aieiiaU, but if el a pat t.nt ut hi hail taken ibeni without ett -c'. Un bemg Inri rwe-t 'lit . "rl IiuiUIIoik aere uld, heluquired and fjuud ki. pauent bad not piwn taking UiiaoAa, I in a ii ) u'. What hi ix'neil to the i.lir.i Un may hare happened lo oth', And I. I'u K t) take Ibia method ut prouvtmu phvalclao., drugglataand thcuiMlTiw, and ptctetding Oil, or Hardalwiwo tnini cumim ii.tu r)wrcint Phtalcion. whu twin pnwcrib th I atwale. win continue to do o, '"' 'be eoutaiu the puro Oil'" boat and choap fgf lorut. - . tUHiAR, 1ick A t o. tio more Oil er Sand alwood than ail the Wholeaal aud I'ntlilet. and I'erfumern In the I'mted tttie. eaatbinrd, ami iiim u tim aolO reaann why in pure on waoi'icrtvaperiaiueirt'Rp. Iul lli4t iii an oilier iiwni. OIL OF SaNUALWiMUl Is rafttiip'rcedlug erery o her remaitr, ailTlplea only b- mg roituirm iu ineur a miv anu :tMiiii rere In alt or itglit day. From no ullitir uii'diflim oau Uil rtnult be kail. Upmoas, Dice ft Co'a Surr Urrt. e the problem, long ronaMcrml by eiuinenl pkr lalana, of how to aruld the nuiwe and dlitel ettprriencd la ewalliiwli'g wbU-h ate well ktiewn to detract, II n it detrnv. the gco etlurtmif many vaiuah e ri'itn'dira. Soft 'epelee aro u I t'n-toil ami na boiee, thirty In ra. ami arutlwwiiy eapul.' irerrllin br phyilclan rASTELFSS MCOICINE5l.-('ator dl aud niny otuer imueuo. meiil.tin ean he taken i)aUf in Hundii, Illuk A Ju' Suit l"Sf eulM. No Ion, No.mtll f Thae wr thn onlv Can. aulaa admitted to tho laat fan axpoaltlon. nnud lue eiri iilae to IB wno.ier atroet, N, T. Sold at all Drue Stores. augu m , . ! . NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING. , ... . ; M.NKTY-K1UHTH KOITION. Containing a enmplcle Hat nf all tho tnwas In (lie 11 into. ! Stntethe 'i'ni ritgrlea and Hih Inimltiion of Canada, havtn I I l w the puiiiilaihin sroatortban ik., acMiiilina to the ceiimie togetluf with the names of the nowapata'ta having the largcat hH-ol oirculatlmi Iu earhol the place named. AImi, a culalngue of iiuwa pallia whlcUarerteoOioiiii n lid to atlrertim'ta an glrlng greaLt-at Jala In iiirt inn to i riree rhiiriiud. Alan, all in wn ai r In tbe lliiltul HIHU.iand t.anada printing nirer S.OnO tspiiw aai'k luuo, Alee, all tue HvllKluna, Agnettitu tal. bcii-iitillo ami Aleehauiaal, Medical, Ma sonic, inenlln, KilU'iit una), (.iiiuiiiernlal, Inauraiico, Meal Katala, Iw, Hnrliiig, Mip.1 cat, Pavilion aed otin r .jiecl il rla. joiunalK; very conipbdn llet, To,ttiwT with a nmnpiete lint of oyer I 1K Unrman piin ri ptlidi'd In the United Man a, AImo, an eeaay upon advrtl lug; mauv table of rai, ahowiug the wait l ti'VZ'LtSZj" rltnaiiewi.iier. and er iX u antie, . , -Addreag . olfo. p. KOWKI.L A.o ' 1 41 r'urk How, New Vntk. THE PEE DEE HEHAID. 4 i Ii' Tubliehiwi every WoJuoaday at WADESBOUO, ANSON COUNTY w JOSH. T . JAMES A CO. jl Ha large arid Vapldlf InereaMng rlrrnla. lion in tne r Tun In the Pee Dee country tn forth and South Oarollna. AiWertteera will And It the bert mmllum In either f tha aieter Miatee tor reablng the farmer., planter, and merchant, ITie extemive local advertising jmt ronaije exMMeA in its columns U the best evldmoe of Us large and influen tial circulation. ' f Dpeetmen coplea, with rate, tor adrer. tlalng, aent free, pontjiije paid, on application tn the underalned, elilwr at Wadueboror or Wllmlogton. i(Un.r..iAmr,nnuii, Kdltoraand Prupitetora, ...... or COUGHS, COLDS, HOAUSKMSSiM) ALL I'll RO AT DISKAES, " Us ' Cells' Carbolic Tablets, Put up only In Illiic Bnxea. ; A TKIBI) ANU8UKK KBMflDT, For nlehv nrnitirtata ronorallr, and JOHN hTov, HOLI.UWAV AUU.,Philadolphla.fa juirwaw Thos. C. DeRosset, Insuranoo Agent- HaTBKKisnao 10,000,000 rina Aw nr. I Attn tnatirenee Companf, of llarifnrd. ljomton Awtiiranr Oompanr, of Lnndon, Commercial Union Aaaucanca Coini ..nv, of London, New Tot It Underwriter.' Agency. luly -tf . - SOUTHEBN HOME SCHOOL 197 and 199 N. CnAuua St. BALTIMORE, M.D. ESTABLISHED 1 842, , Boarpiko ad Day UonooL roa Youaa , , ' . .I.AOIKa, Principal) Mr. and Hrt 11: Cat v. Mia. ticn'l juhn Pevhani. t rench, the CatiKuiiae Spoken. July 2-eod'im JluySt-dlm ;i llorncr & (Iravcs' School, niLLSBOUOV n. o. rpUR PALL SESSION ourth Monday In July. OF ISM OPKNS 'OaUlogrie. aont on applloa'.loi. uly i.'m d'i dilwtiw ra JOIINA.BYIl.NU, Insurance (FIRE, MARINE AND LIKE) 840,000,000 Aeeote Hepreanuf- UrriUK Uommerntal EiohaDge Uhil lln North Water ttueeu twit iFor Smithvillcl gTICAMKK UIXII:" will run n irularly ryery ila,y eriwpt iinily, 1. aTlng iviliiiinirtmi.,,., 4 ' M " Hniitiirnle ,,, JAM IMnvmiU ..I I tiiKHnu iy ui piinili.taoil at our oin.w, . ' PARS LEV ft CO Ju'J NEW AD VESTISZMEMS. mm 45 MARKET lit. Aro cloning out tbo halauo ol tlmir Iiadios Umlorwcar !r Ctiemiaa anil NiRht Dreaw, ut a swcojiiiig rodifotiouEVEN FUOM FOHMliU P1UCE3. HAMBUKG EDGINGS AND INSERTIONS- Wa r nmkiiif an cflfiirt ia this tl 'iia-rtmniit to ro.luoo tho atook prorious to Kiiinir North, ami LaJics will flml PRICES lower than an v titer Lava v.r siH'ii iu this marktit r nm. LESLIE'S CUT PAPER, PATTERNS FOR SALE. Machiiio ISTecdlos, 5 Cents liach Misses Kid Gloves Slightly Spotted, 20 Cents a Pair- Sizes, llitviiKt iiiMt tckiMi an nrwonut nf which wn liavo .lotorruiuud to CLOSE We thank yo a', Ualth RWat nml sum', For paimnaKo nxti'wlit; ' WegraU'lu' fut'l, Wf'va tluiifl aaa WihiI Throughout tha year 1100 mulit. - - ' Our to'k Wd'vO t.Voil :.'.! An' iioo wo'in ca'o'i, -To add within tho tnargin; ' , ' " An' If ye itmin . . .. x Afum we're loom ,... : ' Yo'll gt't an unco' hurgalii. t . i CBROWN & RODDICK, mil! m JUST OPENED 1 AT 36 MARKET STREET, "ANOTIIEU LOT OF ' . w ;. Black Grenadines, Black Silk Challys, BLACK CASHMERE, SCIIEPES, &0. HUMMEH HTOO" CLOHE1) OUT lower Than Ever! No. 36 MARKET 8TEEET. -in- WHITE GOODS, AT EXCHANaE CORNER. 147 Inne to Quarantine Notice u NTIL FUUTHEB NOTICE ALL VE8- oU from Port. South of Cap Fear will come to at the VUlting Station, near Deep Water Point, and await the Inipectlon of the Quar antlne Physician. All vernel. from Porta where Tollow Fovor, or othor Infectloua dlMaae eiiMa, will be re quired to undergo a rigid and prolonged Qnar antlno. Ail reeneli or boat of any character harlng .Ickneai on boatd on arrival, or Laving had elckneai any Uiua duitng tha voyago, are ro- luired toeometothe Station (or inspection without rogard to the Port from whence thoy come. Teeaeli not inoladed aaabOTewlll pro- cood without detontlon, -. 1110 u are e.peolally enjoined to make caro- ul enquiry relatlre to yeuele, orew, Stc, and lfnotiKtlrued with the ttatemonta of the Cap. tain or commander, or If tha voted Ut In a Oithy condition, they will brlpg the vcwwl to the titatloa for farther examination. Pilot wilfully Tlolatln the ' Quarantine Law. ate .ubjeottoafurfoltiireut jlwlr btanch; Maator. of veaaela to a Bno of two umlrod dol lar, a day for evory day they volata the Quarantine Un; and all other person, are llablo lor each and every od'otwo. AH vcasoliatilijecttovl.itallon undor above regulation., win wta Hag In the niaiu ringing, '""riJ,' F. W. POTT Kit, Quarantine I'hvHlctan, Port of Wilmington, N. Smlthvlle, N. 0., Way 87, . ' mav ' lafttlltinvl Pay Yonr City Taxes. Olllce of Treaanrer and Collector, ill City of Wiliulngt4n, N. O.. J.iSJVlS!.lS!f tiinilH ar Kiicli thitt a atrict coinplliiico with th ordinance, will bo imwlo, and .uoh enania whe dn not pay tholr city ta cnor before the II rat nf Mnpteuilioriiroiinm, their property will bo advurtlD) d and ulil an Uie law directs T. G- Servosa, ' KtJMitit and Oolleotor. IvIllIM Fill n SfllT, 5, 5,1-2 and 6, itottk wo flml aovnrnl email ...ui ui. OUT AT A TWOE. 45 Market Street. t'V SOL. BEAR & BRO'S, 20 Market Street. ClOSINQ OUT THE ENTIRE STOCK ' of; DRYGOODS AT OUB RETAIL 8TOHKI ' , ; Grreat Bargains I I J-4 LINEN SIUXTIMa from 79 cU. and . II 13 per yard. M oaaaihlqne. T ota. per yard , HWUS MUSLINS,' ' (00 Ooien Lilian ToweU and Napkin., ' Irian and Oetman Linen Shlrtlngt, Oambrlo Ha.dworohlel., MATTIN08, WhIM aud Colored. ' ' 30 PleoM LINBN for Ladle TravtUng Uieam and noya' wear . , .. ,. Largo aMortmantof Panama and Straw Ilata for Children and Hen. We will commence on Monday to tell tha ' above and will continue dally until the whola teck li cloaed out. ; IV Ladle, aro respectfully Invited to call aud examine oar itock, ai w know it will re pay them, , - , ;' i. 4 -.. i '- In future we Intend to confine otur boetaeu to Clothing and Merchant i allorlng, . may 23 i KJ-tf ftK A- l&O A PSBDAT. Agent, want QO 10 VAU ed. Ail olamea of working IMwple of both Mae, young and old, make more money at work for ui, in their own looal itle., during their .pare momenta, or all tha time, than at anything else. We ott'or employ ment that will pay hondaomely fur overy hour' ' work. Fnll particular., term., etc., tout free. Send u. your aldreea at onoe. Dou'i delay. Now ia your time. Don't look tor WVwk or buatnea. ehwwhere, until von have learned what we otter. O.STinsum St Oo , Portland, M ine, .' may IB m-UJ&w Flour and Ileal AND HIXEDJf EXD. Car-load i v 4 on .hott notice. Grain bought at th. market price. Addreei, ..C OHARLOTr CITY HILL, " , , . ' vtotte.N June ' - - 1 00 BBLJ PURE COITER DISTILLED N. 0. CORN WHISKY I For tal by John. T Cbameb, Tkomsvlee N. Co

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