I -1 WILMINGTON. N.'c.. SATURDAY. AUGUST, 28 1875. XXIV. -NO. 205 WHOLE NO. CCD Vi'S 1 H JJ-'A 's ouniau WILMINGTON, N. C. SATURDAY, AUGUST 28. 1875. 8Y TELtlCRAPH. MAKYLAM). FAILURES IX BALTIMORE. Baltimore, Anpnst 27. Tim liabili ties of the Abrou Company are t vo ami a half millions, of which one million is due in Baltimore to merchants, Linkers ami prvato bunker. Em ployed 350 men. Immediate cause of the failure was shrinkage iu molusseo. tiOTHAU- TQE PROPOSED FINANCE CON VENTION, New York, Aug. 27th, 1S73. The dispatch sent here yestrcay about the meeting of the Now York delega tion; including Mxaars Ottinger, F. A. Conkling, Iler-rj Komp and others, to the proposed financial convention at Oxuciuuati, . inadvertently formed the latter an itillation convention when it should have , been desitfuated as a hard inouey convention. Justce to the speakers at the mot-ting renders this correction necessary, although the mistake is obvious, aud could de ceive uobody. EUROPE a EUROPEAN POWERS STILL UN ABLE TO INDUCE TUR KEY TO SUSPEND 'HOSTILITIES. Bombay Aug 27. The Gazette of this city publishes a statement that a Britwh Minister at Pekiu bus been thwarted and insulted in negotiations with Chinese Government and lias tele graphed to Loudon for instructions und lor the re-ouforoemontof British troopB in China. London Aug 27. -The Manchester Guardian aud Birmingham I'ont pub lished in Jhoir spociaLiliisiiatohea from London "information which co roberatos the report of the Bombay Gazdtc aud purports to be derived from Foroigu Ollioes here. London Aug 27. The Times special from fieri in says Europoan Powers are unable to induce Turkey to suspend hostilities on pending mediation. A refusal however is a matter of indif ference as the Turkish reinforoomonta are nuable to penetrate mountain de files. Telegrams that they bad so pen etrated are premature. If the .Uerze govinean reject proffered mediation. Austria who has assembled a whole army in Dalmatiawill be in position to offer tho Sultan her good offices. London Ang 27. The Daily Tele graph in its ilunncial column to-day says private telegrams from Montove do state that the dissatifactirm with the President and his ministry is such that no doubt is eutertained that an ther revolution is immouent in Ur- gnay. CAHFOItMA- FA1LURE OF THE BANK OF CAL IFORNIATHE PANIC IN SAN FRANCISCO- THE DE PARTMENT AT WASH- - INOTON SEND3 GOLD TO ER LIEVE THE BANK. Bah Francisco, August 27. The general feeling about the town is rath er blue. The Cashier of the National California Bank aud Trnat Company stated to a gentleman during the inter view thiB evening that the bank would open in the morning bnt might have to suspend during the day. . This bank paid nil its gold iu this ui'kii-noou aud a goon aeai oi its silver, u it can make arrangements to-uight for coin, it may be able to ride over to-raorrow. A ruu is expected ou the San Franoii oo aud Merchant s Exchange Bauks to. morrow. A meeting of the Bank Presidents was called this evouing to conoort lata ures for relief. The Board of Brokers has also called a meeting. San FRANCisco.Augnst 2C,midnight. Tho National Uold Bank and Trust Company have sent in the following notice for publication in the morning papers: In consequence of tho panic and tho impossibility of obtaining coin, the National Gold Bonk and Trust Com pany will close until further notice. The Bank has $1,300,000 over and above lul its liabilities. As soon as coin can be obtaiued it will resume buniness as usual, In the meantime, 1 any creditor so desiring.can havegd assets of the Bank of the aniou" of hg claim. By order of the Board of Trustees. Signed .Henry P Davis, President. Chicago. Ang. 27. The opinion of the bankers in this city is that the failure of the bank in California, will produce little i'any effeot iu Chicago. San Francesco, Aug. 27. Prosident Rankin bo no doubt that the bauk of California will be ablo to meet all ob ligations. $1,400,000 in gold was paid out on yesterday. Aid as asked of the oth er banks without response. Rankin does not expect the band will resume business. All tho banks have been telegraphed to oloso. Washington. Axis. 27. Heavy trans fers of goods to California are being made by the Treasury to- lay in support of the banks in that section nuon offi cial notification being received at tho deportment that all of the banks have deposited gold with tho assistant treas ury at new xorK. xeiegrapmo in structions wore sent to the assistant treasury, at Ban Francisco, placing creditors . to the respective - banks makinff such deposits iu New York Thus far over a million dollars have boon transferred. SanFbakoisoo, Aug. 27. Tho Mor eliauU' EtchangA Bank i eio. Of fiivr eiuiru that the only tfuble in the so.tmtj of oiu, of which they havrt a huudriM thous.iiiil dollar, but f'glit hundred thoufuiid is liable to draft. The mnnngors in L-mdou and San Francisco say tbt batik is able to meet any run. Loniwn, August 27. A communi cation has beeu rppt'ivtkl from the Britidh Minister at IVkia, cauipluiniug of the mnuuer in which he tin been treated bv the Chinese Government since the Uusmah affair, and desiring to have his huudi strengthened iucase of need. Ho has. bowovor, not been insulted, and reports of the affair have been highly colored. EL1XTKIC1S3IS. Mr. Merchant Noe, who was arres ted in his store in New York by a burglar a few days ago, is dead, Mrs. J. P. Oouse of Nashville, com mitted suicide yesterday after ber third attempt. Post Master General Jewell has re turned to Washington. TmESSEE. REPORT OF THE MEMPHIS COT TON EXCHANGE ONTUE TEN NESSEE AND ALABAMA COTTON CROPS. Memphis Aug 27. Tho cotton ex change crops rejHrtfor Memphis dis trict ana north Alabama says notwith standing tho excessive wet aud cold weather that prevailed biucu tho re port of Juuo the 2Gth, geueral pros pects are indicated! of the most grati fying character. The iudioatious are that a larger or better corn crop uevop was niaue in tuis section of the coun try. Abunduut crops of wheat. oats and millet. Iu most of the re gions good crops of small grain are made and all harvested aud protected, save corn. The latter has in instances matured, and only awaits oouveciencoa of the planters to harvest, 112 responses re port exaesive rainsr 51 ImUuoe f the time cloudy, (10 gouorally cold, CI cold nights, 2 very dry, 46 favorable, weather J 3 J report ooit.ir p. ant fruiting w:lJiJl!i()twill.i11 repartJ plank retaining fruit; (17 shedding bo riously; 151 report crop well cultiva ted; G uot; 133 report better crop than 1874; 21 equal one not so goid, estimated average, 28 per cont better; 21 report bottom growth only good; 67 bottom aud middle growth good; 89 report top growth light niukijg too much wood; 21 report bottom growth rotting 8oriously;7 serious ru4; 71 report perfect crops; 8 report pick ing commenced all report It will not become general until the average time, September 13th. Its luxuriant growth will require su exoeedingly late frost, aud unless dry and warm weather succeed, there is great dauger of bot tom growth rotting iu the low lauds where the growth is already so dense as to exclude both sun and air. Ia regard to the damage by the overflow, we nave been unable to arrive at any dulluito' information. Iu njost cases our correspondents ia overflowed dis tricts have been so overwhelmed with their own oases that they were unpre pared, and some were unwilling to make definite responses; that very great damage of plantations subject to the influence of floods by the Missis sippi river has oconrred; with no ad mit of doubt when the totally dottroyed and particularly by . b.ek water iu connection with the damage by rife and staediiig Tain water, is considered, we arecoustriiin ed to beleive, from such information as we have, thtt the damage withiu that portion of the cotton region al lotted to this change, will not full Bhort of 00,000 bales. The above report is tassed on 171 responses received by the cotton ex change. The aggregate for North Al abama is 20 responses, 17 report ex cessive rains, 8 baluuoe of the lino cloudy, 5 generally cold, 9 cold nights, 3 favorable weather, 17 report fruiliug well, 3 hot, 15 retaining fruit, 5 shedding seriously. All re port the crops well cultivated and better than iu 1871, or an average of 32 per cent, on bottom crops good; 12 top; oropa making too much weed flU report no pickiu; will comieuo9 bofore tho 14th; all report tM condi tion of the cros tho stuo as the Memphis district as regard" eur)J frost; no loss sustained overflow. NEWADVMTISEMENTS. THB23E LARGE NO. 1 MACKEREL, for 25 Gents, CHAS. D. MyorsACO., ,,,,,,,,,......- ft and North Front Street." THE CHOICE GRADES OF In etory variety. HYSEN. GUN POWDER. IMPERIAL, OOLONG. ENGLISH BREAKFAST. AND JAPAN. Helocted with earo from a ureat varlotv ol amiilea and told at the lowest uoii-lble prices. CHAH. D.MVHtitA(Jt. aug 27 6 and T North Flout Street. ST11AY JED or STOJLI ! tk. A MA1,K ltULt, TEKKIKK pu)py C about two month old, white with tirui.iiB aiiotted oar, two tpota on the back and ourly tall. A REWARD will be tfivca ts an i one returning In in Arriving aucu iniorinaiiou i win lean 10 um reouvor, - . W: UOIilJlOii. ang iff Market etnii't. IVotico. mil K firm of J. R. Lllos A no., I this dav A dlKHolTedby mutnal eoniwnt. All iIclu.Iii by the llrui will bo pld by J 14. i ilo. and all Uubt 1 luo to the Urm uiuxt lm iaut t .1. It. 1,11m, o. it. i.iles ae uo. Thebni'lnoMhoretoforo cuniliioti'd by .1. It 1,11m A (o., will be carried on by J. U. Lllo. at the old aland, BlgUtdVllie, S. U. a.ug 21 U41 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 500 Bi:8UKUHt'AT- L3 500 bARKKL 'I'OL'K-all grid. ; 500 BBL3. MOLASSES XSYRUP. 50 Boxes Dr? Bull MEATS. 2,000 SACKS.LIVERPOOL SALT, . 500 BACKS MARSHALL FIXE SALT. 100 KEUS NAILS, 25 GROSS laiLUOAl) MILLS SNUFF, fcc, io. For sale low by ) BINFORD, CROW & CO. U2 n JUST PUDLISHED llih Kriltlon. PE ACTIO AL OBSERVATIONS, OH NERVOUS DEBILITY , AND J'JnSWAL KtfUAl'&TlOX? To wlilcli U n.lil.nl An i:ar on Nnrringo- With Important cliaitiH mi DlteUKKHt OK Tilt HKPKODUUTIVk 5 - OKUANI, tleliif t cynopuls of Looturm doll wihi Ht tliulr MUSEUM OF ANATOMY, "Mr minor vllling tin city, utiouM notUIUo m Oil. (fteM i-olUtiiou, btlng Ut lurjoot In tho world- HO? lical mil St., ipnlle ( ouCluen tal Hotel, Philadelphia. Onplnnof lui-turei tent on reuolpt of MS cent. AillrcnH, lim. .)ltPNJt 1A VlfcsON, uk 27 .1 ly Commissioner's - Sale. N StiinUy, the 2sth lnf of Aiiaant, lnt,, V t, II O'OlOVK A. III., t lOd'lutlrt ()"riin iu iiirHUiiioeiirHorilnr uf UioSnperi.ir Court of iNim Hanoror. I mil m-ii t tii iii.ri.M, i.i.i.u. tlit yliit,)tf roBlJuucu un Pttw xihi, hex Iwneii front anl HoihmiU rct, al riiL on t uifldl by Dr. 8. i. Kvitratt, ami knuwu the . Htitcr lut trout mi I'iIiicdii 4S I'vvt liii-hri; c.'i ft wule on ilia rrnr on.l, mill Mil ftfl-tdtttin. Alwilotnn MtirkrttPlreet, lying liutwoon Kt. .Ihiu'U' Cliurdi iiAiHonitiin Bin! Dr. Thomui' rrilHno. mt t prpimiit, oiWiiil.f liy Dr Thomm M (lootorn nfllc 31 Ifot front liy im twt a,. Tornm, onu-t lilr.l cukIi, omo ihitj In out) year, nd ono-lliir J iu lour yunrnl DuUtt'J TZ (JUTLAlt, Cloiumuwlunnr. lug (i-lti 211 S-i i u FOR SALE, 1UKSIP SKKI-ill vrliit,t t.' AliriAOK 8KK D lor winter umi, In f Kiiiiul i;i.'ki.'. Vlic313TIWE. U4HBIS' Drug 8toro. ang 26 It HonsGHold aud Kitciica Ftiriiitnrc . AT AUCTION. This dv, Krl Hy, Ang-wt Jlth, 1875, at 10 A. M , at our :lio ronuiH. UKUNI.T & MOUUI.S, Aui'tloiH'crn. aug 27 It LAND FOR SALE. rjVlAT va'ulilo trtnt kiuru a "Pone," JL itutd on tin '.ittki KnUi 'tut iv. iiineef torn thi fllty, ontitaititn j iiij ar,re a, M of wtilf-h ih No. I rie land, tho butane. ruioiior Udand, tinbciwil IM a n' cl-rd .' uridorg id fnnnr, a tiioitxt to Hie ultur' ' ivorti, oeiu", nut ton, o., and (rom Its (gallon is a m.t ;lnilrHlio daco 13 coiulu -t 'hediry or tin. kin k Unnlnfli Tonus v i7 and m ht.i kn wTi it'n aopllca tion u tihOM.Y "ltU, aug 27 w&d lw. Hu Krtate Agiiqia. "AT tAlE'jmWK STORE," yon will DnJ a fU" llu9 uf BLANK SCHOOL BOOKS P6LES, PRAYER B&OKS ALBUMS aiideTervthingniiURllv koiit la atlrnt rlasbock and iinii-ic storo, at prioed luwrr iliiiu i-vur l i'- luru incuie city. .inzi Ladies' Belts ! Ijidioe' HatfhelH. Ladloe' Trunks, (louts' Trutiki, ucnu- rtavciuig uan t Shawl Btrapn, F.lc, At tho Siiddlory Ktore of Carpenter & Mallard, No. 8 South S hunt Mi ajtrr, July 27 r ' Wllm nglon, N. O English Cutlery. Pocket Knives of eery disnrliitlon, Uiznra, drone, BrnaliMi. Kilirr' Ivorr Handle la- ble and Tea Knlvoe, Silver Korku, "poons, SolsmirH, (Jarring Knivoa, Forki, Tahl 8tjeln, eta. A largi awortmotit Jut r.'C. iU'.l from the Important, and now opening at the old es- vauiwuou uaruwa d aouve oi ,ri)HN IVAWSOV, i Ne. 19, atl and ill Market St. J AM erery day expecting un Invoice of : NEW FALL GOODS and In order to make room for llu a tine, am induced to mnke ft' II greater sacrifice to dik IMjee of the balanco of my amnniur stin k. Alpacas and Linens bjW without reserve, aug 21 1 A. DA VIM. COMPARE PRICES Uf our partly made Wamsutta . hlrts With the m itorlal bong by the yard. Six For By $.750 Cash. TtlE BEST AND CHEAPEST SUIUT Jn A-xnerieii, MUNSON & CO., BOLE AGENTS. aug MISCELLANEOUS. Cotton Ties and Salt. 2,000 BUNDLES ARROW TIES. 4,000 SACKS SALT Fur salo by lMSFoni). enew k vo. tutg 2 1 3!,N' i.iK tl'MMKH C'LOtltlNll lilto.U Uilnl IU per t t. BELOW COST ! To mike room for Wintir Stnok. Call ear auJ Monro birgilnx. A. DAVID- aug 12 TI103, C. DeRosset, Insuranco Agont. lUi-HKRKiriria a U,000,000 Ftita Aukii-bI .1"'na ln,uraui Coiufany, of Hartford, I, on. Ion A-iirnU'Ui Mimuiuy, of I. on. Ion, I'onniiorctal Union Awurauoa Couioany,of liottdon, Now Vrk Unilefwrltori' Agonoy. Inly vl-tf Pco Deo Courier. Til KM KI101I A NT I OV WII.MINU um niro that the Uourler bitliscnly Unnnv oratlo er ulilwlie4 u Hocklu am, ami that It ctruulaltii oitninTU In Klclnuoml, Muntgotnory ami Annon coimliM i -Hate of aitertlltig llbefal and ho eitia nliargoii uiale,'for changing advettlxomoiiti weokly. lHH KKlTT A KHVIN, Killtnra. BUY ONLY THE GENUINE 'WW! STANDARD 'SCALES. A (.AO, i The most Perfect Alarm Cash Prawer, AI1L.I 8 ALA1VS1 Tll.li CU.'rt. Alio, Kprrlng'a SafeV Ooflie and Drug Mtlli, Lctte V FAIRBANKS' 8TANAItI' SCAfiliS.v amrrAuTOiNiKa E- & T- FAIRBANKS & CO- HI. JOHN"UKY, VT. miKdiKJ ! WAiitutitiBaK: A I It II A!f f & '., ,11 1 llroiidw FAJKH I KS A OO., lfifi liaHliuote St., Bill ttruTo.Md. -AtlMiAMK Co., 63 Uaoiu Htreot, New Or- It'HUH. rAinnNKaA Oo., W Main Struct, OulUla, n y. Faihiunkb Si Co , fSS liioa.lwj, Albany, NY. Fauibunks A Co , H0S "l )atil'et., Mntitroat. FiiBHANt" A l)., Ill King William t,, Lon don, Kng. FalHBANKll, Ukiiwb it Uo., t Milk St., Bin tt'n, Miii. FA tun iff K& A KwiNd, . Mawnio Hall, I'hlla- -IhI IiIh. Ih Faiurankk, Uiibhi A Uo., Ill Uka B', Clil- l',tZO. FaiKiIankh, vIorhk A Ho., 130 Wall ut Htrout, Uluaitinotl, iiuio. FAiRBAhKM, Mdi,k! A Co, 182 Superior St, i : lo.uimi i , niu, i. Faiiikankh, Mosbb ApOo., 8 WooJ Mtroct, I'ltiHtiuriin. Faiuiunki, Morsb AoBtli and Main fit., Iwmi-viiln. FaiuiiaK4 A Co., yiinid M WaslilngtoB Avenhfl, Ht. h yd. I Fairbanks A JlTi-iit3oi, San Franelicn, (Jul. For nalo leaulm Hardware I'nalorn. Juua 1 91-dAw-l(lw-eod Bacon, Pork, Sugar, Coffee 50 IIdxmI). H.HIdea. lloxm Mmokod Ki'ion and Shouldera, 75 llrrelafork, Uu Harrots Kelinfd Huirir, lfttl rtags Friino Kto Cotloo, Kor sale low by ., .... WIliMAMS & MUttCHKON.5 . t!OKI, FI.OI tl, 11 AT, NAM. 5,IJXJ IliinhcU Beat Miifil and WhHe t'orn, 1,000 Harrela Klonr-all Rradca. doit UiikaU. It. (4 K. Hay, MO HwM Llnliou elalt, For galo low by . WILLC4MS & MORCllllON. IlaKKlniTi Tlca, Hoop Iron, Ciiliio BOO Kolla Kxtra Hear; Bagging, , HO ToimTiof, 'Oil Itundha Hoop Iron, 75 Uairela Oluo, Kor aalo low by ' Wlld,IAMS St, MOKOHIStlN. iflulawa, Mplrlt t:ak, Nalla, (iuiino n() II IkIh hti'I OtlH hew OtoiCuhaMo laaniMi. 41 0 " cine-Hand Spirit Caka, ' 10) lonn Kuroka Unano, I.VI Tons Uuenape Uuano, For aalo low by VH,l-IA:tlH:AlH'ltUIlIN. . an12 School Books. Hc'nol llooka alwaya on hand, Teaoliers iu tho city and country tiro req united to aond In tholr or tors. AUordcra for Hchool Uoika will he lllleil at the publl.sliora lowodt price at - iHEINSOERCER'S live liuuk and Moulo Store, BANK'S IMISCKLLANE'US. or- Atkinson & Hannincr. y7U,0UO,UOU lli'lM-lllvU.J rrn. ( o. of North Aairlov..., rhil1lih a. rtienu In.iirano Coniiiiy .....Nw York. Omittuvnul I'-nurano (H New liHk. N . Mrttl.n A Maioantllfl liii.l'o.,liOtiiuu, Harttonl Fim lm. lXniT...lirttont. National Fire lot )iu,any.,.rlrilii1. Murtiinttoid F. A M. In. iH....MaaohnaetU. MARINE. Morcantlle Mutual in, lo Ntw Viti, Ina. Uo, of North Auorloa Ihlladilitila. MFf.l UonneiMlout Mutual Uie Iu.itj. tifitiont. lob M KUC1IASTS AM) IN K AM K! 'NSUUASfKtolt'OI, UP KIOH.1JND. VIHU1NIA. rupltal ....Mo,C . r.SroiM. I'rld't. I. D. Mooaa.ojok JOHN Wll.ni:K ATHINMM O.narllA NO. 4 North Witor Hi Wllmlngutb, H.V. airil II . - THE LAST CARGO OF fRIME l uow olt jro.t to inirohuril In lltUM Now i'avkigtM, both Hugnhal antl tlanalu, at lowont market rata, A IK j HlKlAll HOUSF, MOI.AHHK,- Muroito Hiicai1 Prlim, New Orlwana Mnle llnon. , 1'olk, Dry Halted MkhID Lard, Kihli , Itiium, ami a lu.l line of aHwrted uroorii AH KId Ii of WInci and Liauori 4. ilia lowi-rt market prlo to gol oiutoraeri ADRIAN & VOLLEltS Uotnar of Duck an t oui HI TO HOLDERS -or- GITYSCOUPONS. OfflccitaTirEr.uti4Collcclor,ij CITY OP WILMINGTON, N O., ( JTauemii, 1H7&. NOT10K li heroby glnm that Til K JU1.V COUPONS ISJ3 (of lond oftlila Oily) can. not be priimptlyjimld, Iu;o.im. i'i'ii'o ol oorl.iluCcliinn nndoi a renentdAi'liioii of the Huprenie llotirt ,(! tliln State aa to the tu iiinitr of asnwuiiint of the al anil I'eraonal Property .In thu illy; and thereby the OUy Tan Book! not juttharliig tun placod In in olon of the undnraluvd fur colleotljDj together with other complloa tool In regtrtl ti our Mutiloli( a t i'ri, now psudliip before the gupreine Court oi North Uarollua, the city of Wilmington m i it noroii aarity era re some Indulgence from the holdflia of City OouiKjui.under eiUting olrciitimtince, T. O. BERVOSa, City Trounuror. IBO-tf June 30 Exclusivelv at Retail BootH and Shoot of all kin In, full nta, loll ing 'iff cheaper than chenpat thni'ilii ofjh (loldun Hoot. C A T liter.. OUNS AND riSTOLS. Shot, capj, pame-lia(, powder, line KnullKh powder, ous. A lar;o mamrtment of the above i(ih,1h Jum iochii.kI, and lor le at. tho lowwl ,h!i price at the old estahliMied hardware houee of JOHN DAWSON, aug'21 Noe. 19, gi) and ill Market Btreet HIUHAIL OlOlir. rtLKMil MOKR1 CRONLY & MORRIS i AUCTIONEERS, STOCKAND REAL ESTATE BROKER. WH,MINaTO, N. . CI AN HK HKK.N ATTHEIKHAI.KH KOOM8 a plan (if the rity, on an enlarged nolle. Hlfttik Hook with the houndarle! of every lot In tho city dlstlnetly defined. Aaauiwiid value , put aud preaeut.of every lot 'n the city. Any Information dealred fornlabwl apouai- pllcatioh. iulT CAUTION! N8UMEU1 OF PKKtKHVICI) Mll.K V y aliould eiaminn the WKIUIll' of thu Oomtbmta of Uie oan. Tney will find that while Bonlcifs Ealo IJraml ! (Tnltortnlv weighs alutonn ounnoaof milk to tho run. tint uthvr brauda mitroely wulgu tlllcun oiinrea. Tho diltrroune In wlht l equal to aevcnly- livo canui pjr case in in vor oi Borden's Eag.e Brand ! N. T. Condensed Milk Co., AUO. KbKUM, Becretaty. ' nly27 eodlm J0MA. BYRNE, (FIRE, MARINE ANDLI1- K) $10,000,000 Anaotai Ucproif m UFFIUH-Uommerclal Kiohangej North Water Street. J oil Uuildtm V NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. btuby Economy! - BROWN I in 15 MARKET STREET, ' Aro cliwiugout tho baliuioe of thoir Lnilion Undorww Tia: Chornliw anil . NiRht DrosBi, at k BwiHpiiig roiluotiouliVEN ITiOSI FOUMEK I'lUCES. HAMBURG EDGINGS AND INSERTIONS- Wo uro makintr nn effort in thia iloimrtmmit to rotlnoo the took provious to Roiuff North, ami LitJios will Hud PRICE! lower than nv thor havs ever boou ia thia niurkot mm LESLIE'S CUT PAPER PATTERNS FOR SALE. Machine Noodles, 5 Cente ICad1 . Misses Kid Gloves Slightly Spotted, 20 Cents ; a Pair- Sizes, 5, 51-2 and 6. ITavini? jiiHt titkon an account of o dutortniuud to CLOSE which we huvu CBR0WN & RODDICK. 45 Market Street. nug m JUST OPENED! AT 36 A.FlKETiitSTIl.EKT, JANOTUEU LOT OP Black Grenadines Black Silk Challys, BLACK CASHMERE, SCR E PES. HDMMKll NTOCK CLOSIil) OUT Lower Than Ever I No, 30 MAJSKJST STK3SET. Jul V MEOTSISOL.BEAR&BRO'S, IN- ! EXOIIANQIi CORNER. tune to Quarantine Notice. TNTIJj FCRtHEB MOTICB ALL VK8- aela from Porta South of Capo Fear will come to at tho Vlltlng Station, near Deep Water Point, and await tho Inspection of the Quar. antlne rbyaician. All veaaela from Porta where Yellow Fever, or other Infectloua dliearo oxlsta, will be re. quired to undergo a rigid and prolonged quar antine. '-.."-'.-i--' Ailveiwrlsorb'iataor any oharaotor having ickni'M on boant on arrival, or having bad aickneei any tiino during tho voyage, are re qnired to couib to the Ptatlon for Inapeotlon without regard, to the Port I oui whence thoy come Veiisola not included an above will pro ceed without tloltmtion. Pilots aro esnonrally enjoined to make oare- ml enquiry relative W vuijela, crew, Ac, and if not it. tolled with the atatemonU or the uap- tain or commander, or If the vowel li In ft lllthy condition, they will bring the vessel to the Station for farther examination, Pilot! wilfully vtolattnaj the QnurunHne I.nwi are iubJeot to a forfeiture of their branch) m ...tan nf vesneli to a fine oftwo umlred dol lar! a day for every day they Violate th Onaranttne Lawa: and all other ptreona are liable for each and every ottenoe. All TlirohJecttD vlattatton iinder above regulation!, win aet a nag m (K,rt-aiuo. F. W. POTTKB, Quarantine PUyalolan, Port of Wilmington, N. Smlthvile, S.O., May,ino- 128-tllnovl mav Pay Your City Taxes. Offlc of Treaanrer and Oollector, ) CityofWilmlng.N.J I. am iiiiudw'i ..w j r - tanci that tho requirement of the eity i,a.I Innnt lVt I TiaTLlUH OWlUK Vib.Y fnnda ere bucb mat a ewic wii"i" , , i,.nM.ui h.muiH. and auoli lie lit hD rnini ,1. ! 1 1 1 , , i-"" ' - ..., I, wbe do not pay tliotr city taxes on or "" -llrat of September Jproxlmo, thotr property will be advortiecd and uold aa Uie law direct! T. C- Sdrvoss, Treaauror and Collector. utook wo flud eveiral emitll, rarioul lota OUT A t A l'MUli W tlituik yo a ' -, Itullli (jtout Hint mint', r'or iutriiiK exUunllt; . Wi gititolu' fi'i'l, We've dune a;i woel Tlirtitiglnmt tlm year tiuo tuitlit. titirsttH'k we've ta'oii An' noo we're ga'ou, To toll wltlilu the margin; An' II' ye ennui Afuro we're ttxjm i'i!'U gut m urnd twignlth 5P an imuKci oircei. CLOSING CUT THE ENTIRE STOCK OF I1Y GOODS AT OUHKETAIL 8TOBBI Q-reat Bargains I l'J-4 LINKNBHEKTIMi from 70 Ct. and 1 13 per yard. Moiatublquea f eta. per yard, SWISS MUSUN8, 900 Doion Linen Towel! and Napklna, Irlah aud Oei man Linen bhlrtlnga, Oambrlo Uaidkerohlafl MATTlrfOS, White aud Colored, ,, ' , SU Pieces LINEN for Ladlei' Traveling Di easea and Boya' wear.) Large amortmentof Panama and Straw Qata t ur Children aad MenJ Mt We will commence on Monday to aellthe above and will continue dally until the whole itock la closed out. r Ladlei are reapertfully invited to call and examine our atock, aa we know It will rv pay them. In future we Inteal to con line our bnilntM to Clothing and'Merchatit i ailorlng, may 23 lxj-tf (K A. QOA FrBDAr.lgtntivatil WO T0 VZJ od. Ail oiasm or working people of both neieit young and old, make more money ai, vuri lor un, ui ihvii uwu haiii- itlea, durinj thelrapare motunutn. or all the ttm. than at anvtblnir elm. Witolfor employ ment ttiat will pav hondaomely for overy tioara work. Pull particular, term ', eto., soul freo. Send ua your a tdreaa at onus. Don't delay! Now in your time. Don't look lor work or builtieaa eleewhrre, mull von have learned whatweotler. u. htiik vio , rortiana, MMne, may itft 124-dftw Flour and Ileal A ND MIXBDEKO. Oar-load tt ed en abort notice, Grain bought at th , market price. Addrew, . ;- OHAuLOTI Oirr MILL, Vlotto, H JuneS . i , 100 BBLS. ruRE corrER distilled n. o. CORN WHISKY I . For rale by Jons. T Chamm, ThomavloeN. O ,. for itb 1

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