i :. r i.i i n :ii 'i ti n :u. : t:. r--s.4i.ti' o v v.- t . i. ... H . 1 . .1 '..( ' 'r.'' ' 1 1 WILMINGTON, X. C SATUMXvY, AUGUST 2S. 1ST:, 1MV. I'M! V "' fc Al., Uir l"ifl i..H) .! iu Nortl. t;i;'iii. it )-ui imioI ri,T iiii.r. ii. I'jiVjii M ii., al hi.nr j lmi l ll. i v-ar: vu l oI.I.Ai:- s x I n.tti ; MtvtxTV-n.s w.i p-t v" i to t..- ...i.ri. . ivts'i. 'vi a tu trr- i i- Ue !' l kvi.ssm-hvii ft i it.. :.ir"lt. I) I.:. Alii- an. inrs Ti-f IVK Ptli'S 'I ,!' ' !T.r Wnf.KM it'i-KNAi. fr.Uy, a t iUl-' tUW' t'WN ' " l''l-I.Mi' i i '.-Uiiw ! 'vn Ih.i a:.- ami u-u r ; tour maa limi.; ' KlwTl. !' AM A I..V1 t .".-lie, ririnc.N iUu.laiui: tw.-tii' 1Hw IHIEXTT-riVK U.d-LASi." :i bkcuitjon (b --tti ' pl mtv. -J m f p- foiiiuued 'b u.j i.ii'iH jf the mw fi'f- (.mrrtcs! slriiii'l '" v pftle Vcly Ordfr or Etn-. If'l.!fr.v W Wm, pruuvt'on v'ti ! t-y h.aii "tr"4 ' forn.in.i . UT. i-HyAta'-o' OiiVn tt!.e irt'i-Mi.i t5tt' SAL, urty .KHuling tli- Hn.nty ih liHertit'u. Osr l) i ah: iwn lii-r- ii,. (Ink Oou.au ami a haik: time i,mi1!ohv To l"i.i aja; fi-tini' s - if ? l'WH Hol.I.AHO AN! A MAI FJ flv- h"Vr J.ll 1'Hbt-K IM'IJ.Al j Himu-i,:.. I .KKK Uol I.AIJ. AM) A H Al r i 'vvelve 1 iM-rtiittIS, FlVK PoiJAM ASH A MAl.r. u miMith. EioutDoi laks; two minitlis; IFTKEN Dol.LAWS till tilolitfl, 'I KN, TT-Two Dollars. ItonlrkrU for longer irfo! and longer Vce made npcu liiienu Ictiii. . arrets. . . -. i , KJ6"..IIAKD A Savrdekb, WHmlucUiU, N.C. EallTOKIAL. HOTKS. Thi New York lh rahl nays : "Tlio negro nd the carpot-bnggor aro rtt idly pausing out of tiew in our pol itics, uJ we do not want to buve thorn brought baok again into promincuce if w can avoid it." 6evk?( members of the Forty-fourth Congress are dead, and y t the rrgular labors of that body will not coiuuit'uoo .for months. The vacant etiaira aio those of Benator Andrew Johnsou, aud of RepresontattTPS McMillan of tloor- , gia, Bufllngton of Massachnsetta, lltr soy of Maine, Allen of Now York, Hotul of Tennosstw, and LaDow of Oregon. The advantage of Amorioun railway ears over European ones bos frrqnent ly been eitollcd. But hineo the trial and conviction of Col. Iiakor tin y will be more enlogized tlutu tsver. We nl was knew that they were more luxuri ant Aud civilized UiHii .the KitgliNh coaches, but now it appears that they morality, which is better thnu all tbe res; BniixjB building hns been going on so extenwively all over tho North and West during the lu'-t ton years Unit tli Detroit Free iVrt eBtiraiites these struotnres to havo ooBt one hundred and fifty millions of ilollnrs. Tho bridges across thu Mhwouri river have cost elevon millions, those over tho Ohio river sixteen millioiiM, those over the Mississippi river twenty-live mil lions, those at Philadelphia four mil lions, and the East river bridge at Now York, uuflufshed, six millions. HoMi years sinoo, it will bo recollec ted, a favorite method of committing suicide in Tan's was to throw one's self from the top of tho Vendomo Column, Ai- t,he CommuuiBts pulled the ool nmn dowu m,8 suicides were oomiiol led W aive np tin, 0(lo of imtmo. tiou: but uu i,av i, been set up the unfortunat''' gun to precipifate themselves from't. to the pavomeut below, The column should have an iron grating placed on the top. ; TAliK about the Keely motor is re vived at Philadelphia. A stationary engine will be oompleted within throe or foul weeks, when a private t xhi bition will be given to mombcrs of the press at Mr. Keeley's residenoe. Tho machine, it is reported, is uow under porfwt ooutrol that, whilo nn im mense power onn be generated iu nn instant, yet such improvements lmvo bea made aa to allow the engineer bo manipulate it as to reduce the pressure from fifteen' thousand pouuda to the square mcli dowu to lero, An -engine for railroad purjioBes is also being made. ' Thet toll a pretty story of a Chicago girl at Watch Hall, It. I. She is said to be about 18 years of age, and the prettiest girl at tho pluoo. For a long time a young doctor followed her about, though keeping a respectful distance. He had never been iutro dueed. But one morning the sly miss went bathing, when the young doctor was within easy hailing distance. Young miss waded into deep water, lost her footing, turned her pretty toes up to the sun, and dug gravel with, her taper fingors. Horrible I The young doctor rushed to the res cue, pulled the girl ashore, revived heri and is going to marry her. Was it maiden forethought, or innocence ? Thi Lexington Press says that Gov. Leslie is making good use of the short time that remains bofore he vacates the gubernatorial ofBoe. He'crcatod baton of colonels the other day, thirteen in nil, and appointed them as his aids. The funrJii tppointment was that of "Col- i T. Duff, on of Hon. Geo r- assistsnt eoretiary of state. 'iH 'Jolonel is only about six months old, but will says the Tress, probaWy do as gallant ervioe in the field as his oomrades. We are afraid this wiU have a ten dency to degrade the popular rank of Colonel This is no trivial matter in Texas where all white mole persons assume the title on coming of age. i. i-u a: i'i M., t :i . ' ) ' 8. pt, iul r, m il il h '0i- in : v J. in- i'OI lC.il' il I' 9!p to !' pl-'htllt lit tht hour ilh Lis crt-.f. tit :i.rt. i Tie orc-miizUion .f tl.o (.i;v!itio: is of the Tery gr"fit.-t import .un-. an.l wcuro coi.?rnl f it kiUi our nni! mWJ."ny, -vv'y i-:r.-rt- 1 !,; p u -t ! pnserst T!i. a' ''!' f t i.e .f ti t i-j ti ij iM ut .!il i v:.. Th'.' hp! ion of tiuviiuor limilrn h:is alrendy cIiohI ti" on of one o!c !c tat'. L't it not li fluid thut nr hgetee c.'lied us tolsetwo-t:irrii. It in known that an itt inpt Till niuh- k prevent the d hnlinfuim UkIih-oii from Inking tlu-ir Bi'iiU, We iir-; f..itr wurtu d of .iiia m.d to be f irewuruei! i 1 to In fon arund. Not. on'y the good "of '.hi paityit:n! the wi'lf irj of th".i state, hut iu cwn ietMUiul riuttiin us will, iIoiihhkIh that eueli dcmocMtic di-iignle Hhoiild j m proM'iit w.tii hit eertith'uto of eh e tion wheu thu Convention nhail 1 cul- lt d to order on tint (Hh of Kertembnr. now to I'liorrri nn; mai.i.oi iiox rno.n l um u. From four different point iu the Btutu at which the negro party tnttdu its gains iu the. reoeut election, we havo secmiugly well authenticated ac counts of "colonization", that is to any, the aceouuta of tho imtKjrtution of men for the sole purpose of voting and with no real purpose of btumjhle residence. Tlume points uro ISiiuih wick, Mecklenburg, Wake and Wayne, and caused ns a loss of nine dolegntes. How easy this colonization busiiums am bo oarried"u by a purty with such n niigrnjory and corrupt'pimplo iu its ranks, as tho ncgrooH are well known to bo, and with money ut its (oiuinund any man can 'understand when ho re members that tho Constitution hh if now stauds requires only thirty days residence in a county to enable a man to register nnd Vote. A hundred or two additional hands engnged in work for or upon a rnilroud, or iu any other employment, or without any jeniloy iiiout ut all ruiRlit emily turn the seal' in tiiiiuy counties. That I ho- remilt of tho recent election was duo iu part at least, to such fraudulent voting, there din be no doubt, The Itiulicul party Iws litit unly the will but the men and the money for such work aud Ibopres iint Constitution permits it to bo done. Hneh work onf.ht not to he done, and therefore wo fuvor tlin proposition to chuiign the Constitution so that t wolve moiitiiH shall ellipse after a man begins liis residence in a county before he shall b permitted to vote. If this lie done it will clTectualty prevent colonization A soe iud safeguard is to require every voter wheu challenged to estab lish his right to vote by the testimony of witmwses k!ifta toHiio ju.l.je. Of the eleotiou to be credible. If n man has lived in a county twelve mouths and during that time has associated onlv with peoplo who cannot be bolieV' o.l n (miii. wo ilu not hesitate to say tlmt hu ought not to be permitted to vote, Another safe guard is to pre vent any man who has been convicted of nn iufamous crime from voting. No thief nor forger or perjurer ought to permitted to cxcroimi tho great right of su,,..B0 ft in iuaood truo that tho Kadiein &vx&k$ tU.it lying and stealing shall lie uo J,ftr to suf frage, A man may ntonl, h(,y for. swear himself, aud ho may fivg0 j,iH nolghbors name but yet in itadio 8. teem his vote is a vote for all th,av What a commentary upon h morals of a paity in it that it should booomo indigu.uiit when it i a iked that the law may proclaim tlmt a man shall not bth steal aud vote 1 ; Yet suoh Is tho spectacle wa havo present ed to us in North Carolina to day in tho attitude of tho lUdioal party. We are in favor therefore of ohnng. ing the Constitution so that it shall no longer declare that though a man steal yet shall ho vote also: so that it shall require a residence of a year bofore voting, aud bo that when dial- longed ho shall bo required to prove by credible witnesses his right to vote. When those changes have Uon made we of the east will have aomo assurance of fair elections. As it is we are at tlm mercy of a corrupt party with mon and moans to acoompluih their ends. It is stated that Mr. Ed. Mercer, a capitalist of Atlanta, Go., has been oonooded the privilege of erecting a restaurant on tho Centennial ground, Mr. Mercer was in Philadelphia on Tuesday, with Colonel liobort A. Al. ston, of the Atlanta Herald. They in tend to establish a headquarters for southern citizens a sort of intelli gence bureau, in which every souther ner coming to the Exhibition shall bo regiaterod, with his address. . Their influence in the moantime is being nsod to arouse an interoat in the Ex hibition in the south. English. Catliotie jonruuls'ohiim that tbe quoston of Cardinal Manning's pre cedence has been indirectly settled. At the Prince of Wales' garden-pnrty the Prince met him on his entrance, shook hands with him cordially, and presented him to the Queen, who con versed with him for some time. The Cardinal remained within tho royal cir cle for a long period, a privilege only accorded tn ill vuvww TV. J UlUgj rank. .ii.-.i.i- I i i.ju.iut ii. ' J- .... - :i ii IjVind to il .iV.u h.i uiS- ,lu. b. the Wmu -I'Ko Aucui luuil rt..en ty, ud ihe ;s oih of liie tH-nth t)i.u-e Ue-y l-c ua lud.gnant ut tue iiiHUit n-rw.rd oiY r-'d Mr U.vih. Tlie TrUf-iw tuiuks the uigir of ti.e hoiitinii 1 1 epic, lulu h U ri..,, ,.,i)U. thu:, iii.t .f tho Noi ih ra jk; io;o. i r .; a, t-kiii"ii iii liiui-r-ti'.'.. le : i'.'.iV r is i.i i.l in nv.eh it.e t. oiri ion in tUo Hou;'i t'n' ,1, !!" 11.. v is i'i the North Tl rei.n nirH'To'ls :i?rienlt:tr u sociotiiw in . t'ei i j i i i Soutu who haV : tvrU luvuihii t-niU'l .j.-: : vi-r li t ir-si s le fore t iei. . IV e ti'iv v. t to !,-irn tl. it viy of Mo in have exr.'iiii'd so nviti'Oii li-ni- r to i;o .-loutd .iuJ sj'fSk Noi'ithf iii ' tint, no ii ih lint it vry st Ij'ld a id I PI-r.'W lUMiti- it pTHOII Wotlid -Vi-. i-oi,e'itu,' tout M'e .Smih Ij i i-s '' c N utli Ifciiin liuio rim nit !: u r -vil d to go tlu.ro and unto. I.i il.i! lira' iiImuu. wtiaie..L4nitiut vi fie funis H it he trim Uiu Uio iliv.-j tai.on w.n c".neelle.i by tho Wiunel-.'iju li. mo !. Our undertatid.i'2 t t ti atlrtir is l!iut the ttiwti by Mr, Diy ' Wilh,lrw luuc. Tin i u not Vtii it is true Lut then it. .is. well fnuUija that it sliou'id bo KWd accurately. Iu tho mat pluoo wo are iguoraut of thefaotsifit.be true that Jefferson Davis is regarded ut tho North as lion Bull r is regarded at tho South. Butler is regarded at the South as a liar, a thief, a scoundrel, a peruonui o owtird, as eoi.o mtratiug iuhis own vilo areata all that is mean all that is Ignoble nil thut is racally,all thatisdiuhouoru ble, and all thut is bane iu human na ture. Nor does this estimate of the character of Butlor obtain ouly among ii'uonint iif unthiukinir neoulo. Tei'l i u . . everywhere. o, high and low, . and polite, speGm poor, rude an a thieving, lying, cowardly beast with mental, moral and physical vision all equally distorted. We have yet to learn however thst Jefferson Davis is so regarded imy whore ut the North. We have yet to learn that any respectable or intelli gent man has ever professed to regard Mr. Davis its a confessed thief, as a common linr, ns a notid personal cow ard. Men may have feared Mr. Davis in tho past, and they tuny hiife him now, but never have they colled him J'ritnt. They may halo him ai a bitter enemy,- but nowhere in all that broad lind. even uniong his bitteromt'.foes, doe uny one pretend to scorn him as vi hi thief. The distinction is a very broad ons. If the Noith is satisfied with its re prosoututivoman, wo are quite content with ours. A not Mm is porsou has just wrrivod at Paris, Ili W aud title is Duke "f marmalade, lie is tho friend of tho Houii-barbaroiin potentate Houlo- quo, who was boru a slavo iu 1789, helped to expel the Frouoh from Jlay ti in 1813, rose through the grades of tho local army, till iu lS-M he declar ed himself Kiuperor; aud, after dis playing gross inespneity aud niiseon duetj wasdiiveu from Hay ti iu 1850, mid took refuge in tho country of his old foes-Franco. The Duke of Mar tuulado is, like his .lute sovereigu, a negro, and ia very tall and stout. He is seventy-throe yeors old, and, hav iug scraped together a considora ble fortune, has gone to Paris to spend it. His mono strikes one as rather comical; but the New York Jfrruld re- mnrks that the Duke of Marmalade is uot moro outre than King Cof foa. Tub now census in New York and Massachusetts shows that the conn ties which depend upon agriculture aro decreasing iu population, and that Vjoso towns which are full of mills are I'lfVtly increasing in population. Euro peau sumigrauts go directly from New York nud Boston to tho busy hives of industry. Hardware, lion and Steel! A full ;aorfment of Pocket and Tnblf I'litlery of every deaerlptlon. SCYTHES, FlSrl HOOKS & LINES ! All kimls of Tools, etc. Priooa rediiceil at Nath'l Jacobl's HARDWARE DEPOT. RIMS, HUBS AND SPOKES Axles, Springs, Uoach Trimmings, oto. ' A wull aelectrd atock of Carriage and Wagon Materials at tbe In went price. All orders tiv matt prompt ly tilled, and i;Ule f action guaranteed. Nathaniel Jacob!, HAUDWA.UE DEPOT, SASH, DQORsTaND BLINDS. Maniiraeturera' Agency. Orders tilled at fa r price , PAIN IN, OILS AND UI.ASS, VAKNISKK8 etc., at V. ' , . NATHANIEL JACOBI, HARDWARE DErOT, f TVO. 1 MAUKJjJT HT. aiig II ORE EN & FLANKER, YVD0L1IS.ALK ASO HKTAtt, DKALtaa 4M DRUCS, MEDICINES, TOILET ARTICLES. ALCOHOL. 2'UIIKIF SKE1) of every variety. For saU lov by UBEKN & KLANNKH. auf . .. jj,. Hmr . 3 JACOBI felS,. AXE. 7 TlIM ATLANTIC ilOTi:! a smasjdi; sii-:soirr, BEAUFORT. 1ST. O. mmmmjkmmimmmm ,,E AtlOVK AM.IHIIIIFNT.BO FAVOKAIU.V IV 'WTl 'UK VI I L" J iVuinui'r l y H.r new ..nr, I sMt. K. l. iMb.,.-I e-lful i.ig. ' '''tr. ni IMS Mnw l Bt to i October 1st. o,wn l..mth Vi.lu.. only - the 111..W H!' 'l ""J ti'H',.y'W lI.huiwroi.whlsvU-aant auaununi with aJ hrffilU&.W.l'lM ar. . W NO DUbT I KO FLICS ! I NO MOSQUITOES 1 1 ! lint t ... au.clic.1 to ibs lion, whrr. rii?.!!.-'--'" r . Ii v nir, V ..i u alr mid Iwii lli -il el n.mten. "" "'","1, L l?',oie g l,i i thr .mi I. ji Usv. nii,l l.rllilHi.t i i.urt o Trilrtie at !,,hl- tallM ..lesmrt AIIU.((eforrerri.eilaBimriiMw be foaml at lnlanJ rerorts, lieniuw .iesiiri Ilui, fiwt wiling aeU well DmnKtrt, lur PIC-NICS, FISHING PARTIES, MOONLIGHT SAILS, .... ami BtlltiK oeo ei inittcnin iiibthiioii. Tl, iihuicolt WISES and Uyl'OK re tw iie.'il riiTB , Z'Ti rV",oiv', iuohii lohirrli il.Kt !.i liC'Al.I'lM' n'i i' ,., tlv. K, l,ls leet ,. n.i a t limn O.u '4,t. I lect tcnii'iii T limn Um 'n" ' " i ui-i.v. - ;sl km! Hi lumli tt Oi UilnrHoloii'K Htmllul. l-d rlgiitlj inivicot mul Hi rumlett o. UilnrHoldii Htmliui Ti'.imn : $'if0 rt day for firnt week r Ki-i-'M rortrnctn mint" vlth fMiillle. ami lure. Uillilruii and MtiiUi ball Tlre. mnvl.T .d.vw tf. COLDSBORO, N. C. M. KKT TKU. A..JS., Frur. Ancient and Mini era I ii o i; o ;iK''i". K. W. AOAM.1, A.M., Prof. Matliem-iti'if. Ilia Tlurtl I c nil l till IunIIIH lion will bl'lllH on tluid. iK, hiiiI vutl u iniiniliiv, lleei KO, 179. mil IS Sihuol Hiltuatml 111 om iwn ' vui X boro(lli- nontreol four Bilr.)Ul, Biul liom lu acTeimiuiiiiuiii'rH.ui'iinui -. 10 i.ireiiK and nuittllium living In tlio .ur Muiidliigciiiiiitrlea or In Hie KmtMra iirilnn ul tliu Hate. 'Ian loc;itlou I. healthy, anil lie leal, of Mokuww noU I) aiiveinnwi kv irutii i!iiilliig their wnm 10 thi plai'e, aa uut a iiiti caw ' "nmn umi" . roillu lh ftoliiMU diirliig Urn uwil ruhulanllo year. Nu iaient. therefore, can reamiiiahly lie Jijicrrcil Iroin i'iilroiiiiii tlitu Mi liool on the uwtra ut i unhaalthlnratui me wcaunn. 1'rnl'eiMiir f" W. AiIbiil, who hue charrfo of the M..lluiiiiillcal Deem linent, 1 alnuinnii of HauilolviU Maeon OnileKP, d h1 1,as,t .U'-ecani ul maiuitr 01 yomn lur muni )'". Thu Milium ut' limtrmaiim is nounil, thuroiiirh Mltl etiiliiileanil dwKii HI ilelp and Improve the nienttl liowera of Hie eni'll. Ijr traliilnu I in., in to think, and by teai'-biiiK tlieui the tiu.it ma til tli fituultlee with wuico Uod liiui en- Uowe 1 them. . . . . The .lielillne or the Hrlinol, while It Ii luhil and litrental, eufurec th" ilutT of olicdiet.ee toovery filoanil retfulation A liunhor'Una titm and dlirilrl conduct aie wholly Incom aliliU with ncholaitle trHinlim Hint nunil.il i rogrrnH tiohoyabol linlui0d to lm i uvu iil.lmio or in an Injury to hie fellows, will he raiKltu'd In Uin Scluml. Moral mi l rellKlnui Instruotlon 'ecelvcn a duo nlmiBot at'iiitlmi anil oonmiieriuuin ; lor un l.'w. Hie h.iirL and n.um'iciii e be liunructud and iui.iglu.jnU, uii re xecalar learning wilt arivil hut l.'.t lo In the lurjoatiuu ot uurract aud ujirljlit character. The lour religion bodlea being well reiro tit,il in ltd. iilace,yrtry boarder la allowed tii.Hiifiid that Ohiirch n Siinilav which bin ia- runt. may dewg'tam. 'I h i wi.h and preferenco oi ilu' parent, will lie .tncti iwHred, as nnlli iii of a lecturian character mountenauced In IhencliiHil. Hoy are prevared for advance cI.vmou in Ocllcge or Mr the active biultiewi of vf0, Tim liiil illnir. liltherlo known as tn, "fe- male Uolli liae lieeu nicured by Uio Fiincl ral, and will hereafter be lined a ft achool r boyn . ... . , , . . . . loadly wennon. itiweocaung nrinae, nroiau Ity and every ei ecies ot gnrahliiig are etnutly liohlLltoJ. , Terms, per SesBion of 20 Weeks HALF IS AUYASUK H ALXNC15 ON Fr.tST OK OCTOBKR. Tuition for nriinir' drpartmont.... 'f IB 00 . . lit) Oil HlHiii-r Ktviin " AllVUlll'Bll CllUHOB, with AlliO- bra. etc IS m Advanced clamps wlih Latin, HO On ' aud with Latin and I reek. M 00 Oerninn, French, and book-keoplug, each tia ' Ito.ird, liicliidlug tuol and llght 73 111 Incidental espouses 00 ' Kach student wl!l furnish. Tor his own nre, a pair of blankets, a pair of sheeU, a pair of pillow-cases slid lii towels No induction troin I'ultionand Board In eiise of dunulaslou or withdrawal, and only In case of protracted siekiieHS. Korfurlber pnrticulari, address , M. FETTER, Principal, ;nly24-dftwtf ' UOLDanuRO, N. C 'M flic Carolina BciiscMil Magazine, AN ILL0STHATK1) MONTHLY, choice Literature, will tie issued from till loi.na. ai'i,i .Mkskmik Orriei commencing wth daunarv, IHid. The first number will b ready tor mailing by loemlier loth, and the pernsi. leal will he published each succeeding month thereafter wlthont liiterrmitlon. No advau Uigo will be ncglectetl wich either latent or capital can command to render each issue an agreeable and instructive cempeiidima ol euoice reading, bf popular writers, both home and abroad. The Carolina Household Magazine will be s large 2S-paga, eighty-four col a in n laoulhly, handsomely printed nn tlutcu hook paper and beautifully illustrated. It I a thoroughly southern enterprise and Its succei is alrsaily fully assured. The publisher means to make It a first-class monthly, that, once In troduced In the family circle. Is sure to he eagerly watched for and oarofully preserved. 1WPOHTUAIT (1 ALLKKV" will prove an attractive feature. The danuary number will contain a lite-like picture of . EX-GOV. Z. B. VANCE, and biographical sketch, to be followed In each succeeding number with pbotngrai bs ol other prominent statesmen, divines, etc ONLY TWO UOI.LAUS A VKAIt and each snbanrtlior can make a choice ol '1'HHIta a OCT BSAeTlvrL.I.AUOB K(1K VI NUN, alee of each H4 a .10 Inches, vis: "The Kimling of the Saviour In the Temple," "The Madon na," or "Kig Lear IMyuig the Htorm," lor. wanted on reei ipt of the aiihscrtptton price. Klther of the Kngravlngs Is worLli dou tile tbe price asuea mr the aiagaiine. r Any one sending a club 1 of flvi will rs ceive an intra subscription tree. Mint, rt cople vo cents, true by mail. Srj, motoba Hubsorip lion, wi.lioul the r ngravliTg, t . ts Wanted Everywhere. JUNIUS A. lioM IK, fulnisber, ",oiom 1 1 P.O. . ,,-.,., . n vr f im nnil.T- i,e hurt at ti.e Kh f Al'KN f of the un.Ht the t.uin.H., '"i-".r,.,.t .; '; Ii ainii'er nittiHlnr lii.ttn ut- ,iii'"" rr-- . m slo tbe rtmiiji I unnc. oirin J Jl.f.0 per doy for second wcek; Kxcursionlstii. Liberal reduction to eMy '' CEO. W. CHARLOTTE, Proprietor. Southern Illustrated P.ALEIGII, N. C. T UK t'NI.V II.I.r.STliATKU WFUvl.V the South. Kieht iiHt'c furiy ml- uniiiK. i iievaiiiirg more rnannn iiu'itiiivi any weekly liulilWied In the NoiiOu-rn Mtiiti'H I'lin llrnl inuiilu" ' hiU'TtlKlsN II.- , USTUA I KI 'ir- will u iiwieu nn snturda)', -Hill day of Juno, S?rs, The Ful'll'liiir liitetuUiniiking it an lllus trutHd record ofthe tlincn. Ii. will neat of ev ry tin 1c. I'oiltlcnl, llintoti'.al, Literary, and siMiiniilti-. which In of fiiritiit intnrt-st, an glvetbu bent llliutratiiiimlbut canheohlaiittd original or fore'itu. 'Jhe suUllifcUS H.LUSI'llATfcU A(!K will beiirlntcd ou new tyuc, ana hwivy bun iiiiiier. Oil ItallM nf rontrlbittorp will be fmii'd the iiamcii ul many ul Hie oeiit writoi i ' the s,utii Hi'riul int.! slioVt Mtorlfs, piititnii and kU'!.'i and ell c.oi ducUd ediiiirmUli purtnient., glv Inif Ihe Ute.t I erwinal, lititfury, nelentiHe, no litlcat reliuto'iii and conituvrvial InteUiat'lice will lurnlidi ever; wtek an amount, nl (calling matter uimiiriiHiiBed by other paiieie, In cxcl Iniuu and varloty H in intruded to iniiko tin MOO'I'HKUN llil.l'STKA I Kl AUK Jour nal for tho Itrriiide ; several columns will bo vi'pctatly ili'voted toad mibjecta i.m tainlug to donirt.tlc and wicial life. .So tainilv should be wlthont It. MubucrliitJoii price only f per annum. Poat- ge lrt e. It. T. FULGHUM, Editor, Kalelgh, N. O. June 8 1W tr muKi:irvTAX uoouikobisish avinu A . been received at tli'sotttee, the un-toreign-ed la now prepared to col lent the Oity Taxes on Keel JSetaie and personal property for li3. ALL PARTIES I Aie th(Tforo notified and reo, nested to five thu matter iramsillnte at(ntlfln, and t.) cn'l at this oftlce and pay up without further delay. City Coupons An) also rocetriMfl In payment of City 3'iiscs THE EALSIGH HEWS DAILY AND WEEKLY rusLiauaD DT 'm.E NEWS riBLlSEING CO. Da 'pTKU TO THK BfcST 1M SKKH1' ' Slate of North Carolina-to ti.e uoce ol ti,(, Oonservatlve party, the devel opnient ol tin hidden wealth of tiie Ststo, tne iuvitiiig em.gt.t-on into our midst, ari ad. vancemei.l ot tw, weilare or cur people in everything that er,nji t0 make a K tale pcojier ou, and bideiiemlent. t ADVERTISING COLUMN H wlllbefounil or grout wlvanBi M both the tiallv and Weekjy clreulate igcly luevorv portinn of the .State. Hates modcte srrpsottirTioN lUTicas Dally, One Vear Oiio " 6 Motitha 3 Is. Weekly One Year 1 00 JOHN 1. CAMKK"N, Kdltor, JOKDAN Mi'ONK, sociate K.ditnr f.. O. WOODSON. Loco) Editor iN STOKE AND A UKI VINO BY EVKKV Steamer a lull supply and large assortment of - Nails, Locks, Hinaos, Screws, Window Kiistenlngs, Blind HingtM, and restntns, Well Buckets, Fixtures, I'mups, and ell kinds o I Uardwaro us.il mound a house or lot, ail lor sale low hy ag OILKS MUKCIUSON. Mlio 'Virg'iiilH. UFFALO SPRINGS IMocklenburt; County, Virginia. THE 'GREAT .MEDICINAL WATER 0FTHJES0UTH. OPEN 20th MAY, 1875. These waters are possessed of extraordinary c urat i ve'powers in allect ions of tbe K 1 1 N K V ts ami Ht.a ItDKR, In all derangements of Ihe HILIAKY OIU1AN.S Incident to warm inias- matin regions, in Dyspejsia, 1,1 Dis eases peculiar to Women, m Chronic. Intermittont ami Kemlt tent Fevers. Chronic Gonorr hoea! Secondary Syphilis- Cleot Him ml diseases oi tho Cenltal Oruans, and in some forms of Coutaod Rheuma tism. Their remarkaoia power ami eilieaey In tno dlsea.es Imlieated are vouched for bv some ol the most distinguished nm'li. iil men or the country, both North and South, us well asby reKrteil cases from the mort iimiiios lioi'abln sources. Testimonials In pnniphlnt form liirnlshed on applloatlou. Til B W AT Kit KOK HALK. The water Is put tip In cases of one dosen half gallon Kottt w at (! per case. Route to tho Springs for th iSouth: By iy ol thu liieiiiiioml and Atluoln ah Line Uailroi'd lo Hcottshurg Depst in Hallux county, Virginia, where ail trains are met by ocaih a Sprl igs t miles distant XUOliAfllf UOODK, e.w." .-i ...sr . rroptietar, SW YORK A.iD BOGTOrJ LiHES Wilmington, II. C. tr s, .v. .y r a st ht, Route to rth or W V 1 ICW YOIiK. rieiv Yon: ana Vviimmgton bte , .ip SWl-WtKLY, Sailii g fr..f.i M' W Yoi;k, Vi J.HNKMjAY an.' U ,Y t Z l M., and froui vML?alN"Gx()N, WEDMi8?AZ nc 1 iV. i Ui'T i BOSTON AND .New I'iJik uiitl. U'iliji:iKlt)u lilfiiishii) loiiipiiny, ccKNCTiNO.w iru in OLD COLONY RAILROAD. AND STEAE'ERS. . Daily an.ftr-fi COSTON and NEW YORK. Semi-Week! 'vV-. H ' '.W OIIK and WILMINGTON. Wedntiat " ' ' .lurd y Iroiu earh I'ort. i . . 0 ' Nliliicm ii ay r.dy upon Ihe iroiui tand reenlnr salllni rf il.rM H!iniM .,,,i. h.ii wUl'i 'ae" " " Hht meht X'S r'""e' NO VVil MlSOlUN.tiOLrMOIA ft AI'tiLSTA RAII.KOAO, i WlLMllUdTUN ft. WKLIXIM KAILKOAI), 'i'lIK (JAKivLi NA tiKNTKAL KAII.W AT. 1 broui;li Hill or Lading given to and froui all Fomte in NORTH and SOUTH CA110LJNA, GEORGIA and ALABAMA. Abo to NEW YORK. BOSTON. PROVIDENCE. FAIX RUT it .i .".n.. .astern Cities. W. Kates guaranteed as low ai by any other promptly paid. Mark all Goods via Clyde's tVilniington Line. r For lurtlier iiiftirmatlou apply to eitherot the undersigned Agenti-of the Line." 1. 1). (). MINK, lienerul Ka-turn Agent, Oevoushire street, ilosloo. Il ritt W IJL.M 1 1 Biiltimore ai Soitta Steam Transuortalion Compy i ' 'k '-s .' mmm . . 'TV. 3- ,. , .'.- i- . .J- ; "''- V -i'w -'. FAST EFFtEia-KCT ROUTE To all Points Slorth or South, BALTIMORE. Baltimore anfl Wilminnloa Line, Pim-WKBKLY. -8AILINO PKOM BALTIMOUE- Tuosday fit Friday, at 3 P. M. -AND FKOM WILMINOTON- Wodnoeday & Saturday. BOSTON AnpRGV!QEHGE. Baltimore and Wilmington Line, . Baltimore, Boston and I rovldeuce Line, Or via Canal Dally to Philadelphia and Clyde's Philadelphia and Providence Line. Senii-Weekly from each Port, Shipper may rely npon the rmmi't and repnlar aslllnir of thers Steamers, and qul(k dis patch given to all shipments by this route. NO DELAYS. ' Through Hills uf Lading given to and from all Points in NORTH and SOUTH CAROLINA; GEORGIA and ALABAMA . A!ho to BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA, BOSTON, PROVIDENCE, and other EaBteru Cities. . r Kates guaranteed as low as by any other Konte aud time as quick. Losses or overcharge promptly phil. Mark all Goods via Ualtlmore and Wilmington Line. Kf For lurtlier Information apply to either of the undersigned Agents of the Line, EDWIN FITZGERALD, Agent, lialtiinore Lint, Ml nouih street, Baltimore, march IH-tf Carolina Central Railway, GENERAL FREIGHT DEPARTMENT, ) Wilmington, March 31st, 1875, ) T'JK,hr7'N'.T0N 0P THB PUBlitO IS KKSPKOTlfULLY INVITRD (TO? THK tact tnat t.i.e aH, oentral Hallway, being completed and fully equipped Tor Imsineas oilers Willi iu coiiiii)cUutlll Bt wiuiilngton, both via direct Steamer Linus and via Weldon an uy'K'd WBW Vork. floswu and Froyidence-uuerjualed lael WILMINCTON ANt) ALL EASTERN CITIES TO? icHAR LOTTE, STATESVH.LE, CREENVILLE, SPARTAN BURG and all stations nn AttaBtle. Tcntisssce A O,;,,, Atlantic and KlchuioHd Air Idn and North" Carolina ttailromls as well as all po'UfJ4 in OJviitUI A and ALA HAM A lusurancftoiDKaatnicllli-giiuianfrtediisl.wT,,lltotner ne- Not.rmlialor ,rRnt, ter charges, and ICateii Hlwiiy. hn low & k.,ci lowest i.iiiiiiiii.r Kates to all polnu. lurnished upon application to .10 m.do.-Higncd. Ofllce In Bank of New Hanover Building. aprll 3 80-ly Heal Estate Auction. M. CRONLY, Auctioneer. . BY CRONLY & MOKRIM. By virtue of a mnrtgngp executed by Wi'llam K' Hass Hud wife, tliu Mrchanics Bui ding and I ohii Association will sell, for caHh, al puhlin auction, ut Kxcnauge (lorner, on Mondsy, the liltli of Mepteinder, at 11 o'clock, that lot wilh dwelling house and all necctuary out houses sitiiale'l as follows: Beginning Iu the N. Una of Bed Cross street, 00 re.rt W. fiiiniilsintei'secllon Willi the W. line ot Fourth street and running thunca W. with said line of Bed Ctoe street 5A leet, thence N p.rallel with Fourth street l.UI'eet., thence K. parallel with Bed Cross strwt M leei and ttieuce S. parallel with Koill 111 street 1.12 tdet to the beginning. aiin'o-lf 2 000 B"sl"1 Corn ' 1,1(00 Bushels Oals, 5tl0 Bales Hav, Wator-Oround Meal, Hominy, Pork, Bran, Crack Oorn, Flour, etc., For salo low by OHANTA1IINTON, C slon Mflrchat8andOrocen,.C . r;r-, all Poi Soiuh. FALL UiVER. DEI-AYS. Cmiuecting at V llmlngteu . rouU and time u quick. Lowes or overcliarirei WM. P. 0I.YI1E ft CO., Oetieral Agents, New lork Line, ti ltd ling Oreen, N T. A. D. CAZAUX, Agent. J orroiv, IV. c PHILADELPHIA Baltimore andj WiimiDton line. sm-wmm.T bitwkkn BALrimunB and WILMINGTON. Baltimore and Thiladelphia Steamboat Oo. Daily Tla Canal between . .BALTIMOKK AND t'HXLADJSLPBA. iWESTERN CITIES; BALTIMORE AND '.71LMIN0T0N LINK Northern Central Kaiboad) AMD THI Baltimore and Obio Railroad. A. D. CAZAUX, Arent, baitiiuoie aim Aow Voiki.mei Wiliiinotoji. N.C. W- CLARK, Oeneral freight Agent. Miss Angel. A Novel. By M. Thk.kw., Author of ' Id Konslngton,' "IheVsiuKu of Ihe Cliff," "liiiiebeaid's Keys,", etc, With, IlliialTalJons. Tuner, 15 cents. Alice Lorraine. A I aleof theSoiiih llowns. By II. D, Klack niore, Author of cradock Nowe II," MHlof lsker,"etc. Paper, 7 cents The Piedmont Press HICKORY, N. C , Is the only iier published In Catawba county, ana has an extensive circulation among Mere.lianta, Farmers, ami all clutsesor busr nesa mon in the Mtate. The Fhass Is a live, wide-awake Democratic paier, and Is a desira ble medium lor advertising In Western North Carolina. Liberal terms allows nn vearly ad- vertlsemetits, Hulisci letlon fi In advance. Address MUKUlLL T0MLIN8ON, ptiou in aiiva.ioo. ILIi T0MLIN8OBT, Killlors auitProprletors niarnh .94-0 PIANOH.t rgnk aud fihromos for sale for cosh or on the e tsy monthly instalment plan at HMNHBEBUER 8 1 - Ivt Book and Maslc store.