I M? 1 JJ VOL XXIV.-NO. 206. WILHIHGTON. IT. C. SUNDAY, AUGUST. 29 1875 WHOLE N0-G.970 WILMIaTOS. N. a: SUNDAY, AUGUST 29, 1875. BY TELEGRAPH. GOTIIAM- ! LEASE OP THE ATLANTIC & PA C1F10 TELEGRAPH CO .'PAN TO THE WESTERN UNION ! i . TELEGRAPH COMPANY MORE FAILURES BANK STATEMENT. Nw York, Ansr. 23 -A. Cowi'ntr & Co., on of tbo largest manufacturing flrmi in the United 8tati, mado aa . asaienmeut to W. B. LathroD. of ' 'Stmeca Falls, lrhM their factory it 1 oca tea.,, lney nave a large establish ment in Murray street, in this eity, and depots in Chicago, 81 Louii.Kao aas City, and otuar point. : John P. Coving, . founder of the firm, although pot now a member, saya he will give up everything to pay ti e creditors. He obargea the disaster to groan mismanagement. At the Exeootire offlw of the Weat era Union Telegraph Company tLia aftaruooa a reporter a. oertained that a committee of that oompaoy and oue from the Atlantic & Paoifio lelegrapti Company have effected a consolidation in favor of a lease of property of aud by the Western Uoion Telegraph Com pany, aubjoot only to ratidoatiou by the respective Boards of Directors. The committee decline to state for the present whether tho rental is to be tlied or graduated ou the profits. The bark statement deoresaed five eighths of a million ; specie decreased one-eighth of a mi.lion ; legal tenders increased one-eighth of a million ; de posits increased half a million. Tracy Robinson, late financial ngont and assistant superintendent of the Panama Railroad, lately accused of appropriating the Company funds, , has been tally exonerated. Suits on ; both sides have been withdrawn. , CALIFOUMA. THE MONETARY CRISIS MORE FAILURES. Saw Fbancisco, Aug. 28. It weuld be difficult to state the effect of Bal aton's failure upon bis manufacturing enterprises. It is feared that the Kimball Manufacturing Company will be unable to stand the shock. The Rolling Mills, generally, in a better coudition. The Cornell Watch Factory will be seriously crippied. The effect on milling stocks oaunot be estimated, as all business in thatl'neis suspended. Ralston, in his letter said, "I tell you the failure is the result of persistent efforts for monthajto break this bank." Later. The Directors applied to Flood & O'Brien on the day of the failure, offering them the entire paid np stock of the bank, ($5,000,000), also the $1,500,000 in bank, and an addi tional million to be assessed on the stockholders, in all seven and a bait million, provid'ng Flood & O'Brien would assume the liabilities of the bank. The proposition being rejected, the bank was compelled to suspend. The liabilities of the bank amount to $14,000,000; assets $7,000,000, which will probably shriuk before being con vertible. The true condition of the bank was concealed from the Direc tors up to Thursday. Ralston was asked to resign. The Board was still in session when the su'oiding of Ral ston was annonnced. The stockhold ers will lose their stock, and to meet the liabilities of the bank they will be compelled to stand au assessment of fifty per cent. Later information tends strongly to disprove the theory of suicide, aud the statement of the attending physician to tho effect that Ralst n's death re sulted from an ' attack of apoplexy whllo in bathing. Mr. Ralstou trans ferred all bis property to Senator Wm. Sharon, for the benefit of his creditors. In receiving the trust, Mr. Sharon pledged his honor to stand by his old friend to the last dollar of his own im mense private fortune. The affairs of the Bank of California have been put into the hands of an Executive Committee consisting of Wm. Alverd and Goo. H. Howard. EUROPE, foreignmiscellany. Pakis, Aug. 28. Pilgrimage from Gormany is exciting considerable dis cussion in France. Le Moniteur savs, France is open to all foreigners, but that the (Government is entitled to and " will oppose all assemblages or displays of banners or insignas calculated to disturb public order, and it will not fail to do its duty. The Government and public opinion of France agree tnai it is men uutjr mj .iwkuu irum in terference with the dismissions and oonflicts in Germany between Church and State, end for the sake of peace, whioh is dear .'to us and desirable to - Germany, to avoid making French ter ritory the some of their religious dis cussions. Plymouth, Eng., Aug. 28. One ol the coroner's jury in the Royal yacht collision inquest, announces that all of the jurors favored the verdict of acci dental death, but differed as to the blame attached to individual officers. The publio feeling against the officers was very strong. Some of them were molested on the streets bv a mob. Malta, Aug. 2a The United States Btoamer Hartford is here homeward bound. The difficulty between the American Consul and tho Tripolitans is settled. The apology was made by order of the Porte. The affair origin ated in some seamen entering the Con snl's earden for matches. A Paris dispatch from Perpiqna says tha news of the surrender of Leo du Urgal is doubted here. The latest dispatch from General Campos was dated on the eve of the '20th. and says 'The Carhsta still refuse to pardon prisoners. I shall probably grant lurtber brief suspension of hostilities, after which, if they remain obstinate, I shall attack the citadel. London. -The Tuiks in a city arti cle says there has been doriug tho week slightly more discount in busi ness at the bank aud opon market, but rates unchanged in foreign exchange. Bills on Germany have been in strong demand, while exchange on Paris was fractionally lower. Business in for eign stock has been limited, prices well maintaiued, aud money been abundant throughout the week. The London Times in reviewing the corn market for the week says, "Grain has been firm here, but there has boon little business." j - The foot and mouth disease is spread ing among the cattle in Cumberland and Aberdeenshire. Shanghai, Aug. 28. Mr. Wade, the Brit ah Minister, when recently visit ing the Depart nent of the Seoretary of State, was kept waiting in an ante room by Li Hung Chang, Vioeroy of Pekiu, that Mr Wade was offended aud withdrew. The Viceroy apolo g;ied immediately, aud nothing ser inns followed. London. A special dispatch to the Times from Berlin says it is rexrted that the Russian Consul, at Ragnsa, is too ill to take part in the proposed mediation of nowers between insur gents and the Turkish government. If tins is really the case, the tank of tho other foreign Consul, never very hope ful, becomes less so. Three thousand Turkish croats have crossed the Dan- ubo into the Austrian territory, and expect to be maintained by Austria du- ung uieir exue. Mil tary preparations go ou steadily iu Servia. but it is dill- cult to say whether they Hre made to satiBfy the impatience of tho people or iu gua.ru againf seriouB oontingouoy. KLKCT11IC1SMS. Jesse Yr.rk while lu'nillinir a flu of rittsburg, with kerosene, was buruod to de..th. The bouse and contacts were also destroyed. . Jean DeMief Co., soap and flour dealers, of New York. havesiisnenHa.l Liabilities estimated from $300,000 to $500,000. Thoy were carrying a large stock of hides. Ralston. President of the TUnt nf Ca ifornia, has drowned himself. lie had been requested to resign by the Directou. It is behoved that h font poison before going into the water. He was alive when taken out, but ef forts at restoration were futile. The Editor of the Frankfurter Zniu inff Was Sent to Prison for rrtfnnino to name the author of certain articles Whioh appeared in his paper. Joseph I? Jr. weaxurerot New jersey is a defaulter in the sum of fifty thousand dollars. Col E. W. Loncrstreet a leather dea ler was found insensible at Syacuse N. T. vesterdav from the fTnrj nf landannm and afterwards Hinii. TIia cause is reported to have been finan cial iron Dies. DIED, At Uncolnton. W. O.. on tha mnrnlnv of th 28th lint.. Ie Anderson, mn ot Is A. ana Uo din. Angel, aged 18 month. Th. friend, of the l.mily are Invited to attend the funeral at or. .jonn. unurcn, ats o'clock thl. afternoon. NEW ADVERTISEMENT JO HPI 1. BELLAMY, Jr., Attorney at Lawi Office on Market Street, near North Eit Goraer of Bocoua street, WILMINGTON, N. O., Will practi ce In .11 the fonrtH f the ' fat". Prompt attention to tho col octlon of clu'in. tug HS-Jw.J THE LATEST orthe"KIC A BKAO" Sorlee, PERSONAL REMINISCENCES V-. ' . nv O'KKEFKE, KKliliY AND KlUiLY. "Intlnlt. Kleuoi In a Utile Uoont" Marlow. ' A QUESTION OP HONOH." by H. Jatnea, Jr. GiTJEEJST MARY A DRAMA, br TKNNYSON, Another .apoly jnatrnoiived and for ntoat HEINSBEEGEE'S MVK BOOK AMU MUHlC STOKK. ng2l SALT. COKN, MUI,AHHES. BACON, Sc. 6, (MM) Hack. Salt, K'Dbl S. H. Molawux. 60 Hhil. Cuba Molaneii, . 75 Bono. I. H. KUl. il, Ml Hnxo. Smokwl aitlaii: tut Box?. li.N.snt'k'd and HhoplAera i i .ipini isairoi. r ioui. Bil Barrel. Hiignr, luo Bhk Uofl'ee, m Huldit. Baiiilng. fiO Ton. Tim. 6,0M) Ilimliel.Coin. l.inO liiiHliol.; 300 Hpir t CmVh. V0 Ton. Tiiw. IdO barrel. Ulun. I0 Paper HlveU. ' 200 Kfigl Nail.. ' ' " ' ' S00 Hag. e it. 1W M. caps. 360 Kegs Killo, .porting and IVlimtlug Powder, , For tale by Kerchnkk & Caldkr Bkos . ONLY A GIRL; . OB A PHYSICIAN POUTHK 8UUL: A romance from the German of WUUolmlne Von Uilam, by Mr.. A. L: Wllter. For ale by O. W. YATES PIANOS, PIANOS. . The largeat aamirtment of Piano, ever known In thl. city on hml for Mtla at all price . to .nit piirchaini.. Tte bet p rofemlonal pi ano tuner, in the city and In luo atate can be iouiu only at YATES' Book and Mwle 84ore. ANOTHER SHIPMENT- Our Original Elm Grove Family Flonr from new wheat, Juet in, No lined t .ay more about our choice water ground menA, The demand convtnoe us it t. auHlolcntly adyertlHCd jam Ilium eatla. Price ni, try ua on hay,oat., corn, ao.i wo. QKAUT H1NTON: aug 48-lt BROWN COTTON Cln. THK BEST MACK. Oln bristle, sbi file, cotton .cale.. sin band. lace, leather, rivets, Ac, can be toand tthe lowest cali price, at the old eatablMhed baid. war U00.M 01 JUHN DAWHON, Ho. It, 90 Owl U Mirfcet Street; NEW AOYORTISEMENTS. Ladies Belts ! Udla SaU h.l.. , Laaiet lTonki. llcnU' Trnuka, Oenta' Tr.rallnf Bat I Shawl Btrajj, Etc., At the taitdlar Ntor. of Carpenter k Mallard. Ko. t Sotrra raoT STaiar, JalT . . WitB'nitoo.N.O 0WEUIK8 FOR RFNTI MV rilivm , j on Third tit, wit r olihoiit lar.itii'e, aad oue or two mailer dwelling Barlt. S. L. FKFMIIW . LOOK. LOOK. LoOK. Now yonr cbano. to buy rlothlng cue a par than e.r bought hpfnr.. Iik at thttae Bgarwa: Vine liiiwiinw uit rra .,.,,,410 00 to til Oft Peaxtliiil lriw milt- from ia on to aa lrii Pant. om 00 to I Ml ee lnat , 1 60 Linen Curl. l na A. DAVID. a.gJW JADOLEXAND HARNESS ! naile and repatredat ;P. H. IIAYDEV8 ITilM hetwem MarkM and Prince.. Street Prior, low .il l aat'.niction guaranteed: -aug Z4dJtw lmo CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES Frenh erea? wek. If yon want th bnt of eferyttiliig at the loweH irloe in the elty, uud GEO. MYERS, IlEST UUTTEH IN TUB WOKl.lt. The only reliable bittr bmnght to thl. Blty, and Iruiu the butt dairy In New York. NEW PROCESS EMPIRE FLOUR. Imported Lager Bier, guaranteed to bo the bunt in the oily. We r t.!l. loo doun by every .teamnr regularly. It I. the beat, and everybody lift It. Imported Pickles. SO and B0 oenta per Jar. Fre.h roasted .lara and I.agiiafra otitree. ev ery week. Ground daily In Che More Keeolved thliweek a eaak each of 1IKNNBKY.8TODT, DUPKBY 4 0U'.., ltKANDI VINTAGE 185S I ROMANO, AMMONTILLADO and DUFF CORDON SHERRY WINE, And always on hand the popular brand ' ' llLUi: R1SS A OEM, New canned peacho. and California Bartlutt psars. . r or aaie row w .. - GEORGE MYERS. 11 4 13 SOUTH FRONT ST., ug lm Purifies tha Blood, Renovate and Invlgorater the Whole System. Ita medicinal Properties re ALTERATIVE, TONIC, SOLVENT AND DIURETIC VioiTim I made made eioluilvelT from tha Juloe. of carel u i ly Mlected bark., root, ami herb., ana to strongly ooueeniratea mat u win elloctually eradlcat i front the .v.tem every taint or Scrofula Scrofulous Hu- mor.Tumor Canoer Cancerous Humor; Erysipelas. Salt Rheum, ayphalltlc diseases, Canker, faint at the stomach, and ail ut-ee. tuai ariM from luipuia bluoft. Sclatica I nfl amatory ami Chronic Rheuma tism Neuralgia. Cout and Spinal Complaints M be eUwlutklly ourod through the bluod. r Ulcers "n't Eruptive Diseases or ;h skin Purtules, Hlmples Blotches Bolls. Tetter scald head and Ringworms. vktibuj uxvur mliia U) olio,,, piiaiiiitnt cr. for Pains In the Back. Kidney Complaints Dropsy Female Weakness, t,eucorrhearii,g iiivrn.i uict'ratuii', .uu u'e-int uutea-i. mm General Debility. Vanniaa act. directly npun the cauMxoi thtae complaint.. Jt Invliro- rate, and .Uengthen. tha whole y."'ein, act. Uu thewcrative organ., ullay. ii iltmation, car, uloi ration and T.gulala(e. the hownl. Forca'arrh Dvepepsia Habitual vostiveness faipication or ine Heart Headache. Piles Nervous ness and Ceneral Prostration of the Nervous Syrsem tutuiciueba. BIi'l KIWU ..UUI1 Bmip. n , l,o Vbuitin. It pirlfli-a the bloort, -li anc 'l of the oman., and poneine a controlling cow er over tho nnrvou ryutenr Tb rcm.rkable curn alfnrted by Vktih. have Inaucod many i hyMtoiaii. an.i aiouie-a-ric. whom w. know to prencribe and uaeltiu their laro.ne. In fact, Vkiitin I. tho beet remedr yet dis covered lop the al'ove dlneiw..., .lid i.Uieonlv reliable MI,O0 riJICIt IKIt et placed beloro the public. Are not t' e many Irntlnionlnlii glvon for the dlUi'rem complaint. Haiirlartorytuanv mawina- bl pern .u II bring irom an (hue) iikiiiio'i-'H above, that th.) can ho cured? Hnivl Ihedlf tMrcnttctlraonial. g ueii. and i oone candoiiht In manv of theno oaw.the perm n. .ay mat tliPlr pa'ln and .altering c.nuutbo rxprewwd, a. In cane, of Scroti!.., whwre, apparently, thn whole bo y wa. one ma . ni corrupiian. it Vioktink wl'l relieve rutin, cloanrcpiirily and cure .uoh djifaiie., reatorlnir Hie putwnt to per feet bealih alter trying illllcrcnt physician., manv remedle,.ulterlug tor many i.ii not conclusive proof. If you are a 4ufl'orer, ou oan be cured 'I Why is this niodiolue perf orm ing uch great cure? It works in the mood. in too circulating nuiu- ucaniruiy ucou.uu the gruti blood purifier. The great avuroe of d i eauoorlglnato In the blood; and no m"dlolo that doe. not art dlrectlv upon it, to pnrliy and reooyate, ha .ny Jui-t olaliu uioa dubllc atti n tlon. When the blood berom'-. Iirelm awl Mvtnant, oitber from ohangc of weather or of climate, want of exeralM. Irregular diet, or from other cause, the Tktink will renaw the blood, carrv the bawel, and Impart a tonenf vigor to the whole bodv. The conviction t., In the public mind aa well as in the medical 10 Owlon. th t the remnll'. mpplled t-y th. .' IrMe kingiion are bit iafe, more fuflmwriil In the care c.f disease, Uian mineral medtotnr. VaoariNE I comMi-c. or out., hrk.awt h.rh. It i pleawn) tt take, and l perfectly f to give to an infant. Do you need it? Uo not heaiUta to tryit. Vou will never regret it. WOULD NOT BE WITHOUT VECETINE FOR TEN TIMES ITS COST. The great benefit I have reoolved from the use of TKUKTINR induce me to to givemr tuetimonv lu it favor. I believe It to be not only of great value for restoring the haalth, but a preventive of divsaM to the spring aud summer imuon. I would not be without H for ton time Its eoet. .I)W4HI)TlLI)KN, Attorney and General Agent lor Mamauihu' at-ti Ciafi.men'. Lite Asrurauce Lompany, to. w Bear uunuing, Boston, aiaw. TcgetlnelsSold hj all Ur(.n MISCELLANEOUS. Cotton Ties and Salt. 2,000 BUNDLES ARROW TIES. 1,000 SACKS BALT ! For salo bf BINFOUD, CBCW 00. ang 24 B M.Ni'K(r trjMM KH CLUTUIlN.U mIjuuwI ....a - laa au -a... ' BELOW COST! To ike room for Winter 8tock. Call ear and secure bargain. A. DAVID- a.gli Thos. C. DeEosset, Insurance Agent. BirKi.Kwriitn f ie,KOe,000 riw Anarl A'.lun le.itranee Company, of Hartford. Immloii Aioiirance tympany, of Hind.'", ('oiuiui-ctal t nlon Ansuraiio (Hiuipany, Of London , New Vm k Underwriter.' Agnney, luly -tr Pee Dee Courier. jtjjKH THK MKKU11ANT.4 OF WII.MINO tuu aware that the Ooutler U the rwily Imo eratio paper puhllaheil a Uocklb am, aad that It circulates eitentini) In Hlchmoad, Montgomery and Admu oountiea i Kate of advertising liberal and no ttti a ' i - : ; 5 ehargu, mad; for changing edvttUssment wsokly. UUCKKTT A EllVIK, - g-tf - . ii-. Hdltor..' .... BUY ONLY THE GENUINE ' 1 .11 Ii A tMaJ liWkwIll STANDARD 'SCALES. w AtV0, ; The most Perfect Alarm Cash Drawer, MILES AliAKH Tlbl.CU.'d. AM, , ,. Herring Haf' Qofle and Drag Mills, Lett ri ' FAIRBANKS' STANDARD SCALES.; ' atasttraoTvaaaa - E- & T- FAIRBANKS & CO- 8T. JOHNsBUBY. VT. ramoir.L cLl wiaiaoctan ' A I HBAHKS V CO., 311 Uriadwa 1. V. rAlKRANK" t OO., 1M Baltimore at,, Bal timore, Md. rAlBBAHKa & Co., n (lamp Street, Kw Or- Imttia. Faihbak a A Co., 13 Main Street, Buffalo, . v. Faibbakk A Co., m Broadway, Albany, N.Y. TiiKBitit. A Co , Slid at Paul let., Montreal. Tatrrark & Un., 81 King William at,, Lon don, K.ng. Fairbahkh, Bnw A Co., 1 Milk 8t, Boa tun, Mm. Fat'ibank a Ewibo, Mwonlo Hall, Phi la- lielphl. Pa. Faikbarkn, MoaaaAOo.,111 Lake t.,(;hl C4g0. FAiaaABK., Mob.b A Ho., 130 Wali-ut Street, Otnelnnntl. Uhlo. FAiKBAaK., Moiih. A Co, 182 SniMirtor8U, i'IotIih1. ihlo Faibbahc, Mo. A Oo., U Wood Street, Pit ii-liuruli FAIROAhKM. Mob A Uo., 6th and Mala St., .oiii.vilie. Faibbamk AOo , tog aud 304 Vashlnguni Avnuo. Ht. I. mis. Fairha.rs A HutchuVib, Ban Fraii.duH), Jl. Pur .ale leaillnj Hardware Ovaler.. June 1 81-d-lllw-eod Bacon, Pork, Sugar, Coffee 50 llox.w I). H. 81.1c, Roue. Hinoked Hide and Hhouldei. TA Htrrel. lork, UK) Hafiel. Kofi lint Hnrar, ' I no Itag. rrime UloOotlw, For aiile low by .- WILLIAMS & MVUOHIHUM.: corn, ri.uuii, iiAir, MAir. S,0I0 Hunhela Best Mixed aiu1 White Corn, 1,000 Barrel" Klour all itradeH, Ml llulc U, It. K. Hay, mt Hack, hlshou Mall, For aale low by , WILLIAMS A MOUCHlHON. Kngflng-, Tloe, Hoop Iron, lu 00 Roll. Kxtra Heavy Bagging, HO Ton Tie., KHl Hundir Hoop Iron, - 74 Uarreletilue, For sale low by WILMAM1 A MDUCHISON inolaaoa, Nplrll Caeke, Nalla, Vaaa luo HhdM and Bbl New UropOnba Mo Ibk . 00 scoot d-Hand Spirit Caoka, iKkh NalU, 101 'lon.KurekaGu.no, i loo Ton Uuuii Uuauo, For Mle low by WII.MA.tIH AinVRCIIINON. ug13 COMPARE PRICES Of oar partly mad Wamsutta hlrts With the mntcrlal bong by th yard. Six For Only $.750 Cast TtlEBEST AND CHEAPEST SHIRT Jii America, 1VIUNSON & COo SOLE AGENTS. aug 9b MISCELuANE3U8. IIIM'CE HOODS Atkinson & Manning. 90,000,000 A .art Hepreeontud.B ) FIRIJ na. i o. of North America.,,,, riuladelphia, fli.nli ln.uraiioeOomiHkny....Mw York. OoBtlueatal irwrano Oo , N.w wa, N . Hrltiafe A Mareantll. ln..CH..lniln. Hartlord Fire In, tympany... liarUonl, National Fir. In.. thmpany.,.llarttoril. BprtngHeU t. A M. lna. Oe.,.MawaBStU. Mcroantll Mutuaf u5'ut..."..Nw fork, Iu. Oo. of North America Phllad.ilpula. Uonnec tlcul Hutualli fuVuo. H. t tlord. rbtt aa-u jyjEUCHiSTS AND It'll. AN it 58CRANCE tOMPANf, '' OF RIOHAJMO, TIKOIMIA. Capitol.,.. AWHM a. T.Svoaaa, Preddt, I J. B. Moosa.aMt JOHSJ WILDKM ATM I MHO A Ueaeral Mo. 4 Nortk Water SI WllmtngtoB, H. O. ai.nl II ) i i i' THE LAST CARGO OF PRIME it a n.iT 1! I now olTired Is pvrehaaer la itrtgtt; K.e Faekag, both Mog.keadaaad Barrel, . at lowest market rat, SUGAR HOUSR MOLASSF", atBfolo Hagar ltrlM, New tlrlean Moiaaue. Tlanm, Pork, Dry Kaltml Mraia. Lard, Fl.h, Butler, end a tinl line or BMHirted Orooerle. All Klocli of Wines and Lionori A the low. market piU : good eedeai.ri ADRIAN It TOLLERS Ootaer of Doc F oat St fail TO HOLDERS CITYICOUPONS. ... ..,.., i . CITY OF WILMINGTON, N. 0 . t June UUth, 173. J NOTIOBUhertBt'giventhat TU JITLT OOUPON8 18TS (oV Bond of thl City) can not b promptlygpald. In:ootiMtaneof artalnCohiutui aoder a recent decision efth Buprm Ooartjotthl. mate a to the manner of asseut of th Heal and P.rwnal Property :in thl eltr, aot thereby th City Tax Book not yet having veen placed In poeeeaslon of th nder.lgn.d tor eelleoami together with otMr compile on In regard to eur Munlelp.l aifir, now pendln befor the gupr.mo Oourt ot North Oarollna, lb elty of Wilmington mint neer- arily crav torn lndolg.no from th holder of City Ooupon., under tlitliig elrdnmitano. T. 0. 8ERVOS8, ' Ulty Treasurer. IM-tf June 30 Exclusively at Retail Hoot aad dhoe of all kind, full Mock, Mil- Ing off cheaicr than cheap at tlie l..i of ih (lo'dun Boot, p C, A. PRIOR. UVm AND PISTOLS. Rhot, rain, eaine-bags. powder, linn Kliglwh der,etc A largo awurininitt of the above ir.Hiit. hint rsiMi vat. and for Bale at, the lowest cm.li pilot, at th old eatabll.licd bardwure Douse or JOHNHAWIJONv, aug 21 Nut. I, W and II M.rket Htr.nt BIOBABI, tlBOBLV. WILBBaHoaal CRONLY & MORRIS ; AUCTIONEERS, ITOCK AND REAL E.TATE BROKER! i - WILMINQTON, M. O. tUN BK 8ER9I AT IllBIK MA1.KH Ho-lMn I a plan of the oily, on an enlarged auale. Blank Book with tn honndarle. of every Ml in the i-.liv ilim.lnntlv denned. Aseeeeed value, past and pretil,of every kit n the city Any ror station deelrM farnithea upon Ap- plication Jalr 2JOA.UTION-! OONHUMKBt OF PKKIKWVKI) MII.K honld examine the WKItlli V ol the Cimtbnt of the oan. Tuay will And that wbil Borden's Eagle Brand ! Uniformly weigh, alitcen nnnne of milk to the c.n. tht other brand, scarcely weigh flftcun onnce. . ' The diffsrenee In weiunt t. equal to vonty Ave eeuU per eaa in favor of Borden's Eagie Brand ! , N. Y. Condensed Milk Co.. ADO. KL, F.Mai, Secretary. InlyST Mdlm JOHN A. UVRMK, DsnB Apac; (FIRE, MARINE AND LJKK) tOtO00,0w Aaaetaj; Kepreerni. u Urrioa-Uoraraerclal Biohange) atitdiak aotth Water .tot W . 1 ooll tub Blmwuod collar. for appeararc and lit. I un.nrpaw.Hl. Ail nrat-cUaiiurnleliliig Hon a havw lbea nr ate. . . r nnaan.Kiui acknowledie that the beat eolli made are the Klmwood and Warwick. If you kayo not triea toem oo now. NIW ADVERTI3ZSHMS. mm 45 MARKET Are oloaingont the balnnoe of their IiatliiMi Un.1erwar rit: Obemife ud Niglil Dreaaoa, at a sweeping reduction EVEN FROM FORMER PR10E3. HAMBURG EDGINGS AND INSERTIONS- Wfl ara making an ffor in tliia d-ptrtment to rtvlaoa the alook prerioni to going Nortb, soil LaJiea will tlud PRICES lowor than anjr thej hav Tor Bfea in Uiia market FMJii mum OUT PAPER PATTERNS.FOR SALE. Machine Needles, 5 Cents JSacl . Misses Kid Gloves Slightly Spotted, 20 Cents a Fair- Sizes, 5, 5 1-2 and 6, Having juat tukmi mi aooount of ih wo liavo dotcrniiuoj to CLOaiS rhlou BROWN & RODDICK. 45 Market Street nug mi JUST OPENED I . 36 MARKETiSTREET, AN0TIIER LOT OF i Black Grenadines. Black Silk Challys, BLACK CASHMERE, SCREPES, &C7 HU3IMKU8TOOKCLOSEUOUT Lower Than Ever ! No. 3G MAEKET STREET. Jul in KEEP'S PATENT, PARTLY-MADE DRESS SHIRTS. SI2I FOR $7 00 GUSH. -IN- -AT- EXCHANGE CORNER. Inn to Pay Yonr City Taxes. Offleaof Treaanrer nd Oollector, 1 am directed to notify all partly, owing city texea that the reqalrr m.m of the ally for ... .h that a wrlot oompltanoa with the ordlnanee will bmle, and .uoh P";" ' . ,ki,i t.i on or betore the flntef pUbriproilBio, their jropertj will Bead-rrt f d and u:d a the law direct T. C-Barvoss, . Xrtuurtr eal Oollggtor. Bconoiayi 10 tKik wo fluJ oTral ituall, TarioJ lota OUT AT A riUGB. . W'otlmnk ye a', Itailli great and una', For pu'ixinago cxteuiUl; ' Wa israttiiit' fool, We'vo dun tae wect Tliixiughoul the ji-ar new entllt. Our itnck we'va tu'en An' noo we'it) ga'on, To . Il wlililu tha margin; An If yocouio Afoio wo'ro ttiom gnt an riiro' b.irgalu. AT MUNSON&CO, ONLY AGENTS. AC (a dOA P'-BDAT. AgenUwatit i)3 10 V6U ad. AH eiae. of working pei.ple oi both wiw. yuung and old, make m re mrvej at work for as, iu their own looal Ite, during their .par moment, or all tb tl.Qf, than at aujtlilug else. We offer employ ment that will payhomUomalyfur overy hour' wo. k. If all particular., term', etc., sent free. Send a. your atdrea. at one. Oon' delay. Now is your time. Don't look lor work or bu'inea. elsewhere, aiftll yon have learned what w otter. U. BTimioit & Oo., Portland, Mi. Inc. may Z8-m-ddiw "AT TATE'S BOOK IIVBJI," yon will flnd a full Una of BLANK BOOKI, JCH00LB00M BIBLES, PRAYER BOOKS ALBUMS and every thing n iatlT P lat book ar.d mu'lo More, at prioe lower thao ever be tor luthl city. aogl 10O BBLG. PURE COPPER DISTILLED N, a '! CORN WHISKY I rortalaby . . ' Johs. TCbuob, XbomsTlea N. 0