WIL5UX0T0N, N C4 SUNDAY, AUGUST 2'J, ilial'AlM JiH'kMAU " ,,a'iy r m North lilii.a, uL-if -twt nnm iv.etyf M-ndsy. at tiMT J1..W.AK A iOU.AK .il it fcmaHs; HTiTi-rivrto'in i tmi.u. V urct i n.!. N l. tarn.-.. )(ii H'y i VrvaxTY-irivlt ants ! i it,. ;.i Two j.ak and Tva Y.-aiv vi. l ja.-lr. ii v KVKi.t iou irride. a t., -fly. .dnun p.r. If.' iSdJ ahs 1 r' j Wuvv eid.' FlV IMAUW AM A HAiJ' i f.l oi lW. MvVkA it.H.t.AK.-; .. vp!., fclKHT ' AK AM A ItAl F .fU 1HI'. hL lA-fcJ IMI.LA1; tt'i.l e p" T.iir nv ri ua- sniKtmi iuN e ' . ryaiir n. .., IK' f.:Ht.'h:'.t at:, r tie- f.! J11TAt--h-Wt l"tll I'.w4 n ittfi.4 Vt.mjf (nVr .r rjtyns, " 4 pi n lni'S 1 ,i :m ,C i :"' ' lua't "i i-ctfiivl ! wiv.si'ilitti: ilrai' ps.vaut.-ti tin- olllif n j n. !"t g iritltii'ii'ii li ilM . . . a.ii.Uirt'- t Jvri1lff Ijjaj.) Hit !:rji ri'p iiiMTti.-ti. i.Mtf i. an: -!- hua i- UihuONK I'OII.AR AMI A II A 1 r; tlM' , nw itwli't I o i'l lAht, part n.ni rum fv.0 I K ASI' A hai r; Ov. iim i 'ani' Thi.kk IHii.iai; six tits. rt'i.. I .l(Flt IHil I.AKH AND A UAI.r;trl 1 swrtinns Fn'K Dollars a.i a HAi.r o mnil!i. Kh!itLoi.i.ai; t.t niunllif . iftkrh UoiJAiiS Uiroe. mouth, 'i wkm TY-TWO lJl.I.l A KB. Contracts for longer poritxli and longer Sac ma.is nrn!i lilioral U-rtiii. IKAWtLHAXn . VAI'aOKRR. WUmtnston.N. U. i:ditorii, noti:. ; A ooxTKirroiiAir aaya tUnt flabiog to the Tennessee riv'or is pretty good just dow. Tbe other day a ilvbttrman hauled tip Ma wife, who bad Wu xulfning for two wocka, and be aaved flio $200 reward bo bad offered for her reeoTory. , Tub "wbeat belt" i enlargiug in it area. Arkannai, for inatauco, will export dmall grains tii your, for tbo first time in its bifitory. Tlio satno general tendency to raiiM more and buy Ions in obnerrablo throughout the South. Oovkbkob BuToridgo, of llliuojn, has discovered, after deep lucubrn tiona, that Kt kluxium iu that titnte jm not a penal oiTunce, nnd gives that ah a reiHton for bia long indifference to tbe WilliaroHon county outrages. i O.va of tbe forcmoat of tboHii Roek - ford fanatica who howled ao vooifer onaly beeaaHo Mr. Iavl had protuiaed to address Ux9. farraera of Wiunabngo, waa Mr. N. C. Thompson a Georgia negro trader, who aold out hia atock betorw'flio'wd.jaiRnited to IllinuU juat Tim Wot nan' Journal elniiua that , JJ'women printera wore known half a century before the Uovolution, woman, Margaret Draper, of Boaton oondnotrd thw ftrat nowHpnper In Ameriea, The original declaration of independence waa priuted by Mary Catharine QoddarJ." A doubtful atory ooraea from Itorne to the effeet that the lute ex-Euiperor : ot Atwtiia, Ferdisnud, lei t $0,000,000 to the rope. Tbo auui ia aaid .o have been paid. If Ferdinand bad had it, Lo probably wouldn't have diapoaed of it In that waj; and if ho had, hia lov ing rolativea probably wouldn't have paid it, ,.. . ' 1 ' Tub Japanese are shipping brieka to California, and soli thorn cheaper than thoao made in that Btute, uotwith . standing that there is an ad valorem duty of 20 per cent on thorn, The Ja panese brick ia 6 inuuoa long, 4 J in ches wide, and 2J inches thick. A niw grove Of oloB(vl redwoed troea baa been discovered iu California, one of which oolipaoi all that Lave been discovered On the pRoiQo coast Its oironmfereneo aa high aa a man can reach standing and passing a tape line around fa only a few inohea leaa than 150 JToet, which ia beyond the meaauremofit of any treo iu the Oala- voraa grove. The height is estima ted at 1 CO feet, and a purt of the top lying on 'the ground ia over 100 feet 1.. . in teugiu, ,i Thb editor of the Ogdon (Ubih) Freeman ertainly desorvea well of ber country and of her sex. We should like to see tho man that could excel this record : "Be it recorded aa part of the history of Utah that a Yir j giniaborn and brod lady came into Utah unacquainted with a single soul, and within a period of six months or . i gatized, established and conducted m tthe Ogdon tYecman, took charge of two infant sons and gave birth to a third."', xn . : - , Tna members of the Geographical . Congresa during their atay in Taria made a trip through the famona aewera of that city. The trip ia an interesting one, and unattended with the disagree able trials which naturally Bnggeat themselves. The Bowers are lighted with oil lamps, and bear the names of the corresponding streets abovo in ia white and blue enameled letters, so that the drainsmen always knows where they are. The voyage ia divided into two parts, one by rail and the other by water. Half of the distance is made in , neat little railway cars, beautifully pol ished and lit np with oil lamps and , globes, which run along rails placed on the curbstones of the drain over which ' yon ride, and whioh are drawn by men on either side. The other half ia made ia barges, also elegantly lighted and ' towed by men. 1 The most trying tea- : tare of the veyago is the want of air, bnt beyond this there is nothing that the ordinary tourist of both eexea can not support without the aid ol ooun teraetiug remedies. The trip loaf about half an hour, and is a sight to be , seen by all foreigners. joi ui no to b'ume iJ.f JoruNAL for tin l. iutti(Jl IIjw Dicuocrntia !rtj is iLc rfflrnt t u'ctwo for us.. gaU lo lie ConrpLtion. It i vji (VJI w UiP C'oLTcLtion wba hltiiitlt't and that the JornAL i rcsjH.u?ibio for it Ilaviug Lear J ILe charge, tbeTarbor fumthirner cornea to our defeuco in t I . 1 1-' T I lav. YtTT liBU.im'lUV rl'. --J " I - 1 able common acnof C wpi that tin. call of a Convention wa a blunder and kill uf the Wnuiiunlou Journal in a - 11 I A oii.aqnene'. mo jorsfAii om nai was right and did i aotv to ii enn- cieneeanii conniry wnru amiu guiho .1 ability. Tho iinwnt cmHtitntnm u uwuiudt.jourptoj.le, eumU'iBonn. xiimive nnd orprr.flv ; it at therefore tb duty ol Uf pri xe hi eon- vmon Ibo ptiblie and our L gil;il"rs il the ntcoityoj atuw.dinft it.i r in did vlmt it as their dov t.i do. "d the Otilv Mlli.d.r Was Ui llay. tiuiuMv aiid hivirtiii.m in c.illing tin nivi'tuiii. t.iDi-iln r with the Mi'iitey Hut uh diapi vo.1 liy our frund" iter ti e cull. Jlu.l tvi rj pr.p. r ao.i rrv deiuoerat .loiio hia duty iu a loanuef liko that of the JoruNAI. we on Id lmvf hwii't the Htate. W honor the JoVunai. for it eour-e and all richt minded Uien aiirio with a. It m u nigh-loui u, roncu ot'Oiif un abtu nt-WFiirfiM-r and never takes a aland that ia autugnuiatio to thelt inUwesta of the whito people of North Carolina. We publish the above first beeaitae we desire to express our sincere thanks to tho .Southerner tot its generoua do fence of onr course, and aocoudly Ih cauao It gives us an opportunity to ay that the JouRKAt. has nothing to take miA i r f , XniAv In itn nnnrkB noon I the OontcDtion quention, aud n-thing to regret bo ve that it did not havo more ability to devote to its disouHaion. It is not out (tesironor w u our P.. iKiae to enter into auy aerimouious dla otiflsiou in regard to the responsibility for our reoont losses, though fully eon aoioiis of the right, wo shall bo all ready to deleud ourselves. Fur rea sons unnecessary to mention, wo were thoroughly convinced that if tho op nortuuity offered by the Democrats streatjth in the proseut Legisluttire, was not takeu advantage of to rescue the eastern oountios from negro rule, tna wuuo peopio in iuoso oouuuv. must make up their niiuds to live under that rule for all tinio to come, Tho JorjitN An therefore exerted itself to the utmost of ils ability to havo the Convention called, auditwai called, We do not, however, claim that this result came from our unaided efforts; for to do so would to moat egregious vauityiu view of the fact that boforo ti,. ..ui j.. w- lUruo-1 oralio press of tho Btato nnitwl with us ..lint; to tho Legislature 10 pass vue uouvenuon oiu peudiutr Uo- .'ora it. All wa deaire to say In ttutt we did all we could to secure the oull of the Convention, and that we shrink from no responsibility arising there- from. t. j uivk i in: NAMi:a. The Augusta Ckrwikla ami Xcntinti thinks that Governor Vance ought to publish tho names "of tho loading men in Biohuioud chiefly rJenators and Beprisentativoa in tho Confederate Congreas" who requested bun to make separate terms with President Lincoln for the submission' of North Carolina to tho Federal Government, ' Ve concur with our Georgia con temporary iu thinking that Governor Vance ought to give to tho puhlio tho namos of the parties i referred to 1 uuless, indeed, his porsonal honor may , be involved by some pledge to seoreoy. Tlitme parties sought to involve N orth Carolina in the humiliation aud dis- graue of first making terms with the enemy, in a word to make her the soape-goat of their own wrong doings, and they onght to be oxpuned. ' Let tlu ir names be given to tho public The CAronica! und Sciitinal Bays : Gov. Vance BtaUni iu speech that after the failure of the Hampton Uoad's Cunfoiouoe ho was visited by Gov. Uiohoni, . them Confederate BUUs Senator from North Carolius, aud re quested to take sto'ps for making aep araio torms with President Lincoln for his State in order thut other States taight be induced to take part in the movement. Gov. Graham stated, that ho oauio aa the represen tative and at the request of a number of the leading men in Biohmond chiefly Sonatora and Representatives in the Confederate Congresa, Upon boing pressed he gave the ; namos of the traitors at the Confederate capital, who had dispatched hiin upon this mission of treaohory. This revelation by Gover nor Vance conveys startling informa tion to the people of the Boutli, but we respectfully submit that they are entitled to know more than Governor Vance has seen fit to tell Ho has given but half the story ; the most important portionr' is yel to' come. Governor Vance pas tuoi told the names of tliose; "loading'', traitors "chiefly Sonatort and1 Representatives in the Confederate Congresa," who wished to desert the Government to which they bad sworn allegiance, and make, separate terms with tho enemy, The people have a right to this infor mation, and Governor Vance cannot justly withhold them. Some of these men may be now the chosen and trust ed leaders of the "people whom they attempted to so foully betray. They should be known of all men, in order that they may be given no further op portunity for treaohory. Justioe, too, to tho true and loyal men in tho Con federate States Senate and House of BepreBontativos, and in the other de partments of the Confederate Govorn- i in; aMtooiati t ahv'ild lie e: ;(-l. An lm g ! tL ciifa'.-ful ren:a b uclnnwu. tb mct fit!Jul may t) n.-ixcted a traitors. ' GoTcraor Tanc ruiiHt iub- ftuntiate tbe riocs; chargo h baa CidA Oita us tli carue of the traitora !" " . p. ii. viioi j it.; l:. Among tlm jonng men of the State vbo voik Iir tbe aucoeM of U I)m- . t - (Lyiratd n.iiiA luiki irml TiLii nmrM .iriMrffV seal aud devotion, My the Ituleigh Siiittnrt tliaa Ih talent n! miitorof Allx'tnurle Tinw, l'atrick II. Wiunton, Jr. lie ul Ak toigti aud nrti iu the serviiM of hia party, uul hit mrt- try.' While not engaged iu etlitm iat woik, Iih wah oat upon tho tuui, nt- ouaiug the ptxiplu t.i tli duty of tlie Umr. Ilo rcudred Eldef I Hsriell UiONt nilVetiVi aid ill Jimvaiwiliiij Wu tiu county, aud achieving the brit iatit Conservative victory whicU wa.i gained I.F.T tiTKHV llh DIK IUI III. 4. ins !'. ' The Convention will ukh.-4 iil leigh at VI on Mouday tl- alt l f tVpt-niler, Bod it behooves rvory tl. Ui- ivoru'ic il' l. Kate to be rit-ut at thn' hoar with hw emkntial. .. t : ; The organizatiou ul the Convention la of the very greatest importance olid to seouro control of it with our small i majority, every doruoCTStie delegate muBt proaont The abaence of any one of tr)em m,y uauBe unlou M;i . - l" t7 dele- gate. Let it not be said that our wg- ligesoe eued ns toloeetwp others. It , ,. i n L, hAa to prevent the delegates from Bobeaou from taking their scats. Wo aro fore warned ol 'his aud to be forewarned is to bo foroar uiod, ! Not only tbe good of the party and M .' tn9 8tat. bnt w"' personal reputation as well, demauda tilat each democratic delegate Bhould bo prow.nt witll uiB cJrtiflofti of else tion whu tll. Convention shall be cul le(j to oraur 0ft the Hh of eptember, L i j j The talf ftrtora towtf saya Profess 0r Uuuiuer, of Yale College, is out with thu lts iout(ibutioAao& "The noholar iu Tolitios?' and very perti- nently aka41iav'ut we had about euougb.of f this talk? 'Ths C)eotle- I mau a rolilioa and "The'.Bohblaria Polititis" aro all very well it is prop er uey iuuuiu www v . . this olosB diatinction? Oive us some thing about the common people in pol Hies, Politics should know no slssi distinction. In aBopublio like ours it ia a duty inonmbeut , upon every man to take part in the work of govern meut, aud those who ' hold aloof be cause polities are dirty, or buoaus8 they are rudely jostled by the iMiliti oians of low degree, aro not good oif izoua. We should like to see all the ways of poliiios ploaHant and their paths poooo; but they are not, ; and we fear never will bo. Bat the fastid ious people who write to the Nation and the Evening Joat, . and Spring field lif bublivan aud are always iu fa vor of some of the Adams family, aud nobody elBO, have duties of citizen ship to perform just - the same, and they aro reprehensible for not doing them in proportion to their wiedom. Let ' us have ' a little lesa consulta tion of personal tastes aud pleasure, and a littlo moro work. Hardware, Iron and Steel! K fnlt fawortmeM of Pockat and TaUla Cutlery ol rvery dunorlpllon. SCYTHES, FISH'.HQOKS & LINES! Alt kln.U of Tools, etc. Prlcoi rottuood at ANathM Jaoobl's JQABOWABE DEPOT. RIMS, HUBS AND SPOKES AjIm, Bprlnp, Oooch Trimmlngii, eta. A well Meoua uteo or Carriage and Wmm Meli-rliiHia the lowt iirlomi. ' All onlara by null prumit ly fllled, and tatia iHctuin guarautued. NathanlelJacobl, HARDWAKH DKTOT, SASH, OOORsTaND BUNDS. Manufacturer,' Ageucj. fair prlnea Order Slled at PAINTX, OILS AND GLASS, VABNI8HK8 to., at NATHANIEL JAGOBI, HARDWARE DEPOT, NO, It MAXCKKT ST. ang GREEN A FLANNER, WBOLBRALS AMD BITAIL DXtLKR IS DRUGS, MEDICINES, TOILET ARTICLES. ALCOHOL. TCKNir BKifD oT every variety. For aalu low by - QKKES A PLANNER aag 15 J AM every day expecting aa Jnvoloe of . t NEW FALL GOODS and In order to make room for Ui aame, am ndaoed to make ttltl freater aaerlttoea to dis pose of tha balance ef aay amner atoek.'a ' ' . Alpacas and Linens old without reserve. ' augU A. OAVIV. L JjAcoml J I AXE. J THE ATLANTIC liUTKL beaufort; n. o. y'.''''!-!- 'V ''SSSS, . . 4:-. immririnmmm 4 V.- w a j V 4, -: t : " : ... ilHH ABOVK L lt sumniur si. May let Mlllinu In Admit (ICADMt. f : . ! NO DUST I NO FLIES II BMI.ll.a. a-attaArtfth. Mm i urn 11 nil wHi iiiivumiui.i'-. All W H mMMvm tw liofttt, fMt MtiUig well niftngnl.fur X lt aumiuar b tu. new Lit thu inuhmUl wnt n.ny l. NC-IIICS, FISHING PARTIES, MOONLIGHT SAILS, and vlaltlsft- l-olnrji or ;ii.raf nn in. v r, Tim uliuiott IVlKfiB u ij.H .. .. . . a. ..,.., ,..l.llll T(kl Mill Mill A!.4.....r- flnUim hlBuwlllHM bin uiuni.Hii itf. .- " . . .. n.r i. i. iifir., t.fli I., lib. .fieri to..., ...y Hi... . i be rlWly euroreod auS ua Ul ooroiori l wnwi TsriMB : 2. m pe' ot firet wcek r Brlsl ctutracf. nia.ie with r.illW and Wr. 01illuru iiu ieriaiiiJ nun trice. t maylil -d&w tf. COLDSBORO, N.C. M. FKTTKlt, A.M., Prof. AuClout unJ Mixl- rn nHiiguge. IS. W. AUAaSA.ni x-rui. MatUcmttlCi. Tbe 'laird term of this limlliu. lion will beRlH on Hlelr Au. 'J, su4 on fllouday, Dci 40 IblS, THIS Hcbool IttltttAtad In Uie lownoi nuiue bora (ia 0uwe ol four Rilr.iilH), and w p.rei.U hair KOlTnmiW"im(( (uniuliiie oonntrle or In tho Kaatern nortlon ut the stata. The loontloa I healthy, and mi rnre .!' tleka-M heed be enterulnuil by uareutt ending their aoua to lute plttou, aa uut a alugleeaiw of aeihiue lllnens uocur re.1 In the Suhool during the iiaal i liulalio tear. .Ha patent, tberelore, cun rraMilialily e ileteired rruai traiuatng till 8. liw.l n tho II.. it lii..all lit Hutu ..I IllM IliriAtlnA. Pmlemor K. W. Adauia, who ban vharite ivf the MitilivmallAal l)oprtmont, u an aiiuuiiua of Handoliih Maouu Oollege, aud hue len a (UOi.MMIiil U :lier or youtli ur many yoarn. -The nourw of Inotruotkm la Bound, tlnfiiugh aii'l eitenaiTe and neekn Ui iIut o) and Iniitme the aientl powera or Oie piiplla by training Ihoni Iotiiimi, and by touching tbem the right uae or tbe iaraltlot with which Uod haa on dowel Ihein. : the l Mallueof Ilia School, while It I mllti AndwetitMl,euroreM the duty ol oUcdloi.co toefery rvleaud regutailon. Aa Inmibor.llna tionaiiil dieordorly oomluotaro wholly llicoiu iiellbU with eeholaatio tralnlnii ana m.eilal iimgrew, uu hoy who te tnduiiewd to liniirovx ilia time or to an injury to JUlu liilluwn, will bo retaliiwtln the School. 1 Moral and lellgloua Inatrnotton raceWes a duo aha'eol' attention ami oonaUleratUiu i ror an te tbe heart and ouunoleuoe lie iiulruoted and enliKhtei.d, mere eecular learning will avail bnt little In the lurmatlon ol' a oorrect and ui.rlght oharactor. Tbe lour religious bodies being waU repre attiiUnl In thin lac, oery boanlor la allowed to atiead tiiat uhurch on Huuday whloh bl pa runt nay dnsignaie. ThU wtili and preterenne of the parent will be strictly obeerTud, a noth ing .if a reotariao character i oountunaiicod In IheMcliool. Buye are prepared for advanoe.1 claAjoi In Uollrgx or Tor the not I re bunincM of llfo. The baluling. hitlierto known an the "re main College " haa Inwn ixured by Uie Prlnol pal, and will hereat'uir be tued aa a aobeot tor boy Oeadly weapon!, Intoxicating arlnkt, piofun Hy ami every aiNiclee ol gainullng are mrlolly prohililtl. Terms, per Session of 20 Weeks HAlilT IN AHVANUr-BALANCH ON riK8TOPOOTOBBR. Tuition for iwlmar- department ""SIB 00 i. .. Hlgh.r Knglixh to tu Advanced clainoa, with AUe bra.etc W 90 Advanoed olaiaea wllh lttln. SO no " " and with Latin ami (irwik. M UU Qerman, French, aud book-keeping, uaoh i extra.... S on Hoard, iiiolndilig fuel and light.. ,. 73 00 Incidental expeuaoe. , 3 1X1 Each .Indent will luniloh. fur hit own tue. a pair of l.laiikotn, a tirof KhecU, a pair ot pll lowoaaef and bin towela Ne deduction from I'uitlouand Board In cane of dlamtiwton or withdrawal, and only Iu caeea of protraoted alckneaa. rot lurlher partlonlara, addrew M. FETTER, Principal, 'atyZe-rfAwlf tlOf.rvHBiiKO, N. C S4 M Carolina HoMoli Maiazii,. AN tLI.USTRATKU MUNTULVt. '. chulne Litorature, will be luaaed from tin ioi.oh. b.iMO MrtBnuaK OvetOM oommeuctng with January, U1S, The ttrat number will b ready for mailing by December 16th, and the perlod loal will be published eaoh auoceedlng month thereafter without inlerrnption. Mo advan tage will be neglected wdioh either talent or capital can eommand to render each uwue an agreeable and luetructive compendium ot ouolce reading, by popular writer,, batb home anu anroaa. The Carolina Household Matazine wilt be a large 38-page, eighty-rout colaain monthly, handmmely printed on tintett book paper and beautifully Illustrated, it U thoroughly aonttern enterpriee and Ita aaoeeN. la already fully amured. Tbe publiaher ueaue to make it a Smt-elaM monthly, that, onee in troduced In the family circle, I, aura to be eagerly watched for and carefully preeerved. lU-POHTKAlX O Al.LEKV" will prove an attractive feature. Tbe January number will contain a Ute-like pioture of EX-GO V. Z. B. VANCE, - and blotraplilcal aketch, an be fnllowed In each (uoceedlng onmber with pbotograuh, ot ether prouiine.il atateeiuen, divine,, Ac ON LY TWO UOLLASS A TKA K and each aubecrilier can make a cholee ot Tbhsb most naAOTiruL.LAttoa Kau&, vman, lie of each M i 30 inches, via: "The Finding avtour lu the Temple," "Tbe Madoif na,".r-KB9gLear Defying the Storm." lor. warded on receli.t of the ubaorlptlon prioe. Biiner w me Hiigravinga ia worth double tha price aakwd for the atagailne. SW Any oneaeuding a club of flv. will re oeiveaii eitrasubecriptiou Iroo, Slnt,.eeoiM. iMuoulx, free by mail. Six montlia aubaor.u. tlou, wi-hoiit the Kngraviiig, SI, ta Wanted Everywhere. JULIUS A. BuMl ,, j-ebTiVbor. Hohtnliiii N O. J J - m m. '11 ... ... NO MOSQUITOES 111 - ,! JaM ' nlihtl . UESTACBA NT of the ui.-I.t- 1 h kiln iniulnd of ( tl;f r tiartlia ,-.,, ..r I iaiivv rrir hii'. in no .i.h.vi . . ""'.v". .".T.iu. .Wuium will r'nS. " " - mi. I 1-60 l'er day fr BCCOn ' ExcurnUioUtA. MbcrAl redaction to tarly !!- , : . . i GEO. W. CnAttLOTTIrroprier. Southern Illustrated 'l j AgeS! ' ;;fBALEiqH,J?.i O.::4;:'.:V THB tlNI.Y IliliUeTKATKU .WKKK'l.V i. th rtnutli.. Kiulit wiirm. Kiirtv c-4- utnua. i;oniainmg muru rr k .umn', w auv weekly publlKiiod In tlio Hiiuiln-rn Mian-a. I heflrat nnler of the KtlU'J HKKN ILr USTUATKU AtiK will be iwuiduu Naiar4 . tli Hay of Juno, IS?. The Publinher Intend, making It an 111 ua rt.i runird ol the tlmo. It willtieatof evtry tai.in. Pulitieal. Uulorlcal. LiU'ary, and Scientltio, which to of current Intcriht, aim HiYtfttW i'.eP' iUuitraUoiiathat canbeoblaincd, The rtOUTHKKN U.I.UWVUAIK.II A (l P. will l.eurliited on n"W lyi'e, and heavy book On Ita Hat of contributor will bo fniinq the namcaot many ot the hen wrttoialn thu Smith Nurlat and nhrt storlr. nocnn and nki'tchc and woll coi duotod editorial department, giv ing tho lal.i-t iiemnnnl, literary, wlnntllla, lltlval ruHjlom and eomuioreial -tntllig.inco, will I'urntoh every wck an anuMitit of rvHtling matter iiin.urwu'MXI livotiiir uai era. In exc-1- lenoo and variety. It ii intended to mute the KOti'l HERN ll,t,US I'KA I EI) A(l K a lnur- nal for the Ureal. le ; nevornl oolunuiR will tie ei-eelally devoUal to all AubjecU pecniluing to iloint'Mic anu kicihi l ie. ; Mu lami v aliould be wlthnrit It. Mulmcriptlon price only Pi tor anntiui. foet- T "ii. T. FULGHUM, Editor,' juue 8 i ' tf TimtJJry tax ttooKHFoitiHiMi vino a been reoaived at thlooftlco. the un.lort.len- hd to now pruparod to collect tbo Ully Tx' on twel Mute and personal property lor ma. ALL PARTIES I r Are therefore notlflel and reqnested to ctve thm matter Inimediate attention, aud to call at thto offloe and pay np without rurtuor aeiay. City Coupons Arl also receivable In paymont of t!lty Thx.ih THE RALEIGH NEWS DAILY AND WEEKLY THE . NEWS ruELIsiiiNG CO. D".' y'SoK'oOTT. attdnaa, Af tha IVn.aM.aHwa nartv. tha .tawal auoceaf of the Onnaervatlve party, the devvl opmont of the bidden wealth of the State, the inviting emigration into our nnant, and ait. van cement of the welfare of our people In state pro,, evcryming mat aurve, to make a out and Independent IU ADVERTISING COLUMNS will be found of irroat advantage, a both the Daily and Weekly oircnlat. largely In every puru.in 01 uie 9 va to. oaies inoueraus SDP80UIPTION HATK8: Oally, One Tear 5 nn " S MontlK .- 3 00 Weoklj-One Year (H) dt'H i. (;amfk"N, rditor. JOllKAN STOKS, nclatc Kdltiir K. O. WOODSON, Locol Editor IN BTORB AND AKKIVINO BY KVKBY Steamer a full aupply and large atwirtrnent of . Ktila, Hlii(;n,, Screw,, Window FH,tntngi, Blind HitigtM, and Kt"ln(t, Well Backet. Klxttircp, Purai s, and alt kinds 0' llardwaro ncd around a house or Int., all lor aalo low by augl OII.KS Hi MUKUHIHON. j Tlte "Vifg-inlai BUFFALO SPRINGS, :Mocklonbur County, Virginia. , THE GREAT .MEDICINAL WATER OF'THE SOUTH. OPEN 20th MAY, 1875. Theae water, are pomwxeed of ext,ranrdlna:y Curative power, luali.-ottotiK of the KIDNKYS and BLADDKK, in all derangiininnli. of tin B1LIAKY OKUANS Incident to warm miaa matlo region,, In Dyspejsla, la DIs. eases 'peculiar to Women, m Chronic. Intermittent i wemif tent Fovore, m Chronic Gonorr hea a., Secondary Syphilis. Cloet ao.i all diMH. ot ihu Cenital Orleans, andlneome farm, of Coutand Rheuma tism. Their remarkable power and viboacy In Hie dlaearea indicated aro vouched fur by omeot'the moat dirtlngiiliibed imwlical nin or the country, both North and South, an well aaby reported caeo, from tlio ing.-l uminea tiooablH Miircra. TeHlmonlal, In Paiui.hlet form furniiibed on application. THE WA TKIt FOB BALK. -3'he water I, put up in easel of on do,en half gallon Hot tlx at 6 per cane. Route to the Springs for the ISouth: iiy wayol the Hioniuond and Atlanta Ah-Line KailroKil to Hootuburg l..(wt in liHlllai county, Virginia, where all train, are met by coed. aBprl igalg mlle,diitaiit XMOJa-ABlf. OOODK, froprletor. EHIITISa raEW YORK AUD BOCTON LIHEC Wilmington, N. C. Fnst Frc ht Route to al! Po North or" South. : liev Your and Wiliniiigton Ste 1,1 iiuj ! i.JuiUig frow M)W VOUK, VKL'NtDAy mi .-ialti:lAy nt M., and from WIUtl.NCuON, W KDN BOSTON AND Sew York mul W 11 minion ' tciiaishJp Company, OLD COLONY RAILROAD AND STEAMERS. ; Dally Botwcon BOSTON and NEW YORKi 'i - 1 Semi-Wc ek N I ..v (vm, ijjsw YOBK anil WILMINGTON. ' I vdM.i 4uii j from each Port, i : f ' , o ' ; ' ; . : KliltifHir Kifty ril nin ttie rroni4nd revclkr mlltti nf ihran airan.ra nnikiii Peirvon tuallUiBiBUliy lliu tonlu. WILMIN01'ON,(;Ol.rMIA A ArOl'STA AlI,K()Ar. WIl.MlMiTON AWKUIOM KAII.KOAT), ' ' 'A - ! ... , XUUCAUoLINAUKNXKALHAII.WAV. ,.km-k , ........... .AAh'YKUailAMKKB - ".... u ui iwiiu, NORTII and HOUTII CAEOLINAj GEOKGIA and ALABAMA. J Alao to NEW YOIiK, BOSTON. riiOVTDENCE, FALL ElVEli and other Fdnrorfi (""if a u.. . guarantwd a low aa by auv other v " promptly paid. : , ' , . Mark nil Goods via Clyde's Wilmington; Line. For further Information apply to either ol the undeiaigned AgenU of tbe Une. IJ. 1). U. MINK, . ' Ueiiprnl Kaxtrrn Agent, 211 ilerunehlre Street, llnaton. Baltimore anS SontL'em Sin Tusirlati CBiaiiy. yin vvjiaixrs'fcj'xoiv, xv.'o. .r, 1 FAST tPREIQHT ROUTE To all Points North or South. BALTIMORE. Baltimore and Wilniington Line, ajull.WIUKlT. . -SAILING FROM BAI.TIMOIiE-i Tuesday & Friday, at 3 P. M. . -AND FltOM W1LM1NOTON J Wednesday & Saturday," BOSTON AND PROVIDENCE. . Baltimore aud Wilmington Lino, Baltimore, Boston and I rovldence Line, Or via Canal Pally to Philadelphia and Clyde'! Philadelphia and Prcvidei.ce Line. ' Semi-Weekly from aaeh port. S,h,llr'yr",?nl,t 'nopronipt andreiilaraallln of there Bleamers, and ouUkdli. patch given to all Bhipmenta by thin route. NO DELAYS ' ' ' Through Bill" of Lading NORTH and SOUTH CAROLINA, GEORGIA and ALABAMA . Q:Z lJ2 1U1L'U)ELPniA' B03T0N- PROVIDENCE, and OUH X JidtMOrn LiltlCS. Mark all Ooods vlallaltlniore and Wilmington Line. tr For further Information apply to either EDWIN FITZGERALD. Agont, Baltimore Liu, , iM ijoutU btreeirUaitii .ttimore. march lt-tt NOT1UJLU. Carolina Central Railway, GENERAL FREIGHT DEPARTMENT, ) Wn.MiNOTONkaroh3ist, 1875. ) TIIK ATTENTION OF TMK PUBLIC IH RRSPROTFULLT INVITlCI T(l th R tact that the Carolina Antral Hallway, being completed and fully equtppod ror onilnees niter,-with ilf connection, nt Wilmington, both via direct Steamer lnewaiifvlaWdontn ro.u'Uiiill.ll, io minmiiro. 1'niiii. e l.lllll. New York. Knarnn a n.l Ity lor handling Bhlpnitiite from , ' " .TTTTTrT WILMINCTOM AND ALL EASTERN CITIES To'xr.AR. LOTTE, STATESVILLEj CRCENVILLE.' SPARTAN- BURC ami all atatlon, on Atlantic, Tpni.,KW)o Ohio, AUai.lic and Klohmond Air Una aud North Oarohii Kailroad, a, well aa all point, in (IKOBtllA and ALABAMA. ' Jnaaranoe Horn KHalern ol th gnai fntocd a, low m via any other line. No terminal or trans fer charge, and ltul.-a Hi tt ay a ua low aa the lowest. , llauowndding!' W 018 u4,,llnt'1- Office In Bank of New april 3 m-y Real Estate Auction. M. CRONLY, Auctionoor.. BY ( R0XLT & M0IIPJS. Hy virtue of a mortgage executed by William K' Bam and wile, the Aieohanlc Bui iling and Loan Awoulation will unit, lor caah, at public auction, at Kxchnngti Comer, on Monday, the 13th of Septerader, at 11 o'clock, that lot wllh dwelling Ilium; and all neoeartiry uut bourn aitiiated a, follow,: . . Beginning In th, N. line of Ked Crow street, to teet W. from its Intersection with the W. line ol Fourth "foot and miming thanoe W. with midline of Ked Cross street M loot, thence N. iwrallel with Kourth street. 1:12 feet, thence K. parallel with Ked Cross street b& tcet and thence M. parallel with Fourth street Ml fdet to the beginning. auifAWf 2 QQQ BtuheU Corn, ' 1,000 Bushels Oats, f 500 Bales Hav, Water-Ground Meal, Hominy, Pork, Bran, Crack Corn, Flour, etc , For sale low by GHANTAHLNTON, , " O lion Uerchats and Urooon.. ang S dot - - rX !AX arAi'Vi'til! A i FALL HiVEK.: ! NO DELAYS. Coauoetlag at WUailagUia k'tou w m uwni mi roiuu ill route and lima aa nnlk t. . ......... """"" vv-g WM. t. OI.YDR ft 0.,Oeneral Agenti,' New ork l.ioa, a Howling lireen, N V. A. D.CAZAUX, Agent: J PHILADELPHIA Baltimore antlj fUitn Line. i-wiKKi,T aarwaaa . BALnnuKBANO WILMINUTUN. Baltimore and JPhrtadelphla Steamboat Oo. . DsiIy via Canal between " , IBALTIMOKB AND PUILADELIUIA. tiWESTERN CITIES. BALTIMOnB Ar '.VILM1NQTON IJNB ' Northern Central Kaiboad' AMD TUB Baltimore and Ohio Uallroad. given to and from all Points In quick. Loeae, or overcharge of tho undersigned Agent of tha Line, A. D. CAZAUX. Af ent, Baltimore anu New York Lines . ...... WtLMHIUTOa. N.C. t r.il.l ...... . . , tieneral rrelght Agent. Misa AngeL ' ANovel, By M. Thackeray, Author of "(Id Kensington," "Tha Village of the Cliff " 'Bluebeard', Keys," eto. With illustration Paver, 78 oente. ,...,, , Alice Lorraine, A 'I ale of the South Down,. By K. . Black mora. Anthorof "Oradonk Naii. i.u.i.i,j .ker,"ete. Paper, T8 oeuta. , The Piedmont Press HICKORY, N. C-. 7 Ii tha only paper published In Catawba county, and haa an extensive circulation among Merchant,, Farmer,, and all claaseeor bu,l. ness men ia the Bute. The Paaaa is a live, wide-awake Democratic ier, and It a dealra. ble medium tor advertising In Western North Carolina. Liberal terms allows on vearlv ad vertlKements. HnbMi tpt.lon S3 la ad vanne a S3 la advance. ATOMI.1NHIIW . Address , . t MUii.u YUMLINMON, Kditora andProprletort march ,4-5 PIANCS, tirgan, and Chromos for sale for rash or on the easy mouthl instalment easy mouthly instalmenl plan at HK1N8BKBOIR-8 ' lve Book and Maaostqrs, ' an 1

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