9?L hi 'h u ;l I: u IU J A i 111 70L. XXIV. HO. 2 7 WILimiGTOII. IT. ..C. TUESDAY. AUGUST, 31 1375 7H0LE 110. G.G71 flif'llniln Souninl. WILMINGTON. N. O. : TUESDAY, AUGUST 31, 1875. THE AMERICAN - RIFLE TEAM - SPINNERS' FINANCIAL VIEWS Nsw Tobk, Anpr. SO. Tho Retain too diamond badge was ooutfstej fur at Creodmoore to-uay, and u won by L. L. Hebura aud Mai. Fultou of the American Team, both scoring OH. At 1000 yards lit burn made the Ligu , i eat score and was declared Ilia winner. '- i The badge was presented by Maj. Ful ton. . Among the ooutestauts were Q. A. Tale, A N. Canfteld. and L. 13. Bal lard of t be Amerioan Team. Utioa, Aug. 30. Qoneral Spinner, . on being iuterriewed, expressed hiin- i aslf freely on the finanoial question, tad gave his theory as that of an iu controvertible bond bearing interest at the rate of 3 63-100 per ceut. Nut Judge Kelly's paper bond, b t oue bearing interest iu gold, aud capable of being honorably and easily aubitti tuted for our preaent Government G's. lie denied being au inflationist iu auy aeuse of the word, but said that n the other hand he was no bnllioDist, and agreed with nobody who dosoribes aud - derides our present ourrvucy as a , "rag" money currency. He aacrtbod " th apparent nupopularity of such a bond to the efforts of the bauka to be cloud and deceive the people with rc- gard to its purpose and . effects. But be predicted a time when thai reasous i and i their1 false promises would be ' ' ' thoroughly understood, aud tho people wonld take the matter into their own hands, and domaud legialution that . was in their interest. Tho efloot of such a bond as this, General Spinner gaid, had been studied out by liiiniu all its ramifications, and he was not only oonvinoed that it was a safe and , wise measure for Congress to euaot, ,1 bat that it was the only one pns ible - - whereby to aohleve a stable, equitable aud permanent financial ba aa for the ' Government. He did not believe that there was mnoh significance iu the at titude of the two politioal parties in Ohio on the financial question, neither of them understanding what they were quarrelling about, and each was trying to threw more dust than the other. HEADQUARTERS; WASHINGTON NEWS. HEAVY RAINFALL-DAMAGE TO .r . REAL ESTATE. . T X& GOVERNMENT AND THE1 -CALIFORNIA CRISIS. THE I H ,v YELLOW FEVER. Washington, Aug. 30. There was a Terr heavy rain storm here to day, 2.08 inches of rain having fallen. Considerable damage was done to property all over the city, specially on Pennsylvania avenue. Wahhinton Aug 30. Several appli cations for the transfer of gold from aw York to Sau ffrauoisoo bus boon declined. The Government has used a considerable amount of Gold recent--' ly purchasing Silver. There is no probability that the Treasurer will make any additional transfers. The Treasurer And express companies have agreed upon 37 cents per thousand dollars for transporting National Bank 1 ' notes. The Surgeon General received the following from General Branner at Fort Barrancas to-day two new oases yellow . fever from Fort Pickets one Saturday one yesterday. Troops were moved into eamp outside of the fort last night. The Navy Department at advices from Rear-Admiral Wordeu that the insult to the Consul at Tripoli was amply atoned and satiafaotorially , tattled. .T . The National Bank examiner has been despatched to San Frauoisco to al Gold Bank and Trust Company. Half a million of legal tenders were destroyed, boiug 80 per cent, of the National Bank notes Issued this month, tTtie oolleotors a-o instructed that af ter the 1st proximo no survey of dis illeries will be mads oxo.ipt with the x aid of an assistant specially designated by the Commissioner. CALIFORNIA, THE FAILURE OF THE BANK OF CALIFORNIA ADDITIONAL ''. PARTICULARS. , San Frahomoo, Aug. 30. Although the Directors of the Bank of California, as a Board, have persistently refused to make public any of their proceed ings to;aay, some facts have been ob tained from individual members in re lation to the calamity whioh has over taken Ralston. The Board have to day declined to make publio any dis covery whioh they have made until after the funeral, when startling dis closures are promised. . It.bas been admitted by a member that they would not have asked Ral ston's resignation, if foots regarding the mismanagement of the bank had not come to light. The Board were unanimous in demanding Balaton's resignation. It was also admitted that the bonk would not be able to pay de positors more than 80 per cout. The gentlemen interviewed were disposed to bo very reticent, but the above : statements can be relied on. Except in Los AngoloR, where all the bauks are suspended, the Bank of California's failure does not appear to have affected the interior. The fkaminer (Democratic organ of the city), referring editorially to the efforts of the "Ring" journals to charge certain independent newspapers with responsibility for the recent financial (roubles, on aooountof their criticism of the course and oonduot of Mr. Ral; ston, says : " "We do not believe these assaults on Mr. Balaton and bis contemplated schemes caused the suspension of the Rank of California. That oouoern was wrongly oouducted, and it has reached the conclusion which befalls all mis managed institutions of like charac ter." Sax Francisco, August 3(1. The Mechanics' Exchange liauk did not open to-day in violation of a positive assurance on the part of the Sec retary. The Ollloers are apparently less confident of an immediate re sumption. The National Gold and Trust company is still closed. The Officers are unable to state when they will resume, but say tha outlook if favorable. ) San t'KANCwoo, August 30. A num ber of cases are reported to-day iu which tho commercial paper has gons to protest in some instauoea, on promi ineut firms, but no disposition should take any aotiou.ou the protects or push the endorsors. . In the majority of the cafes the notes have been partially paid and reuewed, MASSACHUSETTS. DISTRESSING AFFAIR IN IIOP KINTON. Boston, August 30. Yesterday at (lopkintou, twenty miles from Boston, a boy named Morris Ryan, aged lfl years,startea dowu stairs with a loaded gun, intending to shoot a Cat, when his sister Mary, agod 15 years, who desired to save the cat's life, caught her brother by the shoulder to pull him back. At the same raommit two other younger sifters came to the head of the stairs. In a scnIHe be tween Mary and Morris tho gun went off, kiliing Mary nud oue of the other sinters. Tho third sister was wounded in the arm and Morris was w.mudud in the leg. . . ; Boston, August .10. The bark Witch, from Singapore reports Angust 20, boarded from Schooner W. T. Byrne 11 days from Norfork who re ported having experienced a heavy southeast gale on tho lHUl in the gulf Stream, iu which she lost her jibboou, foremant, bonnet aud p' rt of her dock load, aud started several chain bolts. KENTUCKY. CONVENTION AMONG THE CATH OLICS OF LOUISVILLE. Louisville, Aug. 30. Within the East week considerable commotion has cen created ainoug the Catholic clergy and layity of the Diocese of Louisville, growing out of the leraovtl by Bishop McCloskey, of Rov. Father Box, pas tor of St. John's, of Louisville, aud his transfer to Bowling Greon, iu place of Father Do Vriea, who was ordered to Hardenburg. Fattier De Vries re fused to go, and , appealed to Rome, which aotiou, and other circumstances of a rebellious character connected with removals, oaused Bishop Mo donkey to deputize Very Rer. Father Blandet,Vioar-Generat, and Very Rev. Father Dunn, Chauoellor, to proceed to Rome for the purpose of represent ing him. St. John's congregation made au appeal to the Btsbop to res cind the order, but without effect. In order to allay what threatened to be come a public scandal, Bishop Mo Closkey concluded, although ooutrary to usage, to explain matters from the pulpit, dafunding hia notion, aud giv lug as a reason for the removal, that the pastor had refused to furnish the yearly report of the ilnuucial condition of his parish. FOREIGN MISCELLANY. J Vienna, Aug. 30. Three battalions of the Turkish expedition whioh lauded at Kleck, have reached Mastnr, the capitok of Herzegoviuia, , They met with no opposition on the maroh. Four thousand Servians have euterud Turkish Territory aud eucamped at Novi, where they have seized the tele graph lines. B inds of Serviaus have appeared in the Balkar Mountains en deavoring to incite the Bulgarians to rise against the forte. London, Aug. 30. The Berlin cor respondent of the ' Times telegraphs jNortneru uosnia uas loiued in ne re volt against the Port. Tun in.surgcuta of Uerzegovinia have established a national government. Montouegro aud bcrvia are actively preparing fur war. The official press of Montenegro dues not conceal its sympathy with the movement. Late advices from tho Government Polar expedition have been received from West Greenland. The Alert aud Discovery have arrived at Disoo after a good trip. Preparations have been made for pushing on as far north as possible. RoMH.Aug. 30. Gen. Garibaldi is at his home in Capreni. confined to his bed by Illness, resulting from over work on his scheme for the improve ment of the Tiber. ,.,.,....... DunLiN, Aug. 80. The Popo has conferred the Grand Cross of the Order of St. Gregory on the Lord Mayor of Dublin. WJM VIRGINIA. DEATH OF GENERAL A. J. PAR- ;..;. '.MIL.,!, i Gbeenbbieb White Sulphur Si'binos Aug 308. p. m. General A. J. Parmel State Seuator from the Whoeling district and Chairman t the State Democratic Executive Commit tee, fell dead at noon to-day of heart disease while standing in his oottagi , ELECTRIC1SMS. ''. John S. Gazon, President of tho Buffalo & Erie Bank, died yesterday, oged 73. ' , At Jersey City yesterday, a factory of gun cotton aud chemicals spontane ously exploded. James Dunn, a Catholic, and Robt Coulter, a Protestant, had a floated re ligions disoussion at Oolumbns, Ohio, yesterday, during which Coulter shut Dnnu fatally and escaped. The Atlantic Mills, at Lawrence, Mass., resumed work yesterday, after seven weeks' idloneaa, A duel took place at Waoo, Texas, laat night, iu the dark, between Chaa. Oarriok and John M. Turner, at a dis tance of four f'tt, with sit shooters. Three shots were fired aud Turner was killed. Seventeen tramps were looked up at Elisabeth, N. J., Friday. They threatened vengeance, and burned three house Sunday, Capt Green Walden, of tha Revenue Marin, died yesterday at Portland, flfpi 79 year. At Montreal, last week, fourteen dry good firms wore compelled to make arrfli'Keiueut with their creditors for an extension of time. Six bnaioeM honsns wore totally burned at New Roohelle, N. Y., yester day morning, entailing a loaa of about $30,000. Iitauritnce small - KOtt rii CAROLINA. DEATH OF MAYOR J.H. SEPARKS, OF RALEIGH. Raleigh, August 3a Mayor J. H. Separks of this city died tm moruiug of pneumonia and erysipelas, after a brief illness. He was esteemed by all parties,audhi8 death briog a shock to he community. Funeral will take o-morrow. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A Trlnmph vr llambiiB'. Tin coualaut gu In popuUrily f Ilin national l.iiMicly Mid vrwuiitlvv, lliMUilUr'n hiuuimh Illllorn, autl til" rpid dtv'llue uf fliu fiTliu nlcd .ml unuauiHM ivMifhh tillT htiliSim'd up by lalw U uiktiih cry, rxmuplliU km.i1 triumph of gvnuliH luorit over rampant humling, .t wbli h IiuihmI folk rc)oioi. And well llipy nia ; fiw tuub Mctwiua at iiHilarity to rim.ily wlilch con. .nil pruvtuila liiwruilttetit .nS rrniHteiit h-voni, ilynui-iwla, ron.llp.lluu, llvor unliipl.lun, urln.ry UoublM, BU-rtira tkiM .ml (tMiur.l It'liMlly. wkli-n tlif Uirtil of It bouvAcWut opt)riitlon. and I. a diruvt gain to humanity, wutltt vwy Ullliif oil In imbtli (avoriif a,i-nilcloii.t!HiiMHinil, miw- till for evil, I. a IiUmmiiii; quila a. uuiuli.lnL.lilo, liutlur a rnuiou wry dlUweut, U-t liuuimiK tor min- hHI It. dtiiitnlohtnl luiad. Wuuld It wan al wuy. nuMiccutalul aa lu the prwwut lu.laut. The Hovel of the Season I CHRISTIAN REID'S , "A QUESTION OF H0N0B." "A que.llonof Houor, by Uhrlatlan Kolij, li pi .Iku by Um pr. aa a urk blfltiy inxliUMs ut aniuriiaa liturainr. Tha .ulijultiid . tract, ara Imiu tery latarabU orlUouata: from (Ac rklUdilphia freu. "A new wuk ot SoUoa by Uhrlatlaa Raid I. laaj.aoceptabl . . i 'A QuaaUuu ul Houur,' ua.ujiyol SuuUiarn awlely, wlllia woil.oou tiucteoaaa w.ll-autJu4 plot, awl wlU a Suit)! whioh wUl ba naiiUoiiMteit by mu.1 ruulara-" From Iht Ife Bae Myiittr' , "Aa aimlrably-told itory, tail of Inrklant aa plot, that at la no rwpect ovratrln.S , aad uarrylugkaMtiM Intarnt aatha tbr.aU. o( Ui urrau ara outi( au sail Jolnml to -gothr-M From tlu Louitvilh Ctmitr'Journal. "Tlie.ioryl a oharmlng ods, and la fully wuriuy ot the author', rciiutatloa; liul.ad.it nai a icurmi to u. me paw ana nuuieai iu that aha ha. yel wrlltou." - t' ' ' ;, . From (A BotUm Glvbt. t " Kxqul.itcly olear la ityls and aletaMd hi ton., awl ia vorta aiora taaa sua oar.Iui read ing." .... i From tlu Utica Ueratd, "Tha author baa wrought with ear, and with a good ethical aud artlntio 'purpoaa, and thcM aiathe ..Miittal neadi lu tha building op or au Amancau lit.ralure." From Ikt Bolton Gairttt. A. a cauUibutUut ta Amvttoaa ftlatlon, A Quualionof liouor,' will inur.th.il maintain tha alraady sarlabui rspatatiaa ol IU author," , ; Frm Ik Bfil OnrUr. The author or 'Va.rl. Aylmer' la one of Uia niMt Husceaifut of tbona who hare triad to eou.truot noraia oat of the crude material of American lll'e." ' " 1 vol., Hmo. Uloih. Ploe, S1.15. Mailed to any adilreai wltlilo the dulled htatti, post-paid, oo receipt ot price. D. APPIjUTON A CO., Publliher. , Atu AMI Baoauwar, M. Y. augJO d Iwt Many peraana tulfir with nick hea 'aclie atid neroui beailncbe, uu ly-lndnc.i by i-,jti-im.1, iiKllgeatuiii, .. 8ucli r)ii will Mild reliel u uvt euro, by by keeping the bowel, open with email Uuaoe ol Farium' l'urjativ Aii. Ha. o. Inrlnmmtiory aoce throat, atllf Julius, or lamenem f rom any cue. w la'efBf T Hart you roeninatlo or o.h.r p.m. In any ptrt of hf IxxlyV It So, o' Juknitm't Anwlinc Lin iment, Internally and externally. WANTKH Tw young gcntli'mon dn.ire to procure board lu a atriotiy prhate (aully AJdrere BhiiUK., Journal llncu. KEEP COOL. Kniin t ble date I will retail Ice at one- lia'f cent por pound at the New loe Houee oo Dock Mreet between fro it n I Wtr atroeta. D. H. J. AHHFN8, eugSlft Proprietor. ST. MARYS SCnOOIi. The SUtyjereutli Term of ST. MAUV'i 8UHOOL, Ualelgh, beglua on the third. of September. DAMAGED CORN AT AUCTION, This morning at It) o'clock, wo will eell at our sales room South Water Street, ci bag coi n .lightly damaged, CHONi.r a okbj8, t aug301t Auctlone.rt. .LAltUE ASSOUTSBNr Of BOOTS and shoes at low pnrseat ' ' 0. A. PBIOH'8, Sign linlden Boot. ailgM Ti) LET. Kuorns Immediately over I he .tore 45 Morkot street. Afiplyto . . , HKOWN & KOIMMOK. SADDLES. HBRNESS AND TRUNKS. WHIPS, 8P0R1, ' x ' BRIDLK8 AM) COf.tARM. Air kind ofandillery ani trunk repairing doue promptly at Tory low price. at the Harness Factory Caroenter h Mallard, No, SSouru ajT HTaaar, wngSS WUmingtnii, N.O, DWELLINQ FOR RENT ! MMT renldence on Third street, llh without furniture, and one or twu amaUur dwelling neailt.. . - , MISCELLANEOUS. LOOK. LOOK. LoOK. Howl, your ohaooe to buy clothing eeeaper tbaa erw boaght before. Look at theee Sgurea: Fine Bostaee tults fbrm f 10 CO to all W BeauUfol Dreaeulta from ts (M ta W Dtm rants from.... - I M to t ts ApaecaCoaU. i Linen twe. t co i A. david. augtS r i Cotton Ties and Salt. 2,000 BUNDLES ARUOW TIES. 4,000 HACKS SALT . For sale by BINFOIU), CUCW A CO. arrg 24 Tlios. C. DeRosset, , ' Insurance Agent HrUKJ"ariKii y l 0,009,000 rtaa Awkt.1 ICtna Imuran.. CompauT. f Hartford, , Lundou AwHiranoe Oumpauf,ol Uxiilou, (Uimu.riM.I t nion Awur.u.ie tXitnpaiiy , of lindon, Kew Yo k VnderwrtUrV Agency, luly itf-tf Pee Dee Courier. EETHK MKROHAtITt OP WILMfNU tou aware that the Courier I. the only Damn era lie paper publlahM a Hoekli. am, and that It elroalatat stteamvtit In Klchmoad, Montgomery and A naon coanliMi i Kateeor adrertlidtig liberal and so eua ehargea mle 'for changing atlyertlaemenm weekly. UUOKRTT A KHV1M, r I tf : " Idltnra. T lXotico. THK Armor J. r! Dice A uo., le thl day ilUwilTedby mutual cenaeut. AH dehtadue by the Arm will he pild by J. K. I Ilea, and all debt, due to the arm aitut be paid t J. R. Mies. J. R. I.II-KS CO. The ba.lneM hereto fore condnotl by J. K. Ltlea A , will be named en by J. It. Ulee, at the old etand, Blghtavllle, S. 0. aug tf d4t Bacon, Pork, Sugar, Coffee- 50 RoxeaD. R Hide.. - Hoxee smoked Mklea and Hhoulderi, in otrrei. rork, - ' I Barrel. Kettned Sagar. 100 Bag Prime Rl Uottee, For sale lew by WILLIAMS M UnOHISON.2 VOUH, FLOI7R, HAT, HALT. I B,0J0BuahelS But Mixed amtl White Corn, 1,000 Barrels Flonr-eJI gradee. DUO Balre V. R. (4 B. Hay, buo Haoki Uaboa dalt, Ft .ale low by ' WILLI MS A MOROHttON. Osg-rlaig;, Ties, Hoop iron, lue 00 Rolli Kxtra Hearj Bagging, , , SO TorurTtae, ' rot) Buadlea Hoop Iron, r r '-i 78 Barrels Olue, For tale low by " ; T i WILLIAMS A MUROHISOV ' ITIolaaea, Npirlt C'aaka, Nsiila, Uuane . M Hhdaan4 Bbli Kew Crop Cuba Mo- tfO-'ecoud-HaodBpUltCaeki, , ; Jb'Keg. sajia, lot 'lnn.KurekaOn.no, 15'i Tone U tien ape Uuano, ' For aale low bv W ILMA.n AnUKt:illNOI. atigU . , , t ..i COMPARE PRICES Of oar partly made Wamsutta hlrts With the material bung by the yard. Six For eniy $.750 Cast THE BEST AND OHEATEST SHIRT Xn America, ; MUNSON & CO., SOLE AGENTS. aiiggft CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES Frena ereay wOak. If yon want the bext of everything at the loweat prioe In the elty, mind GEO, MYERS, , Bleat BCYTKRIN XUC WORLD. Tho only reliable hutter brought to this city, aud I mm the boat dairy In New York. NEW PROCESS EMPIRE FLOUR. Imported Lager Bier, guaranteed to be the beat In the city We te oilre MX! donn by evnry anaamur regularly. It le the beat, aud vatybo'y ulc. It. Imported Pickles, 30 and CO oenU por Jar. Kreah roated Jara and Laguavra oolt'ee. ev ery week. Iruund daily In the litore keeeired thiawStk a ea.k each of ' HErtNRKV.HTODr, DUPRICY AOC'e., BRANDT YISTAUK 1858 1 . ROMANO, AMMONTILLAOO and DUFF CORDON V " SHERRY WINE, " And alwaya on hand the popular brawl. BLUE GRASS fc OEM, New canned peaches and California Dartlott eara. . tut sale low for caa at A GEORGE MYERS. , 11 A 13 SOUTH FRONT ST., aagSbln ' MISCEUANE.US. INSURAMJH KOUSj: or- Atkinson &J&Iannincr. rCs0tO,MO AnrU ltrur.ii)ril.II aa. i a. of North Am.iio...... I'tiia iipliuk Ph.nli lu.uraiiee tinipuy ....New Vi". OooUaealal IcauraaeeOo Nw tin a, N . rtrttt.ti A Meroautile In. Co.,lA)iu n Marttord Fire In.. Oampany,..itarUunt. . NalUiual Fire Ina. t!uolauv...tla.itoi I. BprlngHld F. A M. In. t'lhMaachUMittx. AjlARINK Murcantlle Mutual liu. l u..,..New l-w.. lue.Oe.ef Rorlh Am.rloa PhU.ttula. OinnepllaulMutualJlefi..Ou. Hrrttvrd. 1 (ebtl " rai-it f ERC1I ANTS AND MlUla.tH 1A - OF RIOHJJNl). VIRGINIA. (mi4a4al.,mb.....uM.,..,..t.o4.iil ' . r.Hroaaa, Preddt I I. P. Mounr, wov, JOHH WILUKM ATleltMI U.uer.i No. I North Water St Wilmington . N , ij, rtl IS i. . THE LAST CARGO OP PRIME m lanewotr.red to purchwira In Hii;ii !.o Paokigee, both llogitieada aud Uanel., t. atmwaet mark.t lata, ,. . Aim- ' ' 5 flllUAH IIUUSR MdhAiSF.a, Mo --roa.a ' Bngar lrl. New lirle.n. Mw , llaoun, Path, DrySaltnt Mivit, '' Lard, Fl.li, llutiei, and a liul line of aworted tlrwwrlre. t, I . AH KlnJiof Wlnei and Italian a. th lowi rt market prlee la goo I ou.'onnr- ADRIAN & VOLLEKH ' Corner of Doca ant r ontst TO HOLDERS ciTY pOUPONS. ;-; Officc.of Trcasorcr.apiCoilcctiir i CITY OP WILMINGTON. N. C, ( ; Juuo 2l)tlt, 1S75. . I NotlOK le hereby given that Hits JULY OOO PUNS 1HT8 (f Hotid. of thl tllty) can. not be promptlyjpald. ' .... i In'.oon.jqianoeofoMUInCotiangMi under a . i : - i. '..-. reeent d.cl.lon of the Supreme Uuurt , of title State ae to the manner of. awamiraeiit. ol the Kealnd Pereonai Proparty In th hity; anil thereby the City Tax Hook, not yet having oeen placed In poawaaloq of the ondarilgnrd far ooUeetlon; together with other roiupliua Ion. la regard to ear Muuloip! ail'aiM, uow pending before the gtipremo Court ot North Carolina, the otty of Wilmington tun it tincea- arlly or a re Home Indulgence from the hold or. of City Oouon.,uuderlitlng olroum.taiioeii. v . T. 0. BERVOH3, City Treasurer. IBB-tf June 30 . Exclusively at Retail ' Boot, and Shoe, of all kinie, fell .took, fell lug oft cheaper than cheap at tlioalgii of Urn Ooldeii boot. C. A. THICK. UNS ANI llTOLS. ' Shot, api, gnie-biig., pnwit.r, Sue K.tigl nil powder, eU. - A large aMoitoimit il the auove giHidaJa.t reoaivel, aiidtnr .tin at ttiu lowct cli pitoe. at Ibo old MtalilUbrd hatdwure houae of JOHN DAWHitN. aug2t t N,ie, IS, 10 and Vt Murkiit strrot. M10S4SL OBimLV. WIL.UO MllUH I CRONLY & MOHHIS ' : AUCTIONEERS. ITOCKANO REAL ESTATE IRSKEJ!. WILMIWUTON. H. O. 11AN BK NflRN AT THRIK SALK.1 ll'HMN ' a plan of the otty, on an onlargml iwhio I H Ian It Uuoa uto tne uomutariuaut qr ut la thaoKy duilluetlj iluSntiil. AaMweil value, pant auU piuwut , if .vary lot ' the elty. Any information deelred fO'Ul.ii ayuu althatlOB. lali i . : 1 CAUTION ! rlONHlTMKKH OPPHK-K'tV.;il MILK .houlit ettamluo the WKIKH I' of ttm UoitraaTS of tho ou. Thiy will4ninl that while . . Borden's Eagle Itrand ! CnllbrmW welch, alitaan omiae.nf milk to llio oan. that other oraiula w.arculy welgu llttuen ounce.. ' The rtiflrrsnoe In wtk'ht l equal to WTonty Br eeiitt par cue la larur of ; Borden's Eagie Braud ! , ' 'N. Y. Coudfiiiscd Milk ., " '' AUO. Kt,Kd(M, i?.rotary. I uly'jTodltn . " , i ,I0IINA;UYBJiC, General Iasnrance Apacy. (FIRE,, MARINE AND LIFK) ' 40,000,000 Aaaots loprovUI . ... ,Nr t i i fs J" ' ' : OrriOE (JoiomernlalKtobauge. BuilJm MOrth Water Htreot. . oell 1 HI Elm wood collar, tor appnranee an.t lit, ta unmirpNHl. All llr.t-cliMturnU)hliig.Urv!t hate Uibiu tor rale. - Ooa.trMtaa ankhowl.l(. Hint, th le.t collar, made are the Klmwoo.1 ami Warwick. If yoa aatie not tried thorn do aa now. NEW ADVEETISEXEMS, & 15 MilllKliT A r ('lotting out tliu talitims of their I.ailios t'ltilcrw.-ar via Cliomiso ant) Nigbt DroasoH, at a wot-)iii(f retluction EVEN FliQlI FOliilEH I'lUCEa. HAEIBUilG EDGINGS AND INSERTIONS- We aro nukiii(f au effort in this Jupartmoiit tu roJuoo the stook prsvious to Roins; North, ami LiuUca will llml PRICES luwer than auy they bare ever setiu iu this matkot.p , - CUT PAPER PATTERNS FOR SALE. Mnchinb ,"N"eedles, 5 Conislilacl . Misses Kid Gloves Slightly Spotted, 20 Cents a Pair- 9iz3S, 5, 51-2 and 6. K iviurr just tultoti nn aoivxmt if Uxk wo llu.l aovural sntivll, variod lola wliittli wo lnwo a. tKriuiiuSd t i ChOSli OUT AIl A l'lllUl'L " J Vo tliatik jo a', . , , , , II titli uri' tt atil sttia', ( 0 I'tn t'tnntai,ii pxiontlit; Wo HiaUdU' foi'l, " Vt''vii tlutiti suit wl Ttirotigluml tlio jeur notioiitlil. .. Our stock wtsVs ta'cit An" not) vvo'm ga'eti, T U wltlilu tlM niargiti; Ati It' yfl ttjitirt. Al'i'io wtt'ro town Ve'U iit't an uih'o' Uai'Kiilu. . DROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market Street. tltiK t . " JUST OPENED! AT 30 MARKET STREET, - ANOTIlClt LOT OF- J Black Grenadines, Black Silk Challvs, BLACK CASHMERE, SCREPES, &C7 HLTMMlilt MTOO" C'LOHIJU OUX Lower Than Ever ! No. 30 MAJLIvlBT STREET. J'' t KEEP'S PARTLY-MADE I j.Bjew-j". i. 'yjyr 1 ' m FOB $7 ;'80 CilSH. MEIMffi EXCHANGE CORNER. lune Wt Pay Your City Taxes. OIBce of Troamrer aud Collector Collector, . ) gton, M. (1.. ) AuglT,lST. uity oi wuiuiiik" I am directed to notify all panic owing city Lie. that the rnqalrempnia of the elty nr riinila are atich that a strict compliance with 'the ordinance, will beroado, and such peri9 whe ilotiot piiy their city tmea cuor before tha llr.t.ol'Suptonjbor,;iiroxinio, thflir prorrty wUl l ailTurtincd and ftold s the law dlrecta T, C Servoss, - l'rowarjr ul Oolleoto r. ! AT ' . fflilllli FITIi'S, M SllllIT, , i ....... i PATENT , DRESS SHIRTS. mh MUNSON & C0.r: ONLY AGENTS, fjK QOA PKftfoAYfAgnitawant Oi) LO VaU e4. AUoian-eaofwvrklng ponple ol buili duiio., yuung and old, make moru money at woi k for u, tu tbair own local Itls., tturlnff thelr.pare mom'tit., or all tha time, than at anything elne. Wr. odor employ nifnt ttiat will par homlnoaiely fur overy hour' work, r till piu tlcatHM, trm-, eta., Mut free. Semi u.yotir aMram ut otico. Ilon't delay. Mow hi jour time. lon't look tor work or buuiieft. elMWbare, until you hare learned wiiat weotl'or. O. Stisson Oo., Portland,. M inn, ;, . . say B lM-UAw at yatks jjook sxtaa," you will Bud a full Hue of . BLANK BOCKS, I i ,;, ; SCHOOL BOOKS BIBLES, PRAYER BOOKS ALBUMS aiidcrerytbttigaituany kept In a first elan book nd uiimlo etuie, at prices lower than, ever be. tore miuia ciiy. ; . , i , , v wwa. 100 BBLG. PURE COPPER DISTILLED N. 0. 1 CORN WEISKY I For tale by John. T CiuirRR. Thotasvloo N. Oo