T I 7 I i It I I 114 Wo I r ' 1, I, v VOL. XXIV. HO. 2 . , .WILMINGTON, N. G: WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 1, 1875. BY TELEGRAPH, HEADQUARTERS. WASHINGTON HEW8., t ATTACHMENT AQAINST B-'JNK OP CALIFORNIA. , Washington. Anirust 31. Tbe Mar kil Company, of Patterson, N. J., ad- - journea irom doing iartuir bnaaees. Liabilities $25,000. J udga Brady granted ad attachment i g QM the property of tbe Catiforu a bank iu tbia state. It ie the Rait of James D. Harper and Jamna H. QUL brought ,ou ( by a bill of exchange drawn by tliq defendanU on the ori ent U Uank of Liudou for fifteen thousand dollars, whtob was protested Thaohei, ommimioaer of uateuts. lias resigned. R.'H. Druell will pro bably auooerd him. - The authority fur the employment oi epooial ciurn to revenue aupervi. torn haa been revoked. The Treasary department is consid ering me determination regarding tUe transfer of gold to the Pactflo ooast $50.0u0 , has been transferred t a Ban Frauoieoo.for the benefit of the bank iu Oregao. t Treasurer New says - no further transfer can be made. Washington, Aug. 81st, 1875. The Post Master General has addressed the following letter to the ' proprietor . of tLellaine Standard in answer to their oomplaint that they bad been tampering with ia the mails ; ,. Gentlemen, your favor of the 28th is at hand, and noticed. You stated that the Maine Standard addressed to . regular subscribers has been opened in poet office and republican campaign documents folded inside, and delivered , to subscribers, and aek if each conduct is to be tolerated by ibis department. In reply, I have to say that such ao tion is in direct violation of tbe rules of tbe departmeut, of deoeney and of the proprietors of official positions. 1 If you will present to this department the proof that any offioer or employee hag beenRuilty of these offenses charg ed, be shall beat onoe dismissed from the service. And I hereby request you to do so in order that immediate t action may be taken. Respectfully Yours, . . MaBHIiIi JWXti.TI WashInotok,' Aug. 81. Columbia Typographical Union, No. 101," has suspended at their own -request. The down town printers, for the next six months, are at liberty to form a Union of their own, and in the meantime make any .arrangements with employ- . en, they may tee fit. By this aotion the Government printers cease to have a voice iu the affairs of private work- ' men, .. .... ., . CALIFORNIA., THE FUNERAlToV BAL8TON THE FINANCIAL SITUATION THE BANK FAILURE, ;.; - -: J, ;j AO. J ! " Saw FbUoisoo, Aug. 81. Ralston's , funeral was Yery imposing. Calvary Church was surrouuded by 20,000 peo ple who were unable to gain admittance The ceremonies were oondooted ac cording to the Odd Fellows' rites. .,. San Francisco, August 31. The financial situation develops no new features this morning. The Nations'. Gold Bank and Trust Company and Mechanics' Exchange Eauk remain cloed. ' The election to-morrow ia be lieved to engross large sbitreof pub lio attentiou, winch is Imigbteutd by . contradictory 'ruporW ImLoved tu have pjlitioal iguiucuoj on to the erudi tion ol the Bank of California and the 'prospects of iu i esnmiug. , San Fbanoisoo, August SI. Mr. Sharen says of the California Bmk: "We are moving heaveu and earth to reopen. It is possible and . uot im probable that tlie buk will resume. f OUIiUM- THE FIRE FIEND-MORE FAIL- URES. New Yobk,' August 81. Baxter.Bell A Co.'s White Lead Works were burned. r Several adjoining buildinfro ware burned. Baxter A Bell's loss is $143,000, i with $03,000 insurance. Other loises, $100,000. New Yok, angast 81. -The liabili ttee of Lde A Shepnrd, foot np $350, 000,n4 bey artf' expected to pay CO cents on the dollar. The firm of Lee, Shepherd A Williughatn of New York, is a separate concern. They have made' an assignment. ... . Nobwioh Cnr, Ang. Slet, "1875. In surance Commimtioner Steads appear ed before Chief Justice Cook- to give bonds before taking mssetts ' of the National Trust Company of New Ha ven to enter his! bands to morrow, but was served with a temporary in juuetion from Judge- Beardsley of the Superior Court, prohibiting him from further proceeding, and no bearing was bad. JEUKOPJK, FOREIGN MISCELLAN Y. ' MONTENEGRO NEUTRAL-MOKE , FAILURES. . r London, Aug. 81 It is stated that Turkey has tenured the neutrality of Montenegro, by the granting of oertain ' territorial consideration. s , Thirty-ene thousand Rusiau Chris tians have refugeed into Austria. It is rumored that Prince Milan, of Sorvift, has abdicated. Momtbeaii, Aug. 81. D. P. Brown, broker, has1 failed and made an agsign meat. Lbilitief 200,000. r. j 8 STATE XEWS. . "My sou, deal ouly with mtn who aJvertifevou will never loso by if By Fiaukliu. ' r Tl' Miss- uriftua seem bent on short legislatures., The new conatitutioo provides tbat the legislature cannot oave adjourned eessious, and if it la m session l.H g.'r than seven y days every member loses $1 a day from bis pay, Lio'i iu tlie regular aewiou ia $5, The heat on the South Paoifie Rail road grade, near the Colorado desert, is so intense that the thermometer notes 120 degrees In tbe shade, whan shade can be fonnd. A considerable number of tbe laborers on the road have died of the heat. There ia prob ably no other spot iu the United States tbat can equal this. '-f - The tied-ont horses in the speaker ibip race, are Baylor, of Ohio ; Walk er, of Virginia; Lamar, of Mississippi, aud Banks, of Massachusetts. . Each is holding a plaoe ou'side aa a possi ble compromise candidate iu case Kerr, Oox Wood and Randall suooeed iu killing each other off. The former, who ia the most capable and modest of the leading candidates, is gaining gronnd quietly but surely. "Following the inevitable Undnnnr of oommeroo," as the Baltimore 08 ette expresses it. the Braeilinn mails were yestsrunv lranHfertd f mm tlm steamship lines of New York to those of Bal imore. This iten saves an un. nual subsidy of $150,0(K), as the ser vice wi.J be performed from Baltimore' for the sea postage ml v. Tbateitv is rapidly mononoiiEina the trads nf the South American ports.'' ! Forsttii We learn that Martin Peebles, tbeyouDginauwho was stab-' bed by James Snipes last week is still improving. Hnipes surrendered him- tell, and upon a bearing of tb esse was boi.nd over to court in a bond of $100. The evidence we lern, showed that be was acting in self-defenoe.- 4 ttmon sentinel, i j r Riohicond. Some $300 or more has been raiaed toward build Inar a BaMist Choroh iu this town. This, we think, is a move in the right direction, and we hope the effor,t( w(H be crowned with Buooess. Xptril of the South. At a grand Dumooratio barbecue io Hiues county. Miss . last week, five thousand persous were present, in cluding some five huudred colored men. The proceedings concluded with the trial of Gov. Ames, who was present in efflgy, for treason, murder, and other high crimes, a verdict of gamy being found and sentence f death imposed, commuted subse quently to bsmsbment to Manea- '. Robbson. Monday was the day ap- puwtea Dy iiuage ettie to near the contested case from Robeson, i'he following telegram raoeivod last nigat explains iweii:. - !-- "Gbbbkbbjbo, N. P., Aug. 30. ; The parties from Robeson are hero but Judge Settle is absent. All par ties are waiting on him " Wakb. Mayor Jos. Holden died on the 21st of last January. ' la tbe death of Mayor Separk Raleigh has thus lost two. u -net uuiel magistrates within eight months. m , -f o ;? , Two young men (John J. Crook and John W. Athene or Craven oounty) nave oeon arrestea in ivioston, N. U., for manufacturing and passing coun terfeit five cent nickle prieoes. v , t ; Here is what the Bev. De Witt Tal mage says: "Yes, we are all sorry An drew Johnson is dead. We hang our pubHo buildings in , mourning, we bury him in the United States flag and pnt the Constitution in bis baud, and but a little wuilo ago we oartuj tured and mtligued him without mer cy. , Oh, the ' humbug of bumaji ai- ; , . , t.v... :.. - .iu minuo mo - oepcemuor eieotion will havd for one ol situ effect ths adoption or rejection b1 the people f a series of constitutional auiwuiiiiiHofH. the most important of which ptovide for gou ral laws us opposed to special .jegiiuauou ior ino exueiiuve upp iut meut of niunioipal judiciary n't po lice, and, for tbe exclusion from the right of suffragu for teu yeure, nil per sons bribiug, on being biibed at elections ii-'' , The absence of Grant aud his cab inet from the cipiUl begius to arouse the auger of Mr. Morton end the other Uepublican;ieaders. The abseno9 of the heads of the departments greatly embarrasses busiuees. - Grant could well be spared, but the absence of tbe secretaries block the wheels of gov. ernmeutin mauyrespectsFor mtwhs these men have been away , from the capital on unketfug xpelitiouir.tud the oomplaiuts are becoming frequent and bitter. In about a year they will be granted an endless fnriough by the people whom Uiey have abused;',; s' , Cbavbn. As nearly all onr hopes for business are centered on tbe growing cotton crop, we have taken some pain to examine it, and to be able to report its conditi jn. Wtt Jnav-eoviwd' with a number of farmers from Craven also from Jones, Onslow; 4 Carteret Lenoir, ' Greed,3 Pitt, Pamlico, and Beaufort counties, aud find that good crops are growing in every locality. Our farmers prepared their land i bet ter lost winter aud aping than ever bo fore, and we, presume nave cultivated it better during the summer than us ual; tbey also used large amontof compost and guano than usual, and are entitled to, expect l good er ops. Statistics report that Georgia re quires an average of three acres to produce one bale of , cotton.. We do not know how much is required in North Carolina, but we feel, certain that Messrs. llhebi, Eltiit, Joues, Long, ' Wetbersby, Perry.Christie and Dud ley, will produoe one thousand .' bales of obtton on one thousand tores this year, if no disaster oeours. It Is not. too late, however, to be ruined, by wet weather or worms, but wo hope for the best. Newbtrn Timet, . Boston, Aug. ,3L Sleepy George won the $5,000 purse, and pacing championship. Time 2:21. WILHI1IGT0I7. milHICD. thCkkk or A it (tut, t i In r.4 r Mr. ChwlM Uwin-', kiih uf SkiIi b I FrtDwetrn, bytii' t,. l S-iuh.-lm. Mr. Aatrw K 'b. .t tHlMoro, lilw Ktia Bi-(ii(r,ar iht city. f UILU, Al "lodst Foist, o mIwt Mmtt, on tbe 1 1 o ilji-t, rtlirvd, mk at ht'. K. W. II. J I kUorlTiltnl InHIIIRt fctiy, Ui srtdo mf a ittxi r0i an4 tuvlus ikhw bs kii OAl!l !)' to Nr n, hlw iiAj hlV W(hlt)oh l't,.f (J V(1thUtt u fMu ilnv, , . . . . . , I "U)i.t rhoe. Wp no r.r bint km th n I' th. totMl-, la UW atopy uorma httb hiJ tivn r . - . . .. re la tk'tw a b!1Khi a'or lbs pirlt's tuun bl.MUH ... ' . Or rib bwl ruT ioJ .wk bom for tlx NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICE. K r "soathlv nctli of ih u , . . WM8 "' ilrew' Athlnile JI wl I Im he 1 t lb Colics ot rhf lol.u'. II Hi. droJf " OlfO lt" t'lty ay, feitwber ht, isro . aul wgu- W. BAItT, Hocrottri- HeciiaD!csr BnHtlim: & Idaa' Association. 7MrHalar BMbthty mfsilnj Will U hrl.l t tba HlbernlM Hsll lbl efdimn tt Mvm mlhlf o'o ock. i.h. m.l.H. H 111 " Boorrtar sad Trwrr. FOE RENT. TWQdeMrabi ilwUlnt. o Tflrd Hi net near Bo CJroer-. Tj J Apilrto 8. L. FKBMUNT. W 1 ! 1 i sag 11 It - Vleiille Meat Kalsvte for Bale, t Mer lor ul llal lante rhree Hoiy nT Ick Bnl dltlB, tltUktl-dull tba rorir nf Riid Urates etrtrta l lire y of Newbe a. bud k&oa M tbn MvLrfMttt tluIMIiw. Jjii, pr ipwir ! vMnlratiljr looated lor a Hol.l er Cotton factory. It will be .aid obesp and uvea rsy term Applj t if EN rv R BRYAN. , Attorney ior U B.ClafllnJfcCe. Haie ion InfUm Join', or laaeaeM Irom any oaaaa ernetetery .! ?" roeumallo or ethr pain In any part of b II en.Sstsion'tiwdiiiMlia- uiunl, luterually and iternlly. ..,,. IVotico. THR Brat nf J. R. Mies ue le thla day abiil red b j mutual oonaetit. AHdekbidna by toe ttria win b pld by .1. B. I lie, and all debt iuo to tb. arm nuet be paid t S. R. Ulna. 1.1. t w . J. H. LIUK8 OO." t The bortneai heretofore omdaoteri h a. H. L'lee a) iyt., will be carried en by 4, K Ule. at the old ttaud, BigbUTUle, a, u. . ' angHdet . .-.. Bacon, Pork, Sugar, Coffee' t B1I- 8Me, ' ' "" KJJ Buxe Smoke,! Hlrte and Shoulder. . 75 Utrrel. Port, lot) Barrel Hotlnwl Snffar, U0 Bag, Prime Bio Cuflee, ',. : for al low by WILUAMS ft MUBOHISON.Z aJOMlv, rLOUH, UAT, HALT. MWBiuuaU iteat Mixed andi WMte Uorn, 1 ,000 liarr.lt Floor-all trade. "" 5tw Balr O. H. K. Hay. , 80t8ackUbo)aU, For eale low by , ' ' WILLIAM8 St MOROHtPO!. Barglne;, He, Heep Iron. iia no Roll. Kxtra Heavy Bat-glnf, BO TonTlee, fW Rundln llonp Iron, Barrel aiue,. fur iale low by v , ; , , W1I.I.IAM1 A MUKCHMON iriolaaee, Mpirll Vaka, Nalla, Mnaao ll J llhdoaul Bt'la NewUtOoCubaMo- la . , . eounti-Hand MpintCaaku, , !rft Ktf aila, 101 kureVa lnno, " . ' ,(. . li T .m tiaea' Ouhuo, . Fjt pk low bt . . ' Ulf.LIA.ilM V t.nilitCIIIHO'V. v-tpMPA 'E PB:CES Of oer partly made ' . Wamsutta hlrts , With (he m iterlat bui'g - by tee yard. ' V'rasit " nar" eiqir siso" cdL- ' TtfE DEST AND 0UEAPE3 1 SHritT MUSON & CO.v ;:;' ' sole agents.; mflb 'v " -f ...... -.. ' . CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES : Frnsh eoa week If yon want fir b'Ht of dferj thing at tbe lowoit piivd Iu the city, Mind GEO. MYERS, , ; BR3T BUTTRKIM THIWOKbn' Tbe only iw liable hatter HreuuM to tht elt . and Irom the bet dairy In Mew York. NEW PROCESS EMPIRE FLOUR. Imported Lager Eier, gnaranteMt to be the beet Id the eliy Wo r- e iIt ioi do m b eve'y .m ir rjrulrly. it u ui oest, ana ereryno' ueoi n. .. Imported Pickles, . ; 1 - SO ami 61 mnt per Jar. '.'""'' Frrtti roafted Java and Lignnyra cjlToe. et ry week. Gm.tnd 1U1 y in tbe Uitf Iteceled thi.wwk a ek e h of ' ' HKVNPUY.HTOUr, DOPR IY OC'., S BKANDf VINTAOK 1S5S ! " ROMANO, AMMPNTILLADO and DUFF CORDON SHEERYlOTNE And always on kamllkf popular kraade BLUE ORA.SS Ac GKM Hew oinned peaohe and California BartkiU pear. . . ror aie low ror raan ac.. , . , GEORGE MYERS. 11 k 13 SOUTH FR.ONT8T., H. C.. WEDNESDAY. SEPTEIIBER 1. 1875 i ' 3tKCIILAMOP8. 2,000 ?7. """:r" BuJi.leUa'K. 00 BtlHMi; Water-OrtMrnd bImI, Itamioy, Fork, Brae, Crack Uora. rtoor, etc , Fat sale tow kr-"" 4 , ... - - QH4NT MINroN, 1 , - C , I lun ktrBrt and Oroctia. anft . i .. A 500 &U1' rLOUaVall gra.l ; 500 UBLSj MbL.SlM ASYRUP; ' 53 Wis Dr 8tlt ME ITS. 2.000 SACKS LIV Euro Q 8 ALT, 600 HACKd MA1USUALL8 FINE 100 KEG3 NAILS; ' ' ; -.. ' "! ' ' ,.,4, 1 . 25 QKOSa RAILROAD M1LL3 SUVFF, ko:t Ao.l j I . For sale low by RINFORD, CROW i (X.! ': .!'--tieUiJi. : J H Chasten. General Commission Morchant BALTIMORE WILL elre pereenal attention tot6alflof Uoiioa, haTal Miort.. fearal. and ranrv irminraiiy. aim iotaa pnr-cb-umof nt.rrnandkw. kfrr by uermlmioii teUapUlnJ. B, Uraln-er, 1'reHdent ol Bauk of Hew Haort ..M.-..X : nv Hem ir Englisli. Cutlery; ' " Tocket KbIto P eeery Hevrti(Tnn,"ltenr, Mtroiie, Hriuliee,. Hwiger'e Ivory H.vulle l a bia aud Tea Knlvee, Bilewr Fok., Kpoim. B1eir,Carlng Knlve, Form, Tahie NteeU, et.u A larxe amictnoet Ji tamW.iI from the Iniportur. aim now opening ar- Mia eld ea. tabllbed Hardwaru Nona of ' ' ) . ' .T01INtAWM(iN. We. U, and l Market St. THE LATEST , of tlie "BRIO A BRAO" Beriea, PiRSOJfAt " RtaiJ(ISCESCE!J it. OltEfFFK, KBt.tr AND KtU.Y "laBalteRlcheeln k Little Aaom'Mtrlow. A QUESTION OF BbetOk.'' .- '-'V bf H. Jae.ee, J. '";'' '" !.;." uV'Maha ""rt ; ; . iwb by JTKNblTBON, ,JI ! , A nother npply jurt feoelTcd and for eale at iwi HEINSBERQEE'S , UVBBOUKAatWMUBlOBTUUC. ALT. CORN, MUI88Ed, ilAOON, Aa ,.. . -i t 1,100 Bak Halt, ' i ' HiBbl8. H. Molaaaee, , i v 00 Hhd coba MnlaeM. ' f : -, , . , , 70 BoxeeU. BBlde.' ' : , .. 00 Beaee Smoked Mel. ' " t,t 80 Boae I.h m.ta Md BbOuW.ra. ". , t , ,000Brrel Fleer. , Barrel ungar, ' ';" . . '100 Bag. Coffee, . ..... 400 Bolde Bagging.' ' : .1 f' 6,KwBnhelCoB. ' ' ; 1X0 iiueliela; mo Hpint Caakl. " " 1 , , l Ten Tleet . 1(4 Barrel In. 000 Fap.r hi ret. BH) Keg. Mail.. 8U0 Bag. aeut. .' lSOIl.eap. f . rr A ' ; . , i.MO Keg. Klfle, Iportlug and Starting l-owder, .. For aaloliy . j j - Kbrchkkb Sl Oaldbb pnogj ' Flour and Meal Nl) Ml j.o;FJJU. U-loaA , , eu on abort notice, Urai a bought at th Uink-,t pri.;, , Ad.lri, r- k " O vkule, N" ST It A l'EO W 8TOLi:k! A M itl.K ll(,'.l.l TKHHl'MpiY 1 khs -wt twu tnimtli ol.i, wlul) iUi rni io Knitted iiari, iw i nji.il uu i Iu back ind , f . ,. ,-r. .A HKIVARO - will I" g yen r an tmiri!litnl8 kin or givhi mill I I niuttloiia load to hwrrauTir''. w: Htiiiijiiii. , ng 97 LAND FOR SALE,:: rp 11' vitiiitlilo Iran known a ' 1'oiiev, A "I'll Ulf HniH KMI 7, wlili-b ih ro I rliw litml, I Im bu a'ioii. ,Uirliir . iUnd, wiill iiuikct. il MM ai'roe cj. arwi ai d ii.mI.ii g did (", aapMi to ihe uliur or i urn, i , ooctin, te , and from lt ,ii.itn I- a m i-t adiuiiHliln place t ) conduct lite dairy or ti tu kin i bimiueMi. , 1'tiiko .. anil tnwle knwt iinu aniilleaa tli n tn , . VH). LY & wOltHIS, ang 'it wAd iw, , heal K.tnte Acn ANOTHER SHIPMENT. ; O r Iwigmal f?m Oreie ' Feejlly Flow m.ia no.wiieitt Iiwiiil kiiiHWiiekar air. al rui our etaoire water tfroumi. tueav. Tlin hmnl TOnnnce n it, la mirncUuiUv advnt d Jhio iilitrn mtf. Priue u, try ua on hay ,etft torn, AO., ..' '"' " - ., b' i - ' '-'" ,' ORANf HIMTON; . k lb-It' : ":, i, .1.- "; ; JOHN D. IIKt.CAnVa r.yt i SXA 1 Attwrnpjr;i l.W.C HI Olflf ft on Mai ket -trwt, noar North Etint t'orwr i ttrrfr?ipUMi i I , ' . ; ' 1 V . . ' Will practl re in all the Conrte of tlie latp. i Hrnmpt attention to the collection of cluluui. ang iei-'jw J -i1' " " ....... , ..I l")t'f .v eSAUULtS AMD HARNESS I . i 1 i-. - it--' i' 1 r i'-i eiade and Wpalredat I i. ... - -0 P. D. If AIDE'S , r 0. Third hetweea ttarkrt and Pr'nooa Htreeta pifrm low ant ntl.raotion guaranteed.; . ang 24&w Into ' ' ' T'-ti 1 'ft... i rwi Iiu.il. . rom tbe flrnt or Oot brr next, all the room" In tbe bill (I ng known a the HeamanV Home aiM moe in in ii-tnei, wita me exeeption o tb" llrnt fluora, with all the farattere kefaniglng then to Th Home haa a large tank, which furnb-line auWuleiit water for the kitoben, and wVttr-otoaet, with p Ipe leading to ewrb Ktory, The biiilnlng Un'w and In od emrlitlon. and amply large w accommodate all aeamatt that come to tlila port. '' Aiao, the large and comma:oi (tore on me nortbeaet corner of tbe Home. - ' ' For patUcnlert, apply to .- -r "t ;i,B. F. MITOHF.LL, 1 U ( WOKl'H, Oommltteo K. K. HKIDR. S H. B. KlLiKHtf, aug !SLUACIi Atkinson & Manninff. tw,000,0HI Aaaete llrreelli4i.T a.ie. of Korth An.rlot..,.. Pbbvelphia. Pheau lDuranoUuaieaj....Nw wk. ttotidnrnLal ti.aranoaoo New Ink. ti. Brtuaa A Merewtile ll.(,.,lKmiV Hartlord Fire Jaa. Oempaay..,iiarUonl. Natleaal Fire in. Ooapajiy.;.Hart,lwl. Bprlngfld v. at. In. ,.. MarokeeelU. MARINE MernaaUle Helaai lua, ue..r..Tlvw Iti, Iue.Oe.Of orUlAalerieJ,....FbUadelpala. LIFE Uoaneetloat M atnal Ul U ue.Ua. Urn lord. .febM , If jyCRCUlSIT8 JlSD MtllilMC INSURANCE COmiif, " OF K((Jiillil, FtaMtlMU'. Capital... aenest - . t.afviM, FreeWV'l i. ft, Muuaa,ei , ' ii t i jeHktWrLIKM ATHINMOJ Ueaerei Bo, I North. Wekwat- illlagi, B.y. rrll II , 1. 1 ,. THE LAST CARGO OF ;;;rPRIMEt:;L- . Uuewoihred to BerMiaeert Ifl Jirlgn lie . Faekagee, both Hegeheadf and Bertete, at loweet market rate. ; 'V " ' ' -.'' i' ' BUQAkIhuUBB MOLA9BR8, Marrotado Bugat IXil, New Orleana kieieaaei -Baonn, Pork, Itry BalUd Mie. lard, Flab, Bntter, aadatml . ... ......... line of aortcd Oroorrle. ' . ..... ..- ' ;- , , .. ;J . AH ZXnit of Winer and Liauori . .,, ,i - .-.- i a. the lownet market prlee to goal otaromef ; - ADRIAN & VOLLEHS ' Oorwer of Do e4 F oat t - TO HOLDERS v ' - OF li. Ai ... CITY COUPONS. ...... ..-.,. ."' iV.. Cm OF ' WILMTKOTON. "Ht. p., f . .., , JoawWUi, 187M NOTIOi I hereby glyea tbat TUN JlTl.T OOUPONB 1S (of Boiklapf Uile Uity) can. aot be proejptlytpald. , .f ,. t y. ; Xa.eooMqieneeof eertalnCohangM under a reeent dwWon of the Bupreeie Ueert .or tht State U to th manner of "aeaeeeaentol Ihe Healnd Feraonal Fronerty In thla elty; and thereby the City Tai Book not yet haying t r 3 4 oeen planod In eeaiion of the aadenlghnd for ooneodon; togethw with other complloa km la regird to our MaoUilpe) attain, now pending before the gupremo Uourt ol North Carolina, tbe olty or Wilmington mtut neoeo kaflrjt rge sme htdaigenoi frouth bolder or Olty Uoupooe.ander ixUtlog oirounutenc... t, a sERvoas, ,1 Olty Tloaiiureri June 30 Exclusively at Retail Boot .ml dboeaol a'.l kin I, rnll atock, kB lii olt' chnapor 'hH Oil Jafi a Die a 'tin of he (lilo BneU " C.A. PHIUR. J UVm ANI PISTOLS. nnut, in, g luie-b igj, ldjr, gne Kngl pexdaiseVv A large aaaurum nl t fib aiov gmijun. reei.y i, ml,,jr . at tbt loil ca.li p. lore at the old eeUbllbd hardware uuuee or gir"' "Ki. itf. Waiiiivt darkrt (ttr.etv I I!HL OHOHLtr wiLte M iHn I; '.it AUCTIONEERS ' STOCK AN0RKA1 CttTATat BROKERS 1 1N nft &Zt.H AT TktBIB.BAI.KH UOOMk a ydan of tbe elty, on an nnlargmt aoalni Hlftntr Mool witn tlie hiiunf1rtofvtirt IrM rhttw ftUtlni t la, .-trliK.! AeHevMdvalne.raetnapTkiienk.effWiary lot '! tbirotty. Any tirormarniu danreit rarniebee npoa ap- rnrtoi..-.,1a t?i rsE hj . in. ... t()"iTMKR' or rRepiivnt mii.k irf-nnld Hiamlne the WEIOHT or the OiiMTaMie of tbe can. Xjken will tai tbat euiie i, Borta'ijJSnglo Unind ! Unl ormly welgh aUtean ounoeaof aiUfc te the cun. Wntotaer oranrtt Marooly welgn nrteea ourtiee. ,r 1'Ue difference in WMM1 equal to aerenty Are oenU pjr eaee in fa ror of . , . , ! - ,. . v.t !'!. '" ' Borden's Eag.o Brand ! N. T. Condensca Milk Co., AUU, KEMM, Mperetary. JOlINAeBYpii, f ! , .n ' ' ' ApflCJ (FIRE, MARINE AND Li Ft) 't0,w.wOe AaenlA. BAeWMtiel -. . . ,,..i- -"""'"r- orriOw-Oommerolal Eiohange; Baddla -It .. Morth Water MtreeC oelt .i ..... f,ri 111 glmwned eonai", Ibr appearanee and Ht, I nnmrpamed. all flrt-eUalurulhlng .tore hare them for eale. Oomroh a anknowledne that the beet collar. made are the Kimwood and Warwick, if yoa kay not tried them do a now. NEW ADTIHTISniZlkTS. mm .'Mwtan 9rt 45 if . r?0,0,n8ontthobalaaoe)o their Lailien Un1rwoar Tin; Okemiaa and Nitjh DraaaM, al a weeping reduotiou EVEN FROM F0RUER riUCEB. HAMBURG EDGINGS AITD INSERTIONS- Wb are making aa effort io ILik &pArtmflnt lo'reJiioe tlm atook pretloua lornng North, BndLaJieB will flud PRICES or tLftaanr thor hv, ever Been la thia market L , , I ., . f ;.,.,.;,,,....) f-;T CUT PAPER PATTERNS FOR SALE. Machine Noedlei 5 Cents Kaoh . Hisses Kid Gloves Slightly Spotted, 20 Cents , ; : a Pair- Sizes, 5, 51.2 and 0,' , IlaTtnir Jtwt taken an aoootmt of atook d flntt aVymt ' inalL rarieJ lata UioU we have dotermtoed to CLOSE OUi AX A HUGE. . , ,.,,. ti-.t-.. We thank yd a', -. '' ., , ;. j llalth great and ima', ror Wo t-rateiV f i We're An' noo ? til BMfBR0Wff & RODDICK, ,45 Market Street I ITC JUOX t U 1 AT -38 MARKET j STREET,' ' -ANOTHER LOT. OP !:i . . , Black Grenadines. ' Black Silk Challyst; . yxT:::, ' BI.ACK CASHMERE, SOREPES. &C7 - HUMMER MTOOtt CJiAJSKJU OUT. , , Lower Than Ever! - No. 86 MABKET jOTREET. -r.,!M. ,1. , KEEPS PAHTH-MADE 1 Ei 'I ,WPM I j. . .' ' ';-vv-IfeXdV; ,"4 "'.f ' .... . . j. slS; ....... . ! ' i . i ' " .'. !;:'' !' , , - a'i' WkanaaaMHaajHajejajMa ! , '."t--' SIS FOR m 00 CMH. .'..'.. mr W e -ta, -e -s -v e-e, rf-e , ' ' Bi -1N- Iline " ' ' " 17 Pay Ki'Cily. 1.3 OfUca of Treararer and Uollector, '),,;, ' . City of Wilmington, W . 0..K ,. t AnglJ.lSIJ.V . 1 am directed to notify all parties owing elty taxee that the requirement of the eity for funile are each that a atrlot oompllaaoe with the ordinance will be made, and rack peiroua who do not pay their olty taxee on or before tlie llrat or Heptember proximo, their property will be advertised aud aold at tlie law direct T. C Servoss, Treat or.r and Oollecto r. mm J l O-elAe7--''''1' iPflTDfl WHOLE 110. CG72 1 1 pairoiiajM OxiomlU; loui, dune lae wee I . TbrotiBUuut Hm year uoo coiliu Oar itock we've ta'en we're i on, v To 0.1II wltlilu tlio margin; An' If ye couie Afuro we're loom ( ' Ye'll got an unco' bargain.' vJ . I i f", fits! I I PATENT ORESS SHIRTS, OPENED ' . i I . . I l.j 1. .1,1 '' MUNSON & CO.. 1 t 't - r 1 ONLY AQENT3. VO IO VU oV AHaeor9Tktng people 01 both oio, yuung' and eliS make more money at work ior ua, In their own local -' Itlee, during tbelrapera momenta, or all the J lloae, than at aay thing elm. Witoflferemplor metit tbat will par honlaoinelyC.r eyery hour " work. Full partloeiai, trrm, eto., ent free. , hen t u.your a'dreaa at once. lMn't delay. ' Now la your tlm. ' Don't look ior work or baiineee elMwbire, entil yen hare learned what we offar. O. Hri'tuM A Uo , Portland, M- ine. . i may JB-m-dw . ; ' "AT TATJt'S BOOKtXvKC," 1 yoa will Ind a full line oC BUNK BOOKS, 1CH03L BC3KJ - BIBIES, PRAYER BCCKS ALBUM'S and Trytlrlng eaually kept Ima flrat 'oUM book ' and anno amea. at pru orloe lower than ever be- lor luthla olty. i r- mug xi ii.ii mi i i,'i V;iOODBLG. ,; PUTiEO&rEB DISTILLED N. O. tM WHISKY I ' For tale by John. T CitAintB, TbofflBTleaMa 1 ,i : : .""."''rtil -'!, . f I' i 1 1

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