. f -v mil 1,1 i i ii 11 WL, XXIV. HO. 2 9 wniinraTON. n. c. Thursday. September 2. 1875. WHOLE HO- G.D7 W 5;iiln 3fo.tr.tal. WILMINGTON, N. a: THURSDAY, SEPT. 2, 1875. BY TELEGRAPH. WASHINGTON NOTES. Decision la the Elgee Cotton Claim Case Haval More menu-Trans, fen el Billion. BANK OF CALIFORNIA. . Ramored Reianiptlon-Snbsfrlptlons Said to Dire Beached $8,000,000 , Buoyant Hopes, tt. TURKEYV The Intorjccit HeriegoTlntans Still Defiant-Bosnia Subdacd-Aa In pop nlar Appointment. . - , . -) - CRIME AND CASUALTY. Wife Harder -A Father Accidentally Shoett his BoaBlKtrtislns Death ? Komantlc 8ulclde. GOLD 1 1-8. BT TKUtOBAPS TO THB JOHRNAL. ; IHI B0BK8ON CASE. , TWELAW VlftDICATKn, Dr. "frment Undone. (Special lo th. Joarual. ; In the oasa of R. M. Norment and. flsil MoNoiU vs. the Commissioner of Robeson county before Judge Set tie of the Supreme Court, was beard to-day aud diamissed. (General DWpatch.) Qbeknsbobo, 8p. 1. Jadge Settle to-day dismissed the Bobeeon ooanty owe, holding that he had do jurisdiction and that the Gon Tention was the only body to judge of the qualifications of members. ; WASHlNfllOX.'i - i -1 Washington, rtopt. 1. Jast before the adjoarnmentof the Court of Claims several months ago, an effort was made ,by eartsil) parties to prevent the pay ment of the earn of 9386,000 awarded : ' la the Qtgee ootton case claim. They " represented by affidavit and otherwise, that the cotton captured by Federal soldiers on the plantation of Elgee was not his private property, bnt belonged 1 to the Confederate Government. The " Attorney-General has decided that the 7 proof was insufficient to bar the pay ment of the award. The United States ship; Woroeeter aails from Portress Han roe to-morrow for Aspinwall, to look after American ; interest in the Isthmus. - Th Oanandaigua has arrived at Pott Royal from New Orleans. ? The treasury Department was in formed from Ban Franoisoo to-day that a little over $500,000 of the bullion fund in that city oonld b) used la the -i Inwtoess of oojn transfer.1 'Aooordirigly Koonts Brothers, of New York, get $100,000 for the Merchants' Exchange - Bank ' of San Franeisop, TJia First National Bank Of 'Portland, Oregon " 8500,000, and Drexel,. Morgan &:', - and SeliEmaq, of New Turk, i 100.000. to be apportioned to. partittH in that . . .fHky aaug iriwien,' me nppuuui jouh ' Were far in exoesa of the means of so- . eommodation; ' ' ' PE5N8ILTAXIA. -Canal Boaf mti foil "Unit. . 1 - FhtEiAdrlphia, Sept. 1. The oanal - boat J. 8 Dinkey, with 800 barrels Of . ooal oil. baroeff. -Ite einlosion in !nred severaX 'I'he danjrer to shipping n the harbor wn averted by prompt neas of the police boat in towing; the Diakey te (be stream. v v lUssAcnTsEiTS. : : 'oi Wife Marder and 'SulcldeJ .:.- ; Botok, Sent. 1. Patj-ick lteardon, ; ' - fho b.d not livOd -jritjt' blat " wile for several years, shot her twioe, and at tempted to shoot the perron who inter: . " fered. Hs ended by shooting himself. ; ; , i mirowu, . . : ' - Mexican Outlawry-Bnmorsef the Be wu aojnptlon or thd California Bank BalttoB'a Sulcldlnj benleJ. Sail. PBAMOUWO.Sept. 1, A dispatch .from Taeson; Arizona, says that. a very wealth v merchant of Taeeon, and - natoralieed citisaa of Arizona, went to Sonorato oolleot tome bills, was ar r rested, ohartred witli furnishing arms to the ineurgenU. He was allowed no Iriatlmt waa ordered to pay 120,000, or be Bhot. Sis grave had been dug when the messenger arrived with the ransom., ' - U ' Th roads are- lined with refugees flvinir from tba impending revolution Nothing aathentio has been learned coootrijlnfthoreBrnnptJon of the Bank of California, .Paring the. Utter part . of the evening many reports were heard '.. about town, to thetffect that the Bank wiil resume in a few days.. That seven or eight millions have been snbsoribed " . for that purpose, ' . S ''"' A)l toh atemonhi mqst be received with due oantion. as it baa a tendency to indnde feelings whloh oertamly do not etlst at present. 8ooh aesertions are only traced to street talk. . That they have been to a great extent received aa correct, and ha prodnoed additional feelings of oonfldenoe, is nndeniabR but they tb"ul,i not be acooptedas authorittiT. Flood k 0Brn hare employed rxtra force on th-arnew kTevadalUnk bQtldiug, aud are harrying it to m pletioa. . Rumors that arnenio had bu dis ouvertHl in the aualygig uf R-ilston'a stomach, bs been emphuiioally denied ty the ooronor. Thia being election day, th banks aud many other plaoea of eii-iinees are closed. Nothing new baa been do- veiopea in reiernufle to lb iMnk C! California, The Chronicle UiU.monK - ing pnbliahes a poaitive statement that t,2Tiv i... .JVZT. 'I $14,000,000. and nominal ats to thsi amount of $20,000,000. with an fa1 J. J T 7 . 1 1; .T . " debteduees of $13,000,000, and ISiO, ' f', "? ttM,Hl Ut.ruilMMtoou 000 in coin in vault, and that rJu V'wpU,J, D. !nto V10 tioa is aseored immediately. miliul j Government Suit -Drownlngr Suicide. Naw You a, Sep. l Suit was oow meuoed yesUrday is the United StatttH District Court, aaint the suretiea of Merrick, Prinoe k Co.. to, recover $75,000 alleged to be due lh Govern ment for unpaid duties. Tbt-y were large importers of silks, wiues aud liqnora, and gave warehouse bonds iu ltki9 to aeoare the payment of JuUea. Tba firm has siuoe dtfMWUtiniel bu-ti-neai aud the mem bora cannot bo found. Mary Mollor attemptod to Stve her daughter who had ventured beyoud the safety linealliookaway Beaoh, aud was drowned. , . . , , I 11a British B ink of North America h is obtained an injunction rehirainiug the Laid.ow BroH, fromvcetftiating certain bilis of exohange reoiitted to the latter from the Bauk of California. Ayoung ItUananied Yianni, of the Italian' embaaaary, and scion i a prominent family ia I tome, Committed auioide under very peculiar tiroum stanoes. Congressman Odell 'gave clam-bake yeoterday, which wan7!' teuaea by young Viauui. DrJ Dore muR, one of the gtieata, annfunoed that Mr. Viauui, who poaaeaaed very remarkable, drainatio . taleata. ' Would favor the company ; with ;an Italian recitation in imitation of RaoheL , The yoaugman took poaition iu the center of the fronp, and began his recitation. ins voioe was clear ana well oontroljea. His gestioulutiou hiehlv drumafio. hia limbs aeetned to quiver with paasi in, while the expresHiou of his face was Btartlitig. Uucc he interrupted him- all, and taruiug U. Utor otn - k." King, said, ' You understand Italian." Then resumed, and fiuisbed with the exclamation in Italian : "God who judges all, will judge this." then taking a piwtol from the outer pocket of birteoat, he pl&oed it to his temple and Urea, tailing perfectlymotionless on his faoe. Tns apeotatota'exolaimed: "Wonderful, "aud applause ootnmenoed when Dr. Doremus rushed forward, ex claiming, "Great God, gentlemen, he is killed H ; Many at first thought this part of the entertainment, but on lift ing tba body, the horrible truth be came manifest. Dr. Ellis probed the wound and pronbnnoed the case hope less. - Ho lived half an hour, but never spoke. . No cause was assigned for the terrible aot. ,. , ., .-.i, wiscoxsnr. -,: Damare to Rallraad f,Vf ; - MniWAPKEB. Sept. 1. -Severe storm have washed away the traok of the vlilwankee k St. Paul Railroad be tween St. Peter's J unotion and Red Wing. No trains have, Rot throuith aiuce Sunday. The damage will ba repatrea to-day. " ; OHIO. I.h, A Father Through Mistake Shoots nis , , - 'ft gon. !'" Cinoinnati. Snpu f .A inirn named reUrnou eutiovd a. farmer's (Trusty) daughter to thia oityi Traaty -finding her took her home. PeterMon followed the pair, makii g thre (, agai net the i Id man, aud htt walitUe wirw"oli'd Uie boaae. TrnHy tuok Tiis xl.ol gun vowing to kill Puteraou on sights His son, aged 18, learning Irs fiitLei's iu lentios, weal p to- rue lunia u iia. oade him, when the fnther, minfukuig ine sou lor i'eierson,anut tmn dead. PENNSYLVANIA. ('ttJUInlni' Trouhlfis. J PorrsYri,i.ji, Sept. 1 Tbop. Pa g r, tba inside boss of ttie Leiiigh Ooliiery, was to-dny killed hy five RtrHTisrern Anothor man was shvt in the boweW Two others are reported killed, : Mr. Banger had trouble with the minors a year ago, and has ainoe received coffin letters ordering him to leave ' the oouutry. - 1. ft I 7 , : vj ' ENGLAND. , . Surrender oflnsnrtcnts , London, Sept. T A ifmo n-oitd from Bttda Perth, aays I "Noteworthy information from Bosnin repreauuti tbut the iusnrgents that did not cross the Austrian froutier have submitted to Pasha JJanjalouski. Bosnia may be regarded as pacified." .,- j The Times' Berlin dMpatoil ' says, "After the reoent appoiutmeut of Ma homet Pasha, as Grand Vizier, there' is lens hope than ever of the insurgents coming to term, t Mahomet ia looked upon as the ohampion pf absolute government,, and hia very presence iu the cabinet is calculated to make the insurgents desperate. His appoint ment, unless mere caprice, is proof that ths Sultan is determined to'main tain the present system which has caused the outbreak. Capi Nares, of the British Polar Expedition .in a ooiumanioation to the Admiralty oflloe, says, tho8tor at Disco belonging to tu Anuirio in Gov ernment, are in a fair state of preser vation. . ,' "' X'J '' ' V! " ' V " : The Foreign Offloe denies1 t thp Britiah Mitieter at'Pekln, had lteMit ed the ultimatum to the Chinese Go ernmenl' ,; ,:,l;i., j 'A special to the Tucs. from Calcutta, says, "A private letter from Lagran, says the King of Buxmoh has refused to reoeive Col. Duncan, the British charged affairs. SWEDEX. j Cennterrett Notes In luropc 8tociholm, Soj)t. 1. The 8rHliah Bank has refused to aooept dank uf England notes on aooonnt of the num ber of oouaterfoits oitoulaUug on the Continent. . , . - - t Tireaiesed Attack ta the Imerlcaj 'v..-i . ; .. .. r ... - ,, V":. A" l v V, 1 V , "vUl',, J 0tA. who are uo under the :!!' J ' m?J0iUl.1Uo5 oMiran vun'initg n uw tag il- NEW iOYERTISEUENTS. GO. BOX Eg DESIRABLE To b a c co 8,1 L 1 "Otrr or Ohdkb'' ..... t h i r ' ? . . lltiy m.U pat puaul, r r IU aanrr, joa D. PICOTT. t-i i t-H i - .ilr 12 1111 1 1 1 .H 0 MENS' KIP BOOTS. . . , . boys' kip Boors,' ; Mens' Calf and Buff Box-tood Giters At X f ,L , C. A, PRIC8.: ,' t , Sign Ooldep BooL .-r.-innt'i U ) V ')'!' C. WEST A JOJiX'ALADniJi irtfJ. liUJv'W RITTtHlt.-' ariaH , t J, tr. r Kmiorud b) tlu Fin liuuram Cvy4M4. tiun 8MB) aHwrs. . j '- - Howiao ri.a ia. Baktio; fOMmbet , tUr- ' Mrttrt.C- Weil JriMf.vManll.lBlin.Mln IU. Anoiii.ll.H4int hK.ltr ar trtuwlf natlujr porKki I tka ilMm in ront mmdlaij rar"AI.Ui 8wrMf"miiiekarH a.4 bt.t .tm ami hi ear koaitkold, Voiir. wir. . , . . i r.(.?J?l.i-..-W0tw aau a trril'vYItU NOT EXPLODE". Atk your StimkttpTf S, - , Vaoteoala Depot ' OlVVKftT ASONs .,-.. r f18W.I,ombTtBtrrt,lalllmora. , anpt sad Sia . , W 8. F. E. COMPANY. . .ItO ,1, ' Regular mwtlag to-alght at i o'clock. '''..' ' ' : w.t.'rtatTT.' .. wplll H.ootdlng Serrst.ry. FOR EEHT. THAf romaiodloiM re.kl.nee on th. corntr of secoad al Nun Htrruta, oo.uinlDg .UUan room, .nd fa.rlas wtrwiU iin.rum and lUbls. oom Ml 11 plfitl . For terau apply to uauE&iuK n. roissoN, eptlOd ; Aitornej nt Law. A NEW THINQ ON ICE, ST. LOr18 LAGER VN DEAUUUT. ; TUa lab at raatttlon H at the Hoitrt Saloon aspi tt . - i 01IKAP RfOVK HOUMi. j;p. DiiKLOp & co I, W Pratt "trcet, altiiuw.i t, . PARLOR HEATERS ' - ; V ::: codkiiio stoves. ' : ILIUMINATORS. " , ; FURNACES, RANGES rMATIt SQrlorex.ealrwI.' t i Win. .t. ttdit' : Mrr Hotihlim, Hull, Aikiiiwa A IV lormorlv or Ijt ilei it.,., & fe. HULL, LANIER & CO. : .; ....... h IKMHtmn WltlLsmS DBALt. IN FOREIGH AMD DOMESTIC DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS, BAi.TIMOHt ST'KKT, BALTIMORE.! a-pt wH $S0 $100 $50pJ1000 Inrriitad lu Btett frivtlfiro. la Wli Ntreet 1 U to mnTUOUNl.r bou.A8 rnerrr. ;omir,'.hciil piui tury elMolm, rontmUtng (VUi)fl tm'.t. uJ nuoUUun prln. wf all Mck Ml in t. the jVfW York Stock K xclunyr, iimllut fret lo thiM denrirfap)dtma. llr. Al.rX. VKOI MINHHAk. A 00,.,. - i Haitkoniaiid Brqkrr, ()!. "N 'T. 'took Kwtbengfl. U Wl at, " feBWI.-eod rMtWVOHta? SADDLED HARNESS AND TRUNKS HKIDLRS AVO OOLl.AktS, i ' -:: ' . ' . ....... 2 Al kal of nAitnf an t ti.uk repairing uone uiiij MTery low- pnaeeai uie V--" Harnwa Factory Carpenter it Mallard, " ' - NO. I SOOTM "T HT...T, WBU lBlOO,N. 0, XISCELLAJSQg8.ru 1 500 BlTSH,L80AT- 500 bAaa,LS rw,oa-411 ,r"1' M0 BBLS. MOLASSES ASIRUI, (, ' - ...... W. . . 50 Boios p Bait JlEATS. 3,000 SACKSJVETJ'OOl. BALT, 5 oace luriaiXLs finb 100 KEGd NAlLiJ, -4.ii " 55 GROSS RAlLltOAD MILLS . ... v. SNUFF, iiO., lo. ; BINFORD,,CHOW & CO, J M. Chasten. t eneral Commission Meroh&nl ".'BALllMORt. tl.l. s' pernenat rt.ntlon tkthenktnr t CvImhi, r-.r Mot'. r.u,m .nd fr)unlrr inid.i gwaraily. tW to th. pur uaMMTainhMillMi. Mvrwr. hr MrintiHiun In tl.t.in J. H Ur.ingnr, I'nuld.at 01 Jak "r r is :2 English; Cutleiryt Z r. tk.t K.lTft. of ir .l 'rlp'Jnn, tK.tora, 1Uu, MraMix.,- ti.lg,)r' lT111yH4n.il. r blo and 1'a KnlY.n, Sltrr Fuika. Numma. H4a.ra, Uartmg Knlrra, r'mki, T.bl. Nteula, .!.. A tt awH-tm.at Juki ri(iilrfti from ui. imp-rU'r , no oiwulog at t old Bb4Miad Hatdwaie Koua. of' i m John dawson! e, -,h b? Ne. 1. ud it Market Ht. . 5F THE LATEST oftb.'HKIO A BR AO" K.rie.. li ?.niallilU-lU7i U&MiriEllliM ANUUKtLt, , Juflulta Hlrbe. la a UIU. Room'' Mariow.! by It. .lames. Jr. nil Ht fi TT f H .9 I. . W 4bvi1 lW4pVJMrVi4vra anil Tor Mleak ; i.:HEXBfiBCA0Bt8 V UVK BOOK AMU MUSIC STOKfc; Mi V-.f'mii J .ooin.noJo3 ; o,wu nar.ap rin, . i ,U4kaia It . tt Malaaww, . . 1 J 'All oka it. s. tud... ' IW Ho.e. Mmike.1 .lilc: jjw ) HoMl.i'aaad'Suoiildera, Vl 1.IXW Harrelt Kloui. 80 barrel BiiKar, 1(H) )lag CoSea, . fi 1 ' ; . ' ' 4oe Holdoa batiglaf. . . ! . M ton. XIm. , . ,, .. t. s Biifl nniibel.Corn. " l.lH'O OlIBhttl.; i f " am Spir.u Cwk. . JO Toil. riOK. , ., ..;. . ( " HO Barrel Oloe, t 1 . , Paper klreta..., .1 i 1 '! swiKeglNall... .. .. .4 w i , , . KM) Bag. juU; ,';. I -. .' ' ' ' ' ' IU M. sap. ;. ..... . -1 1 , 36J Keg. HU1, cporUagaad Blaatlag fovilw. - n 1 Fornaleby w . Kbrobnkr k Caldub Bitos . AND MIXBD;FKB0. Oar-load . . ... , t-rr , 1 on ihort aptlo JtrlO bought at th market price. Addrew, . , or vlotte, If Jnuel ' LAND FOR SALE. T IAT rlabl tra.it known u "Poeer." .I'uvttdnn ilvl -'iVl' -ttfj'jw Jt lf' ntuiy frtrm Oil. .ill. ttniUlinj () aotaa.KO of wkMrn Mr I rid. tnlvl, the baianai, uiwrior UiUud eroU limbered, I00 a re alrae,i, a-d n(tr g kvI f.o, a'it.ii tit'ho "uliure of c,,u,'M. ;c(Ht . ri . and.iroai It. incim t a luu t .djiuli bt l o ltii,u,it th. Jalr y irf WttMinit ba4ii. , . - Tt'rnueiant nuttt Itri i Ujn ..nll. tiunu. ohO. tY A l IIUIh, ng V will w, .... , , Ueal Itotat Afrn't. ' ! COMPARE. PRICES ? I t ir.i I " ' i Of oar jnully aiads ' ' ; Wamsutta, , hlrts ' Willi tb mitTiai teng l.y n. yard. : TtlEBEST iVb 0i5APE3T8jaiitT In rLiiicrioii, i MUNSON &CO., .7 BOLE AO EN IS. 1 ,f 1 CHOICE FAMILY 0R0CERIES j friwti eei ek. ""IF you want Uw bat i)f ..rjtb'wg at the tutti-at piknela U lty, sead 1 ' ' , mi 1'rt. , ' i ' GEO. MYERS, ! ' 1 - UKSl llUfTKEl! THBWOttM," The ' r'y r. laiil. hotter MdegliHiAkl elt J, at) 1 Irotn the let dairy In New YBSi4 NEW PROCESS EMPIRE FLOUR. Imported Lager Lier. (M.ranteNt 10 tie th hent la tit cUy. Wa 11" en'! 4oin bt e.i'y eamor regularly. It Utlte bett, and ereiybp 1 UM,iW j .-.. .t;;,;jmportecl"llcli.eV I .;,j.t!. - and SOtfcnt iwr Jr,.,,. , j ' Frnrti rnaWed Java and Lagaarra e,i BT- eryw-i k Gro in I ditily In the .tore- Keorif vd U.lnweek a SK faok U i .if 1. ROMANO, AMMONTILLAOO and "duff CORDON , , s, .. - ' 1 ' . ' i - . ., 4n a sJwyt oti b4 fh poputn bf , DLU K CJIt ilSS 4d flliM , ; - .ir!;.'.".-:.-'.-.- N ennucd pcacbe and Callmla Dirtlett paara, 1 ' ' ' I or Ml. k)f ('ai it a W t)rttv; GEORGE 'HYERS. 11 A1380UTHFKONTST., MISCELLANEOUS. INilAMHOl) up- Atkiason & Mannintr STO.BOS.OaO AU lleprHMatdl.a ' ' FirTaT.. B. 1 a. f North AaiHa Pkila leti.a a. Ph.nli laratieeOuran..i....N.w Vork. Oontiu.ntal lrMrMieOe N.ar twfe. ' N . Mrltu A M.reaatll. ln.Oo..lndwa. H art lord fir. In. Oompny.,.hrUord. VatioaalBIre Im. UeBpany.,.tlarUrd. Bprtugrl.id r. A M. In. tlo...klaaoaaMU. ... MARINK. Mercantile Mutual la. Oa...Nw t jr.. la. 00. of North Aaaarlea PhliadolpaU. OonaMtlaalMataalroEiVo. Hntlord. M' ERCHATS AND lECHASIlt' .rsSDAUICCBUOJIPAm. o , aiOat-Ji, ViuoiwiA. I'as4tat .......4.a)4o,B : A. T.avoaa. freaidt. ( t. B. Mooa,a JOHN WltVDKBt ATKIRMOJ . t s; ,s i U.aeral a.4h(Wt WaMTSI ' Wlleilngioai. N.U. prll II i . 4- .THE LAST CARGO OF RIHIE 1 I now offared to parehrt ia "Mrtiia kw raekag, both ll(Badaad Barrel.,, - :Afi wt' !'1i;..;r . -ALSO. . I "., il,,itl V 1 1- aOOAeV 80l!ia1t;iiatRai, ataKe.ad. SawlHHA, rleW itt.n MoiM Hamn, Pork, lry Baited MeaJ. ....rt rd,Hah.Bimar.andaluB ,, I ! f. H ir "" Uroewiea AUXiadiof Winei and Lloaora , 1 ' , , 1, . 1 HV.-r j a. , lb towxft aiarkat prlef t goa.1 duttomert 'ADRIAN At VOLLiliS 0X1 of Dood rMf r oafctn ' 1 t . 1 tail :,TO -HOLDERS i- tj' CITY POIJPbMS. ... .... . 1 .. !.inl ti Ji ( I u I !'. nfrlftii jif awn trhnnn nril flnllndlnn n utuug.u liwmii .Qua uuuuuui.jj 'I'JiiJkJ ' it , CITY OF.WILMINOTON, N. O , June 2Jth, 1875. "llOTloi It hereby "sWen that TH HI J ai.t ) JUPONS lMta (of BooibarUiU City) ean. aot' prtipUytlaVt. ' '''' " , ia aoaiMjaeneeSf oArtAIn 'Jehntif aader a rec.titd.cUlon afthe Haprem Ooart.of this State a to the uor of aaaiator tin Realjuid Peraonal Property :in this city; and .... , l.ttl I- . rK'l" thereby th Olty Taa Bonk aot yetharlug oeoa plaoed In pnaWMlon of th undaralgnsd for oolleetkini tng.tb.r with other rompllea ton.lagr t Miir VTuiiU7p1 Tin, Bow paadlap Mrurs the gaprema Court at North Carolina, the olty of WlUnlnrton a ut pea. arlly orar soate lndal(ae from th boldnr f .... 1 of Olty Ootlponi.ahdor sxUtlng elrcunuUncs. T; Oi BEItVOSS, it- a-ltASetaS- rt,dtyTreaanr , jil.e i inu Exclusively M Retail , oa'Ctj) 4Uaea tt ailW rVH nock, Mit- Ing OIT oh.apor ihaa eheap at the , lirn at Uo'tleaHeet. - K.''illt nflba KUt, rain, rame-b, powitin. linn Knct Mi laiwilar, etu. A larao orliiinl Ikw ai u iioit.tnar. rwnilvn t. and at ilia lo.tail cHb piWiis at ua it4 aaatillh. d ham ware fcoiMB r aogSI Hii. tt. a and SI Market mru.t. io(. (la.o.i.., y. 1 ...wjisska . i. UnUNLT & Murtnis i AUCTIONEERS, ; tTOCKANItRtAI rTITr WILMINUTOM, N. O. , tUN Bt SCFJt AT THEIR HAI.P.8 KOOM ' a plan of Ui elty, on au anlargederale. Blank Book with U. be.ixlari.aof t y larl In th.oity dinlnotly deltntxt. '' : aaaewea ram, pat ana preNoi, 01 .ry im n the elty. An. uloat v !nfo oiBiatlou dtrV. ramtohed wjaai at piloatlon. lair A Triumph aver llainbiif. The coniMnt ealn In norm'arlty of the n.tin. rt'mwly and breveulivt,- 'Hatttra'e Htoinarb tiittera. aad ak .raetcl Barttn of flm fcrmn.bd .nil naiiitmn. ruhlilr.li fiwlilr l)latiiml up by a lalae wmimnincn cry, exmpnui a gmna iiinmp'i o( iri'niilim merit ovur raiiimnl hiiiiil)ii(f, at which bract f.ilka miolne. And witll U11T mat: fur each acraw'tm of popularity to a ri'mwlv which enrrn and Dnivent. liitBrinlltuiit aud rionltlant .vm. ilywla, conaliiaitlnn, liver cninplain., orliinry" troiiiiie, uuinne whbkdcm anil grimral acnniiy. wldi'ii. the fluid of It beni lti li-ut oiM-ralion. ami I. . illrfot uani to, buuiai ny, wain: .miry fnlilng oH tlijratin tfvor.nf A Mrai iomnii1min(l, pow erffll for evil, 1. a bliwilng quite a. numinlakahl., buttor a roaiion very dlflKreiil, lt hiiiuliug for once bid It dlmliii.hud h-ud. Would It .on a- way. awucee-afai la the prcar-nt initant. Real Bitate ; Auction. M. CRONLY, Auctioneer.! 5 cRom & Morris. By virtu of a awrtglge execnter) b Wl Ham k' Ban. ud wile, the Mechanic Iti.l dinit awl loan Ajwuchttliin will aell, forli, at public auction, at kiahange Horner, on Monday, the 13th of Beptemder, at II o' lock, that hn -wtlh dwelling bouae and all neora,ary ut Lounca wiuaieu a. iuiiuwb; ,, ,.,,..1 II ginning la tlU!filfcs'CTei Croa. atrnet, CO l'et W. tronill.liiteriHiotlon wiib the w. line ot Fourth .treat and rui.nin( thence W. wllh .aid line of llnl Urue. alrert M tent , thenre N parallel with Kourth street Uireet, theno K, parallel with He Vtvm strrat U teel aud Ihence 8. parallel with rouithdreet 1(12 met to tu begiimuiAV - ,r r u l Valuable Heal Eatata far Rl. 1 oter lor tale that large Hire, itoiy Brlek Bal.dlwg, llat)on tie iwiiti ol Pollock and tsratieU Inrguw city of Mewhem, and known a. tbo McLean Bnllding Thl. property I. admirably locate it tor a Motel or CotUin raotory. It will be aokt eheap and upon y term Apply to ' HKNRYR BRYAN. Attorney for U. B, Olaflla k Oo. P NEW ADVIUTISZMIM3. STUDY 45 1 Are oloeingout the balanoe of tUt-ir Ln.li.wi TJnJerwear wis; Chemise anil Niht Dreaaea, at a sweeping roduotkm EVEN FltOH FOUMRR PRICES. HAMBURG EDGINGS AND INSERTIONS- We are rnakinff aa effort in thia department to reiluoo tlio btaok previous to ROlog North, ami Ladiiw will ttutl PRICES tower than any the hare aver seen is this market!, , , . u l CUT PAPER PATTERNS FOIl SALE. Machine Needlo&?, 5 Cents JSncl . Misses Kid Gloves Slightly Spotted, 20 Cents a Pair- Sizes, Ilavinff lust taken an aerxmnt of which we have dotermiuod to CLOSE ' : , Wa thank ye a', llallli (front and ami', Kor ialnnaKn extimJlt; . ' r Wsgraicfu' fl, , , We've diiuo san wel . -.. . v , ThrotighoOt the year mw emllt. , v . Our tUx-k we've ta'en An' noo wo're ga'en, To nil within the margin; :- -.n - Ait' If ye ounie Aflirawe'ru Uwtu ' ' 1 . .' ., f to 11 got BROWN & RODDICK. 45 Market JUST OPENED! 36 MARKETS .ANOTHER LOT;OF-l Black Grenadines. Black Silk Challys,---:'. v BLACK CASHMERE, SOREPES. &C7 ISUMMKllHTOOKCLOfJEDOUT . Lower Than Ever I ISTo. 80 MAEEET STREET. KEEP'S .':!'::LZJ;':;:: SIS FOR S7 S0 CiiS . t, rj-.-fJ H )'"; S ' i -AT- 111L11I FIFE'S, , - EXCHANGE CORNER. 1 UB! 1 , ' 1 Pay Tqnr City Tales. Offloe of Treafaret aad Collector Ilactof, )" n.M.O.. , aglT.m"., Ulty or wuouDgwn, mwMA ftA HAtirv all nartlna narlnc rit. i'a. that the requirement of thw elty for Ba ear rich that a ttrict oompliano with a. do not pay th.tr elty tax en or before th But of B.ptr aiher proximo, their property will ba advottiMd and old a th law direct gUorU'nanoe. will oe maoe, auu auou wmiw T. C- BervoBS. Treasurer and Collector. EG0Q0H37! DC ! 5, 51-2 and 6, s eUxik wa flud anveral small, varied lots OUT AT A PlUUli. an unco bargain. Stree PATENT .... . ,o ii . I MTJtNSON & CO.. s ; . . . .... uhiji AuiaNxa. 0K f-, ftfl1 rt'1T- agent want 10 V6W d. AilaJ.orarkrng peoile M boih aoe., y-ung ami old, mak. nnr. wouey at work Cor iu, ia their own ioeal Itlec, during thalrapar tnomxubi. Of all the time, than at earthing elm. Wt ofhjr employ ment that will par homtaoinelj Ajf.oeery hear, work, full parfcnlara, term, eti'.,anot rree. bend u. your a'dree at onrm. lin'l Snlay. Now to yoor tlma. Don't look tor. work or hu.lncM e let-w hero, until foav hare learned wuatweofler. O.Sti.u.h A Oo., fortland, M Ine, J may JS-li4-4Aw "AT TATK'S BOOK BTt. B, ; ( yon will flmt a foil line of . - BLANK BOOKS, ' BIBLES, PRAYER BOOKS ALBUMS andeTerrthlngoiraally kept In a Sr it claw boek and nuale itor, at price lower than aver be. ore iuui cny. ,. - tij ai PURE CXSTPER . DISTILLED N.rd CORN WHISKY U For sala by Job. T Grakbb, 4,'ua r..i 0i ' 1 $ 9 , -f 'Hi . , i '.:' :'1 ?; V.- 'X.