I - t - ''1 ' - i ; : A WILmirCIulT. H. C. GATURDAY, SEPTEIIBER4,'i375. v VOL XXIV. 170. 211. -if twin journal WELMINQTON. n. a t BATf-lUT, SEPTESEB I. ISIS. OY TELEGRAPH. WASlIIJiGTON NOTES. Arrest of Counterfeiters la St, touts Transfer of Cola-National I'cmo tery Ee?nlatlOBs, Ac. BA1IK OP CALIFORNIA. Besnmptlon Promised In a Few Days -$1,800,000 Already Subscribed Ralston! Successor to be Ap- ' ; ., felted -Future Policy. TUEKEY. The EeriegOTlnlan Insurgents Defeat- ed-Tbe Porte Adopting Bcfitruia tory Measures, Ac. CRIME AND CASUALTY. 1 Teller Robs a Bank, and Trumps Up Story About Bobbers-Brought . to Grlcf-FratrlcJdc. NET7S IN GENERAL Democratic State Victory In California -In-Isncnt Women Mob an Ex Jude -Papal Honors. COLD 14 3-8. 0 fBt THJSOBAPH TO THE JOT3HNAU m -WASDIXCT65. 1 ' Counterfeiters Capturcd-Transfers of Bullion-Cemetery Regulations. Wahhinotos, Sept. 8. The police has ad rices of the arrest in St. Louis of Habard of St. Louis : Malone. of North Carolina; Duff, of Virginia; and Jrliut, of Tennessee ; alleged deal ers iu counterfeit money. Malone, Duff and Flint went to St Louis to purohas. "queer from Ilubard. Dr. LindermQ. tUd Director of the Mini, whn ia iiiiv in Run Franniann. has sent the following telegram from that oity to the Secretary of the Treafl' ury: "An additional half million of gold coin may be transferred from the bullion fund of the San Francinoo Mint to the Treasury of the United States ' Without interfering with the prompt payment of bullion deposits and pur chases by the dint, which is refining and ooioing on a large so Je, , The . business outlook ia improving, and matters will soon more forward on a more solid basis." -' " ' The Secretary of the Treasury bat crone to New York. Bear Admiral Qoldsboro ia seriously ill. . The War Department baa issued the jouuwiug gniierai oruer iu reiuuuu mj Rational cemeteries : Jfiomos are lor bidden: no admittance between sun set and sunrise : driving faster than a ' walk audirefreshments in the cemeteries are forbiddea. CUIF0BXIA. . The Elections-Democratic Tlctory- Ccncarcd Confidence In the Bank - of California, Ac. . - Sam Fbanoisoo. Sept, 8 Iuoom plete returns indicate the election oi Irwin (Dem.) for Governor, and the ' enUre Democratic ticket by a large plurality. - " Three Democratic Oongressmoii eleo ted from the Fourth, The Democrats have a oloralitv in the Legislature. - The vote of the State so far as heard gives Irwiu, (Deiu.) 21,694 Bid-vell find.) 9.C03. In the Second Congressional Dis trict Page, (Kep ) 1,891 ; Larkin,(Dem.) 4 Ml t Tnttl. flud. 1.2G7. In the Third Congressional District, Lnttrell. fDem.J 5.641 : Uennis, fKeo.12.CC6: Beid. (Iud.) 3.1C5. Ia the Fourth Congressional District Wigginton, (Dem.) 6,442 ; Houghton, (Rep.)4,808 Thompson, (Iod.) 1,675. 1 In this city Piper, (Dem.) for Con gress, is undoubtedly eleoted, but the other offices are still undecided. The opening; of the Merohants'.Ex dauge Bank, and prospect of immedi ate resumption of the Bank of Califor nia, causes the bent possible feeling in ' business cirolea. With the exemption of . the closing of the stock boarda. buzi neps has practically settled ' down to the old routine. This morning the Board of Brokers will hold a meeting, and possibly may Conclude to resume business on Mon day, though more cautious members advise waiting until the Bank of Cali fornia resumes. ; r -- The time has not yet been fixed for . cpnfeg the Bank, as much work re mains to be done in the examination of the accounts. Balaton's successor has sot yet been named. O. O. Mills, at prenent, is at the bead of all'airs. The amount of new capital subscribed to date is 1,800,000. ! - " ' Triple assurance is given, on indis l authority, that the business of the Bank will be closed np as it affects all credikiis and stockholders in the mewt advantageous way. Time will be - ' given to debtors who are nnable to moet their bills, but an effort will be m 'a to collect the assotts as soon as ci. "instances permit. Just aa fast as the c.inh is available, the indobtodness of the Bank will be paid off. ' ' 5 1 Dishonest Teller. t Lotjisvilli, Sept. a The Planters' " National Bank has reooveredthe niouoy taken by l.ehm, tuft teller. Oo took tliu ivii.ii.'v ami nnurttwted the etorv of I the three robbers. The moMyw fonml buried near liohui's bonso. ' I Uo ni arriued at the City Court ana held la 8.0.(KX tmil. PKNSSILTL5IA. Mnrder Murderers Captarel, ritTMBi'ito, "Sept. S. Two k&!-- brothem, colored, altercated, when iter a few words, one tilled trie other with a shot gun. X OTMVILLE. Sept. 5. The tWO tfU who killed John P. Jones, atLaftafot j. were cauiiM in the woods near Tx- que and tally identified. ILLINOIS. Witness In a Scandal Case Masked. QracT.Sopt 3. Ex-Judge MitobelL who testified in thm Methodist Churob, ecardinB the Church scandal, was as- Billed by the ladies mends, The lu.lo-e received thres wounds ana la-1 .Mral. A h-tndar waa .hot in the ei I ; I ni.i , i i. - m I aiutrr uisriiarjcw. s scorsTA, sept. o. ine it yia tnai Conly Harris cauo returned V Terdiot of not enilfr and tha'orif er was aiselmrs(l from custody, Vtef in- anrreotiotiary cases hare bseo con- hniied to the regular tnrm court. The nnsnners arrested ia Johnson comity will Ik fried at the tpwiaitetm ou MouJht next. FOEEIQN..ii , i.m.i..t ' .V ENGLAND. i The Porte Determined to Crush Ue Rebellion-Turkish , Victory-The Austrian Government Demand ing Servla's Keatrallty. 1 London, Sept. 3. -Au article in semi-ofHoiuI paper of Gc nstantinople re- seuls foreign interference, and declares I that TiirL ia ohl ta nnrm with nf I rebellion, and will not cede an inoh of . i. hi. i. . I territory in aeiorenoe w taie oemon- stratioa. - ; m I n.i.i ii i m.i... c.t T..K. I Minnla Invn fmlml I Juliilitina font I Up $100 000. .,. i A Vienna dispatch to the Daily I JScwt eavs it is coulldently asserted I that the representative of Austria tX AMigraue ua nuuuuu oervia mi l Wilful aggression ou the part oi tnei latter aaiunst Turkey may render til necessary for Auxtria to send troops I into Hervia, in order to ensure neutral- y. 1 . It is expected that Seme wlU tasne I a clroular note Bhowiug her action Was I against Turkish aggression, by n. .tnanw) n.otant I11 AW.WMM (AIHMftn I The Telcaranh publishee a epeolal dispatch from Berlin, announcing that the report has JMen received tnerei . i i a . i I, . Pnn.ian ll.na.Bl KmrrMUl. IDDI VUU MUDDWU VOU.W. I liu ntnril tha rif Khnkand. A dispatch to the Timet from There-1 pia( a suburb jof Constantinople' i wuicu uie iortigu miniswrs iwamo, i sysr "The Turks ia Herzegovinia have Mined a Yiotorr. Ten thousand iusmgents were driTenaeroea the fron-1 tier into Daloiatia where they were is re-eetablished, ,r .... :.. , . A speoiol to the same paper atatea . i i . , n i - i T. . i . 1 tuat server jrasoua uas ueeu lnstruotea to issue s proclamation on his arriral 1 . . TtooHSproinpuTaiverTiowuriowatuia at Mostsr, giving assurances that! . ." " ' .. .37, nenoeiori'i no vexatious or megai sow will be permitted ia the name of the Government S lie has aluo been instructed to dis miss and punish officials guilty of op- pressing tue people ; to institute a special tnbuual which shall exsmlne aud satisfy the demands of, those who means to exec u to these luatruotions, Tlie Porte, while determined, to sttp preiis the insurreciiou at all eosu, iu. lei ends to exterpato the sbwes tUy to ead to its repetition. ' j 1 , . ; i vi.jJt .1 . .,,..K f ' i.l A Mandard dispatoh from ! isUn- tinople, represent that the srreo - tiou in ilnegovius is uow m ained by hands of robbers. Kot a i Is In- anrgent is to be seen around X iiqnej i'iie fugitive lusurgeuts bat- Irivci. 1800 head of cattle into Dah J for BMinrit.v. .'-. ' I ; A semi-oflioial journal of Aflnpa vin dicntes the urntral attitude of ureeee. Another Qroeciau journal strongly advocates an alliance with Turkey. . , The strike in Dundee is ended. , The mills re-opeued to-day, tbe operators I ooueeutiug to work at a reduction of 8 percent. ; HALT. -Papa) llonors for America. Rous. Seot. 3. It is reported that Mousignor Konoctti is to be appointed to s high ecclesiastical dignity ia the urn ed states. .n.-i-i-. !, FBANCI. ' Ai Death of a Celebrated General. Fakib. Sent. 3. Qen. .Froaaard is aesd. At WrlghtTlllo Sbnnif, of ooniamhtl'oB. An the morn I hit of th. Xd In.t.. Alloe Mario, wit'. in i. n, jtianup. i on lunsrai will lak. SiaM I in nnr i.Tiim ponnnini. morn in at u o'ekMik. Tn rrienn. and arqnaiDtance of ui faatUv aie li(Tltot to attend. Th. riRpnuMMl w t. In th. tilth wmArnt t,o At the eariv K or aereateen .ho oonaooutd boniftr wltb the M. K.cnar.a South, and for foir teen yrTt .It, ua. qulrtlr born, the ot her saT.or, and when oon.noipUim olalmtd ner . a victim, ui ferny nm .11. bow ia baa ble mbmlMl in to niia who Uoeth all tblng whii. cue trams a DiiMnaua anu ill roe cni drOQ tonioBrn their Um, Thua hath awd .way aa I enrmpia' j uiirini.o, aue.ouo ut a kiasi and aS'nnllcnt't mtttier., thoa who die In h Lord " .'Hlaiawd . ar. I . H. W. TJ F0EEE1IT. . . THUSKdcalrabl dwolltnt. two on Third Street unlerth Hk. ar Ti " i I t'Oil Oroaa, and aw on t rant Street i" ' rrt Weihtnim hiirrh. am ta Or 1'Wlmt rpir.K'd water tn tbe preailae, and cu tuetcti nuuw pi" r - TllOn. I,, MRAKSS, ( - ai u. v. n. n. uinoa. nop S St have been object of arbltary treat- - A CQMS' AL1DD1H SECU- meut; to recall auy person exiled with- V',T! ,t fill " out jiibtioe, aud expel agitators, ? tie " ' ; 'J"2 J LI . L" li,' isauthorizAl to employ tl necwari w-tf ef: tlr.,, MXI JLZYERTISEMINTS. i W1"1 Two rvatl.mxa ilMltt bMnl f.U Uallv. AddrM. . . Jo.tn.l Ofllv'S. MX. PAUL TT fT-t, krwpm m h trm Vo.1.f In r. V "' r mom of Tbi-4K ! i wv mu. J i J. so. ; ft1 fnWIS BHrntafat I '! wt Will SeU 1 fecU (JerB( t'glitSbs'M UilUl S'.e l ff. A ft . & K. le., .ikI an. Hi. i buixv. " " CBOaHAMOBHIS. A.CtMMlMrft, . A.XMJUE3 A CTJ IA1 - vwwrt)mm fwtm m m im l"",u,rcv i-ww-e" "" an'y'e aaue oy w, u, wuia, Ch.mlrt of th. United States Xaral Labora- I o NaLuaiOM ritnw mm .Hii.vai ot . : THJI OUAUTI.. f -mo tn of thi ker,M -nwa t anir. nwiwrlw jr lu pureasw.. mnu BWH" atuaroMb .iwti. Th.Urn. in .ttraordUiKT ffMi umuu., m.,, tni bmraa,ia.a-wa ha ,u0lW,ii.g n,i hihi; rmm.nJibi. ir,.. rw n.iupniKJ, au,f .iquiitT rJTZtoit.nV p ' ' f W.O.COWHkl). ( tiraibrti ef J. B. lk Uritorj., W rt- is wtio'etals aa.hta, au4 lUs fat sals aba in ta etty bt , , . , V 1 v !' A. o. M. Tmas7 (1 ADBIAM A VQU.HH1V .;-f rrrT!) ,v .n'til AWi t lii- - jj Jaf , wet cai ! Bjf PAUL H. -JIA YNE. t . mt ),,, lTar tss pr ' Otolh. ! Qili, (stra,u U MtM,V t.J':t . .,, t .... , ' ' ' i" nwjwinuiiuwiwiwnwwiw.iHi ia tnoa ga tatts ar nnr sownuw ini iTaqai fui attaruuKnafwiMsr tb tm.Undrow Unri tbl.onnlrf kMglvsato tk w-rld..- .uih.. i.' tv .! . ( . . r. . ,vt"t", 1 ' . ; . :, s o ''' nElS3BBRQKH'8 t OQv Mftsla Stor- ispi i. i ww WW hi ""A'vni'rno'i' - J J O j 11 1 C O. 1' 1 . . . ( u. ' wmos Dioiai Aue w u.. j lU'wii 'ir ' " WXl"VS IPV VIHT , i , . K & ''' TT ' i . BAt wu (ooaua tors awt earns? fTS tiM" a4i amAi, , . , ,,,-u .'V.. i't.. 4 JU.., JL.' , tm ( u . l haw H. Wright. piw whips, aruRS, iVtwItl . , ,,- BUffliM AST) flOLCABa, " ". r Mflinr tran rejoanni n ? 1 H of 4 - Carpenter l Mallard, at ss UO S BSOTU' UT ST as NT, aIls Best EoiicoliQld Oil in tiiff voria ! (rwu, in lit kbn, u, . i . ' tl SWARD Fins ls. I d: t' BlLTiMnSB,) - ; , ,' iota!)frs5,WH & Wt Ami Oitiuawas hwi tb TtrUiiMOiUmld -n ! oily. fur I ng ,,WMOmii. j uk., pi.w.ri m WIS. v rf.Tl( IIIUiul- 1 m-ndiog j nr " Aladdin ilMuritf u ta rpt f i"1,V' " . w ,,,r,;o":,.v? irr nrtiMaa I laka silMviaiat-A . a mu-t ni J s (sigiijJ ';, APtiW. kksb, Fr't, 1 ... r . , trr T WILL, If OT EXPLODE WbeloMtolMeoiv O: WCST ol SON us nil W, Lnaiburd etrvot, UAl.Uuui'ej Ht' '"TOll'BlEHT.-''-: THAT wni mod kou. rMldoneoah'tti Airn-r of HmoikI and n Wiwtt, oo.tlnlrg rlatafiti room. ih b.Wiig MrT.iit' iiaarw aaS sublai uqim f. W.KBHOWStB,'' English; Cutlery; ' : Pooket Knlre. of T.ry dwrlption, 'RfOrS, trora. Brtuh.. Mdtf.r' Irorr HnH 1 strop., Brtuh, Hodgm bio and Taa Knlvm, BllT.r Fork., Spoon, Bolwnr., UwTlng KnlvoKnrk, 1'ablo SteW,' etc A larg. awrtmenl Jam rwwlvtd fr tbe Importer., and no opening at th old - tablbaea Harawar BOUHW . i tj ... . - JOHN PAWSOW. ! N. If, TO and SI M.rk.t St. . i in i i ST. LOUIS LAGER BCERv s ,, andraaRtatat '.i . "l .;---' nUNCE'S SALOOM on Front Itraet and tha mwugtment of 1 l'"1 'tVl.1. MIT1K11, Oodobln. I j v. i)f :'' l I "H -t ' -4 W.- A HITOST OF GERMANY, v ' , 1 PKO 1KB KiBUCSf TIMRS, faaaaasaa Br, ita ?ntlef"Hltory Dr. itavM WMnet th. Oornaa Pnpl..J &. ParVl Vulti f."Hl.Uryuf theOi arntn j I otila"ia Ui. mot aealui and pupalar oi the none;, rreia waiiw aa ymig people t Merman iMr.dw Mnfref liieir rHierlan. Ita autknr lanoi npalon.ly aoenrate iu hi. amor' jtlon.and ,klHlnl In aeMmtMif ami rr'tiig tn acta moat worio ei niintimn.w .n n baa eluaeiy eoedeenemt bw awritilv, wllktiet AAUilA I AtAU h.. IIMMtlnr. .MtM. MM1MWI H tM' IlllhW Ma"" "'.' - - - ' liuory of Germany lor A mxrleaa tiileiiK for eaiaat-i W'i t . HEINSBEEQEE'3' 1 , , UVKBtKlliAKU MUSICSIOHK, sap I 3ii::iiU!.Trou3. ' 500 bC3Helsoats ' " rp fcAfcaXH rUOOa-all rado t ELLS, TACCia 4STRUP, C ) rt DrV t . ' t LI"ATS ?! c::hi ivir,rcoL salt, ,CT3 ALT. ir.:nALL3 fine 3 GlOia RA1LB0AD IIILL3 ' . For salle low by -v., i . BINFOBD, CHOW CO. !N aaf tin ' . ' - '' - " ALT- (JOHN, MOtAHSEJ,: UAOON, AO B.SflO Racks Salt, I 04 M'Bbl.8, HMlwi, f Niiniai iDi aiHMm, IS Bqm1.i 8ld., -..1 SO Vox HuwAl tnirt. . W Hm U.i.Ha'k4 awS ebonlOara, I uoitftrrlf ilr - . . . ue SaMwi atagtlag. .. UK UHBKaaLaa -t s in Tons Tim. 4 ..,.KK) klMroioOluou fa a "l"orporkHif.ka.j ,.. '.,, RoasKatt,,-, .... , ,.. , , fof . v.y ,1f , J Kkbchnkb ft CAtiDSB Bros. Flonr and Ileal . jsm ixj;r Bi. OsHosu pj ( d os ihprt notlos, ,Qraia boualit at Uv II i I i;'". 'i i. i. r v- (IU !l statwst sk; A44rSS, V M f WAA U vfuttiAiVrar btif r littr., C-vlott,K Joaot " COMPARE PRICES , Wamsutta. ..hlrtt j 1 Wltfe tli mstirial bes cy th j.rd. six aruuij $,;iau um. ; TtIEBE3T AND CHEAPEST SHIRT tt.1ljli'BrjLEAQEIiTg " aoft j-fiHJIJI " " CHOICE FAMILY GXCCESIES ' Fronh iw.1 wosk. If v waal th but of evsrytaiag at ia utwok prtoi iu mi. ciy, urn .,,4 t ttmlfiVrtl MYlERa.1 -4 - i f-via toarf WHsMs battsr brought totblsctty. ana iron id m aairr u .w fur. new; rZSCElt empike flour, topprted JLageriBiej, tiamnail tow tbs bri rt oity.,' W n otIm I04oi bf wvorf-suamor nfalarlyi It I th bast, and verybo Jy omi It. , , , i IrnVorisd iPlcklet, - SOaadWaantspor Jar. ,. , FttaS rAtad.Isa .Ad lawytelooirMi v ,ri w,fR. UIUHW1 BHir I. tu. nm, liBMltrad tuu weak a cask aaob of , b y ! eclrad tUUwcak a oaak eaoa w bkv'n skt', sTorj r, bura'iT oo'.'i" ...j.i;...,'-. . ' t , ... BUANDJjriSTAGElSMl j t If ROMANO, AMCNTIULADa and And alw.jion hnd tb popular brand. t( fl ULIH3 II i'S$ GUM, No.r.unod Mwhoi aat. Cllfurul UaitlaU rw,saia.jBw.ww s ' t GEORGE Real Estate Auctions I ""'AHAllI W , a '1 gs-vif wrsaf i Muukionwi., 1,11a lit ' 1 " s.f.sl 1 1 1. I B vWtiw, af a niartuaae .eeahMl h Willi Am k- liuajiiid wilA. tb oiMbanin But'illMif huI Uu.u Aamelaiiaa wilt anil, for eah, at pubs aiietlon.at Kucha na" Horner, en Hoadty, tSS' IStbofSeptemder, atlia'clouh, tUatkut wltb dwelling bonne and all neoawaryaut bos itnai'i aa loiiowai , , i f Bfglnn'ug In Ui. N. Una f Bad Orow "treat, IB rent W, li a oi u 1hU.-i1 loo with lb W, line of fourth .trmt and ruealiig IheSa W. Willi .aid llu.of Itod CroM .treat 1 rartheja 1ara!ll with Konria aUeat Ul fuel, tliaaoa R. parallel wlU Red ilroa. aireat M feo and thenc S. pwall.l wkth lfilrUi atraat KM hiet Hi Hi ajOaMaawav w inH.ii.evno ot a.w-H stioSABb esesbv.: , xt wnsas awaa i CRQHLY & nor, -is f .ae-atgirirttiaTrtl i snc i.t : seal estate bssxexs U .",. "waemiiiV'air 'a. ' I T A B C 8 1 ! I i AT T H 1 1 IB S AI41S ItOUM I V pla ot tb oly, e au enlarged Ml. ; In th.nttt dmtln.tla SeSmd i i ' Awwm4 falM.paet and praat,af vrv hit ethacttr. .-. ' Any Information daetrad raralahtd apoabp- 1,31 ad r Qchool Coolio A. I HOK and: eonpkita awiek of Bcbaol 8 I li 4 Biwk. alway. on hand, Teacher, la Iti city and,oo,Bivtry ararwaetl to.aead la thSir la thSir wul eaMnr. ' AU Sflnt ff School Bo ) flne4 St tb pobllaiuif towoat peloa al II Uv Book and Mails store. , iMl,J Uat A.Ma4 Iu SmIw. I eSef for ifl V at Ih' - tUre atory Rrtek of, Hill ir,,..n - " w ,llinl.i Mtd fr'jwit ki t n isa. i iuiliium. Tbia priMwiy (a ailmlrabty locuied tor a Hotel et tMIe vaetory. It will be aokd eheap and apoa aayterBM.' Apply to HKMuv H BRYAN. Attorni for 11. B, Ulaflia d Ue. .SURAXCB KDII 'is.: ....,. Atkiusoii & Haniiinir. n. Oa. at North ati.v.... thit.wii-ti. I"h.ii lnirn).Ouminj,,..N Vtt'li. t lionlil.nu.l lr.ar.no )o New ixk. . N, Htuh A M.toUl. luikUu.Ua4na. H.rlto?d riro lm. Uompiuir... H.rilonl, s p h.tHWl Tt In. Uomrt.ni.i ,tiMtii. aprlmSoia f . M. In. v, Mar-aobwwttJir . ' MARINE. w Ins. Uo. of tiortb Aworlo. PbliwHpn ; r '-w- Lift.'" (Xmutlosl Mutual Ui. iutljt, HmM1-"'- rs st s jb-;i ; py J tUCU A5iTS r'CrWi id ! v SURASCEC0MPANT,l ' i ) 1 .,,,i'-t ' i "'-l 1 tap. ua ;..V... -Mvi .a a, T'Svetas, FraMl. ? I, wotmiJr JOHU WltDKHeTIiliS!. ' ' tir.l Pa. Notlk WsMf Sb ST llttlMO), N .nrll , , , j j T '' THE LAST CAEGaQ3E ( .I'-.l Uai slT.rod ts vurobMr la..rla4 k0 aobaiM, bots, Hof.n.aiK ani Uw!.! ! .wv.rsissMsBWieMtiwtsViM IUQAU HOUiB MnLAStCH, Mo"riW aufar rrlp, Kw rMti Si)iW , itwton.f ork, .Pry BH. . ! ' Lard.VMi.llut'sr, and atiiil, 1 AH itpii of WiueV aftd'llciWa. h towrt starttat pnoa ts foad, sipmf 1 'ADRUN U T0LLEU3, j 111.! Voraar of Doos, ' f ui.n 1 1, ,. , . ., , .4' -U . -. TO -HOLDERS i. ',-er-iu,'"'l'J!" CITY OOUPOKQ. -l I' W:lH ' ' -. Oitccjor Treasurer ani Collector -11 t , '1 1 , "OTIOK: U arby gWaa Nt ,tl'lf ft...UIVV Ojorowa mo BoaaiarabU Oitt) cait. Mas prom vtlrSptia.' : . .. .... ...Mi , t .i i t'I t . ' '1b ;caiuinoof o'AaJa'oanj(i nttfla nesntjtaeWss jafj-e Japfiaa. UMBfA W Ma tetb Jsanaat f aaMwoitaAei lb i ... MmI rsiwinal Frttpsrtf 9 IMS ri and ... , ..i, .... i . ( ' Rr Atsribyths W taf dook Bdt jatKa.Ing, ... ' - !! 'il I'l '".tlJi'MI " , oMaplaMd In poawmloii or the umlor,ij;a,)d for ooUoUo8 togethr with oUi.coiSi' pSDdBSfwrettSgbpvi'tXMrl dt';taorUi o, -jl... !.r-in -mt ! rt! Carolina, th oltr of WllmliKtou niu t ix I I tiff .HA.. . IM ll Jl 'if W 4 Cut!"!! T ; i ii arllv orat om IndulgepM y-ow thii af (Jt Ooopoo,aniir aslstlpg sJrotrsntnideaV' .d !,t,n.,,ll rtiil" t'''''ik!l.Sl-l''f"1 Ml ... . ,... ..... , llt. 1r.,...,A. Kieas'Sk 't,,'i'f xt,''"1!' 3,i..il-tti!iaTif r- - '.T"iT"xt t TW A III- , riiiW bC, is -to? : .I''.1- I' V' rKLKBHaTHfV ',il JO- iW I'l. "''MK'McVl ftjliS Tn bS'TBi ' X , Miij, KM l , .' . , v.-.,t r : LSI i itii s., iftt a, 11., .nil iu lliitvl. . Aug applicable, ui. t,''"" J'litnaaiiliaoJii I.OJlll '.UI tliklL 'T-l M, KVBRT.VAaiB blrtiuai'-tllSB). .V,,..ll..Jrtiir.-""-'aa .Worcestershire Saucri.1 .Bold WluiloaAj and. ( ,ouitinifyti, U -r IW AA J , i Proprietor.,. A AfJtKHINS, W.,r-a.', England; and Ret.ll l'y Dealer, In Batio. ot arall. thronBhout tha world. 1 iwi- ?nr,m ,t iktv3S " Ask for lea ft Fernns' Saucd. - At .11. BHEAKFAAI' TAfttr.'il jii.- r. i. i'fHriV - H parti tb aioei wqaidta relink and to.t to lift , ..... v . . . - - or Wd iaf,Vowl'(Vih, Broiled Kidney, At th OINNEH TABI.K, to Sonp, nli rl,h, ltlolat, Oam, and la all llrnrle giTaAd.'.gtiurfl' 1 .V t -1 tsirt.i;r.ri:-; f a- hps- f Aflf.Un It U daiuediiidiapen.Kt)le OtoM t-aUlat wCS IA 4lai'bi ffii.!i.fe! ', . , ... . iVwa A"et ,yMt nMA.Hyr A. WTber ll no reUab la b world wnlrh 14 anlnmny likA uXafwt.ftmitt' WOroHU-auir nance. , - .'..J22lvti::Asi'i tnwsi . . .(:' voiik! EiclusivelV at Retail" h Bow. i,nS dboot f Ml Mot, 1 11 noo!1, e)ll Ing on" cheaper l thtn ehonpat tblrt o'f tb diina a.iiistois. . Sh'H. ro ni-bar..nlwr, S'"J5ci(?lll powilHr, w. A largo mwirtnientot tuo aim fa (ov.l.Jiut r.nelrwt, ami ior aula nt the lowuat oaeb prio at tb old atabllfhed hardware aouaaof . ' JOHN DAWSON, anltt Mob. 1. SO and si Mar kot tttreat. ,'t J ti ,3EI;-AaYiaiiaZ3nST& f; 'i'',t til V...'-! ' ..' ; I I: ' : - ' ' h-u-, ,V b ' ' 1 ' ! i i- , ' v F it l" i- i a-i .,..k-U is i . v-4 . Are elofliri?'Mit th balnAo ot thii JtiRUt presses, at it awoeping MiotjonIiVi;S FIlQU FOUilliU PRICES. n , 'f are wakinR an lTjft in tliL llopurt'aetill ta teduao thestoek previoua to gouig isoiui, and ikuua w.h aua piiiS&iS 'vwer tuaa any. they have ever seou id this luiaUt t ". " .. .. .. :l '.'1! I.i '. nil cti:ii4A sale. NtnclotH qnts jflach Ilssses i Kid Dlovo3 Dlihtly fJpottcd; 20 Ccnt3 W 51-2 and- G, uIIuviujD iiiHUtakaUauaoSmutof stock wa ll id aevtral small, varied lota wUiehwo m doterei-vlto CUWr! OU.J? A'C A WUOa ' - Wl"-ii'it .t.Hi.v..- thank J', , , , ,.f V i ,1.1-1 (.-1 n - u m i;t(, a ttl,a wn,,( , -.ni Ki'.t 11 1 yorpaiwrnaiia extondltj ' f!','i , ;.ni.iT- .) id Woigrateiu I'oel, ' f , , . . . - I. We've iluno m wcel , , , 1 1 "V" "'.'r- T ' .j hrotighimt the year noo ciidlt. I f ..! , -4 1 1 1 -M 11 -. . j' - " 1 i t m, i 7'"mi ) 1 i ' nf itgck ' ' (I J , . To S.-11 ' 4"'" ' 'A i u vneutu H f i 1 . i r ii 'AfillS Willi tOUIIK v n . A e'll ff't mi linen' bargain. , -BROWIT & 'RODDICK. 45 Harkct Stroet. 1 VI" ' I , ; , t ill tmXl Mil J Til" ,1 i , u' n'ii" i.i t--- AT'rrrnt.r f ,,,!, f, W, fl t ,'11WI IhtltMll ! '( ' t E TvXl Ef2Q ; !tKLiss.H3:33so s Wl,:..p,(,ll.l.,W l-.l'.if'11'"'1'' ' ' -f . . ... ,., mi w .136 lvl A.R.ICET , STREET, . .f'k f)irtit-'i j'Hfl !!U4 AN0TJ11CR LOTOF ; ' '' ta i" "' r-'"-! ; , Black Grehadincs' :;;:;liallys,, ... .r;' -Vi TnVACIv.dIlSrEUE, SCREPE8, &C ...t.., urttnir nr laiiiin niTTv fvtvili &TII)4MX'AlMta mi .id Jiower0 i!t 1J lilliJ t'M ' - i t a. ,.od .v.y 0 IS fM'd t'W nT ,.!. j-iu ..jald i-Hvj edl lwiJM Ti i 'mU B'iifi' "t ''' JlLL. , -., , i(? i.a f r i, RI-.E P'S a . a .. - a . . 1 J : :f .-fJ ;y ft kH ' : -- i. i t ,ci bir n l Ti.i aa a .tv 'f' l.'ilaiii'J-i t' i w' I r.a ss emmuM d:' j ,..f VV.'U ''flrtif'i . i. . . 1 111. !f IJ'IW S'MIIT.M' iertit lirii '!fj 1!" urj ml i-otI Sd'iW? lifiljn -( fj.'ff' fHH(f filtfl vHllfuMiK -ianrl''fd iil'lai' f .;? a-ti'tt-wilxla iftniijlbif?3f : .B!'-d?'ii1t"t' ,. ...-Wfirli, Mt' .w.Limdln . : ... V-wf,i w .-vidfisM .ail i r '; T.'iJ 'r " " I ;-.riTr.-rr.- i a; ;:SliliSJ'lfi:: L . t-:r;ii.iiirt .'.';r'.'t r " : -r-t.x dj ltd Vli'" o 'll i J '' li t UBl i ... a . ...4 . f ... l t l't ......( i., fi Vi ..'( m,t ! s m,' lift i UV iHJBIS'WTresatiTor ni idt'olle' t 4fr. 11.1 I-ww ',"",""",'; I ilaw dlteotefl WsotHyall nurt hw.t-2 i'Wv ti. thn ll.e Teqnireiniiiu, of the eiiy fi.r HimIhaiuS'.. a I'i'.i. a f -ul c,.iii'iiia' Willi Iicordiiumiieii will bo iiu tu, aiidanou iinmiH. wbedotiot pay their clly Usoa on or beturetlie tint of Mitptem!vr,"pro)tliiio, their property will bo advorliaed and ld Ui law directs . . T. O. Sorvoss, Xreaiurar and O.UoutO r fd.d ,, jti ;' ;i!;,f"7 if s. , i !.. lWW.i.st-a-i--ii--i.i-ssi-a--sW-a-ss--MS-liiBB i n num. awWn. iaa-iai- ,. i'.'l'i fflXBT SflllETkV ; J Tulles Underwear tie? ChemiP and li A ' we ( laeu- a . 1 1 i- 1 , within tbo margin; iu! I Hi'. '' i. 'j i t;:il!if.rj'tjtv 3-iian Evor.l ' , . - ; ll.'Pj' , ' . . f .. . .-. ' ; iLi.i.l: ,, PAT E NT . .. , ,,nwT.v: a nir.vTa ti . 0? ' V1A aV-4.- A.Nf '- fK a COfl PfRDAT.Aiwntjiwant- Vo 10 V((5U i. AH eiawi-H of working pu.i'l id' boilt atxel. young and old, make wire mniy at work tor aa, in their own Uical itl. dtiriue tlteirapara inuiii"iit. or all the time, thau at anythlug el. W olliirenioloy Bieet lb will par himdaomnlf lur overv U.iu r' irk, full parlino'aM, t,irai, etc., mmc Ire. Khd b your aMroaa at oinie, Dm't dolay. Now ia your tlto j. lon't lonk nr woik or biMlnem eh.wh"re, an til vo'i hava le-wnotl wbbtwoUb. O.Stiom k O't, Pm md, M ine, , , i,..i;t ssajr SS-l'-t-dw 1 "" . ' " . " . tlj.. ' ! "ATTATK'S BbOKSTOBB," It - ' ".f If ' - ' ' ' yon will ?ml a fulj llnaf ,,):,.' ., ,blakx'e::xs, n .-. Bi-LEs;;ptAYER.::K- i.i:;r.;s and eervtbiii usually kept tn a f ut c 1oo!c aud moi-lo .lore, at price, loft-r una tv. r be lore tut hie city., u -! M8I rur.E cbrrrir DT3TILLED sf. a , ; .CORN WUkiKYI . Foruisby " John. T Ciiamkr, Tliomavloa i. " rRHl Li-MRut UtllSS SHln 1 S, vi -i W mi mirpWI '.5.,.,f,'.;. fl..,-..w2& ' I -i4.-w.; i jl.tr.."1: 1 .v'jxii'r 1 f t'-l'i. f Hiicd . .7 ' rW-1" V x-- 'ix ' '' i . r

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