It- j . I .U i ' - HOT 1 VOL. XXIV. HO. 212. WILIIIIIGTON. H. C, SUNDAY. SEPTEMBERS. 1875 WHOLE IT0'G,9 I ? M I j i 4 , SlXDiT. SEftEMBEU 5, NIS. BY TELEGRAPH. WASHLNUTDX NuTKS. Signal Senlce Telegram-Transfers ior -auiiuay imai irausicrs iur 'tae Week $2,50 1,000. . JBANS OP CALIFORNIA. tJlufstoA'sltcatltilrt $J,000,000-The tesumpUonorthelaakarrrtaliity -Om-bsujuca )f Sleek. ; 1 Murdered y k Tratrip-OutlawlHin In Pennsylvania -An Acquitted Mur. derer Meet a Just End. .-.. r , NEWS IN GENERAL ; T Destructive Flre-Twcnty-four Honei . - ! i-. 1 - i- . i. ... .'uriiee-'-rasr sau Buuie-rvarusi , f. u 9? reat--Tarlcer's Insurrection. GOLD 4J-2.; ,i BI TWJtOHAPlf TO tnK JOURNAL. , WASH1XGT0X. JnScli(onejJnIUtrssBrtlllou Notes. " Wasuinotok, Sept. 4.- The Sigual observer at Norfolk furnishes the fol lowing : An iQtuowu schooner unchor-Tifff!PtafEY- Bplt. with hea.1 guar 1)oU4y torifll way.' 'fbo iujury ih Supposed to be received in a culliwoa, Asgisauo8 bu14t ut. There were m transfers of gold to San Fraucisoo made by the Treatmry Dopartmeut to-day. bat it probable that on Monday additional transfjri, amounting to half million, will be made from the bullion fund of the Mint. The aggregate amount of gold transfer already made is $2,501,000. . The transfer made yesterday in favor of the National Qold Bank of Sao Franoiwo, wag rtjanntPt far th . par potetef 'aiding tlie institution in a re tirement of a iiortion of iU oircalatiou, CALIFORNIA. ,. Rahton's Defalcation rOvef lssuB of , APiiSlttciftiariift) WsBNtcri , , Sak , FaHpi8CQr Sept.- i 4-D. Q. !h!jUilla,: h anthoriif d the blatumeut that the dofaictkn of Italston, ;the late President of the iiunk of California, VlH amount to between threo and (ur ... Bullion dollars, and that an over iuo of stock- Ja beoo ' discovered. It is i not Hoppoaed that this will in any way ' prejudice the arrangement now being made to re-establish the Bank. j fhere ia nothing:, new to i report in fiqajiOiilt iti oemmerolal ' circles this morning, Quiet and oouildeuje pre- Tall, ana business h moving along; in the wraal Manner.' ' ; No further election returns are tal culfttd, to modify the last report which has been reoeived. The Legislature is undoubt idly trbugly.Deaiooratie, but the returns are as yet very meagre.-1 r : ! " The ship Inabella strnck on Belloua fee f, on Jho night nl Jnly 4th.' Htveti' v teen Chinese passenger, with a boat. iuwei left 06 board'. The officers and orew left iu. auoilior boat. on men f'" remainati ou tbe Island. Ihe captain. mate, and eigUt of, tboorcw puUed for wLU4tiftlw OtHfeuutti pieked up1 by a aouoouer and taken to B vreu. WAHHiNoro.v, Sept. A farmer named Skinner np killed by a iramp, whom be dVooverad in bis barn. ' " ! ir ij-.i !' ni.Vdirf it 1 rti' H t.i I Outlawry-Fast Mall Route Established Jt'orrsviiia, S'pt.' 4-Two young , men while driving in a buggy wee uo-r-costed by two special policemeu whom 1 they"'.Aist6dk for outlaws, aud one tired wounding a polioem ,Tht poli) . jJOtdOlBil tbkllri killiug bno of th . oo onpnts ofio, bucgy, .Tbi othee ,e oapada woods. " J ' " vigilance oommittees have been or ganized to suppress outlawry. .Philadelphia, Sept., 4. The Post office Department baa perfected ar rangements for a fast mait train trom Mew York,'1 Philadelphia, Washington and Baltimore, via Pittsburg to Chica go, St-' Louis, Cincinnati, aud all InfeittJUw JBoathwwt.- This train wil oominence running Monday, Sept. 13 tly oyer the Peunsylvaiiia Kailroad and its oonpecting lines, makiug ex traordinary fast time, so as to fully ao ( commodate the immense postal busi ness of the cities designated, as well as a limited number of through passen gers. Tbe schedule of tbe train will be arranged and announced in a few -Java, .v- 1.4' n . 1 ,Htcls(Jlurncd,H CHAiUiEsToSept." The Gibson and Henry Honses, .the two priuoipal botelfl, bnrnedV ' No lives lost. , if rr. .4, Mau 1,1 1 111 GEORGIA. T ' DUcbarge of Alleged Rioters. , AuuUsxa, Sept. 4 The Grand Jury 01 Washington county, before whom tbe alleged insurrectionists were tried, rade a report recommending the dis charge of the remaining prisoners. All the prisoners not indicted lmo boon discharged. NEW YOKK. Catholic rrlests Refusing to Officiate at . . Salcldc! time -lmnorts-Bank Stateuient - Destructive Fire. NW Yokk. Sept.-4 lVto Vaioi, tlit. young Italiuu who c.uumittd sui cide utC tKressinanO lellVelum bakrt, was buried yesU-rday t ('ity Iilaiul, whre he' committed suicide Tuesday la-iirTUfot'Ci'asttii uavmg been a CUUioIkj,' it was' doaircd trt have the funeral services performed by a prieet. But although several Catholic prieeta were applied to. uuno could be in duced to officiate at the grave uf the auioide. 1 Itef. Mr. Monuelii, a Protes tant (tecoptl minister, performed the duty. .': The imports of roerehandize for the week amnilul trt $.V,77t),7'23, inoluding ('2. 681,638 in dry wmIi. NiHicio hip ments amauiit U $lf)S.17r ) ' T1ih presiding Buhop f tlie Protes tant Episcopal Cliuroh has called a special raeetiug of . thf bonse Bishops at (ir eo Unuroh, ou UivUHtb October, to e'oct a uiisaiouary bishop for Asia and China, and to receive tho report of tbe Mexican Commission. Bank statement Loans increased half a milliou ; specie decreased one sevou-eiglith million ; legal tenders in creased 807,000: deposits decreased two and seven-eighth million; reveuue decreased one million ; .speole' ship ments to-day,' $-250,000 all Mexioau dollars. " CrBA, Sept 4 The Cuba House, a man, twenty four . horses aud : three barns burned. ' " 1 ' - j ...... " AKKAXSAS- ; , ' Retributive Murder. ? Foi Shitii; ;Sept A lMartin W. Haines, acquitted by tho United States Court of murder, which be subsequent ly confewd, was afterward killed by Jim Barluy in a bawdy house. VIRGINIA. Sailing Master Drowned., ' Fort Monboh. Bent. lU-Cant. K Smith, sailing toaster of til soboouer yacht Eva, of the New York Yacht Club, watt lvHtbnrhnraday, S pt. 2d, at 2iilft A. M'.'iiliont 40 miles soutn of Capn llenlopen. Tln ro was a gale nf wind at the time with a heavy sea. Tbe yaoht was running before the wind, CapU Smith hitting on tbe rail lost his balance and fell overboard. The yacht was immediately hove to, and a boat lowered, but in the darkness t and heavy sea it was impossible to save nim. i ' v !" If b EE ign. '- Scrvla'g .Neutrality -Bosnia and Her legovlnlaJssulns Manifestoes -A .llufaian PriitceiWanted. j IiONDON,' Sept. 4, -An article in the Moscow Oasottc says the mediations between the consuls ut Bagnssu has failed. They cannot guarautee Turkish concessions, and the iusiirgonta, have no common Chief who can pledge for them. . .t ;.,! "'' f A correspondent of the Allegnmeine Zeitxmff- writes v from Belgrade that Prince Milan is not.likelv to prevent Scrvia from helping the uisurgente, . ' ' A special telegram to the jNeuw as serts that Scrvia intends to, call out twenty thousand men. ; An offloial Montenegro journal avows that Montenegro will remain neutral only in oaso ciroinnaUinoos should pre vent action. The Pall Mall Gaze1tc. publishes a special telegraph from. Berlin, stating that the Sclavouio. apra aonouuoe that tho leaders of the insurrection agaiust Turkey, bave agreed, upon a manifesto demanding the lndepcndenoe of Bosuiu and HersgoviUa under Christiau Priuee'to Go chosuu from ono of the European dynasties. ibey are willing to pay tribute to T 14 iky, ud fi proportion t tittJonaJ deli, but refuse to participate in a coufereuo.i al M OS tar, fearing Tuikish infliu'nffl's. SPAIN. - tarllst General Defeated. : V Malhid, Sept. 4. It u offi nully an tiouncod that thoCarliHt General Dir. regory, iu attempting to force his way into Arragou, was twioJ repuheJ, with a hes of 400 men. , ; He lias efoapttd into Navarre. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS.! Hay, Corn and Meal 4"0 Kulpn prim ura j ; J J3 ieaiiriX)ti ' " l.KOUuitU la Meal: losj byi ; I . '.,,.,.; ..." KGHC11SEK Si O ALHEll BKUS. " Bagging and Ties. ' 1 bto Kui ftmiittiij. ' 60 tuts Now Afr w Tien... F.-ral bj . . , KKlt JUNEIl & CAti!,Kll BROH. ;t .fiovft Fiouri riour.- ,t .(M)Brrelf White TtnwT. t 1 1 f i (! I n , Brrel pell Mill f hni 4 H I ,ui t Joflbrrol. Prince Koyal Flour. Forsalnby . ' KKKCHKKR . OAI.DI'R BKUS. Oystersi Peachos.Tomatoes and ' i,. y. ' pleklea. ; 800 Ce Oy.trf. na . KHiirhtsi. Ail U t. a Tomut rs. f-'VCMePiukla. Mi.: tii. . Pbroalehy Kehciintir & OATJJim Bnos . 1 ep ' v. Postponement. KOTIOtC tbrbT'(ln,that'frniM nusier. n rf urg'rit p?tltlnin ot uitlita, Uia MlVKKTIKIHO OV KAL FM'dTK. fur SMl'l city tie 1STB. K fodTPjKKD roo Month Oiwbr Stli. pruilrao. ,. .... ... ' llr dlrovtloii ol tin Hnyor. , , ,. i, P. O. HKRVi 8, -1 City Treaaia.' If p 1 m . - " -1 " t B tTT ynarnaiii sua all yur bnilrttf's bard . p- P .1. ! ' I ware frara 1 1 iif (1ILE3 MURUfllSON. , HEW AJJYERriiEatE KT$. Bacon, Baggin?, Ties. Pork. J fXf Mnsw D. H. HiOafs ' - -UJ bOMSwk .4l.l4u4 JkMUWL Hpl'i Bfl,-14. ... , i . MTomTlM, -.i t I ---T - - m itwtto u rwk, ... - '.. Fftdlowby ' - n 'j w v. rrt.uw Muicmnus. cimx, ri.euu, MUI41JL, i tri tc, a - . t I i . f'xa. .... i " trt Hrro' Honf-Jill frail,. ; tiM Kr.l Hit-d Hiut, . a Prm Hlittfl, 1 -'' To: ule.low by " .' ' ' .. . WlliUtMj A XURCHHON !lul(p.lluu Iran. Hptrlt t'nbk, . US BtUM.v OipC(ibM- SOI hurl Ik. Hoop fron, . , kl .0.o..Hii4 Spirit C'Mkf, 73 BrrUUlu, Fur wlo low by , , , . WILLIAMS 3t ROHIfON. Ralls, Skat, Hay, (iiasr 'Kir. sii, ' 4ll H1 IF. . Pi. It. HAT, SOU T"ti Uuou.ihi Uu.iw, t , n wii.MA.ns nuHCiiiHo.t. ay Kit . l ; 14- ST. 10UU LAQER EUk i .,' faadraaffbtatUu , ..! Rukcira saloon t,:Z on Front Street unjer the myi.gxmunt of , ' LAKL Ml'diia, OO tld MM) bin), , , -i! L. ,.!...:! avm Am PISTOLS. Hbot, "tut, gjue-lr., powden Hit Knclish p.HT.etc. , Aluyi aawiruwat tlin lir, K'Ni.UJii't rnoolTD l, ittiil iitr pi' t llpn lutit caxli, 1'iloe. at llio kt . tblMit4 bWilwitfO ; timk&s. ... ng2l , ,NiJ. 18. SO aatin Market Strwit. WANTK.l).-Tw BnlHnia dlfu board in private lamiiy. AiMrma K, . rfootnM oinos. whips, srOKt,;; ' , .All kltllla t Bnll.llMr ant l..k U..I.I.. flo. e promptly at Tory low Hie Harness Factory I n of ' t ! (.1, i . I vai)(viHci a maiiaiu. W"M lun, N.'c. NEW GOOD!! NEW GOODS L . NEW FALL OLOTHING. AM dally relvlng pr avfry utoamer ', New Fal. -Goods, ' reeelrid a bandtome lot af f SILK AND CAMBRIC UMBRELLAS. wh'rb I am nflWlhg at flguiti tbt wUI jo.are (lire - P.. t- . ! A.DATIL. aepl For Rent. H J 1 j 1.:.. . , i .... . i ;!'' ."M A somrartabla hou.e, In exoellsnt re pair, an Had oroas near St 'Jphn'i Cbarph. ApptTtotlio uoderiigued, or at the rmldanee of Mn. K. N. Nixon on Chs.taut Street, aep 4 t m B, It, UmtBK. : A t Auction. :'. ON TMir1ai, Septem lar t, 1UB, at Hit Uoort llotiNt a J' lo'ol .-k M., b.n.m and Ion i3J ud lr uii.m)KVpruf M Hint AtiMorron SirsvU)- For parttcalara arpU to VOM.IIMiriUU, ... . ,. . ., .v. i. : i Aaetli.nean. tap 4 Sib At' a --. i - f u , Uroiiy Kb JkOtk ,-..- ,:' -t- ; -''AtAuction.'rr1:': - ON h r My, sop.. traSer 9 It "fIJ,' kl ' li O fl.iwi It , a vliilil lut win, bn k balld t llter on Kat m.n uf Kroni buiwuan c'leui- an. ai.d uulberrySulvU.,1or pai tloitlare p- - .." ., ,1 Aucuoimcra,'' aep I Bh A .k " , 7 ' ! ," ....... , , CUT EDGE BUTTER , , Jiut received very tber. Come ud Jet it 'whr.a'U'.Uig. K, Hides, Laul, Syrup, Ma'ai , Sf &6l for eala'av, bottom pi Uei by ' ' ''OEAHT A'l. lt'f'W. Comml loa Merchant. uttJ flrocer.." aep 4 lW tt ' '" "" . ," (,',..' " For Bent at.; Auction. ON Thnr. ay Kt, 9th lint-, at t 6'eto,;k, .,wlll runtat .action ttr Ir utoi the' onrt Hon.. tor one y trora lilt nf Ortober ilejt, The aecnnl eiory of the largo brick buii'Ung upon Soii'b !dj of ba'M M Front a-4 '(nid Street.. CHULV & MOKI-18, ' " ' Auctloueer., For rent for the en.iilnjyr.r by ! ' ' KONirMORIllS, Real Ii'ate Utokrra. foe rent: UN J'II. let 0Wbr, lfiR the .tore aud dwdltnK above Moultiepu', oornor Cattle a 4 Fourth tic, URnKLT 3t MtiBHIH; , Keai Ibtwa ttrokera ' Theory and' Prdctice oruiiiACHfNb; - -OR - GOOD .BCHOOI XEEPINO, , , . i .,".",. T ' Hiirj D AVIp ,PN TAQE, AT,' It' ... Lattj Principal of .Btato Normal School,NewwXork. T which U ad" ' a blographleal sketch ol tlieantlior. 6 " 1 For .eby C.W.VATKS, Market etuoel. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. iViVtsrr,ii:itv OP DARK-HOLLOW. mmADjU. EODniWORTH. Ciroilete tn one Urge IIjIi Volume. rtlw i in vknh; et at SI la rier. J " ocrrAU?!, 1 " '. 1 VIOLINS, BANJOS, FLUTES, AC For rale at , . HEINSBERQER'S 4 . l.l VI HOOK ANU MUHO MTUHS. 500 "l,,ulW0Al-'vi 500 MAUHRLi ri'ocu,ki1 rm,iM 500 BBL8. MOLAS8E3 A3YI1UP, ( I 1 i:- l "r . CO Boiae Drv Halt MEATS, . 2,000 SACKSdTEItrOOL SALT, 0Q.9ACSB MAU3UALL3 FINE HALT. ' ; ;'.V' : i 100 IU3QS NAILS, , '.' ? . ,.... it. i '. .!- : - ' ', In,- , ' A 25 GIIOSS RAILROAD MILIiJ SNUFF, &o., to., , For sale low by , t BINFORD, CROW A CO, aug ST -Flour and Meal AKlMHHI:KSVjO-loa,iJ, i i) l-l ! I ( I I f. t ' : j jf'i ad oil .lart notfae. daia iouht at th market jirlce. Addrew, . , UHAR(.tJTrj . ,net OITT MIU.,1 C'vioti, a IwSWMi PRICES Of our jisrtly madt . , . . . " , v ftnuiWwuttav.i.hlrls With the material bong by tbe yard. . Tiip BEa AND CHEAT JlSf SUIBT ,!iXii iA.mc5ricii, MTJNSON.CO.. SOLE AGENTS. aug is ... ,. m i . CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES Freak eveay woak. If yaa want the brat of everything al tbe lowtwt prtoe In the oltv, Knd M,l - ' V GEO. MYERS,",'." ., , "'' " BRBTBCTTTRItlN THB WORLD. r , The ouly reliable hatler bro jght to thla eit y, and I rout the beat dairy- In Mew York. new; process EMPIRE , FLOUR. Imported Imager Bier, guarauteeil o be th beat tn th oily.. We re aive i. I 4 l i m br evory .jwaaior regularly. It II the beat, aud evoryboly imnlt. Imported I Pickles, . ' ou anu no oauie per o ar. Freak niaMed Java and Lag try week. Uroiud daily In the Heoelvijd IbUwevk a oaak e. teayra eoltee ev he .tore1 n i each of ; 'HEtfNitlBtOtir, WpKBt A wov,, , BRAXDl YISTAUE 1858I - i, y.ti 1 ROMANO, AMMO NTIL. LAD O, and lOJn(AbuP4CdR60ll 3" ' .':SHERRY;WI JiaJlKji oalUiirt ttpoashir bran. l . BLUU -UJlSS fc OEM,' New ipt4 pnnolK'l and Cal'Iirnla Uarilvtt pir.. Hot. tie lev for ra at " - ' ' ' .11 A 13 SOUTH FRONT ST ; ,,;,::,':,:,. , Beal Estate Auction. M. CRONLY, Auctioneer. lly virtue of a uiortgag eiaruted by Wl H M mid wile, the mrcbaiilna Hal'ding aii'i Ixihm Aiwiniittl.m will dhIi, tor ran", M ii b il auction, at' Ktcriaug.i Coripor, ou luudy, Hi. ISthor sp eiuiler. at II u'i lock, Uia' Wl wlih dweliiiijf ti.i' and ail aeon-ai y iut houww Situated lullMwai ' - ' ' B glim ng In tli N. Ilua of Red Crow .trect, 60 tort W. tinmlialnteraooiion Willi th . line ut foarta '( .and rnntilnr tbeooe W.wllli aat Hnewf RmI O row .trect &1 teot.thenee i lraia.. nn rourtn mren vstreet. tuonoe r, tmt aiel with K't UruM .irai t t& IVet. ami t.nee a. pwallet with Fourth .trout Mi met t the beginning, . , . .. , fti , aui- ti. mokiit caom,T. i .. i, wiLaaa atoaaii CRONLY & MORRIS iu-M AUCTIONEER! s.II , STOCILANDREVLESTATEBROKERI ''"L-tOMtSXOit, .'''"' M :' 1AM Bt Stiy At THEIR HALF KOJM U a plaa of the city, oaauealargedaoala, ' Rtank Book with the koondarlMof every Lot In thecltydlatinotly defined ' ' Aaaeeeed vain, paid and preaent.ef erery lot Itbaettf. . ...p. ,.. . ... ...... Any 'nformatlondaalred tvalehed apoa tp- nllnatlOD. Inly,, ; , i '.; Mi ,'.') School Books,.; Af-AKOR and complete abick of Nr.bool Uo.ktlway e aaail, t'eachara In the city and country arereiueetad to eend in their nriere. auoT tri ur oonooi noik wtU l) Sited JJte publlahoroioweet prloe. at ' ' 1 HEiNsnEnr.rn'i. ti.i i .'mi ! UH Book iael Mseia atorel i i English Cutlery. , "Pocket Kniva ot every 4e.irlnMon. fRatnri. atro. Brnaliw. H inlpaf' i wtt H n i H w T-; bl od Tea KnWs, e)lMcTu'k. Hpitbn.i Hcliwot, Uilng RniveK, Futk, t'ahle HineU, (tn, A 1VK4 aortment jiiat reoolvei) front the lniHirlrK, ami no0eulng at the old et. tablUhed Hardware Houee of IOHN PAWSON. M. la, au and. at Market at. MISCELLANEOUS. liIlUi'lll H0II11S -IF- Atkinson & Manning. $70,000, ilOil .. ta ltleulu.X Flit.. oa. to. or North Aaterlo...... l'lnlUi.p.a. Pli.uii lauraneetJwiitiiy....Maw Vivk. )oatinntal Ir.araanailo N.w ik. N. HrltlH A Meroantlbt ln.v,o..liip.V.n Martlord Fire lu. Oouipauf ...iiuttord. Mattonal Fire tii Ooruv.ny...lluMu 1. ' apflagaeld P, M. In. U..Maa.ibuaHt. MADINej. MaroantlleMutaat iim. to Maw Vxi. In. Oo. r North Aa.rta..,rbladlpala. . OoaaeoUoatMattiBt ue.Oa. Mr rt lord. fob II "y EHIUINTS AND MK II IN 11 ' m'BASCE CO.PAM, OF RIOHWJWP, TUtUIKIA. i Capital.;. ,.UM a. r.Svosai. PrealdH. I. B. Mooaa.ajol JOHH U.n.r.l Me. I North Water Rt ' Wllmlngtoa, N.O. aorUII ........ . .. TO HOLDERS CITY COUPONS. Offlce.orTrcasarcr.aul Collector.)1 CITY OF WILMINGTON, N. 0.,) I Jnna2th, 1875. ' NOTtCIC U hereby given that' Tit R JULY . P I ..p.! .p.. P .... v ! 0 JUPONS INT3 (( llomli ot tills Olt ) etn. not be proaiptly'pald, la oinajinnoeof eerula ' ehanga sndr a reeentdtcMlon of the Muprern Wurt of thl. Stat alto the mAnner of aaaeaauient of th j , ,1 . . I i ,1 ..:t:-' Real and P.i wnal Property ;ia, thl lty tad thereby tbe City Taa Hook aot yet having oeen plaoed In powewilon of th anderalgniiil . t for eollotipi togrth.r with llir compile i p r.gird ueur Munlnlptl alftiri, now pendlnf before th supremo Court ot North UaroWue, h elty of Wtlmlii)ta tD Jt neciw- arlly brar aon bidulfenoe front th holili't. of Olty Coupon., under eilttlng elreumntancni. T. a 8EBVOSS, ..' ft Ulty Trat'um. , . . ih-tr JuneM !., ....... i .... TRADE MARK. WORCESTERSHIKE S A UCE. p - - i i LEA & PERRINS KU i .t-i.l , ICITKAOT If kl.KTTr-Krrouj MEUHJAU HKN. MAN at Mauru, : tohlebrotliei at WOltC'KSTKR, May. IBM. PKooul'KO BY il ,! i n 11,'. I l OONN0I88UU , f J ; vo a was i Tall LKA it PRRRINN that "On It Good u 8ftnca,"u UKIraaue In high ly e.teemved m In dia, and it, la mj iipliilon. the ninat palatable a well at the aioat whole wine 8ai" that I made." ., i p Aud applicable EVERY VAKIt , ,i i. . p ... X! OF J DI8U. WorcestersHire Saiice. (told Wboieaaleahd tot Kiportauoo by in Frepiltor, 1,Ra' PKRRINS, Wwfoa.Ur, "!fi'S(i:l,.llLVl.lWrla aaaote erally througuuut th world, , r ' ' jlyii ,uu'iUi;u-,:, Aik for Lea A Perrlni' Sanoe. At;tu HiiEAkt Arii 'lAiti.t it m- put. th mrMt rellah and toat to Hot er Void M est, fowl, pirh, Broiled Kidney, Ae, At th UINNKH l AHl.t), in Soap, with Plrfi, MottTolliti, Unrdu, end In all Uravlet.l) iT-!'l .'Al M, it . give a dellghtlul Savor. At tt I.tJIMCIIt4)ii tflIU Kl Tl'l.ll lAHI.Ca It l deemed ludlapiNiHalile bj 1 iMii il ! v' :".;. 'fi'i i-i bdt tauilKar with III tatlmable ;ouailflia ' 1 A '' ''. t i i ,: ' From Iftm Ttrk Ttmu. i . I . 1Wt1fl(rell.ri In tjlt World wblnh aulvemally IIKed a Lit A Perrlna' tmon f oroaatetthb-f flaaeb. aeUH .,WtH , ;i - fc JOHN DUNCAN'S SONS1 .. Juntn ,,, ,, . ,.. ,., ,, ,., ., lax vddiw MUEFEEI IB0EO HIGH ECHOOt Murfseesboro! Hertford Co., N. C. ThearfdTid Mwiori begin.' th )ta of Si p teraher, imn ' Plan ot' teaching m.meM In lli Vnivrntty f Virginia. O. P. CONRAD, principal. , - ' i3radu(e Oalverrfty of V.J ".' ' C. p, M Alt f tN, AUtut., , - , , ' ' I ' tml Wake Ftriet.anttauW Va.) , Mi. ). H. Mai tin hai proaeeutod th itttdy of Uilln with a.uucra. whlob I have uevtr known .unwaiea ita f f jcwpxrir no a a teacbtr f Waf ,'k.VkTKIH. rror, batln Unlveralty ol' y. ' H J KAtKittH, IT. 0., Aug. to, IKS. ' The recamaed4toa of Mr O; H. Mrtln,! rtail helore thelinara al Trwitee. of the fill verity of Nortli Carolina, gave the Board th blghrat evldenoa of hie nallDVMmii t. a erhoiai.andef bla eliarartter a. a gUitleman. Th underxtgned have farmed the opinion f rom tliom teMlmonla'e that he hi s moat. l' teacher aail In all reboot well Atted fur ' lh eduoatlon of youth. - ,; rdloR".''-' ' 1. . UARTKK, t --'r.AKMEPMIAT't,l. ,f . Mps-twih. t FOB RENT. ' - -,--.,.,. ..v-i I ' T"OSEd(alriOl dwilllarm w eii Third Ntrcit .nil let the link, wnar ;?!lp J Hmt )roa, ami one ea Front Htreet IIILJ p...., ... . . rijini Hi!, iiipppppim up, , (ppirru an, m ea mlleiit ropnir.gmid wattr i u the pronil,anU ga. In each huute Aptil v tu THUS. I.MBARKR, ' illl.ll. It K llffi tap in UtfiPf.i-'l NXW ADVERTISES TS. STUBY Ml 45 HAHKliT Are cloning out tho baUuos of thiir lj"ilif Unilorwoar vi?,- Cliotnise ami Ni'KUt Vtvuam, at a nwm plng rt.luutiou EVEN FliOM FOirjliP. PRICES. HAMBURG EDGINGS AND INSERTIONS- We are making an pfTort In thin d.artiriO'it to roiluaa ..the stock previous to going NorUi, autl Latlis will llml PRICES lowor tliaa rjy tliey L ive cvor eeu iu this niarkut S , PRAM LESLIES p CUT PAPER PATTERNS FOR SALE. Machine Needles, 5 Cents Jllacl Misses Kid Gloves Slightly Spotted, 20 Cents a Pair- S128S, Ilavlnir nt titken an acjouut of which we Imvu dotortttiuod to CLOSE Wotliank ) a', , Bull li grftit mill snia', - - 1'ur a'nuimt MiU"Ill v . " ' ' H .!f WegraU'-iu' fml, .... ' 5 ' 1 '. . , :. , W'S'va ilunosao win! . , ' t . , Throughout tlm your mmpmlit, . : . .? : i r ' .Our ilock wo'vo ta'en . '5 . . , An noo wo'i-s cVeii, , ' . , t- , To a.II wltl.ln Hie tuaiuln; ... . -;-' Aii-lfyocomu ' " ... .. -i - i - ' '' Af.irn wo're town ''.' ( i :,v" :.' ' :- ;j i t: Ve'H t;'t an uuco' baj'jjiilu. ,i ,. :! '. ;. ... BROWN & RODDICK. 45 Market Street. JU8T OPENED! - : .'36 MAR3CET STREET,' ' - ANOTUEU LOT.OF- . ' " Black Grenadines, . Black Silk Challys, , BLACK CASHMERE, SCREPES, &C HUMMKll MTOCK CWHK OUT ' Lower Than . Ever ! ; ' No. m MAlttvlST STJllST. KEEPS PftRTnTMADt '' t SI2 FOE S3 - izia - t.s :, ip lit -IN- EXOUjVKUK cohker. . .... n lune 1 pAo of Treiwr.r tad tkiiiet -to; " 1 f ' Oityof Wilmington, h. H.,, ( , .. f . . .i, ,.i Aug 17,1813.) I am directed to notify all pvtiu owlvg city Idee thai th requirement or tlio eify for rai d are inch that a strict eomplianeu with beordliianoeawUl be made, and.uch iienom wh do not pay their olty Uie. on or before the flrat of aitemberiproxlmo, their propertv will be advertwed and told a U law direct !' . f': ' ., .,7.. ... ...i-i WHITE GOODS, T. O- Servosa, Triiaiurer aad OollaotQ , SGOlaOm?! 0 Oil, K t IIIET, 5, 51-2 and u. V utook wn llul vnral small, vnripul Iota 0JI' AT A PUIUE; ; ! 1 , 'V-,V at; - PATENT DRESS SHIRTS, 7 0 OMII. MUNS0N& CO., i i ONLY AGENT8, - i 1 COA PK I'AV. Ajtentewant. Oil Itl puU el. Allir'KnoI'rt.prklnir poiple hi boili (..up., yppuu anil olil, ni.lip) more muney nt mn k lor in, In tn-jir own lnc.l itlea, ilnrlng thAirnimre mifnnt, or nil the time, than at anything Hx. W llo.-employment tuat will pav be n 'loo in sly f-,T omi v hou r'a work. I1 till particu nr., teriu,et l., ecu p fteo. M.nil il vour a hlroM t Ii.n dolav. IIW I your tlini).. . Ihiu'i link or IpV irk or bltil'ii:.. pH iwli'-rt), until vol h ivo 1 arnl what we ott'or. O. Sl iatoi Bs , pp.rtlmid, Mi Iim, , , , ,, juiy'lW-dJiw. v .. , t.,tt ;, i ... -. w-r-i f '-! ' "AT TATE'S bWlt StOBK,1' " you will find a iuu una oi .i " BLANK BOOKS, SCH33L BOOKS BIBLES,' PRAYER. BOOKS AIDUMS hna everything. n.ually Vpfpt lnarlin c!aabok and ni-lo "lire, at prli lowriLao ner lore iiniiip Miy.. .; p ?TJKE cblTEU. DLS tILLED i. C.' COfiN WMoRY ! ror .il l7 John. T Cbameb,