.Hi ! ; i I ' VOL. XXIV. - NO. 213 WILMINGTON. N. C. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 7. 1875. WHOLE HO. 6.977 hf florin Journal WILMINGTON, N. C: TrESDIT, SErTKMGCK 7. 1S.3. BY TELEGRAPH. STATE C().VENTI(L. 3STO ORO--A.lSriZA.TI03Sr THE DEMOCRATS WILL ' CONTROL. WASHINGTON NOTES. Location of a I'. 8. Mint In the Missis Ippl Tallc y-Euslneer'a Report ea "I ' 'Cap. Eads' Jetties. BLOODT HOT AT CLINTON, HISS. An Infuriated Kegro Mob Murder Four White Men-Eleven .Negroes Killed - Inhuman Acts of the Mob. NEWS IN GENERAL Indian Fight -The Brooklyn Scandal Suit to he Re opened -The Codoln , , .,' , . MLsstturl - Incendiarism. . 1 U: 'GOLD 15. ' ' HT TKLKUll.U'U TO TUB JOUltNAlj. , THE COY VENTIO.V-; i ,.'Yi hpeoiaii to Tnn jouiinal, IiALBian, S'it, 6. Judge t'ttlo of the 8prmo Court is organizing the Couventieu., Alf the delr-gales aro present. Twonly-fonr Radicals pro tet against tho oath required of dele gate' before -"atating. 1 Sinclair and MoEaohlii, and Noriuont aud AIcNitJl, from Rpheaon appear, and the ease is postponed until end of roll call. ,8. SECOND DISPATCH. . -V ;t Raleigh, Sept. ft Sinclair and Mo Eaohin are admitted from Robeson. THIRD DI8PATCH. IULsroit, Sept, 6. '-T wo ballots wri e had for Preaidout, Dr. Ransom being the Detooorttfo oanduluio, and'O. II. Dookery being the Republican nom inee. Both bolloU rosnlted na follows : Ransom, 59 f Dockery, 68 ; Reid, I ; Wheoler, li j! 't The Convention adjourned uutil to momw.''-' ',,'n,' ,1s:: ASSOCIATED TRKRd DtBTATCH. IUiuian, Sept. G. The State Con vention met to-day, with 119 members present one y ooaney having been created .byjaodsitl of Ex-Gov. Gra ham., Two. ballots for President re sulted in Ransom, (Ind. Dem.) rtceiv lag 69 votea ; Dookery, (Rep.) 5S, The two candidates voting scattering;1 leav ing the result undecided, The Con vention adjourn d until 10 o'clock to morrow morrilog." Intense excitement prevails, aud a large crowd in in the city; i tfo otfoLhoWs tint iiLai result. SUNDAY'S DISPATCHES. WASlIIXGTOy. ,'itU.i fiohdiy Service. Washington, Sept. fi. The Rev. Dr. Clisby, of Snvuunab, Gh., preucbed at the Centlriil Pr'sbyleriaa Church tiiw moruiug. . "' 7 Missoru. The Code-narmle! Kxri ine of Shot r. Louts, bt-'pfc 6. Mj. John A Edwards. oi tlie tit. L'Hiin Tim.? and Col. Emory 8. Foster, editor of the Evening Journal, exchanged liovrulws shots ia Wibnebago couuty, whither tliey bad gone to settle a ditHcnity growing eat of newspaper articles con oerpiug the rousing of the tieopln of Winnebago oounty agaiut Mr. Davis delivering m. address, k, the fair Maj. Edwards demanded a second shot, but (be neoouda haying decided that there should be but one, uulens detUBuded by txth prinoipals, and Col. Fieter considering that be had given suili 'ient satisfaction, deolined, and the matter waa rnttlad without further difficulty. u COLORADO. v - Indian Flgrbt. Dnrm. BeptrfXDetaifs of a figlt between the Gardner and Genuett Carty of the Hajdeu Bnrvey, aud a and of Indians, have been feoeived here. The fight lasted twenty-one hours. The party escaped with the loss of their inatrnmeuts and nearly all their provisions. , MICHltiAN, .j Balloonist' Beath n Jaokaon Bept. Q -fi the o1po of a c rous prtfofiiittuco'ljere, Wm. Doyle ascended in a hot aiv ballooit, and jumping out when some distance up, fell into a mill pond and waa drowned. ! NEW YORK, . Ineendtoriam.----" -'r7" WHrrKHAii, ttept. ft. A $S0,(KK1 in cendiary fire occurred at Fort Ann on (Saturday night. POBEIG1T . EM.HSD. Arms far the CarlUtn - Srrtl.iN Xeo traliJj Assured. LovtiiJi, .Sept. 5. U is rcportfd that ho Eug'.ish steamer hui micivhIiI in IsihIihk t Mnii-.e i a hti'gt 1 1 ihu t; ty of w.tr niiiU r:i t. r the u.w of lno Gt lista, i tic uJiiig foiir pieei-scf artillery, 5,000 rithv-i nu.i 100 UX(uf exrtridges. A ihnpaleli from CnHtHQtiutpp bUiUs tiiHt mforuiiilioit hut boeu re ceived from liulnriuio by the litrkitth Gove; uuiuiit, Mii.t by the foreign em biishonm , whioli removes all appre heut.ious that Siervia will by her con duct add to tho complications of the lltirzfgviuitu quotum. A binding agreement betwreu-the Fowers ami tlirf 8'rvinu Govoriimeut bus beeu ef fected st lifltritu'e. Tho Serviau (loveii.nien; pledged to ritt'am the party of uetiou within its borders. CEUMAJil. Movemenls of the New Russian Minister 1eiu,in, Kept. 5 Mr. JSuhiekkiu, the uewly spptiiuted MiuiMer of luisfi.i to lliH Umteil States, ' haa jiahwkI tiirongu tins city on bis way to vVa h- tllfliou. MONDAY'S DISPATCHES. WASIUNliTOy. Location for a V. S. Ml t-Yellow Fcrer Transfers- Report on Cant. Eads' Mississippi Jetties. Wahhikuion, Sept. A..- A dispatch received at tito Xrousury Depart ment topduy from Dr. Linderman, Direettir'of ilio Mint, nportH that ho left S.-.u FiaLeisco jesleiduy morning. Ho will ttop at Denver, Kancas City, S , Li.'ui-i, and Ciuoiuuuii, to dokr inihu upon a situ for a new Uuited States Aliiit, to be lociited lu tho ilMS iMHippi Valley, in necoidaiico witli the provisions ill the Act of Congress pasHed lutit session. The Secretary of tbe Treasury aud Attorney General have returned. Tho i.teamer l'iy month from the mouth i f the itio GihuiIo, bus arrived lit Port lioy.il ud been ordered to pro ceed to Njifo.k. The mail service on the Ohio river, between Louuvillo ami Cinoiiiiiati by the mail boats, eenacHon die loih. The 'Treasury Dopartuient has ad vice of tho arrival of a vo.tsel in Dela ware Bay, from San Domingo, with yellow fever ou Itoard. The Treasury Department received aa application lor tho tr.iupfer of a milliou dollars in gold from $ew York to Sua Francisco. Tho applications aro from some ten persons who need gold for eouunorciitl purposes. The Treasurer Cannot mike the transfer to day, but hopes to be able to send a halt million to-morrow. The Jiohrd of Engineers examining dipt. Eads' plans lor improving the mouth of the Mississippi, continue its sossious in KuwYork. The discussion of tho looatiou of tiie jottics ut tho South Pass was continued, and slight modifications cf the plans lor locating the East jetty were recommended, also a slight alteration in its ourvature, so as to render the action of the current more effective, and - secure greater solidity. It was also recommended thattno jetty wiiich is on the wind ward side should overlap the end of the West jetty, at least 300 feet. It was further decided that one thousand feet was not a desirable distance to leave between the urtitioiul walla by which it is proposed to deepen the ohauneh The leugth of the H ist iet'y will h about 12.700 fee. Very little now remain to be acted npon, and t is t-xpectod the Doard will cioso its session ou Tuesday. MISSISSUTT. Bloody Rlot Four Whites and Eight .. " iicgroeB Klllcd-Ilelnforccmcnts - ' from Jackson aud Vlcksburg. VioaHinrno, Bi t, 6. Au extra edi tion of tiie Herald gives tho following uc&mut of' a diiiuibuce ,ut (JlmiOQ. I'he onin and particulars of -he riot at UliiiUn. ou Stiirday morning have beu vai'ii(ii.iiy ht.iW, and alt hear ing all the -VtHtvuU'Ms, we think the following about coireuti -There" is a law prohibiting the Kain of liquor in L'hatuu. i IJouio young unm frmn ltaj "mond brought, a bottle with ihem, and while the speaking was going on, Mar tin Lively audkouuof hultiends went a short dritanct) to take u drink. Tlia o.jlorcd mnrshal for the occasion ap priMiched them and f otbade them driult fng. This order was not regarded.aud when tbe rourha! attempted to take the bottle from Lively's hand, Lively struck., him over the bead with it -enator Caldwell (colored) starled to settle tho ..difficulty, followed by some twenty negroes, whom he ordered back, but about one hundred more came rushing oiu. f-ouio one thud a shot which was followed by a general firing and stain ptde. Lively tired all the barrels of Ids revolver, and the negroes then demanded bis surrender. He surrendered, and gave up his pistol, after which he was shot and his brains kuocked out. lie was then robbed of his clothing, oud oue of his fingers was out off in order to get off a riug. The infuriated mob found Charles Chilton in his yard, and shot aud killed him in tlm presence of his family. Frank Tliomason, a promising young lawyer, was hhot-from his horse a mhj and a half from tho scene of the ooulliot, and after falling, the savages drove their knives into his body in mony places. Jno. Neal was fatally shot iu the left luug, and Waddy Rice tenou-dy in the hand. Four jiegroes wore found on the lield, two mortally wounded. Six additional negroes huvo boon found dead about Clinton sinon. Tho white men of Clinton were organized at onoe furself protection, under Co!, 'Harding, and telegrams sent fur nssisMnof, Fifteen minutfs after tho tectipfc of the first disputeh, ICO meu were ready to march and took anpeeiid train which reuohiid Cbtdoii ut 7 o'clock About lOo'c'ock more roinforcvnionU oaiue from Jackson. Tho roads were picketed during the night, but all danger boiug apparently over, most of th- cit:i.na returned to their homes at Vio'ssburif, leaving thirty moa under Cpt. An drews. Capt. Andrews t turntnl with tho men this moruiug aud report all quiet at Clinton and Edarard. The trsiu from Jackson Saturday uiht witn roiutoroenieuU for Gauiou, was fired into from the aide of the roud. and obstruction were alao placed ou the track. IW YORK. IHrect (able la fforklnj Order-The lieecler-TUton ( s to he Re opeuc d-Bank Suspension. New Voax. Sept. 6. A Kya Boh (N. 11 ) dispatch aays, tho laying of no direct Unitod .Stat eabU a comph ted yested. y morning, and iut,.-s;i(l-ei Mere tisunaiitUst to and fr. m tho Liudoo ofUoe. It will bo oixtn for puhho business iu ft fewdava. Tun Superiuteudeut iu this city of the U lied Status dirwot cable says the mecasgf s are passing over the cable at a high rats of speed. Although tho 17 1 t i A'arrauny srriVtHl OU UI6 ground OD the 221 August, ten d ys after sailing from Loudon, she had ouly throe day of modi rate weather, during which she picked up the cable in 2,.rH) fathoms, cut out tuo fault, mid made the final solice. Ex-Judge Morriss, Tilton'a oounsel, is busy preparing papers for a second trial ngainst Beeoher. Mr. IVarsall, another of Tilton'a oounsel, says the otse will be called up tho third Mou dav of tho present month. I , i RocnEMKH, Sept. 6. Adisease simi lar 10 ti w old epiaiKitio has broktu out among the cattle near Avou, Forty have died within a week. Twelve died yesterday. , LurrALO, Sept. 0. The Now York A Erie Dank closed to-day. It ia rumored ' that large indebtedness through outside speculation caused tuo suspension, . CALIFORNIA.- , Democratic tains -The Business Out- j look. - - 8 an Fhakoisco, Sept, 6. TlieM 1 nothiug new iu tluaneial affaiVs. Tlie volo for Governor, ao far, is as follows : Irwin, (Dem.) 13.000 j Phelps, (Kep.) 25,000 ; Ridwell, (luu.) 18,000. Tlie vote for members of the Legis lature are not complete, but the Demo crats will have au overwhelming ma jority.; ;;!'; ' ; ,. , ,;'., .- i lite contest for Mayor is stilt unde cided, with chunoes iu favor of Clay ton, Iudepeudeut. . , - j ' Nothing new in the fiuanolal situa tion. It was roportod yesterday that tiie National Gold B ink Trust Co. and the Stook Doiyds would, re-open this moruiug, but tho reports are pre mature. . - Bryant, Democratio candidate, i is eleoUxl Mayor by a small majority, INDIAN TERRITORY. Grand Council In Session. , . . OKMPT.OR0 Cittsmt Nation, via Mcft KOOEB, Sept, 5. -The Grand Council of the Indian Territory is in sossion. Del egates iu attendance from every tribe iu the Nation. Another extra delegation aa visitors composed of Kiowas, Cam anches, and other wild tribes from the plains are in attendance. T e only business to be considered is the new constitution providing for the Govern or of the Territory, U. 8. Courts, and a delegate to Congress, which will probably pass this Counoil, but witli ft proviso that.it be submitted to the National Council for approval. .' ALABAMA. ' Mo.sruoMKT, Sept. 6. The Con stitutional Couveution met to-dy. Gen. W. Pi Walker, First Secretary of War nuder the Confederate States, mhs chosen Piesiduut by Hoolamation, botu Democrats and Repubbnuua vot ing lor him. ilia lather waa President of toe Convention which adop'.ed the Constitution in 1811), under wnich Aia imiua via admitted into the Union, Ou tukiug the chair, he said r, ,,j t UliNTLKMUN OF TU4 CoM VKhTIOM. I beg you to accept my siuoere uiaiikt tor the dinting uiahd honor juu have conferred in electing me to proklde over your delegation. lis du ties I Suuil endeavor to dMohnrge with lairuess and impartiality, and with uoh ability as 1 may comuta'ud. Iu well ordered Uoverumeuts, Constinitioual Conventions should be, as Iud.eJ the) are of rare OOO'irrenoo aud, ohauges in the f undum ntal law oiignt to bo only made wbeu demanded by the progro ami needs of civilization. Htsteti nlowiy and change gradually is the highest wisdom of Government aud tbe Constitution framed by our forefath ers in 1819 was made , for a. new State and under it our people prosper' ud aud grew into a great common feel ing. Tie war ooiue and the aaorwl ed lhae built with suoh, care acuid the primeval forehts of the Min.is sippi was dismantled and razed to the ground by alien hands iu a spirit of ruthless ioouociasm. What iaoalled the present Constitution of ti e St .te of Alabama is au unruly Mosiao com posed of shades and pathoes gathered here and there, incongruous iu desigu and inharmonious in action, discrimin ation and oppressive in the, burthens it impasses reckless in the lic"bsed,it confers unjust and wicked legislation and acting in every limit to inspire public confidence and true rev.ef enco and aftectiou of the people aro here met to-day, not indeed to re claim the scattered fragments, and re build tho old tomplo, but to construct a Constitution not wholly unworthy. Wo trust to suooeed tbe truest state miinship is that which (Q generalizes priuciples as to give th-Jiu i flexible bio adaptibility to progress ud the nocda qf oiyiliKutiou, Jj t ns eui osvor to give ti'our proceedings thii oharaotcristiopf wis dou. . Li the organic Jaw we are to iramo, bo comprehensive, oounistent, enlighten, d and uou partiaa, alike just to all classes', protective of all in terests and equal lu its burthens and in its benefits. The events of tho last decade havo eliminated from our in stitutioua the ouly elemeutaof national eimtroversy ; lot us reeogniu this fact with a broad significance, and iu eor(Krte into the Coustitutiou the naiimial spirit and tho national law of tho pi t feci political aud ami equably of ad mou, of whatever roe, color, or previous condition. lUpublican in stiiutious rot upon the oommou iutel l.gonce of the people; therefore, oue of tho high du'aoeof Republican govern ment is tie cducatlou of the m u. for these, Thrre con be no progress Witleiut ej a cation, aa thera ia uo civ il, lutioa without iutclligrenocv Anemi uout utesuiua has laid, "Tl power to i ux U f. the powor to aestry." GoVtuumtuita should provide ftgaiust posMbilitiee, as possibilities oftoa be com j facts j Juuii, therefore, the legis lative 'power ut tixatiou as 'vet I m- sniN thi.i humiliation, so as to shield from ausptutou tho hou.rf andoredit of tne SUte. Tho Bpiht of tbe age is licentious aud extiavaKaut: the old ooouomies have become disreputable by deeuetinle ; iidividual character istics Lave been made tho habits of the Government, ami tho Govorumeut has Ueguueratud into a mere lustra uiouUiity for thu advauoomout o personal ambitions aud the promo tion of personal aims, in . a , way that would have ahoekod the primitive siuiphoities of thetucu whooouceivod and illustrated iu their lives the great problem of free; govuriimeut ou the continent aa far as may iu du-i defer ence to circ limit tuoes. Let U ' limit tho duties of govorumout to the ends of goVerumeut which muy be sumed up iu tho general pliraso. The full pro tectiou of the rights of poisuu aud of Eroperty tho simploet goverumeut ia the est. The complications of multiform machinery, howsver, suitable to the do velopemeut of the spooial sclouoes ouly aggtevato to the burtheue which- more more or less attend every form of civil admiuiatra'jiou abstract from tbe fuu danieiital law every useless instrumen tality, so us to have aa few intermedi aries as possible betiveeu the govern ment and tho puoplo.we thus secure both rosM)iisibility and ooouontv, aud tbe harmony of protoctkia andib ieneo Which , il , tU great P( Qt,' i placed beyond tho hazards of 'fluctua tions or disturb anee. Abstiueuoe ia a cardinal virtue and should be as po tent iu the law of States as lu tho con duct of individuals, govern as little s possible, i ml uily,by goiiofid lava is th rule , of wiidoii aeuothriied by H periouoe.Disuriminatious,wlioUu)C pro toetivtfd. prludavb,; are traya iuvidi oui aed, Uicroforo,iwaja onjust. The growth of iuoorpontious ia oue of the marvels of tb ag tu which wo live. Their ix) wor like that of King Geoigo lias increased, i iuorausing, and ought to bo diminished, t Gre-tt aa thoj are, they are simply thtt 'representatives of individual UitresU and Are' never or ganized, except . to promote personal ends. The dignity of Government is all compromised .when its credit la wir rendered and its honor committed to other custodians than its own agents and Servants' Constitutional prohibi tion should protect the Htoto tigatusL the Qoutiugenoies of -, Legislative do part lire. ' Iroiutliis principle spfcial limitations should be placed upou tho counties, towus and other oivil municipalities, and they should be re strained from lending, their uredit to. ventures of privato spooulation, how ever plausible iu theory aud , iHjgsibiy profitable iu result. ' ' Loonl Legisl.itinn, though sometimes seemingly exigent, should absolutely be forbidden. T lfts exactmoutf ere iu. siduoua.'lts excuses pectoris and its ends often illegitimate aud sometimes demoralizing add oorragtrf Tho liber ties of the people, oaji only .bpi pre served through an ineotrubtibio Judi ciary. Its iatt'rpre(atiun of,, tbe, law by the CortrM, eveii made by, the Courts, "even than more law itself, that give to Legislation itr choracter for whjdqm pr jfutly, inapu4ouee M i aotioaexsJ pt lo-ust -public crtoI'ln,, sliouid be Hueiirnt to the Jiidees ho I a.lmiuister the laws by eXt udniUej ms, iuua I viuvv yi.ituuj-i 41, 19a t0-e from eudiluu explosions of popular clamor fin the out; hand, and tha leuip tutlous to soi k popular favor, by .urn-: worthy meftiiorf tiie other.! , Geutiouilu-ttiii' Convention, il is neither my province nor t&y purpwe to do more than suggest gouwr! prin eiplns for your coiisidurntton,; 'li-aVfl' their Vlue to b fltOUliled.by jyoul- higher andjoetter jtulaiueafc W.th a aa luOnOUH oliiuatu, aguueroo and pro duo'ive auul, mineral wealth 'ill bou'ii-! lees profusion, aud , water power of vast capabilities. , O Jr 1 StHte 1 lck nothing to uiuki U great, except good Government, bonnet mt.1 fHiommiiosI, jilht, fwr iMidfiuaat in iht QOauiwal-ef. power; rigid iii thu kxaction of duty, and. lewprtate, . ooiiser vative aha 'na tional ia a'lof its provisions, this Gov? erumeut tnst is' eonfldod to us, that our deliberations to this, etdmsj be harmonious, our labor siore3H(ul and the final" ennsummation all that our people could wish, is thd libpe with which I accept the onerous aud respon sible position you have ascribed to me. NEW lOVERTUEMENTS. BARGAINS; IN MOSQUITO .NETS. FOIt cult wa are ofl'oriug our large tnd well a Mr 11 .tock of , , . r , , 5 MOSQUITO NETS, 4 at price nev.i fiMed before 'in this fltv CkiI inlxiiiiue and you will not be dlmii- peiated. .,.,,,11 ...' ! ' - . , , , . i U, A. SMITH A CI. , ipl . ' REMOVAL. ; OS or bof.iro the fl'it of Owobcr.T will move t" my ulil utauil, Kn-bangn Uoiuwr, iwixt vo ir. ui. ry iu n luiiiiiicir iwe, i ' .,. O. a. ri.KJK. rnonitor, . . . BlfcB iKildua tluot. ! P. Prise, Mnmgor, ,,;,,,, sif7 1 ' , ." . vi- i MEDICAL COLLEGE OF ' VIRGIN! . It I C 11 M O JV U. , , jli i SESSION 1876-76. " Wlntr UtKiH-o of t,v'rt(rHi. tiSjt'n Ovlaliai iii, Slid rki In e JririilH',1 ' Kill, junuiw ot Wl mI Iriaruotum fcvibs KHnqity . imJ iUiy yM trinof Kxamlioltoii. hy (lie Adjunct rcir.y. ero ( l(Wli tlnrmanv l.'oi.m 3l. RiimSi'.lary tieknt, fur full particular, ut eMliii psy as".'. H. MoOA VVM, K.4w No'iOlltraoo eli Ki.bnioutt, Yft, , l)sau of reeaitj. "'''. ' - " , . ' V ' ... . mf 1rtlMV'v;tb'.HtrW''WA 1 -I i f !,..,'... tf' t- , I I TOR BINT AND SALE. 1 ' For Rent e. : j. A srtW d.IUa iUUln- li ilil tJ r,Mn" iu Mo'iiliwut oornsr of 8ra and .l a un Slrwt-1 a1 U and all n.ois ry irat Immhm A fit to ORiN V M'iRKia, ' Kttl tiun ltiuh.il, W Tit For Rent A liUAM.K 4lt obtalalng tlx rumi lta tted an KH Xdt of TSUI Strsal b- twastt Choatnul and Milbsrrj tltMU. UomI witsr and all nacwMry out tiouw. Aply to If VAi' l JvKONLt . McrkRia. ' Ul KUUi Urukort. MUt . 1 ! it A TC3IBAL dwilitiic iaMiuki( sight rmiitii llut.il on th Squill -Ids of Marks ttwn IClgth ! Niuilt ItrMu). I Wstsf asd an taonmtf al Uhmu. ' iniy to 1 -v - t , CK'iNLV MOKUH, . - H.l Vt4lHrukrt. For' Rent, ADFSIU AMI,KWllln mtntilnliig l('fliu..Maiil.lvailii) MwuUi Wil.t Mr k bstwtnt !fvdtli and Kigld Itiiit, All ttiMMMMry (Wl lmii', Ap! to t .l)HOil.V MOHUIH. 1 " Hsal K.tlo It.vkeri. I7lt For Rent, ADKSIKABl.N dvstlllig e.muinlng lgi,t ruotnt.ltuiitrd un III. SnuUltnnt curngr ut nth and C'liei nut attest -.WWt n4 I fteoetwr t kuMui. AttW to :,,,.''.,,. JiO.M.If A M0RHIT, Hrsl Kutats Itruker.. , S4i)lt ., ' . 1 1 " " ' For Rent. I. M - ,l I -' . " A I'KSIllAM R ilwettlng pimUlnlua st lit im mtiiut on th. sou id ' or m i k i t Ntrwt next tn llio rorner or rtlth. Watnr u.l .11 usuwwnry siM kasMut Afptj to UHONLYAMOhttlK, ' - 1 Rl r.lsts Hrukar.. At Auction; I J.i it. ON Thnin lay. Hup tsmtier HtlM tS7, al W 0 Moo. W s TitiuitliU l4 with brl k bullil tigllii.rnn. K.nntililB nt Krmit, bstwwH Mnl (terry and Wtlum streets.' Kor tiatUaular.au- ty 0 , I " VHOKIiYA isriHKts;' Auotlunwr, wpltlth A th, , ,..,,, ., j, r Mill For Rent at Auction. OH Tkuri'ay U, tth tnaf., at II ocitVk.N,. wow I r.ntat euutlei. la (!!ifl rr .nt fihlio' onrt Iloiirf lur on. uar fiora lulof Oninber tint, tin wwobS lory of tuo lurgo hrlck buiMlug Jipuii Sinnll id lit "flruii Mtrll . Wuif and Muxmi.t Mtri'iilf. it I'fi-mjtiL in.0.1 an printing ufflc. by the wmMrtVoH Vnlly .louriml, and. kt Ik.' em tlnm ' Si d, pixie, the lnuoninntln ul SUI aitig. C'JtJANAY MMU.MI.1,. I Ul I III li.ail..r; ' !.. ', P HI I sili f iii 1 I I Auctwn;,Bale., OTl Tuendity, iiitmbsr 14lh, ISIS, t 11 o' 'look a. m , w. ni u.il eA nut .m roiatiir ftiid nil srieoontVr whonvtt hmjt m tern, tu pay "Uirnge ftuil oltnir rxpneieeje alt tbaa t-wtlosor SBHlKOnK MACHlE, now upon our premlKfc - . .uiimii iai unow.Y Hrmnis, , ... .j.i. .i H mm HUkecWonMrtB spMata1rr.hutit.i.-lw M .,-i ' .:;F0REE,NTi:f: ' ,...,, . ... .. jin - 'l'-i ".'! - ' '- ' - TlHmKdi.'rftti!s dwelling., two on Third Mtrerf nn ter Uie (.ink. uuar Sod Orow, and on. on f runt Htreet ne.l Metho1iir' rhnnh: aro In - iwiwui ri'pir,fii'd Rfr ti tbo tfuiuVn.ftud giu la ec boi 'Apply W , '. 1, .,, . .i - ! ini).l).tHEAltK,. ,1 , , . . ftiu. o. jt..oinos.,. "TV'AT VomitiiHlluns eiiMr)iioe on eu-n-r ill auentnl .ut, Niiil MtMa eohlidnitig .httien fa, and itatlns plot, Kor urma afiply to .. h , vi i. itirii li rr i Piiia. i.a. twroay at Uiwj i Mpl '01 , -jM, 11 tfftf H, U ()rtobr, UV , i Mnn. Tjk and iulllnglieve Ho.theani oiir !.: H t.artia-djrri msmh'" ' -J'.'IUBV , , , , ,, UttOM.V A Mi-iK'tlS; n ' ' , ,', ,,, , -, , A.tata iM-okars.. , '-"u'For:Rent:'7;;:H:.l i r.i II, ! i m ,'! -,-- ft rk- X. I.. L. . . I... .AUU. . . I iif ,dt"ta H'A VnU uaajr- t, ' Jirun'i ClmroU.' AtJilTtfltliB Mild im'gutd, or at tUr ri ai lmicewr air: f. N. Ntoii pa hantnui Slttet. Ikl4 IW B. It. M aiUJC. iTUM DISCARDED DAUGHTER; '.; : gats f v iwnvv , it''. " .'n' 1 t ' i I 1.' THE CHILDREN OP Vil ISLE, BY , Hi MRS. EMMA 0-- . M. . 80OTHVQR1B. :t i : ' , I , . I II . f Being Voluns Vevanth of our atw and Uatlerni Kdttlon of MnU. K.N.tfoutliWurtU', esiobralcd work.. '" "," ,.',, -,fiiie CoiBDlcte ia one te.iaDilitiM.Tol- .i ' .., - ,. ii ,iwWtl.i!'' 1 1 '-"" t Price t 70 In 01otb,or 1 Wta rarer. 7 , HELNSBERQEE'S ' i ns UVK HOOK AND MU.sIO HTOKK. DAMAGED 30rlil At AUOtlONI THIS dy ftt 10 o'clock In I rout of pal laloi iai', liusg.J il MuU.l,tirJK,,iigliljf!li.kii Il l ! 4 ' J' agftrt vnvniii oi niennia,,, . ..I 1M v'" Auctloimur.. i ! i.l soft It cnriiAifuN imi it Ait, Kot runt for ir tlieotmulng wniu by,. n a " ' TUKONI.V 4MOKUI9, i j ltoai Kitata iliokauv 1 , , , HEW ADVERTISZJTE5T3. study 45 MARKKT t Are closing out the balance of their Ladies Underwear via: Chemise and Night Dresses, at ft ftwoepiug reduotiouEVEN FltOU FOUMEU I'lUCEi HAMBURG EDGINGS AHD INSERTIONS- We are nuking an effort in this department to reduce the stock previous to going North, aud Ladies will Uud PRICES lowor than any thoy Imo ever ecu ia this tusrkot J, , , ' CUT PAPER PATTERNS FOR SALE. Machine Needles, G Centa ICach Misses Kid Gloves Slightly Spotted, 20 Gents : a Pair-Sizes, Ilavlnff luat taknn aa account of wltioh wo have detormiuod to CLOSE . . , ... Wothttnk ye a : i lliillh great and sunt', , . '- 1 Kor piitronago exteinllt; ' , , ;.. , : . . WegraUtta' feel, ' ',' 1 t VWve Uuno too wool , ' ' Throughout Uio year noo ctulil. . ,i . .. . , Our stock we've ta'eu ' 1 An' noo wu're ga'en, ' ' ' To sell within tho margin; . ., t i i An' If yo coma . , , ,i i; t. Alolo we'ta tootu ', ' - , . . , . e'U get an unco' lurgiilu.! (...,-. v "f " BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market Street. JUST. OPENED I O) '"I ir-.l . I" " V;: , ( I i.i"" ' AT- ,11 t "l ., !'!(' H ' t ''"I ,U,nil :36 MARKET STREET;';"; i-tft it! t-j 'til'.' 1, ..(.( t .'lt ,-..' . I .1 -'ANOTUEIt (,!.,.!, ,)'! unfit H -it. n. .m ; Black Silk Challys, BLACK CASHMERE. SCREPftS. &C7 ' I ' .1.. . NUMlvIl'JU WTOCv 'Uvbji.w f u A' , t- - Lower" Than Ever ; ' i i ll'HI! , i,n,t I. r ! i " ' ' '1 ti ; is. M ! , , 1 O, il ' K. : .MARKET STREET. . KEEPS PARTW-MABt .al ., dii'(,t sii.S "10 siioa Vt l-.'itfi'J, t -'i:J lii',IT,lf I M-nfii' t;a-1 . -''I ii.-J" I ''''"aX' '-'!;., ; :. ii i!t mu;) f, 7t''''J! x" ' J X;?JJ JX"i ! ''I ' A " '" ' ' " ""' ' j ,' . , V ... ! i. .... f..M...-:.-it ' ' 1 " sis m m mm . .MUNSOU & CO.; ' mmm fflLlilir FIFE'S, EX0H ANOE" TJOHNER. Jr!' '.o r;.iv ';-"T- jO yfli oV ekeuirrar and Oolieclor, . 1 ,. Ottl of WUmiBirton. .(X.'5 J ! oJ i' - - Ang 17,1878.) , I ass dlroctod to notify all varttea wln elf v turn itliat th. reqalramenl of tho eity for tai daaxenoh ttial atrtct eoroplUoce with feeoTdtnanoM will b.ajvle. and mob ntnii wba.loaoipay thtilrelty taie On or balorotbe Hrat of BepUaaber proximo, Iheir property will ba adnrtiseft ad mid m tho law dl nrscts , ) AT' "' ;'-1 " 4 ' J 1 1 l"ii,u "'T; & Sorvosa, ;.. Trial ursr and QoUuotot mimw SIIIEET, 5, 51-2and 6, . stook we find sevsrsl small wnrln.1 l,.i. OUT AT A ntlOli ,t i .'5 -l' ' ,.(! .... t , VV'T I LOTXOF- ! 1 Black Grenadines. ,! i v' I , I' il ' ' t . , -I " "X . , . V . . T r , .. , i i ,i 1 or. , t ,u t , ' "F ' - . I ! ' ' ' TV! PATENT, ' " : -r DRtSS SHIRTS. -,t,i! .iJ;i'ii'V'') ; I -.1 .p., . . OSLY-AGENTr K f n fiOA PBItDAr.iAitaiittymrIt-0 Od IU VU ed. AU maun, or wotting. . f pu.ils ul bulb luim, yuunK and olif, tnakS mora monay at work lor u, in ibslr own loci- i Itlei, daring tlialraparevnoai4iit, or all tlie lima, tbftii at anytbing olso. Wolloremilojr munttrjftt will pay hon.lwinslj fur orery liour'f work. Ktill partlculiira, tsrraa, etfi., aeni free. Sand Ua your ftldreM at otuw. Don't rtlfty. i Now i. your Umi). Don't look lor work or bmlnesi slN.wli.ta, until you hare lrnel . .' wu.tweoffor. U.lTissoR A Oo , Portland, Mvlne,. I ; i AX TATE'S BOOK 8T0W, ' , . yoawlHnndsrunUnsof ,r! (- BUNK. BOOKS, 1 t-! V ! iO 'Vv.:,: r Xi -1CHQ0L BS2XJ i! BIBLES, PRAYER BCCKS ALBUMS, , ! a'naerv'tbInjiiiiullT kept In a iri, rdut book ' ' and ainllo a tore, at prlcei lwr than y be. , , fore llithi. city. . i yjl 1 ....pi 00'BBLQ,;,'.w.:l ruiiECdTVEit'DisfiLiib n.c. - it 'V-t t ' 4 o 4(,( (! O0HN WHISKY!' rraalaby Joint. T Cbamxb, ,r.. ,: . ii , ...i.-Wl .

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