I (a II n p- 4 if I ' i 1 'i ' H VOL. XXIV. KO. 2M- WILMINGTON. N. C. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1S75. WHOLE NO- G.978 t Nf ,-A! i . ' 1 ' ' I ill r' , ? Y TiiLJICRAPSi. THE" DEKOCFilXTMFniFf I DR. BWSOM ELECTED PUKSIDEM. WASHINGHO N NO.rE3. f- The Gcnpral Uiivrrnnii'nt Not to Inter fore In the Clinton, Miss., Klots -Atlornf j-tcufrJl's Derision. NEWS IN" GENERAL ' Indian Troubles California Klertlons -Political .Meeting -Turkey's Lit ' v tie Insurrection Siiarlfhed: GOLD 15. I INT TEI.ECrtlAf 1 TO TUB JOCKNAU TUB CONVpilON i , SPECIAL TO TUB JOUUNAU Ralk4ou, HfjiL 7. Dr. Hmoiij, the Demouratii idnlwiej Ium liiyri elected President, of tlio Convention on the 14th jaallot. , r. " .AnaptymfcJ wJm iikp rrti. lUriKiojr, Sept. 7. Dr. Edward Kan som, the Dotaocrntio nominee fur rroideii'tjf fchti OJiiititutioiinl (Jon tion, jvai weatod to-duy, on tha 11th trnllot, thiia securing a Djtuoeiatio orginiztioh of fiiat body. " Dr. ilitusooi, ou uiliug the clu.ir( Raid : j Gentlemen of the Convention: I regret exceedingly tho lack of language to express my gratitude' I did not deaire thin ponitiou. I deprecated it. I doubted my abilities to properly dis chftrgu thn dutiu8, but I. undurstund the objuf )f JJitl (JjUveatfon to bo ' to consider Buch nincuJmouta to tho Con stituJ;kiaM'ii3iciiieii tlJo niriliattoul of the people, aud as the pteai.duig officer of thiH body, my niruest uirn shall b fa jwlifirgo;"itfyjE!al Villi that fhirartiiiliTyTiu'd'fiiriiesH that will be awfp1bta,tiii;ji9y follow matnherp. I -now declurorthk Convention duly orgauized and ruady for the transaction of buaiuess. . , i Tho election, in, Orange ooouly to supply tho VBcauoy oocasiond by the death of Ex-Qov. Oraha.n, takes pioe on the'lCth itmt., ufkr whiclj the Democrats 4Q,casy working majority in the Convention. - WA81IIGT0y. ' ' The Attorney-General sod the Clinton, MJss. Ulots. Washington, Sept. 7. Telegrarus have been received by the Attorney GDueral from the United StaroV Dia- trict and the UuitHl States Marshal at Jaokaoir, Miss;, .'with reference" to the recout diHturbiuous there between the white and c j'o'red oit zoua. Tue iufoi matiou tUMe; tvltgriitua ouuvey is snb stantiaily to the m'.;et, tuat at, a politi cal metii held atj. dipiou aii-i., ou S4mdfcji twi w ' orlua-d, ttui ing whieii t to eo wnites auu lour uni ot were kilie f, uiidTiuauy iie wouuded. There ,4i nttih o- be- ny atiacii or fiolenoe of Jaiv i I'm at the Uinted States aatJaoriUu jiu caucui tid, 'id up tO"i Kte hour thia . Hlturuoyhher have been ho sugpestions iu uuv wav from Unite . StaL MiUioiuit', airli should le id to thy lirtertcrentfri of i!ie General Uovcinweul, thougU Jajkaou higb stjite of t io.fci niiut uud i .Uio omcjrs BendiBfTthiT'telegtiiui, were of tho oiuipi tlut luu Stale authoirii' e were powerless to prevsijttlie c ;:tiuu atiott of the duiorders. ' . , . t j , The' Attorney :Geueral has telegraph ed to the DjBtnet-.Vttwjijiy mid urn UutKhVW'O lliah'tti tf iinckvui, to do all in their powtr jo piedi rvo order,; ' butsberi ii4 bt)ja'tn) tfdTIroai tln United Stated authorises tor HShist- , ance, no. further dirucUoas have, bcuu given, Sliould 'application' b! rnaJj from officers of tne General Guvoiu meut stationed iu the disturiied places,, for aid iu preservmf? tlio taws, or sup-' porting their official authority, it : is probable that toe Altorury-Geueral would Jwli.ior -iiaaMaiK"! rom tho military, but up to .this time t hero.lias been no srioh ttemiindij'or suggeatious. SEW 10KK. ' Kapld Transit-Coolie & Co. Sncfl. Nsw Toiik, Sept. 7. The routes selected by the stupid ;Trausit Go u missiou, and approved by the Board of Alderman, providos for roads on the east and west sides of tho ei:y. They will connect with all tho lurru and depotl.;'5,f.l.i 3t.0iA Tliree suits have been iuslitutod iu the Supreme Oohingaitiftt 'Aletander Coolie & Co., to recoyei' ou lleged drafi aud bills oi wehangp. paid ou their account by the Hank of Scotland, Harwood. Knight A AUhu nud the London & Westrniniste.'1 Bank.' , , ' MTsSACHliNKTT5.7r' tl ' 'Shocmak'er'H Strike Bopos, Sait..7. Tho shoemakers are oa aatnke at Cophituate.;They are determined to mkeuuimpioiuiH with employersand h"w taken steps to establish protective uuious of their own. oiiio. Larire Kalltirp. i Cincinnati,' rfi-p-t. 7. Ili-rip Ih!U, eitiuaive til ilriiicr, hm Mi"pctidr. a. Mis.sissrrri. Clinton-, S. pf,. 7- Ain u forty ln-iors liuv lieen kiil. il and ultiiiy woitMil 1. ''flie wliitcM tioLl po-HMiou JiLj heo'U-filld-thii-JairiU!- iuw n'u'rte'.l iu !1 1'lrcctioiin. The W pr are mid to, be ih Jaeksou. Tl) (1 ivvruor li.tsoiiii.-d upon (len. (Wrgr, Ciiairmuu of the Diuocratio (Ximmit tce, to artist iu retonug order. Al; quiet nt present. ' TEWESSEE. Mr. Hauls' Hovcmcnts-DanKerous Re . ensc. Memphis, Sept. 7. Mr. Darin lft hi're y.'Htrd'iy uinrtiinp; to attend the Aiieultnral Fair t DeSoto county, Mo. A train on tho tiift'e Rock road was detached by a uiitplaeed ri!. Near the spot a uo!e was found, fcayitig "this will oeeur freiiuoutly, unlea your hands are paid. , KE.MKKV. ;" Political Meeting. Lopisvillk, Hpt. 7.-A f peeial dis pn'cli to tht C!irU:r-JoiiriKil from Holly yjniitfs, MiRs., unyd, tiie largewt puliiicai miittiiigvr held in tlmHtate oicuri ed yeaterday. S'mnftor Gordon of (ieorjjfia ; and Conert iKiu.iu Lamar, of MiH!sic ppi, made speeolnw. A large number of olored men were preaent. U'lintor Gordon's spoeoU was const r v itive, breathing a spirit of reconcilia tion and go)d feeling, and eulogizing the federul oldii ra. lie opjiraled to tuo colored people to nnito with the wliito people aud drivo out the carpet l)iij,'ger. He contrasted the condition of lr.n State.wit.il Missiasippi, d.-olar-ing that peuou reignod in Cleorgia and luiriiIo it Miw-iasippi. Oi.iiigreFhinan Luinar ,followcd, seconding Senator Gordon's elFortH. He reviewed the polities if the State hince the war.held np the nets of the Republican' party iu JJisHisHippi, tyul .fixed upon Gov. Amos tho blame of the blood of the colored men, killed in tho Vieksburg fiota. CALIFORNIA. Election News -Indian Troubles. Ban Fuancisoo, Sept. 7. There is nothing new iu Huaiieial affuira. 'Full city diction returns give the following results : ' . The liidewiireuti hsvo olected an Awessor, l)itriot-Attjruoy, Oily and oiinty Aitorney, Clii f of Police, Cor oner, Public AduiiiiiKtrator, Superin tendent of Schools, uud four Supervi sors. The Democrats have almost mado a .clenn sweep, electing Hrynut, Mayor, eigiit supervisors, withihe entireStato Coiigresbioind and Legihlative ticket. An extensive Indian outbreak is re ported iu Eastern Nevada aud Western Utah. A numbqr of 'itttleis and miners bave bwn killed. Iicgulars aud troops tire going to the scene. The military commander of this oity has been ap plied to for arms and ammunition. Orders bave been issued for jufautry tml cavalry to proceed at once from this' city and Benecia to Eastern Nevada. . The rising is attributed to Mormon iniluenoe. FOREIGN. FRAME. Pilgrimage to Lourdcs. rAnia... Sept. 7.--Tbe - pilgrimage ft-otu Gerromy to Lourdva has betu abandon '. . ' .TIUKEY. . i The Insurrcttion at an End. . OoNvr.ANTiMOPDB, S-pt. 7 Order has again -been etitttplctely Pstablisbud in B ivui t, a id iilmost wholly restored iu Ui.rzegovinw X..-- : ' ITALY Vatican Intcllkjenrp. Koiia, Hejit. 7, Cardinal MoCloKkey ii ft-l'i.ir. n:e fur this city to-d iy. The Consistory which w,h appoiuted fm t!'t) 27lli of this month, will be held iustetid, on the 17ih or 2JtU inst eul"vd. Vim, Coolie Wanted -Horrible Cruelty ' ' 'Practised by Insurgents, Ac. Lonuo v, Hipt. 0. A special difl mtcli t the Standard nays that the British CoiihiiI lias arrived at ftlitstar. He ivitnuisi;il tiiu hoirtbio orntd li'-K per petrated by tho insurgenrs, who, iu one instance,, roasted children alive, The insurrection is put down, and only raids by the Servians aud Monte negrins take place, and theso are exag gerated tenfold. , . The managers of the direct U. S. cable report that their liuo has been repaired.- " ' " . Win. Coolie, who with hi i brother A'exauder, of the late firm of Alexan der Coolie & Co., charged with obtain ing money under false pretenses, was Kuiu arraigned to-day. The proseeu tioii raid they had not abandoned tho hope of capttinug Alexander Coolie, who has forfeited his bail, and they therefore astalfor a further postpone ment of the case, and it was accord ingly adjourned to tho IStli October. A special dispatch to the Times says ( hut Russia seems convinced that, the Kliokiuxf rebellion was fomented by Yukool Khun, but its he b ft'jefore the recent events at Khokatid, bis arrival will hardly serve to postpone tin rotri butive measures of Russia. A Shanghai social to the Tinut miy4 that tho difficulty between Eng land and China, growing out of the Yuniiau outrage, has been settled. Oliiua sends a special ambassador to Loudon- to apologize aud indemnify the OA argray family. - 1 nteeu thousand animals nro affected with tho foot aud mouth disoaso- iu Dorsetshire. ntnitii i). Oi th.t SOi l it . In tV '!ty. il: r . f th hrl.Ui. 'it ;t V 't. il ri:"l -m, Mr. 1'1.0'ti;. U. ri'.ku n.l Ma A 'H.il. W- NtW AOV!tTISMcUrS. For Rent Pnttl Pi ttr.t or O ki r. th Hiipor prli' iht iiwuotif kTvin Hi Muita iilili"f m tta tt.i htritfstx lar ruou - i il. i'F. H & tlRO, a d fi ' - i.f t: 1AU O (IIH 1(1 J run I,;.' of IU'J.. tholll Sit. W tlirt Hi ilitj i l not- fur S i'. riir) S'l lr Willi." ii'"iy rtr i. l.f li-ring tl iiliih lr . I) X. !' nt Ui bn.R. , S jl A'aw fi- n' llin llirxrtor of tti 1VII- ui .t t.l .tM I'll Hl h OlMTMIIT T1 hi l'rpr"t:H tu titn tuiU.. tiire iwfmiil if lit '- PHi'awr' IkvI.hI (initio tul rlit k ivhI.1ii th Ift'li nil iffif f .rpri m h-rnl t'Oi of (tit bar rwm tly. Hub onbr "ill p bn emmpt Sn itrra nt, rr' o M mwjwlinrti lb Vfl ilh hrnkrn tn, ur iv vinir lli nmu will Ov l-r li.l lo. kci'4 nliiiK U miroUJcurmtw itr iir l l Ihi rtnirlnmr al IliK cotniiy will b n'.:inl ii'itil u. tolmr isl, H73 Th pntwil tii'iipilio wl I b 1'.' Iivl will i J tho rvvcritiK will Iik fnuii K to Pi tittiM ',rillng to tho i haracti'r ot tlif" mill the f "gins-r nm il 'rortt .1 H. WORTH, Hrorotsry mi) rmiHUrr. w.8;r '.-.'' GRAIN SCYTHES, B'dSH H33KS, " SNATHTS. SlZ. NOVA MXJTIAOklNOSTONKS, Prlr:d ri'.ltiiieil at Nnth'l Jocobi's UAItDWAKE DEPOT. ( iPKll'S TOOLS, OIlt'KNTKU'a TODI S, BLACKSMITH'S TOO! S, OAKKIAOK MAFCKR'S TOtH.8, STEEL TRAPS. SHOVE .S, SPADES FORKS AC Rffclucerl pr!en at ... . Nathaniel Jecobi's HAKOWAlvU DtPO'l", CARRI ACC MATERIALS, AXLES. 8RRINCS. RIMS. HUBS, SPOKES.&C A lurpi- amt well nleotcut xtorils of Poolmt nd Table i nOry if ery iltitotiiilion, m l.iKiiii; lull ltiio i,f Enklib mill Aiuirio.n in.iinii!tnrri, whleli wuaru miw otloriiK at tuo luwirt prii;e. . . .. NATH L JAiiOKli i , i Hiiritwiu ill p it i SEINE Twil.ES. Ciittiiti, mmilM sail Jnlo fi;i. Affnncy Tor tlioUflir!ii Kih llriiMd-'iil Uilllii I'lua l, natjianiel jtoaai, HARDWARE DEPOT, TNO. S MAUHET mT. sadoTeskaIkTsn"Orxks - DUIOI.KD AND r.0M,AK9. All k'ndi of FvMlery mU trnnk repulrlng done prom ptly t very low priceB t tte Harness Factory of Carpenter k Mallard, Nl) iOLTII lir WTRKKT, wn 3 'luton.N. (J, SADDLES AND HARNESS ! tii,ltt bmI ri pa.it oil t . IVH. HAVlHtS'S Third bit-een Ma'ttt an-l i'nii.i- .i'sireolj l',-irf low i ii I Hktm'mi inn g ir iu cmI: i 44 !.- tm iheory and Practice OF IEACI1ING; -oit- Thj M tve a id Methods' of GOOD SCHOOL KEEPING, jiv , ',.'"..' DAVID P. PAGR." A. M. L ite Principal of State Norual Scliotd Albany, New York.'. To w! te'i i mi ' u bmraplilual a'.o'oij ul III j miMnr. , , Kur ea.ij by C. W. V A TICK, M ark-t .uiti. JJtlY yr tit aud ill ynu buiti'ar li i-d V tv fio:D . ;'.' O-f.KS Mt R' II ISDN. BARGAINS H .MOSQ'JITO, NETS. F '..'B c uli w r oiliiInB ,iiir nr,u and asroric.., tio.a 01 MOSQUITO NETS at prices wivi'V mnii'li'il Utur llill.il city Ull ai'd fnainliio una jou will not km dira,, folnU'il. . t JO; A hMITH ft i t). epT . REMOVAL. ON or Iwfori the firnt of Octiiuer, I wlil r. move 1 1 my old stnuil, Kjo'LHiiga ( onor, next to Mr. Win, Kyl'o'i mi llimrv Uirv. . , C. .v. f HIoK, if iit, r. Siii li'inluu Moot. W. P. Pilci,Mfctngor, f ' : . . .. itepT ' - f ' ' " SlcillSM ia tlia W oriTT C. WEST & SONS' ALADDIN SECU RITY OIL. , - Wrirrnntcd 130 Uegruvii Ur Tt. KnAittr-dUf Ih fin tatttrant Cifyiti4iM.i m t luf Real t"i folio wmf mrtig'a't, h ilooted ' ilulll Uihllv OlIlfl'H IIowaki) Kius n I'mrr HaltimoiiI ) . Dwcmnxr 1ST, j Ktart.C W'.tt i A'liu.' (iriiiuinim-naiu( n 1 in rariou ullninlil in hi. city tor tllunu riHtinsj piepiwen I tak pl-iuiri 111 r-'iom nrt.-iM t in y. ur A'addtn Securlt' hh lim hhIohI and bHet' ever uwj 111 our liinnrhtiH, lours truly, . . .... ..- . . (Us'iiei) ANOKKW KKKSR. Pr n't. I OTilT.WILL NOT EXPLODE; I Ask yvur Morrkvrprrfor it. Whulcailo Depot. C: WEST ASONs - 119, IIS W. L 'labud Strool, U.thliuore. Mil' 1 nod 6u IdlSCELLANEOUS JUST PUBLISHED. nth iditioo- PiJ ACTIO AL OBSERVATIONS, : : ', f ' t NERVOUS DEBILITY! AMD ; ruiSICJL EXUAUSTIOX, wfiicii k)44t j - : ' Ah Emr n 9mrilg With Import!''. rt,ai'ti ou HIHOUKKK1 OF TUB ilBt HODtJCTtVi!. OKOAN-, Bn I n-iiopiin of Looturon doll tored tlii lr MUSEUM Of ANTOMY Mriii.'t;r virttlng ii cl' . "IumiI.I not IkII to till- kii-i. i'uUsti., l!-hiH tU Urunt In tl vvur'r - 1 1 ' c ; MIT t Ki..'.U Si , tlppuiHo Cltlurll- tal Itutfl, I'titlatlflphtiu Coj.U it l(tur test on rtpt utti ffuu Ad lrt, 1H. .foiniON A HAVI r..ON. . UL'O (lLUiCKr Br., PlilUluliUi; d fy . , , i e7 A N H UE S ER A COS PURK litter tiaer, Jut reoelvrd Iu k troiu St, 1 uai Jilflil. jUo lulkiHing I) the ro milt of III n!yl mm1 by W. V. t'otirsd, Obfinl.t of (tie UnHM BUHiJ Nl I.hIioi. tor?, Npw York. O iNOU'SldN KROM TUK ANA' tlOF ' THE QUALITY. Ti full y or thli l'r, M Lowti li oar enUiHn, Ik miporlar by IU purtliit'w. uot -trMieoji tnuoi could b tlntr'i'.osl, ibu iiit mt. atitor lrpt mibiitiioi (UiU bliig uiM In eifraonlliriry grut iiunutiviun, wlitclt, kv. lug bn toMli'd, Hiw llir) tipi-r that pwulUr IIhvih of trvKlt irl) mak4 th'. lirr iry nouibAinit nd hlilify rriuiniftiiU1i drink lor tnisli. h.al ,,irp -, Aaotli.r iwd iiiiality i thi brer u lb at il kip in iji'iil coultlloa mijr all otrcumataucfi. W, II. OONRAO, 'licniUilM of V. 8. Naval Ijtbratary, - Wit m tbo whnlPMlt axoiiUi, mil it la fur mId al.-o in the city bv ... --! , . tloio HlAk, !., , ' ' - '' if H.V. Kt)NK, ' VV'i : lUH iA.V.H.Waww.j AUKIAH A VOI.LKKH. np 3 Notice Extraoi dinary . T 1 11 hA. i 1 I .i .'.'. r -:i - , r ' r .- . e i ,r ,iM i " ' '' TJNtttoTHB tin -k Wi WTKM BBIt , 4r 1 4 ! i "' t't'y 4-'-' C wa will mill from our slock ot , ...'i, ,, l '' ' ''" " "" . ''...i-.'.i'i-.VfV' . -t t-r t 5f I- " , 1 SUMMER DRESS "GOODS! v 1 .... ..i.. '." ' . . .! . 1' U ' - 'f ! At a great iclm'tlou from )'r .a i' I i ; ' i - New York Cost I i . ' 'Tt '"J t In additioii.wo offer a handsome stock VVHI1E GOODS! Including Nansooks, Jackonels, Hwiss Cliei.'ked Cauibiio-i, Liueus, Ludiee' and fletits' Ifaud'nuchiefa, l'ublo Liu uns, etc., at 2.V j'er cent, lower thau New York valcc. v Also, the boat block Oil I OE- ii?siii:itv i,.: ti 6. Iu tho city at lesa tliaa importers -!..: ' ' .' ,",:. prices. ; ' , ' : v..',.' Au tarly call rs respectfully solicited. K. WfJLX, au tl. WETAKE NO NOTE OF TIME BUT BY ITS LOSS.,, Aril lliowi who linra not laid in pt.or.k of (ooil tor Mow on weat aud If.imlly n-u'lfoni tb" m.Ii ii lid ii'orlt Unit Iliavo bean aompaild tnHhrr li ie, will aurrtly roiri.t lt. I I an) Sli, ai'dii.it atowwetkai. leltiu ahlub to w,ud ii il. f. r Hip retuov u of 8i y atnek to anal kttr rev for "jaie at iiiir.tioii," J witt- 'irtnr another In'. ,1 nrf mi lit, kuoKiuK,,, u I do, tkt omhict I i'r,K. It l Hi ii.: liinido. aoiling aomn or tfto i-toos hi till) pj; i iint. bolow rwt,, l will mak.i in rnory purcbalier a iiniintof tml it emrtr en all niiniKtmr tu dollnrt. Thia t n W.w givli'K y it- awav aa I ohii Wnur to It. ' i.AU giaxU ,ld al. itumtUna vrtti ,w '.'i,.. j i r - , , i i UKUttUKLKtlMCK, 1 l"4'' .) ' Marimtstra ; L AU llXliO N 18 Alt." For rent for the oniulng yoar by OUONI.Y MORUIS, ileal Kalata UiOkvrs. . MLSCKLLANEOUH. ' TO HOLDEJIS CITY 'COUPONS. CITY OF VlLM'NOroX, N. O.j , Juue lHT.i. s NOTI'JK U heiiy gipu tt.a' TIlK JCLY OOUPOSS IS7J ot rtiiui!if tlili City) u- aot ba priMiiptly i l. In o itn 'n I'll ill of 0,'iUtu oliin.' uuJct a rocout d.H'Won 01 sariuo. Oouit wt tit to 8tatoittthn lui'i i r of n.(timi o' Ik Ui atid lViiwiial Pri.rty in tlila cltfj and t1irtiy tiiu City Ta Itonkii not yt lilti,; iieim plao.t In poawwil'in pf thn undnnlnfd furciillcctU'; tojctUi. n'Ut otlier rom pi iv a lotulu tiir l tiour Muuljlatl ait'i.n, turn pMidlflp hoimo t5nf ytliitiMuo l!ourt of Keitlt Oarolln, tbe qlty ot WHm'n'im m.V.t )tr.,'if- tntllv tiraio U'i inloit", 'r,m ''" btdV . j ! : 1 " ' : . ' ( ' . tifll lf X)'i, i Iktniit iJtilv ttd . t. 0. si:rvosh, ; t'lty Trca-tir.-.r June 3a , , ... ,, 'MISCELLANEOUS. 'int i iii It Atkinson & IIann in r-. f 70,000,000 Atavn lltraiittl. i ;...'.., !r:-fiii;';:v--. ? rut. 1 . of Nonli Aaiarlo rUMll tnlpli'a. ! Pbaiiin hKiirainwOomptni ....Niiw Yok. ' Ooiiiinant.al limnrann txt. ... . . Ntw feik. N , aritiKlk Moroanttln liin.('o..1.oiidin. Harltitrd Klr In., totlliiiT...liHrttori.t National KIM tin. lonvntnv... ttHr 'bi 1, Sptlngtl!d' If. l, ln ti. a.,Kfbttii0tlSt fyi AniriC MtiraaiiUlf Mutual tru. lM..,V.Kl'' t if V ! Jini.tW. T NiKtli Araorlo,,y .)l"hl!at t'puUw i LIFE OnminrrtcatMtitliAl iJiu li lii.Ci. (i 1 1 lord.- . fuliil .- . i. 6tt-tf . jJKKCHlSTS , AND MM I! A .1 1 - - ,'S!iuBASCfico3a,A,jii,,;Vl'n ' ,. , ,H , . .... . .. 111.' Ot RI0n.A.)M), V I HOI MI A i tiMiii.,.....M.i..'.-.v'....i,,.,;rk'i.ti.i A. Y.'lTuliRI, VfMld't. I. U.,W ooua, Ml ., : J4t UN W 11.11 It H VltNfHM : HO. 4 North Watat 8k, W,liulngtoo i N'.tJ; " " . JM It, .1--! ! I''lt " '''',.",!'.' 1 ; J. M'Chastcn; ' - General Commission Morohant -BALTIMORE. "-'"-'' WILL give ixTHOnal attcutiun to thCMitS of Cut uiti, htlll SUirrai Pvanuia and country prudiiii iri.iorally. alul to tho piir- i'lini of ninri'lir.itdl. Hr'ori by in'ruiliMlon to Captain Jt, B, Uraluutr, Proaiitniit ot Hank of Mr llwiovur. ,t j, . . .. . - .' aii(t!l tf . ! . ' i If,Wiimiiiiftonr IS AI.IVK Tl) KT.K I ST E RESTS III f ' (Jwoltna, bar buatuoM men illdtarttMia THE WA3HINGT OfJ; tCHp, larpn and well enl.abliliad rnintily ukwupft jr, clrcnlalinj; ritounlrely in a Douatliw 11 yilu, Bektitort, Paiullm, Pitt, Eilavoouili ml tlmead1o1iiajt KaUm Lew.- .-.'. WAIT r. WIM.ISii!l, , K. IIRANSa, Lute of Tarlmro. ' " 'if WwUinnioi , KdlUim and Proprietors, ( .t1 - - Hktrtopf.- .i,.,, ... ,. Mi ' The Charlotte Observer The mi y tuutnlii duPf paper pnlill-lieiT m the SI lie w at Kl k'll ( lli-l! ,it wit innnlon, ill'rimiiik .ludtrkm)! t,f aeer l " ItiflM'S ithf V 'I'-'' '"! H'"f ilofW li.o beu iruly litortiel ,nu1 Kr. iii" ur ui (iaat.. an I n u i raiskaa .iat w h- M-r. c'leilKiif Wnni'in North , mi ilii,a, ij - .'r n K teritM' 1 Am ii!';; .a a iu nnnifc t u i ii. t. n fh d ftrMi Hit ol 'iVit iiiio .4l.n1 and l ie people 01 w ,i..irii .ui la :hmiiu. 'j ' if tianin iinKuafii tiif- .1 1 " lt)Jt(-.'(.t i-.iiMiii"''''! ,.i.it.t 1'iriy on 1 er an num. Vi'Mjf..j',.,,'.a,U H ! r A.tto'tiMiiji jorv Jow. , lltts liivi'Ntd 111 tli J-rivttrireM in Willi Street teada to nmm I IHH.'Sa Nimof tory rue. i!i, i(iuUO,li il. t v lei tHie.jM lV an ' ipii l oloii irie-a atrk "di SI i1i ;i..' ilia AV 'urk Slmk AeA9i, mnlp fif'Xi' ' llin. u.r p '.,1 .n it,. Atblrma, iA A 1,1 X, I'Mii e I Mi 11 a .. ,t i)(tV"'1 eiiiilieiii m il ll(oki rp .,, 0 p, N. Xi t tck itAiitkLipji,! Pi Wrtit K fuS IT H i: oi KW 'VOHKi Vnluablo ileal i;mtat for Knln, I nt .r tor ! tttif taf fhr.'o st.uv 1 1 ic'i tl'd dttig, M'ltMtfrt on the m-nei t' f i il.u k ainl ''rutttii afoiM iu ta :. id' Nliitir Mil knd hv' 1I10 A"ot.i-- ilnfilinK lb, il'iii -iy ia Hiliulralilv lo :aiet lur a nolel or lotto 1 i'acUiry. It Will In wiid rlioup mid upon eI terow. Apply, kn r ' 1.' - . 1 HRItril BUY AN '' Attornoyfor 11 II, CUija & tin. 500 I,L,s,IKl's'i'is' g fJQ ItAKaiCL-j Kf)t:i-il' grade j. ' ; i ;oo EBLa. molasses syrup, '. V t )'-' ; 00 Boxes Drv SaltMEjATd. . 1 2,000 UACKS'.LIVErvpdOL'' SLT, ' 000 ACK.i ILUaALL'fl " FLW ' salt , . , 100 KEQ3 NAILS, '" '.'..'.- I' 1 y, tit )!.',- ' 25 ' GRdSS itAlLIlOAD MiliL; For sajo low liy i Dixi'OifcD,' Crow & no, BROWN COTTON Cln. THK BF8I' fit A K. '" OI11 lirlHtlen. i;t;i IIIum, i )'. ,11 so il k, g!u bandu lure leallier, riveta, Se., inn l-o tonmt at. till) loweat ei.di firluin, al lliu uni u.-Ubli-li 'ii Ii ard. warn hoiito of IOHN DAWSON, No. 19, W Oud HI Mrrkot ttueott rvvi w SEW ADVESTISEalEM". mm '45 IL1RKST Are closing out tho baluuc of tin ir Tjudiei Underwear vis: Chemise and Night Dresses, at a sweeping reduction RYES' FROM FORUEU PRICES. . HAMBURG EDGIHGS AND INSERTIOHS- . . . ... ; " '.....' . We arc making an t ll' irt in this dopartmcut to ro.luo tho ktook previous . to going North, and Ladie4 v.ill Had PRICES lv)wcr thau any tliey -hare ever seou in thia market ) ME1E8L CUT PAPER PATTERNS FOR SALE. MacliiiLo Needles, 5 Centa lilacl Misses Kid Gloves Slightly Spotted, 20 Cents a Pair- Sizes, 5, 51-2 and 6, ' Having just taken tin tuwinnt of stook w.i find aeveral small, variod lot which wo hayo detonuiuuiHa CLOHU OUP Al' A PRICli. 'iiiJ " ' We Ihaiilt o a', ' . llaltli griitt ami sum", Fot paMitae t'Mi'iiilIt; i ' ,; ' We tiateiu' fuel, We've iliine sao wm;1 - ' Tluouyhout the year tusi ciulll. ,.. ,i It BROWN & RODDICK. 45 Market Street. 11 UK 1" JUST OPENED! , 30 IvIAmiTDT STREET, ' ,,,,, .... . , . ANOTHER LOTOF " ' Black Grenadines, Black Silk Challvs, I)L ACK CASHMERE, SORE PES, &C ' HtTMMICU HTOC'K C'LO-ilJI OUT Lower-Than Ever! II s i m STo. : 86 MAlRIvJCT STREET. Jill in KEEP'S PATENT P JLI.U1-M1.QE DRESS SHIRTS. 1 ' ' ' ' ' ' ; i i 1 ! WILLIAM Jii'S, .. i , S U J JSXCllASil E :COKN-RH. rlinoKi ill PaFToir-'CiiF'Mes. f Olllo ot Troaauror and Oollofftr,' ) I City of Wilmington, N. U., 1't l -i : i I ;' . ftmni r -- - .-J ... -iisr- : WHITE CO 0 OS, !V m i. Aug 17,.18T.1.) I am rllrocted to uollly all parties owing city tuba .that the reiiulrernunla of ttlo eity for 1111 ft are micli that a strict com pi I hum with litorutnanoea will ba mada, and turh perron, wbo donot pay Uieir oily taxes 011 or botoro the llratof Hpteiabor,,proxiruo, their property will be aUTttriiaed and Hold a. the law dlrcta T. a Servoss, Treaaarar and Oalleutar soon 6M! MBIT, Our tork we've ta'en An' n we're (jaVii, , To a'U within the margin; An' If yn count A lorn we're town i'll fill an uinV l)i'!;alii. ATi . . .. . ... ONLY AGENTS. OO 10 WU ot' Alleiai-aot'norklii( podplt) id both wiri, yuni; ami 0I11, oiako more maney at win k for iik, 111 thmr own looal itlaa, during lhair Siro iiioiu-uti. or all the tiin,thn ;it aaytliliieln. We. otlar employ ment tlit will pa? bond) ndl, fr orery 0,mr' work, f ull part'fii'ari, term ot,'., win free. . sent myour aidrosa at nn.. IMii't delay. Mow l your tinn. Don't look tor work or binliiuiw ehiwhero. until von bird I .arned what wa utljr. O. STinaoN Oo , Portland, M.ino, mnya-lil-diftw "AT YAT'U BODS 8T0BK," ' . you will find full line of ' BLANK BOOKS, ! i SCH33L BOOKS BI3LES, PRAYER BOCKS ALBUMS an'.i every thing tiaaally k"t't lnan:t nlabook and nu-ln nbiie, at iiriuon lowtribao enr Ni. lore intlii.eitT. ' , iml . i IOO BL5LC;'t" rUKE COrrERIDISTILLED k, 0. CORN WIIISKt I For lala by John. T Cbajieb, 9

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