f -1 r -" t i 9. I I VOL XXIV. NO. 215 WILMINGTON. N. C. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 9, 1875. WHOLE HO- G.979 M; : - i I A y i tf.fir Pail) Khm?l BY TfcLECRAPH. North Carolina -111 Offlffrs Homo cratlc-Jicw York-Pcnnsjltiinta- Wisconsin. t . , IREIGK OF TERROR LN MISSOTPI. Turbulent Condition or the State -A i Sheriff Drhcn from Ills County -Unauthorized Armed Bands. ' ' NEWS' IN GENERAL- .n:.v ... - Arrest of Conterll.r$ - Larje Qnan J trty1 of "Queer" Captured Jeff. Davit En-route to Missouri" . i. i .vicn THE CO.WEXTION. t(1) JtAUUop. SopW &Tbe Copx'i0? .'ompietta itorgdulzation io-day. All the officers elected, are . Dumast-at. After the orgaaiiiitioirp Mr. Tourgo ,(Rbp.y6(Toriida'muUoa lo adjonrn tine die, whioi ,faaljnlefeat6d by a etriot ,ji jptpi Ocal.Bepublibiin, 1 Mr. Wwdin, aud tho Indcpei dtut Mr. 'WilooXdodgedthdvoto. An ordinance was iutrqdnced hv Dadggr,; l Vytdti, pro-rfdSi Vor!Itl!b r!o,liof' foV ex-Gov. Hoi don frou politioal disabiliticd, vas referred,,,, :" -i'' ';'' "' '' ; A: 'resoiatioir by Jtidge' Baxlon, to seatDuliciPtblkltiauta- for niluiib sion from Robeson county, lies over. The death of lion. W. A. Groham aa;. acnudood jjl tk looDeuBey tanernj wJUfcwJ teeeibtions'woro adopted pending the eolo'gjoa.. s , The C)ueutS adjSnrhed fafto- morrow. WASH1NCT0X. Got. Ames Appealing tor Aid. ; Washington, Bept. 8. The, iolldw ing dispatch was received at the Execu tive Mausion last night, from Guv. Ames, of MiMiBsippi : . To Hi ExkltendfUr Grant, Presi dent o the United HMoi f.jj(j iuoe in its most aggravated form exists in certain parts of this State,,. On theeveuing of the 1st fnst., tsnIiw?! tleirai armed, fykW&aJiki1rJ ibPetvil authorities of Yazoo county, and took forolbki poaseailob at said eovhry.from which the sherjJk thA peace "Officer of the county, was compelled tq ilce for afetj(itand 1IC bHII r a" refugee. Tue sheriff ol Hinds- oootity reports" that since the Itfo ipsti he has-been unable to maintain e, pea.ee. Ha report various murder's by unauthorized arm ed bodies. Warren" county is also re ported as being. ifl a state terrortmn, from the aericHJtttiaai Of. Mill other unauthorized armed bodies, aud a feel ing' Oftfosedaritt" prevails in other oonnties of 4fa otate;"'After careful examination of alt reports, I find my self compelled to appeal to the General Government for the muaus of giving that protection to which every Ameri can citizen is entitle, , J d wt now mak' a formaYdemaud under tfoil ftr-: Tisions of the Constrtcrtion of thS United, StutjH.ibut toleraph yeni to kno if Voh Can', and will regard the proclamation fanWd fty du" iu Decem ber last, on application f ,the L-ginh-tur f this State, an still iu force. The neoesBity of immedintv 9W"! (,u" not bffe-f4Stliyoifr'frcUrna' tion'is'jiotln force, I will at once make a formal oppKcufion1 in' ''aeoordaune with the provtHiutia (tf&Getatution of the U4ited"Btatei4 - Signed J " "" 1 AjbELBKBT .Amksv MrrXtlcFey, KTvate Becrejar to the Presideut, immediately scut the above dispatch la tUtv JUwidenl at Long Branch, aiwWpiyt was YJceiveif directing him to tsijbin,it (lip dijpatoo: to the Attoraey-Genrt-al, ask Vim ad rice, and answer Gpv. Adjm as to whether hue pwolamBticm of'lafit year could be coqBtrufidi as now in "foroi. The telpJrrABi were handed to the At tornejrxGoneral' last' oiRht,.,imd i.thia morning Unit bffidcr submitted to the Presideut his decinion that the jroo- jamamHrfapgot OBtooasiruott &a" now in force. This opyijpn, was eoracaatm oatcd toAbtt lme trfflirected by the President. ConnterWlt'crt in Hmbo-:Neir, Tok BtatBtotjfcntlon; . NW Yobk.'&pC. Two- Ifaliaris were amatad yeeterdny at the Grand QentJNil dspirt.iilfflg'Tu'tuf :ir posaes ion a large qnnntTty (f :$0 VurrtPr feits on the Fust National Bank of Philadelphia and rtbeaCity Bank of Pougbkeepsie. The plate from whioh the biUs were printed? was but by the notorious 6punWfeior, Tom. Ballard, now ih the Albany penitentiary, and during the past nie: years haa been altered to print counterfeits on twenty nine National Bank ' '" V';; ', , J ! Sabatooa, 8ept. 8. TheBepnbtioan Btate Convention celled, to il8,'Eon, E. D. MorgiiialriAg'Atiri6f ppeoch. B Garrol was elected tempprarjflhiiir man. A reaolutTbn declaring opposi tion tvatbiid term wa yefetfred; to the Ootnmitton Rpsolutioua,!., . Goo. Pdrlis elected permatiritit ohairman.iTho platform adopted was as follows f ., ..' ' 1st. The National Gorrrnmontslionld remain iu th bands of those who sus- Btain the' guarantees of the amended cttitu!ii)n, and iu pnrstianeo of. pat notions of the Itrpublieiin party, and it-. gxnl reMi'ts, ilio welfare of the country rf!iir a rest ; generous aud foibcariup N it.ojal policy in the Southern rt.atts ; a firm refusal to uw military jKiwer except for purposes inrlv th lined iu the Constitution, i '2X. tHuimidiilioiiefty iu every branch of .Siitii aiid Natumitl government, and prvo'pt iiunieluutut for uwlfuaaenoa in ollW. Ctu. Fattlier inflation of the car ruoy, noiter auy preteuae, would b a pn l)l:o calamity, a. the interests of honesty, industry, and the couimou wolfara of the people demand a speedy DoHHiblo return to sneoia navmont. ' 8th. Recognizing an conclusive tho. 1 rem aent 8 imulio declaration that bu is not a candidate for reuomiuatioa. wiscoxsur. , Democratic Reform Contention. . MimAi'iau, 8pt. 8 The Demo cratic K.forui Conve-uUoa has tMim- bled, D. At'. Moxeu, temporary ohair. man. .. Jcfftrwm Davis. Mritmis, 8ept, 8. Mr. Davis met wit ii ooi dial reoeptions all along the rome to ueooio, Mo. PKSSSYLVA.MA. rennsjltanla State Convention. 1 Kiiis, bept. P. Koporta agree that the uUtforiu will bo about tlm Mima aM Ohio. Probablv Uioro ktronirlv ornnn. i :.. . . . ' o NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. For Rent. rpUK entire iiroj.mtj.no oroat-lctl O, Q X.) t'arnley o,( iiukauriug whuri, utttM Mii.I iiKVuUluro i lid co I yul, loc iti'O unbOtflk Wn'.ur Miecl. tuc uub or Iwu jrwn ' l'tm wj'j . aiiiijr w J. A.. W Af.lt RR. upSt Eierutor, iioo niawAUD. One h n ir.il t1oi!r rnmT,l win k Ih citur fi;i OcUvery of tho luliuwlng j ks. jmiulienJUi,i8t,;.M KSvrml uto- i :(,..; i M lilrM . iiii l)Hi( Rff TtON. Levi Pope, nboat so yvnr i an. B rect 10 Uickfimijh; bnfi fijiiiilmijn ami li.iii wlttm HM.fa IHif Ml utld 111...... .... ........I. Tnm .L'hnu. ulimit vi .r ..... nlpsinn hlunk in... ir.t.i. ...i. t V..... - lnoiirshlgh. - WMuiiitoJoj,bf)titZlterii r Kg.,oom. plexiun bick, 5 fuu J liicho high. Ham Jnni'.. uliuiil ...r. it .... H rui i.i.a -r J - - - v. k. w . .11 K u I blaok. eoinpicxiuu. . H. MANNING, ; MfSJt ; 8b.rltr. FURNITURE AND CARPETS! ' Wfl are S.ir U rorrUlu nnr lrn. ..,. k or.tUUliUKK AMI 0tltKT for tha (U nt wluUjr truJe, and hT made CARPETS A SPECIALTY: and h.alr( Hat,, uf ue jaa i hueirllful liuKru.ju.1 rwxiriKi, which Keare unurlng l.iwtr tbao tbey wr.ro ir.r otlore In thle mar. kHL lir-lur. IV. w.l.llit ruunsnl .Iu I... I.. I eta to KiHiuluo our utook betur iurekatlng, feaiinff ae.iiri(l wh can iiImjmi wan tout la Fruut street. atvle aud bilcAi ( t ilk A. KM - SHIRTS, SHIRTS SHIRTS. !IhTeJut recclreJa large lunioaof btaa tttulreiuf aitdtt ; . ' " , 1 rVAWI 8U TTA SHl KT8. - and am determined to roll tb.m at price, that tat tkt,m4aiMOUtOiar lo botbd i.rment read ftaile. (Lookl0. My etock or reed rade ekUhlug HiU kooQ beaniilBteillall lbraooikea.-, u 1 - - j'piiVcioooDs;;:; feTerkiii(t tid tjle that could b wlnhed I MADE TO OliDER ;; lothe laleac New Yurk and. larlln A. JLIAHU. )i- ' .a.t riir Auction. s " I. ( unt W nmitui hv)iU mi . Haturd .y, Hep- temi ur U, Mi, coji. mnud (J t. lu ii'iloi'.k, A. 1 p9 ti AucuoiiCfr.. LF.AS OF NATIONAL HOTEL AN 3 . Furniture' at ! Auction," " I'NrtUuiinra in ln-3ie riott ieeue bf tie Jour nal and Ktar. KOKtT- Mo'HBii, I it V.. J r' , A uolliiunem. B LA K 1 'BOOKS, t t 'i 'i ;;! i ) LlTJ'iEKS. JiM ItVALH. DAY HO KH, :! Hiinka. Invoice Jlojko, It'CM Uiiuki, llni.iliiik. No'..., )riit a.il Kioiljit Buoka A C, hi lurgo varli'ty hi h s ' u HEINBERGEE'8. ' Frames- Frames' ' FRlMB"-nc stylea. , , t .-, ..l7atJ!''" ' " H E INBER G E R'S , i , i.lta B'JOk and Maalo Store. eei SADDLED HARNESS AND TRUNKS WIUPd.BPUBS, 1 All k'ude of (MWlfti.fy aat trnnir repairing do..e pro;ai.UyataryXowprH!aat aiS ' j Harness Factory Of ' , ;f , - . - , J, i,..i(t. Carpenter & Mallard, I ' NO. 8 30UTB MUHTttraaiT, wag 7 1 ,',.iU f 8ton, N. O, Tbe iWiliiiingtoa &CoaSt TarnDilce Co.. At a meetlng-oT the IHtr-ctora of the Wll (ojiiittnn and lionet Tii'np'ke Uompany held In tttHi citv on the 81 11 lust., Hires aewwmoiiui nt injiercont, eaouwore levied nu Hie cn.ltl ptork 1 ayalilu un tlm ItiiU and loth Neptem ' bjranil I'th uf Dot .bit CMuoodeely.. 8ii eilbnr .111 pleiwe be .rompt In payniiniji. ' . fro ). a lor iDuaaiUmlelng the V wr with lirnk.;n etoue, or okvlug tlin- Mme th py.tur fholls, .ocoriliun t. epviaeMun( lire, lured t th etiglneur ot tho ouroi.iy win be r.netftd nnlll OitnliHf let, 1473 ''hi propoaed 'turnpike will be VI feet aide and theenvcrliig will be I'rom d to 10 inobe aenordltig to the .cbaraoter 01 the Mil at the engineer mar dliaet j .1. WOK'i'H, . i t .1.. j 8oretary naXiHarei. . HpStf -i i" '',' '. , . ' i ' ' ' '"' ""''' " " ' L. ' tlJ'lMIH NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. For Rent Until th w of Oet.tse-. 1HT, the gpndt ' of U.I dwelling known u th. Mo t. building ob Pioitt lrt having n !. gil WW aud klU'ken. Apply (a i em. rkar & bur. , seal .SADDLES AMD HARNESS! . made and repaliedat r n. liiiDtvs - TtiMVi'TMn Mr.t int !Vta. -treeta t I.I' Tiieory aad Bracttce ' Tht U t vei aid Methodi of GOOD SCHOOL KEEPING, ''(- ' ' ..." BT '' '.' ' "fj - DAVID P. TAGE, A. M. Late Principal of Btate Normal School ' Albany, New York. ; To Mcb l ad "U a biog rahle! etetcb of iue awuur. ttit aM I17 I'.W.YATKS, SUrket SUoc REMOVAL. OM or Iwf.ira tlM imt of Ooilr( t t it rt v wBe (vaasa w j iiiiiitvr? ivr', ' lie Est BoiiseWl illic Vorlill C. WEST & SOUS' ALADDIN SECU . RiTY OIL. : " Wau-rallied 130 Degree fir Teat Mntbrttdbp tkt Fin Iniuntnc anpanui.. , ( Kl Ui riilloinf eertigciWe, kjleoted from 111 an j uthcrn. . t , llowAao rim Iks. Po: o Baltivorm, j Itecerubumt, ldll. ) Mtttrt.V Wfl ,Srw) (UirtkiiucntleVlng aw tUe tarlou. oil. luld lu thia wy Mr ttlu-ml-Btliig mrio-ee. 1 take ploaaara in (rnwiu BiMrflliig your "Ala'Mlii, H.sirttj"iw'lte ul'eet and boat oror iiaed tn bar buueluil J. Voura wr .. .. ,.L-.-.r?. toigaeaj nn rkw BkJKJI. Ptn, . 1 s ... i j - ' - w '-' tETIT WILL NOT EXPLODE. Wbotewle Depot C: WEST A SONS" III 118 W. Lombard 8iret. U1 tlinore. epl eod 6 in 7' Hay, Corn: and: Meal ne Bait Prima iajtoru Bar.': BuehelaOntn. ,.,,,.,, i 1& Bnah.lalleaU rf ,, tot aaUby ''J'',- nA ,'Wk tt .! " KBRcnNEK 4 OALPRU BUuil.'. -l ; Bagging and TlBi-;, , 510 Holea tUggtBt4i-.i.1.M-m ;"Im on ioob new Arr.w tim," ' ' ' ' ' SlTunaf UrMuTu i r ' ireriaUby , . ,.',,., j KBROUbiKttdkOALOEHBIlOi. t' ''V' ' '! li ... ! iff ?" Flour. Flour. Flour. , ' " . KiOBarre'a White Flonr. ' "' I , 4M Barrel BeH Mill .Kloof. " ' '" i "V ' tUOrreiairiao Koyal Plour, For tale by 1 -'' r, KKlil'HNKB A CAf.DER BROS. ' : t i - - -. ' " Oysters. Poaohes.Tomatoes and ' PlCklOS- . Caaee Oyatera. "'" , ', '.. , v ' M t!a a Peachea.' . i - W Uaaes Tomatoft; ," ', . i ... ,. - WOaier.cMw, r.. For ealeby ,.. , . ",. Ekbohneb t Gaudxb Bros, ' aep4 . i t 1 - CHEAP Si'OVE. HOUsE J 0. DUNLOP & CO." : " lllfi Pratt Street Baltliaoro,1 it I PARLOR HEATERS. " . r COOKING'STOVES.' ILLUMINATORS. ; : ! FURNACES RANGES AND GRATES. -iX gy Htovea repaired. ' ' .'."i 'u ,.. .. ",, lp 1 ri&wiui . 1 " TRADE IV. ARK.IS WaRCESTERSHjKE S AUCE, I LEA & PERniWS OOrTSOtHIBnKS HI to hlk broth... . ' wl " , w(jKch.'rnii,i to Taa . 2 V , iiv.,,W5i .. . " Jll UKA.i "fKittN? thai fhelrmuiv InliUh flnlvr Rftftft fWi V aat ' vvui( .8ance," 1 1 v .1 !T oataemeed hi In Aua appncauia U)T'3J;(JBUi.a,n.l11loii Hie u.Mt i..' " i.-sssi naiataniea !! fi -feamo thai la i i uruisu, Viijk' made." . . Worcestershire Sauce. old Waelewle and tor Kiboriatkiii i ln PropTletora, I.KA PKtthUSH. Wrtwate, KngUad; and Retail by Baatartltf ganoe. geo. erally throughout the world. ' i l (.Aik for Lea A'Perrina' Sauce. r- . . ! -l;:;,ti" At the II II I: A K PAR b'S'I'A lit, K It in- l : . . paita tha moat exquialt rolleh and (oat to Hot I i '!'. -... or Cold Meat, Fowl, Piah, Broiled Kidney, Ao. 1 ' ' ... '., ' , . -....n i' At tha D I N SI K II TA tl I. K, In Houn, with : ! i TUT jli-' I IaA aTUdi, Hot Jolnta.'Oame, and to all Uravlca. U givaaaaaiightlnlBATor,;,. . ,.,, .,9 ... m At tk. i.nmt ur.on Aurp .-iFifKu f AIII,t It la deemed IwlUiien-able by tho latnlllar wl!h Ita eatlntat'l aailtloa, f :,,,,! :-ii:,;vis ..uuUwtij .,,,(( rnmlttm fork Tiwie$. " There la no rellaU It tha wrld whlah )neo aulrePMlly liked a Lea Js Perrlna ramon Worontiorakir Sauo , 4. ., . ,,,, ,v i ';,"'! JOHN DUNCAN'S SONS1 1 V .lW YOH . 1 Vddiw . .' . i. . i ' 1 11. ' jvjMga ,AMt t t T--' MISCELLANEOUS JUST PUOLISHEO. Uta Idltloa. Ffi ACTIO AL OBSERVATIONS, on NERVOUS DEBILITY i' ' 1 ; r? Xu ltUr o l&ktrtaf-1 , Yntk laporUnt tintrt iH"Ktaa pf ihk iitsraopcuTivs; , 1 ; . -.M oiWAi; r 1 Bein ffho( "4 if Liott 4c II md at; Uielr MUSEUM tOF ' AN ATOM'S, btrnn jr HmSb the &r. tt'i'M' not Ml to U... im cotiern id, Wotiig th UrgAtt lu lUe wi-rui- ; ' 1: . .. .' ' 2 807 ChvaUmtSM Oppewlt Caotl -- Ukl Hotel, rbllaelelphleu Coile of Incturtt nat a reoelpt as elnti AdOrcw, Tb'h." JUR1MJN A DAV1KHON, 1 rluUKK t ST.. i'blladelikla. aug d-lj . , , . ; E. ANHUESER A; CD'S , i " ''.; ' , i . i ; '' PI KK lager beer, Jua rKelrn. la, lee frnra St. Luuuditucl. lb following l lh.ru aolt of th aiik'yma wad f by W. V. Conrad , cneinut or ui wuited sutet jtavai Laoura O-yXtLUBlON FROM THR AHi,' tali (XT The qaalHJ-'of thli beer, a ahown by car aL'itll.1, ka anperlor by IU p.reneae. aa noet tr.ntOJ. tuauoi could b tWtarted. 'J be large k wntl iuaevau.iaiieeaiu eing ueeu tn eiuaordluary great iiuantltlra, wliloli, kr. Ing beeaieuttiil, give, the peer that pwoullar Aavo. f treab bread) make tin. Met a very nonrUlung and highly reconiiueiidabla .drnik tar aaedieliun Ttoriview. Aootb.r g.KKl quality at thuibaarKthatM kepa lu good ooujlUoo, uuder all vlroitmirtaitnerf. . , . Chemteteor IT, 8, NevMI.abratory, We are the who!oale agenta, and It Is tor sale alo la the oily br . i . . , r i.ti i i ' Jona HAA,3a., U- M,W. Kuaaa,. a ti i .''.: Kift' ' A. 0-H, yiair, , "'I -'U' AllRlAK V0LLKK8. ape 3 ; ;; i Notlf & 'Extraordinary '.si . i I .,,,,,..1 en. a S, I .ui U- "! 2TMH3P.3M K0I2ZIMM TTNIli' l'HK TH OF HRPTEMBCR H 1' aid ,0'06doT ,ifdmuJ .c.3lfl,noo3 we 111 acn from our alock of SUMMER DRESS GOODS I ill l.l !''' ' ! ':l4 W .t'l lit... l' ji t . 1 . . -v , ,. r, I. At a great rod notion from 4V, ,t, ... '. ,, ; -.1. j ;!' t ft .ii H ,ii i . . I New York Cost !1 .13 j j. i.j.ii.' i.i la additiop.we offer a handsome etoct . . , i...,.. ........... ' I . iUf;,.ifif .. Oil AVIU'lE GOOD'S! f' ; ' 1 00,00()tOC3b;ii5 luoludiniir Narwooks, eTackpnata," 8w(a Cbouke.l CamIrib,';lAutnB,1 LikdiiM' aud Genta' Hftodkfirchihf '.'ftfrti Liil' ens, etc., at 25 per foenC.' lowef . tVn Now York value. A U, the bf'At Mock f t .'I. , ..... ...i Li..rij;.ij ,'. - , ',t i - .l;..j la the city at . loss than . Importer prloos. ,.ir.S .1 i.i t n .fit..!. " t'" ' . r.-'..'.if b i" '',)-' lif niiifl yil,n'rl . tj sl ill Uud t' An early call is respectfully solicit ed ,J ("!. ill ""' ' .1 ,i I. B. WEILL, ; ang 19. WETAKE NO NOTE OP TIME; BUT J '' fit ITS 1.088.1 i t.i An thowi who ha,r not .hsUf 1n (ntoekof flood for tlielrewn ritr aud Family uw from lb iilenitld iwk tlimt I have been romimllfd bo.iiUo, wiUaur.iy irr. It- ' ttnio rtiiw, ami Imt . Ivw weak kt lefkl. vhleh ta wind nf Itul'iin. the retuoviU of my atook 4 .nether rirt f tor "mo at auction," I will oflor aquthnr Iji. duoeiBont, kiieniKi ak i' du, that touhtf i tcarc. IcUOiIk benidn aelllng aome of the kUjc kltlitv per oent. below ooi, 1 will anak MXTtiry pnmhashUr a dUconqtW ten rtwt, t. imi .umanrer wu doltaie.. 1'bl aa a aat glvtigKi4k Aa. t n, tone tola, iwm AllgoodaavldatIoHatbhiioLbT I s 4M" i ! .'. ,H W(fta.Ki.KlBtM,... ' ... .! . a ) Marketna-a. I ..For tent far the w.lter ht"m " " J",;,ii'i "" ' Brora. i . ui. .-i'ii "...I. i MISCEXLNEOrft. "TO HOLDERS -or- i t city coupons. CistfTmraai Collector Ctrl OF W1LMN(V1)J, N. 0., June VWtb, 1873. j NUTIOK la hereby glrea that TIIR JVIX O JUPONS IS73 (ot Uon.la of thl. City) oa. not b promptly paid. , . lo o.ui. n teuoe ot oor lain ehaage aadet a recent dioUloa of th Suprvme Ueurt of thla Stat aa to the miua)i of aamntot the . . . . i ... i Real aud Paraonal Proiwrt la thla elli; and ibrby tkCtty 'Taa Bonk not yet having; Men plaited la poaeeialoa cflha undoralgnrd , i . .- , , ror oolleotioh; tngeth.r with other rompliea torn lo rag tr.t (o ur MuumJ,1 iU ri, now ,i ... i i' i.i ''" -' pondls? befor tbasuiMaBio'tioart ot Xntjii Carolina, the city of Wilmington mrt ns.v I .' .i : i'" 1 aarihf erar aotun itidulgeiie from the liold"t , , : i I . A -i .1. . I roily Couimn,iiudor Utlug air.iimotiuiae. :T. 0. BEltVOSH, I .il ,...!) . .. i City triaanr-f . ! i. .i u;.;;Ttti-tf .Mi i ...a 1 MlSCEtuANEOUS.. . Atjypsiirilannin Tv40StOAaaaiM KcprMintd. na.lWf iHorth AifteHca. Philadelphia, Pheaia Jaa'iraeat Uokittauy . ii. New Yoik. UOntinental ltiauranoe Oo N.w i'ik. N. Hrlllah A Mercantile Iua.Co..l,oiiilou. Hartlord fire Ina. tUompany... iiarllorrl. Natioual FlxeUa. Uoainy.,.Harl,tor'l. Hprlngtteld f . b M. Ina tM,..Ma.'acbuaott. MernanlUMuK Ina. U. uf North Amrlo.,.iallNdeU'lii. U.mii.iVjout M iitttAlMt Fua.ua. Ur I Hot if feb tl V i Sy oo-tf jyEKCUANT8 AND ; JifiUtAW Itt SSUBANCBCOaPANf, M ttKlT h'H't Ii1 'A il ivoa wiiiVku aiHiBinii J " tl 1 Oooerai . North WAtr BV Wiliolngton, M.U. aprilll , ' a ,4 1 J. Chasten, GeaejaJ.pQBion Marchaiit BALTIMORE Itit'glv peraohal kttantlon " fo tlie aafo of .fj ..r'SA uutuin, naval autnea, Peaeul and country .nvlucn veuerally. Alao to the 1'iir- cut r nuirrnaniiNie, Krfera br triulwiou toUautalnJ. B, Qralner. l'rojlilont 01 Bauk of Maw Hanover. -i l-r r inn r.nii.a- fG It Wilmington IS AlJVlt TOHS8 INTTtRJIIti In Raai Uarollna, her bualneaa men wllladvrtlln TH E rJjYA3H j N G JO NiJ H 0. filarg M(f Veh tatabifahed' weekly ntwapa Ser, circulating tmlvl ru t oouutl o lyde, lle.tili.rt, Pamlico, Pitt. Edireooniba wndthnMadMnlns i iUte Law. l .if Walt. P. Wn.UA.noa, R. tlaaauaa, Late of Tarbnro. ot vvaanington. Kdttor. and .&Mitii.fcm,' r,, in Tie'MmWserver 'ngdt.JlAHr' ii&rd In "Ot UNioirfli ni North ill Wii. latngton.oir.ireatiecul ImlmuiiiV'tiU ti ilvr ler.' ltnlwii,(o , ,inl ufuliioH liK.ro nen lug.tiy luornii a,! ,durng(th vrr ,..,. i mi riNii. In most ol the Mtr. r.k tina.ii t..rn North Uaulin Iliuku i'er-, liii. kUt.ui'ri'aia ta-iliam' a V.iMru1iiilr!it- tio'i .iete.in iii VItnlliiioMiTUuil'ivUial' iBDpOTBuijYaTOrnj,jrj.yayvuii b' I. : Tsuaaof uiiaiirTius , -,i,.,,n .. ,iui .- ; - IMIIy.A.,..v.w.,,l,.,',,i,,.R9 01' per nuuiir Wel(lr..Li,Hi...Wi.i;V f '11 ; tJrtUiBg ry tew.' ni ,,, , .... . i ). )... i -i . -1 ' : lvH lu ajfnvk lrilira In Wall "Iret'l teadk fy lru1v'UIOlvi.MiNor l.ii.i.a miii- i!ijiiirjli.iiu ni, n. tnrvlrMlatuHVHlidrii iletvJ.i atalrinenu am) iiiirtrHiiii t.rlio nf all nLji.k Hi Nn Fet fifoci tahiuid(f .matbt tvw t thrwediHirifi iti(.i tilHt, Atldraaa,.- ' . . i Al.r A FNvy i'HIcHABa CO., i u ' l' . " Hnnlifli'it ainl lti filtDr. . t . i p!;l. T. .iiev. KMlutnge. VI Wall i'i i len n i.-eoi , ., ikw y OKK; 'Valuahi . r.iaie ir sale. 1 oflr tor anifitliiit la'ce t)ir' aViny rtok Hiil'iHnir, i'0Htfl on the i.hhoi j.t p.ii,,nir and llwven irtroeW In tit oily rf. r.i'wli.ii, J n i now ii an me 91111.1111a eaDiliiii Ikk Vroperty laAilhllrably loiaie t lor a Motel of uotioi. raciory. it will bu oid obeep and apon aayternu . Appljf to L i f t ' . .. , HENRY U BRYAN.' ! A rt fl 1,CSiiKL'T8-, . i -. : 1 K K rt Q AKRaw t" ttj ft-at) 1 feriule,' i ': iwuum MOLASSES AaTtuUP, ill' . J , , 60 Boxes Dry. SaJtMEATd " ' : 2,600 SiiiksVEKPOOL SALT, i f.'ini ,7.f-. . ;$U SACKS oIAHSUAijL s fine ...it I 1 y,,-:'.i.!f n- VZAV.iA I 'i - I 100 KEQ3 NAILS. H" ' 1 I. flr .. IH'i.ll '!'' ' " ' '25 GR083 RAILROAD MILLS ,nl i, i ,-v , . . , jFor sal low by'-"";1 " """ 1 -r i ..I fBINFOItD.-CEOVV Jt'Cat' i, twf tf" 4 - 1 tl'W ORO WM '. COT TO N ;C Jn.,''.- m ! ,. TUB K3'r..!MAJli...t 1 ! k CJIn lit li. tliie. Kin Hie., wiltwanalfrn. jjlntamls mrs, lOMinur, rivew, ivk., ran jiovonun at too i hwei oanh prioca, atlho bill tatatiltlie4 hard, (o9u4iMrrket8Ueil 1 INSIJIlAN(BJtOUJl li: i irn iiaai " .ei.. - NEW ADVE mm 45 mm mm, Ara closing out tho Ivalatica of thmr Lndic Undorwoar vix: Chomio and NiRht Dreasoa, at a swocprnft reduotiou EVEN EUOil FUUMER ritlCES. ' HAMBURG EDGINGS AND INSERTIONS- ' We are nukiiiR an effort io this d.ipartutnat to reduos tha stock previona to froing North, and Ladies will flnd PRICES lower than any thoy have, eter ciu iu this market V ' ' CUT PAPER PATTERNS FOR SALE, lachiiio Needles, 5 Cents ICacl Misses Kid Gloves Slightly Spotted, 20 Cents ! ! a Pair- SiZD3, " it C.l i.i. u i -a iiitvuiK, ii"i ;ilkUii nil nuudiim ui h wo have dotormiuod to CLO JE whfoh Wo thank ) ! ' ' '' ' .! '.i llalth urt'itt and sma', I ilt i ... for patronaKts exiauillti . , , , Ws irau-tu' fuel, , i We've dune iso wtwl ' ' i t t . Throughout tlio year noo endlt. i i, ' 1 ' !'! ' . : - , - .. ; .Our utock we've Wen . An' noo wo R&Vt, :' " To ivtl wllliin the margin; ,,, i . i 'AaMfye come , j ,,,,,,, iAft'iw we're toora ; -w Vv'U ,t an iiuco' bargain. all 1: .lit ..!. ii ' Hi .! -.1 a . ' il .'' 1 ,11, Ii .ii 1 . II 1 t ' It llil" M BROWN. & RODDICK. 45 Market Strcot. mlg in rn rm-Tw UI V.i-i .Sn-.lt.n .'i i ui .'t tn ' ' ww iu.I-.j.:) ' . i-" ' Villi. 1 ...it ui -Mfi" " "'J ' ' ' . n't .1 ' tl'H I I ICUI JUOJ 36 ;mAbket.street, lit i!i -mt.i . - ANOTIIEU L0T:0F- Black Silk;ChalIys, BLACK CASHMERE, SOREPEJS, &C7 HUMMKH STOC" OUT Il 11 Lower Than Ever! ...i. . i . i'f ) n.'.(t" .! :l': 1 1 -li'l ! I I 1 30 MAJRK1LT STEEET. Jul 1M KEEPS PARTLY-MADE , ... . . .. ! 1 sb-fob7 m mn. .1 I s I J,it u,"l"! ' i.X-4 Eian&sGto coiiNEu. . Pay Yonr - City. Taxes;- i ..r 'OSlo f Treasurer and Uolleolbr, "( ) i rTl Olty of trtlmlugton, N, i , ,, I V.. 4 i TAo(f I1, 1878. j .' JamIlrteted tonotlty all partmi owing oity taxea that Ui requirement of tha eity fur , i da are inch that a itrict compllnhoa with bcriUnntia will he ki1e, and audi pcrmua wh do not pay their lty bam n oe bence the Irat ofaf .ptieauber Jjproxlnlo, tlielr property will b adveUiwd and. nukl a U law direct ' v j ,',':, yUiOl S9rvOB9,,"'.i ? t 7" r- XrM4arar m,,. WHITE GOODS, tm i. .I n. i. .A.I' . . , i lna rT-r - RTISESIEMS. mm 5, 51-2 and G, V ..I..JI. . a.. I .'. .. .... huiiik wti uuti aevwni Small, TftrUhl Ioti OUT AT A I'BIOll" . .. 1.1 I L0T.0F- Black Grenadines, PATENT DRESS SHIRTS. r IS Ull OPENED MUNSON & CO., r ' ONLY AGENTS. 85 tO 20 ed'V'tawlwof mil want- of work in a peuple ui both young ami o!n, make more nvmey at wjtk lor n, in their owu local ltiea, liurlmj their apare momenta, or all tha tine, than at anything elw. We oiler employ ment tuat will par huiidaoine) , t.r ovory lion ' work. Full particular, term-, eti, aouv Iras. sendDtyour atdrusa Ht tm.ie. D.iu'i delay. Now la your tlma, IAm'c look Kir work or bualneea elaiwheie, until vuu btro 1; irntd what we oner, ii.&nVMi fi Ut , Portland, M ine, , my ilo-llM-dAw I "AT fATK-S BOOK8T0R," you wilt find i full line of 1 ! BLANK BOOKS, , ' , j ' SCHD3L B03KS BIBLES. PRAYER BOOKS ALBUMS aiioewrytblignaually kept luaflrat rliuibonk ami mu4o etiire, at prlcea lowif than rv. r bti. lore lutuia cr.y. , ,( ,( . aiit 100 B8LG, FIJEE COPPER- DISTILLED N. a '.!',', i ;: CORN WfllSKTT ' ' , '" t For tale by ' John. T Craxsr, nKt-MM-4MI ltm ..-'--. .-..,, tin H -hhhU. I ' " '

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