I I ' i m v -i I Oil Al VOL XXIV. KO. 217 WILimiGTOW. H. C. SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 11. 1875. WHOLE HO- G.S81 Of n Jiouviuil. -itt fcSY TELSGKAPH. STATU (JONYEXTiOX. To Work In Earnest One liutitlrcd and Iwrnty-flie Ordiifaiue lnlru duced-Karilcals Proposing a Sine Die Adjournment. WASHINGTON NOTES. Quiet Restored In Mississippi -Fish lit Ills Country Scat -An American Consul Overstepping His Duly. NEWS IN GENERAL The Cattle Disease Spreadlng-llariiie Disasters-.JacIison's Statue - More "Queer Shoicrs" Captured. COLD 16 3-4. BT TKLEQIlArU TO THE JOt'IiSAL. THE CONVENTION': Ordinances Introduced to Amend toe ' Constitution, Ac. RxiEian, Sept, 10. The Oouvoutiou commenced its work really in earnest to-day. Sttiudiiig Cowmitbea have been appointed by the President. Over 125 ordinances were iu trod need to amend the present Constitution. The principal ordinance introduced and referred, was to reduce tho num ber of Supreme and Superior Court Judges, and that they be appointed by the General Assembly, instead of being elected by the popular vo;e. Fixing the pay of tho members of the General Assembly at $400 per an num. " Reducing the number of County f!nmniiauimiirn - Fixing the term of Governor and State oflicers at two years, instead of four. Providing for tho non-supp.insion of I the writ of habeas corpus. For separate schools for white and black children. Modifying tho appointing power of the Executive. " Fixing tho salaries of Governor and other State office! 8. Abolishing the Senate brai.cu of the Legislature. Prohibiting convicted felons from holding office or fitting on jurit s. ' Providing for tho compromise of tho publio debt. The only resolution introduced by the Republicans, ,vas one lor adjourn ment sine die, whioh lies over - under the rules. A majority of tho Committees nro Democrats, with tho ablest men of the Convention aa chairmen of tho moat important. WASHINGTON. Plerrrpont, Fish & Co. Still Pottering on the Mississippi Qucstlon-Aspln-Mall -Lighthouse Notice. Washington, 8ut. 10. A tilojrara has just been received oy the Atii.ru-.-y Gnuerai from the sherifl of Hi mis (Jo,, Jli)i3ipp'.v reporting '.hut pi rlei t poaoe now piovaiU tijrouuliout tht oonuty. The peuoe offissor are not prevented from executing tho legul prooewtee, and tho good eitizjn, the sheriff telegraphs, will aid him in tiie discharge of his duties, if uwdi.d. The Atrruey-Ouueral esprei-S'-N tin opinion that the difficulty is i.t tiu end. lie 81 ill awaits awuits a respond to his telegram of this morning lj Gov. Ames. The Attorney GenerHl to-d iy to'e graphed to Gov. Ames reqituHting in formation regarding tli preneut con dition of affair iu the rtoonily report ' ed disturbed portions of Mississippi, and is now expecting a reply. ' A dispatch has bc-n ri chived in response to the telegrum from the Attorney-General, iuquiriug as to the whereabouts of the Secretary of Stale, aDnouuoing that that gentleman is itt his ooriutry sea ou the Hudson, and that he will meet the Attorney Ueueral - at any point he may designate, to con fer upon the subject of a proclamation. To this telegram tho Attorney-General replies, informing the Secretary of State of his telegram.of this date to Gov. Ameo, and delaying the proposed conference until after a reply to that ; telegram shall have been received, the character of which it is judged may be such that no further action will be necessary by the General Government. Dispatches have been received at the Navy Department from Capt. S. Smith, commanding the U. S. Summer Otnttha at Panama, detailing at length the condition of affairs at that plnoe, Uo says he did not request the American Consul at Aspipwall to prohibit the landing of the five hundred rifles pur chased for Bolivar, but on tho con trary, sent the Consul the following dispatch : "Consider whether it will be a proper act for you to see that those arms are not allowed to be di verted from their original destination, or if that cannot be, then oonsider if you have not the power to prevent them from being landed, subject to in structions from Washington." Subsequently a conference was held between Capt. oimpson and our Con a sul at Anpinwal, and it was decided that he had iio right to interfere with the landing of the arms, and thus the matter ended. Ti., L:rH li'imn 15 turd pit notice tli it on an.t a:tfr)evinturlt. a liL-tit will St kIuu fr.itu tlirt lightli-m-to rxvntiv built at Currituck lVnch.N.O MISSISSIPPI. Tranquility Restored -legal Lore. Jackson, S i 10. Tim following dieptitiSi wuh 'i.t lo ilia United Statu AttotuHj-dt-nerHl : -T (hr lion. Eihrartl 'irrnjMtnt, At- fnrrtrrpttmrratvfthi'. Vitihil Stalex: Tin re are to diaturbauoes iu thi St it', ai.d uo oh.t'rnctioua to the elo cution of the lawn. There bus beop nn unt-xuecti-d couflict at ft political meeting, aud Borne subaeqnent di turbHure, but fveiything is quiet now. The Governor's call for Uuited Stutoa troops Joes uot even pretend that there in apy itixurrcctiou againat the Statu ( ivcriimciit, required bj the revision of the U, ft Statute, of 1875, pp. 10-34. lVuee prevails throughout the State, niul the e niploymeut of U, H. trot'pa would but inert-use the dis t mt of the people iu the good faith of the pre-jeut State Goveruumnt. -igiitd J. II. Jkohob, Ch'iuau Dow. State Ex. Com. NEW ltllik. Cable Kates Kcduccd-Cattle Disease. New Yoke, Sept. 10. After the 15th the cable rat is ovtr tho Anglo-Auieri-cau Line will be a shildug a word from points east 'if New l'ork, to England and France. Kinnebkok, Sept. 10. A fatal cattle disease is ragiug among several droves of cattlencar the Aucruia lead mines. Nearly all have dind It is believed tho difeiso was iutroduood by Western c.ttle. rmSTLVAXIA. Nominations by the Convention. Z Kkie, Sept. 10. Cyrus P. Pershing has been noruiuated for Governor on the 1 1 ill ballot, receiving 145 votes. The nomination wus made nnauimous. The platform as telegraphed in hist night'H lute report, has been adopted. Victor E. 1'ioletto has been nomin ated for State Treasurer on the 3d ballot. 011 10. Farmers' Platform. Cincinnati, Sept, 10. Tho Farmers Convention have adopted it platform demanding the iuiirjedmto ropeal of tho Resumption Act of 1875 : the re peal of the Natioual Bulking law ; and that the Government shall supply the national paper directly. , A special dispatch from Decatur, Ala., reportB that several prominent persons were brought there charged with dealiug in conoSerfeit money. The- counterfeits, $50's, 20's and 60 cents stamps, are ou the Traders' and Paxtou Banks of I llinois. ILLINOIS. Marine Disasters. CniCAiio, Sept. 10. Accounts of ac cidents caused by the terrific thuudor storm in tlie .Northwest, during the past forty-eight hours, are numerous. Several aeculents have ocuurrod on Lake Michigan, three yachts and one schooner lonled with Jumbor, sunk. The bark Tanner, foundered, whilo at tempting to enter the port of Milwau kee. , . 1IAK1LAXD. "Stonewall" Jackson's Statue. Baltimoub, S. pt. 10. The steamer Nota Seotin arrived at this port yen tn;dy from liiverpool, having on board Foley's bronze sUtuo of Gen. T. J. Jackson, the fauious C-iuf .derate' lender, prenenled to tlio State of Vir ginia by Hun. itoi'flh'ford Hope, al. P., und otuer English a ntUmen. The statue eo-t Sl'I.IKH) and will b t erected in tlie Citpi'sl .Square ut Richmond, near the equestrian statu of General '"aihilit'toii. FOBEIQ-1T. : iTur- Honors to Cardinal McCIoskey-Papal Ink-sieosion in llosula. Komi!, Sept. 10. A deputation on tiftiiall of the Aujoricsn residents', both Catholic and Protestant, visited Cardi nal AlcCUkey add l-reseutt d him with a complete CiirdiunlKdreHS and a mitre set wuli precious stones, together with an address expressing tlnir good wishes aud veneration. Vienna, Sept. 10. it is reported tliut the Pope hus instructed the Cath olic B shops in Bosnia Bud Herzego viua to use their influence iu calming the people, aiid facilitate the pacifica tion of tue province. NEW AQVERTISEMENTS. Western Maryland College- For Students of both Sexes in Separate Departments, Eiu U Ua ring a full corpa ot Prolomra. FifXICEKIH 8KMI-ANN0AI. SESSION Begins Bi-plemlH't Ut, 1875. nyUuUlogii with full lut'.-r nation aa to Tctui. coiir.e ol atu ly, ttr , lurntuod gta. till tiuny. Ad,li ,1. X. WAItU, l).l Pn-ai-cient, Wrrtrainster, Md. juiy2SSw BREAKFAST, LUNCH20N AND TEA, BY- IHAItlOW IIAHI.ikM, Author of "Common Senbs . HousKnoiiD," IN THK (iHE CALDERWOOD SECRET. ) A NOVEL: P,y VIRGINIA W. JOIIN&OX, Author of "Xhe Catsiim Kalrie.," "Jocib tho Juw,"ett. For Balo Bt - HEISSBERaER'S Live Book and Musio Store- NEW ADYERTISEMCNTS. WN OOUSTT AOItHJCUTKi s eoUalT. Th- will b c ledMMortblS -clity on ttiinlT, Sti-woibcr Istb, toaik urn motiU fur lb trNu'lilug Kir lh oil frcmiim LiM will b pirirtd r bU ll ; ul it H ImpurUni ti 41 n mi k t Biiuui. ttTer0 ! remiua iu tb atMtf al or iMlur that M eauxg. ept It 4 "11 IAD0HS HARMEII AMD TRDxTl BlIOLKil AND IHH.tARH. A I k n-l "f .! llerr i n I trauk rvpalrlB .lo.. (.nm.il a ary fuw toM lb Harness Factory of Carpenter k Mallard. No South -t tt, wa.SI V -'iUa, N. O, Or- H- W- rtunge- RED BEETS, RED CABBAGE, GREEN TEPPER. 6.1 IV. K. cor. Market A Second Mis. mpl 10. Theory and Practice OF 1EACIIING; -OR- Thj Mot.vei and Methods of GOOD SCHOOL KEEPING, BT DAVID P. PAGE, A. M. Late Principal of State Normal Sohool V Albany, Now York. To which l a-l a blographloal iketob or tilt) author. Ii'or nut by ' C. W.TATK8, Market Streal.' REMOVAL . ON or twr.ir tbttint or Ooloder, I will re tntie ti my old laud, KxImii cur iter, unit to Mr. Wat. Vy lo' millinery eture. w. a. rniui, r incuior, i Vte UoUluB Moot. W. I'. Prloe, Mtntger, wp7 lie Best BOuSEMa Oil in ttc World! 1 C. WEST A SONS' ALADDIN SECU- RITY OIL. Warravnlwel 150 Degree rire Teat. Kwlaned by ike firt ftuamav Osnjwiuci. i fV Read the rolUinf eertig.iate, aolocted ftuui aiany others. Howard flu Ia. Co: or Baltikobb, Ueoeuber si, Uta. ( . MeHrt.C Wtit Ami,- tientlemea Having naea tb tarioua ollaauld In lite etty tor llluaat nallng orpoea. I take ileaure In ret-om-inenuiug jr.ur Aladttln Heoarlty" aatha eafeat and beat ever Head Ut ear aouaehuld, . Voura trnly, (Oigutkl) AKLIRBW UJCICaK, frea't. cr IT WILL NOT EXPLODE. . Ask ytmr Sttnttptr fr . ' ! Wboleaale Depot. Ct WEST A 8 O Ma in, lis W. LDmbard SUdoi, Ual Umvre. Ilwl8ut WlOO UEWAHD. Uo hundred dollara reward will be paid for the capture and tlullrery ot the following named priaouira, wbo m).iiI from the vouuit Jail, Stpiember Mb, 1875, orttsiureacb pile uner oaptaieU. DKSCIiU TION. ., , , . Levi Poiie, about SO years f ate. t feet 10 Inoliee high; brown oonpleilon and lUpa when ainsaiingi weigui aooat ii pounaa. lorn ItluboU, aboat W years or age, eoai plexion black, one front touttt out, A feet 6 moiita blgh. . W uiiingiou Joy, about 13 pears of age, ooia plextou black, S tee' I Incite bigb. Sam Jours, about III years ot age, 8 ftetlilgk, black ouaipleKMia. : i a. H. MANNIK. sep9 2t Sfn-rltT. FURNITURE AND CARPETS! Y are every dav reeeif In j our iarg t atook ut H hMTl'hK 4M AKPhTi tor the tail ami winter trade, and have made CARPKTS A SPECIALTY: and tiaiu a larK4 Hock ui le w aa beautif ul pelt, rna jnm reoelT!, which are ulteilug low r 'tun tit? mn tsv r use In thla mar ket I" lore. We would rt-rp-ail'mly inlebay--i e to . x tinUio our touk bolore nirtilng, follug a urod we can pm-e -lnni Both Hi ty e and prior. 1. . SM IT r. DO , aop 9 front iteet. SHIRTS, wHIRTS. SHIRTS. 1 hn Ja-t receired a large In nice of beair tit ul ready made WAMSUTTA SHlttTS. an 1 ani determined to ae I tb.ua at prl-ea that that will in luo.-o i'ioiujti to ay th i g trm -n t rcwly mail". (lx..kI AO. My utoijl. ot ready i.-Mde clothing will Boon be computed In all Ita braaohee. of evory kind and style tUt 00 u Id bo wished 1 or, Ml ut MADE TO OhDER iu the latest Mew York and f aiiti stylet. 4.DaV1I. aep 9 TUe Wilmiiitfln & Coast Turupiic Co., At a meeting of the Dlrt-ctnra of the Wil mington aud Ooaat Turnpike Uompany held in this city on the 8th luat., three ajwM-ment of IU per cent, each were retried on tho oapltal rtin k ayable on the 16th and tolh of Bepttot her and lah of Octibir rrtmwjilr.ily. ul acrlbora IU pleaae be prompt In paymtnts. l-rogii lor macadamlaiti the road wav Willi broken stone, or noting the aainu with oyrter ihella, according to aptcidcatluiis pre. pared bv the engineer of the ooniry will be rolred until October 1st, U79 1 hi proonaetl turnpike will be 12 feet wide and the urn-ring will be from e to 10 tnchea aceording to the character ot the soli aj the eng'oeor mr dliect J. H; WOUl'tt, Kscretary sod I'reasnrer. pstr 50Q "U8HK'"UATI- 500 ltAKKICL'4 rLOUB all grades j 00 BBLS. MQIA8S?3 STRUP, SOBoxoa Drv Salt MEATS. 2,000 SACKSJL1TERPOOL SALT, &00 SACKS MARSnALLS FINE ,v. ' SALT. . ; 100 KEQ3 NAILS, 8 25 GROSS RAILROAD MILLS SNUFF, Ac, Ao. For sale low by BINFORD. CROW k CO. hog Si MISCELLANEOUS JUST PUBLISHED- Htfe Idit.oa. Pfi AOTICAL OBSERVATIONS, OB NERVOUS DEBILITY aw PHYSICAL EXIIAVSTIOX, Xs wh oa aod4 - An Eaaar arriao- , With Uniwrtant tbaptert oa PHORkKRH OF IHT. REPaODOOTIV OatiANd, Belaf a wraotuta of Ltuture dull re red at tb MUSEUM EOF ANATOMY, trmismTltliltiiithJ cU),.UouU not llt to Me lbl eieat coUticll.A, kUtbo Urgtut In Ua wor J- , . t7 CkaiontSt..OppMltCNtlarn- tl llwtel, rhtladlhla OopleeoT leetarv tent on rveelpt wf IS eenli Addrew, Pan. JOHIHS DAVIKHON, ItUft riLUKH r T.. f bllaUeluhla. ang d-lr , T.UHIC lKtr beer, Joet reoelred In loe from A St. luuudirett. 1 be lollowlnf U there ult of Ibe analjreM md bj W. U. Conrad, Chemlit of the Uulted BUtes Karal Labuta . - ' ' tort, Nw Tork. O INCLUSION JjKUM XUK ANA TSU OF THI SlUAUTr. Tne quality or Mil ber, aa uliowa by our emiljili, la auperler bj IU i-ariia. not truoa mettur eouM be daleotrd. t he lro amount M exuatK inlmteuM (oi.tll Ix-iug uaed In eatraortllnuT great quantuina, wliloU. bar. In I beenrnanltMl, glrna tlie uccr that woullar ItaviM of Irean lireail) loakea tliJ heeratrerr nourbhuig and blyhly rerouiioen.table drink for nnvlicliial nrKM, Anoili r guud quality of thla beer la that it kdeue In good iwu.lawii under all olroumataooM. W. O. OOMRAP, - themlattortj.8. IJaval Labratory. We am tlie wholetale ageuU, and It l for lalealao loth city bv . .Ion a Haab, Ja., U- H.W. Hua. A. O. H. Kmaaa. ADRIAN 4 VObbKUU. Notice ExtraorUinary i, t i Mi I ill I. "rjNTii TDK I5tb OK 8KPTKMUKR 4 ,n mm 3 wa will sell from our (lock, pf , t l'iJ i 'J ' A C--A -I . i il t - at 1 .11 SUMMER DRESS GOODS I At great rodnctiou rro -i 41 New York Coist I T O V i v : 1, In addition, we offer a tiaudsome Hock -or WHl'lEGOODS! , -V . "!' ;- i Iooluding NanHookn, Jackonntit, 3viiH Cheekod Cumbrio, rLhien ' L.iiL'oh' and Gents' Ilnudkorohiofa, Table Lin- ena, etc., at 'A.) per cent, lower thail New York valne. Al tho bont fttnek 1 -op- lioisiiirv A la the city at lest th in Iniortors prices. , .. An early call is roRpcctfulIy solioi ted 15, WEILL aug 18. BLANK BOOKS, ; ;');: i.- ,d fy. rrnriKas, jovunals, dat bo'iks, LiCwh Hooka, ruToioe Bo.'k, Hecor i Rook, 1 ima Hojka, NoM, limit and Rooelpt B ookt Ac, in large variety at ! , IIEINBERQEK'S. Frames -Frames TRT liiRttK A9 iolifil K kl X J OF J FKIMES-MW styles! A For sal at , . , HEINBRCERS ' Uv Book and, Hoalo Htora. , MISCFXLASF.Ors. TO HOLDERS -or- CITY COUPONS. CSceoftoawaiilCollsctsr ' CII'Y OF WiLM'NOTON, N. Q, ( June Uifth, 1S73. V NUTIUKU hereby glten that TH JULY ojuroiia inn (ot uoaJsorthu city) can. not ba promptly paid. 1 In conaoq iano or eerlalo chauges under a recent dsulalou of the Supreme Uoatt or thla Htate as to the tatnnar or aweaamsnt of the Heal and Personal Property In tills cllr, aud thereby lb City Tax Jtooaa not yet baring oeea placod la uoaeewlea of the underaigned for collection; togethar with other roaieilca Uiui la regard Uour Municipal affair, j new pending bsforetlisgupremo Uourt ol Sorth Carolina, the elty ol Wilmington tumt amw aarily crate aotaa ludslgemw from the hitldt-rs of City tioupona.ttuder exlatltig oircumitttiooa. T. a BEliVoSS, . , Vity Xreauti-r. ir.Mr June 30 MISCF.Li.ANF.0U8. If Wilmington j;1 IS AT.TVK TO nr.lt rNTRhRiTa In tai Oarollua, her bualneee meu wlladsetUela THE WASHINGTON ECHO, alarir and well eatabllahed wurAly ni"iitpk Kir, oireniacing extenarreiy in mi mnnuiito Tde. Beaufort . Pamlico. Pitt. Kilseeuiubs a. thate aillolnlng. Kales bow LaM of TarlHmv r 'j t r f Washington. Kaitortana rroririetrira. otll ,. atar copy, , 4 The Charlotte Observer ' 1b Anlw Hk.Mtti HaHtf Mtt.uaV nit h 1 1. ti idt t M the Htate ititor Utlclgh an! North of Wll. mltigtoa,ottritiml ludiinamants to .! tinra. Itt clrouUtlo i, alae and uarfJlaeaa hare en largnly insreftMt.i during the year jiim pant, and it now reaohea moat ot the Mi r. ehanUoftWeatartt North )aisiUua, Itumoili-r- niuait nnacrpaaaeii siiauuin, ui ooaMniiun-a Una hetweenthe Merchautsor Wilmington and people or Weatern orlu Carolina Tiuaior BDaacairTioa I Daily.. w.,t,tt.i..ttt eO pe aahora. rveeki,..;:.:::...... .to..,M' tutvwleel In ajfneir- rVlVtlrtres in Wall Mtreet Itiftdato manyTIIOUaaNDMnr iMiLLAiia t-aeflT; ' Ooniprdlietiaifii eiphm tor clrnutara, vnhtaiiilng detmlnl atntomntit and nuotittim prloxa of all attic k dealt In at the firm Vtiiii '' Afftict Kifmgt, maitud f W thrtae d!tlrniirrttieoultoi AdilfMj' ' ,. i t - ' A.tX KKfll'MlflOHASi ft' do.,: " Hanker and Urok'ra, . .to Oi'V. W. T. Btnck Kxchahge. H Walt' at, I ' febtB-lr-od ' ", hr.W VKICt VikluabU Itvavl Celklo tdr Ml, j ' I nler fdr aalc that larve three itorr Prick Building, situated on the corner fi Pollia k and ttraten itreeta In the oiry or Ncwliurtij and known aa the Moljeaa Bultdlngrn'bia pinperty tsadmlrahlyt leeainl for a Hotel or Cot to a Kaototy. It will be gold oliaav and uppa eaayternta Apply to j it ' WsHJJNBrifc BKYaN , Atbirneyfur U B, Ulatlln A Ooi ,, , ...ijmi HAXLMUfr- TRADE ..MARK.S WORCESTERSHIHE-S AlJCt LEA & PERRIN8' t-.i tJKI.KBRATti) P HUMIirM-KII a'i I XX MOt b j HV Wi a I.K.'f i K.hrroui oowNoisaai1vs,-j;: liar its i.k1 " I as. Mv. IS.1I " 0 n I ' Ooodf I PKRRrHut Banc- lW4V"J,!T: , v , 5 fJj-fTs " f nd ut, In mi ', ' t I ' .i , I j .ft iia.lnful.io aaai.ll ..at m i. .. .v . .. .. ty -irrr-'m t..p.t-.wit taair. sa.. 11 it mat wbule ft lain ha i-- that Is rv ur iiisn. uiade.'' ' I . -i i t Worcestershire Saiice. 'Mold Wboleaale and tor Caportaitoii y tn . SAH v. "-,;' . .... I j Pioi.rlatonu.Mla of PKUltlNH, Wce-Hij RnglAiid; mnd UotnH by Denier-iti Huue- yoij. rlljr tlirougliout th world., Mj , . Aik for Lea & Pcrrim' Saaue. At the llltEAKt-AMVrAHJ.U I nr ; JiV-isS- 5 '- putt the raw e.iilltsIUb and seet to lint or Oold Meat, Fowl, Fish, llrolled Kl.luoy,8. At tat UlntlEss frAftl.tl, to knup, with ' . .11 1 ; 1 jti J! r -1 Kiih, Hot Joliits, Gam. and In all Urarlui. It If Di ilAH jOAiHTSM gireaadellghUul flaror. ..-! nssa .;:av:i .?.-x At Ha t.l l( lll,01 ANPJO'l'I'CH X .h t. - t i (AIII.CH It U deemed Indlapemtatile by those laailllar with Ita eMImablt quailtloa, -..!, . , II ' ' ' ' ' ' From Nty Turk Timu, There la no rallih lo the world which la so Qiiroraally liked as Ljs A Perrlns ramoo Worcestershire fane.. 3 f.t I john ouncan's sons'''::. , ; , . Mt.v vttHK IJlIEAP,'; HOUSE. J.,0.jlU,KLa.P4.,CO., 92 W Prat treet, Baltliaorc- PARLOR HEATERS- ' CQOKINQ STOVES." - ' ILLUMINATORS. ; ,LJ FURNACES. RANGES AND ORATESi ay atovos repaired. MpldJawam NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. . 15 MARKET Are oloaingout tho balance of tluir Ladies Undorwuar vi- Chemme and NiRht Dresson, at a awoepiug redaotionEVEN FROM FOUMEU PRICES; . HAMBURG. EDGINGS AND INSERTIONS- We are making an effort in Una d -partmont to rmluoo tho atoclc prevlona to going North, and Ladies will flud PRICES lower than any they Imo ever aua ja tliii market; : i ! :, - t a OUTPAPER PATTERNS FOR SALE. Machiiie Needles, 5 Cents JSaol: Misses Kid Gloves Slightly Spotted, 20 Cents . a Pair- Sizes, " ITilvitiff ' flint tivliott an account o( which wa hat detflrmloed to CLOSE t:, A if. -s:.mUi. o-ijt i.. tP diatttc ye a "., .... , -r( t- ' ... -t . il .j ,i-vi! it 'H Bttlth greaknd iinit'," ' ' ". ., .. t , Ifdr iiivinMiati exuintlie ',! 'i ' ' ,,? " ' ' - i--""!i; Veijiutolltiel,,,,, i v, , r -.. . ,u i "'! 1-''.?'' Wf've duno'iao Wttel., , , , , ,. , t ,j. , u -.:it" .1 1 ,i ' ' V 'Tbroilghont thti year 1100 einllt. . : " ' " ,', ., .(.. !';t ft " " ' - t'V" : '.".t.-"' 'Ouritockwo'va U'en t.. 'r ... In. .S.f-'i ''" Ahtrnh wit'ra ira'niL . ' . ...... ! U Ut - t '-' - ii-Tii tll within tlie margin;" ' ' ", ' ' . .,1 , An" If ye come ''i c : 1 """ " " ' ' Afuvo wgV toom '.'l ..! !;i !-.ct.! ' ! . - f.d "!' 5 i! "s ' Va'll uut an uiuSo' bargain. , . j ,4 ti , ; BROWN: & RODDICK, 45 Market Street; 36 sKABItET STREET, i jj-u.-'ti In" iw ""i'i'"' Ji , t , ,..'p ,--iArfpTIJElf jLOTOF-! Jo I i. H.-l ''' v.a a.U '.V-i.a j tji 1. a- w't t.-l1 l-" 'id a3 I ''I .Jlack-SilkBGhally.;;: tit ACIC GASHMERE,' SCREttE&'Sib " if ..-, ...... U,.l...j;-.vmii..ilo L-.,i h it1 l.: ; , rf-i ,a . .I.,.t b...b.;rl,( Jul ia , . , t rw fi t'. - - ( If' -' I. t'" 1 I ,!; ' HH 1 il.i'i 1 ''.-'II J- iUi .il'.-.'-'" H'!!i,,' !" lit-! Ill 'f:,S'-;!i-i t i1 it l!iiijt.Ui!t- V .IU. Jatlw r"'iii fii'ih .rt liWMi t 1 '.fmi 'I iHi 11, ! ,tf- frttst ,: I tih U .:..(;.;' i'l . l(i,Ji. t, li'i !'?! ti" .i,,! j.iit 1 . , ".r-b.l:f:'-n -1 1 ; ;i 1 . 'wsi i'1 '- ., .1. . ; ' " ' , -1 :.;M..Vi KEEP'S ,t.:;:v.r;iNco;.", mum , .-,.) ;,- ) ft! -U A: fii.'l i'l ,l!W"l '--AT '1- I1HHU1 I.IVL 'O. ., Ltilill 1 ll liO. t ..... ! t -EJXIIANGE COKfctVi l.l'iW" ' . r Itf- t ' -, .... It'O-OII Pay Your Cily Taxes. Ottld of Ttearoror and Oollsetor, ) - : CltjQf V.'llinlagton,J.;0.r J.-0.r 1 17, 18, J. I , 1 owing city t.i'.., " aug i I am directed to notify all parties taiea that the requirements of tho ercy for ! fa are anch that a strict compliance, with hi ordinttncas will be made, arid inch i.crwiua who do not pay their oity taxes on or ostore the first of Hcptemher proximo, their 1 ba wdvortlfcd aud wM a. th. law direct. ' T. C SarvOSS. 1 i s.ft'K ... . - f TraafaxarandOolUotw to 5, 51-2 and 6, itook Wwtilui aovoral Iraall. warlnrl lot a OUT AT A PlUCli v 4 :'RIfllr frrAnoiiriene '( u ,,.,..,1., P.,.-.-! i . -1 ,!,.- '.-i..1 ,i i - ,' 1 i - ! ; , .; .'i'H' .4, -d i' PATENT. ... -t - Ml ".l II! ' ONLY AGENTS. ! t. .i' A(C 4-j. fflfl A PTR DAT. Agents wnt tj 10 VityU ol AM la't of working peoplo of both aeisa, ytiuoR and old. make more money at woi k for u, in their, own local ities, diirlnii thelrapare momxtica. or all th tlm, than at anythlug olse. W pfforeioplor-, manl tbBt will pvhnnrl)tne1r for ovary h-mr' work. Full particulars, term', etc, m free.) Neadnayoor a'dresa at ouoo. Ihm't dolay. , Now I your-time. Don't took. lor . work or buslnesa elrttihi-ro. until yon h-tre, I'arned; whstwssirar. OuiSTlKaot Oo j -Portland, -Millie, y r. t..t Jasjf 26-12-lw .1 'I ;' r.t CIiAUENION II Alt. J Forrcot fortheeitnln(tyi"rby '' ''' 1 , , ,., OU.ONLV MOBKtB.-l U 1 'si 0 ' i ' Beal Ki-tate Utyxer. , 1 ti.' 100 BBLG. tun iv , i . . 1 t 1,1 'i.l i in., il.s.ill US l mj "" I;.4i,fi --i i . . f II i " ' I'rt -''!' I ' xi' ' ' l,f,H"i'.-j 4;, r .,.! '."!' l ; f-'l ' : 'ir-u''''' 'A !' !; VtaJt'iw, ...1 w;,; - 1, f " CORN - WMlSKX. !..). .r.rv.-.il for gala !,:;:":' f, tvt;d. John. , Cbawub, -.; ' tTkf.tKoYn (ir.i 1 tfirUK ANf DAT1.- J'r.SaTC omTi tSio"., .1 mt om ni ,7' tetuhe11. A'MNta.Lotiis PoUsua, A.M. I J u ,ii. , ...... - -augU laid

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