9 i! iTniH ! ! n in 4 VOL XXIV. KO. 219. WILMINGTON. N. C. TUESDAY, SEPTEHSER.14. 1875. WHOLE NO C083 p-. I 7 A I I- 7 7 M 1 is FM t f I ? "mm (Ff pull journal BY f ITeCRXpK "WASHINGTON NOTES. COY. IniPtt Kflll Think . Tnmm mra Aemsarj-rrobable Cabinet Meet Ins To-morrow on the Subject. NEWS IN GENEKAL. Jeff. Davis Delivers Another Lecture tlvll Kl.ats Decision la Brooklyn -Deary Failures, Xc. CRIME AND CASUALTY. A Fathtr Murder ill Son and Dauglv tor, Flrci Ills Roue, and Commits Suicide -Fatal .Explosion, 4c. GOLD 16 5-0. BY TKLKOKAFH TO TUB J0U1LNAU I SUNDAY'S DISPATCHES. WlSBINCtOX. (ommunlcatlon on the Mississippi j. .vw.v am. Ut.lt IUIUSB Troops Necessary. WAWIINOTON, pept. IX WHlHD the past two days a nunbor of teltgrams have befit reoeived by the Attoiny Ueueral, from people of both polttioal parties iu Mississippi, stating that it was now substantially quiet iu tlie re cently distutbed portions of the btate, but for greater caution, the Attoruey Uoneral telegTapliud ou the 10th innt.( ki response to the dispatch from Got. Anus, asking for Federal interference. , the following : ..'; , tmrcop justice, 5 V ' I ' WlBHINaTOll, Sept. 10 To Goy, Amet AjiHLipi : v United Btates forces have been put in readiuesa. No orders Lave yet been given for them to move, aud uo proclamation lias boon issued, but everything is ready. Is there sue ft au iusurrcotiou against the State Govern ment as cannot be put down by the State military forces, aided by all the other powers of the State Government and the aid of true eitizeus. Sigued.l Ed. S. Pierbbtont, i ; 7 ' Is j . Attoruey-Oenerul. mi.:. i-.i... i j :i .1.. j.ui woo vuicg.uijuou unrijr uu mc mnrniiirs of . the lOth-i inni. hut no response was reoeived from any source until yesterday, when a telegram was reoeived by the Attorney-General from Bouator ,1'uaae. now postmaster at Jaokson; sajing the excitement had subsided. A civil force oomposed of good citnens if all politic 1 parties, aud of sutuoient foroe to protect life aud property, can be had iu any county iu the estate. No effort ha yet beeu mad by the State authorities in this direction. . Until all legal means have been exhausted. I am of the opinion that Federal intorferenoe is unwise and impolitic and will only tend to aggravate the evils, Senator J; Alcorn, of Missis ippi, was present when this telegram was received by the Attorney-General, aud confirmed its statement. The Attorney-General on the 11th inst, telegraphed again to Gov. Ames, as follows: In my dispatoh of yesterday morn ing, in whioh J mentioned that the troops were held in readiness, I asked whither the situation of the insurrec tion was such against the Statu author ities that the btate Government and the aid of loyal oitizens could not put it down. I nave no reply. To this no response on me until oe twen 11 and 12 o oloek last night, when the Governor sent to the Attorney- General a very long telegram giving in explanation, that it was a Question of raeo,. and be still thought there was neoessity for troops. The Attorney.General baa made a full report, sending all the telegrams ... ami vmmiiiiintiona bv sueolal messen ger to the President to-day, and ex peots furthes suggestions from the President to-morrow. . j . MISSOURI. L ,. Jeff. Davis Encored. B. Louts, Spt. 12. Mr. Davis Spoke at the Galloway county fair, held at Fulton yesterday. A very large crowd gathered from all seotions of tWBtats.-He was iotmdaoed by Gov. Hardin, making nearly the same speech he deliwred at Deooto, whioh was very enthusiastically reoeived nd fre quently applauded. Senators (Jockrell and Bogy were present, responding briefly to call to speak. , ' V CANADA. J Bank Cashier Arrested. Montbeal, Sept. 12. H. Cuttle, late cashier of tho Jaoques Cartier Bank, was again arrested this after noon at the instance of the Federal Government, on the charge of issuing false monthly reports, thereby deceiv ing the publio MONDAY'S DISPATCHES. - - -WASHIXGTON, Naval IntclllKenceThe ' Mississippi Huddle, It. , WahoiotOn,! Sept 13. Admiral Reynolds announees that his flsg-ship TetiAessee passed through the Suez Canal, without the least obstrnction, bumpers full of coal, and drawing 20 feet oi water forward. 'Her speed was from four to five knots through tho i canal, being under way a net o hours, 4i.nlniliiiip ulnnruimaa. Tt ih nrobftblfi that the President will return to-morrow, when a Cabinet meeting will be neiu to oonsiuer uio Miisipi troubles, si;l di't.'ruiiuo Wnftt Ai.fii.n kll:tt! f:lkf.i fn thrt ! niAud of Gov. Aim's for 1'oJcw! iutfr- fereueo. . v Attornoy-Gt neiul Piei rjKmt this morning ttl-graph'd to the United hlate Attorney at Jm'ks in, Miss., ask ing him to inform him without d.-luy of the pruxent condition ot utTiiis in that portion of tint St it . II.' aUo teleKi'phd to Gov. A u th.il tie ltud frwnrd'Hl lo the l'nwidmit nil the teicgrsmi iu regard to tho tronblt'.and now await his fur her action. NEW 101IK. CltU Rlshts Decision Double Murder and Suicide Boiler Explosion- New Yoke, Sept. 13 The Gran I ftirv of Queens connty h ive indicted Wdliam lJ lauoy,ru 'toof the eclioouer Josephine E. Potts, for the murder of UapU liWK.t)Ois iiios'er of the vessel, while tying in Cow U iy, two week ago.' Jude Gilbert of the Supreme Court of itrooklvn, to-day rendered a d oi.iou in a Civil liighti ciioe, wlu roin Wot. F. Johnson, cjlored, seitlit to compel the Principal of a Public -chool to admit hi sou thereto, in stead fif sending him to the school provided for colored children. Tho Court held that the ouuimou neliooU are public oli&riiies; that benefits. con ferred by them are free gifts from the State, and like every other douor, tho btate may proscribe iu what wanner aud upou what terms and conditions the gift may bo enjoyed. In conclu sion, Judge Gilbeit aaya-.thut tlu statute, by gnaraiteoing equal privi leges, does not oouter the riuLt to en joy them in common with any oiuss of persous, or in auy uurticuU-r tcliool. and that uothiug hxs Ixien shown from which can be inferred that tho relator has beui deprived of ' the equality of privilege to whioh ho is entitled, denied. Motion tor a mnudiunus is Venior, Sent. 13.-IIansom Andrews. aged 50, bent hm slneping son's brains out, shot his daughter iu tho abdomen, urea nis uoune, aua men blew lus own brains out. No cause is aswgtwd for tho motive. ArauitN, Sent. 13. A boiler in the steam mill at rjkaneatoles exploded, killing Air. Chatham, owner of the mill, his son, a sou of Johu Prico. aud fatally injuring au uukuowu person. rENNHVLVANIA. t Fast Mall Train. TnrLADEr.rniA. Hent. i:t. Tim lirtw fast mail truin ou the Pennsylvania lUilrnml li ft Near Yiirlr at l-?.i 4 i ' arrived at West Philadelphia at "Mo, nnu iiarrisuurg at i-:m a. m. This will bo the exact Hooedulo tinit. ... MISSOURI. Outlawry... ' Kansas Orrr, Sept. llLThroo out laws entered a saloon outhiJo the city limits, lookuu up tho proprietor, rob bed the house, aud then riivihhtnl hia wife. The proprietor escaped and gmro the ahum. The outlaws tired on the police, wouuding a detective. Tho police returned au ineffootual volley when a ilerce hand to hand. light ci-- sued, which resulted in the capture of , the outlaws, ... ,, ,; . -t ,a n ' MISSISSIPPI. Bace War at Trenton Whites and Blacks Arming Help Asked For. Memphis, Sept. 13 Passengers by rail report tronblo in-Talluliatobe Co. The whites have sent runners to Oak land for assistance. The citizens are organizing and arming. It is impos sible to obtain reliable information. A geutleman from Charleston, Miss., reports that last Thursday.two negroes, who it i claimed live in -Arkansas, committed some depredations and were pursued by a oonstable aud posse, Evans and Buford of the posse firing at the fleeing fugitives, Negroes iu the vicinity of Tienton hearing of the affair, armed to the number of seventy, and demanded that Evans and Dnford be given up to them. On Saturday' a large nnniner oi armed nep-roes aseni bled at Trenton, and behaved in a very riotous manner. The whites sont County Trensnror Stewart, who is also a deputy nhoriff, and Jerry llobnison. to try and indnoe i hem to disperse. The negroes threatened to hang both Stewart and llobinson, who returned in haste, and notified the oitizens that the negroes were swearing vengcan e. Calls have beeu made on Oakland, Charleston aud Granada for assibtauce. CALIFORNIA. V Cheering FlnanclaT Outlook. " San FRANOTBoaSept. 13, -Responses to inquirios this moruin.: seem to in dicate that while there is a feeling that collections will be somewhat harder to day than on oollectiou day two weeks ago, nevertheless a 'general sentiment of confidence prevails, aud no disaster is apprehended in commercial circles. In the grocery," produce and dry goods lines a good state of affairs is reported, and most parties Lave been able to oolloot largely iu preparation for to-day. i " ' MAINE. . State Election-Democratic Gains.' Portland, Sei)t. 13. Tho election passed off qu etly in thisState. Tim re turns show unbroken Democratic gains for Governor and the TjeciHlnliirn but not enough, to give that party a triumpn. Tins city gives a Uemoerato mninritv nf 11.1. 1mina Hid firut f.imn if has gone Democratic Bangor and Belfast l ave gone Domocr ttin, and Augusta Republican. :,:' foreign. .': 1 FRANCE. Disastrous Storms, , , MoniTELLiR, Sept. 13.' Htornw in this neighborhood have caused groat damage to tho crops. A wntor- spout at St. Ohonian destroyed fit ty houses. Nine bodies haTo been recovered, and sixty persona nro still missing. TIKKEY. Conference With Insnr-ents- Turkish Defeat. Mew tab, Sept. 13. Tim Consuls lmvo gone to confer with the innr gent leaders, and adv.se them that there la uo hope of foruiira aid aud to subni:t to JJerver r,kM?hu. They will return Thursday, when, shoutd the raisHuu prove auKaUnfantory, Sirver 1 'a'b4wui laaiiu a puvUitiation piotu isingto redrew all giievaaoes should too insurgent surrender in a oertaiu Inns. i i Const K TrvoriR, Sept. 13. Sertnna flijhtina occurred on Monday, Tuedjy Kud Wedueaduy last, iu which the Turks wore detested. This has re sulted in the renewal of the siege of lteoiiije by the insurgents, ELEGTBICISM3. E even miners perished from im pure gas iu a colliery at Shropshire, Euglaud. Rod Cloud wants $0,000, 000 for t:ie iiia k IlilM. iu tho shape of an annuity or f 1UU for each Iudiso. Tho stamor Larasoou suaggod aud sunk opposite Louisville, Admiral R-y Hold's had an hour's intarview with the Khodive. . Mallory A Butterflold, large paper dealers, N, Y auuouuoed their sus ptiihiou to-day. A hurticaue at Havana, Cuba, has rendered considerable damage to ship ping in tho harbor. ' , T. Wiutermuto. aoousetl of mur dering MoCook, iu Yormillion, D. T., uas beeu acquitted. Gale iu the Mediterranean oaused great damage at lliezeraud Narbouuc, Franco, , . . . . .... -The schooner Abbie rut into Nor folk, Va., havinir suruujf her foremast and lost a jib. Ull.l. Oil Thtirilr. H.mtoinhot A.' Ilm. an Dnai brmwh hi Uimlnw ennnly, of pSrslvnuof tli li am, Mr- luil.ow 0tulkii Mvwliulil, with oi KHJ.li J. Kewl.ol.1, K.i in tlia iU yu of NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Auction Sale. WK eiliw.t to aioM ttillwaak .ml vlll lu out st uutii UMUr.crnnMnv,) ery trtlol on hml. HoutwhoM Slid Kitchen Furniture, unamosi Sut, fine Mkleb.wd, Foslhar Hrl, iKoNLT AMoHRia. ;; ; P M It . . . Anntlonri. ! Bagging-, Ties and Twine SNI HOIO Bm(lr- ' ' " : . i ) tana New Atr w Ties. . ' biV im Plr KlTIo,. ' - a.tXKi Pound. rUflrig Twins. For Kills by '" ? ' " ' KKIIOITVEK ft OAtOKR BUOS. Corn, Hay, Meal and. Rice. t.m Rwsisiscms.'- " ,' . tiereru ITny, - ' .t li'O liiwleilii Wat r qtound Mosli ' 10 Tiorooi Kins- ,., (. Fora!by .; . ; , -," ''' KBKOHMBR A OALDEH BKOS. Spirit Casks. Glue, Bungs. Ac 301 Spirit (lank. ' 1W lUrrflu (lino. tJ It.rrplK Miuifp,. , W Papers ttlwta, .'Fur tslf by : . . KEttOnSCR OALT1EU UK08, Sugar Houso Molasses. ' 4l HogsiH.18. H. MolMUr i lbs BrrHS; H, MoIsmhm. For mis by ':'" -.'"-'---."'; .-'--'- ICebohnbb k CaiiDbo Bros , SH HITS PARTLY MADE SIX FOR 7 50. ivdruNsoisr & do. Mr 12 . - l'.,."-vr,' , ' . a v.".-; .j- Asrainst the Stream, llie Vlctoiyof a UernUi Agn In Kniiimidi fHE FROZEN DEEP, ; MA l)rnmtic Itory In 0 Acta, j ' . , . . Bt ' ' ' ''" W'LKIE COlilNS. , For fis eby 1 C. W. VAT KM, . Hook and Mm lo Store. HNK8TO0KCF Btilt.E-4, PRAYKR MOOKi, . AI.IIUMK, aTAllONKKV, BLANK UUJl,ftO , V. W. YATKH, SADDLES HARNESS AND TRUNKS WHIPa,HF0R4,, ' ) ' BRtlHiKS AND OOLI4AKH. i AU k'Tiil of fiwlcllery ml trnuk repairing duii mmi.tl t let uiw prluviat ttie j Harness Factory f -Carpenter 4t Mallard, i!, Mo. 8 Uoutu u.uHf Htbiht, wng as r , , r ..'J'aiWrtt.M.O, G- I "W- Runge UK I) 11EET8, - V. . . AtUA VaUAj4lV4 1J .( , ;. . K ' OBEES lErPEtt. US Hi fc. cor. market A Kocond M. ecptte. NEW ADVKRTISEMETS. A NEW DAILY PAPER ; IX WILMISUTOS. Prospectus of tiic ETcninz RctIcw. OV OU AIIOt T IHTOBKIl KlItST, TIIK I'ml'rvl'inl nlll ht-Mn tl MiMi. ati..n In Hit' e llv ul U lliumj.'tun, ol Uw Kinim Kviw. IIik KKvuw will Iw puwiasul txxry cvruun.'. vX-fl Sumtuy. Ikriiui11 lw In lurcM tho hilivl, tlw tM'Kl, ami lhi anv-t rvilitUu w , In wry iinniiliiirol llwlenii. I h. Klllmiitl lK'tmrtuM-nl will 1n la !' bi.il, and lit Iik hI reixiiu will Iw furiiiidi! hr Mr. J.iiua Utt tw jvti iiut th lucal olllot ul llio 1.11.. 1 ' 4M.IIJ VlMiril.1. Mr, Chaiif V. Trl , Knofon of 11 0 ountitn, ot 1 w ,1011 al, ih himir S gen tie m.B ol' wtcral yean tirrliiro In tk but- 111. m, win aT osarg of lb boun tupit ioiiU of Ul Mimr. l)n.ul Kt.iitioii will b lnn to Ittmir- kt rsporti with th vlt of luriilnhlnj Ui t'u.l itiiHoiwrit 01 ui ujr u ui eWM 01 m-retn. Ul boil's thiHii reit will b Had b ewrwful. thomnghly M.rln(wd r.wrtrr. n tho wlioi tli i'Mr will b nrw.y. obtii mI rail bl. nd icll bimIibiu th-ouili will, h tli Mut nua nd tho lkbrlng el m tahj b br I. Tir i. ul' tiuocttiMi : 1 a yMr, 00 cunt. auiiuh aud ID ceun a woen. Adrartiirlng ratna irry low, In eonnortlon with the new ilCMrtm'nt will miulilitii tbo Kkviiw Hook and .ll frliitlntf IMBce, wtirrv eimHti'iit and kkllltiil (ijieralUn will bi- 'nil.loyid. ami when, It l Hill.w lo any wn w n uo our IhwI iu turii an our imtron wiin 1 no rx-itt woiK lur Utti lawnt amount id nijuty. Josh T, James, B- lftr, ( has. i I'rlt p. . House for Rent. . w A wull locataj houM, eouveulrat ilia, I"B3itritiuoilerat. Apply to THUS. H. WRIGHT, Agent; rsp II ' COUNTRY MERCHANTS.- Tour attention I. eallnl to Hie Terr Sue and large awortrnvntof hanlwar etnalliuliraiinhn. and a.iiolailr the vtirv low nrloea, (July cx aniin o.ir gomm and vomp tre prleei arid ynu. win d ou'.tiiioimi 1 nar rue pihd 10 nur vnnr hardaara, la the old eatabtiidicd hrlurj hon e of JOHN I1AWHON, ; No. I, to and 21 Mnfiet Street. POWDER SHOT AND CAPS. For sat low either st vhnteaale or rttal! )y v . OILK8 A MUltl'HINHN. JUST PUBLISHED. PRA0TI0 At OBSERVATIONS, I NERVOUS DEBILITY ! AND 1 PIimVAL .h'XUAmTJON, j To which .Uald4 ' ' X i:Na.y ou Hnrrlaitv j .1 n ; i with Important chapten orl 0 H j UHOKKKUS OF THB UHPRODUUTIVS , om, ,;i.,f ,im ; Mnt a aynopiili of Ijectiuoa doll rored st thelt 'i MtJ8tMK0t, AKA-Td;'' j btraftiri'M Tultlni h -Htr, ehnnhl not ull 10 ee tiiU fi4t cvllacttoa, being Uts Urge Is the world- , .,1 , j ..OafiltjwaHH;t ti' tai iiom-i, j-uiiaavipnia , ; Oople of lecture. Runt, on recolpt ol SS oast Addrosa, Dim. JURIK1N ADA VINSON, ! 1(121) CILIIKKT St.. IMilladelidiia. aug !IT d-ly -' . , I. ANHUESER L CO'S ' " URE lager beer, j net reclrd In los from St, l.ouidira. . lbs lolluwiiigUi there ult of the analy.il made t.yW. C. Courad, jhorulJit ef the Uuttod BtaUt Kal tabora OOMM.USIUH FROM THK AmAUsUOF ti IV.' Aear Varb . ... -- . THK QUALITY. Tlie nualllT of thin bear, a ahown bv our aniljui.. In "nrmrlor l Itrf pnninew. a. 110 ei tranoo.i Bia'tur could be deiectnd. T lit large aruiunt of extrai'i ulKtance (mittt belli uwd In ottraurdlnary gnmt. quanutlei, wltlob, hay. Ing let) ruaauia, t,iT0 ui oeor mai uanai rlnvoi nl' IfKHh bread) iuak thi beer a yery imurl.hiii(? and highly ryromnien lalilp driik for mtxliciiinl purtt.na. Aoothr guod quality of thin betr ir that it In guod coudiilon nnder all clrcuiuauuces.. r . , i j i . 0. OONttAl, ' ' Chcml.ttor TJ. 8. Naval Utirntory. W arn the hoit)?ale agents, and It la for ale alto In the city by f e f JoilS HAAB, ill., , v :': . M.vr. ittira, A. (J. H. FlSKIR. ADRIAN & V0I.1.EU3. pe J . BREAKFAST, LUNCHEON AND TA, by ': SIAIIIO 11AKL.ANU, Author of ''Common Senss in tub EotrsEnoLD," 1HE CALDEBf 00D SECRET. A NOVEL: i)n vino is Li w. joiinson, Author of "The Uatatilll Fatrlea," "Joaeph Uio Jew," etc. . : : , , - For sale at " "'," ': ' ' ' IIEIKSBERGEB'S Live Book and Muslo Store' FURNITURE AND CARPETS! We are eyeryday rerelylng onr large htnek or FUHMTUKU N1. UARPKTi for the fall and win tar trado, and In ye made CARPETS A SPECIALTY: i and have a larg. flock or new an i buautlt'ul imttiina Jiwi reoelyod, which we are etlorlug low. r than tlmy ware ev. r otto I In Hit jimi. ket belure. W would rrnpotlully liivitu buy er! to examine our mock before purchaelnf, foiling ai.ured w can pl thoia both in tylo aud price. 1). A. SMITH AOO , eo'pt Front Street, PayYliliti fis.. OIUo Of Treaaurer and Colleolor, lotor, 1 I H.1STS.V viity or wiiiuingu?n, Aua 11 I em directed to notlly all parti, owinc city t ion that the requirement of the eitv for it ' ('raic emh thai atrlct conrpllaiice "wHa brnrdliiancce will be mado, and uou penena whe do not pay ttiolr city taua vn or hul.ir tlie lrntol',eptulb(tr,;iiroxlnio,Thol- property will be adrertieed and avid an tlie law directs T. C Servoss, Treaenrer and Collector' ' i Flour and Meal - H MIXEI),FE1). Uar-load u .,' ed on short notloe. Grain bought at tb . , . narket price. Ai(lro, "V ,, p'"., ; . ti. LHARLOTf Off Y MIM-. ' . 1 , ' t- Ur-Mkittc, N ' ' lunei , ,-.- i ChDwan. JJaplisl -Female lustitntc a ' MURFREEBBORO, N . C. ' The next bowiuu will begin tlie 1st WlNitB Os in Ustober. -!' '- For wataloguo apply to A. HuDoWKI.r.. SugMw31 Frealduitt, Miscr.LMNi:ois. TO HOI.DERS -Of CITY COUPONS. -iCDlcccfTrMiir ai:i Caviar Cll'Y OF WILM'.NOTON, N. C,,( J uii 2.11I1, 1876. NOI'lt'K I hurcl.y glyt-n t!iat YUR H!.Y OJUPONS lsyj (ot Bou t orthl. Cltyl ean. not be promptly paid."- 1 cornea, i.noaol oertalu cbongtw rniiifi recent dK'tnion of the Suprome Cn'iit oftliia Sal Mtj tk utuu ot aarewuiatit ot the Heal and Peran.l Itoperty In thla clti jiuid thrliy the City Tax llo.'k. nit ytt baying oeen placed In ww..,m ot the Hnilon'Jiiiil for collcoitiiii loctU r with vllwr compile hint Iu rgtr.l b, ur -al jniryi atari, h?w peiulliy before the tiUpreini) tiourt ot North Carolina, tho city of WlluruUin imi.t tio.t- sarily oraro atiuut iiidulgoiiuo Irtna lb boldttt of Olty Ooii iHi,if.tor 'exlutlnj clrcuuiUnc. T. C HEBYOH8, : City Troaeurer. Ih.vtf Juno 30 il-IfVilmingloa f IU AI.IVH TOHKR TNTV.uBHTs In Sen, Carolina, tier bu.luen. mu will alyertiirilM THE WA8HIN8TUH CM0. a larpe stid well eatatitlvbuil wu'My ttt -yupa iwr, cb-ciilating eHtiHiyily It tt.s iwmntieso Vlyde, Ueaiirl, i'ainlltm, PIU( Bdueuonib. and tho .Holnlti Hato Uivy Walt. P. Willuhmom, It. ilnANMaa, Uita or ir noro. ' in waauingtoa, , , , Kdltomaiid Froprlotura. ' Mf)'.- ntarcopy. , , The Charlotte Observer Tf.a ...ilB ...... .tli... .fi... ......... ...il.ll.lta.l l..l ..V ...... ...... ..f..,J ...rv.. l-UIIIW...'. ... Ilu. ....4 I4...t aI lt .1.1 h 4n I J..-tk ... U ll. nilaua,llrr..iwoil luduiMmAirfHtn adeer Unta. Ill ciiuui,il.fi , !; l , iij.ultft bars been targfly tnitS'ASt .lining Ilia ymr in t pat, ami tt no r.iarlm. miwt M tin Mtr oltmttaiir WtHikii NtiriV nai.diim, thua niter lug an lelmtrtiwd injliiiui tif isoinmuiiioitf Wnti'betwsnnTtiB Mriri,1iitntnrWT1mliigtitiiiid tl... .......I.. ..r W..l...n M.ulhll.M.Hii. , ! ...w i'. .j u u. 11 .J H llie. ; TUMf Of St' BtiuurTiuN : Dally SI 00 1 or anniuu, WeBkly.jL..lI.i.TiJ.... 10 " j mr AdytUaut yarr low. . - ma .4att In HooU friVIKirra 111 Wull S tract bail.iu fonny I'llUUS NiiHu niu.i Aiia I'uiiviT Joiniirahohalr i..iih. lory 4irru.( il'dng (lutlllod laidmi'iiM and ('iiiliin'iiyiMi.(of alt stuck dual tin an the aVi Furfe Mliirlt titeekaitjK, niiillii free to thKHodpnirltia'Si 4in"ilt.e. Addreat, I . Al.t X r tiy I'MIIVClMAVl A ()),, V miirtira ami Broker. - Oep. W. Y. btrtok F.vbaig.l." M Wall St., fhlt-eod MSW ruiim Viiliiabla Itt'ttl Dwlsite fur Hale, 1 oHjr lor .ale ftifU'tai' thre't.)r Brick lliiiMliiK, (Ituatad on 4bt oorner ol I'ollnok and nrateii atrctn Inl'ie imy ..f ISewbmn, kil knoan ai lli Molnltn t Bulldlnu. Hil" ni.Miorty l adinlralilv Innate t tor a Ho'el or tvtaxi ! a.Mv It will be H diHii atil Sfrb ean ft r mn ' Apply n " , ; w.rU( 11 1 iv 1 AM Atwne for A I). e:i ifliu U 10, TRADE .MARK. r iu. m x PEaniK3r , , CEI.KlUtAT F RU MlUblCKI) HV OONNOlH.-JieCHS , KX.TRAUT t a lK.TTKRfrorn MFOICAI. II i?N Ma m at Miwiran to hi. hrotlmr at OltC'KXTKtt, Mtiv. IWi. ... - ! Aft "Only Q&o&hMit " Tcfl l.K A A PKItUIN.l thai .... Bauee," tueiriiu liiblgh. and in. In 111. JtietfSr. Aud aj'lloHdp v KVKHT1? SIUF Tt Of DISH.' mm uiiliilou, ih liioul lalatalileaf wollaa the moMt whole umi) Nar"' that la 'A aJilii made." Wofcesiershire Sauce. Bold Wholeesle and lot KioortatipD by tne ' " " (A'i Proprlet.;.-., LEA ft PKJUNS, W-.cro.wr, iDgland; and Retail by Dealer) In Bauoe gen. rally throughout the world. Aik for; Let & PerrW Sauce. At the IlltEAIktAHT.TAIILU It iru pS" 11 the most ex.itiaile rolluli and toil to Hot or Cold Meat, Fowl, Frrtt , Broiled Kidney, Ac. At the II 1 1M IS i: It I A II 1. 10, In Soup, with K11.I1, Hot J'tute, Oaine, aud hi all Orarlei, U giyet s dellghtlul Baror. , At tt" UM UItON AND SI ITtlt lAIII.P.H tt U deemed IndbtptinHahli by thoee l'aiul)l( Ui Its eatlavtblS 'quailtiue. From Ntn Fork f. ; T here ll no rullitt In the world whioh Itao anltwraalty llkuil a.. Tyta ft Perrine' lamim JOKW OUNCAN'S SSNS4 r- ! s " UK w ron at " June U 14a) yd&w CHIUl STOVE llOUsE. J. 0. OUNLUH & CO, . rrU Street, Ball) mors ;:- . PARLOR HEATERS. COQKINQ STPVESi vv. T, .J.iOJSi1tlfjINAT08j, - vr9 t FURNACES; RANGES' ' AND CRATES. ' ' r Btoyoiibpsirod. ill ;.!"! 4-l 1,10V t aftwma NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. study 45 MARKCT 1 Aro clotting out the lialiuine of their lia.lles Urnliirwear via: Chemise and Niht UrvsHos, at a jotiiug rotluetion EVEN FU0.M FOUMEUrittCEa.; HAMBUllO EDGINGS AND INSERTIONS- Wo are making an effort iu this department to roiluoo the stock previous to Ruing North, and fjtulios will fltul PRICES 'wor thau any tliov have ever set'u in this market CUT PAPER PATTERNS FOR SALE. Machino Noodles, 5 Conta lSaob Misses Kid Gloves Slightly Spotted, 20 Cents a Pair- Sizes, 5, 51-2 and 6, I laving just taken an aoiwiiut-eji stock wo find srvnral nmrtll. Taried Iota wliioli we have daormiiiod to CLOrlli OUT AT A 1'lilOK " BROWN & RODDICK. 40 Market Stroet-B avg u J U8T OPENED ! i M W M ES U .'; ...j I . - Tjkj.i(i avrvprritR Black SilKChallys, BLACK CASHMERE, SOREPES. &C HUIVIMIIH HTOC" JJ.OICL OUT. ' ' Mil " a t.'. '4 " 1 Lower man jiiver i m - No, 8(3 MA.IlK3iT STREETi . ... ...... , . . ... . . .. . EM -IN- -AT- U'ujjuu-'nm EXCHANGE COIINEB. i tune n The ISIovel of tho Reason I CUIUS HAN ItEID'8 "A QUES TI0N0F H0N0S." "AQiwIlutiol' Honor, by "hrUiHtt RiM, I. praiK l by ihc pr. k a W'irk high y credltnlili! or Ami'flill 1 llturatliro. l'llj .11 hi)llK It 0. tractn Jiifelrom yry I'ayorahlJ orlUctaaui " i'mia Ou fhilaMrhia Vrtu. ' ' "Anew wirk of flttlun by Ottrtatisii feld l alwuj K.i.;...l.ilo . . i 'A J n.lion ol Honor,' maatarywf Soit'hern m ltv, well a wall oon rtrirte.t and w 'l'.-iii..tintd plot, and with flnl h which will fa uuauticlpato I hy moat ruadrr-" . fVni ti A'rw llafrn Rfyhtur' 'An aiiniiahly told itory, full id" in -ldcnt ml pint, iln l aic In tcxtect nvi rMraiiii.d. aud larryi.ig luttnw Inlore-t Un tiir.vul.ol the narriitly .irj caught ai HUd J.'lned tn gothtr'" Fff.ia the Iiuitti!l Cotrier-Journal. 'Ih moryl a churmlng cm, and la fully w.irtliy ol tlio aiitlinr'a tupu iilinn; indeed, It ha'n i iirrd lu it. the h.ut aud uoblusi ol all thai aha lit yet written." From the tlml'm Globe, ...... "Kxriilit. ly rleur In si y lo nud clcy.ited ln tone, a .d la worth otoret u i o 10 c trotul read' lug. I'rom the Wis Ucruld, 'Tli! S' tli r b w wro iti'.i with care, and with rood i tliical an I rtlt o pirniHi, and Ur ..i Bmtlion i uiIhI no'd In tho building HP of au -im.i l.ii lil.irntiiin." , . .. , F tkf nmlnH (littetlt- "A c'lntrihiitlon to Am rlcan fllctlon, "A Q ictiuii of llui.or,' will inure tlinl ni.intntn the aire IJ omlahu ro.iut utiui 1 tf iulhor.' .. Fnaa IA Unffitlc Courier. ' ' T) auth.it oi 'V.nrle tflmur oh ol th? m,"!' i"n.;coeii'at of Iho.) whu hay irhxl to iHinatru.ir n07CH out ot tit.' utu.lo uiaUirial oi American life." f " ... ,. ' 'l ll Wiao. UoUi. Pic, UB. Mailed Umf adilTCM within the United Malt, ot-paUl, on receipt ef p-tice. t KAFrL'TON CO., PubllftiHir, 1 ,. Mil ft Ml BuOADWAV, St. Yl augtn d tt sio to 8500 -rs,r; I a pgo hoo. entitled "Men and idloma ol Wall rttrnot," eyplHlnlng everything. Sont Free. JOHN HIOKUNO ft 00., llankort aud Brokon, 71 liroadwav, IS. Y. July 29 iw I ncorrai LESLIE'S Wm ihiuik ya a', Ilullh i;ruat and una', 1 ; For pafrouftRti cxUMuIit; We Bratsiu' fs j, Wo'vti tluiie sua wcul ThhMighout tlw year iron CndlL Our stoek we've ts'en An' noo we're ga'su, ; i To soil within the iiftrgln; ,. An' If js corns ' Afora Vte're Usim . ' Ve'H u t an unco' Kirgaln, i. i .1 1 1 ,.''. 1 i i'.il l t. . i .1 i. '-is V "!' A4WV1duM, , Ma. JL M 4 A.l i ..' . i"l T.OTjnH' ' ' ..... ,..., Black Grenadines, 1 !! 1 ) ,!. 'I I 'll .C-AT2 .! s , t- )" ;...:...-t 'i - Quarantino Notice. rjNTII. FORTHEtt VQTICE ALt VK8- mii from Port, sours of Oo Fear will eomsU at the YbAtlag BtaUtm, near Deep Water I'olul, tii'l tut Uil Innpecttoa of the Quar. a it.ue PUyalclan., ... , -.t In ! vi.i ." AU veeaele from Porta wher Yellow feyer', or other Inle lmut dunaae eilMa, will, b raw (iilrii to undergo a i Igld and prolonged usn sntlns. ' Aii rrtot or UiiaU of any sbaractur fcaVlsf1 lckn' on hnaid ou arrival, or hayjnj had iielrii'e any tiihe during the yoygi', are r 4a. red td come to the Html.m fnr. Inepectlow, without regtrtt to the Port t orn Woenee Uiey' c.iin.i. Ve.ieli not Inuludod a abey will Iifo- ol without dulention. , ., , , i , .....,.. '. Pilot aro tiiegl:tlly (njolned to make cart nlenrjlry rolatir. to yol, crew, Ac.,,-and if sot a tl.fl ,d with the ttatemcnt ti'r the Dap- Uin or ooBimandor, or If tb veMi I la a' filthy condition, th y will bring tlu telwl fell tho Htattoo Tat fitrthor ex talnatlon, , rtlota wilfully ylol.ulng tb Qurn!ns Law are eutijorttoaforroitureol thalr branchi , ManlHr.or yn..l.tn a Bn ofttrrt t!ii1rdu"1- ' litre a day lot eiurf day tby yili live I Quarantine Law.: and all other, penou are , liable loruach ana oyery ortence. . All ecli nliJ(ct.o vltatlrs uiitiVV siroys rvgulallona, will gut a Sag In them" lgg4aa-' port-tide. . r. w. roi .Kit, 1 , ' Quaiantlne Phynloutu, - x Port ul Wilmington, N. .' HinHb.le,.0., May , W i. . '. ul niav . ' ' ' ' J 1M tlt-etl rR f-v ytfjfl r' I'll, agent wain i)U 10 V4U ed. A'lcianof working penple ol both it'ien, y ung and okl, mtke , , nrira money at wik for B,4u thelrnwu local ' Itloa. tlitrlnu thiiir.para ruooii'at., or all the tliar, than at anthlug elm - We nll'or employ ro.'iil that wlllpavh(m.lw)nioli'wrowryhunr'8. i wni'k. Knil paiticn'aM, t.'rni-, etc., wn ireo. i'ti t tt vMir a'drnw ai "incu. Don'l delay. Knw I. yiutr ilm, xon't look tor work or t-ii-lnua eluvhrre, sutil you hire Inamed whit we odor. (I.STii.y Oo. Prtland,-, i M Inc, 1 - may 20-124-dAw IaAHI31t1ON VAR. ' Forrntfiirthoniiu1ii"(yoarby n ':' , 3 OKOM.iTA kuBItt, 1 ' . ' ; 1 vKei it,tate Broker- .' -!'; " ':' '' " . ..... ii r .... PURE OOTTEU DIStllitEl) & , ,.' -.. !, -jii l'; ' v"" a" - V- - - - l7 ,: ' C0KJI WHISKY 1 ? 1 ' 'I 1 rtsatab. t- lwAv,L -t.h t;,!- John. T Cramm, ,t . , ano1JBi ',.: ''! ''" " .' ' t---r "" i JJlii' joUr nail, and all your buihlcr haid wuro froAt t -