ti-J ill J I 70L XXIV. HO. 220. V7ILLHHGT0IT. N. C WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 15. 1875. 7H0LE HO- G.C34 A.Y1 I t I 11:11111 till 41 .11 ,H 'I ! i . I ;h di tl. j 4 i to f .-I'll .td luli ..tit .:h .)! .83ITI3 i t r (. - -alfi a 't.'j" .0 ,)K,itin.. a Hit ' DM. l.iW i 1 t.i fljv K W v. ' i . aa i s ' m 1 : ara 4i.i .iiXwfW , .11 1 1 m . mm mwi is axaVM t J . a 7 ia jf ; da aaiiarltt. i ainanK.i K,1 (-4 W lil uH tbr Hailn Jionntnl , BY TELEGRAPH. WASHINGTON NOTES. ."titters . Swttary f War's Ketort-Pullmii I ! Mj fa u v 1 , J t C.W t. epocs-Iurr.! : ' '' ' '!" ".' 5 ' mjWS IN GENERAL ' Tfce ItlM IlwUoB-Fillurf i - Edwin . ,i, M0ti-Montefles;ro f Nf atral-The . H vi 1 , I inti Baak of tallfernU; Ac. ' . fcl itH.'J id'- iilil'i i nir.'.::r.i1 is tin A ,?s, ,UOLU It? 7-B. BT T1UBAFH TO THB JOTRNATj. WlSIIlXGTvX Still Pottering Ovrr Mississippi. Washington, tiopt, U. No action etas been Ukou ia the Mississippi noes- '.!, not; wU there 1m until all the papers and officii correspondence, are , got together. ,.'. . .'it s The Secretary of War has returned - from hit Weetern iuspevtion tour. , , ' A colored woman has sued the Pull- iaaiBg her leiiog oar' aooommoda tiona from Cincinnati hithor. , ' k ' The Government Is utill waiting for further ollioial dmpatchoa from Miaaia- fcN- f tii t - I it Late this afteruoou the Attoruey Gaaeral received a dwpaloh from ex- , , i, , t oonatur roam), and one from liieuU .. ' . ., , J, . n Uuilifio, ojmmauding the U. a. troupe in the Tioinity of the recent reported A ,X'JAiA3 dlHkrbd diMtricU. Both report every- thmg iwrfbctly quiet. There ia no diiturbauoe, and they regard the aeud ing o troops there, tiuUroly uueoeat mm- Hi i State Election. Pobasd, Srtpt. H.j-Tlie returns from forty towns give Uonuor '2S,G70, and BoberU 3a, 160. The Bepubliuau saajority will probably reaou C,(XX), Bgsiusl 10,000 Ust year.! There will be aDeuoortio majority in the Heuate. fTk House will probably bounohangod. air-.KU ouuiuitruuouMi bmvcu vub JtllftO BWwej; State of lirgiiiafrom sialmg 1 1 I J U C U hundred milei' eaut of Capo Fear. John W. Watt a merohant of Glasgow, Scotland, has suspended, a TTtrT f f A t IkflliaB f250,0oU fSA;1 Tri' T .UJUlaaU-iU A-iiEdwIn Booth will ttftoel softie of his ongageaaenta on aooount of his protraottd tineas. ' lteubed Burr, only survivor of the Equinox, wis picked up on Lake Mich igaa. after floating thirty-one hours oft pilot house, .ji u . . The Oohfltitotional party ia France are striving to compel M. Baflett to break with the Bouspartwta, ( i H , - -The Bank of California will resume Mli, business on the first of next motith. . Montenegro has informed the in- Vl , , anrgents that she cannot make war on ; the Porte. . , Two hundred men and . wom n '' " "in Russia have been indicted for -flooialiam.., . . Wm. Harris, colored, while at tempting to escape arrext in Louis- i . . viU was shot and killed by policeman f ; Peudnicka. 1 1 ;f . trj f f " ; . ilwbt. A, Ritobie, formerly cashier Fourth National Bank at Cincinnati, Las been ar rested for forgery i, .,.. The, Diocesan Convention of the i .,. !.,.!! u .Fpisoopal Church has convened tat ,. i ,;i i . , -During the trial of a new Are e ' ' " oape ladder in New York, one of the .! ;A , f ,-v-eol!ona parted,' silling - three' men outright, and wounding severaL i , ---.Tb A. sooiation of Mrxieaa Veter- , Biis celebrated -the auuivcrsary of the capture ot tne uity oi, Aiexico, yestor YWiifi V -';OW"hnn dred niembersresent. Ed waid Conway, convicted of . , II i 't I iI 1 entering a honse ia New York, pretend )' ins to be a Banitar Inspector, and hb- nutting a lady, and stealing $50, was aentenoed to twentr veara imDriaou- !. ;'meut. i;,;.,;: u ;i i...... UA Dirwtor of the Bank of Cali- i. it - ' forma Mtatos that 87,000.000 have been aubsoribed to the Guarantee Fund of JIAHO'OT e"?tTl bat JneaitatibniJA avA St v i ,H men; In tbli rtytat avtnlng at 8:10 O'otook, John O. cbmader, tgd 54 Tear.. Th frUaiU aud acquaintance! ot the do ; eeaaed ara lu riled to attend bla luoaraj from hia tola reeMrnoe, oorner of Front aiwl Iwoh BtreoU, at! o'clock, r. Mi, laeiute to at. Paul 'a lCTaugelloaJ Cburob and than lo Oakland otm jry. 1)1 CD. . WwrBBOWr-'iOB nurrl ftavv."''8ttetlflri1' tiu, ISifi, at lila homcatead near Ktlzabetb, Hladen coont", . O tfliorha aMoceridcni or tba lata Or; Haoaaa H. Jtokinaaa.. w J . It la aad for the aged, whom yeara have de prlTCdol atfeiigth and whom mlafoUoueahaTS robbed of 4eaaura, to dl-; it la ladder 11 1 1 fm thoaawuom Hop baa deeerfed but to whom ltenwiry aoniinuoa to leader a cordial grahyaa le; bntltilaaddeator all for thorn whom I. He baa aoaroaly Introilnced to it Tailed, alilft ng aoenii to bid adlao to th lunuy bout jof youth, and to ba con.lgned, to tba dreary, onelr veara nt tba (rare, Vet among the laat ara Thorna A. Hobinaon. H died t an age, wkea moat men ara Jnet commeuclng life In aarnret: bodied. Inarlna tbonomlortaarhome! o died, withdraw Ing trom tba aocloty of fela J UTO. at,u irienua. ii Mtt t ry S 1 1 L " uaau mora noy, wnen riirt nnmter a ai.1r.il 11 r. il banilring cannon mar.haled Hie chlralry of tba Month, ka waa among tho very Brat to ro- eogb a mere boy, when Fort flmutsr'a aujtnd to thtt sail, aaaong tho vary laat to look aoHti aa torn . pin'.orie, mac nan wiTmi anong tho 'phMgked -bllti aad blood -Ittined .telle jeM Vlrdnla. And the crav Jaoketa or tbe Carolina Maid ler bor haa bat n too acoa ea- ebanard for Ibo white shroud woren by tho oold blast of Virglnii'a chilly wind.; for tho toils of the soldier broke th constitution of .jUMaWMa, 1 "' ' ' 1 " Fol many rontbi Mr. Roblnana was in in valid, rettl"K '1I bct medical I -III and theiuoet attentive mir.lrt; but lrserliitlonl ar.1 attendance could not .ara him. He Vail er.k,ttd, was In anted over, wal attended to, with K,iolloltudethat saoka at the aftactlonor thsfaA. "d I' it in vain. OodaaJX'I m '"i film; beWluho." ' " ,T On MatcT ..tn'tbe burial ground, where .jaaiiy of , ' ace Uy, Toaimlo Kobinma was wrn f bornobr rtltlvbo (otJ tiro fbr hicoiiB liny, t irnk. hta Brttnt. n.' tur; who renBihtre4 b pun lmt.iy bi. lo f Kin rinf; n i wuo roniw iJ in kuowliolc that ke u prinHt to Ui. II hklMkli "l.n' Ut ia lro f, but, IT xfat bolji w pUod kj ihu of kli other; H k.ivboia 1 Hr fc IotwI M well; of b.r from wham la ,1tth k Mtld But of her whom ia Btcralti B.r h.Joto. Tha moat aloaa.nt Irlhau U lha lawd ka U tr of thalr rrtamda. arnaail tba gta of nmui. nuoinaon a-gua aiaay wun t mlul ra an I u.ia ahaokraad W waa a tavchiiu rv dencr o hi many t- aailUa to aaa 1aa frtiiiioi DWi.ran arraatai nenuiButuif hi (hair utMaaa tMti rio v Ut tka worth lha ll.InX man. and ri4.BHag bj thalr taarl thatr aiH-m too of ut tirluaaaiihwraaaa Crln4. Hl fttrr will la b tit. ho to a from Which v.tao'T win oni'B . awttoarorua iaa Iu( trlbutaof a.iih," i : ; ) ; NEW ADVEKTISSMCNTS. TRAVCLIMG DACS. SADDLES HAIi:: AND TKUXKS 8ATC1HL3, AXf'E-QKEASB, I ' COLLARS, j J Bamea, Tre-fhlni, Back Btada, All k'Btte ofaafliflMrr ouda, cheap iron CAHXI. at Carpenter 4 Mallard's l South "t KTaaaT, i Wi.ai aun, N. 0, , For Rert TWO verv ronTenlontaVellluraoralt rooms aaoh with kltolwn and aarvitnl' room tlj) n in . each. i , , , . , . r, . tlood walor la tbo jar.l anil gaa In the boana Bair, W, aaak huut rM4 taat jear lor fuio ea b. . , , ,r ' la nv aM?naepe to I. l. Maar. at lh 0. V. H. K, UIHta. . S.8. miUdUN r, wUISt i .,, , , .. jmtM Wm. Amialionv , elation will be heM ihH rnlu til o clock, nio niuvrnian nan. ifitca roceirru iiuring th,day at thesillue ot the h,Uilu. , , j Wal-VBHt)! MAeKABf' ! IS It I ""BeoreUrjr ami 1'reaj.nrer. TO THE CITIZENS flrCAPE TEAR .MUl llljlt I .f ? OCR p-railum lirt laontauit yon ara oalleil upon l fall tor t a nai Kaiaoa ttiaatk. loib: U1liil.ritIiiUvor Morcmber. I VI T'Ml! iwiH'HriH1.0B 000 ODTOO Mil BOIU U. tlranxera, Unoara, .oh an MM, aMtobaata, ti4 lat; thouiti aolloaat, la ta ire wai to a wNhu.onthat great, and wa truat. florloal ovi'Halin. j I, L. fUKMOxT. I P IStf , . , , fi froaidaut. SCHOOL FOR YOUNO LADIES. Miaaat kkmsiui Ann uait, ramoifA!.. THK neat aamlon or Ibia laelitnoea will ba fin Wadneatla. U'tohar Ma.. abul of Ma- ia, under the dirontlon of froreaaorH. Van liwr, for t iron. A j., apul y to Hia Prlnctoola, corner of Market and I bird (t tree la. aplAaodlf I !',. '- , . f ..-"( , -4 UOUBLE-VEDDING; ;0W SHE WAS WON. If MRS. C. A. WARFIELD. 1 Aotfeor of "Tlia Hoonthold of Bourerlo," t , f (. Corui Vote In one largo Volume Werocco toth, tillt Back and Side, Price SI It ',d!T HEINSBEBGER'S : "'lKE BOOat AMU MUSIC STORK. aep IS k. ,- BLAfJK BOOKS, T JCDOKKV JUrRNALS, DAT BOOKS, JJ (.'a.h Hoohi, luroioe Uoka, Record Hoolu, Time Hooka, Now, Orait an 4 hW.wipt B ouka 4c, In large Tar it at , . j i- HEINBEEGERU pi anos Morg ans. ' Fof aala fijiicasti ot pu (uuy monthl lntth'l meut plan at HEINBERGER'S - ( j : Ut Book and Muale Store.' pii mi- -:. MUBFflIE6B0R0 HIGH SCHOOL Murfaeesboro, Hertford Co N, O. TliS aecond aandjnr bnvlui tba wute. of Sen terobur, IH1B, Plaoof teaching aamaai in Uie voiV'Ty" yirgima. y.,U0NRAu, principal. ; , . N ' .t3raduaia (JulTaraity af Va.) t j C. H. MAltl'lN, Amlatarlt, ' ' ' " (arail. Wake Forest and Unli. of VaJ TESTIMONIALS, t Mi. O. H. Maitlrihai proaeeutsd tlia study of Latin with asnnces. which I hare ticmr known auraansod In tny eirienc. as a loacher Wa, K. PKTKH-t, Prof. Latin University of Va. i j Biimaa, N. p., Aog. S, l3. . Tborooommendt!on of Mr O. H. Martin, road bet ore the Board of Trustee of the I'nl ver.lty of North Carolina, gave tha Board tba highest eTld-rc of his quallllcatiena as a srbtr,n(l of his character aa a g'ntlenian. The underaigneil hare formed the opinion from (hose l teetlinonlals that he is most able teacher and in all resiocta well fitted fur tb eduoatlon of youth. B. F, MOitKK, i D. M. OARTKK, ' : !' t . ! EIMP 9' HAT i'Ii. r : asp S-tWHh. . . . . - : Gh , K. "W- Runge. RED BEpTS, BED CABBAGE, 3 j ' 0 GREEN PEPPEB. 63 ft. R. Cor.HImrkeS at Second Bta septic. I 500 By9HKL?AT8-. -. 500 (' ,,AHBKI'', rM,UR-all grades ) .00 BBLS. MOLASSES ASYRUP. O -50 Boxes:Ery Bali MEATS. 2,000 8ACK8:LIVERrOOL ft ALT, M I BOO SACKS J AllS II ALLS FINE 100 KEGS NAILS? U-1 ! . 25' GR6S3"RA1LR0AD MILLS .SkUFFi'fttt, A''-':-; v'-' ' For sale low by -. v i BIllFOitD, CROW A CO. sag n XEYV ADfESTISClOTS. A NEW DAILY PAPER IXWEMISCTOT. Prosjectus of k-lmm Mm N OK ArMUT CXTOIIKK Fl KIT, TUB f i'nam.ipiad win bvk'B tin- puMiratkm ne uijr ot n iiuiiuiruat, ut dm kvbnisv Tb hiTIB U1 Iw imtilUUcil rwrr uiluirfajti, ut iIm KvBNiao Katiiw. litlbltMUcd every vvifiiiii;. vaoi'oa nuuuay. lie aim am oe to riraian iat leiot, the heat, and tlie uux reUahte aewa, in PTrjr amaing of the tuna. Tti Kniuwial lkinau'M will ha hi lil hafcde, li4 the k-al repo t will tw funiWxd by Mr Jaauw. fur t yean past the local editor of Uie Unity Journal. air. Ch.rtM A. Frlca.a ioa of am of tka lie alma III be to ftirnieh th. roaiiaere or uie uouaaax. aud aiajsaira gaa twm a of aaeral voass loarionoo bi the ha Inaaa, will ho charge of tae baalua I dapart- meTHa or ine paper Unamal attantloa will be dvoa ta ltsmar- ket raporU with th the af furi.lahlr the full y.nwmmui v. me uar fo we .ioaaat aiareaa. tile boar, and thraa reaotta will ra made by a aarefal, thomnahl estwriaaead ra dot tar. a the waota the papas will be aeway. aaoap and rail bla, aad a alai mediam th-oagb which tba poor maa aud tba laboring alaaa may oa oear . Terms of inbacxltitioa : 5 a i yaar, sn cent i mouth and 11 sent a week vary low. AdrertialDg ratel - v. In eoniiMilon with the nuwa dapartuieut wo wuiastaouaa tno aarnw aook auu Julirriaiuig ((Bcr, whore rtiniti'lit and akillful opcmtlva will b 'nipluyiil, and where It la nwdlna to aay wa m I do oar brat to fura ah our patruoa wiin me neat work for the xwet amount of oiuury. josh t. James. ; aug. I5tr, ( has. A Prlt. House for Rent, A wdll atoatad koaaa, tpnvenJakt .!, nd rent moderate. Apply ta . TM08. U. WK1UUT, Agent: II COUNTRY MERCHANTS. Tanr attention li called to the vary flm and larfe assort mentnf hanlwareln all It. breaches and especially the vory low prices. Only ex amino oar gooda and compire prion aad you will bo conyiuced that tUa placs to buy yonr hardware, at tua old oatabllah.d kardwarl nouot 14 JOnN DAWSON, i ' Km. I, SO and II Market Street. POWDER SHOT AND CAPSe,.,f For tall low olthaif at ak4eale r iltafl U j li u i , .i .1 i , U OU RS A UUlt' HIKON. JUST PUBLISHED. . . . Wth ltdltlom '!'' PBAOTIO AL OBSERVATIONS, oa NERVOUS OEBiLJTY ; IK AffaVW.Mf I.Viti PHYSICAL EXUA USTION, v: . To wbloh ta added '"-'".''-'"' Am F.eaar eta alarrtfa,IJ j R. j , With Importaitt cbaptsra on IJI40BKER4UF THK REPRODUCTIVE OltOABJ, '' iiiff Bling a lytiopsts of Laotnroi U Tired t their MUSEUM OF , , AN ATpM Y, btraua-er Tislting H14 cliy, should not tall to see this great collection, b.lug the largost In tb WOfMl- ., ,.; . . ... SOf Ibeatuut Hi., Oppoalto Comtlneai- tml Betel, Philadelphia. : OoplMof lectures lent on receipt of 25 eaatJ Address, Una. JOKDON A DA VIKSON, , 1820 rlLBBRT ST.. Philadelphia. aug tl d-ly , E. ANHUESER & CD'S PUKK lager beer, just received In loe tram Ml, Lou 11 direct. Tba folluwlug Is tliltl lult of tbi analyili made by W. 0. Votirad, OhliuUit of U11 United iutcs liiral Labora tory. Mow Tork. OOKOLUSIOM FKiM THK ANALYSIS OS ' THK QtJALlT?. Ji.W Tao q aallty of thli beer, as .howti by our aaitljate, Is wirlnr by Ita uf nne. a kd Ik traneoaa mior could be dotocted, Tba-laage amount of extract .ntietenoi (malt being used In eiiraontietry great anantitlM, which ing baea toasiod, (irei tno orai tuat peculiar taror of fresh briail) make! that beer b Terr Bouruhing and higuljr rvcommennahie dnni for mad mill al purpOHts. .AnoUi r gotal qualify of this beor is that it k eps tn od ooiidttlou under all olrcuniatauocs. - W. t). t)0RAl, Cbimlatiaf V.A- Naval Labratotl. Wa are tba' wDohiiale agrntl, Ind'tt b f or aaia also ia tua aitj bv , , , Joh Baas, J., a . , O- rt,W. Kuiua, . A, t), H. Ftta. I ,' , ADKtAli VdtXKB's: sia( - BREAKFAST, LDNCHE0.1 AKB lk, . ' f. BY inAIIION HAULANL. ' Author of "Common Sknhs in tbi UotmcHor.u." ' THE CALDERf 00D SECRET. ' : A HOVEL: '"" . liy VJllOIMA W. J0JIN&0K, , Author of "The CaUHll ralrles," "Joseph tho Jew," SU. 1 For sale at HEIKSBEROER'S Live Book and Musio Store- FURNITURE AND CARPETS I Wa ara every day rocetTing our large stock or FURNITURE AMI t'AkPKTH for ttiS fall and winter trade, and have made . carpets a specialty: : and have a largo stock of new and beautiful Datterns Juat reoelved. which are oltoriua lowf than they were ev.roSerat In ilila mar., ket before. Wl would respectfully Invite buy an to examine our stooa ouiore purouaaiug, failing as-ured wsoau please 'how both ut svvle and prio. I), A. SMITH At CO., ... Sep 9 Front Stioet, . PayYoir City Tffl. Uflle of f reasnrer and Collector, ' :, ) .1 City of WUmington, N, ., , Aag H.liiJo.) 1 am directed to nutlly all partioa owing city tties that Uie require nietibl of tlia ally lor ra (saremcb that a strict eon pUariaa. with br ordinances will be mado, aad such imrwuu wbe do not pay Uieir olty tajjas en or beturo the first of "sptember proximo, their property will be advertiaid and sold as Uis law directs ,'.",":! T. C.' ServoBS,'- ' Trsasnrsr and Ool lector Flour arid Meal" A Nil MIXED FEEO. Oar-load ' " xa l ' " 5 ' ad oa abort notloe. Oram bought at th market price. Address, " ! . :t : UOARLOTTB OirriMIMi, ! - " rMte,N" )nne I Cliofan liaDtist Female lusiilute I v " ' MURrRCEBIIORO, M. c. Thi Ttixt session will begin the 1st WttUH A8 1)aV uOetobar.'Tti'f'viiiv .1 1 For cUT0gni apply to ; , aug si w St f . . ( ..: .i ' j ti MoUOWKLL, Prfsldenl, Bagging, Ties and .. Twine ' Stay Roles Bagging. SO To. New Arr w Tlea. bt Tons Pt.r.ed Ties, ; 1.000 Poaadi Bagging Twlad. ' "" Faraalabyl KKItOHSBRAOALOKB BilOS. , : .... t Corn. Hay, Meal and Rio. S,00 ruidielaCBrn. v ) ana haias tas .rn Hay, ' lbue liitahaU WaUr Utouad Meal: H! ! imroae.i , '. KCKUHMER A OALUKR BROS. Spirit Caaka, Clue. Bungs. Ao ;"! fcyi iplrU Vaaka" . ,.('" 110 Barrals Olua. . , ,. ' X Barrek Hoofs. sue P aperi RWeta. Foraaleby . , . IKEKCHNSU skCAXUXU BKOts Sugar1 House Molasses , , ' aegibsaiis. fi: tfolvier ' v Ion Barren a; Hplasaas. ' Fdrsahtbr ' KsuOlDtKB t OaiAM Bbos, aipll - " . J MERCHANT TAlLQRINQ , , I take rHa.iiri li anudaaernf to tkl Dublls that my stook af wliitet ' ' ' ' ' r com uie ta. Miainlsini 'hiillh 'aad French Worsteds, Dlag'Miala ai d LloUia. Ira- rtsd and Ihktuesll iw aui.il h.i buiai uiuaa. Sultlngi. CblBchlllM, earen. Kdredoui anil ttiltohi m indlosa va- '! K t ' V ....... -V. , for btERCOATs-: 1 propose to naaka up tba gaoda la ha swat PMhlonabli Ktylta "k V " ' .I--.'-. ; and at orloea to ruttth tlmea." Aa axamlnaa Ueo lssUUd. - 1 -! f. i,-i 1 '' AiDAflO,. aep II -. aa 1 .AaF,IT-1ETOTS, i.i- AMERICAN -1 CYCLOPAEDIA. U II kfrv Hevlaed I Titian. Entirely rewtltte 'b tho hhlnat Wrlara' oa avory suojeoi. rriiitad mini new iyie, and ' Illustrated with genial Thousand Kngia . vtugi and Ma. i f . 1 t.i ut THE work orlirlnallT nubllahed under tha ti tle ut THE MEW AfetaIVAt 'OYfJM)ri-. UIA Was autupleted in fsi'4, liuoa which Mail lha wtrM (fliMulatloo wbloh It has attained la all parts of tba United States, aud thlllgual da Tahipmiau whisk kaie takSuj plaua la avery brSankj of solenue, literature, aud art, hari In duoad Ua editors aud publtsbeisto submit It to an itaot anil thorough r.Tiaton, and tn Issue a new edition entitle TUB AMERICAN CT- OIAJPJKOIA. W I thin tha last tan yeara tha P roar aaa of Slat eoyery tn ayary dapartmantof kuowladg has maoaa new won 01 r.tureooe an iiMriuit want. ,, KtldA 1 " V 1 1- . The movement of political aBalri tal kept paoa with tba aiaoovariei ot aoienoa, sun tbair fruitful antilicatlon to tha Industrial and una. ful arts ajid tka oonveniduoo andretiuaaiani vf aoiial lifai Ureal warsand eonse'iueiK r.tolu tlous base ocuurri)d,lsToiTtag nation aj ehangvi' ar paoaaurxnomauT. 1 ne oivu war u our own oountry, whieh wad at lu height when the last TOiums 01 tad 01a won appearea, aaa nappiiy been aadeil, aud a nef d)ddr f SouiiaA(Clat aad ladustriai aotiTity bad bden odmmduoad. Largs accaaMou l oar gaographioal kaowl lidgi hasa been madl by the ludafellgaUesx plurarsof Africa. The great political rarolaUnrii of the last -, dade, with tbi natural tdanltof tb Ntfuie ot tints, hare brought Into public vldw a multi tude of new awe, whose aaiBO-as aa ererv uiie'i mouth, and of whoas live, arary one Id ourloui to know the partlaulars. Uraat katUas hare been foiigkl aad Importaat Magna maia tolmd. of which IbadetalleBreasynt prssnrTid only In the aiw.papsrsor In tbi iransieut pub lications 01 tbs nay, oac waiea aagninawso take thelf alaoe lu permanent aud authentic history. ., 1 ,..,. .,, t. . ... ... ..w, , a preparting the present edition ror tna press. It haa acoordlniily baea tha aim of tua editor. t bring down thd bifirrmatlo- to tiid 1 mtest poaaihai dates, aud to furnish an accu rst account of tho moat recant dteaowriea la j science, of every fresh pioduetlon In literature. I and of tha nwedt tavanUdna in tba practical arts, as wall as to glTd a suoolnt ana original record of tba progress of political Mid historl -lal events. iTlifli f 'J ! L . rhe work has been begun attar long and careful firellmlnary labor, and with tha must ample resources ror carrying lt,a t I tascaas rnt termination. Nona of the original stereotype plate, have been used, but every page baa been printed on new iTpe, forming In fact a new Oyfttopajdla, with tua aanie plan and cempaaa. as ltd pride uuaant Kbai with a far greater pecuniary expen diture, and with such lprditetaetit hi Hi 00m poalttan aa havi bern luggested by longer 1x4 .ri.n. 11 S At. I r nr.il w . w I k.1 ira i Thd IllusUaUoai which ara rntrodudld forth Brat ttmd in thd nresont edition hare bson ail dad not for tba aaka of pictorial eltect, but to sin greater lucliUOT and rbrowto thaaaoraaa- Uone la the text. They embrace all branches if science aad of natural history, and depict thd out farnoui and remarkable featnresef snens y, archlteolure, and art, ad wall as thd vaslons roCMSsosnt mechanics and maauraetarea, Al hottgb Intended for Instruction rather than nirH-l.iSlimsnt. no D'lna have baea soared to osui ' their artlstia sxoalleoos ; tka wad) of hair nxaoutlon Is enormous, aud It to beliered will find areioama raacpttoa al aaao itrable feature of tha Cyclopaedia, and worthy A I'd high character. t-'";"i' Thte work to sold to Bubscrlbaraanlv, aaya tie o dollTSry of eaoh volume It will boom i.ietrd ia, slxtoen large octaro TOlaaiaa, eark ovataielpg about 800 pagoa.fully Illustrated with asvoral .then. and Wood Kngravings, and with nuni'-rona colored l.lttiattratkle Mapa.': : . Prion and Sty of Binding, la extra .UI01 h, ytt oi , , :.m,i. .ua.MI so la Lltarv LeathW. per volTV. . .7. . ..?T(I 611 In Half Turkey Moroeoo, par vol..,,,.., I (Ml la Half Russia, extra gilt, per vol........ IW Ja Fall Morocco, antique, gilt ddgoa, per ' . vou.,...., u i" In Full Russia, per toJ.,. .10 00 Volumes vow ready. Succeeding Tolnmei, until comphtllon, will ba tosuad once lu two atontha. dta Bpeclmiapago5 ef Whl AaTElliuUN DVCJiOfilluiA. .howini tvvd. illustrations. eta., will b rant gratis, on application. FnuT-CUss : Ca'Itain Ja tj b j , VVANTSU. Addree. thd fublUbaM. I I fT 549 and 561 Broad way .tNl--T. ) Janet. " iio u chilli' I-. 1 :l. yApSBOKO.1 ANSON COUNTY rrvr,-vMif A Aftf 4 li. a.Otyvi -J.A5S id JOSH. T. JAMES A CO. .fi.. 'Sim naJauai iaa a lane ana raoioiT tnoreasins icui.r. Uon in the fee Dee country In North and South Carolina, i Advertisers will find II tba 'tut medium In HUier of tha aister Stales lot raAoMagTltM (arniari, planters and merchants. lh&$J6eiMive local advertmna nas- ronofj achibttcd trt ft'iolumtu it tte befiLeddento of it larae and influen tial tircUlatUm. va- IF" Mneelmen conies, with ratoi tor adrer. tlatng. aant free, postage paid, on apptlchtton bathe viiuder.Unod,. either at Wadasbaruf aa WUtuiogtoa. " '"' ( . .a V4 i . m . m a. r. r? ca u". Editor i and Proprietors, MLSCELLANKOVS. TO HOLDERS it .r : CITY COUPONS. CITY OF WlLM'.NOTON, N. C, ( JuuoWth, 187fV S NOTIUR to hereby giraa that Till JULY COUPONS I Ht (of Bond! or this Oily) aaa. axd ba brtMBtly.pJ4. : )$-- la oonaoq tenol or oertatn ohangaa and at a recant daclsten of ths Suprdind tViurt ofthta Stall aa to tba manner of aaaoaamstit ot ihe Real and Paraobai Pwpirty la tali city, and '1 f ti . ' a H'lrsby tbi City Tax Nooha aol vet having eaa plail )u pnsaeaalon Sf tha endwilgned tor aellecOoaihil.Uisr with btTiar com pi lea . .. .... 'tlx ' 1 1 ! 1 kmakaragaraaiiuf ,Munlitipl larTa r, Bow paudlnv binrdthaaud-iaia fJaart et,(tli Carolina, tba oity of Wilmington mint nso r rf 1 1 . fld arart antnl (ndulgdnoa from the holder. 1 . 11, . ' . ; . 1 .-1 dfOiir Ualoiisndtfr nlntlng oltcilmatanoei. ! ;.T.;a HERYOSS, City Treasurer. Jaaass US If Wilmington ; II ALtVE to HER IMTEAKrtl'd la Ka.i Uataltaa.har buiiuess men willadfertlaslK THE 'WASHINGTON ECHO, S hwga anf dU SdUbHshad weaklf auw.pa per, circulating axwn.iTeiy ia u" nunu.u Hyde, Hoautert, Pamlico, Pitt, Edgeoombl and tldaa artjitlulng. Kelea ,tw. WalW aiLkiAHaoa, k. aaAaoia. n UleaTarlaww, t ' af Waaaingtoxi . X i 1 1 Jtdltora and Proprietors, etll i ''- atar dopy. i "f" Tho Charlotte Observer . M i , , r I t ... t. Thd only miming dally paper published In tha Hkatd w-.lof italal.li an t North af WU- tilngtaa, affr icial Induoeinani. to ad ror tlaare. In olroitlatlo i, slid and "Bsefntnim hava bean largely IncreasaaV tHn tad rear Just past, and it now loaches init 01 (he M r. ohant of Western Nortli Oaiolina, tluisoil.ir- big an ansnrbaawd aiattiina of cuuiiauiiiiiii- tloa between lb. Merohantsof WllmliigUin and thd people of Western Nortu UarvUBa, , rA tti;laaa'o auaaoaftiot' i ''f a iS'uo' ii !'! Dally .J..'... S'i UOper annum, ffeakljr...... ............ I ' ..i ..M:.i i ii.-i - SfaV Advartlatna vatv loot. iaa ( .;,,- ,v i' ' - f'il ") -Vv i $50 $100 $500 $1000 ' IliveatxA In Nluck lrivlloa:ea In Wall Ntreol. Isads to manyTtlOUSAMtiSoa UituAOl fKiisir. Conii'r.lieiinlTS eiplana tory alrotflara. toiitalulng dotalleil statcinnnM aiwlnootatloa lirli'S.' or all stork dealt In at iiMew lurk Stock tMcKtme. mailed frrt lo UltWO UOIirini l Biwouiain. aiiurtnm l AbKX. FKIMHINUHAM at Oil,, Haiixsrl ami liroksrs, Opp. H. Y, ttoeb,Kxbaiig. IJ Wall St., Vs. ..a a. - I ' - w aa SA VflUlf, mm am itacuu vmri unni Valuable llaal Kalale fur Bala. loflor forMlarbstlargo three itorv Mrlck Building. .lln.Uid on tin corner orrnllvck aud Ura.su streets. In Ilia oily of Kewhetn, aud known aa tka . MoLoan Bulldipg. Tills Moporty tsadiniraniy locaict ror a tiotei or Cotton Faototy. It will be sold cheap and upon easy torms Apply to' Attorney for 11 II, I'lnfilii A Uo. I i ill ' ' . TH-...... gAOE-MARK lr,-flWavS It a.., (. i I i 1 1 CESTERSH1HESAUCE.: j .OA .HHIAf2 LEA & PERRIHS' OEIBRAXjtp, r KOMOUMCEIl;, , . itritiui atiF.TTf.Krrdia a MKOUJAU IIC.N MAN at Maura, to his brother at eoxttroisflarjiia iri uiu;s,sisnv k ' May, IWvl. . vo aa vaa a . "OnU Ooodra1 rani m PMRR1MS thai thelrsaiio Ishlgb. Irsieemad in lo ifla. and M. Itt ass Ad applloahle tollf tj opinion, thd most mi aleralileesOHu ha moot wliola- lVKRCfdHlB TT OF DISH. anma Hanf that hi mada.-: , Worcesterflliire Sauce. , Bold Wliolela n or Ciportatioo by tut j iikkSi. ,w Hint - A PrenrlftoraJ LEA PEKRJNS, Wvoaitii, It u. JEnglandj aad Ratall by Dealer! In Sauces gen- t i drlly throughout the worjdj e I ; f , , j . Ask for Lea & Ferrini' ianca. At the BHCAKt'ANT.TAIII.i: It lm- parta ths most sniulalte relish and aeet (a llot ' 1 arOold Moat, Fowl, Fish, Broiled Kidney, Ao, At thi DISNEHSAMI,:. In Boup, with fwr, i Hot Joints, Oam, and In all Orarles, It glvai a dillghttul flavor. ... . j .JfIVI ltd a At tti ivrummon and biiffkh lAHTEW It U deciaad h.dlnuanaalih.i hi 1 T' - - - . r fin. m dluaiibu with Its ddUtnabla aiutilaa.r 1 kut r".t 5 ir, front Tfttt rrrt: Mtt, .Thfira ij no jeiiab la the world which taeo auWersaUy Ukdd aa Last A) Pdrrlni famoa Woraastarallrr Bauoa. ' " " " - JOHN ' SB ItSAN'S SONS1' .I.yAU.j IKtV VORtt JunJM ! .w , t s m ld rdw ' 0IEAP STOVE HOUSE. 91 W fraljt triet, BaUliaoro' 7' M'-v parlor' keaters v. COOKING STOVESi k a van 'i 1 At AND GRATES. -.111! . i BST Btoved repaired. sen.1 dftwtm SEW ADVERTISE JlEi T3. STUDY mum 45 MARKET Are closing out tU balauoe of their LaJles' Ttnilorwcar Chera iae and Night Dresmw, at a sweeug rtnluctiouKVEN FROM FOUMER PRICES.; HAMBURG EDGINGS AND INSERTIONS- -i i -i . , Wo aro innkitig an pilar I in this department to rod am tho stock previous to Rtiing North, ami Ladies will lind PRICES wor than any they have ever lewulnthfsrusrketai m - .4, '.i CUT PAPER PATTERNS FOR SALE. Machine Needles, 5; Cents Ifiach , . - - a i Misses Kid Gloves Slightly Spotted, 20 Cents m a rair 'Oizes, o, oi-xana u. IUvIiir JiihI tkon ari keoouflt of stook we find sevoral ainall. rariotl lota rUieU wo Itftve deterruinexl to CLOBlJ OUT AT A PIU0E. ", ";.";' .,'--' Wa Uiank yeaV-'" ''.' ' "'" i.: 1 . 't , llaltli great aiitl Siiut', j i'ff ; , . , i ,.Kor Kttrousite etoatlll: r i 1 ! , iW ,f ,f ' WssraW fwV ( i . i. i .t! ,-.,..' w'v thine iad went I .'''' '''"'".j y s i' !i i v 'a'uiuiiiJuiinl the yur noonmlit. . . ' ' ' ' " ' ' On'r ilofit we've. iaW8' . . It:u ' An'irno we're (ra'sn, !! ; '' i- 'i-ui I.-m.i :,.u 'tfTn sell illiiu Uis fiiargln; ' ,'i'ii.' An' if y ctmio . ') ;i .),,,,,; , Afore we're town ' ' ! "!; 1 ' Ve'lUittan'mietr bargain. - ,8' BROWN & : RODDICK.' & Market Streets . ..i . .nm i i iUi i . ., iii l, , m ..li. FALL AND: WINTER GOODS .. , ii .!' vi-tU hi ; foti a.t ti,!''( i fl nA ' I '' t,, . ..; 1 i.V.: -fl.-:.. ; .wt.pi,.' nl,i-,;i I . 1 'fl " rj1 Ui ' "5'J f. ateti nVwf ttmt i-. . t -.i..! 1 , ': 1 ' ' 36 , M-BldET STREET, FALL AND WINTER GOODS ) CHEAPER THAN 'EVER ! Al No. SiS MAIUOUTi STEEET. swi ia -AT- f ILLIl IlltP EXCnANGR COKNEIt. lune JO ' if The N orel of tho Season f , .0UUWTJAN iIfAVU . fj . litis . "A QUEajnONJIF, HONOR.". "A (Juo.U'inor Honor, by iihrlstliu Bll.t, ll pralaed by llil prcse aa a work hlgli.y i roil liable of-America llt.tft'.urd. Th snblotiKd dx tracts larelrijm ery Mtorablo ctlticieaii: . 'rin th MlttiMiMa rmi, AnW wntxf of Bctloa by tlhtiiilan Weld li alwuvs acccotable . . : 'A U la.lkiu ot Houm.' Isaaiory of SoiUhiii n unriety, with a waJI con atrnttdil and) wall-soalnod pUit, aad with a IIiiIfIi whlr.h will bs uuanllcipatud by most roadtirr" t -jjst r-swf t-'n-'l Jt. - : i j JEVom the ittw UaptnJttgiiltr, .-.. j 'An admirably tuld t'iry, full of Incident and (dot, that ara In "O reaycM ovemf rained , and arrylngluunns intiirc t aitlia tiireaddoi the narralivl fo! eaughfra,) and Joined to gether" , . i t , ( fj . t'nm lt Loiiitvillf fonnr-imriil, i; ''Thas'or h a chirrdiim one. and is fullv Worthy ot tlia author'd rvpalatloni ta ldad.tt na.stcnrca ao d tnc oest ana n-Jiiies; . 01 an that n biu yet writton," ' . -w 'i frm tk,Bvt Gtobt, , , , b, 'FiniilnitelT i:lcnr in stylo and derated -I" tone, aud is worth mors t. an o 10 carstul read , .,, from the yttca lienua, . . , 't'ka aiillb r' haa Wrouirlit with Care, and with a good ethical and artni(i pnrpnw. and these are tbi elxeiitlitl needs In Uie building up of an American liurataro." - t ,, i i W ,3 'V ,"(w . - l) i , , , "Ai a coiirlbution to Amurlcan fllctlon, 'A Q ileal Ion of Jlonor,' will more than maintain the altdady inriabia reutUou ot Its aatiiir.' ; , Froia We Juolo Covritr. , The author of",v"eri Aylmor' ti ond ol tha atostseoeeurnl' of thu wlui hare triad to cimstruct iioreta out of Ihe orude material of American lifst" t m r l m4 :t f f r t t.s- ,1 .n I ,l . tlnii Ulntfc Plna dl TK Mailed to any ! adVirals 'wlrhhv Hie ITntted blaUid, pojiMpaiil, on receipt of pried. r.. . . u AiPfliBritM ft ttO.. Puhllxliar. aug so a iwt j REMOVAL; ! ) It).' OH or tiefora'fha Staf of October," I Will rd' wiota la any oldi stand, Exchaairs uarnar.Baxt to Mr. Wm, ryte amillluerydtord. ., ,,.,. i i m i' V. A. PRICE. Fxecutor, ' Blgu Guidon Boot. W. P. Price, Xanagar, sepl - SGOHOHroi T Quarantine Notice. TJNTIL FURTHER NOTtUB ALL VE8- sail from r6rt South of Cape fear will com to at tka VUttlng HUtlon, tiaar Deep Water foiiit, an4 awai tho limiiectlon of tlie Quar aut.ne 1'UjiJi'ian. 't (. A . . ,,AIUeiH!l from Torts whero Tellow farer, brother Ipleotluui (lueeae exists, will be ra direSl tb htidcro a ttgld and prolonged Quar autltia. '' Ail Tesaelior boats of any charactor having i-Uklr i.Ctiboiid on arrlral, or baring bad sickness any tinis du lug ths voyage, aro re- iju.rod' to dome to thd Station fur Inspection withiMft reg.al to Ibo Port t orn whence they coma. Vts.u not Inoluded as shore will tro- cod without detention. ' f';.' 041 IMIols ara especially (njolued to mukocare- hI ciqd(fjr relatlva to re. el, crow, Ac, aud It SOI I IWttd with ths statements of the Cap. Ulu itf oomruRiider, or If tho vessl Is in a dltliy condition, Hi 'f will bring thd vessol to the Statfoti far rurthor elimination. ... ' i I Pilot, wilfully Tiolating tba Quaran'lna Laws ar I1 xuli Jnr t to a furreitnre ot their branch; ItbwtBt of tfesMili to a line ortwo andrort iLV Urs a day ,lor erory day they T.olatc till Quarantine l aws; and all other persona ara liuiito tor each and every ollenco. - All vessels subjeot lo visitation undor anore reguiatum., wlllasta flag in the main rigging, port side. ,Hi',' ii r. W. POTTER, , Quarantine 1'hr.lolan, ) : li Port of WilmlntftoB. N. . BmlthTlla, N.U., Mayxl, cl1. M nmvvu. lttlnOTl &5i6M0 PKR DAY. Aiients want ed. All oia'aes of working people ot doiu en nr., young aim oia, maxe BsorvtoorrdV at work for u, In their own bical itlos. during their spare mommit. or all the tlrn', than at anyttilnp elm We oft'er empiny aient U'at will par hondaomoly f.ir orery hnur'a work. Full paiticu ars, terms, etc., sent tree, Send aiyoar a 'dress at nnoe. Don't delay. Now ie your lira), lioit't look lor work or busbies vhnwhere, until you haTO learned what d olTr. (i. S i ison Si Oo , Portltind, M Inc. may Jo-IM-dAw !i : : . ' CIJlIIKNDON bar. For .ti;nt for the ensuing year by CRONLY &MORRH, Real Estate Brokers. rts it !f.JI too BBLS, Vl PURl COPPER DISTILLED N. U st, rC0KN WniSKYI m,t sdiw )jfori.labr j In ( .'. Jonw. T Cramer, infill Urn , ' B t jf ysur nail! and all yoar baildsr's hard ii-yi warafrosi QILE4 atCUCmsOH.

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