i m Pi ! I? Si i Mil fi i! - i i ,M 't .: if M 70L. XXIV. NO. 222 WILIUNOTON. II. C. FRIDAY. SEPTE1IBER 17. 1875. 7H0LE IIO. G.CC6 ? - i - Q " T ' e , . lr II ' J I I - I It SY-iTELECRAPH. WASHINGTON NOTES. .Grant nnd Pierivportt on tho Missis, slppl Question -Advice From the ; Attornfj-GfiMTal, &t. (NEWp IN GENERAL Hmy Fallnros-Slale Elections and Conventions -Austria Taking Pre. cautionary Measures -Jfunclo. GOHDI6 1-4. Bf rmjsourt to ran tovRSkL. UIXGIOX. Mississippi Affair. ', Washington, Hept 16. The follow iug dispatch was eeut to Gov. Aires, to-day : ... . To, Uov. Auk ' s Jackson, Mia.: This boar I have had diapatohoa front tho President, I can best convey hi to 70a lain ideas by the oxtraota from Liu dispatobea, The whole publio are tired out with these annual autumnal , , outbreaks in the Bouth, ai d the great majority are now ready to coudemu . . any interference on the part of the Government. , I heartily wish that peace and good order may be restored without issuing the proclamation, but if it is not, the proclamation must be issued ; and if it is, I shall instruct the commander of the forces to have no child's play. If 1ber i necessity for military iuter erenoe there is justioe in such inter ference so as to deter evil doers. I would suggest the Bonding of a dispatch '! or letter by a private messenger to Govj Amee, urging him to strengthen his own poaitiou by exhausting his own reioilroesinreatoriug order before he seeks Government aid. Uo might accept the assistance offered by the citizens of Jackson and elsowhero. Gov. Ames and hia advisers can be made perfectly secure, as aa many of the troops now in Mississippi as he deems necessary, may be sent to Jack son. If he is betrayed by those who offer assistaooe, he will be in a posi tion to deftat their ends and punish them. nTfrij r 1 v You eaa see by this the mind of the President, whieh I and every member of tl)4 OiikAt who have ' Been oon suite .1, are in full aooord. Tou see the difficulties and responsibilities which you assume. We cannot ondej stand ?ky T ?nt.-jwglii yoarself in the way thS President snggests, nor do We aee why you da not call the Lftglfflatnre together, and, obtain from them whatever power, money and arms you need. . The Constitution is ex plicit that, the Executive of the State can call upon the President for aid in "suppressing domestic) violence, only when the Legislature cannot be con vened," and the law expressly aays "in oase of an insurrection in any State against' government thereof, it shall be "lawful for the President, oo application of the Legislature of suoh State, or, of. the Executive, when the Legislature cannot .be conveued, to call," to. It is the .plain meauiug of the Constitution and the laws, when taken together, that the Executive of the State may call npou the President for military aid to quell domestio violence only in case of an insurrection n, My State, against the government thereof, when the Legislature cannot belled together. 1 lou make no sug gestion that there is even any insur rection against the government of the SUte, or that the Legislature would not supfnrtypa 11 1 any measures you might propose to preserve the public order. I miggest that yon tuke all lawful means, and all needed niHttHiirps to preserve ton peaou by the foroes in your own State, and let the oountry see that 'the citizens of Mississippi, who are largely favorable to good urunr, anu wuo are largely Kebubii oan, tliat you hlve the. courage and the manhood to fight for their rights, and dpstroy the bloody ruffiinns who murctof the innooent and inoffeuding iroeuiuou. Averyming ia m readiness. Bo careful to bring yourself strictly wihiiu vob uuusuiuuoa ana tne laws, and if there is suoh resistance to your State authorities as yon cannot by all me means at you commaua, suppress, the , Provident wil fwiftly aid you in crashing' these lawless traitors to human jpfhto A 4 -i v Telegraph me on reoeipt of this and state explicitly what you need. , . Very reepeotf ully, ' Edwabd 8, PntBBWowf, . ... j) Attorney-General :' ' JilW.IOM, .v DemocrsUciUtc Con?entlon. Btraocsb, Sept 16. The Demo cratic State Convention after assemb ling elected Daniel Magore temporary chairman. On taking the chair Mr. - Magore said that the living quotations now before the people of the several States for examination and decision are to be settled in 1876. Paramount among which ia the financial question which ia now deeply affeoting the busi- ' nesa of the oountry, and the evils of a depreciated currency. r,f n .State Slcctlon. ; Atif U8Ti,l Sepfc W. The canvas ef 871 Wwnr was 4.C81, with 122 towns and plantation to hear.; from. The Democrats have elected eleven and the Rejjubliowu tweniy Senators. MISSOl'SI. 1 Reform Convention. Bt. Loots, Beph 16. A meeting of prominent citizen was held last night o adopt measuiea for the call of a National Convention and momoralize GoiiKmsA for such legislation w will st'i'iue auother l'uoitid railMml, and consider inesus to reduce the iosl of trauKKrUtiou from ocmi to ii.vkd and from tin Oi!f Stjites t the Ljk . A reaolutinn was adopttsi that the Oon veution tx held at St. Lnis ou the Sid of November, aud thut the eliair- man apunt a roiuiuitt.e o( tiftwn with )wer to appoint a Mib c inmitU to carry the resolutions luto vffeot. ILLINOIS. L . Election of a Bishop. Chicaoo, Sept. lfl. Dr. E. McLnrrn, rector ol Trinity Church, Ch velund, has been elected liishou of Ilhuoia. DeKovcu received twenty-two clerical votes on tu nibt bfJiot. - WISIOXSIX. Bishop Elected -.domination. MiIiWaukue. Sept. 16. Rev. John Henry Uobart Brown has been elected Jtpisoopal Bishop of the trou du Liao Diocese. ' The State Temperanoe Convention has nomiuated Rev. II. C Tiltou for Governor, NEBRASKA- Nomination!.' Omaha, Sept ia The Republican State Convention, II. C Rogers, presi dent, have nominated Messrs, Yault, Lake aud Yost, Supreme Court Judges. Samuel Maxwell, Chief Justice. COLORADO. State Election. Denver, Sept. 16. Returns show that both parties claim the Legisla ture. Arapahoe county ejects a ma jority of the Republican ticket. The Democrats elect two oouuoilmeu, one of tne four members of the House, aud County Treasurer. ELEGTBICISMS. A. J. Ilealy & Sous, leather deal ers, Boston, Mass., failed. Loo & tthepherd.publishers, Boston, Mass., failed. Assets, independent ol stereotype plates, $11)9,000. Liabilities 087.000. John Eutovobtto, merchant, New York, failed. Liabilities $500,000. Signor Ranuoni, a oelobrated Italian singer, is dead. Great fire at Padderburn, Prussia, rendered homeless three hundred fam ilies. Thiers and Gambetta have agreed upon a common platform. t The Vatican Council will assemble again in 1876. The Earl of Huntington (Eng.) is dead. .' Mazaui, of Hyderabad, India, will meet the Prince of Wales on his trip to that oountry, . Thirty-six thousand additional oases ol foot aud mouth disease have occurred in Engfaud. j Admiral Goldsborough'a recovery id doubtful Servia complains that the Turks ha vo again violated its territory. The Turks are prosecuting Chris tians iu Northern Bosnia. F O RE I ON. ESCIAXD. Papal Nuncio-Austria on the Alert. London, Bupt. 10. The Madrid cor respondent of the I'inica summarizes the circular of the Papal Nuncio to bishops, as follows : The Nnncio claims the fulfillment of the Concordat, which forbids the exer cise of any non-Catholio creed ; re quires the trausfer of the superinten dence over education to the clergy, and the pledges of the co-operation of secular powers in suppressing heretical teaching and literature. He says ouo of the causes of civil war is the way iu which religious unity has been mimindiTHtoo,! by previous govorumeuts. For these reasons, and in view of these cousequeuuos the uuiy nee nwnt is strictly obliged to preseut those observations to the gorornmeut. The same correspondent adds : "No doubt the presentation of this an.l.i. cious claim, at a time when the Liberal unoinei nas just been installed, im plies, that if the government reject it. tue blessing of the Churoh will be permanently tronslerred to Don Carlos, and peace retarded in every possible A Berlin special says that the recent successes of the insurgents render the oouiinuttDce of guerrilla warfare until the spring possible. In suoh ouso it will be difficult to restrain ttussia from participating. Austria, with an eye to these contincenoi s. hu iaanoH ordera regulating the supply of horses, iu tun evcuii Ol a moOlUZatlOU, NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. For Rent. D WKLLINO on Went tide of Third between Market and Dock Street, formerly occupied by Oapt. J, L. Woorter, App y te CRON1F A MOKKIS, Heal KeUte Broken. ep IT tt For Rent. THB entire property now occupied by O. Q. ,l?ra nl co1 ,d' locntedon Sonth OH,., ruruno or i.o yeare. Term uadeeair. Apply to .1. A. virrvo B.H.OiAWT. ' J. W.Hl.Tnw. GRANT & HINTON, General Commission Merchant. GUOCE AMI) BSaLB(0 IN Country Produce. Liberal adrai.ee on cotiilgnmenra. Special attention glreu to eale or eotton Naval Storea. and No, li sonth Vt'at.r atree WIuMIilUION, pndawit NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SUNDRIES AT AUCTION. It m nt tur,tk Kiil.uil.h.iiM honl .ttt kltck.a Imp lure, S.m tml umtrw forlly. OHi'MLT MOHHIM, AuilWit.c.r.. MP tl It TRAVELING DACS. SADDLES HARNESS AND TRUNKS WHira. arcut, 8ATCHKI.S, AXtiK-UatAlB, H.oiM, Tntro-ckitnt, Bak Buiita, AU kind, ef SMldlerj gooJi, CHEAP iron oahii, at 'v , Carpenter fc Mallard's tia I 8vth ' war Mtiiiit. Mp 10 WBla(VMi, N. O, REMOVAL. or before the lei Wcler, I wUI remo?e to mj OVO STAND, , . Exchange Corner! Neit to Mr. WUlUm Kjfe i MILLINERY STORE- ' O. A, PRIUK, BiMutar, Sid OuMon Buot. W. r. Price, Manager. WT COUNTRY MERCHANTS. Tour attention l nailed to the very Bui and Urg amort stent af herd war eln oil lti breach ee ksil otallT the Terr loir (trloM. Only ox eiutno our gowle nd oompirt rlcee ana jvo will be oooriuoed thai the plc to bar war hardnoro, it the old eeUbllthed kujre hoojeof - JOHH DAWSON, Noe. IS, 10 and HI Market Street. Rfkfk BUSUEWiOATS. UJJ 500 bAKHEU KLOUU-ell gradee ; .00 BBLS. MOLASSES &SIRUP, 60 Bozea'Drv Salt MEATS. 2,000 sacks;liverpool SALT, 500 SACKS MARSHALL 8 FINE SALT. 100 KEQS NAILS, 25 GROSS RAILROAD MILLS SNUFF, Aa, Ao. For sale low by . " ' BINFORD. CROW A 00. sag St - t J. H Chasten, General Commission Merchant BALTIMORE. 'ITTIIil. giro ierional attention to theeale of ww i;ouon. ri niore. reaauui mmi country rrodiire generally, aim to the pur cnatae or BRrchamiiie, Krior perinumtoa toCi)tln J. B. Uralngiir, 1'resl Jeut ol Baub or nut nnover. aogMtf The Charlotte Observer The only morning dally paper pnbllihed In the Htate tM(.r Kloi(h not North ot WU miugtou, otteni paUI lii luoeinionti to eJeer tlanr.. it. alrouUtln i, Mie mid uMlulueee here been Urgelr lnorenwd iturlog the reef Jiut iMut, nl it n 1 reer.hn moA ul the Her. elimuuf Western Nurlh Oittoliue. tbuiofl'er- Ini.u ansrrpttnod milium nr ivtminualea- tlon eetmenthe Merch.nt.of Wilmington ami tne poopie or nwuru norm uarouun. . Tamieor- eDseomrTioa : Daily.... Weekly.T ....... .....fS 00 par annua ...tt 10 - " Kf Adtertlemg very low. Pee Dee Courier. IlKTHK MKKOU&NTi OR WII,MNO tuu aware that the Uuailer i t he only Di-mo-era tie papar pabllobed a Hneklk am, and that It riroraUte eiteneiniv ta Richmond, Montgomery and Anson eoantiee i Bateeor adrortlniog liberal and no'ettia ehargoi alt fur ebanging au. .Ixementj eekJy. OOjDKKTT EH TIN, -" Rdltore. PayYoor City . Taxes. Offle or Tremurer and (Jollector, 1 v Olty or Wilmington, M. )., I t 1T.18IM ' i am directed to notify all nartlee owing city taiof that the require meme of the eirr for Cearoncb that a etrict eompllitne 'with Turuiuni win m maa, and eiieh trmin woo aonot ,y their oity Utee ou or before the flrrt of Sptmber proximo, their property will wToruKa ana torn m tut law direct ; T. a-'BerToss7': Trcuurer and Uolleotor Western Maryland College. ' For Btudontaof both Sexes in Separate Departments, Each having a fall oorpe ol t rofceeere. FirTEENTH 8KMI-4NNUAL BKSSION Beglne September let, IS7S. JTCetaloguoe with full Information ae to 'erma. Courre of etud y, etc, f nralnhed gra. iHounlt. Addreta J. T. WAUD, U.U Pteel ent, weatmiueter, Md. ,, July3w TBE UNXVERSITY if N. G. Thla InaUtntiOB will be re opoeed on ' The First Monday In September Next, The term ending the ltd Thuraday In June, 1874, with a noation of two weekant Chriatriaa. tt ku bmiira-orgknlsadon the KlactioHvatem, (M)mbinlug. howaver, throa ourrlouia or Arte, Bvienre mid Afrinulturo. Instruction will be glvon In the lirannUea of Uitrmiig aaually Uutfht in tin bt (lolliigoii, Sieoil iimtruotion provided In A griuiil tare and the Mvclmulo Arte. An able faculty hae been appointed. '1'ha biil)diiiK thoroughly repaired (or tlio reception Of aevernl hundred atudont. forclrcejar eTpUimiorv of the eliove, apolr to bKir p. ha i ri.c, ." - Sewetar.BgBrdof Xruateee, JuiyStt-lm Weigh, N.O MISCELL.1NKOS. EASTERN HAY. 250 Bales Eastern Hay For Sale by KERCriXER 4 CALDElt BROa Bacon and Pork. Ki Htf0 IVH. riidre . S Sakd. 4 . , ee - 8akd.D.B Haoidlor. to bble. foek. Pot Hie ht r KkUCHNKB CAU)8 PHO. e Coffee. Sugar, and Flour. fee Bege Uotee. ebbiatr. ' PeremMbv - - MBCHsia a cexrttw nuo. Oagglngand Ties. ft Belee Baggtag. - SO Tone Arrow, Ttee, W m riooad Ties. For sale by IIKCHMBH UALDBlt BKOi. Cooking Fears! Cookina: Fears!! BARTLETT TfiARSr . PEACHEo, APPLES, Jaet atrleed, end tec eele at . fl. H. W.KONOK S, - U N, b Cr. narkat Mia. evpt IS. Crushed A Sugar For walling viae, loweet eaeb prtoee. CHA8.P. MYERS BOO.. and I Horth rront Street. B8ELECT. We have the bjgbeat medical authority for urine that our - ' 1 11 SELECT WHISKEY I a eUlotly PUItl Rifle TVIIISKKY. Hu qaalltlee aeually tvntA la high urlued blkiM: - We are ew egeati for ana sell the "B SBltBOY" AT II 00 Pf BUALLON. FRANKFURTER LAQER BEER Imported, CUA8. U. MVKKS 0O-, Hnle AnenU, S d t North frout Street. epii '",s" IMPOHXANT TO LAWYERS and MERCHANTS, - - UTjai' PUiiLiaHJtu. r trow ; LEGAL D1HECT0UY : and ,, LAWYERS RECORD ' ' 'J...... H the xrxqriTiJD states., 1 . i. r ' : . y ' "" H. t'HABI.ES (TLITIAN, Uouonellor-alrLaw, Pratiilentofthe United Mtatee Uf Aeaoclallon. o Thla work will be atwt to any pert of the United NUtee, by mull, on receipt of St. Mend for olroular. . JOHN F. TKOW, Pdhliuhir. 13 Unlveraity Place, BARRR'NOmHIEli 4 0O SO Naaeu .it, 4w Mew York Ultv . JUST PUBLISHED. Win Idltlon. FBApTIOAL OBSERVATIONS, oa NERVOUS DEBILITY ' Ann : - - PHYSICAL EXHAUSTION, . .To whleh added f ; ; With Important chapter! on OISOKICEBS Of THC . Kt PROI)U(TII VK OKOANM, Being a eyuopel of Iecturea deli vered at tlielr MUSEUM HOF ANATOMY, btrangera vlaitlng the city, ahould not lull to axe mm great collection, kouig Uie laraoat n the wor d' t fcO? CbeotaaKHc, OppMlttleUaiei uil Hotel, Pbiietelelplileu , i, Uopleeof lecturea aonton reoeipt of 29 eente Addreae, Dae. JOBDONft DATIESO.T, ' UUB riLBEKT PhlUdaluhla. aug2Td-ly . 1 7T SCHOOL FOR YOUNQ LADIES. MiReae aisaaspr and Maat, rtimr alb. THB neit aeaalon of thla Inalltnllon will be gin wodneaear, uoteber Sta. Bebool ef Ma' aie, under the direction of Profeaeor K. Van Laf . fi tar ma, A50., appl y to the Prisclpala, vuriivr vi nilinuttllliruauHII, . aepineodtf ; two " FURNITURE AND CAIPITSI We are evervda recetvlna nor Inrir. atnek ruaauuu aao .'rri 9 lor uie rait ana winter trade, and have auade CARPETS A SPECIALTY: and have a large rtock of new and beautlfu pBiurna joet reoelvoe, whloh we are ottering low r than thav were aver arTmal in thin mar. kat bolore. We would renpoetfally lavke bur. era 10 examine our a tuck before puroha!ug, feeling aaurd we can in pieaae inem nota iu tyie and price.,, 1). A.BM1TH AOO , aape Front Street, MEDICAL COLLEGE OF VIRGINIA. K I O II M O IV I. SESSION 1 875-76. Winter (Vurae of Len.urea houln (i. tnlu.r it and eloae In Ave month.. Full course or Med ical Inetruetlon bv tbo Facult. and lUii.nva. leal .Detraction by tbo Faculty, and UllyH tern of examlaation by the Adjunct raoultv. 1JUI v 1 rroreaenra faea, IZ0. Pharmacy C'ourae fit Buneflclary tloeet, gao. For full purticulara of catalogue apply to J. B. MoOAW.M. 1.. 4w Ne woOrace Bt. IUcbmond, Va. Ueau of Facalty., 2 Aaj k,y u Jttiy. . lap ' Flour and Meal A NI) MIXEU.FEBU. Oar-load , ad on ehort notloe. Qraio bought at tfa market flee. Addreee, i ,. " UdAULOTTH UlTV;MIt.b, - w.i in,.. CTVaetta. M . jauai MISCELLANKOl'S. Bagging, Ties and Twine X Rolea Hewing SB Tana Nfw Arr vTIn, ' T.in. I'Kr rd Tie. I ( fBunda Bagging Twine. Foraalobyj KaltJHNKHAl'Al.MFK Bltoe,. Com, Nay, Meal and Rice, J HI nuakala tHwa. eee Halea aivrn llav, rtnuhala Wt tliunnd Meal: 10 Tieroaa Hire Pereat by KKRCUV KH A UALUKat BHUIt. Spirit Caeha. Clue, Bunga. ec M Rplrw ' , n Harrele (lluv. i ' ai M.rrala Haiiga. au r apart fctlveu. Peraalaby IKKKCHNCU A 0AI.OBR BKOH. Sugar House Molasses ,,,!.." ) Hiaraaeaita . K. Mataeaer IN) Barrelt a H, MulaMe. Fat eale by J J KmcuNia k GAiiDan Dhob . tap tl ' ; CHOICnMLrOROCERIES" t reah eveat wtU. If tv want the heat of evorythluiat the low eat pr u-e lu (he city, aend to GEO. MYERS,' BKST HUTTKK IN T11K WOKI.D. The only rellehle batter brought to tb le olty wra irom in oen uairy in niw iota, NEW PROCESS EMPIRE FLOUR. Imported Lager Bier, guaranteed lo be the beat In the eity We re ooive Ilk) Una in bj every auiunr regularly. it u uie beat, ami everyboiy aaeait. Imported Pickles, 30 and SO oante per Jar, Freeh roaated Java and Legnayra ooltlolev ry week. 6 round daily In tie atorvt keoetvel Uibj week a eaak each Of UKMNEKTi HTUUr, I'UPHSY A 00'., HU.VNUT VINTAIJE 1N5S1 ROMANO, AWMONTILLADQ'and " ; DttP CORDON s 3 SHERRY WINE,- 11LIJ12 uriss Ac mm Mew eeuaed peacboe and California Hartlett peara. w or low for eaeb at GEORGE MYERS. 11 13 80UT1I FRONT ST., Bacon, fogging, Tics. Pork. . ? . t . Kr Heal. H.aHlea, lJJ Hoaea Hmoaed Hlilea and Mhealdeta,' too Bulla Hgclug, M.M TiMhTIcm, ' - " ' ;. 50 llwrrula McM Pork, Forale low by WIUiIAMS A MltllUHIHON ooriv, ri.ouii, nikmk, roi-rri:. B,10 Itnthela Boat Mixed and WWte Horn, f4M) Harrala Flour-all grade. Km Harrela KeHued Nuirar, m Vaga Prime Kio Unit, For eale low by JWIM.IAM9 A MtTIK IIISON IrlolauieMllowp Iron, Nplrll I'tulie, 17 S llhdaand ItblnNew Crop Culm Mil . la'wa. sno 'Rnndlee Hoop Iron, , .ano iecnnd-Hnnd Mpirit Ceaka, : I 70 HamdeOlae, tot aale low by Wn,!,UM8 &1 KCHIHON. Nail a, Shot, liny, Uuann' ' WW Kxgaall. , W Rata lit 4U4 Ualee R. & U.K. liar, 2ia) TonaUnenee (I nam, For aale low by fVll.l.lilinM ApH Itt IIISO'V. MgVi,, V.; . ' A NEW DAILT PAPER ,,.XWItMJS(JI0S,r4 Prospectus of tne ETeniug Review. iYfdti km irWij, Tirl? UiiditralL'iiiil nil! lir.'lli ItiiMiulillrjiM I ki in Ilia City rat W Uinliildoii. r.r Hip Khvin Tim Kkvibw will be aiibllehe'l m- rr I'VenliiLr, exa-ii Humlay. lie mm will iw in luiuiitli I lie lateat, thu rwat, ami the rawl rplltiiilo numi, in ernry nteanlug "f the tnti . Tow Kdltorlal DvparinM'tif Will be In able hi'iixlx, and tha loral t: ill In' fiimMii'il by "tor. Jam for live yimr pant llic locel itlllur of tin Pally JonriHl. .. ,.-.!, Hr, Uiarlva A. frlne.a aon of one of tlio fonndera of the Jot) bkal, aii'l lilmnelra gen tleman of aeveral yeare vxperienen In the bua Ineaa, will hava aUarge Of (lie limine i ilunnrt menu of the paper. Cuitanal attantion will be given to Its mar ket r. orU with tun viuw of turalaliing the lull ttanaav ioea ef the itir le tlie cltaof j, rann. in nonrmiq mrar reamra win no mule bv A careful, thoroughly iiimaiMd reporter n tne wlioic lua teo( will lie nawnr-cliaai. and rail ble, and a eiieeial rbrdlnra th'Miigb which the poor man anil the laboring claii'ei maybekear1) Termaof aubicrlitioe : M a fear, 50 oenta a month an4 lg oeata a wa. Atlverttaing ratea wry low. In oomiw tlon with thu Biwe department avo Will eetabHali the Rkviiw lluokainl ,(ih 1'rlnllng Ufflce, whem coinKitont and skillful (iH)mllvi' will lie cuiiiloyuil, auil whuro It le lualleaa n any wn wlB nu our near, iu iiirumn our paiiijuN with tlia Duet work lor me lowent amount 01 money. . join t. jaiiipx. aug. i5tr, l has. A- rTlce. MERCHANT TAILORING I take ulra'ure In annoanolnc to 'hu uulillo luai my auwa 01 fiuwr VIEW GOOUS ia now eoniileto, comprlmng , Kr.gllHh eod Frvnob WorOada, Dlagnnele aud t,lUin, lai- liortea anil lioinenllc buitinga, l.uiiicliillaa, teavere, KUrod'ju) and Multoua lu onUloji va riety '-. , : J " FOR OVERCOATS- f Iiropoeoe to make uptheguoUa IB he uiuct Fash'onable bty'es anil at erlera to auil the tiuiuf Au eianiliia A.UAVIU. tlon le aolMted. eepHI ' POWDER SHOT AND CAPS. For ta'.e low either at wholeaaleor ratal) )y nr-,.,.,,.,,,,,,,,,,, aItB ft JHJR0UWON. KF.W ADVEKTISEMEM3. study 45 im 1 Night Drv.r, nt aW,nin8 at-auotioaEYLN fttOM FOUUEtt WUcK HAMBURG EDGINGS AND INSEETI0H8. We aro wakinK an effort In tliia , this flna to Ruing North, and Ladfrg ill aot ii ia Uiis markt t ' -. I PisAMLESMES-' GUT PAPER PATTERNS FOR SALE. Machine Needles, i Conls Kaolr Misses Kid Gloves Slightly Spotted, 20 Cents a Pair- Sizes, 5, 51-2 and 6. H.iviiiR jnat Ukan an afloount of utook m tlud aevaral Small tarlod Inta rluoh wo Itayo dotunuiuo.1 ta OUi' AT A TitlUli BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market Streetl, aug e FALL AND WINTER GOODS NOW OPENING 1 M Va UM M WWW; LJXXtSSkJL Llm ' j 30 IvdrAPlIET STREET, - . t FALL ANDWIKTER GOODS CIIEA PER THAN EVER ! m BAEGAI -USX. -AT, RXCITANdE (!OKNKlt. lane Vij TO HOLDERS ' " - - - or -- CITY COUPONS. , . . - ! Olllcsoftesiirtir aud Collccfor ; CiXY OF WILM'NOTON,' Vt. O.V J JaiH-2'.lt.b, 187.'.. S MUTIUK 1 harehv givcn'lha. Tlf "I ' JUt.T ti lUI'ONS ISM ( lloinl of tlii Cliy) caiy imt lo pfomiiUy , j ... Iu eonaMiMiioe of furtain plmng'ia under recent ilsclslou oflho Najiretne Uoait of tlihi Hliita an to Uia ml'ir ef otmulit ot the Koil anil reraoaat Frun'irty tu, thla oityj e1" tneraby the City T llwika not yat having uoon plaoed In poib.uAUun u tha iiluralgaetl for oollflctlun; togt-timr with elheri compile lunrlo regiM tinr Munulj! ail'tn, now pitiulliiir heforutho fjtijtremo ('ourt t jo'ortb Carolln, Uie city ut, WllnnntoB mi aeooe rnrily wave some tiidriigeiice from h holilcra of (illy tioapoiiattwar eaieting earcaaiattneee T. C. HEllVOSS. XJity 'I'aauti'r. . J&S-tl JtlUO J0 : TO THE CITIZENS OF CAPE FEAR C0UN1Y. Ol'It e'fiuiiim llt N out nuil vuii ant ualluit upon to rally Icr t"a lifn' Kali on tlieDth, l'Ji U. lllh aitU mill ilayaor jsovtom ' . Cei your ntrtt . ariiv'oe.aiuruoiiie anu nnin u. Kraniforii, Uinirra, muulMiiu:x, iiiuicIhiiIh, ami layl tliiuli nut loat, It 'io we warn you I with uaou that uruat, ana we tumt. Klorlou I I D occasion. ;, U. L. fKEMUNT. eep lo tf - freeWent. 1 sconomi Ulilll 1 SflET, tl..rartmflut to raJuoa th atook prerioua PRICEJ.'Wr thao mj ther km erer We tliittik jo a', llaiLli grout ami suia', - For jialixjiiiwo oxlomllt; We graluiu' M, Wo'vu tluno say Wct;l ,Thj()Uf?lioiit tlio year ihk oiuliL Ouratotk wo've ta'uu Au' iioo wo'm pi'uii, To evil wltljlu tho inargln; An' if y Miio - ' Af'iro wo'ro tDimi ' Ve'll i!a an unco' baigalu, AT J - '-; - -m SK in Qf)A H' ''AT. Again waiit i IU VU e.. Allolaweaof working I'U 'pla ut lintli ftiiM, yniiiig aiul alii, maka mur wntKiy m work fur u, In llialr own local' llh-a.iliiring tlieiranare mumnnU, or all the Hme, tlmn at anything ul). We oDiir euploy ""' t'"t will iv liiiiiilMuraelv 6ir overy honr'a work. Kiill particular, Iitiih, at,,., arut frea. Mun i unyour atilruM at onca. Don't delay. ow l jnnr tim. Ilim't look tor work or huleaa aluwlii-rn, mini von have learned Whatweotl'Hr. (I. HvineiiM Oo, Portland, M ' may !124-d&W . LAIti:IMi It A It. ! ' for tout fut the enmilng ycur by 4 1 rOllONl.V MOHlllB, ' ...... i , , Heal Ktate ttrokere. ! 1 0O BBLS. rune coiteu pistilleo n. a . (X)UN whisky I ' . Ifur Dele by " ' - ' ! '"' " !' Join. T Ckauru, HL'rT li "ill ' . Tins Carolina AN Ilil.lI.fl'HAI'KO MONTHi.V.nholea i Llleratnre, will beiamit'OI fronthr lui.ua. initn MaeKtruNaOrrica loiamancllig with T .liiiiniry, lt. I'liu Hrat nunilier will b roaily ; , lei uiWiug by Denoiutier loth, and the perlmu ' Ifii": will lm ,iil,liHiied uaoh aaueeedlug mouth r! lliaraIUr wUhoiit Inlerruntlln. So lulran Ugii wi(l ba nelectod w,ck itur talent or i , K,llal i'n coinmni'l to rumlcr oanli imua an agreeable anil Inatruotlvt oontiwnitlaai 'of cboloeriiB llug, by popular wntuia, both home a and eli f-: f ,' 'r Tn , the Carolina Household Magazine . will ba a larre 'S-paaa. eithtv-foor eolaaid m.'iiHily,liM,lm ily pflnu.l on tinted book , lapur auu Deaiiii'Uiiy niuairaian ia ia a " .ipiroeghlv uutl em uutoi tiriaa and It auoceae n in 'alnady felly annuiet.- Tlifulillher nieane lo nnkii U a H.-at, '!" lu'inihly, that, enee In lm Ui.wil In tlif ttimiiy olr".l, ia aura to be , urly wati'lib'l lor ami earafally pranervad. ' lia-fUHTKAIT (1 itil.K.KY" will prove an . attr irtivc in urt-. t l ha ,)nniiniv nuinbet will contain a iiro-iiae pmture or ,..vvv , (; EX-GOV. Z, Ji. VANCE, ? t an I biuraphlcal Kkntch, to be Pillowed In f u li aurctu liiu ;i,i'uiior with nhoenirraoha ol othar prom I no it sMtoaueii, uiviuw, aw,.. f. ;-f 3 OM.t TWO rJOLLaUU A YKAH anil eaob . eulitotliier: oan smake)! eshajtob ' I'HiiiKei.HT iiaAVTiruL.LAiiiia Kmiai tjmia. . alwof ecli 'JI x 30 lufltuia, vie: "Th Finding t tho Saviuiir iu tlia l eniplA," !'Tlie aladiiu ' 'v or-'Rfliv I.Oiir IM'vliiir Ilia Morm." lor..., I winruiinn roi;itipi oi mo anii!K'ri,tinii price. Kithurof the Knaraviaif to wwrtb duatiletha jitirauskcil for thu MiijjaalTie. , ,v,i. ,. tr any one aenilliii! a olub of fivi.. wUI re. Aire an Uri auliaiilptuin lre. Htn(,.e conk a vneunw, irue Djr toaii, tv$ ai'iutbe aubacrip- tior., wl.hout. the KnyravTir,., i, ,, , . . Agents Wanted Everywhbre, , i, ji.ivo. auai i a, rueuvner. : ' . l,,liUliif N ii. . 1 B UV your uaile and all jour builder' hard wrB0n 5 qium a ktcitoruaoB. . 1 T a i

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