in in VOL XXIV. NO. 223 WILMINGTON. II C. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 18. 1875. V7E0LE HO C.C37 Cbf JlQiimal. BY TELEGRAPH. MY. GRAHAM'S SUCCESSOR. Tie Deceased Meaber't Sirre&sor Democrat -A Majority ef Two Sow la the CoBTrntioa-Hard Work. ' The Snj-xrintenJoat u( Iiwuranoe Lm cancelUnl tin authority of tho City Iuanraiicff Company, of PniTiilerK'w, R. I., to do business in thin HUtn. Sabatooa, rk'pt, 17. Th Ticket Agents areinseMiou, V. M. Boy J, Jr., prwiding. A revision of the old i atea will be made. WASHINGTON NOTES. If How Feier Xear Pensacola-Ko rood or Medlflnfi- Crying la the Name . ' of Cod for lislstance. NEWS IN GENERAL New York State Democratic Conren ,, Uoa-Ito riatforn-rast Eallroad 1 Time Hear Defalcation. GOLD 16 1-4. iBt'TBLMKAPH TO TEX JOCBKAL. I NOKTU CABOLIXA. Graham's Successor The Contention s Bur t Work. .'-', Rauuoh, Sept. 17. The Orange county leotion to fill the vacancy ioaaaed by;the death of ex-Governor Graham, . resulted in the election of ratteraoav Pem,) by aome 600 ma jority, giving the Democrat a majority of two in the Convention. That body is now fairly at work. . Tie ordinance fixing1 the per diem of member of the General Assembly haa pawed its final reading, and the one redaeing the Supreme Court Judge fromfiTf ftpihree, passed its aeoofid reading to-day, some fifteen Republicans voting for It , r The ability of the body ia being de- jj TojopeoVby debated j ; , I U UXTl'CKT. Defalcation. KaNTTCKt, 8pt 17. There are rn- mors of a $50,000 defalcation in the Gas Company office. Gtrnett D. Mar shall, late cashier, u luvolved. and baa made an assignment of hia real and personal property. A annposett outlaw was crptured ' near Tine Hill, bnt refuaea to give hia name, or reveal the whereabouts of bis companions. ILLINOIS. KeolUoa-Fat Time. Ouioaoo. Sept 17. The Convention passed resolutions to-day inatraoting delegates to the next Oouvention to vote against allowing the standing committees to reject the Bishops elected. The fast mail train which left Cleve land twenty minutes behind time, ar rived at Chicago five minutes ahead of time. The engineer fainted as the engine entered the depot. The fast mail train over the New York Central road arrived here eight hours ahead of time. A portion of the distance between Elmira and Han dusky was made at the rate of seventy miles an hour. ALABAMA Bill of Bights Adopted. Mohtqootby. Sept. 17. The Con stitutional Convention adopted the bill of rights to-day. The following section was adopted unanimously : "The people of this State accept as final the established fact that from Federal union there can be no sooss sion of any State." ELUCTBICISMS. XKW ADVERTISEMENTS. TRAVELING BAGS. SADDLES HARNESS AND TRUNKS wtura.sreRs, HATt HELS, AXt.K OHKA, COLLAR'S I ttiM, Trare-cbalns Back Btada, AH h'n.W of eed-llary, ; CHEAP 1TOII OAHII, i at Carpenter Mallard's booth avar "Tatar, j Haitacvw. M. 0, The Charlotte Observer The only mornln dally oanar anblLhed la theSUMWaetaf ettieitfli Hi North WIU nngtoa,onerepeeiel laauoemeni to eurer Meer. tUoimaUSos eie iMt Ml.lrai btn bm Iwnlf liorwwl during the year Juet put, and It aa re .one mortal th Mar. chant nf WHturi North omoUbb, tha ! tag an anacrpaaeed medium ef oemmeolee tkxi beteeenth Merchant'Of Wilmington and ID. people of W.tru Norla Carolina, vaans or.scaaoairTio i TellowFerer. WasOwotom, Sept. 17. Five mil lions of bonds of the issue of June 80, 1861, bare been called in. The Nary Departmont haa received the following : 1 NAVY YARD, riNSAOOLA, Sept. 16th. ( The yellow fever has made it ap- pearanoe at Howell a Station, twewty nvfflikaaboviheYad, -The people have neither food, medicine nor atten daneo. and are cryiira in the name of GmM forveliet Xfle Yard ia perfectly healthy, y' Signed. Q. H. Ooopbb, uommoaore. The b'panish Minister to the Vatioan has resigned. The Carlist General Savana has crossed over into France. The Bed Cloud commission have conoluded the examination and have commejeed writing the report. Brown, implicated in the Treasury robbery, has been held by the Grand Jury. The TJltramontanes in the Bavarian Diet are preparing a vote of censure on the Government. The Pope has conferred the rioar and title of Santa Maria Sopra Minerva upon Cardinal MoCloskoy. , VOIR HI CJ3ST ENGLA5D. The Pre- ftTTIiT T'.I SEW 10BK. Deaocratlc State Confeatlon-A Bard Money Flatform. BniAbcsc, Sept. 17. The Tammany delegates have been admitted into tue Democratic State convention. Stargss elected permanent chairman, The following nominations were made:. Secretary of State John A, Bigelow i Comptroller Lucius Robin son tt Attoriey-Goneral O. S. Fair child : Treasurer O. N. Boss ; Engi neerJohn Van Bnren Canal Com' saitsioner C. N. Wol worth. The Convention has adopted tha fol lowing platform : The Democratic party rentw their sledge of fidelity to the principles adopted and affirmed nnauimously by the delegates representing the Demo crats of all the United States together assembled I in their latest National Convention, and ainoe re-approved and endorsed by a Demooratio majority in fifteen .States, comprising more thau half the total Dorjnlation of the Union Adopted from the National Conven .tiofa held at Baltimore, Jnly 10, 1872 Seventh The publio credit must be aaoradly maintained, and we de Mnneerepridiation in every shape and Eighth -A speedy return to specie navmaiit ia demanded alike by tho hishest consideration of oommeroial moralitv and koneat government To these' atithentio declarations of Demooratio principle and policy the times irive proof. The present depression of business is caused by the reaction from the un healthy stimulus of an exoessive and depreciated and irredeemable ourrenoy, and by enormous and ill-adjusted mnnloioal and Federal taxation, and by the extravagance,. waste and specu lation in the administration of publio affairs.. The remedy fer this evil Is not to be found in the renewal of any of the causes, in the faoe of the fact that the existing volume of the our ninv ia neater than can be absorbed itr briaineaa. and that the reoent fall of nrioes was followed by repeated in nation. Any attempt to inorease the currency would be worse than ineffec tual to rerise prosperity, for it would intarront tb healing processes of in dustry, It would be worse than futile to restore eonfidenoe, for it would create distrust and new uncertainties in business, paralizing the beginnings of enternrise and robbing labor of its scanty employment, and while stifling tbe progress oi legislative reiorms, would inflict lasting dishonor upon the credit, intelligence and character of the country. . Nbw Yobk, Sept 17. Tbe Herald' Galveston special girea account of a terriflo storm which occurred at that plaoe. It airys,' "Several wreoka hare been renbrted i the Ocean Uouse on (he beaoh ie surrounded by water and tha ont-honsea tone : the City Hospi tal ia filled with water and thirty men on the Government breakwater are mit off i the Santa Fa and the Houston railroad bridges hare been washed away. , Great damage haa been done to shipping ta Uio fiaxDor. Tuman Outrage-Turkey's parailons-ServIa, e. Londoh. Sept, 17. Negotiations rel ativoto the luman outrage have not progressed beyond sending a special ambassador toimiton. A Vienna correspondent reports that Tnrkey is placing her forces in Bulgaria on a war footing and prepar ing the fortresses on the Danube lor anv emergenoy. Xhe reports of victories by Servian bands are untrue. A corns of invadinir volunteers ooru pelled the Christhns of Grahava, near the Dalmatian frontier, to revolt, FRANCE. Thiers and (ionscliakoff. Pabts. Sept 17. Tho Bicn Publio. the organ of M. Thiers, admits the correctness of the following : During M. Thiers interview with Prinoe Gortchakoff, Bus ian Prime Minister, the conversation related to the chances favorable to the main tenance ol peace. .Prinoe Gortsoha' koff especially feared that Franoe would yield to olprioal reaction. Qe thought the solution of the Eastern question would not be immediate, but would eventually oonsist in tne grant ing of autonomy to Bosnia and Herze govina under the Archduke Salvador or Server Pascba, TURKEY. Insurgents Coming to Terms. Constantinople. Seut. 17. Advices from the Consuls at Mostar state that several insui gents have accepted the mediation, some demanding a guaran tee and indemnity. ISE&ICAl C21LCGE 6F VI2Q1XU. ltlClIM OND, SESSION 1875-70. Winter Omt T Laora htia Oatobar 1. aad etuM la St BOnUi.. Fall otMirM of alt ical IrttraotloB bj U Facvll;. and dilf jr torn af xalBilM br lha Ad to act raeuKt. rnltmmi r. SIW. Phrmo tourM 3. BcncSoiarjr ticket, SAO. r rail iwtioalar aT eaUIOKU apply W -I. B. MoUAW,M. It., 4w Natxsuraca St. KioaakMid. va. Ptu or Paoaliy. MISCELLANEOS. EAGTERrJ HAY. 250 Bales Eastern Hay For Sale by KERCHNEIt k C ALDER BROS. Bacon and Pork. M (mm D. 8. Bidaa e - Maikd. ' S Bakd.AD.B IbiMiMart. aubkia, Frk. ; kacHBXtt CA.UK BB08. CotYae. Sugar, and Flour. Gh; ii "W. Hunge. Cooking Pears! . uooinng: rears u BARTLETT PEARS" , PEACHCS, APPLES, . JattarHe,aa4rrsklat ' r o. H.w.BCNara, 3 (V, E. Car. navrkat Ba sptia. Ually wklr T AdfartlMng vary law. a ,S eapat aaaaai. tlS " Pay Your City Taxes. wtor, 1 I n,ts;s.S owlnf cl UM Of Traajarar and Uonevtar, Ult or Wilmington, Adi I aai dlraote to notify all naniua Uiea that Ut raqnh-anianta of tha ally for ai .areiucb that a atrict oumpllaDoa wltb bcordiiiancct will be mada, and ueh ixrauua wh. donot uty tlielr olty taa on or befora tba Drat ol auiiMaiBar jpruiimo, nm' fro party arm ba adyerUaad and aoid aa Ui laai dlcada : . T. C S6TT08B, Traararar and Uollaator B8ELECT. Wakkv tha hlhat saadleai aatbarMy far y lug that Out II SELECT WIIISKKY NORTH CAROLINA C1S2IERE2, Tba BEST WINTER UOOIX fold rot BUYS SCHOOL CLOTHING. Vaf awaaabia, Swa tha faM of Its bataj ; auoaiaoumoi iroca , P URE WOO L, r-blla IORTUIiR GOODS Of tha aim (Irada are compoukd ok:shoddy Wa rfcomraend tbcaa OASSIMERES for GESTLEMENS' BUSINESS SUITS. Wa almafrer a Large Lot of R inn ant Fine Woolen Dress Goods (uMabla for Oirla' Softool Dresses at HALF THEIR VALUF, Xbeai Oooda ara Worth tha Attantion of HEADS OF FAMILIES, i mBaiOota. Mbbla.ix. wo rtoar. wm aaM by aascHMBa a oaLdebi bkuh. Cabins si Tlea.' M Bala BaciM. St Tom Arrow, Tla. - rtaeadTlaa. Paraaiaby - KlUCklMIR a OALDEjt IKOI. MlSCEUitSEOUS. Bagging, Ties Twine and SM Balaa Itacflnr W V.u. N.w Arr w Tloa. M Ton. Pl.r ad Twk I.Oua fooada BMlltd Tvlna. Far al by J tBO For taia by ' 1 1 KijkcirxrH k CaldbH Buol , CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES Is Crushed A 8ugar for ataklni wtna, Wwaat aaah attaaa. CHA8. D. MY BBS a OO., i aad 1 MartU Fiaot Biraat. ayarytblRf OEO. MTER3, MTBrmillHTHIWOllLrj. Tbaaal rallabla bataar bfatabl ta l''b) BltT. and troia tba beat dairy In Haw fork. - ; NEW R3CElt EMPIRE FLOUR. Imported Lager Bier, aarantaad to b th baat In tha Pity Wa r eaiva lot) duam by avory ataanto ragnlarly. it M uia aat, and ayarypo iy aaaa it l PIIIIEUY12 WHISKEY. Hat aaalltlot araally found la klab prtoad wnltlaat W ata aola ro ana sail u t f aautov" at it ot rt OalLom. flAMKFURTER Ul;El SEE! Imported ' PIUS. UMVUnJI f rfoVltYrtlfaiai IMPORTANT TO vr . j" . i :f ( .r)Vl : LAWYERS and MERCHANTS, uvn rcBuaaxD. : 0 j TROWS' LEGAL DlttECTOliy LAWYERS RECORD UNITED STATES. . y H. VHAKMIS VlMkM,: Oounaellor-at-Law, Praaldenf of tha United Stats Law Aaaoolatloa . Tht work will ba oant to any part of tka Onltod Stat, by malLMreoalptOfM. Bead for otroular. JOHN F. TSUW, rcaLienan, 18 Unl ratal ty Flaa, BAKKK NIK1RHIB8 A OO., SB Naau St. 4w Maw York Ultf. lUAHKIED. On Wedneaday. t' 16th Inat , at tha Front Street M.K.Uhuroh, by tha K.r.J. K Mann, Ml.a Rebecca Mutt, daughter of J. 1 Love, Em., to Mr. Henry P. Weat, all of tula ally. No cards. - - ' ' - NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. FOR SUE OR RENT. THAT eonimodtoue Hon- and Lot 8?x x ltl, altusted upon the Weat aide oi Third, one door North of Street., asp 18 St ' (Jheatnut OKONI.Y MORRIS, Heat Estate Broken. REMOVAL. QN or bsfor tht lat October, I will remoy to mj OLD STAND, Exchange Gorner Next to Mr. William Fyfe's MILLINERY STORE- 0. A. PRICE, Kxocutur, Blaa Qolden Boot. W. P, Prloe, Manager. aepl J. II- Chasten, Qeaeral Commission Merchant BALTIMORE IT ILL glya pereonal attention to the aale of uoiion, iaTai DIWW, (UUiUl. KUU country produce (renera'.ly. Alao to the pur- enaaa or mercnanaim, aveiera ur periuimion toUaotalnJ. B. Grainger, President ol ttauk of New Hanover. angM-tr JUST PUBLISHED. . Ulb Edition. PBAOTIO AL OBSERVATIONS .' ' ' . ; OK ' NERVOUS DEBILITY " AID , ritmCAL EXBAVSTION, To which l added , : : (' Ba Eaaaf ' BUarria- j ji UltOBKKBS OF THE KIPBOOrjOTI V OHQA NB. N j Batnf a nyuopala of LeAtore dell rered at their MUSEUM 10r ANATOMY, irancera ytaltini the city, .honld not fall to aa thi. area! eulieetloa, being Ui larfoet la the wotid- SOT ClieatBUt St., OppMtt COWtlBMat- tal ntel, PkllaWlolphtau ! Uoplea of laeturei aont aa raoalpt of IS eenta Addraaa, uaa. auauvn urn, t ia.un. KKll'JHNKtt A OALDKBj RHUS. Corn, Hay, Msal and Rico, t.tK BaatMlaOan. HO Baiee tM'ani Hay, pl Pit.hela Watar Utound Meal: 19 Ttaraa Hlea Form by KEROHMBR A OALOKB BHUS. Spirit Ctiaks. Olua, Bungs, ao In) BplrltOaaka It laarrala ttlaa.' tft Bwrat Haufa.. . IDS Papar Kirata. Fortal by KXKC11NB A UALUKB BKOB. Sugar House Molasses. eu Hofebaaltl, H.Mai Barrel S. H, atol Freeh etaat week at It ran went Ui dart of the loweat prhw la U alty, aebd Imported Plcklos, 1 to anil BO oant per Jar, f KIW ADYlETISiaiiTS. IK 0,(In8n balanoo ol thoir IiS.lIos TJrulerwaar ia-. Chnraiae and Night Dresses, at a awaeping reJootiouEYES FROM FOBMEB PlUCEii. HAMBURG EDGINGS AND IHSERTI0H8. Wa are tnakinpf aa effort in this dniiartmeat to reJat tha atook prsrioui to going North, and LaJi... will flaJjPRCES;iowF than any they hars srer QJ$ PAPER'lATTBIS 1?0R SALE. M dbhiiie IsTeoiles, 5 Cents JSdoh Misses Kid Gloves Slightly Spotted; 20 Cents a Pair- Si2es,5, 51-2 and Oh ; jnal takAd an artomnt of atook wa flat! soranil Nm'aJI. rarieJ lota dotermiuw! to OLOHE OUI AT A P1UC8. ' ' ' Having which wo huru Fnah roaated Tara and Lag nayra eolioe T r weak. Uroand daily la uia .tore' Heoelved thla week a eaak each of HEMNBKT.STOCr, DUPRBT UO'.., MUXDf TOTAGE 1858 1 ROMANO. AMMONTILUADO I and DUFF GORDON SHERRY WINE, And alva a haad th nopalar bramla BLUE Ult ASS A Ke eaaaed paacha and California UartluM r or air nw rw raan a. i , najarJOUTHTBONTBT., Bacon, Baggine, &Ties BftaeaD. B, Bida. . i - tJJ H.ea Smokl Hid aad Bbauldora. hki noita paaing, i M TomTIm. 10 Barrel Meat rork, j 1 rurl low by , , t WILLI AH A bJUllOIIMON cob, ri.ouH, mhuab, (lorrBt:. 6,0J0Bn.hela Hart atliad awl Wb ITnrn, - ' ; . . m Barrel Flonf-ll Rrade. , (I0 Barrel Hatnert Sutar, i 1M Baga Prima Bio Uonw,, For nit tow b " : BW1LLIAMS! HUH0HI4ON ! MaJaaa.IIIa Irww, Balrlt Oaoha, tit Hbfli and UbUllew Crop Cuba ato laaaaa. I f tt Baudle Hoop Iron, iK Mecond- H and I pirit Caaka, , It Barrala Uia, Fortal low by WILLIAMS JM ROHISON. Nlla, Bhat, Hr. 0 KgNall. . ' . , ,, - . SM) Ba hat. ' " ' M Bale F.. ft U.K. Hay, tuO ToaeOoenap Usano, . .. ( . yorJlow by . ( WILLlAaiM'ftimiVHVIIIHON. mil 4 '; "j J If V "Si Now Receiving A Large Stock of Staple Foreign v IDomestio DRY, GOODS, to which w Inylte th attention of tbe publio ng 18. B, WEILL. a. n.oiAVT. ' t. a. niatoa GRANT St HINTON, eneral Uommissioa , Merohants. OUOPEKM AD asAtaaa ia Country Produce. . Liberal a1f auoe on oonaignmenta. Rneclal attention glran ta aale of eotton and wavat otoraa. . . - . , N. noaith Water atree WIlMINQTON, N. C. topUdAwlt ang ST d-ly 1628 FILBKMT a.. Pbtladalphla. SCHOOL FOR YOUNQ LADIES. Miaaaa saaaiPT aid HAat, rainoifAU. ' Till mmwt ..Minn of I hi. InalltUtloa Will b gin Wwlneatlay, October ftn. School or aia- Lat. For term, 4a., appl y to the Principal, eomer at Market ana ana arowie, p IS aodU t4L IHSW DAILY PAPER ! IX WILMIlCGTOJf. ProspcctDS of jue ?eiiii Rerief. Ws ttauk ya a', . 'it ' Battli great and aina', , ,.; , u," Fi patnuiaga extondlt; W'v ilmi aii w4 ., , n TUroiighuut tha year (too cimIIU , i Out stuck we've ta'en . ! v 1 An' iio we're Ra'an,;, ,., v .1 i i Tu at'U w Uliln tha margin; , r , , i Au' If ye amio " ' Af'ro we'ra tou . ' t ! -. ' j., Jam got u uiwo'jbargVn,;, ...j.. if t 'fit ; I S'lT .1 1 llg0 BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market Street. FALL . AND . WHITER GOODS -a; . ,. .,r . ..... Ui, 4 36 MARKET FA LL AND WINTER G OODS i CHEAPER ; THAH' EVER I ' , , m MAJRKii)T' SKBT. aap It - FURNITURE I FURMITURe ! FfKU rillt TMK FAl.t.THA DHOUKUHl AL tAKSS AMI) JNCBIA8KOST00E New, Patterns and Designs ..1 rail Bayii emnit Hunday oh AlWltTT OOTODKR FIRST, TUB wH IIW idaj iirial Deartmiit will be In ahlc haiida, ITndenHirned will beifln the pnlillratlon la o 111 Tbe lateat. the heat, an the biom reiuma newa, 14 tho dty al Wllralnftoa, ol tne nrNiu ubtiisw. Tbe ktiw win oe pu"" 1U i(t fix It lm will in thu tpi nf th term. he to wnlnir. -urnlah th ' FURNITURE AND CARPETS! We ar yry day raeelvlnf oar large atoek of FUHMITCBB AMU VABFETS for th (all and winter trade, and hare mad CARPETS A SPECIALTY; and bay a large atook of new an I be ntlfu pattern Ju.i reoeiyen, wuien wear onering lowr than tbet ware ever erTere-1 In thla mar. kat belora. Wa would reaneatrnlly Inyit buy et to wamln our atoek before purebaMng, feeling awnred wa ean pleaae them both In atyle and prlo. D. A, SJtlTn a)0O., aapt Front Street, erry nwanini .-.1 .1 1.W..1 rnnrta will be fiirulfthnd by Mr Jamna (or tva year past the local allluf f th JMlly ownal. ti L 1 ' Mr, Charle A. Prlo, a aon of on or th (bonder, of th JovaaAL.aiul bimaaira gen-, tlemaaof aeyeral year experience In the bua ineai, will hay eharg of, ta baela t depart ment of the oauat ' r' I Uauwal attrition wilt b Itii to lta m ar ket rapwU with tha flaw or furalnhlng tha full ti annexion of tha day to the rlnae of mrean. til bou a, and thrai rwt will he made by a careful, thoroughly experienced reporUr, i n the whole the paper will be neway. cheap ..h and a anaelal madia ra th'oueh which lb poor man end th laboring claa ei may be bear T.rmaof aubaorlDtlon i 5 t year, Ml oent a month and It cent a week. Adrertielng rat vary , i In connection w th tho new auanmei 1 .m u..ku.k ik. umww llnnk and Jon l'r nlliii Offlce, where comwUmt and aklltdil pperatlvea in ha mnl,,.l ami where It la nvvdlvii to ear VA mu 00 our ueaa 10 ihhim uw ...... with the beat work lor the lowoat amouut ol Bioney- ..... 1 . , . 4Uau 1. .aiauB1 Pnrlor. C lntni1r tintt Iinliisr lloontlTtinaitui. ' 1 . l m. ,, ! ..1 1.;'. AT rXtKKM'tti b W PUI0B8.: i'-' ' ' ltU CAUVm AND OIL j CLOTH ! AND BIAlTIiSO. ,r .. . ., 1, , a-d liitl ul pfflltt'a, , 1 f -I... ; ; 1 BeddiniT. &o.' &o . Hair. Mott, ShdoVt EiceUior and Straw . t maSsas, r r am tm th bk him Z" Xf wirtM. (JOMFUi.TAlll.KS, o.AI4itt THK Dtli MAICHIA.I. j, v. ' .ii ... : Arid our own Manufacture-i t - '" ' H....I. Mtaamera and Private atealil mrca furiflI.Kil In the J.ale.t Style audi at Low rflo. Hol.Bt.mraMrr . r:r ' . - d. a. smith &,,co. , l4, - : ; . ;. '1 A3 Frout Street. aepistf .. ' ) j 1 j . -uy... JllLlll'- $5 to 920 PRR DAT. Agent want- ad. All olaeeeeef working people or both eeiaa, young and old, mak mora money at Work for na, In their own local Itle. during their .par moment, or all th time, than at anyming aiae. w e oner employ ment that will par bondaomaly fur orary hwar'a work. . FbU particular, terma, atat, eent free Bend ua your adre at onoa. Don't delay. Now I yonr time. Don't look lor work ar bn.lneaa elaewbere, anctl you ha.e learned what w offer. O. BTiaaoii ft Oo, Portland, M ia. ' i may as-124-dftw 100 BOLO. PURE COrrER DISTIIiLEO n. a t, cors wiimx 1 . h fortal by , Jomr. T OauiotB, aogtltm i6tf,'i" ' Chat. A Price. (AA BU8HKLSOATS. in 1) i t bARRBb FtrOUtWll fT"1 i 500 UM BBLS. M0LASSE3 ABYRUP, CO Boxes Dry Bait mniaia. 2,000 SACKS, LrvillRrOOL SALT, 0 S ACKS MARsnALLB.' FINE SALT. ' 100 KEQS NAILS, 2fi OROSS RAILROAD MILLS t" SNUFF, Ao Ac. "'-'. !'w For sale low by BINFORD, OROW & CO. aogM T&e Carolina HoWolil.'la.iiziEG.,j ' J. . ,n.n imtftl WilU'l'LII.V I fttltttjl. 1 u.. iii halmnrd fruru tit' .MOlKoaBOrriua ommcnclng wth JamlarT, m. The drat lur UMUlog oy wacoaiue. lual will b" pnbllabed each aiicoeedlng luiMitb thartafter wlUieut tnwrrnptton. to adfan- lane wil b aegieciea -aiu eapiUI ean command to tender ea. u wue an nnf reainug, nj rr r---i ,adl-.l.- . -' ' ' a '.: ' aad,a The Carolina Household Magazine Will be a lar,r !-i.age, elhty-foui column montlily .handaotmily pilntnd m tinuw ooo. .M.uir Ullll BH, IIIIU1IY .IIUBI.Kf.lVl..' w h,.rnhhi annrtnrn Hnterrr l9 anil la.uccea . air, ail J t uliy aaMirad. fllpabti.ber mean to mak.ltktlrat claaa montniy, mat, once in. ...wi..-i 1. ih rkmll alnle. I. iilre tube (aierlr vauuiM for ann nareiuny IUrWfKAIT OALLKKT" will im an attrtotl.e fnatur. Hie January aarobet will tUIn Hf-tik piotur of ( , '''EX-GOVnZB, JANCE,",; .-.I i,.i akutiih. to be followed in tab iaaaeettlng nnroker with (.hntoirrarih at Other, " 4ML.X IWO PVlXASfli A TfKAIt ...i.lluir ran Bi.ka a cUoloe Taava aoar aaOTiia,tAia Kitur.i ik(Ih, ,l?ef ch tt W laob, tV n, ot the Saylour ro the i'mpl," "The Mailou- na. or aviiiB R , ., rMieii.t of the aubacrlntlxn prloe, M-,n.r oi the Kmrraylng. I warth knlile the UT Any aendlng a olnli of B- arltl rr ceir. an extra uba. rlntion (ree. HUtJ. oopta eenw, free by mall. 8ja " 'n'u aubeorip Uon, wljiouttb BngrayUTg. SI. ' A...a uvaninri fvnriwhnra. . JUUUJS A. BMl i,, Pubiiahar , '. . t 'nldiboro.N II, trTTHE CITIZENS OF CAPE FEAR ' COUNTY. .1 v I -tM'R p-rmlnm lirt In out and you are called .. . . . 1. .. . . . 1 . . n . I . , ... V. talVl t rally tor I li". ran uu ,n.ui, iwiii ltb d lllib dayaor Noyeniber ' : .t' jour beat artlole and onme and help 1 I (IraiiKO", termer, mecbankie, meiahtn kad laat. thmrnrh mil leaat, Iv'lo. wo want yi With ua on that great, and w treat, gtortoa Occaavon. i,n,iaauiii, teplott , ' ' '- - " FratUant. TQ , HOL.DERS . CITY COUPONS. Office of Treasurer anil Coltector;:, CITY oV WILMINGTON, N. 0, 1 ' " - June 2ath, 1875. v NOTIOKta hereby glren that THB JULY . . s , t t ) V"H I '"! " 6 JtJPONS lSt (.of Bond of tuH CltjX san- r; t i ..-it ...t-..' ' ' ' u . LI I Owntaqiatio of oertala ehang a ndr B No"tdoU)looftb Buprem Court of thl Bltatotbe manner of aaaeaament of the ,.-..d ..'.-5 i ' 1 "' Koij and Peraopal Proirerty la tbl Hy, and, tbrebytopitf T ookl not ytBaing Deaplaod tapoaaoatlda af thi ndareigned' . - - ' "I for eolltuttoa) together with other complice kmi In rgrd to ur Municlil airjr., now, .-.-j i,.;,-., 1 : - pending befur the gupramo Ocutt al North Carolina, tha olty of wliavlngton ' oa-! eerily erar torn Indulgeno from th balder of City Conpona.onder i is ting elrcumaUaca, , ... ...... j . ' . . "' ' - 'j (,1 'City Tranrer. 'i t-, , Jnn SO -r..i..f Ar: edon at Flour and Ileal M1XRU FKKII. . Oar-toad i on abort notloe. (tram bought at th , ...... , s , ,1. market prle. Addr, U ' -v ' - -' OHABJiurirai citt;miul, - '.I ' CtrkUlM I Jraa ' .. . ..-ii'. .. '

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