; 1 11 1 III U l! f Ux Li i U U L i UUVu. V VOL. XXIV. NO. 224 WILMINGTON. 17. C. SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 19. 1875. WHOLE NO- 6,983. 1 i ar "V . - J) (ttif Slaili) $oural. BY TELEGRAPH. "WASHINGTON notes. (jotton SUtlstlrs-KtTal Board Invei' Qjcatiag thx Lois of the Saranic Capi. Queea IioBeratL It. ' ; CRIME ,AND CASUALTY. Farmer Murdered bj Herder Loir of a SeanwrFital IxpIorIros 'esse James Captured. U?.'iu!; '.,,. L NEWS IN GENERAL 9" Grant Still a't'tonj BrancTf allures Tarkey's Insnrrfetlon Still (a aubdvedo-InglfBh Crops. " " ' ' . Q OLD 16 7-8. ul BY TKUMBAPH TO THK iOCBAL. ivit Cottoi Eeport-IatesUtiUen-Custom Vvi,!bw; Receipti!, " Washinoton, Sept. IS. The etatis tieaaatjf the Department of Agriculture furaishea the following statement in reply to fcrjvute popmnntoation, that doubtahad been expressed as to the oorreotnaM f' aereral atatementa In the cotton report from tuat Depait monk, published oa tho 16th inet : Alabama, 87 : Mississippi, 98 ; Louis iana, 88 ;,TxaV 9 J Arkansas.' 99 ; Tennessee, 96 ; and for 1874 : North Carolina, 87; 8outh Carolina, 86; Georgia 77 1 Florida, 77: AUb una, 81 i IIieiafV)pli H J Lotusianai Ci ; Tataa, BiTf Arkansas, 47 J ' Tennessee, 62. ,m ,, t.n f Tho option 4l(furO" are right, but the farorabla comparison of the con dition of the orop in Mississippi, Louisiana aud Arkansas, is with Sep tember of last year and not with Aug ust. " . Tho figures for South Carolina, Georgia and Florida am slightly less than last year, and those for all States wast of the Atlantic Coast are greater. The September averages of the two seasons art hs TolJoM 0 .7 i ' I ' t. :t i North Carolina, 90; South Caro lina. 80 1 fieorginj 76 Florida; fft. - ; i Tho Uoart M nival offloors appoint ed to enquire into the oironmstanoes of the loss of the steamer Saranao in Seymour ..Narrowa Pacific .floi, re port thai ik loa was entirely aoci dantal, and that no blame oould be at tached ; to Capt Queen, who com manded her. : , ,. The steamer Canandaigua, from the month of the Bio Grande, has been released from quarantine at Norfolk. ff-'-'OtrBTOira. " ' Beoefpta to-day. $565,981 74 " for the month.. 7,904,698 68 For the fisoal year. . . . 37,984,716 99 , jMtauuU aiVEstin. -Beoeipta to days.'". ...... 8396,411 G8 ' for tho month. 5,898,559 04 For tho fisoal year. . . . . .24,799,540 63 v NEW I0RK. Ordlnatlons-firant Bcecher, 4c. Nw, Iobk, Sept 15. Rev. C. J. Gallagher, of Mount Bt. Mary's Col lege,mmettsburg, Md.( and Rev. J as. Woods, of Niagara Falls Seminary , hao been ordained priests to-day iu the Cathedral of Brooklyn. Wm, MoMahon, proprietor of Deer foot Trottind Park, was fatally shot bv man named Johnson, with whom he hadaqPwJttTet some racing mat tsr. Henry Ward Beeoher, acoomianiod by bu wjltarnvtxl uer Una morning Tbev left innnediatelv for Peekskill. . The Presideat and wife arrived here last evening from Utioa, on their way to Long Uranon. HANK itTATSMINT.. ' t ' Loans Decrease.";.. $1,875,000 Specie Decrease, .w .j, M j. . II 2,000,000 Leffal Tenders (Deorease).. 1,250,000 Deposits Decrease;,.. a. V. 3,375,000 Reserve Deorease. 2,500,000 . ;:.,y;lllS)aX , r , Brutal Harder. QitABA, Sept. larrTwenty, Texan herders coming Into town with cattle. had a atwrroed Wising tho etock to enter the o6ru field of a farmer named Collins. Collins seized tho stock, al thnnirh the herders promised to make food the damage. The- herders want a town, got drunk, and returned and killed OoUina, me oiuxena uave cap tured all but two of tho murderers. Lynch law ia talked of. - t saaTawaaa V Steamboat Burned. - KNOivnB. Sept 18. The steamer Emory City, running between here and Chattanooga, caught fire in the engine room, and was burned to tne water edge, at 4 o'clock this morning, : near Kingston. The mail and paasen sera were saved. Tho freight and boat are a total loss. ' KENTUCKY. Jesse James Captured. LOTisTtoi Bept"18. Detective Tiliirh has returned from, Pine Hill satisfied that tho person oapturod Jeske James, tie Missouri, outlaw.. . ' if Newspaper Pnrchase-Bnlf tde. Savanhah. Sent 18.-J. IL Estell, proprietor of the News, has puroiased the Adverttmr, " This' leaves onlyono daily paper In the oity. AtcaHta' Sopt la Onpt n. French, from Amerious, suioidod here oat night. Doraostio diffioulbioa sup poaed to have, been the cause. MISSOIRI. Jewspaper farrhasc. Sr. Lona, Brt. 1& V. K. Allinon, for tweuty-llve years editor of tho 8teulenTille (O.) Jftra'il, has pur chased the Evening Dmxttch. Price $io,uoa ELEGTBIGISMS. Tha Pope has named six new Oardi- ' The Contention of Ticket Agonta, to ; . . .- . 11 . 1 1 ouwuuer rim aunng tue ueuwuuiai, will meet in Jacksonville, Fla. The chool-ahip St. Marj'a is aahore la New .London harbor. - Beeoher has declined a public recep tion on uis return to llrooklTU. Lea & Bhepard's liabilities araannt to aso.uoa.65. Assets rj.uu.ea. A regiment of cavalry for Cuba em barked from Haiitauder yesteraaj. The Zoological Gardens la Cincin nati, were formally opened yesterday. An engine oa the Cherokee Railroad ran off the track, killing the firoman. , Lea & Shepard agree to pay their creditota 70 per cant. A boiler of a coal train exploded near Alauok Chunk, Pa., killing four and wounding one. Whito A Dontrlass. oommission mer ! chants, N. Y., have failed. FOREION. N ENGLAND. ' The Heriegoilnlan Insurgents-Death of a Judge Crop Prospects. LoNPON,8ept 1& The Carlist Com mittee have information that the Al fonsoists have shot ten prisoners fn oold blood, two of whoia wore French men. . . I Sir Ueorgo Essex Honerman. late Justioe of the Court of Common Pleas, is deau. A Berlin special states that the trial of the persons accused of portioiating in the revolutionary propaganda in Russia, baa been postponed until 1876. A eueoial telegram frrtm tluttam states that the insurrection is not de clining iu Eastern Uorzegoviuia. There have bt en several sharp encounters, in wnicn tne xurfcs navo invariably been defeated Tho 2'inm, in a financial article this morning, has the following : "harvest is nearly at an end. and reports as to tho quality of new whoat are generally good. The markets m Uineing Liaue continue nmct. the de pressed prioea favorihg buyorsj' GERMAN F, The Emperor to Visit Italy. Berlin, 8mt 18. The Emperor will visit the King of Italy on tho lt of Octobor. Biumnrt k will probably attend the Emperor's movements, bv the adviee of hia physicians. mix Ministers to tne Vatican. ' Rome. 8ept.l9 The Ministers of Austria, France and Hpin to the Vati can,- presonted their credentials to day. , . .. . - " i ' ' TIBKEI. - The Insurrection Still Unsubdued. KRAacflEWAiz, Sept 18. The dis- onssion onthe naJre8 to the Prince of Milan, continues. The Government has failed to obtain a majority in favor of poaco. The situation is grave and uncertain. -. CUBA. ' Embarkation of Sharkey. , Havana, Sept. 18 The fugitive murderer bnaraev sailed yesterday for Kingston on tho Snauish steamer Alicante. ; . ( , i i r , ....... inAIIUIEU. ' On the n'orulnir ol the 15' h lnt . at fit lulm'.UIiiirch, bt tlx Rr. (lu.)rir Pa'Mrma. Wiihm A Mwtia suit Adu!illa R.. d.nchtrr mvii ' Dieu. In Flor.noe, B. C. artcr a brlaf IMdcm of twnnty-tbree da,ot tr(ihom farer, Jacque line MiiiDlrler. .erona daugbter or MaJ. Wm, anajaoqnauna m. saunar,cea 10 joari. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Bacon, Bagging, Fork, Ties. &c. 50 Huxeii Smukoil gtiloa and Shovilitem, 10 Uarreli Pork. VW Kolli and Half Kolll Extra Heavy naicma, MTonalfea, v m Bale. K. & N.U. Hay, ., UK) Barrel. Ulna. - JOB Baiullra Hoop Iran, -U eoond-Hand Kulrlt Caak.. TS Uhtbantl Bbla Now Orop Cuba Mo- l,0Oi) Barrel. Flonr all frmlea, 7S Bag. Prlmo Klo Colli", Jl Barrel! Kenned Sugar, " t i ig.-aiifi, 3410 Baa -bat. r; ' Boxc Extra Qrean Uheoao, dfl Jafe lje. i J5 llaaea 8od. ,;f DO OaftM Oand v. 26 (iaao Potarh. IS Oraa 8n It. 1M Oroai Matehoa, , 60 Oaaei Oy.tera. 200 Boxo. and Half Boxrs Oandlil. 7t BoxoeBnap. For aale low by vii,MA,ns;iiTMiu:iUNo. iipl9 BOVN PARTLY MADE DRESS SHIRTS Wamsutta, Mnslin aufl Irish Linen, Bliearcom 11 luoliMto Via lnelH.lv. Six for 86-00 C, ,9. D . MUNSON '&"C(1 SOLE AGENTS. NEW ADVESTISEMENTS. Ilolasses, tlolasses TS MhJ ami Bhl N Crop Cab.. SO H.fthra'b M. M. MulaiBW. Ia) Barrel S. U. Mulae. For oalo y RKKCHMK t'AUItaBltOB, Coffee- tugar, and Flour. w t Cot. : M bbu Kaicar. i i I - . OM V rioar.l . ? ' Far BU r ' ' KhBOHaaK uaLokb bhos. Corn. Hay. Dagglng and Ties. . , t.an8aahlaiM1k. tail BalaaHay. Holla Bacjlns. ,-m Vvm Hm tui Flat a4 14M. ' rr fal by KKKCHNKR A OALUSR BROS. Powdert Powdon Powder; 00 KM Rffle, Bportlnf anl Btaa. For Ml by KiaCBRKR J 0 ALDER. BROS. asp II Salt; Syrup, Shot,. Ties and Mullets. 1 v 2,000 BACKS I4VERP00L BALT. , ISO BBL3.'S. H. MOLASSES or BLACK MOLLA8SE8. . ' 200 BAOS SHOT. 23 TON8 ABROW TIES (Now.) , to BBLS NICE SALT MULLETS. D0.000 GUN CAPS, WATER PROOF andO, D.'a : . . UXalSKAUA atUI.AI9r.ti, OUBAV MOtAS- 8K8, tIEW OKI.KAMS MOUA8BK8' BINFOIU). CROW A CO. pi CHAMPAGNE, FITT hASKETS AOI OASES REODERER. CARTE BLANCHE. Piper Heidsick's Fhioit Brand IniiKMrted. Mjiarkllaf and Mill wliiti lnofiy canity ST. PERAY. SPARKLINQ MOSELLE. Burgundy and Catawba. autorni, niarau, Hb.rrjr, PorU anil Uadalra. rgo wo a oi ou oia WIN IS una ot every variety. Old lirovcriiincitt .lava. Cboioc old Mootia, Lagnyra and Bid UofTn In grami. FRESH ROASTED and GROUND Para Lguyra Uorl'aa daily. . CH Al. P. MVrJKH & 0O-, I and 1 North Front b treat. epl . STARTLING ANNOUNCEMENT! My Mock of HEADY MADE CL0TH1NU being completed In all It branche, 1 feel no hcmiftiiev la raring time. 1 w.Ucilcr citraordl- ary tmlucementa to buyer.. 1 bare laid lut urgo auu WELL SELECTED STOCK and am deterailuod toaell. . Ulre me call and I will oouvlnee von 'bat tho dull Umoacanuot preveut you from woarlag A NEW HrjIT. A, UAYID. lAl.ivr. UAkUU' MXW UOUK BOOK, BREAKFAST, lUKCfiEOH A.D TEA. me vol. Uai3; cloth KdltlonK or oil-cloth (Kitchen 01 TS. lAn.Vtm Itavtn Sttnne Htgiittr. It U the verv beat work of Ita kind oubllilied In Uiiaoouutry. It li com vaon .enao combined with tanta iul,Uulture In rrapeot to eveij tiling oouaeottd with Uio tuutni." , .. , For Mia at -... i- HEINSBEEQEE'S U1VE BOOK AMD MUSIC STOKE. ep 10 For Sale COO Bundle. Beard', lxwk lie- ' 100 Uoll. Htandaid Baggiug. ' 4 Poanda Bagging '!' wine. , TICK A WBUANE. - Mp 10 l Notice to Tax Payers. All, TAX PAYERS ARE BEQCEUTED to meet In the Old Library Roome, overt Car- ten er A Mallaid'e, en Mtfnday evening at 8 o'clook. , . ,.. . . .. i teplB-H THE FALL TRADE- WE are prepared to Bit tha orderi of our country friend for hardware, at the lowert poMlbl irloe. ' Call and aea at . OILES JkMUKCHIBON, - , Wow Hardware Store. OATS. OATS. For Hoed, l,otWbuihela white and l,oolaidi e'a black oale,leeted. Freeh arrival, of can , . if . ' : ' - 1" goodn, riaekeri aud'chkM I" any altApc, U tor aale low bf. k , , , - , T GRANT &HINTON, epltdAWlt TBV. 1AMIMIi MOBKRM.R'B KNOLtBH XV and Olavwtcal Hehool, BntitltweeV Cdbier o Orange and Plnti Street. Tli mvenloonlh annual term will bdjilii, (I), V,) Thumla, Oc tober nil. ep 10 in KKW1DUBTISKVXNTS. I A Oomplote Stock r ? BLANK BOOKS, MEMORANDUM BOOKS, POCKET BOOKS. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, i A CIIliOMOS, Aii.ad, . ;;. 1 1 . CW.IATia',' $ Book aad Matle I tare.. For Cala ' M Cawe Blondl Fate Alt. ' tv Uwef Dablla Stout. ImpnrtMl aad avonmmeed to be tkabaat la Fnr eale ebeap i to oine I eon.lxnnieat. YIOK a MBBANB. Mp II Iw CREf N FLANMER, - WHOLStAU ASD aTAH OSAUBS IB naras, jtRi)rdriB8, oirtimoALa. Mineral Watara. Blttere, Keroaene and Llnaaed OUa. AleolMl, Aeala,SoaDa Ferftiaer. Falata. OlaM.aVe , for aala aalow aaauy hoi-la taeelty - Market Btrewks J-J- Ulltt retarned rraa tej Kerthera ktav ki, I am receiving Mew Ooodf Oally, poa- uettnt er . - LADIES' and CHILyREN'8 JIOSIBBT, Ooratu, - s v llandkerehler., K14 eiovwa, . - ' t ' . . . s i i. Tilaaatnge, ' HooaBklra 1 i ' Bvetlee Aad varythtaf foaad la a Fir Olaak ' FANCY Q00D8 -STORE. My Stock ! Lailief Meckttee and Muefcee h tbe Beat ever hrenght iwthle market, t.tdle.' Heal Hair Fixing. In Ureal Vari.ty. Kea Malrowitabee treia Jo oenteaaA I Ze.li)rr Womted In all Bbedee. White and Iliaek Ur. pera. at Stxs per lb, Other Uolort Wu. per oa. or SA.M pet lb. WILLIAM JTYVB, BxoAange Ooiaet. KMA1.R SCHOOL - Mkwoi Burr 4 Jatueawill renews the Mrret u i ;U j.lortheUfcakoel,en iltif WEDNESDAY, OCTOCER 6TIL 1 1 Mn.lral Department ander (he npervlalon of anglt-Hw Mm. M. Oualitrg. TRAVELING BAGS. ? I ..-,. -, - ... ( C ' SADDLES HARNESS AND TRUNKS W i ;'." BATCH SL8, AXdB-ORtASB,' iji " , OOLtiAHB, Hamee, Trace-ehalna, Back BaniU, i rtv, i .' ,f. !' All klmta of taiMlery gooJa, CHKAPFOU OAHII, at Carpenter & Mallard's Mo. Mouth "" Mraaar. aoplb . vMltalagton, N. O, COUNTRY MERCHANTS. Your attentlou I. callml to the verv Mne end large amortnent of iiardwar ln alliubrauohe. ami eieuially the wry low prloea. Only ei- amine our gmiiiH and en iu pare pricee and y iu will be convinced that the plane to buy yiiar hardware, la the old eotabllehtd hardware hoaieof JOHN DAWSON. ' No.. 19, 90 and II Market Street. REMOVAL. O or bo fore the. let Ootoaat, .'m K I will remove to my OLD STAND, ' " Exchaage Oornerj Next to Mr. William Fyfe-e ; MILLINERY STORE. O. A. PRIOK, Rxeentor, nikn uoiuon noot. w. eppl P. Price, Manager. MEDICAL COLLEGE OF VIRGINIA. RICHMOND, - SESIION 1875-76. Winter Oove of Loc.are. begin Oetoler let, aim otoe m moniat. run oourae or Mel laa lrwtrnctlon by the Faculty, kitd dally y tein of ciin1utlrm.bf Itie Adjunct FacnU' Proicna-.r. fnn. trjo. Pharinanr l.'onrim tsi. Ilcnellniary ticket, aso. For full partloulara of ralalncna apply to Vr S, MoOAW.M. U., 4w No 04 Oraii Bb Blobmood, Va fean of Facalty. ep Cooking Pears! , CooJanar fears 1 1 BARTLETT PEARS" r " PEACHES, APPLES, ' Jru arrived, and for tale at " - : Q. H.W.BDNQI'8, 0.1 ft, E. fjor. Plarkwt eV eeen4 Bte. 100 DQLG. PURE, POPPER DISTILLED A Ct . , . , , CORN WHISKY I . - rot tale by Job". T Cbaxbb, aoglllm POWDER SHOT AND CAPS. . For aale row either at wholoeale oV reUll by , ... , ; j eibBB ak MUBOIIISOM. S, Portland Cement. Alan, Roman, rteene and Parian, fnr walk oiatera' fnndatlne. (table, cellar., bridge, reeervolra, Jke. BefeaK elx oente BotHaie for praeuoai treaties on eementa' SJi. MKKUHANT OO. ' south Bt , New York. im-imeiii, ,iti8 Best HoMMI ia tbe World C. WEST SONS' ALADDIN SECU ... RITY OIL . . n avrranted ISO Oea;raa lira Teat. Kndnrud y lk Fir hunranet Compamti. KT Bead the following eertlgnate, aelected rrvra many outer. , Uowaxd Fiaa 1. Co: o Bttnwoaa, I December IS, 1874. ( Hutu. C Wiit Imtf- Oentleraeni-Havlng umiI tne yariou. oti.tiiia in -nie eity for Illumi nating nurnoeee. I take eleaaure In recom menilTng your "Aladdin Becnrlty" a the aafeet and beet ever axed la onr bsneehold, Your. truly, Slgnad), ,,, .ABUKIW KBKSK, Pree't. 'XT IT WILL NOT EXPLODE aim yiiur niwtKitptr jar i(. Wholoeale Depot. Cl WEST aV80No 113. H6 W. Lombard Btraet, Baltimore iep i euu em MISCELLANE()lS. CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES Freak evet week. If yew "t tho baM ot everyUilug at the towat price Iu the it. uut 10 GEO. MYEU9, A BEST BUTTERIN THE WOKLD. The enlv reliable ketur breaght tot leelty, and fro the boat daliy Iu Nw York. NEW PROCESS EMPIRE FLOUR. Imported Lager Bier, inarantoeil le k the beet In the etty. We rw- eotve HM dna.a ky every eteamer regularly. UtaiteMataBlvryoiyaaneix. " Imported Pickles, MandBOoanhiper Jar. Freeh roaated Java ami Uiueyra eurtee. ey an m4 amend daily lev le .uire itaealved Ulaweek a eaek each uf lrtmttKr.BTotiT. burnv aoci. ROMANO, AMMONTILLADO'and t . DUFF CORDON , . . SHEREYWINE, ; 01 And alwaye oa hand the popular brand. BLUE iHA.SS A IJIliM, Mew canned peache aud paa . . . . California Bartlitt r or aaie vv rov raaa GEORGE MYERS. 11 A IS SOUTH FRONT BT., A NEW DAILY PAPER , , 1!C WILMINGTON.1. , ' Prospectus of tie ETcmm ieTlcvi f" OR ARM T OtTOIIMtt V!TtT, THK iMlllntllnn In ITuUwvlwiinil will keiria the thvt'lly ot rYlliuliiL-iin lnu, ol lii ktatiiHe Kivikw. Tne nxvtaw win ne will he Dillill.lioil rMn piliiMalintl iMiry rviMimu, itcgt Heatlay. II. aim will 1m to nirnl.h tlm lalvaL lb beek aad U UMt reloWi- uewa, In every uiraulmtol the ti'rii). , The kVllhirlitl llepartment will he In aWi' Imin1, and tha local reporta will be fumUiliod by Mr. Jaiiww, for Ave yeere peat the Iwal viUU-r at the ii.ny jonnni. Mr. Charlee A. Prloe.a eon of one nf the foamier, of thedoiiBHek. ami hlmwira gen. tlemanof aeveral year, eiporlenoo In the fcuar InM, will have eharge of the buaine depart aenta of the paper. Uaa.nai attention will be given to It mar ket reporte with the view of furnlHliliig the full tianaaetloii. of the day to tne elnw or uieroan tile hour, and three repoit will be mail, by careful, thoroughly experlanced reporlar. i in the whole the paper will he nuwly. cheap and reliable, And a epealel medlniu tli'iingh wuicb tue poor man ana we wuariug eiiuwe may be hear, Term of enbanrlptlon ( a yr, W eent. a month and If oeiite a week. AdveruMng rate very low, , In connection ' wlUi the now department wa will eetnhll.h the lUvmw IkMik ml .lnlil'rliitliig Offlce, where iniictent and ikllllill iwrtlvi will lie omukiyeil, and wlwira It I uoullow to any wn will ilo our lwit to lurnlHli nut pulnmB with the boat work for the lowoet nmmtnl of iiHiiniy. : joNn i. jiimrh, auK.loir, . l imn, a- rrirn. IMPORTANT TO LAWYERS aud MERCHANTS, uun pum.isiiKD TROWS' JLEUAL DIKKCTOItY By and LAWYERS' RECORD tUhO ' " .' XJISTITED STATES. By U. CUAMI.CN I'LNAN, 0oanellor-at-l.aw, rreeldenlof the United Stale. Uw Aenoolalloh. Thle work will be eont to any part of the tTnlted Blatea, by mall, on reoolpt ol ft- Hnud for elroular. .. . .. JOHN F. TROW, PuBLianan, 1 Unlvrrrliy Place, BAKKHNOOBMIKB & (JO..W1 NvMan Ht. 4w .. New Vork Olty. JUST PUBLISHED. ' mh Fdltlnn: ' ' J PBAOTIO'AL OBSERVATIONS, NERVOUS DEBILITY AMD PHYSICAL h'XJJA lATJON, To which U added . -Aa Kawatf ana Bfarring-n' With Important chapter ou OISOUKKBS OF THK RBPftODOOTtVIt OROANi, '-; '- Being a lynopaU ef Leotaree delivered at tbolr MUSEUM MOT ' AKATOMY, Stranger vl.ltittg the clty.ihould notlallte i Uil. great eoirertlim, blug tha largoit In the world- ., ; ,, B0T Clieetatut St., bppoelte tJontlneu- Utl Hotel, ruiUdelpbla. Oople of leeture aent 6n receipt of SO oenU Addreea, I)n. .TOUDON A DA VIKHON, m riLBEHT St., Philadelphia. qt ayy ..v.. '. ' -,. .i. .i. . . vO 10 vZlt ad, All elati of working young ana oia, m.ie mora money al wark fi 'or o. In tbotr awn loeal Itlei, durlug Uielr.nar moro.nu, or al the time, than at enyuing eie. we onor employ ment thai will pav kendaomely fur overy hon r' wot k.. Full particular, term, etc., eent free. lyoer a'draa at ouee. Don't delay, veur Mme. Don't look fnr work or buatnea elaewhtre, until von have learned what we offer.. O.nTieeoa A Uo , Portland, at tne, may w The Charlotte Observer The only morning dally PMier puhil.tied In tha State watt efR.lelah ant north at Wll- mlngtoa, offer apeelal ln.luo.raenU to (ulver tteere. It eircnlatlo ! ! nmfulneM hay been largely inoreaki ilnring in. year Inet neat, and Ft a reachn mom oft he U er. chant of Weatern North Oaiollna, thu. offer ing an aniorpawmt meilluni of commnnlci tkw between the Merehanwof WllmlugVinaiiJ the people of Weetera Nor Ik UaroUifa. taaxio anneciaifTioi: t Dally. ..,, .;.. 0 per annuo. Weakly. .M 1 1 : 4 !u w VT Advertleihg rery low. , Pa? Toot City Imi ' Ulllo of Treatnrer anil Oolleclor, 1 ' , Oity ef Wilmington, N. 0., 5 .,. ... ., , Aug n.isu.) 1 am directed to notify alt partloe owing city taxea that the requirement of tho elty fi.r ni iiyareauch that a Mrict cowpllanee with' feeordlnanoe will he rowle, and u)i iktmhui wbe ilonul pay thnlr city tivr cn or botmo thu flrat or Heptewlwrjproxlmo, their priimrty will bo advortWl aud mild a tin law direct T. O. Servosa, Traamrtr aad Collaolot NEW ADVf study in i 45 T Ara dloniriff onl tho balanM of tht Ia.tii TJoilorwra? yie: (TttamiM anl &iUt Dro8oa, ol a (woejung MiluoUouliVEN FROM FORMEA PRICES, t -i . fl.n y.Mffr. ,1 "i i.-i i! V J : a'l'i -M -i t siMi - '-" HAMBURG EDGINGS AND INSEBHONS- ,. Wo ar makiuff an effort in this dtnmrtmont l roJuaa.iuA aiook to goina Nortl), aud Ladius wtlltluJlPRlCri'lower than sav thaw .havrt erne . . ' - CUT PAPER PATTERNS FOR SALE. Machiiie ISTeedles, 5 Cents Each ...... ' . ., ! . . .. t I I ..... .,. )" ' Misses Kid Gloves Slightly Spotted, 20 Gents a Pair- Sizes, 5, 151-2 and G," i , Having; juat tnltn aft aooourt ot sUiok r llnd aeveral !malf. yariod lofa wliioh we liuro tUiLurtuiu luiaotl to UUMli BROWN & RODDICK. 45 Market1 Street. aug Vi FALL AND WHITER GOODS NOW OPENING i AT Km m GUI - 'LKl.sa.fizr'Oi, 36 MARKET , STREET, FALL AND WINTER GOODS CHEAPER THAN EVER I J A T it.'-...--, ."d"' No. 1t 1ft 86 MARKET FURNITURE i FURNITURE I K (iftKU POll'IMK KALt'lUAHh CVKLHl Al. 1 AK'ir AhD l WKA8KOBTO0K OF ., t New Patterns and Designs . , ; d W V . OF , .. ...... i,t, liirloi-, IminlM-f.iiiul Diiiliiir ltoontl urultare. At' iX'i rMrl.Y'l. W I'ttlCES. ,, -. I t i- VAliVhTSi OIL; CLOTH AM) ,fM ACTING j In thin lliu' unr -'ti'lt fiiil.raoi. nil ui iuivwhihI U-ailmg I'lttinru. of llrgaeel., Three-ply, Aupriv, uliin anil ftmip I'DriKi. A il Lr d Ml t;lolh and Matting. .A 10 Mat i , aieliige.nf Mi nutt ul pealnae, , . , ,,)!., Boddirjg- . &0 n Hair. Mobs.. Shuot Eioelsior and Stra- vi a 1 1 n board, run n f rir.it tfllMfUKTillliK", itli.i Xk1' . . . : And onr own llottsl., Btoamor neit PnvaU Kenldiiiio turnieheil In Dm l.aluat Htyle aud at Low Pricos. 'iDlwo givo U a van aim osnmine D. ; . 1 cplBtf ! M- . .,,.-, " , , a -1 ... .'it .i.ii.r i; Te Carolina Honseliold Mm, AN tLLUHTttATKI) MONTHI.Vt . vbnfw Mterature, will he limned from tin Ioluh nouiv Mnaxoan trvyiim comtnenrln with .iKDuaiV , 1KIB. ilintlmt ntimbar will b ready for wiling hy Dtiimber loth, and the periob leal II1 be pnMl.hed each mincoeding month, thereafter wllAoat lnUrruutlon. No advan Uge will ke negleuUnt wjoh eithnr talent or capital can oumiuHUd to render earhlwitean agreeable and inatruotlve cmnpr nHum ol oBol reallngi by popalat writer, both home audL' ad.. . ii ;,'- ;:! The Carolina Household Magazine will a lye !K-pago, elghty-foui rnlumn monthly, handnnniely printed on Ylured book uaiwe and beaatKullv .illruerraled. - It la a thorvuglily "umber 11 eutorsrl ami Ite.iicoc 1 already fully aenoreil. The ptilill.ber muana to loake It a Brat-otam monthly, t hat, enee In Uoduced lii Uie family ntrule, I. euro to be enc'rly t,i )ied lur ami carofully prenerved. lteeOHI'HAIT OALLKKY" will 1 rovo an attractive f.aturo.. I he Janu:try numbor will oontaiu a life-like picture of EX-GOV. Z. B. VANCE, r; ' and biographical nkereh, fu be Mlowed In each auereedlng numlier with photottraoh. ol other prouiUieuiatatuuaau, divinee, dtc i WWliT TVti DOLIiAHw A TRaR' and each mhecrilier ean make a caulce) Tauxa nT nauTiri'L, iiimk r hiixuvikum, aiae ef each It a DO hiohea, vlx: "The finding 0' the !erimir lit tbe l euiple," "The Madnn na." or -'Kmg Lear Defying the Kform." for. w.nledon receii t ef the uh'.tlitlen prioe. Rither or tne rnravng. w worm mmiMeine njioe aekl for tho MaifUlno. ' ' 1 f Any one willing a club of flv elll re eeiv. an -xtra nbt riptien freo. atits oopli ' to cunt-'", fr ' by mall. LA m n'lie ub.or.u t(on, wl'liout Hie ngravliTg, 1 Aaonta VVantsd Everywhere. .IlklUS. KuMI'K, Publleliar, '.oMibore, N ... TO THE CITIZENS CF CAPE FEAR couiniy. - tit; II I'-mu'iim i.t hi out and, you are eullei) upon t" rally for t eneir Pair on theaili, WtU, llth and itKli dayeor Novembur. ('ot your brat art Id oa atil oume and holp u. Oraiigera, Urmera, mcch.nloe, metchtnto, and lent, thuimu not leant, la'iu wo waii. vou with n on that great, and we trout, glorlou oooaolon. B. L, fliltMONT. gepUU rraUdeat, RTI8EMIM3. scoirai y .. If . - , 'i:,,v...t -,Vf lit OU1' AT A PlUOIi. .. ,-l . -.l 0 tUaiilg ya a, : f - ; ,.-. ll.il ill gtoul and una', , . KorpntinnaRn PkUmtllt; ,s ; We Rralnlit' Tool, , Wii'vu diina aao wiHil . Tluiiimlioiit Urn your uon omlit. thir lUiok wrfyo ta'eu 1 An' uuu we'm ea'en, . h s -I'd aoll wltlilti tliH nikigUi; , An If yo coiii ' A Aim wa'to tiMim . ; i , , Vu'U ta ail unai' bargain. I 1 iir.i' - rr.i nm riuvn.Aju uvisimupit IIF Tea HIHT MAKHIAh , Manulanture. v .1.1 . uor oiaoa oeiire pnrnnaHing. A. SMITH & CO , A -43 Ftont Street. "s - I , , 1 : ;: . Ki". "TO, HOLDERS U.OF CITY COUPONS.. ; Office flTrniiiI Collector.;.; !blTY OF WlLMllOTOljl. N. C.,'i , J ' ; ' Jvno 29th, 1870. , Noi lOB l hereby given that ;TU8 O JUPOMH IHT3 (.of Bond of thl Otty). can. not ke promptly patd,'u ' !; ' 1 In fl3BH?qi"ife of certain' obang.'S under a ....... ., ....(' , i : ! ; recent dscuilon of tbe Hnpruma (Joert ot thui. Slate a. to ih manuar el' aaeeeementef tha. Belaudrernnal.rruparty In thle clty;ant. theeei.y the Olty T Hook, not yethavfriir aeea plaoed In pomnniion of tbe underalgiied for collection; together with other coraplicA , , , . . i . i l ;;. . . .j -i Ion Ml regard to ear )H unloltMtl, afla'rs now. pendlnr before thi yupremo Court ot North . (. I i ,, ... . .. v .- . ;-.! (jarolltia, the elty of Wllmlngtoa auit aeaea- i i . . ....... . i , warily crave dome Indulgence (rum the hoiJot ( . , It:, ' ., ' of Olty Ooupen,ttadet exletlng atreumitaneee ;;'" ;:; T. 'C.HSEiiVoSV. " City Treasurer. .i i jM-tr Jnite 3 Flour and IIcaL HD MIXKU.yHKl. Oar-load . ed on abort notloe. Urain bought at tU market price. Addrem, CHAUU'JTT 0ITY;MlUi, Cl'vtolte,H Juus

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