; ; . ; i 1 Li! J UuTvCm, WW 0 VOL XX jv. HO. 220. A 7IHIIHGT0IT.j IT. ft. WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 22. 1875. WHOLE 110. G.CCO a: 4li i 1 Vmx II I I 1 I I.I 1 r f 1 Ml 1 1, iiUL .r-)i is i'. 4 w a J , J Ik ilJn llmtnml BY tlLlAPH. Tha Towl of IidlSoU, texti. Almost waimioa Aipcaiug for Ah,, - WASHINGTON notes. jTIws Kadlcal PMLmi tt Bogtoi; . . H"wv-." a BUHDeasioa ; ya.f AMIR H ' i Deft ulter. NEWS IN 'GENERAL Ipliootlc Epidemic -Turkey Impatient ' Editor la Limbo,, etc GOLD 16 7-8. IBT TELaOBATH TO THK JOUBNAU WASlIIfdTOIf. , 1 Defaulter -Postmaster's Siupenilon. ' Wjuhinqtom, dept. 21. Pojtmas ter Furt. uf Boa on, is here, saw the PrtMident en route, and had a long interview with the Postmaster-General Da thridacetion of bis suspension Not decided. ,. " Oliarles Q. Fisher, lata Assistant , Federal District Attorney, committed in deranlt 01 St.uuu bail cbartre steal lug court reeordt penalty $2,000 fine ana three yfars hard labor, or both, at discretion of the court. He is a son of Jndge Fisher, iate United States VmtH Attorney.;' ! i i . j , , , . ., ' ' ' , J - f I if,, t w Bestltutlon from the Storm Houston'! Bondholders, i. New York, Sept. 21. The followiair telegrams were reoeired last evening by prominent merchants doing busi ness with Texas : Hodston. Sept. 20 The ereatoet distress prevails among tba poor peo ple at mm ma, ualvestoa. tteveral hundred persons bare oeen rendered r QUerlj deatitata by tha storoaJ TUy uieaa aveip immecuately. , A Committee of Jlalief haa been oru h i U CBo help tba sufferers, witb the Alaor of Oalveston at iti head. Con tributions are now being received. Can yoa help them t , r f T r I m OutiHtorf, ftapt.1ia-reat suffer fng prevails here among" the poorer , elaaaaa, aad many in the wealthier ' class are in distress. The people at ' ' ' East End have been washed out of theii hOnse ; their clothing; lost, sod . . , provisions destroyed. Help ii needed , ' now, v f . , , A meeting of the bondholders of ' 'Houston, Texas, representing 8200,- 000, was held, to take action upon the non-payment of interest. Mr. Chew, 1 . i 2, 1 Finanoial Agent suggested a surren der of the bonds, and an acceptance i t ' " "Vd'-hers, bearing six per cent That ' this city oould pny out tjn per cent, waa entirely out of the question. This J being refused, no oouoluaion waa reached. ar- MIS801EI. Indlaaola, lexai, Almost Dettrored. , -1 j j&t, Lorm,Sept 21. -Saperintendeut , , Viowsy, pi tbe; Western Union Tele i i! , graph Company, communicates to Gen, '.. , Anoeraoa Uteger aa follows : " " "' ' "A Morgan steamship haa just ar rived at utlveston, and report (hat . '.!.! t ioma 'of lndianola, Texas, as almost entirely destroyed. The licrht. " houses, wharves, and nearly , every , . .i t m A bonsa bate been swept away, and one ' - nnudfed td one hundred and fifty lives so una ner oargo.it j . Prince Adelbert, Uncle of the King f ,1. Bavaria, la doad. ' " 6f paaoe from Russia. , ,,i -,i mr; Koxen. oi eayannan. ua.; ar : riyed iu Coooord, New Hampshire, and ; ' ' t;..M reportea m nave .ma yellow lever. Meohanios' Bank, of Montreal, haa u nTfn(eu ut consequence of defajca ,.. '1.,.,.. mona. ...... , ..,,..--. ! . vtAT The Committee appointed to arrange 1 for holding a National Railroad Con vention in St. Louis, November 23d. . , has anthoriBed the President to issue an address, and appo nt the neoes- .- aary aub Committee. " : ; , .. , i , .-It is stated that Carlist General Baballs, With bis two sons, haa enter in. a. ? Franoe. . -"--" . i "Drr Horatio Stone, the sculptor, ia Mirous S. Hopkins, Examiner-in- cbief latent Office, baa resigned. A disease similar to the epizootio ia i . " ' prevailing in many towns in New York ' ' ' ,:1 otatev It sesms to oonoentrate in the uruw, uauuug uuuu uisuesB, i XiYGLAKD , , . ;, The Insurrection at a Close. t ' ' Lobdon,' Bept, 21. A special dis patch from Berlin ta the Timet says : nuiiir lilt xurn ta ruuomoriuir mi unoress 1 i i i Ika tnaolvit ivlarM IK aMu.;!. , i i KfQBuUir iuwiiHbiuu. iu tun uunrgBnt osmpa. The Turkish Government, in wiawof Dotaibta military reaitirement. has ordered the construction of tba Sophia Nisch and Banialuka Railway to be Du.bed for ard with the utmost despatch. I . v . A. telegram to tbe Timet, from Vienna, ex Dresses the ommon that. now that the Turka have bad time to occupy, in force, the Bosnian frontier, the chanoea oi renewing the lnsurreo tion in Bosnia hata, vanished. ' ,.TU Vuly fZfU'i i (xnrespoodADt, at Vionna, telegraph tbst tb Turk, now hare a force of fortj-iglit thousand men eouoeutraled ou the frontinr of BtvYia. , ....,-- ,. f Pit. r.-lt tow w that uuiy figut uuuiirai uunisu tiitnri'a France, and thojr, b tba Javamie .Valky. ;u"'a ' -. V r ,i i The Cvuricr de Fftttu iUH that the Cabinet nnauimonsly resolves .to propose the abolition tf t!a njiiu of TotiuR by LVpartiutmta. . -Th Coier Iter aaiUdputea in conscqneuoe thereof. n oTMinrow 01 miuirWU GEUM WT. ! r , , . 1 1 nThe fbtnccUor Insulted. BKftUN,Hept. 21. TLe muuioipaJ oourt of B?rhu haa aenteuoed the edi tor of tUa ennani(i, au Ultramontane jourunl, to fire moutbi imprisonment, ttt having publisbbd au artiol iusnlt ing to tile CUanoellor and inoiting a disturbance of tbe laws. ' aiiessl. 04rwr.X-SurtU!y, HtUakr 1SU, St HHuklfy.. Bllcn loulM IWwing, wify of dw Til Cnlwll, u'.l 43 ym. ..j.DIEO.; At Wrichbrlllt.ai. tk ino'nloi tt the tin nM.,r nyn-ri, ur( nwiimi wriga 'ft won m nilMpmn, Kcu l jt:i a Tb l'nurl trVaw will h t lbaaan Obpl t :) o'olo k tlil mai nlug, ml ou oliKled at oltili) CsiBHUrjr bout H'o Soli NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. For Salef : r-v A. PAIILOU SET,," HANDSOME, MUUKKN, AMD V 1. .. i . 1 ' v BKVHHfJjl CAKPIliaV ','''f..V for fsrlor, Hall and Buln. alio uinraJ h6om rousit'.'BK. ( v; Will bs told upon Aeojiame sting Tsrn. Ms b. Men at ny rwi4B, sa Third atret. mttr Obntnut. i ' ' i PartiM evuitmpUlIng hoUteep1 J. can nt tba bonne n. buy Ofcrp. irMH, nn lnJar WILLIAM UIitltH." choice fa mil y: FLOUR - ia Whul. kwl Half u'ro i. live FLbuit, i I, Jiut la tnd for ttl.at ! " O. M. W-. BDJNOK'S, , j orner Maiket and KiibtiMU.,. 0 N. K. wi XI It A T LlVfl XM N 0 U M CE IS W T 1 ! , i.u 'Sty -tteek of " REABt MADE CLOTB!S0v,.J,4 b.lns ronolatdt In all It. br-he. 1 tal no hMliDv I. Mnlnt thru 1 will fl r ritrtordt umrj 1iiUucmiU lo tiuyen. I ht laid In a WElllsUECTED STOC Tup and ilst.rsilnSil iuIL '1 Is I ttlveinoaMll sad I llrootifla ntkat tb. dull timet tttuwl prTnt 70s from wwrlng A NEW SUIT.' : ...t 'V' I . . s. , , a! mvm... REMOVAL . ON orbefoMth. ; r , ... j. .... ... ; I will rsmpft 1 to pi OLl SJAND, - v.. ttist to atf.Wllliasi Pyfs"! J r f iiNEiiYoEm; t 0. A, PRICJK, Kieentnci V - -i'c ;" "'',V!I ' ooMa Boot.;;' -TRAVELINC DACS. - SADDLES HARNESS AND TRtlNKS yrilipajaroEs, . 8ATCHKLS, 1XLB-GKEAI, Hsmei.Trace-chslni, Back Bdi, ,, All fclnds sftadmsry fbolej' j J"''. " CHEAP, FOR CASH, , Carpenter 4 Mallard's ' . Mo iaoDTaaaT8TkiST,V ip JO. -, TT'i f ilailSglon.N.O, Salt, Syrup, Shot, Ties :V.alid-Tllllet$., 2,000 BACKS tiyEEPOOL SALT, f 150BBLS. S. H. . MOLASSES or BLA0K-MOLLASSES. ... yt 4 -y -f BAGS SHOT. 25 TONS1 AFBOW TIES (New.)3 "v. ".,7-':.v.V-4' w i. 60 BBLS NICE SALT MULLETS. 50.000. GUN CAPS, WATER PROOF . , . MdO.D.a" ! :'. ' .... ...t 1 v OKMKKARA MOLAiaiCS, OUBA MOUA8 BBS,TRir(iBt.Rlia MOtiAtBRS ' v BINFORD, CROW k CO. J30YH PARTLY MADE DRESS 'SHUTS ; fwCttrffS nil - llseslessi t1laebs tj IiioIiUIt.. six for so oo co. bs ' MUNSON& 66.1 SOLE AGENTS. sp . KIW ADYIRTISlilSTS. THE FALL TIADE- Wl an prtJ m ail lb ontors aToar SMBtryrtleade Air hardwaie at ths lowort sosalsls sHess. Call aad m n. :"' ili i i 4 WILIta MTRPB tSOK, I f h.w llnlwr j tit tifcjn tblt Now (op ?h. . , - IM tIrrS, II MulMMO, ,, - For flal. by ' .. ' KrCcffdOi Susar, and Flour. stlbhv ornrnr. aoo - rv . . Fat aw by . . m h i ... , , KKKOIIHKK A UaUOKR a HUH.1 Corn. Hay. flagging and , ,....STI. l,0ne Bhli Xrn. Kalu Mt . ! 1 I i i , : , i s jttM Kolla Bagging. 1 S I Ton. .1. and ri.rcsd T las. , Vor al by , . , kkucbnkh a uabUMit brob. Powder, Powdar,' Powder. tee K.gi KIR., Bporilpg ant BlanS 1 I j 1 J '!f Mwr i i A'l ' For wl. by , ; ., .. ,, i 5 ' KCEOHBB tilLDIR BROS. ssp , ...- Bacon,: Baggimr, Pork, 50 eaast:iW''VU,:i A Boim MaokM Mulct .nd BhuuUlar., IS Brol.lork, MO Hollt and Half Kolli Vxtra tl.ary Hj.-ln. mi as TtmiL " i i '; no BalM a, M. B, , lea L..j U U. fciO UuadlOT Muop Iran, ? ' ! 1 1 ? 1 j Tl Biidi and Ubla UtopUaiiay- 4fl0t MwrI.FIoar-U grides, . T BagiPriiaoloUtl, ' , 100 Bwi.liK.aued Sugar,' ' Da Bo- Elba urcam Oueee W Caretl.t. s- a;jii -f "T-j t 1 " S ' aa. Sod.. . ' M 0md i land v. ; VB ! tW-h. 1 ' IS Orou Hn .tr. : " 1 , W Urow Matobea. DO I'M Uilt. , . . ... lu,, a0r. Candlta ! i For aal. tow by tu. WIM.UnK av nt'llCllHOIV. MP It, OKI BaadlM Baanl-. Iok Tlowt d l ' , , ll tUl . ataadard Bugging. ; , t4 d aaad. aagitag Tm. 1 .i . yiCK af BBAKBT. Ma U two i..... M.M. , , ....... . I... in. t.. ' I .... ; ZBLH& O tJ N"233 Pi at- - v . LEGALLY AUTHORIZED Teias .aiIl ', ODiccrt - association ! ,, ,.o pssuoa, vataa, ptu.7ivs a i iaww. . r OrandjGfirtpncertg fla aid sr a ataaonU sal t tC 0 1 '.'Tonipl.,! ; ; REPJx:2-lB7RiV v; vet Capital Qirt.!,;;". aooMd capital eirL,J..! ...sssuo Baad ants ta proportion amounting in nil to V aoo,6oofcpi Uowssr (list to a .wanes fTicarr, Prlosof a Wbol.Ttokot,o, Whlon eottSUts m nT.li osnpana. ft . t t CoufON TICKETS, 1, Wnlok Wilt wtititle tu holdw to aHojMion ta tb. Orand Uonort. and ta on. sith uf aiiu. .or may b. awaded (a tb. wbal. Uok.t ua ' RMponriU agent. wnatod. " ! A ill 3 f, aniirderafor tloluts sras dlrMf prtaipUy now. i . . i Clrenlar. Faner. eta.. clrUr foil nnrtlnn lars, Mntrra. Ia writing, bo mr. and ilgn yuur hbdiv, luwii, winur .nu since in run. - Order, for tlekotsamoanting to ad and on ward, tent C. O. IK U detirod. AdreM all oomaiuulcatlon. and mk. all ro aantaaoa. to aug IU4 hm w a A; B. OOIXIW J BMrotary. I'.nUon, Tela. Dover BcJiool.' Ya. r TlTSTw.nU.th 8taia, of ten moiittm, wll , begin lb. ttcat Moadty of, Hepramhar 187 S. Aqulot bom.atid a praofloal fdaitatiaw given tslsyC Addrew B. MC0OBM1UK, Principal, Aids. Loadoa aoakty, Va. "' " " ' , HErEHEIVC'Ea. : ", ' Casral Hunter. Warrantont Virginia. " " B.T.J 1 Bl tU, D 0, tf imrlll s 9 J ' Prof Job Bart, Richmond, Va. .1.1 P Bayaolda, Baa Mareoa, feiM lOBtBL OBOSLT. .wiiaa aoaai cf,o;ily & HOHRIS AUCTIONEERI, " STOCK AN B R EAL ESTATE BR 0 KER S '' WILttlMQTO, n. q ,. 8 (1AM Bt ttKS AT THE IB BALKS KOOnt . . s plan of the elty,oa an enlarged nalst ; Blank Book with tb. bonndarlat of .rerr iBtb.oltydurtlnetlyd.flnod. . :- AaMaMdvalBS.pastaadpraaoBt.sreTS latbeeUr. , ... . t i , . . Any lnforai.tKm datlrsd rwalakafl ap "' pllcatloii..., ,um , . Jala i ii -t ' I i"r . - "" MUEPEIEbBOaO HIGH SCHOOL ....4 ' . ' '' " Murfaaaaboro, Hartford Co.. N. O. The Moond aoMlon begin, tlio Wtn of fop aaibor, 1875. Plan of teaching taa. a In tbo UaWcnityof Vlrglala. w -. - : -' T ,O.P.0ONAI, FWneipa'. u r t) (Sraduao. CulrMty of Vl.i ' ' H. MABTIN, AfeUtaat .- T - I . (rsd.Wke roroai aad Cnl. of Va.) ; ;r::TCSTiMjiNiALS., . aft. ft. if.' Waitla bna'proMwiUd tli. tad of Litis a aaoaoat wkiak I litre nov.r known urpataoia In my oinno- . a m-' 1, , .P"TKHa. il, , Prof UUm Unlmalty or Va, li H assssaB-aw u'.iU . ;BaMnea,.0.,Auf.'g5,t8fi' 'TkotoeoamendUlon of afr 0. tt, Martin, road kelor. the Board ol Traetoea of tbo Vrni vonlty or North Oarolina, gar. the Board tba hlghe evldanoo of bl qaallfloatlonv a. a orliolar'.andor bia oharaataraa a gtntl.man. Tbo sndorrfgaod bar. rornted the oul nmn riwaa thnee Untlnonla'. that ha I. a ViuM able teacher and la all re.ecU wall fllUd for tb. aduoatloa of youth. BF.MOOHK, 1). M. OABTKK, . t KEMP P' BAT i LB. . sepl-nota. I XIW ADTIKT1SKIKXT8. "AnulMc Htork of . BLANK BOOKS, MEMOEANDUM BOOKS, : rocKET bookh, MUSICAL INHTUUMENTS, I CIIKOMOS, Ac', For Sat at s f J If- JK I C. W. TATKS, ' .'. , -, - B1i Ms M.-le S tor. F6r Sale- 1 BO Caaeeklaadt Halo Ala. ta Ck. Oublm Stout. tmrtd ami Ijioiiouhc d tub. tli bent In ttae. Fur al. olieau to olixe roakigmnont. VIUK A MKUANK. ep ISSw : CREEN & FLANNER, WHOLa4LB SBB BUT IL PBA1.KII IS , DUUdS, MhUIUlMKS, ClltlaU;!., Mineral Watura. Hitter.. K.nuuiia ami Miiwett HHa, Alrobul, oi(t,Huai. r.rrtunary. Paint, (Maa., dr.., o , for aal. aalow ananr hone la the city Market Street. J i V ISO ruturnid from theNorthrru Mr km., I ain raoelrluf New Uuoda Dally, vou akttlng of M Ll)l ICS' and C1I1L.JKKM 8 UUSlKHV, Maadkoruhtrf., Kid Olnrea, ' - Ycliuulug., ' . . . -,-.- ' ! - Mik4 lkirU' , , ' ' H n li , And Iruryttilnt found In a ftrit Claw FANCY. OOOI) S STORE. My Stock of l.a.11' Noi'ktlei and Kuche. .1. u. auatav.r arougiii vtnta market, jdie' Keal Hair Piling. Iu (treat Vartoty. . Heal Hair Mwiteha. Irani IS u.uta each Zephyr av.rawdta ail Mbailaa. wnue ana mark loe. ar ui. or Wl lei in. Other Color. Wo. per as. or sa.cv tr lb. Kmliaiige to.'iirr. TTIItMAlA ItOlltXil AJ I! I t it ! :!. MUwlBurr i J ame. will reauwa th .xiruuHW oi their kohoul, on ' WEDNESDA I, OCTOBER Of IL Mualeal Dopartmorit under the (uiwiva un Mra. M. B On.hli g. "' fugl9.tla v.i.i -r- COUNTRY MERCHANTS. Y.iu- attention b ealteil t't th ry Una atid laije aiojrcn.etit 'it hardwiir nu ll lubram hea and .fpeilaily ilie rery low prlcra. tmiv ex amine uur gimda and onipir pvlve. and yu will b. oo' tloord thai the plaii lo buy fviir hardaaro, la the old eaUhllahtit hanlanr hour, of , , ,v , antvJ ,".' .ffrtiniwwtN,'" MEDICAL COLLEGE OF VIRGINIA. it""k ti"iixxi 6isx.i SESSION ) 875-70. " Wlritef Hour, of Lm-turra Ik gin Oi'tolnti lf m awn in nnnu ruii oourvo i' una Mil li'etrujthMi by lm farnur. i.i.l d al I - y waiaf aaamliiailoMhr itm 4luuil Caounr. Pro rwnr. I'nea. lt Plia.inny t'oiir.a al, jHaaaolary ., Sflr. ' knr It'll anrKf.lara M catalogue t:W '.!. .WuUAW.M. !., itr Be J Oraoi sa Rlebawnd, Va. lis ad ot raeaity.- m .w- - ' . .,( , a felt - J'-'.i - : , " flie IM HoiiscIioIdCir m tfic World ; C. WEST A. SONS' ALADDIN SECU RITY OIL. , , , Warranted 130 laree. fire Teas. .. t ............ . tndortrdby lk firt aiurOf c. pumjHiniri. , fSiT rleaj (i, ruaiiwautgat'i aoleuted from Btaoy other. ,,j , , , i llowaao Fiaa la. 'o. ot llAi.Tianas, ) i,-, . tl-",.! iS08Bibr8, 1S7i. J " Hettfi. V Witt Stmi: UaiiMamdn-.Halug newt the rartou. olUmlU In thla olty tor Illumi nating purpeaea. ' I take pleaaur. in rerom . mending y,or "Aladdin Security" aalbeaiiteet and beat av.r qaed In our household, Your, traly, i 1 - " , , (Signed) ' ANUKKW HKEUlt, Prea't. B7TlT.WILL.lwOT EXPLODE. ..J A,k your .Itonkrrper fur H. , i.... Wboleaal. Depot Ol WEST aV SONa , IIS US W. Lombard Street, Ha! tlmore. geajeeeejas r. s it , am Flour , and Meal A HI) MlXEWfKKt), Oar-load IX"' ).!( If V r-.i'U n ad on ahort notloe. Grata bought at th ' - ' . .- ' market prio. Addrear, j i .. "U3 ' CI-arlott;NH''" Jnn.tf i , i i CHAMPAGNE, nrrr baskets loil oasbh t HREQDESERi CARTE BLANCHE, 'SPipor Heldsick's I ' riuett Brand. Imported. - - ' , . .it Sparkling kidrtlll ln' l)icyiy aar rty . ST. PERAYt SPARKLINQ MOSELLE. f c .v-i t. v' . .... , Burgundy and Catawba. auterna, Olareta, Bhrry, Port, and Madaiia. Large ato ik of lu. old WINES find X.IQUOIl t 1 f ot T0ry Tsvrletj. ; Old Croverhuicnt i .lava, Oheloi Old Kocha, Lkguyra and hlo C'olVe. In grata.. FRESH ROASTED and GROUND Fure taguyra Cofl'e. dally.' : " '' l I t l ' OMA. t. MY KltH 3t CO-, 5 and 7 North Front Street.' SP !,-, ,, I H I ' ' ' a.V. DAJUKI. MUBKKIXX'8 EM1I.IS1I f ed Beathwait Comer ol Orang. and Firth Street.., Tue,aeranteenlb annual term will b.gln, (D, V,) Thursday, Oa tobertth. j V..avVlaiayi ; ' j ' rt- The Charlotte Observer The only moralng dally; paper ptttiiilirtAii thaBUMwiKoritilelgl ant North ot Wll. miugtos, orTera f iieolal luduoemant. a ad ter tiaara. Ita olreulatto i, eUe and ar ilnea. hat. be.n largely Inoread during the yew juet peat, and It now reacho. most ol the Mit ekatao W.rater. Borth Oaroliu, tliuaoil'er rngan Sturtirpaaand' nillum of uoainiunlca tlon txtween th. Marhaiitaof Wilmington ami th. paopl. or Western Norlh Oarolina. .nl' U IK it TauM.or.iDaacairTioa: Dally ,...SS 00 per annum .... I 10 ' Wekly MT Adtertlaing rery low. MISTF.I.LANKOra., For Smithvillcl (TUMK.K "IIIXII " alllrini r'gilatty riTi1ay eav.i KHii.l ir. L at in vviiB,inrtn w P Mnulufiile 1AM tltwn n vl ia tMa.'t. m; n iiicnwl at uur ooi'i July! 'K il Pttt it.ti" . 1t 5 If Wilmingtoa 18 it.TVk t'0 HKH INTKHRSTt In Pa llaroila, nor barinitaa mea will aJtlee n THE WASHINGTON ECHO, alarge aad w.11 aatahllnh.it weekly H.ri Wl, vlroulatliig el'ii.i"ly In tl ixiuntl. o blrde. Uoaatiwt, Pamllixa, Ptu. Mmoomoe and thw aitjii.uiug Kaiae Iow WaLT P. Vi'iLLiaaaon, R. tl naai.ua Late uf Tar Umo. id Whlutt., f Kdlloreaiid frufrlvtora. aetat. , T, , Btat.Hy. ' ; Postponement. NOT1UK; bbvrohy ir'i,tlit irmu nuiwr. una rery unifHl i lilunuiil ollia.ma, the anvaaTiHia p t ad Kitaii. tor imi'ui'l city ttia Id. a. u Piwrr nt roa nas Mna ni fH'lol'rr .till r..lmo. By dtreet ica or u.e mhvit v 1'. 0, SKKVlHI. t Hi Tuiuir, arpa int ,,m ' The Piedmont Press HICKORY, N. C , la Ilia only r-iifi ) ul Mud hi ilitwl-a iKiuuly , and h waaaatuHMiu nirnil iilun aiann); Miiri-liaiitN,..Kat in 'r, at"! all I'lMH'i'aof hut iw'-e own In th Main t'ka Tituw ta a Hvn, oide awaku I viti.. ratio papur, ai d u a daaira ble niiwinim lr d-eilling in vSmiKin N.rf'h ilaiiHina. Ulmral luimt iii mi ntlr ml y.'rtlfiurtiilis aiiliwi l. linn 'j In uly mra, Addr" Mt'K'tll.l, I'tntl lNHiiN, fiLUH. in rjii,riit..ie. ; mnr'li ..1-6 Southern Illustrated Ago! . HALEIOU, N. 0. TUr IIM.V I.I.IMritt'Kll WKhKI'V In tk Mouth. Rlxht pi. a Forty rul uiuna. i on tailing uiyr" r liif rua'tar thnii aiiTW(fklyitllili"iiid In Out ".u' l'rn Miaioa laaittai, Miiui.i'r or in. Mmi iirnN A'iK will ha iKni.d on, ... Kalnrilay. nuik drtf of Snnv, H1 Thil Pabllaaar 4.ti da sinking It an Mln trat' d ri'coid ot Hit' tiui.n U nil! tixnt ol r t In, f PMtital, HW01I ni. I.ii-raiy, ami "Hjii'iiMlln, wtiii-N la 111 vur mt Uilorfil, an t gvatn heat ttiu t atl' ii.1'tliiit ranl.owhlali.rtl, arlitiiial 0 laneiga. ' The MUtrllcUS II LIM I It A t'KI) AH) 111 ka I'dliwd on aew tyi, awl lieary li.iuti i..' 1. , ... ,ii Ita Mat r itMfUHiirori wilt W fi'ii' d tli umiw l 111 'in nt ilia liuft prlt. a In tin. i . Hit. rftafaaS aliiirt a"n p 1 a ami ki't.'ie, nl .oil .h duot rl ritijiiiriatd lirt'Mvnta, riy log "I ho Ui' f-1 .OiMtli kl. lit.'. itt , 'letil.tlii. i.o I 1 1 1 l rrliiiai" and rtieri!l l hiiriim n.'c, III iiimiIfIi 1 v i f w. rii nil m"iiiiit n n' idiim iWk r.-Piaprntaml iy dth. r n.a, t'li nc I Iuiu'okimI nliys Ii w inhmdi'd maki' Hi" ti IhKnV tl.t.lt'i TIU I Kit inr nal lorth. ttiral'la; a.rwii niiumna wl I )n .piriullyd .il'd i I .uliji-ria p; Ululng to dS'lii'iatle and ,m.ii I ! , Nu tani.lv alioil d h with u' U. ...... ' Hulfrriilft!i priiHi oil I v SI ptr aumitn, I'oat agetvw ...... .'.& ' ' ' ii. t. I'-i'MJMUM, Jiaiitir, ,,,,i,'J" ;: " ' HaVra,W. 'an S.f 1 tr CRTE. CAROLINA CASSiML'KLS, Ih lilj Wja l r,H iO HH mU In BilYB ... a . ., ,..( ;'. .1 i t SCtlOOL !1 CLOTHING. Mi ltllM" . Mil' '-' t . ""' ' VeVj Sertlrble,"rrDia' the f in! of IU tielng , , ? v: j ? BianSfaotUred frois i i ..' t f i: ... i r ".. ' ! PURE WOOL; . I ! V. htle ;iii f. - Ol the asm. (Iradtt aie COMPOUND 01? HUODDV sxrca-Mi-8 -l,M'-,u - .. . . i . We rec;mmond llieaa ' ' ?TKTi. , .. . . jit I'iJrr.W " ' i v" " ' 'Ui - -.t.bif.H for l:-i. GENTLEMENS' BUSINESS SUITS. '"W aiaoo1'er a Large M ot Hi inuanli y.. ,1 i If Li - ; . ' ' 1 ' ... fc'ultablo lor lllrls" ' - . .Soliool IDresses HAtt THEIR VALUE. . Clina.1 (fcuxl ar. Worth tlin Att.i.l'lin af HK,U)S :0F FAMILIES. !, p)s ytj3 .i'.5''' , . f ;: t ( Now Receiving ;rUt ilHTr ' V 1 1' ?i j -t a tAtio murk or : - Foreign i . .8TAO ,kt T AO I ,. ; b , t XDomestio DR Y G 0 0 D S , re which w. Intlte tb. att.ntiun or the public ti , 'l M ) aug IS. Da -WEIU POWDER SHUT AND CAPS. For rale low either at ahoteaal. or retail by GILES & MCRUUiSOkj. NEW AD7ERTI3SMEKT3. study .Economy. mn t 15 MARKET SflEr, Arteliingoitttliebalttiioeof tluar 'Ladies Urnlprwoar Chonuae and Night DrttHos, at a ww.iiig red notion EVEN FROM FORMER PRICKS. HAMBUH9 EDGINGS AND INSERTIONS- Wo aro tuakiujf an rlTort In this tlpnrtnieitt t reduoa tba stock Breriona to going NortU, iul La.li.'s will And PftlCESlWcr than anr thor li'Sss cvt-r accit in tins lutti ki t I ' FMEI1I LESLIES CUT PAPER PATTERNS FOR SALE. Machine Needles, 5 Cents lacl Misses Kid Gloves Slightly Spotted 20 Cents a Pair- Sizes, 5, 51-2 and 0. ILttfiiig jnHt Uknn an aootitit uf stmik w (I i 1 hi vtu! .iu ill, T.uiml lots vi' li ii-li wo liityo duttuiuitiud luinud to CLOHE V tliank An n ye AftMw wt.'iu Ve'll Rt BROWN & RODDICK, 45 Market Street. FALL AND W1HTER GOODS . AT . ! Old rjf a TDTrtrvn AVIDIA V. JC 3b. Xil FALL 'ANDWINTER GOODS CHEAPEH than: EVEE'l I A. . if No. 86 MABKET STREET. ep U FURNITURE i FURWITURE ! YrryrrEllFOKTUEFAIl-TUaDK dUntJHf AhLAHO AKjOcmtaBBOSTOCK New Patterns and Designs"' Pur lor. Clitiiil''i iiikI DIiiIhix Rooiuli'uiiiiiiii'p, i AT FXTRKMILT LOW FBIOES.. , - GAJti1.S AM OIL CLOTH AM) JATTJA(3 ..... e In tliln linn our f i. k mil. rai'H all T the w ami leading Fnttarn of Hruftula, l lir.e ply, . . .rj Oottoa and Men-p tlnrj.pf. All arr idi till i loth and MatUag.; Alao Mat a d Mug., of Heauiliul Dealgna, Badding. &o.r &o Hair. Moss. HITI linos DM, rir,'l'HKK'. rKTltR MKlffl rKAI'MEIl rjl.l.U WH A ill) ItOLsTKKM. ODMKOitTAIII.KS, An.,A(.t.OF THK UKBT eJATKRML And our own Mannfactuie. ., . Hotel., Hteamrra and I'rlrate Untldanco. furnlabed In lb. latest Style, and at Low I'rlura, , r iinm. gnu ua a nan ami oiiin' n D. -u.p 1H tr TUc Carolina HonscMi Magazine. 1 AN IhLUSTHA 1'KI) MONTHLY choloe I.IUritt urn, 111 he Iwuud from ih loLnaw riiuii .via.aaanaR oaric. commeiiclng w th January, is':9. Th. tlrat number will b ready lor ni tiling by tierember 18th, and the porual. Il will b. pul.ibtil aacli -euitoeadliig month tlnitenller without, inliirriiiillon, titt adran Una will b. tirglectud w,uch either lalmit or capllHl nan ivnnm,. nil to rendiir ea Ii iaaue an agraeahlo and itiatrmttlT. iMimprnUum ot ou.ilcr reading, hy popular wrltura, both hum. amh.bcad. The Carolina Household Magazine will be a larie 2S-pago, elght.y-t'nui column monthly, hatidaoniuly pilntod on tlntnrt bouk par and beautifully illuxtrated, it hi . thormighly aoutl.ern entoruriae and Itaauoceu la alnady fully assured. Thepul.llaher meaua to rnako It a hint olmn uioullily, that, onoe In trodiu.ed In the family rlr-.le, la eaio to be eagnrlv wutuhed tor ami caiefully proaerroil. llaofOUf KAIT (IAI.I.KUY" will irore an attraotlve leaiure. '1 h. January number will contain a life like picture of ' EX-00V. Z. B. VANCE, v and biographical aktiloh, to be rlillowad in eanh mioueKillug iinmber with phouiirianha ol other proiulo.iit.lati Binun.dlTlneii, Si a. ONLt TWUllOLIUtS AYlCAtt and .aeh aulm'.rlliar can mnko a choice Tiiuaa diikt saatTTiFUL.LAHUKKxHr.iTiMus, liaol.aoliSI:i0tnohe, n: "The rinding ol th i Matlyur In the 1'emple," "'J'h. Midon na."in"KiBLar I,fyliiK the Sturm,'' tor. w.rdedon receipt of th. aubaorlptluii price. Kitherorthe KngraTiDn;. la worth duuldethe price aakd fur th. Magailtie. . av aiiyiiiiiiauiidiiiKaulub ol' nt . .Ill re ctiite ait eatra auh. rlption tree. fllBj, e oople, Weenta, fme by malt, ill mon'ha tubeor p tlon, wt'hout Ui. r.ngravTng, i. Agent Wanted ivervwhere. " . .lULlUS a. thMiii, Puiiiuhar, ,t - ' hUboro,N U. IVUOO BBL8. URE COPPER DISTILLED N. O. CORN WHISKY I For rale by Joust. T Cbakkb, aug U ink OUi AT A TRICK. yo s'. Uiiltli kjrt'iU ami iua', : ' : J'j For iaiiii4it ixtuiuli .'.,,-' Wi' Btalclti' f.'i'l, Wu'vh tluiis.ao Wrmf , , .! .'! TUiiiuUmit iho yuar ntto i-u.lit. . Our sUK-k Wf'va ta'en ' ' ' ! ' ' ' . Au iioo ws'rtigsVu, ,-, , U ,1m" To s-'ll wllliiu tlin ii.iui'gui; 4 ,,i4 tttiiw ttKirtt an tiiuiu laiirgalfe. .! 4V. A. . KJ A. X Wl. T i'j si lasrnis u t-arj' ShuoV- Eicelslor and Straw our runs oci ir. puronaa ag. : J A. SMITH & CO-, i, ! 3 Frout Street. c CH0,CE rAM,LT Cfi0CER,ES ' rrvA ereyy woek. If vmt want tlio lii4t nf (tTiTjtlutig at; the kw.wt jrloe la the city, 'inl W- GEO. MYERS,' ' v BK8T UDTTKBIK Tftft WOULD. Tbo only t.HAble butter rrrdiir't to tlilg city, and Irmu tlm be it diiUy In Sy jiork. NEW PROCESS EMPIRE FLOUR. Imported lager Bier, guaranteed lo be tht heat In tb. St'y Wo re wire lull dm in by every aMiumr regularly. It ia the beat, aad erorjboiy bmi It. Imported ! Pickles, ; Wand t sent, pet Jar. Freeh roasted Java and Lagimt'tit cntt'eea cr ert w.irk. Ui'iHind dauy Iu tlo (turn Itcoeived UiUweek a cask civch oe- HtCHNEUT, HTOlJ P,'ltTplt :V UO.", - BKASDT VtStACiE IS3-S ! ' ... . ... ( ..-73 i. . ROMANO, AMMONTllXADOInncl V,5 DUFFCOR0O SHERllYHlE, Au4 alway. on hit.th. poimldr brands ... V ...f nV M-'tl.'-lil - Mew canned peaches' and. falli jmila Barllctt ear. ' ffot aaie low for oaab at f; t-! GEORGE WYERS. 11 AVlaSOUTir'l'RONST., ' Portland Cement. Al-ai, Roman. Kee ne'a nnd ratlin, lur w.lk. clateraa4 ffndaliona, atatile., rellur?, bridj-it, reaorrolra, lio. Henilt alt eetiu pimuo lor praelloal Ir.atlM on evmentii- B.Ii M FHcHANT ro. 4Soathbt.hr V 1 -i

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