9 "1 s ! 1 - (;-- - jj VOL XXIV. 110. 228. V7IUIIITQT0IT, 23. C,. FRIDAY, 8EPTELIBER 24. 1875. T7E0LI. 170. G.CC2 ? bf ttoiln jlonmnl. BY TELEGRAPH. JACKSON, , "AS TRUE A HERO AS EVER TROD THE EARTH." t (.HIT BRITAIN'S GIFT TO YIKCISIA. Cot. temper Kecel.ln: the SUtae tf Stonewall Jackson- Intense la-JhuslMB-Stlrrtnf Speeches. ' ,.,,THE EQUINOX. li-i ' ... :- - . ' Terrible JDeitniction of life and Fropertj Whole Tillages Swept iwaj-Cropi ToUIlj Ruined. ? yr- ' r : -VJ,'. 5 " NEWS IN GENERAL a Destructive. Cenflajratioa -r Monopoly Daring Bobbery -The Cburc and State In Spain, Ac. GOLD 16 1-2. BT TbXXBAPH TO TBI JOCRNAL.I ' YIEGISI1. Reception of Stonewall Jaxkaoi'i SUtae. J Richmomk, Sept. 23.-rFolej' Uto o! Btouewall Jaekwn, preseDted to tbe r-tste of Virgin! t by Hon. Bereaford Hope, M. P., and other English gou tlemeu, arrived here last evening, aud waa formally received by Governor , Jlemper.to-dy. v, . a The people turned out in number to witness the reoeption, the streets presenting a holiday appearanoe, 1 ) At 3:30 T. M. tbe First Regiment of Vs. Vols., and tbe veterans of tbe old First and tbe Richmond Howitzers proosrded to the wharf, where the ease containing the statae swatted transportation to the Capitol. It had been plsoed upon a wagon, and was covi-red with the flags of both Orest Britain and America. Long ropes were sttsohed to the wagon, and at tbe word of oommand the veterans of tbe old First, together with a large number of eitisens took hold, and with a portion of the present First Regi ment at the head of the oolnmn took np the line of march, the remainder of the Regiment and Howitzers bringing np the rear. Upon teaching the Capitol Square the wagon was drswn to be foot of tbe steps, where Col. B. T. Johnson, oom msndant of tbe First, foimally de livered tbe statue to Got. Kemper in a brief speeoh, referring in leeling terms to the time, twelve years ago, when he oomminded to funeral escort of the true and gallant soldier, who was now being honored by the people of Great Britain. Gov. Kemper reaponded, reoeiving the statue in the nsme of the people of Virginia, thanking tbe soldiers and citizens for tbe honor which they had done to aa true a hero as ever trod the earth. In doing this they bod done much to testify tbe gratitude of Vir ginia to the noble friends on the other side of the World who had sent this .aak trihnta nf admiration and nvm- pstby from the Old World to the New from Orest Britain to Virginia. Gov. Kemper then, in the name of Virginia, took possession ox tne gut, receiving it, not more as a great sculptors work of art, than a mark of English affection for Virginia and her immortal son. ," ' .' s ,-. t.Uu Tbe ease was then plaoed in the hutment of the Capitol, where it will amnin nntil the rjedeetil is readv to , receive it Tbe statue will be unveiled during the State Fair in October. ' tills. ' Effects of the Storm. Houston, 8ept."23. Five liono are left standing at Matagorda. No lives Fifteen families living on Slatagordo Feninsnla are supposed to nave perisn ed, as no signal has been seen. The loss to planters is estimated at twothirde. All the augar cane is The tide rose from twelve to fourteen feet and oould be seen coming forward in a plateau. Six feet of water is now on land hitherto untouched. , Only two or, fjhree house are .left V standing in the villagea of Valaooo and . Qaintaro, the people fit neither plaee " being able to save anything. v MISSOURI. ti , ,,, Destructive Conflagration. . Kansas Cm, Sept 28. The Chicago ' House, the St James Hotel and tbe TJeion Depot were burned last night Geo. Findley, a guest at the Chicago Ebuse, was burned to death. - : 'MASSACHUSETTS. I Daring Robbery. ! NawBERBTPOBT, Sept. 23.Dr. Nor ton, a dentist, waa oalled upon to visit ' a patient last night While on his way he waa ahot, chloroformed and robbed of a watch and $100. There ia a pros peet of Norton's recovery. , ' BIO. 1 . . . . Endorsing Resolutions. Cincinnati. Sept. 23. The Chamber , of Oommerce has adopted a resolution : endorsing tbe action of the New Or ' 1 leant Chamber, in its adoption of . tbe 12 per oentr or the actual tare on hogsheads of Louisiana plantation angar, , , ... s ,. on. ... " ' " The resolution waa aooompanied by ' tbe endorsement of over one hundred . grocers, who have agreed, , to instruct agents or commission merohanta to purchase for them on no other terms. JilW YORK. . Coal Monopoly -Treaty, le. K Albint, Spt 23 A nvat telo- graui aunouucea that treaty nf peace has been sigucd between tbe Republie of Columbia and the rebellious coast 8Utea, i i Delegates from boutb Caroliua to the Iusuranoe Conventi.tn were i cJuilod uu aocount of the by-laws, f : Tbe price of coal baa advanoed 10c. per tou. The Delaware A IImlm and the. Delaware, Xtackaianna A Western Companies have agreed to suspend shipments to competitive points for the next two weeks, confining the bu-u- nesa to tne local aud estern tra le. CEOKiilA. , . State TaJr. ; . ' AlAooNi 8 eL'2J .The SUte1 Fair opens here ou the 18th, of next mwth, and will ooa tinues one week.' t f ' I i , .t J J J ITILT Confident Security. Vimna; Sept' 23. The Emperor in reoHiving the aiarliameiitary delegations spoke hopeful of tbe msintaiuuioe of peaoe in Europe, - .' 'SPAW. - i State and Chareh. j Madrid. Sept 23. Tbe police hsrs disnverd nnroerous depositories of arms aod ammaaition eaippnsed to be for the socisUHt risiog TheGotfro- ment will be firm, : and will respect religion, but at lbs aametime will protect the religioiU rigbfS of eitisetis. T E5GLA5D. f romlses of Ientrallt7 Liohdon. Hpt. 23.-A special patch from Vienna, states tuat and Montenegro have notid Powers of their determination to re main neutral in the troubles bstweeu Turkey aod her 'Northwestern Pro- vinoea,; i'jt, H!:!fi! I I Hi! ! . ; t ,nY Prince Milan's Answer, i BxtoBADB, Sept. 23. The reply pui- lisbed in answer to Prince Milan's ad dress aays that all the meaua necessary to protect tbe liberty ol tne opie ars placed at the dioposal of tbe Prinoe. ' Ia teferrtng to tbe insurrection tn Bosnia and Herseirovinia the address aaye perpetual suffering has oompelled our brethren to take, np arms. Our boarM bleed for taeBb. and we git to your Highness every power to enable yo to assist la re. tori ug peace to Bosnia and Hersegovinia, and we eon fide in your wisdom for the accomplish ment of ibis noble mission. Tbe Servian - Minuter of War has ordered five batteries of artillery and four battalions of infantry to proceed to the frontier. . . ELECTBICISMS, C. A A. 8. Bchnyler, large wholesale grocers, New Turk, have failed. The Peekekill Mining Oomnaoy.New York, have failed. Liabilities (160,000. i Tbe Oarliet General Dorregaray hM cocoon tra ted hit forces around Eatella. Bern Pasha has entered Piva with nine battallions of Turkish troops. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. REMOVAL. THR unilAr.itn.il (ir doHoe lht h. h non-dala wfflia fro n Prfi cnw 8tr to h'. n.w mlt of riwm o.rr Walkrr A Hun icr'i Marbl. Warkion hotth front Street, oppftttta l. . nm in . ' utunure nm. r t mbi 24 1W - ' 8. K. kVKHITI' From September 15th, 1814, lo August M ' i f f 31, ttlS.Sft U i CODNTt f)F NW HANoVRR A0 coont with Kiyab Il'wlett, CeantJ Treaa r: ' " i . :. , -4 t )A.JBIakitrawisifSUs I I'nl To anoant disbnmS M per monthly - ' ' ' ftatrm.nt and yuchBrs nndltwi,, j " to m. wiTn in. Do.m 01 Lnurnjr IximmiMiox.r. TO IVeMurer'. eommlMloni..., To bal.no. carried down SIP,6I4 on 1,1 1 II J4fi8M i M , . . tm tu to Kecelpla. j By aajonnt received from A R.BIark, '1 T Collector, lor taiea ou Heal j Fat.te, Perannal Property. Poll. I . , and Schedule H, and J. Tax W4tl By amount r.celred fiom Q, w. Born, ; deent, K'elnter. dnea to Januarv t - ... a.a v. IM laiu, Bl 90 lftS U Bjr amount remtlvrd from anndry pen. eon. for dellnqnant taxM...... , By amount received for net of Van mlre'oner. note for M.OOO. dated. 1 AJ.niSth, 1S7,' at 4 rt.atbv llku COIIiluiu nana VI m.iwi Bf aaoaas reeelaea fxna 1h Mate - ' for card of Inrnnt poradn at the Count? Hrwpltal.. By amount rac.ivrd from Wilming ton Weldon Railroad Co .. n ! ft .n. ... w a. ,T0M ,090 00 500 00 M.?44 10 Br amonnt twaaght down, .a-h on i , hand. .a.......... f1,4nsr4 KLijafl af wirxT. County Treaturer. Per 8. D. WAIX40X, i - i , i ..,,A'toreTKpl.M-4' ::Airaiialjl5ift. From September 15, 1811, to Anguet Soaoot rtrSD.KEw h 4. no via rious. ty, In account with Elijah Hewl.u, Conntj Traainrer: ,;. ..u.ti. , )iUn ,,i Dlakaraoaaaaia. " ' : To amount dl.bnred, a. per monlhly : j atatemenr and vonchr. audited, i on Sla with Ounitr )Tnmllonen.lt,?T 41 To Treaeu'er'i eornmlhlona j 4KI M To balance earrled on., T,S01'83 e'4,S4 ae i 4 Herelpta. Byajnaantreoel.au from B.H Hurrbia, i lormer Treaanrer aST.M) 04 By amonnt raeelvad fWB A. U. Black, i Tax Uolleetnr 11,000 0 By .mount received froasHtat Board i i of Education. S3I M By amount recal.ed from HJS. hlar.il ! tin, Bala, of Muh t (00 .J J By taUne, eais on hartdf ..I?.' n,m , EMJ4H HKWI,CtlV . iti 4.i i i . Oottuty Trtaaprer- , rern. u, wAUL,a.un, ii'ill'-' - Attortiey. V Wilmington, N.0.,Ang. II, J81fl. 1 .V Hervia ed the KI',7 A'THTISMinS. ts:e U THAT CURtJ TltlZ Taklnf latt e-wnl riKn kh it. too a n, a. kituvy of tm e ir b ! Air! .Uiil. LijA I.u1iii.'hiIL'IM ttf Ih. j at. , ot kwurula In tfc. bloJ, Vr.nVim 1, falubi. traidT naan. ( .uti from in. m r.,i .-i a. -. mi (i tmm aar Hl.W Vhii viiiii l inidiuin4lnHi ta. 1 b'-rv I. of Mrolaia In .itM-, nc tl Vmriii bu( rmrr, erwnjrd, ow,r, Uw wiu. i. Ml Km kkra m tat pwt aiUNi,aUihat .M Mia w tb. contrv, notvtuutuiding. - VuiBTua a pimm M ih twi mild In lu InAu.nM, ml nluM IiMimimmiImu., a. Um CuUowlas M'.iuut andouc. wlU - i i ,1 t ll. . Ih T-nen .boil Hi month. oU I t taorin.Md. . T. narHM h ts ehiaretf lnaa M.Mai. tint 4Ud irHa- M kamor. I'kikiMiHinalnir m (u .nek a .rt.nt Uta . vatruii. la bra n nrrm froia aural .( aii pra. Tk ulw tnall . tli la lav h.J. I ra ..! tn tbi O'indittoa akoat ii) t.n, troktd ll Ih. tin wlta or, braaklnf last. k.al.nddl-cl'.rki tor raiiatM nua nr.- A. Uib iumi .in.tl aarat eu. I m af avrkgrKluallf In aralat In Lm anltln ( ft . t . on .. da 1 mxtl H b,1n nini MT n Uowd, aii tslatlai. 1 raln rar uu. rrntnlir. (at air blaod withont apt .ub.tnntlai I tk.it w.at li Muninant ok. nelta la B took,rln kuvratm.ntfjl t at'iatkar im4 iktaair lfk-tlais, krMrk naf at. Hiiauo.;iBH'.iin. vita arouaa.ac ra vatMl aiirak atlAfcoatak all ataiiHlahmt Hi utt. of tU. lauur, m in a .leal., fixrtila it)ni1tirtn .iiaaltad tm4br iikniaiaa 1 Nallrk aJi.r Mo.iaam.hla liara, aaMawded hi kaalina lk Hr. Ilboat Ndatlng Ike all.. SI ttifi iwlat I Maiataaead teava 'aaairTjlSj krngh the aanml Mraa.dua 'uT"4 rrljiil. Altar I fcd taiiaaka4isilhat akoatbaU.aa-ak 1 a a.rUaa.a ai.nlarln.-aaiw.aatn.ia,-II f bo iHtaaarait fun op araan tMiaiiiiiiij. uajtH. nnaiijr.itii. !aor irroa. au i aiari d li'kar d i craaiwdl.T. t anil th.VicA date'-Aarl but air a.ek .till Ixar. ih- m i tun of in- ton and lane. I am now haaiUiy and .truag end ahl. to work arery dayi I wii aiao autntian lkll hraB.n.aarnia ulTaral pffm InSaamjaiairy ;rmalW aai Bic4 I can t.aiaairtar, anill auaim ni Inj ill. aaa of Vaaarina, wh a alaot lm dlMely all rhcum.Uo pain. oMd.;JThla .laUaiant I tolantoarfor tb. sarpoat al benrllUn other nSrln kuaaanttr, Mdyoa MtMnrbra'HI.of by (iTlng it aa-tnarh abllHyv ar ibougbl Dropaf. T.rj gnuDruny. . u. at. itviL amiarai, alaa.. ; TThat Is Tegetliie 1,; tiki a ayMBiMinnd mraoUd from barkl. root aad karh. It i. aaiutVa fmaoj, . It la ptr laatly karmlaaa from any ba-t .rl.oi kib tb ayataa. It la noarlablng td Mr.ngtn.miig,. it aev airaouy aa. i aaiiiaoiLitq. au a.i..r- aaryawa. KHMni. (M.hmi .waa labl. Ilki grant panaoa for ou Affad fataanaad aaoikara. lor It rlrn tk.ia Mrangik. fjauHataaK aacraa, and gifar tbaa natui.'. w twaaaa BMMaa urorai y aanai aa asaapermi. ft IM raat mnnn rariB n It w a aoorl lng rorawl for oar ehildr.n, Itthu raiiTan aa u earpfi lo'i'iaannp. iiai. r aattotakai ary child llka II. It rait and ar.a.aJIdUKaxta.lfl'.atinf fioalaip blood. Trytha Vaorri... Ola. It a rolwvad and curad tho.ian.t. It I. r. f .- ran.... la par a .Sir trial ftorronr nmidainia: tbaa yon will ar to yoar f ilaad, alfkbar and eonatatanoei MTry Hi U aa aarad a. . , ... Report from & Pntctical Cbemlit and il , Apotheoarjr. ,- 'i u i '.. iosraw, Janaary l. Dear SlrT hi. to fortify tliatlhkra "old kl rotal 1 II dai.n tistt lotUa.) .f your Via- Tiaatinra Aptii izj laiu. aoi n nmiy any that II baa giT.alb k't ntlafantiod nl rcmrdr tor iba eiplaln. fttr which it b red naiali tbat I avar SOU.; caret y dayi pa a. a. wHhoat of my oaatora m taat I ly ing k lt nana aa tbaa. l to. or thai, frtaavb. I am parfaetly aoful.tnl of aerarat aaaaa of asrofntoua Tnmor. k. n. .trrd by Vaaorinl aiBt ! Uitovlolnlt.f Very rarpootrnlly your., ai U'L.Haii,.i) oruauway. To H. R Sravsat, Eq. i Tegetlne le Sold by all DrnggUtii. : aaiiM-s - Kffeeta af Ula.lpavtlon Cenuteractcd. Aleoh-d otataaa eannot b lory e8itly d.pr.eatol both for tlmr dertmrtir. t fleet, upon th. ooM.t tuUoo and tUlr uarnio oa Bnenaaapon aaa'a general welfare. At tb nam. tlmo. there In litt le proknbilllf that ho will ona ate indulge In them hatha and of tl aa i ommon humanity would Uwrafora arem to dtetaW for the .uggeetioa of ib. auatefflnfrnt menu, of rouuturaotmg their .flectn. Tnarx le not among aedioated .tlmnlnnr. one au ad miriblv caloolkt.it to 0 unternni the uliY cl eonarquence. of h.r'l drinking aa H atrtieiV niomm n aiwera.wn'on reniraa Mit aaawja nsa headach. prodoced hf It, 'elj tbe trembling nerv.., .ad yield that nnfere i-h rcKaa which wtbabaatromiiarant of health ehsea ht eeaa. Toe bliiiou.vmiim. eanwd by dla.ip Una ara promptly relieved by tbn Ultler., are alto an excellent reev dr lor dwoid ra af feeling ib. at maoh, bewaa, liver and armary organ.. wUlcbltliopariaunwofiMdregaiarity ;,-SlI:l R'T B"" BE S T LINEN Six for 80 OO C, O. Dt munson;&c SO LE AGENTS, AGENTS VANTEO ' (J aioli'i ork, NICHT 80ENES IN THE BIBLE. ai.o a aiaguiaceM Mil itUi -K iuai I rum ProM. 4w, Audiewt 0. MoUUHUY A UU. . I lt 5 Pblladelphla.Pa.' S 1 ,200 PfiOFI f ON $100 in.t.ied.ln Slock Privilege. In Win street. Book, and Circular tilling" "How 'tl. done," aentfrea. Addrea Baxtis &0 bankfr., IT Wall Street, N York. 4w. ISTIiHOM4NCY, or . OUL CHA'M X ISO," Howelihrr mi m.y laeclnate and gala tbe lova aad alt.otipa. ol any peraon they cbot..a In.tantly. Thl. .Imple, uii'Oiaj ac quirement all eanpoeaoaa. free, by Baill, Tor 29o., togetoar with a a-wrlefr gnlde, Kgviitn Uracle, Dream., nitita to baillt., Wrd llng M igkl Nhtrt. da A qucar book Ad Irea. T. IVfUjlkhtS ft OO., Publiauor, Philadelphia. ..... Fleaunt MidFrolUa'ole jfroployincn?. 'BntllWl" ' 'fctatmlngl"' -Ohi how tovelyl". "Wkatarwtheyarotth,' Ac. tnrh are the eioiamatton or tho wnoee th. large, elegant hew, tbraawx waaoadi by ih. Kuropean and dmorloaa Ohoromo Pabl .hlng Jo, Every on. will want Uian. It requite, aottlalag tot eH . tha latetare., they .peak ror tb.BMlvea, Canvaeaara, ag-nU, an I l.:le. end gerituaaee out af employment, will And thl. Ui beet petiwia a-er offered to mak Bonev. For full partlculva and .tamp for SOBflleaihM airrolara. Addren r. 0.,tlSWaablngtoa8 4w .g.T3 street, notion, Hut. VTk ' I, S FORTUNE IM IT. . Kvety. ramily buy. IU Sold by Agout4. Addro,., U, M CALK KB. rla, Pa, ' ' ,!- . l..- MpH. MIW ADVtHTlSEMESrX." THE UCY DIAMONDS, t l..l - 1.1' ....vj- -J- Tbi ilai.rrt'.Ma wrr Kai'naa thot ud rrlli, Will j r"T by iar tha n .l llaa. tbo aurxa..' 4t la earelully w.ittt rrn'i.nn. t 'lit (mi irump-aa'r araoa.l MI. ratatiil. t fraha ill- of lb. a atyk. 11 akaa t nraaMllr. Itirl mnA iba MlMi.taartar akanah drawn atrwat diwiatniatna,ia4 nriaair.l ia all a hi 4 aluikau. rvuUoal. tka U, alUt'tut arukb, tlik iaua. .ltraanlinar, tlta?..lr drawl, to lolMiav If tkaaaikorhd art tau aatkika .,. Tu lavr Id a-ondi' would nia. a lkua s Utali'i(lfllea.' tot k!" 1, -1 t , , I 'UVtBOOK aWrtKBSTCSTOKf. '' Hi I . i yilttl m a i I !. REMOVAL hN oa'arora tae y hi o S )I 1 pdli.aiuM to ay WLU STAND, j '1 ' . ltioiii9 Corner, i.tUklr. WHIIara FVa ' , K! .' : illLLIN ERY TORE- ;.','?' ' ,'CA..rRioit.r-.viit4n K ' W. tte, Knar. , t ..TRAVELING U00lirHAKIItX AHSjTRUNKS wHira,r;K, . v. kiTO ( ;,'!ri4TMutw,.,ttaAi.rI- ant)., An kbttkt orindtilcr; guol CIIUjAI" lTOll OAHII," ITARTLINO ANNQUNCEMEMTf, HEADY MADE CL0TH1N bwtna roaslttatl In all II. branrliaa. i faal no hl-avtawey reVaylnv that I will off-r eiir.ordl nary inuuremaui. to buyer. I k.vaiaidina larg. aud ' j i WELL SELECTED tTOC ' , sad aa lUter.hi.d lo oH. , t , Wiv.m.atall audi wll' eonrlnr. foil that Ih Sail tlmotaaonat pr.vairt you from w taring ANEW - tV - fa- 1)1 VII,' Mp IS The. lacy Diaraondsj Tb Third and Bert of THB t)Dt THUMP u rolr4 at arptltt r.:'." i " JtD. M4NN"S, t Buokbt.ir. COOKING, PEARS, t i I - ' i NfcWW? I!fANDrOlM4t,K AT I ' "j t . i I . j i'. ! ' I ' ' ' 'tit H. yfi KPNUK'8, 01 M: K. I'orner Marxet' and Second Mrwta -.aeptn .. ; , THE FALL TRACE- ; WB are pr.puod to fill the erdara of our country friend for bard war, at thd loneit ftoMlbt prloM. fjalf arid oW! " f ! .,1 aiOhM . vaunisow, , , 1 "M.,1 . New Hardware Htore. Holasses, Malasses V. V'A 'i im tli.li'.n.l UKl. K I'.rm, , 80 Hiig-h.il H. M. Mola.Hr. - 1W) Parrolg S. H. MolM en, j r '. fur saw by ; .... , V-, v. I . t I i KBUCHNBOaiit)EBSaUS, ' Coffee. Sugar, and Flour. lUH?n JOS Bag. Co. , HI bhla -nirr. ., i. .-.. im Mfiowri !1' H , 0AUtB BROS". Corn J Hay. Bagging ! and iVo,lV''-V-': T0',. J- j , uaie nay. ,.f I t WO Holla aft1r. 1 ' ' n., 6) Ton. New and Pierced T !.' " trslei.r,'",'""'':-' "' ' KKRCHWKBA C4LDICR BBOS. Powdr,P6wy e 'til Powder. " - 1ni 1 dwder! T j For Ml by . up it' SOUTHERN HOME SCHOOL Vv (. 197 $ i99 N. ,Cnarloi St!, 1 ..... Baliimobe, Md. -m. j M .. 15STaiBasilEl)TlN 1842. BOARDINS AUD DAT SCHOOL FOB pUMO '-".b B'kk. LaDTBS. " S"''-'4 t ' VrVrrrrmU-Mrf 'anO Mri, M. Oary, asd fi. General John Prgham. Y " ..i - The Preni-k language ipoktn knd taflght. reptio, eodira ' ' tt r - I fir ' : 1 ' - Salt;Syiup; Shot, Ties 'ana' 'Mullets.. '.S'l X 2,000 SACKS LIVERPOOL-BiLT, ti lJt Hi i.Kji. j , . rl!J0BBLS, 8.rttrJI0LASSE3 or .,vw BLACK: M0LLAH3E8. I "200 BAGS BBOT'V'v ,.! I 'ljuM l,-.Ji.fa II H JTpyS APJfQW TIES tNew.) . ' CO' BBLS NICE SALT MILLETS. DO.0O0 GUN CAPS. WATEU PBOOIi; ,v. .' ,'' and G. D.'a ,it.-ii.j . , . '1 ', I ft'.':ll,,M(rt ( Dkheuaka moLasskh, OOBA MotAS BS, II BW ORLKAMS MUX,A88Kh BINFORD, CBOW k CO. aep EDUCATIflIAl. POWOER SHOT AND CAPS. Fur rala lew allh.r at wholeael. or i. tall by , Utl.ta AHUKi HlMON. 4 COLDSDORO, N.C. at IK(TII, A. M.. Prof. Awlaal and Med K. W. AOAS44, A M i rruT. Maibematlo. Tate Third Term mt Ihla Itawdllai tioa will hogla ata neaevy, Ana. it, avad eudo lloada,y, ui e,;i!a. l 1 1 j: t ; ii 1 1 - t . TH IS eboal I. ttnt1 In th low a of Oakta borottka ventre l luur Kallroa,!.), and reuot Ma areeaalfclltty etfvtaaapetlur ad..ai.(. to parent, and ga.Miana living In Ik tur mundlng oountrla. or In the Kaatarn portion tf U aial, Tha loanlkni la baalihy, nod bo tear, of eusaaa need ba entertained by Mial4 reudUig Ibelr wa. lo tin. plana, aa nut a alugl.caM of aaikiu. Illnaa. nouur red In tn. Hcliuol during tb. part at kolaatl. vear. boa'.nt, iin-rliar., ran r aaoa a a 1 t l. deterred m aarvoBiung tki Irkool en th artr ..r the dnk'niiMnaa f tb hyaikia.' I'rerri I.- W adaw. wko hae ehargaof ib waiB'Wuaiicat iMp.rtiuajn, i. .a aiumna of handoiph Matxia tollrg. and ha. bora a .ui fiiul taarner af iwl fr many year.. Tha exiire eX ina4raeHon I iiad, Ihiwoegk and eiten.ive ami eeeli. I" de.alup and Improve tne mental piwera nf the pnpl!. by training tbaa tuTSmti nl by learning ttiem 'h right nee of tha ui'UlttP with whion Uo-I da a dowd hin IP!" ft,)! l b dl liillu of th. Hcbnol, whll. It l mild and parental, .tiloree. Ih. dut. ol obtdleuea loe.erv rnleend reaii'a'tun A. Inaubirllna- tloa.nd diemd Tl eonrtaet are Whull rarwra pallbl wltb aekolaatle training and mental rrvgrraa B" boy who I. ludiapoanl to Improve bw lim or Uaa Injury la bl fellow., wUl ha relalnrd In lb. Mfbuol Moral and reMlc.u. Instruction oelve due bar or afWiUoa and coW1nrlon ; ror an lo. the heart and eunwienue be Inatrncted and enllghtjnd, mare aeouiar Irarning will aval) bu little la tha luraat'Of af a evrrevt aa4 uprlgh hanM ," .."',''. , , . The four rrllglaia be-rlae bring wall repr aented m till. plai . erery boarder le allnwad lo atiend that 1 huroh nn Similar whlrk bl. pa rent mat dengnat. Tb' wiab and prteno of tbe parent will b airlctly el.aKirixl.aa noth ing af a reetarlaa eharaetor i eoantenancod In theSrbool, , , B'lya ar nreparait fnr advanend claaje la Collego or fur the aoilve bualnea of life. Tbe bnl ding hlthrr'n known a. the"Pe- jnals tlfll.'g.' Tbaabniivrd by the Prlaet pal, and will li.reallar b uaed aa a ai-keol lor lrailiy weanima, intox'eaiing winwa, pro'an Iry and .vary iclea ol gambling ar .trlolly prohjkllad. n ;. j Terms, per1 Session of 20 Waeh .att AHVANUaV.IUI.AMUB ON v , . riner orooTMBSR. Tuition for iirlmar department.,.,. .- SIB 00 Hlgn.tllnfll.h ..i wen - i aavakiatd elat.rx with dig. bra.eta.;. ts e advannadelaMeewlth 'at In W t a ,. iiat Wth l atin aid llreek, af on Oarman . Kr.nok, sad bxh-k-'p'n(, sack a.tia...'. B rati Hoard. iiMilwling rnei and light 18 ho laaidental ripanna.. , I e Eaoh .lad.nt till rnlalu for hit awa a, a i.air or blank.!., a pair or aueew, a pan of pd row aa.ee ond but toaala . N deduction from rnltlonand Board In eaae or dlamtaakm oe withdrawal, and only la oaaa of nrolrai-t.il dekneae, rorturlhar iiartloular., addran M. FETTER, Principal, 'ryI4-dtr OIM.IIHHOKO, N.l fM SCHOOL FOR YOUNO LADIES. . ....... ....j. nieeaa kicrbdv AkD b.bt, raiNoirab, THK nrit.iMlnnof thl. In.Mlutlon will be gin W. il urai ay, Ootuhor Of. Solioid of Mn no, atndor the illiectlun of Proteaair K. Van f.arr. Pnrtirnia. Ati.. anulv tothe Prluclnala. corBef hf Market and Third Streeia. aep Ikaodtr Dover School, Va. TH' rw.ntl.th Mmiii, of ton month., wll b.gla th. Qrat Mon liy of Hplmbr 171. 4 .l.t boakand a praotlcal education glvas 10 hoy. AddrM R. B. MoUOUMlOK, Principal, Alda, london eonnty, Va. .-t.i ih, HBrHt:iv.fjes. j - . Ooneral Huiitur, yTrrentin, Virginia, iter J A BlO ll, I) 0, iraaavlll ), 8 J Prof John Hart, Richmond, Ta. '1 BP Rayuoul Ban Utaraot, '.. ' MU&F&EESBORO HIGH SCHOOL Murfaeesboro, Hertford Oo.i N. O. Th. aeeeml aeaeten bedna th tOtti of Men toubec, IHIb r"Un at loaohlug aauia a. lu liio lJarVltyor yirgi. jr, . , O. P. OONlt AH, Principal. .1 H C :ikttAi fJikWhiaty of Va.) ' C, U, AHriN(ALtant. ,t " (Orad. Wke rorert ami Uoi, of Va.) TESTIMONIALS. If. a it Mm tin hu nroMMtilxt th itudv of l.ailn wlib a.uorew whioh I havo never known rurp. aa Is my eiienrnn a. leavb.r W, K. PKTKR. . at m i ) Prof. Latin Uulrer.ity of Vs. :,.. ; lt 4AABrrarl. 0l Aag, (8, KMt The recomDind ttton "f r. U. H. Martin, lead hafor the Uoara ol Tr.te af th. Unl vemlty or North (lamina, gar. tb. Board tbs hlgheat erlilno of hie qualification, a. a .' hular.and of hi. ebaraeterat a gintl.man, The undrlnd bar. formed tbe 0iliilon Iron tbnee tedlm inia'. tuat he I a moat able teacher and In all re.peot well Btted fot tb eduo itlon of youth. - n un ,n tt , , i KKMP P-HAT i aep .viwi.o . r-rrr Mliiaea Burr A Jamet will re.uneth (tarel of their School, on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER CTH. Mu.lcal l)Citraont under lb fupervialon of Mra. M. H Knohlrf. " ' 1 anglMw : MEDICAL COLLEGE OF VIRGINIA. 11 I O II JI O NDi tAt' SESSION 1870-76. r ' Winter Court of l.car. riagfn October let, ad eloae in flv i month.. Full eoum of Med toal Ipitrnotum by tbe Faouity. and daily aye tea o( aaaaluatiiHi. hr the Adjoatt Paeuity. Pra'eaaeriiWea. fiKr. J Plurmaoy Courts SM. Benetlclarj ticket, SW. tor full particular of eatalocii apply to J. B. MoUAW, M. I)., 4w No Kit Oraoe Ht. Richmond, Va. Dean of Faoaliy. k l r'JJ gJJ. !ai::!ii ror omiinYiiiu t gt It Aif K k D IX I E' will run regularly every day eioept flunday, ' Uarlag Wilmington .vit.vi...... 1:10 P M Smitli4d...l r.'.V..... I A at Ujmniiuti ia uokauukty b. pvrohaMl at our nMoe. July! , Q,Q. PARlHTftOO Cotton -,Ti6s and Salt. 2,000 L UN. iLE.s;V ROW 1E8. i.ooo SAcis BALT " .I For aale by !v . ; SZ'bZ T BINFOBD," ORQW CO. ann;2 KIW ADTlSTISIrilTS. HJU IB 45 v.. krf 0,0",n8 ont h balanoe of their Ladies Underwear rta: Chme and Night Dressea, at a aweeping reduotionBVEN FROM FORMER PRICES, HAMBURG EDGINGS AHD INSERTIONS- We are making- an effort in this department to raluoe the stock pravlona to gumg North, and Ladies will And JPRIC flower than any they have ever eetn ia this market FMim LESLIE'S CUT PAPER PATTERNS FOR SALE. Machine Needles, 5 Cents Each Hisses Kid Gloves Slightly Spotted. 20 Cents a Pair- Sizes, 5, 51-2 and 6. Raving Inst taken aa aoooant of atook we find aeveral 'small, varimt inta whioh we have dotermiued to CLOSE Our stock wev ta'an An'noo we're ga'en, To sU wlUiln the margin; An If ye come A fur we're loom V's'U get so unco' brglo. BROWN & RODDICK. 45 Market Street. bug til FALL AND WINTER GOODS NOW OPENING! 36 MAElfflT STREET, FALL AND WINTER GOODS CHEAPER THAN EVEB! AT '. No. 36 MAEKET 8TEEET. FURNITURE I yy ayrristt run tbi fai ltrsoe New Patterns and Designs OF '. Parlor, Chamber and IMihir KoomlTitrrAlture. AT rXI KKMlUY L W PRICES. . b-s OAHPKTS AND OIL CLOTH AJiD MATTING. la Hit. llaeour "took i ml'raor. allof thaNtw .od leading Patt.rn of BrnM.lt, Three-ply, auper., Cotton and HeDip Uarpnta All grwlr. till i lolh and Matting. AIM Mat. and Ruga, of Haaulllul Dealgn, Bedding. 4c. &o Hair. Moss. Shuo. Excelsior and Straw M tl'lathsSCM, KKATHKRS. FRATHKH HKDM FRAI'HKKPII,I,OWMANUROLTR8, VUMFUttTABLKS, Ao. , ALL UP TH k RSST MATAHf AL " ' And our own Manufaotnra. Hotel., Ktaaacraand Prlvat. Kald.no. furnl.hed In tbe Ijiteat Style sad at tow Prloe. r ivaw g'T aa a eail anu aaan'ue.our otiiOB net if. pU'Onaalng. aeplltr Tne Carolina fioiiscliold Manazioc, AN lU-UHTBATRObtUNTHMh ch'do. Literature, wilt belmued from Ui Iold. sao Ma-a.aoaa Orriua oomiu.ncln w tl January, Hit. Th Drat number will h ready for milling by Deoaiober 14th, aud th. period loal will b. pulill.btd aoh .uooeedlng montli thereafter wllhont Interruption. Ho advau tag. will b segiaeted wiob either talent or rai'ital can oommand to rnnder ea blwoean agreeable and In.truntlv compendium 01 eanlce re ling, by popular writer, both boa and at ' i ad. Ihe Carolina Household Mariine will be s lara M-paga, alghty-roui column BiFnthiy.kaudmmely prinUd on tinted book par aud beautifully illu.lr.ted It la a thoroughly anutl: em entorprl. and II (uoeaat la alrrady fally .aaured. The publtabar aean lo make It a flrtt-nlaa. monthly, that, one In trodaoed In the family nlrole. U aura to be .agerly watobed lor and carefully preeervod. Ita'KlKrKAIT GALLERY" will prov an attractive featnra. Tb January B.aber wlU ooataln a Uf-llk plotur of EX-QOV. Z. B. VANCE, and biographical akatoh, to b rnl lowed lo ach .uooe.'llng number with photpgraoha ol other proniln.ol atata.meu, divine, Ao OHLT TWO POLLAB8 A TKAR and aaeh anbasrlbar oaa aak a eholo Tsbbb aioT aaAnTivuL.L.aaaRawaj vmsa, Bite of each M I X) lochea, vIk "Th Fladlag of th Saviour In the l aapla," "Th Madon na." or Kfug Lear Defying th Storm," ror. warded en receipt of tha .ubaorlptlon prion. Either of th Kngravlnga I worth doablatb prio aaked for tha ktagaaln. ST Any on (ending a olub Of flv will rw aeiva au eatra aubxvtptioa fro. flink.soopl m e.nu, fre by mall. Sji mon'ha aabaorlp tlon, vrl.houllhe Rngrarlrig, SI. AentJW-,A1. l5IS;5tbr!ti. 'loldrboro,N.U. 100 BBLG. PURE COPrER DISTILLED N. a 00RN WHISKY I " For tel. by '' Johh, T Craxxb, saglllm n 1 OUT AC A PRIOH. Ws thank ye a', liallh groav and stna', For paironags uieodlt; Ws grateiu' fori, We've dune sas went . ThruiigUou. tiie year noo eudlL FURNITURE! ourcbtal i.aroe and ikcrxabkohtucx D. A, SMITH & CO, i3 front Street. The Piedmont Press HICKORYi N. 0, ' I the only papal published In Catawba county, and liaaanaatenaiv. olrculUlon among Merchant.. Parmre, and all elaawiof buT newaealntheatata. Tb Psaa. la a lire, wide-awake Democratic paper, and I. a dealra hl aedlaa lor adtarikdng In Waaler n North D.rolina Liberal term, ailowe on .early ad ynrtinementa, Hnbaonptton t'l In ad'vanoe. Addraa MORRILL A TOMLINSON, Editor. an4 Proprietor. Bi.rok A4-a For Sale U0 Caae blood' Pal Al. ; M Oawa l.ublln Stout. Imported and pronouncrd tob. th. beat la at. For aal cheap to oloee eonalgnment. -TIOKakKBANC. aep Ulw . . For Rent. THB ntlre property now occupied by O. O. Paraleyok Co., embracing wharf, ofBca and naval .tor and eoal yard, looated on South Water Street. For on or two year., Term made aeay. Apply to J.A.WALKER. septtf JCucutor. For Sale, i V 000 Bundle Beard'. Lock Tie 100 Rol l ataudard Bagging. 4S Pound Bagging Twiue. VICK A MEBANE. MplttW i.'-. J. II Chasten. General Commission Merchant BALTIMORE. ' WILL gtv paraonal .ttentlon te the aale of Uolioo, naval Btorea, P.aaut. and eountry produce generally, iim to tb pur ebaeaof Baerobauduw. ktefVir. by permlwuon to Captain J. R. Uralngar, Prt.d.ut ol iok of Mew Hanover, sagla-tf