n v 1 M i.Tv ..1 ... I,' . 70L. XXIV. NO. 229. YIIiUniQTOII. IT. C SATURDAY. SEPTE1IBER 25, 1875. . w J . s vivw J V ' -- ! - ' - ' : ' ' ' " 1 " 1 ! " '' 1 ihSIn 3laum;il: BY TELEGRAPH. SPAIN, Alfonso Determined to Bun His Cot eminent Independent of Tapal Xurjclos-BIshoa Given Ovcp to Magistrate Care. NEWS IN GENERAL Murderer Sentenced -Injunction if rlcultural Conjreu -Turbulent , Smia-Spain andfubn- I The Texas Inundation. GOLD 6 3-4. I BY TIUOBAPH TO THB JOCBRAUl Vail Changes. Washington. Sfpt. .24. Tti follow ing oliaiiRes have btwu mado iu tli time of dupariute from New York nf steamers carrying foreign mailt I Tba I. ton iDHteai of the Atlas on the 25th itiHt., fur Kinsstoii and Nvw flrenada. Tho Atlas will leave on the 29t for Ilajrtt only. , ; ..- MISSISSIPPI. Injnnctlon. .Tacrsos, 8npi.' 2t Chief Justice roj-t in, r pnl)hoan, has granted an m- jnuction restraining the Auditor from paying money to the anpport of Atnea' militia. He held that the maateriDir of militia iu times of profound peaoo woe creating a standing army of Htate troops, Jn natation of the Constitu tion. 5;f;(.coMiMr ;;!;!;,; , 1 Deafl r a Judge. Denveb, Sept. 24- Judge A. N. . Harrison, a prominent politician and a ' native of Virgiuia, is dead. ' OHIO. ' Agricultural Congress. Cincinnati, Sept. 21 The National Agricultural Congress in in session. Resolutions were reoommeuded ask ing for a uniform tax of ten cents per pound on tabaooo, and free import on material used in its manufacture. Spwolies made by members show an equal division on the currenoy ques tion. W. 0. Flagg, of Illinois, was elected presidt ut for the ensuing year. . : I SKW IORK. Spain and Cubs Insurance Convention Inquest and Verdict, ic. Nrw Yobk, Sept 21 The text of . the propoHitions of peaoe made by the Spanish Government to the Cuban in surgents, were received at the Cuban agency to day, and peremptorily re fused. Thirty creditors of Henry ClewY A Co. oppose the release of that firm from bankruptcy. The creditors will hive another conference next week. The lusnraucs Convention has gone into executive session. The proceed ings heretofore consisted of speeches. The coroner's jury in the aerial lad der accident, returned a verdict declar ing that the ladder was made of in ferior wood, . and the construction faulty. They censure the Board of Fire Commissioners for omitting the usual scientific and praotioal tests. Further use of the ladder was con demned. Joan Gonzales, a Cuban, was to-day sentenced to imprisonment for life for life. ... f ' .-- ,. 1 ' " . ; IESTICKI. . ,-; .iu', , u Convicted -Heavy Tax. '1W.'? ,:, Danvilus. Sept. 24 H.. B. Nichols, charged with the murder of W. Pjpaoh, in Jnly last, was to-day fonnd gnilty and sentenced to ha barged. Motion will be made for a new Irial j f .' LocisvtLLB, Sept. 21 The State of . Tennessee has assessed a (100,000 tax ' on the Louisville & Great Southern j Railroad, t? . -. TEXAS. Assistance Eefused. ' Oalvkstoh; Sept. 24 Mrs. Hern , , don and family, reported drowsed at ' VelasooJ are safe.' The ; Adjutant-General - telegraphed to the Seoretary of War for aid as in the Alabama case. The Secretary re plied that Texas does not oome within the scope of country provided for by law..;.-1' 1 :' ' ,' ,. If ftt ' FOBBIG 1ST . ' , r? ENGLAND Bervla-Carllsta Surrounded. .Lontoif,' Bept' 24. A1 Vienna div patch reports that two members of the Servian Ministry voted against the ad. dress to Prinoe Milan and vera ia f aror of war. -t ' .: . A speoial states that twenty-five hundred Oarlists are hemmed in by ten thousand Alfonsoists at Viella. and , will probably be forced over the bor ' dor at Pont dn Boi. , SPAIN. w 1 Pope nnd' Alfonso. Madbid, Sept 21-Tbe ministerial papers announce that th Government ; will make no ODnooasioas'prejudicialto independence. The magistrates 'are dealing with the bishops' especially the Bishop of Seo de Urgi I y TIKkll. Priest Zarkoo'i Forte. ; "' ' BBxaBADB, Sept. 24 It Is Btafsd the priest Zarkoo bos a foroa of seven thousand men, with which he wih at tempt the capture of the oitiea of tijenitaa and Priazen. ELECTEIGISMg, The boJy of Pr; Peel, drowoed at Uilvt'ston, on VYedueKlay, )iu been recovered. ; . The Herndou Honite, Marshal, llioh.. wat burued last night. Four guests were burned to Oatu. Smith, Craig A Co's lumber yard. Trnj. H, .t buruWJ. Ijqhs m.W). Madahi Jeau Louise Farrene, famous musieiau and composer, is d. ad. K- The Pope bae appoiifted Monsigne&t Dial bishop to Cuba. j Flgar' Hfiodoe', proprietor of the Alexandria (Va.) Uazctte, u dead. Rapella succeeds Simeon: as Papal JMunao. TW I. I ! ' - The President leaves St, Louis for the West ou Mond. ,, V XEW ADVKRTISEMEXT8., s 0 - ; i ! U J. Forale. 1 Yhthmiwhotdviil kiichen rurnllaN of i (ta- riaii, Front nrwt, da 1 uumlj,bi t. iUtr'IQVR, A.M. 1 Am t lrmj nd Hn . t. ! " . OtiOM, A Mottatt, wptlMi.lt 1 AaH'a For.Sale, , , ' . v 80 Oaw bhwril lim ai. .1 y 1 fo'; ... 10 CtiMi t'ulilln llouL Imported and iiionuano.d to b. tk bM k aw. For ! cheap to e'01 ron.lfuwont. For1 Rent 1 '..--, TUB tatlr prcptrtj no frtenpM bt'O. Q. fvty& Co . nknluc vtiarf. offlna nd ntiil .(ore nnd coal ;rtl, looM OU South' i..inu. i-ir n pr ino lean, i wui idMt. Apply to ' " 1 ., J. A. Wal.KKtt.'1 a ir ..'! Btttor. For' Said. 800 Rnndlet Rvard'i Iok lie 00 Kul 1 Htai.dtrd B.gtlnf. 11 roun.ia uag.iDf t wine. VICK A MBBAMK. Annual EeisirttfGirulM 1 I ' ' Prom Septombcr 15(b, 1871, to Augu.t ' ' " tt, 1815. -j ' County of n.w hanover: in 40. count with Elijab Il.wUtt, Coailty Trwv .in t DUbaraenteM Taarnoatitdlabufwd m r atonthlr .Uirmtnt and u h.iii aulltai; t on Ble with thu Board of O'unly -OoBOilwlo'iera S19.Bli SB To Trcaiurar'. roniral,orjt.... t.ft H To bal.to catrUd down i I MS M - --i- Hwcelpta. ! fc By amoant rroetved from A. R BU-k, -Ar Tat Uoll.cto', tor Uiea oHeai f FaiaU, Peraofcat- Prortrtvi Polls ' and Kntiedula H. and U. Thi Ul.ilT at oj iiDniini rewiftd rota u. w. hot a.uj, k giater, due to Jantjarr l. 1T SI OS By amount reoeirl rr m aundr? per-: ! lon.fnr aellnabent taiiw......... JBS SI By amoant rJMv.d for -net nf Com " it miHionrraniito. ror w ill oa'ea , , JunnS h, 1873, at 4 month, illf- . counted at Hank of Marlon ,7N SO Br mount werlioo from the Stale ; : ... t tor earn or Innano petaunl at too y Onantr Hoapltal. 1.0M N By am mnt receid frnm' WUBilnfr-; t hub wwuun na iroau v(. ..... ; aw w 1 :' i - i Wild 1 - By amonnt hronsjbt down, ca b on t nana u, ,.-,, -., ,v t PerS.D.WAW,CK.,,.)f -(! . t - , A'Mrner. api.M-4' .urtlllllW Animal .RcpflrtSclioal M.-:: From' September 15187'td August SCHOOL FTTNn.NKW H4NOVKR UN. tr, In account wltb Elijah Hewlett Counts Treaanrer: t1, f OlahairaieaaeaitSa'e I I'o ammiat dUbiirrcd, m pr monthly j ' ttm?nt and Tonchrr.iawUted. I 4 on Ble with Oouit. O'maiMinem.tlJ.JTt To Treita ir'. aommli lna,w4... 4ft m To balanee oarrted 4own. ........... j 1,(01 tt ... ' ' :;"- . -.' ., i ".if-C,S84Se -! vi.;b I I Krcnlpta. Bvamontrdenr4rig KMrtai - tor Tri-aiinret.. ST .Ml OS ByamountrecwTd fmm A. H. Black, Tea Uolloelinr. :... li.DOO 00 By imiuntroetved from 3tU Board i ' - mt Bllo.2rt.(.U..?A".';;;5... ' ' It By amount rereted from N. Mar. ' ' f 7 -' tin. salei of i s'"w SO mo.ua 1 By balance, cub on hand ?,0l S'i rl nTl- j ElilJ.AII HBWLHTT i iJ 1 tjount Treasuror rer o. u, ttJUibaun. ' Attorner. I , Wilmington, n.u., Aug. ji,i7o. up M lv r GRAIN SCYTHES, li( 1 !). uiAua ouan nuuRr n , SNATHTS JtC. NOAVBOOTIA u i a-it.vJllvi 1 H Jfriontrtdaowi iv ai fat Nath!rsiobPs . . hardware depot. '.if. an :ojiE;Tqo;fi'.r " CARCBNTER'S Tdoi.8, 'pVjT "BLAOK'IMtt'H'B TPOLS' OARRIAQIC MAKER'S tdOtA, STEEL TRAPS. SHOVCLJ, SPADES a ;" ' ' Ut : " ' V ' 'l I Redneoa prfowi at - ' Nathaniel Jabobl's "1 '!""""""HARDWAB.MPOT CARRIACC MATERIALS, r AXLES, 8RRINCS. RMS HUBS, ' " SPOKES. AO A aA (arte arid wan "n'tillcted kioet or Poekat and Table I u'lry or erery aeaorlutidn, am braolnf a full line or Bngllah and A mm brMlncafutl line of Bngllah and Amnrlnau minulactareo, wlileh wo are now offntlnr at tka lnMt nrtma ' " t I ' U I I I I III 4MtiBHfto. . t.Zajjfj ar j! ajpajan aiwi laaai amai ' tint ininm j Cttttan, aianllla and Jwtw tt)tw"Aftwi(iy for UiaaiUbraUd' Flah Braud 'olGllllns (hrrad. " KUTHAHIEL JACOB!, ' HARDWARE DEPOT, NO. l 31AltIti:X BT. eplJ THE LCY DIAKCJICSj'H- TbU mlHBilM wt;tt ' prailnBtM thor i.J f ,0, .ul . t tar th it pin 01 u cm It w caialullj ruins u .-i i ,. r -'lb. tMS Tri.p' (Mar vow!,1 mi reumlti, i pent' rtkn r lb tti..f' 11 aii!i.ii ia draaatta lt- u.nta, ami itit ihi: ,i .otor, tlmufh draw wltk fntal o'.cnm i,.uoa, omt (irlnril .( al wt Wrlbnl yiruatwui.Lk tf 4a, wlthout taceiMiwkir ia aaoat aitrMntnuHt eharaetar Srawa tolollow ir tba auUiw b-1 n taa noU at la,-Th UMmW iwt aiai a iaauai( auiatw. - i-HEINSBEBQER3" Ufl BOOK AkllhtOIICSTORB. I t ' ll .. in EEIIOVAL u )VAL I t-.il i . . i ;t - 4 ........ M wetaas , i ,.: .... .... ' : I will raOT b mf 0U STAND, ' K art to Mr. WlliUw) ryr1 J . , . .- ' .-: 0. A. rKfoa. luahf ' ' . i -.- i ,-. SUa Usldaa kaul. OKA mi i.ii. n , , , .TRAVEMNC,BACf,, sABoiUKHtsitiAxa mxit n .. , ,ja4avBM,4Wkaiarwfsa.wKr ' RiuiM.l'raca-ckklua. Baoh Kmrnda. , ,- aii una. rtYtMTY'jnm I r Carpenter ft Mallard' STAITLINQ ANN0URCEMEMT! IITt"l CM!. READY MADE CL0THI56 being eomploUd to all II branohaa, t fool no haaltnryla.liiittbwt I arttteflVr nCranrttt nary luduoaMuU IslMiyorav 1 laid hi k largo and WELL SELECTED STOC and am detorwhisi lanoll. eivamoaealt and I wll ooaTlnro yoatbat Iks dali tlmaaoanavM pravoat tm ra waartag V '7 A NEW SUItM a A, DaTin, eaU 4 Tho Lacy Diamonds, The Third sad Boat of TBI ODD THUMP MUM. - - Jut reoelvod at i-.-- - .-.oV -w 'epaai DttfiifN'iir ' MooktHort: cooK-irioiiFZAris; TjHANfOBALrAT k .KIR t " . , 1 1 n h v iinvnim SI Nf K. Oorner Market and Seooad otrea'ta. aejita 1 m fall t:a:s. . (. W are pre pored to flit uVonlgri of oar B7fraadS foe ardwa at to 'to we ponlbU prloes. Call and aoe ai. nut i 'n -fMW DRcmsoirk.t . ; . i .. Hardware Stare. i Uolasses, ' Llolasses. l b. Hif i-n m 'i ou U i T6 Hhd. and Bbli New Crop Cub'l ISO Barren S. H.THolae eeT , ' U1 . , for aala Df ., 4 (i.,: . i.. ? . - t . BRCBNIttCAtIBRBKOB,rt .Coffee, 8usar(nr4 rour.4 100 Bag UolT o. v" Foraale bv . Corn.l Hay, Dagging-and I !f 1,1 'l I't' ' "-'t , -.4 l,n00Bohali'iow. r . . .m ' ' ...r.fe y HaV Ha? H ' t.tot SOS Rout Bagging. . . ) Tona Ka aod Ploroed Tie. it fareatokyl t-v 1 1-; ft r J:' KKRCHNKR A CAHHR BROS. , .1 if ,i v-,.--. . (- li t at.,..i .-.it D. M(t. Powder. Powder. Powder. iff iti iiib)NittAw;'iipiaray buws. raT'fffw " aiivjaiirva vitbuiu aauii firr" ia ftAfTmimnT nmiiiAv . 197 V 199 If. Charles Si, EiiiiiitoBii Mo. ,H ,J H nin.i ft .. I estaklished; in tout. ro tf mtmmt iii - 1 BOABSDte) Ait Dai Bcbool ton Tovva i jiVIT' PriiKtreM-Ma. andMra. V. Gary, nd Mr. Oenaral John IVgham. " t 1 '. The rniiebtoageagdtpokea aad taaght. ,7 KJSawaiss-.'t. ' - ' , , Urj Salt, prUpShot, Te8 i.ooo backs uvERrooL salt, t !M Urt ii 150 BBXA "8. . I U0LAS8ES w Tr a -iTT rr a ria-MSei 1 w rfc (ipApaeaoTiAaii W SBLS MOffi SALT MTJLLETs! GUH, CAPS, WATER PROOF 9flnTltMtf ill DRMIRARA MOLA4SKS. OTJBA atOIAB. n 0)0 lk.MMi.1r. .. ' ns ilaiiin,iauaafli audUHH1 arplt POWOE. S-T 3 CArS.;.', for ! low wither a wholoaal or tetaU by eiLuanDKouuev. 3 1 fctW AJTIETISIMINTS. 1 r l ;Vr-J,V t awi SHIRTS' UT t 1 ' I BZBJ-X.in EN SOSOMSa , tlx for 09-00 Co O. Dt MUNSON & OO.V SOLE 10 EN T3, , "s oa CnE t M It r CANCER, , wayn-tOALaivo arrtaiAiaao tir JJMOaa, . UBOIUIBBS,: UHIkllOAL-i, Mlnafol Waoara. ItlttaM. Koraoano and LI . Alaobol.AO'dsawaM, P.rfumiry, rata, Clue,, JheAxeeJeealowaiiny hi la laoauy- - Market saroat. PHETABUiAPPLES ) MiuizrUuoxs. ki ,--inet Bu. iTIMV fcoaolTod to day fteoh tren vr Dairy tta aao twtojf war hiii .. '. flUS BUTTaaiM TBB WORLD" , 'lftf'un m fitly J " Ohtyvta).' , U . ' I V i ', .....I m ..MAlIIAUa.. f W BraadtoT Doable KitraFimilr floar, KEW -PKCCEIS EMMU nOUI. IS f . UOl-LlllTa'rtXTA. ' Low for i i at QBO.IiyERJI. t ririAP?ircHsf. EDAM CHEESE. i.l t-i IH 'it V llllll !i A.ni El CEUM ww-t a.t QKo.nyRB.;! rroah cracker erery week, Oroam, Milk, aad faople'a Mtaod. J - - FRUIT CKACK1R8) CORN H ILL, SODA. fBBSHBOTflR, j , i ...... I , , I I aad r l TogatW with Bad FAMII.T PILOT BHKAO, alt Imported Cracker, at . , ORO.attKRB.,, FRESH iniSH OAT MEAL Imperial Uat Meal, la 1 and Mneand naoka'wa "GEonfiEMiisl liyB0tt3Fll0St8T., .,. A Oomtiel atooVoti 4i-r 1 ill' C VU 2JLPK;B00XS, hit .; . rOCKETbo'OKS, MUSICAL U'SXRUUXX3 , j Y : s CHR0M0S, &o., 4d'; VM;:. l.t fJl a il'ly, All., , f ,M,.' . lwmtl..Jv-,HI l A j .(d it i .,' Bia4ll'ui4 atora.5'" SEV. DASIKLMORRBLI-R'S KKfJUHy Ctaxaloal Bohool, South wt Cruwr, ai Ortng aoA flftk-suee'u.; Tb r e.lmnth "ataj UrsiVm Vaia,'iO, V,) 'vtmnd Oo- . ii.- I - M -l't V '' 1 "'" W v, i, M,.. U.M lftiH a in i.i t I. lKHBElP ft llS't (!. ( "WM 'm - ' ' ' t . ., I T-URRtacar beer, j net rooalrad In lo trwm J? at, (ouiidUocL , Ybo, rouowlm If Abo so; MRrf ttwaaaryrt mad b fr, V, nrad. (Ltitslatar Iko Ualtod aHataa Mavtd - Lftbara wJrttfowAr.,, " ' OoNULUaiUM FROM THR ANAi SlSOf " " v Tnl QUALITT. ';!' i rtioqealHywt thff bver i nown! kr oof aiioiywa, manpontir or na porenei. a no tr.n.oji mailer could be delected. I'll largo amount or exrraoK.eoetatie man oeing uaen U airranwllaary great aaiiilie rlilea, haew Ing been roaatodi '' ! ueer that pooullar larot ml freoh road); makea thi beoraTorr aeurubing and highly reoommendabla drtnk for mediufiial parpuow, Anoth-r good quality aadori aatm. i - ' '- f U. B. Naral Lobratofy. ' ChaaU W are th whole et ageo n tho who!ea AgeoU, and it hi tor tBtttwit.v i ? ! -t JOHW HlAB, JA., "!A U- H.W. Hnaoa. . f VtlaJtaiia iU.'l 1 wo ADRIAM AVOLLIU, llpl,''-',i ' M i ... ,(, Inrvaxrtaxal m sameM rtvttaf im W MtMwSieodftooawawTHyuaANOa ov DOLXta vaorir. tjomprvheiiilro nptaaar torreleealar, eonfcilnlng detailed atatemant asqaotatlnw arte f all atock dial tin at a thAirrk Bttck SaoMnov, mallad re tbuae Seriata ipeoalatei nillll Or M. T. klook Jtaahaata. IS Wall (has 1 1 -aad UKW rilB.IT! .VaAatavklf. Real Rotmto lor BaU. I oler for aal that largo throo' otofr Br lek Bat elafi atlnatrden tb corner or Pollock aad I'ratea etroet i tb otiy. T Newbern, had known a the etcla lldkig t'hli aonorty la admirably located ror a Hotel at m Paotory. It will b oatd cheap and a pea AttonMy for a, js, qiaUa a O. r--.t TO TKE .CITIZI J CrCAPE FEAR iiiii.mImui...ij ..i ii -a 4wn In rally for the nei Fair oa tko Stk, 10th, lltk end llth dayior Movmberari)i i . i i n ..Pet too awetaruol an emnaanil heln n. i eraamr. fatawaaj meohanloai imwehanta .' Baaiam lavage nei iobh WW wo wail poa with a Utah Rraat, aad w troet. alnrioa -r.".-Ti J T-r .'j-lV; (v avww.o. T" Xloitf Heal idea abort ootlca. Oraia boujjk'taUk 1 market prlo. Addre, UBARLOTTtl OITT MILL, ,-1-mW ...t -.I..'! 'if. . I $50 .1100 $500 $1000 MISCELLANEOUS. J JAVINQ retaraed from thoNortheraMar- ka, I am rwoelrtag New Qoo-ii Daily, eoa tatiafl of - LADIK3' and CHILJKKN'd UgSiBRT, Oorero, i ataadkorohiefa. , KtdOlotee, ' Trimming., HaoSklrto Bmtlee, Aad Everything round la a t irtt Vlaaa FANCY GOODS STORE. My Stock of Ladle' Necktie and Kucha I tb Beat ror brought o (hit market. Udtea' Real Hav Pltlnga In Ureal Variety. Kent Hair awioek tVem la a. u la each, l.l hjr Wr.vdia all Shed j - , Whit and Biack ISo. per e. or SIS rer lb. Other Uemra too, pot o or S 0 nf ' , ,- , , wiu-iam rvr, . ' KeehaugO Corner, TRADE MARK. ViQRCESTERSHlKE HUCE. Oa '. l..1 j LEA ft .'ERBIIKS' PMLMOUMCRO KITRAOT M f 1 1 atiSf ri ' I I MAN at I 1 tohhbi arraRrrom a ti-I w k .I CU1UAL WdN- Maura. OONMOiaaauRa brother at ., f . .. wUHVKS TKH X k . . Mat, wat "it titA a "ObIt Good PKRBINS that Uieireaaoe la high. StttOw, it .tmod la la fla, and ut. la my mlon th moot lltbeawlla tb moat what. Aud applloablo to BtBRTTAMB Siw that TfUPOUH. Worcestersliire Sauce. old Wholawl aad rat Raporutioa kf U( ' ' n ' PrepriotoH, LtA A PKRRlNS, WuroMUi, Bnglaad) aad Retail by Oaalarala Baaoa ga vaia;ttiMtiMwark1. j'''.'-' " Ask for. tat P rrln'si Sauo i hiit ,uti t"l l J' . ' i AI !attBAkrAT,TAOLK.U .- J )i l l-J tHl ll.i MM- .H 1 " " I ' ' t " MU aha moet atqulalU rall.b aad t to Hut t 1 ! - i 'iit r-.t-: it. i i I at Cold Mt, fowl, rih, Broiled Kidney, . At th OINrvert TAoiikt, la iuap, with fiak, 84 JbioU, Qamt, and la all ttrat la, it tfl-S 'tt HI I ' 1. ''' - '-' ' ' 1 . ,,, lirwadallgtiUalKtroVi ' ' j , -ii !.i,i i'I u I'.". ti t t At ,w-i Liicuuot Atim Bi reasM . i t AHI.E ' is' dat'miif ; ln4(iji,aabl ky1 lb faiimar wltk It artl'mabi1 outilLi, 1 ..'I 1-H'U! l 14 "I j ' ' I ' jv i is ;i ,Vom jrw fof rtatea i ', h,i l.f Tbtr tt a rellitt te eh eraral whiob I ainrernallj llhod m t,a ok! Porteo' lamuu Woroirhlr Manaov; te n i OHM OUMCeiMtSDNS;; i The Piedm ont Press Nickoiiy n. 0, j. ! th oalp MM nhllaked la Oatawlia oouiity, and ha nn a ton! t otrnulatlon awora Mrvrliifit, ruiBftl, and all olitMtwof hu4 aeumealaa U(M Th Pin ll a fir. wid-awak leuaooraLla uaif . ami la a lalra ble uedlqro ttir ad etiltlng ia W KIOTO North UarolmA i Ubntal tarmt aTlow. on ely ad TrtlMmBt. Suliamlptloa In adraiioe. Addreat , M UJaU ILL l't)M LI NMUN, ' aVtltorl an. I Prdnrlalnrl. 1 1 marnk tS-S Ht 1 J.t. .-.- i. r. 1 , ArPORTUNE mj'il ui .it -ii-JV'i'oi"' I vn.j B'iw.;'FpR;!81i:i'') .t.m 11 ALti'Iiiuffi n t ; or aaiaoa, Tasas, wtbtvaiva a . ,n h;,';)r,,;Btcoo:::;,';ii'ii:i'ia Grand HGConcert I oaaildara ataaotkU an4k(). t.f.' tespl's, Pilot Orbital OW.i. . 1. 1 . .'. i . u. . . .1 . BfTO.000 ... . i . . . BaosiutvapRal uiA..au.1;M,..w4.,.a$.iaa okdosAin la proportloa amouritliig la all ta Which will entitle tb buidar to almilon to Bi wnoa uonovrr, ana to one nun 01 wnt'- Kef may to awatdao to tho wheu aeket aam r. ... .1- . .. (,.,. ReeponMbl agent Wanted. I an uriltr for ticket mt direct Dtoautlf Sited. , i.r i T ,. , Utrot.laiw, Paper, etc.;' glrlng full particu lar eeut free. I writlog, be ear and lfn yoar name, town, eoonty and slate In Cult. , wraertrHO(euanMwnut to a aod.ap. until (I. II. I( l.lrH 1 -Adroaall oommaaioaUori and ntah ail re mlttonoean , ,--.r ,., augu-mow i A, ft. VOLLllTN Bacratart, Lnlaon, Tua o wixiiireTBiT.' t fS OS ABOUT OOTOBKR TlUHT, TUI V UDdcrilirned WUI begin tuo (in too publication la Jit of w luningion, or Uin Em um BrzNma kitiiw. m RatriBW will bo puniiaued otary evening, I xospt lltit,l xospt SDmlay.' Ita aim will be to furaleb the tb boot, and the Bidet reliable new. In Tcry meaning uie mrm. nm-i too jcononai uepanmem win ae m anie nana, and the local reooita will be fnrnlahed br Mr Hmm, for Br year put tb local editor of th Oailf Joamai.. - Mr. fcbarlea A. rrloo, a eoa or on of 10 roaador at the jou aat, aim aimaeira ga tlcman of aereral year uuierleno la tba rnaM, will have oh erg f Mi butlti depart ment oi iae paper, r - ,' ,i ,( ,-, -t ; . unutoai aiieniionwiu do giren to n mar ket report wMk the Vlv of faraliblsg tho fall ttanaaetloa of Uie day to the clone of aaroan. Ulo boor, aad the Mpott wUI bo mad by a eareiui, inorougniy eipenenceit reporter, ma Hi artaoto the paptr will b nawiy. ekeal and rail. ble, and a apaolal aMdlam th-omtj which th poof man and tba laboring eUwe k. im. i i. .n ... Term of Kibarlptloa : B5 a yc, fid bent tenth aad la oaale a weak. AaVartMag rate BMntb aad la oaale a week. very low. , .-. In eonnnctlon with the new dumrtiacnl wa Will MtabHRb the Ratrtaw Book and .ob Printing OOlcej wber cum patent and akillfal operatlvo -will be employed, and where it I Dmllo to aay W rlo. do oar beat ta fnnnah our patron with in Deal wore rar uia jeweet amoant or, fi" -' ' " " i . TabH V i Tema.-1- afig. W, -.. i .tk Ai PrlM ) I, . III. ,1, lili llh I Ql - . ... . . t TUB anderitioad aire oVitlo that k bu BMTtdhl offloo from Prlnee Street to bl new ault of room1. or Walker et Maander' Marbl Work on North Front StrMt. oPDoatU 1). A. Sm'th'f ramlUr B tor. " '"'" " BJSOOOOO.OOl, i T . ,.',spar,Ooiw, aad Heap arpf- AH wr AtWoll tlott and Melting, alio Mat " Uvaar. fjuwf. W,,, WUa TloRawWs'' .' ;.Jt'" 'iw-'l (,""" ,Ktvf.aatMaJ)altta;jH)Hi m,-. in , priaeei a wbou xttiiet, w, wkioa oonthM Bedding, &0.1 f &o i HiW ' Moig, ShuoV. ,j Eldelslijf and K Straw l!,' J?'uv",' V.in a ill j ,(,,! ll''-"M,PfTMW,rA'M . . , . , l. i i. : . i ah ' inn was biotbi rmivmni iioi iHiaj new lou laaiiiaimr mil a Nmaimw.ia - OouFON TICKETS. tlJ , t J . t i .U -,.Jt.''ail.Af"''f . iwo ,, , mi.' i UK, ' T' ' v ' ' ' ' "l - - H t I t l.! ! i ,,C 1. ;-v--.-i !., I,-., i i i ; .! ;i-4i A "J -,' ' ' '. . 45 Ki Alt K RT ,' V!f R Pi,7P W UAlliaUUl , Ulllltili J. ' A!Mtnnebalanoof their Ladlss TJnrtorwwar tt 1. Oh'smisa aad Nihl Ireaaea, at a iwwplng rwduotlonEYES FROM FOR31E3 PRICEa HAmpROiEDOIHGS ;AIH IlIGEIlTIOnO- a. Wa ara uakinc an affbrt in thia dttpamtnl o reiIao"Ua atook 'prsviooa to go ing North, anl Latlias will flndillCES?9war lhao an that hav aver A lt i 1-5- CUT PAPER PATTERNSEORSALE. Machine, NeqdlpXJenlaJteaob IBsses Kid Gloves .SUghtly.'Cp'ottcd, 2fj:Cent3 : v. .: i , t i'" - " ' " .' ' . , ,i a rai bizes,' o, oi-3 and 0, a Ttavina last taksBM aodnnnl of atook wa find Mvnrel'v'm'ei ..it tA. wbioh wa Lava dotermluod to OLO&B i-i - t r ! i - .;'i ji BE0WH & SOODICE; 45 XIar&ct Street. angao i U-Lia.uii .auE. FALL AND WINTER GOODS . .. t liH IfeS li! tit 1(111 Old A i-n,,!l , p.l ! . kov opkn.iti: f ;iii ; ti l-i"j t ' i ' .. .. . . . .j I f.-;l t, l.i .! lil i. i ,1 :,,- t,l J f .i;t. -iifff Mftt..d f ra. CUD. 'DSsife?o 36;MARICET, STBEET, , .1-1,. B.-fisif rf'iisdii.'ii iiRHMMtA -'.l'. (I I FA LL .; AND WINTER; G OODS if -il Jilf CHEAFBi i-i - liJ-:il i til .-i i i S-l ''' !" 5 , j ,,f(' ';il In Kj' M"Hl,!i ill. A' StJitiK i, n) ' ' I:-."';."1 1-, I ill kuii. - iwJ .Z4,.'':ti li' . UKl j i.li iii i .;.' !:.I.:i v , ; FURlilTUFte i W f ORTHf AIXTBOBIlUarAVIVAKCiaAW ilft of . -! i i. ,i iWi i , . , , , -. T Jr - A . ' -j' 1: l . i awn. f ' " t'l 1.5 w i1t dj.lltill'1 !t..H rrw.QiJf..TT,,,?amtOiJ 4t "l HiHiJvl lu Tttiior?( Cbttinler ' catad Dtoliaff UdOtti tNirk.'liure. " ' -:" ' mATXTHJ'MiLt t, t-TRf01. '" -.X,'"" . B i Hotel, Bteamer and Prlratb KeaMene furnlibed In th liafeat Stytr and, A Law Prlo. . i ,.(i v,flawlvaa.ssll andewamln oar Stock bfir purohniug. WplStT.1 "'- ll ; ,!(, .IMI-4 HOImVuI RI.yT tK.AlT, M ILLUSTBATBIk kuNTHLV v 1 thole. jtX Lltoratar, will babmuodrroaiih. Iold. poao M-aaga Orrica oommeaolng wth ilauaary, IMS. The trat Bomber will b read lor mUlig ky DMmmker loth, and the perkxi. leal will b pulillihed aaob aoccdlag month tberealtor without interruption, fio advaa tag will k nglotd wtoh olthet tatoator oaplul oao.oommaad to rand aacb Ian an agreeable aud laatraotlr oompomllaat l eliiile mailing, by popular writer, both horn aAwlrn4. ...i-i Ti,., ( Will b a larn Sa-pag, lgbty-foaf eotama monthly, hnndomly prlntod oa Ualed boot pap an aoanttMlly tlloitraUd It 1 inoroogniy I already fu reiuhlr euaUara enteinrla and tt lanaan la alrrailr fully anurl. Thopabltahor mean 10 make M a arM olaa monthly, that, one la- wedoeed hath fatal ir airei. aara to be agerly watched for aad earn fully orrvd. (.PORTRAIT OALLEliY" wUlieeoaa auraour mat or, xa waaaary aatabar wiU BtaiaaiU-Uap4otroo4 , , u -1 "vr 'nnxr ' v.' n krkKv' ; and biographical aketok. to be followed fa I b fhllowi nhotogran aaok Mooeadiat srambor with photographs j ether prowl no at at a, dlfiaoa, e. ; ' OlfLT tWO DOLLAKB 4 YRAH and -taob Bbacrlbr ' can make a choice Tad ot BBAtTTirOL.lABaB Kwoai viaas, alnof each H x 0 Ineh, lt Tb Finding Of th Sarlonr la th Temple,"' Tb Madoar aa.for-'Kwig tear Dofylag th BUm,"for. warded receipt of tho aabaerlptlea a-leo. Either or th Kagrirlng I worth deaUU tb nrti-e aaked for the lianailna. crrAayaaomiadlagaolak' f I' wUI t-i Cm TV an wiuw-i igivww im.. qieaj a wpir W cent., free by mall, ItA. mouth aabaorlp. Uoh wl'jwwt th KngrarTirg, . " 1 ' . Aganta Wantetf vejrvvvhBr',1 ' il VlJ' Tr - i UnMiboeo, NO. I'l IJ' . . n i.,... n .1... . , TT.i .Ti PURE COPPER DISTILLED .p. C, ,6 lii 'OORN'lWIISIi4f,A " for aala by John. T Cramxb, Thomasvilla, N. a SJ U Wt.ij VI JaJ I I :. t t t - . I .!a. . 1. 1. la O0r AT A PRICE, Italtb raat and amaV i M ; -I -(i . t Ws'va duna saa teel 1 ' 1 ' : ' d "'f'1 ,( j ( Turvuthoul lbs yaviMtoeiKbt. m ninl ft. . Our1 .UKk irW. U-.n " ;i ' ";'V ' ' ' i An'traowaVasaVn, - ! .fc-'""I , , Ta wWUnauarglii; i.i .ini ""' An'IffaoBma,. llf 1tit i n Aftira wVra loom . , l3 i f j : Tan t an anoolrglW.F' tU , t . I . ....... ...I II Vit.Wt I i.t ! ,. 11KI f, I Hi lilt , , n.4 ii -I lt -iitliiJ Willi it -a it,f ;1 til l i am it .( i f i'i a THAN EVER! llllff l-il-.ll i li .-! i i)f.ir--;'i-l . im U ' ! .i(i)f'i:--;'i J (! ' i - iftl i .tHaafl .IiijA .!ttx ttl lis tiuw fctia ,iinliiu I'nl u) jv!'a Itth-'-v a mam ,a-t ! s;jff"dri -bv jar '' " JPUnWITURE t tluarantina ITctico. aii vlti'4a i4 in, UNTIL FORTHRR NOTIOR ALL TIB--i iii---v p.i .. wr , ,i- .v.h Ml from Fort Soatt of Otp Far wlU soma W at tk TUltlng Btatloh," nr Hoop Water PotatiMd await tk WepMRoa af tba Qoar. aatlMrkjrwliaia .rf.1 owt W.) AHt IM if fliy rWwhor' YkWow Farar, ft, othti lafwUfhi ftnatr aiwtv trill k r. AilvwaMi character bavtag MokoM am wat ao arrlrai, at Baring bad lknm any k)m darlag iMttvagai are ia qmd to aom to tba Italia.' foM kaepoctlom wlthoat regard to th fork, from whBO they Soma. ' Taaaola act Included at above will pro awed wttlMtehtloa: ' l rtlot art peelatly nJolnd to mat aara aal nqitry relttiv to vet 1 orow, Ac, aad UaotftlaaoA with tteewUaawmfcaf tba Oas tala or ooaamaador. pr If, tba yeaiwj M la a nlttyerjodltloa.thty will arlng, tba Tal to thaStaAow for tarthai XBmltioa.- 1 tlott? WOfany 'viilaMng ts' :&aaraatlBS Lawaw kjet aarorfltarof Uir branch) Martor of veal to a Ink aftwd drd dot lar a day for every day, they T.oiale tha QaaWatrUaw Uc mad1 kit Uie p.aou ara MabX fcr awik aad ovary araadtu u r iAtt'vW'oaottovl.kaiJo'0 d aoevo MgalatkaiaaSlO asta ta ta ikvaiiatiiirlgttBt; ll iuf Potof V.H rini. ,.o ,M. , i.) mltkrta. . Ct A...y ti, t t, ' ma nil Intm ' i ii tyn t" Hlnorl F0r Cm.iSiViMbl QtKAKta wUlr.a regalai'ly erery day eaoept Sunday, . Lsarlag Wllmluirtoei JTX Baaithrill. I A M Oomiaatattoatiokoumay b parohaaod at JJ0" fX Q. f AVESLEf A C3 aapMlW B. B. IVCJUTT. aaUba

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