, . i i ' ''" " : toe 70L XXIV. NO. 230. uiLimrGTOir, ir. c. Sunday. September 2g. 1875. whole :- no- gx:i wVv', ... - - 1 f 'i ui:m. BY, TELEGRAPH. YELLOW FEVER. A Vessel from Cuba irrlm lu Xrw York With the Epidemic on Hoard -Discharge at Quarantine Id Violation or Law- Fruitless Search for the Vessel. WASHINGTON NOTES. Agricultural Bureau Statistics -Com' mission of. Valuation1 Appointed . Chicago Custom House-Customs -Revenue Beeelpts CRIME AND CASUALTY. A Murderer . Take from Jail tnd Lynched -Wife Murder, Arson and Suicide -Death at nil ' Mother'! Grave, le, NEWS IN GENERAL Insurgent Victory The Pope and the Toleration Clause In the Constitu tion or Spain -The Porte Still Stubborn - Shipwrecks. 0 O L D 16 5-8. Ik telkobath to thb journal. NEW YORK. Insurance Convention - Foreclosure -Horse iHsease-Sulclde-Flre- New York, Sept. 25. The following officers have been elected by the Iu aaranoe Convention to serve uoxt year : President Roe, Mioh. Vice-President Pittsburg, Mich. Secretary Steph. H. Rhodes, Mass. A sailor belonging t the brig Wasli burn, from Maranzas, is down with the yellow fever iu the Rrooklyn hospital. He is not expected to recover. Before becoming speechless he notified the officers that the Washburn came from Matnnaas with a cargo of sugar, which was discharged while the vessel lay at quarantine. The pattent was taltou to the hospital on Saturday lost, while the nature of tho disease was not dis covered until Thursday. Search has been made for the infected vessel, but without success. 1 Iu a suit in the Supremo Oourt for the foreclosure of a $700,000 mortgage on the Bleecker Street .Railroad, I)r. J. W. Ramsey, one of the stock hold ers, has been appointed receiver. Wm. O. Duryea has filed su assignment for the benefit of creditors. Wm. M. Shndlow has been appointed assignee. The horse disease is rapidly Bpreud ing throughout New Jersey. The disease is prononnoed of tho Verebro Spinal MencngUU type.' : Hudson, Sept. 25. Oapt. W. Strad bam, of the steiimrr City of IIiulsuu, shot himself while seated on . his mother's grave iu the Epicoopal Oome tery at Athens Since the recent rob beries on his boat he .has, been vry muoh depressed. This is supported to ba i been the cause of the rash act. Watkbtown, Sept. 25. A fire last night entirely destroyed one section of Laggatt & Davis paper mill and sauk factory, with a large amount of paper stock. The fire was canned by the ex plosion of a kerosene lamp. The total loss will amount to $30. (XX) ; fully in aured. O.io man was sull (O kted. , " . ' BANK STATEMKNT. Loan Decrease. ........... $500,000 Speoie Decrease. . 175,000 L''gal Tenders (Decrease) . . 625.000 , Deposits Decrease. ........ - 255, OHO Resi rve Decrease .......... 2,500,000 wAsuisGTOjf. ; Cotton EeportrCoramlsslon-Chlcaso Custom House -Revenue, 4c. '" WasHinoton, Sept. 25. -The Sep tember report of the Department of Agriculture says of the corn crop : "Could it be thoroughly ripened its aggregate would exceed any previous crop, and the yield per acre would be one of the best, notwithstanding the losses by overflow of bottoms and the saturation of heavy flat 'soils, such losses proving much less than the usual damages by drought au t insects, while the rains have greatly benefitted the oropa on drier and higher soils. Nearly everywhere1 corn is ' late In maturing from one to two weeks. Tho general high condition is still maintained,- the average being one per cent, higher than in Augnst." - The State averages are as follows : , Maine, 105 j New Hampshire, 100; Verniout, 98; Massachusetts, 100; Con necticut, 108; New York, 99; New Jercey. Ill ; PennRylvania, 108 ; Dela ware, 100; Maryland, 106; Virginia, 112 ; North Carolina, 104 ; South Caro lina, 87; Georgia, 90; Florida, 83; Alabama, 111 ; Mississippi, 116 J Ohio, 97 ; Louisiana, 8i j Tew, 89 ; West Virginia, 107 ; Arkansas, 103 Tennes see, 114 ; Kentucky, 103; Michigan, 101 ; Indiana, 83 ; Illinois, 95 ; Wis consin, 60; Minnesota, 72; Iowa, 92; Missonri, 111; Kansa;109 ; Oregon, 100; Nebraska, 93; California, 95. , Hon. B. B. Vance,' ot North Carp i lina; Jamta Stevenson, .of Washing ton ; and A. T. Davidson of Ashvillay N C, have been appointed aa Com missioners to appraise the lands recent ly reoovered to the Cherokee Indiana In Nnriti P.nrfifina ' The new Chioago Custom House Commission have submittao tneir re port to the Secretary ol tue ireasury. Tbey recommend the atrengthning and complotion of the concrete founda tions. Also, that certain parte of the building be taken down. In referring the report to the Super. I vising Architect of the Trt'Mtirv, the Secretary tliret'ta him to proewd to carrv uu( Uio ltuprovMneuts at one, . CVSTOM4. Receipts to-day $Tio,93l 74 for tun moutu.. 7.iKt,r'J8 68 For the fi-ettl yew.... 3?,'JSl,71t 99 INTVKNAh KKTICM'S. Riwi.U t ly W,411 68 (or the mouth. 6,KiKH,5;9 04 For the lino! year. . . , . .!24.7'J9,M0 63 MISS01SI. National Railroad Convention. St. Louis, Sept. 25.; The executive committee to arraugo the prelimtuaries fur thw Natiouai Railrtiavl Oonveutiou, to bo lield her next rr.nnth, held another meeting, and adopted a r 'olu tiou ut king the President of the Mer chanN's Exchangn to appoiut a oom mittee to co-operate wit h the executive eomrmttei'. Also, asking the Mer ohaut'a Exchange to iurtt other com mercial organ iatious throughout the country to send to the Couventiou delegates who favor the object iu view. A resolution was also adopted, asking the Gov. mors of the various State to send to the Convention, a uutnber of delegates equal to the Congressional delegation of the respective Status. The munioipal authoritiea of maay oities will also bo iuvitod to tend dele gatus An address will be issued giving the object of tho Convention, and the Oeuenta wluch must result to the ooni try from the coustruotiou of the did- posed railroads. i i - v ; 01110. j Mnrderor Lynched. j Beluefohtainb. Seut. 25. A rowd of cit zens took the murderer , Schell forcibly from tho jail last- nieht and hung him. The guards made bo resistance. Scheil protested his inuo oeuce to the last. . . , INDIANA. ,,.,;4j;i ; 1 Wire Mnrder and Snlcldf.' Naw Albany, Sept, 25.- Mrs. Cath arine Renter was found tnis morning with her skull smashed in, and the cottage partially burned. Ilerdivoroed husband was discovered iu the yard with his throat cut, perfectly dead, It is believed Reuter murdered his wife, fired the cottage, and then suioidod, PEXNSTLVAXIA. ' v. Bodv Recovered. . PnriiADELrnu, Sept. 25. The body of Albert W Markl.. v Camden, who has oeini missing -Biuce-Xnursuay, was found on the banks of the Dela ware. He is supposed to have com mitted suicide. IF O 33 IE I'Q 1ST. ITALY Insurgent Victory - tianibctta. ,v Viksna, Sept. 23. Telegrams state , that Derivish Pusha was surprised near i Raono by a band of insurgents and totally routed, with a loss of nearly four hundred killed and wounded. The following is quoted front one of Qambetta's speeches ; t.- "The Bonapartist Deputies may be doubled in the next Assembly, but they cannot seize the Government nor tamper with the army." ; c . , FRANCE. ! " Preparing for Business. ' Pakw, Sept. 25. The Deputies of the Left have resolved to return to runs on the 1st Ootober, to1 prepare for the work of the turning session, particularly the electoral law, whioh will be hrst discussed. ) ! The decision of Mie Cabinet advo cating voting by Arroudiseemtiuti ha produced a strong smiVtutiou niuong the Deputies of the Left, ,,, ; , , s .! E.1GLAND Tue Noncio'a Tcxt-The Porte-State s of Craps -Shipwreck. ; Lonpon, Hf'pt 25. The teit of the oiroular addressed to the Spanish bishops by the Papal Nnnoio at Madrid, has been published. It says he has been directed to communicate to the bishops the substance of the protest sent by the Cardinal ieoretary of State of the Holy Bee to the Spanish Govern ment, upon the Pope'a attention being called to the toleration clauses in ihe new constitution proposed for Spain. A special dispatch from Madrid lays the Pope's recall of the Papal Nnnoio, Oardiual Simioni, and lh implied dis avowal of his acts have occasioned con siderable surprise, as Mon. Repella, his aueooBsor,; ia more liberal iu his views. - - "" ' ' i A apeoial from Borlin says the Porte declines making any oonoessiona until the insurgents render eompl"te sub mission. The insurgents refuse to suspend iwstiUUes jButi t Jhe. Powers guarantee eventual concessions, . The ''proceedings "of the Consular delegation are y at ' a - standstill, each Consul asking instructions from their respective Governments.' iw 1. 1 , ,., ' The following is the financial artiole of the Times tins morning : : "The tone of the market for pnblio securities has been dull, In consequence of the lower price received 4ffom all German exchangoa, where, it ia sttd, the attitude of Russia iu the Eastern auestion is oausing a little anxiety. V,Oorn dull, bat holders are rather drm. J -There. has 'hoeii. no further ohange in prices. Fair weather ooiv In the dlatrfoto whore' harvest ing ia not oompleted, and good head way has bocn made this week. I , 1 "Foreign and oolotiial produce mai1 keta continue eakemely quiet, though there has been an improved demand for West Indiar sugar."" f ; The Amer eau , bark Forest , Queen, Cart Burns, from Port Lunlow to ITivre. foundered off Rid de la Platte. LTh capiamwas killed by ' rolling snar. A boat, oontaimng tne tint mate and five men, was picked up, The fate of the other boat with the second mate and six mon, ia unknown. DIF.O, ' Wist Oatk alfht affk.Mtk lait.,tt 1 w vw, m. w m LA' CUT, WU 40 v. art. , rrl a Froat M. f. Ohurrh thta rieriMoaat 4 M 'oloek, th aoa to OiMl Oouatwv. Frtadan4 aciutaaoi ar la- vlr1 ttk mttmA n AH HI CD. OalhM k. la Iht. Hty, kvtb H. O wkctat. Mr. H. L. D.nnd Mim U H bar.. kxth of IM dir. KIW ADVERTISEMENTS. ' "INDIA CAIACOQUE, UMHLKR'S riLi.a, HALIAH of WILD CHIKHT, CVOOV'S WINK OT TAK, I ATWOD-a qtriNiitc tokicj r!SU. . At DK. HAkHS-UtiStora. I.. mi; MRNS . - ; PARTLY MADE & ::"iri IRTS a SIX FOIl J7 50. u " ' UOY, FiBTLTMADE WAMSUTTA BKIBTS, i xp SIIFOIlfG OO ' O ,,!" r BOLE AGENTS.1 ? ',; ,' ! MP f. . , . ., ... ,1., CAPI FEAR LICHi; XlUtf y , t ATTENTIO N MEMBERS l rYonrbrivorTlerJto aMmtfaJr"r Armor m full QiVarai joa rixotaA Oiij lath U-t.,4l:3ii'lK,a i Li 1 t f ipoolai orter o caVt. H. Qr"llunr. f U M. HAKHia. Ordtrlj Strftat Oar wall aletad iioek of SnilUk aad America Pocket and Tabla Uatltrv, POWUEK, HOT AfJD OAJi, -rp "Q a 'ns, r is roui ko oahtbioobs Priori rrducrd t ; Nath'l Jacol' HARDWARE DEPOT. ' OR AS BIAOBS AND MOOKS HAatKd AND UOLLAR81 T " ; .'SUMSASO U.UbVUiffT Sadaatd prleoi a j t, - f j fJathinlelJacobl's : 1 1 'feAKDWAkltPP0T, I v-v ' . : r. K saxk, c::as AmLi;::!, FAIMTH. OILt i'NB (iLASB, ' !: ..... .;juMS,af ya.a.v iiucd, t SAoMBojjf AMD CKKL. - c jHHANiEgAcoBia;- . HARDWARE DEPOT, NO. O SJLA-ItltKT T ' aep . , ,"" ' -;' SALT, SALT, SALT. ,; 1,ea Sat k Bait., '.. PorialsbT KBHCUN EH OAI.DKB BB08. . Bagging, Ties and Twjnes. 100 Kollf BafglBc. " ' , ! 1 ' W Tons itm Arrow Ttu. 2i'' TtMio Hleod Tom. ,. . Foraieb ' f. KKRCHNKHA CALOCK BM08 Cheese Nails and Candles. ' !"8 Boie t PcBtid Oroaa Uk 10 Kge fCll, T5 ftoxt snd ItO Bois OatMilrab Fumlsbr ' ' '' !,,;,, ,KfROI!IBB OaI0)RH BEOf . j Rice, flour nd Molasee- 1 TlsrceiS. C.Rloo, SOO Barieli Floor. lrI 10 ad toa uarrele tj. 4li r 0 Hbdp.andBbli Nw"dropCobi 9EBCHRVB UAtiDER BROS. U Cr . k X I ... . epM. BLANK BOC(S ... STATIONERY A FtrLFi ANR OOMPI.iTf BrtUIKOF Blank Meolte of all Ibmi and gradot, ftom the thema1leetaieaHirandmto lb largtat aaa- alum. Stationety of every KIND AND STYLE. Initial Papef and On Papetrie la neat ,. ., ....... , i Por rale at i.. v.' i . " 1 .HEINSBEEGER'S, M, UVB BOOK ARU MOSI0 STORE. . BSpSS I'l'i it! ! M ',' TRUNI-mMTIC SKETCHES B T it III Mf fltlll ll'f j HENRY JAMES, JR. 9ffl0 qAaA4HMTilT?!f ITHE i i ii. i -.( m- mi-, i n in I M .1., -.U ,1.1 l'.iM'lCI ,.,.), i I u, , .. .i'il;lt -tiA 'r t . I ,f, , ".' ;' J.-B. GREENE UV A. I All for tat at. I l -! C,vr:TAT8 . i ASTC9IISKlX:LY,.liW I " ; 18 ear eelebrataA Gaaaojet Vaiat Ptoaf, 101 Barrel at ft TS, mafefrom tba St l)t tall la; tOTOne Tl( 1,000 Buahele WhliaOnU; 1,000 Black Oau, Hay and htulleU.lfohU.Orackor, Cake, Snap, &o., epXdV It GRANT atHIXTOfle j 1 JACOBll J AXt. I NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. "piOL' N l).-Oa Lba vTnl la ftout of tho Furtau aaw!a vb af r-U sveeuoit. Tk owner c gctthH kl Uib) afllea ky jlu oitf a1ttirtm nt. c i. lta It IliCE SICKLES ' FOV. SALE AT V r ' l QUJa It. MURCK1SOSH t- ' ' WtwHar-1w8Kirt. JIID OLOVEH, A kooatlful tentl tna kid (tuna, Jtut r. roi'ru, eoBiptuint: all tnaioo oi coiuri i.ir PARTY AID EYENINQ WEAR ' i 'i ! ; f - . " i A lar a and wall a aoHod iuwk f VKUCALE8 NIHltTa. aadat,rarBloklDgn0(Mltronorall.' at Merchant Tailoring1 departatoat kalng eomploM la an IU vranebM, t foal Maadoat Uat 1 ouoalloll bf alii loruf vita. oaU, .... . atpta1" ' A. DAT ID. OM raafata tk - . -t , t . . ! - .- -slitt(HMri ttv '. f will ritiwa to nt Ott nr A nd, ' ;. 1 : . ;M4:ExcliWBOornar, Hut to Mr. wllilaW fjrff f 1 1 f 4 V ;'MILLIK ERY PTORfi-1 j n tf a . A o. . ri UMjaaV , W. P. PtIoo. ktaaaaer. u" apt VELINQlOACt; DIES HJ AINESS AND TRONKS WHIM,PCB. 1 ' TCUaLB. AAUB-UHCASB. . . .5 ixm.i.aRS. aaoi.Trak-ekatM, Baak Hoaila, AH kind ofaaaillorr (uola, J Carpenter Mallard's Ho. ( SoOTB V avav aTMif, wp 16 f II ail 0180. W. O, The Lacy Diamonds, Tka Third aad Boat of TBI VDD TBUMP BIR1ES. J ! Jaat fietlvod at . s- t top MM ED. klillS'S,' ' Book fttoro. COOKING PEARS. x aw vrt m add roB bali at O. H. W RDKOE'S. W It. E. donor Market aad laoend Street. aoptiis EOUTflEEN" HOME SOHOOL. 197Al0dNJChtrlo8;St.J 1 1 : f '! a :.! 4 CSTAELIsiIEP HT U842. :. :.Tt r- . a, w " fiOABDimi amd Dai Bcaoob ob You o . i f ; Ladies. , '' .;f Prlnelpam-Mr. and Wis. at. Oarj, and Mr. General John Peghtm. - Tka rronan iaoguac apacan aaa iaa(nw teptlo.oodim Annual Report of General Faufl- . from September 15th, 1814, io Aujrntt - 81, 18M. ... ;..., 0')trHTY F NW BAWOVRR IW AC count with Elijah Hewlett, Coanty Tcoa a(r ij, I" " ' DlaburaemaHta. Toomout dUburord i ir nionihl) . ttatraioiit and u li"'S autltr, ' anaiowltk Ihe Board of O'BBU OoaiOiUelo'.ere.......... ....,.....SW,M4 06 To 'I'roaeorer'e oommlfiluut., ). n Tobalwe carried down... ....,.... ; l.BD 04 Itecolpta. ByamoantreonWedfroaiA. B. Blork. Ta Uollrfhtr, for tx aa Heel , lletetn, Pereonal Property, Poll f " and Hchertule b. and 4). Tax. 4,'f OS By amount rertt fiom O. W. ftor dox, R glBter, doe to Janoary j tt, lata... . i at es Hm amfDifit rMlit frnm eiTtMlrv Der. Mn(fhrdeltnqnfit taioe.. ISO 6 By amount rrceWed for not of Com- . . . 'miatlonennot. far It.OOO.i dated : June Sill, 1S73, at 4 montho, dlt ' eenntod at Bank of Marlon..,..,. 1,700 00 By s moo at reoet.co. front the SUte ; ror oaro ot ineano porooue . me OonntT Hopllal. ,...,.(. t 1,999 W By amount receired from Wllmlng- tou Weldon Batlroad Co , o0 00 By anoont froufkt down, ea-h on County Treiirer. ' Per 8. D. WALLAOX. Ti .f.f Attorn?. stp.M-4t - ... m w For Sale. ,. r " '. , ; ,, ' ' ' - : Th hnaaehold and kitchen fnrnllar of a ten tlrme.n deellnln hoaeekeeplnf.atour Halee roome, Front ttreet, oa Tneeday,Sept. 2-th, atiao'oleok. a.Bw ' t ' And lIrajadHmo. ..,. t. , CRONLT ft MORRIS. aept. ttih.it Aaofa. For Sale . w .. ..... . i 3Qt SO Caeaa blood' Pala A). St Oaaaa laabUa Bloat. .i Imported and pronounced b tba boot ta w. Pa oak ekoap aa etoaa enatrnment. i v ' . t j?. For, Rent. I mm BMr nroDortT bow ooineled h O O. I Parileaft ub.. ombranhif wkarf, offle and aaTal ature and oal yard , located oa South Watae Strtat.) tot ta or two, yeara Trmi biu rv'i w i A. WALKER. K teen tor. ..For.Bal.x Sot Baadlee Baard'a Iiook Tie" )i loo Rol aetaudawt Bglf. j - ' POBIWU 0aglli XW)B(. I nVj ""' '' TICK ft If ERA ij aenlatW i iUJ'J. Cotton .Ties ani. dalf. i I 't I Am f t 1 2,000 BUNvilJlIiOVV 1E3. ' ' i 'I" .1.1. II ,(t Ml. ., ',600 sacks eULr;:', ' - " For sale by-i t :.- ,i' '--. r,., . i, .. .... ... ., BINFORD, CBCW A OO. au U MISCELLANEOUS. JA V1KO r-Uraod rrota thoMerthorB atar- ki, I an Twlrlni Now Good Dolly, con otntiKi or LA OIKS' and CIUL'JKKN'S HUSIERT, OororU, tiondkertfhlonj. Kill Mlc?o, Tiliuatipgi, Hu(i Sklrto Hu.ilri, And ErytMng Minn.! In a Plr,t Cla FANCY GOO DH STORE. Mj mk nfLalloo Ko ktlo and Hueko to tlio HoM . btouht o Ihit mrliit. Udio.' Real Hair Plniiga la (Innit Variety'. Iteal Hmt Soitrbee Iruta 1 oeuUoacb rrphrr wnratrd In oil 8b1e Wbtto aad Hiark too- por . t alls tor lb. VHIior Uolori KJ. or on. or as no wr lh. WILLIAM rVPR. Kivbanno Corner TRADE MARK. WORCESTERSHIHE SAUCE. LEA & PERRINS' UKLLJKA TED , rut KOCKCED KITRAUT if aLK ri'KKrroia MKDHiai, UiCN MAN at Moutat to bio brother i . WOHl'KSTKH. BT I I If ooNNoisHiiiBs I; I io aaraa Jf X Mar, ISftl. Tell t.RA A PKHKINS tkat ibelrwuea l high "Onlv Qood lauca, iv oetaenood ib In- uia, and to, la opinion, th nioel pelatoliUaevell w Hie miiet whole sat sar thai made." - A. ri applicable to If; BVEBT VAKIR IT or DISH. Worcestershire Sauce. SulJ WhlMleand fat putuoo brine Proprietor, LEA e P8RRINS, Wroet., England; an4 Retail b; Dealer la 8anoa fta orally ttiroughoat the worUl- ' Aak for Laa A Perrlni 8aea, '' ! lti l ',:t I li -t..iU I. ).. !., At IhadlHRAKrANTVrAniUKJlt nt- Pria ik aaot mqiaii) ralVok aad a to Hot is v; ... ,. I,:.,. , ...... ., ., ' et Oold Meat, Fowl, Plea, RrnllM Kidney, Aio. At Ik Dt eikVAMi at, ia Boap, ma Pith, ti n Jolnte, rtm, and In all (Irivlea. It glTOe aelititftt Se.rBt.1 At tf XUNOSltjUSI ABO II PVIN t ABI,K W Tj rteemed 'tniltopeneoihle bj tkoat familiar witk lb aatitaaki qoailtlo ... ; , Vwa AT.w Per fnu, , I oi.rl Uka.I it U Perriiia' tamo a . Woroeeiemhir Stuo. ' JOHN OUNCAW'f SONS1 It 'f n '" ' ' '"'.rfSW viinm i Jan lt"J ,;.' ' lS tdAw The Piedm ont Press HICKORY, N. I I the nitty wf pab'lelied In Catewlm eountr, and hMneitnlT rlrriiletlnn noti Mrmlionle. farmtir, and all loeo of Inel. nee men in the Stat Tint Plow I tire, wli1o-mke licmociallc pntmr, m il In a iti'Klra. ble medium tr 1eriUlnr In Weetnrn Korili Oarollna Liberal torm allow on yrarly ml Tertlaetnente, Knbeoilpttim In eilvenoe. ; Addree Ml'UKII.L TOMf.msoJl, i Editor. n proprietor njercb ,t4-S A.iF,OBT.UNB F0Rl81. Teias : Gifl: : Gjiicert tociatioii 1 , " pr'ttawiAistSca, Wlit'lflVS i ' I . .. Grand Gift Concert ! Jtu of a Mieonio ant t. O. O.jr, Temple, SEPT. 22, 1875. rtmtOei'ltal Otft.,....t, .I.............. Heeond Oapllal Gift...... ,Ht,UOtf Ilenlilee Oiru In TuKirtIan amouollng In all to " $cso,ooo,oo I Uowr (lirr To a Whhi.b. ri.maT, ' Prlceof a Whole Ticket, at), which coaiiaU of Or SI Uoufion. 1 i ' " " ; ( COUiVON TICKETS, Which will entitle ttin holder to ailmlwilon to the Uraml Couctrt, and to one tilth af wba' fwtjay keawaidea to Ut,alutl ticket aura- ber. " i RneponalbM agent wented. Art.lurafor itok- t jik direct promptly filled. titreiiiar. Paper, oU.r S'fUig full partlra lafe ent free, ta writing, be ear And algu jour name, towfli oooiity and state In lull. Order for tickeuarooontlns to SO and up ward, aeat U. U. II., if dealred. Adrew all eommunlcatlotia and make all re mittance to : aug li4 mo w A.B. COI.MK. Secretary, lieniion, Teaa A NEW DAILY PAPER"' ii wiLMisem. , Prospectus or thB Etcmdi Rerief , ON OR ABOUT OCTOllKU FIUHT, THE Umlemlifnul will begin the puhllcatlon lu UieClirot H Uuilntrtim, of tho Kvbnino Hariaw Tlie Kivtaw wUII pul'li.Iiud. every .-vuliivr, exwnt Sumlily. ' lie aim will ko to furnlah tho latent, th bait, and tba Bloat rellablo uowa, In every meaning of the term. The Editorial Dcimrtnient win be In tliln baiids, and the local repot la will be funilahed by Mr. Jatnea, for Ave year part the local edltvt of the TlailT Journal. Hr. tb.rKie A. Trli, a oa of an of the foander ot U JoasiH ana lUBMlia gen tleinaBOf aereral yeara operlenoe In thebua Inem, will hr charge of tn bnalno I depart ment of the paper . r r'l ; t Unuiual attention will b glren to I ti mar ket rrtii with the view of fiirnlnhlng the full t anaael Ion or tb day to the eloae of uirean tile boura, anJ theae repoita will be made by a careful, thoroughly experienced reporter. .in the whole the paper will be newly, oheap and rail. ble. and a iectal medium th'ounb wlih h the poor man and the laboring elaa-el may nr', Teraxor eekaerlptlon : S3 a year, B0 Sent a month and 11 oenta a week. Adrertiatngjama very low. t-V -)ir I i . , . In eonnoctlon wlUt tlie now department; W Will establWiwia Uitviitw llmik aud .fob Printing Itlce, Wht toimwbint anil akllf ill operative tin be emyloytd, ahil wlajre la -.xxlkiee to "T e will do our beet- to furtibth-'ouri natrons with to beat, work fur, Ui lywort abwuiHi tt money. ... w v .. .' ' Vv . Josh I. James, aug. JGtf, ' ' Chas, i- Frtcc. ' RE110VAL, III. .):' THRadarattaedt dotlo Ifctt h ba aao.rdnla oftieo from Prlroeaa Street a kta newinlt of room- orer Walker ft kluunilor'i Marble Werkaon North Front Street, 0ppolt II. A. Hra th'i rnrultura 8tr. ep241w B.B.EVERITr. NEW ADVE&TISZXX&TS. A n o 15 MARKET MET, Are oliwing out the balanos of their Ladies Underwear via: Chemise and Night Dresses, at a sweepiug reduotionKVEN FROM FORMER PRICES, HAMBURG EDGINGS AND INSEKTI01IS- Wa are makinir an affnrl in thla l....tn. t .i i.-u , i to iroina' North, and Ladina wl l fln.tiBBifreu-n. th.M ... seen Iu this market ir..w-T.; CUT PAPER PATTERNS FOR SAIE, Machine Needles, O Cents Jffiaot Misses Kid Gloves Slifjhtly Spotted; 20 , Cents ; a Pair- 8iz6s, 5, 61-2 and 0, ; " llaving iut takeu aa soooiuit of .tooii WnU &Veral jisniaVTarieii' tota rhioh wo have dutormiuod to CLOSE OUT AT A PRICE. ' We thank Dulih Kraal and ama', i n For patronage enuimllt; . . Wa tfpi.lalti' f.uil Vtf. .It. BK0 WN & RODDICK,, 46 Earlei Stroet. aat 1 JJl it .?. FALU Atm: VIMTER - GOODS ?- JNUW GvTJ . HUD. 'CKLsatirPO:, 36 MARKET STREET, J ,:, ,(! !; I"VJ V !.., t' Ii1 A I I 1 ! A AT I 1 W. 1 FALL AKDWINTEK 0.0.0DS , CHEA4PEES1THAN;;EVER;:i,;:;:: ' ' T 1 ' 1 ,:,-V-'- " I No, 30 -P in FURWITURE I "WT OFFER FOR THE FAI IiTRAliE OVRUSl All LAUUE AKt) 1M(J1(EABKD 8TUOK . . -wew rauerns. ano; Designs ' .;-'Jiv:,i.k;..-..rii;;i o- q,!,-. J'., ;,; lurioV,! Clt IJInlnBr If omir'nrulturio. ' AT axrRPM'XY 1 1 PRICF8. '': is . "f " '.if tui f i;!t ag CAKPKTS AAD OIL (X0TII AM) MATTISQ. In thl line nr tok aatiratt Sail of tli New aad leading Pattern, or Briieerl, Tbrae-ply, supern, Uolton and Uib P Oarpeta All itr idea nil i loth and Matting. AleoMata . and Knga, of Malliu liealgu,, , . f j j , ; Bedding) " &o. &o Halr! Moss. ShuoVr' Excelsior and 'Straw M iTlKbdSKS, PKaTIIKKM, PR ATHKM aKDt t'KAl HMH pILLOWH AND BULklKKS, COMPUH'fASt.KH,4ij., Atl. Olf THKBKST MATEUIAta And oSr. wwe Manafactarev f ; ..) Hotal, 8taar and Private Realdenoi furn'abod In the I.aloat Htylea and at Iiow Price. , I'leaee giro ua a oau anueaamme . ! ' D. ........ ,., , ...... J. aepistf " ' ' ' i -'.hi TUc Carolina AN llil.USTRATKIl MUNTHliVi, eholc Literature, will be leaved from th' ilotoa. Bone MBeaaauaa Orrma oommenclnf wtb January, 1H7 8. The Srat number will b ready ror milling by Deoeniber iet.li, and the period ical will be puhllahed each aucoeedlng month thereafter wltboat In terra ntlon. Ma adraa tage will be neglected wa iob either talent or capital can command to render e. h laano aa agreeable aad Inatruotlr compendium ol enolce reading, by popular writer, both kom atrial a.- i. . i 1 , The Carolina Household Mairaxina will be a lar SS-pata, alfbtyfooi oolumo montlilyibanuaomely printed on tinted book paper and beautifully illoetreted. It tf S tborougkly toutt rn entorprtee and It anooeee I airtmlf tuny a.nureu. i nepunnauer bbobiiii in make It a Srat-olaea tuonthlt. that. Onee It)' troduced In the family olrcle. I lure to b eagerly wa toned for aad carefully preeerrod. lU'TUttl'Ktn uaLiii.iir' win eroTu attracHT feature. Tb January nambef will eaBUtaaiuw-uaapuHaraot ,t ,w ul () EX-GOV. Z. B. YANCE, . , ., and biographical aketob, to b followed In acb iniuseedlng number with photograah of ether prominent ita teamen, dlrln, Ao, . . ; , tiN LT T WO DObliABS A TE AU A . l and aack aaheorlber oaa Sitkw a eholo THKiaaoer bbotiul,laiiu Kaoai rtS, glaeofeachtt SO inchea, tla; "The Pladlng of the Sarioju in the Temple," "The Madon na," or Kfng Lear Defying th Storm," for. warded on receipt of the eUbaorlpti prioa. Either of the Kngrerlnga U worth double tba prlne MM far the Magaatae., i . i , W Any on tending a club 0' f r oelre an eatr auhevrlpttoB free, Stlttt, . ooplor aenta free by mail, Sjx. jm mba lubwrlpr tlon, wl'hout the EngrarW. SI. AKenta Wanted E veryyvhere. 7 JOWllaA. Bi'Mli, Pubitaber, -! tJ '.:! .' ..i.T JoM.bora.N O. ioo pure Copper distilled n;,o. i conn whisky ) I 1 Forialobv . ' . . '"! -1 J iilf f':! angliaat ,;JOHNrT(ClUltltB, ' TbomaBville, N. O. t ; .- - . , . r nnnnin 'i ve a'. it - 1 1 ' It I' i. . , ; .1 ,f,;w tf it in ii. 4..A..I nl.f.1 .-k "t i .it a Thiuughout the tar noo eiidlU 1 .. . ' t" t' ' ,.'','fwjt. 'lnViil 4tl:i ,H( .fi ,fu,H Our stfKR wa've ta'ou , .,, . ' An' noo we're BS'en," I 1 "! , , Tj Ml wltltlu tbs margin t f it t t.f t n. An irfaoouis ,.. .. , ,, ..j,., . ... ,,,e,lptannii)b.trgu'fii.ir'l'1'1 ,mK null inn 1 imi .'Uflli. 1UI A J ,..4 l14.lW.-t 1,1 M-i'lfUl "i .. . 1VT fl Ij' 1 1 Tf 1 II it' i! in y r. h!.'t ilti : . . tl i .r.yi4 ,,ii U Bi!;,"M.-l a 'itnui .!' tall' VHul-j (IJ FURWITURE tv V our niuoa ooi r pa-caaaiug. 1 - AV.SMITH & C0 "J ' 43Front Street. f 'i '. ait 'at ill . Quarantine Notice U NT1L FURTHER NOTICE ALti TE8- aol from Port South of Cap f ar will com to at the Vinltlng Htatloa, near Docp Water Point, and awatt the Inapectlott r thk Quar. antln Pbyatrtaa. !) ti j ' All veamla from Port wberS Fellow Perer, o other larectiona mteaa ealtta,, wUI ba ra it Hired to undergo a rigid and prolonged Quar antine. , ' - ' ! ' ' v rxi.-" '-. " , Ail retaela or boat of any character haying lokneaf on board oh arrival, or baring had fckataf aay lima daring tb royegw, ar re quired toeoraettth BtaUon for laipootlon witlioot regard to the Port liom, wbnca they com. Veeeol not Included abore will pro oeed without deterttlon.' ' J ' pilot are especially enjoloed to make eare aul enquiry felatlTetareeta, ertwi ., and If not . tlaflad with tba, atateaunts e tb Uap taio or eommander. or ir the, veaael It In a filthy condition, thy' will bring the Teeeel to the Statlob for further xam!natka. ' PIloU wilfully violating tba Quarantine Uwi are anl.Jort ti a rorfKititreof their braneht If ulere of Veaaata t a Baa of two i ahdrad dol lar a ai,,,foe, ararj, day , fhef ,Tf tb Quaraatlue law; and, all other iereon are llabl fo eaoh aid arof y o Jpnce.'' (j Alt vewelnahjewt to wtftattoaa boot replaUvnaKtrlli art a flag ta tba amain rigging, porVtUd. at ..( ill .? I )'iii fi,'w n;,,s,J OKI H)l ; r. ., . FOTfKR, I. sili ftiril l-i. mlthIUX,Vl Hi- vFor:GrhUhViIIo! CJTEiMER e4BiXlawmrwt regalarly J.i: i , I . - ' v iktii jti!f raryday opt Pundaf, i ., , b arlng Wilmington. i 'J' VT S gmitkT.il..i.. .;i.ii-". -. t A M OoranutaUoatlokotiBy b;nu:ehd at onr onto. julyl a O. PAU3LET ft C3 1 11 .1 AT I AT l Ui MNliNli