Sunday Mornlns, Septrniber i, ISIL The 1)ailt Jocmsal, tbe tUt J" p. r In North Carolina, published ... mm .. M-Dt MlCd2V. ai JEltiflT lHn.LARS a yer i rovm uuum i vffrtiiy was ijuduou. auu uow iu-i TiiEiiiniKirr. "And all tmful learning shall lw duly eumnragt d aud iu out or more Uuiverailiee." hucU i t- tin' worda eur afici'stora t. J whrtt iu vu tent ion usf ml led, at ilalifi, to De cern btr, 1770, thry laid tLi'iroouiuianJ opu& tLe jovtrumeut they Mifalilialitd. Ib obedietioe to this coin wand tha Uui- iouiha ; Savs.iTT-nTi oenu per nitmth Mr aiiorw rwkala. Smed by Carrtei. in the dtj ai )v!iTT-riT eetita ' pjr mon h, or Two Dollars and Twwt ,t t-n vacant pn quarter. lV-Uinif Jofhmai, (Friday) a AiKy-eiB -iuaii . panar, Two DutXAK yei year; thn enpifl Frv Poixabs and a half ; four copies Doixaas vccopis, Eiobt Ooi UDi half " ten Frrrtw JKitLA twenty HwTuKNTT-rrv Dou-am. , . Si uargirtioai la. all (am payable Id a vxnoe.aiid no paper cmttlnued afUr the i (ration af tbe tfroe paid for. t immittahcbs abotilil be made by TW 00 !e Moiejy Ordv or Express. If tlila cae it be sVk protiK-ti.m actl'iet loawne by tua'.l way be incured bv turwanlinir a iip ft payaWototiat onlcr OftB pwpriftore 4 1 JM' 3-t a u or ky tnitlDg tbe mtnipf arfwlat.'. ' j I rtven ih-r Rt tper inch ot iwlv ,,il.ile f ailwitalng tvpe.) liwti mte hwwrtiim. Own Dollar; two lnr lion One Dollar ad a half; time rsfrtlon, Two l4.IAMi; fotjr timlilMA Two Dih.!. VI A HALF; flr1n h.i Thhff Do!i.s,tlx neefli. , krfDoi lako ani a h vi f: 've 1 ( tliWw. KlV Dl. AM till a, lAI , .ntrnt!.' Kiarrr Dm i.t ), tr mnUi IPTKKM 0(XAKIi thvroHll , TWKK rr rwo Doi.larh. ,toiit4vlj fur kuu;r pnHudAand InnMr pa ad? jipnu liberal tenaa - d.'r s : KNWkl.H AKr . !Af;NlRRR, , rllKIAL MOTH. Tn valne ot the staU ol tL laU . about $175,000. ; , ; t 1. , ,(, , jMlCnAttLOTTR (jl'iBMAN ia mm) U Ui iWhie in to Tfude oonMani aa iatanwi and anpport - f vittt ratin, lot morality 'a Hake, don't wear a ninety dollar diamood on a tttontnly Valry of a hundred dollars. ' Oin. Mc(!ttLU anj family. bo arrived from Europe last wert, are at their anmraor mtdeaea near Orange, N. J., wlinre th-y temaia tmtil Notgiu Ix r, when (Ley will go to New York for the winter. A rukNTKB in Mcmjiliie, a few dnya apo, waa purehaaing aoraa agricultural iiupicmeota, but UDfortuuatly be aaw the worda "Rock ford," priukd thore- on. lie refuRf d to perfeot the pur , obaae, aa vriuit,.s o..J Armv of the Republic implenieuta did not anit bii land. 'Tbkrj are tbirty thonaand people in -Fall River, Mae. Ooe-balf of thoee, fifteen ttoaaand, are mill operative who hv4 been Ot a strike fof ait Wffka. " Wiulcr ia at hand, aut! much nuuVriug ia ant)Qipitd. Men and wo men, boys and girl, haunt tie etreeU re.7y p.teur4118 ' The strike began bioause tbe mill piujicnH u Ki rHiuo wagea (en Imw oenL.Xltia aa reuated. How tha operatives are ready to resume, tut the mill owours are not. Tho stock of goods is large sod, owfug 'io the higlim aa of money and the general proatratiou , of . trade, oidera are few, and to go on prodneiug without finding oonNiimers,is notau euoouniging prf i pecl Hud not tLe abike occurred, Woik would still be in prog reas, but the manufacturers have found the panne more advantageous than going on, and now they are on a "strike. " The outlook is very bad for the poor operatives." - . , Ths peach scaaou is about over, aud . the Delaware- growers have already oonuuenoed to eouut the oosta of their enormous yield. There car ' doubt but that tho . " ... , . oe no profits have n . , Uie r- fvars for the ( ' .-on fully realised, and ...iirua have been abaolutely a , iossin many caa, , Fully a third ot the fruit has been allowed to rot on (he i treos and maDy of tho farmora have ' ' not picked any of their eacbeR sinoa the shipment of llaloa. From tbe bo- it is once more in operation, HHpie naturally desire to know whether tbe programme laid down for it wtll -cure that purpoae, that ia to ;iy. whuthtr it will eucouxagc and piouioto all UMiiul learning. Any one who will take tho.trouble to" examine the plan npun Whk-n the iuhU tution was ra-orgaoizud, mnat be mt isfied that to-day it conn s m an r ii the compliance with the old conolitn ttotial requretacut thasi tver it did The University, at rorgautB d, i cut merely tho Uuherdity of the ii!dti tiiuii. It i Uiat, and t is uinoh ' won than that. The inUrjiretatiou now given to thi worifa, all nsefal learwiug, ia no longer narrow aud c 'lilrueU d, but broad aud oouipiThi'iittive, and correctly ao. , taUuiktid Greek and pure tnathf natiea imw lark very much of being Urn sum (t ml un ful leaiuifii;. TherH , ... i . .. . laverymuou otner naming una i f uirpm .u,,t tL,-,r.uin . r neiu., kua inai neein to ne prmotiM t . - . 1 1 ud eiieuuruged, uvwiiereno inui h as nttlia Umvereity of tim J att, ', t ijo one doHpiwe or eflfi ot lo'd hjuki. ither Latio cr Greek, or Mithenjation. Tbey ftftvo a tatuu ainl a Viiry 'grsftt tuo is it but upou tbe principlua of doing tii 1 g'twtwat guod to the gtetot uiiuibui. i!i be far more brti' l'i'iMi to tbe pop'e ( N 'lth Ciri'.nat kid Will be far lui.rt k y liiireixiU'ti in tbeir al fi cf iniii Ib.m ever It . a.m. 1 j et vl rVe UO" Jru i d lt II t iLal it utmu, lid if t'S I'.-Uw if ed Ill-nil"!, hult be Lt't ''lily to miike it the'V Vuivi'ii.ty, but to kUow them that it ia ao'. It i bt, and it im nut inl tiiUd to bi con for tlio U i fit of ai y purlieu tur c us of tut it, bat for the bi'Ui tit tf thu wliulu teopie thoroii(jln;ut the Ht t. Tina la the lut-'jiutivu wiuk to build lip"-ulie that Will mukti lU bcui'a ii-iliuuou lit by nil of uicu turmiKbimt tho biale, and when the greatest good willb idouo to tbe gretit number, by enouiiruging till u tul Wriui.g, inn. iiul obo intended only fur tho lu.iiiuUelure of ruero c!a Hic.d rclioiura. ) The piopio VMiit a pluco win re a' yint'h ,cuu bx- taught the principles of Ute ucoupatin by wh'cb ht l to rmii hiH bread, where, iu a word, all um !u1 l arumg and lu't ihkl whioU to a ceituui exknt, and in comparison witb it, may l' eoiinidered mar ornttr lutr nbil leitruing may b had. Hue!) an Iuhtitiuloi) can never bo fou'id at Chitpol liil', Iii t it be roooNrrfgmi KfnItinpjK'i'ti d by a!l 'clareea of people :FASI!I0i!SfnfJ0LDC0i;'nri : Snltl'i liiitil IW. 1 Ko. 11V TUi Cixtama win t) . J:aUiin ' t .t ? rl iiUriii, jl r-uiM hmt Jaj1 W Aiakc t'io "!: irlJl,? M -dia mitwii'l onr nif. Tb tout Imij i .i-.Im1 lul SnU tt i )iHtth nwntohmii iat w tb. w KtBui ki-r l.-uw, lule lha or (Mri i nina may I vi tnry wrrcBivpruftavAntaLC-uly tuird. Tt U Ihr r.-tilu- Ut.l. r r'Mim ; nm m in ma, wim a rur M or uia . wme, orKihhim. RiiiulrKlSTmnliof lnrh ir rnllrc UiL V't. "1 wit. illifn, wllii rl.i(HluoOil.Iin. No. f ovrnklit. 17V I: nttera. with 4HMh4, atm t w i-'iTin,- 3Tif; ptiim, wiihrloih I'mhIicU. i s maiuii r rwnptorpr r'. i 1 M rtaih M4'Hl Mm. i.-STIHti, I'll nil 11 tunny vra 1 In4 ! MH U9 inm ik. n. chlinuM XAniMv. Ji . n triat ftDBU" J' Awr mr IfcM Tn TlmM fa Com. Ii to ITS s 1 0 V 1 - f I f I ItR. lfi ranrr-a i win a- i.iikv nik J it te4ui cle.ii .that They bIiohM ult raonopoll49 the '.lime M Hiinliiuts t This would be a emieet View of tin chc at any time, but certainly it i So at the prnaiit time owiuK to the impoveriahed oouditiou ot .our piKiple. Tbe old theory Was that col leges were not intended to impart tbe tecuioal kubwledge of any profeMwion but merely to train and diaMp'inn fie mind so that afterwnrdit profiUhuiunl atudie might be entered upon to irui'l sdvauta'e. Lutiu aiidOreek aud Ma- tberoaticH were fniind to unawi r tiia purpose adiuuably. The reault waa that alter griidiiating, a young mau had no profeaaioual knowledge whatever although he had bis mind iu admirable eondition for the ecqr.iaition of such knowledge, and as a matter of oourse. other years were neoesaarily to be de- ToUd to tbe Study Of lis pf ofesaion before he could enter upon its practice. But Latiu and Orsekare $iot tho only Studies that train Uud discipline the tanid. Th very studies teoeaaary to tbe mastejy of a pruftmaion may bi uwd alao fco Ifrnfc Sud dinoipliuo the mind, and: this I by nerving a double pUN'opo. save both time aud mi" J ooa ouiiaes, a large unmbor of young men whose command of time " aud money baa bucn too limited to permit thera to pend four yeora at college in training Mieh iniudB, and then to do vote other years to the aiMpiireioeut of tbe technical knowledge -jittfntfttutry to be aciiulfed bef 'rii eutnng ripi'iii the practice of a proferaion. To meet the want of wiiclr? the couihos of study have bfcu much enlarged and an op tio i given to select Mioh slndiuH ouly aa might bear utxu the particular pro fession intended to be followed, there by enabling a student to auquire " feasional knowledge, wv prooci'S of lrai'' . . . ' t : me muirt Uiig and 'diaoipliuing tlT 'l tiiwn ll,AU. ' -A. BSJKDETTE SMITH'S linr ii ' m ti . ii f IIIatiM At li'Aahinn If Li III' 111 III .tiuiiuiij , if uim ui FINE ARTS snst POLITE Lltersturc. Slnele Copies 35 Conta. nl)v-rtptlo Frlr, ft yar, pm(-rail, larluala a . p.niii'niiif fwoikoUarV wi ui' p4Hai M (rue iu each V.e null onr CKRTIFir.TF.H fir Ihli n-i.iiM in nivirn or mirtpli'.o. tTV! T .tr IIICI-.S I.F.VATOaU . aim I Si FL.VCE .( U nMuir ifu ui raunu, u aniiuui. TIeM03rTIILV xro II OV X'-JLWIIIOX," the very flneat.1 m-t lauti(. ayrtotlre myailrif to a ou i III thin coiiu'ry,aini tiny paraoo woo brj1 wlti taking It, WIH KKVKB dlcatiiui .il whila It la publl-liwl. ' , ' ' llcslrilci' Fata'-'EtHJ? tnp'i i ory "o'lu-rliitii's r , 1 li'ayev- pual-mlil. i Inn. I iiUi'a nrlUnf Paltrrui niu to f:h iiU!.:r I" r fttf aa .xnaiuiVr -' A r lt lltiill Mini IIIUUMttM I'll? lust Tarlfiro Southerner coti tun . He talfiUoti.iy of Mi. Va.ioi I'. Wi l m in -i hi i.nd the aalutatory of Mr. D.;i.j lluttle, ; We part . witji the with n-ge and ixtrbd a eoroial welcome to tin , : i'ji. " ' ' '' " ( ' Mr. Villiamon ia a high-toned, iiiva!roua gentlrmau aud a bold, and vigorous wriW'f. tPiinc p'i ratai rtlif.n mi-ro policy haa governed I ip couiwe aa au editor, and) hia rutin ment from tlto aauolumt to eugage iu the practiot! of the law, will be s Ions to tbe profra siou, which wc knfw will be iucirly rogretti'd.'.""'" ' ' M Mr. l)oaey Bittle tnkos chargu of the mlitoi iil eoimtiii of the 6outhr r with a repntiition kh a writer well, tr tublinlieil. This paper in a lioum bold unci aity in tbe sectiou of the state in which it is puliliabod, and we are sitre its old standard aud character will be maintained.' Mr" 1 Mr, Charles remaius aa one of the proprietors aud is oue of the best newapaper mou in" tho state. The Southerner mmtmm upon the earlier years of its semi-oeuteuisl uuiier.fuv orsble auapices, VurtlltiuUBNAL. n :auMiy riaviea. Iu the advertiaed rtateuout ol the Oonuty TreaHurer, of New Hauoyer eotiuty, publixhed in the oity paper j of yeaterday, lie states the linlunce ou ham! n !. Bl. ov of AiihmI. to the credit of the (Kinerat rumL'as l.4o8.04. and j" tb that bttluueeou iiHuu- iuore mini Miiuiomni 4i vav ine iu ereit on the outstanding bitmls'-of tho county, due ou the lt of Mi ptetn- ixr -ue remind to pay sulci interest. Why is thia 1 Aa o:i" intreiited, I ahould like to k .rw what bi omiaof Hid uiuney tlmt nhoiilil hnvebceu faith- S4.500.00 IN GOLD TO GIVE AWAY! 'w wll give $2 foo'o6 iri fc'itDi- W wilt give (2 BOO CO COLb COIN 6o "" aUa.rkM.u h . rgi- COIN H lb 3 uf iiiui'iu uti tift i. n. -r ui ,u Mrlrra lo our ' World Of TiBD tC M nl mFrrlr'la 011T ' BajaSr." r anion' aj hm, ofiora ai uo a, if a. a) ti J aaa, aMr viui i, j AS l-lawai Ta -la- 8i li I atfi x Af follows: To Ida UatMf ap ot" iba I aal V uh aioii ee 'a Uoid I ln 1 yi i arft ft i;ia,'. m tw i'i uoiai " " " H l.trHia.;.SfJS a Hi Ootrt OoliKl 4 h La'al i;mr... .. m mh Oa'S min. i if fltiwilrfirrat ritib..., IW r lir14 Wlf, Ala I arvaat Club II') IWIu Oo J lm T'h La iiaMUfl.'ii44V mi lo Oiiki tam. Miti.l ari H l... ' m in in i n t1 a iiih...; ii si ii o.ii.i Oaiiu 10' b l.rirr emu..,. S' 1 0 m no .1 a . Iltli ar.-t luh m Sten tloni pi4, ani o n In tb " OSth ''(' ''lub: "I O I t I B OTH T ra Cold vOirt PrfrSonfa oner will h ronml at run Irnytb la tho Bib. ember Number beside 'be iiai.nvMa .vo. W"-i' lwirnw)Mu.TVii a... iwi vitld ai 4.1.13 OO u. ..old, acr.a-JKij..ju Wli a joffrs. kAi.UMnliwUa to Club....... ..!.3A rata .-M Coin. til Lwl RiM...veonin(iilCla. Ill I.r,ei ClKb.,., 11a 00 In Hold Ola , larg ttSfM a! I B 4 JwC 1.1 ,olB Ath Lii Cltih.... HA lio 'n ol.l Colt.. Si a l.aryrat Oluh., 78 BO In OoM ftain, lib UrC tL I M 10 in iolil Oini. Mil La ft 0 Ml..... tB 0 In (M l I da, 'rrj 'ft swat 1nCAJi" SO !! OMn. i VMb fAfi OuHif'-OsaivlttNaHtiinini. t'lh Liriirn I'liib.. ! 6 In (lold I'abl. androniito tha 8S UarrtU;iiib. pl. YOU -t wraaauiraakvory ubacrllKir fBaarnsaj ftp off ajbiiaY aa gelasjut' BOTH I " Oolst Coin PrMeniA will bafonml at full Irngtb Ir tsmber Number beside 'b iiai.nvMa Utrmf)Hiwiii0ni mil aeoiiw- a ui m-r villiail oa,(lt wa da Maotl aa ata nrnmlaa. VrtlITi DPP Tj- t" V"' nmn ulwrTptitjti to Ti Uff ,1 utir Mavatlmia TIIIIM K t I "h" wU' U" nnt "aaibar and yonr I'Mllflrat. nf Prr- V . Arf naiai whirl yrm en (hnv, and at on -a begin gutting lutiwrl- b.a, oraaa -41 .hUi (afiHta aapri- rnd Htanirrlar f aaklVR rtalnraa.i c 1 1 laV) 1 ,ai A. BURDETTC sMltrli P O Bos BOBo . h w OI4 Brdadway;Ww Yatrlt'Cltv. ! iHIrFiio fJEW YORK AUD BOSTON UUES Wilmington, ti. C. -r;-..'uf-i"-t-'.--i-ii' I ... Fast Fre e:ht Route to all North or South. Po! A I0W VOHK, Hew. Yort and Wilmington Ste:.i Liuj I SF. MI-WEEKLY, Sailing from NEW YOliK, WEDMDAY am' riTUPl'AY at 5 I. JI., and from WILMINO10K, WKDNESDAY acd KATUKii'- fully applied to kpiiig tip tho orodit of tlin county, by paying itx bonded (d)ligation. . And I tihould nUi like to know why eonuty onlera outhe Treas urer should bu received in the pay- mcutui oonniy taxes, wUou t fue to reooivu th oo"-' . ; re-pa-st due, fur the - . , coupou", jjiue,pnrio.s. EiKJOlBKB. ill AH Hi k)1 JlAik ANTTH 1 XIV 4 H nt.lli'. t ii HOTEL Try i ti-'i.ii u ai' j A j t --a " iiii' '3;S f M 1 . w . erf tfC f I J u J 1 ' .a 'ii n ,rs IOTOX AND FALL EiTEI.. York ; nul W iUidimnni kUjibni loiupiiiiy, '1 , OLD CCLOKY nAILHOAO AND STEALERS. ;! ' ;- ", Dstlly Between BOSTON and NEW YORK u ; X'J . , Si ', . 8ena-Wtek boi,we.5n EW YORK und W1LJJ1KOTON. ' 1". '".- Pfrf - .turd ilmaiurSFMi, i . ;,' ' i--i: , i-'v . . . o- i " ' : '; : ' Whtnpara Way iy aeii lhr'.reait rnil'lar naillt.r".-i' i'),,-' nor.'aV'rf mti, I ni. WILatlKOlfN, COLVM 1HA rt l l.lK'I'A Ii A I I.HI 1 . WIJ.BI1AU1UM WJUJHUli hAli I.HAII.. . 4 'HB CAHoLia A AN1KAI. fcAll WaY,'- , , " V 1'hronKh litb ol lading g .n to ami lum. all ux.U In 1 8 , ' KORTH and SOUTH CAIIOL3KA, 01 01:(11A m il AXAEAWA ' A, t KEW YOliK. UOBTOK, IT.OYin M t, FALL 1; "a , u t jutern Cities. . Kati guaiantetd aa low a by any oiie mat and II ai asirk.. ori trnlmr.... Murk all floods iit ( Ij h 'k i Jii. ii:t 11 Line. tat lartasr Inronratlon ar-fly "-r el the ' dr jgaii gttitt trjie iiae.- WM. P. Ol.VlK i.ttn., UmciM AniiiU, Kiw oia J im,', ii ilualii g l.iicii, N Y. A. D. CAZAUX, Agent. i ' V. I. t). MIN K. USaeral Kiufrn Agent, M DtToiiBblra H treat, HoMoa. t)CO- in : the tt was to meet this very condition of things that the Faculty desired and the TrusUecs adopted tho ; proneiit course ot atndy for the Vuivorsity upou iU reorganisation. There are now five courses open to a student at the Univerwly.' Tho arts . oourse, which compriacs substantially the Latin aud (Jreek i stuuies or lormor times aua most sa ginning of the soaaon up to last week I uirblv adapted, it is too, for those , 8,130,000 baskeU of fruit have been " ' 0 shipped to points noitb, east and west; adding t this one million bankets, ' which have been shipped by , various water lines, tbe total will foot up oyer , font million of bankets already mar keted, thia ia an average of a bun-"-" dfd and sixty thousand " baskets sent 1; from the Peninsular , orchards every day to supply tbe Western, New York - and Northern markets. . Ot this caor- , moos qnanity of fruit ew York has reoeived about 1,800,000 basJteUJ The Boston markets have been well sup. plied, and coupled with the points of -"' ' shipment in New England, hays bees ' ! it. thai XDamltn iviinta ilia miut MVAV Wv Vaiv iy uvwBai & aJ iuv awna , remunerative to the growers, about ,. fifteen care per day having been sent, the total number shipped, to j these : points being nearly 860,000 baskets. The oost of shipment is about 40 cents per basket, or about 1150, OOOin freigh has been paid for fruit shipped' to . i. New Eugbnd. , The entire cost of -. 1 ' picking, shipping and, marketing the H enormous crop has been about $2,000, ' 000, and when the season closes this will be incressed to nearly $2,600,000. , There nosy remains about six dsys ol ' ' ' large thipeaeots. the Bmook, laU Craw ' ford, and ! various canning vsrioties eouatituting the bulk of tbd remain ing crop. ' ihis Will swell the ' total o t abiptaout this season to about 6.000,000 -.-,.,, , baaksta of (rait; but, had tbe markets , warranted it, there is little doubt but ( , ., tnat even ' U.UUU.UUU baskots oould . . a , have been ebipped from the Pesinsula, . , Altogether, the ffect of tbe present rop itaav tiean aiaasuons to Uie paaoh It-;.-. I , jrf "r""t of tho PeninsuU, and will re- wult in the grubbing Out of many of the orebarJs. and it is quite likely that manr years will elapse before , snob another immense orop of fruit will be grown lit IXJtware and Mary ' land. ' - who have tho tiins aud means to do- vote to the acquosition of a eti'saioal e1rtoation. ! s 2. The Boieutiflooouiso, which as its name indicutea, is specially adapted to the wan s of those who prefer modern soicnof to auoieut olasRics. t 3. TUo . Agricultural., courue Which enhances auoh studies ss are owefiaary to au intelligent uuderataudiug of the buaiueea ot farMng.' "',!'' f. I ; 4, The Optional oourse in which a student may select for himself auoh studies as he may desire to puraue, the only requirement being tout Lis whole time Bhall be occupied. For example, if a man desires to perfeot himself in the Chemistry , or Agrloul ture, he will ss a student of the Op tional oourse be permitted to devote his whole time to that study and so of Oivil Engineering, of Mining Ae, S. The fifth and most difficult ot all, is that necessary to be gone through in order to secure tbe degree of Master oTAttl. 9 .v wm-W It will be seen from the above that tho University, as at present organ ized, seeks to meet the wants of every elasa of students. If a thorough etas sioal eduoation U 'desired, it can be had if purely scientific ednontioa is desired, that can aWo be hadt , If a purely agricultural eduoation be de sired, that - too, s n be bad. And if limited means forbid tho selection of sitbew of these eonreee, au.i permit only special studies, looking to special pur- noses, that too. oan be done, t ...i. J t .. . " Sbatok Bayard, in a speech be de liver! d luat Friday, iu Baltimore, apou tbe fliiHuoial ituatiou, illustrated a Very prevalent feelii g by stating that a wealthy man had declared to him that bis chief want now waa a fire aud burglar-proot safe, iu which bin wraith oould be locked tip. Clearly what tho country requires is more, confidence, Whatever muy be tho differences of opinion on tbeaubjoot of the currency, nothing is more certain than fiat any rational expectation of improvdmeu muat include a rcloration of coufl. denok),. To Btcuro that wd miiHt have an end of rings whose' plundering in volw ruinous taxstion, deprtci'ato the value of property, destroy tbe publie faith iu local snd national government, and fill the community with approhon- sion anddiatruat , - j a Baltimore anil Sontiiem Steam TraDsprtation ConiBany .-."'.Via W'llJl.lJOfixl, lr. c. . ' jffy-H "IXST FREIGHT ROUTE To ar Poiiiis North or South. And thus, soas asits means , wil permit, it has eome to pass , that the Unj-yersity U a place for the promotion and encouragement of all useful learo ing. And this being so, we look for ward to the day when the University H ABOYK BsTABltHMatKNT, HQ f A.V OUA WIT A VTMUVW TMH JUBlJO TUB J Iwt Hummar by ban.w ownw.vapv -. rX'.. , S :,tar.ii mii be .'JSMJbSWr'e "J. W b"W.t .cnn,.ntan w.tb' all BALTIMOKE. Ealtimbrc "aul Wiminton Liim, . kKMI-WMrKLT. ,f;i,7.'?,V .'HW1M JtAl.TIHSOhB-,' ' ruesday i& Friday, at 3 P. M. -AN! yi'.OM W1LM!N0TCN . Wednesday k Saturday. BOSTON A N DPN U VI D E N C E. Baltimore and Wilmington Une, Baltimore, Boston and ! roTklDnca I.lue, Or via Canal Daily to Philadelphia aud Clyde'. Philadelphia and Providence Duo. BemLWeahlyfron each Port. uaealiat atokaca. ;,, ,j mc Best Houscliolil Oil in tiie World i i.i . . i C. WESTJL SONS' ALADDIN SECU- . buy oil : tt aurravnlcd 150 Degraea rirs ,Toat, ' iitHl by tkt fir niaraaol Qumfamiti. Hnl ma roll iwmj aartlgcat anlected (ruin man) Qthera ... ,, . , , ..: , llow arb Kiaa laa oi as Bttia, ) HecumburM, lll. ( u.nrt.C aMl m toni Unt.kroen-.HaTlng UMd tba rlou ollatiild m Ills city lor llluml nartiw nartxifM. I laaa uUaauru in feroro kisaatua yar AIa.ldlu Seoarity" aatbe tat'eat and beat erer nacd in oar lionxslioldi Vourt traty. ' ' - ' ' . r (Signed) amukbw B,r.r, rriia t. TT IT WILL NOT EXPLODE. -- - i 4i ymtr l&.tnkvr fvr it. Vbolaaale Ue(mt Ct VVKST A SON. - IIS IH W. lmbtrd Straat, BatUmara. at) 1 od ia .. .. I ' Cotton Ties and Salt. 2,000 BUN JLKS;Al ROW UES. , 4,000 SACKS BALT ' ' Forsaloby ; '. ,t" " :-' ' :(-' 'i 'li j ..I BINFORD, OUOW A CO. I v .A . ang 24 Pa?. Hit Citf Taies. OlBd of Traaaor and OoUaatsr, Ml ? tft ,Clt,0rWilmln.j 1 ass alNOUd to notify Stl partiaa owing olty lasaa. that Uia reqalremenu of th Hy roy liMuauch that a atrlct onrapliauca with biifrUiian will Iw wade, and auoh wwiu rfbe doni iay ttierrHy Uiea on or befia tbe Brat or aeptairpro.B.a, mm' ivih.j w... b a4vertiaMI ana auM aa tba taw Slracta ... y T. C Sertoss, Traamrar au4 Oolleotst ; f-t - . " . I r . . .'I I . ,.., MQ.PUST I NO FLIES 1 1 NO MOSQUITOEH ! I f I . . . . A . 1 , II. . - -1. M - haiblna llitiiava ara attanhed to the bona', wnere guawaiar " - mug iu"m ol rait ati r anl learn lliy art i.lln.n.lrg. Surf aa gornl I aa any niwn lun aw. TbeMualo Hall and urr..nndll.g ..llerlaaaiWed a Llraaant retreat Irorn tba gla.r o. .be aa. b, day, and a ...mfan. rort ertfieMt J W' llMBM All llie KAtmtft ir eierri' mnw ubiwipcdi w v . , r lloati. rut calling n4 .! tnMM-or -r PIC NICS, FISHING PARTIES, MOONLIGHT SAILS ...J l-lala... . ..l.vt Al lnlaaaal In Kat ltnkr Tbi oMsaitVlkKn UQVOlitt a'r. to t. bad at tt. KY.8TACBANT of theSnder- ", Hall and Cwawt FaikaeWa jo Sy viatrers ril'r. M f " of 1 ,i'ft!.m,, AUlid liveonrtrowaMlalaiiUahfl i I'll'f and atfinflvr foMitrU, Vltll amp or rooaia and dwWed lmiiiTnieiifr rwcatiy n h t.'iilliiaiy l)f l-arlaift.t, tbe i.ropi trior ftattera hlmwlf that bin W AHMX MtlB, m i ir He i . , reii.v IU bt etm moreat- t.aotlie to blawlfct nininjr man me riorai wnewiar ' ' ' "v""" la rigidly tuforoeil ami tha comfort o. lnlou aweniwiy amaira. ! Terms t $2.W) per day tor first week ; $1. 50 per 'day for second week Snelal eoatraett mao with fannllea and ricuuloulnui t-inorai reenouon to eariy tuh- Ohlltlren and eanratita BaM prloe. . . . ) t , , GEO CfiAlliTTK. Proprietor. tort. Children and tcnratiU BaM t'rtoe. mayl3-dAwtf. '';! '- JUST PUBLISHED PRACTICAL OBSERVATIONS, ....... -...',. . . i a OS- , , f ii, j NERVOUS DEBILITY jrimrcAp jsxha vstion, . s ii Ta which ta added. , .1 ! t' rt, An t'.aaay oat afavrriata"-' With lnportaat ehaatara on 1 DISOKKEHS Or THR RJJPBODOOTIVlS L Being a ayaopatt at ff ture deli Teres at tketr MUSEUM TY ANATOMY, Bacon, Bagging,, Pork, 2:Ti.a&c.,,;J;:: jUJcJHo1"" Sruokail Sida a(f ao.tdare, ; to orrri run, . . 150 gal U and Half Roll Eitra Bsary uafging, . . w . 8-1 Tona Ties, . 3 1 ' H gad naiak. & VS., Hay, ; : ' 100 Harrela Olue, i ' W t'l SSS Bundle Hoop Iran, . j.' . , mm ' eoea-tiana uiriii.Bua, . i ; a Uhttaaa4iit)lawCiouCubalie- r. n aee thl treat oolieeMen, being the largeat In tba wafq- ,. r..,.,.. , a07ChwatwntSi,OpMUaCtlaen- ' -i.'.w.. . . . .J ai tianei, raiuaiaeipnin Ooplea of lectures Sent on receipt of 28 centi A4trai, Daa. JOftnON A DAVlEtON, , , , - ' - 1626 rilBKHT ST.. PblladelpU4li aag v a ij , llorth CatoUna Borne main ance Co r rli Oat pan eootinoe to write f jilolas fair ratea.o allalaneaof Insarabl pro rty All loam promptly paid. 1 - Raobarage Haaaa imatlCatlon-. I ' It. at. aatl,PraatdatifaaV. Jaati.Searf tary. - "' i . i ATKINSON at MAMalMU, Ia iw - - , 7 11 " O HUU1KTY. j -- Tkeri wnibeSaallett kTaeUaSof thl BiwUt on Maturday. Hepiamber IHth, to make arrange-J A-aiii 'Ailawtl nuI.U a ' ' Bieut Tor Mia approMblKg fair ,Te en"lTa8tteugbtattB Premium l.tat Will b pir0-fur ublliao,J , . nt ai an earn pre-1 hi to the 8eeMtary at ' 4AU , ,.., ii XIIU j ,-.;J ;a f, 4 .000 Harreie Floor all gradMt . I wnr, 7 HajpaPrlaaa HlarSorrne. a.. I l tut u..i. v,.ui ii... ' ! , . M0 Kega all? , ' ! -m ' v" 8(10 Ba "a bat! ; ! , ' 25 Hoxri Kitra Oreanl Oheeee, SO Case Lie. a-i ; t g tiaaee 8od. ( M ! SO uaaea uanay. ' ' 4 t)ao Potah. , - S OroM Mn fl'. j r-. 'j 10 Sroei Matohoa j, , M I'aau Otalera ' ? I ' too Bone and Half Boxes Oandlca. am ?i??vxvr;i2 ;v"!" . For aaie low ot i vriLMAnti v raiiRciiiNo.Y. TO tftt CITIZEKS fEAR OCB premium liat U oat aud yon art sailed upon w rairy ror in nex- rair on tba DM, loth, lltli ead isihdeyaor Nortiinber. i A Cat yaor beat artfclea ana eom and help na, flrangera, taiaaera, mechanioa, miohnta, aadlaat, tbeagk pot Isaac, la.iea we waa you wllhuaoaUiat great, and w truati gtortaaa oooaaion, asp lStf .. n.L.rkKMOM'. " ' JPreldeut. tkm i and It la Imwa-Nuit bka all am-h pre-1 Bilumi nn'ureit be rewrud to lb Heextary at or before that Meeting. . .rir.-ryr wl , Flour and Ulealr AMD MlXIU.rua (Jar-toad aawKet arla, i Aadraaa, - it f i -m mOUAJaLUTrfS aJl't'T.MIUn r".!(i.M ). j f ... r ; , , ' .... PKIUDIIPEIAa ; BalliW ai!.; 1;ilHilll(Cll "LUill. , -., 'ttMi-UHKniummi, HAli iMi..Ka ANI 'Wfl MINU'IOV. llHltiui.irf and Ptikuw, ,'i kuhiuI). at Oo. . l'ailjr via ( auil lmitieeu . 5 ' HoLTlMMiiA AMi t Hll.Al.lH HA. WESTERN CITIES. baitimokk Attb .nuMimrvh una Kortlicrn Central kailioad ' l , aMD TBK Baltltuoro and Ohio hai:road.. ( Hhipneramayralv ution the tirxmi.r n,i ,,,a m i,o.. . . .. . . . ratchglutoau,l.,ro..,..h',thi;ront;. NO DELAYS. "a Throngh Btllatof Lacllna citren to and from all Point. t ' '' NORTn end SOUTH 0AHOLINA, GEORGIA and ALABAMA o Er?HSLS80RE' kADELPHIA, BOSTON,' ITvOVIDEKCE, and EmvSTJK?' ; " ,0" " 11 ny lh,r lfUt UmC " qn,Ck' l 0Mes wobt.rgs 3Iark all Goods via Baltimore and Wihiiiiigtoii Line. SW For rnrther Information apply to either of the underilgnedAgt iiti of the Uue. A EDWIN FITZGERALD, Agent. Ha'timure Uu, Sv South btreet, BKitlinore. marrli IH-tf D. CAZAUX, A cent. Ua.tmoiti aim Ar Uik t.ineg WlLMIMITOH. N . 11. Carolina Central Railway, , GENERAL FREIGHT DEPARTMENT, 5 ; . ! WuiMinoton, March 3ist, ' 1875,. ) rpHR ATTENTION OF THR PUBI.IO IS RRUPKTtajl.lY IWfTKii mr-wiit jSV??'.,.,n "r lWlwav.-b.ta. namalatad and rulT, l'Ll' roffiiL? " naiuiguin, Dom u nirf ct Sti a Unm oji . - WILMINGTON AND ALL EASTERN CITIES TO CHAR. LOTTE. STATESVILLE, CREEN VILLE. SPARTAN- r'v-'!;.::.';::';--' '::'."": burg :: -'-i and all staHont a Atlantie, Tssaeaaso & Ohio Atlantic and Kichni. nd a r i... .. . fK Carolina KaUroad. a. well a. all. point In OKOKHIAand AI.a IiIma LU" "''"" t'HmiwmVr ot.rD,b,.,or.r.B. .ktatoatoall lioiuta tarnidied upon application to the un,i in.d nm. i- ul'l Haooer Building april S-SO-ly OfHce ia Bank of New - Ueneral Freight Ag.nt. ; PE0POSALS: ; TteWiiiiitt rrO'afor macadamiaiiit the. road wav with broken stone, or covering Ui aam With Oyrter thdlla, acco ding to Srwclflchtiont pro partd by the engineer ol tbe company will be reoateed autil Ontober 1st, 1S78 Tha propoeed turnpike will be 12 feet wide and tlieiovering Wi l lie from 6 to IS Inchea acoordlng to the aharaoMrot the anil ai tha engineer aiay direct . ... ; - d. Hiwottrri, Secretary nd Treaaaror. rp i mi ecu u Pee Dee Courier. 'i -, .... .... .... . EITHK MBftORANT4 OF WlLMINS lou aware thjma Oonrler Is the only Demo eratlpapr published a Bookli. ' sat, snd that tt ctrralatet extannvi iy hi Richmond, Montgomery and Anson counties i , ' - ' ' Kate of adTertlalng liberal and no extra oharget mads for 'changing utJ.. Icemen ts weekly. " DCCKBTT KVIM, '; - ' ', ' , ... tdltora. '' " S' - - ;i ! .- . NEW NOVELS. yi Miss Angel. . ...Am'SwV "y ? -'jhafkeray, 1 Antlior of 'Id KeiiKing on,"iThe VlllnHor tli Cliff," Bluu.Hrl hey, etc. Whh UliwtraUonai rauor, jo ixnt. , -. .. . Alice Lorraine. ZZ A '1 ale of theHou k IHiwna. r, i. Black- tuor ear ilnid .oh .Nowoll' -Maldof Skor," etc. Paper, Iff cents JOlIJi A. BIKNrJ, l ''.- i. i i 1. . .7 '(FIRE, MARINE AND LdlE) .ie,eo,ueo , Aaaet , uprmw ., -lb!) ,f;a- , .i v Of rlUn-Oommerrilei rtcha rgS Bnildia General wm& eotu Kortk Water street. . . , , ..... V . J -; .- r . I y. ka it .'I a t b ji ,j .

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