; 1 J . . i - - VOL. XXIV. NO. 231. UILIKGTOir. Hi r TUESDAY, SEPTEHBER 28. 1875. WHOLE HO. G.C95 'T 1 I f I - J lift ilifilitlDitninl BY TELEGRAPhf. D E L A N O, . , :).... nu ! , Iilff HIS JES1GXATI0.1 ff Al VPCEPtlK Ills letter' to Vroslticnt Grant-Tar Answer -Cause: Eight Tears of. Anxiety nnd Toll -Rcsrets. It, '11 t 1 1 y i . 4. T er- i V. tHt t.$$W$& -GENERAL. ; Resumption of tlio Bank of California CtVtf llif WIN ThlOJa ii Catholic, and Kfrrpgc, iiv QQP, (6, 3-4. t DT TKLBOBAPH TO THS JOURNAL. 1 r.j I i t :1 i 1 'I" Sccrctarj Delano Rpslrnaflou Ac. u .WjwdiJfok. Wpt, adi-He follow iug ii a letter of the Hou. C. Delauo, re- -" s ' fcliruinrf the ofuoe' of ' Secretary of the Interior, with the President's letter of aoopKjio(j ,v: iljifii ' ' )( ' It may be luRd,that ou the evening of tiioMiJ mL, tuadtte f the Presi dent's gutter. fllr. l)olano iu o impany ( with' A. (r'ud, called on the President at liliziboth. K to nigj tho ao .ptritrouoA ims r4iaWon! It is probable that the Presi deut will appoint his successor from Pouuhv!- r,w,Tauw,ui that hia.uama wm bd,t-; 71lVuioa tp-iWiri.,Jr i j ttw. Mr. President ; -w , I, fcae th JiojmT fe IrAsmir with this note my resignation of the uflloe of Secretary of the Interior. You jiave been aware for somotitn nf uir ruruost deaire to retire from publKjjJife, aui , you bare nudorstooi thu raa6ul'iu : - connection with my private -liimiiums "r aud domentio alH'Otiou4;v wDiob hsvd produced and lutoufflfled this desire last fall. Ia Decembor I rtqneated you to aooept my ronicuation. You preSRca a uosirj luat l atiouia remain tyPH fiHuet uatU tlja eu4 of tour JtJilajtairlttou, IMs loi aI -found it agreeable to do bo. At your request and eolicitation I declined then ti iu aist npon yqnr acoeplanog of jny rosig pw 4mvm,i i must resign duriug the early pari of ;fbe imi& r ;,Whon tuat.ppfiod '""arriTed. auddnring the monthf of Aprirana May, you advii-d me ugain oot tcrtsigir, whieh adrlca agreed vith ,,. . my own-judgmeat ; The reaaonajfor this Qoucluionneed not he stated litre. Sinaeyou wero called by your fel low- oitizoni to' perform the duty of Chief Magistrate yon have invited me, With out the solicitation of myself or f rifuija, ODarge of two important aud rosprjisi- M blipablltftrdrts tbelutertial Koviuue Bursau aud tha iutarior Dopartrartit. J. wa Oommiaaiounr of Iuternal Kevin n from March,, I8C9, o JJovembor, 1870 a period of onuyear aud eight murfth. The results of my administration you know, and they are not, I trust, en 'tirely tmknown lo my jtvlvvio. The difficulties of this position, anil (he . . ,4iugvDoe, oare sad labor required of 'main discharging Its deifies, ypu also !,'u understand, and of thee I trast the fublio has some correct appreciation, assotneTlhthe duties of the Interior in November, 1870, and have discharg u(l tbeit to tfaa Jast of taj ability for: ' period of four years and eight months. They have been laborious, difficult and delietq. ( . Tboy , have embraced tha WprjriHion of ho Qenoral Land Offioe, IiuJBni:ea&Pija8.ioa.and.rateat Olnoes, Bureau of fucfttioo(and 'a tnH8 of miscellaneous 'business Un known to any except .those oonnentad . with the" fttblic ssrvioe. Ib bnaiows of the Jjaiid Office is very .extensive ipd luvolvoj tho adjustment and the settlement of land growing out of, the faillfcad: grantJ so "liberally and pro fusely made a f aw years .sinoe, and the 11 r MeiicaQ and panish grauta made bet . fora we acquired California aud New '. r Msiiooi and also those growing oof of our mine rate laws and large mining i ft A e8it!7 iFur 9t 4lotf tttat, are under our homestead and pre-empt ' .:MtVttaA'TbefokdHetbilea4e Ui Department a vast amount of judicial , - labor aud responsibility, which iff not generally, .understood t. Tie . Indian f " ''" Bureau, as you know.i full of intricate, i deiiflftte and vexations tJejjijMf grow--lnffpaof.nmtro9liui'au: treatiea, and the impefectlj j.denued relations enatfcff bMweii the'tJomumeut and inigBervlcfl is greny emoarrad by the jempte location wheremuoh! of it bos Vty'bS pprtormd, thus preventing contact, and personal supervision, .as ' well as by tho want of salaries lwre , , enough to oommaud talent aud cliarao- ' M' i teif equal. to tho daties pud, respomi-j r buitiosor the position.. JUany or the important duties of the bead of the Department ate i connected, with the k ; '"'.material and personal interests of in ' ' dividuals, these intrestsare oftn largo in amount. - The Seoretary in deaiding must necessarily reject the claims of SOtoof ibs partie tUiiI. thereby not bnfrequeutly finds himself assaik-d by, s wlne misrenreseniaw'u una iaiseii(oas 't;f tne defeated olftihiaiit.ii 'I ft-el eoi ltfldetit that hoTnghi'aud tarpariiul examination oft the public service oo'u- '1neted'wlth the- eieentloh and all the bureaus attached to the Interior De--'"Wltrttiie-dt wl!r"BTfo'fa-ll',o'innid and fair-minded men that it has never1 ben , jn , more proserou8 or better djud a ,t . tion than itis now, artd'Teel, nrb that the most sorutiniz'ng examination' Will sustain theopiniou here f xjiresBeii, and that it will also lend to the convic tion that great improvements have beeu made under your policy in the service connected with tho Iiuliau Bureau. I allude to thcau matters durilf .Uie last six year au.l four mo iMis has demanded of me, aud to a iow you tliat one of my ag reqnirM reat aud recuporatiou. Dining all tliam years ef toil 1 have had your support. your sympathy, aud as I believe, yuhr entire oontUnnca. ' IW H lea lhr- wid, I should have long siuce retired aft 1 nave said, lourpoimoil favors have onrue unsolicited, aud therefore have baeu highly appreo ated. ' Yon bare always lightened aiy burdens by cheerful, prompt ami oordial co-opefa lion, wueu our cuicui! relations are severed, ,1 shull .alwaja continue to oberish fof y ikUdgbjst r'gaid, founded as-lt is upon my uniiualitW ooafjjoupe Ja,3our,inoil-b, patriot ism ; iu tho aooiinicy and solidity of yoar judgment, and tho high sense of junice wniou nun aiwuji Qitaruci.eriaua yob,aud; fwtojwUieh, Muy opiuion, uothiug qui tt ojptou intentionally to deviite'Iliavethe boaor to be, with great siiioerity, W ( ; Your friend, and ob'dt ser'vt, I fc o. Dklaijo". Tho following is the rrosident'e reply: : - r -' i Losa BnASCTf, Sept. 22, th'ar Sih ' ''. . . ' j ' Your letter of the Sttvnf July, ten dering your resignation of tins OlllCf of Heert tnry of the Interior, wafduly re eeivtd, and has b en neld by m until Ibis-time, without aotiou'b oaiisn of tho iooutinuid pertcentiona, which 1 believed, and still bUev, was beiug uujustly heaped upon you Uirovgh the public press. 1 only now take aotiou, beonuw the time, is rapidly spproaoh- inw wheit the HooteMry of the Interior will have to coinuifiioo hit luboxs pre paratoi v to reinleringhts animal rcpoit to aooomnauy th Ex'Cutivo Mensiigo to (iiQfrosa. I therefore aooept ypn resignfihon, to take eilYot on the 14 of October, leaviuga littlo more than two months from the introduction! of your sii9eo.ssor,iiutil the assembLuir of UQtftfrov j in aoodpang; Wir na tiou 1 an: nut ubminduLof ,tbi fact that shout the time of tho m etintf of Of ;gf,jotlear4!go;ou stated to me tliut you felt the necessity of rftire ing from the Cabinet, aud asked I me whether I would prefer your resigna tion so as to have your sucuestor (on Urmed by the Hennte during the jlast aeraioi, or whether I would prefer it invjootjf)!!. My answer was tbat I would prefer not having it ut all Tljat as my feolmg at the tim, uuu I re lieve that you iiave filled eveiy public Utut KMflddr4 j yon with i bility and Mitegi itt, I Hire!y ' trimt that the future wui i)Iace tou right iu.tbe en- ritbnjp! ie pnjlil andlthmt yon will continue to enjoy its ctunilenoe as yoa have done through so . many years -of publio and official life. With con tinual rtrct awd- Triendshii). I sub- scrirrfmyself,- ; ! r slonr ob'dt servant, i ' "tJt'i TJ. 8. ORANTi A tALlKOUA IA 6Momnti()H i of fhl 'liuifc'of faillorpla '--William Sharon, : President, f Aw PASOTBOt; fwr2eAthe pi- rectors of tbe Bank of California met Wtn'.''8har6b,rPresWent1 l'N. tlojfd. tfeainrer 'JamesR.'Kentie, secretary. An ssessnntf 2 per cent was Inv ied ou the mbsgriptious to tbe Guarantee ll ,l mminin o t I KIM IW Itbls, with the emu now iu hand, will glfQ the Bank "but tin $2,000,000 aud 000,000 to. opon with. The Bank will re open either Satur day, Oot. 2d, or early m the following A moetinjr of the Board of Directors will be held od Monday br Thesday to consider tli date of opening. - j , Great euthusiaami prevailed, at tne mseting on ttaturday, a determination boiug evi .ced to push matters to a sue- ojwtut tyrnMuation. t f i T ,, FOREIGN. ..... rl --imeWaHiedr-. ) iltmR, Sept. 20. Cardinal Simoni teli'graphs the Popt that the Spanish Geydri)tafutls taking time to consider, his "circular and will doubtless arrive at an understanding. FRANCE. BonapartUtslu Secret SewJoi. ; t rAitifl,'. Sept. 23. The' Borftpartist Oonneil whieh met ia seoret seeion at Asenenbttrg.Switzsrtand.at the eliatean, 9f, th x.Kaipres, ,F,ngeniet for the ttirpoW 6rdBtertnlnIng' "the future poliey in fienojf thjrefei asppot of affairs in Franoe', and tfie growing strength of the Republic, has resulted in tbe following party programme : '..Tift first poiu,t deoidod'is that prince Imperial shall undertake in perspn the extfusife'flifpc'tfdh'of the' Imperialist policy. The Empress,' .who is unpopu lar wiili a largo section of the party, on nooouut of her romwinoed Jultra IfffJrllllttlBTrrrrl' oomorrod ipQ.'uerby Ihe late bknper oi!,taid.JerW Uilftilfe Prince to tho couuscl.of others more in accord with the; prevailing seutiment of ,the party It is aetlled that the Prinoo Imperial wilt be guided wholly by M-1 Bouher, thns restoring to promineuoe the wine Which has steadfastly opposed I'll oou4 cessions to tn cionaiKttitonai policy oi W,. jsmiifl Aiuvier."' i MUDAX'S DISPATC um i n Striker oji ywaU CxouRFtUJ, Soit. 2WTJrtruJ'of .lolin bweeny, 1'residentof tue n inert' National A8soeiatiou,'ioTi teonseiraey. , progressing., ., u "MAS8tlV.Un8.-fM 'JfrWorV WFfvfdfttm? ' PAtnv Ilrvin, Sept. 2T.ltisUe; gouga and bolls Bounded at work1 hour this morning, those who signed the propositions wmt to work, rleveral mills did not get hands enough to make it an object to htirt. The Richard Borden Millii started with nearly a full complement. Some one thousand briefly, to remind yot of the ethanst- ing labor which fidelity to my duties strikic operatives a'terupUnl U entrr we yard. lny atouoj vie supenrv. uentof the weaving rvom, who attempt- e! to remonstrate with tlM'in. the Mohawk Mi'la had noma tli'i tv or forty panes of class smashed. Thwstrikara have applied to the Mayor for .assist auce, who replied, thai as they hail refused to go to wurk they mnt Hot expect anything from the city autliori lia. 1 Uer propose arplyuj-' to Gov, iM0Ji. The police . tliHiKriel the crowd by fxlnbitiug their revolvsrs.' The Mayor called out the Third ftegi m nt. The Operatives have lost all sympathy bv to-day's operations. NKW YORK. f 1 1 .7 Stanley i a & ilej lt AfriciRT it'pi 2f. AdVii n es have beeu reoeivtd from Henry M. 8 aulayj dated, village "of Ksgehiji, district , of Meiiunibri, uareb 1st aud Usy 15U, statiugthatbe bad reached Uie Viotosia, Nya iki Lake, Having soeooiplished tee remartaoie maron 01.7311 BMJos iu 103 days. Durlug; (be journey his two white oompauious Edward Peacock and Frederick Barker aiiooumbed to fever.' 'With bis ' dimlinshtd force Htauloy mode a oloae. survey of Lako Victoria Myansa.. -.' n . .. " i " ' QUI 0.4 A t . V:' ' Carl SliurIuiUtldii. I "Cisussut'MA.l ati-Carl Bhur aiko nere to-dsy, The following ia a synopsis: v, ,. V i Uelore proceeding to auousa tha iniuos of this oountry. tl-owe;yo a pri miuary stativmunt 1 , a rsonal uature, as lam told that-my appear- amia imfoaufiiajgu UiuMain J-sjiro seated al purl if 4 oou oouoerlfi plan to 1.4tdi thi lkdpkuileut Vote .tick of tU country into tho ranks of the Kcimbli cau party, aud commit theui to support its citdid(ite in tho, aoBiiag.l'reai(ierv tial elewtiim? That story is ku ihven tiou, as I kuow of no suoh plan. If it existed, I should not be a party to it. Independent srolerswyerranidt their owp, shd' I' respect them too much to believe that they cau be trans ferred to tliis or that side by aay indi vidual of combination of individuals. Besides, I not only do Dot seek to oom out anyuody eUo i.n to the Pre.idential eloctiou of 1876, but I do nut maan; to oorainit myself. 1 reaery to atyself entire ireuaou-l)r Judgmeut ia that matter, to be exercised when the exi gency will ariee, aud I a-Jvisa veryl body else to do, the same. My rela tions to the Republican party are th secret, as I have deemed it my duly als a Senator and oitizeu to coin bat the errors aud the transgressions of the set of politician, that ; controlled "il," and . to attack - the- abintea - rowu ap aader itv I wa n araet, I tboBfct I was right ktl did aud it U no Htubbwrnneea of opinio, when . - I think kQ nor.f vhotbtlia lkspul s oin party will put itself to a position to dosejrve anppiit iaie Presidential election of 187li,Temaiadt to b aeen. Wbetlier the liemocrate will'do so, also remains 4o be seenj-'My 'opinion has long been, ai T I iFva not con cealed it, that the patriotic men of the Bepnblio might do better than dopend upon either,- Proclamations hsye-jecn i issued by the Doriiocralio leaders of Ohio, stating that this State campaign is to be of decisive effect aa to the Is-1 sues of the. Presidential, electiori of 1876,' and in the very frout of these issues they have plaoed one which in volves not only the national Interests', but the character, good nime and the whole1 moral b,i:ig of ihe Ameroai people. An a'.tempt is being made to secure the endorsement by the people of the greatest State of the West, and one of the greatest in the Union, of a financial policy, which if followed by the National Xiovernment, would .disr oredit' Republican ' inBtitutioos' tbe world over ; expose the American peo ple to the ridicule and oontempt of oiviliaed mankind ; make , American political, aa well as business life more than ever the bothel of. gambling fend corruption, and plunge the country into all those depths of moral and national bankruptcy and rmu, which, as all history demonstrates, never fail to follow a course so utterly demented in its wickedness. The success of the inflation party io Ohio will be tbe sig nal for ibe general charge along 4ba whole, hoe tq submerge the , best princi ples; and leave helpless in theh r the best leaders of the Democratic party, nnd UJ capture the National piwot by a tumultuous rush,, This is no matter of mere local oonoern. It h a Nationsl danger whioli all good citizens should nniy td STerf, and whfoh oan oaly be aveited b; z tb aleitiftl of iuflatioa here, fttt. ;if WASUIkhTOX. Panama Quieted. ' 'JTasnisdlok; 8epC27 ThnJ NsVjf Dapartment has advioea from Panama, dated Sept," ICth, stating that a treat ol poaoa has boon ratified by the Gov.' eminent at Bogota It amounts to,A oomplete submission of the revolution ists under -Gen Santo Domingo, de villa. " :t . 1 npill TCRBITORT. Indian Fovirow; lBtt'OboT5ii'AlirioV,6ipt, 20,- c- Sioux Indians are breaking eamp pw.i mratorv lt A Siin Aannn fn tha nm'n foirof mnrJjrtnerele' dangerof a ser ious ootbeakj C After the Oommission- ra -vreaebed i Bur Cottoir Wood Aha Indians "beBair pomtng ,1rr ;iu i battle array, alt armed. with, breach-loading trues,-" The soene wa yery impresmve; Thq.lufllaOi '.lormed ' a dense mass. gaaa iui ngnt liaud, buU resting .on the thigh ready for actiod; boifcaa tBnn two thousand oeiug jo, the 'circle. noM ban iwoli i m i. . . 4t4J t i ii i a gmiavArailng. I Jj, Brriin, Sept. 27.-118 Aa ed from reliable sources that Servia lias issnba orders for the mobilization of tho en tire army. . Romania has rofiuod to oo-operate with Servia, ST xn s.u fWiiu ; : I i - . J I Tarkeyild Botnla. -..i BsionXuM, Bspk "27. Turkish aol diera s1m4 two Servian oflloera who were mtking the found t Inspection on ' Servian territory. 1 The Cabinet roevta to-day to consider what steps should be taken. Oreet excitement prevailed whoa tbe news was rootlved fv-rtv , Should the Bosnia, inaurree- uod 1m foratesited by .Servian yojuu teera, Turkey will send an ultimatum threatening to occupy Servia. It la stated on good authority that the Powers will not permit this. - : ' isciAHi ; OH Old VUhollcsTaM'arrlaK, ' W toNixji,' Sept. 'tf-W Tall "Mall OoMtto baa the fol lowing sraots! from Berlin : Dean Suscxinsky bae Joined the Old Catholios aud married. Tho Old Catholios were thai obliged to de cide tbo Question in regard to priests marrying, which they decided afliim- atiyoly, - i ... ; ' . .,f.: .I'siiKCTRXOISldlS..1 ' ' -I . . .. . ' ,XJ ... tj , I - ' Thomaa- A. Kerohaval. f Ilea ) elected mayor ef Naaliville,;- Majority 181 .., Rev. Father P. Bale O'Conor.'Vioar' freneral Af tbe Vlnoenes diooase, Terre JauWJmli is dead, i v HTO ; ' w,a Wkr,tu v. T..w .rii.i,, has gone into hnuidation , I 1 0u:sW k a.miatoM Iron Works, have failed Liabilities about $310,000.' " ' ' ' " w j (i M All tne mills at Fall River, Mum.. resume work to-dsyvtho bunds igreo- ing to ne iyrtus. r f , , r , iKEW AlVERTISEUEHrl. PICKLES. I-'IW MIXED PIOKT.FS xvn nnnnMnitKa' JiLuU.JuuraEolTe(l. (). H. W, HUNOH 03 N. K. Oornur Mrkt an j Seoan l RtHiwIsl -" THI3 WILL SErrLE flBBOmREST n ,lv;i RXtHA 1T1 Ileretttxr w wllHoa tn It 'hat yna, al4 .1 M f irnlsliwl with th tltiKUT BHT f KH BIT I AMY HOITHB IN WILMINUTOM .aii.l OS tbl aaeitranvn tira ur reputation as .lit. W will saiMI yes 01. nn'UV a. la unktit i C . ur ana Majitil br I AX'f EH, MEjlBILn I t mo asn a tl tii lltnf ramify cooert of NW ' Tor. jTlia abnrnl. from ti o'd Buttar in4 Obiws Boaa lo New fork who salt il yiITLLT0T3T7, rr'TnAET," n I ANt. WUJ. 1HIP ia Oe TWICS A fTIRR, I . V"irJtw SAT North rront iUt, " IN WHICHTO CLOSE UP BUSINESS. 1 0 TH'Kf i Tha ihort ilmi noUftm la' irlitcb ti wind . , apny HUSIK'KiM, will eompal ai. lo ., . , saorillo my ooU. and motl ; t t..) ! BWBSy SUOIW.,! k ' ,,(!,,! laws.. , I , 9N MONDAY, PCXOBER 4TH 187S, .1 U saala ts sIom am aty satire ttot at . A.tTOTIOKT FOR O A-SXX -t .:,,, ,(.; , ..... without ratatys .ad WttliosS nr BtDPIHO, i iiv vnm mivf ... .1M1 i Of vna a-ova I UM watt knawu to ra.nlre oommoni or dtMrlptiung antUd f tala, Mda will ha anld at prleea ta mis rerabiaart; whan ao.e UAXJOTlOf, yon tbaa M.ktyoar own price.. j 1 -t Ty Ka.p-trllf '-ia t GEORGE Um8ti"':s say tw ' Ma. Harkaf fltrt u i. a iittr.l ,i,-i a'.. kU'.io,.., jut -mJ reltd, eorapiUlaa all f ha lei of oolor. tut f t .PARTY AND EVENINO,WU A y-tTy r rrm t mr.na f PlUXlGLUEm 1 BXIIIITH. ie. go bjuu wail eV HhTHU BUrCK Of ... and teiita' fatnlrtlnflni goodi generally. My '"Mw.'4 MUi tU - f Merchant, Tailoring-" d)irtaaBibalaf eomttlsta la all IU liraaebe.i 1 IB. 1 cvupjfiitlUat loan.alt all whawUi !.( tnsith a etii,'' T ' , , ' atp J8 ' "t -.tHtthl' i'li a.'t -fit Ow erasfbrs the-. "-j ' TIS.l-jO , I ! ....I i ui nwn w a; uuu naaufi I f. ' n ..J ;.(,',., i ! .'U. . .i' 'Exchange Odrner, Meat to Mr. William Tyfe's ,,1";.. W ii &mWt&&?ffJ9fff1'. Z lecotnr. a Uuldea Baot. - ti.'ii srj.t. TRAVELING 01 AC . , SADDLES1 KA1NUS A1.0 .TRUNKS w u idi aonua ' nuiio,piuivi -e)t i 'U aAfOJULl. AXLK-OHlA.. NaroM, Traee-ch.lm, Bk,i!.adeIJi, ia AT b'nrt. ef eaddlary gool., i 1 ltJi.H.5lA't'l'tlfU. '-'i.''L.- ' . at .m -J i- o Carpenter -4 Maila l.,oi).j -i i hut, S Noota ur rd's fU "SKTr.t eta lei.a- ''.! :.!.., ,Wilalatoi hi, 5. O, .i i ii i in. mi I,, The:iady:pi t.i. s. The Third and Bent of TUi! OOT) TRUMP SEK1E8. Jurt reotlred at tD. MANX'S, . boob a tore. V asp 23 tt MISCELLANEOUS. s: t V I NO ntarorl ft l ie MrUra Wsr am rrlii( N Uoals Pally, unit " I.ADIK!)' atM OmtIRtS llOIKRV, UotmU. ... , Mn.lrolil'r., ' ' ' KM i ,, : t And Vv.rrtSlnf fount tn FANCY O00D8 M. Rtnrt eM.aaWa'klaukUM anS Haeh Is U Bo r bro(1t o Ihl. m.rkot. . tailte.' Rl Hair Pltlns. In Qroal Vartoly. ; Maal Malr SaiKUet Iraia IS ejol. aaoh . i Z.eh.r Worwl In all Shtaa. , ' Whiuaaa ak isa.ar. ti tat ti. ythr yolor. necint ua. or 1 oo ir lb. . . , .i W 1 1.1. 1 A M VVII . , , . Kmhanga Comsr. TRADE MARK WORCESTERSHIHE: SAUCE. 4 ,i lea & nmm it ! 4 li u f J aiir i i nnirvm e H,i. f it.MKUIUai.UaN m i aei' sr m OOKMonttlDaW . I u at.hrJh'aT uiicasi'HL slave . T "Tan I.KA A IMUUINS thai taatraaiiM toalak . Ir t.mKj si Tu Jiai ana , is onlulun. tb nnwl fe, as ts "OaU Good k B. H ' ' AA appllnabl In l'alatalilUnilla TflSV.TA.KtH tT ur U18M. ' h . .. .it:s-.. tha- wurt whiUa in Saf tfeat t. " iil ) 1 . ; Worcestershire Sauc I, ! ! l lil MrbatMaia aaaf tor lasonauaa by Ike rroprlator., LEA A rtltKlSS, WJtmnt Btaa4i aaa lUtall vy Daai.rl faaeei sta. rally tao(ttot tks woral. ,1 'Ail; for Lea A Ferrinr'Sanee... I i k tKt tlllRAKI' AaV TAMlilSJlt An- l 'i .! (........ h.1 j1 - a ., i ,M -ru the Ami ennl,ilt. rell.h and W l Hut K OaM at iurawUrW.,JrA..1KWnciAo. n U.S. s ; f j; t l M'itrkuHtiHi.iR.Mnail .lib' it 4 . 3 i!lU..)lil . n , . j , ,l. rtshHktt, Jain, uaw iaud ail (iri'j tti'a-'dHt1iiiui eite $tmtt Aslt.ee it la aetata- .nn,(aul.W by 'lioaa famirTlV'withtts eetlmahH nuasnaa.1' ' rUM.H.a. ft fytf ,'9:iil -uii eoij,; ! i imNtm fori fim... . ! There Ua rell.h In the world whirlj tto a.iirrtmttyltktirf au'L'S PrrlB.1moa Wtjreetitnbwe aaaesn -( j -v: jOHN OUNCAnl'S SDNS" :. XllMH, ae'J m m't ww w wraraj n 14a Ua 1 JPiedmontPresT HICKOftri n, o , r ; f. r the anft MiMt " fcna lhed la OaUwha twuatis and liManeiluwiTavlrouiMlou traang Murclianl., Karm.ra, and all pIummoC 1'n.l neMtaati tathetHttt 1 Tb faaan U-a lira, vlde-aaake Dumnnrailn paiir, ami I. dura ble aaadlaiatfltaSfortWnf la Wrawra North Uarultna Ubrl tnriu. alluir-t mi .early ad- vartl.emrat. U ' Nil iMrlAHMI .. M ...UiM lotlnn tl MCIiKlr.l.4iTOMiaNHUM,' , j KiUhir. amt PrO)lttpri. larrb .14-S ' ' ' - v; - .. .. . t l I . -1 ! 1 kit i 1 . i a., - LEGALLY AUTHORIZED. , 1 -Texas Gift .CouDcrt : toiatiou 1 Of OSKIS J, TBtL, WlLfc SIT Al i L, CaoECpND' -Scllii Grand, Gift ; Concert i In aid or t Htaunlt and I. O. o . Temple, rtitt qipitai oirt. n,oo Second Oapltal Sill,,,,,,, I. ..-.. ..i.Sl00O Boa'dM Oltt. In proportion amotititlng In all to Lowi.t Oirr To a WSeteJ 4 Tnjaar, 'SW "rSioeof S vrsolaTlekeljsa, which tonelete Of artSlOaapaaa., ;,,,,,, ...jj .-t p; V Coupon tickets, 91, 1 rales will entitle tbe holder to admlwlotl to tha Grand Concert, And to one ttfth of what ever nay be a tardea to the whole tloket num ber! s I. - . ! f - ij 3 I -J-ri-.i jKtapouallile agent, wanted, , ' t , All riorf for tick ts font (I brent proaiptir flttaV' ! J . i.i -. . ..- . 1 t, Olronlare, raptrt, etc., giving .full partltu kere aunt fraa. In writing, be .are ted elgn your name, town, eou.tr an4 ataw In run. . Irrd.rt foVtMbettSvaouaUns to aj anaap yard.aunl 1. O, U, U do.lrcd. , , . i - A'dreia all oommunteatlutit an I inakt all rt mutaoaea ut .4 t ,aug it mot .. rf , A: . OOUilBK r Bactotary,.' litntaoBi1 Teiu 1 f "'if triniRfim.-i'-o i..fii ..if "I t ! fioijtctnn(je.Efaiii;(niii. t H OB'AVOUV UUTOHJtR Jfl KHT,' Tl I B Unilminim will Iwiriii the uulilli'tUua In Uie CUr of WlliuliiLton. of Hih Kvrnimo KKrrrw The lisvtaw will tw iniliUilti'it aarr fvi-ftiuij, tkneei ttunAar- 4 a1iwlll an U f'v'tiiili Urn laioat, llui U ct,, aiiU th jjio.-t reiUble titwaj l CYtiryannlnanf lliatftrm. " ' I .'' The Kdltorlal iatpartinmft frill be In ahlt- haM, ati(ltlia-lical rupo.u will Iw IiiruicliHl i ly W r 4ami, fur five yours jioM tlio local minor of 1 lie lallT Jnnrli!. nj 1 j. I ... i).tiH ,j '.- Mr. .biri' A l'tlie a ton ef uu4 ut the fannjer. ut' tha JiU as al, and hlmaolt a gas tie nun ofae.eral yeaittoerlatiea la tliofiur Inn) will liar charge ft too ,nelo a departs nonteoruiepapar,,, , (, , ... 1 , . Uniioul attention wnl be Rfren to It. mar tet nporU wttb Uia'.iew or rumlthlsK thaail. tiatmaalliMt.or the day to the cluaooC ji-romi, tile hour., mil tloin reaoite will be tiada iiy a JarafoJ. ibaroughlyi merUa(setl amortr. , i n the wliolo thu jiit Will be now.y. ehef and r.li.bla, and a tpeohl asadlara th gugl arhlib tua pout OMr. aadthy WVWl)i eta. . nay at bear... ., ,,.. T " ii ' Tormnof e it)orIiitlrtrt':5 Scout, a tnoNih eaid IS eoaw awookit AdMttaiiiig rata veyyjow,,, ,).,n, H ! ,;i I . i. Li ooanwUrin .witli Ilia uowa 1 'JiarMii lnl wo will etl)Ii.U thtfltitviK flonk nd'.fgl,11tiitllia' OfHei,' where dnmKM aiittektllf ul l.i.i.'niLvi- will he ctiptuynl, eu whciro it ia anedltHetnaSy wa will do our Iwnt to (iunl.li our f patrona with Ih beef Work fjtr tmr lowrsf'SiiiHiiit of nwooyi'i w lw.l w ,v lalj .vr4. i aiiioeii ism .,Josh I.Jiimcs., .,,, r.lt I'hii. A. l"i.!r 4,1 n,:"Tt' I i , .... i T t I am. 'EE1U0V Alr I 'ii ii i TUB undnr.lgned gl.ee do. Ice Hut he ha. nortdnl. ofll ' Iro n 1'r'nivnn Btrot to hi. new mlt of room n..r Walker & Mimnlrr'e lUrbln Work, on Norm Front Street, opiiiite U.A.'Hm ih'i rurnituxe Sf.re. tev2lw B.S.iVKKITf. NZW AD7EKTISZJII1T3. mm j3eouomi Inn Ai A ia . . '-" ii 1 1 1 ii a i n II I 1 III I I 1 1111 Arf closing out the balanoo of thwr Indies TJndorwcar via: Chemise aid Nlghl Dresses, at a iwet-ping redncliou EVEN FROM FORMER PRICES). HAMjBUHGt EDGINGS; ANaTINSERTI0N8- l-Wa are making an effort in this d ipnrtmonl to roduoe the atoek 'previous r gging Nwthi Md Ledlre will flndjpRICES-'lowur tlmn any titer Lave evor ma in tine market. . j v f OUT PAPER PATTERNS FOR SALE. Machine 'Needles, 5 Cents ISaoh BMsKid ii.u h t ,m a irair-i BizpfcooXS and 0. ; ''" Tlrtvltltf lllSt t'llvTlil Ali hCfionnt of stook we tlud SnVAral mall t. whinb we have rt6UmfoxittdOLOaiil "W....,u..M.fdl ri .f4Av tliank ,.i4iA ,ialll .ilWtll Kieat I ,y;isr4 ,.1-M'l W ,isi!l .1H,nJ A .J4 ,W.i1WJ ! ajf r;itifM b , A'.'' 'l)i'Il 4Uil! ,il t.,. ,.jh Iffy ' - ' " "Alt tll iiUf',ii IK A V u'll "IQm BODWCKf 46 Market Street. hl ai-SOr -".THa lie yn . .... ' " FALL" AND"pf IN )W , - ! ' ' i!?f ':- '-'! T, . m'! iron ,t;i;i.U .JA I t . v t r I r-'lf 'AT -' '" - '' 5 iifJ ftVt it 1 k "i f j "li.rf.i j ... . t . i'"- '-'ti M w awi n. al WU Ar3Ll, ..:(!., : .-i ..... I r ,',..) 30,.MAEKET;STREET,:' s FALL AND WINTER G.0ODS CHEAPEIlS'THAN EVSIl! A. S J Tl. .4 Rll. Rl. No; 36.: MABKET .STEEET. tiris , FURNITURE i FURNITURE ! "ry-sTtiirrKa korIhe fam.tiuui: vvU8au i-auuk ash incbeasbobtook 9 M I1I4!.' , Anew, rauerns it. -ho ' . w JL f i,aii.:,.L. . L. . - XIUI"!) V"II'I('-I ILIItl tliov all il l ,!:. 4 ,1'.1. fJurT; JX;()IL! , io th'. lliieonr t'wk .nil rarreall of herw .Ld lending PuKcrn. of Hius.itl., 1'brre-ulf aupcr., Culton and Hemp orppe . AHif'"le I'll loth and JIHItinir. Ah Mat. ' ..tu't-K.-'iA j and Host. er.taatilttl litale-aa;. . . . , ;:. , ". Bedi3in?T" &o.is AevHair. i Mo; fihunlr. Frnnlair ami Mxrita38Ke, rKiruitits, ri5AriKK .r 00r V4 AttXBS, dtti., A1.I. Hotel., Steamer, and Frlf att Katldenoee I'urn'.hed In tho l. ito.t H'yW aiid at Low Prloee " ' ' Pleiuegivo u call andeuinlnaoar 8lxok bet'.irt on cliuln. ., . m i fj-r jiae jttin,,yj .t l,i.W! tapUtr -f.t. lift tl iv aii , TH6 Carolina floiitioldMagaMti;; a ' fltolea J Literature, 111 be taevMl froia Ou lo ono Mii-.kKhkr (Ik no a commencing i loLua- w tb t annary,uii)- roaam jiunuar win o try.ullS- Tbearet nutoUer will bi ready for m.lllng by Poceuilier ltltli, and the jierhxf. teat will be bllalid aaoh- aaaceedlng mMU) tliuoHtbir without inturrumion. H advan tage will be neglected wiioh either talent or aapiiaicaa eoiuwwnii n lauder iv i swue an agreeable and inatruutlft . eompi mljiim 04 otoiee reading, by tupular wiltere, betii home kJida: .iad. , . j 1 ,;i if turn tarn J'i nit t ?! I ... i rhe Carolina :iHouieiold -Majrazine wilt be a lare -uaao, aWbty-lwui (column iMmthrytiandKoaiftry printed nn ' tliilnl. tiovs papor ana . Duaiyuuur. iiiaaurataa i it w t tliorouglily initllrn eiitoriirlcd and ItKlKneceea laaifady fatty aaairtd. i Tha pahliaber meant to rnkke it a lir.t cla. infinthli . thai. tne In- iroiittofii mttiia raiany aimia. He sure o be tagerly watebbd tur anil r.arolully iirt'nrTeuT. lt "flTKl'MA IT 0 AliLKHV-WllI I iiroft an 'Aba Vanaf autiher wlU oture of 3 Contain A llfe-llkt ploture or i-i Ji yiu--.n I , . .... Vr rinr T. Tl VivrtM ' CM VUIS 'iff ,4,..r' atd blngrapbloal akotch, to be fulliiwed la aaoh taaoaadtng aaraber Wit vROtograobt p( other proiaiiiaiitttniiMio, lUrlui)., V. ' 'i i ' ' ' v ' i i,a at H1tt oi.'rvyj'jijUAkif AirKAB and oli enbMriiier can make a .choice ' ' Tsaat Mimt af tiiri-, U uaa ftkj riaus, leufealSIoiuoho tl The. Finding of the 8. (our Irl the Temple," ''The Medow na."ar-KlnBli.ar lMf.UiA tbf HUVtB." for. . ihIo.1 nti ritf-li.t .if thn Miili.i.rii,tina kHMlJ. jutatturtat angraTtaaasa wtna uooLtieuie nrl'-e S'.knd for the Mlne. 'aj' Any ant awidlng a club drt. will ra. ooi. e au eiua anhai'riutiou Jroo.i Sink ie eoiiUH 30 cunt, fret by mitlt . UL months Vabaoxlp fetta. wiihoat tht HngtaVIua,U'i, f j , Agents Wanted Evervwhorwi -,ti.. i u.Jwwud Ai ttWMT&,kiiititit.r, 'lohlflioro. K. O. i it ,i i i ii i ,i l ni vi,T'.'l' i-iif .... v.i.j, .." DTTrtt1 OriPPIfr! T-TQTTTTT7'rt VJ'A For ealt by John. T Cbameii, Thomasvillo, N. a augU3ia Cents OUT AT A PRICE. . .' va a', " , ( ; " . . and sunt',' or patronage entniullt;" - - ' ' . " TVrtramtu' feei, o J. ,.,: W We've dune sao woel , 'lliri'Ughoiit tha year iiiKitujuifr '" 1 "'; ' lUjck we've ta'en ' iiou wa'ru uaVn. 'IUiln lh lilt eonie '41 i ii'riKim f i.i v ut au uiieo b n iin. ITER II , GOODS OPENING 1 'JBWCs 5P T ti'". i .'CATS 5 ana uesigns , . ., f. ,i ...... J1UIHK' XCOUII1 JL II 111 it life. a - .. - .... . at xfKrrMiiri "W PHicre. . . . . -A CLUIil AM) MA111AO hkdh kka i HBt rit.i own ano hoiatkhh Or THK oaSI1 AlA'l'LiilAL ...il CIIMrTmrr'.- a. . r """ '" A3 Front Street. 4 ! i Quarantine Notice. iJNrrti fOKTHKH KOTI0K ALI VES- iwi. from Tort South of OapCFearwIUcometo t the Wiring' RWIen, tie.w Pfp Water rPuiiil, and await tho tnspsotion of the (jmir. aiit iie ll7Uaan. 5, , , , t . ,., , All faailil from Porto whoro Yolhtw rercr, or uthoj iileaiutw dt-en eitt, will be re 'iulr.;il ui n.nrgo a rigid aud prolonged (jtar aiitlue. ntLl l- ' ' ' MAuf..sstiidtboTiteor an'oaMrs' aviog etokatesoabaaid oa arrtral, ocelal g bad, ji!;kii ivjrj n daring the vova art roj 0, aiiiid ,ui ooMie to the gtatlantxr nspcotlon withoal rog.rd to the tort tram )feno they oortic. Vowel, not tnoIuQeJ as Ore will pro Oaeit wttheut dt&intiou.' " ,',l"", Mloi.ard' eporlally enjoined tb niakeofira ul aa.ialrr-tolaiiira to raeieti, orrw, 4o , and if nut t tltd,wlUi tbottatameattvf the Oap Ulu or oouiiuaiidur, or If the veeeel W In a OKhf rthdltWn.Th r w'.tl brlhg 'the vcesel to the stHtioo loi rathJt ei.mlnatloB, ' '"Flfotwlir'Milf .TiblaJlnj" the ''ttkaranilne 1. awajuo'iatijarMoaferfei mre at thetr branch j Maateraol tmooI to a line nf tw , umlred dol lar, a dy tor e.ury day they r.olate tua QuartiittaabaWfCasiI all tier, pbteone are liyija JJirftioliitud iTtjry offence, ,1 vj iiAlt .eawlfsuhjatt to flellUoii tindor aoovt rciui?tiuiut,.wiilta Bttajtheiaats rigetaj, VnUu "id if ui Qua.'at.iiuePhvaintan, u... ... 1.. ...... w l'!Jmttli.tle, S. 0,,' Mayr, 171. -r For Cmithviffol S TKAMKU. pimsa." wmruu, rrgiiiariy u.. ilnv ftavnt Snildaf. L a.ing Wilmington ....3. 30 P M Win it li ti i! 7AM )o-n niitaUna tiokoK my be puroi'iMod at uur otflo;. ji,i 0. a. PAwuiir jico 0