r - ... - - j T j " I j , ' . . , -!:. .11 -V S ' k i t - (II) ilti ! I r .... ... ., I J ' j t S . i '."I' " 0 I. vi ,.! 70L XXIY.rlI0. 232: V TELEGRAPH. WASHINGTON NOTES. Lf ;sl Tcndeft - Delano's Successor not NEWS IN GENIAL Y The: teuSurerri iidcd-O'Baidwtri Shot-Republican Government The Indian The Foreign w at , i ,. k .tin jt. , . - l'1 M OKIMB 1 AND CASUALTY. H-T i( '1 A;etjiTfte Cji)fli Between i Sew holsterer Commits Suicide,. , . . 1,1 -.it .! r VASUINOIO.V. legal Tenders -jr6"Succcfsof ( to dred nnd four thoaaaud five), liqudftj i ,t. i ail viffhtt-ftftn1 doJlw'Hof YeaX tmAvii huve been retired, being 80, per coot. 'fMrnig iheHrst part of the month. OuUUudiug legal tender, 873,4T,124. Nothing lift, uaattueO, Hoarding ' Delano's suoetto 1.,, Money for tbe Texas Sulfcrers-Ned r. Q 'Bald win, Sho- fJT" -JO ; tmX ialtptvsfl.a4 ,Qak wHltue IHh Oiatk; wus' sW twico by his partner in, a Hquot for.Tfce A break hs occurred in the diroct cable on the Fishing Banks, botweoil Mew Zealand ant Nova Soatia, whiouf is supposed to have been oatt&vd ry the anchor of a fishing scboddetf. . titepa will be immediately jakentd repais tha break. -- - - Bubscriptiona in this oily to the relief fund aud for the snfferera by the Texas r 1 : i 00 oaj 'Vi. ; It has not been fatal in. buy known iu- PENNSIIYAMA; - - ' ,'rfBealiiit(nm0. t -Vft,tAniiLlf.SeDF. 28. -United States , Senator Wallaoo ft hit ipeebh to-ijigbt, ' ohargea ine oouamon 01 me ooibihj to Republican extravagance and manr agement ) tkat thw country could not "resume in 1879, because no preparation ' lias been made for i and the country must precede the statutes ; , that the Erie platform does not mean an indefi nite Dostrxmement of specie payment. but iu whole thought is for ease to an has been4erwnad.r l1 M O I I Tm ttiriwdlseasela rapidly abating. .,4,! ... i - U- '!MISS0iKI. ' '! " " Tim rhipftaln'a Health Much Better. 87. Loi, Sept. 28. 11a. Davis ias rnttirnea irom joioraqq mouiuiiuT; ed in health. " "' HABYLANl.fA.iK r' !' A Suicide.' , ii) , -U. 1 'HATrtMonR. Herjt. 28i Colunbua 8. iu-vClKook:1 seed 'forty-five, of the firm of Binolair 4 Qo npholstors and paper ' hangers, out lue throat tuis morning, j 1 Indian 'Powwow. ' V WrT tirnim Artsnnr.1 Sent. 27. The lue inuians again uniu nn-j i'""1 vhaf' fhnv will rin. 'Ihe Chief have been hoIdWikOoW'lThjnhJ disturbance Btnong xne young meu. Frequent stipte .are firej repnid the agency 4ight'an4 day. " r.,.i i r-i.M i-wvnt.imi 1 .. ,1.1. mi The inswEcnts-The Chinese Avoiding wUefe he Pruioa of Wales is torm Imrk for India. A special dispatch tp the Timet from in Vletma. says notning wanpwiiincro . . . .1 . 1 . 1 'nW nil. demandaot tBe- ITerzegtivimaii lesur evidence of phrisjiuaa, My twbunaU Dolioe-sileeM'ftom inhabitants. 1 A ahanohai drsDatch Bays, the Chi nana rinwrnmBut shtnis effectnul pet foimaooe pf the items 'and Mungtor ! Wade iwiU leate Pckln Octiber ,13th, . anlesa a satisfactory settlement is con ceded. T ,,.,-, t r-i . V,;'; , TTRtEY.i" v,n.i. ' Turkey Ready for War. ' Bblqbaqb, Seyt. aStlk-MyBbliofunoV tionaiikCajciicHifcf8fef departments have Men notified to hola .thomsolyei ) n474 ty. iie i frontier.. rJijlAM Wfx) ""l ii 11 j,i i The renlv of the minority ta Milan's aiitoass,' dttriAnda' 'ad immediate deoj laration of war. Raousa, Sept 28. Oeneral fiwi -- 4&iUm ineeotkAiary fliatrioU are un-i changed. The Turkish oommunition is only maintained ty a strong oolumu. The insurgents are increasing, but lack supplios. H epVtkT heljerapio has' proceeded nfiry4i'taiWo, JJieatuiJMOtrmwn uiiwp, y&uj, matum from .Turkey toSwrvia.-.,!! A special, slates the fojbwmg as the FKATE. I American Independence iirt- its a. formid c'1h1 the Frtnco American lhioa, with Wmhbnrn PierfJ." t, nd Marquis Noftilles and M. BaithoL.i as honorary Presidents, objeotereetic j monnmetik on an island ip Ialaud 'Sound, to coramomotaka tLe hnudrdth year of Imoricwj Iinlnjx'a- 11STKIA. Senla rs. Austria' Powtr. i ; VtiMiii Mtl. 28 SttrTia, it reply, ing to Turkey'a complaint aUut the Serviana invading Bosnia, declare her self .rinliiq LQ.uytiy) hot people any tuori'tl:i Uflifrjii tr ho has not pre vented ono thous"i4 JUroaM Uoia Iiifc' UiairoviuIn I ' i 1 i SPAIN'. OJO rlsjfidcttlagreelBK. Sltniix, ikpt. 28. It is reporUtl that (liWnHions have oocuiredi among Um Carliat leaders, Dorregari , Man Orlua dora aud lVmia, which Don himsrlf'ls tumble to reconcil. "The Carlist loailtT, Qamtmdi, has btiu , d fented at Lastolo, in Out luiua. The Mormon Api-stlts number aboat two bundrwl in Ontario, and have formed a cwngrvgativn but tlioy ' are being dibturbvd py disyrd.,'e8 ''The Fall ftfver workn .twia.. oo moleBtpd , to-daj,.and,ieviillB,'are. F wording itwmi me aama m yrsiurauy. The workmen re mak'og oerUii projv Pf iuuSBk;Jiu4t,a iif.ii,ri will bo hoi ceptod by the employ ar8j,u4 lull, work The Berlin baoki have Vaise m Qtorest k X Fttf 0mt. The river in Cork Island hai risen several feet, inundating a pertion of the city, and flooding the country for niileft arwivlSjJttUaiilliiacOMta in 4Ber'rA of u6t.3,jl Ij hf 'ITVHtNn. One 11I Ju r.ii bT rhn m tuli aTer laeiueut. ln gnl.t tin?. Thd owner imo by payliif the Horaolil and Kitchen Fan itnre J,, ! At Auction Tow irt iwira. Front 8tre t, Th.s tey, B.ptdmber 30, 1HTR, t 10 o'l uk. liltONl.V A Mi'KHlt... Hp '9 it , rT Auctioneer. . I, ... At, It, ACADEMY OF INCARN ATIQM. ft i'i?'!11 TltffKRfltlilN oi TIiOS4iMtrM or Cliartty, l'bl Inatltutlon will reiuiueltieiuiclMedetaM oer uc ,,,,Tl(Yftl 1 . . .1 iytAll.W&IBElAtuM.': y AN KLlCMSSTAKlf - ENGLISH SUHQOU oj i(.t .(:(. :va.eHa. - Iliropoe, If fiitlil. 1 1 ae e hl, to Open ut;-tke flth ol 'uctobor proi:ii of tbe olawjieinedi' - ' 1'ertui. S3 Dor Bioutbiu nlfwure. i Dd.hbtlou, tif VUc8 In ecaroJ, will elren JOS. M fl j VHiMuk.t ilKOK' 1" School Books. - ' . I fcr . ,. ,. .... .n .in.jnua ecnooi hooks .,t.;f.;ta-i 'i YUU Ut .ItrllTt flnd'i comulete euorttnut 01 eoninj euum ,s ; 1 , i im 1 lTEINSBERQER'S Lire Book and Muslo S1$rd. I l.i iUM (! I 1 1 '' - T iim.nTiWAAiui s.AGUTIONPeONORA, ' . . 0T' V"K I t HlJ" rrrvAcaTriD vrrva 1 nt 1 MRS. MASON'S NEW jL'OOK BOaK JEW JOOK BOali ff.'Lj'I'A.yiil F lift ill mi. 1- I aiilllrtBJIltttfiKU Partly mad H UTTA SHIRTS .X FOR $7 50. 0 ..... .. r. !'MM , ..: .-mi It, f f . i1'" 1 I rj ,,,, goLE AGENTS. "' ' I .. .,! Mil IA IDLES HAKNESS0 JBUMftS WHIPS, 8PCK8. '.i.Av. TianieJ. Trre-cbain.. Back Uanili, at ' 1 l.-.'l'i f i;:n"! ? -tfl T'iT'Jj ' J carbinier Mallard's 1 i'8: k . lil'.l.aaUii.iM,' X 0 I y C, 1 ; I ' ' . .1 V''I ..oi. REUpVALl; in 'h' I' " ... ... .,1 .I A .Hull 1 tj.T l.i' AS &'fcfit k.u ioj-.i.1i ...a t I-.. ''';et'J! r-i6iUlQrPur . V -ill bootadata ' C 'Hs.rBTOBV Wkeelttor, niun iioHion oouw W. P. Prloa.Meweger.- '" ' ' ' ' P7 . . ........ I,,.!'! L.im'i ' 1'iie 'a'""1' ' ' " - .it.'iew 3?Cli 8ALB k?itlwi GILES & MUROHISON'S HW Bardwara Stars, : UILIIIITGTOIT, A?YISTISIXTS.?T:t'P AND CUCUMBEPS la B.rr1a.Juit rolfl. , ..(, . 0. B. W. kVUKOR,- 6M, E, Corn if kUrkat .tij leoooil street v TUIYI LlTiz tTLE' il f E E VB U T f eT Q IT E s h o k ( : tXTBA0T.J "HretUr'we will iu fl tht you hll (umllird with th riNRHTBUTl'itH' 0 AY HOPKB1K WltMINim)M,i4 u( ylr.(ton . tk ur r(at4ttun mJ 4 u j. . will (end vo only nirK Butter j U wtMlt fur and dougttt bi mcb Iwu-h at , M 1,11 I .! - ' ' . . " .. 'iit t w.i ! ACTU1, . HUllUi COIDIT, P ' Tttroau, ,. , , ' i' " ' ' - : .. , , aadtk.1.adNiratur roOr. Of M.w York. ' The b"e It from n il Batter ana tik.M MILLIONS OF ET TEARITv ANl WILLMMlf TOtrSTWlCB I WEEK, I nut n tioriK . mm m miiw wgM ,VK Iff 1 M In which Tocijyfiipiii III J-s 1 jtoY wdM ynvybaoia lie ortlJnJL leO miil Jwblb yiuj I UHjnyiJiyiSkjH, wiUaoSw.jaerM Mcriflce my food., nd mutl loe money looucr or Utw. I will begin to oluee oat my entire stock at without reeerve nod" wlthunt HV Hinnri. The ohnrmoter an4 extent of tbe I'oek U loo wen mewn to reqnire oomment or menrtption: "ti.il day of 190J1 will be eold at orlme to lult urehetrj ween ee.d atADCTiO, o umb mKe you own prloer. j Vtj Kenpettrnlly Ai OE0R0E LETBt 1 ea 38 iw No. so Mark Street -. , I 1 icii 'oloVes; : A beaaiifnl cente lee kid 1om. Int eetred, eompr4n(U akalu or eolore for PARTT AS3 EVEKIMQ WEAR. ' 4 iar c ae watt aeorted eloekef I 1 ' -.- pEXtG-VULli Oil 1 IIT8 a4 itnte' rnrnJAIdflnf gaJt ennefalir, Vj He. I c dent tfatJoaeiidt 4i lin elU t lewnu.e!!. 1 j . s I Pi AeptBk " Ii" A.OATI0. ". TJA5SX- ATlWIC SKETCHES.'. HENRI jAVESrttL V ; A SHORT HtSTORT OF THE PEOPLE, , .,. ;,!. I f 4. IV ".111(12, JO A, . FULL 1,1MB OF SCHOOL. BOOK8. Aiifoi!iai..)rijy;-i)W . ut , , ., v .:.,: .-.':-:WiTATtr,;t; . 11 , -" Book.nd Mnk)8ee. 1 1-1" For Rent. lHKrlfi Mrrfww BwWatevV 0:'6. Pauley A Go , etubriMns wharf, offle and uatal .tore and eoei yard, located on Boutl. water street, roremeor two years. Term. maueeuy, ,ppi7W, , j, .., ptf Jt.eeutot For Sale, Thehonneboldand kttohen fnrnltiar.of . en Minu deoltBlDC .heikMrerm,atr Saleei rourei, Front .treet, oa 1 aeeday, Kept. 2(tk, at 10 o'clock, A.M. u 1 1 i,i-i. . Ii M t And Drar. andBarLe. OHONLT A kfOBRId. ,,tt,l,V.,.,...,, ,.,,,, ; ...t Fa? w4iffnfal(iii. Ons rt 'treeeererU'l Collector, 1 -.J-Wtyef WUmlngton, N. 0., ' .... t Aogl7r19.( 1 am directed to hntlty all partle. iWkhg,cny tW rbatthe reijnlretiiem. of the eity lor Nn 'f are Mich that A rtrkt eomnllanca wtih deorrtlnance will benlnde, and (ucb pereeiu whe do not pay thelr-elty tatea oa or before tin flrat of S.titemberproxlmo, thel ; property i (Ill D. aarerueea ana khu a. ai i.w eirert. f r 'Pi' 0-';'Setvos3,, ' ' Tre.rqrrf. and Collector! , -... ..i I'1. ' , 1 THE ANSONIAN, Co(iery,atlTe Oemo. nratlit t eolftt jAaroal. rjiikltabe,! In Pnlk- ton, N.' O .lltuatfd In a .-rowing lilc, and .nrroundedtif a gwrt far1.aouutr il of)re luperlor adrantages M as ad.ei tiling medium Being tbe (Jrannji HI. pnbnrti.d, ma eotilin" read no ljr' ur gan ai lae eeoi ion wnare any subicriber. to 'be "ib- omer paper. Aiireiti.iiig ratu liberal. Siibaorlptfynj price I00 ppr A4dre rilLEY A GALK, 4itotiFolktou,N.oi ! THE PEE OIE HEHiVbr ' Kit 'MPhbliBh.M ever? WeduetKlay t j S5AiiSi,ilAS(j Wvtili '.THrMUDw rt ri T , ,.)9SM.t-,w.'Jlt8 eVCJO. ew f'' MiM'.dtiw i y I , ii . .1 t.,.''i HaaalArgeand rapidly lnoreamn eweiari. tlon lii th flarntlna uv g-i ee Use country In North and Baatk AddsrUeatf lll BiiA thf A Vltillam la either) aha euteV ht VoY rekoblng the larmer., planter, and aworetianaa, i ni u . f 1 2e ea;cniud toco advertising pat ronag4eMWted in tit Column U tha best evidence oJU large mn4.inbm Hal circulqtion. 1 1 ..i : 1 1 u u 1 - AT" Specimen eoplee, with tetee tor adyer tialeg,eert free, poaUge paid, tm appkoaUon to the undermined, either at Wadeebororor WiknlDgtoa. J08H.T.JAIIK80O. Editor, and Proprietora IT. C. 7ED2IE3DAY. SEPTEIIBER 29. 1. JI"H,iU I'. lll 1 T T" imfElLAlEOl'S. trunei ritvonvnusift fiutfc rwi iitii ii"i , iMimm m.-osdt ae.ar.ranKurALe.1 Tltlt ftUtMMlonaf tbte IneHtntlOB will -in anty, Cueber ftn. Scbool of Ma w, auilor Um direetM of Profe.it R. Ve For tr. Aa, liply te tbe Prtncli i, career of Muket u4 1 ulnl Itteete. ; ' ere tneodtf ,.., . ,.M ! VI)over Bclxool, Vi. ' rBTia.th(itUM'. k'tteV mtui, wll Mt wVMoJ l awjueeiber ims. A )let koine aud a preo Ileal .Jonnttoe llrentoboye. Addreej B. B. MoOOKMlO, rrinetpal, AUee, Undoa eoonty, Va.1 " ' '' . ..( , . liErGHEItCEt, " I , tCl Ueaeret Uuuteev Wenasa, Ttrjlula . - j. He J A HUttlM, II I), Irvinrttli, ..7l4y Prer Joba Wkrt, W('fc9dA' a) j v- , u XW&S6BO&0 HIQ3JCU03L fJlurfaeabro.t4rtfre) CoL N0. Tke eeeow4 aewlgn herfttt ni.,!tika ef ttn. Vrnebet, twa.t Pieo ef teaoklii ieai4 an is Ue UUiTrw,ty ui yiriiua, 0. r. OONK AO, FrhiCljei.5 " . ,'t '(SrkJuatDtt)yett)io Ve C H. JBAtt riST,' AiwMaat, 1" ,! In ..I ' (lrJ. WVe Ifareef "an40nl. of TCftiMOIfUtS. H1.0.H. Mtln nee reeated tii ttuity' f LUa. wltlrMjDeek 'Wkiottl hv nee keowu eiupeiwed In my irifw m luehetv.) . . i 'Kk PM'tKH, Prof.UUn ynlrenitytif Va.' n riiu I'm -. . " , s Twerecoaiewwtio or r o. Tf. .Mertiu, read kolete Hre-nt'era of l'tWV e 4Jnt- I teacher anil a fell rtaeeeta Well flttea tor .ft I I 4a.IMf n HAS ilLK. i ef W Htb.j k e, A A m m MEDICAL COLLEQE OF VIRGINIA. 9uiun 10o-yo Winter Oourae ef Leiituree hin Ootdlier ana cum in ere mooiui. ran ouurne at ieeilwtqateLVy tbe Fecalty, end dillyjrfeX Mtiiai naa.rnw.mni ny tne aujuiioi aouity. Proteaeort feee. ai Jl. PharmauT Conree SJV J). Fliarmauy BoneAolary tloket, aim. For full panicalari of eataloiueat'Dlv to J. B. MoOAW. M. IK. No.JUre SU Rlobmoud, Va. Sean of FaoeUy. P ' - - a ' - COLDS00RO. il. C. kt. FRTTKB, A.ki., Pro. Aneloot ai4 Med .in Langnaree. -t a. w. Avia.i.a. rrvr. aan.iiatio. Tli Tkirel Tftriai ! thialwetttn. liaavavHI boa In e !Tlaelajr, A Ha. Bi fcaal it. !-. pm i tl,.iH7it. m" He tailtniiwtr IS tbe t.iwu if UoM JL i ' u (Uie iwntre ef fnur Reilroniiit, amf irotii iia araeeeit)liiiyoniiaiitienoreiuantagcii kill lite ad gnaritliiie flTieilnklie ur nig ooantrln. wr in ilia Kalern iwnkm olit- .iiite. The loeietloa lex healthy, . ant no .in or elcknem netiil ' b enfcerUlnoil k iwBiitu 4ndlng tkelr eotj. o tble kilaoe, year. - rue paieua iiimnTu., V- M1hi be deterred fro in ialronlalii( Uilekli7, J.iTtul twe r the un1 i.iiiiiifm ui the luiti ton. l'mfuMmr E. W. Adam., wko bwi i iwrg. of tJi tuatUeniatlawl OeparteMnt, la ail eluninni of Raiulilh Hmoi (Jellege, and ha tteen a lucoaMul teaoher of yoaih for Ban. yeure. . xneooareeef ineuaeuewie eoena, tootougn and extenalye and aeek. to develop and Improye the mental power, of the pupil, by training tb.m to think, and by teaoilug then, the rjght etefthe fkoultlee with kbluti Qod lia. en dowed them. ' ' ' .... ! Vht dbwlpllne or th HnhooT, wblle it I. , mild and nerental, en'uroM the dutf of obedlenoe tse.erv rule and regulation. Ai lnabortllna tloe.nd dlwHdirry eonduotare wkoltp inwm- patlble with Mhoiutlo training and mbnui urogr.ee, no boy who le iBdlepoeed to Imeroye blliime or l.ae injury to hie fellow., will be retained In tbe rlohool . Moral aad nUgtoweinetfuoMebeeewtf i due aharaof attentiouaiid oon.lder.tkin ; for nn leek the heart aad oobmImo be humected and enllghtoad, mere eeomar learning will awaa ba Uitla la tha tori tl.n ef a eoneot and ujirlg' cearacter. h 11 rini Tbe fonr religion bodle. being well ted in till ntaex e-tert boarder la I Mated in tiiw boariler la allttwed to attend that Chirr ch on Stfnday whleh hi. pa- Tht wiah and ) refer.no. or ui. Barent win te etnetir .Merrea. aemitii- Ingof a leotarlaa character t ooontenancedra (lieBchooU,. . , , i m ii, i hi t Boy are prepared for edvaeoed olaws lp vwtiegv vr tor wis etMire aaainweo. w I i " Tbe buitnir , liiUierte known ae the IPe (bale) College " ba. lien Mourwi by the PrBiet 6.1, and wiu hereafter b tued at a aobeol j tor boy. 1 I " lieadly weapona, Inioxlcatlug ilrin., proran. Ity and etery .peele ot gambling are etriptle Term'sper Session of. 20 Woais HALF IN ATAMOBWAl.AIFfJR OJ TBgTh.v.:::.,, - AdVaneed elaiiea. with Alee- 1 bcaw...w Ailranood cla.ee wllb ltlo. ..v.?1 ' & A j " ""4 wWitatih tl.dAiek. l 0ermarffFVsnth,arid book-keeping, each extra. . Board, Including fuel and lljilitj.- Each tuilent will.urnlMi, for bl. own m pair of blankete, a P.lr of Ueet4, a 4lt of Is esM d bik kel.. w U -J u. I . V Bi- Nedeductlon Irom I'ultlonand Board la eaae or diimifMieavor wttadrawei anotuy m oau. vi pTvirMniru aiuiiiifinn, rorlharaawtioMariaddaea) f. M. FETTER, Prlnoipai,' tttijtaU4tf;i I'l'oat.usBfitifVMr HAM, lloeaaaijr.aoimoo s"f "'' " 1 eUjteraftM- ..eene'.and Par lab.'.'r" Walk S-JJK"iaw17,7"' "'" "nag., -.i..i i t0111 lx cent, postage (pi . IT I? "tr rntrnta-1 1 ii ' SX MERCHANT. m: ,1 ,'i 111 t-1 -.'"l .'f'.ti 7 t ll ';'v 'a south St , New Tptl "' ifls-amii CHEAP 810 VE ilOtJsE. auk a.JiuxLtij mco? 81 Wi PrattBtreet, Baltimore- " PARLdRH?ATWsTWiii rlXoqKJQ'S,TQyE,?,.V f . .UiOWMAToiRe; ...(. Jii. ." :.a-.WWt. "AWES r.VAMO ORATES. eol Store, topaireu, PeftatttlAJ-l MI3H0 ap H ,i.ll Postponement; ,;.i ii Hin entty of jKertb Vlitlinai b( Btwrd the ktteeet eViiVlir 6f bli iuil1S.cUiM u ei'bewrtaa4 ef bte eharaoter at a giatlenian. Tbe unerlaed bate rormndtbeoiinn rroaj be-t.tiiui.nii 111 at ha I. inoM alii. HOTIoaie Mrebf glyen.ttiat tVom'. p timer J on. very uiytnt petlt'on. of oltl.wi.,, (be aiwre.-nant o twt, Fe-rATk. fbt unpaid eity taaee lelSite PoTroaD roa oaa Hokth October Sth. proximo. By direction of th Mayor. T. 0, BERVC8S, Ultj Xreaaurer Millia MISCELLANEOUS. JT WIKCI rttaroedrron the Northern Mar- keia,Iam reoeltiug New Oooda ifeily, cmb letnig ut l.AUIKa' aad CHILDKENM HUNlKKV, , Uomu, Hawdkerehlefe, ' ' ' ' " ..." j , , Kia !, ; i 1 ' ' Triuimlng",, ( ., , -, ,. , . .: , h ...i MeviSktrto '' Beetle, , Aad Sterylhtat, toead ra a Flr.t Olaw FANCY GOOD) 8T0RE. Hi Stock of Lailie.' Neuktle. ami Knehee I. the BeH erer brought to tbt. market, Ladtea' Real Hair Filing, la ttreet Varlelr. Heal Hair RwttchM from TS cnueaah "" Eepiiyr Woreeed in all kbade ' White and Hiark lor. par na. or 3 tier lb. Other VeKw aw. per om. r MM tr lb. j ... , t i i, i s WltUAkt FYFR, l'v.l', ""u M " E.cbange Ooraer. TRADE MARK. i tii i LEA & PERRNS, ii . I 'lU..l it vviHitLfuiAto' FatthOONgEU ' kiV 1 wlTtioT if a T . 1 ai.Kri'KHfroiea ''if MKUICAL OiCN. , ,1,1 , M4N tUatanj i I ' to hi. brother at oovtioiasacRg itrM!K!TH; to a raa l"QalQaod HJCKRINtt thai i7S; utefirMune n ki aune niiign eem.edtnlb' lyelm.edtn V die, and m, in uii apliiiwai tbe MOM 1.4 aiyUiiabla tt imlatableaaweJlM. EVKRV VAH1IC i'i. the moet whnle mo 8aiWtkat it made," I .i Worcestershire Sauce.' ''aoM'Wkul.ftle knd lor B.portauoii hj t e jf ' ' Vt"! H ' ' PrtAirfetOM. IE A A PERRINS, Wrkeete.) Bnglaadi aud Retail by Dealer. In Sauoe. gea'' I i j .l( . ,) eralrjr tbroughoit the world. . j Lt St Perrlm' 8auo. Axk .'..' t i.t ti i tbfJMti: VKI ABr TAIIl.tClt jn- part the next eiqulrite rellnh and ea.1 W rlnl brUoldMuat, fowl. Flub, Broiled Klrttiey,Ao. ,HIA. Ml l t " " " j ml ! ruti, Hal JaluU, Uftlf M4 In Mr HMfVui, W i jvHiU 1 ki t'ir,i!:OI1 A N It Rl'I'fV.tt AAiti'i. n..bi.'i;l;' u - I 111 i ' .f 1 " I '' J ' Uioee faalltar with iu eeuuabie quailUoa -it , ny.. tt.tH' 'i., ,rwH t ri Prom JVlw rrt n.i . ru' XherbUnereHrt'lli IB. World which WW IaiiU.rsally llJt.il.a. U . .prrtie' raiaoa OMHiOUNCAK'S SONS1 i u:w voNk JH j ji .It it .m vdw The Piedm put Press it- ',' viiif i H,i ti i UUu i i-l ' ,Uu ' HICKORY, N, C, j , i . , l ) I ; f. the only p.ei pnh'l...i In Oatawba county, and ha. anetil re circulation am( Meruliaate, Farmer., aud etll claeen. or beat. ........... i th. Mtnto 'i'ho Phmi I. a live, wide-awake liemoorallo pajwr, aud hi avlitra' hle medium ret) edtHilug la Weatora North Oarolllia" l.lbfral iermi allowo nn yearly ad- yertttwrnenta, BnhMttntlun i In advance 12 In ailrance. TOMMNSON. i Auureeti i! MVJUalLLTOMI,INSON, Editor, en, Proprietor. march .11 . JJ Uit Ol. , f LQALLjY AUtllOfilZED.' : Teias Gift Concert -tociation Vt or DiKtaow, Tia, wtLB atra A '..I GranoVGiiV Conceit ! In aid pr a M wrila' n4 j. 6 O, F. Temple " REPTa 22, 1815. I ' Flint OjrHalQlftw;.,.... Second Capital (lift. (kMHatAifbi la (reDrtlea aaVrkbtlni ln'all t ,,tSQOaOOO,OOI till lo w t t o i rr ; W ('f s' W ito'g Tto k a t , 5 'Prlooof a Whole Tloket, M, WkleA' conll.it or are iMUfeaaj i:u.i a ii In hlch will entitle tbe bolder to arimlwlon, to the Orahtl Concert, aad to one tilth of what-, rer me bawarded M Ike whole ticket nitin" her. .,.. ...k i . ,KciouilblMenu. wanted,' . All order, for tlcknte hd Irrjaromiitlf Circular, Paper., etc., glyliig full partite lan aint free, ta wrltfng, l ure and elgn your name, town, oonnty ami Htate Irt Tull, ' iiraer. lor ucmniaTnonnnn to aud at r 7' .. aji -wi" no rttlfUiiOM to aug U-. . 1 ir "I v A. K. COLLIN A vi Batretary, De-' AMH!TXr TiATT'!!' r-""' T aaw1 111 V V.IH1' li liiwi'i 1 rionmnr TJauionr N OK ABOUT OCTOBEtt- Stt-iFlKaT, TllK KJ ClKlrBVnil will b.Jgln the pulilicataon Iu uie i;ny oi Wilmington, ot the kvkninu Ukviiw, Tbe Ukview will be pDbllabHdevirv t-vimltiif. except Hmiday. It .Imwlll l to -fhtnlah tli laiiNK, tae ixwtKMH Iflit aiMt reliable new., In evew taaahlntr of bSOteritl . " I 1 The KdlUirinl Ipaiinivnt wlU he lit able liai.il tad tk lecat Mporbr' win he1 .'tlrlilnlitsl by , Mr. Janice, for Ave ; rs part lb. local editor of Uie i)iltt Journal. Mr, CliArlee , A. Price, anil of one uf tli. ton oner. it tne joukai,,i hlthwira gun tiemmrfflf eereral year, eximrlence In the him I Ineea, will have charge of. the inviaa a ilewiit. ( merit tf to iAiql avDiWA. Tii F. ,V r '-UnusftM Attention will be given to lUtnar-i ket report with tri rwref iuru lulling the rail tianeeetton. of file day to the clone of mercan. tile bonra, and, Um.. MgotMalU bai emaxle by w- vareiui, muruiigniy expcrienoea reiorter, On the what the paper will be newy, cheaii and reliable, and a .ueelal metllau th-ouuh hleh trie poor man and Hi laboring elawe. may oe near i, , , . . , ,,, i (Tcwmeof .nbDorlptloflTk" A voaf, M cent, a mouth and It seat a week. Advertising rate, yerjiow., ,,.: u '' . , iM ( , . . . ,. ...I I.k.lMAb L ....V. 1 . . .,' is uwiiwMni -wiiii liiu uewn unpifcrtinuiib ,w. will eetabllnti tttn rtxrrnw book ruiri Job rrlmnii Office, where fOtiirwIiTit .nil xkDUnl operaUvc. wilt lm eaeplwyieV awl wherff ft I. uecdluwi to ear will do onr beat Ui ftiml.h our pet mm with the'beet Work for the lowest amount of money. in TOIrUdaliTJllBeS. aiiS. loir, , vlhM. A- Price. tM08 KEllOVAL ni ;,KJ :H i THE andar.lgned give, dotlo that he ha. moved ni effloe from Prlnoeei Street to hi. new.ultof room- over Walker A Maunder'. Marble Work oa North Front Street, oppo.it. U. A. Smith' rarnltur Store. atpMlw B. B. A VattZTT, - 1875. KBW- iLDVlTISEJETI., mm nn i ,1 .Hit l ii .li-HlflJ ! I Hi ct it . t l''i" ! .cl ' t !l l Ifuj .... 1 (ill1! I-C ill it KtNtn-iiifiH ..;.. ' V ...,,i. ! ' dak "" keav"' ... I . m"?. iA I , "l II Ilk I V V ! III U1UU I 1 II lil J I 'Are bloRlMoui tHa1baiattr ni iuJ'Ha NIit Dreaik, kt a kweeping tiiduoUouICVEN FROM' FOltlf Kit 'PRICES. fiiiU f 1 " ul I !HAMBTOQI11)GINGS-AN1) HIMtIONS- ! Waart makhig ktt effort Irj this ditparrmmrtirnaOtia stook fprovioas to going North, aud Ldio will UudPRtCES?wc7 taaiiUy they hiivo ever seen iu this market. , Ml e-.ll t -vta ? a T ,:, ll ICIHII' lMIU . 11' i.t -! -'M' l'I I-!'t M.I ia.U Maclniie IsT eddies; O 'Oerit Aob Auieaes lua-wove ongntiy apotteaj'ifu Cents I Havhur , jtist taken 'w abontinl ot atouk Wrtad' aeV.rral Jin'ftft.r,ifaAol lot wiiioli wo liata tUitmuiiuod to VWH OUXt A'l AiPiUXJliiV ,.,!, !,, ., v.. I..-,-,! !ii tYa tliank.JQ.H'es.U Ui'i .anaiiinltmiU ;. imlifin fc 1mi.' ' I iit 1'vW gratoiu' fluli'l 1J a'Hiai Vt u.ia ; !! l.f.R i-t-'H t-v".WP've duwiiitvw.vf ot ,w bW m .i Thioturnout tlio yiw niiaomQL ,; ,m...i:.ilf!-t it,tl..'l'pii,a , u,n .-vuuifvi'8 ST' ', '! I,1.. H.ll t4 uui'in t f."! "Ot(i-jiUKi;k;wq',V(Fta'oB..in J Jn1 t4 IB ,HKii , a.tt.-t fy vtpf l "iii't .ao iitw were ga ii, ,un si,.d a,4BA . , , i , w , i f"rt evdrwlthln Oi Jiiaruju: , . ,lti.-V'ti.i!lii')il'i"Vl i-.i 'ii)f yi, 0ai,i..iJ-tf.f ,mrviir ul WW 10 m l.-itttdail.! n.HJitiiito'Kto-'-U Uflirif awtWiUil aw fitbalt .' fclll It ti1'! tnl-t ill .flitfl! lull 1 bin,-. "' t'1 i,'M'i'i''i;i' i.. ut ! jilt . t.. i nil t'( ii-"! ; u -'i lut'i "i '"'"y rl ,i.'.,!T trtiiiv T'ii ti'itli 1''tt'!t ,1,, i'm )i!iH , ,,.( .,,,1 fii (ii) ;Ui"'.l'j ii.' f,..,i t i wl . I " er' ! ' 4'1 m Vi. L A IN D VV y. l S "in . ...1.1 III in I il in i I !.'i i, ,..ti.llj rll Ul mnillltii) ,vi') ill . ,ut.'. 11 K. ?i t . . VtUj-fc taut ' NOOMl:' t., m y,t r-iti-iffiH l'l !'' I' " . ... ..,f,M .,, jsrqi" 86 .MAJjyaaraiaifr. in "fini I I i.U J.i.t l .,lil uiil F U R M IT U R F I ' "1,'1 fl',Vi,,.,"!i 1 6'P Iuilor J CltnmtuvH tiitil ,.i1,.iihH lv.(i'4 fciii 'XaiWllt'1i'W PRICES. ,(f,a,M liioiU''1 intbl..or Ktook '.iiWaarpauV 1V. 7 CT .....fri i. I, lltri !.'.! Vii'wugnj,ar Il,aMtUu.Ue,,ir.-T atCTimW Bfotel., 8temerand Prl,te, Bu,ldaii,4,,rt,,i,?i.Tiire. , ,, . m ui ,' ltbW'tvii na a aail amtMi-A i-rm b fM4 Mty Ai'lirrl ViSiw 'Prlees. i ..( ...l...l. vilw.iuiatl oiiitn'-r. uuie our.Htock b.t.reuaJokaaintfiJ .y:itiiuj V, ,.oi !.!) to Iia' " epwtr.i, ,,., i!'l n.i . .vtii-"1' , , 1 i ,ii it ii H'UWSTRATKD MOWTHI.Vlf'r'eliuIca i XlL Llii'ratum, will b)tiur4fruith( ..Mitrwi aoiniaiainrrf'ii oommeiioing with January la. . 'VbeflrittMUmber wlM h ttkwl. HoPnxillngbyTiecember 161U, and Uie period Uj1 will be iihhbtl eaeh euuoeedlng taiiitb thefearwr without liiierniptn. Ho, admen tatewillkaBegieetitWuioli either talent or oapital cnnvipiia to lender iMih ndaeian agr.eaWe aiiit"in(itrricMva oompmidinmi ol oiiiiloe reatllua, by pywutir.wrrtere, belli hopie andal-i fl. ' . . ,, , , . The Carolina Eonelioldi1iUiaiiii win be k largd '4S-iage,elghty-toat oolnbia eagerly wati liMil fnr and iinrefjillr .pre'trved. lUffObVlRAIP OaMiRHT" will prove an attractive teatnre. t he January bu tuber Will awauHB a invuae picture ut . 1(1,1.1 I'lHOf and and blogrib)rjkl nk'Mc'h, to be followed tack iwoeeliag number witk piiotti. DRigraui ub 'Other promlnen nt it'iteemen, divine. m onlx two yyUidus ajhahm id kaah .nbeotllier ' can mako a. obolo ... ,l..,'tf w- 4' '' ' " Thru, moot c.iutihil.lauu. K.nHXiVimil, .10 of each 1H x 8tf luobea,,vlx: iY'The, Finding of ti8vtour IB the Temple," -Th MaddO,- ria." or iiKRliT i..r Ll.Ivlua til eHOCUVr KM to.- warded on nuteltif of the uborlptlon prloi Kltherot'the kVigeavtag. la)urV oaouii le brine aked ror tne uaga.ine, aga.tne, , r .. ... ! av- Awraneinotltnak oleb' oTflv'f m calve an ikaot. tlon, wi' c.elve an extra .ube.-rlptn ire. .,?Mbi e eoplel flreebriiMfl HA tutinthi nubacrti hunt tiie.)CiigrikIiig, b Jrta ill o Asenta Wanted Ever .jav ' IU)(""i"" , 'lold.lMiro.N .THT 100 BBtC.'" For .el by John. Tt Cbauib, Thomaaville, N. 0. muateiy.iiaixuoBoiy puiiien on tinted OAa i nlukuuM en imiif' kihI hfli.tit.ilMlltf illi.atrj.fait... U'.ltf .ki-'. T I It throughly eeart. em entflr i.rio And rt.7uaokw ' f 1 "T 8I'3 ,VmS -i iiri-,wy iiiuj amirM., xn peviiehe. mean "(imreiT toooinetq i IB ea a7 in r iiiei tiiwi iliwu i u i j . t iiv UI1W Ilk' troiiui odiatiit) fiauHr ulraieJ fc wpr to b augUSta xmoiz iTO-ccoa It t 'BGOIJOCT n ... I ,,tA)! . UMA et I.HHI F i.iiHa -wtAM a it. kia.kI r I lull WW.. . i I ,i.iir ..i I. i .tijin !H u I m-f i '" M't j . r ios Underwa'iif'Cl!onte and a'ttwi ir.lii lli:i ! r-mrp got an utioji;) V) .xuiid m.-.t1'"' 'V1'! lM'l AT jniiftfCI 1 1 io lilttt t orJjiiuri r i 6(!l lo anO Uiieiia't-ell' Jlltl .tVfWtil 1 nH A!,'tU . . . I 1JN 'lJfili'J.ti.OODS: V .til yM.vl I A IlHB l"l tl lt '-' 1H Ti iTlti i-u Jo il ",lJ ''''mI ti'1"'1';1'! 1 vJl aii'l' l,VMiaUatfe,iiI!tt'A ,-t -' - " " '1 ' F 1 1 17 til ' ,..,11 .MinlHil Tlliilnir ltoQitt lTnu'iilif -i JsaiOJLUO WV IO Mtoi-.I. at .HaW mS )o JTwiift tAHet. --.iiu jL-'.-i .... ii.. nujiB Miouce. i la .Vi. ji'j -Jul? tji'a biih.v' viw I rum rim. nouip oi uapf .ear win cmneto at to tttaia'd mdftia reir,'H:ei-p ater uUjand,a1raHjtb hti).-f efd'uar. BW-riA Ii wl-iO kJJ ... ' All veMuleraMrMwMrJ tnoU'4ver, or other liil'ertloii. d !. uUgta wilf; be re. tJalredte'tiri'fkVlgiA.aiid proiotiifd (Jiiar witlhdiiiieJ. ttw.O iJ (.u-'' , .i TpAwktac botu if aly lirklf'iVlBC b,HntklTkvVw I Y.ted . i e tyatipnCSi.r, Mpaktlon J 1. irrr ;l WIlbeaireBtriltdlhitfort from ,re,tna heyv 1 irAin. V.avk lii.l.rfd.li ' K,l Vim. c.w.1, wipiAtdflftitMi!"l ,if ' piluw are iajpaa bill enjoined to' ' inVeeclre uleagtiiry relative to ial,crwy V, and If 6al 'lirfreff with the'atatemeat ( the Bap Wlo, iieomfcawitterl'or Hf 'the yeMel U In a aiUiy fovdillK tkijinwUl itttf Ah rerAor to tUo8ttl(jijyrt'uyixaflfiatfca! - ,PtlgU,,wUiajytFbattii rWUtfH8ne -Uw.resubjeottarorfatjfa1orjllwam retet'of Veiicefu (ok floe oft wo lundred rVil k',,.4IWiierariioVaf iby'Y.omW me Oiiarantlne Lw: aail U, atbatl BeMoAaWa All elff'jbieyoillrtk(9 laiitif aaoV rigflWl6W?WiH eet a &a in the nnrtrj'ngL pddt-tuiejtr ,. M4 - I- BP xr nftr-vrxf .rl 1.1, if ni.' xrojL r tt or wii mi ituh r, ,- JjHWlTvlUI uii iu Ji ut ,on fiUM yw Vjl-iJ-' 0 V CJTBAMKB "DIXIE" wUl rB regnhirrf .very day except Bund.y, Ua.lng Wilmington I Hmithvtda.... .. ........1K1PH 0 imraaU'.bn tloket. may be puobaeed ak o oaioa. a Q tAasXAt 4 ca

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