C7 f I ' ' ,.'' i'T ,1' fl HP!. ' I.--M-M i'iv- - - L'J- 1 VOL XXIV. 110. 233 WILUDQITi !f y 7 C. f THURSDAYr SEPTEIIBER 30. ' 1875. i::7Hoin;noo.cD7. A. l . , Icy rrt T 1 J. v - J M .1,1, W -tO- BY TELEGRAPH. K-i- - lAt-tehl and B6nteneo HoUMjij tbeUr Neutrality -TurtislT Encroach. l,u u teHCUtIlirJPorUiClrelai'."1 1 Washington jjqtes. .Uat(eiKAdca! eaenwT.e iLffi Ipni DelejaUon-JUiOnject-rTfip.'i (Xtii-'I''lirterttfrfpartinent-CUlini. . .afl6WWb,HBo- Bible JSidndcd jn CWctgoflcol ateVeB'oe iVaua-ficpubr.can Staid CoJiTfirtWiisIddcB.ic: .1 I..., I HT TEliWUH TV Till JUUJiaAli.1 ivlJ. i CllrfSrtl-test?;DaUon-Elccllon ,.,M.J..f SAWU, 8epi ThhObbtCction ban re otnmitted to tbe CorjimUtcetlie tfrfty qfewtbf U tfobboBobhrAy 1 TO-aay was o-onpied i iepu8si'g .41ieutM$B jft' reJuc tho number of OKI nators lrom.WUo . JnoSDr.fDiVrtrKa ng reeijed the Freaideoc of tbe R H.7 aDtf R. & 1 F;. T 4i 1 IJ . J kj r XWABttlSUTOJ. I Fat Job in ProspectMa'.conteJrts-Tua Interior Department Ac. Wa8Hinotos, Sept. 23ille Boar! of Health bavs determined t bat-Uie wooden, pavement, ot'whieb Waabing .ton bas sixty-fonr tnilea, emits gr oa engendering zymotio diseases; " ' It annnarfl that the oommittee from IpMthMded' by-nri0iQa.l hadXittl HiWlthjntTotbor objoota, the Messrs. Pearoe and Wei's are I otb here, and have assurances" that 'IFeir course ia in aoeordanoe with the views iAdfitiffiltiafulHditbat there isiiiribQAitgos the . Federal ... pffioea H4State,' $ mm ,ZM It irnmbred that DawHon A. "ole msnf'"weUhy Penimylvsp dp' dealer, js, to supsroede Delaub. The Pommeion ion the -Alabama 1 Claims ' met to-day, Wl the Judges present " The award for Qolpondip. gregating $15.0(Xf, wftb'f per cert rn- tereatainoe 134, was a'lowea. inyy, then adjourned ti'l Tuesday. J ,iw ilFWkitm:i.bei aptx1)(ed appraserM me nfiandise for pb cngo( 'BCrefine Frauds. flrtiyt.1,rt.UK,:.-Tbo eaae of MoDonald rnd otker7for cooBph'og to defraud the revenue, was ooatinned ' the Instance of the dtrf b4e wn " fto- oount of th absemceoi witnesses. " An ipdiotmnt .against, tbe. Bamd pkrfiea . A "fo iflVjtfsiring' to' destroy; puplio; je In porfMwnwhed. ' A benoh warrant was issned, holding them to, answer in ',i.t8,000,,,anyfndiotuieut8 that may be ""5! XXKEIT0ST. Indian rnmmlRRlnn. .jSCTKTJTJ'. T-r M,' i llii OljOtTP' AOkkot, Sept. 27. The " Cotnmilsfrta we nttotmi ctranrgrpouds to-day, accompanied b a Utrojicl mili tary escort aud Indian guard. Sever speeches were,, Wide; 1 Bpql wants HetAtoka moved South. Tbe Commission arrived a $he (KjntJUisidii, tttai la yjoflrideratida of the sale of tbe Black pills, the Indians will be hWd smely eAreJ fOrv "The tJommisaioners " were, unauimossnot o sonsldef tbe a aemsad ! .$3,600,000 vear.'i Tbe OottinBsioner :,tjll t attend i another t"'oontotl to-morrow. .HAH3 OTSWiEK.u''J,3A3 .UMiiaiawiir Jieaor KianaDDinr. Nxw Tori, Sept. 29. Ned O'&W. win, the Irjah Giant, ia japidly sink tun Hft cannot poibry-rveotef:1, An attaana waa inade "ttei4rA.& "".Uarthe chl 4.of mMTbwttotfier gave ohaso. when tbo kid nappe tdtOBpsd ile obud" Slid made aator All nam's Chnrch, Uropklyo, waa Jrowsed while tryJUct reW? fiea "Cliff, I., id small boat. Jt, 0,BaldwM.lbAdrta."jack Oorbett: wbojfho biip,ba8pbeeti held fo'mnr MASSAi lepT3&i ftjtef opfentlonVl8eilDei k M'tl'oBOn'Bk 8epi. "29. Hie ftepub- linan Htats OmTrnitinn- assembled to- aTi, JXvVt N'fPP. editor )ithtf Boatbn . JourfatiibtAklufoi'SM' Committee on resolutions appointed a Vioe-Pesi- flqni. mo poraryffvuaomn,TW&q i htfllOTinfr platform was adopted The Repnblioana ,q, Mawnbusetta itMiioii sssomDiea re-aiurm their allegianoe to thejre4ep)upSB n4 VTiiuuipli) oi Uie Hepublioan nartV. Tbey compliment themselves thaf nothing in their reoora maka.uaoei-. ajrWIorsem to give pledges that they accept and abide by tbe settlement of wsrUttes hiaJe in the Xllltb XlVth and XVtb Amendments to the Consti tution of the Uuited States, and tbey oongratulate the country that the Democratic party has at lust formally eotofsotbat)di3 Itf long, bitter, clfsprate, bat nnavp;iiog lrajr3',e; fUfto preTentand afterwards toovcr thow that aettleraent ; declare ag I tbe third term ; that the Natiooa' gov ernment is sacredly bonnd 'i tb io- 1pe hi tbe oo n) mem welfare and g )o4 aitbto make tbe aiwdiest, jaturn to pee'Kpajoeat tbftt Wdienjt.ble enrrencTta I national aid Lea U ooDtinnes beyood tbe n easity of its creation, beoomea a reproach ' i, Fait ftrVjfft, Sept. 10. A' qoiet. Ine n," f nearly full. j t ; BO8T0K, Bept. Ulouds ooraplote- 4lj obfl0urea tbe "'2 Marocre lOHMWHi pJCW.y j WoRtci: Beet1 iobi'ns.,. tnnrdered M;as D'ion, sn oided .hi8 mornfntt. - I I ... .lu.l T ttierlBi Financial Outlook.:::: ! ' r riAH f"RN6-ioo. Sept. 29. Ttje aettl monthly statements pub'iabed prompt ly . -day, report no snspengiom. . . n ! .9 1 Army Bc-unlon. " JpM; UlolNits, 8ept ' t9. r, idont Orant, fleneral 8hei man nd Sfrretjiry Belkunp are bere attending tbequual ro-UiiQU of tbe Array of the Tonpesee j a. i j i i. m (, .mum il ni C icinNA'i, Sept, 29, me pPeoria ij press Mir jntljf f freight train l Hthnirin, demolishing the aleenerj LTbyn peewoa vb werestcWti were In i led. Iijo paflse.n u ,'n..o ILLni91S. Bible In Schools Abolished -iOfflce holder's Troubles. voice, tbe Bible fromthe Pnblio ScbnoM of tla ity. iCulaXlIMamf eostflms appn ateer at this port, who t. 'tbont no ne bat been removed from olllce, tbis mo.., if pu& lisnea an open letter Sorei of 4berr.&tiry Bt!stow, in Wh'ch,1 while asserting that rep mti d Inveat'gations Only confirmed tbe entire honesty and eorrectacss of his management hs makes eerioni charges apainst thelrk' rMry lur covunug up ifiiuua iu, uie New York Castom 4qd, andi Wys thalrtlje rfeh jo! sMrxBladeU, deal fhg the monstrous frauds which bofiey- copJlrif onsiims sen.qe onwr Yiirkf-w. i suppftsed, and tbe author of it was not permitted to reinrs to Ne York to oobtiuuo the refo.'ifihe batliaacnratda but (wa rcmnuded to,(hjo;t(4iJti36Wl ensiai spprp'ttr uf be port of Philadelphia,,,! i ! iJ yiii1" ' ? ....... .... . I , , A lUoters D'Stharfed-Defaulting Teller hMft" rested. b w ' Month a. Sept 29. The GrM aiyter;lei)rtb66lioratirj. bate ialtwl tbMtalictthe 'flftfled persons oosw of paTttc'Hrtron in the no ,s di inir Uoibaw IaoerBl.5-" .u.! ' Nicbols, defaulUoK toller, of the Bark of COJimeroe, aooompar'fld .by bis father; wtf atrested at St, Aogr 'tre, r lorioaj mm v"' ' '- ENGLAND Tbe forte in" i ftnandary-rhe Floods v . H 'M)oiirt Martial. ,t tVJtrnW, Sept- fcy.S-tbe'fdfto! has aaqreesea w sourrausr.' w me rowers, stating that a omflirt it -inevitable if Uonteneno and Servia "ooutfune to violate their neutrality.' 'It declares the, present ponditymi aeoeasiUtea tba ikeeping'of W Afmy df 100,000 men between Mostaf sua Wiuuen to watch It ia alalk frM f,VstworlyonToes that Turkey is unable to continue that fpt)HrtorBWy-16ffgWoTlime. . j poe-Aamirai uyaer nas lour critisn men-of-war at Cheo. nTwdfutwaia membera ni the SerViau Skiffjlsobiu'a have resigned. f r .'iTbet floods at Cork have subsided. "I Several persons are reported drowned; Damage to crops in lxingslord, a. itr nd Tipperary is enormous. , r W. lames' R.'CoMa Ibis, been Ale :tod ,Ixr4 Jlayoi oMioudon. ni" hi ..A aThe, court martial to investigate tbe sinking Of the Vanguard. Las resulted KtbediamissaLofDkiPaUa.Tpf, IrttTDukfir " - I - 1 Servta Menanced. VrrmtAfgebt IBtjgrade papers pub'uia lue" olarmitg repoKe thatjtbe tipi iruubiur. n.ahu ,ri t,iw . . di Tl'BKIIi - '! furklsh Encroachpacni. Baton0En4ft reported that tb Sublime Forte nas notified the Servian Goveruaierjt thftt itj fa abolii to oeenpyisnddn the' Dtia ef which islaimdt SetTia,'',,,'' ,1..' n,w 1 Set viatr troops on tbe frontier bear Niseeb have Tecelved'.A eittfojfoement Of 8,000, nliikiogft foroo oi 24,000; in Uia oriKuuornoott.' " .'1 i ji" " .it 1 ' 1 a JPAW. iit'n r Uia taJa ilia ;tl t '!. 21it4ia9t Sept. WA-iinisletial jour nals, deny tbatj Costeljo, l;dnri;i bis Pfemiersutp, promised to re-ehtabJiph tbe OoaoOTaub11"' 1 " IfEW ADYERTlSEMEMTt.. TftAYUNC.BAGM $A0DUS HAS railt ANDvTRUMKS i,4.1rty-ifn., Baak Bdl' AM klijil. of taddlery goo If, V) CHEAP FOR OASH, at Carpenter A Mallard's ho. buUTH Fuukt 6thit, aepIS . Uaiiajtou.h.O, , I 'ii i KIW A2rSTISESfW(lS. Crj1: . T!:3hnd TwTne3. .'triai. K't'i i4 j,' Hall. IUgto. M 1 mm ,vi" Arriiw 'ia ,! ... r-' f'irwad Ties. !., i t i i i wiua. . "rwrmiasy .. ' CAtl'SM BKO. r"-aW. Ht.ali' u,La' t; ,j' i,ioo sWiu'taibi Li'jZ "'i'. Tot Hi. by , "" , w-,' KKK0ttiK4lAB mtoi?" Cheeaerand Rice. Hh JUlOJlLJJOi 1 W 1'Im-om Hloa, . A.SMSStif Vll!WW J JO 3 ,0 -VaaBIjjj. Wui tvABfe at. t.a w aa, ant... -VriouViolir-Fipr- ,-rl I WS J ! t I j ! w'w v. jno..r. i . a D Bafrei.cn m Kliur. ., . M, ; f4 : 1M arra'Af Vtoaw Ko.t riw i tsa.s if "- 'f l-H'i '. f" laa.SS .....".;". r;.,'. " yVk!.flrf(nsf. jitftAr .Va.'io STEEk-PEMQ IM f Il ' 1L Uji. la M ... fw iilenif tkoo mtm mf H t tliem. Smuia raa4iiHi u Mis aah d IK nuniUaJ. .U ha aaMSf ma I aa raaclnt tf 1V1SON, HLtKtMANTAV4 r. USA l)M t..Kw Vorfc. f)ilrorli' Inrt.r'l Bng4 the MKT' O-ANT TSILOHINU OKPiKrMRN I . f I ankinlfnr h. Illirral palrou... ol tbo pint II noi to ba fani.ed 1th it lu th. i alar. I iluli rirv 'W TVIWJ IHJIH.a'yil.a.41 St and -at taMi. nt. - Havinir Jot raturyri trura tlia Motlli.rn !, .th all tba NEW FASHIONS, t-Aaa warritit latlalaotlon In .reryr ipaot and HI aa pkai i to rewlvc jronf aru.ra. . ) -:f Uetptatmllt raars, . HAYB REMOVED TO MY OtD ExchaiigCofnor ,? i p. A P k (c El Bxc cuior; CJi i-A-a-"----'--'r''' ; :V; Schoqlf tfodks. frbTf can tlwivi Aud a nmulata a ortmcpt of tobiioi book, at it -ft OT iirwftMMVa''av t LE9N411JD Hit 1,4 till MOT DHM05OS. in KlfVf'l )"-' T O. I I nil A QUESTION OF HO OK, V -H995IEB MOIJAICa, Ju.trec.lr.d at MpyjIA3 THaiiWWfWPWI I ' H .lieu I" .i"ii. f tai;BaTlE.30BSTHnf ,ur','t., .I'hrlt . ii-i i ' Jw f,tm-m vivn W..f I i- i uf. CKJCTSAOf.) tiiu'MilS ' "HreIUr wa "111 nea to It tbat Ton .hall ba lamina wttl ika FIUfHT tJOll'Elt i Of ANy HOgBKIM WILMlX4(iXOw(.aJ a Heclaratloii waataka ouijauutatlon r wa will amiaxt ant ah Butter a. la nffgU for kI uoiiaht 1p j acb bou-ai a liut. AfiKEB, ; HKBWU,!- tOOHBIT, PAB I and tha Lading fai!!)(ifr5carr of Maw xork. Th. abore Ii fro aaa'd Batter and Oheeas uoaa. lu iw tor wtMal ,w. ,i . '' ' ' t-t H -owrt- 11 millions orrr yearly, Allll'Wlttf.t.ft,C A WBJB " tHAt wrMYfUf A CO., .. ! i,i.i:ii!i! Al.iifta ITront '"treit. BUT ONE WEEK lr-WHICKTOCtflEUPBUJINES. a' awctt '"'"""Jf (u T"'! Ta .Sort tFra'a rlfti tiff roa Ich to wind up ny BUSIN KM8, will oompol CIS W, saoriloa uy good., awl mutt a n mi1? rrzTm ct ONJJONAVpBiyj flTH.1875, 1 wnt M'4.aii&WrMtlms'bkat , . r t WM fl-jiii-i't rmi wlUotrw.,aU wWna Bfi aiflDT-Jo" T auaraetnr iaarf OJtunt of tba ak I. too wall knawn to raqnlra oommanl or Maartption: 'until day ofaale, gooda arUl lw-aMd at nrlsee to ault parobaaeri1; wken nod atAJ0TlOh, you titan m.k ys awti Wwn i i. 1 CHOWHOW, Haunt MIXED PICKLES AND CUCUM7' In llirrc'i. Jmt racolved. , ' Q.H.W. HI 63 N. B, Oornw Market and lev i .1 .ni - "' I" I Bm, 'aiior ana urop.uptgrin. i ,i irMiri til miD.M id tniiLa. ' I " I ...... ii. i . k.u- u.. Ber.uiiuriiuiiitiriwr. i a' nB-ot , i l'7tlmsciiiorSa I . . i ja I PARTLY MADE a. J s -. i m& w - - 3 ,1 ,..' 0 SIX iPOTt t)0 DO DU4MI--1 AVJJMA.1 A kl JUOE .SICKLES. ,! ?c.;9 t i-t aSI oT 4- j Ml IV. ' - ' '.' If ftwUrdwl8tora. '. " -i" NlWSPAPKIt WilrftUM ri.Alftoa1 tlf-k Iw.'ltla Watryiradttor, we.ly,et f I U a j.r. tratioMnrtra, -J ; Mi, , h.H' llflLStlN ADVANCr-Parry O-trillltai., Y" 'Waektyt SI f a Jr. Ucaio- 1 1 i t1lttlKL,ktlH8lrtrir, SI Wind, 'J. ur.! tet auauat f . U. WUi.tou, adi- N" ORtIi CaW)MNlXrtly . i.harlla. i. Oi. ft. is, runoaa,' Mtnw; t)or.' Si. UavooratlolB poliuoa, -1 it snr,-; w1b; ai aeklyjkt ti mi aunum. Usotowaiiq la palK HUB. nfht bimuvA housekold maOai 1 ZIMK OolO'l-orn. Jollu. A. U ita,0 I '"' I IH.rM J Monthly, at as a year, ana of taa ttit. 4 workilu tlieSojfi. 1nllri)b DEsirK-BAT-Wlll' at J. J Vatoe. editor and proprietor. Waekli at S'i M per annum I WASH1NOTON KUHO-Wa.UlngLl&f! n. Ilniiuu. ailltnr and drolirlrtor. Weukiyt S. ayear. UeniooraUo lu firWej fl "Tlflt-TOK OHMOMtOI.K-Bvau Th,t 1VL tun.edllir.apd pronrlaior.. Pufl'HHied (fattudryaj at 1 a.yfr. .amoctlo I aolitna. a -ri - t GKKKN?lLrlC'BfialSTBrt Weekly, en TberaAay at liraanvUla, fltt oowity, at S.ayear. Ja. f, byoa, adltar. Uenuviratlo lit iroiltka but; GtlKRNSBUMdj PA'lUtofU5teaitvo K.O f. f. bulty and Jmui" Wavl oiic, aoiioraano pnpnuHii .no 701- v, la awntlu 1 KB,; .DBXaooratlo la pjM loa. CJwBT"Atnt 'HA HSPmn.ndHaMftp jTJ , .tfiitnn an proprtettm. 'WubiiMiaa Si'.iUe,ll!eiDy, rt V, !.... One kOLti (KA 'M K 'J: K Q KB! Ban WKekly, iinujryiand I liatal .y.at BokKhoro, r.J. i: Bonlta.1 ntltot StiS ocoorkMafi ear. J OHUISTUW Al)Vtt'STFl0rgi of iU Methaawt flhnrcbjn NortB Caiotlna, Bal' aiiia, w, v.-; jwv. J. n. .MuiiuiH, ear r auu Dteptletur. .Ona Mr It Ip, K OHKLBY BAMKHqhelby,M. U. reb- O liabad avary Theratlay mornhig. . l)nrbm aV Webb, . adlUtra, Uanoaratlo in Mlltlo. Snbeorliitlon SI 00 for one year: SQ Nuu St s 1 uionina. Tyn i hi T a V " S'oTi fnKi.41EiSXUAL FrMHKSTAMTlOren annum. A.T1 1 S, li, Pool, 4r., editor. Weekly, at M l ajy.DcluocratUia palltloa. 1 - JOftT MtlT lAlJiy.l,n.,,a W.1 1 V tborp, fro) rl.tun: W. b,tbwp,ediur. wfcryat 9t a year . . l)(nio;ratio:(a jpsllUea mBKmitlMT AlttY' WAl-OUMAMirnh- y. Itabi-d by Sprint S Bniton, alt. Akrj. W a wldta aia'e paps'tj Uemooratle IS poll- Mnbuorlpllon tale orlpllon tatai;, IJ moU, $l,of, 'tlf 'Bwatae, tl centi. ,, . , : ' . , , . "IJ.I.J.i o in, - - ." Kin rTIHB oxrOBD LIAUJCB, altaDemocrtl , X- W.akjy palUba4 avary Tueedae, by Hloa a Brltt, at twucd. Of awatila aaunty , X IT " . I Pereona alaUni te ear are the .rwiaaf ne of . tbarieeeiiteaolkinaaa' aih Carollaa -will do waitioaaeortiasHiiBaAiaaaan . " i It I the organ ot the OonaerTailve OeaaoeraCIe Brlford.O,,, . T rTlHt DAkvnXK TlMBH. Tba lealHni- X ooratlo Weeklyiara.kPMahl In'ICU barln an ex emlrS c'rcnlat)jn Inalilbe Vir ginia "and K.'rth Carat1 ia eountlan around I)an T Ua. v Pxlce, ti a year; tin wli month.; M cMBSt tkNi aaowas. Bpftrfln aopleS jorj warded upon apnlleal.on. Addreee t. boiildln editor aiid proprtatoiu if I mi mmiXiLs JL KeW'paper publiihed at Weldon, N. O. by Manning Hro here, and edited by H. B. f . A W-X kUaiilnaw wUl kaamaaat )W4tage fc.ld, eaetf a)AVORl7AV 'ami "WtVtiUAr, for twelve aiontm lur 04 00, j l( paid In adiaooa tba.BOAMOKJC N1W8 'will it .ant.' poatace bra-aald. balalioe of the )erior OHO llOLI-AB. I A Bond aaedient tew Mvaruatna. Manpaaeji men will make a note of It a hen wlahlng ta ad Teiuqtta M Bimm lim MAN INU BB08.. ffeldon, M.u. N -B.-Fatert Beneraliy wl'f plea'emakeitbl. IMllMaaeiWteturWtlia-fairari' ' I ,r .0 KOANOKK HE WB. MrteSritKbfB Xa Btimingtoo, N. $y BNOTiKHAIti' AUllH4kl8y The JoeniM le tbe oUet aallf iaj' Boris arailna, elng Oa W lu twenty Attn .ear. It le etaunrbly DevmarSt in poltlo, and its service are aonwowl tlgeil by ins party tbrnbgb, out tbe State a. of lneaStim raiae.. lrie J, iafoUI abfliority. and on all tbe topic of the. naT,iee ,murenaa wn li a psbHaaad dallr, rot ene-yaa aji.qi; g moiila, St.iOr !Tha weekly H publinbed at $1.00 per year. AddreM, tl U'int It la pukllfbed dallr, for ene-yaa bji.iii; S Wiiminauiajo TlIBfYW XV. N. O., Organ or th llemocracy of (lie Elgbtb ngraloa OietrlcwXariri at etb- rewlosa OietrkW Largi at etb- lUhetdtjmliitieaUJIeVaarW'iOavth Oarollba,' than any two pan re combined. Hnrolal kt tvntlon alw.T. lUeaVe tlta,, material Anvaleit' meat of 1U SlaU.nd ot o mowataialeea Mas lh (iartiulr. Toe aery atanyiand aa.tr paad .dautaeB at Ua aMiMia araaatuiAnt lubierteror uijwu , Urn m ue eoluat.... . I IAm TYn.w " 1 vv.l . - . v ihAaw akaaal JT-.' haarred iI1t In tH 11 't : Da a 'i.i atl ,1. Peiaon atU H 141,4 tJ tcl .Uiioua ,o0;sllwsramSa',1t', Uetf to ity wanti Tir r f i - -' If .: "V --W-lliNO, Pabllehed !. ,,.'l4,, .d,tfj .iuL i.-:l ! I , d IB, mhtMi1.il I EWBEHN JOURNAL OF OTMMB.T"' .'.. .."JT. .-u.,1 i .t. W. IATKS'. i J Tb rMf larve kad oonUntadTertlelnp4(' ronige )t ink JlSTL. Some merobanU aid bf,lv -NOTUB, Jeet gnaraniaa ot " ln 'htn' 'ymedinin, w.t j 'Ti. H ATTBBCBBAwm m vl. IIISCELLANEOUS. Jjatinu nuraed froni tbeNorlKfrualar- ka.,iaai raaalraig hew UeaJe Dally, soa. elating or LADIKS' ami CUIWiH.i,S.li'ltaT, Oorat. :s ,, a t ... Trimmings r Huop Sawta . Hua'lee, CA4 Btarjlklag raaaA la a rirtt Ola- FANCY -GOODS STORE. My Stock ortadl.' Nerktle and Kaenea U ; 'the Rati ertr titaagbt i (A m.rkci. Ladlat'ltaal Halt Filing, in Ureal Vertaty Heal ftatr witeaeairroai TBSauUeaori t . , Eephyr Worned la all Shade. " ' Waits and Bluk loa- per oa. or Si 1 at lb, , 1 Other Colore too. par oa. or fi 00 PJ' I'', m S.a r il nlVllJ.!" P.X " Kichange Corner. TrtAbEI-lARK. uU I m rt III Ml uiaI1!!"1 t alt liOUKCKD n tCH RatrrJ ooawoisaataa U An at Matira bl. brutlicr at ''He-asta'a f ..T.i 'S "Tell IL "Onlv Qood KKHKIN thai thelreaui la high Sauoe," lyaalaameaSia In V.l": .in, ..iu " oinniou. tut mil.' aiatahieaewailt he nio.1 wbole- BVBBT TABIB 1 ii 6 ilia. wne r-uat Worcestershire Sauc,p; aom naoieeaie ana tur iporunoa S aa PaoprtaWra, baU MrtKllitt,' vVhiartet', Hl? ( .a-i . t,.,. artlly throughout tbe world. lli.,,.l,i.l tl.. -...I.I '''i ''! ' " -it it i01ltW)).ai.inw.. illll-i S) At the DUIKM TA ULJK. ta oJrt.wM lrs .! tO AU -. -' V" I Pl.h, Hot ojsl.i1am, aud in all Uritlu..' It' iivseaiiritie.TB. 34iJ 'klrwiliWiiiioW - - .. t .a SAntVII It 11 deened iadpaieapte by liui Ul ilJ S-'A-a-wu K'U -T 1 i.i"if. ihoee I'amlllar wttli It iMtlmiklil quail iti K1QQAJA 'i Li ISJW V Voai yw ferlk Tint. Tbr. Cp iinlti. !k tbe wmHiI hiihf hrnl faiaob, Wotaeitarrlilfk sauce. - . .JOHN aUNCA'f,SOf$ TIlANS-ATtWTIC SKETiHfS. .V- i hi....' -u t'jf : 1 ..IIPUY, JAMES,., JR.: iWtfJWT-rV THE i;nolinii i -I, .t J. & GREENE, M. A. TUBaaMlm smMrtyfinw oopnpl.d bytO. n. raraley eVuo., embracing wharf, ones a.dawral etoie and coal yard.Wckfidou boutb .Water. tktraaiiiJrar taw w twav taaaaf Tertui 1 1'! 'W" 1" Ha. Mil 1.1 Th.boaMholdand kltaban tarnllbatef gen- Virata UeoilBieg iion.akeeilrig, at our Hrt avoaja, Fratatraak, are Wneaday.S.pt. itU at 10 a'nlaak. A M Hit. Itln.lt ,ii, I,),,,,. d 10' Andt'l. ed ua;. r TrSkaaVavand tmitlfk'u I j m u.r.i ! Olty of Wilmington. V. ft., ', J iJ-:,(mflWlbi -AugV.lSTl.Ji Iaadlewainetlftn nartle. Swing e'ty taie. tbat the reqalremente of the elty for it muaeaek that enact compllanoa .with trordinanoe. will be made, aud .ur.li iietroiif whs deaot pay their elty taaaa tmr befnre Uie flr.t of September proximo, their proitf will bea4TeVtleedaodealdattielaw dlrecti n - .V! .T.i&.8enrMs,! d . Traaaorer and Cof1ttrlw, I WH, aw!K)M AHAi riAaR.tlv'JlBtnii -T" T My(rnf, paHTt.hefl In Polk- ton, N. .(tuated ip-a vrow'ng plana, on 1 urroiinurta ny a gu a wreniiig c iuuirr u onee eiiperlor aiW.BUge ka sttailreitUliig milium Helng tbe tltangat'e Utganwf lhaeaU'iu whera UhpatiUU4, ia.iBTW the "Ari auiiUn" rend no ot(u,r juper. Ail.tillng .1 yr,r.,a . ,.,t . At Auction, " j A Toff Slf roA?Fro6rA, ' fe Mdifer auriiffe. trio 61nuk, lburly, OUOiiK B MOltKlS.l X Vp (- (VH juiAueiwueere. " f ACADEwr or iKcAhNAtioN, ; a n UlfOEBTHB8DPliVI!I"N OF , V le.-iTIJn i..i ihmJ jd Tlio Ul;, ,jf CUurity. li,l 1..." .,.,,,(.. W: Tble Inttltotion will reeiimelt(e(eroiaoOd AN BliKMIINTAKY KNQU1H UdHOOt. I propow, If a inltihle plaos ean be bai, to anewuai. tbS SUiaf Octobef pfuilmQ, a aikool ar twlaaasamM,.,..."rt ' .;, ,., 1rmt j i 'Xe,"S pats Ut sdanaav A 6a notloa, U wslaee l aeoated;- will be" lreea !, a tii:naO0 BtorittTRlM. : apyaafc it a 7, r. of 1 nf tEIIOVAL. .a. . i a n r r i i n . l .7' . r -- - - - ' '"1 -'-'I THK .milnr.lgneil glr. dotloe that ho baa mortdnla uftira from lVli ona. Street to 111. new mil of room1 oyer Walker eV Miiunltir't M.vble Work, on North Front Street, oppuelt I). A. Hmilh'i furnllure Store. sop u iw a.s.KVKuar, ... ...! . ... ' ,T DDnKP 111111 1.1 111 1 1 ia.,,- . t ;t ', ,.i v 1 1 i,l (i.il wo 1 i ''i'" .. ; , , l.ta lj-,..!.-.'l t.:1 V" . . v.t ! ; ' TU lllilllllUI UIlllill"t .!,.' t I 1 t :' ' I . . . Mejciownf obi im balance of thoir Ladies UnderwfjgVl8 Cbemiae and Night grosses at a iwufplng- roduofcioaiiVBI IltOU TOR1EH PRICES. HAMBURG 1 EDQINGS-AirjHIIGERTIOHS- 4 j-v V viitMni " J-riftrtrl f o.ietu4 awr ..... . . Wo art tuakinir an effort in Uiia duimrtiiiaut tivainmKBeArainiia 10 lBlmsrke1 flmlI''CE$:iowor tbaa any tjjej stupe ever l.t "4U . ."l..s I, r, t'!e ,- ya.it worR NaMt.l CUTPAPEIt'IATtEllifSFORSALE. .( t '.. . 1 UislM"dloveB BligliajkSriOttMlr'CeBts ni a.4 v' J1 m ' Hl-i'J Biihari eel wan 1 I , UairMiff 1 jnat takfwr an aoorSaat af which we bam quitffmiued BJ CLOSE .a .. ,1 t,fft.,UAi Xuwaiiiaiia ,, , . , i ... ,,iiaiiii mm V.. i . . I . ...-. j iai. T s,i in ju i". v)grsiKejai,i,,wR a V Wl SWWfia) jav X'1 " f, 'a' et '""'i r stock baii..U iln ul tm -XiK wuVabuvu .. . ' , . t .! jl .lli-utl.l i.l i BRO&'BQnpICKaS flarbet,StW3t. stig F ALL r AND . t -till i 1 ill 'Ul 1 S li, I 1,11 ..; ,bl V HIKMl-.tl'' .-'.iuJ' f. U W U BB) 7 1 w oi . i, Mf-YW f!- i J Tl " ,' . , ,, j " ', . 1 j fi.t i Mmu-UKi nbatrt wad, -wll 'Ja-ult FALL AND WINTER GOODS . . CHEAPEN THAN;;EVEn'";i. l,i I.ai .uul H,U .vnOT l.m u h mdw ma .1- lil'Jlu.t ..1 J..1.JI M.i. 1 1 1 FURNITURE. InFURMinPUR2i-n ! lill'i storPBitfi OaV i .. . ......a a.,...- , I rail, I 4'i - ' ha : Tjv. 444. ,1.i;b i. -i J. V M': ''iiiQ.'.try,,ai 01 tidil . .1 i '"-'!U "ui ' 'xlKKvctV.U'W'Kidt8:ttiu&3n1'n In tUI. lUiaoiu xtoofe ani'aoiaiUI oB tlel '' " Bdpert, OoCton and tfvrou Vmruoui iaj II f .miMUil Ut i.NbikI ttlts4,ir4 - MAlXKBiBBH, FKATMKhV: PRatlltrl ,WJOS M AKltrt HU9viXlm.HMTKUS, ... .... ..i . ,,,WMUUl.l At"' Of'tH BUST MAlIWAJL.- ' iiui t ui Ann vu owe an iuwtia mi4 iaiJJ i'l' ,.i""-' "'l' !t T .:! L-b , . eli.tlim 1t)4ii " .... . ...u replBMS ii ;!V'!"-!'I Ull'"""" ,.. 1 r it rim iiT tn snnmrn ..The iCaroliua fflii I A 'W'IfAO'M'RATRII-lrtON'I'HLX sUoie. JX Wt.tar., v U be leaued from itv A.i,a. kouo naKimoiia urruis cvuimencina. Wu January ,7lSJA , 'i'kSllrat toirbber wilt b r.mly ror mi'ling ny uocener isuil and tqaperiaa. bal will be pbtiUiheJ M.i 'Mccecdlnu ruentb tbereaUir wtll4Uiit .nWrJlotanuuh'o adfan tagwarlli b neglecto,! irncb etUe( talenl 01 capital cas aocnm.uti le aeavie eara tami an kiradable aud inatruull(6 oomoanilluiri al. etmUe teB'llugrb.y popular wflterg, both hero. The Carolina Honiehold Mafazlae Will be a Jarga va-pageetghlry-foalooliaa' m.iatbly.haiMiniolj pjiiitcil mi. UntM ,ojk oaner .and beaatlfaUt jUualraXail'J llk. a thoroughly auuttern enterpruie and Uetuoteaa wairaauyfany aaiureo, rHrsntiiner maan. rnc pui.ii.uDi oiauii ijuimutui ojipajiNp Btaaaaaaju 'eaaMn for aud laarernllarakar.ad. tcoiaSl Tei firftTiuSluaeJ Si OtJW'ltPrO- to maae it a nrat krodared la the- eagerly watched for au4 jearefullw'iareaertedi1 lie 'PHTK AIT flALLEhYaTlllworaeii auractir taatuH ika January txitiibr wil eoauiin a uia-nae pioturo 01 j u. 0 ,a,l.EX,a0Y,,Bl..VANOK., and blbgrapbioal aketoli, to be, follower! la eaok .ajaoeeitlng liutnber with pliotugrauhi ol otuer pronilnoatevj.utan.aiflne.ia.,'' a r . .OB I. V U WO JA012LA8B A t B AK" knd 'e.ali ubecrltio( a; make. ,,. bhaMii TBBBBWOaT BBATTirULiLAKOIt RNUfcl TUIH., lie of each t 1 Mjiidh.in:,.a.i'ba rtrMlnj or tin narluur In tbe I enmlu." "The Marlon ua."or -aaig Lear. iauf. lag 'Storm.lbr: w.rded On reuolpt of the (tubaortpMlxk wflbe) Kltkar aftha KtiKraWnk.'l WortB ilnulila She prle aikml tor the Malnf ji hij LH j il it asrAnyonoitenillngaoluti of Or will c oeive an oxiraJHtil4rip(toaosei unit eei(c " Meenra, free by nmll. H11 nwu'ba .uburip. Uyt wTjioultha r-agtaVTrg, Bl . .' Agent Wanted evoryvvher)J i ! I lii .1 ULl t A.' HuNlTZ. Y uti iiTit . i'Lr.tA.kw. . jkX alt J .yegtOTOil-J ..liiLliOO atg. ., .1 ii 'ii, ",v'l v - o"l PURE COrl'EI. DISTILLED N. 0. CORN WHISKY I For lals by John. T Cbambh, Tboiuaavillo, N. a tugU3rA ii!t, kilMIW JIW j(i:t.i 1 (, it ;A.t' 1 a 1 4 1 . :,!AH ;tui a " wA.sik'Hl s3l a A lit i t"'! rrn wwwr !. ' liIII;1l,Vlb.H..lKSWTS I Iflt OWT-TT . , 1 i.l , ai eirraiw ....1 i,.-, .itii (a,a eaaa stock, sarvwriJ rlmilf VATlod lota O I? f AT A'Jiitaliil titd 4 . ie a , M .it -T ami swa- , uiinaiafi I Mkli ,11 1 V !o till ll edT" ..... i - ....... we've ta'en' Jtanr 1 auiiut akteJfl W ti sawml baaibl 1 1 1 1 1 ill 1 m.w iiiMTco nnfini 1 iicniKtiutii!i w bsw j VJF w waF aatar yw i. -aw" j - r a jua- liih'.wifi a vnr 'Hi AT yt,i) Jo AO(rlf . ifM'ri'I" l fi'i uiaa wlT k PyT -' Ai avjfj r.i ... u I l It at ' i,.M1i It A tUMiat) r ... .i.i.miiijji . m!i imilSjIBej aula . . . taaaiAMa.l SgUial aV"iia,-.T - ... wand fading i(tai,sVritaaa4i(ll'to.-ply HaaaUHU MaBs'SetBM.i ahuil In tlta, Lft , ,BtkWi4iaWfyrleo. purciiMlng. , ,. r ,MwVrtW-ri.r"irH" routplreet' won a.( Jll-lw-rt riS au. j TI , " ' u f " BUjr.vttr V el rronlTdrt. HoufUuilJi IfarwilJMro.to at AbB -HlleMlnitaftoh, cliAf-Tjfe?p Water f ul4kt,iulBBtttt atll bipNle W tHluar. SfflHttoW sbi Ct Bjwfir?.ej . )fY!lweamata'rdBtorlfoM Tsflow'yer, L ..oMiStatMaVF yMBAlaaVtSeeje re. 1 5rM "a'terjK .1.' Wand. MOlAnawlJusr- asflaSi"" " lclr&S) on eoAtai sal tM-Ml i had Jflf MJ lajrjaasiaa JgaSeauaiaV w- qqirwl.tp oornajbBAJb mC l-t2"on K coin J ?! fifn TniluaeJ B oj will pre- I .fcfc.rfWlll.0."" A .-. l.Fiibt.'evitctt.ifylJuilJi'K'' aulaiiqutTy,rflattfemeaj3s,Tay., and rfnot'.ikled wlt Uiiitelf mes.ra 6 taVap laliiAr'botarunhdor, ur U,the .venaeUlia a UhM1lllU'kithJt"llll Hrtn t!,.i"vK,S tyl j.ai8la:yBrtlk W)P.lWlL(VUWUyA WlaMtUe u:u ailtlns Law. are auliJeot tnaTlcfMOiaS drtaMrlifAch: Maul eof yanaale to a linear taealm jlol a May' for sydrf dy tocj y.uinie taB lar .gaaMeWJU;tel Mi others,,, .mmArs iAUeaMUaihfagkli Wtr B.';.:&a1jby r .ansa iiwT.'riiTTini, : J1BtB C ',Po.(orWiiimUi;'.l. For Gmithvillc! gTEAMKH "DlXIC" wlllrua regularly .yeryday eoept Bunday, h artiig Wllniiniilon J 90 p M ' Hiuitliviile 1AM CmmuU'.ltfattokotiuy b purohaMd at our offloe. julyl 0. 0. PAltSLKlf A OQj